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Technical Case Study


June 2001


Saves $85,000 annually

Improves productivity

Compressed air systems are widely
used in industrial production
processes and are often the largest
electricity end use in a plant. When
an industrial plants need for
compressed air changes, the
compressed air system needs to be
re-evaluated to ensure that it is
properly configured for the new


In 1995, a compressed air improvement project was implemented following
a system-level audit at the Chicago, Illinois, plant of the Bodine Electric
company. The compressed air system was completely overhauled, with three
new compressors, a pressure/flow controller, a receiver, and condensate traps.
The project allowed the plant to reduce energy costs and production downtime.
The annual energy savings from the projects implementation were $85,000,
which represents about 10% of the plants annual electricity costs. The
projects total cost was $135,500, and the simple payback was 1.6 years.


Plant/Company Overview
Founded in 1905, Bodine Electric is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and
manufactures fractional horsepower motors and devices that use motors
for various commercial and consumer applications. Bodines Chicago plant
employs 280 people and uses compressed air for air guns and drivers,
computerized lathes, vertical mills, winders, and soldering machines. The
variety of the products requires different levels of air treatment depending on
the product being made. Some assembly processes require very dry, clean
air at 100 psig. At the time of the project, the plants compressed air system
was served by a 250-hp centrifugal compressor and several small booster

Project Overview
Bodines management commissioned an outside survey of its compressed
air system because their production requirements for compressed air had
decreased from the time the system had originally been installed. This
compressed air survey became the basis for a system-wide strategy to
improve the systems efficiency and save energy costs.
The surveys first conclusion was that the centrifugal compressor was old
and in such poor condition that it did not function effectively. It could only
sustain a system pressure level of 85 psig and was difficult to restart after
being shut off. Under these conditions, the plant needed several small booster
compressors to achieve end-use pressures of 100 psig. The survey recommended that the system be upgraded with newer and smaller compressors
that would use less power and adjust more appropriately to the changing
demand patterns.
Next, the survey found that the control system did not function well. The
centrifugal compressor had a load/unload control system that was only
efficient during periods of highest demand. When the plants demand for air
decreased, the controls would not allow the centrifugal compressor to
unload, so it continued to use almost the same amount of power that it
required during peak demand.
For the new controls to work effectively, the survey advised that a pressure/
flow controller and additional air storage be added. Doing so would help the
new controls work effectively because it would create a steady demand
pressure to which the controls could adjust.
The survey found that the plants air treatment equipment was in good operating
condition, had a low pressure drop, and required no changes to make the
system more efficient. The survey also found that the plants manually

operated condensate traps were not effectively removing enough moisture from
the system, which contaminated the air. To address the situation, the survey
recommended replacing the manual condensate traps with electronic ones.

Project Implementation
The Bodine plant implemented the surveys recommendations. The project
included replacing the old, 250-hp centrifugal compressor and controls with
three 75-hp rotary screw compressors with automatic load/unload controls.
They also installed a pressure flow/controller with a 1,500-gallon storage
receiver. In addition, the plant replaced their manually operated condensate
traps with mechanical ones, since these were deemed more cost-effective
than the electronic ones recommended in the audit.

The project resulted in solid energy savings and more efficient production.
The three new rotary screw compressorswhich total less horsepower than
the original centrifugal compressordeliver air to end-use equipment at 100 psig
without assistance from booster compressors, which the plant removed from
service. The stable air demand managed by the pressure/flow controller
helped the new compressor controls adjust to the load patterns, allowing
them to unload the compressors more frequently. This improved efficiency
has resulted in annual energy savings of $85,000 (1,192,467 kWh), just
under 10% of the plants annual energy costs. The total project costs were
$135,000, yielding a simple payback of 1.6 years. In addition, stable system
pressure and drier air (mainly due to the new condensation traps) have
resulted in more reliable production.


Lessons Learned
Before this project was implemented, Bodine was having problems
maintaining end-use pressure levels, because of their aging centrifugal
compressor. To compensate for this, a number of booster compressors
were purchased to increase the pressure level. This further increased the
costs of the compressed air systems operation.
As production requirements changed and the need for compressed air
decreased, Bodine decided it was time to take a close look at the entire
compressed air system because of the potential for energy savings and
improvements in production. By using a systems approach, Bodine
was able to identify and treat the problems in its system instead of the
symptoms, resulting in a more reliable and cost-effective compressed
air system.

Condensate traps collect and remove liquids from compressed air systems.
Traps are located where moisture collects and at low points in the distribution
system. Improperly functioning or ineffective condensate traps waste energy and
compromise system performance. Manually operated condensate traps are the
least efficient because they require continual diligence and adjustment for proper
operation. Mechanical float-type and electronic solenoid-operated condensate
traps are more efficient. These condensate traps also require periodic inspection
to ensure that they do not fail. Condensate traps that fail open (have drain valves
stuck in the open position) waste energy because they allow compressed air to
escape into the atmosphere. Condensate traps that fail closed (have drain valves
stuck in the closed position) cause condensate to back up in the system, which
can damage components and lead to pressure drop.

BestPractices is part of the Office

of Industrial Technologies (OITs)
Industries of the Future strategy, which
helps the countrys most energy-intensive
industries improve their competitiveness.
BestPractices brings together the bestavailable and emerging technologies
and practices to help companies begin
improving energy efficiency, environmental performance, and productivity
right now.
BestPractices focuses on plant
systems, where significant efficiency
improvements and savings can be
achieved. Industry gains easy access
to near-term and long-term solutions
for improving the performance of motor,
steam, compressed air, and process
heating systems. In addition, the
Industrial Assessment Centers provide
comprehensive industrial energy
evaluations to small and mediumsize manufacturers.

Bodine Electric
Chicago, IL
Air Power USA
Pickerington, OH
OIT Clearinghouse
Phone: (800) 862-2086
Fax: (360) 586-8303
Visit our home page at
Please send any comments,
questions, or suggestions to
Office of Industrial Technologies
Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, EE-20
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585-0121

June 2001

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