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SOW 3D Land Seismic Data Processing PSTM PSDM

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Scope of Service


Company requires Contractor to conduct 3D Land Seismic Data Processing PSTM &
PSDM by 5000 shoot point as describe on the scope of services (hereinafter called


Scope of Service
Contractor shall provide personnel, equipment(hardware and software) to perform the
services, but not limited to the following:

Seismic Data Processing

2.1.1 Company reserves the right to change the processing flow if Company
Representative(s) find the processing results not of expected standard or
quality and feel that a change of flow can improve the quality
2.1.2 Contractor is encouraged to familiarize itself with Company objectives
and Company shall provide all the data, documents / report etc in order to
achieve a quality output of the onshore processing.
2.1.3 The entire Work shall complete as per the Completion Schedule.
Contractor shall submit a detailed schedule with resource loading
(manpower, equipment)
2.1.4 Contractor has to provide the details of the Equipment and Key Personnel
to be deployed for this Contract. Key Personnel, once accepted by
Company, shall not be removed from processing team or substituted
without the prior written permission of Company. Further, no equipment
substitution shall be made without prior approval of Company.
2.1.5 After completion of Work, the Contractor shall retain the input cartridges
and other data / technical information provided by Company for 180 days
and then arranges to return within 10 days thereafter the original data
cartridges along with other data / technical information collected from
Company. All Outputs shall be delivered to Company. Contractor shall be
responsible for the safe delivery of all the input data furnished by
Company and all the outputs generated during processing of the 3D
Seismic Data by the Contractor


Processing Centre
Contractors Processing Centre must be equipped with all the necessary
personnel and hardware/software requirements for the successful execution of
the Contract. Contractor shall propose the Processing Centre and the details of
the equipment and personnel respectively. Processing Centre and Key
personnel, once accepted by Company, shall not be changed without the prior
written permission of Company.

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Input & Output data storage

The input data will be in standard SEG Y, multiplexing formats on DVD/USB. The
DVD/USB will be made available at Company Office Jakarta.
Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to or loss of field cartridges and
until such time as the field data (DVD/USB) are delivered to Companys premises
after processing.
If any or all of the field data (DVD/USB) are lost or damaged while in the
possession of Contractor or Contractors agent and if such loss will prevent
completion of the computer processing of any or all of the data, Contractor shall
reimburse Company for all the monetary expenses involved in obtaining
replacement copies of the data, excluding costs associated with data acquisition.
Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to or loss of the Outputs, while
such Outputs are in the possession of Contractor in the Processing Centre, in
transit between Contractors Processing Centre or in transit to Companys
premises after Work is completed. Contractor, in discharge of any liability
incurred by it hereunder, shall reprocess such damaged or lost cartridges at no
cost to Company.
Contractor shall source the output Hard Disks/DVDs from the reputed
manufacturer (IBM, Imation 3M, GM) with manufacturers warranty for the
cartridges guaranteeing a minimum useful life of 7 years, calculated from the date
of first use by Contractor for its work, provided the cartridges are stored properly
as per manufacturers recommendations.




Objective of the Seismic Data Processing

Objective of seismic data processing is to generate the most accurate subsurface
seismic images of the area to Identify and map structural and stratigraphic
prospects with good temporal and spatial resolution. Zone of interest is Miocene
section along with Kujung 500 m 3000m depth.
The area comprises of complex surface and subsurface geological conditions
such as faulting and folding. Special attention needs to be paid on the processing
flow to generate seismic sections of highest quality for accurate structural and
stat graphic interpretation.

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Proposed 3D Processing Sequence

All necessary testing to determine optimum processing parameters consistent
with Good International Geophysical Industry practice will be performed prior to
commencement of production processing. The final processing parameters will
be decided upon with the approval of Companys representative.
PSTM should follow this step:

Format Conversion
Following QC checks are minimum QC requirements:
Shot record to be displayed to check for noisy/anomalous
amplitude traces for AUTO/INTERACTIVE EDITING
Display S/N ratio, RMS amplitude, in the zone of interest specified


3D Geometry Merging with Seismic Data

Following QC checks are minimum requirements:
Source-receiver distance printout
Near-offset trace location verification using near offset arrival time


Trace Editing
Editing of bad records, noisy/reversed traces, high amplitude noise
Following QC checks are minimum requirements:
Shot gather display before and after the editing (auto/interactive as


Spherical Divergence Correction

Following QC checks are minimum requirements:
Shot gather display
Near trace gather display


In shot or receive domain.


