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Introduction About Finite Element Analysis

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Introduction about


Methods of Engineering
Experimental methods

Analytical methods

Numerical methods (Approximate

Numerical Methods
Functional Approximation

Finite Differential Method (FDM)

Finite Element Method (FEM)

Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
It is a numerical method for solving problems of
engineering and mathematical physics.
In this method, a body or structure in which the
analysis to be carried out is subdivided into
smaller elements of finite dimensions called
finite elements.
Based on application, the finite element
problems are classified as follows:
Structural problems
Non structural problems
General Steps of Finite
Element Analysis (FEA)
The following two general methods are
associated with the finite element analysis. They

Force method

Displacement or Stiffness method

1.Discretization of Structure
The art of subdividing a structure into a
convenient number of smaller elements is known
as discretization.
Smaller elements are classified as follows:

One dimensional elements

Two dimensional elements

Three dimensional elements

Axisymmetric elements
1.Discretization of Structure
2. Numbering of Nodes and
The nodes and elements should be numbered
after discretization process. The numbering
process is most important since it decide the size
of the stiffness matrix and it leads the reduction
of the memory requirement. While numbering
the nodes, the following condition should be
Max. Node number Min. Node number =
2. Numbering of Nodes and
3. Selection of a Displacement
Function (or) Interpolation Function
It involves choosing a displacement function
within each element. Polynomial of linear,
quadratic and cubic form are frequently used as
displacement functions because they are simple
to work within finite element formulation.
3. Selection of a Displacement
Function (or) Interpolation Function
The polynomial type of interpolation functions
are mostly used due to the following reasons.
It is easy to formulate and computerize the finite element
It is easy to perform differentiation or integration.
The accuracy of the results can be improved by
increasing the order of the polynomial.
4. Define the material behavior by using
Strain Displacement and Stress Strain
Strain Displacement and Stress Strain
relationships are necessary for deriving the
equations for each finite element.

The stress strain relationship is given by,

5. Derivation of element stiffness matrix
and equations
The finite element equation is in matrix form as,

In compact matrix form as,

Where, e is a element, {F} is the vector of

elemental nodal forces, [k] is the element
stiffness matrix and {u} is the element
displacement vector
This equation can be derived by any one of the
following methods.
Direct equilibrium method
Variational method
Weighted residual method
6. Assemble the element equations to
obtain the global or total equations
Thisindividual element equations obtained in
previous step are added together by using a
method of superposition. i.e., direction stiffness
method. The final assembled or global equation
which is in the form of
7. Applying Boundary Conditions

We know that, global stiffness matrix [K] is a

singular matrix because its determinant is zero.
In order to remove this singularity problem,
certain boundary conditions are applied so that
the structure remains in place instead of moving
as a rigid body. The global equation to be
modified to account for the boundary conditions
of the problem.
8. Solution for the unknown
A set of simultaneous algebraic equations formed in
step 6 can be written in expanded matrix form as

These equations can be solved and unknown

displacements {u} are calculated by using Gaussian
elimination method (or) Gauss Seidel method.
9. Computation of the element strains
and stresses from the nodal
displacements {u}
In structural analysis problem, stress and strain are
important factors. From the solution of displacement
vector {u}, stress and strain value can be calculated.
In case of one dimensional deformation, the strain
displacement relationship is given by,
10. Interpret the results (Post
Analysis and evaluation of the solution results is
referred to as post processing. Post processor
computer programs helps the user to interpret
the results by displaying them in graphical form

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