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Science as Culture
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Claire Marris
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Department of Social Science, Health & Medicine, Kings College London, London, WC2R 2LS,
Scientific institutions and innovation-focused government bodies have identified
public attitudes to synthetic biology as an obstruction to the field. This view is
based on a perception that the public is (or will likely become) fearful of synthetic
biology and that a public scare would impede development of the field. Fear of the
publics fear of synthetic biology, which I characterise as synbiophobia-phobia,
has been the driving force behind the promotion of public engagement and other
activities to address ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI). These activities
have been problematic in two ways. Firstly, they are based on the discredited
deficit-model understanding of public responses to science, in which negative
public attitudes towards science are thought to result from a lack of scientific knowledge. Secondly, they have taken for granted sociotechnical expectations put forward
by scientific institutions. These promises of the field, and the tacit normative commitments embedded within them, have not been opened up to public appraisal.
In these ways, synthetic biology exemplifies many phenomena described by
Welsh and Wynne (2013). This article analyses the ontological stakes in the
work conducted by scientific institutions to conjure up imaginaries of publics
with respect to synthetic biology. As synthetic biology emerges as a field of
hope under threat from publics, how have science, publics and the relations
between them become defined?
Correspondence Address: Department of Social Science, Health & Medicine, Kings College London, Strand,
London WC2R 2LS, UK. Email:
# 2014 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.
C. Marris
The earlier controversy over genetically modified (GM) crops is routinely cited
as an important precedent, and in this context, campaigning NGOs are perceived
as a major threat. This view is illustrated by Volker ter Meulen, Chair of a
working group on synthetic biology for the IAP (the global network of science
Synthetic biology is [. . .] controversial, and that is jeopardizing its promise.
Environmental groups argue that it poses risks to health and the environment
and have called for a global moratorium. We have been here before:
exaggerated fears and uncritical acceptance of claims of the risks of
genetic modification led to excessively cautious regulation and a block on
innovation [. . .] given the precedent of how the issue of genetically
modified crops were handled, many scientists are worried that some
policy-makers will take unsubstantiated concerns of environmental groups
at face value and impose cumbersome and unnecessary rules. (Meulen,
I have routinely encountered such views among scientific and innovation-focused
government institutions, during a five-year immersion in the field of synthetic
biology. Communication and public engagement initiatives are called upon to
ensure that publics understand the potential of synthetic biology to contribute to
societal benefits and that potential risks are not overblown. There is no recognition
that the definition of societal benefits, and the way in which synthetic biology will
contribute to them, might need to be opened up to deliberation. Supporters of
synthetic biology advocate communication and dialogue, but not debate where
people could disagree about what is at stake.
C. Marris
opinion polls and public dialogues; enrolling social scientists into research centres
and projects; and constituting or consulting para-governmental advisory groups. I
refer to these collectively as ELSI-work. Key players include academies of
science and engineering, innovation-focused governmental and inter-governmental bodies (BIS, European Commission and OECD), research funders, pollsters,
think-tanks and bioethics committees.
This article focuses on ELSI-work in the UK, where the phenomena described
have been particularly evident. Some US initiatives are also discussed because
their influence reaches out across the Atlantic. In addition, the iGEM competition
plays an important role in the cosmopolitanisation of synthetic biology, through
the social synthesis of aligning national R&D resources and actors with the
global scientific community (Zhang, 2011). Competing undergraduate student
teams are expected to conduct ELSI-work, so this is another arena where imaginaries of publics are conjured up, and assumptions about the threat posed are shared
and consolidated. This is apparent, for example, in one of last years projects,
entitled gaining acceptance by overcoming fears (iGEM2014 Freiburgh team,
Some social scientists working in the field of synthetic biology seek to distinguish their work from the dominant ELSI-framing described in this article
(Balmer et al., 2012; Rabinow and Bennett, 2012). Some excellent research is
emerging from these scholars (e.g. Sara Aguiton, Andrew Balmer, Kate Bulpin,
Jane Calvert, Luis Campos, Caitlin Cockerton, Emma Frow, Susan MolyneuxHodgson and Sara Tocchetti), but this has had little effect on the way in which
ELSI-work, including the enrolment of social scientists, is understood by scientific
and innovation-focused governmental institutions.
