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Perspective View and Isometric Projection TH Question

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Engineering Drawing Unit 8 Question Bank
1. A circular lamina of diameter 50 cm is lying on the ground plane touching the
picture plane. The station point is 50 cm above the ground plane, 60 cm in
front of the picture plane and contained in the central plane which passes at a
distance of 40 cm from the center of the circle. Draw the perspective
projection of the circle.

May/June 2010(1) EEE

2. A square pyramid of side of base 30 mm and axis 40 mm long rests with its
base on the
ground plane such that one of its base sides is parallel to the picture plane
and 10 mm in
front of it. The station point is 50 mm in front of the picture plane, 25 mm to
the left of the
axis of the pyramid and 55 mm above the ground. Draw the perspective

May/June 2010(2) EEE

3. Draw the perspective projection of a cube of side 45 mm resting on the
ground plane on its base with all the vertical faces equally inclined to the
picture plane. One vertical edge is touching the picture plane and is 15mm to
the left of the station point which is 70 mm above the ground and 55mm in
front of the picture plane. May/June 2010(3) EEE

4. A cylinder 30 mm diameter and axis 40mm long is lying on the ground plane
with its axis perpendicular to the picture plane. The nearest point of contact
with the ground is 60 mm on the left of the station point and 10 mm from the
picture plane. The station point is 40 mm above the ground and 60 mm in
front of the PP. Draw the perspective projection of the cylinder.

May/June 2010(4) EEE

5. A frustum of a square pyramid, base 28 mm side, top 22mm side and 36mm
height is resting on its base on the GP such that the sides of base are equally
inclined to the picture plane. The axis of the frustum is 30 mm to the right of
the station point. The station point is 45 mm in front of the PP and 50 mm
above the GP. The nearest base corner is 10 mm behind the PP. Draw the
perspective projection.

May/June 2010(1) ECE

6. Draw the perspective projection of a rectangular block of 3m x 2 m x 1.5 m
resting on a horizontal plane with one side of the rectangular plane making an
angle of 450 with VP. The observer is at a distance of 6 m from the picture
plane. Assume eye level as 1.5 m.

May/June 2010(2) ECE

7. A solid is in the form of a square prism of side of base 40mm up a height of 50
mm and thereafter tapers into frustum of a square pyramid whose top surface

of 25 mm side. The total height of the solid is 70 mm. Draw the solid in
perspective, given that one side of the base of the solid resting on the ground
is inclined at 250 to the PP and the corner containing that side is 40mm to the
right of the eye and is touching the PP. The eye is 100 mm from PP and 90 mm
above the ground.

May/June 2010(3) ECE

8. A man of 1.8m height stands at a distance of 5 m from a ight of four stone

steps having a width of 2m, tread 0.3m and rise 0.2m. The ight makes an
angle of 450 with the PP and touches the same at a distance of 2 m to the
right of the center of vision. Draw the perspective projection of the flight.

May/June 2010(4) ECE

9. A 25 mm thick octagonal slab rests with its base on ground and supports a
square pyramid of 50 mm height and edge of base 40 mm on it such that
each corner of the base of the pyramid rests on a top corner of the slab. Draw
the perspective projection of the arrangement with the axis of the pyramid 75
mm behind the PP and 60 mm to the left of the eye. One of the rectangular
faces of the octagonal slab is parallel to the PP. The eye is 125 mm in front of
the PP and 100 mm above the ground.

May/June 2010(1) CSE

10. A solid is in the form of a square prism of side of base 20 mm upto a height of
35 mm and thereafter tapers into the frustum of a square pyramid, whose top
surface is a square of side 10 mm. Total height of solid is 50 mm. Draw the
solid in perspective, given that a side of its base rests on GP parallel to PP. The
end of the side nearest to the edge is 20 mm to the right of the eye and 15
mm behind PP. The eye is 70 mm from PP and 60 mm above GP.

