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Chapter 1
Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Sabrina, who had a terrible illness,cancer.
Despite this, she remained in good spirits especially since she lived with Madam Hicks, a
lovely woman who took Sabrina in as a baby, saving her from abandonment. But,she was very
unkind towards Sabrina.As the years passed, Sabrina grew to be sweet and kind, never losing
hope that one day her handsome prince charming would sweep her off her feet and take her
away.Showing her gratitude for saving her years ago Sabrina cooked, cleaned, did laundry
and other things for Madam Hicks accompanied by her best friend Jacque, a French frog.
Meanwhile, in the town there was news of a ball that would be held at the castle by the king
and queen. Who were determined to see their long lost daughter, hoping she would attend.

Chapter 2
Elsewhere, Jason a poor orphan wanted to find her in hopes there would be a reward. He held
private auditions to find the perfect girl to take to the ball but was quickly stopped by the
guards. They chased him through the village but lost him in a sea of people. Jason ran quickly
as he could throughout the forest and found a tiny cottage. Inside, Jason found Sabrina and
Jacque. Sabrina believed he was a prince and Jason acted like so. " Ah! I am prince Jason!"
He said "I've come looking for a lovely maiden to be my bride, you." Sabrina was excited with
joy she was going to be a princess, her Prince Charming had finally come! "You'll have to
meet my parents of course at the ball tonight" Jason told her "I'd love to" Sabrina replied. But
hesitated once it was time to leave, for Sabrina would never see Madam Hicks again, but this
could be her only chance at finding true love. And so she left,together Sabrina, Jason and
Jacque headed for the castle. Unaware that Madam Hicks heard their entire conversation and
became very angry. She wanted Sabrina back.
Chapter 3
On their journey to the castle, a strange man who was hired by Madam Hicks followed
Sabrina and the others who tried to take her away from them. Jason and the others fled to a
waterfall and jumped in as a way to lose him. Madam Hicks was very disappointed that the

man failed his duty and went to get Sabrina herself. At the castle, Sabrina and the others had
to change into something more suitable for the ball. As Sabrina tried on different dresses she
saw a portrait of the king and queen and their baby princess. She looked like Sabrina but had
long flowing hair. At the ball, everyone danced including Sabrina and Jason "I can't wait to
meet the king and queen," she said. "Neither can I," he said to himself. As evening fell, the
king and queen felt they would never see their daughter again. Until.... Jason presented
Sabrina as the long lost princess their daughter.
Chapter 4
But they were not pleased with her, for their daughter had hair and she did not. "Aren't you
their son, here to make me your princess?" Sabrina asked Jason confused "No I'm not," he
admitted "but you are their daughter you are a princess" he tried to tell her but Sabrina would
not hear it. She tearfully ran out of the castle and headed to the cottage followed by Jacque.
As for Jason he was sent to prison "she is your daughter!" He told the king and queen "look at
the painting" he said. The king and his queen took another look at the painting made long ago,
he was right Sabrina greatly resembled the baby princess. She was their daughter after all.
They had to get her back, fast!

Chapter 5
Elsewhere, Sabrina returned to the cottage with Jacque and found Madam Hicks angry with
her. "After all I've done for you, you run away with a prince" she said. "To go off and be a
princess!" she shouted. "But I'm not a princess" Sabrina argued as she then began to do her
chores. She entered Madam Hicks room and started dusting. She then found a small box
under her bed, inside was the same painting of the one in the village. Suddenly everything
made sense to Sabrina Madam Hicks took her from the king and queen years ago. But why
did she do it? Unaware Madam Hicks was in the room hiding in the shadows. "Mmm, you
found out did you?" She said frightening Sabrina. "Yes but why?" she asked. "Because I was
to marry your father and become a princess but he loved another-your mother. And so I took
you from him " If I couldn't be a princess neither will you!" She shouted as she revealed her
true self and magical powers. She was a witch! Just in time Jason burst in the cottage to save
Sabrina. Together he and Jacque used team work and used a mirror to block Madam Hicks

magic which zapped off the mirror and onto her making her disappear but so did Sabrina's
cancer, her hair instantly became long and flowing once more. The day was a success.
Sabrina returned to her parents who happily embraced their daughter after so long. But,
Sabrina would never have known she was a princess without Jason's help. Later, the two
married and everyone lived happily ever after.

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