Chem Notes
Chem Notes
Chem Notes
mercury contains 6.022 x 1023 atoms of mercury. The formula weight of KCl is 39.0983
(K) + 35.453 (Cl) = 74.5513 g/mole. One mole of solid KCl is 74.5513 grams and
contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules of KCl and 6.022 x 1023 atoms of potassium and 6.022 x
1023 atoms of chloride. If the concentration of KCl in an aqueous solution is very low, it
is easier to use millimoles of KCl/liter of water (mM/L). Recall that m = milli = 1/1000,
micro = = 1/millionth.
The activity of potassium in a solution refers to the total number of independent K+ in the
solution. Because the potassiums are well dissolved and dissociated from the chlorides
in dilute KCl solutions, the K+ activity and potassium concentration of a dilute (let's say
0.0001 M) KCl solution are essentially equal. That is, essentially 100% of the
potassiums are K+ that are unbonded to Cl-.
In more concentrated KCl solutions, there are less water molecules to shield all of the K+
and Cl- from each other. In concentrated solutions, the unshielded ions begin to attract
each other and form K+Cl- pairs or complexes (Figure 2, Nebergall et al., 1976, p. 316).
That is, some of the K+ are no longer "active" or independent of the Cl-. Therefore, in a
concentrated solution (such as 1 M KCl), the concentration of the potassium is 1 M, but
the activity, the number of independent K+, may be much less.
The K+Cl- pairs and groups of associated K+Cl- won't affect the boiling or freezing points
of the solutions as much as if they were well dissociated and active K+ and Cl-.
Specifically, independent or active K+ and Cl- attract the partial charges of water
molecules and hinder the water molecules from boiling off or arranging themselves into
ice. Therefore, K+ and Cl- lower the freezing point of water and raise the boiling point.
However, when K+ and Cl- combine into K+Cl- pairs and groups in more concentrated
KCl solutions, the K+Cl- partially neutralize each others charges, less water molecules
are then attracted to the potassiums and chlorides, and the water molecules are not as
hindered from boiling off or freezing into ice as they are in the presence of strongly
charged and independent K+ and Cl-. Although concentrated KCl solutions with their
K+Cl- pairs and groups still suppress freezing points and enhance boiling points, the
freezing and boiling points are not as affected as they would be if the potassium and
chloride ions were entirely independent and active.
Once an evaporating KCl solution reaches 4.65 M or 347 g/L at 20oC, the solution
becomes saturated. That is, the water molecules can no longer separate the high
concentrations of potassiums and chlorides. The K+, Cl-, and K+Cl- readily attract each
other and begin to grow into KCl crystals, which precipitate (Figure 3 on the attached
Concentration = what's there. Activity = how much of what's there really affects the
chemical and physical properties of the solution. Activities are used with liquids and
solids. Fugacities describe the activities of gases.
pH = "the negative log of the H+ activity in a water sample."
The pH values do not include hydrogens covalently bonded with oxygen as H 2 O, but
only include "H+." In reality, however, H+ does not exist in water. Instead, the H+
attaches onto the - of individual water molecules as H 3 O+ or, less commonly, groups of
Almost all water exists as undissociated H 2 O. Only about 1 out of 1014 H 2 O molecules
dissociates as follows:
H 2 O + H 2 O H 3 O+ + OHOr using simplified abbreviations:
H 2 O H+ + OHWe can write the following mathematical equation to represent the dissociation of 1 out
of 1014 H 2 O molecules into H+ + OH- at 25oC:
[H+] [OH-]
------------[H 2 O]
= -----------1014
[H+], [OH-] = activities of H+ and OH-, respectively, in water.
(H+), (OH-) = concentrations of H+ and OH-, respectively, in water. In water at 25oC, the
H+ and OH- activities and concentrations are approximately equal.
= constant
We know:
[H+] [OH-]
------------- = K W = 10-14
[H 2 O]
Since [H 2 O] = 1:
[H+] [OH-] = K W = 10-14
In pure water, the following reaction is balanced:
H 2 O = H+ + OHThe reaction produces equal amounts (moles) of H+ and OH-, and therefore the activities
of the two species are equal:
[H+] = [OH-]
Because [H+] = [OH-], we can use algebra and substitute [H+] for [OH-]:
[H+] [OH-] = [H+] [H+] = [H+]2 = 10-14
+ 2
[H ]
= 10-14
[H+] = 10-7 = [OH-]
The activities are expressed in moles/liter (molar, M). Therefore: [H+] = [OH-] = 10-7 M.
