The Crusades..IV
The Crusades..IV
The Crusades..IV
PHASE III WEEK I ......498
The war has been raging for more than four-and-a-half years. No end
is in sight as the intended goals have not been achieved as yet. This proved
that Bush Administration was right when after 9/11 it vowed to fight a global
war that could last for decades.
This is the only truth about the ongoing war. The aim of defeating
terror has been almost forgotten. The news and reviews now rarely make a
mention of this evil. Usually, these pertain to global/regional hegemony;
control of resources of weaker countries, particularly oil; proliferation of
nuclear weapons; insurgencies, civil war and sectarian strife.
The initial claim about holiness of the war has been completely
compromised. The ugliness of so-called noble pretexts has been exposed.
Liberation of oppressed people has resulted into more oppression. The
dreams of peace and stability have turned into nightmares of anarchy.
Promise of reconstruction has been forgotten in fulfilling the urge for
misappropriating the resources of conquered lands. The balloon of
democracy has been pricked by victory of Hamas and re-emergence of other
Islamic groups elsewhere.
The Crusaders often talked of winning hearts and minds of the
conquered people, but events have proved that they were never interested in
that. They only want complete submission of the Muslims by destroying
their defence capabilities and capturing their economic resources.
If winning of hearts and minds was desired, it could have been
achieved by spending less than half of the war expenditure on economic
well-being of the targeted people. By doing that, they could not only win the
hearts and minds, but also the souls of many Muslims like Abdul Rahman of
Instead, the focus has been on dehumanizing the Muslims. To this
end, Islams concept of Jihad has been dubbed as terrorism to demonize 1.4
billion followers of this great religion. Those waged Jihad against injustice
have been hunted, killed, captured, detained and tortured like beasts.
America blames Muslims for lacking in spirit of peaceful coexistence.
But, the truths of its short history and geographic isolation from the old
civilized world reveal that America utterly lacks the ability to exist with
nations having differences with them. They only know one way; eliminate
the one who disagrees; and their military prowess makes it possible.
The values of Islam have been ridiculed by exercising the right of
freedom of speech. The strength Western media has been fully utilized to
achieve the aim of hurting sentiments of the Muslims. The need for
Enlightenment of Islam has been pressed hard, which could only be
achieved through acceptance of Western values like secularism.
Despite the evil intentions of the aggressors, they have achieved quite
a few successes. This can lead to drawing wrong inferences. It can be said
that possession of military might is more important for winning a conflict
than a noble cause. But, drawing such conclusion will be premature,
because, as already said, the war is yet far from being over.
The most important winning factor has been causing, preserving and
exploiting the disunity of Muslims. The use of enemy within has been the
lethal strategy of the Crusaders. Panjsheris were used in Afghanistan and
Kurds in Iraq.
Now, they plan to use Baluch, Arabs, Turkmen, Kurds and Bahais in
Iran. Similarly, as the war progresses, the ethnic diversity of Pakistan will be
exploited in fulfillment of the evil design. The Long War Strategy clearly
spells out the use of dissidents in achieving the intended goals.
The term dissident, however, does not include Kashmiris, Chechens,
Morros and other Muslim groups seeking an end to oppression. It only
means the groups in Islamic countries which could be useful for further
fragmentation of the Muslim World.
Moreover, rulers in Islamic World have been intimidated and coerced
to support the war on terror unconditionally. This has resulted in yet another
kind of division in the Muslims. The rulers and the ruled have been alienated
from each other which will obviously result in birth of more dissidents.
Despite all the above, Muslim rulers reject the very existence of the
Crusades or clash of civilizations. In fact, they have reconciled with
unconditional submission to the will of the Crusaders. The fear of the
military might of the enemy has blessed them with pearls of wisdom like
Bloodshed in Iraq continued and analysts kept debating for an
appropriate name for the tragedy. Some called it insurgency, or resistance to
occupation; the nobles preferred to term it cross-border terrorism; and
others named it sectarian strife, or civil war.
Jaafari, the Shiite nominee for prime ministers post, resisted
manipulation and intimidation by the occupation forces and refused to step
down. This resulted into political stalemate causing frustration in the
interested parties.
America pondered over Iranian leaders offer. The Islamic Republic
of Iran will hold talks with the United States about Iraq to help the process
of building a government there, and to support the Iraqi people, said
Mottaki. Rice said talks with Tehran on Iraqs slide toward civil war might
be useful, but they would not cover Irans nuclear programme.
There was no progress in Saddam trial. The accused, however, while
appearing in the court on 15th March urged Iraqis to unite and resist the
invaders and their backers. Dont fight among yourselves. He also wanted
his trial to remain in Iraq. Bush however vowed to finish Iraq mission.
In Palestine, Hamas continued facing opposition of the civilized world
and Israel. Even Abbas rejected Ismail Haniyas proposed plan to form
government because he wanted Hamas to be clear on demands of
international community regarding Israel.
Critics of war continued condemning illegal and immoral holy war.
Thousands of protesters in Britain, Australia and Asian countries
demonstrated on third anniversary of Iraqs invasion and demanded pullout
of occupation forces. Iran also kept causing embarrassment to the
superpower and its willing allies by sticking to its right to acquire nuclear
On 21st March, gunmen attacked a jail north of the capital and more
than 30 prisoners were freed. Next day US troops thwarted a dawn attack on
another prison and captured 50 of the attackers.
Ten civilians and 15 policemen were killed and 35 others wounded in
suicide car bombing in central Baghdad on 23rd March. In second car
bombing six people were killed and 20 wounded. Gunmen attacked a
convoy escorting detainees in which one prisoner was killed and eight
attackers were arrested. Roadside bombs targeting police patrol killed four,
including two policemen. Two policemen were killed in gun battles with
associates who are describing their own situation and must be watching
with fear the progress that Iraq has made over the past three years.
Consider that in three years Iraq has gone from enduring a brutal
dictatorship to electing a provisional government to ratifying a new
constitution written by Iraqis to electing a permanent government last
December. In each of these elections, the number of voters participating has
increased significantly
The terrorists are determined to stoke sectarian tension and are
attempting to spark a civil war. But despite the many acts of violence and
provocation, the vast majority of Iraqis have shown that they want their
country to remain whole and free of ethnic conflict Another significant
transformation has been in the size, capability and responsibility of Iraqi
security forces.
Though there are those who will never be convinced that the cause in
Iraq is worth the costs, anyone looking realistically at the world today at
the terrorist threat we face can come to only one conclusion: Now is the
time for resolve, not retreat.
Rumsfeld said a quick withdrawal would tantamount to handing over
Germany back to Nazis. Bush announced that US troops would stay in Iraq
until 2009. The lobbyists like John Hughes kept supporting the contention
of Bush Administration.
While refusing to equate Iraq with Vietnam, he wrote, in Vietnam the
enemy was inspired by a nationalistic bid to seize territory and install a
socialist regime, whereas the enemy in Iraq is motivated by a perversion of
Islamic dogma and a fanatical intent to impose it upon an entire region. (In
Vietnam insurgency was inspired by socialist ideas, but in Iraq it was
perversion of Islamic dogma with fanatical.)
In Iraq the hope of the enemy is that the American public will grow
tired of the continuing casualties and the lengthy political maneuvering over
the formation of a new government, and put such pressure upon the Bush
Administration to withdraw American troops that President Bush would be
unable to resist it.
What Bush has not been wrong about is his passion for the
promotion of democracy in Iraq and countries elsewhere to whose people it
has been denied Victory in consolidating freedom in Iraq would be an
example that would inspire hope for freedom in countries elsewhere in the
Middle East.
body would frame the broad outlines of policy, subject to the Iraqi
The Iraqi political dialogue will move into a new and potentially
fractious stage soon, when the leaders begin bargaining over who will hold
top positions in the new government. Those negotiations could blow apart
the fragile hopes for a unity government.
The Hindu wrote, with ministry-making running into serious
difficulty, Iraqs political leaders have sought to break the impasse by setting
up a National Security Council that will formulate broad policies on security
and economic issues. The hope is that the 19-member Council, which will
represent all the major political formations, will be able to draw the different
sects and ethnic groups into the decision making process. This plan is not
likely to work. While the President and Prime Minister will be the members
of the Council, they will be free to override its collective decisions that
affect their spheres of authority. Since there is no constitutional provision for
creating such a body, non-official members can have no real authority over
the executive branch.
Israel kept perpetrating state terrorism with renewed vigour. On 14th
March, Israeli troops broke into Jericho prison, pulled out prisoners and
guards, destroyed much of the building, and captured a group of prisoners
linked to the assassination of an Israeli cabinet minister, who had been
acquitted by a Palestinian court. Three Palestinians were killed in the raid.
British and US had removed their monitoring teams from the site just before
the attack. Palestinians attacked US and European offices in Gaza Strip and
West Bank in retaliation and destroyed British Council building in Gaza
City. Next day, Palestinians held a general strike against Israeli raid.
On 16th March, one Israeli soldier was killed in West Bank. Israeli
troops detained five Palestinians. Six days later, a Palestinian activist was
killed and another wounded in Israeli raid in Jericho. Next day, Israeli troops
killed three more Palestinians in Gaza Strip.
Hamas was able to secure some quiet support from Arab countries,
including Saudi promise on aid. On 18th March, it announced completion of
formation of a government two weeks ahead of deadline. The cabinet will
be approved by Abbas before sending it the Parliament. Senior Hamas
itself what and what not to concede. As the outlines of Olmerts plans
emerge, it looks increasingly clear that they do not leave the Palestinians
with much.
The News agreed with Arab News. Israel really has no problem
with either Hamas or Mr Abbas. Its only that its permanent policy is
opposition of peace with the Palestinians, by actively sabotaging it and/or
simply dragging its feet on it. Thats the key to what Israel calls its security,
indeed to its very survival. Mr Sharons stand-in Ehud Olmertis ably
doing both.
The Guardian agreed too; Israel is now demanding of a Hamas
government that it discharge the same role of preventing all physical threats
to Israel that it earlier demanded of the much less intransigent Yasser Arafat
and the PLO, but with absolutely no incentive to do so, except the possibility
that the leavings of a unilateral partition of the West Bank will at some
future point be labeled a state and handed over to them. This is a recipe for
disaster that is obvious to most outsiders but seems invisible to those likely
to form Israels next government.
Jimmy Carter wrote, the pre-eminent obstacle to peace is Israels
colonization of Palestine. There were just a few hundred settlers in the West
Bank and Gaza when I became president, but the Likud government
expanded settlement activity when I left office. Although President Bill
Clinton made strong efforts to promote peace, a massive increase in settlers
occurred during his administration, to 225,000 (not including East
Jerusalem), mostly when Ehud Barak was prime minister. Their best official
order to the Palestinians was to withdraw 20% of them, leaving 180,000 in
209 settlements, covering about 5% of the occupied land.
Its surely disgraceful that the international community
ineffectually stands by as Gazans are deprived of staples, such as bread and
dairy products due to Israels two-month closure of the Kani cargo crossing
between Gaza and Egypt, said Linda S Heard.
Under Article 55 of the fourth Geneva Convention to the fullest
extent of the means available to it the Occupying Power has the duty of
ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population But who cares
about Geneva Conventions nowadays? Israel has consistently displayed a
total disregard for them with its policy of collective punishment while its
closest ally the US has circumvented them
Surely, the US is angered over the humiliating jail siege, especially
when it, like Britain, signed an agreement guaranteeing the safety of Saadat
and others. Youve guessed it. It isnt. In fact, the US has made it clear that it
would veto any UN censure motion.
Makau Mutua wrote, the United States and the European Union
who write the checks for the Palestinian Authority must not cut off aid to
the Hamas government. Doing so is shortsighted, undemocratic, and
foolhardy. Liberation movements normally mellow in the aftermath of
political victory.
Hamid Ansari said, away from the controversy about academic
freedom, an Israeli comment has defined the bottom line in the debate:
Defending the occupation has done to the American pro-Israel community
what living as an occupier has done to Israel muddied both its moral
compass and its rational self-interest compass.
Albadr S S al-Shateri opined that in reality Israel is no longer a key
US asset. Passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a
variety of evils, said George Washington. He added, sympathy for the
favourite nation facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in
cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the
enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels
and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or jurisdiction But,
that is what has exactly happened in the US-Israel special relationship.
Arab News observed, what is disturbing is that the international
community does not seem to appreciate that this new balance offers the
best ever starting point for a real settlement. (As the two hard line parties
from either side are in power.) No one expects the Americans, with their
narrow world view and purblind support for Israel, to recognize the
Raid on jail in Jericho invited widespread bitter criticism. Mathew
Tostevin wrote, Israel acts alone as Western countries acquiesce quietly and
Palestinians scream condemnation in powerless rage The seizure of
Saadat, accused by Israel of involvement in the killing of an Israeli cabinet
minister in 2001, will certainly help interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
ahead of a March 28 election he was expected to win.
Go-it-alone moves are likely to be central to Olmerts plan to set
borders by giving up some isolated Jewish settlements but keeping big
chunks of the occupied West Bank The unilateral approach appeals to
many Israelis cynical about prospects for negotiated peace with the
Palestinians and anxious to fix borders on Israels terms to ensure a Jewish
majority, maximize security and keep all the Jerusalem.
Palestinians or Israelis would have harmed the monitors. This has been
established by the fact that most Westerners taken hostage during the riots
that followed the raid were soon set free. All in all, the withdrawal of the
supervisors appears to have been intended to provoke Hamas into an
indiscretion, wrote the Hindu.
Seumas Milne focused on British policy. Jack Straw has brought
Britains standing in the Arab and Muslim worlds to its lowest point for half
a century. By withdrawing British monitors from a Palestinian jail in Jericho
on Tuesday, the government as good as handed over to Israel the prisoners
it had made an international agreement to protect. In doing so, it
colluded with its American co-sponsor and at the very least tacitly with
the Israeli occupation regime in an armed attack on the prison and the
seizure of an elected political leader regarded by many Palestinian as a
national hero.
In Israel the Jericho operation is of course highly popular and
regarded as a boost for Olmerts electoral credibility as a tough successor to
Sharon It certainly represents an unjustifiable abandonment of
international responsibilities to protect an occupied people and help achieve
their human and national rights, denied by nearly sixty years. But it is also a
highly dangerous role to adopt in the most inflammatory conflict on the
planet and one which puts at risk the security of people in Britain, as well
as the Middle East.
Andrian Hamilton said, what we have now is a foreign policy that
has lost its way since Iraq went sour and a foreign secretary who chatters
on, putting a burbling, brave face on whatever hes asked to do next.
Whether he believes in it at all no one knows and, worse, few seem
interested in finding out The British this time conveniently scampered
leaving the Israelis to do their worst. It wasnt brave. It breached all our
commitments to the Palestinians. But it did not get us out of a hole.
The New York Times blamed Hamas for the raid. The list of
misdeeds is, as usual, lengthy and widespread. The Hamas should not have
provoked Israel with chatter about freeing Ahmad Sadaat, the head of
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who is being held in the
killing of Rehavam Zeevi, the Israeli tourism minister, in 2001.
Whatever the West might say, for the majority of Muslims, Hamas
remains a symbol of the Palestinian freedom struggle, and is not seen as a
terrorist outfit. This is a difficult realization for the West, but what is more
important is to realize that the reasons for this support rest in unfair
international politics and not Islamic ideology, opined Masooda Bano.
Ramzy Baroud elaborated, even Israels initial sense of vindication
has turned sour, as Hamas despite its lack of experience in international
politics has managed to win the trust of various governments outside of
Western hemisphere, and is proving equally savvy in making its conditions
for a final settlement with Israel appear plausible Palestinians have
successfully managed to impress their political will as an irrevocable part
of their regions political reality; a very disturbing realization indeed in the
eyes of the US and Israel who have diligently worked for decades to
undermine the Palestinian peoples aspirations.
But even more dangerous is that Palestinians were quietly reworking
their political and ideological divergence in intense meetings in Gaza, with
the hope that a national unity government would replace the less favoured
option of a Hamas-only government.
Whats troublesome is the fact that a national unity government that
includes the defeated pro-US Fatah movement would deny the Bush
Administration and Israel the chance to scrutinize, undermine and eventually
topple a lone Hamas government.
The Guardian wrote on the outcome of Israeli elections. The new
Palestinian government led by the Islamist Hamas has scorned Mr Olmerts
plans and there are scant prospects of negotiations. But it is worth
remembering that President Clintons parameters the closest the two sides
ever came to a deal assume that the biggest settlements, illegal under
international law, are now immovable, and can be swapped for land
If that is to happen, there will have to be negations, with international
involvement as laid down by the currently morbid road map to peace.
Unilateralism may work for a while and any withdrawal is better than
none but it can be no substitute for agreement between the two peoples
who are destined to share this one small country.
Analyst Daniel Schorr observed that three years after the invasion of
Iraq the rhetoric of victory has been replaced by progress. There is
evidence of real progress, says President Bush. We continue to make great
progress echoes General George Casey. Nick Olivari was of the view that
US forces now find themselves potentially caught in the middle of a
sectarian civil war as Shiite militias have stepped up reprisals after years of
Sunni guerrilla attacks.
Phillip Knightly asked occupation forces to be prepared for the worst.
If sectarian violence escalates further, US troops must be withdrawn from
patrol and confined to their barracks and garrisons Mass transport must
be mustered for rapid withdrawal of those troops from volatile cities in
the explosive central region of Iraqin greatest danger
The United Sates lost one war not too long ago in Vietnam.
Conditions are taking shape that could result in the same outcome in Iraq.
Not to plan now for this apocalyptic possibility would tantamount to
criminal neglect on the part of our political and military leadership.
The character of warfare and violence is being transformed. The
warfare of the future is not World War I, or even Korea or Vietnam. It is
Mogadishu and Fallujah low-intensity conflict among tribes, clans, and
gangs. We are not prepared for that kind of war The United States is in
danger of finding combat forces trapped in a civil war that they cannot
prevent, control, or win. Americas army is in danger, and that danger is
possibly just around the corner.
Gary Younge wrote, for if the last six years have proved anything, it
is the limitation of the military might as the central plank of foreign
policy. Indeed, shorn of meaningful diplomacy or substantial negotiation, it
has failed even on its own narrow, nationalistic terms of making America
safer and securing its global hegemony. In short, in displaying his strength in
such a brash, brazen, reckless and ruthless manner, Bush has asserted power
and lost authority and influence both at home and abroad.
As events in Iraq have soured, the ability of the Bush Administration
to deliver on these threats has diminished considerably. With its military
overstretched and its diplomatic goodwill spent, it has been forced back to
the table from a relative position of weakness, because nobody trusts it or
particularly fears it. If anything, both Iran and North Korea have been
emboldened by its failures in the Gulf.
The most important single factor that shapes Americans attitudes to
any war is whether they think America will win, explains Christopher Gelpi,
an associate professor of political science at Duke University who
specializes in public attitudes to foreign policy. Over the past year, the
percentage of Americans who believe the US is certain to win has
plummeted from 79% to 22%; those who are either certain it will not win or
believe this to be unlikely have risen from 1% to 41%.
