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Building Groups: 5.1 Direct Products

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Chapter 5

Building Groups
The purpose of this chapter is to describe two ways in which groups can be
built using smaller groups. They are not the only ways that the decomposition process used to produce composition series can be reversed, but they
are the easiest. The first is the direct product, as described in MT4003.


Direct products

Definition 5.1 Let G1 , G2 , . . . , Gn be a collection of groups. The (external) direct product is

G1 G2 Gn = { (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) | xi Gi for all i }
with componentwise multiplication
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )(y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) = (x1 y1 , x2 y2 , . . . , xn yn ).
It is easy to check that G = G1 G2 Gn is a group.

i = { (1, . . . , 1, x, 1, . . . , 1) | x Gi }
i is a subgroup of G, and
(where x occurs in the ith component). Then G
the map
x # (1, . . . , 1, x, 1, . . . , 1)
i . It is easy to check that G
i ! G (for
is an isomorphism between Gi and G
i = 1, 2, . . . , n), and that
2 . . . G
1 . . . G
i1 G
i+1 . . . G
= { (x1 , . . . , xi1 , 1, xi+1 , . . . , xn ) | xj Gj for j %= i },


i G
1 . . . G
i1 G
i+1 . . . G
n = 1.
We give the following name to the situation we have just described:

Definition 5.2 Let G be a group and let H1 , H2 , . . . , Hn be subgroups

of G. We say that G is the (internal) direct product of the subgroups Hi if
(i) Hi is a normal subgroup of G for all i;
(ii) G = H1 H2 . . . Hn ;
(iii) Hi H1 H2 . . . Hi1 Hi+1 . . . Hn = 1 for all i.
Theorem 5.3 (i) The external direct product G1 G2 Gn is the
1, G
2, . . . , G
n defined above.
internal direct product of the subgroups G
(ii) Let G be the internal direct product of the subgroups H1 , H2 , . . . , Hn .
= H1 H2 Hn .
In view of this theorem it is usual not to distinguish between internal
and external direct products. We often even go so far as to write = in
part (ii) instead of
It should be noted that the condition for internal direct product is considerably stronger than Hi Hj = 1 for i %= j. This latter condition is not
sufficient to ensure we have a direct product.
Proof: [Omitted in lectures] We have already noted that (i) holds.
(ii) Define : H1 H2 Hn G by
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) # x1 x2 . . . xn .
This is surjective since G = H1 H2 . . . Hn . To show that is a homomorphism, we first show that elements from distinct Hi commute. Let x Hi
and y Hj where i %= j. Consider the element x1 y 1 xy, and note that
x1 (y 1 xy) Hi

as Hi ! G

(x1 y 1 x)y Hj

as Hj ! G.

Thus x1 y 1 xy Hi Hj = 1, so x1 y 1 xy = 1 and therefore xy = yx.
Now if (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) H1 H2 Hn , then
(x1 , . . . , xn ) (y1 , . . . , yn ) = x1 x2 . . . xn y1 y2 . . . yn
= x1 y1 x2 . . . xn y2 . . . yn
= x1 y1 x2 y2 . . . xn yn
= (x1 y1 , x2 y2 , . . . , xn yn )
= (x1 , . . . , xn )(y1 , . . . , yn ) .

Hence is a homomorphism.
Finally if (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ker , then
x1 x2 . . . xn = 1,
1 1 1
xi = x1
i1 . . . x2 x1 xn . . . xi+1
1 1
= x1
1 . . . xi1 xi+1 . . . xn ,

xi Hi H1 H2 . . . Hi1 Hi+1 . . . Hn = 1.
Therefore xi = 1 for all i and we deduce that ker = 1.
This shows that is an isomorphism, so
= H1 H2 Hn .
How direct products help us: Suppose we have a group G and we
manage to find a system H1 , H2 , . . . , Hn of (normal) subgroups such that
G is the internal direct product. The theorem then tells us that
= H1 H2 Hn
(an external direct product). The group multiplication in the latter is essentially straightforward: once we know how to multiply in each Hi (which
should be easier since they are supposed to be smaller than G) then the
multiplication in G is easily understood.


