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Name at least three important measuring instruments used by an electrician..

Measuring instruments used by an electrician: ammeter, voltmeter, analog or digital multimeter, clamp-type meters,
Explain how a meggar works and its common applications.

Megger is the portable insulation tester. It is used to remove very high resistance of the order of mega ohms.
The instrument works on the principle of ratio-meter/ohmmeter.The required deflection torque is produce by both voltage and
current.Due to the interaction between the magnetic field produce by voltage and current,the deflecting torque is produce.The
required coil are so positioned that the deflecting torque is proportional to the ratio V/I.
Resistance to be measured is connected across the test terminals i.e. connected in series with the deflecting coil and across
the generator.When current are supplied to the coils then they have torque in opposite direction.

If the resistance to be measured is high,no current is flowing through the deflecting coil.The controlling coil will therefore
,set itself perpendicular to the magnetic axis and hence,set the pointer at infinity.
If the resistance to be measured is small,a high current is flowing through the deflecting coil and the resulting torque
sets the pointer to zero.
For intermediate values of resistances,depending upon the torque production,the pointer is set at a point between zero
and infinity.
The hand driven generator is of permanent magnet type and it is designed to generate from 500V to 2500V.
The most important field of application of Megger is the measurement of insulation resistance. Such as the insulation
resistance between the windings and the frame of electrical machinery, the insulation resistance of cables, wiring
installations insulators and bushing etc.

Why double earthing is provided with high rating machines? What instrument is used for earth leakage current?
Double earthing: high rating machines have more leakage current. For double earthing the net effective earth resistance
will be low.
If one earthing system fails the other will operate. Installation of two reduces the resistance of the earthing system to
minimum possible value. This system provides additional safety measures to eliminate the chances of electrical
Earth Lekage Circuit breaker is used for earth leakage current.
What is meant by coupling? Name different methods of coupling.
Couplings are mechanical elements that couples two drive elements which enables motion to be transferred from one
element to another. The drive elements are normally shafts. A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together
at their ends for the purpose of transmitting power.

Types of coupling: Rigid, Flexble, Universal.

How can you classify the vibrations in machinery operation? State at least five causes of vibrations. How do you minimize excessive vibrations
in rotating machines?

What is the necessity of shimming?

The necessity of shimming is to compact the loose parts for easy transmissibility.
What are those factors that affect the earth resistance value? How the earth resistance value can be lowered? Briefly explain the method to
measure earth resistance by a portable earth tester.

What is the purpose of drying out an electrical machine? Briefly state the commonly used methods for drying out. What are the precautions to
be taken while drying out?
Why drying out of electrical machines are essential? Briefly state the commonly used methods for drying out. What are the essential conditions
that must satisfy before a transformer installation?
What is meant by preventive maintenance? Discuss briefly its advantages. Prepare a quarterly preventive maintenance schedule of an electric
motor indicating trouble/cause/action for the important components only.
Name the types of UG Cable faults that commonly occur. State the possible causes of cable faults. What are the commissioning tests need to be
carried out after laying and joining of power cables.
Why testing of oil is carried out before using a transformer? What tests are performed for transformer oil?
Breakdown test of oil is preferred than crackle test- Why?
Prepare a daily maintenance schedule of distribution transformer.
What is Murray loop test? Explain with an electrical connection diagram its working under a test condition.
What is Murray loop test? With the help of a circuit diagram explain its working under a test condition for one phase to ground fault in an UG
Draw a layout plan of a small indoor substation. The diagram should include the transformer, HV circuit breaker, LT breaker panel and the
cable connections in between the above. What are the points to be kept in mind during coil construction of the substation building?
What is protective relay? With the help of a circuit diagram explain working of a differential relay.

What actions are to be taken in case of fire in an industry?