Max Boot opined, it might have been possible to avoid such a costly
and protracted conflict in Iraq if Central Command and the Defence
Department had been better prepared for the post-conflict phase of
operations. But, as we now know, there was a horrifying and inexplicable
failure to undertake adequate preparations for running Iraq after the fall
of Saddam Hussein.
Syrian political commentator Faisal Qassem said the Iraq war,
supposed to herald the demise of autocratic rule in the region, had in fact
bolstered Arab governments which offer their citizens stability, security
and in some cases prosperity. One of the consequences of the invasion was
to give new life to these regimes. Gary Younge wrote, The issue is not
whether the developing world is ready for democracy as the administration
keeps arguing but if the US is ready for the democratic choices made by
the developing world.
Arab News criticized the raid on a Shiite mosque. The only things
that seem apparent from these actions is that the US military, increasingly
concerned at the growth of Shiite militias and their influence within the
Iraqi police and armed forces, are belatedly trying to clip their wings.
The nightly tit-for-tat killings leave a dawn harvest of corpses. The
authorities seem powerless and, as the rest of a local police chief suggests,
there are probably death squads operating among the police themselves
All this is a far cry from Washingtons claims that a reliable cadre of Iraqi
police and army is being created to take over from coalition forces. Indeed
one recent success story of which President Bush boasted the US-Iraqi
military base at Tal Afar near Mosul was yesterday the scene of a suicide
bombing in which over 40 would-be recruits were slain.
Ibrahim al-Jaafari, however, banked a lot on Iraqi security forces.
The long-term solution to this problem will be multifaceted. We must
ensure that all security forces receive proper training and that there is a
chain of command that holds commanders and officers responsible for such
abuses. In addition, the various militias that fought Saddam Husseins
regime honourably must be fully integrated into Iraqs security forces
without concentrating any particular group into any one division.
Many analysts felt that no criticism of Iraq War could be complete
without Bush bashing. Gary Younge wrote With his approval ratings at
Nixonian lows and the mid-term elections on the horizon, many of his
fellow Republicans regard him as a liability Stumbling across the political
landscape, rallying support for lost causes, he resembles Ernest Harrowden
in the Picture of Dorian Gray, a character whom Oscar Wilde described as
one of those middle-aged mediocrities, who have no enemies, but are
thoroughly disliked by their friends.
Molly Ivins wrote, it looks as though Bush does better on foreign
policy when hes being an isolationist. Maybe he should just stay at home
and cut more taxes for the rich, or go expose some CIA agent for political
payback against her husband, or just spy on American pacifists.
Maggie Mitchell Salem opined, Bush is not concerned about the
defection of neoconservatives who once backed the war, like William
Buckley and Francis Fukuyama. His problem is with millions of Americans
who are increasingly disillusioned with his leadership.
David Martin described Bushs ability to think ahead, by quoting
some of his remarks in the recent news conference:
The decision to end the US military presence in Iraq will not be his
it will be for future presidents to decide.
As far as the increasing national debt, future presidents will have to
tackle that problem.
Given the precarious state of the economy, it would be irresponsible
of me to interfere at this point in time. I really think its best if
someone else handles it.
I handed out those tax cuts. So how would it look if all of a sudden I
took them back? Again, I think its better that someone new makes
that decision.
Its unrealistic to expect a war on a concept to end any time soon. So
Ill leave that one to a future president to deal with as well.
About drug plan he said, tinkering with the plan now could make the
situation even worse. Best is to let some future president try to fix it.
On hurricane relief he said, wait a few years and see where help is
really needed. Then some future president can clean up the mess.
Lets face it. Anything I tried to do now would just need to be fixed
up by some future president anyway. I think its best for the nation if I
just do nothing.
The Boston Globe had polite advice for Bush after he sought
explanation on some issues. But as a first step toward regaining public trust,
Bush would be wise to cast aside his triumph-list rhetoric. Instead of
asserting his will to stay the course and win an undefined victory against
enemies whom he also declines to define, Bush ought to level with the
American public about the complex problems that are so apparent in Iraq.
Bush needs to explain why it is worth trying to help Iraqis avoid
such a war, what he is doing toward that end, and what will happen if the
arduous deal-brokering efforts of the US Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay
Khalilzad, fail to forge a national unity government that includes Sunni Arab
leaders as well as Shiites and Kurds. In the same vein, Bush should explain
his design in authorizing Khalilzad to open discussions with Iranian officials
about ways Washington and Tehran may cooperate to prevent the disaster of
a civil war in Iraq.
If the ongoing talks Khalilzad has been supervising among Iraqs
parliamentary factions does produce a broad-based unity government able to
stamp out the insurgency, it will be those friends who, sooner rather than
later, will want the Americans to discuss a timetable for their departure If
it will be necessary to talk to Iraqs politicians about a timetable, it ought to
be possible or Bush to begin discussing that imminent prospect, and other
realities of the Iraq War, with the American public.
Los Angeles Times advised, as it enters its fourth year, the war in
Iraq defies simplistic characterizations from both ends of the political
spectrum. The heroism of US forces and of ordinary Iraqis going about their
daily lives is inspiring. But the future of Iraq remains shrouded in gray
Arab News counseled him to desist from adopting cheaper ways.
Why were US officials so keen to publicize the attack, releasing video
footage almost as soon as it started? Presumably to convince a weary
American people opinion that there is much more to do in Iraq and that this
is not the time to lose heart and want American troops out.
Brits did not spare the poodle. Andrian Hamilton said, the
charge against Tony Blair is not that he made the wrong judgment but that he
never properly made the judgment at all. He took the gravest decision a
political leader can make and went along with Bush because supporting
America seemed the right thing to do and because it was actually much
easier to do so than to face all the problems that a refusal would have
brought. It would have taken far more courage to refuse Bush than to join
him Being prime minister, Tony Blair told Parkinson, it was all about
making decisions. But leadership is about judgment. And where Iraq was
concerned, Blair made the one without exercising the other.
Andrew Murray wrote, both Jack Straw and the US Ambassador to
Baghdad have recently been instructing the Iraqis as to what sort of
government they must form three months after the supposedly decisive
national elections took place.
Reliable estimates for violent civilian deaths under the occupation
range well over 100,000. Faik Bakir, the director of the Baghdad morgue,
has had to flee the country after revealing that more than 7,000 people had
been killed, often after torture, by officers of the US-supervised interior
ministry Britain has reaped the consequences. Most people understand
that the terrorist threat over here is in large measure a consequence of what
we are doing over there.
One of the consequences, both for Britain and America, is that
Washington has been forced to look towards Tehran to help get them out of
the quagmire. Some people have pinned their hopes on Irans offer to
engage in talks with the United States regarding Shiite Islamist groups.
Others see even that as problematic since this might fuel resentment among
Sunni Arabs who already are deeply suspicious of Tehran, wrote Farah Zia.
The US goal is a coalition government that can stay put for next four
years. But the danger, in the words of one Sunni leader, is: We first need to
see if the country can hold together for the next four years before worrying
about whether the government will last that long Iraqs dissolution into
three Iraqis is on the cards and theres little being done to prevent that.
On 20th March, five nuclear powers and Germany kicked off talks to
map out a long-term strategy to deal with Iranian nuclear crisis. Nejad said
Iran will master nuclear technology and talks with US will only be for
Iraqis interest. On 29th March, Big-5 agreed on text of statement urging Iran
to abandon uranium enrichment. Meanwhile, Kurd rebels in West Iran killed
three Iranian Revolutionary Guards in a clash.
Next day the UNSC unanimously approved a statement giving Iran 30
days to abandon its uranium enrichment activities, but did not mention steps
it might take if Tehran fails to comply. Iran rejected UNSC demand. Muttaki
said Iran was prepared for possible sanctions. Iran formally offered
regional venture for nuclear enrichment. ElBaradei said Iran posed no
imminent threat and imposing sanctions on Tehran would be a bad idea.
Kamal Matinuddin was of the view that strategic defiance would
make him (Nejad) a hero in the eyes of many in the Muslim World but may
spread disaster for his nation. Totally halting the process of the enrichment
of uranium would mean capitulation and would be unacceptable to a proud
nation Unfortunately, while a superpower can violate international
treaties and norms and get away with it, weaker nations, which depend on
the international community for their prosperity, cannot do so. Ahmedinejad
must accept this brutal fact of inter-state relations.
Tehran believes it can withstand sanctions by the Security Council.
Iran has several options if the matter is referred to the United Nations
Security Council and sanctions are imposed It can restart enrichment of
uranium on a large scale. It can ban IAEA inspectors from coming to Iran. It
can use oil as a weapon. It can provide active support to those opposing US
and allied forces in Iraq.
Iranian leadership is aware that even the mighty United States is not
in a position to open up another front Iran today stands at a crossroad.
Wisdom not bravado is needed. Its leadership must weigh carefully as to
which path it must adopt.
Howard LaFranchi wrote, as the United Nations Security Council
takes up Irans nuclear programme this week, the US and France will be
standing side by side in opposition to any leniency for the Tehran regime, a
far cry from the bitter antagonism over Iraq that bloomed in the same venue
three years ago.
Pascal Boniface opined, making a comparison between North Korea
and Iran, Tehran has come to the conclusion that a regime with nuclear
weapons can keep the US off its shores. The Iranians feel that had Iraq been
in possession of nuclear weapons, there would have been no US invasion.
The winner of this war seems to be Iran. Its strategic influence has
been reinforced, it could play an active role in Iraq and see with great
pleasure the US trapped in the Iraqi quagmire. Due to its involvement in
Iraq, Washington has lost a large part of its bargaining power with Tehran.
Washington never believed in bargaining power, while possessing means to
intimidate and invade.
Farah Zia said, Irans ability to stir Shia majority in neighbouring
Iraq is indeed a US worry. But most important are the natural resources its
endowed with. It is the fourth largest producer of the worlds oil, the second
largest exporter of oil among oil producing and exporting states and
possesses the worlds largest gas reserves. The world desperately needs
Irans crude oil thus allowing it to use it as a weapon. With Tehrans
potential of manipulating oil prices providing a real back-drop, President
Ahmadinejads threat does not seem an empty one when he says: The world
needs the Iranian nation much more than the Iranian nation needs the world.
Patrick Seale said, belatedly and reluctantly, the US has come to
realize that Iraqs neighbours cannot be excluded from what happens in that
country and must be consulted Hardliners in both camps, Iranian
conservatives and American neo-conservatives, neither want dialogue nor
compromise. Israel and its American friends who have great influence in
shaping American policy would like the US to destroy Iran not talk to it.
The US wants to limit the talks to Iraq while, at the same time, continuing to
mobilize the world against Iran to force it to abandon its ambition to master
the uranium fuel cycle. This is a recipe for future.
Blair in the company of senior Crusader, Bush is spreading Gods
message: keep the Muslims bleeding. To this end Iraqs ethnic and sectarian
divide has been exploited successfully not only to bleed Iraqis but also
spread it to the entire region as and when required.
Shia-Sunni fighting has helped in saving casualties of occupation
forces by shifting the focus away from them. Iraqs possible dissolution
through Shia-Sunni civil war would create ideal conditions for Israel to
expand and dominate the area, in words of M B Naqvi.
Insurgents were able to intensify their operations in 2005. Zawahiri
praised the martyrs in Afghanistan. Foreign Minister, Abdullah accused alQaeda and Taliban of suicide attacks. Afghan defence ministry, however,
denied links between Iraqi and Afghan fighters. The only link was the
inspiration drawn by Pushtoons from Arab Sunnis.
Karzai, while on visit to Devos, said on 27 th January that foreign
troops would be required for about ten years. Expansion of NATO began
with arrival of vanguard contingent from Britain in mid February. NATO
planned to complete its expansion as occupation force by end of the year.
Military chief said NATO troops would be in Afghanistan for years.
Drugs remained a concern of the civilized world. Reports indicated
rise in poppy cultivation and drug smugglers were growing bolder in
Afghanistan. Taliban were linked to drug traffickers and were blamed for
deadly violence.
The ritual of democratization of Afghanistan had been completed.
Karzai boasted that there were no warlords in Afghanistan. In fact all of
them were now wearing robes of Governors or ministers or democratically
elected parliamentarians. That was why Malalai Joya feared assassination.
More than half a million Afghans faced risk of starvation during the
current winters. Poverty and corruption were blamed for fueling insurgency,
yet reconstruction of the country did not receive due attention of the donors.
However, trial of Afghan convert to Christianity under Islamic Sharia law in
March caused concerns to the Christian West and Karzai was forced to
extradite the convert to Italy.
Pashtoons continued resisting the occupation of Afghanistan. On 16 th
January a suicide bomber in Spin Boldak killed 20 and injured the same
number of people. Another suicide bomber killed three Afghan soldiers and
two civilians in Kandahar; four soldiers and ten civilians were also
wounded. Next day, Annan condemned attacks on Canadians, as injured
Canadian soldiers were being sent home.
On 18th January, Taliban commander, Mulla Dadullah said hundreds of
guerrillas were ready to carry out suicide missions. Ammunition cache was
found on Tajik-Afghan border. Four days later, five captives were got freed
from Taliban in chance encounter with police in Grishik. A police
commander was shot dead in an ambush in Ghazni. Seven Taliban prisoners
escaped from Pul-e-Charki jail. CIA-run secret detention camp was reported
near Kabul.
Taliban attacked an army post in Paktika on 24th January and killed
two soldiers and wounded two others. Next day, a grenade exploded outside
Indian consulate in Kandahar. Security forces arrested two suspected suicide
bombers. Finnish soldiers were attacked near Maimana. An army base in
Uruzgan was subjected to rocket attack. Four Pakistanis were arrested in
Kandahar at an army checkpoint.
A tanker supplying fuel to US troops was destroyed on 26 th January in
Kandahar area. Two policemen were killed in rocket attack on their
checkpoint. Two US soldiers were wounded in roadside bomb blast in
Kunar. Next day a roadside bomb killed two policemen and wounded two
others in Helmand province. Another bomb targeted US-led convoy near
On 29th January, three more schools were torched in Helmand. Three
policemen were wounded in a bomb attack that targeted a convoy of US-led
forces in southern Kandahar. Next day, an Afghan-US convoy was attacked
southeast of Kandahar. Second US soldier was found guilty of punching
detainees in Afghanistan and was awarded 6-month jail.
Five Bangladeshis were arrested on 31st January with suspected links
to Taliban. A roadside bomb was defused near US Embassy and a Taliban
commander was held in Kandahar province. Next day, three Pakistanis, one
Iraqi and one Iranian were arrested in Nimroz province after crossing over
from Iran. An army vehicle was damaged in remote-controlled bomb
explosion near Kandahar. Nine suspects were arrested.
On 2nd February, a suicide bomber in woman dress killed three
soldiers and two road workers in Khost. It was reported that al-Qaeda
fighters were coming from Iraq to fight in Afghanistan. Next day, fighting
between Afghan security forces and Taliban erupted in Helmand province
and the coalition ground and air forces were mobilized to bomb the area.
Twenty-three people, including three policemen, were reported killed.
Taliban claimed killing several policemen.
Taliban killed a district chief and two policemen in Helmand on 4 th
February. Twenty-five Taliban were killed in two encounters in Musa Qala
and Nawzad areas and in operation that had started a day earlier in Helmand
province. Two people were killed and three wounded in Kandahar by
remote-controlled explosion. One Taliban commander was killed in southern
Afghanistan near Pakistan border. Next day, a landmine blast killed six
people and wounded four in Kandahar.
Taliban claimed killing five soldiers in Khost on 6 th February. US
forces killed a suspected militant and wounded another at a crossing point on
border with Pakistan. Militants attacked a US patrol in eastern Afghanistan
killing a serviceman. A suspected al-Qaeda suicide bomber was arrested in
Mazar. Three policemen were wounded in Helmand. One person was
wounded by bicycle bomb in Spin Boldak.
On 7th February, a suicide bomber killed 13 people outside police
headquarters in Kandahar. In another explosion a Turkish engineer, an Indian
and his driver were killed in Farah province. Taliban also claimed killing
two British and two Afghans with remote-controlled bomb.
Gunmen burnt down a girls school in Laghman province on 9 th
February. Six people were killed in sectarian clashes. Next day, two Afghan
soldiers were killed in roadside bombing on the border between Kunar and
Nuristan. A convoy sent to their aid was attacked with explosive device
killing six soldiers and wounding seven. Four Canadian soldiers were
wounded when a roadside bomb damaged their armoured vehicle near
Kandahar. Two persons were injured when police fired at anti-Shiite
protesters in Herat.
Two Nepalese were kidnapped in Kabul on 11th February. Seven
Afghan detainees returned from Guantanamo Bay. Two days later, Taliban
ambushed a convoy and killed 8 Afghan soldiers in Helmand; one Taliban
was also killed. Four US soldiers were killed in bomb blast in Uruzgan and
some US soldiers were killed in fighting. One Afghan soldier was killed and
five wounded in roadside bombing in Kunar. Police seized 700 homemade
bombs in Kunar province.
On 14th February, a female MP escaped attempt on her life in Parwan;
her guard was injured. Next day two security agents were beheaded in Farah.
On 23rd March, a police chief was shot dead by his guard in Helmand
province. Coalition forces claimed killing six Taliban in ongoing operation
in southern Afghanistan. Three days later, four Afghans were killed in
landmine blast in Helmand.
Seven Taliban were killed and six Taliban, one civilian and one soldier
were wounded on 27th March in gun battle in Sangin district of Helmand. A
roadside bomb blast killed three villagers and wounded two others in the
same province. Next day, a remote controlled bomb blast in Nimroz
province killed two foreigners and three Afghans employed by a US security
On 29th March, militants attacked the coalition base in Sangin district
of Helmand province with mortars, RPGs and small arms killing one
American and one Canadian soldier and wounding four foreign and one
Afghan soldier. Occupation forces retaliated by dropping 500-pound and
1,000-pound bombs. The coalition forces claimed killing 12 attackers. Later,
the forces attacked surrounding areas and killed 20 more people.
war world, was left out of the war for Afghanistan and split over Iraq, has
found a challenging new mission. Its 9,000-strong force is about to expand
to 15,000.
Ikram Sehgal did not agree. Anyone with even scant knowledge of
the Principles of War, and it is applicable in terrorism as much as in
modern warfare, will appreciate that Afghanistan is not vital ground, the
Persian Gulf is. Despite all the rhetoric about going the distance it is most
likely that US troops will pull out of Afghanistan in the near future, rather
than out of Iraq. For the moment US troops are being replaced by NATO
forces but what happens when NATO countries begin taking casualties in
some number? The US may keep a token presence in Afghanistan to ensure
Hamid Karzai, who is probably more fearful from his friends than his
enemies, doesnt take off into the blue yonder.
Canadians were the first to stutter after suffering some casualties.
Randi Adamson did not like that. As civilian and soldier deaths continue,
Canada will have to learn to deal with harsh reality. Each death also
brings about a roller coaster of public surveys. One indicated that 62 per cent
of respondents were against Canadas involvement in Afghanistan, once it
was explained that we were there in combat capacity. Have we forgotten
that Canadian citizens were murdered on 9/11? Or that we are included on
Osama bin Ladens list of target countries? If it werent so frightening, the
idea that a nation was surprised its military might be involved in something,
well, dangerous and violent, would be laughable.
