Fourier Series.: V IV JV KV I J I I
Fourier Series.: V IV JV KV I J I I
Fourier Series.: V IV JV KV I J I I
Waves of any shape are possible. Harmonic waves are just a particular case.
However, they are an especially interesting case because any wave can be
represented as a sum of harmonic waves. This representation is called the
Fourier series.
The basic idea is already familiar to you from your study of vectors. You
know that any vector can be represented as a sum of basis vectors. In three
dimensions, these are sometimes called i, j, and k. Then we can write
v = iv1 + jv2 + kv3 . The basis vectors are orthonormal; for example, i ⋅ j = 0
and i ⋅ i = 1 . We will generalize this idea in two steps---first to vector spaces
of arbitrary dimension and then to function spaces, which are vector spaces
of infinite dimension.
The second, and much bigger step, is to generalize this idea from a space of
vectors to a space of functions. The case we are working on is the waves on
a string of finite length L with the boundary condition that the string is
clamped at the ends. So the function space is all the possible shapes of the
string---all functions f(x) on [0,L] with f(0)=f(L)=0. One such function is
the analogue of a vector in the previous discussion. We would like to have
a basis of functions so that any such function f can be represented as a sum
over the basis functions with some coefficients. As it happens, a very nice
orthonormal and complete basis is the harmonic, standing waves that we
have already discussed! Let’s see how that works.
Recall that the spatial part of the standing waves is given by the functions
sin(n x L) . These are essentially the basis functions. However, to save
writing and to make these orthonormal, it is convenient to define the basis
functions via
2 n x
Sn ( x) = sin .
Direct integration gives the result
∫ dxS m ( x )Sn ( x ) = mn .
Just as the basis vectors were complete, so too are the basis functions
complete. That means that any function f(x) that satisfies the boundary
conditions f(0)=f(L)=0 can be written as a sum over the basis functions
with coefficients f n .
∞ ∞ ∞
2 n x n x
f ( x) = ∑ fn Sn ( x) = ∑ fn L
sin = ∑
L n =1
cn sin L .
n= 1 n =1
f n = ∫ dx Sn (x ) f ( x) = 2 dx sin n x f ( x)
L∫ L
0 0
( )
cn = 2L ∫ dx sin nL x f ( x) .
Thus, if we know f(x), then we can find the cn from this inversion formula
and then use them to give the representation of f as a Fourier series. This
can be very useful because the harmonic basis functions are simple and
have very nice properties.
Now with this new tool, let’s return to the physics problem at hand. The
problem is to describe all the possible wave forms on the string of length L
with the ends clamped. The standing wave solutions are of the form
( )
cos( nt )sin nLx . The angular frequency is n = v nL . You can easily check ( )
( )
that another solution is sin( nt )sin nLx . The superposition principle tells us
that any linear combination of these
D(x,t ) = ∑[ an cos(
n t ) + bn sin( n ( )
t)] sin nLx = ∑c ( t) sin( nLx )
This is great except for the problem that we now have a huge number of
solutions to the wave equation. The problem manifests itself in the
constants an ,bn . Any values for those give a valid solution D. The problem
is resolved by using additional information. The constants are determined
by the initial conditions, which are given in the two functions that give the
shape of the string and the velocity of each piece of the string at t=0: D( x,0 )
and D(x,t ) . Setting t=0 in the form above or differentiating with
t t=0
n x D( x,0 ) n x
D(x,0) = ∑ a n sin = ∑ n bn sin
and .
n t n
Now the a n and the bn can be determined by using the inversion formula
given above
n x D( x,0 ) .
2 n x 1 2
an = ∫ dx sin ∫ dx sin
D( x,0 ) and bn =
L0 L n L0 L t
Thus, if you know the initial conditions, you can do these integrals to get
the an and b n coefficients. Then they are put back into the general
expression for D(x,t) to give the evolution of the disturbance with time.
To close, I would like to emphasize that this method of fourier series is
very general. It can be used to advantage in many other problems. You will
certainly encounter it many more times in your studies.
[ ]
D(x,t ) = ∫ dk a(k )ei t + b( k )e−i t eikx with = (k ) = vk .
This looks a lot different from the trig functions. You can verify that it is
equivalent by using the identity to write out the exponentials. I do not
recommend this. It is much easier to just stick this form into the wave
equation and verify that it is a solution. As with the fourier series, this
representation has wide application in mathematics, physics, other
quantitative sciences, and engineering.