Semidirect products

We now consider the situation where a group G can be expressed as a product G = HN of two subgroups H and N with H N = 1 and only N ! G.
(The direct product situation is when H ! G also holds.) An element in G
is expressible as g = hn where h H and n N . If we attempt to multiply
two elements of G, then we calculate
(h1 n1 )(h2 n2 ) = h1 h2 (h1
2 n1 h2 )n2 .
Here h1 h2 H, h1
2 n2 h2 N (as N ! G) and so (h2 n1 h2 )n2 N . To
multiply in G, we need to be able to (i) multiply in H, (ii) multiply in N ,
and (iii) conjugate elements of N by elements of H. The semidirect product
construction encodes these three pieces of information.


We follow the same strategy as for direct products. We will define an

external semidirect product, establish certain properties, and then define an
internal semidirect product which will be isomorphic to an external one.
We will need the following as part of the construction. Recall that an
automorphism of a group G is a map G G which is an isomorphism.
Definition 5.4 Let G be a group. The automorphism group of G is denoted
by Aut G and consists of all automorphisms of G:
Aut G = { : G G | is an automorphism }.
The product of two automorphisms and is the composite .
Exercise: Check that Aut G is a group. (It is very similar to the proof that
a symmetric group forms a group: Aut G is a subgroup of the symmetric
group Sym(G).)
Example 5.5 Let G = C3 , and let x be a generator of G. Since all elements
of G are powers of x, we can specify an automorphism of G by specifying
the image of x. It is not possible to map x to 1 G, so the only two
possibilities are x # x (the identity map) and x # x2 , which corresponds
to inverting the elements of G. Since G is abelian, the map g # g1 is an
homomorphism from G to G. It is clearly also a bijection, and hence is an
automorphism. Thus Aut C3
= C2 .
Definition 5.6 Let H and N be groups and let : H Aut N be a homomorphism. The (external) semidirect product of N by H via is denoted
by H ! N and is the set
H ! N = { (h, n) | h H, n N }
with multiplication given by
(h1 , n1 )(h2 , n2 ) = (h1 h2 , nh1 2 n2 ).
If h H, then h is an automorphism of N and we write nh for the
image of an element n N under the automorphism h. This means that
the multiplication in H ! N at least has meaning.
(As an aside, the above semidirect product might also be denoted by
N " H, but this involves other notational adjustments so we avoid it.)
Proposition 5.7 The semidirect product H ! N is a group.


Proof: We need to check the axioms of a group. First associativity (which

is straightforward, but messy):
[(h1 , n1 )(h2 , n2 )] (h3 , n3 ) = (h1 h2 , nh1 2 n2 )(h3 , n3 )
= (h1 h2 h3 , (nh1 2 n2 )h3 n3 )
(h2 )(h3 ) h3
n2 n3 ),

= (h1 h2 h3 , n1

(h1 , n1 ) [(h2 , n2 )(h3 , n3 )] = (h1 , n1 )(h2 h3 , nh2 3 n3 )

(h2 h3 ) h3
n2 n3 )
(h2 )(h3 ) h3
(h1 h2 h3 , n1
n2 n3 ).

= (h1 h2 h3 , n1

Comparing these products we deduce that the binary operation on the

semidirect product is associative.
(1, 1)(h, n) = (1h, 1h n) = (h, 1n) = (h, n)
(as the automorphism h must map 1 to 1) and
(h, n)(1, 1) = (h1, n1 1) = (h, nid ) = (h, n)
(as the automorphism 1 must be the identity so map n to n). Hence (1, 1) is
the identity element in H ! N .
(h, n) h1 , (n(h ) )1 = (hh1 , (n(h ) )(n(h ) )1 ) = (1, 1)
h1 , (n(h ) )1 (h, n) = h1 h, [(n(h ) )1 ]h n
= 1, (n(h ).h )1 n
= 1, (n(h h) )1 n
= 1, (n1 )1 n
= (1, n1 n)



= (1, 1)
(as (1) h is an homomorphism so maps inverses to inverses, (2) is a
homomorphism, and (3) 1 is the identity map so maps n to n). Thus
(h1 , (n(h ) )1 ) is the inverse of (h, n) in H ! N .
This completes the proof that H ! N is a group.

