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Island Elegance

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Photo: Stu Vesty

From Harleys...
to Horses
By Nicole Toren & Tex Kam

W hat do you do once you’ve achieved all that

you set out to accomplish? We’re not sure, but
what we can you tell you is that the story of the two men whose
Having both grown up in Edmonton, Don and Pat have been
friends since they were teenagers. Pat’s father Vernor Simmonds
was a successful breeder of Arabians and in his day was very
involved in the local Arabian community. This included being
breeding program created Island Elegance (known to all who love
a founding member of the Aurora Arabian Horse Association.
her as “Ellie”), is not your everyday Arabian tale. According to our
Although Don didn’t grow up owning horses as Pat did, he was al-
research, Don James and Pat Simmonds have in Island Elegance
ways drawn to them. His childhood consisted of hitchhiking to the
the first Canadian-Bred Canadian National Champion Mare ever.
family farm outside of Sedgewick, Alberta at every opportunity just
Sometimes the little guy does win “the big one.”
to go for a ride. It was through this friendship with Pat and Vern
Our story starts out in approximately 1993 when Don James
that Don came to appreciate the qualities of the Arabian.
and his wife Ruth were ready for a change. They had decided
“What stands out for me,” Don says, “is that although I was
to relocate from their home in North Vancouver to a farm just
always a horse enthusiast, it’s the experiences that touch us, that
outside of North Saanich, on Vancouver Island. It was very much
are truly amazing.” His affection for the Arabian took root thanks
a diamond in the rough, forty acres of raw land and a house that
to the Simmonds family. It was further developed by another
required some TLC. There they built the facility that would be-
Edmontonian, critically acclaimed filmmaker Anne Wheeler. Anne
come the backdrop of Island Arabians. In order for Don to achieve
had an Arabian mare that she loaned to Don for a summer. He kept
his dream of breeding Arabian horses, he needed not only good
the mare at the Simmonds’ farm and entered her in a local show
foundation stock, but the knowledge of how to create a winning
that year. His first venture into the show ring was less than he had
breeding program. This is where he approached his good friend,
hoped for. “Everything was going good until they asked for the
Pat Simmonds.
hand gallop,” Don laughed. They excused him from the ring and

stallion issue January 2010 27

28 Canadian Arabian Horse News
It is noted which horses have, on
bey shah+ record, a Canadian breeder.
fame vf+ Some horses, such as Gai Ferzon
raffoleta-rose Dream and KGB Intrigue, were
owned for their entire lives by
the Canadian breeders who
*el shaklan purchased them, and contributed
precious as gold greatly to their breeding programs
autumn in gold – however, their recorded breeder
Couturier did not reside in Canada.

Wunderbar Arabians, *Aladdinn
SK alada baskin
launa basketu
evening intrigue

Wunderbar Arabians wildwood kochar++
precious me Sharon Barnes, Calgary AB
gai Wunderbar Arabians ferzon dream

Bay el Bay++
Bey Shah+
Star of ofir
GH Venture

Frances Fischer, QF balladeer
Aldergrove, BC
QF Nobelesse Geert Keur
qf Geert Keur, paradise
Island Mist Richmond, BC Geert Keur

Don James & Pat Simmonds, *muscat
Vancouvcer Island, BC
kgb intrigue
velvet drift
kgb spring fire
Dr Al Wilke,
Okotoks, AB
spring classique
Gary S. Fraser, royal victoria
Surrey, BC Cary Flack, Aldergrove, BC

