nm72C 1500 GB
nm72C 1500 GB
nm72C 1500 GB
50 Hz
Proven concept
Robust design
Excellent grid compatibility
[ M a x i m u m
c a p a c i t y
The NM72C/1500 meets the growing worldwide need for a MW-sized wind turbine to
maximise capacity of projects in areas of
limited space. The NM72C/1500 combines
the compact size of its predecessor the
NM64C/1500, with the ACTIVE-STALL rotor
from the larger NM72/2000. In this way the
NM72C/1500 has a firm pedigree from its
As with all NEG Micon turbines, the
NM72C/1500 is designed and tested according to Technical Criteria for the Danish
Approval Scheme for Wind Turbines
probably the most stringent approval requirements in the world!
a t
l i m i t e d
s p a c e ]
provider of flexible power control
To ensure control of power output and structural loads, the blade is designed to stall at
wind speeds exceeding the stall level. As a
feature for optimising power output, the
hydraulic ACTIVE-STALL system starts operating just below rated wind speed by
pitching the blades. The power output is optimised and the output of 1500 kW is maintained throughout the operating wind speed
range. The control system automatically adjusts for variations in air density and pitches to
minimise the effects of any contamination on
the blades.
The ACTIVE-STALL system enables the turbine to start up efficiently in low wind speeds,
connect smoothly to the grid in high-wind
start-ups, and to shut down safely and speedily when conditions demand.
Structural loads are further reduced by use of
blade and tower dampers so that good performance and design life is maintained even
at turbulent sites.
Technical data
Operational data
Nominal output
Power regulation
Nominal wind speed
Rotor diameter
Swept area
Number of blades
Rotor speed
Rotor orientation
1500 kW
15 m/s
4 m/s
25 m/s
72 m
4072 m2
17.3 rpm
Cut-in system
Phase compensation
Remote control
Lightning protection
According to standard IEC 1024-1
Receptor in the blade tips
Air rod
Power curve
Brake system
Blade pitch adjustment
Disc brake
Hydraulic, fail-safe
1 pcs. hydraulic, fail-safe
Drive train
Gear type
Transmission ratio
Main shaft
Main bearing
Planetary/spur gears
Forged shaft and flange
Spherical roller bearing
Oil cooler with pump
Nominal voltage
Nominal frequency
Nominal output
Yaw system
Yaw brake
Drive mechanism
Hub height
Please note that the power curve has been noted at standard
atmospheric density according to DIN ISO 2533.
Please note that the rotor and the hub heights have been
approved for specific markets and wind classes please call for
further information.
NEG Micon A/S reserves the right to change specifications and
to use components of
alternative manufacture
without prior notice.
Alternative components will
be of the same high quality
and standard as in this
Our aim is to become the preferred professional partner when it comes to investments
in the reliable and efficient production of
wind energy.
DK-8900 Randers
Tel.: +45 8710 5000
Fax: +45 8710 5001
E-mail: mail@neg-micon.dk
w w w . n e g - m i c o n . c o m
[ Va l u e c r e a t i o n ]