The Guardian also found the ground reality a bit harsh. Independent
experts have coined the ominous phrase Iraqisation to describe what is
happening in Helmand and other southern provinces where Canadian and
Dutch troops are based. Suicide bombings, once unknown in Afghanistan,
are on the rise. Incidents are growing in frequency, intensity, sophistication
and cruelty.
It added, NATO insists its personnel will not be destroying poppy
crops which provide up to 70% of the countrys income leaving that to
the Afghan authorities. But it is hard to argue with the notion that the more
successful the deployment is at impeding the drugs trade, the more British
troops are likely to come under attack by those involved. The nexus
between opium and insurgency seems frighteningly clear.
Drugs were still a major threat, according to a US official. The UN
also kept raising alarm about poppy cultivation. In January, Karzai asked his
country to end poppy growing before it ends us and alleged that drugs
Reconstruction of Afghanistan suffered due to donors fatigue. Annan
hoped that London moot scheduled for 30th January would ease Afghan
concerns. The international conference was expected to unveil a five-year
blueprint on security, human rights, development and narcotics.
On 28th January, Karzai planned to seek $ 4 billion for reconstruction.
Speaker of the Parliament wanted foreign aid going to the government. Two
days later, Karzai discussed countrys needs with Rice. But, wastage in aid
came under spotlight at London conference.
UN chief while addressing the conference said the world has stake in
helping war-ravaged country. Donors pledged $ 10.5 billion out of which US
promised $ 1.1 billion extra and Iran pledged another $ 100 million aid.
Finance Minister hailed the outcome the conference, but UN called for more.
World Bank said investment climate in Afghanistan was improving
and offered $ 30 million for health sector. Despite the pledges, lack of funds
hit food aid programme for Pakistan and Afghanistan. Pakistan planned to
build a faculty block in Nangarhar University. In April Karzai visited New
Delhi and India pledged $ 50 million more for Afghanistan.
During the period completion or start of some development projects
was reported. In February, Indian engineers started building a big dam in the
There was also the high-profile case of some Christian male and
female missionaries who were arrested by the Taliban in 2001 for preaching
Christianity The Taliban freed them unharmed just before the fall of their
government These and other incidents illustrate that some Christian NGOs
had a not-so-hidden agenda to convert needy Afghan Muslims
The argument could be made that Muslims shouldnt object to the
activities of Christian missionaries when their own preachers, particularly
the Tableeghis, are preaching Islam rather freely in non-Muslim countries
and converting believers of other faiths. However, the fact remains that some
of the resourceful Christian missionaries are trying to exploit poor and needy
people, such as war-affected Afghans, with offers of support to lure them to
Christianity. The Muslim preachers, on the other hand, dont offer any
worldly benefits to their targeted population and instead seek their
conversion by reminding them of God Almightys promise to bless all those
who adopt the righteous path.
On trial was President Karzais beleaguered government, which was
threatened with withdrawal of Western troops and economic assistance if it
failed to save Abul Rahmans life In the end, he tilted on the side of his
foreign patrons because their help was vital to prolong his rule and rebuild
war-ravaged Afghanistan. The Islamic groups felt alienated A resolution
adopted by the parliament said Abdul Rahman should not be allowed to
The West too was on trial Demands were made to pull out Western
forces and stop economic assistance From President George W Bush to
the leaders of Canada, Italy, Germany and Australia, calls were given for
allowing Afghans to practice religious choice. The unprecedented pressure
exerted on Kabul worked in the end and Italy, ruled by Prime Minister Silvio
Berlusconi who once remarked that Islam was an inferior civilization
compared to the West, opened its doors to Abdul Rahman by offering him
political asylum.
There was no dearth of offers of political asylum but Italy, home to
the Vatican City state of Pope Paul Benedict who had also appealed To
President Karzai to spare Abdul Rahmans life, was the preferred destination
for the Afghan convert.
The sustained Western pressure on Kabul prompted many Afghan
politicians and analysts to remark that the US and its allies seem to have sent
their forces to Afghanistan to protect their own political and religious
Pushtoons have been resisting occupation of their country against the
combined military might of a superpower, forces from the Christian Club
called, the largest army in the Muslim World and host of warlords siding
with the Crusaders. Barring two or three provinces of central Afghanistan,
Pushtoons inhabit areas close to Pak-Afghan border, which resulted in
constant pressure on Islamabad to do more.
With the expansion of the mandate of the peacekeepers, NATO forces,
along with Australia and Canada, assumed the occupation role in
Afghanistan. This enabled America to save on casualties and also some
troops for next adventure in the region.
Pakistan assured the visiting MPs from UK that it wanted friendly
relations with Afghanistan. During first week of April, Pak-Afghan meeting
was held on enhancing border patrolling. But, tribal Jirgas held in Miranshah
and Mirali demanded end to military operations in Waziristan. Meanwhile,
Karzai visited New Delhi to boost Indo-Afghan ties.
Pakistans endeavours to seek soft image received a major setback on
11 April. A bomb blast in Nishtar Park, Karachi, the venue of Milad-eMustafa conference, killed 57 people, including top leaders of Sunni Tehreek
and wounded about hundred. This incident will be discussed separately.
Pakistan continued doing more for Afghan peace with renewed
vigour since Bush visit. Following incidents of war on terror were
Six school children were injured in landmine blast in Shakai on 27 th
March. Rockets were fired at an army post in North Waziristan. Two
days later two FC men went missing in North Waziristan. US
Consulate in Peshawar was temporarily closed over threats.
ten helicopters and two airplanes to combat terrorism. The same day,
Musharraf reaffirmed his resolve to root out terrorism.
Condemnation of killings near Spin Boldak continued. Hafiz Abdul
Majid Baloch from Quetta wrote, it is the responsibility of the Afghan
government to conduct impartial investigation into the matter and the
culprits involved in the crime are punished.
Pakistan played cool with Afghan provocation, reported Tariq Butt.
Adding insult to the injury was the summoning of the Pakistan Ambassador
in Kabul to the foreign ministry by Afghanistan to protest staging of a
demonstration by people in front of the Afghan consulate in Quetta.
Rahimullah Yusufzai analyzed the change of Afghan Foreign
Minister. Abdullahs replacement by Rangeen Spanta reflected Karzais
attempts to consolidate his hold on the government by bringing his own
men into the administration, contrary to optimism shown by Pakistani
leaders that the move would herald a new chapter in the troubled
relationship between the two neighbouring Islamic countries.
One by one President Karzai has eased out his rivals belonging to
Panjsher Valley. There is no doubt that the US-led Western coalition has
been supporting his moves because it improves their standing in the eyes of
the majority Pashtuns and other ethnic groups angry over the Panjsheri and
Northern Alliance domination in the government.
Incidents like killing of 16 Pakistanis on the basis of personal
vendetta and tribal feuds will keep spoiling the relations between the two
neighbours. They were not Taliban as alleged by killer commander Abdul
Razzaq, because:
The Pakistani Noorzais had gone to Afghanistan to celebrate Nauroz,
the ancient Persian spring and New Year festival, in the northern
Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif.
Taliban were opposed to Nauroz celebrations, which they considered
an un-Islamic festival dating back to pre-Islamic days and expecting
Taliban members and supporters to travel to Mazar-i-Sharif in
northern Afghanistan to celebrate the event and risk their lives would
be foolish.
Pakistanis on their way to Mazar-i-Sharif had stopped in Kabul and
met some Afghan lawmakers known to them. Taliban fighters would
areas of NWFP, if the attacks against the Americans and their allies
continued in the neighbouring Afghanistan.
What use is our strong defence if we cannot defend our innocent
people against such naked aggression, said Durrani In the wake of the
warning, Pakistan officials foresee that the US air strikes against
terrorists might be more severe than the ones carried out in North
Waziristan and Bajaur agencies.
Incidents of militancy kept marring the endeavours of the rulers for
acquiring the soft image. Following incidents of militancy and
government action were reported:
On 27th March, five supporters of Lashkar-e-Islami or Mufti group
were killed and about a dozen wounded in exchange of fire with FC in
Soor Dand area near Bara.
Next day, 22 persons were killed as supporters of rival clerics let loose
in Khyber Agency. One person was killed and 19 injured in bomb
blast in Peshawar. The Lahore High Court dismissed the appeal of
four convicts involved in assassination attempt on Musharraf.
On 29th March, mortars and rockets were fired at Mufti Munir
Shakirs headquarter in Khajori Nullah near Bara. Paramilitary forces
were set to attack miscreants in Bara. Harkat-ul-Ansaar leader Fazalur-Rehman was kidnapped from Tarnol and beaten by a gang.
Scare gripped Dir, Swat and Mardan after rumours about the dumps of
lethal ammunition held by gangs of criminals facing armed public
action in a bid to get dozens of kidnapped persons released from their
custody, reported Ikram Hoti on 30th March.
Miscreants attacked a church in Mian Channu on 31 st March. Mufti
left Tirah Valley as FM radio station of miscreants was hit.
Two SSP leaders were arrested in Dera Ismail Khan on 3 rd April.
Three days later, Turabi escaped unhurt in bomb blast in Karachi.
On 7th April, Sonia Naz was beaten to badly and was lying
unconscious in a hospital.
Three days later, the government defended its decision to forcibly
retire squadron Leader Mohsin Hayat Ranjha who refused to trim his
beard on religious grounds. Long beards were identified as safety risk
after attempt on Musharrafs life.
On 11th April, 57 people were killed and about one hundred wounded
in bomb blast in Nishtar Park where Milad-e-Mustafa conference was
being held under arrangements of Sunni Tehreek. The same day,
Supreme Court granted leave to appeal to the civilian accused
sentenced in attempt on Musharrafs life. Three days later, ATC in
Karachi sentenced five LJ men to death.
real utility to India for which reason it will like to accommodate Pakistan
to whatever extent may be useful to it.
After granting India the right to accommodate Pakistan to its sweet
will, he added, what remains possible and desirable is to create conditions
in which Kashmiris can get the substance of azadi by creating conditions on
which India would cede it. What legal shape it will take can be left to the
good sense of the Indians and Kashmiris. Pakistanis, as freedom lovers
and friendly outsiders, should only encourage and when asked advise.
India has been dropping hints that it is ready to make a deal with
Pakistan and Kashmir provided Pakistan accepts the Line of Control. Other
goodies like agreements on Siachen, Baglihar, may be Sir Creek are also
hinted at. Accepting Line of Control as a legitimate international border is
hard for the Pakistani state as it is now constituted. But it can refuse to
accept it as a de jure solution, though it should accept LoC as the de facto
border. There are good reasons to believe that the arrangement agreed at
Simla was intended to do just that on both sides. India can happily live with
it so long as Pakistanis do not keep on stirring trouble through terrorism.
Strenuous anti-India propaganda being counterproductive needs to be
Hafizur Rahman said, if we could digest Bangladesh, why say no to
sovereign Kashmir? Sentimentalism apart, we in Pakistan havent given too
good account of ourselves as a democratic country, sensible enough to
manage our own affairs without making a hash of themwhat then shall we
give to the Kashmiris; a weak and corrupt administration, an undependable
political system, a distorted democracy, a press ever fearful of state
oppression, ethnic strife leading to intolerance and bloodshed, and promises
of periodic martial law?
Afzal A Shigri focused on the issue related to people of his area.
CBMs are becoming the norm in our relations with India. Let us hope that
the Line of Control in Kargil will also be opened, and the people of the
Northern Areas will benefit from the fruits of this soft border policy and the
divided families will be able to visit each other.
Sushant Sareen from across the border felt that Pakistan was left with
no choice except pursuing the peace process. Neither India nor Pakistan
appear willing to risk the progress that has been achieved in the last two
years. This implies that the two countries are no longer hostage to
Kashmir. Equally important is the fact that the political leaderships of the
two countries have invested a lot in the peace process and cannot afford a
reversal of any of the steps that have been taken so far. Interestingly, even
the agencies seem to have lost interest in using Kashmir as a battlefield.
With India being accused of sponsoring the insurgency in Baluchistan and
Pakistans tribal areas and Pakistan being accused of involvement in Delhi
and Varanasi bomb blasts and terror attacks on Ayodhya and Bangalore, the
scene of action appears to be shifting away from Kashmir. In the
circumstances, it is quite natural for the Kashmiri leaders to be rankled by
the loss of the veto power that they enjoyed for decades. But it is time they
understand that India and Pakistan are moving in a direction where Kashmir
will no longer hyphenate their bilateral relations. Essence of the statement
was that Pakistan was gradually willing to forget Kashmir.
I Hassan desired peace through unilateral de-escalation. Since it is
now realized that a war with India is no option and since to impoverish
people further is no option either, the only option available is deescalation. This means that the defence budget has to be reduced. In fact, it
has to be reduced to the extent that we have a small army mainly for internal
security and for maintenance of law and order. The biggest defence we can
have is an educated population that has a stake in the country.
He and other enlightened moderates should not worry on this count,
because the Crusaders have already implemented this idea in Afghanistan
and Iraq. Doing the same in other Islamic countries is on their agenda.
Therefore, in the prevalent scenario, he should have pondered about other
options like rendering the border with India ineffective in the spirit of
Akhand Bharat, or Pakis should follow the Afghan who converted to
While the enlightened and moderate rulers and analysts seemed to
have reconciled with the inevitable, Sayed GB Shah Bokhari from
Peshawar observed that those who have been quite vocal about Kashmir
were also guilty of ignoring it. During the recent 3-day Jamaat-e-Islami
international moot, near Peshawar, several foreign Islamic scholars were
invited by the Jamaat having paid their huge bills for international travel,
and their boarding and lodging, from Zakat funds. While the foreign
delegates used the Peshawar forum, set up by the JI, to plead their cases of
individual countries and gave a generalized reference to the plight of
Muslims, the burning core issue, faced by the host country, the Kashmir
dispute, was absolutely ignored.
Manmohan Singhs offer of peace treaty was aimed at formalization
of the status quo, but Dr M S Jillani had no suspicions about Singhs
resolved? His suggestion that Kashmir should not prevent the two sides from
signing a peace, friendship and security treaty certainly seems to suggest an
assumption, otherwise rationality would point to peace following conflict
The lady, however, was wrong regarding her remarks of fools. Plenty
of them exist even in the garb of experts and intellectuals, who are willing to
give in for peace far more than she apprehended. She added, so Indian
treaties of friendship and peace do little to resolve outstanding conflicts and
are primarily intended to allow for great Indian interventions in the
affairs of its neighbours.
It is time for Pakistan to be more assertive in terms of its national
interests and the security of its citizens and its territory. This requires a
greater assertiveness within our immediate neighbourhood, where a
frustrated and weak Afghan government is killing innocent Pakistanis in acts
which can only be described as deliberate, premeditated murder; and where
a US-bolstered India is seeking to bring Pakistan into its hegemonic
Analysts kept discussing implications of Indo-US nuclear deal.
Sandeep Pandey wrote, while the India president, taking a cue from the
Indo-US deal, has laid emphasis on energy security as a priority for the
country, we are not even able to provide the most basic food security. The
country has just passed its first employment guarantee act, which is only a
guarantee in name. People continue to live under conditions of
malnourishment and extreme poverty. The nuclear weapons or/and energy
programme is not going to make these people, who will easily outnumber
the class which use electricity from the nuclear power; any more secure.
PK Iyengar and M Gupta opined. regardless of the exact nature of the
safeguards, the scientific community in India is extremely upset and alarmed
that the autonomy of these institutions may now be severely eroded and
their research programmes subjected to the worst external interference.
The New York Times wrote, with the exception of a few die-hard
protectionists, most Americasapplaud President Bushs desire to build a
stronger relationship with India But the notion of advice and consent must
include the ability for lawmakers to balk when the price for something
becomes too high The central question is not the importance of India,
but rather the importance of deterring a global nuclear arms race.
In Pakistan peace-lover I Hassan urged Pakistan to shun nuclear
weapons. There is NO defence against N-bombs. The only defence is not
to have any bombs because having them invites a retaliatory response. Our
people have been fed this doctrine of retaliatory response. Khusro Mumtaz
supported the argument with slight difference. Combined, India and
Pakistan are already in position to blow each other up a few times over.
Adding more bombs wont add much more strategic value for Pakistan,
especially if the aim is to create deterrence.
The News, however, foresaw arms race. The Americans appear to be
a hard wall to reasoning and are defending their ill-conceived move through
silly arguments. Creating a security dilemma and instability in South Asia is
not something Americans will like in a region that is already a breeding
ground for extremism. At the same time, Islamabad will be justified to
invest more resources in meeting its security needs especially when
American support will put India on a fast track of technological
improvements in the strategic sector It is still not too late for Washington
to re-design its framework for South Asia basing it on the principle of
equality for both India and Pakistan. Unless that is done, prospects of
durable peace in South Asia are dim.
Burhanuddin Hasan agreed by saying that no matter what Mr Bush
says the fact is that Pakistans relations with both the US and India has
been dented. It is also feared that the ongoing dialogue process between the
two countries might be adversely affected, retarding the progress made so
far towards the solution of the Kashmir problem.
M Ismail Khan opined that even the solution of Siachen dispute
would be difficult, unless Pakistan caves in under pressure. In recent
times, Pakistan and India have been seeking a negotiated withdrawal from
the glacier. So far, the discussions have been unsuccessful due to a variety of
reasons among them Indian insistence to formalize the current troops
positions as an original line of control and Pakistan has been insisting on
withdrawal of troops from both sides to the pre-1984 positions. But during
recent demarches Pakistan has shown an understanding in acknowledging
current troop positions, which has opened possibilities for withdrawal in the
near future.
Anees Jillani refrained from criticizing anyone for the deal. He
advised Pakistanis to care for the self-respect as Indians do. He narrated
an incident of Purana Qila during Bushs address, told by Amit Baruah of the
Hindu. Some journalists were approached by one of Bushs secret service
agents to vacate the seats they were sitting on as they were meant for the
Presidents entourage. They told the guy to buzz off saying that this is not
White House but Purana Qila in New Delhi in India. The security guy
backed off and the Indians kept sitting. Who would have done it in our
At home the government had done well in managing the calamity in
earthquake-hit area as was evident from merging of FRC into ERRA and
removing both the generals before the start of expenditure-heavy
reconstruction phase. The issue of construction of dams had also been
disposed off along with debris of the devastated areas.
Bush visit infused life in political activities. On 27th March, Raja
Zafar announced that Nawaz would be in Pakistan before elections. PPP and
PML-N held meetings in Dubai and London respectively. These meetings
resulted in speculations by political analysts.
Mullas in NWFP took a step quite unusual in Pakistani politics. Four
MPAs were disqualified and expelled by the clergy-led provincial
government. Disqualified MPAs took the matter to the court which brought
the chief minister and the governor face to face, as the latter refused to
summon the assembly session requisitioned by the treasury benches. Matter
was resolved only after intervention by the Prime Minister.
During first week of April, Rashid announced that Benazir and Nawaz
would have no role in 2007 elections. Prime Minister during visit to New
York said that general elections would be held in 2007, but decision on
caretakers would be taken later. ARD representatives met Boucher and
warned of poll boycott sans Benazir and Nawaz.