What are the implications of open circuit & short circuit tests for a Transformer? Show the connection diagram of both and briefly describe the
State the functions of conservator & Breather of a Transformer. What may be the causes for overheating of transformer? What are the full
forms of ONAN, ONAF, and OFAF & PRV?
State the various abnormal operating conditions that a 3-phase induction motor for industrial drive may be subjected. State the possible causes
when a squirrel cage induction motor- a) Runs hot, b.) Runs slow, c.) Fails to start.
What do you mean by Belted insulation type and H type power cables? What may be the possible causes of UG cable faults? What are the types
of faults usually occur?
Write short notes on routine, Preventive & Breakdown maintenance. Prepare a quarterly preventive schedule of an electric motor covering the
important areas of concern. Select suitable fields for the schedule.
What is the procedure for inspection of an electric motor before installation? How can you test a domestic wiring for its healthiness? Explain
with the aid of a diagram. What are the factors that affect the earth resistance value offered by an earth electrode? State the standard sizes of
Earth electrode or earth plate & Earth leads used for high voltage installations.
What is meant by system Earthing and Equipment Earthing? Why electrical equipment is earthed? What are the factors that affect the earth
resistance value? How earth resistance value can be lowered?
Draw the suitable circuit diagram for Battery Charging rectifier arrangement mode of diodes. Why use of Batteries is a must in a unmanned a
Substation? Write on method of maintenance of Lead Acid batteries.
What are the points to be checked during inspection of a motor installation keeping relevant IE rules in view? State the possible causes when a
motor fails to start. How can you identify and mark A& B ends of a 3-phase motor winding coils?
Write notes on the purpose of drying out a Motor. State with a suitable diagram a method for drying out electrical machines. What may be
preliminary inspection points before and immediately after delivery of a large transformer at site?
What is the importance of maintenance? Classify different types of maintenance work and discuss briefly above them.
Draw a layout plan of a 4-Bay Outdoor Yard of a standard EHV Substation. Briefly explain the function of the major components shown.
Draw layout of a standard Transformer. House indicating HV and MV circuit breakers, capacitor, transformer and the connectivity between
the items shown. Calculate the rating of the standard HRC fuses to be used on the HV and LV side of a 4000 KVA 11kV transformer.
Write short notes on the following:
Closing coil of a circuit breaker
Function of oil in a HV OCB
VT in high voltage circuit
Dual ratio CT
IE rules for earthing of OH lines
Common faults in UG cable
vii.) A diode which gives off visible light.
What type of faults occurs in cable? How do you find the nature of fault? State Murray loop test to find distance fault in a cable.
Write down the working of breather and conservator of a transformer. What are possible reasons for overheating of the transformer? What are
the remedial measures that are adopted to keep the temperature within the tolerable limit?
Write down the desired and essential conditions for parallel operation of two alternators so that they run in synchronism. State various
abnormal operating conditions that a 3-phase I/M for industrial drive may be subjected. State the possible causes when a squirrel cage I/M fails
to start.
In the context of Indian Electricity Rules discuss briefly about a.) periodical inspection and testing of consumers installation, b.) earthing of
power distribution lines, c.) clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of an OH line.
Write short notes:
i.) DC machine Swinburns test
ii.) Switch gear & substation
iii.) Charging and discharging of storage batteries
iv.) Relay
v.) Tools and instrument used for troubleshooting and repair
Draw and discuss a suitable circuit diagram for charging batteries by constant voltage method.
What are the effects of overcharging and under charging?
Discuss about the maintenance of lead acid cell.
Name the various tests required to be performed before connecting a new installation to supply?
Explain how the polarity tested?
What are the possible reason for excess recording and energy consumption by energy meter?
State some important points to be keep in view while carrying out wiring for a motor installation.
How will you determine the input current to a motor?
Explain how the rating of cables and fuse wires for wiring a motor installation are determined?
What are the functions of earthing in an electrical installation?
Explain why earthing of an electrical installation and electrical equipment is important?
Draw a neat sketch of pipe-earthing. What is meant by earth continuity conductor?
Show the cross sectional views of a 3-core belted type lead sheathed paper cable, label the different components and discuss their functions.
Why the belted type construction suitable for voltage above 22KV?
Why are VIR cables preferred over paper insulated cables for smaller installation?
Draw a proportionate sketch of a 132KV single circuit transmission tower and show the main dimension as it.
Enumerate the factor which governs the choice of size of conductor for transmission line.
Draw a single line diagram of 220 KV/66 KV substation showing all the equipment. The station has one 220 KV incoming line and two 66 KV
outgoing line and two power transformers.
What is a circuit breaker? Explain its function.
Differentiate between the function of an isolator and a circuit breaker.
How does a circuit breaker differ from an ordinary switch?
What are the two types of instrument transformers and why they provided in a substation?
Write short notes on:

a) Detection and remedies of faults in domestic and industrial wiring.

