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A Practical Guide To The 1999 Red & Yellow Books, Clause8-Commencement, Delays & Suspension

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FIDIC users' guide: A practicnl guide to the 1999

Red nnd Yellow Books

work in advance of the programme should be agreed with the Engineer.

Any such advance working might also be highlighted in the monthly
progress report.
The Contractor is required to give notice to the Engineer of any events
or circumstances that may adversely affect the work, increase the
Contract Price or delay the execution of the Works. This requirement
for a notice from the Contractor covers virtually anything that has an
adverse effect on the activities of the Contractor and not just matters
that affect the programme or for which the Contractor intends to
submit a claim. It is in addition to the requirement for claims notices
under Sub-Clause 20.1 although a delay or price situation will frequently
result in notices under both clauses. The Sub-Clause 8.3 notice must be
given 'promptly', which is much quicker than the 'not later than 28
days' requirement for the Sub-Clause 20.1 notice. Flowever, this notice
appears to serve the same purpose as the potential delay notices under
other Clauses, such as the delayed drawing or instruction notice under
Sub-Clause 1.9 (RB).
The Sub-Clause 8.3 notice is

in effect an 'early warning notice' and

gives the Engineer the opportunity to take action to overcome the

problem before the Contractor incurs delay or additional cost. There is

no requirement for the Contractor to meet with the Engineer to discuss
the problems and possible solutions, but the Sub-Clause does enable
the Engineer to require the Contractor to submit estimates and proposals.
For good management the Engineer would normally meet with the
Contractor to discuss the potential problem and the best way to overcome
the problem.


Exlension of Time for Completion

The Controctor sholl be entitled subiect to Sub-Clouse 20.1 [Conlroclor's

C/oims] to on extension of the Time for Completion if ond to the extent

thot completion for the purposes of Sub-Clouse l0.l [Toking Over of

lhe Works ond Seclions] is or will be deloyed by ony of the following


o Voriolion (unless on odiustment to the Time for Completon hos been

ogreed under Sub-Clouse 13.3 [Voriolion Procedure]) or oiher

substontiol chonge n the quontity of on item of work included in the


(b) o couse of deloy



giving on enlitlement to exlension of time under o

Sub-Clouse of these Condilions;

exceptionolly odverse climotic conditions;

Unforeseeoble shoroges in the ovoilobility of personnel or Goods

coused by epidemic or governmentol octions; or

Clnuse 8: Conu'nencement, Delnys and Suspension




ony deloy, impediment or prevention coused by or oltributoble to

the Employer, the Employer's Personnel, or the Employer's other
controctors on the Sile.

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I extent

lf the Controctor considers himself to be eniitled to on extension of the

Time for Completion, the Controctor sholl give notice to the Engineer in
occordonce with Sub-Clouse


[Coniroclor's C/oims]. When deter-

mining eoch extension of time under Sub-Cfquse 20. , the Engineer sholl
review previous determinotions ond moy increose, but sholl not decreose,
fhe totol extension of time.

In the Yellow Book the reference to a 'change in the quantity' in

paragraph (a) is not relevant and has been omitted. Sub-Clause 8.4 lists
the situations which may entitle the contractor to an extension of the
Time for Completion. It is not sufficient for the event to cause delay or
disruption to the Contractor's work; the Contractor must demonstrate
that it will actually delay completion under Sub-Clause 10.1. The
Contractor must comply with the notice and other requirements of
Sub-Clause 20.1, which means that the Engineer will then follow the
procedures of Sub-Clause 3.5 in order to determine any extension of
Sub-Clause 3.5 does not give the Engineer a time period for making

this determination although it must not be 'unreasonably withheld or

delayed' under Sub-Clause 1.3. Any determination of an extension of
time should be made quickly in order that the Contractor can revise his
programme to suit any revision to the Date for Completion or can
accelerate to meet the previous Date for Completion. If the determination
is delayed then the Contractor might have a claim for the Costs of an
acceleration which is not then necessary or the additional Costs or
delay caused by the late determination.
Sub-Clause 8.4 only entitles the Contractor to an extension


of time,
which brings relief irom delay damages under Sub-Clause B.T, but
not to additional payment. Where there is an overlap with another
Sub-Clause the Contractor will generally submit his claim under the
Sub-Clause which also allows for additional payment, in addition to the

rs been

relevant paragraph of this Sub-Clause.

The matters listed are as follows.

