Research Sip
Research Sip
Research Sip
Personal hygiene should be one of the most practiced and observed activity of
every person. Practicing hygiene does not only mean having a clean body. It also
means having enough self-discipline and self-awareness at all times in order to maintain
the orderliness and cleanliness not only of the body but the surroundings from where
activities and different interactions take place as well. By having a good hygiene, you
can stop infection and can also eliminate germs. But in real life, avoiding and eliminating
germs is not that simple.
can actually be avoided if they constantly observe good hygiene but people have certain
traditions and cultures that gives them the wrong idea that since its the basic norm in
their country it is right and should be followed without question. They think that their
usual way of living is fine but they are not aware that it might be the cause of danger..
In daily activities, hands are the ones mostly used since it can be used to control,
hold, and manipulate things, and interact with the surroundings and other people. In the
spread of disease, hands are usually responsible too. Therefore, keeping hands clean
may be of great help to prevent the formation and spread of diseases. Washing hands is
not enough. It is proven that keeping hands wet might spread and multiply germs.
Electric hand driers are also not helpful for the control of germs because researchers
found out that most of the bacteria are just transferred to other surfaces, not totally
removed. Hand sanitizers are one of the best choices if you want to eliminate bacteria
Hand sanitizers were invented as an alternative for water and soap for cleaning
of hands. It is manageable to bring, and very effective. However, some hand sanitizers
were proven to contain substances that can irritate the skin. It is also said that they are
not completely effective. Commercial sanitizers are not always safe and may contain
chemicals not suitable for the skin same as the alcohols people often use that can dry
their skin thus, producing an organic hand sanitizer would be safer for killing germs.
Since the proposed hand sanitizer is made up of organic materials, not only
would it be convenient to make but also it would be safer. The researchers also
considered its effectiveness to kill germs, the people whom this study would be
significant for, its quality, and the possible effect of the said product to the environment.
The study aims to utilize avocado, papaya and aloe vera to produce a hand
sanitizer. The researchers believe that the product of this study will be beneficial and
can be used to reinforce hand cleanliness and hygiene practices among people of all
ages and backgrounds.
Furthermore, the study aims to e beneficial to the following matters and group of
Students. This study could give them a better understanding with regards to the
importance of proper hygiene that will help them avoid common diseases caused y
germs and bacteria such as colds, diarrhea, flu and many more. It would also increase
their knowledge about good sanitation while doing activities at school.
Hospital workers. The study is a great help for those who are working at the
hospitals for they are the ones who have big chance of acquiring germs and bacteria
while dealing with sick people. It would give them a convenient way of proper sanitation
since they are always busy at work. This will lessen the spread of more disease in the
Security personnel. This study could also benefit the security workers since
they are the ones who interact with a lot of people as they perform security checking to
every person along with their personal belongings that could expose them more to
germs and bacteria. The product of this research would give them an accessible way of
disinfecting themselves from these harmful microorganisms especially when they
cannot leave their work.
Culinary workers.The study would be helpful for those who are working at
restaurants, cafes or canteen to maintain themselves germ-free while preparing or
serving foods which is very essential for the safety of a lot of people.
Researchers. This study will add to the information in the field of organic
research. It would also provide the future researchers answers and conclusions in
conducting a study of similar nature.
H0 Avocado, Papaya and Aloe Vera Gel as Components of Hand Sanitizer is
not an effective alternative for commercial hand sanitizer.
Definitions of Terms
Hygiene.Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and
prevent the spread of diseases
Hand Sanitizer. Hand Sanitizer is a supplement or alternative to hand washing with
soap and water. Many preparations are available, including gel, foam, and liquid
Hand Sanitizer.
Avocado.This is all about the origin of the word Avocado and its definition.
The word Avocado comes from a Nahuatl Indian (Aztec) word ahucatl
meaning testicle. It is thought that the reference is either due to the avocados shape or
the fact that it was considered to possess aphrodisiac qualities by the Aztecs. In
Spanish, ahucatl became aguacate and eventually avogato and then avocado.
In English, the fruit was first described as an Avagato pear because of its pear-like
shape. Later it also became known as an alligator pear given the alligator-like
appearance to the skin. Over time, the term Avocado became the common word used to
describe the fruit in English.
Avocados are a very healthy type of fruit. One serving, which equals around 1/5 th
of an avocado, is around 50 calories. It has 60% more potassium than a banana and
also contains vitamins B and C. 3/4 of the fruits calories come from fat. But dont worry,
its monounsaturated fat. This type helps lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein), which is
the kind of cholesterol you dont want a lot of. It also is thought to increase HDL (highdensity lipoprotein), which is the kind of cholesterol you do want. Avocados also contain
a high percentage of fiber which helps us all remain regular in our bowel movements!
Papaya. This is all about the origin of the word Papaya and its definition.
The papaya, Carica papaya L., is a member of the small family Caricaceae allied
to the Passifloraceae. As a dual- or multi-purpose, early-bearing, space-conserving,
herbaceous crop, it is widely acclaimed, despite its susceptibility to natural enemies.
In some parts of the world, especially Australia and some islands of the West
Indies, it is known as papaw, or pawpaw, names which are better limited to the very
different, mainly wild Asimina triloba Dunal, belonging to the Annonaceae. While the
name papaya is widely recognized, it has been corrupted to kapaya, kepaya, lapaya or
tapaya in southern Asia and the East Indies. In French, it is papaye (the fruit) and
papayer (the plant), or sometimes figuier des Iles. Spanish-speaking people employ the
names meln zapote, lechosa, payaya (fruit), papayo or papayero (the plant), fruta
bomba, mamn or mamona, depending on the country. In Brazil, the usual name is
mamao. When first encountered by Europeans it was quite naturally nicknamed "tree
Aloe Vera Gel.Aloe Vera Gel is the colourless mucilaginous gel obtained from the
parenchymatous cells in the fresh leaves of Aloe vera
Submitted to:
Mrs. Reggie Villahermosa