Real Analysis II: 1 Spaces of Functions
Real Analysis II: 1 Spaces of Functions
Real Analysis II: 1 Spaces of Functions
John Loftin
April 15, 2015
Spaces of functions
Banach spaces
The Lp and C 0 form the basis of most other useful Banach spaces, with extensions typically provided by measuring not just the functions themselves, but
also their partial derivatives (as in Sobolev and C k spaces) or their difference
quotients (Holder spaces).
Completeness of a metric space of course means that any Cauchy sequence
has a unique limit. More roughly, this means that any sequence that should
converge, in that its elements are becoming infinitesimally close to each other,
will converge to a limit in the space. As we will see, taking such limits is
a powerful way to construct solutions to analytic problems. Unfortunately,
many of the most familiar spaces of functions (such as smooth functions) do
not have the structure of a Banach space, and so it is difficult to ensure that
a given limit of smooth functions is smooth. In fact we have the following
theorem, which we state without proof:
Theorem 1. On Rn equipped with Lebesgue measure, the space C0 (Rn ) of
smooth functions with compact support is dense in Lp (Rn ) for all 1 p < .
In other words, completion of the space of smooth functions with compact
support on Rn with respect to the Lp norm, is simply the space of all Lp
functions for 1 p < .
If we are working in L2 , for example, it is possible for the limit of smooth
functions to be quite non-smooth: there are many L2 functions which are
discontinuous everywhere. This poses a potential problem if the limit we
have produced is supposed to be a solution to a differential equation. In
particular, such a limit may be nowhere differentiable. Some of our goals then
are to understand (1) how to make sense of taking derivatives of functions
which are not classically differentiable (the theory of distributions and weak