A. What is VHDL?
VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a hardware
description language used in electronic design automation to
describe digital and mixed-signal systems such as field-programmable
gate arrays and integrated circuits. VHDL can also be used as a general
purpose parallel programming language.
VHDL is a programming language that has been designed and
optimized for describing the behavior of digital systems. VHDL has many
features appropriate for describing the behavior of electronic
components ranging from simple logic gates to complete
microprocessors and custom chips. Features of VHDL allow electrical
aspects of circuit behavior (such as rise and fall times of signals, delays
through gates, and functional operation) to be precisely described. The
resulting VHDL simulation models can then be used as building blocks in
larger circuits (using schematics, block diagrams or system-level VHDL
descriptions) for the purpose of simulation. VHDL is also a generalpurpose programming language: just as high-level programming
languages allow complex design concepts to be expressed as computer
programs, VHDL allows the behavior of complex electronic circuits to be
captured into a design system for automatic circuit synthesis or for
system simulation. Like Pascal, C and C++, VHDL includes features
useful for structured design techniques, and offers a rich set of control
and data representation features. Unlike these other programming
languages, VHDL provides features allowing concurrent events to be
described. This is important because the hardware described using
VHDL is inherently concurrent in its operation. One of the most
important applications of VHDL is to capture the performance
specification for a circuit, in the form of what is commonly referred to as
a test bench. Test benches are VHDL descriptions of circuit stimuli and
corresponding expected outputs that verify the behavior of a circuit over
time. Test benches should be an integral part of any VHDL project and
should be created in tandem with other descriptions of the circuit.
B. Advantage of using VHDL
The key advantage of VHDL, when used for systems design, is that
it allows the behavior of the required system to be described (modeled)
and verified (simulated) before synthesis tools translate the design into
real hardware (gates and wires).
with both design and verification. Design tools from electronic-designautomation (EDA) companies can combine VHDL and Verilog to suit all
types of engineering requirements.