May/June 2010(2) CSE

11. A cylinder of base 50 mm diameter and axis 75 mm long, has a coaxial square
hole of 25 mm side. The cylinder is resting on the ground, with its base
parallel to PP and 10 mm behind it. The faces of the hole are equally inclined
to GP. The station point is 50 mm to the left of the axis of the solid, 45 mm in
front of PP and 70 mm above GP. Draw the perspective projection of the solid.

May/June 2010(3) CSE

12. Draw the perspective projection of a shed with one corner of the longer side of
the roof touching the PP at a point. The eye is 5 m in front of the point
touching the pp and 2m above the GP. The roof of the shed is supported on
four pillars of 50 cm x 50 cm x 6 m high. The roof comprises of two
rectangular surfaces of 15 m x 5 m inclined mutually at 120 0. Assume that the
outer surfaces of the pillars are in ush with the sides of the roof at the
May/June 2010(4) CSE

13. Draw the front view, top view and left side view of the object shown
below (dimensions in mm).

May/June 2010(R7) Civil Engineering

14. A cylinder of base 50 mm diameter and axis 75 mm long, has a coaxial

square hole of 25 mm side. The cylinder is resting on the ground, with
its base parallel to PP and 10 mm behind it. The faces of the hole are
equally inclined to GP. The station point is 50 mm to the left of the axis
of the solid, 45 mm in front of PP and 70 mm above GP. Draw the
perspective projection of the solid.

May/June 2010(1) EEE

15. Draw the perspective projection of a shed with one corner of the longer
side of the roof touching the PP at a point. The eye is 5 m in front of
the point touching the pp and 2m above the GP. The roof of the shed is
supported on four pillars of 50 cm x 50 cm x 6 m high. The roof
comprises of two rectangular surfaces of 15 m x 5 m inclined mutually
at 1200. Assume that the outer surfaces of the pillars are in ush with
the sides of the roof at the corners.
May/June 2010(2) EEE

16. A model of steps has three steps of 15 mm tread and 10 mm rise. The
steps measure 60 mm width wise. Draw the perspective projection of
the model when placed with its first step 25 mm within the picture
plane and the longer edge being parallel to it. The station point is 95
mm from the picture plane and 60 mm above the ground and lies on
the central line.
May/June 2010(3) EEE

17. A man stands at a distance of 5 m from a ight of four stone steps

having a width of 2m, treat 0.3m and rise 0.2m. The ight makes an
angle of 300 with the picture plane and touches the same at a distance
of 2 m to the right of the center of vision. Take horizon level to be 1.5m
above the ground level. Draw the perspective projection of the flight.

May/June 2010(4) EEE

18. Draw a perspective view of a square plane with a 60 mm side
resting on the GP with one of its corners touching PP and a side
right to the corner inclined at 300 to it. The station point is 50
mm in front of PP, 60 mm above GP and lies in a CP which is 40
mm towards right of the corner touching the PP.
May/June 2010(1) ECE
19. A square plane with a 60 mm side lies on the GP with the edge
nearer to the observer lying in the PP. The station point is 50 mm
in front of pp, 60 mm above GP and lies in a CP which is 50 mm
towards right of the centre of the object. Draw its perspective
view. May/June 2010(2) ECE
May/June 2011(3)
20. Draw a perspective view with a square plane with a 50 mm side
which stands vertically on the GP with an edge parallel to and 10
mm behind the PP. The surface of the plane is inclined at 300 to
PP. The station point is 60 mm in front of PP, 65 mm above GP
and lies in a CP hich is 55 mm towards right of the centre of the
plane May/June 2010(3) ECE
May/June 2011(4)
21. A rectangular plane with 60 mm and 40 mm sides is lying in the
GP with the longer side parallel to and 15 mm behind the PP. The
station point is 50 mm in front of the PP, 60 mm above GP and
lies in the CP passing through the centre of the object. Draw its
perspective view.
May/June 2010(4) ECE

22. A pentagonal plane with a 30 mm side lies on the GP with an

edge parallel to and 20 mm behind the PP. The station point is 50
mm in front of PP, 65 mm above GP and lies in a CP which is at a
distance of 40 mm towards right of the centre of the object. Draw
its perspective view.
May/June 2010(1) EEE

23. A pentagonal plane with a 30 mm side stands vertically on the GP on

an edge and a corner touching the PP. The surface of the plane makes
an angle of 300 with the PP. The station point is 60 mm in front of PP,
75mm above GP and lies in a CP which is at a distance of 40 mm
towards right of the centre of the plane. Draw its perspective view.