10-2 = 0.01
10-1 = 0.1
100 = 1
K W at 25oC
1 x 10-14
1 x 10-14
1 x 10-14
1 x 10-14
1 x 10-14
1 x 10-14
1 x 10-14
1 x 10-14
1 x 10-14
Strong acid
Weak acid
Weak base
Strong base
Household ammonia = 11
Clam shells are made of calcite or aragonite (both are calcium carbonate, CaCO 3 ).
CaCO 3 is fairly soluble in acidic freshwater. Therefore, freshwater clams are covered
with organic layers, which protect their CaCO 3 shells from being dissolved in acidic
freshwater. Seawater has pH values of 8.1 to 8.3. CaCO 3 does not appreciably dissolve
in alkaline (basic) seawater. Therefore, marine clams do not require protective organic
coverings on the outside of their shells.
Shell Chemistry of Freshwater and Marine Clams:
Rainwater Chemistry
Uncontaminated rainwater and purified (distilled) laboratory water does not have a pH of
7. Carbon dioxide from the air readily reacts with the water to produce carbonic acid
(H 2 CO 3 ), which gives distilled water and "clean" rainwater a slightly acidic pH of about
H 2 O + CO 2 = H 2 CO 3
Carbonic acid readily decomposes into bicarbonate (HCO 3 -) and carbonate (CO 3 2-):
H 2 CO 3 + H 2 O = HCO 3 - + H 3 O+
H 2 CO 3 + 2H 2 O = CO 3 2- + 2 H 3 O+
Carbonic acid also reacts with calcite (CaCO 3 ) in limestones and produces caves! That
H 2 CO 3 + H 2 O = H 3 O+ + HCO 3 H 3 O+ + CaCO 3 = Ca2+ + H 2 O + HCO 3 Later, we'll demonstrate that the pH of "pure" rain water is about 5.7.
pH Buffers
Buffering is the ability of a solution to resist a change in pH when an acid or base is
added. "Pure" distilled water is poorly buffered. Just a little acid or base will greatly
change the pH of distilled water. For example, a small drop of nitric acid may cause the
pH of a distilled water sample to drop from 5.7 to below 2.0. In contrast, seawater is well
buffered. A small addition of acid or base only leads to a small change in pH. For
example, a small drop of nitric acid to a sample of seawater may cause no noticeable
change in the pH. The seawater contains H 2 CO 3 and HCO 3 -, which are capable of
neutralizing (buffering) the acid or base:
To neutralize an acid (H+) that has been added to seawater:
H+ + HCO 3 - H 2 CO 3
To neutralize a base (OH-) that has been added to seawater:
OH- + H 2 CO 3 HCO 3 - + H 2 O
Nebergall, W.H.; F.C. Schmidt and H.F. Holtzclaw, Jr., 1976, College Chemistry, 5th ed.,
D.C. Heath & Co., Lexington, Massachusetts.
Evaporate a known volume of a filtered water sample to dryness and weigh the
(+): easy and cheap to do.
(-): Some residues are hydrated, such as gypsum (CaSO 4 2H 2 O). The
water in the residues throws off the results. Heating the residue to drive
off the water may also evaporate some of the desired solids.
Measure the major components (Na, Ca, K, Si, Al, sulfate, carbonate species, Mg,
chloride, Fe, etc.) in the filtered water and add up their concentrations.
(+): Usually fairly accurate.
(-): Costly and locally important ions may be overlooked in the analyses,
such as boron or fluoride.
Water Hardness
Water hardness is determined by the amount of Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the water:
Hardness = 2.5(Ca2+) + 4.1(Mg2+)
The concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+ are in mg/L.
Water Softening
Water "softening" refers to the removal of calcium from water with sodium zeolites. In
the softening process, sodium is released into the water.
