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FlynnJ Project02 503

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James Flynn
The focus of this Context and Content Analysis will be to introduce a group of elementary
students, who are currently enrolled in an RTI (Response to Intervention) reading supplement, to
the Razz Kids Reading computer program. The Razz Kids program will be an online game
program that students will be able to access either at school, during RTI sessions, or during their
regular class settings. Additionally, the program will be set up so students can access their
individual content at home through the use of a password. Since the program automatically
tracks student progress, teachers and parents can visually see student achievement. Students
enrolled in the RTI program are reading between 1-3 years below grade level. While most
students at this tier level will show reading improvements with reading intervention strategies,
some will need to move on to special education. The Razz Kids program was selected as a
software program to implement because administration has included improved reading scores in
the school improvement plan. This program was also selected because the software allowed for
structured, easy implementation of skills.

Part 1. Context Analysis

1. Describe and analysis the performance context.
The students will be shown the Razz Kids program in the computer lab during their daily one
hour RTI sessions. Computers has been a required course/elective since Kindergarten, so the
students are familiar and comfortable with computer technology. Many of the students are
hesitant to participate during class because of their reading difficulties. However, the Razz Kids
program only allows the students, teacher, and parent to listen to the student recordings, so this
could limit some student anxiety. One new element that the students will need to become
comfortable with is wearing a headset and microphone. This will allow the student to silently
read and record the passages into the program. Teachers may need to offer support to the more
introverted students to ease any anxiety of the task and help them monitor their own progress.
2. Define the learning context and compare it to the performance context.
The learning context for this design will feature both virtual game modes and direct
instruction mode from the RTI teacher. The majority of the RAZZ kids program will be done by
the student using an internet connected computer at school or home setting. The teacher can then
take the students on-line data and use it for 1-1 tutoring or integrate student needs into daily
curriculum. The software program will be done at the students own pace and the assessments can
be added as needed. This program would be a supplement to the regular RTI curriculum and an
added support to be used at home. Having a greater access to the software support is a benefit as
its intended purpose is to help raise students reading scores and ability. If students enjoy the
program, and are willing to spend time on the program, it is an added incentive to see reading
skills improve.

3. Analyze the culture and climate of both the performance and learning contexts.
The school that this design will be centered in is part of a low-middle socio-economic school
district. The group of RTI students are almost all under age 10. The majority of students are
Hispanic or African-American males. However, another dominant rank are white females who
have a Speech and Language disability. Most of the students are classified as level 1 or 2s on
state reading assessments and are in danger of retention in current grade. Students are beginning
to feel discouraged at their lack of reading ability and their parents express that more work does
not help them read. Administration is under pressure to raise student grades because district
funding has been cut and most additional funding goes to rewarding A rated schools. Currently,
this school is rated a B school.
4. Determine the assumption about learning held by all key stakeholders.
The administrators at this school believes that all of the students with in this program should
be able to raise their reading levels with this program. They believe that all students can do what
is asked of them and that it is within their knowledge base. Teachers of the RTI program have
expressed that the students do not yet see how important reading is to school and life success.
Teachers have expressed unhappiness with the incentive program that the school started two
years ago. Many of the teachers view the incentive program not as a reward program, but as a
buying or bribing system that begs students to learn. Students have expressed boredom with
school and a frustration with their limited reading ability. Their lack of reading has impacted all
of their school subjects and has caused other behaviors to develop, in addition to learning
5. Analysis the contextual relationships and compile recommendations.
For this project to be successful, and meet the terminal goal, it is necessary for all students in
the RTI reading program to continue the working with the reading software at home. Currently,
the school district does offer free internet access to all public school students, but there is no
program in place to provide computers to students homes. In order to determine the current
computer shortage, it would be recommended that a survey of home computer access be
developed. The school district does have a funding surplus that was designated to buy teacher
laptops. Since many teachers were returning or are teaching dual courses, the excess funds could
be used to cover the need of supplying basic home computers. Another recommendation for this
project is for a student demographic or location study to be developed to determine if a students
without home computers are located in neighboring areas, and if those areas have access to a
public library. This would allow the district the ability to work with the county and set-up a
central hub, instead of provided individual home computers. Additionally, this would allow for a
combining of resources and funds between the county and school district.

Part 2. Content Analysis

1. Gather and review the available content resources.
For this project the terminal goal is for the RTI students to successfully work the RAZZ Kids
computer software program as to utilize it as a reading supplement to enhance their reading
skills. The Enabling goals of this project are:
1. Students understand basic computer functions and those related to game play.
2. Students know and understand the hardware needed to use software and can
independently set-up equipment.
3. Student can follow the software on-screen prompts to progress through the levels of the
game software.
4. Software are able to use and retain information and skills used in software progression to
increase reading ability and level.
2. Identify and classify what the learner must DO, KNOW, and BELIEVE.
In order for the student to successfully implement the software program and follow the skills
sequence necessary to achieve reading improvement success the
1. The student will be able to identify and locate the necessary software links and hardware
2. The student will be able to load the software game and independently begin a practice
3. The student will be able to follow the game sequence to tread too, read aloud, and take
quiz, before moving on.
4. The student will be able to improve their fluency and rate of understanding of reading
5. The student will demonstrate increased reading proficiency by an increase reading level
3. Isolate essential content and prioritize.
To successfully complete this task the following content is vital and is listed by order of
1. A working and usable understanding of a computer and the ability to control its
2. Access to a computer.
3. Sufficient time to practice reading skills.
4. A desire to improve reading.

4. Identify and map content dependency and prerequisites.

5. Verify the content and scope.

In order to maintain all necessary individual involvement from stakeholders and to manage
the progression through the program towards the target goal, the following methods will be used
to verify the content and scope:
For Administration
A checklist will be developed outlining their needed steps of involvement and proposed action.
At each section there will be an area for comments for administrators to explain why or why not
a step has/hasnt been accomplished and any corrective action that needs to take place.
For Teachers
A calendar break down of goals along with skills that need to be addressed will be designed. This
calendar document will have the ability to work within the current scope and sequence of the
reading curriculum. This feature will allow for easier carry-over of goals, student objectives, and
lesson planning.
For Students
A rubric that will outline how student participation and performance will be developed and sent
home with students. This will allow both parents and students to visually see what is expected of
them to complete the reading goal.

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