Institutional Reports
The structure of institutional reports on synthetic biology tends to follow a similar
structure. They first assert the promise of the field, then introduce technical aspects
before turning to a fairly standard list of issues: biosecurity (the notion that
people could misuse synthetic biology to create weapons), biosafety (potential
harms caused by the intended or unintended release of organisms from laboratories and factories); and the creation of artificial life forms (with these concerns
typically qualified as moral, ethical or philosophical). Intellectual property is
also sometimes mentioned as a public concern with respect to the creation of monopolies, but more often with respect to the potential for patents to limit the development of the field.
The ELSI sections of these reports typically conclude with the need to identify
and address societal implications. The involvement of social scientists, ethicists
and philosophers, are called upon for this endeavour, alongside early public dialogue (e.g. Royal Academy of Engineering, 2009, p. 9). This structure draws boundaries between the conduct of research and innovation, on the one hand, and
downstream social implications, on the other, and implies that the role of ethics,
social scientists, and public engagement is relevant only to the latter. Moreover,
the matter-of-fact tone used to state the promises of the field excludes them from
social appraisal and denies the normative commitments embedded within them.
US Opinion Polls
In institutional reports, public concerns are defined by experts (including social
scientist and ethicists). Two other mechanisms have been used to elicit public
opinions more directly: opinion polls and focus groups. In the USA, the Wilson
Center commissioned Hart Research Associates to conduct a survey that was
repeated in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2013. The survey design and interpretation of
the results reveal a preoccupation with the supposed role of scientific information
in shaping public opinion.
Thus, particular attention is paid to comparing the initial unaided view and
the informed view of the risks and benefits of synthetic biology, collected
before and after providing respondents with a short definition of the field and
examples of potential applications, risks and benefits (see Figure 1). The
Figure 1. An eternally surprising result from surveys on public attitudes to science: more scientific
information does not simplistically lead to more positive attitudes. Source: Hart Research Associates
C. Marris
expectation is that the informed view will be more positive. Providing the
public with knowledge of the science is seen as being important now before
it is framed by misimpressions, misinformation, or scepticism (Hart Research
Associates, 2008, p. 2).
This belief endures even though decades of opinion polls have systematically
failed to demonstrate a linear correlation between scientific knowledge and
public attitudes, and reveal instead ambiguous relationships between these dimensions (e.g. Evans and Durant, 1995). The Hart Research Associates survey further
confirmed these results: fewer respondents were prepared to say that they had no
opinion when they were asked to appraise the risks and benefits of synthetic
biology a second time, and the sample shifted slightly towards more negative
appraisals. Similar results have been systematically reproduced in surveys on
public attitudes to science, but appear to be perpetually surprising among scientific
and governmental institutions. When this result was repeated, and became stronger, in the third wave of the Hart Associates survey, the informed views were relabelled post-information views.
The survey also asked respondents whether they believe synthetic biology
should move forward, but more research must be done to study its possible
effects on humans and the environment or A ban should be placed on synthetic
biology research until we better understand its implications and risks. The question does not allow for ambiguity: respondents are expected to either support or
oppose the field. But as the 2013 report explains, a majority of adults support continuing synthetic biology research, 61% said move forward and 34% said ban,
despite the fact that there had expressed concerns in their previous answers (Hart
Research Associates, 2013, p. 2). This result is interpreted as being surprising or
inconsistent: How can respondents express concerns and still support the field?
Yet qualitative research has routinely revealed such ambivalence and explained
how it can be interpreted as well-informed and rational (Marks, 2009). Overall, the
Hart Research Associates survey defines public concerns according to the expectations of scientific institutions and then seeks to measure those concerns. It also
predefines the kind of information that is supposed to be most relevant for people
to form an evidence-based opinion without allowing publics to voice concerns that
might be framed differently or to consider other kinds of information.
UK Dialogue
In the UK, scientific institutions avoided using opinion polls, in part because the
framing problems discussed above have been acknowledged to some extent.
Instead a Dialogue, commissioned by the Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and EPSRC, was conducted in 2010 by
the market research company TNS-BMRB. Focus groups were conducted with
129 people recruited to reflect a wide cross-section of the public. These were
reconvened three times, for a total of 14 hours, and the discussions were structured
using insights from interviews with stakeholders. Compared to surveys, the qualitative methods used provide participants with more opportunity to challenge framings imposed by researchers, and the in-depth analysis in the report produced by
TNS-BMRB revealed the same kinds of ambivalent and nuanced responses to
science typically found through such research (Bhattachary et al., 2010).
