Fire Protection Engineering - Whole Building Design Guide
Fire Protection Engineering - Whole Building Design Guide
Fire Protection Engineering - Whole Building Design Guide
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Fire protection engineers use science and technology to protect people and property from fire. When designing new buildings or renovations to existing buildings,
fire protection engineers develop the plan for fire protection(fire_protection.php).
Fire protection engineering has evolved significantly over the past several centuries. Early application of fire protection engineering was intended to prevent
conflagrations, which could destroy entire cities. Until the early 1900s, the primary objective of fire protection engineering was to limit a fire to its building of origin.
As fire protection engineering advanced, this objective was refined to limit a fire to its object or room of origin.
However, it wasn't until the later part of the 20th century that fire protection engineering had matured to the point that it included the fundamental tenets of a
distinct, professional discipline (Lucht, 1989).
A. Professional Definition
Fire protection engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to protect people and their environment from destructive fire, which includes:
analysis of fire hazards
mitigation of fire damage by proper design, construction, arrangement, and use of buildings
materials, structures, industrial processes, and transportation systems
the design, installation and maintenance of fire detection and suppression and communication systems, and
post/fire investigation and analysis.
A fire protection engineer by education, training, and experience:
is familiar with the nature and characteristics of fire and the associated products of combustion
understands how fires originate, spread within and outside of buildings/structures, and can be detected, controlled, and/or extinguished, and
is able to anticipate the behavior of materials, structures, machines, apparatus, and processes as related to the protection of life and property from fire.
For more information on the role of the Fire Protection Engineer in the design of fire protection systems, see the SFPE Position Statement on The Engineer and the
Technician: Designing Fire Protection Systems at
mercantile occupancies. A store that sells greeting cards would fall under this occupancy classification, as would a store that sold liquor in bottles. Although the
protection that would be required in these stores would be similar, the fire hazard presented by these stores would be different.
"Performance-based design" is a tool that can be used to look at fire safety from a "whole building" perspective. "Performance-based design" is an engineering
approach to fire protection design based on (1) established fire safety goals and objectives, (2) analysis of fire scenarios, and (3) quantitative assessment of
design alternatives against the fire safety goals and objectives using engineering tools, methodologies, and performance criteria (SFPE, 2000).
When using performance-based designs, fire safety goals for a building are identified. These goals may include life safety, property protection, mission continuity,
and environmental protection. These goals are subsequently refined into quantitative measures of building performance through engineering analysis and
consultation with building stakeholders, such as the building owner and code enforcement officials. Next, fire scenarios are established. Fire scenarios are
descriptions of the types of fires from which the building is intended to provide protection.
The next step is the selection of design strategies. The types of fire protection strategies that are used in performance-based design are no different than those
that are used when applying prescriptive codes, such as detection, suppression, egress, or fire endurance.
After fire protection strategies are developed, they are evaluated using engineering tools and models to determine whether the fire safety goals are met for each of
the fire scenarios.
For most buildings, the entire building will not be designed on a performance basis. Much of the building will be designed using prescriptive codes, and for
relatively simple buildings, all of the building will likely be designed using prescriptive codes. However, performance-based design offers opportunities to achieve
desired aesthetics(aesthetics.php) or functionality(func_oper.php) in a building. It also ensures that the fire performance of the whole building will be considered
as more than an agglomeration of single systems.
Historically, performance-based design has been practiced by use of "equivalency" or "alternate methods and materials" clauses found in most prescriptive codes.
These clauses permit the use of strategies other than those specified in the code, provided that they provide an equivalent or greater level of safety. Within the last
few years, performance-based codes and design guides have been published. See following section, Emerging Issues.
Designing from a "whole building" approach does not require that design be on a performance-basis. It is necessary, however, that the design of fire protectionrelated systems be coordinated with each other and with other building systems and the overall building design.
Performance-based design has been practiced for decades through the use of "equivalency" clauses and "alternate methods and materials" clauses found in most
prescriptive codes. In these cases, performance-based design was applied on an ad-hoc basis, with the approach used developed between the designer and code
enforcement official.
Over the last decade, performance-based design has become more formalized. In the U.S., several performance-based codes have been published, including the
International Performance Code and performance-based options within the NFPA Building Construction and Safety Code and the NFPA Life Safety Code. Additionally,
several guides have been published by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers that provide information intended to facilitate performance-based design, including
the SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance-Based Fire Protection Analysis and Design of Buildings.
Performance-based design facilitates designing fire protection from a "whole building" perspective, as it requires that interactions between all fire protection
systems with the building and its occupants be considered.
Additionally, in the wake of 9/11, several issues, such as structural fire protection and means of egress of high-rise buildings, are receiving increased attention.
This attention may result in changes in the way buildings are designed, or an affirmation of current approaches.
Design Objectives
AestheticsEngage the Integrated Design Process(engage_process.php), Secure / SafePlan for Fire Protection(fire_protection.php), Secure / SafeEnsure
Occupant Safety and Health(ensure_health.php)
Professional Associations
Society of Fire Protection Engineers( (SFPE)The professional association for fire protection engineering. The association produces
publications and education programs on subjects pertinent to fire protection engineering.
ASTM International( its E-5 committee, ASTM International, formally known as the American Society for Testing and Materials,
publishes a number of fire test standards that address issues such as flame spread and structural fire resistance.
International Code Council( (ICC)The mission of the ICC is to provide codes, standards, products, and services for all concerned with
the safety and performance of the built environment. The ICC publishes model codes that are adopted throughout the United States. These include the
International Building Code, the International Fire Code, and the International Performance Code.
National Fire Protection Association( (NFPA)The mission of the NFPA is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on
the quality of life by providing and advocating scientifically-based consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education. Established in 1896,
NFPA publishes 300 codes and standards using a code-development process that is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
National Institute of Standards and Technology( (NIST)The Building and Fire Research Laboratory at NIST conducts fire research
and develops fire models. The NIST web page provides links to all recent NIST fire related publications and free downloads of all fire models published by
NIST. Fire test data can also be downloaded from the NIST site.
Underwriters Laboratories( (UL)is a product-safety testing and certification organization. UL tests and certifies a number of fire
protection products for compliance with fire test standards.
Post graduate training
Continuing education
In the United States, post-graduate education in fire protection engineering is available from the University of Maryland( and Worcester
Polytechnic Institute( While both programs are located on the east coast, both also offer distance-learning programs.
The two largest sources of continuing education are:
The Society of Fire Protection Engineers( provides courses on a number of aspects of fire protection engineering. Courses are offered in
both classroom and distance-learning formats.
The National Fire Protection Association( offers a number of courses that are designed to help students better understand the codes and
standards that NFPA publishes.
Additional Resources
"Coming of Age," article in Journal of Fire Protection Engineering by Lucht, D. 1 (2), pp. 35-48. 1989.
Engineering GuidePerformance-Based Fire Protection Analysis and Design of Buildings by National Fire Protection Association. Quincy, MA: SFPE, 2000.
2007 Profile of the Fire Protection Engineer( (PDF) A survey conducted by the
Society of Fire Protection Engineers.
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