Second week started with Rashid saying Musharraf will stay
president after polls in 2007. On 14th April, ARD and MMA agreed on
several points pertaining to a Charter of Democracy in a meeting held at
PML-N secretariat in London. In Dubai, PPP meeting chaired by Benazir
rejected electoral alliance with ARD. Two days later, Rashid reiterated,
President in uniform is must for the country.
Khurram Dastgir Khan portrayed bleak picture of the prevailing
situation before urging restoration of democratic institutions. The principal
issues are all anti-something, i.e. anti-terrorism, anti-fundamentalism, and
anti-nuclear proliferation. Until some positive foundations are established,
the connection will remain shallow and personality-oriented Once the
honeymoon of opposition parties of all shades, based on one point antiMusharraf agenda, would end after elections irrespective of the outcome.
The News wrote, the PPP and the PML-N are the parties that are least
likely to be able to conjure up the confidence essential for a cohesive
political force. Both parties have historically traded opportunities to
collaborate with the army to marginalize one another the potential
repetition of such duplicity cannot be discounted by either side. Thus, a
majority of the time and effort will be spent reconciling the paranoia in both
camps, constantly distracting from more important issues. Perhaps both
would be better-off competing individually.
Mir Jamilur Rahman rued out political deals before next elections.
The PPP would suffer a huge credibility gap if it were to enter into a deal
with President Musharraf. Its newfound camaraderie with PML-N would
come to premature demise. The ARD would be shattered, physically and
spiritually. Therefore, neither the government nor the PPP stand to gain from
the deal. To be sure, deals are only successful when made between equally
strong parties. We have seen how swiftly and comprehensively the LFO deal
between the MMA and the Government was interred because its signatories
were unequal, one very strong and the other weak.
Some analysts indulged in predictions. Khusro Mumtaz wrote, the
will of the people? Thats not a concept that exists in Chaudhry Shujaats
and the ruling juntas version of democracy. Elections (with the results
largely predetermined, of course) are just a tool to legitimize the
conferring of power to a chosen select few.
Once Musharraf makes sure of his next term of office for five years
the world will see the US claiming that in Pakistan civilian control over the
Army and national affairs has returned in Pakistan, opined M B Naqvi.
Burhanuddin Hasan urged Musharraf to remain firm on his decision
on participation of ex-prime ministers. To allow discredited leaders like
Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif to contest elections will not only be a
travesty of justice but may also plunge the country into political and
economic chaos. Their political parties, or whatever is left of them, should
consider looking for alternative leaderships to take command.
Ghazi Salahuddin said, many of us tend to invoke the legacy of Ziaul-Haq to explain our political derelictions. More relevant now is to think
about the Musharraf legacy How come a professedly liberal leader has
effectively bolstered religious parties and has nurtured more militancy? Why
has he defied accepted democratic norms to put together a coalition of
political turncoats and traditional exploiters of the rights of the people? Why
have his policies widened the rift between the smaller provinces and the
centre? Why have the statistically certified economic achievements failed to
raise the spirits of the poor and the downtrodden? And so on.
Mehdi Hasan observed that it would not be smooth sailing for
Musharraf in coming days. Musharraf was indeed more powerful a couple
of years ago as Pakistans cooperation was the strategic need of the United
States War on Terror. With Taliban and al-Qaeda power in disarray, thanks
to Gen Musharrafs campaign against them, US has some other ideas
Now the White House officials and US senators and congressmen have
started talking about the need for fair and free elections in a transparent
manner in Pakistan.
The recent statements by US officials certainly point towards a
visible shift in American stance regarding democracy in Pakistan. In the
context of universal diplomatic norms, these remarks are a violation of
diplomatic values and an interference of an outside power in the internal
affairs of a sovereign state. The administration so far has not lodged any
official protest against this interference.
The talk of elections and approaching end of the presidential
term has unnerved the political turncoats Opportunists who had
changed their loyalties are more vocal and support a president in uniform
more than the president himself Musharraf is sure to win the next
elections if he so intends, of course with the support of the present ruling
arrangement. The opposition parties with their present structural and
organizational setups pose no threat to him.
If Pakistan were a democracy, the provincial government of
Baluchistan, Sindh and NWFP would have been sacked long ago. The
federal minister of interior and heads of institutions responsible for the
security of the public would have resigned years ago accepting their
responsibility in failing to provide a peaceful and secure environment to the
people. But this would have happened only if there was democracy and
rule of law in the country.
Nationalist Baluch sardars kept perpetrating terrorism in
Baluchistan. Following incidents of terror and counter actions taken by
the security forces were reported:
On 29th March, troops recovered arms and ammunition from Bugti
Fort and Pirkoh.
One Person was killed and 4 wounded in two separate landmine blasts
in Bolan and Dera Bugti areas on 31st March. Terrorists blew up four
electric towers disrupting supply to entire northern Baluchistan from
Kalat to Zhob. Railway Bridge near Harnai was damaged in a blast.
On 1st April, six people were injured in blasts in Quetta and Dera
Bugti. Electricity supply to northern Baluchistan remained suspended.
Ten people, including 7 levies men were killed and 28 injured in
blasts in Kohlu and Bolan districts on 2nd April.
An official was killed in mine blast in Dera Bugti on 4th April. Cache
of arms was recovered from a house in Dera Bugti. Next day, security
forces arrested 8 militants with arms and ammunition in Suhbat Pur.
On 7th April, at least 14 people, including 7 security forces personnel,
were wounded in exchange of fire in Wad tehsil of Khuzdar, landmine
blast in Pir Koh, and grenade attack NGOs hospital in Chaghai. BNP
activists kept Quetta-Karachi highway blocked in protest against
besieging of Mengal sardars in Karachi.
Two groups of Bugti tribesmen, 40 in all, surrendered on 8 th April.
They confessed damaging gas facilities on orders to Akbar Bugti.
On 9th April, a bomb blast in Kohlu killed two persons and wounded
18 others. One girl was wounded in firing near Dera Bugti. Five FC
personnel were wounded in an explosion in Mand. A blast also
exploded in Gwadar. The government banned BLA.
Two persons were killed and 2 injured in landmine blast in Sui area on
12th April. These men had surrendered recently. FC posts in Kahan
came under rocket fire and a post in Chashma area was fired at with
small arms. Four government officials and 3 employees of National
Bank were wounded when their vehicles were attacked in Tali Mat.
Gas pipeline in Loti was blown up. A bomb exploded in Mastung.
On 13th April, three security men were wounded in landmine blast in
Loti area. Two days later, FC post was attacked in Dera Bugti. Mengal
feared that agencies might kill him.
Terrorists damaged a railway bridge in Harnai section and a
transformer near Mandblo on 16th April.
Simultaneously with military action, the government took pacification
measures. During visit to Baluchistan on 29th March, Musharraf asked every
India has invested heavily in its old connections with the leaders of
the erstwhile Northern Alliance. It has sizeable support in Afghan
parliament. Before the Afghan elections last year, the Indian ambassador
called the Northern Alliances major leadership at his residence and paid
them a handsome amount to run their election campaign.
The Afghan Police, the Border Security Force and customs officials
facilitate the visit of Indian diplomatic staff and intelligence agents to border
areas, and help them hold meetings with dissatisfied pro-Afghan dissidents,
anti-state elements and elders of the area.
The News suggested dialogue with Baluch warlords without surrender
of the terrorists or their weapons. Now dont the two statements, the one
about dialogue and the other about surrender, contradict each other? The
situation calls for much more clarity; we can either have a dialogue or fight
till surrender. Lets hope it is dialogue.
A few days later the daily newspaper wrote, stability in Baluchistan is
important for the strategic and economic interests of the country. It should be
restored at all costs. The government should not make it an issue of ego, and
should approach the disgruntled sardars who have the means and capacity to
maintain stability in the province. Ikram Sehgal had the views to the
contrary. In Dera Bugti force is required to first restore the rule of law and
remove the state within a state, the government has done well to bring
back the Bugti exiles home.
Aasim Sajjad Akhtar warned about the power of the nationalists.
Long gone are the days when people thought that the politics of the
religious right constitute a genuine threat to the status quo. It is now
increasingly apparent that the MMA & co are, as the popular saying goes,
the armys B-team. So that leaves the nationalists, and would be hard to
argue that they represent, at the present time, the only form of politics that
stands to challenge the state.
Whether or not one can get to the bottom of who supports the
nationalists, the fact of the matter is that they now face a situation that
requires them to adopt a more radical stance vis--vis the state than at any
other time in recent memory. And this is not the fault of any external
force, but instead the only response can be expected to a state that insists on
wielding a big stick.
If, for the sake of argument, one were to agree that the current
manifestation of Baluch nationalism is just a handful of sardars, which is, at
best, a highly dubious proposition, then who is responsible for this state of
Bush visit yielded the results desired by Washington. Pakistan has
been coerced to do more in the context of peace and security of Afghanistan.
Resultantly, blood-letting in troubled tribal areas has increased. Despite such
commitments to war on terror, Pakistans endeavour to acquire soft image
has been lost in the maze of all kinds of militancy, but so far only Islamic
militancy has been targeted resolutely.
Peace process failed to make any inroads. Pakistan had no choice but
to pursue peace on Indian terms as directed by Bush Administration.
Pakistans peace offensive to discredit India was stalled by Manmohans
offer of peace treaty.
In the wake of Bush visit London became the hub of anti-Musharraf
political activities. It seemed that Musharraf was gradually losing his
usefulness for the Crusaders, but end of his rule was not yet evident.
Baluchistan remained in the grip of terror-turmoil. Banning of BLA
was criticized by some quarters, but no such views were expressed when
dozens of groups, including those who supported just cause of the
Kashmiris, were banned to serve interests of the Crusaders.
20th April 2006
The Crusaders in their war on terror faced dilemmas posed by the
democratically governments in Iraq, Palestine and Iran. In Iraq it related to
the candidate for prime ministers slot who was suspected of forming a
Shiite government with inclination towards Iran. Therefore, he was accused
of weakness and incompetence.
Hamas-led government in Palestinian territories refused to accept the
terms dictated by the Crusaders. It was accused of militancy to justify the
tightening of economic screw; whereas Israel was provided free hand to
perpetrate terrorism against hapless Palestinians.
The government led by Nejad refused to give up Irans right to acquire
nuclear technology. The Crusaders accused him of nourishing a desire to
possess nuclear weapons and thus threatening regional stability and
American security. But, they seemed confused about the appropriate line of
action to tackle the self-created monster.
Bush Administration remained in the focus of critics of the unjust war
waged on holy pretexts with evil intentions. The conduct of war by the
junta of neoconservatives was widely criticized. Despite the opposition,
Bush and his pack of war-mongers remained determined to continue the war.
Insurgency-turned- civil war continued unabated. On 31st March, six
people were killed northeast of Baghdad when gunmen opened fire on a
minibus. Next day at least 22 people were killed in violence in Baghdad and
have agreed that the new government will be guided by consensus among
the factions. And they have agreed to checks that will, in theory, prevent the
key security ministries from being hijacked by Shiite militia groups.
To implement this consensual approach, the Iraqi factions agreed
on two bodies that werent mentioned in the constitution. They endorsed a
19-member consultative national security council, which represents all the
political factions. And they agreed on a ministerial security council, which
will have the Sunni deputy prime minister as its deputy chairman. Shiite
leaders have tentatively agreed that the defence minister will be a Sunni.
And for the key job of interior minister, the dominant Shiite faction, known
as the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, appears ready to
accept the replacement of one of its members by an independent Shiite,
perhaps Qasim Dawood, a man acceptable to most Sunni leaders.
The analyst, however, apprehended that this framework might not
guarantee the achievement of the desired goal. The real brawl lies ahead
over who should be prime minister. Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the interim prime
minister, is fighting to hold on to his job.
The Guardian expressed similar views. Even if the impasse can be
broken reasonably soon, none of this bodes well for the future. Once a new
government is in place, the political timetable calls for four months of
debate to clarify Iraqs constitution the signal for yet another round of
interminable haggling and stand-offs. All the divisive questions that are
fudged in order to get the constitution approved last year will return:
arguments about federalism and Kurdish autonomy, the role of Islamic law,
apportionment of oil revenues, to name just a few.
Patrick Cockburn observed that the Shiite leaders suspect that the
US and Britain backed by the Sunni Arab states of the Middle East want to
rob them of their election victory on Dec 15 last year by forcing them into
an unrepresentative coalition.
Jonathan Steele wrote that the titanic challenge of ensuring political
stability had barely begun to be addressed. Relations between Iraqs
majority Shia community and the Americans are at the lowest point
since the fall of Saddam Hussein. The group that stood to gain most from his
departure is turning on the USsuspicious of last autumns American tilt
towards the Sunnis, Shia leaders feel the US is undermining their election
victory by interfering in the choice of prime minister.
When these Byzantine games are over, and a new government is
finally formed, the real difficulties will begin. For the new parliament to
reach agreement and pass legislation on how to divide oil revenues, and how
to define the role of Islamic law will be even harder than choosing a prime
minister. Confronting the militias and re-establishing order are titanic
The Washington Post wrote about joint venture of Mr Straw and Ms
Rice. Judging from their public remarks, Mr Straw and Ms Rice ended their
visit hoping that Shiite Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani would use his authority
to force an end to the power struggle. Despite the large US and British
military forces still deployed in the country, US and British leverage over the
Shiites isnt enough to change the situation on its own.
Already US pushing of the Shiite by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad
is prompting a backlash and bringing American forces to the edge of
renewed conflict with the radical Shiite movement of Moqtada al-Sadr
The Bush Administration nevertheless has no choice but to keep pressing
for a political accord. The question remains whether other outside influence
can be brought to bear.
Commenting on Rice-Straw joint venture to break political deadlock,
the News wrote, what rankles with the two powers actually isnt the
impasse or the sectarianism, but the fact that the main supporter of Mr alJaafari is cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who leads an effective anti-US militia. Mr
al-Jaafaris choice may not be the very best, but the reasoning behind it
appears to be perfectly sound.
In 2003, Mr al-Sadr and some undesired Sunni Arab groups had
been banned from the former Governing Council by L Paul Bremer, the then
US proconsul of the country. I look at them as part of Iraqs de facto reality,
whether some of the individual people are negative or positive, Mr alJaafari said in an interview with the New York Times on March 29. Anyone
who is part of the Iraqi reality should be part of the Iraqi house. And he
blamed Mr Bremers decision for the situation of (the groups) becoming
violent elements. Trouble is that President Bush and Prime Minister
Blair dont accept reality; theyre in the business of creating one, like
Saddam Husseins weapons of mass destruction.
Its impossible to predict just now, even for Ms Rice and Mr Straw
themselves, how things will turn out after their unprecedented joint
intervention. But the pattern in Iraq is starting with the invasion of March
2003 for the situation to deteriorate after such intrusions.
Arab News urged Iraqi politicians for the same. Al-Qaeda and its
henchmen are stepping up their barbaric campaign of violence as if they
sense that the moment has almost come when they can tip Iraq into the even
bloodier chaos of full-fledged civil war Indeed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
and his fellow terrorists know that the formation of a functioning
government will represent an important defeat for them and will spell the
beginning of the end of their savage campaign.
As a worsening wave of violence engulfs Iraq, politicians must now
agree perhaps within days on who will do what in a coalition. Put
starkly, if it is a choice between the fate of one man and that of an entire
country, there ought to be no contest. By standing aside now, Jaafari would
earn nothing but credit that he could undoubtedly count on for his political
Marwan al-Kabalan observed that Americas arms twisting was
working. It is absolutely clear that Rice has played a direct role in the
splintering of the Shiite bloc when she convinced other Shiite leaders that
al-Jaafari is unfit to assume the post given his failure to win enough political
support to form a government since his nomination three months ago.
The Bush Administration seems to have finally realized that Iranians
have built up massive power in neighbouring Iraq and that this power will
allow them to undermine the whole US plan for the country It would also
be used by Tehran as a bargaining chip over its nuclear programme, another
troubling issue in the relationship between the two countries. By splitting
the Shiite coalition, Washington seeks to circumscribe Iranian influence
in Iraq and weaken its position before talks between the two countries start
over Iraq some time this month.
Moqtada al-Sadr and SCIRI are the largest parties of the Shiite
coalition and are strongly pro-Iranian. Al-Jaafari or not, the Rice visit
seems to have paid off well for the Americans. It may lead to changing the
political map of Iraq and subsequently undercut Irans influence.
This could come about in two ways. First, the dispute over the
countrys top job between the two big Shiite factions; al-Hakims party, the
SCIRI and the party led by al-Sadr carries with it the possibility of armed
violence. A fight between them will certainly weaken Irans stand in Iraq.
Second, if the dispute between the Shiite factions does not lead to
armed conflict, it will certainly lead to redrawing Iraqs political coalitions.
This was clear when al-Sadr denounced al-Hakims initiative to open a
dialogue between Tehran and Washington over Iraq last month This will
lead to finishing off the dream of Iran and the most powerful Shiite cleric
in Iraq, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani; both have been working hard to
ensure that the religious Shiites assume power in Iraq through elections.
Sadakat Kadri commented on the ongoing trial of Saddam. To
laud Saddams trial as a humanitarian milestone is a politicians lie, Iraqs
invaders opened up an inferno, including notions of justice as foreseeable as
they are loathsome. The prosecution will never symbolize the rebirth of the
rule of law. The hanging to come will signify nothing but sleight of hand. A
more fitting tribute to the tragedy unleashed by Operation Iraq Freedom
would be Saddams head, shot through the temple and stuck on a pole
Israel continued perpetration of terror against Palestinians.
Following incidents of Israeli aggression and retaliatory action by
Palestinians were reported:
On 31st March, a commander of the Popular Resistance Committee
was killed in Gaza City in Israeli air strike.
Two days later, western news agencies tried to create alarm about
Islamic militancy by reporting that Hamas government had allowed
beards in Palestinian police.
Four Palestinians were killed in Israeli attack on 7 th April. By next
day, 14 Palestinians were killed and 21 wounded in Israeli air strikes
in Gaza Strip.
On 9th April, one Palestinian was killed in tank fire in northern Gaza
Strip. Three days later, two Palestinians were killed in air strike in
Gaza Strip. Fatah offices were also attacked.
During the week ending 16th April, more than 19 Palestinians were
killed, including 3 children; 94 wounded by gunfire, including 32
children; 70 civilian arrested, including 6 children, by Israelis. While
the Israeli forces continued shelling of the Gaza Strip, the rest of the
Palestinian Occupied Territories was imprisoned under a total siege.
On 17th April, six people were killed and dozens wounded in Tel Aviv
when a Palestinian blew himself in a market. Israel said, we will have
to take action in the coming days to prevent future attacks.
Two Palestinians were wounded in clash with Israeli troops in West
Bank on 19th April. A teenage Palestinian with explosives was held in
take the issue upstairs talk to the bullys parents, as it were. In our case,
the bullys family is the Arab League
The words bully and bullys parents used for Palestinians and Arabs
are worth noting. In fact, the bully is Israel and its parents are the US and
Europe. There is a marked difference; Israel has the real and caring parents
and Palestine has step-parents. He added, it is not unthinkable that a deal
between the pragmatic Israeli and Arab governments can be reached
and then brought before the Palestinians for a referendum.
