A Class of Maximal Topologies (Douglas E. Cameron)
A Class of Maximal Topologies (Douglas E. Cameron)
A Class of Maximal Topologies (Douglas E. Cameron)
A. B. Raha [12] has shown that maximal lightly compact spaces are
submaximal as are maximal pseudocompact spaces, and Douglas E.
Cameron [6] has characterized maximal QHC-spaces and shown these to
be submaximal. In Tychonof spaces, lightly compact and pseudocompact are equivalent; and in Hausdorff spaces, QHC and H-closed are
equivalent. We shall show that the maximal topologies of a class of
topologies which include lightly compact and QHC are submaximal and
Tj spaces.
The topological space with topology on set X shall be denoted by
(X, T), the closure of a subset A of X with respect to is cl and the
interior of A with respect to is intA, the complement of A with
respect to X is X A, the relative topology of r on A is r | A, and the
product of spaces (X, ) for a E 21 is (sX,
A topological space (X, r) with property R is maximal R if
whenever ' is stronger than ( ' D ) , then (X, r') does not have
property R. In [5] it was shown that for a topological property K, (X, r)
is maximal R if and only if every continuous bijection from a space (Y, r)
with property R to (X, r) is a homeomorphism. A topological space
(X, r) for which there exists a stronger maximal R topology is said to be
strongly R. For A C X the topology (A) with subbase r U{A} is the
simple expansion of r by A.
We shall restrict our study to topological properties which satisfy
some or all of the following:
P-l: contractive (preserved by continuous surjections)
P-2: regular closed hereditary
P-3: semi-regular (A topological property R is semi-regular if
(X, r) has property R if and only if (X, s ) has property R where s is the
semi-regularization of r.)
P-4: contagious (A topological property R is contagious if
whenever a dense subset of a space has property JR, the entire space has
property JR [8]).
P-5: finitely unionable (If (X, r ) is a topological space, A, =X,
i = l,
, n are subsets which have property R, then U=1A, has
property R).
s = ' s .
THEOREM 1. An expansion ' of' is ro-equivalent to if and only if
c\T.U = clU for all U G r ' [10].
THEOREM 2. 1/ topological property R satisfies P-3, then a maximal R topology is submaximal.
Proof. This follows from the properties of P-3 and the fact that
every topological space has a stronger submaximal space with the same
semiregularization [3].
1. If a topological property R satisfies P-3, then maximal R topologies are TD.
THEOREM 3. If topological property R satisfies P-l-P-5 a submaximal space (X, r) is maximal R if and only if for any A C X, such that both
X-intrA and A have property R, then A is closed.
Proof. In completely regular spaces, pseudocompactness is equivalent to lightly compact [2]; since lightly compact spaces are pseudocompact then a lightly compact maximal pseudocompact space is maximal
lightly compact. If not maximal pseudocompact there is r ' D r such that
(X, T') is pseudocompact and therefore there is A E'-
such that
(X,(A)) is pseudocompact and is completely regular [13]. Therefore
(X, ( A ) ) is lightly compact.
1. C. E. Aull, A certain class of topological spaces, Prace. Math., 11 (1967), 49-53.
2. R. W. Ragley, E. H. Connell and J. D. McKnight, Jr., On properties characterizing pseudocompact spaces, Proc. Amer. Math Soc, 9 (1958), 500-506.
3. Bourbaki, General Topology, Addison Wesley, (1966).
4. Douglas E. Cameron, Maximal pseudocompactness, Pro. General Topology Conf., Emory
University, (1970), 26-31.
, Maximal and minimal topologies, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 160 (1971), 229-248.
, Maximal QHC-spaces, Rocky Mountain J. Math., (to appear).
, A note on maximal pseudocompactness, J. Australian Math. Soc, submitted.
8. J. Chew, Contagious properties, Math. Mag., (March 1974), 84-87.
9. I. Glicksberg, Stone-Cech compactifications of products, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 90 (1959),
10. J. Miodurzewski and L. Rudolf, H-closed and extremely disconnected Hausdorff spaces,
Dissertationes Mathematical, 66 (1969).
11. J. R. Porter, and J. Thomas, On H-closed and minimal Hausdorff spaces, Trans. Amer. Math
Soc, 138 (1969), 159-170.
12. A. B. Raha, Maximal topologies, J. Australian Math. Soc, 15 (1973), 279-290.
13. D. F. Reynolds, Expansions of topologies by locally finite collections, Proc Gen. Top.
Conference, Charlotte (1974) Academic Press.
14. C. T. Scarborough and A. H. Stone, Products of nearly compact spaces, Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc, 124 (1966), 131-147.
15. R. M. Stephenson, Jr., Pseudocompact spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 134 (1968), 437-448.
Received December 8, 1976 and in revised form January 31, 1977.
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