Synthetic Seismogram PDF
Synthetic Seismogram PDF
Synthetic Seismogram PDF
he result of one of many forms of forward modeling to predict the seismic response of
the Earth. A more narrow definition used by seismic interpreters is that a synthetic seis-
mogram, commonly called a synthetic, is a direct one-dimensional model of acous-
tic energy traveling through the layers of the Earth. The synthetic seismogram is generated by
convolving the reflectivity derived from digitized acoustic and density logs with the wave-
let derived from seismic data. By comparing marker beds or other correlation points picked on
well logs with major reflections on the seismic section, interpretations of the data can be im-
proved. The quality of the match between a synthetic seismogram depends on well log quality,
seismic data processing quality, and the ability to extract a representative wavelet from seismic
data, among other factors. The acoustic log is generally calibrated with check-shot or vertical
seismic profile (VSP) first-arrival information before combining with the density log to pro-
duce acoustic impedance.
Keywords: check-shot survey, convolution, forward modeling, marker bed, multiple reflec-
tion, one-dimensional seismic data, phase, reflection, reflection coefficient, Ricker wave-
let, seismic modeling, seismic record, seismic section, shotpoint, trace, velocity, vertical seis-
mic profile, cloud-computing platform.