The parental encouragement would further embolden the rogue son.
Amir Taheri apprehended that Israel might impose a victors peace on
Palestinians. In a war that produces a victor and a vanquished, it is up to the
victor to define the contours of victory and the new equilibrium that emerges
after hostilities cease. The victor writes the peace treaty and the
vanquished swallows it, even when the taste is bitter.
In the case of Israel this mechanism did not work because each time
Israel won a war, the United Nations intervened to put the victor and the
vanquished on the same level, thus making a new equilibrium conditional on
a hoped-for but unlikely agreement Had Israel won its wars before the
creation of the UN it would have been able to do what all victors had always
done in history: Dictate the peace with which it is comfortable The
problem was that the UN while preventing the victor from cashing his
victory was itself unable to produce the kind of peace it liked failure of
the UN tells only part of the story.
Another key reason for the stalemate was the inability or
unwillingness of successive Israeli leaders to produce a clear definition of
what Israel was. From the beginning Israel has been a work in progress, an
unfinished product. It is the only 20th century state in the world without a
constitution. It is also one of a handful without clearly demarcated borders.
It is also the only member state of the United Nations not to be recognized
by more than two dozed fellow-member states For most Israelis, and some
Jews across the globe, Israel remained more of an idea than a classical
nation-state. All that began to change in the 1990s when some Israeli
leaders gradually endorsed two-state solution to the conflict.
Sharonism was developed in response to those problems. The first
thing it did was to revive the classical rule of war that makes it incumbent on
the victor to state what kind of peace he wants. But to do that it was essential
for Sharon to decide how exactly Israel was to be delineated.
security and fruitful relations with the Palestinians and Arab states that only
a negotiated settlement brings. Ironically, the analysts after describing the
sinister design of the Israel termed Palestinians as extremists for objecting
to such a gross injustice.
Gwynne Dyer opined that America would go along with Olmert, just
as it has been doing in the past. It is possible (though unlikely) that the
Bush Administration might yet browbeat the State Department into
recognizing not only Israels annexation of east Jerusalem but the far
greater expansion of Israels borders that Olmert now has in mind But
it is simply inconceivable that Bush could persuade other countries to accept
such a flagrant violation of international law.
He cannot deliver; the deadline is meaningless. Olmerts government
can build walls, dig ditches, move settlers around, proclaim that Israels
eternal borders are now some distance to the east of where they were last
week, maybe even get the Bush Administration to agree to the change, but
none of it will have any legal force. The whole exercise will take up
enormous amounts of time, effort and newsprint over the next few years, but
it is in the end only a charade.
M B Naqvi had similar views. The stark reality remains that the
Palestinians remain at the mercy of triumphant Israelis and no Arab
potentate will come to their aid. But more the Israelis oppress the
Palestinians and impose borders of their choice on Arabs, the discontent
will grow; the more Iran will look like a beacon of light and strength to Arab
masses Insofar as the Palestine question is concerned, the US is the
biggest factor enabling Israel to go on imposing a military occupation nearly
40 years after the 1967 war.
Impositions of economic sanctions are aimed at bringing the
Palestinians to their knees and force them to accept the peace script written
by the extremist Jews. Arab News wrote, three Palestinian ministers are on
a fund-raising trip to Arab and Islamic states. Russia is following up its
hosting of a Hamas delegation last month by pledging an unspecified
amount of financial assistance. So far though, cash has not been
forthcoming and surviving on thyme, salt and olive, as a defiant
Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah said, will not suffice.
The present yardstick of success for the Palestinians is not whether
the road map is adhered to, not whether Jerusalem returns, or the fate of
political prisoners, the return of refugees or final border status or settlements
or the wall of separation or even an independent state Today, it is less all
this and more about the day-to-day feeding of a people, getting them an
education, health services, jobs and housing The noble Palestinian cause
is thus being reduced to greater bread-and-butter issue.
The News criticized this approach. The policy, aside from its
inhumane face, may not be the most intelligible path to take in order to reach
a sustainable settlement in the historically violent standoff. Firstly, continued
funding will surely affect the masses more so than it will Hamas. For a
comparable case, it can be recollected that the sanctions on Iraq in the 90s
were not only unable to pry Saddam from power, but instead resulted in the
deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.
Furthermore, the already salient aversion of the Palestinian people
towards the West in light of perceived disregard for their plight under Israeli
repression is an important consideration perhaps this is why Hamas was
elected in the first place. The unsympathetic notions imbued by the EU-US
announcement serve only to evoke greater resentment and further
legitimate the groups aggressive stance towards the Jewish state and its
allies, not only within the Palestinian population, but within the Muslim
World in general.
The Jews and the Crusaders were aware of this possibility and
prepared to suppress it with use of brute force. Musa Keilani said, tension is
steadily growing in Palestine, and might indeed be a matter of days, or
weeks at best, before the Israelis start staging provocative military
operations against the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority.
He pointed towards the method often employed by the Crusaders
against Muslim nations; exploit the differences within the ranks of
Palestinians. Washington funded Hamas rivals in a bid to deny the group a
victory in the elections and that it might be party to Israel efforts to
undermine the Hamas-led government.
During first week of April, Israel resorted to unprovoked air strikes
and artillery fire and Palestinian reacted by carrying out suicide bombing.
The News wrote, in his own criticism of it (bombing in Tel Aviv) during an
open Security Council meeting on Monday, Tiyab Mansour, the Palestinian
observer at the United Nations, pointed out that 21 Palestinians had been
killed from April 7 to 9 in Israels military escalation in the Gaza Strip.
These people, as well as the Palestinian teenager killed by Israeli shelling
there on Monday, were just as innocent as the victims of the bombing.
Palestinian extremism draws immediate denunciation from Washington and
the West, but there is rarely even a comment on what Palestinians perceive
as Israeli state terrorism.
Its this one-sidedness which encourages Israel in its occupation
and oppression. That, in turn, increases frustration of the Palestinian
population in the West Bank and Gaza. Yesterday, Foreign Ministry officials
in Tokyo said Japan would halt new aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian
Authority, until it became clear to it that Hamas was committed to the peace
process. That would imply that Israel, in occupation of Palestinian territories
for nearly 39 years in contravention of UN resolutions, is committed. The
refusal of the US and the West to recognize the overwhelming victory of
Hamas in Janaurys parliamentary elections, more so their financial
throttling of the government, is only worsening the Palestinians
Duraid al-Baik said, the annoying element in this bleak picture is
the attitude of the EU and its failure to condemn the Israeli action while
issuing one warning after another to Hamas to behave itself and condemn
terrorism. He opined that Israeli aggression and its condoning by the West
sends a chilling message.
Whatever Palestinians have done in the past to bow to Israeli
demands and whatever they might agree to do in future to appease the
international community, they will never ever get their lost peace and they
will never ever get their legitimate rights back as far as Israelis do exist in
their neighbourhoods It goes without an argument that such kind of
annoying messages is a fertile breeding ground for more terrorism and
violence in the region and the Israelis are sowing the seeds of hatred on a
daily basis.
Tanvir Ahmad Khan opined, under conditions of occupation and
threats of Israeli military presence even in the areas vacated during the
colonists convergence, it is unrealistic to expect Hamas to completely
give up the option of an armed struggle. In fact, the sheer intensity of
present pressure on Hamas may lead to third intifada.
The situation created by the two elections demands the Arab states,
particularly those with friendly ties with the United States, intensify their
efforts to persuade Washington and Tel Aviv that long term regional
interests would be better served by a negotiated peace
In the name of national security, Israel is pushing peace off the
international agenda. Governments and media organs in Arab-Islamic
world need to work twice as hard as they do at the moment to bring the
Critics of war made the smooth sailing difficult for Bush and his
buddies. Jonathan Steele said Iraqis face a more brutal life with each passing
month. Terror and chaos reign and the titanic challenge of ensuring
political stability has barely begun to be addressed.
The spate of sectarian revenge killings that followed the bombing of
the golden-domed shrine at Samarra last months not yet over, in spite of an
8pm curfew imposed in Baghdad. Abductions and murders continue
relentlessly. Bodies, often scarred by torture and with their hands tied, have
been turning up on lonely roadsides at the rate of 13 a day.
Many Baghdadis rarely venture out except to the corner store. Those
who drive to work vary their routes. A doctor who uses taxis to get to her
hospital says she tells the driver shes a patient, since it makes kidnapping a
bit less likely Even shopping has become risky. Eight people at an
electrical appliance store in the middle-class suburb of Mansour were lined
up against a wall and shot dead this week by gunmen
Iraqis who work for the government or have jobs in the Green Zone
are especially vulnerable. Soldiers in the national army and policemen
usually go home in civilian clothes. Some dare not tell their families, let
alone their neighbours, what their jobs are. Throughout Iraq policemen are
dying at a rate of 150 a month, yet new recruits never stop coming forward,
attracted by the pay in rock-bottom economy.
Senior civil servants are key targets. Inspector generals have the task
of auditing ministers for corruption and other abuses. Two of the 31 have
been assassinated, and at a press conference on Tuesday the two who came
declined to be filmed.
While violence grows, the political deterioration over the past
three months is also remarkable. Iraqs selected leaders have failed to
agree on who should be the countrys next prime minister and president,
leaving a vacuum of authority that is making Iraqis increasingly cynical
about democracy and eager for a strong hand at the top.
Sidney Blumenthal wrote, last month there were eight times as many
assassinations committed by Shia militia as terrorist murders by Sunni
Musa Keilani was of the view that there is neither peace nor
democracy. From the day American battle tanks rolled into Iraq on March
20, 2003, the people of Iraq have not known peace The situation is
drifting towards civil war as efforts to form a government remain stalled.
It is against this backdrop that US Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice conceded on Friday that the Bush Administration probably has made
thousands of tactical errors in Iraq and elsewhere, but insisted that it will
be judged by its larger aims of peace and democracy in the Middle East
Put it that way, yes, the invasion did serve US strategic interests, but not
peace and democracy.
In Iraq, the US could start by launching a serious dialogue with the
Arab League and the United Nations, in all transparency, on how to restore
stability to the country. A prerequisite is an unambiguous statement that
the US has no plans to consolidate its military presence in Iraq and that it
does not intend to destabilize other countries in the region. This should be
coupled with setting a firm date for the US military to withdraw from Iraq.
When supported by the countries which are genuinely interested in
peace and stability in the Middle East, the Arab League and the UN could
put their heads together and come up with a formula that would retain
the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and guarantee the legitimate
rights of all Iraqis, something that the US has not been able to do so far.
Patrick Cockburn said, Iraq has effectively broken up. Its
administration has little influence beyond the Green Zone. In the great
Baghdad area, with a population of over six million, civil war has already
begun. The US military say 1,313 people were killed in sectarian murders in
March. This is just dead bodies, often bearing marks of torture, which have
been recovered. The real figure for Shiite and Sunni Arabs killed by each
other is probably running at over 100 every day. This may exceed the daily
death rate in the first months of either the English or American civil wars.
There is no longer an Iraqi state to be led. The primary allegiance of
the army and police is to the Shiite, Sunni or Kurdish communities and not
to their own government. Most of Iraq is dominated by a single ethnic or
religious group, but in Baghdad Sunni and Shiite are mixed together. The
battle between them for the control of the capital has already started The
militias are growing in power because Shiites and Sunnis both want armed
men they can trust from their own communities to defend their district.
It is unlikely that sectarian cleansing by Sunnis or Shiites can be
reversed at this stage. Sometimes the minority moves out peacefully,
knowing that it dare not stand and fight. An Iraqi Army captain from Diyala
province, northeast of Baghdad, told me: where you get the worst violence
is where the Shiites and Sunnis are present in about the same numbers so
they can fight for control.
Jonathan Steele accused US and its allies of deliberately ignoring the
death squads who are indulging in ethnic cleansing. In the apt phrase of
Zalmay Khalilzad, the US Ambassador in Baghdad, they (militias) are the
infrastructure of civil war More Iraqis are dying from militia violence
than from the terrorists. Militias need to be under control.
His blunt comment came in the wake of over 1,000 abductions and
murders in a single month, most of them blamed on Shia militias. Terrified
residents of Baghdads mainly Sunni areas talk of cars roaring up after dark,
uninhibited by the police in spite of the curfew US officials paid lip
service to the need to disband the militias
Iraqi leaders praised the militias, claiming they were subordinate to
the defence and interior ministries, and therefore in no way a rogue
element Jaafari described the Badr organization last summer as a shield
defending Iraq, while the president, Jalal Talabani, claimed the Badr
organization and the peshmerga were patriots who are important to
fulfilling this sacred task, establishing a democratic, federal and independent
US officials now view the militias differently. Phasing them out by
integrating their members into the official forces of law and order is seen as
risky, unless the leadership changes The crucial question is whether the
militias can be rolled back at this late stage. Having allowed them to defy
their initial banning orders, as well as Iraqs new constitution, which
outlawed them, can the US persuade or force its Iraqi allies to disband them?
Confronting the Sunni insurgency means in crude terms, confronting the
enemy. Confronting the biggest militias, Badr and the peshmerga, means the
US must confront its friends.
Eugene Robinson felt the need for a genie to control the situation.
The Bush Administration would like to see a government of national
unity, as if such a thing existed in todays Iraq. Perhaps in the fanciful
Baghdad of the Arabian Nights theres a genie who can cross his arms, blink
his eyes and conjure a genie breeze that spreads harmony across the
land. If they find him, they should make him prime minister.
Now the administration is fixated on the peace and prosperity that
will surely take root throughout ancient Mesopotamia I only a bunch of self85
Rice and Straws visit came at a time of the growing calls within the
United Iraqi Alliance on Ebrahim al-Jaafari, the nominated prime minister,
to step down. The question is will this pave the way for a successful
Caesarean operation, giving birth to the long-awaited government? ... Rices
remarks raise another question: Will the visit add more to the US record
of tactical errors? It is clear that the tactical errors that Rice spoke about
had not caused any harm to the US interests or Rices political future.
She can speak about errors that do not cause any harm to the interests
of the US or its citizens, since the US administration will not be used to pay
compensations to the Iraqis, while the rights of US victims are preserved. So
who will pay to Iraq the price of thousands of tactical errors?
The focus of criticism ultimately shifted where it belonged to. One
after another retired general accused Rumsfeld of committing the
mistakes. David Ignatius said, make no mistake: The retired generals who
are speaking out against Rumsfeld in interviews and op-ed pieces express
the views of hundreds of other officers on active duty. When I recently asked
an Army officer with extensive Iraq combat experience how many of his
colleagues wanted Rumsfeld out, he suggested 75 percent.
Rumsfeld is a stubborn man, and I suspect the parade of retired
generals calling for his head has only made him more determined to hold on.
But by staying in his job, Rumsfeld is hurting the cause he presumably cares
most about The president, even more stubborn than his Pentagon chief, is
said to have rejected his offer to resign. If thats so, its time for Rumsfeld to
take the matter out of Bushs hands The administration needs to look this
one clearly in the eye. Without changes that shore up public support in
America, it risks losing the war in Iraq.
Andrew J Bacevich opined, unless and until we can restore some
semblance of civilian-military effectiveness, defective policies will be the
norm rather than the exception. This not the sins of Donald Rumsfeld is
the nub of the matter The issue is one that ought to be addressed in the
political realm. Indeed it cries out for serious and sustained legislative
attention. In past conflicts, Congress has established joint committees to
evaluate the wars conduct. Such an investigation of the Iraq War is long
If the manifestly anemic Congress cannot arouse itself to undertake
such a task, it might create a commission like the one that investigated the
events of 9/11, charging it with assessing the civilian-military dissonance
that has hampered the wars planning and execution. Todays dissident
generals could testify before such a commission, making their case against
Rumsfeld but also accounting for militarys performance.
The News wrote, the nature of the allegations is serious enough to
have put at stake the credibility of the entire Iraq operation, which has
been dubbed by retired generals as badly planned and devoid of vision for
durable peace in the post-Saddam period. Perhaps this was essentially the
Rumsfeld plan to keep the war going with billions of American taxpayers
dollars being channeled into the arms industry to sustain the war.
The kinds of accusations that have surfaced against Rumsfeld
warrant a deeper probe by the Bush Administration, especially when the
accusers are credible men of determined stature and expertise. Such an
enquiry will also be important in determining the soundness of the war plan
that led to the killing of thousands of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.
HDS Greenway observed, respect for the military institution itself is
deeply ingrained in the American military. Publicly criticizing the civilian
leadership is not done, even in retirement, and some military men are
offended by the forthright generals and their public statements. On the other
hand, Colonel H R McMasters book Dereliction of Duty, which criticizes
the top brass for not speaking out against the Vietnam War, has been making
the rounds, making a powerful case for speaking out.
But the provocation that brought these American generals to go
public was intense. To my mind, none of the generals put it better than
Lieutenant General Gregory Newbold when he told Time magazine that the
commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and a
swagger that are the special provinces of those who have never had to
execute these missions or bury the results.
Melvin R Laird and Robert E Pursley were of the view that a general
officer is expected to follow orders, but he is also entitled to advise if he
thinks those orders are flawed. The ghost of Vietnam may be whispering to
these retired generals, who understandably want to guarantee that military
wisdom is never again trampled by political expediency The problem is
that when military advice is considered and then rejected, officers are likely
to feel sidelined. Sometimes we all must wait for hindsight to be able to
make accurate judgments.
Sidney Blumenthal quoted some of the statements of generals while
commenting on the issue:
Retired Maj Gen Paul Eaton, who was in charge of training the Iraqi
army, called Rumsfeld incompetent strategically, operationally and
Retired General Anthony Zinni, former chief of US Central Command
said: Poor military judgment has been used throughout this mission.
Retired Lt Gen Gregory Newbold wrote: I now regret that I did not
more openly challenge those who were determined to invade a
country whose actions were peripheral to the real threat al-Qaeda.
Retired Maj Gen John Riggs said: They only need the military advice
when it satisfies their agenda.
Maj Gen Charles Swannack, former commander of the 82 nd Airborne,
said that Rumsfeld bore culpability for the abuses at Abu Ghraib.
He went on to mention the viewpoint of opposing side. Donald
Rumsfelds closest aide, the undersecretary of defence for intelligence,
Stephen Cambone, joked that the armys problem could be solved by lining
up 50 of its generals in the Pentagon and gunning them down Rumsfeld
held a Pentagon meeting where he declared the bureaucracy the career
professionals to be a serious threat to the security of the United States.
The Bush Administration has mounted a full-scale PR defence.
Rumsfeld appeared in the guise of King Solomon on rightwing radio talk
show of host Rush Limboughs programme: This, too, will pass. Bush
proposed a syllogism: Im the decider, and I decide whats best. And whats
best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain.
He, like HDS Greenway, was of the view that the generals who
criticized Rumsfeld spoke in the language on McMasters book, Dereliction
of Duty, in which the author had argued that the joint chiefs of staff of the
Vietnam era had failed in their constitutional responsibility to object
strenuously to misguided strategies. He concluded: History? We dont
know. Well all be dead, Bush remarked in 2003. We cannot escape
history, said Abraham Lincoln. The living president has already sealed
his reputation in history.