Now define
= { (h, 1) | h H }


= { (1, n) | n N }.

by h # (h, 1) and : N N
by n # (1, n). Clearly
Define : H H
and are bijections. Now
(h1 )(h2 ) = (h1 , 1)(h2 , 1) = (h1 h2 , 1h2 1) = (h1 h2 , 1) = (h1 h2 )
(n1 )(n2 ) = (1, n1 )(1, n2 ) = (1, n1
1 n2 ) = (1, n1 n2 ) = (n1 n2 ).
and N
are subgroups
Hence and are isomorphisms. It follows that H
of G = H ! N which are isomorphic to H and N respectively.
= 1. Also
Clearly H
(h, 1)(1, n) = (h1, 11 n) = (h, n),
. So far these observations have some similarity to the direct
so G = H
product. The difference appears, however, when we consider conjugation:
(h, 1)1 (1, n)(h, 1) = (h1 , 1)(1, n)(h, 1)
= (h1 , n)(h, 1)
= (1, nh )
(h, 1)1 (1, n)(h, 1) = (1, nh ).


conjugates an element of N
back into N

We conclude that an element of H

and it does so by applying the corresponding automorphism of N to the
" NG (N
), while N
" NG (N
) is
component from N . So we then have H
" NG (N
) and we have
always true. Hence G = H
! G.
We summarise these observations as follows:
Theorem 5.8 Let H and N be groups, let : H Aut N be a homomorphism and G = H ! N , the semidirect product of N by H via . Then
= { (1, n) | n N } is a normal subgroup of G;
(i) N
= { (h, 1) | h H } is a subgroup of G;
(ii) H
= 1 and G = H
(iii) H


The Second Isomorphism Theorem then tells us that


) = H

= H/(
= H.
So our semidirect product has a normal subgroup isomorphic to N and
quotient group isomorphic to H.
Definition 5.9 Let G be a group. We say that G is the (internal) semidirect product of a subgroup N by another subgroup H if
(i) N ! G,
(ii) G = HN , and
(iii) H N = 1.
In the situation when these conditions hold, we say that H is a complement to N . We shall also sometimes write G = H ! N . Another common
notation (which we will avoid in this course) is N : H.
Example 5.10 (i) Let G = S3 , let H = ((1 2)), and let N = A3 =
((1 2 3)). Then G is the internal semidirect product of N by H.
(ii) Let G = D24 , let A = (), and let B = (). Then G is the internal
semidirect product of A by B.
(iii) Let G = C9 = (x). Then G has a unique normal subgroup, of order 3,
that is generated by x3 . Denote this subgroup by N . However, N is the
only subgroup of G of order 3, so there does not exist a complement H
to N in G, and hence G cannot be expressed as a nontrivial semidirect
We now seek to show that an internal semidirect product is isomorphic
to some external semidirect product of N by H. There are various stages
to proceed through, but the most significant is to work out what the homomorphism : H Aut N is.
Let G be an internal semidirect product of N by H. We shall define a
map : H N G by
(h, n) # hn.
(At this point, we do not assume any group theoretical structure on the set
product H N . It will eventually become a semidirect product.)
Now G = HN , so every element of G can be written in the form hn
where h H and n N . Therefore is surjective.
Suppose hn = h# n# where h, h# H and n, n# N . Then
h# h1 = (n# )1 n H N = 1.

This forces h = h# and n = n# . Therefore this expression for an element of G

as a product is unique and we deduce that is injective.
We now know that is a bijection, but we seek to endow the domain
of with the structure of an (external) semidirect product and consequently
need to specify a homomorphism : H Aut N to use when constructing
this group.
Let h H. Then N h = N in the group G since N ! G. Hence we have
a map
h : N N
n # nh .

Its inverse is h1 : n # nh , so h is a bijection. Also

(mn)h = h1 (mn)h = h1 mh h1 nh = (mh )(nh ).
Hence h Aut N . Finally
nhk = (hk)1 n(hk) = k1 (h1 nh)k = nh k
for n N , so
hk = h k

for all h, k H.

