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Microsoft Oce Excel 2007 provides users with an easy way to turn raw data into meaningful information through the use of
charts. Charts are an eective way to communicate information because they present data in a form that is easy to understand,
and visually appealing.
Course Description & Objective:
In the Microsoft Oce Excel 2007 Creating and Modifying Charts course you will learn how to create an Excel chart and how to
modify that chart to best suit its needs.
This course is designed for users who will be using the charts application of Microsoft Oce Excel for the first time, and those who
have limited experience with the program. This course covers the commonly used chart features for a typical user.
INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1. CHART OBJECTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
2. CHOOSING THE RIGHT CHART TYPE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
3. CREATE A CHART --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
4. CHART TOOLS RIBBON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
5. CHART DESIGN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
6. CHART LAYOUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
7. CHART FORMATTING --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
8. EDITING CHART DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
9. ENHANCING CHARTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
9.1 Chart-making Tips .............................................................................................................................................................11
9.2 Handling Missing Data .......................................................................................................................................................11
Before embarking on a journey through Excel charting, it is important to do some thinking and planning first. Know
what you want to show and why. Keep it simple and clear. Target your audience. Here are a few suggestions.
Keep in mind the message you want to get across, dont be distracted by all the data at your disposal or all the
fancy chart types Excel provides.
Try to avoid 3-D style charts, because these styles can truly distort the data... unless thats your intention.
Stick to black & white and readily reproducible shades of gray, if the chart is going to be photocopied, and
especially if it is going to be faxed. If you decide to use colors, keep it simple: pick a few colors that go well
together, maybe the basic primary colors. Stay away from gradient fills and vibrating color combinations.
KISS - Keep It Simple Sam. Dont make a chart too cluttered. Limit the number of series and categories. Make
labels clear and concise. Maybe two simpler charts will be more clear than one complex chart. If you have lots of
things to put in a pie chart, try the pie-in-pie or bar-in-pie options.
Know your audience. A roomful of engineers will understand a log scale axis without any problem and could
probably handle greater complexity in a chart. If the chart is in a prospectus for potential investors, it should have
only a few series and categories, and labels should be short and free of jargon and acronyms.
Two simple charts might be more informative than one. Two charts can get across paired ideas with less
clutter than one complex combination chart. On the other hand, combining data onto a single chart may have
advantages: rather than placing four pie charts on a page, a stacked bar chart allows easier comparison among
several categories.
Chart Title
Primary Vertical
Axis Title
Data Series
Primary Vertical
Primary Horizontal
Axis Title
Charts are composed of a variety of objects that can be individually edited based on your preferences.
The data you have selected from the Excel worksheet. As a group, the selected data
Data Series:
forms the data series
Title: A descriptive name identifying the purpose of the chart
Vertical & horizontal lines behind the chart that allow you to easily view and
evaluate the data.
Legend: A key that identifies the patterns or colors assigned to the data series.
Primary Horizontal Axis: Column or row headings from the selected data.
Primary Horizontal Axis Title: A descriptive name identifying the primary horizontal axis.
Primary Vertical Axis: Scale representing the lowest and highest numbers in the selected data.
Primary Vertical Axis Title: A descriptive name identifying the primary vertical axis.
If you are unsure of the name of an object in your chart, place your cursor on the object, and the
name of it will appear in a temporary text box next to your cursor.
Charts are used to present complex data and information in a simple & compact form. Each
dierent type of chart is best-suited for communicating certain data types, thus it is a good idea
to familiarize yourself with the dierent types of charts before creating one.
Lets insert and create a chart:
1. Open the ChartCreate_start
workbook, Cost Data
worksheet and select the data
you want to plot in the chart.
2. Click the Insert tab.
Charts Group
To create a default chart type that will apply every time you inse
insert a chart in Excel, select the chart
type and subtype that you want to set as a default, and click
li k Set
S t as Default Chart in the Chart Dialog
TIP Box.
On the Design tab you will find tools to customize and manipulate your chart design:
1. Change Chart Type: as discussed above
2. Save as Template: To reuse a favorite chart that you have created, you can save that chart as a template rather
than continually recreating it by simply selecting your chart and clicking the Save As Template button.