Nasim Zehra agreed; there is enough out there to outrage the
sensitive soldiers and also make them question the logic of the war. They
cannot come out openly to oppose the war. Yet high-profile military men are
joining the chorus of criticism of the Congress, media and organized groups.
This will make the war in Iraq more unpopular, Bush more unpopular,
and force an earlier drawdown of US troops from Iraq.
Maggie Mitchell Salem opined, in the end, the presidents blind
ambition and misguided loyalty to discredited senior officials, principally
Cheney and Rumsfeld, may lead to defeat for his party and incredibly
stain his record. The real tragedy is that American values, which he so
loudly trumpets abroad, seem of little consequence to him at home. Bush
will survive his second term. The question remains: will America?
As the Crusaders became more vocal about sanctions, deadlines and
preemptive strike, Iran stepped up flexing its military muscle to deter the
war-mongers. Tehran test-fired a sonar-evading underwater missile on 2 nd
April, which is capable of outpacing enemy warships. Next day, Iran said it
has successfully teat-fired a dangerous torpedo in war games in the Gulf.
Iran test-fired new land-to-sea missile on 4th April and next day third
missile was test-fired. Tehran Iran said Washington must accept Iran as a
big regional power. Four days later, Iran claimed shooting down a drone
which had taken off from Iraq and was filming southern border areas.
Meanwhile, Bush Administration was reported planning massive
bombing against Iran, including use of bunker-buster nuclear weapons to
destroy nuclear facilities. Straw called US nuclear strike on Iran
completely nuts. Iran branded the media reports of air strikes as
psychological warfare so that Tehran abandons its nuclear programme.
Critics of Bush expressed alarm about reports of possible military
action against Iran. On 10th April, Irans president promised good news
within days about the countrys nuclear programme. Next day, Iranian
scientists announced enrichment of uranium to 3.5 percent required for
civilian reactor.
Nejad asked foreign governments to recognize and respect Irans
rights. When a people master nuclear technology and nuclear fuel, nothing
can be done against them, said armed forces joint chief of staff, Gen
Firouzabadi. Scientists said Iran was determined to complete work within
three years on a heavy water reactor in Arak and 3,000 centrifuges would be
installed within the next year at Natanz. The West can do nothing and is
obliged to extend to us the hand of friendship, said ISNA.
Richard Clarke and Steven Simon wrote, any United States bombing
campaign would simply begin a multi-move, escalatory process. Iran
could respond three ways. First, it could attack Persian Gulf oil facilities and
tankers as it did in the mid 1980s which could cause oil prices to spike
above $ 80 a barrel.
Second and more likely, Iran could use its terrorist network to strike
American targets around the world, including inside the United States. Iran
has forces at its command that are far superior to anything al-Qaeda was
ever able to field. The Lebanese terrorist organization Hezbollah has a global
reach, and has served in the past as an instrument of Iran
Third, Iran is in a position to make our situation in Iraq far more
difficult than it already is. The Badr Brigade and other Shiite militias in Iraq
could launch a more deadly campaign against British and American troops.
There is every reason to believe that Iran has such a retaliatory shock wave
planned and ready.
Bloodied by Iranian retaliation, President Bush would most likely
authorize wider and more intensive bombing. Non-military Iranian
government targets would probably be struck in a vain hope that the Iranian
people would seize the opportunity to overthrow the government. More
likely, the American war against Iran would guarantee the regime
decades more of control.
Mark Helprin was of the view that with an intermediate-range
strategic nuclear capacity, it could deter American intervention, reign over
the Persian Gulf, further separate Europe from American Middle East
policy, correct a nuclear imbalance with Pakistan, lead and perhaps unify the
Muslim World, and thus create the chance to end Western dominance of the
Middle East and/or with a single shot destroy Israel. He cleverly mixed up
contradicting possibilities in one sentence.
He explained the nature of task the military has to perform. The
obvious option is an aerial campaign to divest Iran of its nuclear potential:
i.e. clear the Persian Gulf of Iranian naval forces, scrub anti-ship missiles
from the shore and lay open antiaircraft-free corridors to each target. With
the furious capacity of its new weapons, the United States can accomplish
this readily. Were the targets effectively hidden or buried, Iran could shut
down, coerced or perhaps revolutionized by the simple and rapid destruction
of its oil production and transport. The Iranians know their obvious
vulnerabilities, but are we aware of ours?
In another editorial the News added, there are and will be people
admiring Iran just for the sheer grit it has shown in taking on the might of
the imperialist United States. It is dangerous game, but the mere fact that
Iran and Ahmeninejad have the guts to stand up to, or even bluff,
President Bush and Co warms the hearts of many.
Washington maintains that it is not the instigator in the case of its
tense ties with Tehran. American officials have been saying all along with
greater frequency after Iran renewed its nuclear programme earlier this year
that they are just responding to what a country with a dubious reputation
has been attempting to achieve.
Yet, Americas own deeds have in the meantime been
questionable, jeopardizing agreements that enjoy respect internationally.
Take the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty for instance, which must be
signed and ratified before a state can acquire nuclear power. A US that
pursues a nuclear deal with an India which has not signed the NPT
Humera Niazi was of the view that Indo-US nuclear cooperation
creates double standards in the US pursuit for global non proliferation,
because Washington strongly opposes Irans nuclear programme. In the
Muslim Worlds perspective it creates another dimension, as it suggests an
approach towards Islamic countries which is prejudged and favours Indias
posture in the region, in a manner that puts Muslim countries at a strategic
Rafi Nasim from Lahore was of the view that since the issue is under
discussion at the UNO, America has no right to take it in its own hands. Mr
Bush must realize that he will lose the favour of half the world if he
attacks Iran.
Farooq Sulehria wrote, every time a country joins the nuclear club, it
enhances the threat to world peace and the global environment. But the
Empires nuclear hypocrisy and selective position to proliferation
complicates, rather politicizes, the nuclear question globally.
In a subsequent editorial the News commented on Bushs nuclear
bluff. Bush talked of diplomacy too, but with a gun to Irans head
Actually, arbitrary action is not going to be so easy for the US. This talk of
nuclear strike looks more like a US bluff, but a very dangerous one
Dr Maqsudul Hasan Nuri proposed avoidance of military
confrontation, but his argument was defeatist. Events could spin out of
control as earlier wars and conflicts have shown. It is better that issues of
pride and prejudice are set aside and the region spared from another major
concussion. The US, as a distant and stronger power, will not suffer as much
as would Iran. Besides the Persian Gulf states, the larger Middle East, and
the adjoining region including Pakistan, will have to face the shock waves.
The analyst by warning Iran suffering more and regional countries facing
shock waves suggested surrender.
M B Naqvi said, the Bush Administration is as obsessed with Iraq
today as George W Bush was about Iraq in the early years of this supposed
American Century, with dreams of a new Holy Roman Empire by the US
this time Let no one make a mistake that it is a Republican Party
programme only. The other major party, the Democrats, has not disavowed it
and also has no differing ideas or another worldview.
The whole region, more so as the South Asia and Southeast Asia are
largely in American corner. Iran stands out as a sore thumb in the path of
US march towards its destined hyper-powerhood Irans regime, for one,
is inflexibly and more or less permanently against all that Israel seeks to do
to help implement US designs. It is thus a strategic target that has to be
But the very attempt to change the Iranian regime, sure to require a
big military operation, will result in Iran hurting the entire capitalist
world by reducing its oil exports and by adopting a forward policy of
supporting Shia insurgencies throughout West Asia that may be waiting to
Despite the opposition, the Crusaders were encouraged by certain
factors to indulge in adventurism against Iran. One of these was identified
by Simon Tisdall, who said Tehrans enemy within encourages US.
Estimated six million Kurds, who mostly live in western provinces
bordering Turkey and Iraq have intensified their struggle since Mr
Ahmadinejad came to power.
Ethnically Arab Khuzestan province, in south-west Iran, has
witnessed several recent bomb attacks, including a rumoured attempt to
assassinate Mr Ahmedinejad in Ahvaz in January. British troops in Basra
were involved in supporting these separatist Arabs.
Two to three million ethnic Turkmen inhabit north-east Iran. Sunni
Muslims in a theocratic Shia state, they feel disadvantaged for both ethnic
and religious reasons. The Crusaders presence in bases in central Asia and
A US that is unable to fight on the ground for any length of time and
deterred from using nuclear weapons for fear of retaliation in kind against its
allies and troops in the region would, so the mullahs hope, do what it has
often done; i.e. running away, leaving Iran to emerge as the regional
superpower. Thus it is foolish to see Irans nuclear quest as a sign of
hubris on the part of the mad mullahs.
The Hindu disagreed by saying that it was nothing more than creating
and retaining strategic ambiguity. His declaration to this effect has not been
entirely overwhelmed by the manner in which the government-controlled
media hyped the breakthrough But, an attempt does appear to have
been made to retain a measure of strategic ambiguity. Such an approach
is understandable, given the situation Iran finds itself in.
Hassan Hanizadeh put across Iranian viewpoint. The illogical
reaction of the United States will undoubtedly have no effect on Irans
national will to move toward developing the complete nuclear fuel cycle
because gaining access to civilian nuclear energy is a national demand and
no power in the world can deprive Iran of this right.
Now, after three years of nuclear negotiations during which the
Islamic Republican accepted all the conditions of the West in order to gain
the confidence of the international community, Iran has chosen its true
path Enriching uranium within the framework of the regulations of the
nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is the inalienable right of every NPT
signatory state, so Iran has not violated the terms of the NPT by gaining
access to the nuclear fuel cycle Iran has now entered a critical phase in
its political history, and no foreign threat can diminish Irans national will to
reach the summit of scientific advancement.
In a subsequent article, he added, the most significant issue discussed
by the political analysts of the Persian Gulf littoral states on television talk
shows during the past week is the proximity of the Bushehr Nuclear Power
Plant to the Arab countries on the Persian Gulf In fact, the location of the
Bushehr Power Plant was determined by experts from the United States
and other Western countries during the 1960s after years of study, research,
and analysis In contrast Israels Dimona Nuclear Power Plant is located in
Negev Desert where the soil is loose, increasing the danger level.
The other issue being discussed by the political experts of the Arab
states of the Persian Gulf is the fact that Iran is becoming a regional
power In fact, the only country that should be worried about the
militarization of the Persian Gulf region is the Islamic Republic of Iran,
because the Arab states and other Western countries that have actually
paved the way for the permanent presence of US warships in the
Persian Gulf.
If the Arab states on the southern coast of the Persian Gulf that
currently believe that the United States is their security guarantee change
their views, a new chapter can be opened in their security and defence
cooperation with Iran.
To conclude some excerpts from the article of Peter Baker are
The Iranians seem unfazed by UN statements. The Russian and
Chinese wont go along with economic sanctions. And the generals at
the Pentagon hate the idea of a military strike.
The central problem for Bush, according to aides and analysts, is that
Iran has proven impervious so far to the diplomatic levers Washington
and its partners have been willing to use. Some administration
officials have grown increasingly skeptical that a solution can be
found, raising the prospect that, like North Korea before it, a second
member of the trio of rogue states Bush once dubbed the axis of evil
might ultimately develop a nuclear bomb over US objections.
Bushs chief political adviser, Karl Rove, complained during a
Houston appearance on that it is hard to find a diplomatic
resolution because Ahmedinejad is not a rational human being.
That has left Bush with few attractive alternatives. At this point,
your options seem to be not good and scarce, said Ray Takeyh, a
senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Your other option
is living with itand I think thats what will happen.
If he cannot convince Russia and China to toughen UN pressure on
Iran, though, he has few options, analysts said. He could organize
economic sanctions with a coalition of the willing in tandem with
the Europeans. Or he could offer Iran a more substantive deal.
Weve been trying coercive diplomacy and the Iranians have just sent
a very clear message: Nice try, it just wont work, said Clifford
Kupchan, an analyst at the Eurasia Group. The only diplomatic
option we havent tried is to cut a deal directly. We might as well
try putting everything on the table.
Insurgency has turned into civil war with Shias and Sunnis pitched
against each other. The sectarian bloodletting has allowed the occupation
forces to save on casualties as well as ousting Jaafari to have a Prime
Minister of their choice.
There was complete boycott of Hamas-led democratically elected
Palestinian government. This was an insult to Palestinian people who
exercised their right to choose a leadership of their choice. The Crusaders
were not satisfied with that and therefore have started coaxing Fatah to
undermine Hamas-rule.
Criticism of war and occupation of Iraq continued and Bush ratings
kept sliding downward. Many analysts from the civilized world opposed
military option mainly because the environments were not favourable; but
none of them desired that Iran should be allowed to acquire nuclear
The gang of neo-cons led by Bush remained unnerved. The reason is
that entire lot of Republicans and Democrats fully support the Crusades
against Muslims. They seemed inclined to take on Iran in pursuance of the
Long War Strategy.
Irans nuclear capability is not the goal, but a pretext to bring regime
change in another Islamic country. The goal is to eliminate the only country
now left in the entire region which opposes US hegemonic policies. If
American threats materialize, Iran will regret restraining Iraqi Shiites from
resisting the occupation of Iraq.
22nd April 2006
The massacre in Nishtar Park Karachi, today, is a month-old story.
Time, as they say, is the best healer. Mourning has ended and tempers have
cooled down. The incident has lost its news-value for electronic as well as
print media. The analysts have exhausted their analytical wisdom.
There is no word from host of investigators assigned to probe the
tragedy. In Army the say; no news is good news. Thus, the government
officials in Islamabad must be happy that there is all quiet on Karachi front,
and normalcy seems to have returned.
The provincial government must be feeling elated over appreciations
conveyed personally by Crocker, for doing an excellent job in controlling the
situation after the incident of targeted killings. The aggrieved party, Sunni
Tehreek, after having cried for few days seemed to have realized the futility
of seeking or hoping for justice from the rulers totally committed to
eradication of Islamic militancy.
Another heinous crime seemed drifting towards the heap of the files
of untraced cases. The incident, however, will not be ignored by the
historians to come. Therefore, it merits be remembering, viewing and
reviewing, not once but periodically till the ends of justice are met.
Sunni Tehreek has been organizing Milad-e-Mustafa conference in
Nishtar Park, Karachi since decades. On 11th April, during the break for
Maghrib prayer a bomb blast killed 57 participants of the conference and
wounded about one hundred. Ten of the Tehreeks top religious scholars
were among the dead, including Iftikhar Bhatti, Muhammad Akram Qadri,
Abbas Qadri, Hafiz Muhammad Taqi, Haji Hanif Billu, Mufti Mukhtar
Ahmed, and Dr Abdul Qadeer.
The incident resulted in random violence against everything which
could be related to the government. Police and Rangers present in the
vicinity of site of the incident stayed away to avoid aggravation of the
Life in Karachi remained paralyzed. The same day, thirteen people were
wounded in two bomb blasts in New Delhis largest mosque. Indian Home
Minister ruled out terrorism and said someone had tried to be naughty.
On 15th April, Sindh government declared Nishtar Park incident as
suicide bombing. Prior permission was made mandatory for gatherings in
Sindh. The same day, the eve of Easter, an Italian magazine close to the
influential Catholic conservative Opus Dei group published a cartoon
depicting the Prophet (PBUH) in an objectionable manner.
Next day, Musharraf met Sunni Tehreek leaders and assured them that
the culprits of Karachi carnage will be apprehended and awarded stern
punishment. He mainly focused on lecturing religious leaders about
importance of eliminating extremism and militancy.
Mufti Muneebur Rehman expressed satisfaction over the meeting. He
said members of the delegation were satisfied with the outcome of the
meeting but were awaiting practical results. He said the president told the
delegation that he was personally monitoring the investigation.
Police claimed some progress in investigations. Rashid claimed
investigations were in advanced stage and the culprits will not go
unpunished. Since then nothing worthwhile was reported by government
controlled or private media, except Prime Ministers direction to security
agencies and civil administration to intensify efforts to trace out the culprits.
He said the government was determined to get to the bottom of the incident.
Crocker, while conveying condolence, praised the Sindh government
for effectively controlling the situation after the incident. On 4th May, a US
Congress-mandated commission recommended that Pakistan be designated a
country of particular concern (CPC). It was recommended in the light of
what it alleged is sectarian and religiously motivated violence persisting in
Public reaction over the tragic incident was expressed
spontaneously. The grieved and enraged people did not allow Police or
Rangers to join in rescue and evacuation works. The men of these two law
enforcing agencies quickly realized that the safety lied in staying away.
The job done by the people was acknowledged by Ruby Malik from
Karachi. The only thing that gave us strength at this point was to see total
strangers volunteering to help the injured and tend to the dead side by side
the volunteers and workers of different organizations and jamaats. The
absence of the law enforcing agencies and other officials at the site was
glaring. They had stayed away fearing the mobs busy in rescue work.
Marghuz Khan from Peshawar wrote, this conspicuous disrespect
for our police and other law enforcing agencies is a reflection of our
mistrust on them due to their misconduct and malpractice. Incidents like
these signal the beginning of civil war and anarchy.
Afshan Syed from Bhakkar said, such bomb blasts do raise questions
in our minds regarding the security measures in the country Why wasnt
extensive search conducted of people entering the venue? Masooda Bano
opined that a state where people have to put their lives at risk every time
they join an innocent religious congregation clearly suffers from major
governance problems.
Muhammad Azhar Khawja from Karachi expressed similar views.
The government has failed miserably to provide security to the citizens.
The statements of apprehending the culprits and compensations by the
government are not acceptable especially when more than 50% police is
employed for the protection of VIPs at their residence, offices and on their
He added, if the concerned authorities do not resign, as is done in
civilized countries under such circumstances, they must be dismissed for
ineptitude, incompetence and inefficiency. Every time the government
lowers its guard, a terrorist attack takes place.
Rabia Abid from Islamabad wrote, protests and strikes after the bomb
blasts in Karachi revealed the public anger. But these cant bring relief or
comfort to those who have lost loved ones. Even more so I think the
Government of Pakistan remains stagnant and idle. Our ministers and top
officials are redundant. They are capable of only improving their lot but
have completely failed to do anything to improve the law and order
situation in the country.
Anila Butt from Islamabad said, it is not enough to say that those
behind the Nishtar Park blasts are not Muslims. The government should
provide an answer why such an attack occurred in the first place. The
onset of suicide attacks in Pakistan proves that the government has utterly
failed in its so-called war on terror.
Shahzadi Beg said, this should not, however, deter the government
from ensuring that a professional and independent investigation is carried
out and the results are made public. The governments ability to maintain
law and order is in question. This is do-or-die dilemma and may be the
governments most serious challenge yet.
She added, circumstances demand that terrorist offences be properly
investigated rather than being reacted to. A cohesive long-term strategy is
required. This may mean not only setting up an independent public enquiry
but also tasking a special law enforcing group such as the Special
Investigation Group set up in 2003 under the FIA, whose members were
trained by the Americans to tackle terrorist offences. Any such group must
be provided with resources with security of tenure as well as security of
person. Appropriate safe guards must be ensured against corruption and
political interference.