First Arrival Picking and Additional Geometry QC


Calculation of Weathering from First Arrivals (if effective)


3D Refraction Statics Surface Consistent / User Defined


Coherent Noise Reduction

3.2.10 3D Surface Consistent Deconvolution

Types of algorithm (Surface Consistent deconvolution, gap, spike,
multi-channel and surface consistent) as well as deaconparameters
(operator length, prediction distance, time window, pre-whitening) will
be tested
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Following QC checks to be performed:

Generation of test panels with different de-convolution parameters
Auto Correlalogram (suitably appended to test panels) and power
spectrum generation before and after de-convolution.
Shot displays/Stack Displays
3.2.11 3D Surface Consistent Amplitude Correction (if effective)
3.2.12 3D Velocity Analysis - 1st Pass
At every 1.00 Km performed at floating datum
Following QC checks to be performed:
NMO corrected gathers and coherency plot
Initial stack
3.2.13 3D Residual Statics 1st pass
Surface consistent residual statics calculation using Maximum Power
Auto Statics Module
3.2.14 3D Velocity Analysis 2nd pass
At 0.5 Km interval
3.2.15 3d Residual Statics - 2nd pass

3.2.16 High Resolution Radon Multiples Attenuation

Radon or any other suitable filter algorithm method.
3.2.17 3D regularization & 3D Interpolation
The process should be intelligent with Bin Centering and should have
spectra leakage issues taken care of
3.2.18 Pre-Stack Migration Velocity Analysis
At every 0.5 km
3.2.19 3D Pre-Stack Time Migration
Kirchhoff Pre-STM (with 0.5 km velocity field and suitable (after
testing) half aperture).
3.2.20 Post Migration Velocity Analysis
At 0.5 km (Automated fourth or higher order velocity analysis)
3.2.21 High Resolution Radon De-multiple
3.2.22 Final NMO, Mute Stacks
3.2.23 Post Stack
3.2.24 3D FXY Random Noise Attenuation

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3.2.25 Time Variant Filter

3.2.26 Time variant Scaling
PSDM should follow this step:

Gathers output of sequence number 3.2.18 above was going to PSDM

process with flows as shown below:

Data loading and QC (gather velocity interpretation)

Initial Velocity model take from final PSTM velocity
Loading Horizon interpretation to the seismic data (Client will provide
the horizon Interpretation)


Build Initial Velocity Model for Tomography

We extract RMS velocity of step 3.2.20. Then convert this velocity into
interval velocity in depth domain. The 1st iteration of tomography will
be based on this initial model. Horizons lists provided by Client.

5. First Iteration of Tomography

Picked the residual velocity (of initial velocity model), layer by layer
from the shallow to the deeper part (downward continuation), and
solved the tomography globally. Output of this tomography inversion
will be the 1st Updated Velocity Model and will be used as input to the
2nd iteration of tomography
6. Second Iteration of Tomography
Picked the residual velocity (of 1st Updated Velocity Model), layer by
layer from the shallow to the deeper part (downward continuation),
and solved the tomography globally. Output of this tomography
inversion will be the 2nd Updated Velocity Model and will be used as
input to the 3rd iteration of tomography.
7. Third Iteration of Tomography
Picked the residual velocity (of 2nd Updated Velocity Model), layer by
layer from the shallow to the deeper part (downward continuation),
and solved the tomography globally. Output of this tomography
inversion should be the final Velocity Model to run Pre Stack Depth
(Iteration will be done until have got good result)
8. Pre-Stack Depth Migration
9. PSDM Stack

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This processing sequence parameter should be applied to new vintages

Transform datum spheroid Bessel 1841 or WGS 84

Interpolation to the hole Area


All deliverables mentioned herein shall be submitted to Company in Hard Copy
and External HardDisks/DVDs within 90 days from the Effective Date of the