3. Switch Row/Column: does exactly that in the click of a button. Try it
out to see the dierent chart displays.
4. Select Data: Lets you choose a dierent source range that is the
basis for the existing chart. You also can use this dialog box to switch
the row and column values, change the order of the data series used
in the chart, and indicate how to deal with hidden and empty cells in
the data range being charted.
5. Chart Layouts: From here you
may select quick and easy
clickable chart layout options.
6. Chart Styles: To make your
charts more appealing and
visually informative choose
a chart style that best suits
your presentation needs.
The Chart Layout tab displays various chart element options that you can select then change, enhance, add or delete.
In addition to inserting pictures and shapes, adding and/or changing labels, axes, gridlines and the background there
are also options so perform analysis on your displayed chart. We will discuss these dierent elements here.
1. Current Selection: This grouping of commands enables you to select a chart element, format it and/or reset its
changed style to match the Microsoft Oce style in use.
2. Insert: You may insert pictures, shapes and text boxes into your charts.
3. Labels: The labels in this grouping include the chart title, axis title, legend, data labels and data table elements.
For all labels simply select whether on not you want to show the label/table, select the location you want
to place the label and in some cases select its rotated, vertical, horizontal, inside/outside, below/above
formatting options. Note that each option oers more customizable options to tweak.
4. Axes: In this grouping you can choose how to display your vertical and horizontal axis and what visual gridline
display (line style and color) you would like for your chart. Both oer more customizable options.
5. Background: Here change the Chart Wall and Chart Floor coloring options and if you are modifying a 3-D chart
you can edit the charts pre-set 3-D rotation configurations.
6. Analysis: Use these tools if you would like to add some analysis visual display layout options.
7. Properties: In the properties grouping you may select the current chart name and change it to a name you prefer.
Using what you now know from above, and using the Cost Data worksheet, produce the chart shown below.
You can change the format of any individual chart element using the options shown on the Format tab of the Chart
Tools. Depending on what it is you would like to do you can change the shape style, add WordArt, arrange your
objects and size using the size properties options.
In the Cost Data worksheet, lets make the following few changes.
1. Create a clustered cylinder chart by selecting B2 to C11 in the Cost Data worksheet.
2. From the Data group under the Design tab, click on the Select Data button to open the Select Data
Source dialog box. Note that the Series and Categories have not been assigned names.
Select Series1 > Edit. Click the collapse dialog box button and select First Year Cost. OK
Repeat to name Series2
To label the Horizontal Axis Labels click Edit > and Select the Cost Center titles.
Click Add to add a Legend Entries series and add Third Year Cost
Click the Horizontal Category Axis Labels Edit button to add the Cost Center titles
Click OK to return to the chart.
Remove the Third Year Cost Series
Switch Row/Column to switch the data series plotted on the chart from rows or columns.
Edit: Click the appropriate edit button to make changes to a data series, or to the axis titles.
Remove: Select a data series and click this button to remove it from the chart.
Move Up/Move Down: Click the appropriate arrow button to switch the order of the data series as they appear
on your chart.
Hidden & Empty Cells: Click this button to change the way Excel displays hidden data and empty cells in your
The data you select for your chart does not have to be adjacent. Select noncontiguous cells by selecting the first range and then pressing and holding
the Ctrl key while selecting additional ranges to include.
To create a chart with a single keystroke, select the data you want to chart and press Alt+F1. The result is an
embedded chart of the default chart type.
Right-click any chart element and choose Format xxxx, where xxxx represents the elements name (or press
Ctrl+1). Excel displays its Format dialog box, which remains open until you close it. The formatting controls in the
Format dialog box enable you to perform actions that arent available in the Ribbon.
If you have many charts of the same type to create, create and format the first chart and make a template from
that chart by choosing Chart Tools > Design > Type > Save as Template. When you create your additional charts,
use Insert > Charts > Other Charts > All Chart Types, and then choose your template from the list.
To print an embedded chart on a separate sheet of paper, select the chart and choose Oce button > Print. Excel
prints the chart on a page by itself and does not print the worksheet.
If you dont want a particular embedded chart to appear on your printout, select the chart and click the dialog
box launcher in the Chart Tools > Format > Size group to display the Size And Properties dialog box. Click the
Properties tab and remove the check mark from the Print Object check box.
