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Data warehouse

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Data Warehouse Overview
In computing, a data warehouse (DW or DWH), also known as an enterprise data war
ehouse (EDW), is a system used for reporting and data analysis. DWs are central
repositories of integrated data from one or more disparate sources. They store c
urrent and historical data and are used for creating trending reports for senior
management reporting such as annual and quarterly comparisons.
The data stored in the warehouse is uploaded from the operational systems (such
as marketing, sales, etc., shown in the figure to the right). The data may pass
through an operational data store for additional operations before it is used in
the DW for reporting.
Contents [hide]
1 Types of systems
2 Software tools
3 Benefits
4 Generic data warehouse environment
5 History
6 Information storage
6.1 Facts
6.2 Dimensional vs. normalized approach for storage of data
7 Top-down versus bottom-up design methodologies
7.1 Bottom-up design
7.2 Top-down design
7.3 Hybrid design
8 Data warehouses versus operational systems
9 Evolution in organization use
10 See also
11 References
12 Further reading
13 External links
Types of systems[edit]
Data mart
A data mart is a simple form of a data warehouse that is focused on a single sub
ject (or functional area), such as sales, finance or marketing. Data marts are o
ften built and controlled by a single department within an organization. Given t
heir single-subject focus, data marts usually draw data from only a few sources.
The sources could be internal operational systems, a central data warehouse, or
external data.[1]
Online analytical processing (OLAP)
Is characterized by a relatively low volume of transactions. Queries are often v
ery complex and involve aggregations. For OLAP systems, response time is an effe
ctiveness measure. OLAP applications are widely used by Data Mining techniques.
OLAP databases store aggregated, historical data in multi-dimensional schemas (u
sually star schemas). OLAP systems typically have data latency of a few hours, a
s opposed to data marts, where latency is expected to be closer to one day.
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)
Is characterized by a large number of short on-line transactions (INSERT, UPDATE
, DELETE). OLTP systems emphasize very fast query processing and maintaining dat
a integrity in multi-access environments. For OLTP systems, effectiveness is mea
sured by the number of transactions per second. OLTP databases contain detailed

and current data. The schema used to store transactional databases is the entity
model (usually 3NF).[2]
Predictive analysis
Predictive analysis is about finding and quantifying hidden patterns in the data
using complex mathematical models that can be used to predict future outcomes.
Predictive analysis is different from OLAP in that OLAP focuses on historical da
ta analysis and is reactive in nature, while predictive analysis focuses on the
future. These systems are also used for CRM (Customer Relationship Management).[
Software tools[edit]
The typical extract-transform-load (ETL)-based data warehouse uses staging, data
integration, and access layers to house its key functions. The staging layer or
staging database stores raw data extracted from each of the disparate source da
ta systems. The integration layer integrates the disparate data sets by transfor
ming the data from the staging layer often storing this transformed data in an o
perational data store (ODS) database. The integrated data are then moved to yet
another database, often called the data warehouse database, where the data is ar
ranged into hierarchical groups often called dimensions and into facts and aggre
gate facts. The combination of facts and dimensions is sometimes called a star s
chema. The access layer helps users retrieve data.[4]
This definition of the data warehouse focuses on data storage. The main source o
f the data is cleaned, transformed, cataloged and made available for use by mana
gers and other business professionals for data mining, online analytical process
ing, market research and decision support.[5] However, the means to retrieve and
analyze data, to extract, transform and load data, and to manage the data dicti
onary are also considered essential components of a data warehousing system. Man
y references to data warehousing use this broader context. Thus, an expanded def
inition for data warehousing includes business intelligence tools, tools to extr
act, transform and load data into the repository, and tools to manage and retrie
ve metadata.
A data warehouse maintains a copy of information from the source transaction sys
tems. This architectural complexity provides the opportunity to :
Congregate data from multiple sources into a single database so a single query e
ngine can be used to present data.
Mitigate the problem of database isolation level lock contention in transaction
processing systems caused by attempts to run large, long running, analysis queri
es in transaction processing databases.
Maintain data history, even if the source transaction systems do not.
Integrate data from multiple source systems, enabling a central view across the
enterprise. This benefit is always valuable, but particularly so when the organi
zation has grown by merger.
Improve data quality, by providing consistent codes and descriptions, flagging o
r even fixing bad data.
Present the organization's information consistently.
Provide a single common data model for all data of interest regardless of the da
ta's source.
Restructure the data so that it makes sense to the business users.
Restructure the data so that it delivers excellent query performance, even for c
omplex analytic queries, without impacting the operational systems.
Add value to operational business applications, notably customer relationship ma
nagement (CRM) systems.
Make decision support queries easier to write.
Generic data warehouse environment[edit]
The environment for data warehouses and marts includes the following:
Source systems that provide data to the warehouse or mart;