We deduce that : h # h is a homomorphism H Aut N . We use this

map to construct our semidirect product.
Now is a bijection
: H ! N G
(h, n) # hn.
Let (h1 , n1 ), (h2 , n2 ) N " H. Then
((h1 , n1 )(h2 , n2 )) = (h1 h2 , nh1 2 n2 )
= (h1 h2 , nh1 2 n2 )
= h1 h2 nh1 2 n2
= h1 h2 h1
2 n2 h2 n2
= h1 n1 h2 n2
= (h1 , n1 ) (h2 , n2 ).
Hence is a homomorphism and consequently is an isomorphism.
Theorem 5.11 Let G be the internal semidirect product of N by H. Then
= H ! N where : H Aut N is the homomorphism given by
h : n # nh
for n N and h H.


As a consequence there is really no difference between external semidirect

products and internal semidirect products. We shall therefore simply refer
to the semidirect product. Note that in both versions the homomorphism
is simply telling us how the subgroup H acts by conjugation on the normal
subgroup N .
For notational simplicity, we shall principally use internal semidirect
products: this results in fewer brackets, and we can often suppress explicit
reference to the homomorphism . Thus if we have a group G with subgroups
H and N such that N ! G, G = HN and H N = 1, then we know that
G is a semidirect product. We know its multiplication is then determined
by the multiplication in the two smaller groups H and N together with an
understanding of the way in which H acts by conjugation on N (i.e., we
have the map determined). Provided we have this information available,
we then understand the structure of H ! N .
In the examples which follow, we shall in the end be specifying the
multiplication in our groups. We shall do this by means of a presentation.
These were introduced briefly in MT4003. We shall use them in a very
simple form. Informally a presentation has the form
G = ( x1 , x2 , . . . , xd | r1 = s1 , . . . , rk = sk )
and this indicates that G is the group generated by the elements x1 , x2 ,
. . . , xd subject to the requirement that the expressions (known as relations)
r1 = s1 , . . . , rk = sk
hold (i.e., the element in G given by the product r1 equals the product s1 ).
For example,
Cn = ( x | xn = 1 ),
D2n = ( x, y | xn = y 2 = 1, y 1 xy = x1 ).
We shall be interested in presentations for semidirect products: we shall
be giving information that specify the multiplications in the two subgroups
N and H, while the conjugation of elements of H on those of N will also be
specified (and it should be clear from the presentation that N is then forced
to be a normal subgroup).
Example 5.12 Let G be a group of order 20. Let n5 denote the number of
Sylow 5-subgroups of G. Sylows Theorem tells us that
n5 1 (mod 5)


n5 | 4.

Therefore n5 = 1, so G has a unique Sylow 5-subgroup, say F . Then F ! G

and |F | = 5.

Let T be a Sylow 2-subgroup of G, so |T | = 4. Then

T F = 1
by Lagranges Theorem, while Lemma 1.23 tells us that
|T F | =

|T | |F |
= 20.
|T F |

Hence G = T F , F ! G and T F = 1. Thus G = T ! F , the semidirect

product of F by T .
We know that |F | = 5, so F
= C5 ; say F = (x) where |x| = 5. We need to
understand what possibilities there are for a homomorphism : T Aut F .
Consider any automorphism of F . Then : F F is a homomorphism
so is determined by its effect on the generator x (if we know what x is, then
(xi ) = (x)i is determined for each i). Note that as must be surjective,
it must map x to another generator of F . Thus x = x, x2 , x3 or x4 . (Note
x5 = 1, while these four elements all have order 5, so generate F and hence
determine surjective homomorphisms F F ; i.e., automorphisms of F .)
|Aut F | = 4.
Indeed Aut F
= C4 , since : x # x2 is a generator:
x 2 = (x) = (x2 ) = (x)2 = (x2 )2 = x4
x 3 = (x 2 ) = (x4 ) = (x)4 = (x2 )4 = x8 = x3
x 4 = (x 3 ) = (x3 ) = (x)3 = (x2 )3 = x6 = x.
So 4 = idF and || = 4. Thus Aut F = ().
We now understand the structure of Aut F . What about T ? Since
|T | = 4, there are two possibilities:
= C4


= C2 C2
= V4 .

Case 1: T
= C4 .
If : T Aut F , then the image of is a subgroup of the cyclic group
Aut F = (). Hence either T = 1, ( 2 ) or (). We can choose our
generator y for T such that y is mapped to our chosen generator for T .
Hence either y = 1, or y = 2 , or y = (in the last case, is an
isomorphism, in the first two, the kernel is non-trivial). Thus we have one
of the following three possibilities:
y = id : x # x,

y = 2 : x # x4 ,


y = : x # x2 .