Sometimes, using a mouse to select a particular chart element is tricky. You may find it easier to use the keyboard
to select a chart element. When a chart is activated, press the up arrow or down arrow to cycle through all parts
in the chart. When a data series is selected, press the right arrow or left arrow to select individual points in the
Or, select the chart element by using the Chart Tools > Format Chart Elements drop-down control in the
Current Selection Group. This control is useful for selecting chart elements, and it also displays the name of
the selected element. Better yet, put this control in your Quick Access toolbar so its always visible.
For more control over positioning your chart, press Ctrl while you click the chart. Then use the arrow keys to move
the chart 1 pixel at a time.
3. Add a chart title. (In the example it is formatted to display at an angle and moved it to the bottom of
the chart.)
4. Remove the legend.
5. Add data labels to the chart to display the percent accomplished.
6. Right-click the Chart. In the Format Data Series dialog box (Series Options tab), set the Gap width to 0,
which makes the column occupy the entire plot area.
5. Select the vertical axis and display the Format Axis dialog box.
6. In the Axis Options tab, set all tick marks to None and set the Axis Labels option to Low. This setting
keeps the vertical axis in the center of the chart but displays the axis labels at the left side.
7. Select either of the data series and display the Format Data Series dialog box.
8. In the Series Options tab, set the Series Overlap to 100% and the Gap Width to 0%.
9. Delete the legend and add two text boxes to the chart (Females and Males) to substitute for the legend.
10. Apply other formatting and labels as desired.
This chart example, named Histogram, is available in the ChartCreate workbook.
Linear Trendlines
Below there are two charts. The chart on the left depicts a data series without a trendline. As you can see, the data
seems to be linear over time. The chart on the right is the same chart but with a linear trendline that shows the
trend in the data.
The second chart also uses the options to display the equation and the R-squared value. In this example, the equation
is as follows:
y = 53.19x + 514.9
What do these numbers mean? You can describe a straight line with an equation of the form: y = mx +b
For each value of x (the horizontal axis), you can calculate the predicted value of y (the value on the trendline) by using
this equation. The variable m represents the slope of the line and b represents the y-intercept. For example, when x is
3 (for March) the predicted value of y is 674.47, calculated with this formula: =(53.19*3)+514.9
The R-squared value, sometimes referred to as the coecient of determination, ranges in value from 0 to 1. This value
indicates how closely the estimated values for the trendline correspond to the actual data. A trendline is most reliable
when its R-squared value is at or near 1.
1. To enter this formula, start by selecting two cells (in this example, G2:H2).
2. Then type the formula (without the curly brackets), and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
3. Cell G2 displays the slope; cell H2 displays the y-intercept.
Linear Forecasting
When your chart contains a trendline, you can instruct Excel to forecast and plot additional values. You do this on the
Trendline Options tab in the Format Trendline dialog box. Just specify the number of periods to forecast. The chart
forecasts results for two subsequent periods.
If you know the values of the slope and y-intercept you can calculate forecasts for other values of x. For example, to
calculate the value of y when x = 11 (November), use the following formula:
You can also forecast values by using the FORECAST function. The following formula, for example, forecasts the value
for November (that is, x = 11) using known x and known y values:
Calculating R-Squared
The accuracy of forecasted values depends on how well the linear trendline fits your actual data. The value
of R-squared represents the degree of fit. R-squared values closer to 1 indicate a better fit-and more accurate
predictions. In other words, you can interpret R-squared as the proportion of the variance in y attributable to the
variance in x.
As described previously, you can instruct Excel to display the R-squared value in the chart. Or you can calculate it
directly in your worksheet using the RSQ function. The following formula calculates R-squared for x values in B2:B11
and y values for C2:C11.
Caution The value of R-squared calculated by the RSQ function is valid only for a linear trendline.
This chart example, named Trendline, is available in the ChartCreate workbook.
LearnIT Instruction
Integrated Technology Services
University of New Brunswick
PO Box 4400
Fredericton, NB
Canada E3B 5A3
Sherry Rose
(506) 453-4608
(506) 453-3590
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