Island Elegance
Island Elegance
Island Elegance
From Harleys...
to Horses
By Nicole Toren & Tex Kam
Bay el Bay++
Bey Shah+
Star of ofir
GH Venture
Frances Fischer, QF balladeer
Aldergrove, BC
QF Nobelesse Geert Keur
qf Geert Keur, paradise
Island Mist Richmond, BC Geert Keur
Don James & Pat Simmonds, *muscat
Vancouvcer Island, BC
kgb intrigue
velvet drift
kgb spring fire
Dr Al Wilke,
Okotoks, AB
spring classique
Gary S. Fraser, royal victoria
Surrey, BC Cary Flack, Aldergrove, BC
that was the end of that for a while. His show ring debut may not Much like his first foray into the show ring, Don’s attempt at
have gone as planned, but his love for the breed never dimmed. Bareback Bronc was nothing to write home about. Pat came to
In the mid 1960’s the two young men forged similar paths. Both the same conclusion. As he was being launched into the air high
were accepted to the University of Alberta to study Pre-Veterinary enough that he could see eye to eye with the people in the stands,
Medicine. Around the time they were about to start their post- he had enough time to decide that this was perhaps not his calling
secondary education, the cowboy lifestyle (or more specifically the either. To seal the deal, he landed on the only rock in the entire
thrill of the rodeo) also drew their attention. “I had a ‘flash’,” Don arena. As dreams of a rodeo career faded, so too did their interest
recalls with a hint of good humour. “I got this idea that I wanted to in veterinary medicine.
be a rodeo cowboy.” Pat apparently had the same idea. They joined Don and Pat eventually chose different career paths. Pat
the local rodeo association and entered the first Intercollegiate became a pilot, flying for major Canadian airlines for thirty-five
Rodeo, held that year at the University of Alberta. (Normally the years until his retirement, while Don followed his love for the other
intercollegiate rodeos used 3rd or 4th string stock, but the stock horsepower with Harley Davidson Canada. Not to be completely
supplier for the more mainstream rodeos happened to be passing outdone in the air by Pat, Don also became a recreational pilot and
through with their first string on hand.) pilots his own helicopter.
Pringle Farm
By Tex Kam
Res Champion 6 & 7 Yr Old Mares
Island Elegance shown by John Pringle
Top Ten (3rd) JTH
Island Elegance shown by Jody Pringle