PSTM Gather in SEGY Format

Final Pre Stack Time Migration (Raw & Filter-Scaling) in SEGY format

RMS Velocity in Ascii Format

PSDM Velocity Model in ASCII and SEGY Format

PSDM Gather in SEGY Format

PSDM Stack (Raw & Filter-scaling) in SEGY Format

Final Report (Hard and Soft copy)

All final products (External Hard-Disks / DVDs) must conform to the highest
industry standards.
Five (3) hard copies and five (3) soft copies of complete detailed processing
report are to be submitted by Contractor which must include appropriate
summary describing the effectiveness of processing and different testing and QC
steps in enhancing the seismic data quality during the course of the processing
keeping in view the geological objectives of the project.


Weekly Processing Status Format


Project status, lines completed, average throughput achieved so far.

Matrix representation of main processing steps and line numbers with an
indication of steps completed in percentage.
Problems encountered and suggested solutions, if any
Data dispatched to Company


Contractor Responsibilites
2.1. Contractor shall ensure that the performance of all Work/Services is in strict
accordance with Scope of Work and Specification, and shall perform all activities
and produce all deliverables to ensure completion of the Work/Services in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
2.2. Contractor shall meet a work/project schedule as agreed by Company. Upon
completion of the Work/Services, Contractors performance will be evaluated
against this agreed project schedule.
2.3. Company shall have the right to set up a Coordination Meeting with the Contractor.
Any control performed by Company as set forth in this Attachment or in any part of
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this contract during performance of the Work/Services shall not prejudice

Companys right to make or not to make final acceptance of each Work/Services
Collection of input cartridges or other data from Company premises and Transport
to Contractors Processing Centre
Test processing of the selected data specified by Company to determine the final
processing sequence with the selected parameters, data processing as per the
technical specifications as given in and agreed processing parameters.
Submission of Outputs along with original input cartridges and other data to
Contractor must provide all test results/and other processing output in work station
for QC by Company Representative at its Processing Centre
Contractor must ensure that different processes applied invariably preserve the
relative amplitudes of the data.
Geophysicists/Representatives. The Company Representative shall actively
participate with Contractors Quality Control supervisor while examining diagnostic
displays and in the choice of processing parameters.
Contractor shall provide the Personnel to perform the Services as defination in
Attachment 1.
Contractor shall provide the equipment to perform the Services as defination in
Attachment 2.
Contractor shall provide facilities to perform this services
Contractor shall comply with all Health Safety and Environmental Company

Project Schedule
Contractor shall perform the work in accordance with Schedule for Works 3,5 month
project calender

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Exhibit B Scope of Service

Attachment 1 Contractor Personnel Requirement

Contractor Personnel Requirement


Contractor shall provide Personnel having qualifications as follows:
Project Leader :
One person and 17 Years Experience in 2D and 3D Land data processing (PSTM & PSDM)
Processing Supervisor Geophysicist
One person and 17 Years Experience in 2D and 3D Land data processing (PSTM & PSDM)
Senior Geophysicist
Two person and 10 Years Experience in 2D and 3D Land data processing (PSTM & PSDM)
Processing Geophysicist
Two person and 5 Years Experience in 2D and 3D Land data processing (PSTM & PSDM)

Junior Geophysicist
Two person and 2 Years Experience in 2D and 3D Land data processing (PSTM & PSDM)

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Contractor Equipment
Contractor shall provide equipment and tools to perform this services as follow:


Minimum hardware requerement is super cluster 500 CPU, Hardisk 100TB,
Workstation minimum 7 and one for client QC, Tape Drive IBM 3590 and IBM 3592
Node Manufacturer
Rack Manufacturer
Number of CPU currently in Jakarta
Processors Speed (megaflops) per node
Excess Rack Space (number of nodes)
Disk Spaces (Tbytes) currently in Jakarta
Percentage level of Back Up (RAID, etc)
Total work Station for Process
Workstation for Client review



Software for this process and will be use for QC too is Geocluster and Geovation for 3D
Land PSTM and Geodepth for 3D PSDM
3D Refraction Statics
Ground Roll Removal
High Resolution radon
3D Surface Consistent
3D Interpolation



Name of Software



Additional Requirement
Contractors should be have CWT processing experience and will use too in this process.

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