Removal of calcium from water with sodium zeolites:
2 NaAlSi 2 O 6 nH 2 O + Ca2+ Ca(AlSi 2 O 6 ) 2 nH 2 O + 2 Na+
The reaction is then reversed with concentrated NaCl solutions and the zeolite is
regenerated for reuse:
Ca(AlSi 2 O 6 ) 2 nH 2 O + 2 Na+ 2 NaAlSi 2 O 6 nH 2 O + Ca2+
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Oceans, lakes, ponds and streams must contain enough dissolved oxygen (DO) to
support aquatic life. DO is usually measured with a meter and may be done in the field.
The DO concentration of a water sample is affected by the life forms in the water,
temperature, pressure, and water chemistry, including the presence of pollutants. Organic
matter, FeS 2 , other sulfides, and many life forms consume DO. Typically, fresh water at
5oC has a maximum DO concentration of about 12 mg/L (see the attached sheet with
Table 8-1 from Drever, 1997, p. 167). At 30oC, the DO concentration drops to 7.5 mg/L.
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Some organic pollutants are nutrients for organisms. Therefore, the release of sewage
and other organic pollutants into surface waters may cause dramatic increases in the
growth of bacteria, algae, and other organisms. The organisms obtain energy from
organic compounds by breaking down the organics into simpler compounds and CO 2 .
Overpopulating bacteria and algae may lower DO concentrations and cause fish kills and
other ecological damage in lakes, ponds, and streams.
Not every organic compound is biodegradable and readily available as food for
organisms. As examples, tars, most plastics, and other organics consisting of large and
complex molecules tend to be non-biodegradable. Organisms prefer to eat small organic
molecules and small molecules are also more susceptible to destruction from oxygen or
other chemical reactions. Biological (or biochemical) oxygen demand (BOD) estimates
the amount of biodegradable carbon in a water sample, which is a potential food supply
for bacteria and other organisms. High BOD surface waters may cause organisms to
overpopulate and kill fish. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) measures the amount of
organic matter in a water sample that may decompose through chemical oxidation. Both
BOD and COD concentrations in mg/L provide some indication of the health or level
of pollution in a ground or surface water.
Biological (or Biochemical) Oxygen Demand (BOD)
While pH and dissolved oxygen may be measured in the field with meters, BOD must be
measured in an analytical laboratory. The sample is diluted with oxygenated water. The
sample is then stored in the dark at 20oC and the dissolved oxygen concentration is
measured 5 days later. The amount of dissolved oxygen that is consumed over the five
days gives some idea of the amount of readily biodegradable (reactive) organic
contaminants that are present in the water sample. That is, the bacteria and other
organisms in the water consume the organic matter and oxygen in the water during the 5day analysis.
Example: A sewage treatment plant is being constructed along a river. How does the
amount of biodegradable organic matter vary in the river before the construction of the
plant, during plant construction, and once the plant is operating? Take BOD
measurements downstream from the plant construction site before, during and after the
plant is built.
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) refers to the entire concentration of all organic materials
in an unfiltered water sample, including: microorganisms, plant and animal debris,
suspended materials and dissolved materials. If the sample is filtered at 0.45 microns
(m) before the carbon analysis, the results are called "dissolved" organic carbon
(DOC). Filtering at 0.45 m is arbitrary and was once considered the size boundary
between "dissolved" and "suspended" particles. That is, particles smaller than 0.45 m
were once considered "dissolved" and potentially able to readily move through ground
and surface waters. Particles larger than 0.45 m were considered "suspended" and were
expected to settle out of surface waters in short periods of time or be filtered out of
ground water as the ground water passed through the subsurface. As we will see later
when we discuss colloids, these assumptions are now known to be often incorrect and
may lead to profound errors in predicting the movement of contaminants through natural
TOC and DOC analyses are performed in analytical laboratories. The carbon in the dried
residue of a water sample is burned, the resulting CO 2 is measured, and the TOC or DOC
is then calculated from the CO 2 analysis after subtracting out the inorganic carbon
(carbonate). Rainwater, seawater and most groundwater typically have about 0.5 mg/L of
DOC. DOC values of rivers and lakes usually are 2-10 mg/L (Drever, 1997, p. 107).