Data integration technology and processes that are needed to prepare the data fo
r use;
Different architectures for storing data in an organization's data warehouse or
data marts;
Different tools and applications for the variety of users;
Metadata, data quality, and governance processes must be in place to ensure that
the warehouse or mart meets its purposes.
In regards to source systems listed above, Rainer[clarification needed] states, A
common source for the data in data warehouses is the company s operational databa
ses, which can be relational databases .[6]
Regarding data integration, Rainer states, It is necessary to extract data from s
ource systems, transform them, and load them into a data mart or warehouse .[6]
Rainer discusses storing data in an organization s data warehouse or data marts.[6
Metadata are data about data. IT personnel need information about data sources; d
atabase, table, and column names; refresh schedules; and data usage measures .[6]
Today, the most successful companies are those that can respond quickly and flex
ibly to market changes and opportunities. A key to this response is the effectiv
e and efficient use of data and information by analysts and managers.[6] A data w
arehouse is a repository of historical data that are organized by subject to supp
ort decision makers in the organization.[6] Once data are stored in a data mart
or warehouse, they can be accessed.
The concept of data warehousing dates back to the late 1980s[7] when IBM researc
hers Barry Devlin and Paul Murphy developed the "business data warehouse". In es
sence, the data warehousing concept was intended to provide an architectural mod
el for the flow of data from operational systems to decision support environment
s. The concept attempted to address the various problems associated with this fl
ow, mainly the high costs associated with it. In the absence of a data warehousi
ng architecture, an enormous amount of redundancy was required to support multip
le decision support environments. In larger corporations it was typical for mult
iple decision support environments to operate independently. Though each environ
ment served different users, they often required much of the same stored data. T
he process of gathering, cleaning and integrating data from various sources, usu
ally from long-term existing operational systems (usually referred to as legacy
systems), was typically in part replicated for each environment. Moreover, the o
perational systems were frequently reexamined as new decision support requiremen
ts emerged. Often new requirements necessitated gathering, cleaning and integrat
ing new data from "data marts" that were tailored for ready access by users.
Key developments in early years of data warehousing were:
1960s General Mills and Dartmouth College, in a joint research project, develop
the terms dimensions and facts.[8]
1970s ACNielsen and IRI provide dimensional data marts for retail sales.[8]
1970s Bill Inmon begins to define and discuss the term: Data Warehouse.[citation
1975 Sperry Univac introduces MAPPER (MAintain, Prepare, and Produce Executive R
eports) is a database management and reporting system that includes the world's
first 4GL. First platform designed for building Information Centers (a forerunne
r of contemporary Enterprise Data Warehousing platforms)
1983 Teradata introduces a database management system specifically designed for
decision support.
1983 Sperry Corporation Martyn Richard Jones [9] defines the Sperry Information
Center approach, which while not being a true DW in the Inmon sense, did contain

