11150h72 - SQM QB
11150h72 - SQM QB
11150h72 - SQM QB
Course Details
Course Code & Title
2011 Regulation
(For Students admitted from June 2011 onwards)
Soft Core
Norman E. Fenton and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Software Metrics Thomson, 2003
Mordechai Ben Menachem and Garry S.Marliss, Software Quality, Thomson Asia Pte Ltd,
Mary Beth Chrissis, Mike Konrad and Sandy Shrum, CMMI, Pearson Education (Singapore)
Pte Ltd, 2003.
ISO 9000-3 Notes for the application of the ISO 9001 Standard to software development.
1. Write the ISO definition of Quality.
2. Define Software Quality.
3. Why the computer software is problematic nature?
4. What are the different views of quality?
5. Mention the seven criteria for good metrics?
6. What is software metrics?
7. Mention about MTTF.
8. What is hierarchical model of quality?
9. What are the different Gilbs qualities attributes?
10. Mention about the aim of COQUAMO project.
1. a. Describe the different views of quality. (10)
b. Quality is people, how? Explain it. (6)
2. a. What are the different roles of people and their responsibilities in software project? Describe it.(10)
b. What are the characteristics of Quality? Explain it. (6)
3. Explain about the McCall Hierarchical model of software quality.
4. Illustrate the Boehm Hierarchical model of software quality.
5. Explain about the different measurable properties of software metrics.
6. a. What are the different methods for measure of quality? Explain it. (10)
b. What are the seven criteria for good metrics? Explain it. (6)
7. Describe the following
i. Polarity profiling. (8)
ii. Problems associated with metrics. (8)
8. Explain about Gilbs approach in measuring quality.
9. Illustrate the COQUAMO project in detail.
10. Describe about the Quality profiles with neat pictorial representation.
1. Define Quality Assurance.
2. What is Quality Schedule?
3. Mention about the seven keys to leadership.
4. What is SDD?
5. What is SID?
6. Mention about the template of Reviewing.
7. Why action item is important in reviews?
8. Write the management review inputs.
9. What are the special responsible in Technical review process?
10. Write the minimal input of software inspection.
1. How will you establish quality goals? Explain it.
2. Explain the following
a. Fundamental requirement for quality improvement process (8)
b. Factors to kill quality assurance (8)
3. Describe the following
a. Quality Tasks (4)
b. Minimal QA Effort (6)
c. Factors affecting SQA Effort (6)
4. Explain about the role of Documentation in SQA in detail.
5. Explain the following
a. Document verification. (8)
b. The Audit process (8)
6. Describe the Software Inspection process in detail.
7. Illustrate the Technical Review process in detail.
8. Explain about the Management Review process in detail.
9. Explain the following
a. CMM compatibility. (8)
b. ISO 9000 compatibility. (8)
10. Describe the following
a. Action items (8)
b. Procedural Description Template. (8)
1. What are the seven basic tools for Ishikawas?
2. Mention about cause and effect diagram.
3. Write about Pareto Diagram.
4. Define Error detection efficiency.
5. What are the two metrics for defect removal effectiveness?
6. Mention about Phase-Based Defect Removal Model.
7. What are the steps in Fagans inspection method?
8. Write the PDF and CDF of Exponential model.
9. What are the basic assumptions of fault count model?
10. Mention about Predictive validity.
1. Elaborate and Explain about the different CASE tools available in SQM?
2. Describe the Ishikawas basic tools with neat diagram.
3. Explain the following
a. Checklist, Histogram and Scatter Diagram. (8)
b. Run Chart, Control chart and Histogram. (8)
4. Illustrate the working flow of Rayleigh model with neat diagram.
5. Explain about the different models in Reliability growth model in detail.
6. Explain the following
a. Assumption in Reliability growth model. (8)
b. Criteria for Model Evaluation. (8)
7. Describe the different steps/procedures for modeling a software quality.
8. Explain about the process of Phase-Based Defect Removal model.
9. Describe about Defect Removal Effectiveness and Process maturity level in SQM.
1. Write ISO definition of QMS.
2. What is TQM?
3. Mention about Quality Improvement Programme.
4. What are the different components of QMS?
5. What are the three different stages in Hitachi process of quality assurance?
6. Write about the QIP extra activities in Reliability Growth model.
7. What is Cyclomatic complexity?
8. Define Fan in and Fan-out.
9. What are the different points of satisfaction scale?
10. Mention about the variables in PTR sub model.
1. Describe the following
a. Demings 14 points for management. (8)
b. Jurans ten points for quality improvement. (8)
2. Explain the following
a. Crosbys steps to quality improvement. (10)
b. Relationship between TQM, QMS and QIP. (6)
3. Explain the elements and procedures in Quality Management System.
4. Describe the Statistical process control in detail.
5. Illustrate the working of Rayleigh Model Framework in detail.
6. Explain the Reliability growth model for QMS.
7. Describe the following
a. Halsteads software science. (8)
b. Structured Metrics (8)
8. What are the different methods for customer satisfaction surveys? Explain it.
9. Explain the following
a. Satisfaction with company. (8)
b. TQM recommendations for small organizations. (8)
10. How will you find customer satisfaction and analyze the data with different specification? Explain it.
1. What is ISO?
2. Write about the types of accreditation.
3. What are the two fundamentals principles of ISO9001 standard?
4. Mention about the different section of questionnaire format.
5. What are the different processes in SPICE?
6. What are the different levels of the SEI CMM?
7. Mention about Inspection and Testing in ISO9000 series.
8. Write the three levels of Document control in ISO series.
9. What are the different sections in Quality system framework of ISO9000-3?
10. Mention about Internal quality audits.
1. Explain the different clauses in ISO9000 series in detail.
2. Describe how the ISO9000-3 standards used for software development?
3. Illustrate the following
a. Purpose of standards. (8)
b. Questionnaire format. (8)
4. Explain the concept of Capability Maturity Model in detail.
5. What are the different levels of CMM and how it moves from one level to another level? Explain in
6. Illustrate the concept of SPICE with neat diagram.
7. Compare and Explain ISO9000 and SEI CMM in detail.
8. Describe the following
a. Role of CMM (8)
b. Evolution of CMM (8)
9. Explain about the different impacts of ISO9000 in detail.
10. Describe the following
a. ISO9000 series of quality management standards (8)
b. Seeking Accreditation and Assessment of ISO9001 standard. (8)