Waters from soils, marshes and bogs may contain more than 50 mg/L DOC. "Black
waters" are brownish, high DOC waters that are common in tropical wetlands.
How Good are Your Water Analyses? Did You Analyze All of the Important
Constituents? Possible Answers Using Water Ion Balances
If the chemical analyses of a water sample are reliable and complete, the number of anion
charges should equal the number of cation charges. If the measured cation and anion
charges are not similar, then:
significant errors may be present in the analyses. For example, if the sulfate
(SO 4 2-) analysis is too low, then the total measured amount of cations may exceed
the total measured amount of anions.
some ions that are usually not in significant concentrations in water samples may
be present in significant concentrations in the sample and are being overlooked
(such as: iron, aluminum, boron or fluoride).
HCO 3 -
1 cation +2 charge
1 anion -1 charge
We need two HCO 3 - to charge balance every Ca2+. We're interested in the
charges of each ion and their numbers (moles), and not their weights. Therefore,
we'll work with moles (m) and charges (z), and not milligrams.
ppm =
1000 mg/g
= g/kg
= moles/kg
(molal, m)
value of
charge on
ion, /z/
ppm =
1000 mg/g
= g/kg
= moles/kg
(molal, m)
SO 4 2ClHCO 3 Anion
value of
charge on
ion, /z/
Significant digits: DO NOT round off the results until you get the final answer!!
E = [0.0264 - 0.0261)/(0.0264 + 0.0261)] x 100
E = 0.0003/0.0525 x 100
E = 0.6%, which is very good. E < 5% is acceptable.
Chemical Compatibility in a Water Sample: A Few Examples
Some chemical species are incompatible with each other in water. For example, if the
sulfate concentration of a water sample is much greater than about 1000 mg/L, the
barium concentration should be less than 1 mg/L. In the presence of sulfate, barium
precipitates as water-insoluble barium sulfate. Unless the pH is low, barium
concentrations should also be low in the presence of more than 1000 mg/L of carbonate.
Barium carbonate is also sparsely soluble in unacidified water. Silver is insoluble in the
presence of chloride in water. These relationships may be used to detect questionable
analytical results. More examples will be given later.
Piper Diagrams
Piper diagrams show the major anion and cation chemistry of a water sample as a point
on a trilinear diagram, as shown in Figure 20.2 on p. 374. Before the concentrations of
the major cations and anions can be plotted on the Piper diagram, the concentrations must
be in the form of "equivalents of ion per kilogram of water." Here are the conversion
steps from ppm to equivalents/kg, which closely resemble the steps used with the charge
balance equation:
ppm = mg/kg
mg/kg 1000 mg/g = g/kg
g/kg atomic mass units in g/mole = mole/kg x /z/ = equivalents/kg
Convert 40.00 ppm Ca2+ to equivalents/kg:
40.00 ppm = 40.00 mg/kg
40.00 mg/kg 1000 mg/g = 0.0400 g/kg
0.0400 g/kg 40.08 g/mole = 9.980 x 10-4 moles/kg
9.980 x 10-4 moles/kg /+2/ = 1.996 x 10-3 equivalents/kg
Let's say that we have a water sample with the following concentrations:
Ca2+ = 40.00 ppm, 1.996 x 10-3 equivalents/kg
Mg2+ = 15.00 ppm, 1.234 x 10-3 equivalents/kg
Na+ = 120 ppm, 5.22 x 10-3 equivalents/kg
K+ = 20.0 ppm, 0.51 x 10-3 equivalents/kg
Sum cations = 8.96 x 10-3 equivalents/kg
Next convert the concentrations of the cations to percentages of the total equivalents/kg.
The percentages of potassium and sodium are combined:
Ca2+ 22.3 %
Mg2+ 13.7 %
Na+ + K+ 64.0%
Sum: 100.0 %
The percentages are then plotted on the Piper plot, as shown in Figure 1, Drever (1997, p.
410) on the attached sheets. On the lower left side of the Piper plot is a triangle with Mg
on the top, Ca on the lower left and Na + K on the lower right. Each corner of the
triangle represents 100% of the element on the corner. In other words, a water sample
with 100% Mg and no Ca, Na, or K would plot as a point on the very top of the triangle.