The hopes for the outcome of the probe were not high. Kamal
Matinuddin observed, unfortunately the perpetrators of these heinous
crimes and their planners, more often than not, remain at large. Those who
planned the assassination of Liaqat Ali Khan have still not been traced. The
mystery of Bahawalpur plane crash remains unresolved. Beijings request
that the killers of the Chinese workers be apprehended has not yet been
fulfilled. The results of investigation of the massacre in Hangu and the
explosion at the shrine of Barri Imam lie buried in the files of the protectors
of our lives and property.
The News wrote, it could be argued that little would come of the
probe. The pessimism would be understandable because too many of such
exercises have proved fruitless in the past. On the other hand, the result
wont be known until the investigation is completed, and there is no harm in
The daily newspaper condemned the onset of blame game in the
wake of the tragedy. Musharrafs order is a positive move. At least his
instructions to the intelligence agencies to trace the criminals behind the
slaughter arent something up in the air, like the name-calling and the
baseless, tit-for-tat accusations we are hearing since Tuesday evening. The
only concrete thing these can produce is fanning the flames.
In a subsequent editorial, it urged that there should be no deadlines or
ultimatums. The anger of the organizations which lost leaders and officials
in the tragedy is perfectly understandable. Their grief not only deserves
sympathy, but given the atrocitys magnitude, it becomes a kind of social
demand that those behind the Nishtar Park incident be brought to justice.
However, even in Pakistan with its tattered institutions, this must be done
through the process of law, not by lynch mobs
The violent reaction of the people on the spot bounced back and many
re-targeted the already targeted. Tehreem Mahmood from Karachi was of the
view that sticks with some participants indicated that everything was
preplanned. The most astonishing fact was the sudden use of sticks in the
violence. Why would anyone bring these to an otherwise peaceful event? It
all seemed scripted; otherwise there was no reason to carry sticks to a
gathering which was meant to be peaceful.
Haris Aziz from Coventry, UK joined in stoning the hyped criminal.
One could point fingers at foreign hands if it had been a bomb blast.
However, it is sad reality that such suicide bombings could only have been
carried by extremely radicalized Muslims The suicide bombing in
Nishtar Park shows the nihilistic mentality of Jihadist extremists. It is
time the government cleans up the sectarian militia mess in the country.
Nationalists, like Aneela Chandio from Hyderabad, availed the
opportunity to grind their axe. It is unfortunate that some people want to
change the demography of Sindh, in order to multiply their constituency, and
the regime allows this unchecked illegal migration to occur. In Karachi any
person can get a national identity card on payment of Rupees 2,000, because
they are sponsored by some councilors.
She pointed finger towards MQM. Pakistans national security is
being compromised at the altar of political exigencies of a junta, whose
source of power is an institution entrusted with the defence of the
motherland. Any terrorist can enter this country from across the border.
Even the government indulged in the blame game, according to
Farhad Khan from Peshawar. It has become the norm for our authorities to
relate such tragic incidents with world terrorism and thereby escape from
taking any responsibility The Sunni Tehreek has pointed fingers at certain
quarters in Karachi not only for the tragedy but some previous ones, too. It is
hoped that some heads would roll in the upper cadre of the Sindh
government as a result How long the authorities would come up with the
lame excuse of suicide bombing
Naeem Sadiq criticized provincial governments pretended mourning.
The children will joyfully play cricket for three days. Much of the business
will remain shut. The leaders will nauseatingly pronounce the same old
hackneyed platitudes. The inquiry will yield the same results as all the
the Afghan Jihad, Pakistan has served as a convenient venue for the
terrorists for recruitment, training and raising funds, and funneling
equipment across the borders. After 9/11, Pakistan became a convenient
rendezvous for the terrorists, and later a popular playground Even if the
blast was the result of suicide bombing it does not really solve the puzzle
about the perpetrators and their objective.
Kamal Matinuddin had similar views. We have drifted apart only
because we are not prepared to respect each others beliefs. We just cannot
tolerate petty differences in the practice of our common faith. Each
believing that his interpretation is the right one and others should be
compelled to change their beliefs. Some of us have gone to the extent of
motivating and training people to die for the misplaced cause.
Masooda Bano, however, was quite specific. A government which is
routinely carrying out military operations not only against militants in the
tribal belts, but also nationalist tribesmen in Baluchistan resulting in deaths
of countless civilians including women and children cannot justify being
soft on known militant or Jihadi groups.
The News spared Sunni Tehreek by not equating them with Jihadis,
but urged its Ulema to help the government in fight against militancy.
Appeal to Ulema by President Musharraf that they help the government
fight fanaticism is another reminder of that extremism does exist in a small
minority of Muslims. This incident resulted yet again in Pakistan and
Muslims being defamed.
Since some false religious leaders in Pakistan like the jihadis have
been instrumental in its creation, it falls to our Ulema in general to exorcise
the demon. The clerical organizations that lost leaders and officials in the
bombing, and 17 of whose leading members met the president, is at least not
jihadi With their control of pulpit, Ulema are in a very good position to
discourage fanatical ideas and philosophies.
When the topic turns to enemy within, the sectarian militancy in
Pakistan cannot be ignored. However, involvement of this evil force in
Nishtar Park attack was not suspected by most of the analysts. Masooda
Bano said, in this particular case there is nothing to indicate that a
sectarian Shia group has planned the attack. Which other constituency
might benefit from planning this attack has to be explored. This, however,
requires an efficient investigation from government officials, which given
the past record, is unlikely to follow.
Ikram Sehgal also urged the political rivals to cool down. The
hostility between the two major parties in Karachiintensified after the
bomb blast. Both the parties need to cool it and cool it fast. Their
responsibility is to look after the interests of millions of their constituents
Iqbal Mustafa was slightly specific. The bombing incident at Nishtar
Park, Karachi, bears an ominous testament to the failure of the government
to contain ideologically motivated violence at strategic and tactical levels.
The first step the government must take is to distance itself from militant
political forces; it will appear to be guilty of complicity in crimes of
communal violence. Without neutrality, the investigations would lead to
cover ups rather than apprehension of criminals.
Will the government descend from the clouds it is hiding its head in?
Perhaps so much blood will be compelling enough but then power politics
is such a soiled occupation that no one has the luxury of starting from a
clean state; this government is no exception.
Ammara Durrani discussed various theories in some detail.
Musharraf ruled out any link of the attack to international terrorism of
al-Qaeda, saying it could be the handiwork of sectarian elements
Religious groups have turned the sectarian theory around by casting
allegations at the MQM for targeting the steady rise of Islamist groups in
Sindh, and stretching the blame to global anti-Islam attempts of the US and
MMA said FBIs inclusion in investigation of Nishtar Park
tragedy was adding to concerns of religious forces. FBIs inclusion in
investigation is aimed at distorting facts, blaming al-Qaeda or any other fake
organization and promoting sectarian violence in the country.
JUI alleged that terrorists were in control of Sindh government
and the Federal Law Ministry had given urban areas of Sindh in control of a
particular ethnic terrorist outfit, that was engaged in massacre of political
opponents, Ulema and religious people without fear.
Despite his recent tiff with the governor, the Sindh chief minister also
appeared to be shielding his competitor for power against this growing
political backlash, when he was quoted saying that leveling charges against
the governor and home minister was not in the interest of the nation
and the country.
Police chief of the province said, any particular person, group or
party was not the target; rather, it was a multi-purpose terrorism act
aimed at killing innocent people to create law and order situation and
damage the countrys image at international level.
Almost everyone agreed on the need to curb militancy and
violence. Shafqat Mahmood asked, what is behind it? Politics, sectarianism,
deliberate destabilization? What ever it is, it requires close monitoring and
ceaseless vigilence This situation cannot be allowed to grow and get out
of control.
Kamila Hyat opined, as part of the effort to win a war that may take
years of struggle, there is need to expand the base of support for antimilitancy policies. There is need to persuade ordinary people of the
immense damage that the unending series of blasts and targeted shootings
are inflicting, and to bring before them the faces of people who have
suffered such outrageous devastation to their lives as a result of striking
virtually anywhere and at anytime.
Dr M S Jillani said, religious leadership should encourage its
adherents to acquire knowledge of the world, and seek education to compete
with followers of other religions and other nations, and develop a positive
view of everything on this planet instead of spending time on minor
differences with others. It needs to be realized that all sects and factions of
Islam have common enemies. There is no shortcut on this course. Religious
extremism, hatred and the tendency to incite others, by showing off, can
only be remedied by acquainting the religious community, especially their
teachers with modern thinking and new opportunities in life. The end
objective should be to co-exist as Muslims rather than as members of sects
and factions.
Shireen M Mazari wrote, militarization of the society has become
ingrained as violence is seen as an answer to all disagreements amongst
ourselves no matter how petty the issue. Whether it is rival student groups
or siblings or spouses or political or religious groups. From the micro to the
macro levels of society, we seem to revel in the use of violence. Our
language for ourselves is violent; our responses to even the most minor of
provocations is violent and, of course, no political or religious gathering can
be held without an adequate display of weapons.
The violence is, of course, the means or expression of a growing
intolerance for diversity amongst us. Be it the religious or secular extremist,
self-righteousness embodies a lack of tolerance for the other. Our socalled western liberals are not prepared to see any good in any form of
religious expression or school, while our religious pontiffs condemn all
Pakistan by virtue of being frontline state could not avoid becoming
battle ground for different types of forces pitched against each other in
the war on terror. As the war has been raging for about half a decade, many
belligerent forces, not linked to Americas war on terror, have also become
active to settle the scores. Resultantly, Pakistan has turned into a stage for
multiple actors of militancy.
The war began with fighting between the Crusaders and Islamic
militant group of al-Qaeda and their religious minded hosts; Taliban. Then it
turned into hunting of foreign fighters who fled Afghanistan and took refuge
in Pakistan. This led to the phenomenon of urging Pakistan to do more.
The Crusaders kept pressing the government of Pakistan to act Mulla,
Mosque and Madrassa, which according to them were the source of Islamic
militancy. With the launching of crackdown against religious institutions, the
war turned into conflict between fundamentalism and enlightened
The forces targeted by security forces of Pakistan turned against the
ruling elite which resulted in assassination attempts on president and prime
minister. The failed attempts came handy for the Crusaders and they often
mentioned these to arouse personal vendetta of the rulers of frontline state.
Meanwhile, India took advantage of the situation, indulged in
brinkmanship and succeeded in coercing Pakistan to accept that supporting
Kashmiri freedom fighters was nothing but cross border terrorism. Pakistan
launched a crackdown against all those setups who supported the resolution
of the core issue. Pakistans security forces were thus pitched against
Jehadis. Afghanistan took lead from India and leveled allegations of cross
border terrorism, forcing Pakistan to do more and more against Pushtoons
resisting occupation of Afghanistan and threatening Karzais rule. Jihadis
and Pushtoons resisting occupation of Afghanistan were alienated.
The sectarian strife which existed before the start of war on terror did
not die down. It was a readily available enemy within, which could be used
by the enemies of Pakistan as and when required. Some of the sectarian
killings in the recent past cannot be seen in isolation of the sectarian strife in
Iraq, which have been aired by the occupation forces with ulterior motives.
The most dangerous enemy is the one who wears the garb of an ally or
friend. Muslim World has yet to determine the true nature their
relationship with America. Muslim rulers consider America their friend,
but Muslims masses across the world generally take it as an enemy.
There are some differences within the Muslim people as well. In Iraq,
Sunni Arabs consider America an enemy, but Shiites and Kurds consider it a
friend. In Palestine, Fatah is a friend and Hamas an enemy of the US.
Similarly, in Afghanistan Panjsheris have friendly relations with US-led
forces and most Pushtoons are resisting the occupation. Situation in many
other Muslim countries is quite similar. In Pakistan it has not yet crystallized
in terms of friendship or enmity within different ethnic groups, but there is
another kind of division; the religious fundamentalists are the enemy of
America and enlightened moderates are taken as friends.
Shia-Sunni divide in Iraq has been cleverly exploited by the
Crusaders to weaken the resistance through constant bleeding. This has
helped them in many ways; critics focus has been taken off the occupation
forces; own casualties have been reduced; and leaders of various factions
have been coerced to take dictations hoping for an end to the engineered
civil war.
The Crusaders would like to spread the sectarian hatred to win
support for imposing sanctions or military action against Shiite Iran.
Although this could prove double edged weapon, yet the Crusaders believe
that it could serve their cause of demonizing Iranians.
The arousing of Shia-Sunni hatred could also help in destabilizing
Pakistan, which in turn could be used as pretext to neutralize its nuclear
deterrence. Some of the attacks on religious gatherings in the recent past,
like the one in Hangu, have to be seen in this context. It has to be noted that
Pakistan has been recently recommended to be included in the US list of
Countries of Particular Concern.
Another aim of the Crusaders is to demonize the suicide bombing.
They have failed to counter this threat with all the military might at their
disposal. For the groups resisting occupation of Iraq and of late in
Afghanistan it has been an equivalent of daisy-cutters or bunker-busters.
Western media has equated the suicide bombing with Islamic
fanaticism. The Crusaders had been pressing hard on Muslim clergy to
declare suicide bombing un-Islamic. It could be possible that this attack is
aimed at luring Ulema to come out with a FATWA declaring such attacks
against the teachings of Islam.
experienced linguistic militancy in the past, but in this case it can be safely
ruled out as the targets belonged to all parts of the country. Two, Karachi has
also experienced sectarian militancy, but most analysts have ruled it out.
Three, the motive could be political; MQM vs JI.
Fourth, it could be the new form of clash within the civilization, i.e.
religion vs secularism or fundamentalism and enlightenment. If that be the
case, then Clash of Civilizations automatically comes in, because other kinds
of divisions have not been polarized to the extent that they would resort to
such militancy.
Lastly, it could be a case of foreign intervention for which there are
sufficient reasons and history to corroborate. In this case, possibility of
MQM joining hand with them cannot be ruled out because its political
interests and geo-political interests of the Crusaders converge onto the
common enemy; the Muslim clergy in Pakistan.
This party is led by men who already having plenty of blood on their
hands. Both believe in eliminating their opponents. Moreover, partys
established headquarters in London facilitate inter-action with like-minded
foreign forces without being under surveillance of Pakistani intelligence
The above inferences lead to some possibilities. It could be the work
of Crusaders, proxy crusaders or MQM. It is also possible that any two of
the three might have collaborated with quiet consent of the third. If it is so,
findings, if not distorted deliberately, will remain classified for reasons that
Pakistan is an ally of the first in holy war, the second is partner in the peace
process and the last is governments vital coalition partner.
Militancy or violence is the serious problem faced by the world today.
Dr Muzaffar Iqbal discussed the causes behind this menace and suggested
the solution. He wrote, violence is the product of a violent inner fissure
within the perpetrators of the crime, a breakdown of humanness, a total
plunge into the dark abyss of non-humanity. Given the existential nature of
humanity, the person committing such random violence sinks into the raw
animal form, negating all traits of the spirit infused into the physical body
thus endowed with reason, intellect, compassion, mercy, and love. This kind
of violence was almost unheard of until our own times.
We are witnessing a time in which the killer does not why he is
killing and the killed do not know why they are being killed; this is precisely
what a Prophetic saying had foretold. The time mentioned by the Prophet of
Islam (PBUH) is now at hand. No one knows how this raw and random
violence is begotten and no one has a clue how to stop it. The news flashes
seen or heard in horror are forgotten as soon as the next day or the day after;
no one even has time for mourning; such is the speed of events.
Violence begets violence, an age-old axiom tells us. What violence
have people of these traditional Islamic lands suffered, that they continue to
produce more violence? What has robbed them of their humanity to such
an extent that the cycle of violence does not stop? What is so rotten in
their psyche that they have forgotten the sanity of life so central to the
message of Islam? Your blood and lives and properties are inviolable, the
Prophet of Islam (PBUH) had said on the day he delivered his farewell
sermon. He also said that a Muslim is the one from whose hands and tongue
another Muslim remains safe. What, then, is so corrupted in the minds and
hearts of those who continue to blast bombs in crowded places,
indiscriminately killing the young and the old? Do they not see any
consequences of their deeds?
Of course, we must distinguish between the raw and meaningless
violence of the kind so often witnessed in Pakistan from the armed
resistance of oppressed people whose lands are occupied by foreign armies.
Resistance against oppression is a duty of every Muslim, we are told by
none other than the Prophet (PBUH) himself What is abhorrent, therefore,
is not resistance against foreign occupations, but the kind of violence that
has no meaning whatsoever.
Those who merely wish to find scapegoats are quick to label this
raw and meaningless violence as religious extremism. This is, indeed, a
meaningless way out of a meaningless situation. A term empty of content is
applied to a real phenomenon and the matter is considered closed. Religions,
especially Islam, cannot be extreme by definition, for Islam is the middle
path, the most noble of all paths. If anything, it is an extreme departure from
Islam, which brings a person or a group to such a horrible state of violence.
If this breakdown of humanity occurs through a process, then what
are the ingredients of that process? A total absence of religion consciousness
that is to say, a total oblivion to the reality of life and the Hereafter must
be the most important factor in the process, for all other factors (poverty,
lack of education, and the like) are secondary.
Thus, rather than being a result of religious extremism, violence of
the kind we are discussing is a product of an absence of religion. It is the
absence of the consciousness of the Creator and the entire range of beliefs
War against Pushtoons for Afghan peace continued. Following
incidents were reported in last three weeks:
Parts of Afghan border were sealed on 17 th April to prevent militants
entering from Pakistan. Two suspected militants were arrested in
On 18th April, villagers held protest march and blocked the road to
demand removal of Afghan refugees camps in Jallozai and Bital.
Residents abandoned Anghar Killay due to fear of another attack.
Bodies of five men were removed from graves, reportedly for DNA
tests. Next day, body of a US-spy was found near Wana. Four FC
soldiers were wounded in landmine blast in North Waziristan.
On 20th April, a convoy was ambushed in North Waziristan killing 8
FC soldiers and wounding 26 others. Six suspected militants were
killed in retaliatory action in which gunship helicopters were used.
Miranshah and Mirali came under rocket attack. An Arab national and
a Khassadar were killed and two other wounded in Bajaur Agency.
Militants ransacked a check post of Khassadars near Miranshah on
21st April and took away the weapons. Next day, troops came under
rocket attack in North Waziristan.
On 23rd April, three tribesmen and two FC soldiers were killed in
North Waziristan in different incidents. Next day, one suspected
militant was killed by troops near a post in South Waziristan. Militants
patrolled Miranshah and burnt newspapers in Mirali.
Three soldiers were killed and 14 wounded when three vehicles were
damaged in an ambush near Dattakhel on 25th April. Three attackers
were also killed in retaliation in which Pak and US aircraft
participated. An Afghan bomb maker and four members of his family
were killed when the device exploded near Quetta.
On 26th April, an FC soldier was wounded in a blast in North
Waziristan. Musharraf announced Rupees 10 billion for uplift of
FATA and said army would withdraw if tribesmen expel foreign
militants. Next day, militants and FC troops exchanged fire for two
hours on road Miranshah-Razmak.
