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A1 Experiment No 03

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Khulna University of Engineering &

Sessional Report

Name of the Department: Leather Engineering

Course No.: ME 3220
Course Title: Sessional On Fluid Mechanics & Machineries
Experiment No.: 03
Name of the experiment: Measurement of Absolute Viscosity of Fluid by a Say-
bolt Viscometer.


Date of performance: 19.04.21 Group Name: A1

Date of submission: 31.06.21 Roll: 1719001, 1719002, 1719003,

1719005, and 1719006
Year: Third
Semester: Second
Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No. : 03

Table of Contents
1719005.........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Experiment Name:.................................................................................................................................3
1719006.........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1719001.........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Theoretical Background:......................................................................................................................4
1719003.........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
1719002.........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
These section will be done after physical Experiment on laboratory....................................................5
Experimental Data:...............................................................................................................................5
Results and Error Analysis:..................................................................................................................5

Page No:-02
Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No. : 03

Experiment Name:
Measurement of Absolute Viscosity of Fluid by a Say-bolt Viscometer.
Viscosity is a critical parameter often of concern in operations such as pumping oil from a well,
flow of oil or its products through refinery piping, flow of fuels through fuel lines, and use of
liquids for lubrication. Liquid viscosity data is also needed by process engineers for quality
control and by design engineers to optimize conditions for chemical processes and operations.
Viscosity simply measures a fluid’s resistance to flow. Viscosity can also be termed drag force,
and is a measure of the frictional properties of a fluid. The viscosity of all liquids decreases with
increasing temperature. For most liquids the temperature dependence of viscosity is much greater
than the influence of temperature on density, making it an extremely important parameter to
monitor when considering viscosity behavior[ CITATION PDF2 \l 1033 ].
Say bolt Viscometer used to measure the viscosity of a fluid. The say bolt viscometer controls the
heat of the fluid and the viscosity is the time is takes the fluid to fill a 60cc container. The device
used for measurement of viscosity is known as viscometer. The viscosity of a fluid is a measure
of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. The units of viscosity is
poise and centipoise. The specific viscosity is the ratio of the viscosity of fluid to the viscosity of
water at 20 degree Celsius. Since the water has a viscosity of 1 cp at 20 degree Celsius. The
kinematic viscosity is defined as ratio of dynamic viscosity to the density of the fluid. Efflux cup
viscometers are most commonly used for fieldwork to measure the viscosity of oils, syrups,
varnish, paints and Bitumen emulsions. The testing procedure is quite similar to the capillary-
tube viscometers where efflux time of a specified volume of fluid is measured through fixed
orifice at the bottom of a cup to represent the viscosity of the fluid. Since the viscosity of
Newtonian liquid are independent of dimensions of viscometer used, it is possible to convert the
efflux times to kinematic viscosities by conversion charts or by formulas suggested by the
equipment manufacturers. To obtain high accuracy the liquid holding vessel and orifice are
temperature controlled by immersing them in a thermostatically controlled bath. The say bolt
viscometer, one of the efflux cup viscometers is the standard instrument for testing petroleum
products. There are three types of orifices available-Universal, Furol, Asphalt [ CITATION
instrumentationtoolscom \l 1033 ].

 To determine the absolute viscosity of fluid at different temperature using a Say-bolt
 To plot absolute viscosity vs. temperature curve
 To learn more about viscosity, how it varies relative to temperature, and to demonstrate
one method of how it is measured.
 To check the validity of volume flow rate which expresses viscosity as a function of
 Say-bolt Viscometer
 Stop Watch
 Thermometer
 Beaker
 Funnel[ CITATION Lab1 \l 1033 ]

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Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No. : 03

Theoretical Background:
Viscosity is that property of fluid by virtue of which it offer resistance to the movement of one
layer of fluid over an adjacent layer. It is primarily due to the cohesion and molecular
momentum exchange between fluid layers and as flow occurs, these effects appear as shearing
stresses between the layers of fluid[CITATION PDF2 \l 1033 ].
The ratio of the dynamic viscosity and the mass density is known as kinematic viscosity and is
denoted by ѵ. The approximate relationship between kinematic viscosity and time t for a say-bolt
universal viscometer is expressed by ѵ=0.0022t-1.8/t, ѵ is in stokes and t is in seconds [ CITATION
instrumentationforumcom \l 1033 ].

For t=32 to 100, ѵ=.226t-195/t, ѵ is centi stokes and t is in seconds.

For t=greater than 100, ѵ =.220t-135/t, ѵ is centi stokes and t is in seconds.
Now the absolute viscosity is given by, μ =ѵ×ρ. where μ=absolute viscosity of fluid,
ѵ=kinematic viscosity of fluid, ρ=density of fluid[ CITATION Lab1 \l 1033 ].

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Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No. : 03

 We checked the tap of the outlet passage of water container whether it was open or
closed. If the tap is opened then it must be closed before water is filled in the container.
 We filled the water container with water.
 Then we gave the power supply to the thermostat switch and the heater.
 Then we placed a volumetric flask below the capillary tube to receive the fluid
discharged from the cylinder.
 After connected the thermostat switch to the power supply, we fixed the thermostat
switch at the required temperature.
 Then the heater was working. The heater was fitted at one corner of the container.
 When the temperature has reached in required temperature, the thermostat switch
automatically disconnect the supply. Now we gave time to attain the desired temperature
at the fluid.
 Now we opened the stop valve also the stopwatch and started to record the time in
 After the experiment has been completed, we disconnected the supply current and the
water should be removed from the container.
 We took at least 15 readings to complete the experiment[ CITATION Lab1 \l 1033 ].
 This experiment is followed most commonly in fieldwork to measure the viscosity of oil,
syrups, varnish, paints.
 It is used for testing petroleum products.
 In industries where components for constructing civil infrastructure is produced, this
experiment is much required and practiced[ CITATION instrumentationtoolscom \l 1033 ].

These section will be done after physical Experiment on laboratory

Experimental Data:
Results and Error Analysis:

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://instrumentationforum.com/t/redwood-or-saybolt-viscometer-

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://instrumentationtools.com/?fbclid=IwAR0n3RIfH3MzlKI0-


(n.d.). Retrieved from http://sites.psu.edu/npd5050/wp-


(n.d.). Lab Manual.

PDF. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://sites.psu.edu/npd5050/wp-


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Department of Leather Engineering Experiment No. : 03

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