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1 Introduction To Research

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Chapter 1

Research : A way of thinking

Research is undertaken within most professions. More than a set of
skills, research is a way of thinking: examining critically the
various aspects of your day-to-day professional work;
understanding and formulating guiding principles that govern a
particular procedure; and developing and testing new theories for
the enhancement of your practice. It is a habit of questioning what
you do, and a systematic examination of the observed information
to find answers, with a view to instituting appropriate changes for a
more effective professional service.

What is research?

o Research is systematic, because it follows certain steps that are

logical in order. These steps are:
o Understanding the nature of problem to be studied and
identifying the related area of knowledge.
o Reviewing literature to understand how others have
approached or dealt with the problem.
o Collecting data in an organized and controlled manner so as to
arrive at valid decisions.
o Analyzing data appropriate to the problem.
o Drawing conclusions and making generalizations.

High quality research

o It is based on the work of others.

o It can be replicated (duplicated).
o It is generalizable to other settings.
o It is based on some logical rationale and tied to theory.
o It is doable!
o It generates new questions or is cyclical in nature.
o It is incremental.
o It is apolitical activity that should be undertaken for the
betterment of society.

Bad research

o The opposites of what have been discussed.

o Looking for something when it simply is not to be found.
o Plagiarizing other peoples work.
o Falsifying data to prove a point.
o Misrepresenting information and misleading participants.

Flowchart to do research

Why we do research?

o To get PhDs, Masters and Bachelors??

o To provide solutions to complex problems
o To investigate laws of nature
o To make new discoveries
o To develop new products
o To improve our life
o To save costs
o Human desires

Application of research

Very little research in the field is pure in nature. That is, very few
people do research in research methodology per se. most research
is applied research, which has wide application in many disciplines.

Definition of research
Research is one of the ways to find answers to your questions. As beginners in research you should
understand that research is not all technical, complex, statistics and computers. It can be very simple
activity designed to provide answers to very simple questions relating to day-to-day activities.
On the other hand, research procedures can also be employed to formulate intricate theories or laws
that govern our lives. The difference between research and non-research activity is, as mentioned, in
the way we find answers: the process must meet certain requirements to be called research.
The word research is composed of two syllables re and search. The dictionary defines the former as a
prefix meaning again, anew or over again. And the latter as a verb meaning to examine closely and
carefully, to test, to try, or to probe. Together they form a noun describing a careful, systematic,
patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts or
principles. Research also a structured inquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve
problems and creates new knowledge that is generally applicable (Grinnell, 1993:4)
Research is a systematic investigation to find answers to a problem (Burns, 1994:2)
Scientific research is a systematic, controlled empirical and critical investigation of propositions
about the presumed relationship about various phenomena (Kerlinger, 1986:10)

Characteristic of research
From the definitions it is clear that research is a process for
collecting, analyzing and interpreting to answer questions. But to
qualify a research, the process must have certain characteristic. It
must, as far as possible, be controlled, rigorous, systematic, valid
and verifiable, empirical and critical.
1.Controlled : The concept of control implies that, in exploring
causality in relation of two variables, you set up your study in a
way that minimizes the effects of other factors affecting the
relationship. This can be achieved to al large extent in the
physical sciences, as most of the research is done in a

2.Rigorous : You must be scrupulous in ensuring that the

procedures followed to find answers to questions are relevant,
appropriate and justified.
3.Systematic : This implies that the procedures adopted to
undertake an investigation follow a certain logical sequence.
The different steps cannot be taken in a haphazard way. Some
procedure must follow others.
4.Valid and verifiable : This concept implies that whatever you
conclude on the basis of your findings is correct and can be
verified by you and others.

5.Empirical : This means that any conclusions drawn are based

upon hard evidence gathered from information collected from
real-life experiences or observations.
6.Critical : Critical scrutiny of the procedures used and the
methods employed is crucial to a research inquiry. The process
of investigation must be foolproof and free from any
drawbacks. The process adopted and the procedures used must
be able to withstand critical scrutiny.

For a process to be called research, it is imperative that it has the

above characteristic.

Classifying research

o Reviewing related past research studies is an important step in

the process of carrying out research as it helps in problem
formulation, hypothesis construction and selection of
appropriate research designs.
o It is beneficial if you can classify a research study under a
specific category because each category or type of research
uses a specific set of procedures.

There are many ways of classifying research.

Classify research on the basis of its purpose

Classify research on the basis of the method employed in research.

Classify research on its physical method

Historical research
o The purpose of historical research is to arrive at conclusions
concerning trends, causes or effects of past occurrences.
o This may help in explaining present events and anticipating
future events.
o The data are not gathered by administering instruments to
individuals ,but rather, they are collected from original
documents or by interviewing the eye-witnesses (primary
source of information).
o In case primary sources are not available, data are collected
from those other than eye-witnesses (secondary sources).
o The data thus collected are subjected to scientific analysis to
assess its authenticity and accuracy.