that was the end of that for a while. His show ring debut may not Much like his first foray into the show ring, Don’s attempt at
have gone as planned, but his love for the breed never dimmed. Bareback Bronc was nothing to write home about. Pat came to
In the mid 1960’s the two young men forged similar paths. Both the same conclusion. As he was being launched into the air high
were accepted to the University of Alberta to study Pre-Veterinary enough that he could see eye to eye with the people in the stands,
Medicine. Around the time they were about to start their post- he had enough time to decide that this was perhaps not his calling
secondary education, the cowboy lifestyle (or more specifically the either. To seal the deal, he landed on the only rock in the entire
thrill of the rodeo) also drew their attention. “I had a ‘flash’,” Don arena. As dreams of a rodeo career faded, so too did their interest
recalls with a hint of good humour. “I got this idea that I wanted to in veterinary medicine.
be a rodeo cowboy.” Pat apparently had the same idea. They joined Don and Pat eventually chose different career paths. Pat
the local rodeo association and entered the first Intercollegiate became a pilot, flying for major Canadian airlines for thirty-five
Rodeo, held that year at the University of Alberta. (Normally the years until his retirement, while Don followed his love for the other
intercollegiate rodeos used 3rd or 4th string stock, but the stock horsepower with Harley Davidson Canada. Not to be completely
supplier for the more mainstream rodeos happened to be passing outdone in the air by Pat, Don also became a recreational pilot and
through with their first string on hand.) pilots his own helicopter.

stallion issue January 2010 29

The years flew by; Pat’s father Vern Simmonds passed away in the trailer and took off to Reno. Pat felt it was rather ironic that in
1993 and Pat inherited a few of his father’s horses. That same year, their efforts to use a Canadian stallion they had to cross the border
Don moved to the Island and he approached Pat with an idea for a and travel several hundred miles into the U.S.
partnership. Don reiterates, “Pat had this group of great foundation Regardless, it was worth the trip. All three mares caught this
horses and mountains of knowledge, and what I lacked in experi- time and their first foal crop in 1997 produced Island Mist (x KGB
ence, I made up for in enthusiasm and drive.” Spring Fire), Hailey Bop (x TC Moonlight) and Island Venture+++/
Once the handshake was done, as with any new venture, Pat (x Shai’s Springette). Pleased with the results, Don and Pat repeated
and Don began to lay out a plan. According to Pat, the basic princi- the breedings to GH Venture for the next couple of years. After
ple was simple: “Between 1993 and before I reached 70, I was going they had a few foals on the ground, they decided that the KGB
to work at breeding a National Champion.” In actuality, Pat had Spring Fire foals were the best of the group and would be used
accomplished this once be- to carry on the breeding
fore, with the part-Arabian
mare Lady Rahmeer++, but
A love of everything exciting seems to be program. Many of the foals
that resulted from that first
he wanted to succeed with a foray went on to success-
a common thread between Pat Simmonds ful show careers, especially
The road map to get those out of KGB Spring
there was pretty simple as and Don James. One dedicated his life Fire. The first of those was
well... begin with a good Island Mist and she is still
foundation of mares, breed to the skies as a professional pilot, and considered by both Pat
them to the best stallions and Don to be one of the
you could afford, and pro-
duce something better than
the other to the highways on a Harley best they ever bred. She
was shown as a two-year-
what you started with. But old and earned Top 5’s at
to be even more specific,
Davidson. Daredevils to the core, it is Region 17 and the Western
they wanted to prove that Canadian Breeders.
they could breed National- probably not coincidence that Don and By 2001, Don and Pat
calibre horses using only had begun breeding the
Canadian breeding stock. Pat picked the Arabian horse. second generation of Island
Simple... right? Simple, but Arabian horses. When
by no means easy... choosing a stallion for
From Vern Simmonds’ Island Mist, they stuck to
stock, Don and Pat picked their guns on Canadian
three mares that would give bloodstock. Their sights
them their start – KGB ended up setting on Ed and
Spring Fire, TC Moonlight Laura Friesen’s Versace son
and Shai’s Springette. They Couturier. Pat had seen
decided that the best way to him as a yearling. “He had
evaluate what these mares everything I required,” says
could produce was to breed Pat. “He had all the neces-
them all to the same stallion. sary strong points to offset
Their priority was to choose any points in the mares that
a stallion with the right needed help.” As they did
attributes, but it was also im- with the previous genera-
portant to both men to use a tion, they bred a number of
Canadian horse. They turned mares to Couturier over the
their hopes to the Bey Shah span of a few years. The first
son GH Venture, who was crossing of Island Mist and
bred and owned by Frances Couturier produced Island
Fischer in the lower mainland of BC. The big, handsome grey was Shamrock, who was Region 17 Champion Colt as a yearling. In
exactly what they were looking for. The mares could go from the 2003, their second year of breeding to Couturier, Island Elegance
farm in Alberta to Island Arabians in BC, with a stop along the way was born.
to be bred. It was a great plan, until they discovered GH Venture At one point the partnership’s herd had grown to about
was not in BC, but was standing at RA Aloha Arabians in Reno, fourteen horses and it got to be too much for Don and his staff,
Nevada that year. who cared for the horses. Don’s very busy personal life and
If they wanted to breed to this stallion, they either had to pack professional career as the CEO and co-founder of Deeley Harley
up and head south with their mares, or ship the semen north. They Davidson Canada, coupled with Pat’s retirement, dictated that the
opted to ship semen and in the spring of 1995 they bred all three time was right to divide the herd. With fourteen horses and more
mares but none conceived. Disappointed but by no means discour- on the way, decisions had to be made as to how they were going to
aged, that following February Don and Pat loaded the mares into accomplish this.

