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Department of Petrochemical

College of Technical Engineering

Duhok Polytechnic University

Third YEAR Level

Petroleum refinery

Name Of student: Dlzar Yousif Qadir

Group : A
Name of Experiment : kinematic viscosity of transparent liquid
To measure the viscosity of a sample liquid.

The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to
deformation at a given rate. For liquids, it corresponds to the
informal concept of "thickness": for example, syrup has a higher
viscosity than water.
Viscosity can be conceptualized as quantifying the frictional
force that arises between adjacent layers of fluid that are in
relative motion. For instance, when a fluid is forced through a
tube, it flows more quickly near the tube's axis than near its
walls. In such a case, experiments show that some stress (such
as a pressure difference between the two ends of the tube) is
needed to sustain the flow through the tube. This is because a
force is required to overcome the friction between the layers of
the fluid which are in relative motion: the strength of this force is
proportional to the viscosity.
A fluid that has no resistance to shear stress is known as
an ideal or inviscid fluid. Zero viscosity is observed only at very
low temperatures in superfluid’s. Otherwise, the second law of
thermodynamics requires all fluids to have positive
viscosity;[2][3] such fluids are technically said to be viscous or
viscid. A fluid with a relatively high viscosity, such as pitch, may
appear to be a solid.
THE viscosity of liquids is a subject which, so far as I know,
has hitherto been without any general theoretical basis. No
physical mechanism, for example, has ever been brought
forward to account even for so simple and general a fact as
the decrease of liquid viscosity with temperature, in contrast
to the familiar and well explained increase of gaseous
viscosity with temperature. As a result, the study has hitherto
consisted largely of a collection of more or less well
established empirical relations, mostly of limited scope.
Record the measured flow time, t in seconds Find the
viscometer constant, C from the table. Calculate the
kinematic viscosity, n, from the measured flow time, t,
and the viscometer constant, C, by means of the
following equation: υ = C·t
υ = kinematic viscosity, mm2 /s,
C = calibration constant of the viscometer, (mm2 /s)/s,
and Petroleum Refinery Lab.
t = mean flow time,
s. Calculate the dynamic viscosity,
µ, from the calculated kinematic viscosity,
υ, and the density, by means of the following equation:
µ = υ. ρ
µ = dynamic viscosity, mPa·s, (cp)
ρ = density, g/cm3 , at the same temperature used for
the determination of the kinematic viscosity, and υ =
kinematic viscosity, mm2 /s (cSt)
1- A viscometer, U-shaped glass tube, the arm, L has a larger
diameter and a reservoir at the bottom, it is used to fill the
viscometer with sample. The other arm, N with capillary has two
bulbs; the lower bulb has two marks E & F.

2- Viscometer holder,
3- Temperature control bath,
4- Temperature controller,
5- Temperature measuring device
6- Timing device.
1- Adjust and maintain the viscometer bath at a required
test temperature.
2- Select a clean, dry, calibrated viscometer having a range
covering the estimated kinematic viscosity (that is, a wide
capillary for a very viscous liquid and a narrower capillary
for a more fluid liquid). The flow time shall not be less
than 200 s.
3- Charge the viscometer and draw the test portion into the
working capillary and timing bulb, place rubber stoppers into
the tubes to hold the test portion in place, and insert the
viscometer into the bath. 4- Allow the viscometer to reach
bath temperature (10 – 15 minutes).
5- Remove the stopper from capillary arm and allow the
sample flowing freely, measure, in seconds to within 0.1 s,
the time required for the meniscus to pass from the first (E)
to the second (F) timing mark, (the flow time should not be
less than 200 s).
6- Find the viscometer constant from the table and calculate
the kinematic viscosity of the sample.
1- What is the importance of viscosity measurement for the
following:  Crude oil  Lubricating oils  Fuel oils
Crude oil for transporting and pipes to have proper flow.
Lubricating oil protecting moving part fuel oil for injection
2-Explain the behavior of liquid and gas viscosity with
temperature rise.
Gas viscosity increase wit increase temperature, according to
the kinetic liquid viscosity decrease wit temperature
3- What is viscosity index?
Viscosity index is an arbitrary number used to characterize
the variation of the kinematic viscosity of a petroleum
product with temperature.
4- How can you calibrate a viscometer
We calibrate our viscometers with comparative measurements by
using reference viscometers of the PTB in Braunschweig.
Comparative measurements are performed with a viscometer
(reference measuring standard) which was tested at the PTB
(Federal German PhysicalTechnical Institute) and provided with a
constant. The PTB in Braunschweig is the general standard office
in the European Union for viscosity, time and temperature. This is
the reason why the by us calibrated and used reference
viscometers have a direct traceability to the international
standard as required in ISO 9000 ff for test equipment in QS

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