(We have saved ourselves some work by choosing y after we have determined
what T is. The possibility that a generator z of T is mapped to 3 = 1
is not considered, for in that case we choose y = z 1 .)
Therefore there are at most three essentially different possibilities in
Case 1:
G = ( x, y | x5 = y 4 = 1, y 1 xy = x )
= ( x, y | x5 = y 4 = 1, xy = yx )
= C5 C4
= C20


G = ( x, y | x5 = y 4 = 1, y 1 xy = x4 )


G = ( x, y | x5 = y 4 = 1, y 1 xy = x2 ).


Note that (5.3) and (5.4) are non-abelian groups, while (5.2) is abelian. All
three groups have a unique Sylow 5-subgroup F . In (5.3), we calculate
y 2 xy 2 = y 1 (y 1 xy)y = y 1 x4 y = (y 1 xy)4 = (x4 )4 = x16 = x,
so y 2 commutes with x. We deduce that
CG (F ) = { g G | gh = hg for all h F }
is a group of order 10 (it contains x and y 2 ) for the group (5.3). A similar
calculation in (5.4) shows that CG (F ) = F for this group. Hence there two
non-abelian groups are not isomorphic.
We therefore do have three distinct groups: these groups definitely do
exist since we can construct them using the semidirect product construction.
Case 2: T
= C2 C2 .
If T = 1 (i.e., ker = T ), choose any pair of generators y and z for T .
We deduce
G = ( x, y, z | x5 = y 2 = z 2 = 1, xy = yx, xz = zx, yz = zy )
= C5 C2 C2
= C2 C10 .
If T %= 1, then T is a subgroup of Aut F = (), so must be cyclic. In
addition, all elements in T have order dividing 2, so the same must be true
of its image. Therefore T = ( 2 ). Pick y T such that y = 2 . Note
|T | = 2, so by the First Isomorphism Theorem, |ker | = 2. Choose z T
such that z generates this kernel. Then T = (y, z) and
G = ( x, y, z | x5 = y 2 = z 2 = 1, yz = zy, xz = zx, y 1 xy = x4 ).
Consider x# = xz. As x and z commute and |x| and |z| are coprime, we
have |x# | = |x| |z| = 10. Also (x# )2 = x2 z 2 = x2 , which generates F , while
(x# )5 = x5 z 5 = z. Hence G = (x# , y) and
y 1 x# y = y 1 xzy = y 1 xyz = x4 z = (xz)9 = (x# )1 .

G = ( x# , y | (x# )10 = y 2 = 1, y 1 x# y = (x# )1 )

= D20 .

Up to isomorphism, there are five groups of order 20.

Our final example has a more complicated aspect in that ideas from
linear algebra become useful.
Example 5.13 Let G be a group of order 147 = 372 with non-cyclic Sylow
7-subgroups. The number of Sylow 7-subgroups divides 3 and is congruent
to 1 (mod 7). Hence there is a unique Sylow 7-subgroup P . By assumption,
= C7 C7 .
Now (temporarily) write the group operation in P additively, so P =
F7 F7 , where F7 = Z7 is the field containing 7 elements. Thus P is a
vector space of dimension 2 over the field F7 . A homomorphism P P
then corresponds to a linear transformation, so automorphisms correspond
to invertible linear transformations:
Aut P
= GL2 (F7 ) = { A | A is a 2 2 matrix over F7 with det A %= 0 }.
If z is a generator for the Sylow 3-subgroup of G, then z induces an automorphism of P via conjugation; that is, z induces an invertible linear transformation T of P such that T 3 = I. Hence the minimal polynomial m(X)
of T divides
X 3 1 = (X 1)(X 2)(X 4)

(over F7 )

and must be of degree at most 2. In particular, m(X) is a product of linear

factors, so T is diagonalisable. Hence we may choose a new basis {x, y}
for P such that the matrix of T with respect to this basis is
where , {1, 2, 4}. For example, one such group occurs when = 2 and
= 4. Returning to a multiplicative notation we therefore have a group
given by
( x, y, z | x7 = y 7 = z 3 = 1, xy = yx, z 1 xz = x2 , z 1 yz = y 4 ).
There are many more examples occurring here.


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