stallion issue January 2010 31

As Don explains, “The basis of our decisions were made on where portunity. “In a very Canadian fashion we had a compromise,” says
our attachment was.” Pat decided on his favourites and one of them Don. “We decided to send the mare down to Schall’s in Scottsdale
was Ellie’s mother, Island Mist. Don chose his own favourites, and in November 2008, and to have John work with Jeff to get her ready.”
it is interesting to note that Island Elegance was not his first choice The grey Canadian-bred mare was the talk of the show in the
but rather his second. All of the other horses Don picked showed open mare class. Everyone was wondering who she was and who
and did well, but Island Elegance stayed home in the pasture as the handler was. John showed Island Elegance to a 2nd place finish
she was something of a late bloomer. Don (or in Scottsdale terms a Reserve Championship) in
continued to show his horses locally and the 6- and 7-year old Mares class. Not to be left out,
regionally, but was determined not to go to Jody showed her to a third place finish in the JTH
Nationals until he got there with his own class against some nationally very well-decorated
breeding program. mares. At that point, they knew they really had some-
By the time Island Elegance was four a thing and both John and Don decided to let Jeff have
decision was made to get her into the show her for a Nationals campaign.
ring. “When we started,” Don remembers, Island Elegance returned to Salt Spring Island
“we showed her in a few halter classes locally after Scottsdale to be readied for the balance of the
and she did alright.” Ellie was considered 2009 show season. Was this mare to be pampered
a Western Pleasure prospect, and did do and kept like a hot house flower after her Scottsdale
some showing in that area, but by then Don wins? Well, yes and no! John and Andrea were
ascertained that she really loved halter. “To adamant that she should be top condition to face the
me, Island Elegance epitomizes the Arabian toughest competition of her life. Her regiment in-
horse,” says Don. “She has this presence that cluded lots of work under saddle... now who says you
forces you to look at her.” can’t ride halter horses! Ellie was even shown in (and
He decided won) several perfor-
to find someone mance classes while
who had had also competing in
some success halter in 2008.
in the ring for In early July
Ellie’s chance at 2009 at Region
recognition. They 5 in Monroe,
discussed who Washington,
was available and Island Elegance
at the sugges- was Regional
tion of Susan Champion Mare
Nichol, Don’s with John at the
barn manager, lead. What a coupe
ultimately chose considering that
Top Island Elegance’s sire, Couturier.
fellow British Middle row Island Mist with Ellie as a foal. Region Five is gen-
Columbians John and Andrea Bottom Island Shamrock, full brother to erally one of the
Pringle on Salt Spring Island. Island Elegance. most competitive
“It was a tough decision to in North America, with top halter trainers flying in from around
send Ellie,” says Don, “because the U.S. to catch lead horses. As the end of July approached the
John was quite a ways away.” tension mounted; Ellie would now be competing in her own back-
John and Andrea readied yard at the Region 17 Championships in Langley, BC. To add to
the mare for competition and the excitement, Midwest Training Center from Rogers, Minnesota
she was shown successfully brought several horses to the Region 17 Championships, includ-
in 2008, winning Region 5 ing the reigning Scottsdale Champion Mare Dulcinea BHF
Top Five Mare, Region 17 Reserve Champion Mare and Region 17 (Denali BHF x Felisha BHF) for the open mares class and U.S. and
Mares ATH with John and Andrea’s daughter Jody. After those Canadian National Champion NBW Angels Kiss (Magnum Psyche
wins Don felt very strongly that he had made a good decision. “It x BHF Dark Angel) to compete in ATH mare halter.
was during the Region 5 Show in 2008 that Jeff Schall of Shada The excitement was substantial and the ring was elbow to
Arabians in Minnesota approached us,” says Don, “and he said, elbow in the blistering, record-breaking heat as spectators gath-
‘This is a great mare, she can go all the way and I’d love to help you ered to watch the standoff. In the end, Dulcinea BHF was named
with her!’” After some thought, Don wasn’t sure he wanted to put Region 17 Champion Mare with David Boggs at the lead, while
the time and expense into it, but the Schalls were very convinced Island Elegance was named Reserve Champion with John Pringle.
that Island Elegance could do it all. Not one bit dismayed, they readied the mare yet again for Jody to
Jeff wanted Island Elegance to show at Scottsdale 2009, but handle in the ATH class against NBW Angels Kiss and all other
despite the pressure of a big show, Don decided to have John show comers. This time victory was in the air with Jody and Ellie taking
her at Scottsdale – he had gotten her this far and this was their op- the championship.