May/June 2010(2) EEE

24. A pentagonal plane with a 30 mm side stands vertically on the
GP on an edge and a corner touching the PP. The surface of the
plane makes an angle of 300 with the PP. The station point is 60
mm in front of PP, 75mm above GP and lies in a CP which is at a
distance of 40 mm towards right of the centre of the plane. Draw
its perspective view.
May/June 2010(3) EEE
25. A hexagonal plane with a 40 mm side has a centrally cut square
hole with a 30 mm side such that a side of the hole and a side of
the hexagon are parallel PP. It lies on the GP with a nearer edge
of the hexagon 10 mm behind the PP. The station point is 50 mm
in front of PP, 70 mm above GP and lies in a CP which is at a
distance of 40 mm towards right of the centre of the object. Draw
its perspective view. May/June 2010(4) EEE
26. A man stands at a distance of 5 m from a ight of four stone
steps having a width of 2m, treat 0.3m and rise 0.2m. The ight
makes an angle of 300 with the picture plane and touches the
same at a distance of 2 m to the right of the center of vision.
Take horizon level to be 1.5m above the ground level. Draw the
perspective projection of the flight.
December 2010(R09) EEE
27. A square plane with a 60 mm side lies on the GP with the edge
nearer to the observer lying in the PP. The station point is 50 mm
in front of pp, 60 mm above GP and lies in a CP which is 50 mm

towards right of the centre of the object. Draw its perspective

view. December 2010(R09) EEE
28. A rectangular plane with 60 mm and 40 mm sides is lying in the
GP with the longer side parallel to and 15 mm behind the PP. The
station point is 50 mm in front of the PP, 60 mm above GP and
lies in the CP passing through the centre of the object. Draw its
perspective view.
December 2010(R09) CSE
29. Draw the elevation, plan and left and right side views of the part shown in the
gure (dimensions in mm).

December 2010(R7)
30. Draw a perspective view of a square plane with a 50 mm side resting on
the GP with
one of its corners touching PP and a side right to the corner inclined at 30 0 to
it. The
station point is 40 mm in front of PP, 50 mm above GP and lies in a CP which
is 30 mm

towards right of the corner touching the PP. November/December

2011(R09) EEE
31. A rectangular plane with 60 mm and 40 mm sides is lying in the GP with
the longer side parallel to and 15 mm behind the PP. The station point is 50
mm in front of the PP, 60 mm above GP and lies in the CP passing through
the centre of the object. Draw its
perspective view.
November/December 2011(R09)

32. Draw the respective projection of a rectangular block of 3m x 2 m x 1.5 m

resting on a horizontal plane with one side of the rectangular plane making
an angle of 450 with VP.
The observer is at a distance of 6 m from the picture plane. Assume eye level
as 1.5 m.

2011(R09) CSE
December 2011(R7)

December 2011(R7)
34. A hexagonal plane with a 40 mm side has a centrally cut square hole with a 30 mm
side such that a side of the hole and a side of the hexagon are parallel PP. It lies on the
GP with a nearer edge of the hexagon 10 mm behind the PP. The station point is 50 mm
in front of PP, 70 mm above GP and lies in a CP which is at a distance of 40 mm towards
right of the centre of the object. Draw its perspective view.
May 2012(1) ECE
35. Draw a perspective view of a hexagonal prism having a base with a 40 mm side and
a 60 mm long axis, resting on its base in the GP with a side of base parallel to and 10
mm behind the PP. The station point is 50 mm in front of PP, 75 mm above GP and lies
in a CP which is 50 mm towards the right of the axis. May 2012(2) ECE
36. A frustum of a square pyramid, base 28 mm side, top 22 mm side and 36 mm height is
resting on its base on the GP such that the sides of base are equally inclined to the picture plane.
The axis of the frustum is 30 mm to the right of the station point. The station point is 45 mm in
front of the PP and 50 mm above the GP. The nearest base corner is 10 mm behind the PP. Draw
the perspective projection.

