Convergence Criteria
Convergence Criteria
Convergence Criteria
Convergence Criteria
Finite Element Analysis of Static Problems
For static finite element analysis, the equation representing equilibrium can be
written in the following matrix form:
KU = P F ,
where P represents the vector of applied loads, F the vector of internal forces, and
U the vector of current nodal displacements. In non-linear analysis the load P is
applied in a series of load steps P(1) , P(2) , P(3) ,
Finite element analysis involves solving the equation above for U . For the n-th
load step, the equation is often solved through iterations of the form:
KU = P ,
where K = K (U ) is the non-linear stiffness of the spring, which is a function of
displacement. The non-linear response of the spring to loads is shown in Figure 1.
Let us assume that we already have the solution (displacement U ( n ) ) after
application of load step P( n ) to the spring, and the task now is to determine the
spring response the displacement increment U illustrated in Figure 1 below
with application of load step P( n +1) . Prior to applying the new load step, the resisting
(internal) force F(0) in the spring due to its current deformed state is in equilibrium
with the applied (external) load P( n ) .
First, we evaluate the tangent stiffness, K (0) , at the origin of the displacement-load
curve. Since Phase2 generally uses the initial stiffness method, this stiffness will be
used throughout all iterations for the new load step. Next, we calculate the current
displacement increment and update the solution:
Phase2 Theory
Convergence Criteria
U ( n +1) = U ( n ) + U (1)
From the current displacement state we can calculate the internal force, F(1) , in the
spring (see Figure 1). At this stage, the current force error or load imbalance
P( n +1) F(1) is quite large. From Figure 1 it is evident that a key aim of the iterations
is to reduce the load imbalance to zero, or at least a very small number.
For the next iteration, we start at the new, more accurate estimate of the
displacement U ( n +1) and apply the same load step P( n +1) . This time we obtain a
displacement increment, U (2) which is smaller than the increment U (1) of the
previous iteration. Following the procedures described previously, we calculate an
updated internal force, F(2) , that is closer to equilibrating the applied load.
Figure 1: The non-linear response of a spring to applied loads. This problem has a
single degree of freedom. The figure also illustrates the iterative finite element
procedure for determining the springs behaviour under applied loads.
Typically, with continued iterations, not only does the load imbalance P( n +1) F( i )
grow smaller and smaller, the displacement increments U ( i ) also approach zero,
and updates of U ( n +1) approach the true solution. In order not to iterate
unnecessarily long, we can decide to terminate calculations when the results are
sufficiently close according to some stopping criterion or criteria.
Phase2 Theory
Convergence Criteria
Phase2 allows you to choose one of the following two options for stopping criteria:
Absolute Energy
as defined by the following equations. Although the equations below are written in
vector notation, they can be readily applied to our simple, scalar special case.
Absolute Energy Criterion
Energy convergence is satisfied when:
UT(0) ( P( n ) F(0) )
(( p
(( p
( n ), j
f ( i ), j ) u( i ), j
( n ), j
f (0), j ) u(0), j
Phase2 Theory
Convergence Criteria
Displacement Criterion
Stop iterations when the current displacement increment becomes a small fraction
of the initial displacement.
Sometimes combinations of all these criteria are used. In our experience, for the
range of problems solved with Phase2, the energy criteria have been the most
consistent and reliable.
Phase2 Theory