Figure 1 on p. 410 shows the location of a point with 64.0% Na + K, 13.7 % Mg and 22.3
% Ca. As expected, the point is located nearest to the Na + K corner.
The anions are plotted on a triangle on the lower right corner of the Piper plot (Figure 1,
p. 410 on the attached sheet). 100% Alkalinity is located on the lower left corner of the
triangle, 100% sulfate on the top corner of the triangle and 100% chloride on the lower
right corner. Finally, a line is drawn from the point in the cation triangle parallel to the
triangular graph lines and into the diamond in the center of the diagram (Figure 1, p.
410). Another line is drawn from the anion point parallel to the graph lines in the anion
triangle and into the diamond. The point in the diamond of the Piper plot, where the two
lines cross, represents the major anion and cation chemistry of the water sample. Notice
that the points represent relative concentrations between the major ions rather than
absolute concentrations. Therefore, the chemistries of a 100,000 mg/L TDS brine and a
500 mg/L TDS fresh water sample could plot in the same location on the diagram.
Piper diagrams are very useful for plotting the chemistries of groundwaters or natural
waters from a given area and comparing them. Also, the chemistry of a particular river,
lake or groundwater may be plotted on a Piper diagram over time to track chemical
changes in the water because of increased pollution, droughts, increased crop irrigation,
urban development, etc. The data are easier to interpret on Piper diagrams than in long
lists of tables.
Stiff Diagrams
A Stiff diagram is another convenient way of plotting the major ion chemistry of a water
sample (Drever, 1997, p. 411-412 on the attached sheets). Stiff diagrams are polygons.
Stiff diagrams for particular rivers, lakes or well waters may be easily and conveniently
plotted on a map of an area. Typically, only the Na + K, Mg, Ca, carbonate, sulfate, and
chloride concentrations are plotted on Stiff diagrams. The ions are usually plotted in
milliequivalents/liter. The larger the polygon is, the higher the TDS of the water.
Furthermore, if the major cations and anions are balanced, the right side of the polygon
should have roughly the same area as the left side. If not, as with the ion balance
equation, the following problems may be present:
significant errors may be present in the analyses. For example, if the sulfate
analysis is too low, then the total area represented by the cations may exceed the
area of the polygon represented by the anions.
some ions that are usually not in significant concentrations in water samples may
be present in this sample and are being overlooked (such as: iron, aluminum,
boron or fluoride).
Figure 3 in Drever, 1997 (p. 412 on the attached sheets) shows how Stiff diagrams are
plotted. Notice the shape and size differences of the high TDS (Figure 3b) and low TDS
(Figure 3c) calcium carbonate-rich waters.
The cation and anion concentrations in milliequivalents/liter of the water analysis on page
409 in Drever (1997, see attachments) are:
Na+ + K+
Using a ruler and the guidelines in Figure 3, the Stiff diagram may be easily plotted. A
Stiff diagram for the water analysis plotted on the Piper diagram in Figure 1, p. 410 is
shown in Figure 3a, p. 412 (see attached sheets).
Estimating Relative TDS values and Charge Balances for Water Samples Using Stiff
Diagrams on Maps. Which water sample has the lowest TDS? Which water sample
shows a charge imbalance?
Drever, J.I., 1997, The Geochemistry of Natural Waters, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.
Systems may also be described as dynamic (changing) or static (not changing) over
time. Most systems on Earth are dynamic. Trees grow and die. Continental elevations
build up through tectonic uplift and volcanism, and wear down through erosion. The
Moon, in contrast, is essentially static and only changes slightly from the impacts of
cosmic dust and occasional meteorites.