May 2012(3) ECE

37. Draw a perspective view of a pyramid having base with a 50 mm side and a 70 mm
long axis, resting on its base in the GP with its axis at a distance of 40 mm behind the
PP and all the edges of the base equally inclined to it. The station point is 55 mm in front
of PP, 70 mm above GP and lies in a CP which is 40 mm towards right of the axis.
May 2012(4) ECE

A circular lamina of diameter 50 cm is lying on the ground plane touching the picture plane. The station point is 50
cm above the ground plane, 60 cm in front of the picture plane and contained in the central plane which passes at
a distance of 40 cm from the center of the circle. Draw the perspective projection of the circle.

May 2012(1) CSE

39. A cylinder of base 50 mm diameter and axis 75 mm long has a coaxial square hole of 25 mm
side. The cylinder is resting on the ground, with its base parallel to PP and 10 mm behind it. The
faces of the hole are equally inclined to GP. The station point is 50 mm to the left of the axis of the
solid, 45 mm in front of PP and 70 mm above GP. Draw the perspective projection of the solid.

May 2012(2) CSE

40. A man of 1.8m height stands at a distance of 5 m from a fight of four stone steps having a
width of 2m, tread 0.3m and rise 0.2m. The flight makes an angle of 45 0 with the PP and touches
the same at a distance of 2 m to the right of the center of vision. Draw the perspective projection
of the flight.

May 2012(3) CSE

41. Draw the respective projection of a rectangular block of 3 m x 2 m x 1.5 m resting on
a horizontal plane with one side of the rectangular plane making an angle of 450 with VP.
The observer is at a distance of 6 m from the picture plane. Assume eye level as 1.5 m.
May 2012(4) CSE
42. A square pyramid of side of base 20 mm and axis 30 mm long rests with its base on
the ground plane such that one of its base sides is parallel to the picture plane and 10
mm in front of it. The station point is 40 mm in front of the picture plane, 15 mm to the
left of the axis of the pyramid and 60 mm above the ground. Draw the perspective
November/December 2012 (R9) EEE
43. Draw a perspective view with a square plane with a 50 mm side which stands
vertically on the GP with an edge parallel to and 10 mm behind the PP. The surface of

the plane is inclined at 300 to PP. The station point is 60 mm in front of PP, 65 mm above
GP and lies in a CP which is 55 mm towards right of the centre of the plane.
May2012 (1) EIE
44. A square pyramid of side of base 30 mm and axis 40 mm long rests with its base on the
ground plane such that one of its base sides is parallel to the picture plane and 10 mm in front of
it. The station point is 50 mm in front of the picture plane, 25 mm to the left of the axis of the
pyramid and 55 mm above the ground. Draw the perspective projection.

May2012 (2) EIE

45. A pentagonal plane with a 30 mm side lies on the GP with an edge parallel to and 20 mm
behind the PP. The station point is 50 mm in front of PP, 65 mm above GP and lies in a CP which
is at a distance of 40 mm towards right of the centre of the object. Draw its perspective view.

May2012 (3) EIE

46. A pentagonal plane with a 30 mm side stands vertically on the GP on an edge and a corner
touching the PP. The surface of the plane makes an angle of 30 0 with the PP. The station point is
60 mm in front of PP, 75 mm above GP and lies in a CP which is at a distance of 40 mm towards
right of the centre of the plane. Draw its perspective view.
May2012 (4) EIE

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