Interactive voting sessions were, however, also conducted to track the publics
opinions over the day (TNS-BMRB, 2010, p. 9). Respondents were asked to say
whether different categories of applications (medical, energy, bioremediation and
food/crop) were morally acceptable, a risk to the environment, useful for
society, and whether these applications should be encouraged or are not how
we should approach the problem. The same questions were asked at the beginning
and end of the day, and participants could view the results instantly on a screen.
This gave both the members of the public and the scientific experts present the
impression that quantitatively measuring responses to these questions, and
identifying any shift in opinions after deliberation, was a key feature of the
This interpretation was further consolidated when histograms presenting the
results of these votes were included in the Dialogue report. Thus, among scientific
and governmental institutions, the Dialogue was largely understood as an exercise
to survey public attitudes, an impression also conveyed by the headline of the
press release announcing the results: A major new public dialogue activity on
the publics views and attitudes on synthetic biology has revealed that most
people are supportive of the research but with conditions on how and why it is conducted (BBSRC, 2010).
Results from the Dialogue were reported as representing conditional support,
but the conditionality expressed by members of the public was misinterpreted
as a desire for more robust risk regulation and for consideration of wider
implications, understood as downstream moral and ethical issues, separate
from scientific aspects. Other kinds of public concerns revealed by the Dialogue
were less well apprehended. These were well summarised in Bhattachary
et al.s report as five central questions that emerged from the focus group
discussions: What is the purpose? Why do you want to do it? What are you
going to gain from it? What else is it going to do? How do you know you
are right? Like previous research on public responses to emerging technologies, these questions reveal that public concerns tend to focus on the
process of research, rather than the products: Who sets the agenda? How?
On what basis?
These results have, however, been construed as a request for individual scientists to demonstrate their laudable and non-profit-seeking intentions, and this has
led to further pressure for researchers to imagine and highlight potential applications with seemingly obvious grand societal benefits when communicating
with their funders or the public. This interpretation of the Dialogue results has
C. Marris
Figure 2. When Evolva, a company that says it is using synthetic biology to produce vanillin, faced
public controversy, it published a video that conjured up their imagined public. Source: Eve
explains fermentation, video published by Evolva on 28/08/2014. Available at http://youtube/
C. Marris
C. Marris
new products, processes and services that can bring clear public benefits
including, but not limited to, employment, improved quality of life and
economic growth
solutions to compelling problems that are more effective, safer and/or
cheaper than existing (or alternative) solutions. (UK Synthetic Biology
Roadmap Coordination Group, 2012, p. 19)
However, in the final layout of the report, a prominent Public acceptability subheading was inserted on this page. In the Executive Summary, the theme of this
chapter was summarised as the need for awareness, training and adherence to
regulatory frameworks. And in the short version of the recommendations, the
only mention of responsibility was with respect to the need to Invest to accelerate technology responsibly to market.
In these ways, our contribution was essentially erased. I have on several
occasions heard the report represented as having concluded that public acceptability is a key obstacle for the delivery of the promise of synthetic biology and that
this is the reason why it is necessary to address ethical and societal issues, conduct
public engagement and/or implement responsible innovation. This understanding of what is at stake endures, despite the fact that the text that follows the
Public acceptability subheading explicitly sought to challenge it.
Analysing debates in the field of nanotechnology in the period 200005, Rip
described how the GM case contributed to a nanophobia-phobiathe phobia
that there is a public phobia:
. . . . there is not only an exaggerated interpretation of public concernsseen
as an indication of fear, even phobia of the new technology. Such concerns
and fears are also projected onto the public, even when there are no grounds.
In other words, a folk theory about public reactions resurfaces again and
againeven though the limited data available indicate appreciation of the
new nano-ventures rather than concern. Thus, the concern of nanoscientists
and technologists about public concerns (painted as a phobia about nano)
drives their views, rather than actual data about public views. (Rip, 2006,
p. 358)
Evidence presented in this article reveals that synthetic biologists and policy
actors who support them exhibit a similar fear of public fear. This synbiophobia-phobia has been the driving force behind ELSI-work and has influenced its
conduct. Avoiding a repeat of what happened with GM is routinely mentioned
as a key objective, and during these discussions, the shared assumption is that controversy is necessarily a bad thing.
C. Marris
This work was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council under grants EP/G036004/1 and EP/J02175X/1.
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