Chemical Equilibrium
If we mix an aqueous solution of 1 M barium chloride with another aqueous solution of 1
M sodium sulfate, the mixture will immediately turn cloudy white. The cloudy
precipitate is barium sulfate. We can write an equation for the reaction. Initially, the
reaction will move to the right to produce the barium sulfate precipitate:
Ba2+ + 2 Cl- + 2 Na+ + SO 4 2- + H 2 O BaSO 4 + H 2 O + 2 Cl- + 2 Na+
Since many of the chemical species in the mixture don't readily react, we can rewrite the
reaction to only show the relevant reactants and products:
Ba2+ + SO 4 2- BaSO 4
We can graph the progress of the reaction between 1 M Ba2+ and 1 M SO 4 2- (compare
Figure 9.1, p. 111):
Molar |
Conc. |
0 |________________________________
------ SO 4 2- concentration ***** Ba2+ concentration
Similarly, we can derive equilibrium constants for other chemical reactions. That is,
when a reaction, such as Ba2+ + SO 4 2- = BaSO 4 , reaches equilibrium, the ratio of the
activities of the products to the reactants yields a constant, an equilibrium constant, K eq .
[BaSO 4 ]
----------------- = K eq
[Ba2+] [SO 4 2-]
The zero charge symbol indicates that the carbonic acid exists as dissolved
molecules rather than as a distinct liquid. Therefore, the carbonic acid molecules
are part of the equilibrium constant calculations. Also, CO 2 gas may dissolve in
the water along with the carbonic acid molecules, H 2 CO 3 0. Therefore, the
dissolved portion of the CO 2 is also considered in the K eq calculations:
K eq = [CO 2 0] / [H 2 CO 3 0]
Later, we'll show how to distinguish dissolved from non-dissolved CO 2 for the
K eq calculations.
So, if you see a zero superscript on a neutral species (including if the species is a
dissolved gas), they are relevant to the equilibrium constant calculations.
However, water, undissolved gases and solid precipitates are ignored in the
As mentioned earlier, concentrations are usually easier to measure than activities. As
long as the concentrations are low and the temperatures of the solutions are around 25oC,
we can use concentrations instead of activities to calculate the equilibrium constants.
Like Faure (1998, p. 113), we'll use brackets [ ] to denote activities and parentheses ( ) to
denote concentrations in equilibrium constant calculations. Note: some textbooks use
the opposite convention, that is, [ ] denote concentrations and ( ) to denote activities.
LeChateliers Principle
The addition or removal of reactants or products from a reaction readily disrupts the
equilibrium of the reaction. LeChatelier's Principle says that if the concentrations of
reactants or products, temperature, or pressure are changed for a reaction in
equilibrium, the equilibrium will shift in a way to undo the effect of the change. Let's
look at the barium sulfate reaction again:
Ba2+ + SO 4 2- = BaSO 4
What would happen if we add more Ba2+ to the mixture? The excess barium would react
with much of the 0.96 mg/L of SO 4 2- to produce more barium sulfate. In other words,
LeChatelier's Principle states that the reaction would move to the right and the 0.96 mg/L
of SO 4 2- would decrease to even lower concentrations.
What would happen if we were to filter out (remove) the barium sulfate from the
mixture? The small amounts of Ba2+ and SO 4 2- would tend to react and precipitate new
barium sulfate. However, with the solid barium sulfate essentially removed, there is no
abundant barium sulfate to dissolve and replace the small amounts of Ba2+ and SO 4 2-.
Therefore, according to LeChatelier's Principle, the removal of barium sulfate from the
mixture through filtering would cause the reaction to move towards the right.
The effects of LeChatelier's Principle may be seen when sulfate-rich groundwater reacts
with spilled water-soluble barium nitrate from a fireworks factory. The presence of SO 4 2>> Ba2+ in the mixing of barium nitrate and sulfate-rich groundwater will cause the
reaction to move to the right according to LeChatelier's Principle:
Ba2+ + excess SO 4 2- BaSO 4
Because of the excess sulfate from the groundwater, the concentration of the remaining
Ba2+may be much lower than 1.37 mg/L and not a serious environmental problem.
On the other hand, in rare circumstances, if Ba2+ >> SO 4 2- + CO 3 2- + HCO 3 -, not all of
the Ba2+ will precipitate as BaCO 3 or BaSO 4 , and the Ba2+ may be a groundwater
contamination problem.
LeChateliers Principle: Barium Nitrate Pollution from Fireworks Factories into Low
and High Sulfate Groundwaters:
LeChatelier's Principle is also affected by the addition or removal of heat. Let's look at
the following reaction:
CaO + H 2 O = Ca(OH) 2 + Heat!!
