Dredging & Disposal Project
Dredging & Disposal Project
Dredging & Disposal Project
Introduction .........................................................................................................7
Project description..............................................................................................8
The proponent ...............................................................................................8
The project .....................................................................................................8
Commonwealth approvals..........................................................................26
Evaluation of environmental effects................................................................28
Introduction .................................................................................................28
Coastal environment...................................................................................28
Reclamation area................................................................................................................ 28
Dredging ............................................................................................................................. 31
Dredge spoil disposalalternative locations...................................................................... 33
Coastal processes .............................................................................................................. 34
Marine water quality............................................................................................................ 37
Marine flora ......................................................................................................................... 46
Marine fauna ....................................................................................................................... 52
Terrestrial flora.................................................................................................................... 56
Terrestrial fauna.................................................................................................................. 57
Context................................................................................................................................ 60
Impacts on fisheries and boating ........................................................................................ 62
Cultural heritage ................................................................................................................. 65
Mineral resource deposits................................................................................................... 65
Potential impacts ..............................................................................................................102
Coordinator-Generals conclusionworld heritage properties.........................................111
10. Acronyms and abbreviations .........................................................................124
Appendix 1. Conditions...........................................................................................127
Schedule 1. Coordinator-Generals stated conditions for material change of use ....128
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.
Part 5.
Dredge Management Plan (DMP) (see Schedule 1, Part 2, and Schedule 3, Part 1) .131
Acid sulfate soils management plan (ASSMP).............................................................133
Water quality management ..........................................................................................135
Flora and fauna management plan (FFMP) .................................................................138
Construction and operations ........................................................................................141
List of Figures
Figure 1Project locality.......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2Project site ............................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3Reclamation area..................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4APLNG Option 1B and 2A dredge footprints........................................................................... 18
Figure 5North China Bay alternative TSHD rehandling site ................................................................. 19
Figure 6Seagrass and benthic fauna habitat distribution ..................................................................... 48
Figure 7Annual seagrass monitoring meadows 20022008 ................................................................ 49
Figure 8Road access to Fishermans Landing ..................................................................................... 69
Figure 9Noise sensitive receivers......................................................................................................... 77
Figure 10Proposed infrastructure corridor crossing The Narrows........................................................ 86
List of Tables
Table 1Staged timing of proposed capital dredging ............................................................................... 9
Table 2Comparison of APLNG dredge footprint Options 1B versus 2A............................................... 10
Table 3Comparison of dredge spoil disposal options........................................................................... 11
Table 4Submitters to draft TOR............................................................................................................ 21
Table 5Submitters to EIS ...................................................................................................................... 22
Table 6Submitters to SID...................................................................................................................... 23
Table 7Statutory approvals required for the WBDD Project ................................................................. 27
Table 8Potential impact to benthic habitats .......................................................................................... 47
Table 9Project construction traffic timing.............................................................................................. 67
Table 10Workforce directional volumes................................................................................................ 67
Table 11Shipping projections for proposed LNG industry proponents in the Western Basin .............. 71
Table 12Combined impacts of the projects on marine fish habitat....................................................... 92
Table 13Elements of the EMP .............................................................................................................. 98
Table 14Environmental Management Schedules of the draft EMP...................................................... 99
Table 15Dredge plume total suspended solids objectives .................................................................107
Table 16Comparison of dredge spoil disposal options....................................................................... 108
This Coordinator-Generals report for an environmental impact statement (EIS) provides an evaluation of
the potential environmental impacts of the Western Basin Dredging Project (WBDD Project or the
project). It has been prepared pursuant to section 35 of State Development and Public Works
Organisation Act 1971 (Qld) (SDPWO Act). The Department of Infrastructure and Planning (DIP)
managed the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process on my behalf in accordance with the
The Commonwealth and Queensland Governments have identified Gladstone as a port with the potential
to service large scale export oriented, resource processing and value adding industries. The close
proximity of Gladstones international port facilities is essential to the economic viability of the Gladstone
State Development Area (GSDA). The GSDA aims to attract industries by offering internationally
competitive operating costs and has the capacity to accommodate significant future industrial growth.
Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd (GPC) is responsible for the provision and maintenance of shipping
facilities and navigable channels, swing basins and berth pockets in the port. It is the proponent for this
project, which is proposed to accommodate the long-term dredging and dredged material disposal that is
required to provide safe and efficient access to the existing and proposed Gladstone Western Basin port
facilities (in Port Curtis, from Auckland Point to The Narrows). In particular the project would service the
emerging liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry in the Gladstone region.
The project includes:
capital and maintenance dredging associated with the deepening and widening of existing
channels and swing basins, and the creation of new channels, swing basins and berth pockets. A
maximum quantity of 42.3 million cubic metres (Mm3) of capital dredged spoil material is estimated
construction of a bunded reclamation area of approximately 235 hectares (ha), located
approximately 10 kilometres (km) north of Gladstone city, contiguous to the north of the proposed
153 ha Fishermans Landing Port Expansion project (FLPE), which I have approved as a separate
significant project (also by GPC).
The project is expected to require a total workforce of 225 people during the peak dredging period and an
expected construction workforce for the reclamation area of 30 to 40 people.
The capital cost of construction of the reclamation for the project is estimated at $343 million over 40
years. The cost of capital dredging has been estimated at $656 million.
The project is central to the Port of Gladstone Western Basin Master Plan, which I issued in late March
2010, to provide direction at a high level to government decision making on the cumulative scale and
nature of impacts of future industrial development in the Western Basin.
An initial advice statement (IAS) for the project was lodged with the Coordinator-General on 27 February
2009. I declared the project to be a significant project for which an environmental impact statement (EIS)
is required pursuant to section 26(1)(a) of the SDPWO Act on 24 April 2009.
On 18 May 2009, GPC referred the project to the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment, Heritage
and the Arts (referral number 2008/4904) for a determination as to whether the project would constitute a
controlled action under section 75 the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) (EPBC Act). On 18 June 2009, the Commonwealth Minister determined
that the project was a controlled action therefore assessment of the proposal under the EPBC Act is
required. The controlling provisions of part 3, division 1 of the EPBC Act for the proposed action are:
Sections 12 and 15A (world heritage properties)
Sections 15B and 15C (national heritage places)
Sections 18 and 18A (listed threatened species and communities)
Sections 20 and 20A (listed migratory species).
Draft terms of reference (TOR) for the EIS were advertised for public and advisory agency comment on
11 July 2009 inviting submissions until 10 August 2009. Seven submissions on the draft TOR were
The EIS was advertised for public and advisory agency comment on 14 November 2009, inviting
submissions until 18 December 2009. Nineteen submissions on the EIS were received.
Following compilation and analysis of the EIS submissions, it was determined that GPC must prepare a
supplementary information document (SID) to the EIS. The SID was made available to advisory agencies
and public submitters to the EIS from 27 April until 19 May 2010. Eight submissions on the draft SID were
In undertaking my evaluation of the potential environmental, social and economic impacts of the project, I
have considered the EIS, the supplementary information document (SID), issues raised in properly
made submissions relating to the EIS and SID, the draft environmental management plan (EMP) and
advice received on a range of key issues from state government agencies, Gladstone Regional Council
(GRC) and the Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA).
I am satisfied that the requirements of the SDPWO Act have been satisfactorily fulfilled and that sufficient
information has been provided to enable me to finalise the required evaluation of the potential impacts
attributable to the project.
Unconfined disposal in subtidal locations within the porthas the advantage of keeping the
material within the marine environment, however is not considered viable because deposited
material is likely to be transported into shipping channels, swing basins and berth pockets. This
would result in the need for more frequent capital dredging which has the potential to create greater
negative environmental impacts in the area. If this material was to be placed in a subtidal location,
it would require capping with an inert material to prevent it be remobilised. Such material is typically
a dredged sand. No clean sands suitable for the task exist in the immediate area.
Offshore disposal groundthe East Banks sea disposal area is currently used for maintenance
dredging material from the inner and outer harbour area, and has a licenced limit of 1.0 Mm3. It the
time of the EIS, the East Bank site was not thought to have the capacity to accommodate the total
volume of material proposed for capital and maintenance dredging.
Alternative reclamation areas within the portnear-shore environments throughout the port
generally have the same environmental values, supporting seagrass and fringing mangrove
communities and intertidal habitats, with some also supporting soft corals.
Onshore disposal area (terrestrial disposal)Hamilton/Boatshed Point and Laird Point disposal
sites were considered as part of the EIS. These two sites could accommodate up to 20 Mm3 of
dredged material if the retaining walls were developed to a height of approximately 15 metres.
However with a number of LNG proponents planning to use the sites for development in the Curtis
Island industry precinct, GPC prefers to avoid the placement of dredged material onshore that may
prevent these potential sites from being used by the LNG industry. Other onshore sites investigated
south of Fishermans Landing are impacted by the existence of the Stuart Oil Shale deposit and the
potential for alienation of the resource by the placement of spoil.
In its submission on the SID, DEWHA recommended that further consideration was required of alternative
dredge spoil disposal options, including a comprehensive assessment of alternative onshore disposal
options. GPC will present this information to DEWHA subsequent to this report.
Offshore disposal
GPC has a current sea dumping permit, under the Commonwealth Environment Protection (Sea
Dumping) Act 1981 (Sea Dumping Act) with a limit of 1.0 Mm3 that expires in 2012. During the
preparation of the EIS, offshore disposal was not considered an option mainly due to uncertainty
concerning the remaining capacity of the GPC East Bank offshore spoil ground. Subsequent to the EIS,
GPC resurveyed the spoil ground and ascertained that it has additional capacity of up to 15 Mm3. At the
time of this report, GPC was preparing an application for a sea dumping permit, for disposal of 810 Mm3.
The advantages of offshore disposal of 810 Mm3 of material at sea are that it would potentially reduce
the quantity of PASS requiring storage in the reclamation area; reduce the overall height of the
reclamation mound by approximately 10 m and the batter slope to a maximum of 1-in-10; and avoid or
significantly reduce the necessity for rehandling of dredged material extracted by trailing suction hopper
dredge (TSHD) thereby significantly reducing the incidence of turbid plumes and the area of impact on
nearby seagrasses.
However, this report does not assume approval of a sea dumping permit and assesses the potential
impacts of the project under the scenario as originally presented in the EIS and SIDthat is, all dredge
spoil material is to be placed within the reclamation area.
Alternative land-based disposal areas
Advice from the DIP State Development Areas Branch was that land-based disposal within the adjacent
Yarwun and Targinie precincts of the GSDA is not an option for consideration as any land currently
vacant is of high value and designated for future industrial development.
Disposal to sites further inland is impractical due to the considerable cost and energy requirements of
pumping spoil; treating it for salinity, PASS and other potential contaminants; and the inherent
environmental impacts of land-based disposal including clearing of native vegetation and disturbance of
surface and ground water hydrology.
Cumulative impacts
A cumulative impact assessment has been completed as part of the WBDD Project evaluation report.
4 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
Together, the FLPE project and the WBDD Project, would cause the majority of the impacts on the marine
environment of Port Curtis. Other activities of note that may occur over similar timeframes include the
Wiggins Island Coal Terminal (WICT) construction, the proposed pipelines crossing of The Narrows and
ancillary dredging needed for various LNG projects.
Given the cumulative nature of impacts caused by these various activities, and their expected timing, all
relevant projects are considered together taking into account their additive effects both spatially and
A strategic offset proposal has been provided by GPC to mitigate the residual impacts of the projects
under its controlthe WBDD, FLPE and WICT projects. In addition, the scope of the strategic offset
package has been widened to include the temporary impacts of the proposed construction of marine
facilities on Curtis Island and the installation of a co-located pipeline crossing of The Narrows.
The precise details of methodology, timing etc. of these projects cannot be accurately determined due to
the number of independently funded projects and their relative dependencies. The assessment provides
an indication of a realistic worst-case scenario and is used as the basis of the proposed offset package.
Given the potential for one or more projects not proceeding and the likelihood that mitigation strategies
will reduce actual impacts (compared to predictions), it is likely that an agreed offset package would be an
over-estimate of requirements. Monitoring programs will be designed to enable a comparison of actual
impacts against predictions and potentially adjustments of offsets.
Visual amenity
The reclamation proposal preferred by GPC included provision for a mound of dredge spoil material. This
form was adopted to contain the full volume of dredged material and minimise the areal extend of the
reclamation footprint. For a net capacity of approximately 55 Mm3 a mound with a maximum height of 60
metres (m) was initially proposed, with a slope of approximately 1:6 to enable effective management of
stormwater runoff, erosion and surface rehabilitation (vegetation). The mound would become a prominent
landscape feature of this locality.
The EIS provided an assessment of the potential visual impact of the reclamation mound, graphically
indicating its appearance during reclamation and following the progressive establishment of rehabilitation
planting. The mound is generally assessed to have a large adverse visual impact, however GPC intends
to examine options that mitigate the visual impact of the reclamation mound. This may include
rehabilitating the mound surface with vegetation, seeking to dispose of a proportion of the dredge spoil
material offshore in order to reduce the mound volume and height and using the land for industrial
I have stated conditions that require appropriate contouring and surface treatment of the reclamation to
minimise the visual impact.
If GPC obtains approval for offshore disposal of dredge spoil, the overall height and slope of the
reclamation mound will be reduced accordingly.
I consider that the proposed Western Basin Dredging and Disposal project is a central component of the
Port of Gladstone Western Basin development and is essential to the future development of maritime
industries and services in the Port of Gladstone and in particular for development associated with the
emerging LNG industries. Overall, there is a significant benefit for the Gladstone and Central Queensland
regions to be derived from the project.
I consider that the EIS process for the WBDD Project has addressed the environmental, social and
economic impacts of the project and the measures to be adopted to avoid, minimise, mitigate or offset the
impacts meet the requirements of the Queensland Government for impact assessment in accordance
with the provisions of Part 4 of the SDPWO Act.
Therefore, pursuant to section 52 of the SDPWO Act, I recommend that the Western Basin Dredging and
Disposal project, as described in detail in the EIS and SID, and summarised in section 2 of this report,
can proceed, subject to the conditions and recommendations contained in Appendix 1 of this report.
This report will be provided to the Commonwealth Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts,
pursuant to section 17(2) of the SDPWO Regulation to enable a decision on the controlled action for the
project pursuant to section 133 of the EPBC Act.
Colin Jensen
Date: July 2010
1. Introduction
This report provides my evaluation of the environmental impact statement (EIS) process for the Western
Basin Dredging and Disposal (WBDD Project) project proposed by the Gladstone Ports Corporation
Limited (GPC). It has been prepared pursuant to section 35 of the State Development and Public Works
Organisation Act 1971 (Qld) (SDPWO Act).
An initial advice statement (IAS, GHD report reference number 42/15386/51438) was lodged on 27
February 2009 and I declared the project was to be a significant project for which an EIS is required
under section 26(1)(a) of the SDPWO Act, on 9 April 2009.
On 18 June 2009, the project was determined to be a controlled action pursuant to section 75 of the
Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) (EPBC Act)
reference number EPBC 2009/4904. Under a bilateral agreement with the Commonwealth Government,
the Coordinator-Generals report will be used by the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment,
Heritage and the Arts to make an assessment of the controlled action for the purposes of the EPBC Act.
The purpose of this report is to:
summarise the key issues associated with the potential impacts of the project on the physical,
social and economic environments at the local, regional, state and national levels
present an evaluation of the project, based on information contained in the EIS, supplementary
information document, submissions made on the EIS and information and advice from advisory
agencies and other parties
recommend conditions under which the project may proceed.
In evaluating of the potential environmental, social and economic impacts of the project, I have
considered the EIS, the supplementary information document (SID), issues raised in submissions
relating to the EIS and SID, the draft environmental management plan (EMP), and advice received on a
range of key issues from state government agencies, Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) and the
Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA).
2. Project description
2.1 The proponent
The proponent for the WBDD Project is the GPC, which is a port authority under the Transport
Infrastructure Act 1994 and is responsible for managing the Port of Gladstone. GPC is a government
owned corporation under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth) and pursuant to the Government Owned
Corporations Act 1993. The shareholding Ministers (200809) for GPC are the Queensland Treasurer
and Minister for Employment and Economic Development, and the Queensland Minister for Transport.
The Port of Gladstone comprises six major port facilities including Boyne Smelter Wharf, South Trees
Wharf, Barney Point Terminal, Auckland Point Terminal (Port central), RG Tanna Coal Terminal and
Fishermans Landing.
Project components
The project is to accommodate the long-term dredging and disposal of dredged spoil material that is
required to provide safe and efficient access to the existing and proposed Gladstone Western Basin port
facilities (in Port Curtis, from Auckland Point to The Narrows), particularly for the emerging liquefied
natural gas (LNG) industry in the Gladstone region.
The project comprises:
capital and maintenance dredging associated with the deepening and widening of existing
channels and swing basins; and creation of new channels, swing basins, shipping berth pockets
and materials offloading facilities (MOFs) associated with proposed LNG projects on Curtis Island
(see Figure 2, project site)
a maximum volume of dredge spoil material of 42.3 million cubic metres (Mm3)
a reclamation site that is approximately 10 km north of Gladstone City (see Figure 1, Project
locality) and is accessed from Landing Road
disposal of spoil to a reclamation area of approximately 235 ha (see Figure 2.3, Reclamation area)
contiguous with and north of the proposed 153 ha northern expansion of Fishermans Landing
(Fishermans Landing Port Expansion projectFLPE), which is progressing as a separate
significant project (also by GPC). The FLPE site is designed to accommodate approximate 10 Mm3
of dredge spoil material
The project is expected to require a total workforce of 225 people during the peak dredging period and an
expected construction workforce for the reclamation area of 30 to 40 people.
The capital cost of construction of the reclamation for the project is estimated at $343 million over 40
years. The cost of capital dredging has been estimated at $656 million.
The reclamation proposed as part of the EIS includes provision for approximately 55 Mm3 of dredge spoil
material which results in a mound with a maximum height of 60 metres (m).
The project footprint is below the highest astronomical tide (HAT)that is, the high water mark)within
the Port of Gladstone Port limits. The site is within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
(GBRWHA) but is outside the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP).
The site is located adjacent to the Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) local government area, the
Gladstone State Development Area (GSDA) and the (state) Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park (under
the Marine Parks Act 2004).
The capital cost of construction of the reclamation for the project is estimated by GPC as $343 million
over 40 years. The cost of capital dredging has been estimated by GPC as $656 million.
The project is central to the Port of Gladstone Western Basin Master Plan (WBMP), which I issued in late
March 2010, to provide direction at a high level to government decision making on the scale and nature of
impacts of future industrial development in the Western Basin.
As mentioned, the assessment of the WBDD Project is occurring in parallel with the FLPE project. I
approved, in my EIS evaluation report dated 25 May 2010, that the FLPE may proceed. If the FLPE
reclamation area is approved during development assessment, then construction of a portion of the FLPE
bund wall may commence prior to any approval and construction for the WBDD Project. I am advised
that GPC intends to integrate the two projects with consequential savings on bunding and a more logical
and a more environmentally sensitive sequence of wall construction.
The EIS for the WBDD Project addressed the following activities:
construction of the outer bund wall from bluestone material sourced from a GPC-owned quarry
(subject to a separate approval)
capital and maintenance dredging from the nominated footprints, associated with new channels,
swing basins and berth facilities for the LNG industries; the deepening and widening of existing
access channels, swing basins, shipping berth pockets, and early works on marine offloading
facilities (MOFs) associated with proposed LNG projects on Curtis Island
placement of dredge spoil material into the proposed reclamation area
management of decant water
surface stabilisation
stormwater management upon completion of the reclamation.
The project includes a cumulative impact assessment of all of the dredging proposed for the LNG industry
and future GPC developments in the Western Basin. This includes the MOFs to support the various LNG
proponents on Curtis Island. However, the project does not include any marine works (such as
construction docks) subject to earlier works development applications by LNG proponents nor does the
project include any dredging associated with the LNG pipelines that may cross Kangaroo Island and The
Narrows (between Friend Point and Laird Point), which are or will be subject to separate environmental
assessment processes.
The reclamation area bund wall would be fully constructed prior to any dredge spoil disposal. Construction
was initially expected to take two years to complete but during the SID process GPC revised the schedule
to 24 hours per day seven days per week (24/7) to enable completion within 12 months.
The capital dredging would occur in stages and in locations at a rate commensurate with the needs of
industries. Operational works approvals would be sought for each stage as they are required. Table 1
(from EIS Table 1.2) shows the current likely timing for each stage (note that volumes are nominal
volumes to RL -13.0 m and do not include an overdredge allowance).
Table 1Staged timing of proposed capital dredging (see EIS Table 1.2, areas from EIS T.7-29,
revised volumes from SID s.4.1.2)
Stage 1A
Stage 1B
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage name
North China Bay Industrial Precinct.
Curtis Island LNG proponents
(including APLNG initial stages)
Fishermans Landing LNG
including GLNG Ltd
Laird Point
Fishermans Landing Development
Hamilton Pointincluding final
LNG developments
Stage description
Late 20102012 (2 years)
Late 20102012 (dredging
concurrently with Stage 1A)
2014 (follows Stages 1A and 1B)
To be determined (staged over a
number of years)
To be determined (staged over a
number of years)
Dredge volume
(with Stage 2)
Figure 2, project site, shows the spatial extent (footprint) of each dredge stage.
During the EIS process, Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) provided an addendum to its EIS, which
assessed two options for accessing its Laird point site and reduced further consideration to a single,
easterly alignment near Curtis Island effectively extending the alignment of the more southerly LNG
facilities. The report also informed the WBDD project to the extent of confirming and assessing potential
impacts associated with its dredging components, including berth pockets, MOF, access channel and
swing basins.
APLNG initially proposed two design options for its dredge footprintOptions 1B and 2A (see Figure
2.4)and provided information on the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each option,
which are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2Comparison of APLNG dredge footprint Options 1B versus 2A
Volume of additional dredge
Benthic disturbance
Maintenance dredging
Option 1B
West of North Passage Island.
Partially overlays WBDD
Project dredge Stages 2 and 3.
6.0 Mm3
Option 2A
East of North Passage Island.
Extends WBDD Project dredge
Stage 1A.
12.8 Mm3
75 ha
60 000 m3 /y
105 ha
103 000 m3 /y
Option 2A is preferred despite the additional volume of dredging required. Advantages include improved
vessel manoeuvring ability; consistency with planning for other proposed LNG developments on Curtis
Island; and less impact to recreational and commercial vessel access to The Narrows and Graham
Creek. In addition, Option 2A allows for the staging of the dredging. Option 1B required a longer trestle
extending seaward to the main shipping berths, which would involve more pile driving and disturbance of
mangroves. It would also have prevented recreational boat usage near Curtis island.
In April 2010, following the public EIS period, APLNG provided me with a design for the dredging required
to access its proposed temporary construction dock on Curtis Island and requested that I include this
revision in my assessment of the WBDD Project. Due to the lateness of this request, I have not
considered the proposal as part of my assessment and recommend that it be included as part of the
assessment for the APLNG project.
I am satisfied that, despite the additional dredge volume required for APLNGs preferred Option 2A
dredge footprint, this option would minimise overall environmental impacts, enable easier and safer
vessel manoeuvrability, and minimise recreational and commercial restriction within the Western Basin
and to The Narrows and Graham Creek. Therefore, I support the APLNG Option 2A dredging footprint
within the assessment and approval of the WBDD Project.
Currently, the port only has one existing channel, Targinie Channel that leads to Fishermans Landing. All
future landside developments in the Western Basin will require a new channel, swing basins and berths
for vessel access.
Dredging and dredge spoil disposal are required to facilitate vessel access for the potential LNG and
other GPC developments on Curtis Island and Fishermans Landing, to implement the WBMP and to fulfil
the industrial development purpose of the GSDA.
The EIS considered alternatives for industry locations (in particular LNG), alternative dredging footprints
and alternative dredged material disposal locations. The EIS considered the social, economic,
engineering and environmental benefits and disadvantages of the proposed alternatives.
The dredging footprint for the WBDD Project is largely dictated by shipping safety and operational
protocols and the location of the sites that are available for development in the port, particularly for the
LNG industry.
Section 1.4.2 of the EIS noted that the initial assessment of dredge spoil disposal options was made in
chapter 6 of the Port of Gladstone Western Basin Master Plan 1 (WBMP) that was prepared under section
10(2) of the SDPWO Act and that I endorsed in March 2010. The WBMP provides the strategic
framework for the development and cumulative assessment of potential impacts in the Western Basin.
Additional preliminary assessment of site spoil disposal options was carried out during preparation of the
GPC 50 Year Strategic Plan (GPC, 2008).
Chapter 1.7 and Table 1.4 of the EIS and section 3 of the SID provide an explanation of alternative
dredge spoil disposal options, including the advantages and disadvantages of those options and GPCs
rationale for selecting the reclamation area and its configuration for the disposal of spoil.
Nine submissions on the EIS queried the selection and evaluation of project alternatives. These are
addressed in section 3 of the SID.
In its submission on the EIS, DEWHA recommended that further consideration was required of alternative
dredge spoil disposal options.
Table 3 provides a summary comparison of the dredge spoil options presented by GPC during the EIS
Table 3Comparison of dredge spoil disposal options
Spoil disposal option
EIS s.1.7.2
Re-use of material
EIS T.1-4
Unconfined disposal in
subtidal zone
EIS T.1-4
Land-based disposal
EIS T.1-4
Driven by sites suitable for establishment
of land-based industries and their
shipping requirements.
Spoil contains mixed grades of material
making it difficult to separate and re-use.
Material grade is not consistent with
grades suitable for beach nourishment
Unconfined turbid plumes.
Remobilisation of sediments resulting in
Curtis Island:
Requires 15 m high retaining wall
Land use conflict with proposed Curtis
Island LNG developments
Minimised and optimised to
accommodate industry
Commercial sale benefit.
Mainland (GSDA):
Sterilisation of land in Yarwun Precinct,
fully committed for future industrial
Unsuitable, sloped topography of Targinie
Precinct coastal landforms. Significant
excavation and removal of material in
order to make flat.
Introduction of saline and PASS material
to terrestrial landscape
Environmental impact of vegetation
clearing, habitat disturbance and altered
ground and surface hydrology.
Cost, energy and logistics of longdistance pumping, and treating salinity,
PASS and other potential contaminants.
South of Fishermans Landing, potential
sterilisation of mineral resources.
Capacity of site is fully committed from
Offshore disposal of
approx 810 Mm3
EIS T.1-4
EIS T.1-4
capacity of
East Bank
avoid sea dumping, reclamation
and Cutis Island disposal.
Avoids reclamation.
Avoids offshore disposal.
Complements disposal of spoil
for WICT project
Avoids land-based disposal
environmental impacts.
Contiguous with existing
Fishermans Landing
reclamation and Fishermans
Landing Northern Extension
thereby limiting impact to one
part of the Western Basin.
Preliminary evaluation of
disposal options provided and
supported by Western Basin
Master Plan.
Not contiguous with existing
Avoids land-based disposal
environmental impacts.
Onshore disposal
Advice (to-date) from the DIP State Development Areas Branch was that land-based disposal of dredge
spoil within the adjacent Yarwun and Targinie Precincts of the GSDA is not an option for consideration as
any land currently vacant is of high value and designated for future industrial development.
A residue storage facility (RSF) location feasibility study 2 for the GSDA undertaken on behalf of the
Coordinator-General in 2007. The study investigated a range of sites throughout the GSDA to determine
their suitability for the storage of residue waste from industrial processes.
In essence, as residue is transported to fill areas through pipes in a slurry form and left to settle, there is
similarity in site options that would be investigated for potential to locate dredge spoil. Any fill areas will
have similar land/topographical requirements.
Nine sites within the GSDA were investigated for residue storage potential. Following analysis, it was
determined that due to a range of constraints, many of the sites studied are considered either unsuitable
or highly constrained for residue storage. An outline of each sites potential is included in the study report.
Disposal to sites further inland is considered impractical due to the considerable cost and energy
requirements of pumping spoil; treating it for salinity, PASS and other potential contaminants; and the
inherent environmental impacts of land-based disposal including clearing of native vegetation and
disturbance of surface and ground water hydrology.
Unconfined subtidal disposal was excluded as the turbidity impacts to benthic ecosystems were expected
to be unacceptable.
The site for the reclamation area adjacent to Fishermans Landing was selected in the context of the
strategic direction of the WBMP, in support of the development of emerging the LNG industry in
Gladstone and, in particular, the establishment of the Curtis Island LNG Precinct within the GSDA.
An options assessment was then undertaken on five reclamation configurations to arrive at the option that
was assessed in the EIS (EIS Figure 1.6). The final reclamation footprint was selected for the following
only the bay to the north is impacted
no land attachment to the north which is an environmentally sensitive area
intertidal exchange to the north is not impacted
recreational access to the northern embayment remains
reduced impact on seagrass colonies
reduced impact on discharge of creeks to the northern embayment
adequate flushing
reduced bund length
single land mass and simplified construction staging.
The disadvantage of this option compared to the other four is that the volume of dredge material to be
disposed of would require an increased height of reclamation in the form of a mound.
Further analysis of the dredge spoil disposal options is provided in sections 5.2.3 and of this
Offshore disposal
GPC currently disposes of dredge spoil from maintenance dredging at its East Banks Sea Disposal Site
(see Figure 1), which is permitted by the Commonwealth Government under the Commonwealth
Environmental Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 (Sea Dumping Act). The current sea dumping permit
has a limit of 1.0 Mm3 that expires in 2012.
Connell Wagner (2007): Gladstone State Development Area Residue Storage Facility Study, Final Report. Prepared
for the Coordinator-General, December 2007. Report reference number CW 26210-002.
Offshore disposal is considered with reference to the National Assessment Guidelines for Dredging
(NAGDDEWHA, 2009), which states that alternatives to offshore disposal must be evaluated in the first
instance, and opportunities for beneficial reuse, including land reclamation, must be considered where
The EIS initially considered that offshore disposal was not a viable option because it was thought the East
Bank disposal site had an available capacity of less than 1 Mm3 and therefore not available for capital
dredging; and further, that dumping of material may have unacceptable turbidity plume impacts, and that
the transport of material offshore would be uneconomic and possibly disruptive to other vessel traffic in
the port.
In its submission on the EIS, DEWHA considered that further detailed consideration was required for
alternative dredge disposal options, including sea disposal and a combination of sea disposal and land
reclamation. Further discussion on this topic is provided in chapter 8 of this report.
As a result of further investigation of its East Bank disposal site for the SID, which indicated additional
capacity for dredge spoil, GPC is preparing an application for a sea dumping permit for disposal of 810
Mm3 which will be assessed by DEWHA against the Sea Dumping Act. The advantages of offshore
disposal of this amount of spoil include reduced visual impact of the reclamation area; avoidance or
reduction of the amount of dredged material that may have to be rehandled, thereby reducing the
incidence of turbid plumes and area of impact on nearby seagrasses; and potential reduction of the
quantity of PASS material to be managed within the reclamation area.
In the absence of any new offshore dumping permit, this report assumes that all dredge spoil material
associated with the WBDD Project will be placed within the reclamation area and that management of any
impacts would represent a worst-case scenario, as presented in the EIS and supporting documentation.
Management and mitigation options presented by GPC in the EIS, SID and other documents for
assessment address this worst-case situation.
Further discussion on dredge spoil disposal is provided in sections 5.2.3 and of this report.
In accordance with the Commonwealth Minister's decision on the assessment approach, the project
requires assessment and approval under the EPBC Act. The Commonwealth Government has accredited
the Queensland state EIS process, conducted under the SDPWO Act, under a bilateral agreement
between the Australian and Queensland Governments. Under the bilateral agreement between the
Commonwealth Government and the State of Queensland, made under section 45 of the EPBC Act, if a
controlled action is a significant project for which an EIS is required under the SDPWO Act then the
project does not require assessment under part 8 of the EPBC Act.
Under part 4 of the SDPWO Act and the SDPWO Regulation, the Coordinator-General must ensure the
EIS assessment report assesses all relevant impacts that the action has, will have, or is likely to have and
provide enough information about the action and its relevant impacts to allow the Commonwealth Minister
to make an informed decision whether or not to approve the action under the EPBC Act.
The controlled action may be considered for approval under section 133 of the EPBC Act once the
Commonwealth Minister has received the Coordinator-Generals EIS evaluation report from the EIS
process prepared under section 35 of the SDPWO Act. This will enable the EIS to meet the impact
assessment requirements under both Commonwealth and Queensland legislation.
Local government
Commonwealth government
Public organisations
Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMRincluding Maritime
Safety Queensland (MSQ))
Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM)
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
(DEEDIincluding Fisheries Queensland)
Gladstone Regional Council (GRC)
Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the
Arts (DEWHA)
Capricorn Conservation Council Inc. (CCC)
Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA )
In finalising the TOR, the Coordinator-General considered all properly made submissions and other
submissions and information. The TOR were finalised and approved by the Coordinator-General for
presentation to the proponent on 8 September 2009.
and likely seasonal water level fluctuations) in the immediate vicinity of the Fishermans Landing
and the proposed WBDD Project reclamation area.
Public submissionsindividuals
Coffey Natural Systems (for Shell CSG (Australia) Pty Ltd)
Queensland Seafood Industry Association (QSIA)
Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal Pty Ltd (WICET)
Australia Pacific LNG
QER Group
Four general public submissions
QER Group
The SDPWO Act establishes the framework for environmental assessment of declared significant projects
in Queensland and is the controlling legislation for the project at the state level.
The approvals framework applicable to the project is set by the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) and
the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act).
SPA requires certain developments to be assessed for their environmental effects and to be approved.
Schedule 3 of the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 (SPR) and the relevant local planning
instrument determine the types of development requiring approval.
The EP Act provides for the approval of environmentally relevant activities (ERAs) and the dredge
management plan (DMP) applicable to the project.
The key approvals necessary for development of the project required under the SPA include:
a development permit for material change of use, and registration certificate for dredging
operations, that is an environmentally relevant activity (ERA 16, extractive and screening activities
i.e. dredging)assessed by DERM against the EP Act (refer to Schedule 1 of this report)
a development permit for operational works for tidal works comprising:
- dredgingassessed by DERM, as concurrence agency, against the Coastal Protection and
Management Act 1995 (Coastal Act) (refer to Schedule 2 of this report)
- bund wall constructionassessed by DERM, as concurrence agency, against the Coastal Act
(refer to Schedule 2 of this report)
- reclamation (disposal of dredge spoil)assessed by DERM, as concurrence agency, against
the Coastal Act (refer to Schedule 2 of this report)
- removal, destruction or damage of marine plantsassessed by DEEDI, as concurrence
agency, against the Fisheries Act 1994 (refer to Schedule 2 of this report).
DERM advised that approvals for dredging under the EP Act and operational works (tidal works) under
the Coastal Act would need to be completed following finalisation and approval of this CoordinatorGenerals report. In addition, the development application for operational works (tidal) would be
accompanied by a DMP (see section 7.2 of this report).
I note that GPC does not intend to seek approval for the DMP under section 89 of the Coastal Act.
Rather, the DMP will be considered as part of the development approval for operational works (tidal).
The statutory approvals for the project are summaries in Table 7.
The area of the proposed reclamation is within the GPCs strategic port land (SPL). Under Schedule 3 of
the SPR, development on SPL that is consistent with a Strategic Port Land Use Plan approved under the
Transport Infrastructure Act is exempt from assessment against a local government planning scheme.
Therefore, this project is exempt from assessment by GRC against its planning scheme and GPC is the
assessment manager.
The Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 defines ERAs that could be associated with the
construction and operation of infrastructure.
The EP Act requires that any person carrying out an ERA must hold or be acting under a registration
certificate for the activity. It is an offence to carry out an ERA unless the person is a registered operator
for the activity or is acting under a registration certificate for the activity.
The dredging operations required for construction of the project and maintenance of navigation channels
is classified as ERA 16 extractive and screening activities consisting of dredging a total of 1000 tonnes
or more of material from the bed of naturally occurring surface waters in a year.
DERM is the assessment manager agency for development approval for undertaking ERAs pursuant to
the EP Act and has provided conditions for ERA 16 which are included at Appendix 1, Schedule 1 of this
As mentioned in section 4.1.1, in addition to a development permit under SPA for a material change of
use for ERA 16 (dredging), the project would require a development permit under SPA for operational
works for tidal works comprising:
dredgingassessed by DERM, as concurrence agency, against the Coastal Act
bund wall constructionassessed by DERM, as concurrence agency, against the Coastal Act
reclamation (disposal of dredge spoil)assessed by DERM, as concurrence agency, against the
Coastal Act
removal, destruction or damage of marine plantsassessed by DEEDI, as concurrence agency,
against the Fisheries Act.
DERM advised that approvals for dredging under the EP Act and operational works (tidal works) under
the Coastal Act would need to be completed following finalisation and approval of this CoordinatorGenerals report. In addition, the development application for operational works (tidal) would be
accompanied by a DMP.
In practice, both DERM and DEEDI would assess the development application against a suite of
information provided by GPC, including the EIS and SID, this report, and key operational plans such as
the EMP, DMP and supporting management plans for acid sulfate soils, water quality, and flora and
The removal of quarry material from state coastal land below high water mark in a coastal management
district under the Coastal Act is regulated by means of either a resource allocation or a DMP approved
under the Coastal Act. This applies to the removal of quarry material as part of the capital dredging
associated with tidal operational works including dredging.
An application for a quarry material allocation (or an application for approval of a voluntary DMP under
section 89 of the Coastal Act) would be made by the proponent prior to obtaining development permits for
material change of use (ERA 16) and operational works (tidal works).
Section 75 of the Coastal Act sets out the assessment criteria for deciding an application for quarry
material resource allocation. These criteria include:
relevant policies of the state and regional coastal management plans
impacts on the physical integrity of river bed and banks
impacts on water quality and ecological values
impacts associated with placement of the dredged material
economic and social implications
views of the local government and the Regional Harbour Master.
Part 4, division 7 of the SDPWO Act applies to my evaluation of the project. This EIS evaluation report
may state conditions under section 39 or 47C of the SDPWO Act, may make recommendations under
section or 52 of the SDPWO Act, or impose conditions under part 4, division 8 of the SDPWO Act, for the
undertaking of the project.
Appendix 1, Schedule 1 provides my stated conditions that apply to a development approval for material
change of use for ERA 16 (i.e. dredging).
