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Tutorial 1

SC-116 Algebraic Structures Autumn 2015

(Groups and Subgroups)

4. Show that if : G H is an isomorphism then |x| = |(x)|, x G.

Solution : Let x G be of order n, then xn = 1.
Now, (x)n = (xn ) = 1. So, |(x)| divides n, (by Lagranges Theorem).
Now, assume |(x)| = m then m|n and (x)m = 1 (xm ) = 1. Since, is one-one
and (1) = 1 so xm = 1 which imply m = n.
3. .
Solution : Given that G H is an isomorphism.
() Assume G is abelian. Let a, b H.
Then, x, y G such that (x) = a, (y) = b, since is surjective.
Now, ab = (x)(y) = (xy) = (yx) = (y)(x) = ba. Hence, H is abelian.
() Now, assume H is abelian.
Let x, y G. Then, (xyx1 y 1) = (xy)(x1)(y 1) = (xy)(y 1)(x1 ) =
(xyy 1x1 = (1) = 1.
Since is one-one so xyx1 y 1 = 1 xy = yx. Hence G is abelian.
1. .
Notice in question no. 4 that |x| = |(x)|. So, whatever map we define here will
preserve this property. Actually, isomorphism preserves all the properties of a group,
say G, isomorphic to any group, say H.
Solution : Define f : Z9 Z6 such that f (2k ) = k.
a) To prove f is well-defined.
Let 2k = 2l . That means [2k ] = [2l ], so (2k )i = 2l for some i Z. Thus, ki = l.
Again, [k] = [l], since (k)i = ki = l. (Note the operation is addition, so k i = ki).
Hence, f (2k ) = f (2l ). This imply f is well defined function.
b) f is homomorphism.
f (2k 2l ) = f (2k+l) = k + l = f (2k ) + f (2l ).
c) Trace back proof in part a), then f is one-one.
d) Let k Z6 then 2k Z9 such that f (2k ) = k. Hence, f is onto.
Thus, f is isomorphism or Z9
= Z6 .
2. .
As we have learned from previous problems that properties of a group under isomorphism is preserved. And, since we know Z6 is cyclic so all we had to do was to find
a generator in Z9 , and we were done.

Solution : There are 7 non-identity elements. So, do not think of multiplying every
element 8 times because that will lead to 7 8 calculations. Instead we apply logic.
We know |x| divides 8 (x 6= 1). So, possible orders of x is 2, 4, 8. So, just find x2 and
x4 . If some element say y does not become 1 then order of that y has to be 8 and
hence its a generator. This reduces our number of calculation to 7 2 = 14.
Look closely in this case. If x2 = 1 then x4 = 1 since x4 = (x2 )2 . So, just calculate
x4 . And this further reduces our calculation to 7 times.
Since, there are no generators, so Z20 is not isomorphic to Z8 .
5. .
Let g G. Define f : G G by f (x) = gxg 1.
claim : f is an isomorphism.
Let x = y then gx = gy gxg 1 = gyg 1 f (x) = f (y). So, f is well-defined
map. Now, if we trace back we prove f is one-one.
Given y G consider x = g 1 yg. We get f (x) = y. Thus, f is onto.
Now, f (xy) = g(xy)g 1 = gxg 1gyg 1. Thus, f is homomorphism.
Hence, f is an isomorphism.
Note that for every g, we get and automorphism. So, if |G| = n then we get atleast
n automorphisms.
( I have skipped small steps like Let x, y G, using associative property, by Lagranges theorem, etc. So, in exam you are expected to write it wherever necessary.
6. .
Let f : G G be defined by f (x) = x1 .
Clearly, f is a bijection (prove it).
Claim : f is an automorphism.
() Assume f is an automorphism.
f (xy(yx)1) = f (xy)f ((yx)1) = f (xy)yx = f (xy)f (y 1)f (x1 ) = f (xyy 1x1 ) =
f (1).
Thus xy(yx)1 = 1 xy = yx. Thus, G is abelian.
(Note that you have to mention where you used homomorphism and one-one map
() Assume G is abelian.
We have xy = yx. f (xy) = f (yx) = (yx)1 = x1 y 1 = f (x)f (y). Thus, f is an

7. .
Given that :
a) H, K G
b) H K =
c) HK = G
d) hk = kh h H, k K.
Claim : G
= H.
(Note that HK = {hk : h H, k K} and H K = {(h, k) : h H, k K}. And,
operation in H K is coordinate-wise, i.e (h, k)(h , k ) = (hh , kk ).
Define f : G H K by f (g) = (h, k) for some h H, k K.
i) To check f is well-defined.
Let g = g , then by (c), h, h1 H, k, k1 K such that g = hk and g = h1 k1 . So,
hk = h1 k1 h1
= 1, by (b). Thus, h = h1 and k = k1 . So, f (g) = f (g ).
1 h = k1 k
ii) To check f is one-one.
f (g) = f (g ) (h, k) = (h1 , k1 ) h = h1 , k = k1 g = g .
(Note that without proving (i) you can not claim (ii).)
iii) Check f is onto.
iv) To check f is homomorphism.
f (g1g2 ) = f ((h1 k1 )(h2 k2 )) = = f (h1 h2 k1 k2 ) = (h1 h2 , k1 k2 ) = (h1 , k1 )(h2 , k2 ) =
f (g1)f (g2 ).
9. .
The rotational symmetries in the following 6-regular polygon represents D12 .



So, D12 = {1, r, r 2, r 3 , r 4 , r 5 , s, sr ,sr 2 , sr 3, sr 4 , sr 5 }. Consider the triangle 135 inscribed. Its rotational symmetries represent D6 = {1, r1 , r12, r13 , s1 , s1 r1 , s1 r12 , s1 r13 }.
So, we can define injective homomorphism f : D6 D12 by f (r1 ) = r 2 and
f (s1 ) = s.
Now, put H = f (D6 ). (Note that D6
= f (D6 )). And, consider K = {1, r 3}.
Clearly, H K = {1}, HK = G, hk = kh f or h H, k K. So, by question no 7
= D6 Z2 .
=H K

8. .
Given that |G| = 4 and G is not cyclic.
By Lagranges theorem we know x G |x| divides |G|. So, possible order of x are
1 and 2. Lets construct G.
Clearly, 1 G. Put x in G. Since x and 1 gives no new element so introduce another
element, say y. So, we get G = {1, x, y, xy}. Now for G to become a group we need
xy = yx. Now, check that G is a group.
Define f : G Z2 Z2 by f (1) = (0, 0), f (x) = (1, 0), f (y) = (0, 1), f (xy) =
(1, 1).
Check that f is an isomorphism.
10. .
Since G H is cyclic, assume G H =< (g, h) > for some g g and h H.
Now, G H = {(g, h)i : i Z} = {(g i , hi ) : i Z}. Clearly, < g i >= G and
< hi >= H.

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