many of the characteristics of DW structures and process as defined previously

by Inmon, and later by Devlin. First used at the TSB England & Wales A subset of
this work found its way into the much later papers of Devlin and Murphy.
Metaphor Computer Systems, founded by David Liddle and Don Massaro, release
s Data Interpretation System (DIS). DIS was a hardware/software package and GUI
for business users to create a database management and analytic system.
1988 Barry Devlin and Paul Murphy publish the article An architecture for a busi
ness and information system where they introduce the term "business data warehou
1990 Red Brick Systems, founded by Ralph Kimball, introduces Red Brick Warehouse
, a database management system specifically for data warehousing.
1991 Prism Solutions, founded by Bill Inmon, introduces Prism Warehouse Manager,
software for developing a data warehouse.
1992 Bill Inmon publishes the book Building the Data Warehouse.[11]
1995 The Data Warehousing Institute, a for-profit organization that promotes dat
a warehousing, is founded.
1996 Ralph Kimball publishes the book The Data Warehouse Toolkit.[12]
2000 Daniel Linstedt releases the Data Vault, enabling real time auditable Data
Warehouses warehouse.
In 2012 Bill developed and made public technology known as textual disambiguation .
Textual disambiguation applies context to raw text and reformats the raw text a
nd context into a standard data base format. Once raw text is passed through tex
tual disambiguation, it can easily and efficiently be accessed and analyzed by s
tandard business intelligence technology. Textual disambiguation is accomplished
through the execution of textual ETL. Textual disambiguation is useful wherever
raw text is found, such as in documents, Hadoop, email, and so forth.
Information storage[edit]
A fact is a value or measurement, which represents a fact about the managed enti
ty or system.
Facts as reported by the reporting entity are said to be at raw level. E.g. if a
BTS (Business Transformation Service) received 1,000 requests for traffic chann
el allocation, it allocates for 820 and rejects the remaining then it would repo
rt 3 facts or measurements to a management system:
tch_req_total = 1000
tch_req_success = 820
tch_req_fail = 180
Facts at raw level are further aggregated to higher levels in various dimensions
to extract more service or business-relevant information out of it. These are c
alled aggregates or summaries or aggregated facts.
E.g. if there are 3 BTSs in a city, then facts above can be aggregated from BTS
to city level in network dimension. E.g.
tch\_req\_success\_city = tch\_req\_success\_bts1 + tch\_req\_success\_bts2 + tc
avg\_tch\_req\_success\_city = (tch\_req\_success\_bts1 + tch\_req\_success\_bts
2 + tch\_req\_success\_bts3) / 3
Dimensional vs. normalized approach for storage of data[edit]
There are three or more leading approaches to storing data in a data warehouse t
he most important approaches are the dimensional approach and the normalized app
The dimensional approach refers to Ralph Kimball s approach in which it is stated
that the data warehouse should be modeled using a Dimensional Model/star schema.
The normalized approach, also called the 3NF model (Third Normal Form) refers t
o Bill Inmon's approach in which it is stated that the data warehouse should be
modeled using an E-R model/normalized model.

In a dimensional approach, transaction data are partitioned into "facts", which

are generally numeric transaction data, and "dimensions", which are the referenc
e information that gives context to the facts. For example, a sales transaction
can be broken up into facts such as the number of products ordered and the price
paid for the products, and into dimensions such as order date, customer name, p
roduct number, order ship-to and bill-to locations, and salesperson responsible
for receiving the order.
A key advantage of a dimensional approach is that the data warehouse is easier f
or the user to understand and to use. Also, the retrieval of data from the data
warehouse tends to operate very quickly.[citation needed] Dimensional structures
are easy to understand for business users, because the structure is divided int
o measurements/facts and context/dimensions. Facts are related to the organizati
on s business processes and operational system whereas the dimensions surrounding
them contain context about the measurement (Kimball, Ralph 2008).
The main disadvantages of the dimensional approach are the following:
In order to maintain the integrity of facts and dimensions, loading the data war
ehouse with data from different operational systems is complicated.
It is difficult to modify the data warehouse structure if the organization adopt
ing the dimensional approach changes the way in which it does business.
In the normalized approach, the data in the data warehouse are stored following,
to a degree, database normalization rules. Tables are grouped together by subje
ct areas that reflect general data categories (e.g., data on customers, products
, finance, etc.). The normalized structure divides data into entities, which cre
ates several tables in a relational database. When applied in large enterprises
the result is dozens of tables that are linked together by a web of joins. Furth
ermore, each of the created entities is converted into separate physical tables
when the database is implemented (Kimball, Ralph 2008)[citation needed]. The mai
n advantage of this approach is that it is straightforward to add information in
to the database. Some disadvantages of this approach are that, because of the nu
mber of tables involved, it can be difficult for users to join data from differe
nt sources into meaningful information and to access the information without a p
recise understanding of the sources of data and of the data structure of the dat
a warehouse.
Both normalized and dimensional models can be represented in entity-relationship
diagrams as both contain joined relational tables. The difference between the t
wo models is the degree of normalization (also known as Normal Forms). These app
roaches are not mutually exclusive, and there are other approaches. Dimensional
approaches can involve normalizing data to a degree (Kimball, Ralph 2008).
In Information-Driven Business,[13] Robert Hillard proposes an approach to compa
ring the two approaches based on the information needs of the business problem.
The technique shows that normalized models hold far more information than their
dimensional equivalents (even when the same fields are used in both models) but
this extra information comes at the cost of usability. The technique measures in
formation quantity in terms of information entropy and usability in terms of the
Small Worlds data transformation measure.[14]
Top-down versus bottom-up design methodologies[edit]
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Bottom-up design[edit]
Ralph Kimball[15] created an approach to data warehouse design known as bottom-u
p.[16] In the bottom-up approach, data marts are first created to provide report

ing and analytical capabilities for specific business processes.