When lime (CaO) is placed in water, it violently reacts with the water to produce
Ca(OH) 2 and a lot of heat! Sometimes the reaction is so exothermic (heat-releasing) that
the water boils! Now, imagine what would happen if you were to add considerably more
heat to a container with reacting lime and water. LeChatelier's Principle says that the
reaction would move to the left. The excess heat would cause Ca(OH) 2 to dehydrate to
CaO and steam:
CaO + H 2 O (as steam) Ca(OH) 2 + More heat
It will take a lot of heat to get the reaction to noticeably move to the left because
substantial amounts of Ca(OH) 2 are not dehydrated until temperatures reach about 580oC.
On the other hand, the addition of ice to the reaction would remove the produced heat and
force the reaction to the right.
The effect of temperature on LeChatelier's Principle may also be seen with the following
reaction between H 2 and Cl 2 gases to produce HCl gas:
H 2 + Cl 2 = 2 HCl + Heat
At higher temperatures, the reaction goes to the left and HCl decomposes to H 2 and Cl 2 .
If the heat is removed by lowering the temperature, the reaction moves to the right and
more of the H 2 and Cl 2 gases react to produce HCl.
Solubility Product Constant
A solubility product constant (K sp ) is a special type of equilibrium constant that is used
to describe the dissolution of a slightly soluble compound in water and calculate the
activities or concentrations of the dissolution products in a saturated solution. When
studying the dissolution of a solid in water with K sp values, the dissolving solids are
considered reactants. As an example:
BaSO 4 = Ba2+ + SO 4 2[Ba2+] [SO 4 2-] = K sp
From Faure (1998, p. 132): K sp = 10-10. Often K sp is written as pK sp = 10.0 or the
negative log of K sp .
By knowing the K sp , we can calculate the solubility of Ba2+ and SO 4 2- in a saturated
solution of BaSO 4 :
[Ba2+] [SO 4 2-] = 10-10
Because BaSO 4 dissolves into an equal number of moles of Ba2+ and SO 4 2-:
[Ba2+] = [SO 4 2-]
Therefore, to find [Ba2+], we can substitute [Ba2+] for [SO 4 2-]:
[Ba2+] [Ba2+] = 10-10
[Ba2+]2 = 10-10
[Ba ] = 10-10 = 10-5 M = [SO 4 2-]
10-5 moles/L SO 4 2- x 96.06 g/mole SO 4 2- = 0.0009606 g/L SO 4 20.0009606 g/L SO 4 2- = 0.96 mg/L SO 4 2-
Ba .
10-5 M of BaSO 4 x 233.4 g/mole BaSO 4 = 0.002334 g/L = 2.33 mg/L BaSO 4
As a check, we note that:
1.37 mg/L Ba2+ + 0.96 mg/L SO 4 2- = 2.33 mg/L dissolving BaSO 4
A more complex example: Is it illegal to dump a saturated solution of Ag 2 SO 4 down the
drain? Note: Federal regulations state that it is illegal to dump silver solutions down the
drain if they contain more than 5 mg/L of silver. Solutions with more than 5 mg/L of
silver are considered hazardous and must undergo proper treatment and disposal. Using
the pK sp of Ag 2 SO 4 from Faure (1998, p. 132):
Ag 2 SO 4 = 2 Ag+ + SO 4 2[Ag+]2 [SO 4 2-] = K sp = 10-4.81 = 1.55 x 10-5
Notice that the dissolution of Ag 2 SO 4 produces twice as many moles of silver as sulfate.
We have two unknowns: [Ag+] and [SO 4 2-]. The sulfate activity has to be doubled to
equal the silver activity. Note: this is hard to visualize!! Therefore:
[Ag+] = 2 x [SO 4 2-]
We now have two equations for the two unknowns. We can now solve for the unknowns,
the activities of the silver and sulfate in the saturated silver sulfate solution.