Appendix 1, Schedule 2 provides my stated conditions for operational works (tidal works) for dredging,
bund wall construction and reclamation, disturbance of marine plants, and includes conditions that apply
to a DMP and other associated plans.
Appendix 1, Schedule 3 provides my imposed conditions that apply to the project.
The conditions provided in Appendix 1 do not limit the assessment managers power to assess the
development application and impose conditions not inconsistent with the conditions in Appendix 1.
ERA 16Dredging
Bund wall construction
Land reclamation (dredge
spoil disposal)
Removal, destruction or
damage of marine plants
requires an EIS
Resource allocation
Native Title
Possible effects on
endangered, vulnerable,
or rare wildlife, or the
habitat on which that
wildlife depends
Creation of land
(land reclamation)
Project response
Development permit for material
change of use, and registration
certificate for ERA 16 (dredging), and
dredge management plan.
Development permit for operational
works for tidal works.
Reclamation area
The proposed reclamation area is a 235 ha extension of an existing reclamation and shipping berth facility
at Fishermans Landing and an approved (but as yet not constructed) 153 ha extension of the existing
Fishermans Landing facility. The proposed reclamation area experiences a 2.5 m tidal range and a
minimum water depth of about 2.9 m. Most of the area to be reclaimed supports seagrass meadow that is
significant as habitat for marine species.
The proposal includes retention of a 2188 m long (total area 9 ha) tidal channel between western bund of
the reclamation area and the mangrove-lined foreshore. The EIS notes that this area is likely to be
permanently altered by the proposed development due to changes in tidal flushing and consequent
The EIS (section 2.3.4) indicated that approximately 1.8 Mm3 of bluestone rock material for construction of
the bund walls would be sourced from the GPC-owned quarry on Guerassimoff Road, approximately 4
km from Fishermans Landing. The bluestone would be extracted and screened at the quarry site to
provide the correct sizing for bund wall construction. In its submission on the EIS, DERM recommended
that only clean rock with fine particles (less than 12 millimetres (mm)) removed should be used for the
proposed revetment and bunding. I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5) that require
the proponent to adhere to specifications for the bund design, materials, construction and management.
The same quarry, haul route option and screen size provisions for bund rock material were set for the
FLPE project.
Three haulage options (including two involving construction over eight hours per day, Monday to Friday
and one 24/7 were considered in the EIS and SID. These are addressed in more detail in section 5.4
28 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
(Transport and traffic) of this report. The latter option is preferred by GPC because of the very tight timeframe for completing the reclamation site.
The EIS stated that the bund would be constructed with a core of smaller rock and the outer face of the
bund wall would be protected from the action of waves by armour rock. However, it is recognised that
alternate configurations (based on the distribution of rock size) may be proposed by contractors. GPC has
stated that geotextiles would be used to minimise the movement of fines through the bund walls.
In its submission on the SID, DERM noted that no details were provided on the nature of the geofabric to
be used (particularly the fabrics pore size) or its location in the bundfor example, at the core or laid
over the inside of the walland recommended that this information should be provided with a
development application for construction of the reclamation bund walls and with an acid sulfate soils
management plan (ASSMP) for construction of the reclamation area and management of dredge spoil
containing PASS. I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5) that requires the proponent
to specify the characteristics of the geofabric to be used in the construction of the reclamation area.
If the FLPE is constructed first, it will define the eastern boundary of the WBDD Project reclamation area
and, instead of requiring 2187 m of rock wall bund with armouring, the eastern wall would only involve a
300 m extension of the FLPE eastern wall. Similarly, the northern and western bund walls of the FLPE
may not require armouring as these walls would be within the WBDD bunded area.
The SID provided further advice on the nature and timing of the reclamation. In particular, the FLPE will
commence as soon as practicable and, if approved, the current WBDD Project proposal would be
integrated with that project.
The height of the bund walls would be relative level (RL) 7 m port datum 3 . The bund would have a crest
width of 10 m to allow for construction machinery and vehicles to operate along the bund wall as it is
being constructed and a further 5 m width of armouring on the northern and eastern external faces and
4.5 m of armouring on the western external face. Armouring details are current at SID stage and may vary
subject to final design works being carried out.
Once the bund wall is complete and enclosed, dredged material would be pumped into internally bunded
cells within the reclamation site. The bund would be filled using capital and maintenance dredge material.
The SID indicated that, when fully constructed, the proposed reclamation area would contain:
42.3 Mm3 of capital dredge spoil
4 Mm3 sourced from the dredging for the FLPE project and
approximately 6 Mm3 sourced from dredging requirements of other projects and future port-related
dredging activities.
The net capacity of the reclamation area, excluding bunds (both internal and external) and capping
requirements would be approximately 55 Mm3.
The EIS stated that cells would be capped with material sourced from the existing quarry overburden and
that the capping would be completed progressively on completion of filling with dredge spoil. The capping
would then be grassed. In this regard, GPC must maintain the grass to ensure its success until final uses
of the reclamation area have been determined.
The EIS did not provide specifications for the quarry overburden. Therefore, I have stated conditions
(Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5) that requires the proponent to specify the permeability and chemical
stability to ensure containment of ASS fill. Longer term stabilisation through grassing may require surface
treatment of the capping and I have also stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5) that require
the proponent to address the longer term stabilisation of the reclamation mound through surface
In addition, I have stated condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5) that requires the proponent to
specify the approach to be taken to achieve a stable vegetation of the finished surface and all surface
drainage paths for stormwater until future land use of the reclaimed area has been established. When
future industries develop on the final reclamation, they will be required to install appropriate stormwater
The height of the tide (expressed as metres and decimals) is referred to as the port datum (lowest astronomical tide
(LAT) datum). See EIS, Appendix M, Table 3-1.
management measures to manage both clean and potentially contaminated stormwater on their sites
through the relevant development approvals processes.
The SID stated that completion of the reclamation area would be determined by the rate of development
of Gladstone Harbour, estimated to be about 15 years.
Stormwater runoff from completed areas of the reclamation would be directed via grassed channels to
weir boxes and settlement ponds to manage the quality of tail-waters and stormwater prior to discharge
into the harbour (EIS, section 2.4.3).
The SID indicated that the final reclamation area stormwater management network would have several
discharge points and appropriate treatment measures, including a major pond and discharge in the northwest corner of the reclamation area. GPC agreed to move the dredge spoil decant outfall to the northeast corner of the reclamation area during dredging to comply with DERM recommendations.
GPC has not provided any detail of the structural details or layout of internal cell construction, deferring
this advice until the DMP has been completed (SID, section 4.1.5).
The EIS indicated that climate change- induced sea level rise has been taken into consideration in
determining the design wave heights for the rock armour for the bund. The rock armour has also been
designed for extreme wave conditions with an average return interval of 50 years as recommended by
DERMs operational policy for building and engineering standards for tidal works.
DERM has made several comments on the content of the EIS and the SID, in particular regarding the
reclamation area, stormwater management arrangements and the potential for failure of surface
In particular, DERM expressed concern regarding:
capacity of the reclamation area to accept the quantity of dredge spoil
ASS management principles, including testing and monitoring for the reclamation area
height proposed for location of PASS material (above mean low water)
design of the external bund - to retain the spoil/prevent seepage of ASS
geotextile specification and its location in or on the surface of the bund
mud wave caused by bund wall on soft substrates
management of decant water and location options for its discharge
potential scouring or the bund
stabilisation of the mound and erosion potential
the potential for formation of monosulphides in the western tidal channel
stormwater management and discharge arrangements.
Several other submissions on the EIS were concerned with the capacity of the reclamation area,
alignment of the eastern wall, the layout of the internal cells within the reclamation area, internal bunds,
capping of dredge spoil and stormwater management.
Potential impactssummary
The EIS noted that the potential impacts that may result from the construction of the bund wall include:
as rock is placed onto the seabed, soft sediments would be remobilised in the water column. Soft
sediments would also be pushed out the front and sides of the bund wall which is likely to result in
the generation of a mud wave
the turbid plume would reduce light penetration over the adjacent seagrass beds (however, these
seagrasses experience elevated turbidity on a regular basis due to natural tidal re-suspension of
the soft seabed sediments)
while it is likely that any disturbed sediments that deposit over the seagrass beds would be
remobilised and transported away from the tidal flats during tidal movements and elevated wave
30 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
conditions, the construction operation is likely to continue 24/7 and for a period of between 12 and
18 months
the 24/7 construction schedule would suggest that the effected seagrass beds would receive no
respite from sediment deposition for 12 to 18 months
increased tidal currents at the northern end of the bund wall on both ebbing and flooding tides. This
is anticipated to initially increase turbidity through increased scour of the soft seabed sediments at
this location
changes to hydrodynamics which may result in changes to the flushing efficiency of the area,
thereby impacting on water quality
restricted access for recreational, indigenous and commercial fishing in the area
complete loss of marine vegetation within the footprint of the reclamation
corresponding loss of benthic habitat.
GPC has responded to these issues satisfactorily, except in relation to the issue of capping and
vegetating the completed cells and mound.
I have considered the issues raised in the submissions and further considered in the SID. I am satisfied
that the conditions listed in Appendix 1 adequately deal with these issues.
Dredging requirements
The WBDD Project proposes capital and maintenance dredging from the nominated footprint (see Figure
2, Project site), associated with the deepening and widening and northern extension of existing access
channels, swing basins, shipping berth pockets, and early works including marine offloading facilities
(MOFs) associated with proposed LNG projects on Curtis Island.
Capital dredging required for the WBDD Project is summarised in Table 1. Maintenance dredging would
account for a further 10 Mm3.
In this regard I have noted elsewhere in this report that on-going silting of some of the dredged channels
is likely to be around 250 000 m3 per year. Thus, the provision for 10 Mm3 would be adequate for the
projected life of the LNG development and production program. Provision for longer term placement of
maintenance dredge spoil is not considered to be a part of this project and has not therefore been
considered in this report.
Dredging process
In its submission on the EIS, DERM indicated that the EIS did not provide sufficient detail on the
characteristics of the dredge material, type of dredges to be used, the dredging rate, or the mode of
operation (overflow or non-overflow) for the dredging activity. In response, the SID indicated that 8090
per cent of dredging is likely to be by way of cutter suction dredge (CSD), with trailer suction hopper
dredge (TSHD) as an option, if needed (based on technical and transport requirements). Backhoes are
also likely to be used. The EIS stated that further detailed information on the dredging program would be
provided with the relevant operational works applications together with detailed dredge management plan
for such works.
Suitable backhoe dredges may also be used in the shallower areas and during the early works stages.
Backhoe dredges would be used in conjunction with the offshore disposal site.
The EIS stated that the proposed dredging regime would directly affect 902 ha of benthic habitat and
modelling indicated that an additional 5416 ha could be indirectly affected by dredge plumes. The direct
and indirect impacts of the dredge plume on the marine ecology are discussed in section 5.2.6 of this
The SID provided more detailed description of the likely dredging operational regime and identifying the
nature of the substrates. Particular concerns about the potential extent of the dredge plume generated by
different dredging equipment were assessed in more detail.
DERM has reviewed the SID and submitted draft conditions to apply to an environmental authority for the
dredging activity and for a development permit for operational tidal works. These are included in Appendix
1 of this report at Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 respectively.
The SID stated that the required dredging equipment is available on the world market but its availability
cannot be guaranteed before contracts have been settled (SID, section 5.5.6).
A combination of dredgesCSD, TSHD and backhoeis likely. The DMP would address:
type and duration of dredges
trigger values (especially those at the site of any decanting, and at sensitive areas likely to be
disposal methods associated with each dredge type
actions should any trigger values be exceeded.
Bottom dumping by trailing suction hopper dredges of some of the plastic clay dredge spoil in the project
area as an interim activity prior to its placement in the reclamation area. This activity has the potential to
cause significant turbidity issues during dumping, which could extend the area of impact over seagrass
beds and other benthic communities.
DERM has expressed similar concerns in its review of the SID, stating that the major contributors to
sediment loading to waters and, therefore, impact on water quality and aquatic ecosystems are:
use of TSHD in overflow mode
bottom dumping of spoil from the TSHD off Fishermans Landing and re-handling using a CSD for
placement in the reclamation area.
DERM recognised that use of TSHD and overflow dredging cannot be eliminated for technical reasons
relating to distance between the dredging and the reclamation area. However, rehandling of TSHD spoil
in order to transfer material to the reclamation area can be substantially reduced by offshore disposal of
this material or if rehandling is necessary then it should not occur offshore from Fishermans Landing. A
firm commitment to no rehandling would give much greater certainty to the modelling of turbidity and
impacts on seagrass communities.
Similarly, in its submission on the EIS, DEEDI expressed concern at bottom dumping and rehandling
using TSHD, recommending that the technique should be avoided wherever practicable and, even then,
should not occur during flood tides.
DEEDI reinforced the importance of the preparation of the DMP for this project, recommending that the
following provisions should also be included in the DMP:
details of the frequency and location of monitoring
a set of appropriate minimum light requirements for the seagrass communities likely to be impacted
modelling and monitoring of dredge plumes and the resulting light levels reaching seagrass
sub-lethal indicators of seagrass health that would allow detection of stress in seagrass
communities and would trigger the implementation of mitigation strategies
detailed mitigation measures that would provide appropriate respite for seagrass communities,
preventing mortality.
GPC is unable to confirm availability of an appropriate sea dumping area at this stage, although
application has been made for offshore disposal of this spoil. Therefore, I must consider the impact of
the bottom dumping and rehandling activities.
While I acknowledge that some of this information is not currently available, detailed environmental
management plans for dredging will be made available to DERM prior to and for consideration in the
context of applications for works..
I note GPC has committed to ensure dredging activities would be managed in accordance with the
requirements of the Queensland Acid Sulfate Soil Investigation Team Guidelines in the Queensland Acid
Sulfate Soils Technical Manual Soil Management Guidelines and the NAGD. The SID also indicated that
a habitat monitoring program would be tied into the dredging program for the project and refined during
the planning of the dredging activities as part of the DMP. I also note the intention to adopt an adaptive
management plan overseen by a technical reference panel.
Potential impactssummary
The primary impact of dredging occurs in the direct destruction of the sea bed where dredging must
occur. The design and footprint of such dredging is defined by the declared uses of the harbour and port
facilities. I consider that GPC has prepared the proposal in a manner that minimises unnecessary direct
destruction of seagrasses and other benthic communities. However, the dredging activities must also be
considered in terms of the:
proposed dredging equipment and techniques
timing of activities
safeguards that can be applied to minimise the risk of secondary (or indirect) impacts
unavoidable impacts.
Potential secondary impacts of the dredging and decanting activities for the project extend much further
than the dredging footprint. Secondary impacts include changes in the water column such as elevated
turbidity and mobilised chemicals that can be attached to the colloidal particles and deposition of
sediment that can overwhelm benthic organisms, altering the health and productivity of fish and marine
mammal habitat areas adjacent to the reclamation area.
The EIS indicated that:
variable turbidity regimes in the project area suggest that existing seagrass species distributions
are adapted to temporal changes in turbidity
the presence of healthy seagrasses in the vicinity of the Port of Gladstone indicates that the
seagrass meadows can co-exist with the port activities and development
significant impacts may occur affecting the taxonomic composition and/or biomass of meadows
when the severity or duration of any particular impact exceeds levels of natural variation.
Seagrass has a light requirement of between 15 and 25 per cent (depending on species) of surface
irradiance to maintain key physiological processes. The reduction in light due to turbidity plumes from
dredging appears to be a key factor in seagrass mortality in Australia.
The EIS stated that the mangrove communities in the vicinity of the project are adapted to the turbid near
shore environments. The expected turbid plume from the Targinie Channel and Fishermans Landing
swing basin dredging and decanting from the reclamation is not expected to substantially increase
turbidity along the shoreline where there are mangroves within the project area.
Potential impacts of dredging on water quality are discussed in more detail in section 5.2.6 of this report.
The decision to develop the proposed reclamation area was initially taken during the 1980s with
establishment of the Fishermans Landing port facility. At that time an appreciation of natural attributes of
Port Curtis as a harbour and Gladstones strategic importance for Queenslands industrial development
were guiding principles.
In May 2010, I approved a proposal to extend the port facility provided by Fishermans Landing. When
completed, the reclamation would provide additional land to support the future construction of six wharves
for the development of transport, storage, loading and unloading facilities.
The development also addressed proposed capital dredging to deepen and widen the Targinie Channel
and Fishermans Landing swing basin, which provides shipping access to the current Fishermans
Landing reclamation. The reclamation area would also provide a disposal location for other future portrelated dredging activities.
In considering the FLPE proposal I reviewed the primary effects of the development on the hydrology
and ecology of the locality. In this respect the current reclamation area is an infill extension on the
landward side of an approved development. The new reclamation area has a larger footprint that would
result in destruction of a significant area of seagrass and other benthic habitat. The ecological impacts
have been considered elsewhere in this report.
Section 2.3.2 of the EIS provided an assessment of alternative dredged material disposal locations.
Further analysis of the dredge spoil disposal options is provided in sections 2.4.2 and of this
Taking into consideration all options discussed in the EIS, I consider the proposed Western Basin
reclamation area, as shown in Figure 2 of this report, to be the most suitable option available for disposal
of capital dredge material for this and other projects and future maintenance dredging activities of the
Coastal processes
The marine environment of the project area is not homogeneous and it includes relatively shallow
embayments with a heterogeneous mosaic of soft sediment, rocky reef, coral, seagrass and algae, with
variable water depths partitioned by islands, mud banks and channels.
The project area is sheltered by Curtis Island and Facing Island to the east and south-east. To the north
of the project area is The Narrows, which is a narrow but navigable waterway between the mainland and
Curtis Island that forms a complex system of creeks, mudflats and mangrove habitats.
Numerical modelling was undertaken for the EIS (EIS, chapter 6 and Appendix J) to describe the existing
tidal hydrodynamic processes of Port Curtis and to understand the circulation, wave conditions, flushing
patterns, turbid dredge plume dispersion and sedimentation processes across the project area. The
model was used a tool to quantify the physical processes and to assess the potential impacts of proposed
dredging and reclamation works for the project.
Two-dimensional (2D), depth averaged, calibrated and validated modelling (TUFLOW-FV) was
undertaken, which was selected to be appropriate for the high energy, macro-tidal and well-mixed
conditions of Port Curtis (EIS, section 6.7).
The model mesh covered an area of approximately 635 km2 extending a reach of approximately 80 km
from Richard Point in the south-east to Division Point in the north-west (EIS section 6.6.1 and Figure 6.2).
Simulations were carried out to represent a two month period using tidal boundaries derived from data
recorded in February and March 2009, selected to include large spring tides and small neap tides.
A sensitivity analysis comparing 2D to 3D modelling showed that there was only marginal improvement in
results using the more complicated 3D model. The SWAN wave modelling package was used for wave
assessments and was linked to TUFLOW-FV as required. The model bathymetry was based on digital
elevation modelling of the port derived from various existing survey data.
Several hydrodynamic modelling scenarios were also investigated in order to provide an assessment of
the combined impacts of tides, waves and winds and a 100 year average return interval flood event in the
vicinity of the proposed marina and channel dredging works.
The modelling was undertaken for a base case and three development scenarios containing four stages
of dredging and the proposed reclamation (EIS, Table 7-17):
Base case existing channels + recent dredging at Fishermans Landing + proposed Wiggins
Island Coal Terminal dredging
Scenario 1 base case + Stage 1A (Clinton Bypass channel dredging + Curtis spur channel and
China Bay swing basins dredging) + Stage 1B commenced (initial Targinie Channel and
Fishermans Landing swing basin dredging) + Western Basin reclamation area completely
Scenario 2 scenario 1 + Stage 1B completed (additional dredging of Targinie Channel and
Fishermans Landing swing basin) + Stage 2 (Channel extension to Laird Point and swing basin)
34 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
Coastal morphology
The existing reclamation at Fishermans Landing was constructed in the early 1980s and consists of a
perimeter bund armoured on the outside with a widely graded rock. The perimeter bund has formed a
stable revetment for the existing reclamation, as well as providing an abutment for the approved FLPE
and the proposed WBDD Project. The closest channel to Fishermans Landing is the Targinie Channel,
which provides shipping access to the four berths that use the existing reclamation for their connecting
infrastructure (conveyors, pipelines, services and access). Currently, the Targinie Channel is 120 m wide
and is maintained to a depth of -10.6 m LAT through maintenance dredging.
Port Curtis has a relatively high tidal range and tidal compartment producing tidal currents up to 1.5 m/s in
the main channels and up to 0.3 m/s in some of the shallower areas. These velocities are capable of
moving large amounts of sediment depending on the water depth and wave action. In deep areas, tidal
currents are the dominant force for sediment movement and in shallower areas, where tidal currents are
smaller, it is the combination of wave action and tidal currents that is important.
Wave climate
The EIS included an analysis of the wave climate (EIS, Appendix M, section 3.1.2). The wave climate was
calculated at seven points of reference around the proposed project site for both the existing and
developed scenarios (reclamation and dredging). Results have been provided for a range of windgenerated wave conditions including significant storm and cyclones. Overall the report concluded that the
reclamation and the dredging works would have negligible effect on high tide levels and relatively minor
effects on low tide levels, except in the channel on the western side of the reclamation.
Tidal currents
Modelling of the hydrodynamics for the proposal is presented in the EIS (Appendix M, section 4).
The report suggested that the reclamation would affect the hydrodynamics of the harbour through a
reduction in the tidal prism and obstructing flows that previously flowed across its footprint area. In turn
this leads to flows downstream of the reclamation area and an increase in flow rates adjacent to the
reclamation caused by a reduction in the cross-sectional area leading up to The Narrows.
The modelling undertaken for the EIS showed that the most noticeable effect of the reclamation and
dredging on the tidal flow occur to the north of the proposed FLPE, where increases in tidal velocities are
evident on both the ebb and flood flows. In an area where the base case velocities are a maximum of
around 0.3 m/s, increases to 0.6 m/s and 0.8 m/s have been calculated for the ebb and flood tide flows
respectively. These maximum velocities occur adjacent to the northern extent of the reclamation.
Increased velocities occur over the area of the embayment to the north of the proposed FLPE, gradually
tapering off to base-case conditions approaching Friend Point.
There is expected to be an increase of up to 0.3 m/s in the velocities in the main channel north of the
existing reclamation for both ebb and flood flows. This can be attributed to the narrowing of the waterway
due to the reclamation. Another noticeable effect is the reduction of around 0.3 m/s in the flows (depth
averaged) in the vicinity of the existing Fishermans Landing berths under both ebb and flood flow
conditions. Comparing the with/without dredging cases, it is evident that this reduction is directly
attributable to the increased water depths from dredging of the channel.
Some minor impacts are also expected along the main channel south-east of Fishermans Landing and in
between the small unnamed island opposite RG Tanna coal terminal. These differences are all less than
0.2 m/s and are not considered to be significant compared to the maximum tidal velocities, which reach
1.5 m/s in this area under existing conditions.
To the east of the proposed FLPE, the effects on the tidal flows are relatively small and can be attributed
to the increased water depths as a result of dredging. However, the increased velocities at the northern
end of the reclamation are much more significant as the tidal flows into the embayment to the west and
the mangrove areas to the north-west are squeezed through a much smaller opening than currently
Water levels
The EIS indicated that the modelling undertaken for the project reveals that there is no significant
difference in the predicted water levels between the reclamation only and the reclamation with dredging
The EIS reported no significant difference in water levels for any of the developed cases in comparison to
the base case for any of the locations in the main harbourAuckland Point, Fishermans Landing berth
and the entrance to The Narrows.
The naturally occurring tidal range at the Standard Port location (Auckland Point) is 4.69 m. At The
Narrows the range is stated to be between 5 and 6 m. Only minor changes to tide levels are expected.
Some of the expected minor changes include:
the level of low tide has been increased by around 0.4 m and the time of low is about one hour
later, close to the western side of the reclamation area, at the north-east tidal flat
increases to low tide levels greater than 0.02 m are generally restricted to the shallower inter-tidal
and subtidal flat areas in the immediate vicinity north and west of the project site.
Coastal sedimentation
The EIS contained details of the impacts of the proposed development on silt and sediment transport in
Gladstone harbour.
The EIS Addendum (section 3.3) reported on the modelling assessment of sediment transport and
potential impacts. Generally:
sand transport potential is confined to the dredged channels
the rate of sand transport is decreased due to a reduction in velocities.
Modelling predicts an increase in the net sediment transport in the ebb tide direction in the main channel
adjacent to the reclamation and reduction in the swing basin area off Fishermans Landing. Increases in
the net sand transport potential are also predicted near the north-western and north-eastern corners of
the reclamation area. The calculations indicate the potential for scour in these areas, particularly as the
sediments in these areas are relatively fine. The scoured material is likely to be deposited in the swing
basin that services the existing Fishermans Landing berths. Therefore, there is potential for an increase
in the maintenance dredging required in the swing basin after the reclamation has been constructed,
although it is difficult to quantify the increase as it depends on the availability of material for transport.
Material scoured from the north-west corner is likely to be carried into and deposited in the area between
the reclamation and the mainland. At the north-east corner the net transport is towards the main channel
and hence material scoured from this area is likely to be deposited in the channel.
Table 11-11 in the EIS provided a summary of potential indirect impacts on benthic soft sediment seabed
communities due to predicted changes in physical processes. The impacts are:
area potentially impacted by increased deposition (predicted from decreased bed shear stress)
29.02 ha
36 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
potential area of increased scouring (predicted from increased bed shear stress)115.33 ha
area where water level is predicted to change at low tide246.23 ha
total area of potential indirect impact (excluding areas that overlap)461.52 ha.
A potential decrease in water quality (discussed previously) and predicted changes in the hydrodynamic
regime (tidal velocities, bed shear stress and water levels) around the project site are expected to
indirectly impact on seagrass communities. The predicted changes have the potential to:
partially or completely smother the existing benthic assemblages, seagrass beds and/or seed
banks with sediment in some areas on the western side of the reclamation. It is noted however that
this area is already turbid and has low tidal velocities, therefore some sediment deposition is
already experienced in this area and seagrasses currently persist in this environment
alter the area of suitable seagrass habitat at the northern end of the reclamation, where it is
predicted that scouring of fine sediments would occur
result in reduction of water quality due to predicted decrease in flushing, which may impact on the
health of marine communities
increase the amount of subtidal seagrass habitat compared to intertidal habitat as a result of
increased water depth at low tides. This is not expected to affect the presence of seagrass rather
the ratio of subtidal to intertidal meadow.
These predicted changes are discussed in section 5.2.6 of this report.
Hydrodynamic modelling and sediment transport assessments for the EIS indicated that the significant
coastal process impacts of the reclamation and dredging are restricted to that part of the harbour between
the existing Fishermans Landing facility and the entrance to The Narrows. The only exception to this is
some minor increases in the net sand transport potential in the main channel extending down harbour to
Auckland Point. It is not expected that these latter increases would have any significant effects.
total suspended solids were generally affected by tidal movements, with increased suspension in
shallower areas
- intertidal areas adjacent to Wiggins Islands and Mud Island, TSS30.5 and 55 mg/L for May
and September periods respectively
- Flying Fox Creek, TSS57 mg/L during dry season
- Sandfly Creek, TSS44 mg/L dry season
- Fishermans Landing reclamation area, TSS29 mg/L average
nutrients measured in the vicinity of the Fishermans Landing include total phosphorus (P) and total
nitrogen (N), substantially exceeded ANZECC guidelines for all 13 sampling sites
- shipping channel near Tide Island, total P= 0.02 mg/L and total N < 0.2 mg/L
- shipping channel South Passage, total P = 0.01 mg/L and total N < 0.6 mg/L
metals sampling for nickel, cobalt, silver, chromium, copper and zinc at the following sites
- shipping channel near South Passage Island, Fishermans Landing, Targinie Creek (middle
reaches and at the mouth), Boat Creek, Flying Fox Creek, Nutmeg Creek and Calliope River
nickel levels exceed ANZECC guideline water quality trigger values (TV) at many sites
- Boat Creek, Flying Fox Creek and Nutmeg Creekcobalt, chromium and copper levels exceed
the TV
- Boat Creek and Flying Fox Creeksilver exceeded the TV
- Flying Fox Creek and Nutmeg Creekzinc exceeded the TV, but was compliant to the 95 per
cent protection limit for the ANZECC guideline.
The EIS indicated that tidal movements, water depth and runoff as well as wind direction and speed can
all influence turbidity in Port Curtis because of the shallow depths and soft sediments of the region.
The EIS stated that baseline water quality studies for this project were commenced in 2009. These
include fixed (in situ) loggers and vessel-based monitoring to test the hydrodynamic conditions of the
sites for all parameters identified in the ANZECC guidelines.
While recognising that dredging activities will mobilise substances that would otherwise lay in bed
sediments, the general conclusions in the EIS were that:
all measured parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity,
oxidation reduction potential (ORP)) were well mixed throughout the water column
seasonal variability in parameters was identifiable through changes in temperature, electrical
conductivity, ORP, turbidity, pH
pH tended to be lower than the QWQC guideline range, as did turbidity. However, turbidity tended
to be near the upper limit of the ANZECC guideline range. DO saturation tended to be within the
QWQG guideline range of 90 to 100 per cent, with occasional measurements above or below this
vessel-based sampling (grab samples) analysis showed hydrocarbon-based samples were
consistently below the limit of reporting for a broad range of chemical and physical properties.
These included BTEX 4 carcinogens and mutagens, tributyl tin, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, volatile
organic compounds , cyanide and organo-pesticides with the exception of chlorpyrifos, which was
detected at levels above the limit of reporting (< 0.005 g/L) at 6 out of 36 sampling points. The
range of exceedences was 0.0080.024 g/L
a herbicide, metachlor, was recorded above the threshold (0.005 g/L) at 7 or the 35 measurement
points at levels ranging from 0.0090.271 g/L
cadmium was the only metal /metalloid sample that exceeded its trigger value (during May at
WQ06 (adjacent to north face of reclamation area and WQ09 in the proposed dredge area Stage 4
Hamilton Point)
samples tested for nutrients identified high concentrations of ammonia (QWQG x 10 times and
ANZECC guideline x 6 times). Total oxidised nitrogen was above QWQG 26 times out of 48
measurements with the median value 0.004 mg/L (guideline level is 0.003 mg/L). Total Kjeldahl
nitrogen exceeded the QWQG guideline level twice in 48 samples tested. Reactive phosphorus
exceeded the ANZECC guideline level on six occasions
samples were also tested Chlorophyll a, exceeding the 2 g/L guideline level on several occasions,
reaching a maximum of 5 g/L.
The EIS states that in general the project areas generally met the relevant adopted guidelines.
The EIS states that turbidity is an indirect measure of water quality. However, the amount of natural or
background turbidity in the water column throughout Port Curtis is itself a function of wave, wind and tidal
velocity on variations in water depth. Shallow areas of the port are more likely to experience amounts of
suspended solids that are greater than in the deeper areas and with exception of shipping channels and
most of the Port Curtis carrying a bed load of fine sediments, the port is a naturally turbid system.
Data loggers recorded turbidity levels elevated above QWQG and ANZECC guidelines. The EIS
characterises turbidity the project area as:
during the dry season in waters deeper than 2 m LAT the median range is from 39 NTU and from
1135 NTU for the 95th percentile
during the dry season for shallow waters less than 2 m deep, LAT the median is approximately 9
NTU and a range from 3090 NTU for the 95th percentile
during the dry season, turbidity during spring tide conditions is quoted as 24 times the turbidity
during neap tides.
The wet season range for the deeper waters in shallow waters the median is 1023 NTU and 127176
NTU for the 95th percentile. The EIS suggests that elevated turbidity levels are likely to be induced by wet
season inflows.
Overall the EIS finds that the quality of the in situ sediments in the study area is compliant to the National
Ocean Disposal Guidelines for Dredged Material (Environment Australia 2002) (NODGD), NAGD and the
Environment Investigations Levels (EIL) of the Draft Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of
Contaminated Land sediment quality guidelines. It is noted that the NAGD (2009) supersede the NODGD
Acid sulfate soils
Acid sulfate soils (ASS) are a characteristic feature of low lying coastal environments in Queensland.
Undisturbed, these soils can be present in an anaerobic state within marine muds and sands in the form
of potential acid sulfate soil (PASS). Actual ASS are the oxidised (disturbed) form, which may occur as
the result of natural or anthropogenic disturbance from changes in groundwater levels and/or exposure to
ASS in an undisturbed environment may have neutral acidity or be slightly alkaline and no visual
appearances indicating its acidic potential. However, when exposed to air either by direct excavation or
by indirect changes to the surrounding water table, pyritic material inherent in the soil is oxidised by
sulphur oxidising bacteria leading to the formation of sulphuric acid. High concentrations of acid released
into receiving waters can potentially cause significant impacts on ecosystem health.
The EIS indicated that PASS was identified in the investigations for the project. Laboratory analysis of
results from 30 drill locations under the proposed bund wall revealed that the existing acidity in the
seabed sediments to around 2 m depth is not significant, however, concentrations of sulphide material in
96 per cent of the samples analysed suggests the potential for acid generation if the material becomes
If large volumes of PASS are disturbed there is the potential to cause significant long-term environmental
harm and corrosion to built infrastructure. Given the extent of PASS identified in the EIS assessment and
the proximity of the works to sensitive marine environments, the dredged material will require careful
monitoring and management of potential impacts.
In the EIS, GPC committed to develop and implement an ASSMP for the reclamation area construction
and for the dredge spoil to be placed in the reclamation area from dredging subject to this EIS and from
other dredging projects. The ASSMP will form part of the construction EMP. The ASSMP will also cover
the placement of dredge spoil within the reclamation area, prior to dredge placement and will include
validation testing. No actual ASS will be placed within the reclamation area without treatment.
The ASSMP will be prepared in accordance with the Queensland Acid Sulfate Soil Technical Manual Soil
Management Guidelines and submitted for approval prior to bund construction.
The ASSMP will be managed in accordance with Sections 4.8 and 4.9 of the State Planning Policy 2/02:
Planning and Managing Development involving ASS. The ASSMP will recommend treatment and
management options as required. If investigations indicate that the material could not be placed within the
reclamation without resulting in unacceptable impacts to the surrounding waters, then the material would
not be accepted into the reclamation and alternatives means of disposal will be negotiated with the
relevant agencies. More detailed information on the process to be followed to manage ASS for the
reclamation and dredging processes is covered in section 10 of the SID.
I have stated condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 2) to ensure the proponent prepares and
implements the project ASSMP in accordance with statutory and policy requirements.
The major processes that have the potential to impact on water quality within the receiving environment
as a result of the Western Basin reclamation component of the project include:
- construction of the bund wall
- dredging and placement of material within the bund
- decant of tail-waters from placement of dredged material within the bund
- runoff/discharge of stormwater following final capping of the reclamation.
Impacts of bund construction
Construction of the bund would involve the placement of rock material into the harbour by trucks (as
described in section 3.3.2 of the EIS).
As rock is placed onto the seabed, soft sediments would be remobilised into the water column. Soft
sediments would also be pushed out the front and sides of the bund wall, thereby creating a mud wave
and generating a visible turbid plume. The turbid plume is likely to temporarily reduce light penetration
over the adjacent seagrass beds. It is also likely that any sediment disturbed by the bund wall
construction over seagrass would be remobilised and transported away from the tidal flats during tidal
movements and elevated wave conditions.
Most disturbance should be limited to the first layer of rock, as any additional rock for the section would
be placed on rock, not the soft seabed. The total area of the first layer for the eastern, northern and
western outer bunds would be about 20 ha. Laying additional rock is likely to generate further
disturbance, however to a lesser degree. Therefore, the generation of plumes through the placement of
rock is likely to be transient both in time and spatially.
Other potential impacts of the bund construction include:
increased risk of remobilisation of the mud wave during elevated wind and wave conditions, or
during spring tides
erosion of rock material during storm (cyclone) conditions that may occur during construction
spillage of oils and fuels from construction equipment impacting on marine water quality.
The EIS noted a number of measures that GPC would employ to mitigate potential turbid plumes
visually monitor and photograph turbid plumes caused by placement of rock on a daily basis during
the initial stages of construction. Silt curtains may be employed if plumes are visible above the
natural background turbidity, they are substantial in area and constantly present. GPC would
consult with DERM about the use of silt curtains
fine material (less than 12 mm) would be removed from the core material of the bund wall
armour material would be placed on the exposed face of the core material closely behind the work
any material that is displaced above LAT or its current elevation would be monitored and managed
in accordance with an ASSMP
no refuelling or maintenance of construction equipment would occur on the site, nor would
equipment be parked at the site overnight. Equipment would undergo regular maintenance and
pre-start inspections. Spill kits would be present on site and emergency response procedures
would be established.
As noted, if the project adopts a 24/7 construction schedule this would create a situation where there
would be very little opportunity for rest or recovery periods for the entire construction phase (i.e. around
12 to 18 months). The lack of rest or recovery periods has implications for both benthic communities that
may be impacted by the plumevia effects of shading and/or burialand communities that use these
areas, including marine mega fauna. It is likely that the area that would be impacted by the plume would
suffer from chronic loss of light for the entire construction period. It is also noted that the effected areas
will change as the wall construction progresses.
Impacts of filling of bund
The EIS maintained that minimal impacts to water quality are expected from the filling of the bund with
dredged material.
The EIS indicated that a geotextile fabric would be placed on the inner face of the bund prior to
commencement of filling operation to minimise the migration of fines through the bund wall and into the
surrounding waters. Dredged material placed against the inner wall would also act as a filter layer to
assist in preventing the migration of fine material.
Management of potential acid sulphate soils within the reclamation area
When disturbing large volumes of PASS there is the potential to cause significant long-term
environmental harm and corrosion to built infrastructure. Given the extent of PASS identified in the project
area and the proximity of the works to sensitive marine environments, the dredged material would require
careful monitoring and management to avoid and/or minimise potential environmental impacts. The SID
confirmed that no actual ASS was identified beneath the footprint of the reclamation area footprint.
GPC is required to develop and implement an ASSMP for the reclamation area construction and for the
dredge spoil to be placed in the reclamation area from dredging subject to this project and from other
dredging projects. The ASSMP would form part of the construction EMP. The ASSMP would also cover
the placement of dredge spoil within the reclamation area, prior to dredge placement and would include
validation testing. No actual ASS may be placed within the reclamation area without treatment.