These data marts can eventually be integrated to create a comprehensive data war
ehouse. The data warehouse bus architecture is primarily an implementation of "t
he bus", a collection of conformed dimensions and conformed facts, which are dim
ensions that are shared (in a specific way) between facts in two or more data ma
Top-down design[edit]
Bill Inmon has defined a data warehouse as a centralized repository for the enti
re enterprise.[17] The top-down approach is designed using a normalized enterpri
se data model. "Atomic" data, that is, data at the lowest level of detail, are s
tored in the data warehouse. Dimensional data marts containing data needed for s
pecific business processes or specific departments are created from the data war
ehouse. In the Inmon vision, the data warehouse is at the center of the "Corpora
te Information Factory" (CIF), which provides a logical framework for delivering
business intelligence (BI) and business management capabilities. Gartner releas
ed a research note confirming Inmon's definition in 2005[18] with additional cla
rity. They also added one attribute.
Hybrid design[edit]
Data warehouse (DW) solutions often resemble the hub and spokes architecture. Le
gacy systems feeding the DW/BI solution often include customer relationship mana
gement (CRM) and enterprise resource planning solutions (ERP), generating large
amounts of data. To consolidate these various data models, and facilitate the ex
tract transform load (ETL) process, DW solutions often make use of an operationa
l data store (ODS). The information from the ODS is then parsed into the actual
DW. To reduce data redundancy, larger systems will often store the data in a nor
malized way. Data marts for specific reports can then be built on top of the DW
The DW database in a hybrid solution is kept on third normal form to eliminate d
ata redundancy. A normal relational database, however, is not efficient for busi
ness intelligence reports where dimensional modelling is prevalent. Small data m
arts can shop for data from the consolidated warehouse and use the filtered, spe
cific data for the fact tables and dimensions required. The DW effectively provi
des a single source of information from which the data marts can read, creating
a highly flexible solution from a BI point of view. The hybrid architecture allo
ws a DW to be replaced with a master data management solution where operational,
not static information could reside.
The Data Vault Modeling components follow hub and spokes architecture. This mode
ling style is a hybrid design, consisting of the best practices from both 3rd no
rmal form and star schema. The Data Vault model is not a true 3rd normal form, a
nd breaks some of the rules that 3NF dictates be followed. It is however, a topdown architecture with a bottom up design. The Data Vault model is geared to be
strictly a data warehouse. It is not geared to be end-user accessible, which whe
n built, still requires the use of a data mart or star schema based release area
for business purposes.
Data warehouses versus operational systems[edit]
Operational systems are optimized for preservation of data integrity and speed o
f recording of business transactions through use of database normalization and a
n entity-relationship model. Operational system designers generally follow the C
odd rules of database normalization in order to ensure data integrity. Codd defi
ned five increasingly stringent rules of normalization. Fully normalized databas
e designs (that is, those satisfying all five Codd rules) often result in inform
ation from a business transaction being stored in dozens to hundreds of tables.
Relational databases are efficient at managing the relationships between these t
ables. The databases have very fast insert/update performance because only a sma