32 Canadian Arabian Horse News

The victories were sweet but the toughest chal-
lenges were still ahead of them. Just a couple
weeks later, after a short rest at Pringles’ farm on
Salt Spring Island, she was loaded back on to the
trailer for her trip to Canadian Nationals in Regina,
Saskatchewan. Once in Regina, Ellie was handed
off to Jeff Schall at Shada and the rest shall we say is
history! This Canadian-bred, Canadian trained, and
Canadian conditioned mare was the first National
Champion Mare bred in our country, ever.*
Island Elegance finished off her halter career
in fine style by claiming the 2009 U.S. Reserve
National Champion Mare honours with Jeff Schall
in Tulsa, Oklahoma in October.
This story has so many feel-good elements, it’s
John Pringle, Island Elegance, and Don James in Scottsdale 2009. hard to put into words. That night in Regina, gen-
erations of Canadian Arabian breeders had their
passions fulfilled with the blood of their Canadian
A Conversation with PAT SIMMONDS horses running through the veins of this mare. A
What was the most important element in achieving this goal? dedicated owner putting faith in a local trainer,
You have to have the dream – you are going to run into all kinds of ob- and everyone attached to the horse not seeking the
stacles, it’s so easy to quit and say, I’ve got a nice horse, but that level of the spotlight, truly just wanting what is best for the
big time, it just can’t be done for whatever reason. It takes an exceptional mare. This story has got to give every Canadian
horse to come out of the blue and win over those big names and Ellie is that breeder of Arabian horses, whether large or small,
exceptional horse. It’s so important to keep your eye on the goal and not to a chill up their spine, to think... maybe one day
give up. that could be my horse with those roses on!
What did you feel when she went Canadian National Champion? Producing a National Champion using only
It was a super high – We’ve DONE IT – it was so exciting, but at the Canadian breeding stock was Pat Simmonds’ goal
same time it brought closure to the dream. I thought it would take three all along. Right from the ground up, Pat and Don
generations, and it only took two. The chances of doing it once are in the felt there were enough good horses in Canada
hundreds of thousands. Doing it twice is... who knows! to achieve this. “At the time of our partnership,”
Now what? says Pat, “it was popular for breeders to head to
Brazil to buy their next champion. We felt that
That’s the ultimate quandary… what do we do now. I’m going to move on to
something different – maybe a performance horse. It’s someone else’s turn Canadians had been importing horses into Canada
to take the Halter torch and run with it…. for a long time and we have some pretty great ones
right here. Our average Canadian Arabian is
probably better than the average Arabian in
A Conversation with DON JAMES any other country. We simply proved that a top
What were some of the great positives about your win? Canadian-bred horse can be as good as a Top
Arabian from anywhere!”
I felt that Ellie really brought the Arabian Community together. The big-
“The Arabian business in Canada is no dif-
gest example was as I was walking around the showgrounds prior to the
class, everywhere I went everyone kept coming up telling me how well ferent than any other business,” says Don. “We
she had been doing. When she won, it was like a spontaneous move that offered a quality product and surrounded our-
everyone who had anything to do with her came rushing into the ring for selves with committed people who were directly
the photo. I never really envisioned this kind of success with her, but when responsible for making this a reality. There are
she did so well with each show, I really thought she deserved the chance to some very talented people in Canada and we were
go all the way. able to find them. Sometimes you just have to have
After fifteen years in this business, I still consider myself a novice. I have a little faith, take a leap, commit, and sort of bring
been impressed by the Arabian community, because to me when you reach them through.”
out for help, you always get it. People have been very supportive – the pre- What does the future hold for this Canadian
conceived notion that this business is very elite and standoffish certainly Champion?
has not been my experience. Many of the other exhibitors in the show ring Only time will tell, but as we speak Don, Susan
came up to say how nice she was and to offer their support.
and John are looking at many opportunities in re-
What makes Island Elegance so special to you? gards to Island Elegance’s breeding future. While
I have always had a lot of faith in the personality of a horse if it is to make fan- the mare is a hot commodity after her winning
tastic show horse. Island Elegance has that exceptional personality. Her type streak, she is not for sale. Perhaps her next mating
of personality, the snort and blow is precisely what drew me to the Arabian will produce another National Champion bearing
in the first place. The investment we put in over time on her will continue, it’s the insignia “Made in Canada”.
not about the monetary reward. Just having her is reward enough.
* In the category of National Champion Mare (excluding other
classes such as Futurity Fillies, ATH, and other filly/mare halter).
34 Canadian Arabian Horse News
Salt Spring Island

