Franz Kieser - Cabala Chymica
Franz Kieser - Cabala Chymica
Franz Kieser - Cabala Chymica
At first the Sun and Moon appeared, with the entire firmament, and stood
still, had color, but gave forth no light from themselves. Under these there
stood a ball; it was of an earthy color. In its center was another little ball,
which glistened snow white. When I had seen all of this, there occurred a
terrifying thunderclap, which frightened me extremely. There also came a
great mist, and as this slowly faded, there appeared above the Sun and Moon
and the firmament a star, which shined so brightly that I could not look at it
directly. In color it was redder than the Sun is wont to be. As soon as this star
appeared, the entire firmament with the Sun and Moon, began to move and to
frisle and leap about, while from the Star many fiery rays shot out of the
firmament down upon the ball. Some of these penetrated a little, some halfway, and some completely (though this was the smallest portion) into the
little ball. Those that had penetrated a little or half-way into the little ball
moved the water currents, so that they began to run and all sorts of fish
appeared within them. Others had the effect that the large ball turned green
and brought forth all sorts of trees and fruits. And all sorts of animals and
men also wandered upon it. However, the rays that had penetrated
completely into the little ball moved this to such a degree, that it began to
seethe, like water in a harbor, and gave off a white, clear pure steam, which
then extended in the form of a star into the roots of the trees and the plants.
Then there began to grow forth out of this little ball or white glistening star all
sorts of trees and plants, but very slowly, which rose steadily toward the
circumference of the larger ball. When they had finally come quite close, there
grew out of the two ends of the ball two high, rocky mountains, which soon
opened. But I saw these plants and trees steadily grow and bear to the ends of
the mountains all sorts of flowers of many colors.
These then closed, and turned to buttons; red, yellow, green and white. The
buttons on the mountain to the right were transparent and small, while those
on the one to the left were larger, but not transparent. Rays were shooting
constantly from the uppermost large star, from which more and more trees
and plants grew forth out of each ball. At last there came a voice, which cried
loud and clearly: Praise be to GOD, Who created this Star, which forever
shall be called the Star of Wisdom and the Eternal Light.
in the case of men and animals, however, who have a sensitive life, this has
another significance. When the commingling of man and woman occurs, then
the Astra in the animal or human being rise up, and are so strong that they
master the stars, and the stars again master the Eternal Light (for each
MATERIA attracts the Form to itself). Thus there occurs the introjection of the
stars together with the seed into the MATRICEM. From this comes the
movement, so that the male sperm, as the efficacious part, commingles with
the female part, working within to make a human being or an animal,
according to the form and character that the stars and firmament had at that
time. When this body has been finished, then comes the second introjection,
that is, the astral, material, spiritual and firmamental body with the life.
Now according to the constellation of the stars at that particular time, so the
human being or animal proves to be in sensibility and thought. Through this
the differences in men and animals may be understood, for someone may be a
man in body, but have the disposition of a dog, a wolf or a bear, and some
animals, such as dogs, wolves and bears are more fierce than others of the
species. Thus it is that some pious fathers may have evil sons, or again, that
an evil father may have a pious son.
With this the Physiognomists are refuted, who wish to judge the nature of a
man from his face and the form of his organs, for one man may not be like
another, and yet they both have the same thoughts. For it commonly or most
frequently happens that the second introjection of the stars with the soul or
life into the ANIMALIA is not comparable to or is not of the same kind as the
first. Thus some men may appear sad or wrathful and have a course face, yet
are friendly and humble in their hearts. And again, the same thing may occur
with animals, as when at times the eyes or another subtle organ like the
tongue may make their disposition manifest. Therefore it is not possible from
this alone sufficiently to recognize a man, though many wickedly dare to
attempt it; for the same man is different in one place than another, and is
more fierce or friendly at one time than at another. This is so because he is
under another star and because of the type of land that he is in. For when the
stars and the type of land correspond to his nature, then his disposition and
the impression given to him by the heaven is strengthened; but if they are in
conflict, then his disposition is distorted and repulsive and at times his body
may also be afflicted. Thus one sees how the stars rule men and are either
furthering or impeding to his aims. But this is said only of bestial men, who
do only want the stars wish.