GPC proposed (based on its experience in managing the current Fishermans Landing reclamation area)
that untreated PASS material be placed in the reclamation below the mean low water mark. GPC has
proposed that mean sea level is an appropriate water level for maintaining the PASS material in a
saturated state. Adoption of this level is would accommodate the significant volumes of PASS material (in
the absence of a sea dumping permit).
Although DERM (QASSIT) considers the overall dredge disposal strategy to be broadly satisfactory, it
stated that the proposed methodology for handling/treatment of untreated PASS in the reclamation area
does not qualify as strategic reburial. DERM maintains, in the absence of scientific proof, that the upper
limit for placement of untreated PASS material within the reclamation area is mean low water (MLWthat
is, AHD -1.67m / RL 0.67m), unless DERM approves an alternative method of disposal to prevent
oxidation of sulphides.
With MLW as an upper limit, GPC is unable to use the reclamation area for disposal of much of the
anticipated PASS material without expensive treatment prior to placement in the reclamation.
GPC has commissioned a technical study on its Fishermans Landing reclamation to demonstrate the
effectiveness of its approach to PASS management and resolve the issue with DERM. Part of the study
includes a bore sampling program to more accurately ascertain the groundwater levels and quantify the
volumes of PASS, acid neutralising capacity (ANC)that is, calcium carbonateand clay in the
proposed dredging areas. GPC has advised that it will be able to confirm the performance of its
management technique and incorporate the strategy in the ASSMP.
I am informed that placement of dredge spoil will be carried out, as follows to address risks:
PASS spoil will then be deposited until a maximum level of RL 0.67 m (MLW) so that at all times
the untreated PASS will be below mean low water mark and remain wet
neutralised PASS spoil will be added until the fill height reached the maximum design height (less
for material to be considered self-neutralising, the quantity of calcium salts will be 300 per cent of
the minimum neutralising requirement for the PASS.
The ASSMP is a key issue affecting the approval process for the dredging activities. In this regard, I have
stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 2) that requires the ASSMP to be reviewed by DERM
prior to endorsement.
Impacts of hydrodynamic and flushing efficiency
The EIS confirmed that construction of the reclaimed area would alter the hydrodynamic (current direction
and velocity), sedimentation patterns and flushing characteristics of the local area.
The EIS indicated that construction of the reclamation area is expected to result in increased tidal
currents at the northern end of the bund wall on both ebbing and flooding tides. Initially, it is anticipated
that this would result in increased turbidity through increased scour of the soft seabed sediments in this
location. However, post-construction an equilibrium should be reached and it is not anticipated that the
natural range and patterns in turbidity in the area surrounding the bund would change substantially,
because the overall change to tidal velocity behind the bund is minimal, although now the currents would
flow around the bund instead of in a more east/west direction across the flats from the shoreline to deeper
The EIS also stated that predicted changes to hydrodynamics would result in changes to the flushing
efficiency of the area, which in turn impact water quality. Modelling undertaken as part of the EIS
indicated that:
There is good flushing potential for the main harbour up to Fishermans Landing and reduced
flushing potential beyond that point.
Flushing efficiency of the water body to the west of the reclamation area becomes less efficient
with increasing distance from the northern end of the reclamation area resulting in a maximum
difference at the south east flats of 10 per cent (50 per cent flushing for the reclamation plus
dredging scenario compared with 60 per cent for the base scenario for this location). This would
reduce the efficiency of flushing of contaminants and nutrients that may be in the area.
Slight reductions in flushing efficiency of areas surrounding the Passage islands and the western
shoreline of Curtis Island (modelling predicts decreased tidal velocities resulting from increased
cross-sectional area of the dredged channels).
to the 80th percentile of the receiving waters, which was reported as ranging from 10 NTU to 31 NTU
between June and October 2008 at Fishermans Landing. DERM also advised that the discharge limit for
turbidity of 100 NTU originally proposed in the EIS, based on the dilution of the discharge water to
achieve acceptable quality rather than the adoption of an 80th percentile target, is inconsistent with the
best practice in protection of receiving water quality. Consequently, the SID provided a re-assessment of
the modelling and argued that targeting a value of 40 NTU at the discharge point is more appropriate
given the flushing characteristics along the north eastern region of the reclamation.
DERM has nominated 30 NTU as the maximum turbidity level at the outfall. This is reflected in the
conditions stated in Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3, Table 1. The limit would be enforced unless it can be
demonstrated to DERM in the DMP that a higher limit can still protect the values of the receiving
To achieve the nominated water quality objectives, GPC has indicated that multiple cells, connected via
weir boxes with adjustable gates, would be established within the reclamation area to allow the finer
materials to settle out of suspension.
Due to the large scale of the reclamation (55 Mm3), the total quantity of sediment released to waters from
the reclamation area over the life of the project would be substantial. Once settled this sediment may be
partially resuspended and could then combine with suspended sediment from other dredging projects and
from scouring around the reclamation area. Discharge from the reclamation area may also continue for
two or more years beyond construction meaning that any impact on water quality arising from the
discharge of sediment in the decant would be long lasting. For these reasons, a conservative approach to
limiting sediment release to waters from the reclamation area is considered to be appropriate.
In its submission on the EIS, DERM also indicated that a monitoring program is needed to confirm the
accuracy of information contained in the EIS in relation to water quality and ecological impacts, and to
inform future assessment and regulation of similar activities. In the SID, GPC has committed to include
monitoring of the decant pond and outfall region in the EMP and, if needed, additional reclamation cells
can be incorporated.
I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3) that requires the proponent to adhere to
specific water quality objectives for this project as recommended by DERM. This will ensure that the
impacts of turbidity and sedimentation can be suitably managed. I also agree that these conditions may
be varied by agreement with DERM if demonstrated that a higher limit would be acceptable.
Management of dredging operations
A detailed dredging strategy and dredging contract is yet to be prepared for the proposed capital dredging
of Targinie Channel and the Fishermans Landing swing basin and berth pockets. Proposed dredging
activities are described in chapter 5 of the SID. Based on previous dredging programs undertaken by
GPC, the spatial extent of the visible plume from a cutter suction dredge is typically not large. Results of
turbidity monitoring during the 2009 dredging of Berth 1 at the existing Fishermans Landing wharf
indicated that the elevation in turbidity in the vicinity of the dredge was not higher than at the reclamation
cell or outfall and was not elevated above 44 NTU during the daily measurements.
As part of the EIS a plume model was conducted to assess the potential for the migration of a turbid
plume from the bund outfall. The EIS provided the following conclusions from the modelling:
The water body in the vicinity of the reclamation area shows a high potential for the dispersion of
turbidity. This can be seen in the maximum turbidity reading of 12 NTU above ambient recorded at
the closest point monitored to the modelled outflow location in the north-east corner of the
reclamation. This indicates substantial mixing of the plume in the immediate receiving environment,
resulting in minimal increase in turbidity above ambient. The increase above ambient is also well
within the natural range and variability in turbidity within the project area.
Results from the modelling show low levels of turbidity above ambient extending both ways along
the main channel and higher levels of turbidity centred on the northern half of the reclamation. This
demonstrates that there would be no discernable impact on turbidity anywhere in the harbour apart
from the immediate area in the vicinity of the reclamation and in the embayment to the north and
west of the site.
Modelling undertaken for the SID (section 10, Table 10-1, summarised as Table 8 of this report)
estimated that, in the indicative worst-case scenario for the WBDD Project, approximately 5416 ha of
44 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
benthic habitat has the potential to be indirectly impacted in terms of being touched by the dredge plume
at least once (based on 10th percentile exceedences)that is, this area may be affected by a plume of 5
mg/L above background for 10 per cent of the time. While these exceedences could impact benthic
communities, for such a small increase in TSS, it is considered highly unlikely that benthic communities
under this spatial footprint would be affected.
The SID suggested that a dredge plume concentration of 29 mg/L TSS above background could start to
cause shading effects on benthic communities. This increase in TSS is predicted to occur over an area of
406.8 ha for only 10 per cent of the time and over 2.12 ha for 50 per cent of the time. Analysis of the
scenarios presented in the SID therefore suggests that while dredge plumes could extend for some
hundreds of hectares actual impacts to benthic communities may only be realised over a much reduced
Future maintenance dredging also has the potential to produce turbid plumes from the dredge head
during the dredge operations. Therefore, maintenance dredging would be undertaken in accordance with
a DMP and would require approval under relevant legislation.
Water quality modelling and monitoring
GPC has committed to develop a DMP for the capital dredging, which employs an adaptive water quality
monitoring program, similar to that undertaken for the recent Berth 1 dredging at Fishermans Landing.
Daily monitoring of key sites adjacent to the dredge would also be included in the DMP, undertaken within
the final reclamation cell, at the outfall and at the seagrass beds. The SID indicated that a habitat
monitoring program would be tied into the dredging program for the project and refined during the
planning of the dredging activities as part of the DMP. GPC has committed to continue monitoring of
seagrass and algal meadow health within the study area. More specific detail of GPCs proposed
monitoring program is addressed in section 6.8.2 of the SID.
In its submission on the SID, DERM recommended that an objective of the DMP should be to minimise
the loss of seagrass communities as a result of reduced photosynthetically available light resulting from
increased turbidity associated with dredging and dredge spoil activities.
Also, DEEDI, in its submission on the SID, recommended that ecologically relevant water quality triggers,
related to the light conditions required to maintain key seagrass species growth, be developed for a
WQMP, as part of the DMP, to protect seagrasses from turbid plumes.
DEEDI also recommended that the DMP include a seagrass monitoring program for seagrass health
assessment at key sensitive locations to complement the use of incident light-based water quality
The EIS (Appendix G, section 2.3) anticipated that, while turbidity objectives have been developed for the
dredging and discharge of decant waters, there is a need to improve understanding of the resilience of
various seagrass species to varying light conditions. The EIS (Appendix K, section 5.5.3) provides a
preliminary measure of photosynthetically available radiation, used to measure the light available for
photosynthesis (e.g. of seagrasses), however no conclusions are made.
To further this line of enquiry, DEEDI has commenced a program of research that aims to determine
thresholds of seagrass resilience to low light conditions. This would provide a basis for water quality
triggers based on light incidence and attenuation (if possible, correlated to existing measures of turbidity
that would inform the DMP so that dredging operations may be adjusted before sensitive habitats, such
as seagrasses, are critically affected.
I note that GPC has committed to undertake ongoing monitoring of turbidity and nutrient levels during
construction, and for a period after construction, to detect adverse trends in water quality related to
dredging and other construction activities. I am confident that early detection would enable active
management of these impacts prior to their affecting any sensitive ecosystem receptors, including
seagrass meadows.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3) that require the proponent to prepare a water
quality management plan (WQMP), to be prepared as a component of the DMP and implemented in
conjunction with the EMP, to identify, assess and manage impacts from the dredging and construction of
the reclamation area on the water quality of the project area. The WQMP will include a monitoring
component, in conjunction with monitoring of sensitive ecological areas, such as seagrasses, that will
inform dredging operations through the DMP.
In particular, A technical reference panel will be established for the duration of the project to oversee all
aspects of water quality monitoring, including a transition from a water quality monitoring program that is
based on turbidity towards a program that is based on light attenuation and seagrass health.
I note that GPC has committed to the management of potential impacts through the implementation of
the EMP.
I note the extent of similar dredging and reclamation works that have been successfully undertaken by
GPC in developing port land and operating the port and I am confident that similar, or better,
management would be applied in the construction of the WBDD Project.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5.3) that require the proponent to implement
stormwater management measures that minimise impacts on surrounding waters from contaminated
stormwater discharge
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 2) to ensure the appropriate management of
marine water quality. Also, I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 2) relating to ERA 16
to ensure appropriate management of the dredging activities.
Marine flora
This section of the report provides an evaluation of the potential impacts of the project on marine flora of
state significance. Matters of national environmental significance are addressed in chapter 8 of this
report. Section 9.3 and Appendix Q of the EIS addressed marine flora and ecology, and additional
information was provided by GPC in the SID. The marine ecological assessment presented as EIS
Appendix Q, report focuses on benthic marine ecological values of the project area and adjacent
surrounds. Marine flora species are afforded protection by the Fisheries Act.
Approximately 1.9 ha of intertidal vegetation occurs in the 40 m wide channel between the reclamation
area and the mainland. The majority of the vegetation is closed mangrove forest to 5 m tall, dominated by
Rhizophora stylosa (red mangrove). Smaller patches of Avicennia marina (grey mangrove) and Ceriops
tagal (yellow mangrove) also occur on the site. These species, landform and substrate correspond with
the regional ecosystem (RE) 12.1.3, which is classified as not of concern under the Vegetation
Management Act 1999 (VMA).
A small area (0.45 ha) of sparse saltpan vegetation on marine clay occurs behind the mangrove
community. This community consists primarily of patches of Sporobolus virginicus (saltwater couch),
samphire species and bare mud. This species, landform and substrate correspond with the RE 12.1.2,
which is classified as not of concern under the VM Act.
The loss of intertidal mangrove and saltpan communities as a result of the WBDD Project is expected to
be minimal and the retention of the 40 m wide channel is designed to ensure tidal flushing and hence
survival of these communities.
All marine vegetation, including mangroves and seagrasses, are protected under the Fisheries Act.
Consequently, the proponent will be required to obtain a permit from DEEDI for relevant construction
activity relating to the project that involves the disturbance of marine plants. This is discussed in section
4.1.1 of this report.
A long-term seagrass monitoring program in Port Curtis and Rodds Bay was initiated by GPC in
collaboration with DEEDI (formerly the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries) known as the
Port Curtis Integrated Monitoring Program (PCIMP). An initial baseline study was undertaken in 2002
which identified 129 discrete seagrass meadows. Thirteen of these were selected for long-term
monitoring which was conducted from 2004 to 2008.
The studies showed that, despite the ambient turbidity, the locality supports extensive seagrass beds that
vary seasonally and annually in area and biomass but still persist under existing port operational
conditions. These seagrasses support the direct and indirect foraging habitat of marine fauna including
dugongs and turtles. Seagrasses are considered as nursery grounds for juvenile fish and may be targeted
by commercial, recreational and indigenous fishers.
The project area supports a number of marine benthic habitats including soft silty habitats, clay and
rubble habitats and seagrass meadows. The assemblages sampled for each habitat type, during a
benthic marine ecology survey undertaken for the EIS, were reflective of the sediment habitat observed.
Crabs, worms, small gastropods, seagrasses and algal assemblages occurred in soft sediments and
pebble habitats. Crabs, gorgonians, echinoderms, sponges and similar were present in clay and rubble
Figure 6 shows the general distribution of seagrass and benthic fauna habitat in the Western Basin
project area and Figure 7 shows the variable annual distribution of seagrass meadows in the vicinity of
Fishermans Landing for PCIMP monitoring period of 20022008.
Potential impacts
The EIS (section 9.3) stated that seagrasses and benthic habitat in the vicinity of the project area may
experience a range of potential direct and indirect, permanent and temporary impacts due to the dredging
operations and the construction of the reclamation area.
A potential decrease in water quality, due to turbidity associated with dredge plumes and reclamation
bund wall construction, and predicted changes in the hydrodynamic regime (tidal velocities, bed shear
stress and water levels) around the reclamation area site, are expected to indirectly impact on seagrass
and other benthic communities. The predicted changes have the potential to:
partially or completely shade and/or smother the existing benthic assemblages, seagrass beds
and/or seed banks with sediments settling from the water column during the dredging and decant
activities for the project
alter light penetration to marine flora thereby reducing photosynthesis
alter the area of suitable seagrass habitat for marine fauna at the northern end of the reclamation,
where it is predicted that scouring of fine sediments may occur
decrease in flushing in the embayment north of the reclamation, which may impact on the health of
marine communities.
Table 10-1 of the SID summaries the maximum potential losses of seagrass and benthic communities,
based on merged data from the PCIMP 20022008 surveys, as follows:
Table 8Potential impact to benthic habitats
Total direct impact
Total indirect impact
Total potential (combined) impact
It is noted that 221.6 ha of known seagrasses occur directly within the reclamation area footprint but the
areas of impact do not account for displacement of sediment during placement of the bund wall rock
that is, the mud wave. Whilst these figures represent a worst-case scenario, measured as an exceedence
in total suspended solids (TSS) of 5 mg/L above the average background ambient conditions (taken to be
TSS 29 mg/L) based on a 10th percentile exceedence, that is, the area of seagrasses that for no more
that 10 per cent of the time may experience a plume of >5 mg/L above background conditions. While
these exceedences may impact benthic communities, such small and infrequent increases in TSS are not
considered to likely to affect these communities.
Table 10-2 of the SID provides a more realistic estimate of cumulative seagrass habitat areas predicted to
be affected by differing plume concentrations under different dredge scenarios (see EIS Table 6-1 and
section 5.2.4 of this report) and is represented by SID Figures 10-02 to 10-05. These figures clearly show
that, under a worst-case scenario involving rehandling from TSHD at Fishermans Landing, the seagrass
in the embayment north of the reclamation area are at risk of impact.
Modelling (EIS, section 6.5.2) has indicated that the turbid plume discharged from the decant and
stormwater outfall point at the north-eastern point of the reclamation is expected to reduce in
concentration at a very short distance from the outfall, indicating that any sediment deposition is likely to
be localised around the outfall. Nonetheless, I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3,
Table 1) that sets contaminant release limits to the receiving waters.
Changes to the coastal processes around the project site, discussed in section 5.2.4 of this report, may
lead to changes in the existing benthic communities and may also change the amount of habitat suitable
for benthic communities, particularly around the northern end of the project site. However, the EIS
concluded that changes to coastal processes were expected to be within the normal bounds of the
physical processes that naturally occur in the system.
Options proposed to reduce water quality impacts due to dredging that will be incorporated into the DMP
reduction in the use of TSHD, particularly in overflow mode in silty sediments
reduced need for rehandling of spoil from TSHD at Fishermans Landing, including further
investigation of an offshore dredge spoil disposal option, and an alternative rehandling site located
at North China Bay (near the south-west end of Curtis Island)
closer correlation of water quality monitoring and seagrass habitat monitoring to the DMP
a transition from using turbidity-based water quality indicators to light-based indicators of seagrass
health (discussed in section of this report).
Further modelling undertaken subsequent to the SID demonstrated that the elimination of rehandling from
TSHD at Fishermans Landing substantially reduces the incidence of turbid plume propagation towards
the seagrasses in the embayment north of the reclamation area.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 1.2) that require the proponent to implement
measures through the DMP that aim to reduce the incidence of turbidity particularly associated with
rehandling at Fishermans Landing and use of the TSHD.
I have also stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3.1) that require the proponent to prepare
and implement a water quality management plan (WQMP) for the duration of the project to identify,
assess and manage the impacts from the dredging and construction of the reclamation area on the water
quality of the project area.
In addition, I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4) that requires the proponent to
prepare a flora and fauna management plan (FFMP). The FFMP will provide the framework for all flora
monitoring and impact mitigation measures. The FFMP will include a component for monitoring of
sensitive ecological areassuch a seagrassesto be implemented in conjunction with the WQMP, which
will inform dredging operations through the DMP.
The WQMP and FFMP are to be prepared and implemented as components of the DMP.
The EIS (Appendix G, Table 3) presented an initial set of water quality objectives (WQO) to be used in the
DMP as trigger values for the dredging operations at various sensitive ecological locations. The WQO
based on turbidity set TSS limits, in milligrams of sediment per litre (mg/L) for the 95th percentile and,
alternatively, the 80th percentile of background levels. Baseline monitoring for Port Curtis has established
a mean TSS value of 29 mg/L, which likely represents a threshold of resilience for seagrass persistence
and is therefore a potential trigger value for monitoring impacts and informing the DMP.
In its submission on the SID, DEWHA noted that though turbidity plume modelling had been undertaken,
the essential link to seagrass light attenuation requirements and tolerances had not been thoroughly
considered, making it difficult to accurately estimate the likely turbidity impacts on the extensive seagrass
beds of the project area.
In its submission on the SID, DERM recommended that an objective of the DMP should be to minimise
the loss of seagrass communities as a result of reduced photosynthetically available light resulting from
increased turbidity associated with dredging and dredge spoil activities. This acknowledges the difficulty
of distinguishing ambient or background turbidity from anthropogenic turbidity associated with dredging.
Also, DEEDI, in its submission on the SID, recommended that ecologically relevant water quality triggers,
related to the light conditions required to maintain key seagrass species growth, be developed for a
WQMP, as part of the DMP, to protect seagrasses from turbid plumes.
DEEDI also recommended that the DMP include a seagrass monitoring program for seagrass health
assessment at key sensitive locations to complement the use of incident light-based water quality
The EIS (Appendix G, section 2.3) anticipated that, while turbidity objectives have been developed for the
dredging and discharge of decant waters, there is a need to improve understanding of the resilience of
various seagrass species to varying light conditions. The EIS (Appendix K, section 5.5.3) provides a
preliminary measure of photosynthetically available radiation, used to measure the light available for
photosynthesis (e.g. of seagrasses), however no conclusions are made.
A coordinated water quality monitoring program and a seagrass health monitoring program are proposed
to assist in informing an adaptive dredging operation schedule to manage the potential indirect impacts to
benthic communities. By actively collecting data on water quality and seagrass habitat health during
dredging, impacts to habitats will be able to be correlated to degraded water quality associated with
dredging so the dredge operations can be modified accordingly.
To further this line of inquiry, DEEDI has commenced a program of research that aims to determine
thresholds of seagrass resilience to different light conditions. This would provide a basis for water quality
triggers based on light incidence and attenuation (if possible, correlated to existing measures of turbidity
that would inform the DMP so that dredging operations may be adjusted before sensitive habitats
particularly seagrassesare critically affected.
GPC has committed to support the ongoing research into seagrass light requirements and move towards
the use of water quality triggers based on light incidence and attenuation (if possible, correlated to
existing measures of turbidity and seagrass health to inform dredging operations.
The water quality monitoring program will initially be based on the use of turbidity as the water quality
indicator, with limits set for key environmentally sensitive locations that trigger operational responses.
The future water quality monitoring program, linking turbidity and depth to light attenuation and seagrass
health, will be developed and phased into implementation of the DMP through an adaptive management
A technical reference panel is proposed to be established for the duration of the project to oversee the
development and implementation of a light-based approach to water quality monitoring and management
to enhance the initial water quality monitoring program.
The technical reference panel would comprise scientific experts in seagrass and benthic habitat as well
as management, regulators and dredge technical advisors.
The technical reference panel would assess any exceeding of trigger values and seagrass changes and
implement changes to dredging practices, through the DMP, as required.
Accordingly, I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3.4) that require the proponent to
undertake water quality monitoring and modelling, in conjunction with seagrass monitoring (through the
FFMP) to inform dredging operations through the DMP.
In addition, I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3.4.4 and 3.4.5) that requires the
proponent move towards a program that uses light-based water quality triggers and seagrass health to
inform dredging operations. These conditions require the establishment of a technical reference panel, for
the duration of the project, to oversee the water quality monitoring program.
I consider that the project will have some adverse direct and indirect impact on marine flora and benthic
communities of the project areas.
I consider that GPC has endeavoured to identify and avoid and/or mitigate the potential adverse impacts
on the marine flora that occur or use the project area, particularly seagrasses, through the combined and
coordinated implementation of the DMP, WQMP, seagrass monitoring and FFMP.
I am satisfied that the identified mitigation measures, to be implemented by the proponent, will minimise
the impact of the project on marine vegetation.
I support the approach proposed by the proponent to move towards a program that uses light-based
water quality triggers and seagrass health to inform dredging operations.
I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4.3) that requires the proponent to obtain a
development permit for operational works (tidal) for works requiring the removal, destruction or damage of
marine plants.
In accordance with the Queensland Government Environmental Offsets Policy (QGEOP) an
environmental offset is required for the loss of marine habitat. The requirement for offsets for the
proposed clearing of marine plants is discussed in chapter 6 of this report.
Marine fauna
This section of the report provides an evaluation of the potential impacts of the project on marine fauna of
state significance. Matters of national environmental significance are addressed in chapter 8 of this
report. Section 9.3 and Appendix R of the EIS addressed marine fauna, and additional information was
provided by GPC in the SID. Marine fauna species are afforded protection by the Nature Conservation
Act 1994 (NCA) and the conservation status of fauna in Queensland is listed in the Nature Conservation
(Wildlife) Regulation 1994 (NC(W) Reg).
A marine megafauna survey was undertaken for the EIS and the results were presented as EIS Appendix
R, Marine Megafauna Baseline and Impact Assessment with additional discussion summarised in EIS
chapter 9 (Nature conservation).
During an areal survey, extending from Rodds Bay in the south, the Curtis Island coast and to Port Alma,
dugong, dolphins, turtles, sharks rays and sea snakes were observed. None of these was shown to be
exclusively using the project area.
Marine megafauna
The dugong (Dugong dugon), which is listed as vulnerable under the NC(W) Reg, is recorded to occur in
the project area. Dugongs prefer shallow and sheltered areas where their primary food source,
seagrasses, occur.
The project area is located at the northern limit of the Rodds Bay Dugong Sanctuary, which is a Zone B
(restricted use) Dugong Protected Area (DPA) declared under the Fisheries Act. The Gladstone coastline
and the Rodds Bay DPA are recognised as important habitat for dugong populations despite being within
and closely associated with commercial port activities.
The following dolphin mammal species were identified as likely or possibly occurring in the project area
(listing NC(W) Reg status):
Australian snubfin dolphin (Orcaella heinsohni)rare
Indian bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus)rare
52 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
Potential impacts
In general, potential impacts to marine fauna are due to:
direct loss of food resources and foraging habitat
contamination of marine waters from sediment disturbance, spills of fuel or other chemicals,
stormwater runoff animal waste (feline pathogens)feral or domestic
entrapment of marine fauna (including fish) by the reclamation works when the bund is closed
injury/mortality to individual animals from direct contact related to construction activities or boat
noise and vibration impacts to marine fauna from in-water construction or ongoing operational
lighting impacts to nesting turtles and hatchlings in the area
disturbance and displacement due to light spill.
Dolphins may be impacted by the removal of foraging habitat. However, as these species are highly
mobile predators and in the regional context the habitat loss is minimal, it is unlikely the project will have a
significant adverse effect on these species.
Dugong and green turtles are the most likely species to be impacted by the direct removal of seagrass
meadows in the project area, as seagrass is the main component of both these species diets.
I have noted that dugong are migratory, possibly as a response to water temperature and certainly in
search of ephemeral sea grass meadows, Some dugong fitted with tracking devices, have been tracked
over several hundred km. In this regard I have noted that within 20 km of the reclamation site there are
some 3370 ha of sea grasses and a further 7000 ha within 40 km (SID, Table 10.3).
Underwater noise will mainly be generated by dredging. The nature of dredging noise is that it occupies
the mid to low-frequency range, it is tonal and it is usually continuous. The EIS notes that available
information relating to the sensitivity of cetaceans and dugongs to dredging noise indicates that dredging
in not considered to pose a significant risk. Information available on noise impacts on turtles is limited,
however turtles do not appear to change behaviour due to noise.
Vessel-related impacts to marine fauna as a result of increased shipping in the Port Curtis region may
potentially include: vessel strike, interrupted communication of marine fauna, and habitat displacement
from increased noise and presence.
Dolphins are highly mobile species and not as vulnerable to boat strike injuries or mortality as dugongs.
The increase in vessel traffic (dredges and other shipping traffic), and increased reclamation (WBDD
Project and FLPE project) may constrict safe migratory passage in the project area and result in localised
fauna displacement. However, in the regional context this impact is unlikely to be an issue.
The SID (section 16.5.1) notes that some invertebrates and fish species may be attracted to construction
and dredging lighting, which may inturn attract feeding dolphins. Marine fauna currently exist with
extensive industrial and commercial lighting in the Port of Gladstone with no observed detrimental effect
Concerns were raised in several EIS submissions relating to potential marine megafauna impacts. These
direct (reclamation) and indirect (increased sedimentation and disturbance) loss of marine
megafauna migratory, feeding habitat, including snubfin and IndoPacific humpback dolphin
habitats in the Western Basin
increased potential for boat strike of megafauna resulting from increased vessel traffic
impacts on dugong and other marine fauna due to removal of seagrass and habitat
potential mortality or injury to marine turtles due to dredging operations
impacts on marine fauna due to increased light, noise and vibration
entrapment of marine fauna in the bund area.
Mitigation measures
To address the wide range of potential impacts to marine fauna, GPC has proposed a range of mitigation
strategies including:
monitoring of water quality turbidity levels and operational response through the DMP
dredge head technology to deflect or avoid interaction with resting turtles and other megafauna
strategies to decrease the risk of trapping animals in the reclamation are and manual removal of
any marine fauna from the reclamation area prior to closure of the bund wall
management of decant, stormwater, waste and other pollutant discharges
management of construction and dredging noise, vibration and lighting
education of the construction workforce regarding the risks to marine megafauna and the
requirement to avoid interaction with those species.
The EIS indicates that the dredging activities will operate under an approved EMP that includes as a
minimum the following provisions:
dredge activities to be restricted to agreed footprint of channel and swing basin works
where a TSHD is used, the drag heads of the dredge vessels will be fitted with turtle exclusion
devices for the duration of the dredging
the amount of off-bed suction time will be minimised to reduce the risk of turtle capture
a fauna spotter will be present on the vessel during dredging
a log of listed marine fauna observed during dredging operations will be kept and provided to GPC
at the end of the dredging campaign.
A review of underwater noise impacts studies was undertaken for the project, in relation to in-water
construction works completed for other shallow marine dredging and reclamation works projects 5 . That
review examined the acoustic intensity and frequency of noise sources relative to the known sensitivity
ranges for marine mammals. The study indicated that of all potential noise generating activities pile
driving was most likely to have an impact. Pile driving would be used to install approximately 19
navigational channel marker navigation aids for newly dredged shipping channels and to construct
jetty/wharf facilities for proposed LNG facilities. Wharf construction is not being undertaken for the project.
Precautionary mitigation measures, including soft-start pile driving, use of spotters, no pile driving if
megafauna are within 5 m, and use of warning noises prior to pile driving, are to be included in the EMP
for the project.
Construction lighting will be directionally controlled and shielding may also be used to minimise light spill
that could cause disturb marine fauna. Further discussion on potential lighting impacts is included in
section 5.5.3 (Lighting) of this report.
The project is not expected to significantly increase the risk of boat strike as the dredging activities are
conducted by large, slow moving commercial vessels with conspicuous noise, vibration and lighting. GPC
has reported that there have been no reported vessel strikes by large vessels within the port.The EIS has
recommended that enforced vessel lanes with speed restrictions be designated for the construction and
operation phases to protect megafauna from boat strike and undue disturbance. In addition, vessel
movements in the port are under the control of the Regional Harbour Master (of DTMR / Maritime Safety
To confirm GPCs commitments I have stated a set of complementary conditions concerning seagrass
monitoring and research, water quality monitoring, and marine megafauna monitoring in the Western
Basin (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Parts 3 and 4).
In addition, I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4) that requires the proponent to
prepare a FFMP, to be included in the EMP for the project. The FFMP will provide the framework for all
fauna monitoring and impact mitigation measures, will be prepared and implemented in conjunction with
the WQMP that aims to move towards a regime using light-based indicators for seagrass health, and will
inform the dredging operations through the DMP
The studies for inclusion in the FFMP include (but are not limited to) the following:
continue annual long-term seagrass monitoring surveys of seagrass distribution and abundance in
the Port of Gladstone (within the PCIMP framework)
SVT Engineering Consultants (January 2010): QCLNG Gladstone Channel Underwater Noise Assessment.
Prepared for the BG Group. Report reference Rpt01-0951823-Rev2-20 Jan 2010.
undertake ongoing monitoring to assess marine megafauna inhabitation of the Western Basin. The
extent, methods and timing of monitoring should be similar to the programs undertaken for the EIS
monitor underwater noise impulse during construction and during the first stages of dredging and
reclamation and conduct research on the effects of noise on marine megafauna
monitor light spill during bund construction and during the first stages of dredging and reclamation
and conduct research on the effects of light spill on marine megafauna.
I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4.4) to minimise entrapment of marine fauna and
to manage release of any trapped fauna during the construction of the containment area. I have also
stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4.4.1) relating to ERA 16 to ensure appropriate
protection to turtles and other marine fauna from dredging works related to the WBDD Project.
Environmental offsets
While seagrass resources will be removed locally and may result in a local-level displacement of turtles,
dugongs and dolphins (expected to relocate to other habitat areas), the project is not expected to have a
significant net negative effect on the diversity of the systems within the Port Curtis region, nor is it
expected to have flow on impacts to the communities that use the habitats within the project area.
In accordance with the Queensland Government Environmental Offsets Policy (QGEOP) an
environmental offset is required for the loss of marine habitat.
A strategic offset package is discussed in section 6 of this report.
I consider that the project will have some impact on the feeding or migratory behaviours of marine
megafauna that use the project area, notably turtles, dugongs and dolphins, through the loss and
disturbance of marine habitat (particularly seagrasses) and intertidal foreshore areas.
Also, the additional obstruction of the northern Western Basin due to construction of the reclamation area,
and an increase in vessel traffic associated with dredging may impede the migratory pathways of marine
fauna using the Narrows and Port Curtis.
However, I do not consider that the construction and operation of the project is expected to have a
significant impact on the key marine mammals and reptile species, either in terms of direct disturbance
construction noise and or potential vessel strike.
Based on the EIS, draft EMP and SID, I have stated conditions concerning marine fauna.
In particular, I refer to the conditions in Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4 that I stated to ensure that the
proponent prepares and implements a FFMP for the duration of the project that will establish a framework
for baseline monitoring (including review of historical records), assessment of impact (including threshold
triggers), and inform management and operation response, to avoid, minimise and/or mitigate impacts to
terrestrial and marine flora, fauna and ecosystems.
I consider that GPC has endeavoured to identify and avoid and/or mitigate the potential adverse impacts
on the marine fauna that occur or use the project area, particularly seagrasses, through the combined
and coordinated implementation of the DMP, WQMP, seagrass monitoring and FFMP.
I also consider that the mitigating measures contained in the EIS, SID and draft EMP for the proposed
project are satisfactory and sufficient to avoid or greatly minimise adverse impacts to the migratory
marine megafauna.
Therefore, I conclude that the project does not pose a significant risk to populations of dugongs,
dolphins, turtles and other marine fauna in the Western Basin project area.
Terrestrial flora
This section of the report provides an evaluation of the potential impacts of the project on terrestrial flora
of state significance. Matters of national environmental significance are addressed in chapter 8 of this
report. Section 9.2 and Appendix P of the EIS addressed terrestrial ecology, and additional information
was provided by GPC in the SID.
Flora species
A total of 16 flora species of conservation significance (national and/or state significance) were recorded
within five km of the project area, mostly associated with the peak and slopes of Mount Larcom. Of these,
three were afforded particular assessment in the EIS (Appendix G, section 4.1.1):
Baileys indigo (Indigofera baileyi)occurs in sclerophyll woodlands and open forest on soils
derived from basalt and granite, core populations are located south of Fraser Island
quassia (Quassia bidwillii)occurs in closed forests and vine thickets, usually in association with
riparian vegetation and freshwater.
None of these species were identified in the project area during the field surveys conducted for the EIS.
Terrestrial communities
The VMA provides the conservation status for REs in Queensland. REs that are considered threatened
are those that area listed under the VMA as endangered or of concern.
One RE listed as threatened under the VMA was identified from desktop studies to potentially occur in the
vicinity of the project area (EIS, Figures 9-6 and 9-7): RE 12.3.3, comprising open forest to woodland on
alluvial soils, generally dominated by Eucalyptus tereticornis (Queensland blue gum) with E. crebra
(narrow leaf ironbark) and/or E. moluccana (gum-topped box).
Field surveys conducted for the EIS found that areas (within the project area) thought to contain RE
12.3.3 were composed entirely of RE 11.3.29, which is classified as not of concern under the VMA.
Two ecological communities listed as threatened under the EPBC Act (see also section 8.4.3 of this
report) were identified from desktop studies to occur in the vicinity the project area:
semi-evergreen vine thicket (SEVT) of the Brigalow Belt and Nandewar bioregionsclassified
under the EPBC as an endangered ecological community (EEC), and represented by several
weeping myall woodlandsclassified as an EEC, dominated by myall (Acacia pendula) and
restricted in Queensland to REs 11.3.2 and 11.3.28.
Neither of these EECs was found to occur directly within the project area.
The WBDD Project is essentially a marine project comprising dredging and the construction of a
reclamation area within the intertidal zone. Activities relevant to the project that occur inland relate
primarily to the transport of quarry materials to the reclamation area construction site via a designated
haul route. The approvals for the use of the quarry and haul route are managed under separate
processes to this EIS. In addition, I have considered transport and traffic impacts relating to the WBDD
Project in section 5.4 of this report, and amenity and safety issues in section 5.5 of this report.
I recognise that no flora species or ecological communities of listed state or national significance occur in
the project area. Therefore, I consider that the project would not have a significant impact upon terrestrial
flora species or ecological communities.
Terrestrial fauna
This section of the report provides an evaluation of the potential impacts of the project on terrestrial fauna
of state significance. Matters of national environmental significance are addressed in chapter 8 of this
report. Section 9.2 and Appendix P of the EIS addressed terrestrial ecology, and additional information
was provided by GPC in the SID. Terrestrial fauna species are afforded protection by the Nature
Conservation Act 1994 (NC Act) and the conservation status of fauna in Queensland is listed in the
NC(W) Reg).
Terrestrial fauna diversity was assessed from desktop studies and field surveys. A total of 125 terrestrial
fauna species was recorded from the study area.
Twenty-seven terrestrial fauna species of conservation significance were considered likely to occur in or
immediately adjacent to the project area. Of these, three species were listed as endangered under the
NC Act:
The majority of the total species were considered to inhabit the dryland/woodlands habitats adjacent to
the project area, which were not considered to be core habitat to any of these species.
Terrestrial birds
Five EPBC Act-listed threatened bird species were recorded in the project area or identified as likely (
moderate likelihood) to occur within the project area. These are:
Neither of these species was identified during the field surveys conducted for the EIS. Habitat suitable for
each of these species does not occur with the project area.
Although habitat for Dawsons yellow chat may occur in the vicinity of the reclamation area, neither
species was identified during field surveys conducted for the EIS.
The terrestrial migratory white-throated needletail (Chaetura caudacuta) and fork-tailed swift (Apus
pacificus) are considered likely to forage at the project area when visiting eastern Australia in spring and
summer, however the available habitat is not considered important for these species.
Therefore, the project is not expected to impact upon the ecological values of the terrestrial bird species.
Migratory bird species are those species that migrate to Australia and its external territories, or pass
through or over Australian waters during their annual migration. All species on the list of migratory
species are also matters of national environmental significance under the EPBC Act (see section 8.5 of
this report). Migratory bird species are those listed in the:
China-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (CAMBA)
Japan-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (JAMBA)
Korea-Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (KAMBA).
A number of EPBC Act-listed migratory bird species, including migratory shorebirds, occur or are likely to
occur in the project area. Suitable habitats include woodlands, riparian vegetation, mangroves and
mudflats. The intertidal areas, in particular, are used for foraging and roosting by migratory shorebirds.
The EIS (Table 9-7) identified six other migratory marine birds to occur in the project area:
The EIS (sections 9.2 and 9.3) also specifically noted three species of migratory shorebirds that have
been recorded to use the mudflats in the east of project area for foraging and/or roosting in spring and
summer. These include:
The SID (section 16.4.1) noted that the Gladstone region is generally not recognised as an area of
international significance for migratory shorebirds. However, while the intertidal mudflats seaward of the
fringing mangroves immediately north of the reclamation area provide some feeding and roosting habitat
for wading and migratory shorebirds, the area north towards Friend Point and the Narrows, further from
the industrialised foreshore, is used more extensively.
The EIS (Appendix G, section 4.1.2) identified two species of terrestrial mammals considered likely to
occur within the project area:
The terrestrial environment of the project area is not considered to be core or significant habitat for either
of these species so it is considered highly unlikely that this project will impact on these species.
The EIS (section 9.2.3) and SID (section 16.4.1) noted that construction impacts included disruption to
wildlife behaviour as a result of light, noise and vibration disturbance particularly associated with the 24/7
construction schedule for the bund wall. These include:
disruption to wildlife behaviour due to light, noise, vibration and other construction disturbances
indirect degradation due to pollution, contaminants, pests and weeds and ASS
The EIS acknowledged that these disturbances can have a significant impact on migratory birds if they
restrict access to a limited resource or inhibit natural behaviour during a critical phase of the animals
lifecycle. Appendix S of the EIS (Noise and vibration) notes a study (Larkin, 1996) that observed that
some birds may habituate to noises that are not biologically relevant to them. Examples were provided of
seabirds that inhabit loud, noisy location such as airports or adjacent to busy motorways.
Concerns were raised in a public submission to the EIS regarding threats to shorebirds due to loss of
feeding and roosting habitat and disturbance due to noise, vibration and light.
In response, the SID noted that populations of migratory shorebirds continue to use the project area
despite the history of intensive industrial development and port operation, suggesting a degree of
adaptation or resilience to persist irrespective of noise and other disturbances.
However, proposed mitigation measure to minimise nuisance to migratory and shorebird species include:
directional control of lighting on the haul route and on the reclamation area
use of low wattage lighting, glare guards and shielding to minimise light spill.
Further discussion on potential lighting and noise impacts and mitigation is included in section 5.5
(Lighting) of this report.
In its submission on the SID, DEWHA considered that the EIS and SID had not adequately addressed
potential impact to migratory birds. In response, GPC has committed to undertaking further monitoring,
particularly of migratory shorebirds that may be affected by construction of the reclamation area, during
periods when they are known to be locally in transit.
As with terrestrial flora, I note that the WBDD Project is essential a marine project comprising dredging
and the construction of a reclamation area within the intertidal zone.
I recognise that no terrestrial mammals or reptiles of listed state or national significance occur in the
project area. I consider that the project will not have significant impact on the feeding, nesting or
migratory behaviours of the terrestrial fauna species in the vicinity of the project area. Therefore, I
consider that the project would not have a significant impact upon terrestrial mammals or reptiles.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4) to ensure that the proponent prepares and
implements a FFMP for the duration of the project that will establish a framework for baseline monitoring
(including review of historical records), assessment of impact (including threshold triggers), and inform
management and operation response, to avoid, minimise and/or mitigate impacts to terrestrial and marine
flora, fauna and ecosystems.
I consider that GPC has endeavoured to avoid and/or mitigate the potential adverse impacts on the
migratory fauna that use the project area through the combined and coordinated implementation of the
I acknowledge that the project area is inhabited by migratory birds, however I am satisfied that the
project area is not an important or critical habitat for the listed migratory species or other shorebirds.
Furthermore, I am satisfied that the mitigation measures, listed in section 9.2.3 the EIS, committed to by
GPC will help to minimise any potential impacts on migratory birds species.
Nonetheless, I acknowledge that disturbance to the intertidal foreshore in the vicinity of the reclamation
area may impact upon the feeding, breeding and transit of migratory shorebirds.
I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4.5) that requires the proponent to specifically
undertake seasonal monitoring of migratory seabirds, for the summer season transit period (between
October and March), with particular focus on the population peak in January. Monitoring will occur at the
localities immediately impacted by the reclamation area, including the embayment immediately north of
the reclamation area.
Monitoring will be undertaken within the context of a FFMP for the project (FFMPrefer to Appendix 1,
Schedule 2, Part 4) that will establish a framework for baseline monitoring (including review of historical
records), assessment of impact (including threshold triggers), and inform management and operation
response, for the duration of the project, to avoid, minimise and/or mitigate impacts to terrestrial and
marine flora, fauna and ecosystems.
The EIS (chapter 13 and Appendix W) identified a range of social impact issues likely to be derived from
activities associated with the project and provided a qualitative assessment of each, including:
road safety
housing real estate values
social infrastructure and services.
The assessment methodology used permitted consideration of stakeholder groups, duration and scale,
likelihood and consequences of social impact. The consequences were rated to account for the likely
impact from: insignificant to minor, moderate, major and extreme. Consequences were rated as:
high, medium, low and negligible.
No extreme impacts were identified. The most significant impacts were assessed as likely to impact on:
health and social well-being
- reduced road safety due to increased worker traffic (unlikely, but significant consequence, in the
- reduced marine safety (unlikely, but significant consequence in the short-term)
economic and material well-being
- positive benefits from employment opportunities (certain, but minor consequence, short
- positive benefits from business and community opportunities (highly likely, short duration)
- negative impacts on commercial fishing (highly likely, potentially long-term)
quality of living environment
- negative impacts on visual amenity and aesthetic quality (certain but minor long-term impact on
commercial and recreational fishers)
- loss of natural and recreational areas (highly likely, significant long-term impact on the
Gladstone community covering recreational, environmental, indigenous groups)
cultural impacts
- negative effect on accessibility to culturally important areas and landscapes (likely moderate,
long-term impact)
- negative effect on community aspirations (medium likelihood, long-term)
institutional, legal, political and equity impacts
- formation of community opinions and attitudes about the project (highly likely, long-term).
Issues raised in submissions on the EIS and SID relating to potential social and economic impacts of the
project tended to focus on potential cumulative impacts of all the current developments and activities
being undertaken in Port of Gladstone by GPC, other future port developments, including the recentlyapproved FLPE project and proposed LNG developments such as the Gladstone LNG (Santos) project
(GLNG) and Queensland Curtis LNG project (QGC).
Regarding those impacts directly attributable to the WBDD proposal, submission on the EIS focussed on:
the extent of impact on sea grass meadows
loss of natural and recreational areas
impact on the viability of commercial fishing
indigenous employment
compensation for commercial fishing losses and
offsets for loss of recreational access.
In its submission on the EIS, DEEDI expressed support for the influence the project would have on
resource and industrial development and employment in the Gladstone region. At the same time DEEDI
stated that the project impact on fish habitat and commercial fishing was likely to be significant, offering
assistance to GPC to address these issues.
GRC also focussed on natural environment, social and recreational impacts and addressing these
through mitigating safeguards, compensation and offsets.
The QER response to the SID focussed on the potential for sterilisation of oil shale deposits adjacent to
the reclamation development area.
In its response to the SID, the QSIA emphasised the potential loss to commercial fisheries caused by
direct and indirect impacts on sea grasses and access to developed areas. QSIA identified the need for
compensation to offset losses incurred.
In summary, the WBDD Project would be likely to make a significant contribution to the potential
cumulative impacts from the multiple projects in the Western Basin and therefore has the potential to add
to impacts on commercial, recreational or indigenous fisheries, including loss of fish habitat, loss of
access to harvest stock, impacts on the local seafood chain, and potential to displace fishing effort to
other habitats within the Gladstone region.
Potential impacts on commercial fisheries and recreational fishing and boating were considered in the EIS
(sections 13 and 15). Additional information was provided in the SID (sections 11 and 12). Issues
specifically relating to impacts on commercial and recreational fishing and the need for appropriate
compensation were raised in submissions from the QSIA, GRC and QER on the EIS and SID and a
number of public submissions on the EIS.
Results of a social impact assessment undertaken as part of the EIS are addressed in Appendix W and
summarised in section 13 of the EIS. I note that GPC has committed to ensure all mitigation measures
relating to social impacts included through the EIS documents are actioned throughout the life of the
The EIS (section 13.1.12) confirmed that fishing is a major recreational activity throughout the Gladstone
region, with Gladstone having one of the highest rates of boat ownerships of any community in Australia.
Fishing is by far the most prominent recreational activity undertaken in and around the project area.
The EIS indicated that use of the area by recreational fishers is governed by the seasonality of targeted
species, the tidal signature of the area and the amount of time available for fishing activities. The majority
of recreational fishing in the area is undertaken on the weekend, both from the shore and recreational
Species caught in the area include mud crab, mullet, shark, blue salmon and barramundi.
Indigenous fishing activities are undertaken by Traditional Owners in the study area. Indigenous fishers
are able to use recreational fishing apparatus and stone fish traps to take fish. Possession, size and
gender limits do not apply to indigenous fishers who are fishing for traditional purposes.
The EIS acknowledged that the Western Basin is an important resource for the local fishing community
and Port Curtis offers protected waters that support a variety of edible and sport fisheries species. It was
identified during the EIS process that access to fishing sites impacted by the dredging operations may be
restricted given the required safety exclusion zone around the dredging activities.
Potential impacts
As noted, potential impacts to recreational and indigenous fishing in Gladstone harbour are not specific to
the WBDD Project but are related to all current and proposed future activities.
The EIS stated that the potential impacts on the local indigenous, recreational and commercial fisheries
during construction of the project include the reduced access to recreational and culturally important
areas and the establishment of restricted areas in the vicinity of the project area during dredging and
reclamation area construction for security and safety reasons. Construction activities may also lead to a
reduction in local catch as species temporarily relocate to other areas to avoid the disturbance (including
noise, vibration and light). This impact is considered to be limited as most recreational fishing in the
vicinity of the existing Fishermans Landing wharf is conducted in an area to the north of the proposed
reclamation, in The Narrows and Graham Creek.
Recreational and indigenous fishers may also be impacted by dredging operations for this project as the
dredges will limit access to fishing is these areas. However, it is expected that fishers have adapted to
past dredging operations which are continually occurring in Gladstone harbour and have adjusted their
62 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
fishing patterns accordingly and therefore will make similar adjustment for the proposed dredging
operations for this project. Increased sedimentation from dredging operations may also impact on fish
availability in some areas and smother local seagrass beds, which has the potential to impact fish
breeding and feeding cycles.
Reduced access to recreational and indigenous fishing may have an economic impact on recreational
and indigenous fishers and their families as it is possible that fishing catches from the Fishermans
Landing area may provide a food source and supplement to family income. The area along the coast
north of the existing Fishermans Landing (locally referred to as The Pines due to a distinctive rows of
pine trees positioned there) offers informal road access to crabbing areas and is one of the few local
access points for crabbing.
Concerns were raised by public submissions to the EIS regarding the potential impacts on fisheries of
loss of habitat and access. In its submission on the SID, GRC considered that the EIS and SID had not
adequately addressed the loss of public access for recreational and commercial boating and fishing and
loss of linkage to The Narrows.
In response, the SID noted that provision of additional boat ramps would be considered within the context
of an offsets package, access to The Narrows would remain and ongoing discussions would continue with
the fishing industry. Recreational offsets are further discussed in chapter 6 (Environmental offsets) of this
Coordinator-Generals conclusionrecreational and indigenous fishing
I accept that the impact of the WBDD Project on recreational and indigenous fishing in Gladstone
harbour has been investigated as part of the EIS process and I consider that the preferred project area
provides the least restrictions to The Narrows and to the northern part of the Western Basin.
I note that GPC has indicated that the proposed development would restrict access to some areas of the
Western Basin but that these restrictions would have minimal affect on the recreational and indigenous
use of the harbour. While the affects on fish numbers is unquantified, the EIS indicated that the rock bund
walls will provide some alternative fishery habitat possibly offering a greater quantity of spatial refuge for
juvenile taxa than does open seabed.
I note that GPC has indicated that it is considering the construction of a boat ramp and parking facilities
in the vicinity of the Fishermans Landing site, in the context of the offsets package for the project (see
chapter 6 of this report) to provide boat launching facilities for recreational and indigenous fishers,
however specific details have not been provided at this time.
Commercial fishing
The EIS estimates that approximately six commercial fishing operations use the project area and adjacent
surrounds. DEEDI has indicated that approximately 1015 per cent of commercial fishing operations
based in Gladstone are conducted in the wider Port Curtis area. Consultation with GPC and the local
fishing community revealed that there are six commercial fishing operations that use the project area and
adjacent surrounds. The main commercial fishing activities include setting pots to collect mud crabs, fish
netting and trawler thoroughfare (but trawling is not allowed in the port area). The species targeted by the
local commercial fishing industry include mud crab, mullet, shark, blue salmon and barramundi. In its
submission on the EIS, the QSIA stated that the proposed reclamation area is a productive mullet,
salmon and shark fishery.
There is currently a 500 m exclusion zone around existing wharves and vessels at berth. Gladstone
harbour is closed to commercial fishers from Friday 6 pm until Sunday 6 pm to provide access for
recreational fishers.
Potential impacts
As noted in the discussion concerning recreational and indigenous fishing, potential impacts to
commercial fishing in Gladstone harbour are not specific to the WBDD Project, but are related to all
current and proposed future activities of GPC.
The EIS (section 13.2) stated that the potential impacts on the commercial fisheries during construction of
the project include the direct removal of approximately 236 ha of potential fishing grounds and the
establishment of restricted areas in the vicinity of the project area during construction for security and
safety reasons. Construction activities may also lead to a reduction in the local yield as the targeted
species may move away from the area to avoid the disturbance (including noise, vibration and light).
Commercial fishing may also be impacted by dredging operations for this project as the dredges would
limit access to fishing is these areas. However, it is expected that fishers have adapted to past dredging
operations that are continually occurring in Gladstone harbour and have adjusted their fishing patterns
accordingly and therefore will make similar adjustment for the proposed dredging operations for this
project. Increased sedimentation from dredging operations may also smother local seagrass beds and
impact on fish availability in some areas, which has the potential to impact fish breeding and feeding
There is concern among the Gladstone commercial fishery community that removal of soft sediment and
seagrass habitat, resulting from the construction of the reclamation area and turbidity and sedimentation
associated with dredging, would reduce juvenile fishery species habitat, having flow-on effects to catch
rates and economic viability of the fishery in the future.
The seagrasses within the project area that are likely to be impacted occur in aggregated patches, have
little vertical structure and are highly variable in their prevalence.
The SID (section 11.1) stated that commercial fishery data for the Gladstone area from 2002 to 2008 do
not show a decline in catches in the years following a decline in available seagrass habitat (which
naturally fluctuates erratically). This would be expected if the reproductive success of species using the
habitats to be affected was correlated to the availability of that habitat. Instead, a decline in catches is
observed corresponding with the time of reduction in available habitat, suggesting commercially targeted
species prevalence was more affected by those events that lead to the loss of seagrass (such as extreme
stormwater runoff events from the surrounding catchment) than they were to the loss of seagrass itself.
It is evident that the marine communities using this habitat already persist under an erratically fluctuating
regime of meadow availability and absence. It is predicted that any species using the habitat to be
affected would relocate to the other seagrass meadows (approximately 7000 ha) in the Gladstone area.
QSIA has been advised by local fishers that they believe ASS in the region has led to ulcerated crab
shells. Local fishers are concerned that potential impacts of the release of ASS may lead to more
deformed crabs, thereby limiting marketable catches. The SID indicated that scientific evidence to support
this claim is not well documented.
In its submission on the EIS, QSIA concerns for the industry relate to loss of habitat, loss of access,
displaced effort and seafood supply chain issues. QSIA considers local fishers are entitled to appropriate
compensation for loss of income and resource access as a result of various GPC projects.
In its submission on the EIS, GRC suggested that monetary compensation should be made available to
commercial fisherman for the loss of productive fishing areas and to the community for the social impacts
of direct loss of fisheries habitat.
GRC also requested that I set appropriate mitigation actions of the proponent to account for the social
impacts of the project, such as a recreational offsets package to mitigate impacts to indigenous and
recreational fishers.
The need for compensation for these potential losses was raised in a number of public submissions on
the EIS. I note that GPC has indicated that it would participate in any state government-led negotiation on
the matter. I note that the fishery communities are already adapted to using other meadows in the
Gladstone region for those times during which seagrass meadows in the Western Basin are sparse.
Coordinator-Generals conclusioncommercial fishing
The EIS suggested that there would not be significant impacts on the juvenile fishery productivity in this
area. This argument is not supported by DEEDI, QSIA, GRC and a number of public submitters. DEEDI
suggested that the proposed development would have an impact on commercial, recreational and
indigenous fisheries operating in the harbour and that these should be taken into account and
compensation paid where negative impacts are demonstrated to have been experienced. DEEDI also
suggested that an offsets package include the enhancement of other recreational fishing locations or
64 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
provision of facilities that would be useful to recreational and commercial fishers as part of a much
broader offsets package that includes consideration of impacts to marine habitats.
I acknowledge that the full impact of the WBDD Project on fisheries in the Western Basin would be a
very difficult to accurately establish. However, I agree with DEEDI, GRC and QSIA that there would be
some degree of impact and this impact needs to be determined and analysed in more detail and an
appropriate compensation package (if considered necessary) prepared to cover the relevant impacts.
As noted, potential marine impacts in the Western Basin harbour are not specific to the WBDD Project,
rather to all current and proposed future activities of GPC. Therefore, my consideration of impacts to
commercial fishing in Gladstone harbour is considered in the overall cumulative impact assessment in
section 6 of this report.
Boating safety
The project may impact on the safety of marine-based activities, such as fishing, boating and jet skiing,
particularly where industrial equipment is used in close proximity to recreational areas. The bund
construction and dredging will result in reduced access to recreational areas. Exclusion zones are
proposed to be introduced to mitigate public safety and help to ensure the security of the construction and
dredging equipment. The requirements of DTMR, MSQ and the RHM concerning marine safety are
addressed in section 5.4.4 of this report.
I am satisfied that there are sufficient alternative areas within Port Curtis that can be accessed by the
public for recreational purposes.
Cultural heritage
The key legislation in Queensland with regard to Aboriginal cultural heritage is the Aboriginal Cultural
Heritage Act 2003. This Act requires that a cultural heritage management plan (CHMP) be prepared to
manage Aboriginal cultural heritage.
The project area is situated partially within the external boundaries of the registered Port Curtis Coral
Coast (PCCC) Native Title claim. The PCCC claim area takes in the small area of land in the south-west
of the project area near the shoreline. The claim does not include the waters of the Gladstone harbour.
I note that a CHMP has recently been prepared and is awaiting its final signatures.
Several pieces of Commonwealth and state legislation provide a legislative basis for non-indigenous
cultural heritage including the EPBC Act, Australian Heritage Council Act 2003 (Commonwealth),
Queensland Heritage Act 1992 and the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976.
The EIS provided details of desktop research undertaken on non-indigenous cultural heritage. In its
submission on the EIS, DERM sought additional information on shipwreck data. This data was presented
in the supplementary document.
I note that GPC has committed to take steps in accordance with sections 89 and 90 of the Queensland
Heritage Act 1992 and the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976, including reporting details to DERM, if any
archaeological artefacts (including shipwrecks) are discovered during the course of construction.
The project area traverses and is adjacent to the states oil shale deposits under tenements MDL225,
MDL177, ML(A) 80081 and ML80003 (Stuart oil shale deposits) and exploration permit EPM3215 held by
Queensland Energy Resources Limited (QER) and its related entities. QER is investigating the potential
to develop oil shale deposits within the Stuart area immediately landward of the reclamation area.
QER is supportive of GPCs proposal to develop the WBDD Project but wishes to ensure that the project
does not lead to the inadvertent sterilisation of the underlying oil shale resource.
As the potential construction and operation of the QERs facility may have minor constructional and
possibly operational interface issues with the WBDD Project, mainly associated with the transport of
quarry material for the construction of the reclamation area bund wall.
I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 3) that requires the proponent to maintain
satisfactory communication with QER and DIP during the WBDD Project to sure that QERs interests are
not adversely affected.
Road network
The proposed reclamation area is located in the Gladstone harbour to the north-west of Gladstone and is
accessed by Landing Road. This two-lane, two-way sealed road is under the jurisdiction of GRC with a
speed limit of 80 km/h and forms the main north-south access spine for this area of the Yarwun Precinct
of the GSDA.
The major road in the study area is the GladstoneMt Larcom Road, which is a state-controlled sealed
road under the jurisdiction of DTMR. GladstoneMt Larcom Road is a two-lane, two-way road, with a
speed limit of 80 km/h in the vicinity of Landing Road.
The GPC-owned quarry that will provide material for construction of the reclamation bund wall is situated
west of Landing Road near Guerassimoff Road, located approximately 4 km south-west of the
reclamation area. The operation of the quarry was subject to a separate planning and environmental
approvals process, which has included the assessment of traffic impacts associated with the long-term
operation of the quarry.
A detailed assessment of traffic impacts on the road network was not undertaken for the EIS. However, a
general assessment was provided in the EIS. Chapter 11 of the EIS indicated that there is potential for
impacts on transport infrastructure from workforce traffic and the haulage of approximately 1.8 Mm3 of
rock from the quarry.
The EIS described two possible production schedule options for construction of the bund wall, including a
high-rate production schedule, to be completed in one year, and a low-rate production schedule, to be
completed in four and a half years. For reasons of construction timing and efficiency GPC has identified in
the SID that it will adopt the high-rate production schedule option, which would require a 24/7 bund
construction schedule. My evaluation of workforce and rock haulage traffic (sections and
respectively) has therefore only considered potential impacts associated with the high-rate 24/7
production schedule option.
Although the WBDD Project and the FLPE project are different projects and subject to separate approvals
processes, at a certain stage of the bund construction and reclamation, the two projects overlap.
Accordingly, I note that the two projects have been assessed together within the traffic analysis for EIS
and SID to consider the worst-case traffic scenario.
Workforce traffic
In its submission on the EIS, DTMR identified that assumptions made in the traffic analysis for the EIS
were inconsistent with DTMR traffic count data, raising concern regarding the creditability of the GPCs
data and therefore accuracy of the analysis undertaken. In response, GPC has used the traffic counts
provided by DTMR to re-create the traffic analysis that was presented in chapter 11 of the EIS.
The following bund construction and dredging activity assumptions were used in the revised traffic
analysis report (SID, Appendix I) to calculate peak workforce traffic generation as set out in Table 9.
The bund construction workforce would commute directly to the reclamation area and would be separated
into two separate shifts with changes between shifts occurring daily at 6 am and 6 pm. The dredging
workforce would change shift once every 12 weeks, however it has been assumed that both activities
would have the same shift time change over as a worst-case scenario.
Table 10 shows the calculated peak workforce directional volumes for the bund construction and dredging
workforce, with vehicular volumes based on an average occupancy rate of one person per vehicle.
Table 10Workforce directional volumes (see SID, Appendix, section 2.3)
Peak period
am. peak
pm. peak
In 2011 (when both the bund construction and dredging activities would occur concurrently), it is
estimated that 79 trips per hour would be generated during the morning peak and 39 trips per hour during
the evening peak.
Chapter 11 of the EIS identified the intersection of GladstoneMt Larcom Road and Landing Road as the
most critical intersection to be affected by the construction traffic due to the high volume of vehicles on
the right-turn movement from the western approach to the intersection (see Figure 8). Three scenarios
were modelled to assess the possible impact of the traffic associated with the project on the intersection,
including: existing traffic (2009); future traffic (2011) without construction traffic; and future traffic (2012)
with construction traffic.
The analysis indicated that the traffic generated by the bund construction and dredging workforce
activities would not significantly impact the performance of the existing GladstoneMt Larcom
Road/Landing Road intersection. With the predicted workforce traffic identified in Table 10, the
intersection is expected to perform satisfactorily and remain at the highest level of service for all traffic
movements. The existing GladstoneMt Larcom Road/Landing Road intersection would therefore not
require any upgrading as a result of workforce traffic generated by the proposed project activities.
The traffic analysis also indicated that the predicted volume of workforce traffic would be well within
capacity limits on the GladstoneMt Larcom Road, representing a relatively small proportion of the roads
vehicle traffic (16 per cent in the am. and 7.8 per cent in the pm.).
With regard to pavement impacts, the majority of vehicles used by workers to commute to and from the
reclamation area along GladstoneMt Larcom Road during construction of the reclamation area and
dredging would consist of cars and light trucks. These vehicles are expected to have a minimal impact on
the pavements of the roads used.
In summary, there are not likely to be any impacts on traffic or road surfaces resulting from workforce
traffic (including construction of the reclamation area and dredging) associated with the project.
As noted, GPC identified in the SID that it requires the high-rate production schedule option for the
construction of the reclamation area bund, which would require the construction of the bund 24/7. This
option would involve a production schedule of 1.8 Mm3 (total), equating to approximately 10 truck circuits
per hour (based on a fleet of six CAT 777 trucks) 24/7, and is expected to take approximately 1218
months to complete.
An off-road haul route is proposed (see Figure 8) thereby removing the bulk haulage of quarry material on
council controlled road infrastructure and minimising potential impacts on traffic, road user safety and
local road surfaces.
The proposed route runs through the GSDA, land held by Cement Australia, Queensland Energy
Resources Limited (QER) and a small section of forestry land. The haul route runs predominantly to the
west of Landing Road, crossing Forestry Road to the north and then runs parallel to Forestry Road
leading to Fishermans Landing Wharf. The haul route currently involves only one heavy vehicle crossing
of Forestry Road, which would be designed in consultation with GRC and QER.
Section 16 of the SID reported that the haul route is currently subject to the design and documentation
process in preparation of construction tenders. As the alignment is generally fixed, the haul route would
only be subject to further refinement by the appointed contractor with respect to profile, drainage
structures and traffic control. Preliminary approval has been reached with the affected land owners along
the route and agreements are being negotiated for the use of the land for the haul route.
GPC is undertaking a separate approvals process to gain the required development approvals for the offroad haul route. Pavement, intersection and traffic impacts would be reviewed at that time.
The 24/7 production schedule option may result in risks to the public which would be managed as part of
the haul operation. Schedule 13 of the EMP includes the following measures to minimise these risks:
grade separation (preferred option) or other manned gate type operations with stop signals, where
haulage vehicles would interact with road registered or other traffic
exclusion of all unauthorised traffic on the haul road (including trail bikes), through the construction
of safety bunds and fencing along both sides of the route
greater security patrols to ensure exclusion of the public from the haul route.
A number of safety measures have been highlighted in section 16 of the SID that would be deployed by
GPC to ensure the safety of heavy equipment operators and construction workers for the 24/7 operation,
regular traffic inspections and more traffic controllers for night time construction
provision of appropriate lighting
management of vehicle driver and traffic controllers fatigue of haul vehicle drivers on the
construction site and for the haulage operation to avoid collisions.
Additional impacts of the 24/7 option include impacts of night lighting and additional night noise. These
are addressed in section 5.5 of this report.
I am satisfied that there are not likely to be any impacts on traffic or road surfaces resulting from
workforce traffic associated with the project.
I recognise that the approval for the haul route lies outside the scope of this report and is subject to a
concurrent approvals process. However, I am satisfied that the proposed off-road route for rock haulage
requirements would minimise potential impacts on traffic, road user safety and GRC road surfaces.
5.4.2 Rail
The Fishermans Landing Branch rail line runs along the GSDA Materials Transportation and Services
Corridor to Cement Australia, enabling the delivery of raw materials to the cement plant. Two level
crossings exist along Serrant Road where it crosses the rail loop.
Workforce commuter traffic for the construction of the reclamation area would be instructed to use the
route consisting of Landing Road and then curving around to the north of the cement plant onto the
strategic port land. This would not impact on the local rail infrastructure.
Section 14 of the SID confirms that no heavy vehicle crossings of the Fishermans Landing Branch rail
line are envisaged within the proposed off-road haul route. Should the haul route change and the need to
cross the Fishermans Landing Branch rail line be required, a separate level crossing assessment would
be undertaken and an associated approval of the railway crossing would be obtained from the DTMR,
under section 255 of the Transport Infrastructure Act.
In summary, I consider that there are not likely to be any rail impacts resulting from workforce traffic or
rock haulage traffic associated with the project.
All developments in the vicinity of airports, aerodromes and airfields must take into consideration the
specifications stated in the Civil Aviation Safety Authoritys (CASA) Manual of Standards Part 139 Aerodromes. The manual contains specification (standards) prescribed by CASA to be necessary for the
safety of air navigation including obstacle restrictions and limitations and is referenced in the Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations Part 139Aerodrome Certification and Operation.
The closest operational airport to the reclamation area and quarry is the Gladstone airport. The
construction of the reclamation area is not expected to adversely impact the operation of the Gladstone
airport. Separate investigations would be carried out for the construction of any structure on the
completed reclamation.
In its submission on the EIS, GRC expressed concerns surrounding the potential penetration of the
Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) for the proposed Kangaroo Island Airport by the reclamation mound
and the need for the state government to address the loss of the airport site.
To avoid projection into the operational airspace around any future airport on Kangaroo Island, GRC
suggested a 40 m height restriction for the reclamation site associated with the FLPE project. I note that
a maximum height of 60 m has been proposed for the WBDD Project reclamation area, which is
contiguous with and north of the proposed northern expansion of Fishermans Landing.
Coordinator-Generals conclusionairport
The construction of the reclamation area and the dredging are not expected to impact on the Gladstone
airport operations.
I acknowledge that future development proposed to be located on the reclaimed area would undergo
relevant assessment including assessment of potential impacts on airport operations (current and future).
However, I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 3) to ensure CASA requirements are
met in relation to aviation matters for future development on the reclaimed area.
Marine traffic
Reclamation construction
The proposed reclamation area is located west of the current port facilities, therefore no impacts to the
existing commercial shipping traffic and facilities are anticipated during construction of the reclamation.
Notwithstanding this, there may be an exclusion zone around the bund wall itself, which may place
restrictions on recreational and commercial fishing activities in this area. These potential impacts are
discussed in section 5.3 (Social and economic) of this report.
In its submission on the EIS, DEWHA recommended that project assessment should address cumulative
and consequential impacts of potential developments in particular increased shipping activity and the
various proposals relating to linear infrastructure across The Narrows, from Friend Point on the mainland
to Laird Point on Curtis Island.
GPC informed that currently there are five LNG industry proponents undertaking various approval
processes for their facilities. The final determination on the number facilities to be developed will only
come about from the final commitment through Financial Investment Decision for each of the proponents.
Vessels to be used by the LNG industry vary from 145 000 m3 to 170 000 m3 and are effectively
equivalent to the current Panamax Class vessels operating in the Port of Gladstone.
Drafts for the vessels are 11.0 m to 12.0 m and can therefore use the outer harbour channel at any state
of the tide. The proposed channel development at RL -13.0 m is sufficient for the channels to be also
used at any time
The industry has provided staging numbers based on their individual EIS submissions. This is
summarised in the Table 11.
Table 11Shipping projections for proposed LNG industry proponents in the Western Basin
LNG industry proponent
Gladstone LNG (Santos)
Total number of vessels
Initial development
Ultimate development
During the construction phase of LNG facilities on Curtis Island, considerably greater levels of shipping
traffic are expected to be generated by the need to transport workers and materials by barges and ferries.
At peak construction, each project is expected to require 120 plus ferry services per month to transport
personnel to and from the construction site. Assuming the construction of three LNG projects on Curtis
Island that are broadly concurrent, approximately 10 to 12 ferry trips per day could be expected. A similar
number of barge trips, primarily transporting materials and components, would also be expected although
these vessels are likely to be relatively slow moving.
GPC modelled the capacity of the port to handle increased trade to determine the triggers for potential
channel duplication. The model was developed to assess all aspects of vessel interaction and project
growth impacts on the port.
Scenarios were run with the introduction of likely industrial development in addition to the existing trades
and their projected growth. New trades were introduced for the Rio Tinto Alumina stage 2 development
and for the growth of WICT from 25 Mtpa to 70 Mtpa. LNG trades were run at 20 Mtpa to reflect the
anticipated initial development.
The resultant growth reflected an increase from approximately 1600 to 2600 vessel calls per annum.
The model indicated that shipping associated with these scenarios can be accommodated without
duplication of the channel.
Section 6.2.5 of this report provides additional discussion on the projections and cumulative impacts of
recreation boating in the Western Basin.
Dredging traffic
Chapter 2 of the EIS indicates that it is possible that up to four dredgers and associated support craft
would be operating concurrently in the harbour to meet the anticipated construction schedule for the
development of the various LNG facilities. The dredging works would be undertaken with reference to the
requirements of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 and Transport Operations (Marine
Pollution) Act 1995.
In their submissions on the EIS, both GRC and the Fitzroy Basin Association (FBA) raised concerns
about the possible disruption of the passage of marine craft on the eastern side of North Passage Island.
I recognise the proposed final location of APLNGs wharf to be significant issue and I find that the final
location of any APLNG wharf would be a matter for specific determination as part of the separate and
concurrent APLNG EIS process. Notwithstanding this, I understand that the proponent for the APLNG
project has now dismissed the wharf option extending past North Passage Island which could potentially
disrupt the passage of marine craft on the eastern side of the island.
In its submission on the SID, DTMR recommended that GPC continues to liaise with Maritime Safety
Queensland (MSQ) through the Regional Harbour Master (RHM, Gladstone) to ensure that all parties are
aware of the projects development, and that MSQ as a state agency within the DTMR must be
recognised as the appropriate concurrence agency for maritime matters as they relate to safety of
navigation and prevention of ship-sourced pollution. Accordingly, I have stated a condition (Appendix 1,
Schedule A, Part 2.2) to address maritime safety in the area, as per the requirements of MSQ and the
RHM, during construction and dredging.
Air emissions
Air quality
Section 10 of the EIS stated that only minor impacts on air quality are expected from the project. During
construction, potential sources of air emissions include:
dust emissions from mechanical disturbance during the placement of rock in the bund wall once it
is above the high water mark
dust emissions from mechanical disturbance during the placement of capping material on the final
reclamation surface
vehicle emissions from workforce and construction traffic, including trucks delivering quarry
materials along the proposed unsealed, off-road, haul route and the operation of construction
machinery at the bund wall
exhaust emissions from dredging vessels.
During the operational phase of the project, the only potential impact is dust from the surface of the
completed reclamation area from wind erosion.
Dust would be managed during the construction of the project through the use of water trucks on the
reclamation area, as required. Wind erosion from the completed reclamation area would be minimised
through the progressive vegetation of the reclamation area in stages as construction is complete.
GPC is required to provide dust mitigation measures, such as watering and grading, for management of
the haul route as part of the separate approvals process to use that route.
Vehicle emissions would be kept to a minimum through regular vehicle maintenance of all construction
vehicles (including dredging vessels), and ensuring standard emission reduction devices remain on all
Appendix T of the EIS provides an assessment of potential greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the
construction of the reclamation area and proposed capital dredging operations of the project. The EIS
indicates that approximately 300 500 tonnes CO2-e of greenhouse gas would be produced during the
project, representing 0.17 per cent of Queenslands annual emissions. Almost 97 per cent of these
emissions would result from the use of fuel for the capital dredging activities. Other sources of emissions
identified include:
transportation of bund armour and core material from the quarry to the reclamation area
embodied emissions from the manufacturing of the geotextile material to be used to line the bund
diesel fuel consumption of the on-site machinery.
Schedule 11 of the EMP outlines several mitigation options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
defining the most direct and efficient haulage route from the quarry to the reclamation area
72 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
sourcing the dredge material from the closest possible dredging operations
selecting newer dredgers with more efficient engines where possible and including energy
efficiency clauses in all equipment tender specifications
encouraging efficient driving methods by the truck and machinery operators to reduce the amount
of fuel used
sourcing geotextile manufactured from recycled PET plastics
investigating the potential to switch to the use of bio-fuels for vehicles and onsite machinery
staged vegetation of the reclamation area.
I am satisfied that the level of air emissions that may be generated by this project are minor and would
be appropriately managed by GPC undertaking the mitigation measures proposed in section 10 of the
EIS and in formalising these in Schedule 10 of the projects EMP.
I am satisfied that the level of greenhouse gas emissions that may be generated by this project are
relatively minor and may be reduced by GPC undertaking the mitigation measures proposed in section 10
the EIS and in formalising of these in Schedule 11 of the projects EMP.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5.6) that require the proponent to minimise the
impacts of airborne contaminants and develop and implement a greenhouse gas strategy for the project.
As a major industrial port on Australias east coast, Gladstone harbour has baseline noise and vibration
values that are contributed by shipping, handling of commodities, large and small vessel traffic and other
minor construction activities along the Gladstone foreshore. While issues associated with cumulative
noise creep on background noise levels and other impacts associated with expansion of major heavy
industrial development were not identified in EIS submissions, they are elemental parts of amenity
considerations. In this regard I consider that there is a case for compiling and reporting on background
noise levels in order to confirm the effectiveness of control and mitigation measures as may be applied to
each development.
In particular, the area surrounding the project area has been noted to experience elevated evening and
night-time noise levels due to existing industrial noise. This includes rail shunting, existing annual
maintenance dredging in the Clinton Bypass Channel, industrial noise from Port Central and road traffic
noise in the area. Residents are also located within 200 m of road, rail and industrial activities that
operation 24 hours a day.
The EIS identifies a range of potential noise and vibration sources from project activities including:
construction of the reclamation area, including tip trucks, earthmoving machinery, vibratory rollers
and other smaller construction vehicles
dredging activities including the operation of
- large and medium trailing suction hopper dredgers
- large and medium cutter suction dredgers
- backhoe dredger (if possibly required)
- workboats, survey boats and tug boats
pile driving for the 19 navigational beacons and channel markers to be installed.
Chapter 19 of the EIS identifies 10 sensitive receiver locations that have been assessed for potential
noise and vibration impacts attributable to the project (see Figure 9). Three sensitive receivers are
located less then 1 km from the proposed dredging areas, including:
R04: residential receiver on Tide Island (450 m from dredging)
R10: habitat protection zone of the Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park (GBRCMP) (State)
between Friend Point and Laird Point (600 m from dredging)
R05: residential receiver on Witt Island (750 m from dredging).
Construction of the reclamation area
Noise modelling results presented in chapter 10 of the EIS were based on construction activities
undertaken in the reclamation area between the hours of 6.30 am and 6.30 pm, Monday to Saturday.
For reasons of construction timing and efficiency, GPC has since identified in the SID that it requires
construction activities in the reclamation area to be undertaken 24/7. This would involve approximately 10
haul truck movements per hour (based on a fleet of five CAT 777 trucks). Additional noise modelling was
therefore conducted and reported in section 16.2 of the SID for the following scenarios:
dozers and trucks tipping at the reclamation area
dozers at reclamation area and trucks on haul road in the vicinity of the quarry (closest point to
receiver R1, Fishermans Road).
The SID reports that site works are expected to meet the project specific noise goals 6 identified for each
of the sensitive receivers. The sleep disturbance 45 dB(A) Lmax noise goal is also expected to be met. No
significant adverse noise impacts are therefore anticipated resulting from activities associated with the
construction of the reclamation area.
Dredging activities
Two dredging scenarios (Stage 1A and Stage 2) have been modelled as they each represent the worstcase scenario in terms of noise emissions. As described in section 2.2 and shown in Figure 2.2 of this
report, these stages would comprise the following:
Stage 1A: late 20102012 (2 years)
Stage 2: 2014 (follows stages 1A and 1B).
I note that sensitive receiver R10 (habitat protection zone of the GBRCMP) is a sensitive receiver to both
the construction of the reclamation area and Stage 2 of the dredging activities. However, given that the
reclamation area bund wall would be fully constructed prior to any dredging, an assessment of combined
impact from both noise sources has not been required.
Noise modelling results presented in section 10 of the EIS indicate that during neutral weather conditions,
noise from dredging activities has the potential to exceed the night-time (10 pm to 7 am) project specific
noise goal of 38 dB(A) by 3 dB at two receivers: R04 (Tide Island) and R10 (habitat protection zone of the
GBRCMP). During noise enhancing weather conditions, noise from dredging activities also the potential
to exceed the:
evening (6 pm10 pm) noise goal of 43 dB(A) by 2 dB at receivers R04 and R10
night-time noise goal (38 dB(A)) by 1 dB at receiver R09 (Gladstone residents near Port Central,
located 1.1 km from dredging).
Modelling suggests that noise levels experienced on nearby tidal flats would range from 40-55 dB(A)
during assumed dredging activities. These levels are similar to noise levels experienced adjacent to other
sites within the GSDA and comparable to noise levels in natural environments during windy conditions.
Chapter 10 of the EIS states that project specific noise goals have been set based upon the principle that noise
from continuous sources should be no more than 3 dB(A) above the background noise level, as specified in the
Planning for Noise Control (PNC) Guideline (EPA, 2004). For R10 (habitat protection zone of the Great Barrier Reef
Coast Marine Park), the appropriate noise criteria is specified in the EPP (Noise) 2008 as being the level of noise
that preserves the amenity of the existing marine park. Appendix T of the EIS presents details of how the project
specific noise goals have been calculated.
74 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
Underwater noise
Chapter 10 of the EIS indicates that activities that may create underwater noise include dredging
activities, placement of rock for the bund wall and pile driving. Potential impacts of this elevated
background noise on marine megafauna include:
limiting the detection of natural sounds
disturbing normal behaviour resulting in possible displacement from areas
causing temporary or permanent reductions in hearing sensitivity.
The construction of marine structures for the project would result in increased occurrence of underwater
noise. Additional discussion on underwater noise impacts on marine fauna and shorebirds is provided in
sections 5.2.6 and 5.2.7 of this report.
Potential vibration impacts
Chapter 10 of the EIS indicates that the nature and levels of vibration emitted by equipment at the site
would vary with the activities being carried out. However, due to the distance between the reclamation
area and the nearest sensitive receivers, vibration investigations undertaken for the EIS indicate that
there should be no appreciable impact at all sensitive receivers.
Submissions on the EIS were concerned with impact noise from pile driving, potential noise impact on
shorebirds particularly when feeding (low tide) and potential noise impacts on megafauna breeding.
The submission from DERM provided advice on acceptable noise limits at sensitive receptor sites. The
DERM submission also provided advice on appropriate arrangements for complaint management
Noise and vibration mitigation measures have been included in Schedule 12 of the EMP for the project.
These include:
Reclamation area
all combustion engine plant, such as generators and compressors would be checked to ensure
they produce minimal noise
vehicles would be kept properly serviced and fitted with appropriate mufflers
where practical, all vehicular movements to and from the dredging site would only be made during
normal working hours
where practical, machines would be operated at low speed or power and would be switched off
when not being used rather than left idling for prolonged periods
activities that cause excessive noise such as pile driving would be limited to Saturdays or business
days between 6:30 am and 6:30 pm
machines found to produce excessive noise, compared to industry best practice, would be
removed from the site or stood down until repairs or modifications can be made
controls will be placed on vehicles which use reversing alarms/beepers (if identified as an issue
during works).
Dredging and piling
active community consultation with noise sensitive receivers prior to the commencement of works
where possible, the avoidance of dredging in close proximity to noise sensitive receivers during the
night time period
boats, dredgers and tugs would be kept properly serviced and fitted with appropriate mufflers
use of low-noise piling methods, where feasible
use of warning strikes or similar prior to the commencement of pile driving.
With regard to impacts of underwater noise on megafauna, Schedule 12 of the EMP also specifies the
following mitigation measures:
use of soft starts between long breaks in activity, where piling energy is gradually increased over a
5-10 minute period to allow megafauna opportunity to leave the area of impact
avoidance of activity where breeding of megafauna is noted in the project area
bubble curtains which reduce the sources level of the piling noise
acoustic deterrents which scare marine species from the immediate vicinity of construction activity
acoustic and human observation techniques to ensure that species are not in the area during pile
driving activities
piling at low tide, where possible
where a marine mammal is observed within the vicinity of pile driving activities, piling would be
halted until the mammal has departed.
Table 16-3 of the SID provides additional construction noise and vibration management controls. I note
this includes a noise and vibration complaints monitoring and management component.
Predicted noise levels associated with the construction of the reclamation area comply with site specific
noise criteria for all identified noise sensitive receivers. Therefore, I am satisfied that potential noise
impacts from the construction of the reclamation area would not significantly impact on the amenity of the
sensitive residential receivers.
However, I find that noise from dredging activities has the potential to exceed the adopted night-time
noise goal by 3 dB at two sensitive receivers (a residential receiver at Tide Island and the habitat
protection zone of the GBRCMP) during neutral meteorological conditions, and the evening noise goal by
2 dB during noise enhancing meteorological conditions. An additional receiver (R9Gladstone residents
near Port Central) would also be exceeded by 1 dB during noise enhancing meteorological conditions.
Notwithstanding this, given that the area surrounding the project area has been noted to experience
elevated evening and night-time noise levels due to existing industrial noise, and that dredging activities
are considered transient in nature and any exceedence of noise goals would be temporary, I am
satisfied that the potential noise impacts on identified sensitive receivers would be minor and could be
managed through the inclusion of appropriate management controls in the projects construction EMP.
Due to the distance between the reclamation area and the nearest sensitive receivers, I am also
satisfied that there should be no appreciable vibration impact at all sensitive receivers.
I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5.7) that requires the proponent to accommodate
provisions in the EMP that specify noise limits for noise sensitive places. I have also stated conditions
(Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 5) that provide the arrangements that the proponent must implement to
deal with complaints, should noise nuisance issues arise.
Although the EIS states that no construction will be undertaken at night, the GPC proposes a second
option in the SID of road haulage and bund construction which would involve operations 24/7.
Additional discussion on lighting impacts on marine fauna and shorebirds is provided in sections 5.2.7
and 5.2.9 of this report respectively.
Dredging associated with the Targinie Channel and Fishermans Landing swing basin will be undertaken
as 24 hour a day operation and the lighting on the dredge and supporting vessels required to maintain
safe shipping will be specified by MSQ.
The SID indicates that lighting requirements for the night works are likely to consist of:
reclamation area
- two mobile lighting towers (four to six lights each tower) at each work face (likely to be three)
- one mobile tower at each change in direction and turn-around points
haul route
- temporary lighting towers at all changes in direction points, intersections, major creek crossings
and intervals along the haul route.
The lights will be directionally controlled and shielding may also be used to minimise light spill that could
cause nuisance to residents, motorists, other users of adjacent land and marine and terrestrial fauna
(including wading/migratory bird species).
Coordinator-Generals conclusionlighting
Environmental impacts associated with lighting during construction of the reclamation and dredging have
been covered earlier in this report. I note the SID proposes a mitigation strategy which involves
implementing lighting solutions to reduce potential marine fauna attraction to the site. Management of
lighting will be included in the construction and operational EMPs. Based on my assessment of the
information provided throughout the EIS process, I concur with the findings that there will only be minimal
impacts from lighting on the public, marine birds and nocturnal marine fauna.
The Port of Gladstone has a long history of industrial coastal development and the waters of Port Curtis
are subject to high volumes of shipping traffic, coastal infrastructure and disturbance. The declaration and
extension of the GSDA immediately north of Gladstone and on the south-western portion of Curtis Island
is in recognition of the future industrial development intention for the locality, including the emergent LNG
The reclamation area is located 10 km north of the urban residential area of Gladstone and is adjacent to
established, heavy industrial development in the GSDA including Cement Australia, Orica, Rio Tinto
Aluminium Yarwun, RG Tanna Coal Terminal, NRG power station and Queensland Energy Resources. In
addition, the existing Fishermans Landing and proposed FLPE are intended to be developed for
industrial port facilities. A visual impact assessment was undertaken for the EIS (chapter 14 and
Appendix X).
The reclamation proposal preferred by GPC included provision for a mound of dredge spoil material to
contain the full volume of dredged material within a minimal areal footprint area. For a net capacity of
approximately 55 Mm3 a mound with a maximum height of 60 m was initially designed, with a slope of
approximately 1:6 to enable effective management of stormwater runoff, erosion and surface
rehabilitation (vegetation). The mound would be sufficiently high to become a prominent landscape
78 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
feature of this locality. The EIS (section 14.2.3) provides an assessment of the potential visual impact of
the reclamation mound, indicating its appearance during reclamation and following the progressive
establishment of rehabilitation planting. The mound is generally assessed to have an adverse visual
impact, however, this would, to some extent be lessened by rehabilitation planting. The EIS also indicates
potential visual impacts resulting from the visibility of activities proposed to be undertaken within the
dredging channels and the construction of the reclamation bund wall. An increase in the industrial focus
of the area may affect the level and nature of public use of the area, particularly for those who visit the
area for environmental appreciation and/or recreation.
Retention of the tidal channel between the western bund wall of the reclamation area will enable the
retention of foreshore mangroves, which should soften the visual impact when the mound is viewed from
the west.
Schedule 16 of the EMP outlines GPCs commitments to reducing and/or managing adverse visual
impacts of construction on landscape and visual amenity. The following mitigation measures would be
implemented during the construction of the reclamation area:
avoid loss or damage to landscape features including minimising the clearance of mangroves
where possible, protect trees prior to construction and/or trim vegetation to avoid total removal
minimise light spillage through design to ensure the site is not over-lit and to minimise spread and
light off the site
temporary hoardings, barriers, traffic management and signage to be removed when no longer
materials and machinery to be stored tidily during the works
roads providing access to the site and work areas to be maintained free of dust and mud as far as
reasonably practical.
To stabilise the reclamation mound and improve the visual outcome, GPC has also committed to:
the progressive planting of native vegetation, including trees, shrubs and groundcovers on the
mound created from dredging and reclamation activities
minimising light spillage through designing the lighting to ensure the site is not over-lit to minimise
spread and light off the site including sensitive placement and specification of lighting to minimise
any potential increase in light pollution in the natural environment.
In its submission on the EIS and SID, GRC requested that the proposed design allows for progressive
capping and vegetation of the outer side walls of the reclamation mound as it is created to reduce the
duration of visual impact. In section 4.3.2 of the SID, GPC responded by acknowledging the need to
progressively vegetate the mound both in terms of visual impact and erosion control. However, until the
extent and timing of the dredging associated the LNG industry is confirmed, GPC state that it is unable to
prepare a draft vegetation plan.
I accept that some visual impacts resulting from the project would be unavoidable and cannot be
mitigated due to the permanent nature of the resulting landscape. However, I consider that the site is not
proximate to nor would it obstruct view lines from residential areas of Gladstone, and is located adjacent
to a precinct intended for intensive, large-scale industrial development associated with the Port of
Gladstone and the GSDA. I am satisfied that the visual character of the proposed project reclamation is
therefore generally not incompatible with the existing and intended future adjacent industrial landscape of
the Port of Gladstone and the GSDA.
I note the retention of the tidal channel between the western bund of the reclamation area and the benefit
this may have in softening the visual impact of the reclamation area.
To reduce the duration of visual impact resulting from the disposal of dredge spoil on the reclamation
mound, I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5.6) to ensure the progressive vegetation
of the outer side walls of the mound as it is being created.
A hazard and risk assessment conducted for the EIS identified the nature and scale of hazards that may
occur during the construction of the reclamation bund, haulage of rocks for construction from the quarry,
dredging, and filling and decanting from the bund. The study identifies a total of 41 hazards including 16
high risk, 22 medium risk, two low and one very low risk hazards. High risks identified for the project
relate to the following:
noise during dredging and piling, introduction of marine pests
marine fauna getting struck by vessels or getting trapped in the bund during construction
destruction of seagrass and mangroves and construction workplace accidents.
Opportunities to mitigate these potential risks are noted in Tables 17-8 and 17-9 of the EIS. These issues
would be covered in the relevant management plans. A construction safety management plan would be
prepared before commencement of the construction by the contractor to address issues relating to
workplace health and safety.
The EIS identifies air quality, noise levels and community safety as the main community values for public
health and safety that may be affected by the construction of the reclamation bund, haulage of rocks for
construction from the quarry, dredging, and filling and decant from the bund. The EIS also addresses
worker health and safety and provides a qualitative summary of worker hazards, consequences and
mitigation measures.
GPC has committed to preparing a number of emergency response plans (ERPSchedule 20 of the
EMP) to guide those responding to potential emergency situations, such as oil spill, fire and explosion
and natural hazards. The EIS indicated that GPC routinely prepares a risk management plan (RMP) for
the life of all of its projects. I note that GPC commits to engage with the Queensland Police Service,
Department of Community Safety, GRC and other relevant agencies in the development of the RMP and
the ERP, including high level planning.
With the implementation of mitigation measures identified in chapter 17 of the EIS, the project is not
expected to significantly impact on the amenity of sensitive receptors. The controls identified, when in
place, would adequately safeguard against safety, asset and environmental consequences from hazards
associated with the project.
The implementation of workplace health and safety procedures and the relevant management plans aims
to minimise the potential risks to workers and the community to an acceptable level no harm level. These
documents include measures to address the risk to plant operators and haulage vehicles under the 24/7
construction scenario.
I have imposed conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 7) that establish provisions for the
management of incidents, including release of contaminants, uncontained spills, emergencies, accidents
and other incidents that may arise as a result of the project.
6. Cumulative impacts
6.1 Context
The purpose of a cumulative impact assessment is to identify impacts from one or more projects, which
individually might not be significant but, when considered together, could create a significant cumulative
impact. For cumulative impacts to occur:
there must be some proximity in time and/or location for projects to interact
The assessment would generally identify an impact different from, or additional to, the sum of the
collective actions and identify mitigation requirements that may be additional to other measures.
Cumulative impacts may arise as a result of multiple activities occurring together or the combination of
individual impacts for example, noise, release of turbid plumesfrom one operation on a particular
The cumulative impact assessment has considered the occurrence of the following potential projects in
Port of Gladstone Western Basin in conjunction with the WBDD Project.
Wiggins Island Coal Terminal (WICT)
Status: CG report issued in January 2008, EPBC approval (2005/2374) granted in April 2008.
Comprises: up to six new berths (four coal loading berths and two for other products, e.g. nickel ore),
reclamation of 260 ha of intertidal wetlands and dredging of 6 Mm3 (3.2 Mm3 in the first stage).
Anticipated timing: dredging and reclamation to commence in Q1 2012, above ground construction to
commence in Q3 2012. Initial export operations are expected by Q3 2013.
Fishermans Landing Port Expansion (FLPE)
Status: CG report issued in May 2010.
Comprises: reclamation of 174 ha of seabed adjacent to existing reclaimed area and dredging of 4
Anticipated timing: bund construction to commence in Q4 2010, dredging and filling of reclamation
area to commence in mid 2011.
Three LNG projects on Curtis Island
Comprises: dredging for site access structures (e.g. materials offloading facilities), export terminals,
operational shipping, construction vessels (e.g. barges and ferries) and pipeline crossing of The
Anticipated timing of three LNG projects: construction of Curtis Island facilities to commence in late
2010 or early 2011, initial operations to commence before 2015.
A fourth LNG project, Shell Australia LNG, at Hamilton Point is in very early stages of formulation and
has not been explicitly included however dredging works are expected to be relatively minor and are
likely to be implemented as part of the WBDD Project (Stage 4).
The timing of many projects and their various components is difficult to accurately estimate, mainly due to
their respective commercial considerations. I have considered the current best estimate of timings for a
relatively optimistic development scenario. Subject to the abovementioned commercial decisions, this is
expected to have a reasonable degree of accuracy up to 2015 only.
Over the period from 2010 to 2015, the following activities have reasonable potential to occur:
Stage 1 of WBDD Project completed
FLPE reclamation completed
construction of up to four LNG trains on three sites on Curtis Island commencing in Q1 2011.
Export shipping operations (in the order of 240 vessels per year) would commence in 2015
construction of WICT stage 1 (two coal berths only) over the period from Q1 2012 to Q3 2013.
The following may occur beyond 2015:
remaining WBDD stages completed (e.g. Laird Point and Hamilton Point sections)
construction of additional four berths at WICT including associated dredging of berth pockets
operations of LNG export facilities on Curtis Island potentially including discharge of desalination
and sewage treatment wastewater into the marine environment
construction of additional LNG trains on Curtis Island and additional export berths. A mid-range
estimate of industry development would see LNG export approximately doubling to 28 million
tonnes per annum
industrial development on FLPE including jetty and wharf construction.
An indicative sequence of potential activities for the period 2010 to 2015 comprises the following:
Dredging for access to the GLNG and QCLNG project sites commencing in late 2010 or early
2011. These relatively minor early works are not part of the WBDD Project and will be subject to a
separate approval process. Environmental impacts would be broadly similar although at a smaller
Early works on the mainland side of the Western Basin may be needed to support logistics for LNG
plant construction. This could include a jetty structure at Fishermans Landing and a ramp facility in
the Calliope River.
Bund construction for the FLPE reclamation area to commence in Q4 2010. This work would be
combined with construction of the WBDD reclamation bunds. The majority of these works, including
closure of an initial bunded area, is expected to be completed by May 2011 to enable filling
operations to commence.
Following closure of a reclamation area in approximately May 2011, the major WBDD dredging and
reclamation works would commence and continue through to 2014. Dredging activity is likely to
rapidly escalate from mid 2011 (depending on availability of dredge plant) with up to four dredges
working simultaneously, including at least one TSHD.
Dredging for access channels to the APLNG site would also start in mid 2011 using CSD and
backhoe equipment. Disposal of dredged material to the WBDD reclamation area.
Major activity for LNG plant construction on Curtis Island would occur over approximately two to
three years peaking in mid 2012. Construction vessel traffic (barges and ferries) would be expected
to be generally in proportion with workforce levels.
The installation of the pipeline crossing across The Narrows is scheduled to commence in mid
2011. This component is planned to commence relatively early to allow sufficient time for
commissioning stages.
WICT construction is estimated to occur over the period from Q1 2012 to Q3 2013.
Section of this report notes the potential impacts associated with the proposed reclamation of 410
ha of seabed for the combined WBDD and FLPE projects. The primary impact would be the direct loss of
the shallow, inshore marine habitat in this area including significant seagrass communities (396 ha).
Considered together with the WICT reclamation of 260 ha of intertidal wetlands, this is a significant step
change in the character of the marine habitat of the Port of Gladstone Western Basin.
Secondary impacts of the WBDD/FLPE reclamation are expected to affect the adjacent marine areas
an anticipated increase in tidal velocities in the vicinity of the WBDD and FLPE reclaimed areas
that may cause scour as the seabed adjusts to the changes
a reduction in flushing potential is also expected together with the potential for stormwater runoff,
which may result in a permanent change to the water quality regime in the embayment north of
Fishermans Landing.
The potential changes to the coastal environment along the Curtis Island shoreline are less significant
due to the proposed use of jetty structures for port operations. Some disturbance and removal of marine
plants, including seagrass, would occur for the construction of site access works however the areas
involved are relatively minor. As a general observation, shallow inshore areas support greater diversity
and abundance of benthic species therefore dredging in these areas causes greater impacts.
Accordingly, the most significant impacts would be associated with the proposed access channels to the
APLNG project site due to the scale (approximately 1.5 Mm of dredging) and extent of shallow water
habitat affected.
The proposed capital dredging of Curtis Channel, berth pockets and swing basins represents a further
loss of inshore coastal habitat (of varying depth) including 37 ha of seagrass areas.
Temporary impacts on marine habitats within Port Curtis associated with the release and dispersion of
fine sediments caused by dredging and reclamation works are expected. A key concern is the potential
for the adverse effects of light attenuation and smothering on seagrass areas.
Sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 of this report discuss potential impacts to marine water quality associated with
the WBDD Project and the likely effects on marine flora in the Western Basin, particularly seagrass beds.
Based on information provided in the EIS and advice provided to me by advisory agencies, it is clear that
potential impacts of turbid plumes on seagrass communities are relatively complex and affected by a
range of factors including:
intensity of impact that is, high levels of light attenuation and/or smothering generally lead to high
duration of impact
interaction with seasonal periods of dormancy and high growth and recovery from periodic extreme
events such as floods
species composition within an area and its response to natural variability of suspended sediment
the pre-existing health of seagrass communities prior to impacts.
In section 5.2.6 of this report I have concluded that there is potential for adverse impacts to marine
plants and benthic communities of the project area. I have required that the management of this project
includes the development of a reactive monitoring program that incorporates consideration of light
availability to seagrass areas and seagrass health. Based on these requirements, I am confident that
management of dredging works will become more responsive to key ecological processes and will lead to
a relative reduction of impacts.
In terms of managing potential cumulative impacts, I recommend that this approach be adopted for all
future dredge management plans for the various dredging operations in the Western Basin.
EIS information for various projects included numerical modelling of tidal hydrodynamics and dredge
plume dispersion within the Western Basin. In general these results demonstrate that the tidal flushing
efficiency decreases further into the harbour. Additionally, dredge plumes tend to disperse with the
dominant tidal flows in the direction of the main channel. Implications are:
concurrent dredging operations separated across the main channel are less likely to interact and
cause cumulative impacts
the generation of turbid plumes by dredging operations located further northward (toward The
Narrows) is likely to cause higher impacts than operations further south.
The WBDD Project comprises a number of components that may be sequenced differently depending on
the implementation of other projects. Based on the state of knowledge at the time of writing, the
preliminary program provided by GPC indicates that significant dredging and reclamation activities for the
WBDD Project are scheduled to commence in mid 2011. Site access dredging for the APLNG project
would commence at this time. Additionally, several LNG proponents have indicated that the pipeline
crossing of The Narrows would also commence approximately at this time.
The seagrass areas north of Fishermans Landing are likely to be impacted first and over an extensive
period. This would initially be caused by construction impacts of the bund (seabed scour and
resuspension of fine sediments from the mudwave) followed by the effects of the discharge of decant
waters from the dredging and reclamation operations. Once the reclamation area is closed in mid 2011,
an almost continuous discharge of CSD tailwater may be expected into this area until 2014. Although the
mitigation measures specified in this report would be implemented, there is potential for a temporary loss
of seagrass in this area sustained over several years.
Capital dredging of the Curtis Channel commencing in mid 2011, including TSHD operations, is likely to
affect the smaller areas of seagrass in that vicinity. Higher generation rates of suspended sediments are
associated with TSHDs operating in overflow mode and rehandling. GPC has made commitments to
minimise TSHD impacts, however at least 100 000 m of material would need to be rehandled and
potentially up to 1.5 Mm depending on the extent of difficult material types that may be encountered. All
rehandling would occur in North China Bay and its timing would be controlled by conditions in the DMP.
Dredging and reclamation works for the WICT stage 1 project commencing in 2012 are also predicted to
affect adjacent seagrass beds to the south of Fishermans Landing. GPC has estimated indirect impacts
on up to 200 ha of seagrass although, given the proposed use of CSD plant only and the regulation of
decant water discharge, much of this area would only be affected in a minor sense. It is noted that the
effects of the WICT dredging and reclamation on water quality are relatively independent to other projects
(in terms of interactions between dredge plumes) and therefore not likely to cause cumulative impacts.
Dredging of channels for access to the APLNG project site involves a significant quantity of material (in
the order of 1.5 Mm3) and is located in a relatively sensitive area adjacent to Laird Point. In addition,
access through shallow inshore areas is likely to require barge mounted backhoe operations. Although
new equipment and techniques are available to limit overflow spillage and generation of suspended
sediments, these operations are expected to generate relatively higher rates of suspended sediments
compared to a CSD.
The timing of the APLNG access dredging coincides with commencement of the main Curtis Channel
dredging, including TSHD works. In order to avoid significant cumulative effects, the co-location of
dredging activities in this area should be carefully considered. I note that, at the time of writing, the EIS
for APLNG project has not been evaluated and there is opportunity for further consideration of this matter
at that time. This should include an update to this cumulative impact assessment.
Similarly, the potential timing of dredging operations for the proposed pipeline crossing of The Narrows
should be carefully considered to avoid interaction with any concurrent dredging operations located in the
vicinity of the APLNG project site. Conditions of approval for the pipeline crossing works and the APLNG
project are yet to be determined. It is likely that measures in respective environmental management plans
will be specified to ensure impacts from the release of suspended sediments are minimised. This matter
is discussed further in section 6.2.3.
The information in the SID for the WBDD Project indicates that significant impacts on seagrass would
occur over smaller areas than initially predicted in the EIS. Depending on the requirements of a finalised
dredge management plan and further refinements throughout the course of the works, further reductions
are expected.
Based on the available information, an upper level estimate of combined temporary seagrass impacts in
the Western Basin has been made. As a result of the peak combined dredging and construction activity
over the period 2011 to 2013, the extent of the cumulative temporary disturbance to seagrass areas is
estimated to be no greater than:
moderate to severe impact (highly degraded or complete loss of seagrass cover for the duration of
dredging works) of 350 ha of seagrass. It is expected that these areas would recover after the
majority of the dredging and reclamation works are complete
minor to moderate impact (decreased production or reduced seagrass cover sustained over the
duration of dredging works) of an additional 1000 ha of seagrass.
The discussion above is based conditions that I stated for the LNG operations on Curtis Island that
provide for limited discharge of treated wastewater from sewage treatment or desalination plants to the
Western Basin receiving waters. I note that at the time of writing this report (July 2010) further
investigations are being undertaken regarding the viability of connecting to mainland water and
wastewater treatment services via a co-located infrastructure service corridor crossing The Narrows,
however the study is not yet complete.
In the event that wastewater discharge is included within LNG projects, I am confident that licensing
requirements of the EP Act will adequately assess any cumulative effects and impose appropriate
regulation of operations.
The Kangaroo Island intertidal wetlands and The Narrows are high value marine environments located
within the GBRWHA and lie directly adjacent to the state Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park to the
north. A proposed infrastructure corridor has been identified for crossing The Narrows between Friend
Point and Laird Point immediately south of the state marine park (see Figure 10).
The proposed infrastructure corridor between Friend Point and Laird Point is likely to be implemented as
an extension of the GSDA. I note that the corridor overlaps with the northernmost extent of the proposed
WBDD Stage 2 dredging footprint.
To avoid future conflicts, I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Condition 15) that restricts
the extent of the dredge footprint of Stage 2 to a northern limit that does not encroach on the proposed
extension of the GSDA across The Narrows, with the extent of the final Stage 2 dredge footprint to be
negotiated between GPC and DIP to account for any required safety or operational buffer requirements.
The proposed crossing of the Narrows was considered in my evaluation of the GLNG and QCLNG
projects. At that time limited detail was available on the location and methodology of the construction
works. I note that at the time of writing this report (July 2010) further engineering studies have been
provided to me regarding the viability of a co-located infrastructure service corridor, however the final
configuration is not yet confirmed.
The pipelines will be subject to a separate approvals process involving the LNG proponents (either
separately or combined). Currently my requirements for the pipeline crossing, specified in both the GLNG
and QCLNG evaluation reports, include:
works must be contained to a single corridor
a bundled approach, including water and wastewater services, is preferred to avoid unnecessary
cumulative impacts of several sequential construction activities
EMPs for the works must consider all environmental impacts including cumulative impacts and
determine appropriate environmental offsets.
In accordance with these requirements it may be assumed that a co-located pipeline crossing involving
several LNG proponents will be implemented as part of the overall Curtis Island LNG precinct
development. I note that a relatively early start to these works in Q2 2011 has been indicated. I further
note that a material change of use development approval is required before works may commence.
The subtidal section of the pipeline crossing between Kangaroo Island and Laird Point may involve a
trenching operation. This component has potential to interact with any concurrent dredging operations in
the vicinity of the APLNG project site and may lead to unnecessary cumulative impacts. My preference is
to avoid concurrent dredging operations in this area unless a detailed investigation demonstrates that
cumulative impacts would be avoided.
The proposed infrastructure corridor lies near the intersection of two wetlands listed in the Directory of
Important Wetlands in Australia; Port Curtis and The Narrows. The area is locally important as shorebird
feeding and roosting habitat however is not listed as a wetland of international importance.
Section 5.2.9 of this report discusses the potential impacts of the combined WBDD and FLPE projects on
terrestrial fauna including migratory shorebirds. I have concluded that the disturbance to the intertidal
areas in the vicinity of the reclamation works may impact on shorebird feeding and roosting although
some existing disturbance is likely due to its proximity to urban and industrial uses. Adverse impacts
would be the result of the permanent loss of intertidal wetland areas within the reclamation site and the
associated changes to local morphology, hydrology and water quality of adjacent areas. Construction
activity and noise may also potentially disturb birds.
The EIS indicates that the intertidal areas likely to be disturbed by the WBDD and within the proposed
GSDA corridor (in the vicinity of Friend Point) form part of a continuous shorebird habitat. The interaction
between construction activities at both locations may therefore lead to cumulative impacts. In accordance
with my requirements specified in the evaluation reports for the GLNG and QCLNG projects, this matter is
to be fully investigated as part of the EMP for the pipeline crossing construction program. It is likely that
mitigation measures will include avoidance of construction activity in wetland areas over key periods that
are important for migratory shorebirds; typically between September and April.
The EIS notes that the WBDD reclamation area will include water bodies that may provide a beneficial
habitat for shorebirds. These may be temporary ponds created for decant water treatment or permanent
features designed to treat stormwater runoff. Opportunities to provide shorebird habitat within the WBDD
Project should be maximised where practicable particularly where concurrent impacts are occurring for
the pipeline crossing works. This may include management of water levels within key areas, fencing and
other access controls, management of lighting and noise nuisance etc. I have stated a condition for the
inclusion of bird-friendly structures in the design of the reclamation area as part of the flora and fauna
management plan for the project (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Condition 64).
I am satisfied that pipeline construction works would be temporary and that the potential for significant
cumulative impacts will be investigated and assessed as part of the necessary approvals. The permanent
impacts to shorebird habitat areas associated with the WBDD and FLPE projects are unavoidable and
appropriate mitigation should be provided. Environmental offsets are discussed in section 6.3.2.
Section 5.2.7 of this report discusses potential impacts on marine fauna arising from underwater noise
sources associated with the WBDD. Relatively minor impacts are expected from dredging plant and the
installation of 19 piles for navigation beacons.
The indicative construction schedule for all projects in the Western Basin indicates an almost continuous
underwater noise generation over the period from 2011 to 2014 in various locations. Primary impacts
would be expected from dredging plant (the majority associated with WBDD) and piling operations,
particularly jetty construction for LNG export facilities and the WICT project.
Dredging noise would be generated from multiple locations within the proposed channels, berths and
swing basins. Also booster pumps may be required between CSDs and the discharge point at the
Fishermans Landing reclamation. Pile driving for jetty construction is scheduled to occur from
approximately mid 2012, starting with the WICT jetty, through to approximately mid 2014.
EIS information and subsequent reports indicates that underwater noise levels from the various
construction activities (primarily dredges and piling) would not be sufficiently severe to cause significant
harm to marine fauna. Finalised environmental management plans for the relatively noisy operations
would specify contemporary mitigation techniques such as soft-start pile driving and the use of fauna
spotters to ensure works were not conducted in close proximity to individual animals.
Although the risks of injury are very low, marine fauna may alter transit routes or avoid habitat areas in
response to noisy operations. Concurrent operations in close proximity could cause a barrier effect where
animals are unable or unwilling to navigate a way around a series of multiple sources. Interaction of
impacts of various noise sources within the relatively narrow configuration of the Western Basin may
cause this type of cumulative impact.
In relative terms, the information reviewed as part of this assessment indicates that piling operations are
likely to cause greater impacts than shipping or dredging noise. The effects of concurrent piling
operations, such as jetty construction, should be carefully considered. In particular it is considered that
pile driving activities for construction of LNG export facilities should be scheduled to not occur while
similar work is underway for the WICT project or the installation of navigation beacons in the vicinity of
Fishermans Landing. This would avoid a scenario where relatively high levels of underwater noise are
occurring on both sides of the main channel through the Western Basin at the same time.
Shipping traffic
Although considerable shipping already exists in Gladstone harbour, there is limited vessel movement in
some sections of the Western Basin, particularly the Curtis Channel area. Increases in shipping traffic
during construction and operation are likely to increase the risk of impact on the marine environment.
Vessel movements can disturb animals such as dugongs, marine turtles and cetaceans from their habitat,
interfere with behaviour or result in injury or death as a result of boat strikes. Boat strike injuries are
generally associated with fast craft (e.g. less than six metres long) operating in shallow water.
Section 5.2.7 of this report discusses potential impacts of shipping traffic on marine fauna associated with
the WBDD. Minor impacts are expected from the relatively slow moving dredging plant and associated
work boats.
Assuming four LNG trains are constructed on Curtis Island, export shipping traffic would increase by
approximately 240 vessels per year from 2015. Similar to dredges, LNG vessels are large and slow
moving and will be under pilotage within the Port of Gladstone and not expected to pose a significant risk
of boat strike injury.
During the construction phase of LNG facilities on Curtis Island, considerably greater levels of shipping
traffic are expected to be generated by the need to transport workers and materials by barges and ferries.
At peak construction, each project is expected to require 120 plus ferry services per month to transport
personnel to and from the construction site. Assuming the construction of three LNG projects on Curtis
Island that are broadly concurrent, approximately 10 to 12 ferry trips per day could be expected. A similar
number of barge trips, primarily transporting materials and components, would also be expected although
these vessels are likely to be relatively slow moving.
The Gladstone region has one of highest levels of boat ownership per capita in Queensland (in the order
of 12 per cent). The vast majority of these boats are small trailerable vessels used for recreational fishing.
The EIS estimates that approximately 14 600 boat trips departed from the various boat ramp facilities in
the harbour during 2008/09. The destinations of approximately half of these trips were northward utilising
fishing and recreation areas in the Western Basin, The Narrows and Graham Creek areas. Many of these
trips would be concentrated to weekends, holiday periods and relatively calm weather conditions. The
average number of recreational boat trips through the Western Basin area is estimated to be 20 trips per
day and peak levels could exceed 50 trips per day.
Recent forecasts of population increase in Gladstone region have estimated a growth of 35 000 residents
over 20 years (in the order of 55 per cent). Based on these projections, the proportional increase in boat
numbers would be in the order of 4200. In simple terms, a 55 per cent increase in the population of the
Gladstone region by 2031 would increase the average numbers of recreational boats in Western Basin to
31 trips per day.
The projected shipping traffic during the construction phase on Curtis Island would therefore
approximately double the average number of boat trips in Western Basin on a daily basis. However
construction vessels would travel directly across the harbour and are not likely to be traversing shallow
areas at high speed.
Boat speed limits in key locations where dugongs and marine turtles consistently frequent are the
recognised approach to mitigating the risk of boat strike injury. In addition, fast ferries should utilise
regular routes predetermined to minimise the chance of collisions with marine fauna and incorporating goslow zones where necessary. Propeller guards or other mitigation measures could be included in the
design of vessels.
As part of my evaluation of the GLNG and QCLNG projects I have required the proponents to prepare
and submit for the approval of Maritime Safety Queensland and the Regional Harbour Master (Gladstone)
a Marine Traffic Management Plan and a Harbour Management Plan. These are primarily to ensure
navigational safety is maintained at all times for the life of the project, both for harbour traffic during
construction and LNG export shipping.
I have also imposed conditions on the GLNG and QCLNG projects that require the preparation of a
Gladstone Logistics Plan to ensure that all potential impacts of the construction and operation of all
marine loading and unloading facilities within the Port of Gladstone can be properly managed. This plan is
to be approved by GPC, GRC, DTMR and DIP. I require that the Gladstone Logistics Plan shall ensure
that appropriate routes through sensitive marine areas and associated speed limits for fast ferries and
construction barges will be established.
I anticipate that similar requirements will be specified for the APLNG project in my evaluation report.
Around 20 per cent of the intertidal (7246 ha) and subtidal (6332 ha) seabed of Port Curtis are covered by
seagrass. Generally, the area of the seagrass bed and seagrass biomass peaks in later spring and
summer and is lowest over winter.
The permanent loss of 443 ha of seagrass area associated with the combined WBDD, FLPE and WICT
projects represents approximately 16 per cent of that total. The predicted temporary loss of 350 ha of
seagrass during the peak dredging period between 2011 to 2013 represents a further 13 per cent
reduction. Viable seagrass areas in the order of 1000 ha would remain between Wiggins Island and
Fishermans Landing over that period although some impacts could be expected due to periodic exposure
to elevated suspended sediment concentrations.
In terms of the estimated 7000 ha of seagrass habitat in the Rodds Bay Dugong Protection Area
(extending from The Narrows into the southern extent of Rodds Bay) the permanent loss represents six
per cent of the total.
I note that the majority of predicted impacts to seagrass can be attributed to the combined WBDD and
FLPE projects. Other concurrent development activities in Western Basin would contribute to temporary
seagrass impacts in a minor sense.
Additional potential impacts to marine water quality and marine plants in The Narrows and Graham Creek
would be associated with works for the LNG pipeline crossing and the proposed dredging for access to
the APLNG project site. These two activities need to be closely coordinated. As discussed in section 6.2.3
the finalisation of management plans for the pipeline crossing and my evaluation of the APLNG project
will ensure potential cumulative impacts are appropriately managed.
I am satisfied that the existing requirements for the WICT project are sufficient to avoid potential for
significant cumulative impacts to adjacent seagrass habitat areas. I recommend that a finalised dredge
management plan for the WICT project includes an objective to incorporate light attenuation and
seagrass health based reactive management as required for the WBDD Project.
Dugongs and marine turtles using the Western Basin would be potentially subject to a range of direct and
indirect impacts including degradation and removal of feeding habitat, degraded water quality, risk of boat
strike injury and disturbance by underwater noise.
Dugongs are associated with seagrass beds in the Port Curtis region but the region is not identified as
supporting large populations of these animals. The nearest large populations of dugongs occur in
Shoalwater Bay to the north and Hervey Bay to the south. The dugongs that do occur in the Port Curtis
region are centred around the Rodds Bay area, although they have been observed using seagrass beds
in the Western Basin such as those near Wiggins Island.
It is known that the flatback turtle nests on the eastern beaches of Curtis, Facing and Hummock Hill
Island. The South End area of Curtis Island is the key flatback turtle nesting area in the region and it is
identified nationally as a medium density rookery. Green turtles and loggerhead turtles may also nest
sporadically in similar areas as the flatback turtle, however important rookeries for these two species lie
The Western Basin is an important foraging area for both adult and juvenile marine turtles. Green turtles
in particular prefer to feed on seagrasses so they have a high predicted association with the seagrass
beds that occur in the Western Basin. Deeper water, including dredged channels, provides resting habitat
for turtles.
Although a range of mitigation measures would be implemented, it is clear that the expected loss of up to
30 per cent of seagrass areas in the Western Basin during the peak construction period (permanent and
temporary) would lead to unavoidable impacts on marina fauna such as dugongs and turtles that depend
on seagrass areas for essential habitat. These impacts would be compounded by the effects of
underwater noise and periods of degraded water quality during construction periods.
The most likely response to the combined impacts would be a displacement of some animals to adjacent
feeding areas such as Rodds Bay and the Port Curtis outer harbour (in the vicinity of South End and
Facing Islands). This is not expected to pose a significant risk to populations of dugongs and marine
turtles in the region although some local effects may occur as a response to the reduced habitat
availability such as a short term increase in mortality and/or reducing breeding rates.
It is expected that the seagrass area in the vicinity of Wiggins Island will remain largely intact throughout
the construction period although some degradation may occur from WBDD and WICT dredging works.
Due to the expected displacement of a proportion of a number of animals using the area, the risk of boat
strike injury during the peak construction period may be reduced. Despite this, measures should be
introduced to minimise further disturbance to dugongs and marine turtles in the area. In particular fast
ferry routes to Curtis Island in the vicinity of these seagrass area should be carefully designed to avoid
potential impacts.
The predicted impacts to dugongs and marine turtles associated with the proposed development activities
in the Western Basin are unavoidable and appropriate mitigation should be provided. Environmental
offsets are discussed in section 6.3.
The EIS identified ten cetacean species occurring in the Gladstone region including offshore areas. Of
these, the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, the Australian snubfin dolphin and the bottlenose dolphin are
known to occur within the Western Basin area. Coastal dolphins are recognised among the most
90 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
threatened species of cetaceans due to their close proximity to a range of direct and indirect human
Both the Australian snubfin dolphin and the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins usually inhabit shallow
coastal waters of less than 20 metres depth and are often associated with rivers and estuarine systems,
enclosed bays and coastal lagoons. Being highly mobile, dolphin species are likely to occur throughout
the Western Basin although preferred areas of the Australian snubfin dolphin and the Indo-Pacific
humpback dolphins are likely to be the shallow inshore waters of The Narrows and the Fitzroy River
estuary. There are no reliable estimates of dolphin abundance in Port Curtis or their use of the Western
Basin as a transit route between areas of preferred habitat.
It is considered that the disturbance associated with the proposed development activities in the Western
Basin is likely to temporarily discourage a proportion of the dolphins from utilising the area over extended
periods. Principal impacts are expected to be caused by the generation of underwater noise and periods
of degraded water quality from dredging operations. Being highly mobile, dolphin species are not prone to
boat strike injury.
Given that the Western Basin doesnt appear to be a preferred habitat, the level of impact is not expected
to pose a significant risk to populations of Indo-Pacific and Australian snubfin dolphins that may inhabit
the region. By avoiding pile-driving operations occurring concurrently, the works are not expected to
significantly interrupt the transit of dolphins through Port Curtis.
Section 5.3.2 of this report discusses the likely impacts of the WBDD Project on recreational, Indigenous
and commercial fishing. I have concluded that the project is likely to lead to some degree of impact
although, in the case of commercial fisheries, further investigation would need to determine the extent of
this impact and any mitigation. Adverse impacts are associated with the loss of access to fishing areas
within the WBDD and FLPE reclamation sites and within exclusion zones near dredging activity.
Degraded water quality and temporary loss of seagrass resources may also affect fisheries productivity
and fishing opportunities in the short term.
The additional construction and operational activities in the Western Basin would lead to further impacts
on fishing activities, including:
degraded water quality associated with dredging of access channels to LNG construction sites and
the installation of the pipeline crossing of The Narrows
loss of intertidal wetlands associated with the WICT reclamation
temporary construction impacts from the WICT project, including periods of degraded water quality
and reduced productivity of seagrass areas
reduced access of non-port shipping due to exclusion zones around WICT berths and LNG export
terminals, both during construction and subsequent operations.
Overall, it is clear that some loss of availability of fisheries in Western Basin would occur attributable to a
number of proposed activities. I note that the majority of impacts would be associated with projects that
GPC is directly responsible for.
Adverse impacts may be offset by certain components of projects such as providing fish friendly
structures as part of the reclamation bund walls. Additionally, as discussed in section 6.3.1, an
environmental offset for impacts on marine fish habitat has been determined for the proposed
development activities in the Western Basin that GPC is directly responsible for. Also, I note that,
separate to the offset proposal, GPC has committed to a further contribution of up to $5.0 million over ten
years to support fish habitat enhancement projects within the Gladstone Port area. This additional funding
contribution would assist in addressing potential impacts to recreational and commercial fishing activities
in the port area caused by the dredging and development projects and would also provide a significant
addition to the overall environmental offset package.
Taking into account the extent of the potential net adverse impacts on commercial fishing, I have
imposed conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 4.2) that require GPC to fund the investigation and
implementation of a mitigation program for commercial fishing businesses the Gladstone region. DEEDI
would be responsible for the administration of this program.
In addition, taking into account the extent of the potential net adverse impacts on recreational and
indigenous fishing I have imposed a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Condition 22) that requires GPC
to provide financial contributions to DTMR's recreational boating infrastructure program for the Gladstone
region of up to $1.5 million.
The specific-issue offset policy that applies to the WBDD Project relates to the Fisheries Act 1994. It has
been developed by DEEDI to detail mitigation measures for the conservation and enhancement of
Queenslands fisheries resources and fish habitats. The current version of the policy is Fish Habitat
Management Operational Policy FHMOP 005 Mitigation and Compensation for Works for Activities
Causing Marine Fish Habitat Loss.
GPC submitted an offset proposal (updated March 2010 and April 2010) addressing the coastal
environmental impacts associated with four projects currently under its consideration, namely:
Fishermans Landing Port Expansion
Western Basin Dredging and Disposal
Wiggins Island Coal Terminal
Gladstone LNG Stage 1 channel dredging.
The combined impacts of the projects on marine fish habitat estimated by GPC at that time are
summarised in Table 12.
Table 12Combined impacts of the projects on marine fish habitat
Fishermans Landing Port
Western Basin Dredging and
Wiggins Island Coal Terminal
Permanent loss
Reclamation of 174 ha of
seabed including 90 ha of
seagrass and 84 ha of
potential seagrass
affecting 259 ha of seagrass
Reclamation of 260 ha
including intertidal wetland
and 10 ha seagrass
Temporary disturbance
Indirect effects on up to 180
ha of seagrass
Indirect effects on up to 1406
ha of seagrass
Indirect effects on up to 200
ha seagrass
Approx 0.12 ha of seagrass
and other marine plants on
the pipeline route
See discussion below
Although the likely impacts on seagrass areas cannot be accurately predicted until the detailed design of
dredging programs is completed, I am satisfied that the extent of indirect impact on seagrass areas in
Table 12 is an over estimate, as follows:
the areas of seagrass in Table 12 for each project have been double counted in some cases when
considering the overall impacts
impact assessment in the EIS assumed a large proportion of TSHD rehandling in the vicinity of
Fishermans Landing. GPC has committed to minimise the use of rehandling and to relocate
operations to North China Bay therefore reducing the impacts of turbid plumes.
As discussed in section 6.2.2, the extent of the cumulative temporary disturbance to seagrass areas in
the Western Basin is estimated to be no greater than:
moderate to severe impact (highly degraded or complete loss of seagrass cover for the duration of
dredging works) of 350 ha of seagrass
minor to moderate impact (decreased production or reduced seagrass cover sustained over the
duration of dredging works) of an additional 1000 ha of seagrass.
In consultation with DEEDI and DERM, I have determined that an appropriate offset package sufficient
to acquit the requirements for impacts to marine fish habitat (described by Table 12) is as follows:
the protection of 5000 ha of coastal land currently within the GPCs strategic port land at Port Alma
contribution of $5 million to support Fisheries Queensland initiatives for future research and studies
and/or appropriate works for fish habitat rehabilitation and enhancement.
Policy principles of the QGEOP require that offsets must achieve an equivalent or better environmental
outcome and that offsets must provide environmental values as similar as possible to those being lost. In
determining an appropriate outcome, I have considered the following:
the nature (type, quality etc.) of marine fish habitat and coastal environmental values that would be
lost compared to those in the offset site(s)
the practical constraints of providing like-for-like offsets for particular types of marine plantsin this
case seagrass
the time lag between development impacts and the provision of offsets
the geographic separation between the area of impacts and the offsets
the likelihood of successful recovery of seagrass areas that may be significantly affected by
dredging and reclamation works.
I have also noted that components of the proposed works would provide a substantial fish habitat benefit
particularly the creation of artificial rocky habitat in the toe section of revetment structures enclosing the
proposed reclamations.
The Port Alma offset site is located east of Balaclava Island and comprises estuarine wetlands with
significant fish habitat valuesalthough no areas of seagrass. The site includes an estimated 330 ha of
terrestrial area (above the level of the highest astronomical tide) adjacent to the Rundle Range National
Park. Approximately 70 per cent of the site lies within the Habitat Protection Zone of the (state) Great
Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park and therefore can be considered to be already under a level of protection.
In addition, given the new port capacity proposed in the Port of Gladstone Western Basin, the potential
development horizon of the Port Alma site would be in the order of 20+ years. This reduces the value of
the site as an offset although its development potential is clearly defined by its SPL designation. This
development potential would be removed in perpetuity by taking it out of the SPL designation and
including the terrestrial portion in the protected area estate. In addition, it is proposed the marine areas be
included in the adjacent declared Fitzroy River Fish Habitat Area and/or state marine park.
The offset site comprises extensive areas of mangrove communities and intertidal wetlands. The site
represents valuable fish habitat including nursery and recruitment areas. Marine megafauna (including
dugongs, dolphins and turtles) are known to inhabit the tidal waterways within the site.
The $5 million funding contribution is intended to be staged over a five year period. The funding would be
directed to a range of projects aimed at enhancing marine fish habitat resources in the region. Some of
the work would involve scientific research and investigation however a large proportion would fund
rehabilitation and enhancement projects in the Port Curtis region. An indicative list, developed by DEEDI,
creation of additional fish habitats $0.2 million
rehabilitation works $0.7 million
implement marine plant management plans $0.3 million
declared fish habitat area (FHA) investigations $0.7 million
enhanced FHA management $1.1 million
applied fish habitat research $0.5 million
fish habitat mapping $0.8 million.
I note that the intention of the funding contribution is to provide mitigation of impacts on fisheries
resources within the local area. The mitigation program would be undertaken over a five year period and
is designed to complement the long term nature of the Port Alma offset site. I acknowledge that
providing a 'like for like' offset for loss of seagrass is impractical.
Section 6.2 of this report discusses cumulative impacts predicted to occur from other activities in Port of
Gladstone western basin that are not addressed by GPCs offset proposal, including:
smaller scale dredging works adjoining Curtis Channel for access to LNG project sites
dredging and excavation works for the pipeline crossing of The Narrows.
I have concluded that the additional impacts of the site access works for the GLNG and QCLNG projects
are relatively minor in comparison to those associated with the adjacent WBDD channel dredging and
would not contribute significantly in a cumulative sense. Construction of these marine facilities for GLNG
and QCLNG were not considered in my evaluation reports for the projects therefore a separate approvals
process will be followed. I am satisfied that any requirements for a marine fish habitat offset would be
determined through that process and, for the purposes of determining an offset, that each can be
considered as a stand-alone proposal.
The additional dredging proposed for access to the APLNG project site is more extensive than that
proposed for GLNG and QCLNG and is located in a relatively sensitive area close to The Narrows and
Graham Creek. As my evaluation of the APLNG project is not complete, I have not had the opportunity to
fully assess the implications although in section 6.2 of this report I have noted the potential cumulative
effects of the proposed dredging for APLNG. I will include any requirements for an additional marine fish
habitat offset taking into account likely cumulative impacts as part of my evaluation of the APLNG project.
In my evaluation of the GLNG and QCLNG projects, I considered the proposed pipeline crossing of The
Narrows and its potential impacts. As an outcome of my evaluation I have required proponents to
prepare a specific EMP for that component of their projects, including an appropriate offset.
A requirement of QGEOP is that the design of a project should seek to avoid and minimise impacts prior
to considering offsets. In the case of the present project I am satisfied that GPC has adequately
investigated project options and alternative designs that would lead to reduced impacts.
The intention of GPCs proposal is to establish a strategic offset that is sufficient for all four projects. I
agree with this approach as it potentially offers advantages over a series of smaller and independent
offsets in terms of environmental outcomes and ongoing management.
In the event that temporary impacts are not as extensive as initially predicted by GPC, I state that a
reduction in the offset would not be considered.
To ensure the required offset is appropriately secured, I have imposed a condition (Appendix 1,
Schedule 3, Condition 19) that must attach to a development permit for the proposed works.
In addition to marine fish habitat considerations, several policies of the State Coastal Management Plan
and the Curtis Coast Regional Coastal Management Plan apply. These specify that coastal development
projects in sensitive areas should generally show a net increase in coastal environmental values. A
specific-issue offset policy under the QGEOP has not been developed for coastal management plans
however the broad principles have been considered.
The agreed strategic offset package includes measures that would provide valuable biodiversity
conservation outcomes within the region. The Port Alma offset site comprises tidal waterways that
support a range of marine fauna, including listed species. The protection of this site in perpetuity therefore
provides a significant positive biodiversity protection outcome. In addition the funding package includes
components that, whilst primarily aimed at marine fish habitat conservation and enhancement, also have
benefits for the overall marine environment of the region.
I consider that further extension to the agreed offset package is necessary to address the likely worstcase impacts on marine environmental values. In particular, certain marine species such as dugongs and
turtles are likely to be affected by the loss of seagrass areas and periods of degraded water quality in the
vicinity of the proposed works. Potential impacts on shorebird habitat have also been identified.
In section 5.2.7 of this report I have specified the requirement for GPC to prepare and implement a flora
and fauna management plan (FFMP) for the WBDD Project. I have imposed additional conditions
(Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 4.4) that provide additional offset measures for shorebirds and marine
fauna to be included in the FFMP (as provided for by conditions stated in Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part
4). These could include, but not be limited to:
enhanced understanding of the displacement of key marine fauna species from affected habitat
areas in Western Basin and any associated effects on regional populations
contribution to species protection programs in the region or the wider bioregion. This may include
funding of additional boating and fisheries patrols, education campaigns for recreational fishers on
risks of marine fauna boat strike and improved management of key shorebird habitat areas
contribution to habitat enhancement/restoration actions in the region or the wider bioregion such as
'seagrass friendly' mooring systems, wetland rehabilitation projects and water quality improvement
Assessment of applications for maritime infrastructure on Curtis Island for LNG projects
(dredging/construction of access facilities and construction of export terminals) should recognise the
potential for impacts on marine species and include requirements for appropriate mitigation and offsets, if
FFMPs (or equivalent) that are required for other projects in the Western Basin should comprise
measures that are compatible with the FFMP for the WBDD Project. Preferably, all projects should
contribute toward an overall strategic package.
Given the potential for reduced opportunities for fishing in Western Basin I am concerned that displaced
fishing effort doesnt impact on key species in other areas, for example Rodds Bay. This matter will be
addressed in the FFMP and in the consideration of any mitigation for commercial fishing operations.
1. I have required that the management of the WBDD Project includes the development of a
reactive monitoring program that incorporates consideration of light availability to seagrass areas
and seagrass health. In terms of managing cumulative impacts, I recommend that this approach
be adopted for all future DMPs for the various dredging operations in the Western Basin.
2. The EIS notes that the WBDD reclamation area will include water bodies that may provide a
beneficial habitat for shorebirds. I recommend that opportunities to provide shorebird habitat
within the WBDD Project should be maximised where practicable particularly where concurrent
impacts are occurring in the vicinity of Friend Point for the pipeline crossing works.
3. The effects of concurrent piling operations, such as jetty construction, should be carefully
considered. In particular, I considered that pile driving activities for construction of LNG export
facilities should be scheduled to not occur while similar work is underway for the WICT project or
the installation of navigation beacons in the vicinity of Fishermans Landing.
4. I recommend that assessment of applications for maritime infrastructure on Curtis Island for
LNG projects (dredging and construction of access facilities and construction of export terminals)
should recognise the potential for impacts on marine species and include requirements for
appropriate mitigation and offsets, if required.
5. I recommend that FFMPs (or equivalent) that are required for other projects in the Western
Basin should comprise measures that are compatible with the FFMP for the WBDD Project.
Preferably, all projects should contribute toward an overall strategic package.
6. I recommend that outcomes of a commercial fishing impact mitigation program should minimise
the potential for displaced fishing effort to affect key marine species in nearby sensitive areas, for
example Rodds Bay.
1. The timing of the APLNG access dredging coincides with commencement of the main Curtis
Channel dredging, including TSHD works. In order to avoid significant cumulative effects, the colocation of dredging activities in this area is to be carefully considered as part the evaluation of
the APLNG project. This would include further modelling of turbid plumes likely to be generated
by the works and their interaction with other dredging activities.
2. The evaluation report for the APLNG project is to include an update to this cumulative impact
3. The potential timing of dredging operations for the proposed pipeline crossing of The Narrows is
to be carefully considered to avoid interaction with any concurrent dredging operations located in
the vicinity of the APLNG project site. Preferably, concurrent dredging operations in this area
would be avoided unless a detailed investigation demonstrates that cumulative impacts can be
4. The Gladstone Logistics Plan will include consideration that appropriate routes through sensitive
marine areas and associated speed limits for fast ferries and construction barges will be
1. Marine fish habitat offset for combined GPC projects within the Western Basin comprising:
the protection of 5000 ha of coastal land currently within the GPCs strategic port land at
Port Alma
Note: GPC has committed to a further contribution of up to $5.0 million over ten years to support fish
habitat enhancement projects within the Gladstone Port area.
2. Additional biodiversity offsets for combined GPC projects to be included in the flora and fauna
management plan (FFMP) for the WBDD Project. These could include, but not be limited to:
contribution to species protection programs in the region or the wider bioregion. This may
include funding of additional boating and fisheries patrols, education campaigns for
recreational fishers on risks of marine fauna boat strike and improved management of
key shorebird habitat areas
contribution to habitat enhancement and/or restoration actions in the region or the wider
bioregion such as 'seagrass friendly' mooring systems, wetland rehabilitation projects and
water quality improvement programs.
Note: these requirements are additional to the following measures specified for the FFMP:
establish pre-development baseline data of relevant marine and terrestrial flora, fauna
and ecological communities within the project area
continue annual long term seagrass monitoring surveys of seagrass distribution and
abundance in the Western Basin
more frequent additional monitoring of seagrass areas during the construction period and
for a minimum of three years following completion of dredging
3. Offsets for Curtis Island LNG projects to be determined on a site specific basis as part of
assessment of applications for maritime infrastructure development permits
(dredging/construction of access facilities and construction of export terminals). Offset
requirements would cover impacts to marine fish habitat, shorebirds and marine species.
Preferably, impact mitigation for shorebirds and marine species would be in the form of a
contribution towards GPC combined offset package.
4. Offsets for the proposed pipeline crossing of The Narrows to be determined as part of the
environmental management plan for the works.
5. Recreational fishing and boating in the Western Basin:
Prior to the completion of stage 1 of WBDD, GPC shall contribute funding and/or works to
the value of $1 million towards new or upgraded recreational fishing infrastructure within
the Gladstone region
A further $0.5 million will be paid at the completion of stages 2 and 3 of WBDD.
6. Commercial fisheries:
GPC must mitigate all reasonable financial losses to existing commercial fishing
operators attributable to the maritime development in the Western Basin of the Port of
Gladstone. This is to cover temporary and permanent loss of access to fishing areas and
marine fish habitat.
GPC must meet all costs associated with the investigation, negotiation and administration
of any compensation package.
The Environmental Management Schedules of the draft EMP relate to the chapters of the EIS and the
supporting technical reports as shown in Table 14.
Table 14Environmental Management Schedules of the draft EMP (see EIS, Table 19.2)
EMP schedule
Climate and climate change
Health and safety
Mosquito and biting midges
Environmental emergency
EIS chapter
4. Climate and climate
5. Land
7. Coastal environment
8. Water resources
9. Nature conservation
10. Air quality, noise and
11. Transport
12. Cultural heritage
13. Social impact
14. Landscape and visual
15. Economic impact
16. Health and safety
17. Hazard and risk
I note that with regard to the cultural heritage element of the EMP, a draft Cultural Heritage Management
Plan has been completed for the project site to fulfil the requirements of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Act 2003.
The EIS and SID refer to a number of other specific management plans to inform the construction and
operation of the project, including:
acid sulfate soils management plan (ASSMP), to be endorsed by DERM prior to construction and
to cover the dredging and reclamation developments
weed and pest management plans, as part of the EMP
safety management plan, as part of the EMP
emergency response plans, as part of the EMP.
The construction contractor will be responsible for preparation of a detailed construction phase EMP that
must address the requirements set out in the draft EMP and any other conditions as required by the
approval authorities.
The construction EMP will take into consideration the specific construction methods proposed, including
capital dredging, and tailor appropriate mechanisms, monitoring and reporting requirements to these
methods. For the purposes of this EMP, construction is taken to include all land and marine based
construction activity, including dredging.
Operational phase environmental management will be addressed as part of the GPC Environmental
Management System (EMS), which is certified to International Standards AS/NZS ISO14001:2004.
Operational requirements set out in the EMP for the project will be incorporated into the EMS subject to
the final design.
I have imposed a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 1) that requires the proponent to finalise the
EMP and implement it during the life of the project, and to ensure the operational elements of the EMP
are included within GPCs EMS.
The proponent and/or its contractor(s) must finalise the WBDD Project EMP to the satisfaction of DERM
at least one month prior to commencement of construction of the project.
The EMP must include all relevant approval conditions arising from the projects approval and subsequent
permits, authorities and/or licences.
The proponent and/or its contractor(s) must comply with all requirements of approved EMP.
I have imposed a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 6) that requires the proponent to undertake
periodic reporting and compliance auditing for the implementation of the EMP and other associated
management plans.
The projects proposed dredging activities and reclamation area would be located wholly within the Great
Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) but are outside the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
The Great Barrier Reef was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1981 in recognition of its outstanding
natural universal values. The relevant world heritage criteria are to:
contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic
be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history, including the record of life,
significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant
geomorphic or physiographic features
be outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and biological processes in
the evolution and development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and
communities of plants and animals
contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological
diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the
point of view of science or conservation.
As the project area is within the GBRWHA, all of the criteria for which the GBRWHA was listed are
applicable to the assessment. However, I note that the WBDD Project area is wholly within the Port of
Gladstone, which has an established history of development, modification, use and impacts as a major
industrial port.
Potential impacts
The Port of Gladstone has a long history of industrial coastal development and the waters of Port Curtis
are subject to high volumes of shipping traffic and port operations. The declaration and extension of the
Gladstone State Development Area (GSDA) immediately north of Gladstone and on the south-western
portion of Curtis Island is in recognition of the future industrial development intention for the locality,
including the emergent LNG industry.
The proposed dredge footprint mainly comprises a new dredge area but partly includes the existing
dredged Targinie Channel. The majority of the dredge footprint area comprises sands, silts and clay
sediments. The proposed reclamation area is adjacent to the existing Fishermans Landing reclamation
and the proposed FLPE reclamation.
The adjacent terrestrial area is characterised by flat, tidal and intertidal mudflat areas, dominated by
mangroves, extending landward to open woodlands of the Mount Larcom foothills. Offshore, Curtis Island
has a low, undulating, vegetated form.
The reclamation area is 10 km north of the urban residential area of Gladstone and is adjacent to
established, heavy industrial development in the GSDA including Cement Australia, Orica, Rio Tinto
Aluminium Yarwun, RG Tanna Coal Terminal, NRG power station and Queensland Energy Resources. In
addition, the existing Fishermans Landing and proposed FLPE are intended to be developed for
industrial port facilities. A visual impact assessment was undertaken for the EIS (chapter 14 and
Appendix X).
The proposed project reclamation is generally compatible with the existing and intended future adjacent
industrial landscape of the Port of Gladstone and the GSDA and therefore not expected to impact on the
natural beauty of the GBRWHA areas containing superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional
natural beauty and aesthetic importance.
The reclamation proposal preferred by GPC included provision for a mound of dredge spoil material to
contain the full volume of dredged material within a minimal footprint area. For a net capacity of
approximately 55 Mm3, a mound with a maximum height of 60 m was initially designed, with a slope of
approximately 1:6 to enable effective management of stormwater runoff, erosion and surface
rehabilitation (vegetation). The mound would be sufficiently high to become a prominent landscape
feature of this locality.
Should a permit be issued by DEWHA, under the Commonwealth Environmental Protection (Sea
Dumping) Act 1981, for offshore dumping of a proportion of the dredge spoil (approximately 810 Mm3
then the volume of material required to be disposed of in the reclamation are would be reduced by
approximately 2024 per cent reduction of the total 42.3 Mm3 capital dredging volume. This would
provide GPC with an opportunity to design a lower, recontoured reclamation mound with the potential to
create additional useful reclaimed port land that would be visually consistent with the adjacent industrial
development intended for Fishermans Landing.
The EIS (section 14.2.3) provides an assessment of the potential visual impact of the reclamation mound,
graphically indicating its appearance during reclamation and following the progressive establishment of
rehabilitation planting. The mound is generally assessed to have an adverse visual impact, however, this
would be substantially lessened by rehabilitation planting.
Retention of the tidal channel to the west of the western bund wall of the reclamation area will enable the
retention of foreshore mangroves, which should soften the visual impact when the mound is viewed from
the west.
I acknowledge the potentially adverse visual impact of the proposed reclamation mound. However, I
consider that since the site is not proximate to the residential areas of Gladstone and is located in a
precinct intended for intensive, large-scale industrial development associated with the Port of Gladstone
and the GSDA.
To reduce the visual impact resulting from the disposal of dredge spoil on the reclamation mound, I have
stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 5.6) to ensure the progressive vegetation of the mound
as it is being created.
The marine environment of the project area is characterised by a relatively shallow embayment with a
heterogeneous mosaic of soft sediment, rocky reef, coral, seagrass and algae, with variable water depths
partitioned by islands, mudbanks and channels.
The project area is sheltered by Curtis Island and Facing Island to the east and south-east. To the north
of the project area is The Narrows, which is a shallow constriction between the mainland and Curtis
Island that forms a complex system of creeks, mudflats and mangrove habitats.
Numerical modelling was undertaken for the EIS (EIS chapters 6 and 7 and Appendix J) to describe the
existing tidal hydrodynamic processes of Port Curtis and to understand the circulation, wave conditions,
flushing patterns, turbid dredge plume dispersion and sedimentation processes across the project area.
The model was used as tool to quantify the physical processes and to assess the potential impacts of
proposed dredging and reclamation works for the project.
Two-dimensional (2D), depth averaged, calibrated and validated modelling (TUFLOW-FV) was
undertaken, which was selected to be appropriate for the high energy, macro-tidal and well-mixed
conditions of Port Curtis 7 (EIS, section 6.7). A sensitivity analysis comparing 2D to 3D modelling showed
that there was only marginal improvement in results using the more complicated 3D model. The SWAN
wave modelling package was used for wave assessments and was linked to TUFLOW-FV as required.
The model bathymetry was based on digital elevation modelling of the port derived from various existing
survey data.
The model mesh covered an area of approximately 635 km2 extending a reach of approximately 80 km from
Richard Point in the south-east to Division Point in the north-west (EIS section 6.6.1 and Figure 6.2). Simulations
were carried out to represent a two month period using tidal boundaries derived from data recorded in February and
March 2009, selected to include large spring tides and small neap tides.
A range of hydrodynamic modelling scenarios was also investigated in order to provide an assessment of
the combined impacts of tides, waves and winds and a 100 year average return interval flood event in the
vicinity of the proposed marina and channel dredging works.
The modelling was undertaken for a base case and three development scenarios containing four stages
of dredging and the proposed reclamation (EIS Table 7-17):
Base caseexisting channels + recent dredging at Fishermans Landing + proposed Wiggins
Island Coal Terminal dredging
Scenario 1base case + Stage 1A (Clinton Bypass channel dredging + Curtis spur channel and
China Bay swing basins dredging) + Stage 1B commenced (initial Targinie Channel and
Fishermans Landing swing basin dredging) + Western Basin reclamation area completely
Scenario 2scenario 1 + Stage 1B completed (additional dredging of Targinie Channel and
Fishermans Landing swing basin) + Stage 2 (Channel extension to Laird Point and swing basin)
Scenario 3scenario 2 + Stage 3 (additional dredging to Laird Point) + Stage 4 (additional
dredging between swing basins and near China Bay and Hamilton Point on Curtis Island).
The results of the modelling of developed case scenarios have been compared to the base case to
assess the potential impacts of the works.
The key conclusions derived from the studies include:
the proposed dredging of the channels and swing basins and construction of the reclamation area
would have an effect on the hydrodynamics of the Western Basin, particularly in the immediate
vicinity of the reclamation area and the dredged channels
areas at the toe of the bund wall and in the embayment immediately to the north of the reclamation
area may be subject to increased bed shear stressesthat is, potential scouring
the project would cause some changes to tidal current velocities as far as Auckland Point due to
the reduction in the tidal prism occupied by the reclamation
minor changes in water levels (mm) in The Narrows are expected
slight phase shift (minutes) in the tidal cycle within the project area and The Narrows, and potential
increase in water retention during low tide, with fewer periods of foreshore exposure (drying)
the effects of the project on local hydrodynamics are highly variable across the project area and
with time (tidal, seasonal).
Significantly, the modelling predicted an increase in the potential quantity of sand and fine silt deposition
in the newly formed channels that would require an increase in maintenance dredging activity.
In general terms however, the predicted changes to the project areas hydrodynamics would be within the
normal bounds of the physical processes that naturally occur in the system as a result of the inherent
variability of the coastal and estuarine characteristics of the locality.
The area is naturally highly and variably turbid with concentrations of suspended solids regularly elevated
above the Queensland Water Quality Guideline (2006) (QWQG) and ANZECC Guidelines for Fresh and
Marine Water Quality (2000).
However, despite the ambient turbidity, the locality supports extensive seagrass beds that vary seasonally
and annually and persist under existing port operational conditions. These seagrasses support the direct
and indirect foraging habitat of marine fauna including dugongs and turtles. Seagrasses are considered
as nursery grounds for juvenile fish and may be targeted by commercial, recreational and indigenous
Direct, indirect, permanent and temporary impacts on the benthic marine ecosystems within the project
area, and therefore within the GBRWHA, are expected from construction and operation of the project.
104 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
Higher turbidity is associated with dredging by TSHD works, which is generally preferred where:
dredging depth is sufficient for the TSHD vessel draft
maintenance of access to the shipping channel is required
pumping distance is too great to use the CSD.
Use of TSHD for the project may also be considered to facilitate easier access to the offshore disposal
The EIS (section 2.3.3) described that placement of some material extracted by the TSHD to the
reclamation area would require bottom dumping adjacent to Fishermans Landing then double handling
(or rehandling) of the softened, bottom dumped material into the reclamation. This action greatly
increases turbidity immediately west and extending into the embayment immediately north of the
reclamation area. TSHD operation also operates in an overflow mode (when the hopper approaches its
capacity), which can cause locally elevated levels of turbidity in the immediate vicinity of the extraction.
Dredge spoil material extracted by the CSD can be directly pumped into the reclamation area.
In its submission on the SID, DERM recommended that use of TSHD in overflow mode should be reduced
to a minimum and that there should not be rehandling from the TSHD at Fishermans Landing. DEWHA
also recommended additional consideration of alternative dredge scenarios in order to reduce turbidity
and avoid rehandling.
In response to the DERM and DEWHA SID submissions, GPC has proposed measures to avoid
rehandling at Fishermans Landing.
Whilst it is GPCs preference is to seek a sea dumping permit for this material from DEWHA, GPC has
proposed measures to avoid rehandling at Fishermans Landing. It estimates that the minimum quantity of
material that would require rehandling (in the event that offshore disposal is not approved) is
approximately 1.5 Mm3. GPC investigated an alternative location for rehandling in the vicinity of North
China Bay at the south-west end of Curtis Island (see Figure 5). If it is necessary to rehandle at North
China Bay then this would only be permitted during the last hour of the flood tide and first three hours of
the ebb tide to ensure that turbid plumes are directed seaward. An additional advantage of the North
China Bay site is that is not proximate to any seagrass beds that may be impacted by local turbidity.
In addition, when turbidity levels exceed designated trigger levels at sensitive sites then overflow
dredging of TSHD will be limited to only occur in ebb tide periods. During flood tides, dredging would be
limited to only occur without overflow, provided water quality limits are still maintained.
Whilst GPCs focus is to avoid or minimise the impacts of dredge plume turbidity, it is recognised that
there is potential for the loss of a significant area of seagrass.
To ensure there is no rehandling at Fishermans Landing, and to minimise the quantity and potential
impacts of rehandling, I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 1.2) that require the
proponent to minimise TSHD dredging in silty sediments and undertake any rehandling, if necessary, at
the nominated North China Bay site, and only to be permitted during the last hour of flood tide and the
first three hours of the ebb tide to ensure that turbid plumes are directed seaward, and limited to a
maximum total quantity of rehandled material of 1.5 million m3.
I have also stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 1.2) that require overflow mode to used to
the minimum extent practicable.
The EIS (Appendix G, Table 3), summarised in Table 15, presented an initial set of water quality
objectives (WQO) to be used in the DMP as trigger values for the dredging operations at various sensitive
ecological locations. The WQO set TSS limits, in milligrams of sediment per litre (mg/L) for the 95th
percentile and, alternatively, the 80th percentile of background levels.
Numerical modelling suggests that the increase in turbidity associated with dredge plumes is generally
less than the 95th percentile of the background level.
In its submission on the SID, DEWHA noted that though turbidity plume modelling had been undertaken,
the essential link to seagrass light attenuation requirements and tolerances had not been considered,
making it impossible to accurately estimate the likely turbidity impacts on the extensive seagrass beds
within the project area.
Table 15Dredge plume total suspended solids objectives (see EIS, Appendix G, section 2.2.1,
Table 3)
Middle Western Basin
North Western Basin
The Narrows
Wiggins Island
TSS Objective
(95th %-ile) (mg/L)
TSS Objective
(80th %-ile) (mg/L)
In its submission on the SID, DERM recommended that an objective of the DMP should be to minimise
the loss of seagrass communities as a result of reduced photosynthetically available light resulting from
increased turbidity associated with dredging and dredge spoil activities.
Also, DEEDI, in its submission on the SID, recommended that ecologically relevant water quality triggers,
related to the light conditions required to maintain key seagrass species growth, be developed for a
WQMP, as part of the DMP, to protect seagrasses from turbid plumes.
DEEDI also recommended that the DMP include a seagrass monitoring program for seagrass health
assessment at key sensitive locations to complement the use of incident light-based water quality
The EIS (Appendix G, section 2.3) anticipated that, while turbidity objectives have been developed for the
dredging and discharge of decant waters, there is a need to improve understanding of the resilience of
various seagrass species to varying light conditions. The EIS (Appendix K, section 5.5.3) provides a
preliminary measure of photosynthetically available radiation, used to measure the light available for
photosynthesis (e.g. of seagrasses), however no conclusions are made.
To further this line of enquiry, DEEDI has commenced a program of research that aims to determine
thresholds of seagrass resilience to low light conditions. This would provide a basis for water quality
triggers based on light incidence and attenuation (if possible, correlated to existing measures of turbidity
that would inform the DMP so that dredging operations may be adjusted before sensitive habitats, such
as seagrasses, are critically affected.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3) that require the proponent to prepare a WQMP,
to be prepared as a component of the DMP and implemented in conjunction with the EMP and other
associated topical management plans, to identify, assess and manage impacts from the dredging and
construction of the reclamation area on the water quality of the project area. The WQMP will include a
monitoring component, in conjunction with monitoring of sensitive ecological areas, such as seagrasses,
that will inform dredging operations through the DMP.
In particular, a technical reference panel will be established for the duration of the project to oversee all
aspects of water quality monitoring, including a transition from a water quality monitoring program that is
based on turbidity towards a program that is based on light attenuation and seagrass health.
GPC has committed to supporting the ongoing research into seagrass light requirements and I have
stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 3.4) that require the proponent to continue seagrass
monitoring and integrate ongoing research findings into the continuous adaptive improvement of the DMP
via the establishment of a technical reference panel for the project comprising scientific experts in
seagrass and benthic ecology as well as GPC management, regulatory agencies and dredge technical
Comparison of alternative dredge spoil disposal options
Section 1.4.2 of the EIS noted that the initial assessment of dredge spoil disposal options was made in
chapter 6 of the Port of Gladstone Western Basin Master Plan (WBMP) that was prepared under section
10(2) of the SDPWO Act and that I endorsed in March 2010. The WBMP provides the strategic
framework for the development and cumulative assessment of potential impacts in the Western Basin.
Additional preliminary assessment of site spoil disposal options comes from the GPC 50 Year Strategic
Plan (GPC, 2008).
Chapter 1.7 and Table 1.4 of the EIS and section 3 of the SID provide GPCs explanation of alternative
dredge spoil disposal options, including the advantages and disadvantages of those options and its
rationale for selecting the reclamation area and its configuration for the disposal of spoil.
In its submission on the EIS, DEWHA recommended that further consideration was required of alternative
dredge spoil disposal options.
Table 16 provides a summary comparison of the dredge spoil options presented by GPC during the EIS
Table 16Comparison of dredge spoil disposal options
Spoil disposal option
EIS s.1.7.2
Re-use of material
EIS T.1-4
Unconfined disposal in
subtidal zone
EIS T.1-4
Land-based disposal
EIS T.1-4
Driven by sites suitable for establishment
of land-based industries and their
shipping requirements.
Spoil contains mixed grades of material
making it difficult to separate and re-use.
Material grade is not consistent with
grades suitable for beach nourishment
Unconfined turbid plumes.
Remobilisation of sediments resulting in
Curtis Island:
Requires 15 m high retaining wall
Land use conflict with proposed Curtis
Island LNG developments
Mainland (GSDA):
Sterilisation of land in Yarwun Precinct,
fully committed for future industrial
Unsuitable, sloped topography of Targinie
Precinct coastal landforms. Significant
excavation and removal of material in
order to make flat.
Introduction of saline and PASS material
to terrestrial landscape
Environmental impact of vegetation
clearing, habitat disturbance and altered
ground and surface hydrology.
Cost, energy and logistics of longdistance pumping, and treating salinity,
PASS and other potential contaminants.
South of FL, potential sterilisation of
mineral resources.
Capacity of site is fully committed from
Removal of benthic habitat.
Impact to marine fauna and migratory
Displacement of recreational, commercial
and indigenous fishers.
Displacement of recreational boaters
Time required for consolidation and
surface rehabilitation.
Visual impact of mound
Management of decant and stormwater
Management of PASS.
Minimised and optimised to
accommodate industry
Commercial sale benefit.
Avoids reclamation.
Avoids offshore disposal.
Complements disposal of spoil
for WICT project
Avoids land-based disposal
environmental impacts.
Contiguous with existing
Fishermans Landing
reclamation and FL Northern
Extension thereby limiting
impact to one part of the
Western Basin.
Preliminary evaluation of
disposal options provided and
supported by Western Basin
Master Plan.
Offshore disposal of
approx 810 Mm
EIS T.1-4
EIS T.1-4
capacity of
East Bank
Further to the SID, DEWHA 9 requested further consideration of alternative dredge disposal options,
including a comprehensive assessment of alternative onshore disposal options.
Advice (to-date) from the DIP State Development Areas Branch was that land-based disposal of dredge
spoil within the adjacent Yarwun and Targinie Precincts of the GSDA is not an option for consideration as
any land currently vacant is of high value and designated for future industrial development.
A residue storage facility location feasibility study 10 for the GSDA undertaken on behalf of the
Coordinator-General in 2007. The study investigated a range of sites throughout the GSDA to determine
their suitability for the storage of residue waste from industrial processes.
In essence, as residue is transported to fill areas through pipes in a slurry form and left to settle, there is
similarity in site options that would be investigated for potential to locate dredge spoil. Any fill areas will
have similar land/topographical requirements.
Nine sites within the GSDA were investigated for residue storage potential. Following analysis, it was
determined that due to a range of constraints, many of the sites studied are considered either unsuitable
or highly constrained for residue storage. An outline of each sites potential is included in the RSF study
Disposal to sites further inland is considered impractical due to the considerable cost and energy
requirements of pumping spoil; treating it for salinity, PASS and other potential contaminants; and the
inherent environmental impacts of land-based disposal including clearing of native vegetation and
disturbance of surface and ground water hydrology.
Section 1.7.4 of the EIS explained that five configurations were evaluated and compared for the design of
the WBDD Project reclamation area. These are shown in Figure 1.6 of the EIS. Advantages of the final
selected configuration included:
no reclamation of embayment to the north of Fishermans Landing
reduced direct impact to seagrasses and other benthic communities north of Fishermans Landing
maintenance of intertidal exchange north of Fishermans Landing
embayment north of Fishermans Landing (SID, Appendices F and G). The net acidity of each test
boreholes is a function of the base pH (acidity) and the acid neutralising capacity (ANCpresence of
calcium carbonate) for each site. This study presents the distribution of potential acid sulfate soils (PASS)
in the project area
Given the extent of PASS identified in the EIS and the proximity of the works to sensitive marine
environments, the dredged material will require careful monitoring and management of potential impacts.
This would be controlled by an ASSMP that is to be agreed by DERM and is required as part of the
overall construction environmental management plan. A framework for ASS management is presented in
the SID Appendix E that has the objective of outlining the principles of ASS management, validation
testing and monitoring for bund construction, dredging and the reclamation area.
The ASS study undertaken for the EIS provides sufficient information to commence 3D modelling of the
distribution of net acidity to inform the DMP and ASSMP.
The EIS notes a range of measures for consideration in the ASSMP including dredging, bund
construction, placement of spoil and ongoing management to reduce the risk of oxidising PASS. These
included measures such as: testing of actual ANC of dredged material, identification of high risk PASS to
inform the sequence of the dredge campaign, placement of PASS to keep it in a saturated state, thorough
mixing and careful placement to ensure optimal neutralising of PASS in the reclamation, neutralisation
treatment with lime dosing as required, validation testing of placed sediments, groundwater monitoring of
the reclamation to enable early detection of any risk, implementation of a water management strategy for
the reclamation to mitigate the risks of contaminated leachate entering marine waters.
In its submission on the SID, DERM recommended that, in order to safely ensure complete saturation, the
upper limit for placement of untreated PASS in the reclamation area is the mean low water level (MLW =
AHD -1.67 m / RL 0.67 m). DERM is, however, prepared to consider alternative methods of disposal,
including alternative water levels provided GPC presents a sufficiently detailed and justified proposal.
Further to the SID, GPC is testing the water levels and chemical characteristics of groundwater within the
existing adjacent Fishermans Landing reclamation area in order to inform the placement of dredge spoil
to DERMs satisfaction.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 2) that require the proponent to prepare an
ASSMP, as a component of the DMP providing detailed information on the distribution, characteristics
and management of PASS.
I have also stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 2) that sets the upper limit for placement of
untreated PASS material within the reclamation area at mean low water (AHD -1.67m / RL 0.67m), unless
DERM approves an alternative method of disposal to prevent oxidation of sulphides.
Marine pests
The Port of Gladstone was one of 18 Australian ports targeted for ongoing monitoring of marine pests
under the Australian Governments National System for the Prevention and Management of Marine Pest
Incursions, using new monitoring guidelines produced by the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry.
The marine baseline assessment undertaken for the EIS (Appendix Q, Marine ecology report) sought to
identify any marine pests of concern. Twenty-five of the 94 sites in the marine survey area were sampled
(EIS, Appendix Q, section 3.2.2 and Figure 3.1). However no marine pests were detected during the
benthic ecology sampling across the Port Curtis area.
Nonetheless, GPC acknowledges the risk for vessels undertaking the dredging to introduce marine pests
to the port and GBRWHA/GBRMP, and has identified mitigating measures to manage this risk including
management of marine biofoulling agents and ballast and adherence to statutory border controls for
incoming vessels.
I consider that the hydrodynamic modelling undertaken for the project demonstrates that water levels,
flushing characteristics and sedimentary processes of the Western Basin are not significantly affected by
the project and would be within the normal bounds that naturally occur as a result of the inherent
variability of this coastal and estuarine characteristics of the locality.
I acknowledge that the dredging operation would result in the temporary generation and propagation of
turbidity plumes, and that this may adversely impact upon, and result in the loss of benthic ecosystems,
including seagrasses, by sedimentation and light attenuation.
I also acknowledge that construction of the reclamation area would result in the direct loss of benthic
habitat. Combined with the FLPE project, the reclamation would affect 410 ha of seabed including
significant areas of seagrass communities (396 ha). Considered together with the WICT reclamation of
260 ha of intertidal wetlands, this is a significant step change in the character of the landscape of the
Western Basin. These impacts are an unavoidable effect of the continuing industrial expansion of the Port
of Gladstone and in particular are necessary to accommodate the emerging LNG export industry on
Curtis Island. I note that the permanent changes to intertidal areas for the WICT project has received
EPBC approval. Similarly, I note that my evaluation of the FLPE reclamation has recommended approval
and that the FLPE project was determined to be a non-controlled action on two occasions (30 January
2001 and 15 August 2004).
I consider that any direct or indirect impact on or loss of loss of benthic ecosystems, including
seagrasses, may have consequential adverse effects upon the feeding and breeding behaviour of marine
megafauna that use these resources, notably turtles, dugongs and dolphins.
In addition, loss of marine habitat and the reclamation of intertidal foreshore may also impact upon the
access and activities of commercial and recreational fishers and boaters that use the area.
I consider that GPC has endeavoured to avoid and/or mitigate the potential adverse impacts on the water
quality of world heritage coastal waters, and associated marine ecosystems through a commitment to the
combined and coordinated implementation of the DMP, WQMP, seagrass monitoring and a FFMP (see
sections 8.4, 8.5 and 5.2 of this report).
I also consider that the mitigating measures contained in the EIS, SID, draft EMP, and draft ASSMP
framework (subject to finalisation and approval by relevant agencies) for the proposed project are
satisfactory and sufficient to avoid or greatly minimise adverse impacts to the world heritage values for
which the GBRWHA is listed.
I consider that implementation of the mitigation measures contained in the EIS and SID and GPCs
commitment to the combined and coordinated implementation of the EMP and DMP (subject to
finalisation and approval by relevant agencies) for the proposed project will avoid or greatly minimise any
potential adverse impacts to the national heritage values of the GBRWHA.
The EPBC Act provides protection for listed nationally threatened flora and fauna species and ecological
communities, and marine species that occur in Commonwealth marine areas. All cetaceans (dolphins and
whales) are protected by the EPBC Act regardless of their listed conservation status. Commonwealth
protection is irrespective of the conservation status offered by state legislation.
A total of 16 flora species of conservation significance (national and/or state significance) were recorded
within five km of the project area, mostly associated with the peak and slopes of Mount Larcom. Of these,
three were afforded particular assessment in the EIS (Appendix G, section 4.1.1):
cycad (Cycas megacarpa)common on Mount Larcom, no records in lower-lying areas closer to
the project area, conspicuous when mature
Baileys indigo (Indigofera baileyi)occurs in sclerophyll woodlands and open forest on soils
derived from basalt and granite, core populations are located south of Fraser Island
quassia (Quassia bidwillii)occurs in closed forests and vine thickets, usually in association with
riparian vegetation and freshwater.
None of these species was identified during the field surveys conducted for the EIS as occurring in the
project area. Therefore the project is not expected to impact upon the ecological values of the listed
threatened terrestrial bird species.
Five EPBC Act-listed threatened bird species were recorded in the project area or identified as likely (
moderate likelihood) to occur within the project area. These are:
yellow chat (Dawson subspecies) (Epthianura crocea macgregori)critically endangered
squatter pigeon (southern) (Geophaps scripta scripta)vulnerable.
Neither of these species was identified during the field surveys conducted for the EIS. Habitat suitable for
each of these species does not occur with the project area.
Therefore the project is not expected to impact upon the ecological values of the listed threatened
terrestrial bird species.
Terrestrial mammals
The EIS (Appendix G, section 4.1.2) identified two species of terrestrial mammals considered likely to
occur within the project area:
large-eared bat (Chalinolobus dwyeri)vulnerable
grey-headed flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus)vulnerable.
The terrestrial environment of the project area is not considered to be core or significant habitat for either
of these species so it is considered highly unlikely that this project will impact on these species.
Marine mammals (whales)
Humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliaevulnerable, migratory) generally occur in offshore areas and
are observed off Curtis Island.
One whale species was observed during field surveys conducted for the EIS, near the northern tip of
Curtis Island in relatively shallow waters. It was considered most likely to be the melon-headed whale
(Peponocephala electra).
Given the shallow, inshore location of the Western Basin, it is considered unlikely that whales would
inhabit or traverse the project area. Furthermore, due to the vessel traffic associated with port operations
and the levels of background turbidity, whale species are likely to avoid the project area. Therefore it is
considered highly unlikely that this project will impact on whale species.
Potential impacts on dugongs and dolphins are addressed in section 8.5.2 of this report.
Marine turtles
The EIS (Appendix G, section 4.2, Table 7) identifies EPBC Act-listed threatened marine megafauna
possibly found within the project area. Four listed turtle species were identified as possibly occurring
within the project area. These are:
flatback turtles (Natator depressus)vulnerable
green turtles (Chelonia mydas)vulnerable
loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta)endangered
olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea)endangered.
Curtis Island is recognised as a consistent and stable, medium density nesting and breeding area for
flatback turtles since monitoring of nesting females began in 1969.
The area is also an important nesting and foraging area for green turtles that prefer to feed on seagrasses
so they have a high predicted association with the seagrass beds that occur in the project area.
Records suggest that the project area is an important foraging area for both adult and juvenile marine
The EIS noted that dredged channels provide resting habitats for turtles.
Marine turtles using the area are subject to a range of potential and probable direct and indirect impacts
including degradation and removal of feeding and nesting habitat due to the industrial development of the
Gladstone coastline and the Port of Gladstone, decreased water quality from dredging and disturbance of
sediments around the construction of the reclamation area, vessel strike and marine pollution.
GPC has proposed a range of mitigation measures including monitoring of water quality turbidity levels
and operational response through the DMP, management of stormwater and decant water discharges
from the reclamation area, and management of construction noise, vibration and lighting.
Further overall discussion on marine fauna is provided in section 8.5.4 of this report.
Two threatened ecological communities identified from desktop studies to occur in the vicinity the project
semi-evergreen vine thicket (SEVT) of the Brigalow Belt and Nandewar bioregionsclassified
under the EPBC as an endangered ecological community (EEC), and represented by several
weeping myall woodlandsclassified as an EEC, dominated by myall (Acacia pendula) and
restricted in Queensland to REs 11.3.2 and 11.3.28.
Neither of these EECs was found to occur directly within the project area.
I consider that the project will have some impact on the feeding, nesting or migratory behaviours of the
listed threatened species in the vicinity of the project area through the loss and disturbance of benthic
communities (i.e. seagrasses) and intertidal foreshore areas.
I note that the nature of impacts to listed threatened marine species, in particular marine turtles, are
common to other marine megafauna that use the project area, such as dugongs and dolphins. My general
conclusions regarding marine megafauna are included in section 8.5.5 of this report.
Based on the EIS, draft EMP and SIR, I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4)
concerning marine and terrestrial flora and fauna (see also sections 5.2.of this report). In particular, I
require the proponent to prepare a flora and fauna management plan (FFMP) as a component of the
DMP, to be implemented in conjunction with the EMP, DMP and WQMP. The FFMP will focus on species
and communities of listed national and state significance. In particular, the FFMP will focus on monitoring
seagrass communities, migratory shorebirds (see section 8.5.1) and marine megafauna likely to be
directly or indirectly impacted by the project. The FFMP will be integral with water quality monitoring and
will be used to inform dredging operations through the DMP.
In response to the cumulative impact assessment in section 6 of this report, I have imposed a condition
(Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 4.4) that requires additional offset measures for shorebirds and marine
fauna to be included in the FFMP. Measures could include, but not be limited to:
enhanced understanding of the displacement of key marine fauna species from affected habitat
areas in Western Basin and any associated effects on regional populations
contribution to species protection programs in the region or the wider bioregion. This may include
funding of additional boating and fisheries patrols, education campaigns for recreational fishers on
risks of marine fauna boat strike and improved management of key shorebird habitat areas
contribution to habitat enhancement/restoration actions in the region or the wider bioregion such as
'seagrass friendly' mooring systems, wetland rehabilitation projects and water quality improvement
I have also stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4.4.1) that requires the DMP to provide
measures, including use of turtle exclusion devices, to minimise the risk of impacts to turtles.
I consider that GPC has endeavoured to avoid and/or mitigate the potential adverse impacts to listed
threatened species and communities through a commitment to the combined and coordinated
implementation of the DMP, WQMP, seagrass monitoring and a FFMP (see sections 8.2.3 and 5.2 of this
I also consider that the mitigating measures contained in the EIS, SID, draft EMP, and draft ASSMP
framework (subject to finalisation and approval by relevant agencies) for the proposed project are
satisfactory and sufficient to avoid or greatly minimise adverse impacts to the listed threatened species
and communities for which the GBRWHA is listed.
Migratory birds
A number of EPBC Act-listed migratory bird species, including migratory shorebirds, occur or are likely to
occur in the project area. Suitable habitats include woodlands, riparian vegetation, mangroves and
mudflats. The intertidal areas, in particular, are used for foraging and roosting by migratory shorebirds.
The migratory white-throated needletail (Chaetura caudacuta) and fork-tailed swift (Apus pacificus) are
considered likely to forage at the project area when visiting eastern Australia in spring and summer,
however the available habitat is not considered important for these species.
The EIS (Table 9-7) identified six migratory marine birds to occur in the project area:
The EIS (Appendix G, section 4.1.3) also specifically noted three species of migratory shorebirds that
have been recorded to use the mudflats in the east of project area for foraging and/or roosting in spring
and summer. These include:
The SID (section 16.4.1) noted that the Gladstone region is generally not recognised as an area of
international significance for migratory shorebirds. However, while the intertidal mudflats seaward of the
fringing mangroves immediately north of the reclamation area provide some feeding and roosting habitat
for wading and migratory shorebirds, the area north of Friend Point including The Narrows, further from
the industrialised foreshore, is used more extensively.
The EIS (section 9.2.3) and SID (section 16.4.1) noted that potential construction impacts included
disruption to wildlife behaviour as a result of light, noise and vibration disturbance particularly associated
with the 24/7 construction schedule for the bund wall. The EIS acknowledged that these disturbances can
have a significant impact on migratory birds if they restricted access to a limited resource or inhibit natural
behaviour during a critical phase of the animals lifecycle. Appendix S of the EIS (Noise and vibration)
notes a study (Larkin, 1996) that observed that some birds may habituate to noises that are not
biologically relevant to them. Examples were provided of seabirds that inhabit loud, noisy location such as
airports or adjacent to busy motorways.
Proposed mitigation measure to minimise nuisance to wading/migratory bird species include:
directional control of lighting on the haul route and on the reclamation area
use of low wattage lighting, glare guards and shielding to minimise light spill.
Further discussion on potential lighting and noise impacts and mitigation is included in section 5.5
(Lighting) of this report.
Concerns were raised in a public submission to the EIS regarding threats to shorebirds due to loss of
feeding and roosting habitat and disturbance due to noise, vibration and light.
In response, the SID noted that populations of migratory shorebirds continue to use the project area
despite the history of intensive industrial development and port operation, suggesting a degree of
adaptation or resilience to persist irrespective of noise and other disturbances.
In its submission on the SID, DEWHA considered that the EIS and SID had not adequately addressed
potential impact to migratory birds. In response, GPC has committed to undertaking further monitoring,
particularly of migratory shorebirds that may be affected by construction of the reclamation area, during
periods when they are known to be locally in transit.
Therefore, I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4.5) that requires the proponent to
specifically undertake seasonal monitoring of migratory seabirds, for the summer season transit period
(between October and March), with particular focus on the population peak in January. Monitoring will
occur at the localities immediately impacted by the reclamation area, including the embayment
immediately north of the reclamation area.
Monitoring will be undertaken within the context of a FFMP for the project (refer to Appendix 1, Schedule
2, Part 4) that will establish a framework for baseline monitoring (including review of historical records),
assessment of impact (including threshold triggers), and inform management and operation response, for
the duration of the project, to avoid, minimise and/or mitigate impacts to terrestrial and marine flora, fauna
and ecosystems.
In response to the cumulative impact assessment in section 6 of this report I have recommended that
opportunities to provide shorebird habitat within the WBDD Project should be maximised where
116 Coordinator-Generals ReportWestern Basin Dredging and Disposal Project
practicable, particularly where concurrent impacts are occurring in the vicinity of Friend Point for the
pipeline crossing works. In addition, I have imposed a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 4.4) that
requires additional offset measures for shorebirds to be included in the FFMP.
I acknowledge that the project area is inhabited by EPBC Act-listed migratory birds, however I am
satisfied that the project area is not an important or critical habitat for the listed migratory species or
other shorebirds.
Nonetheless, I acknowledge that disturbance to the intertidal foreshore in the vicinity of the reclamation
area may impact upon the feeding, breeding and transit of migratory shorebirds.
However, I am further satisfied that the mitigation measures, listed in section 9.2.3 the EIS, committed
to by GPC will help to minimise any potential impacts on migratory birds species. I am further satisfied
that the additional conditions for environmental offsets and requirements for monitoring of migratory
shorebirds in the context of a FFMP for the project, will assist to inform appropriate ongoing mitigation
and management measures with regard to migratory shorebirds.
Migratory mammals
Potential impacts to dugongs and dolphins are similar to those for other marine megafauna species.
Further overall discussion on marine fauna is provided in section 8.5.4 of this report.
Migratory reptiles
The estuarine crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) is identified as possibly occurring in the project area,
however it is nearing the southern limit of its known extent. Suitable habitat for this species occurs in and
within the vicinity of the project area, including The Narrows.
Given the highly mobile nature of the species, the very small area of habitat to be affected, the
disturbed/urban nature of the site and ongoing presence of marine vessel traffic, the project is considered
unlikely to affect this species.
The EIS acknowledges that the project, and the cumulative effect of other proposed industrial
developments in the Port Curtis area, will impact upon marine megafauna that use the area. Adjacent
areas, such as the Narrows and Rodds Bay, will therefore become increasingly important habitats to
support animals no longer or less able to use the Western Basin.
In particular, key potential impacts to marine megafauna are identified due to direct removal of foraging,
feeding and inter-nesting habitat for dugongs and turtles, decline in water quality from dredging and
construction disturbance, and increase in sedimentation that may result in smothering of seagrasses and
other benthic communities.
The increase in vessel traffic (dredges and other shipping traffic), and increased reclamation (WBDD
Project and FLPE project) may affect safe migratory passage in the project area.
The additional lighting and underwater noise disturbance from vessel traffic, construction, and operation
of other Western Basin project may further disturb or displace megafauna.
To address these potential impacts, GPC has proposed a range of mitigation strategies including:
monitoring of water quality turbidity levels and adaptive management of dredging operations to
minimise impacts through a DMP
dredge head technology to deflect or avoid interaction with resting turtles and other megafauna
strategies to decrease the risk of trapping animals in the reclamation and manual removal of any
marine fauna from the reclamation area prior to closure of the bund wall
management of stormwater, waste and other pollutant discharges
management of construction noise, vibration and lighting
education of the construction workforce regarding the risks to marine megafauna and the
requirement to avoid unnecessary interaction with those species.
A review of underwater noise impacts studies was undertaken for the project, in relation to in-water
construction works completed for other shallow marine dredging and reclamation works projects 12 . That
review examined the acoustic intensity and frequency of noise sources relative to the known sensitivity
ranges for marine mammals. The study indicated that of all potential noise generating activities pile
driving was most likely to have an impact. Pile driving would be used to install approximately 19
navigational channel marker navigation aids for newly dredged shipping channels and to construct
jetty/wharf facilities for proposed LNG facilities. Wharf construction for GPC is not being undertaken for
the project.
Precautionary mitigation measures, including soft-start pile driving, use of spotters, no pile driving if
megafauna are within 5 m, and use of warning noises prior to pile driving, are to be included in the EMP
for the project.
SVT Engineering Consultants (January 2010): QCLNG Gladstone Channel Underwater Noise Assessment.
Prepared for the BG Group. Report reference Rpt01-0951823-Rev2-20 Jan 2010.
To confirm GPCs commitments I have stated conditions concerning seagrass monitoring and research,
water quality monitoring, and marine megafauna monitoring in the Western Basin (Appendix 1, Schedule
2, Parts 3 and 4).
In addition, I have stated a condition (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4) that requires the proponent to
prepare a FFMP, to be included in the EMP framework for the project.
The studies for inclusion in the FFMP include (but are not limited to) the following:
Continue annual long-term seagrass monitoring surveys of seagrass distribution and abundance in
the Port of Gladstone.
Undertake ongoing monitoring to assess marine megafauna inhabitation of the Western Basin. The
extent, methods and timing of monitoring should be similar to the programs undertaken for the EIS.
Monitor light spill and underwater noise impulse during bund construction and during the first
stages of dredging and reclamation and conduct research on the effects of light and noise on
marine megafauna.
In response to the cumulative impact assessment in section 6 of this report, I have imposed a condition
(Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 4.4) that requires additional offset measures for marine fauna to be
included in the FFMP. Measures could include, but not be limited to:
enhanced understanding of the displacement of key marine fauna species from affected habitat
areas in Western Basin and any associated effects on regional populations
contribution to species protection programs in the region or the wider bioregion. This may include
funding of additional boating and fisheries patrols and education campaigns for recreational fishers
on risks of marine fauna boat strike
contribution to habitat enhancement/restoration actions in the region or the wider bioregion such as
'seagrass friendly' mooring systems, wetland rehabilitation projects and water quality improvement
I consider that the positive outcomes resulting from the FFMP would additionally mitigate the potential
impacts on matters of national environmental significance relating to the project.
I consider that the loss of marine habitat would have a consequential impact upon the feeding and
breeding behaviour of marine megafauna, notably turtles and dugongs, and to a lesser extent dolphins.
Also, the additional obstruction of the northern Western Basin due to construction of the reclamation area,
and an increase in vessel traffic associated with dredging, may impede the migratory pathways of marine
fauna using the Narrows and Port Curtis.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4) to ensure that the proponent prepares and
implements a FFMP for the duration of the project that will establish a framework for baseline monitoring
(including review of historical records), assessment of impact (including threshold triggers), and inform
management and operation response, to avoid, minimise and/or mitigate impacts to terrestrial and marine
flora, fauna and ecosystems.
I consider that GPC has endeavoured to avoid and/or mitigate the potential adverse impacts on the
migratory fauna that use the project area through a commitment to the combined and coordinated
implementation of the DMP, WQMP, seagrass monitoring and FFMP.
I also consider that the mitigating measures contained in the EIS, SID, and draft EMP for the proposed
project are satisfactory and sufficient to avoid or greatly minimise adverse impacts to the migratory fauna
for which the GBRWHA is listed.
Therefore, I conclude that the project does not pose a significant risk to populations of dugongs, dolphins
and other marine megafauna such as turtles in the project area or wider Port Curtis area.
The draft Commonwealth policy statement Use of environmental offsets under the Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 provides guidance on projects that may trigger consideration of
an offset by the Commonwealth Government. The policy states:
Environmental offsets are not applicable to all approvals under the EPBC Act. Each approval must be
assessed on a case-by-case basis and must take into account the scale and intensity of impact from the
development on the site and the potential for conservation outcomes through offsets. They should not be
applied when the impacts from the development are considered to be minor in nature or could reasonably
be mitigated.
Based on the findings of the EIS, I consider the proposed project would cause a degree of unavoidable
impact to matters of national environmental significance relating to the project area, in particular, the
direct loss of 902 ha of benthic habitat (including 258.8 ha of seagrasses) due to dredging and
construction of the reclamation area. An additional 5416 ha of benthic habitat (including 1406 ha of
seagrasses) may be indirectly lost in the short to medium term due to turbidity plume impacts such as
light attenuation and sedimentation.
The loss of marine habitat would have a consequential impact upon the feeding and breeding behaviour
of marine megafauna, notably turtles, dugongs and dolphins. Also, the additional obstruction of the
northern Western Basin due to construction of the reclamation area, and an increase in vessel traffic
associated with dredging, may impede the migratory pathways of marine fauna using The Narrows and
Port Curtis. Disturbance to the intertidal foreshore in the vicinity of the reclamation area may also impact
upon the feeding, breeding and transit of migratory shorebirds. However, the mitigation measures
identified in the EIS and SID, for inclusion in the EMP, DMP and other operational management plans aim
to reduce the extent of loss.
In accordance with the Queensland Government Environmental Offsets Policy (QGEOP), the State
Government requires an environmental offset to counterbalance unavoidable negative environmental
impacts that result from an activity or a development. The specific-issue State Government offset policy
that applies to marine habitat is the Fish Habitat Management Operational Policy FHMOP 005
Mitigation and Compensation for Works for Activities Causing Marine Fish Habitat Loss, under the
Fisheries Act. This policy, administered by DEEDI (Fisheries Queensland), details mitigation measures
for the conservation and enhancement of fisheries resources and fish habitats.
I acknowledge that the dredging operation would result in the temporary generation and propagation of
turbidity plumes, and potentially mobilise contaminants that are within the marine sediments, and that this
may adversely impact upon, and result in the loss of benthic ecosystems, including seagrasses, by
sedimentation and light attenuation.
I also acknowledge that construction of the reclamation area would result in the direct loss of benthic
Therefore, I consider that any direct or indirect impact on or loss of loss of benthic ecosystems, including
seagrasses, may have consequential adverse effects upon the feeding and breeding behaviour of marine
megafauna that use these resources, notably turtles, dugongs and dolphins.
As part of the EIS, GPC investigated and calculated a series of offset opportunities in the local area for
cumulative loss of marine fish habitat associated with the WBDD Project, the FLPE project and the WICT
project. The proposed offsets also factor the dredging components (e.g. of MOFs) for those LNG projects
proposed for the Western Basin that were considered with the WBDD Project. These potential offsets are
discussed in detail in chapter 6 of this report.
I note the Commonwealth Government may require an offset, in accordance with Commonwealth policy,
for the residual impacts, including the net loss of benthic habitat within the reclamation area.
I have stated conditions (Appendix 1, Schedule 3, Part 4) that requires the proponent to submit a
package of offsets for the loss of marine habitat. Specifically, I have imposed a condition (Appendix 1,
Schedule 3, Part 4.4) that requires additional offset measures for shorebirds and marine fauna to be
included in the FFMP. Measures could include, but not be limited to:
enhanced understanding of the displacement of key marine fauna species from affected habitat
areas in Western Basin and any associated effects on regional populations
contribution to species protection programs in the region or the wider bioregion. This may include
funding of additional boating and fisheries patrols, education campaigns for recreational fishers on
risks of marine fauna boat strike and improved management of key shorebird habitat areas
contribution to habitat enhancement/restoration actions in the region or the wider bioregion such as
'seagrass friendly' mooring systems, wetland rehabilitation projects and water quality improvement
9. Conclusion
Having regard to the documentation provided and commitments made by GPC during the EIS process for
the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal project, I am satisfied that the requirements of the
Queensland Government for impact assessment in accordance with the provisions of part 4 of the
SDPWO Act have been met.
The EIS process has provided sufficient information to the State Government, Gladstone Regional
Council and the community to allow evaluation of potential environmental impacts that could be attributed
to the project.
I am satisfied that careful management of the key dredging, construction, reclamation and operational
activities should ensure that potential environmental impacts will be minimised or avoided.
GPC has developed a draft EMP (which will be progressed further to detailed planning and design) to
address specific environmental issues identified during the EIS process associated with the construction
and operation of project. GPC has committed to finalising the project EMP in consultation with other
relevant agencies.
In reaching a conclusion on the acceptability or otherwise of the management of potential impacts of the
project, I have considered the draft EMP and requirements for a DMP.
Where necessary, I have stated and imposed conditions that GPC and other relevant entities are to
On the basis of the information provided, including that from advisory agencies, I am satisfied that the
potential environmental impacts associated with the project are able to be addressed through:
implementation of stated conditions listed in Appendix 1, Schedule 1 of this report as conditions for
aspects of the project that are subject to a development approval under the SPA for material
change of use for ERA 16 (dredging)
implementation of conditions listed in Appendix 1, Schedule 2 of this report as conditions for
aspects of the project that are subject to a development approval under the SPA for operational
works (tidal) and includes conditions for a DMP, ASSMP, WQMP and FFMP
implementation of conditions listed in Appendix 1, Schedule 3 of this report as imposed conditions
for aspects of the project that are not subject to development assessment under SPA, including
finalisation and implementation of the project EMP.
With respect to the options proposed by APLNG in the Addendum to the EIS for its access channel and
berthing arrangements, I do not approve Option 1B.
I consider that the proposed Western Basin Dredging and Disposal project is a central component of the
Port of Gladstone Western Basin development and is essential to the future development of maritime
industries and services in the Port of Gladstone and in particular for development associated with the
emerging LNG industries.
I consider that, on balance, the proposed dredging and disposal project would provide an important
general economic benefit to the Gladstone and Central Queensland economy by expanding the capacity
and increasing the efficiency of the Port of Gladstone to cater for new and emerging port-based
I note my decision (25 May 2010) to approve the EIS in full for the adjacent FLPE project and recommend
that it may proceed.
I note that aspects of the project, in particular the dredging methodology to be included in the DMP and
the program for placing, monitoring and managing dredge spoil into the reclamation area, as described in
the EIS documentation, require additional detailed design before the project can be implemented.
However, I consider that the information presented during the EIS process is sufficient to enable my
approval of the EIS.
Therefore, I recommend that the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal project, as described in detail in
the EIS and summarised in section 2 of this report, can proceed, subject to the conditions contained in
Appendix 1 of this report.
In the event of any inconsistencies between the EIS documents and the recommended requirements in
this report, the recommended requirements in this report prevail.
GPC and its agents must implement the conditions and recommendations of this report and all
commitments presented in the EIS, SID, EMP and DMP.
Under the provisions of part 9 of the EPBC Act, the Commonwealth Minister may approve or refuse the
taking of the proposed action. In approving a proposed action, the Commonwealth Minister may attach
conditions to the approval if he is satisfied that the condition is necessary or convenient to protect a
matter of national environmental significance, or to repair or mitigate damage to a matter of national
environmental significance.
Copies of this report will be issued to:
GPC, in accordance with section 35(5)(a) of the SDPWO Act
the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts to make an assessment of
the controlled action for the purposes of part 9 of the EPBC Act, in accordance with section 17(2) of
the SDPWO Regulation
the shareholding Ministers for GPCthe Queensland Treasurer and Minister for Employment and
Economic Development, and the Queensland Minister for Transport.
Copies of the report will be also issued to agencies responsible for implementation of approvals and
conditions including:
Other advisory agencies and public submitters who participated in the EIS process will be notified about
the availability of this report.
In accordance with section 35(5)(b) of the SDPWO Act, a copy of this report will also be made available to
the public on the DIP Significant Projects web site at www.dip.qld.gov.au/projects
two dimensional
three dimensional
24 hours per day, seven days per week
Australian height datum
acid neutralising capacity
Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council
Australia Pacific LNG
average return interval
acid sulfate soils
acid sulfate soils management plan
aid to navigation
benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes
ChinaAustralia Migratory Birds Agreement
Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Capricorn Conservation Council Inc.
The Coordinator-General of the State of Queensland
cultural heritage management plan (under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003)
carbon dioxide equivalent
Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995
cutter suction dredge
construction safety management plan
decibel (unit of noise measurement)
acceptable decibels (unit of noise measurement)
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Department of Environment and Resource Management
(Commonwealth) Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Department of Infrastructure and Planning
Directory of Important Wetlands (DEWHA, 2004)
dredge management plan
dissolved oxygen
Dugong Protection Area
Department of Transport and Main Roads
endangered ecological community (under the EPBC Act),
environmental impact assessment
environmental investigation levels (contaminants)
environmental impact statement
environmental management plan
environmental management system
Environmental Protection Act 1994
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conversation Act 1999 (Cwlth)
Environmental Protection Policy
Environmental Protection Regulation 1998
Environmentally Relevant Activity
emergency response plan
Fitzroy Basin Association
flora and fauna management plan
fish habitat area (declared under the Fisheries Act 1994)
Fishermans Landing Port Extension
Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park (State)
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
greenhouse gas
Gladstone LNG Santos (LNG proponent)
Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited (the proponent)
NC Act
NC(W) Reg
WBDD Project
Appendix 1. Conditions
Schedule 1Coordinator-Generals stated conditions for material change of use
Schedule 2Coordinator-Generals stated conditions for operational works
Schedule 3Coordinator-Generals imposed conditions
Part 1. General conditions for the dredging, which establish the general responsibilities of parties
to these conditions
Part 2. General conditions for the dredge management plan (DMP): ERA 16 must be conducted
in accordance with a DMP
Part 3. Conditions that establish the standard of equipment to be used for the dredging.
Part 4. Environmental harm, which ensures that the general environmental duty of care under the
EP Act applies to the project.
Part 5. Complaint response, which ensures that measures are implemented to appropriately
respond to public complaints.
Note that some conditions in each part could also have some relevance to the other schedules and parts
and are cross-referenced accordingly.
Part 1.
Dredging general
Condition 1
This approval is granted for the environmentally relevant activity of dredging for the
purpose of construction, operation and maintenance of lawful structures associated with
the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project.
Condition 2
The Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited must maintain direction of any personnel
carrying out an activity authorised by this permit.
Condition 3
All dredging plant personnel must be trained and made aware of the conditions of this
Part 2.
Condition 4
Condition 5
The project must be carried out generally in accordance with the Western Basin Dredging
and Disposal Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (November 2009) for the
project, and the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project EIS Supplementary
Information Document (SID) for the project (April 2010), and Appendices 1 and 2 of this
Condition 6
The final placement of all dredge spoil must occur within the reclamation area defined in
the EIS, or at an approved sea dumping site.
Part 3.
Any dredging conducted under this approval must use equipment that is equal to or better
than the following equipment being the minimum technical standard.
a) Cutter Suction Dredge (CSD) minimum technical specification:
Vessel must have electronic positioning system for defining the location and
depth of dredging activities. Vessel must have a continuous connection, for
example, a floating or submerged pipeline, to an approved placement site.
Vessels must have a system or process to ensure the delivery system integrity
is maintained at all times.
Vessel must have systems for determining solids water ratio or density of
dredged material during operations. Vessel must be registered and in survey
with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
Condition 8
Vessel must have on-board systems for determining solids to water ratio or
density of dredged material.
Vessel must have electronic positioning system for defining the location and
depth of dredging activities. Dredge heads must be capable of, and have fitted,
fauna exclusion devices, including but not limited to, turtle deflectors.
The registered operator of the ERA to which this development approval relates must:
a) install all measures, plant and equipment necessary to ensure compliance with the
conditions of this approval
b) maintain such measures, plant and equipment in a proper and efficient condition
c) operate such measures, plant and equipment in a proper and efficient manner.
Part 4.
Condition 9
Dredging activities must not cause damage to banks or other natural coastal features.
Condition 10
Any direct or indirect discharge, including water and anything in water, from the
reclamation area must not cause any or all of the following:
a) environmental harm
b) adverse impacts on water quality objectives that apply to the area surrounding the
containment site
c) sediment build up or erosion of any land including the bed of any receiving waters
(see Schedule 2, Part 5).
Condition 11
The release of airborne contaminants from the activity must not cause environmental
Condition 12
Part 5.
Condition 13
The operator of the ERA must record the following details for all complaints received and
provide this information to the administering authority on request:
a) time, date, name and contact details of the complainant
b) reasons for the complaint
c) physical location of the area and/or source of the subject of the complaint
d) any investigations undertaken
e) conclusions formed
works pursuant to part 5, division 2 of the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995,
assessed by the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) as
concurrence agency under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) including:
works requiring the removal, construction or damage of marine plants, under the Fisheries Act
1994, assessed by the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
(DEEDI) as concurrence agency under SPA.
Part 1. Dredge management plan (DMP), which ensures that the DMP is finalised and carried
forward for the construction and operational phases of the project.
Part 2. Acid sulfate soils management plan (ASSMP), which ensures that the ASSMP is finalised
and carried forward for the construction and operational phases of the project.
Part 3. Water quality management plan (WQMP), which ensures that the WQMP is finalised and
carried forward for the construction and operational phases of the project.
Part 4. Flora and fauna management plan (FFMP), which ensures that the FFMP is finalised and
carried forward for the construction and operational phases of the project.
Part 5. Construction and operations, which provides additional conditions for the construction of
the bund wall and the disposal of spoil that are not otherwise considered by other operational
works conditions (e.g. construction noise, vibration, light and air quality etc.).
Note that some conditions in each part could also have some relevance to the other schedules and parts
and are cross-referenced accordingly.
Part 1.
Dredge Management Plan (DMP) (see Schedule 1, Part 2, and Schedule 3, Part 1)
DMP General
Condition 1
Condition 2
Condition 3
d) the impacts of dredging operations are monitored through the ASSMP, WQMP and
FFMP (see Schedule 2, Parts 2, 3 and 4)
e) contingency plans and emergency procedures are in place
g) effective communication both internally and with the administering authority and other
h) appropriate records relating to all aspects of the dredging operation, including
monitoring, management and maintenance are kept
the proponent must ensure that the construction of the works is carried out only by
means of suitable plant and equipment.
Condition 4
The DMP must provide detailed information of the selection of dredge type, disposal
options and operational constraints and location for each particular dredging stage or
Condition 5
Condition 6
Where construction and dredging methods with lower environmental impacts are
identified to be practical, these methods should be implemented.
Condition 7
The DMP must specify events, based upon results of water quality and seagrass
monitoring, when dredging operations must be varied or ceased to prevent an adverse
impact on the environment or water quality, and the actions required to be taken.
Condition 8
The DMP must address future maintenance dredging requirements and cumulative
impacts of other dredging that may occur consequential to the project.
Condition 9
Dredging must not commence until provision has been made to lawfully place or dispose
of the dredge material.
Dredge operations
Condition 10
where it is necessary for rehandling of the material to occur, the material will be
placed into an alternative rehandling area, in the vicinity of North China Bay, during
the last hour of flood tide and the first three hours of the ebb tide. In addition, the
maximum total quantity of material to be rehandled will be limited to 1.5 million m3
g) in the event that offshore disposal is permitted under the under the Commonwealth
Environmental Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981, the maximum volume of material
to be rehandled will be limited to 100,000 m3 unless a higher volume is approved by
Condition 11
Regarding the use of the TSHD , the following factors will be considered:
a) overflow dredging with TSHD shall be permitted provided that monitoring of the
turbidity levels within the harbour demonstrate that the levels of turbidity are
compliant with the general conditions
b) where turbidity levels exceed the accepted levels at sensitive sites, dredging will be
limited to overflow dredging on ebb tide periods and dredging without overflow on
flood tide periods, provided the accepted turbidity levels are achieved as a result of
the revised dredging practice
c) in the event that the modified practice does not achieve the required levels, use of
TSHD should be limited to non-overflow dredging.
Condition 12
The operator must maintain a record of sites where dredging is carried out and the
volumes of material removed, and submit them to the Gladstone Ports Corporation
Limited on completion of each dredging program authorised under this approval.
Condition 13
The Gladstone Ports Corporation Limited must keep the records provided to it under
condition 12 and attach them to the annual return or deliver them to the administering
authority (DERM) upon request from the administering authority.
Condition 14
Data collected under the DMP, including but not limited to the results of testing and
monitoring, must be submitted to the administering authority when any of the following
a) a test indicates the presence of a contaminant under the National Assessment
Guidelines for Dredging (NAGD, 2009) or any revision of this guideline
b) with the annual return.
Condition 15
The northern extent of the dredge footprint of Stage 2 will be limited to an extent that
does not encroach on the proposed extension of the GSDA across The Narrows, with the
extent of the final Stage 2 dredge footprint to be negotiated between GPC and DIP to
account for any required safety or operational buffer requirements.
Part 2.
Condition 16
Dredging and disposal of sediments containing potential acid sulfate soils (PASS) must
be undertaken in accordance with a site-specific acid sulfate soil management plan
(ASSMP) for the project approved by DERM and incorporated into the DMP (see
Schedule 1 and Schedule 2, Part 1).
Condition 17
Condition 18
The ASSMP must be prepared and approved in consultation with DERM prior to
commencement of any part of the construction of the reclamation area.
Condition 19
Preparation of the ASSMP and any ASS investigations must be conducted in accordance
a) State Planning Policy 2/02: Planning and Managing Development Involving Acid
Sulfate Soils
b) the SPP 2/02 Guideline: Acid Sulfate Soils, and with reference to the Guidelines for
Sampling and Analysis of Lowland Acid Sulfate Soils in Queensland (Ahern et al.
c) the Queensland Acid Sulfate Soil Technical Manual: Soil Management Guidelines
(Dear et al., 2002)
d) Instructions for the Treatment and Management of Acid Sulfate Soils (Queensland
Government Environmental Protection Agency, 2001) or any updates of them as they
become available, hereafter referred to as the ASS Instructions.
Condition 20
planning to prevent or account for particle size separation for management of dredge
spoil containing PASS
g) any proposal to justify a reduced rate of verification testing for management of dredge
spoil containing PASS.
Condition 21
A copy of the WBDDP study used to justify a lowered sampling rate for management of
dredge spoil containing ASS must be provided to DERM in support of the ASSMP.
Condition 22
Monitoring plans for water quality and biodiversity must seek to identify any significant
effect of oxidation of sulphidic fines in the water column and at inter-tidal depositional
areas. This will inform future dredging programs involving significant quantities of PASS.
Condition 23
The need for further testing of acid neutralising capacity, or the findings of further
laboratory testing such as column leaching tests, must be provided to DERM in support of
the ASSMP for management of dredge spoil containing PASS.
Condition 24
The upper limit for placement of untreated PASS material within the reclamation area is
mean low water (AHD -1.67m / RL 0.67m), unless DERM approves an alternative method
of disposal to prevent oxidation of sulphides.
Condition 25
Untreated PASS in the free water area of the reclaim bund must be maintained in a
saturated state and must not be exposed for a period in excess of 0.5 hours on any tide
Condition 26
ASS must be managed to ensure that contaminants are neither directly nor indirectly
released from the works to any receiving waters unless otherwise authorised under a
condition of this approval.
Part 3.
WQMP general
Condition 27
Prior to the commencement of construction of the reclamation area and dredging, the
proponent, in consultation with DERM, DEEDI and DEWHA, must prepare a water quality
management plan (WQMP) for the duration of the project, to identify, assess and manage
the impacts from the dredging and construction of the reclamation area on the water
quality of the project area.
Condition 28
The WQMP will be prepared as a component of the DMP and implemented in conjunction
with the EMP, DMP, ASSMP and FFMP for the project (see Schedule 2, Part 1).
Coastal processes
Condition 29
Contaminant discharge
Condition 30
The release of water-borne contaminants from the activity must not cause environmental
Condition 31
Any direct or indirect discharge, including water and anything in water, from the
containment area must not cause any or all of the following:
a) environmental harm
b) adverse impacts on water quality objectives that apply to the area surrounding the
containment site
c) sediment build up or erosion of any land including the bed of any receiving waters.
Condition 32
No contaminants may be released from the site to any waters or the bed and banks of
any waters (including groundwater) unless otherwise authorised.
Condition 33
Water quality management must avoid release of sediment to receiving waters or buildup in any stormwater drain.
Condition 34
All dredge spoil proposed to be placed in the reclamation area must be sampled and
analysed for contaminants in accordance with the Draft Guidelines for the Assessment
and Management of Contaminated Land (EPA, 1998) prior to dredging.
Condition 35
Any material that exceeds the Draft Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of
Contaminated Land must be subject to a risk assessment to determine the likelihood that
contaminants will be mobilised into the surrounding environment and any management
and monitoring that is required.
Condition 36
Contaminants resulting from dredge spoil disposal (drain waters and stormwater from
settling ponds) must be released only to surface waters at the north-east corner of the
reclamation area.
Condition 37
Water discharged from the dredge spoil disposal area must comply with the release limits
listed in Table 1Contaminant release limits to water.
100 mg/L
1.0 mg/L 14
0.7 g/L 14
4.4 g/L 14
1.3 g/L 14
4.4 g/L 14
0.1 g/L 14
7.0 g/L 14
1.4 g/L 14
15.0 g/L 14
Condition 38
A technical reference panel will be established prior to and for the duration of the project
to oversee all aspects of water quality monitoring, including the implementing of a
transition from a water quality monitoring program that is based on turbidity towards a
program that is based on light attenuation and seagrass health.
Condition 39
The technical reference panel will comprise scientific experts in seagrass and benthic
habitat, project proponent representatives, regulators and dredge technical advisors.
Condition 40
The technical reference panel will assess any exceedence of trigger values and seagrass
changes at key monitoring locations and advise changes to dredging practices, through
the DMP, as required.
Condition 41
Condition 42
The primary purposes of the proposed water quality monitoring program will be to:
a) establish a baseline for background water quality
b) measure background water quality
c) measure increased turbidity associated with the dredging program
Turbidity limits are to be determined (correlated to SS) by proponent to ensure suspended solids limit is not
exceeded when sampled. Turbidity is to be monitored, in situ, every 15 minutes.
provide a trigger for action where impacts are felt in areas not predicted to be
Condition 43
Seagrass assessment
Condition 44
For the purpose of water quality monitoring, the assessment of seagrass communities at
key locations must include:
a) establishment of permanent seagrass assessment sites, with at least quarterly
measurements of seagrass health and resilience
b) consideration of natural seasonal seagrass variation
c) assessment of seagrass resilience to impact and capacity for recovery.
Condition 45
The water quality monitoring program initially used to assess the impacts from the
dredging on ecological health and water quality, will be based on the use of turbidity as
the water quality indicator, with limits set for key environmentally sensitive locations that
trigger operational responses.
Condition 46
details of actions should triggers in nominated low impact zone be exceeded for
specified durations
k) details of background water quality variation, and key factors that influence this
including spring tide, wind in shallow areas, flood events etc.
n) a mechanism to identify and remove outliers (e.g. turbidity spikes not associated with
o) consideration of how the monitoring framework might be modified, as seagrass
tolerances to loss of light arising from increased turbidity are further refined.
Condition 47
The future water quality monitoring program will be developed and phased as part of
implementation of the DMP through an adaptive management approach informed by the
ongoing results of scientific study being undertaken in the Western Basin. This approach
to water quality links turbidity and depth to light attenuation and seagrass health. Key
elements to be addressed include:
a) trigger values of turbidity using information on seagrass minimum light requirements
based on the relationship between light, turbidity, depth and other factors
b) high, medium and low impact zones will be nominated and mapped. Initially, these
will be based on turbidity levels. For the final DMP, linkages between turbidity, depth
and light attenuation should allow a more refined estimate of high, medium and low
impact zones
c) monitoring for action (reactive monitoring) will need to occur in the low impact zone
d) monitoring of impact will need to occur in the moderate impact zone
e) where possible, reference water quality monitoring stations should be established
outside the low impact zone to record background or ambient water quality
in accordance with the ANZECC Guidelines, the high impact zone will be defined as
that point where the median water quality exceeds the 80th percentile of background
water quality
g) the low impact zone will represent a small increase above background (e.g. +10
h) recognition that the moderate impact zone will experience a range of impacts, with
deeper seagrass beds most likely to be impacted.
Condition 48
The future water quality monitoring program, based on maintaining the minimum light
requirements for seagrass species that occur in the project area, should incorporate:
a) appropriate values for the minimum light requirements of the different species of local
b) use of sub-lethal indicators of seagrass light stress to assess seagrass condition
should seagrass light requirement triggers be exceeded.
Part 4.
FFMP general
Condition 49
Prior to the commencement of construction of the reclamation area and dredging, the
proponent, in consultation with DERM, DEEDI and DEWHA, must prepare a specific flora
and fauna management plan (FFMP) for the duration of the project, to identify and assess
the impacts from the dredging and construction of the reclamation area on the marine
and terrestrial plants and animals that inhabit the project area.
Condition 50
The FFMP will focus on species and ecological communities of listed state and national
significance. In particular, the FFMP will focus on monitoring seagrass communities,
marine megafauna and migratory shorebirds likely to be directly or indirectly impacted by
the dredging and construction of the reclamation area.
Condition 51
The FFMP will be prepared as a component of the DMP and implemented in conjunction
with the EMP, DMP and WQMP for the project (see Schedule 2, Part 1).
Condition 52
All data obtained from the monitoring program must be made available to DERM and
DEEDI within 28 days of survey or data acquisition.
Baseline conditions
Condition 53
Marine flora
Condition 54
In conjunction with monitoring identified in the EIS, SID and other project documentation,
or required for the project EMP or water quality monitoring program, the proponent must
undertake additional monitoring including, but not limited to the following:
a) continue annual long term seagrass monitoring surveys of seagrass distribution and
abundance in the Western Basin
b) survival and recovery of seagrass and other marine communities in the project area
during the construction period and for a minimum of three years following completion
of dredging.
Condition 55
For any construction and associated operational tidal works requiring the removal,
construction or damage of marine plants as defined under the Fisheries Act 1994, the
proponent must submit an application for approval of marine plant disturbance to the
Chief Executive of DEEDI prior to any works.
Condition 56
Where practicable, the final design of all coastal structures should incorporate fishfriendly structures using the DEEDI (Fisheries Queensland) Fisheries Guidelines for Fish
Friendly Structures.
Condition 57
DEEDI (Fisheries Queensland) must be consulted in completing the plans for all works
that may impact on fish habitats or fishing activities during construction and operation of
the project.
Marine fauna
Condition 58
Condition 59
In conjunction with monitoring identified in the EIS, SID and other project documentation
for the project, or required for the EMP for the project, the proponent must undertake
additional monitoring of marine megafauna with the following provisions:
a) monitoring will occur at the localities immediately impacted by the reclamation area,
including the embayment immediately north of the reclamation area
b) monitoring will focus on those activities potentially affecting the megafauna, including
but not limited to:
pile driving
construction dredging
light spill
Condition 60
Where a TSHD is used, the drag heads of the dredge vessel must be fitted with a turtle
exclusion device for the duration of the dredging.
Condition 61
Condition 62
Any marine megafauna captured by the dredge head must be recorded and reported to
the DERM and Gladstone Ports Corporation with 30 business days.
Condition 63
In conjunction with monitoring identified in the EIS, SID and other project documentation
for the project, or required for the EMP for the project, the proponent must undertake
additional monitoring of migratory shorebirds with the following provisions:
a) monitoring will occur during the peak summer season transit period (between
October and March), with particular focus on the population peak in January
b) monitoring will occur at the localities immediately impacted by the reclamation area,
including the embayment immediately north of the reclamation area
c) monitoring will focus on those activities potentially affecting the shorebirds, including
but not limited to
i) dredge vessel movement
ii) pile driving
iii) construction dredging
iv) bund wall construction during dredging
v) construction of the bund wall
vi) filling of the reclamation area
and will address matters including:
i) noise impulse levels
ii) light spill
iii) water quality reduction
iv) decreased access to intertidal foreshore habitat
v) increased sedimentation
d) the results of monitoring will be used to inform an adaptive response to impact
mitigation in the EMP.
Condition 64
The final design of the reclamation area must have regard to the DEWHA Draft EPBC Act
Policy Statement 3.21 Significant Impact Guidelines for 36 Migratory Shorebirds.
Part 5.
Condition 65
The proponent must ensure that the design, construction materials, construction
methodology and management for the outer bund wall of reclamation area for the project:
a) is structurally sound
b) is designed for the purpose of preventing emissions from the containment area that
may cause environmental harm
c) has been certified as fit for purpose by a registered professional engineer of
d) is maintained to the condition certified in (c).
Condition 66
The design, construction materials, construction methodology and management for the
outer bund wall of the reclamation area will be generally in accordance with the details
provided in chapter 2 of the EIS and section 16 of the SID, which ensure the following:
a) Only clean rock with fines (<12 mm) removed will be used for the core of the
revetment and breakwater walls
b) All material used for walls and capping must be free from contaminants consistent
with the Queensland Draft Guidelines for the Assessment and Management of
Contaminated Land Environmental Investigation Levels (1998).
Condition 67
In addition to the provisions for bund wall construction identified in the EIS and SID, the
design, construction materials, and construction methodology and management for the
outer bund wall of the reclamation area should be generally in accordance with the
following requirements:
a) ensure appropriate design of the reclamation area to reduce water quality impacts
from leaching material through the bund wall, decant waters and storm-water run-off
b) a geofabric liner must be applied to the internal side of the wall to prevent release of
fine sediments from the reclamation area other than through the designated
discharge point in accordance with specified discharge limits
c) details of the location and fines retention properties of the geofabric liner must be
provided with an application for a development permit for construction of the
reclamation bund walls
d) no excavation of sediments within the reclamation area is permitted, except in
accordance with the ASSMP (see Schedule 2, Part 2)
e) outer rock armour for the reclamation bund walls must be in place within 28 days of
completion of bund walls, and not more than 100 metres of unprotected bund wall is
to be exposed to prevailing winds at any time unless a greater length is agreed in
writing with DERM
any access constructed across the western channel for bund wall construction must
be designed to prevent scouring of sediments on the ebb tide following construction
of the western wall. Design drawings will be provided to DERM for approval prior to
g) the final bund closure point will be at a location where the seabed is not shallower
than 0.5 metres on Port Datum (see EIS, Appendix M, Table 3-1).
h) final bund closure will occur on a neap flood tide to minimise the potential for scour of
seagrass beds due to discharge from the reclamation area
additional quarry rock will be placed as deemed necessary to further protect the
seabed from scour immediately adjacent to the wall if the velocity constraint is not
the outlet of the intertidal channel on the western side of the reclamation area will be
designed to minimise scouring of bottom sediments due to increased tidal flow
velocities and mitigation measures must be constructed prior to completion of the
western bund wall
k) any material that is deposited outside the alignment of the works area, or any debris
that falls or is deposited on tidal lands or in tidal waters during the construction of the
works must be removed by the proponent at its cost prior to the practical completion
of the works
any ASSMP for construction of the reclamation area and management of dredge
spoil containing ASS (see Schedule 2, Part 2).
Condition 68
Condition 69
Material dredged under this approval must not be placed at sea except at a disposal site
lawfully authorised under an authority, licence or other permit issued by either, or both,
the Commonwealth or Queensland Government, as necessary, to receive material
dredged for the project.
Condition 70
Material dredged under this approval must not be placed on land, except in the
reclamation area:
a) in accordance with the requirements of the State Planning Policy 2/02: Planning and
Managing Development Involving Acid Sulfate Soils and the associated Guideline
(see Schedule 2, Part 2)
b) if the placement would result in the concentration of contaminants in the soils
exceeding the Health Investigation Levels (HILs) for Exposure Setting A (Standard
settings), provided in Table 5-A Soil Investigation Levels (mg/kg) of Schedule 2(1) of
the National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure
(NEPC, 1999).
Condition 71
All dredge spoil proposed to be placed in the reclamation area must be sampled and
analysed for contaminants in accordance with the Draft Guidelines for the Assessment
and Management of Contaminated Land (EPA, 1998), or as agreed by DERM, prior to
dredging. In addition:
a) any material that exceeds these guidelines must be subject to a risk assessment to
determine the likelihood that contaminants will be mobilised into the surrounding
environment and any management and monitoring that is required
b) placement of material that exceeds these guidelines in the reclamation area must be
subject to approval by DERM.
Condition 72
All rock, stone, gravel, sand or other material used in the reclamation must be suitable for
the purpose having regard to the location of the subject land and to the proposed use of
the land after reclamation.
Condition 73
All rock, stone, gravel, sand or other material that has slipped or been deposited outside
the reclamation area and that is causing an obstruction in a waterway must be removed
from the waterway.
Condition 74
Details of the source, quantity and type of material to be used in the reclamation must be
submitted to the administering authority.
Condition 75
The finished level of the proposed bund should be specified to be RL 7.0 metres on Port
Datum (EIS, Appendix M, Table 3-1), unless a detailed risk analysis indicates otherwise,
to render it fit for the purpose of the reclamation.
Condition 76
Any person placing material dredged under this approval into the containment area must
not cause or allow structural or functional failure of the containment area.
Condition 77
Prior to an approval being issued for a development permit for operational works (tidal)
for the reclamation area, DERM must be provided with documentation, such as design
drawings, demonstrating that appropriate wastewater management will be applied during
construction and post-construction such that discharges will have no adverse impact on
receiving water quality. Documntation must demonstrate that:
a) during reclamation, a dedicated decanting point is established into which all
wastewaters that is, both the tailwaters from the dredged material and any surface
stormwater flow will be directed
b) all wastewater from the reclamation area is adequately contained and treated before
being discharged into the receiving waters, including gross pollutant and sediment
c) the discharge points include appropriate structures to prevent erosion of the receiving
d) capping of the reclamation area will be profiled such that stormwater drains to internal
collection and treatment prior to discharge to waters.
e) the design has regard to management of erosion of any short term surface soils or
capping material as well as the longer term/finished surface treatment
Condition 78
If, during construction of the reclamation area, stormwater and wastewater discharge is
not possible from the approved discharge points then a revised stormwater management
plan for any additional discharge points will require approval from DERM.
Condition 79
Any waste water discharge outlet from the reclamation area must be constructed and
maintained to prevent or minimise localised erosion or scouring, and any erosion or
scouring that occurs must be rectified as soon as reasonably practicable after its
Condition 80
Prior to the commencement of construction of the bund walls for the reclamation area, a
monitoring program to assess the impacts of construction on water quality and ecological
health must be developed in consultation with, and approved by DERM.
Condition 81
The approved monitoring program must be implemented over the full period of
construction and may form part of a broader WQMP plan addressing the impact of
dredging and disposal of dredge spoil.
Condition 82
Information obtained from the monitoring program must be made available to the DERM
within 28 days.
Condition 83
Monitoring of the impacts of bund wall construction shall include monitoring of:
a) any elevation of suspended solids resulting from bed sediment scour at the northern
end of the eastern bund wall and bed sediment scour in the western channel.
b) the turbidity resulting from scour at the northern end of the eastern bund wall and
scour in the western channel.
Condition 84
All temporary works associated with the construction of the reclamation area are to be
removed from the site prior to completion of the works and all wastes must be disposed
of at a licensed waste facility.
Condition 85
All reasonable and practicable measures must be taken to prevent pollution as a result of
silt run-off, oil and grease spills from machinery, concrete truck washout and the like.
Concrete agitator wash out must be conducted only in a specified area to facilitate the
removal of waste concrete from the area to landfill.
Condition 86
Wastewater from cleaning equipment must not be discharged directly or indirectly to any
watercourses or stormwater system.
Condition 87
Condition 88
Condition 89
The proponent must include in the EMP information on surface stabilisation and
progressive vegetation to reduce the visual impact of the spoil mound. In particular, the
proponent shall consult with GRC and DERM to review opportunities to minimise the
visual impact of the mound.
Condition 90
The surface fill material for the reclamation area must be stabilised to resist wind and
storm water erosion, in the short and longer terms.
Condition 91
The surface treatment of the reclaimed area must be designed to ensure the leachate of
contaminants will be avoided.
Air quality
Condition 92
The release of airborne contaminants from the project activity must not cause
environmental nuisance.
Condition 93
7 am - 10 pm
10 pm - 7 am
7 am - 10 pm
10 pm - 7 am
Part 1. General conditions for the environmental management plan (EMP), which establishes that
the project must be conducted in accordance with the project EMP.
Part 2. Transport, which includes conditions provided by DTMR concerning marine safety and the
role of Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) and the Regional Harbour Master (RHM).
Part 3. Land use, which provides for the amendment of Port of Gladstone Land Use Plan.
Part 5. Complaints and response, which ensures that appropriate measures are implemented to
respond to public complaints.
Part 6. Compliance and auditing, which ensures that the conditions of development are
implemented and reported to the responsible entities.
Part 7. Incident management, which provides procedures in the event of an incident, including
release of contaminants, uncontained spills, emergencies, accidents and other incidents.
Note that some conditions in each part could also have some relevance to the other schedules and parts
and are cross-referenced accordingly.
Part 1.
Condition 1
The project must be carried out generally in accordance with the Western Basin Dredging
and Disposal Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (November 2009) for the
project, and the Western Basin Dredging and Disposal Project EIS Supplementary
Information Document (SID) for the project (April 2010), and Appendices 1 and 2 of this
report (see Schedule 1, Condition 6).
Condition 2
The proponent (or the proponents contractors) must finalise the project environmental
management plan (EMP) to the satisfaction of DERM prior to commencement of
operational works for the project.
Condition 3
The EMP must be based on the draft EMP (provided as Chapter 19 of the EIS).
Condition 4
The EMP must include all project commitments made by proponent in the EIS, SID and
other impact assessment documentation, and all conditions arising from the projects
approval and subsequent permits, authorities and/or licences.
Condition 5
In addition to the provisions of the draft EMP (provided as Chapter 19 of the EIS),specific
requirements must be included for:
a) flood events, cyclone and storm surge
b) seagrass monitoring and studies
c) shorebirds
d) waste.
Condition 6
The proponent and/or its contractor(s) must undertake any tidal operational works in
accordance with all requirements of the approved EMP or any subsequently endorsed
amendments to that plan (see Schedule 2).
Condition 7
The proponent must conduct all works to ensure that no environmental harm as defined
under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 is caused (see Schedule 1, Part 4).
Condition 8
All relevant components of the EMP that relate to the operation of the Port of Gladstone
must be incorporated into the GPC environmental management system.
The Chief Executive of DERM is the entity with jurisdiction for these conditions.
Part 2.
Condition 9
12 months prior to the first operations of LNG shipping tankers the proponent must
prepare and submit to DTMR/Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) and the Regional
Harbour Master Gladstone (RHM), for review, approval and subsequent implementation,
a marine traffic management plan for vessel traffic management services required in Port
Curtis during the construction and dredging for the project.
Condition 10
The proponent must identify all aids to navigation and/or vessel traffic management
services that will be required for this project and in the cumulative management of
shipping in Port Curtis, in accordance with the plans required by condition 9.
The Chief Executive of DTMR is the entity responsible for this condition.
Marine safety
Condition 11
The proponent must ensure that safety of navigation must be maintained during all
stages of development. Navigation aids are to be provided as specified by the RHM and
Condition 12
(Management plans may already be in existence. If so, they may require modification to
address this condition.)
a) consult with DTMR through MSQ and the RHM when preparing the management
plans and take account of the reviews and incorporate any proposed amendments
b) discuss funding arrangements for new and modified maritime infrastructure and
systems requirements resulting from the project with DTMR through MSQ and the
Condition 13
Within three months of appointing a construction contractor for the project, and prior to
the commencement of any construction works on the project, the proponent will:
a) finalise and submit to MSQ and the RHM, and any other relevant parties for review
and approval, an assessment of maritime safety and ship-sourced pollution potential
impacts and mitigation requirements of the project. The assessment of impacts and
provision of mitigation measures should ensure that navigational safety and ship
based-pollution prevention is maintained at all times for the life of the project.
Information should include, but not be limited to:
DMP including the type, size and operation of ships associated with the
proposed dredging activity
ii) detailed information about any plans to dispose of dredged material offshore (as
outlined in section 17.2 of the SID), specifically any impacts on marine safety
iii) detailed information about cumulative impacts of related projects (as outlined in
section 19.8 of the SID), specifically any impacts on marine safety
iv) plans to ensure construction lighting does not adversely impact on the
effectiveness of Aids to Navigation in the area and the bund wall, outlined in
section 16 of the EIS supplementary information document, is appropriately lit to
advise mariners of the obstruction to navigation.
b) prepare a management plan for new or upgraded aids to navigation and/or vessel
traffic management services required by the project. DTMR must approve the plan
prior to implementation.
c) provide / upgrade all aids to navigation and/or vessel traffic management services
required by the project
d) liaise with the RHM to update the Gladstone Pilotage Area Port Procedures and
Information to Shipping Manual to reflect the changes to navigation areas in
Gladstone Harbour and determine what restrictions on shipping are required to
support the construction of this project and ensure marine safety is maintained
e) the proponent will detail and undertake all identified resolutions in the proponents
statement of commitments.
Condition 14
Condition 15
12 months prior to the first operations of LNG shipping tankers the proponent must
prepare and submit to DTMR (MSQ) and the RHM, for review, approval and subsequent
implementation, a marine traffic management plan for vessel traffic management services
required in Port Curtis during the construction and dredging for the project
Condition 16
The proponent must identify all aids to navigation and/or vessel traffic management
services that will be required for this project and in the cumulative management of
shipping in Port Curtis, in accordance with the plans required by condition 14.
The Chief Executive of DTMR is the entity responsible for this condition.
Part 3.
Land use
Condition 17
Once the reclamation is complete, the proponent must seek an amendment to the
Strategic Port Land Use Plan (in accordance with section 285 of the Transport
Infrastructure Act 1994) to include a requirement that all future development on the
reclaimed area is in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) requirements,
such as CASAs Manual of Standards Part 139 - Aerodromes, including issues such as
building and infrastructure height restrictions/ limitations and lighting.
The Chief Executive Officer of GPC is the entity with jurisdiction for this condition.
Condition 18
The proponent shall maintain satisfactory communication with QER and DIP during the
WBDD Project to sure that QERs interests are not adversely affected.
The Chief Executive Officer of GPC is the entity with jurisdiction for this condition.
Part 4.
Environmental offsets
Condition 19
Prior to the commencement of dredging works for the WBDD Project, GPC must:
a) submit documentation to the satisfaction of the Coordinator-General that the agreed
offset for marine fish habitat, as referenced in section 6.3 of the WBDD Project CGs
report dated July 2010 has been secured
b) if condition 19(a) cannot be achieved, submit for approval to the Coordinator-General
an alternative offset proposal that is equivalent to or better than the agreed offset for
marine fish habitat.
The Chief Executive Officer of GPC is the entity with jurisdiction for these conditions.
Condition 20
GPC must mitigate all reasonable financial losses to existing commercial fishing
operators attributable to the maritime development in the Western Basin of the Port of
Gladstone. This is to cover temporary and permanent loss of access to fishing areas and
marine fish habitat.
Condition 21
GPC must meet any costs associated with the investigation, negotiation and
administration of any compensation package, including all costs incurred by DEEDI in the
management of development of any compensation package.
The Chief Executive Officer of DEEDI is the entity with jurisdiction for these conditions.
Condition 22
Prior to the completion of stage 1 dredging works, GPC shall contribute funding and/or
works to the value of $1 million towards new or upgraded recreational fishing
infrastructure within the Gladstone region as determined by DTMR. A further $0.5 million
of funding will be provided for all tide public boat ramps within the Western Basin area
prior to the completion of the stages 2 and 3 dredging.
The Chief Executive Officer of DTMR is the entity with jurisdiction for these conditions.
Condition 23
In addition to the provisions required for a flora and fauna management plan (FFMP)
stated by conditions in Appendix 1, Schedule 2, Part 4 of this report, GPC shall provide
additional offset measures for shorebirds and marine fauna to be included in the FFMP.
These should consist of funding and/or in-kind contributions to the value of at least $2
million towards measures including, but not be limited to:
a) enhanced understanding of the displacement of key marine fauna species from
affected habitat areas in Western Basin and any associated effects on regional
b) contribution to species protection programs in the region or the wider bioregion. This
may include funding of additional boating and fisheries patrols, education campaigns
for recreational fishers on risks of marine fauna boat strike and improved
management of key shorebird habitat areas
Part 5.
Condition 24
Condition 25
Where the actions of condition 19 do not resolve the noise issue, and when requested by
the administering authority, noise monitoring will be undertaken to investigate any
complaint of environmental noise nuisance and the results notified within 7 days to the
administering authority. Monitoring must include:
a) LAmax, adj T
b) LAN, T (where N equals statistical levels of 1, 10, and 90)
c) the level and frequency of occurrence of impulsive or tonal noise
d) atmospheric conditions including temperature, relative humidity and wind speed and
e) effects due to extraneous factors.
The method of measurement and reporting of noise levels must comply with the latest
edition of the DERM Noise Measurement Manual.
Managing complaints
Condition 26
If the administering authority advises the holder of a complaint alleging nuisance (e.g.
caused by light, dust or noise), the holder must investigate the complaint and advise the
administering authority of the action proposed or undertaken in relation to the complaint.
Condition 27
If the administering authority is not satisfied with the proposed or completed action, the
holder must undertake monitoring or other action requested by the administering
Condition 28
Maintain a record of complaints and incidents causing environmental harm, and actions
taken in response to the complaint or incident. Retain the record of complaints required
by this condition for five (5) years.
Complaint response
Condition 29
The holder of this authority must record the following details for all complaints received
and provide this information to the administering authority on request:
a) time, date, name and contact details of the complainant
b) reasons for the complaint
c) any investigations undertaken
d) conclusions formed
e) any actions taken.
Part 6.
Condition 30
The following third party auditing requirements must be applied for the project:
a) compliance with the Coordinator-Generals imposed conditions of this report must be
audited by an appropriately qualified and experienced third party auditor or auditors
appropriate to the matters being audited, nominated by the proponent and accepted
by the Coordinator-General, within one year of the project receiving approval to
proceed and annually thereafter
b) the proponent must submit the third party audit report(s) to the Coordinator-General
within 42 calendar days of the end of the relevant period
c) the audit report must identify the segment of the project being audited, the conditions
that were activated during the period, and a compliance/non-compliance table. A
description of the evidence to support the compliance table must be provided. The
audit report will also contain recommendations on any non-compliance or other
matter to improve compliance. The third party auditor must certify the findings of the
audit report
d) the financial cost of the third party audit is borne by the proponent
e) the holder of the environmental authority(s) must immediately act upon any
recommendations arising from the audit report and:
investigate any non-compliance issues identified, and
ii) as soon as practicable, implement measures or take necessary action to ensure
compliance with this authority.
Condition 31
subject to condition 25(a), and not more than 30 calendar days following the
submission of the audit report, the proponent must provide written advice to the
Coordinator-General addressing the:
actions taken by the proponent promptly and routinely to ensure compliance
with the Coordinator-Generals imposed conditions, and
ii) actions taken to routinely prevent a recurrence of any non-compliance issues.
The proponent must, when first becoming aware of a non-compliance of any CoordinatorGeneral imposed condition:
a) authorise and undertake action to bring the matter into compliance within an effective
time frame as approved by the Coordinator-General
b) report the non-compliance and remedial action to the Coordinator-General within five
business days of becoming aware of the non-compliance matter.
The Coordinator-General is the entity with jurisdiction for these conditions.
Part 7.
Incident management
Condition 32
The holder of this authority must telephone the DERMs Pollution Hotline (1300 130 372)
or local office as soon as practicable after becoming aware of any release of
contaminants or any event where environmental harm has been caused or may be
Condition 33
Subject to condition 28, the holder of this authority is required to report in the case of
uncontained spills (including fuel lubricants, hydraulic fluid or other chemicals) of the
following volumes or kind:
a) releases of any volume to water
b) releases of volume greater than 200 litres to land
c) releases of any volumes where potential serious or material environmental harm is
considered to exist.
Condition 34
the time the holder of the authority became aware of the release
actions taken to prevent any further release and mitigate any environmental harm
caused by the release.
Not more than fourteen (14) days following the initial notification of an emergency or
incident, written advice must be provided of the information supplied in accordance with
condition 29 in addition to:
a) proposed actions to prevent a recurrence of the emergency or incident; and
b) outcomes of actions taken at the time to prevent or minimise environmental harm.
Condition 36
As soon as practicable, but not more than six (6) weeks following the conduct of any
environmental monitoring performed in relation to the emergency or incident, which
results in the release of contaminants not in accordance, or reasonably expected to be
not in accordance with the conditions of this authority, written advice must be provided of
the results of any such monitoring performed to the administering authority.
Condition 37