Web-Site: UPDATED ON Oct. 10, 2015
Web-Site: UPDATED ON Oct. 10, 2015
Web-Site: UPDATED ON Oct. 10, 2015
10, 2015
*Prof. Campen, Consultant, ZSA & AAC Accreditation
*Consultant, Evaluator & Head of Telangana State for HLACT Accreditation
*Associate Member of IAO
*A retired professor with 47 years of experience in technical institutes
ZACs SAR Format for UG T-II programs is under revision. Please explore
ZAC & NAAC accreditation for all affiliated technical colleges, if they want to
survive as educational service providing enterprises.
All member online educational universities and institutions must go through evaluation process
set by HLACT in order to get our accreditation status. Here is the process through which we
evaluate the standards of education being provided at online universities and institutions.
Step 1:
Submit your application with complete information regarding your educational institute and get
yourself registered for acquiring accreditation status. Our representatives will then guide you
about the whole process of evaluation.
Step 2:
HLACT reviews the eligibility of an Institution or an Individual on the basis of provided
documents. The application is forwarded only if the provided documents are valid and
Step 3:
Once your application is approved, you will be awarded membership status. With the
membership status, you can get several benefits and services from the commission.
Step 4:
After becoming the member, you will be provided with assistance via training sessions,
webinars, seminars, digital systems and software resources to increase the quality of
education system of your institute.
Step 5:
After receiving HLACTs accreditation status you will eligible for our lifetime continuous
evaluation process that is set according to international standards of education.
DIGITAL INDIA MISSION: Preparing a Dynamic Website and installing a
software for managing operations of the college or programs
Under the digital India mission and MOU between GoI & USA assistance
shall be extended by M/S Microsoft and associates MNCs in preparing a
customized software for keeping records of students and facultys progress in
learning performance. More information shall be sent on request.
Professional Certification
Individuals can earn professional certificate to widen their career horizon and stepping into the
better professional world.
Equivalency Certificate
Students who want to settle down in any country rather their native country are provided
equalization certificate attested by embassy to get better opportunities.
Practice License
Enjoy becoming a member of prestigious councils and get hands on experience with the
practicing license provided to you
Now individuals from different parts of world can get their academic credentials accepted in
United States and start their new journey of life.