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Ubd Unit Plan: Standards/Frameworks/Ela-9-10-Grade-9-Literature-Composition-Standards PDF

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UbD Unit Plan


The Odyssey: Part 2

Collaborative Web 2.0
Performance Task

Grade Level

9th Grade

English Language Arts

Time Frame

5-6 days

English Language Arts Performance Standards

Georgia Performance Standards: https://www.georgiastandards.org/GeorgiaStandards/Frameworks/ELA-9-10-Grade-9-Literature-Composition-Standards.pdf
ELAGSE9-10RL1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
ELAGSE9-10RL2: Determine a theme and/or central idea of text and analyze in detail its
development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by
specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
ELAGSE9-10RL3: Analyze how complex characters(e.g., those with multiple or conflicting
motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot
or develop the theme
Technology Performance Standards
ISTE formally NETS: https://www.iste.org/standards/standards-for-students
1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative
products and processes using technology.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety
of digital environments and media.
5. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and
practice legal and ethical behavior.
d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

Understandings & Misconceptions

Students will understand:

The plot structure of a passage.

How to create a visual presentation using a web 2.0 tool of their choice.

How to utilize curation tools.

Related Misconceptions:
Visual presentations are simple to create.

Curation tools are overly time consuming.

Teachers must know how to use Web 2.0 in order to allow student usage.
Essential Questions:

Overarching Questions:
How does summarizing a text increase
How does identifying the theme of a
passage increase comprehension?
How do you identify the plot of a
What is the purpose of using curation
Why use technology tools to present

Topical Questions:
How do I summarize a text?
What are the elements of the plot
structure from your passage?
What is the theme from your passage?

How can I effectively create an online

visual practicing good digital citizenship?

Knowledge and Skills

Students will know:

Vocabulary: summarize, theme, plot,

main events, main characters, conflict,
and resolution

Students will be able to:

Recognize themes in a text.

Recognize the main characters in a text.

The process of summarizing a text.

The elements of plot structure.
The purpose of theme in a text.
The purpose of a curated list of

Recognize the main events of the plot in

a text, including problem and solution.
Develop a summary of an assigned text.
Utilize Web 2.0 tools to create visual

Performance Task(s)

The Odyssey
Collaborative Web 2.0 Performance Task
Day 1:
Read the assigned section of The Odyssey
Answer the guided reading questions for that section
Day 2-4:
View the curated lists of resources on my home page
Choose a Web 2.0 presentation tool (Prezi, GoogleSlides, Powtoon, or Thinglink) If you
would like to choose another, see me for approval.
Create a presentation for your assigned section (I would be sure everyone in the group
has the login info just in case someone is absent)
Upload presentation to the Padlet board on my homepage
Requirements for Presentation:

Title of assigned section

Names of all group members
Identification of main characters
Central idea (including conflict and resolution)
Universal theme with explanation of how them may be applicable in todays world

Day 5
Present to class
This is a collaborative assignment. Everyone must participate. You will be graded on final
presentation as well as your participation in the group!!

Other Evidence
(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)

Teacher observations
Comprehension reading questions for assigned passage
Completion of assignment

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

Reflect: Have you included all required criteria for your presentation?

Reflect: Is your presentation visually attractive?

Reflect: How has your opinion changed about visual presentations?

Reflect: How are curation tools beneficial?

Reflect: Have you been an active participant in your group?

Learning Experiences

Pre-requisite Assignment:
Students will be assigned numbers from 1-7. Each number will be assigned to a specific
section of the famous myth The Odyssey (part 2). Students will read their assigned section
and answer the guided reading questions.
Day 1:
1. Class Discussion in Google Classroom: What is conflict and resolution for your
assigned reading? (Students will be able to post their answer to the discussion question, as
well as comment on members from their groups.
2. The teacher and students will explore the list of curated resources (Web 2.0 Tools)
(Appendix A) to help students get ideas of which tool they would like to use. This
curated list will remain on the teacher website for students to refer back to when needed.
Day 2-4: Planning, Designing, and Creating
1. Collaborative groups will begin working together by deciding which Web 2.0
presentation tool and discussing pros/cons of each tool. Groups will begin to
plan/map out their own visual presentation of their assigned reading based on the
information they collected by answering the guided reading questions for their section.

2. Groups will begin creating their presentation. The teacher will monitor the students
and offer assistance as needed. The students will search through the content-focused
resources (Appendix B)as needed to find supporting information for their presentation.
3. Groups will attach their URL link to the Padlet board on the teacher website.
Day 5-6: Delivery of Presentations
1. Students will present their completed visual presentation of their assigned section
to the class. The teacher will grade the students according to the rubric (Appendix
D). (Students will record answers to their guided reading questions based on peer

Appendix A (BlendSpace Technology Tools Resources)

Appendix B (Storify Content-focused Resources)
Appendix C (Grading Rubric)
Collaborative Web 2.0 Performance Task
Grading Rubric
Name: _____________________________________


Group Assignment: ______________

Provides a clear, indepth summary of

section that
includes all
elements of the
Makes excellent
use of font, color,
graphics, and
effects to enhance
the presentation.

Includes a
summary of the
section, lacking
only one critical

Content is minimal
OR there are
several elements of
the plot missing.
Use of font, color,
graphics, and often
distract from the


delivery with
smooth delivery
that holds
audience attention.

Makes use of font,

color, graphics, and
effects but
occasionally these
detract from the
Smooth delivery,
able to maintain
interest of the
audience most of
the time


participation in

participation in


delivery and
audience attention
was lost, needed
teacher prompting
participation in

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