b) Procedure for rescuing a person who has received electric shock
c) Role and classification of maintenance work
d) It rules for Guarding.
Difference between i.) Lubricant and ii.) Lubrication
State the important function of lubricants.
Mention the properties of lubricants used for steam turbines.
Why thermal power station is installed in our country in spite of debate on environmental problem?
Discuss in brief the important item you will consider before a site for the construction of a coal based thermal power station.
Why maintenance of electrical installation is important?
State the type of maintenance work followed in an electrical installation.
Why preventive maintenance is required?
Give a neat back panel wiring diagram to be used for parallel running of 2.1.1 KV, 200 KVA, 50Hz. Star connected synchronous alternator, 110,
5A d.c exciter is mounted on the same shaft of each alternator. In the panel both lamps methods and synchroscope are to be shown. Make a list
of instrument required.
Give a scheme in short how would you load a 50 KVA 11 KV/415 V , 50 Hz, 3-phase core type OFN Cooling oil filled bushings, in a track state
the precaution during loading.
Mention the type of relays used in HT. overhead transmission line with necessary sketch describes a relay you mentioned above.
Why oil is used in a transformer?
Mention the test performed on transform oil as per I.S 1992-1978 and conclusion made from the different test. State the limitations of swine
burnes test.
Give a brief account of importance of insulation testing.
State the cause of insulation failure.
Discuss about step voltage test and interpretation of obtained result.
Prepare a maintenance schedule of the following machine (Transformer).
Write short notes on Cause of electrical fore and firefighting equipment.
Water type extinguisher.
Chemical foam extinguisher.
Carbon di-oxide extinguisher.
Discuss in brief the important items you will consider for the construction of medium head hydroelectric power station.
Give a neat labeled sketch of a typical low head hydro electric power station.
Briefly state the importance of surge chamber.
Mention the name of one hydro-electric power station under the West Bengal Power Development Corporation.
Give a short description about- i.) Touch Potential and ii.) Step Potential. Mention one technique to mitigate the hazards of from step and
Touch Potential.
Discuss about the maintenance procedure of a 11/0.415 KV distribution transformer of rating 1000 KVA.
After arrival of the transformer what are the steps to be followed for inspection of the above mentioned transformer.
Why more than one alternating current 3-phase power generators are run in parallel.
State the conditions of synchronization of two 3-phase alternators (assume any generation voltage).
Explain: As per I.E rules type of Earthing required for supports of overhead lines.
Distinguish between generating outdoor substation and outdoor grid substation.
How many types of insulators are used in connection with HV/EHV overhead transmission system?
State their names.
Give a short description of any one type you mentioned in question above.
Give a short note on hot line cleaning process of suspended insulator string.
Prepare a schedule of Pre-commissioning tests for 3-phase transformer (assume any capacity and HV voltage ratings).
How the failures of Electrical Machines are divided in broad heads.
Prepare a list of instruments required for trouble shooting in electrical equipments.
Prepare a maintenance schedule of i.) a 3-phase minimum oil circuit breaker (mention the name plate data of the OCB you choose), ii.)
directional over current relay. Both the answers should be made in a tabular form.
State the conditions of direct method of testing of a dc motor.
State the advantages of this kind of test.
In a direct method of test on a d.c shunt motor the following data was obtained. With a supply voltage of 400V, armature current was 29A and
shunt field current 1A at a speed of 800 r.p.m. If the brake load 90 Kg and effective diameter of brake pulley 30 cms. Find the efficiency of the
In a direct method of test on a d.c shunt motor the following data was obtained. With a supply voltage of 400V, armature current was 18A and
shunt field current 2A at a speed of 600 r.p.m. If the brake load 85 Kg and effective diameter of brake pulley 25 cms. Find the efficiency of the
Write a short essay on causes of electrical fire and its prevention.
Prepare a note on protection from lighting of 11/0.415 KV, 3-phase outdoor distribution substation.
Write short notes on
a.) Installation of 415v, 50Hz, 3-phase , 4 wire distribution line in a densely populated area with provision of street light.
b.) Maintenance and inspection of a 100 MVA, 50 Hz, 3-phase, 132/33 KV, ONAF ( Oil natural air forced ) transformer.
c.) Properties and types of lubricants.
d.) Bus bar schemes of substations.
Draw and discuss a suitable circuit diagram for charging and discharging storage batteries.
What are the effects of overcharging and undercharging?
Discuss about the maintenance of lead acid cell.
What instrument is used for earth leakage currents= 265/SRC.
What do you mean by substation? What are the different types of substations?

Draw a neat layout of a 132/33 KV substation having two 132 KV incoming lines and four 33 KV outgoing lines. Show the essential equipment
in the diagram.
Why oil is used in transformers?
Write short notes on Properties and types of lubricants.
Testing and commissioning of overhead distribution lines.
Maintenance of relay.
Load test of a three phase, 50 Hz, 100 KVA, 3.3 KV/0.415 KV core type transformer.
Draw a single line diagram of 220 KV /66KV substation showing all the equipment. The station has one 220 KV incoming line and two 66KV
outgoing line and two power transformers.

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