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School : Dr. G.

Dela Merced Memorial School Grade Level : Grade 1- SSES

Daily Teacher:
Teaching Date and Time:
Fatima D. Polintan
Week 8 1:00-2:10 pm
Learning Area:
Quarter: First Quarter
Log Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
I. Objectives July 24, 2017 July 25, 2107 July 26, 2017 July 27, 2017 July 28, 2017
A. Content Standards

B. Performance
 Identifies animals Third Quiz Classifies animals Classifies animals according Identifies animals
habitat – both water First Grading Period according to their body to their body parts, with wings covering – Animals
and land . parts, habitat vs without wings with hair/ fur ,
C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives Write the LC feather and moist
code for each skin

Identifying animals
Where Animals Live - Classifies animals Classify animals according to covering – Animals
Amphibian according to their body their body parts, with wings vs with hair/ fur,
II . Content
parts, habitat without wings feather and moist

III. Learning Resources

SSES Curriculum Guide 1.2 p. 2 SSES Curriculum Guide 1.2 p. 2
A. References: SSES Curriculum Guide 1.2 p. 2 SSES Curriculum Guide 1.2 p.2
Science and Health I TM p.
1. Teacher's Guide page/s Science and Health I TM pp.23-24 Science and Health I TM pp. 42-45
2. Textbook page/s Science and Health I TX pp. 39-41
Pictures of animal , cd, dvd player Pictures of animal, dvd player
Pictures of animal , cd, dvd or computer
3. Learner's Materials page/s Pictures of animal , laptap, tv or laptop
player or computer

4. Additional Materials from Science Lesson Plan pp.99-100 Science Lesson Plan pp 103-101 Science Lesson Plan pp. 104-106
Science Lesson Plan pp.107-109
Learning Resources (LP) portal
B. Other Learning
SSES Science Workbook p.37 Science Workbook page 38 Science Workbook page 39 Science Workbook page 40
IV. Procedures
Encircle the Encircle the amphibians.
animals and box
the terrestrial

Name some animals that can

A. Reviewing the fly.
previous lessons or
presenting new lesson

Look at the following pictures. Guess the All kinds of bird Identify the picture.
Where can you find them? animals before it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x_Xbyyssj4

all ready time.

B. Establishing purpose
for the lesson

Present the video about birds

Introduce the word Distribute the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slb5ZlnTdDM
Amphibian .Present the video pictures of Let the pupils watch Skin, Fur
C. Presenting examples/ Amphibian https://www.youtube.com/watch? animals. Let the What is the video about? What & Feathers (Animal Atlas)
instances of the new v=IwoacQOdeus pupils classify their are the parts of a bird? What body https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_YnEGwxJj0
animals according parts help them to fly? Are all
t to their habitat birds can fly?

D. Discussing new What are the examples of Let the pupils explain why Can you give examples of Introduce the word Feather, Fur
concept and practicing amphibian animals? does animals are place in the animals that can fly?( cat, dog, and Moist Skin.
new skills forest, under the ocean and carabao goat etc..)
near the river? Identify what body covering do
the following animals have .
( Show examples of animals
that have feather, moist skin
and fur as their body covering. )

State that bats are animals that

can fly but they are not bird
Animals and Their Homes - Fun they are mammals. Some
Learning Game for Kids, birds can’t fly like, chicken,
E. Discussing new
Why are they called
Educational Activities for
concept and practicing amphibian animals? Children penguin, ostrich, emu,
new skills KidsEduc – Kids Educational cassowary, rhea and kiwi.
Games Why do you think they cannot

Clap one if the animals live Encircle the animals that can
land and water and clap twice fly.
if not.
F. Developing Mastery 1. monkey
( Lead to Formative 2. turtle
and Assessment ) 3. frog
4. crocodile
5. octopus

G. Finding practical Draw animals that can live List animals that live on Group the pictures Group the animals according to
applications of concepts on both land and animals their body covering.
and skills in daily living 1. land Animals that Animals that
can Fly cannot Fly Rat parrot chicken
2. water dog frog worm eagle
3. land and water dove

Feathers Fur/ Moist

Hair Skin
What do we call animals that
can live on both land and
1. What animals can fly
H. Making What are the different What are the different body
Generalizations and Amphibian animals are frog,
2. Are all birds can fly? covering of animals?
habitats of the animals?
abstraction about the toad, crocodile, turtle, tortoise,
3. What helps them fly?
lesson. snail, penguin, newts and

Answer Science Answer Science Answer Science

Answer Science
I. Evaluating Learning Workbook page 37 Workbook page 38 Workbook page 39
Workbook page 40

Paste 3 pictures of animals that

List 5 examples of Make a diorama of animals
J. Additional Activities for List 3 animals that can fly have feather moist skin and fur
amphibian animals. habitat.
application or as body covering.

V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
worked? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter Reproduction of Science workbook Reproduction of Science workbook Reproduction of Science workbook
which my principal or supervisor Reproduction of Science workbook
can help me solve.?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use, discover which
I wish to share with other

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