Pringle Farm
By Tex Kam

W hat do you say about a family so humble

they do not take an ounce of credit for what was
accomplished with Island Elegance these past two years?
Andrea & John Pringle

That describes John and Andrea Pringle to a tee. Everyone

who knows them would be the first to say, “Wow, what a great
thing to happen to such good people.” Let us say from all at the
Registry and the News... CONGRATULATIONS!
John and Andrea along with their children Jeff and Jody
operate Pringle Equine Services. Their farm is located on pic-
turesque Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada. It is the
largest of the Gulf Islands, situated between Vancouver Island
and mainland Vancouver, British Columbia.
As with Island Elegance, the story of Pringle Equine
Services is deeply rooted in Canadian Arabian horse breeding
history. John’s attachment to Arabians goes back to his parents
and Willomar Arabians, then of Taber, Alberta. Willomar was
owned by Dr. George Allen and his wife Lynn. Its main breed-
ing and showing operations were located in Taber, but satellite
farms were located in the United States and in Holland.
Willomar, in its heyday, was one of the premier Arabian breed-
ing operations in the world. The famous Polish horses *Pietuszok, By 1990 the Arabian breeding business was in a total free fall and
*Rezus, and *Arwistawa all called Willomar home at one time Willomar was forced to liquidate its herd in a bankruptcy auction.
or another. Dr. Allen was also one of the first breeders to import The Pringles acquired *El Kasaka, who lived out his life at the farm,
Russian-bred stock to the North American continent. breeding mares until his death at twenty-six years old.
John’s parents owned South Springs Arabians on Salt Spring John and Andrea have now been in business on Salt Spring
Island and were long-time clients of Willomar. Through their Island for the past twenty-two years. The farm sits on 22 acres and
association with the Allens, they became heavily involved in the is home to approximately 30 purebred and partbred Arabians. They
syndication of Willomar’s two main breeding stallions, *El Kasaka specialize in showing the Arabian horse.
(Patron x Purga) and Pyatigorsk (Pietuszok DWA x Mistical Lady). Their professional services include training for halter, under
By the early 1980’s John had left the farm to pursue a career in saddle, breeding, sales and purchasing consulting. They have a strong
welding. The early 80’s were a very lucrative time in North America competitive amateur and junior rider program as well. They have
for Arabian horse breeding, and it was suggested to John that he competed for many years at the Class A and Regional level, and have
return to the farm to train horses. John surmised that if he was going recently added National competitions to the mix.
to take that on he needed more experience, so he enlisted the help of Through the success of their strong amateur programs and
Willomar and started off as an assistant trainer in 1982 to Blair Allen. now a Nationally decorated halter mare, Pringle Equine Services
One year eventually led to five with John showing many of has flourished on Salt Spring Island... a location where many would
Willomar’s best horses. It was during that time at Willomar that have said it couldn’t succeed.
he met his wife Andrea, who also worked at the farm. By the late The 2009 successes at the Pringle farm are taken with the
80’s, John’s mother had passed on and John’s dad was left alone dose of modesty one would expect from John and Andrea. When
to care for twenty-five horses, so along with his new wife Andrea, interviewed about their success with Island Elegance (“Ellie”) this
John moved home to help sell horses and get things under control. year, they quickly gave a large part of the credit to Susan Nichol,
Not long after their move to Salt Spring Island, the business began Don and Ruth James’ barn manager, for caring for Ellie through her
growing, people started to buy, horses came in to be trained for the younger years.
show ring. The Pringles ended up introducing many new people to We could all learn how to handle success from these folks!
the industry in those first few years. Congratulations!

36 Canadian Arabian Horse News

Congratulations & Thank You
to all of our clients for REGION 17
the 2009 season! Island Elegance with
Jody Pringle
Cdn National Champion Mare
US Res National Champion Mare
Shown by Jeff Schall

Res Champion 6 & 7 Yr Old Mares
Island Elegance shown by John Pringle
Top Ten (3rd) JTH
Island Elegance shown by Jody Pringle


Top 10 Half-Arabian Hunter Pl JTR 14-17
SS Bak Street ridden by Jody Pringle

REGION 5 & 17 WINS IN 2009

8 Championships
6 Reserve Championships
10 Top Fives
In Halter, Hunter Pleasure,
Sport Horse, Western Pleasure,
Equitation, and Showmanship...
Western, Country, and Hunter Pleasure,
Purebreds and Partbreds.
Arabian Training, Showing & Sales
Amateur & Lesson Programs
Breeding Sales & Services

Pringle Equine Services

John and Andrea Pringle ~ 981 Sunset Drive, Salt Spring Island, B.C. V8K 1E6
Ph 250-537-5132 ~ Cell 250-537-7358 ~ Fax 250-537-5172
email: pringlefarm@telus.net ~ www.pringlearabians.com
WAHO Trophy
The Canadian Arabian Horse Registry is pleased to announce the recipient for The World Arabian Horse
Organization (WAHO) Trophy is a
the 2009 WAHO Trophy, ISLAND ELEGANCE. This mare is an exceptional perpetual award provided by WAHO
example of Canada’s breeding program. Bred by Pat Simmonds and Don James, of to each member country, to be
Western Canada, her pedigree is deeply rooted in Canadian bloodlines, especially presented to an outstanding
purebred individual of their
along each of her parent dam lines. She is out of the Canadian-bred mare Island choosing. Each WAHO Member
Mist (KGB Spring Fire {KGB Intrigue CAHR#14281} x Spring Classique { Jurafic Society/Registry has been advised
CAHR#5884}) and by the Canadian-bred stallion Couturier (Versace x Evening that they should choose one living
Arabian horse each year, bred and
Intrigue CAHR#22135). still domiciled in that country and
registered in that country’s WAHO
Her recent accomplishments include 2009 Canadian National Champion Mare approved stud book, which in the
and 2009 US National Reserve Champion Sr Mare. She also represented Canadian opinion of the Board or Committee
Members deserves to be presented
breeding at the 2009 Scottsdale Show with a Reserve in the 6 & 7-Yr-Old Mares
with this award for a particular
class, and a Top Ten in the JTH. Her show ring accomplishments were largely achievement. Ideally, WAHO has
credited to the training and handling by Canadian trainer John Pringle and requested that they should look for
an Arabian horse which has itself in
his wife Andrea.
some way been an excellent
“ambassador” for the breed or, in
The CAHR selection committee felt that Island Elegance is a shining example the case of older horses, has
of superior Canadian breeding and represented the high level of quality that the achieved the same through its
immediate progeny.
Canadian industry can accomplish.

stallion issue January 2010 39

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