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( BDA 4033 )

Lecture #03
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Introduction and history of FEM
Basic steps in the Finite Element
Direct Formulation
Minimum Total Potential Energy
Weighted Residual formulations
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Weighted Residual Formulation

Direct formulation is useful for simple geometries
Minimum Potential Energy Formulation is meant for
complex structural applications
For Non- Structural applications , Weighted residual
method is preferred
The method of weighted residuals is

an approximate technique
for solving boundary value problems
that utilizes trial functions
satisfying the prescribed boundary conditions and
an integral formulation to minimize error, in an average
sense, over the problem domain.
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Weighted Residual Formulation (Contd.)

Weighted Residual:

Given a differential equation of the general form

D [y (x ), x ] = 0 a < x < b
subject to homogeneous boundary conditions
y(a) = y(b) = 0
the method of weighted residuals seeks an approximate solution in the form

where y* is the approximate solution expressed as the product of ci unknown,

constant parameters to be determined and Ni (x ) trial functions.
On substitution of the assumed solution into the given differential Equation,
a residual error ( or residual) results such that

where R(x) is the residual which is also a function of the unknown parameters ci.
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Weighted Residual Formulation (Contd.)

The method of weighted residuals requires that the
unknown parameters ci be evaluated such that

where wi (x ) represents n arbitrary weighting functions.

On integration, the above equation results in n algebraic
equations, which can be solved for the n values of ci.
The above equation expresses that the sum (integral) of
the weighted residual error over the domain of the problem
is zero.
The solution is exact at the end points (the boundary
conditions must be satisfied) but, in general, at any interior
point the residual error is nonzero.
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Weighted Residual Formulation (Contd.)

Several techniques of MWR exist
they vary primarily in how the weighting
factors are determined or selected.
The most common techniques are
point collocation,
sub domain collocation,
least squares, and
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation

In Galerkins weighted residual method, the
weighting functions are chosen to be identical to
the trial functions
That is,
Unknown parameters are thus determined via

Results in n algebraic equations for evaluation of

the unknown parameters.
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation

Consider the problem
where xj and xj+1 are contained in (a, b) and define
the nodes of a finite element.
The appropriate boundary conditions applicable to
the above equation are
these are the unknown values of the solution at the
end points of the sub-domain.
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation (Contd.)

The proposed approximate solution be of the
Where the trial functions are

satisfy the conditions

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics

Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation (Contd.)

Substitution of the assumed solution into the
equation gives the residual as
where the superscript e is used to indicate that
the residual is for the element.
Applying the Galerkins weighted residual criterion
results in

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation

The element residual equation

Applying integration by parts to the first integral

results in

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation (Contd.)

After evaluation of the non-integral term and rearranging
gives the two equations

Setting j = 1 for notational simplicity and substituting, the

equation yields

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation (Contd.)

The above equation is of the form

The terms of the coefficient (element stiffness)

matrix are defined by

the element nodal forces are given by the righthand side of the Equation.
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation for a

Bar Element
For a bar element , the governing differential equation is
given ( from constant strain & stress) as

Denoting element length by L, the displacement field is

discretized by the Equation

Galerkin residual equations is then given as

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation for a

Bar Element (Contd..)
Integrating by parts and rearranging

Substituting the trial functions,

right side of the equation represents the applied nodal

force since A = F.
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Galerkins Weighted Residual Formulation for a

Bar Element (Contd..)
The above equation can be readily combined into matrix form as

Carrying out the indicated differentiations and


Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


One Dimensional Heat Conduction


Considering a surface insulated body as shown below

The principle of conservation of energy is applied to obtain the

governing equation for steady-state, one-dimensional conduction

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


One Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem


Applying the Galerkin finite element method , the trial function

equation is given as

where T1 and T2 are the temperatures at nodes 1 and 2, which

define the element and N1 and N2 are the interpolation functions
The residual integral is

Integrating the first term by parts

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


One Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem

Evaluating the first term at the limits and substituting the
trial function Equation and rearranging,

Equations 5.63 and 5.64 are of the form

where [k] is the element conductance (stiffness) matrix
having terms defined by

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


One Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem


The first term on the right-hand side of the Equation is the nodal force
vector arising from internal heat generation with values defined by

and vector {fg} represents the gradient boundary conditions at the

element nodes.
Performing the integrations, conductance matrix is obtained as shown

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


One Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem

constant internal heat generation (Q) matrix and
the element gradient matrix are given as


Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Problem 1
The circular rod shown in Figure has
an outside diameter of 60 mm,
length of 1 m and
is perfectly insulated on its circumference.

The left half of the cylinder is

aluminum, for which kx = 200 W/m-C and
the right half is copper having kx = 389 W/m-C.
The extreme right end of the cylinder is maintained at a temperature
of 80C,
while the left end is subjected to a heat input rate 4000 W/m2.

Using four equal-length elements, determine the steadystate temperature distribution in the cylinder.
Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics



The elements and nodes are chosen as shown in the bottom of


For aluminum elements 1 and 2, the conductance matrices are

For copper elements 3 and 4, the conductance matrices are

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Solution (Contd..)
Applying the end conditions T5 = 80C and q1 =
4000 W/m2, the assembled system equations are

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Solution (Contd..)

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


Solution (Contd..)

Applying the end conditions T5 = 80C and q1 = 4000 W/m2, the assembled system
equations are

Accounting for the known temperature at node 5, the first four equations can be written

Solving for unknowns, the temperatures are

obtained as
Substituting the unknown (T4) in 5th equation,

Dr.S.Rasool Mohideen
Department of l Engineering Mechanics


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