ll amount of data in those tables is affected each time a transaction is process

ed. Finally, in order to improve performance, older data are usually periodicall
y purged from operational systems.
Data warehouses are optimized for analytic access patterns. Analytic access patt
erns generally involve selecting specific fields and rarely if ever 'select *' a
s is more common in operational databases. Because of these differences in acces
s patterns, operational databases (loosely, OLTP) benefit from the use of a roworiented DBMS whereas analytics databases (loosely, OLAP) benefit from the use o
f a column-oriented DBMS. Unlike operational systems which maintain a snapshot o
f the business, data warehouses generally maintain an infinite history which is
implemented through ETL processes that periodically migrate data from the operat
ional systems over to the data warehouse.
Evolution in organization use[edit]
These terms refer to the level of sophistication of a data warehouse:
Offline operational data warehouse
Data warehouses in this stage of evolution are updated on a regular time cycle (
usually daily, weekly or monthly) from the operational systems and the data is s
tored in an integrated reporting-oriented data
Offline data warehouse
Data warehouses at this stage are updated from data in the operational systems o
n a regular basis and the data warehouse data are stored in a data structure des
igned to facilitate reporting.
On time data warehouse
Online Integrated Data Warehousing represent the real time Data warehouses stage
data in the warehouse is updated for every transaction performed on the source
Integrated data warehouse
These data warehouses assemble data from different areas of business, so users c
an look up the information they need across other systems.[19]
See also[edit]
Accounting intelligence
Anchor Modeling
Business intelligence
Business intelligence tools
Data integration
Data mart
Data mining
Data presentation architecture
Data scraping
Data warehouse appliance
Database management system
Decision support system
Data Vault Modeling
Executive information system
Extract, transform, load
Master data management
Online analytical processing
Online transaction processing
Operational data store
Semantic warehousing
Snowflake schema
Software as a service
Star schema
Slowly changing dimension
Jump up ^ http://docs.oracle.com/html/E10312_01/dm_concepts.htm Data Mart Concep

Jump up ^ http://datawarehouse4u.info/OLTP-vs-OLAP.html OLTP vs OLAP

Jump up ^ http://olap.com/category/bi-solutions/predictive-analytics Predictive
Jump up ^ Patil, Preeti S.; Srikantha Rao; Suryakant B. Patil (2011). "Optimizat
ion of Data Warehousing System: Simplification in Reporting and Analysis". IJCA
Proceedings on International Conference and workshop on Emerging Trends in Techn
ology (ICWET) (Foundation of Computer Science) 9 (6): 33 37.
Jump up ^ Marakas & O'Brien 2009
^ Jump up to: a b c d e f Rainer, R. Kelly (2012-05-01). Introduction to Informa
tion Systems: Enabling and Transforming Business, 4th Edition (Kindle Edition).
Wiley. pp. 127, 128, 130, 131, 133.
Jump up ^ "The Story So Far". 2002-04-15. Retrieved 2008-09-21.
^ Jump up to: a b Kimball 2002, pg. 16
Jump up ^ "Jones, Martyn Richard". martynjones.eu. Retrieved 2014-10-01.
Jump up ^ "An architecture for a business and information system". IBM Systems J
Jump up ^ Inmon, Bill (1992). Building the Data Warehouse. Wiley. ISBN 0-471-569
Jump up ^ Kimball, Ralph (1996). The Data Warehouse Toolkit. Wiley. ISBN 0-471-1
Jump up ^ Hillard, Robert (2010). Information-Driven Business. Wiley. ISBN 978-0
Jump up ^ "Information Theory & Business Intelligence Strategy - Small Worlds Da
ta Transformation Measure - MIKE2.0, the open source methodology for Information
Development". Mike2.openmethodology.org. Retrieved 2013-06-14.
Jump up ^ Kimball 2002, pg. 310
Jump up ^ "The Bottom-Up Misnomer". 2003-09-17. Retrieved 2012-02-14.
Jump up ^ Ericsson 2004, pp. 28 29
Jump up ^ Gartner, Of Data Warehouses, Operational Data Stores, Data Marts and D
ata Outhouses, Dec 2005
Jump up ^ "Data Warehouse".
Further reading[edit]
Davenport, Thomas H. and Harris, Jeanne G. Competing on Analytics: The New Scien
ce of Winning (2007) Harvard Business School Press. ISBN 978-1-4221-0332-6
Ganczarski, Joe. Data Warehouse Implementations: Critical Implementation Factors
Study (2009) VDM Verlag ISBN 3-639-18589-7 ISBN 978-3-639-18589-8
Kimball, Ralph and Ross, Margy. The Data Warehouse Toolkit Second Edition (2002)
John Wiley and Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-20024-7
Linstedt, Graziano, Hultgren. The Business of Data Vault Modeling Second Edition
(2010) Dan linstedt, ISBN 978-1-4357-1914-9
William Inmon. Building the Data Warehouse (2005) John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 9788-1265-0645-3
External links[edit]
Ralph Kimball articles
International Journal of Computer Applications
Data Warehouse Introduction
Time to Reconsider the Data Warehouse (Global Association of Risk Professionals)
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Data warehouse
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