[Ag+]2 [SO 4 2-] = 1.55 x 10-5
[Ag+] = 2 x [SO 4 2-]
Using algebra, let's substitute the second equation into the first to solve for the sulfate
[2 x SO 4 2-]2 [SO 4 2-] = 1.55 x 10-5
Some reactions are so slow that they may take years to reach equilibrium. If a reaction in
a solution is not at equilibrium, the solution may become supersaturated with some
species. A reaction that is NOT at equilibrium has:
[C]c [D]d
----------- K eq
[A]a [B]b
But we can still calculate an activity product (AP) from the activities of the reactants
and products:
[C]c [D]d
----------- = AP K eq
[A]a [B]b
If the reaction involves ions, the activity product is an ion activity product (IAP).
If AP/K eq > 1, the activities or concentrations of the products (C and D) are higher than
expected and LeChatelier's Principle dictates that the reaction should proceed to the left
to regenerate more A and B (reactants) so that equilibrium may be eventually achieved
(Faure, 1998, p. 131):
aA + bB cC + dD
If AP/K eq < 1, A and B (the reactants) are more abundant than expected at equilibrium
and LeChatelier's Principle dictates that the reaction should proceed to the right to
produce more products and eventually achieve equilibrium:
aA + bB cC + dD
At equilibrium:
aA + bB = cC + dD
AP/K eq = 1 or AP = K eq
(a = m).
Two equations are most often used to determine activity coefficients in low TDS
solutions. One is the Debye-Hckel equation (Faure, 1998 equation 10.46, p. 140),
which works for solutions with I < 0.1 m:
log i = (-Az i I ) / (1 + BaI )
log i = log of the activity coefficient for a particular ionic
species, such as Na+ or SO 4 2-.
z i = charge on the ion.
I = ionic strength.
A, B = different variables related to temperature and the dielectric
constant of the solvent, see Table 10.3 in Faure (1998, p. 140) for
some values.
a = the effective diameter of the ionic species in , see Table
10.4 in Faure (1998, p. 141) for some values. There are some
controversies over the values of a for some chemical species.
Drever (1997, p. 28) uses more recent references than Faure (1998,
Table 10.4, p. 141) and lists the following values for a:
Mg2+ = 5.5
Na+ = 4.0
K+, Cl- = 3.5
Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, SO 4 2+ = 5.0
HCO 3 -, CO 3 2- = 5.4
NH 4 + = 2.5
Fe2+, Mn2+, Li+ = 6.0
H+, Al3+, Fe3+ = 9.0
The second equation, the Davies equation, is effective in estimating activity coefficients
in solutions with I < 0.5 m. There are different forms of the Davies equation. The
following form from Drever (1997, p. 28) appears to be more accurate than equation
10.47 from Faure (1998, p. 141):
log i = [(-Az i 2 I ) / (1 + BaI )] + bI
b usually equals 0.3. Some other values for b from Drever (1997, p. 28)
Ca2+ = 0.165
Mg2+ = 0.20
Na+ = 0.075
Some examples:
Calculate the ionic strength of an aqueous solution with 0.04 M NaCl and 0.01 M
MgSO 4 .
This solution would have the following concentrations:
Na+ = 0.04 moles/liter
Mg2+ = 0.01 moles/liter
Cl- = 0.04 moles/liter
SO 4 2- = 0.01 moles/liter
Assume M = m.
I = 1/2 m i (z2)
I = 1/2 [0.04 (1)2 + 0.04 (-1)2 + 0.01 (2)2 + 0.01 (-2)2]
I = 1/2 [0.04 + 0.04 + 0.04 + 0.04] = 0.08
Whats the of Mg2+ for the solution at 25oC using the Davies equation?
Using the equation from Drever (1997):
log i = [(-Az I ) / (1 + BaI )] + bI
I = 0.08
A at 25oC from Table 10.3 (Faure, 1998, p. 140): 0.5085
z for Mg2+ = +2
b for Mg2+ from Drever (1997, p. 28) = 0.20
B at 25oC from Table 10.3 (Faure, 1998, p. 140): 0.3281
a for Mg2+ from Table 10.4 (Faure, 1998, p. 141): 8; Drever (1997, p. 28) says 5.5
Drever, J.I., 1997, The Geochemistry of Natural Waters, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.
Krauskopf, K.B. and D.K. Bird, 1995, Introduction to Geochemistry, 3rd ed., McGrawHill, Boston.
Langmuir, D., 1997, Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ.