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Fogler Chap 1 Problems

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Mole Balances

Chafj. 1 zyxwvutsrqpon

(a) After reading each page, ask yourself a question. Make a list of the most
important things that you learned in this chapter.
(b) Listen to the audios
on the CD Lecture Notes and pick one and say
why it could be eliminat

What iE:
(a) the benzene feed stream in Example 1-4 were not preheated by the product stream? What would be the consequences?

(b) you needed the cost of a 6000-gallon and a 15,000-gallon Pfaudler reactor? What would they be?
(c) the exit concentration of A in Example 1-3 were specified at 0.1 % of the
entering concentration?
(d) the volume of the movable piston in Example 1-2 varied in a mannir
similar to a car cylinder, V = V,, + V , sin ot?
(e) only one operator showed up to run the nitrobenzene plant, what would
be some of your first concerns?
Calculate the volume of a CSTR for the conditions used to calculate the
plug-flow reactor volume in Example 1-3.
Calculate the time to reduce the number of moles o f A to 1 % of its initial value
in a constant-volume batch reactor for the reaction and data in Example 1-3.
What assumptions were made in the derivation of the design equation for:
(a) the batch reactor?
(b) the CSTR?
(c) the plug-flow reactor (PFR)?
(d) the packed-bed reactor (PBR)?
(e) State in words the meanings of -rA, -rA, and rA. Is the reaction rate
-r, an extensive quantity? Explain.
What is the difference between the rate of reaction for a homogeneous system, -rA,
and the rate of reaction for a heterogeneous system, -rd? Use the mole balance to
derive an equation analogous to Equation (1-6) for a fluidized CSTR containing catalyst particles in terms of the catalyst weight, W and other appropriate terms.
How can you convert the general mole balance equation for a given species,
Equation (1-4), to a general mass balance equation for that species?
The United States produces 24% of the worlds chemical products. According to
the yearly Facts and Figures issue of Chemical and Engineering News (C&E
News, June 24, 1996), the following were the 10 most produced chemicals in 1995:


Billions of Pounds


Billions of Pounds

1. HzS04


6. NH3
7. H,P04
8. NaOH
9. C3H6
10. Cll


2. NZ

3. o*
4. C2H4
5. CaO

(a) What were the 10 most produced chemicals for the year that just ended?
Were there any significant changes from the 1995 statistics?
The same issue of C&E News gives the following chemical companies as the
top 10 in total sales in 1995. (Also see http:Nwww.chemweek.com)

Chap. 1 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Questions and Problems

1. Dow

2. Dupont
3. Exxon
4. Hoechst Celanese
5. Monsanto
6. General Electric
7. Mobil
8. Union Carbide
9. Amoco
10. Occidental Petroleum

(billions of dollars)



What 10 companies were tops in sales for the year just ended? Did any
significant chinges occur compared to the 1995 statistics?
Why do you think H2S04 is the most produced chemical? What are some
of its uses?
What- is the current annual production rate (lb/yr) of ethylene, ethylene
oxide, and benzene?
Why do you suspect there are so few organic chemicals in the top lo?


Referring to the text material and the additional references on commercial

reactors given at the end of this chapter, fill in the following table:

Kinds of
Type zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA


P1-10, Schematic diagrams of the Los Angeles basin are shown in Figure P1-10. The
basin floor covers approximately 700 square miles (2 X 10loft2) and is almost
completely surrounded by mountain ranges. If one assumes an inversion
height in the basin of 2000 ft, the corresponding volume of air in the basin is
4 X IOi3ft3. We shall use this system volume to model the accumulation and
depletion of air pollutants. As a very rough first approximation, we shall treat
the Los Angeles basin as a well-mixed container (analogous to a CSTR) in
which there are no spatial variations in pollutant concentrations. Consider
only the pollutant carbon monoxide and assume that the source of CO is from
automobile exhaust and that, on the average, there are 400,000 cars operating
in the basin at any one time. Each car gives off roughly 3000 standard cubic
feet of exhaust each hour containing 2 mol % carbon monoxide.


Mole Balances

Chap. 1

eRepresents mantains
or hills



Wind from

Side view

Figure P1-10 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP

We shall perform an unsteady-state mole balance on CO as it is depleted

from the basin area by a Santa Ana wind. Santa Ana winds are high-velocity
winds that originate in the Mojave Desert just to the northeast of Los Angeles.
This clean desert air flows into the basin through a corridor assumed to be 20
miles wide and 2000 ft high (inversion height) replacing the polluted air,
which flows out to sea or toward the south. The concentration of CO in the
Santa Ana wind entering the basin is 0.08 ppm (2.04 X
lb mol/ft3).
How many pound moles of gas are in the system volume we have chosen
for the Los Angeles basin if the temperature is 75F and the pressure is 1
atm? (Values of the ideal gas constant may be found in Appendix B.)
What is the rate, F C O , A , at which all autos emit carbon monoxide into the
basin (lb mol CO/ h)?
What is the volumetric flow rate (ft3/h) of a 15-mph wind through the
corridor 20 miles wide and 2000 ft high? (Am.: 1.67
ft3/h .)
At what rate, F c o , s , does the Santa Ana wind bring carbon monoxide
into the basin (Ib mol/ h)?
Assuming that the volumetric flow rates entering and leaving the ba 'n
are identical, u = uo , show that the unsteady mole balance on CO ithm
the basin becomes

Verify that the solution to Equation (Pl-10.1) is





+FC0.S -y o C c 0 , o

(PI- 10.2)

If the initial concentration of carbon monoxide in the basin before the

Santa Ana wind starts to blow is 8 ppm (2.04 X lo-* lb mol/ft3), calculate the time required for the carbon monoxide to reach a level of 2 ppm.
Repeat parts (b) through (g) for another PO lutant, NO. The concentr?tion
Ib mol/ft3), and the
of NO in the auto exhaust is 150U ppm (3. 4 X
initial NO concentration in the basin is 0.5 ppm. If there is no NO in the
Santa Ana wind, calculate the time for the NO concentration to reach 0.1
ppm. What is the lowest concentration of NO that could be reached?

Chap. 1


Questions and Problems

Pl-11, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
The reaction


is to be carried out isothermally in a continuous-flow reactor. Calculate both

the CSTR and PFR reactor volumes necessary to consume 99% of A i(i.e., zyxwvut
CA = o.cl1cAQ) when the entering molar flow rate is zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
5 moVh, assuming the
reaction rate -rA is:
(a) -rA = k
with k = 0.05 - (Ans.: V = 99 dm3)
(b) -rA = kCA with k = 0.0001 s-'
(e) - r A = k C i with k

= 3


( A m . : V,,,,
= 66,000 dm3)
mol. h
For a conThe entering volumetric flow rate is 10 dm3/h. [Note: FA = CAu.
stant volumetric flow rate u = u o , then FA = CAu,. Also, cAo
( 5 mol/h)/(lO dm3/h) = 0.5 mol/dm3 .]
P1-12c The gas-phase reaction



is carried out isothermally in a 20-dm3constant-volume batch reactor. Twenty

moles of pure A is initially placed in the reactor. The reactor is well mixed
(a) If the reaction is first order:
-]'a = kCA

with k = 0.865 min-I

calculate the time necessary to reduce the number of moles of A in the

reactor to 0.2 mol. (Note: NA = CAY) (Ans.: t = 5.3 min)
(b) If the reaction is second order.
-rA = kCi

with k

2 dm3
mol .min

calcuKate the time necessary to consume 19.0 mol of A.

(c) If the temperature is 127"C, what is the initial total pressure? What IS the
final total pressure assuming the reaction goes to completion?
P1-13, (a) How many cubic feet (at STP) enter the packed-bed reactor descnbedl in
Example 1-5 every second? How lon'g does a molecule spend, on the
average, in the reactor? [Hint: What is the gas velocity in each tube
assuming a 30% porosity (volume of gasIvolume of reactor) for the
packed bed?]
(b) Estimate the time that a catalyst particle and a gas-phase molecule spend
in the Sasol straight-through transport reactor (STTR). What is the bulk
density of the catalyst (kg cat/m3) in the STTR?
P1-14, Write a one-paragraph summary of a journal article on Ghemical kinetics or
reaction engineering. The article must have been published within the last five
years4 What did you learn from this article? Why is the article important?
P1-15, (a) What journals, books, or papers give you costs of industrial (not laboratory, e.g., Fisher catalog) chemicals and catalysts?
([b) List various journals, books, or other sources where you will find details
about the construction and safety of industrial reactors.
See the Supplementary Reading list at the end of the chapter, particularly item 4.

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