)ver of

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;nder o



Varations. Clause 13 gives the Engineer the power to issue instructions to vary the Works and the Engineer may ask for a proposal
from the Contractor before issuing the instruction. If the Engineer
has not asked for such a proposal then the Contractor must give
notices promptly under Sub-Clause 8.3 and within 28 days
under Sub-Clause 20.1 1f he considers that the Variation may
delay completion. The Contractor may also claim an extension of

FIDIC users' guide: A practical guide to the 1999 Red nnd Yellow Books

time if there is a substantial change in the quantity of an item of

wor which would presumably occur as a consequence of the


measurement procedure under Clause 12.

Other Sub-Cluses. The other Sub-Clauses which entitle the Contractor to an extension of time are discussed under the relevant



Delayed Drawings or Instructions

Right of Access to the Site
Setting Out
Unforeseeable Physical Conditions


10.3 Interference with Tests on Completion

73.7 Adjustments for Changes in Legislation


1,6.1, Contractor's Entitlement to Suspend Work

77.4 Consequences of Employer's Risks
19.4 Consequences of Force Majeure.
Climatic conditions. To justify an extension of time the Contractor
must demonstrate that the climatic conditions were exceptionally
adverse and actually delayed completion. It will be necessary to
submit records for the normal weather over a period of, say, five
years. The Employer may already have such records and made
them available at Tender stage under Sub-Clause 4.10 or the

Contractor should have obtained all available information under

Sub-Clause 4.10(b). In order to record the actual conditions, it
will be necessary for the Contractor to have the necessary equip-

ment in place from the start of the project, such that rainfall or
other conditions are recorded automatically when they occur,
even though such conditions may occur outside normal working
hours. Claims for climatic conditions will only result in additional
time, but not money, and they are specifically excluded from
the unforeseeable physical conditions situations under Sub-



(c) ren

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Clause 4.12.


of personnel or Goods. The shortage must have been

unforeseeable by an experienced Contractor, as defined at SubClause and caused by epidemic or governmental action.
Governmental action is not restricted to the government of the
Country of the project.







Employer causes.If the Employer causes a delay then the Contrac-

tor, as the other Party to the Contract, should be entitled to

compensation. Part (e) gives an overall right to an extension of
time but many of the events which are covered will also be
covered under Employer's Risks as Sub-Clauses 17.3 and 17.4.
The reference to the Employer's other Contractors on the Site


lf, ,

Clause 8: Commencenrcnt, Delays and Suspension

must be read in conjunction with Sub-Clause 4.6, which refers to

the reimbursement of cost, but not delays.

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of the

By comparison with the extension of time situations at Clause 44 of the

previous FIDIC Contract (the Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil
Engineering Construction, fourth edition, 1987), the wording of paragraph
(c) remains unchanged, paragraphs (a) and (b) have been developed and
clarified, paragraph (d) is new, paragraph (e) has been developed and the
reference to the Employer's other conhactors has been added. The previous
paragraph (e) which referred to 'other special circumstances' has been
omitted. This paragraph was always unpopular with Employers as being
too general and imprecise. It remains to be seen whether Contractors will
be now barred from extensions of time to which they might have been
entitled under the previous Conditions. The provision at Sub-Clause 20.L
for claims'under any Clause of these Conditions or otherwise in connection
with the Contract', together with the development of paragraphs (a) to (e)
and the new provision at Sub-Clause 8.5, should be sufficiently general to
cover any situation for which a Contractor should reasonably be entitled
to an extension.


Deloys Coused by Authorilies

lf the following conditions opply, nomely'



the Controctor hos diligently followed the procedures loid down by

the relevont legolly constituted public outhorities in the Country;
these outhorities deloy or disrupt the Controctor's work; ond
the deloy or disruption wqs Unforeseeoble;

lhen ihis deloy or disruplion will be considered os o couse of deloy under

subporogroph (b) of Sub-Clouse 8.4 [Exlension of Tme for Comp/elion].

This Sub-Clause gives an additional entitlement to the grounds for an

extension of time under Sub-Clause 8.4(b). The Sub-Clause does not
require the Engineer to follow the procedures of Sub-Clause 3.5 in
order to determine the extension but this will be required under the provisions of Sub-Clause 20.1.
The precise meaning of 'legally constituted public authorities in the
Country' under the governing law is a potential source of dispute. The
trend to privatise public bodies may reduce the scope of this Sub-Clause.


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he Site


Rote of Progress

lf, ot ony time:


octuol progress is too slow

lo complete within the Time for Com-

pletion; ond/or

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