Descriptive research
o Descriptive research studies deal with collecting data and
testing hypotheses or answering questions concerning the
current status of the subject of study.
o It deals with the question WHAT IS of a situation.
o It concerns with determining the current practices, status or
features of situations.
o Another aspect of descriptive research is that data collection is
either done through asking questions from individuals in the
situation (through questionnaires or interviews) or by

Correlation studies
o Descriptive and historical research provide a picture of events
that are currently happening or have occurred in the past.
o Researchers often want to go beyond mere description and
begin discussing the relationship that certain events might have
to one another.
o The most likely type of research to answer the relationship
among variables or events is called correlational research.
o A correlation study aims at determining the degree of
relationship between two or more quantifiable variables.
o Secondly, the relationship thus determined could be used for
making predictions.
o A high value of relationship, however, does not signify a cause
and effect relationship which must be verified through and
experimental study.

o Correlational research are studies that are often conducted to

test the reliability and predictive validity of instruments used
for division making concerning selection of individuals for the
likely success in a course of study or a specific job.
o Some authors consider this research as a type of descriptive
research, since it describes the current conditions in a situation.
o However, the difference lies in the nature of conditions studies.
o A correlational study describes in quantitative terms the degree
to which the variables are related.

Ex-post facto studies

o There is some research where both the effect and the alleged
cause have already occurred and are studied by theresearcher in
o Such research is referred to as EX-POST FACTO (afterthe
o Kerlinger (1973) defines Ex-post Facto research as :
Systematic empirical inquiry in which the scientist does not
have direct control of independent variables because their
manifestations have already occurred or because they are
inherently not manipulable.
o Thus, in ex-post facto research or causal-comparative research
the researcher has no control on the variables or he cannot
manipulate the variables (independent variables) which cause a
certain effect (dependent variables) being measured.

o Since this type of a study lacks manipulation of variables, the

cause-effect relationship measured are only tentative.
o Some authors categorize Ex-post facto studies into the category
of descriptive research.
o Though it too describes conditions that exist in a situation, it
attempts to determine reasons or causes for the current status of
the phenomena under study.
o The procedures involved in this study are quite different than
those in descriptive research.

Experimental research
o We already know that correlational research can help establish
the presence of a relationship among variables but not give us
any reason to believe that variables are causally related to one
o How does one find out if the characteristics or behaviors or
events are related in such a way that the relationship is a causal
o Two types of research can answer this: (1) quasi-experimental
research and (2) experimental research.
o Experimental research is where participants are assigned to
groups based on some selected criterion often called treatment

o Quasi-experimental research is where participants are

preassigned to groups based on some characteristic or quality
such as differences in sex, race, age, neighborhood, etc.
o These group assignments have already taken place before the
experiment begins, and the researcher has no control as to what
the people will belong to each group
o The primary characteristic of experimental research is
manipulation of at least one variables and control over the
other relevant variables so as to measure its effect on one or
more dependent variables.
o The variables (s) which is manipulated is also called an
independent variables, a treatment, an experimental variables
or the cause.
o Some of the examples of an independent variables could be:
temperature, pressure, chemical concentration, type of material
and conductivity.

Applied research vs Basic research

o The most basic distinction between the two research is that
basic research is research that has no immediate application,
whereas applied research is research that does.
o However, such distinctions are somewhat ambiguous as almost
all basic research eventually results in some worthwhile
application in the long range.

Steps in conducting research

Selecting and Defining a Problem

This marks the beginning of a research study and is the most
difficult and important step. This involves :
o Identifying and stating the problem in specific terms;
o Identifying the variables in the problem situation and defining
them adequately; generating tentative guesses (hypotheses)
about the relation of the variables or in other words the solution
of the problem, or writing explicitly the questions (research
questions) for which answers are sought; and evaluating the
problem for its research ability.
o All this is not done in a vacuum.
o To achieve this, you review the literature related to the problem
to know what other researchers have done and discovered and
to identify the possible methodology for
o conducting the research.

Describing Methodology of Research

o You need to state the purpose of the study and to define the
problem clearly. This guides you in deciding the methodology
of research which involves :
o Identifying the method of research;
o Specifying the subjects of study (e.g. heat flow problem, etc.);
o Selecting an adequate representative sample of subjects;
o Selecting/constructing valid and reliable instruments for
measuring the variables in the problem;
o Selecting a research design and describing the procedure to be

Collecting Data
o This step involves conducting the study as per the designed
procedure (manipulating the experimental variables in the case
of an experimental method), administering instruments for
measuring variables and/or gathering information through
o It also involves tabulating the data thus collected for the
purpose of analysis.

Analysing and Interpreting Results

o The results of the study are generated at this stage.
o The data are summarized, in other words analysed to provide
information for testing the hypotheses.
o Appropriate statistical methods of analysis are used to test the
o You can perform the analysis manually, by using a hand
calculator or a computer as per the demands of the problem,
and the available facilities.
o After completing the analysis results are tied together or

o The results are interpreted in the light of the hypotheses and/or

the research problem.
o These are then discussed in relation to : the existing body of
knowledge, consistencies and inconsistencies with the results
of other research studies, and then the conclusions are drawn.
o This is followed by writing the research report.


Research Methodology Slides from Prof. Dr. Marzuki Khalid,


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