Local Taliban commander was killed and his three companions were
wounded by a man in Tank on 30th April. Al-Qaeda claimed attack on
US Consulate in Karachi. Next day, a pro-government tribal elder was
killed in North Waziristan. Militants declared ceasefire for Tableeghi
On 4th May, three levies men and a civilian were killed in blast at a
check post near border in Bajaur Agency. Huge Tableeghi gathering
concluded in Miranshah. Ten-day ceasefire was still holding. Gunmen
killed, former Taliban leader Mullah Samad Barakzai in Quetta. He
was supporting Karzai after distancing himself from Taliban.
shedding their blood. Asif Haroon wrote, we have known of RAW and the
Afghan intelligence involvement in Baluchistan and FATA for quite some
time but did not expose them because of our policy of appeasement and for
fear of annoying our neighbours. Karzai upped the ante when during his last
trip to Pakistan he furnished a list of wanted terrorists It was a calculated
move to put us on the defensive so that we are unable to complain to Bush
about the activities of RAW from Afghan soil. The visitor was presented
with conclusive evidence of RAW and Afghan intelligences shady activities.
It had little effect on him.
All our high hopes were dashed when Bushs visit turned into a nonevent. The ungrateful Bush carried only a one-point agenda of pressing
Musharraf to keep fighting terrorists without any letup. He appeared to be
on an on-the-spot assessment trip to know the battle worthiness of the man
chosen for the assigned task Our complaint to Gen Abizaid about Kabuls
conspiracies fell on deaf ears. After all, how could Karzai have indulged in
anti-Pakistan activities without a wink from his mentor?
The US legislation of March 15 is another reminder of punitive
action in case we continue to do business with Iran. To put more pressure,
the US State Department issued a slanderous report accusing Pakistan of
violating human rights. The US has done nothing to address the root
causes of terrorism in response to the two-pronged strategy proposed by
Musharraf, nor is there any desire to do so in the future. As such, we are
working on a single prong to fight the US war on terror, which is selfdefeating.
In our bid to project a soft image of Pakistan, we are fast losing our
bearing. Our exuberance to please the US and India by way of fighting
religious extremism has given rise to terrorism. Unmindful of the
implications of the Indo-US strategic relationship and the coldness of Bush
on Pakistans security
In a subsequent article, he added, it was alleged that Pakistans tribal
belt, particularly South Waziristan was infested with foreign elements that
were carrying out attacks in Afghanistan. A stage came when Pakistan was
clearly told that if it failed to take effective measures against them, US
troops would be forced to carryout hot pursuit operations across the border.
This was a ploy and part of the game plan to make the area turbulent
and make us turn our guns inward. In fact, throughout the war on terror our
guns have been pointing inward.
Kamran Shafi noted the teeth shown in the interview. The teeth
growing ineffectually at this late stage is not going to help the government.
Nobody, let alone our tight buddies, is/are going to be taken in by this
show of fake bravado. Not when General Musharraf himself receives
junior-level officials of the American government; even assistant secretaries
of state and defence (joint secretaries according to our system), indeed
anyone whose travel itinerary originates from Washington Bahadur; not
when he Summits with General Abizaid (nothing more than a corps
As said often before, there is only one way out for this country,
indeed for any country, to show that it is an entity that must be taken
seriously. And that is for people in authority to behave and act in an
appropriate manner, for they represent the country and ALL its people, not
just themselves and their own narrow interests.
Yusufzai dwelled on the interview. Musharraf claimed that the war
against al-Qaeda had almost been won in Waziristan. As if contradicting
himself, he then observed that Talibanization had gained influence in the
same border region and it was now spilling over into settled areas.
The pressures from the domestic opposition seeking real, militaryless democracy and the US wanting Pakistan to do more in Americas war on
terror leave him little choice to take independent decisions and avoid
becoming subjective in his remarks and analysis. Musharraf actually meant
that please dont embarrass me by asking to do more on al-Qaeda which has
been defeated, but I am still relevant because Taliban threat still exists.
One would have to pinpoint that al-Qaeda may have suffered
physical and infrastructural losses in terms of the killing and capture of its
operatives and the seizure of its sanctuaries in Waziristan and elsewhere but
there is no evidence to suggest that the ideology it professes too has
registered a decline. How can that happen when the US continues to
provide oxygen to al-Qaeda through its aggressive policies ranging from
the reckless invasion of Iraq and bombing of innocent civilians in
Afghanistan to the killing of villagers in Pakistani tribal areas such as
Bajaur, abuse of prisoners of war and blatant interference in the affairs of
almost every country in the world?
Rather, it would be safe to conclude that al-Qaeda has experienced
setbacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but it has gained elsewhere in the
Islamic World, particularly in Iraq and other Arab countries. Even in
Pakistan it has managed to survive as an ideology.
The worth of ongoing composite dialogue was amply reflected by
three events during the period. On 20th April, Indian army chief said, no
immediate pullout from Siachen. Next day, it was reported that India would
deploy MiG-29 fleet in Tajikistan at its first overseas base which was near
completion. On 27th April, India once again rejected Pakistans proposal to
de-militarize Kashmir and turned down an offer for no-war pact.
Yet, the confidence building process moved on. On 24th April,
Bollywood top stars arrived in Lahore on the occasion of release of Indian
film Taj Mahal after Mughal-e-Azam. Two days later, Minister for Culture,
at premiere of Taj Mahal, said remarkable progress has been made in PakIndia relations. The same day the government allowed import of cement and
clinker from India by train, road and sea.
Indian court freed 45 Pakistanis on 28th April, who had completed
their sentences. The same day, Indian naval chief said that Pakistan and India
enjoy excellent bilateral relations and Indian Navy is ready to undertake
joint exercise with its counterpart in Pakistan. Islamabad was also ready, but
preferred to wait for resolution of Kashmir dispute.
The habit negative to confidence building could not be resisted by
either side. On 18th April, Indian home secretary said, it is unfortunate, but
it is true, that across the border the camps are flourishing. But we are also
ready to take that challenge and meet them effectively as we have done in
the last few years.
As verdict of neutral expert on Baglihar Dam was awaited, it was
reported that India has planned seven more dams on River Chenab. On 26 th
April, two-day talks on nuclear confidence building measures ended in
Islamabad without resolving the differences. Three days later, Pakistan testfired 2,500-kilometer range Shaheen-II surface-to-surface missile.
Death toll in Gujarat riots over demolition of a Muslim shrine/mosque
rose to five by 2nd May. Next day Indian Army and Air Force rehearsed
slicing Pakistan in half in the event of actual war. India informed Pakistan
through a letter that design of Kishanganga Dam has been revised. The same
day, Pakistan rejected Kargil-Skardu bus service proposal.
On 4th May, Indian Army Chief admitted that army officers stage fake
encounters in which innocent civilians are killed. Following incidents of
state terrorism and retaliatory actions by the freedom fighters were reported
during the period:
A senior politician was wounded and his guard killed by suspected
militants on 17th April. Three days later, police held two suspected
On 21st April, a policeman and three civilians were killed in separate
attacks by fighters in IHK. Police arrested two suspected militants.
One person was killed and 36 wounded in violence during polls in
IHK on 24th April. Gilani and Shabbir remained under house arrest.
Next day six people were killed and 28 wounded in clashes.
On 1st May, suspected militants attacked two Hindu villages in Doda
and killed 24 people on the eve of Singhs talks with Kashmiri
leaders. Nine dead bodies of Hindu herdsmen were found in
Udhampur district. Hizb blamed Indian agencies for carnage. Singh
and Mirwaiz condemned attack.
Next day, Indian troops launched hunt for killers of Hindus. Military
blamed Lashkar-e-Taiba for the massacre. Gilani and JKLF
condemned the killings. Indian troops martyred 52 Kashmiris in April.
Three Indian soldiers and four rebels were killed in three clashes on
3rd May. Next day, two persons were killed and eight wounded in a
Bush visit had a significant impact on political canvas of Pakistan. His
mention of the democracy, though he was not sincere about it, resulted in
increased political activity. Nawaz-Benazir contact in London
dominated the political stage. Sherry claimed that the government was in
panic over expected Nawaz-Benazir meeting. PML-N will uproot
dictatorship, said Nawaz.
On 24th April, the two exiled two-time prime ministers met in London.
Both agreed to jointly work for the restoration of 1973 Constitution; ruled
out any deal with government; demanded free elections; and urged release of
political prisoners. Shahbaz hoped an early approval of Charter of
Democracy. CEC said he has no powers about return of Benazir and Nawaz.
Meanwhile, PPP rejected electoral alliance with MMA. Benazir
couldnt afford that because she earnestly desired to win the all-important
support of the Crusaders. The party vowed to boycott polls sans Benazir and
Nawaz. Mushahid said there was no foreign pressure for Benazir and Nawaz
return. On 1st May, Jatoi and Mazari called on Nawaz.
MMA asked Musharraf to honour his commitment, but he was too
busy in honouring his commitments to the Crusades. On 26 th April, Jamaat
sacked ten senior office-bearers in NWFP. Membership of Qazis son,
provincial deputy chief and MNAs was suspended for violating party
discipline. Tariq Butt commended JI for setting up precedent of ruthless
internal accountability. On 2nd May, Jamaat expelled two MPAs on charges
of horse-trading during Senate elections. By standards of Pakistani politics,
these mullas are undoubtedly fundamentalist, extremist and intolerant.
Patriots feared losing the platform that they had carved for extracting
maximum benefits in a coalition government. PML-Q enticed some of them
to join Kings party; the proposed merger was rejected. Undisclosed number
of Patriots, however, agreed to the merger and on 28 th April it was reported
that two more Patriots would join PML-Q soon.
PML-Q made the move to preserve its political clout. On 25 th April,
Musharraf-Aziz-Shujaat trio reshuffled the cabinet with eye on polls.
Rashids show-biz stint ended as he was told to wear Lalkurti. About a week
later, Musharraf said the era of dissolution of assemblies was over.
Opposition said completion of tenure was not the real issue. Musharraf ruled
out snap polls and directed PML-Q leaders of Punjab to follow Shujaat. On
6th May, PML-Q closed the door for dialogue with Nawaz or Benazir.
He opined that the MMA will remain intact. The ARD will provide
it an opening to arrange seat adjustments with other ARD members. The
ARD members will help each other to defeat the PML candidates The
MQM is above all such squabbling. It neither needs electoral alliances nor
government patronage nor rigging to win elections. It is highly disciplined
than even the MMA whose claim to piety was brutally exposed in the recent
Senate elections.
Fasihur Rehman was of the view that despite the ups and downs in its
relationship with the military regime, Benazir Bhuttos Pakistan People
Party is still in the run as a possible ally for Musharraf Any agreement
between Musharraf and the PPP will be at the cost of the MQM which
currently enjoys a major share of power in the Sindh government. The PPP
and MQM are long time rivals in the province of Sindh.
PML-Q made its first move for the next years elections by
reshuffling and expanding the Cabinet. The News wrote, in the present
case, however, the new inductions and the reshuffle of portfolios have
been inevitably linked to the governments plans to hold a general
election next year. It is very sensitive task since the cabinet-makers have to
ensure the alterations do not disturb the balance of a government which is
made of so many coalition partners.
Rahimullah Yusufzai said, the more the merrier seems to be the
motto of our president, or should we say the prime minister because he is
supposed to head the government, in view of the ever-growing size of the
cabinet. They arent deterred by the size of the cabinet even if it negates
their oft-repeated promise to end wasteful expenditure and introduce good
governance. Like the law of necessity that our superior courts use to justify
repeated military takeovers, political compulsions come handy as the
reason for having large cabinets in the present dispensation.
Khusro Mumtaz foresaw continuity of Musharraf legacy. The
civilian government exists purely to provide a legitimizing cover to the
Generals rule. He, his corps commanders, and his other fellow officers in
the armed services are the people who really run the show. The prime
ministers ever-expanding cabinet is purely a way of handing out favours
to hold together an increasingly unwieldy coalition that remains beholden to
the real powers-that-be. The competence and performance or lack of the
same of the ministers is hardly the issue.
Whosoever be the next, Masooda Bano did not envy him or her. The
rising incidences of religious violence, the tensions in the tribal belts, the
operations in Baluchistan, the rising prices, and growing economic pressure
on the masses will be the gifts of the current government to the next
elected government.
Muhammad Badar Alam discussed the causes of political parties
failure to deliver. For Mushahid Hussainpolitical parties have
stopped being issue-oriented. Their focus is on individuals, not ideologies,
ideals and issues. But for Aitzaz Ahsan the blame lies with the army-led
state apparatus which is impervious and unresponsive to peoples
aspirations... It has broken the will of the political cadre They have not
been allowed the space to function.
The structure of the state and the environment in which the political
parties operateforces political parties to play a game of survival, instead of
allowing them to sell their policies and leadership according to Dr
Mohammed Waseem. Their policies are discredited, their leaders are
incarcerated and their organizational structures are put under attack through
various means like horse-trading. The establishment continuously engages
in efforts to make or break them.
In his opinion, the essential factor in their plight is the military rule
which disrupts political activity every time it gets started and the
establishments desire to appoint and select leaders, leaving people with the
notion that their votes dont count at the end of the day when it comes to
deciding who should be ruling them The critics of the political parties
contend that these parties suffer a lack of credibility because even when they
came to power they failed to deliver for the people in the street. Hence their
inability to make people rise.
Aitizaz Ahsan has a contrasting take on history. Political parties may
have come into government, but they have never been allowed to come to
power since Bhutto was deposed in 1977. The real power has always
remained with the establishment a troika of president, civil-military
bureaucracy and the chief justice. Political parties have been kept outside the
Dr Mohammad Waseem says its harsh to judge the political parties
on the basis of their performance. Parties everywhere fall short of their
promise when they come to power. This is nothing specific to Pakistan
Musharraf-led regime has consistently discredited political parties. This
Baluchistan continued suffering from militancy of some Baluchi
warlords. Following incidents of subversion by militants and actions taken
by law enforcing agencies were reported, despite the fact that Musharraf
claimed that the issue has been resolved:
On 18th April, Ghazan Marri, brother of Mir Balach Marri was
arrested in UAE and reportedly he would be handed over to Pakistan.
Militants fired 8 rockets on security forces posts in Dera Bugti and
Sui on 19th April. Next day, Levies man was injured in landmine blast
in Kahan area.
On 21st April, gas pipeline and railway track were damaged in Sibi
and Dera Bugti districts respectively.
Three persons were injured in bomb blast in Quetta on 23rd April.
Terrorists blew up gas pipeline in Dera Bugti area.
On 24th April, four landmines were seized in Sangsila and Chashma
areas of Dera Bugti. Two days later, Sibi-Harnai railway track was
blown up by terrorists.
Rail track was blown up near Naushki on 1 st May. Three rockets were
fired at Jandran post in Kohlu district. Two security forces personnel
received injuries in different incidents.
On 2nd May, one person was killed in car bomb explosion in Sui.
Police claimed arrest of three BLA militants from Bolan district. Two
Indian nationals were arrested near Iran border.
Musharraf once again accused Baluch sardars of receiving money
from outside. Prime Minister sought pacification through monetary means as
he promised more funds for Baluchistan. Akbar Bugti did not like the moves
to undermine his authority in the area. He threatened Kalpars not to return to
their native town of Sui.
A message from Akbar Bugti being circulated in Baluchistan and
beyond explains the seriousness of the situation, noted Rahimullah
Yusufzai. Its title itself is threatening, as well as self explanatory. It is titled,
Message from Koh-i-Baluch by the Sipah Salar Nawab Akbar Bugti
fighting for the defence of Baluch cause, resources and identity. It refers to
the Pakistani state and government as enemy and takes pride in the fact that
the Baluch people are more active than the other smaller nationalities such
as the Sindhis, Seraikis and Pakhtuns while fighting for their rights and
protesting the unjust economic and political system in Pakistan.
Akbar Bugti describes the Baluch land as Baluch Watan and insists
that every hill in Makran, Chaghi, Bolan, Kahan, Kohlu and Dera Bugti has
become a trench offering protection to the Baluch fighters and creating fear
in the hearts of the enemy.
The enemy understands the language of force and, therefore, the
Baluch would have to battle it out to defend their 780-kilometres of coastline
and riches of gas, oil, gold and silver and copper. He is asking the Baluch to
embrace martyrdom instead of becoming a minority in their own land just
like the Red Indians. They are forewarned against the intrigues of fellow
Baluch with conduct similar to past sub-continental traitors like Mir Jaffar
and Mir Sadiq.
Akbar Bugti wants his Baluch people to seek inspiration from the
Iraqi Kurds, who braved Saddam Husseins chemical weapons and offered
immense sacrifices to win freedom, and Che Guevara, who sparked a
revolution even though he was all alone when he began his struggle.
The symbols highlighted in Akbar Bugtis message and its tough
language leaves little doubt in ones mind that he has finally embarked on
the path of armed confrontation with the state. It conveys the chilling
message that time for staging peaceful protests, holding negotiations and
sitting in parliamentary committees is a thing of the past.
house which further established that a big human trafficking racket was
active in Pakistan with blessing of officials and diplomats of the embassy.
On 25th April, a court in Lahore snubbed FIA officials for harassing
the victims of Swiss visa scam. Major Muhammad Ajmal linked to Asher
Francis in human trafficking managed to escape from Pakistan while FIA
was busy in harassing the victims. Swiss Embassy blamed Major Ajmal for
human smuggling racket. On 29th April, Asher Francis confessed to
tampering the passport of the most known victim, Ume Salma. Investigators
revealed that visa for Switzerland was sold for Rupees 250,000.
Swiss Foreign Minister arrived in Islamabad on 2nd May. Next day the
absconding Swiss Embassy official rejected corruption charges through a fax
message from London. He hinted at involvement of top Swiss diplomats in
human smuggling. On 4th May, the Government of Switzerland admitted that
internationally operating networks involved in human smuggling have
attempted to influence the Swiss Visa Section in its Embassy in Islamabad.
These criminal activities have damaged our intents and goodwill. The buck
was passed were it always fitted well.
Lahore High Court summoned the Swiss Ambassador, two diplomats
and Asher Francis to appear on May 11 in damages case filed by Ume
Salma. Interpol issued Red Notices for arrest of visa scandal prime suspect.
On 6th May, Switzerland closed scam-ridden visa section. Visiting minister
admitted abuse of visa procedure.
No analyst so far has picked up courage to comment on the
involvement of Swiss Embassy, the most civilized of the civilized, in human
smuggling. However, some expressed their views on other events reported
previously. Ghazi Salahuddin wrote about Aruna, a medical student who had
married a man of her choice and her father, a retired district judge, got case
registered against her husband under Hudood Ordinance.
A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. Arunas photographs
published in the newspapers on Friday are a good example of this proverbial
statement. Captured by camera in a civil court in Hyderabad on Thursday,
she comes out as a heroic figure, struggling against a sea of troubles. You
can see her as a symbol. Also in evidence, in that image, is the stark injustice
of a society that can persecute an adult woman for the crime of falling in
love and choosing her own husband He opined that Aruna has found her
place in the gallery of those courageous Pakistani women who have
struggled for justice and social emancipation.
Pakistans ranking has fallen drastically in the last year but this is not
necessarily an indictment of governments performance as a sovereign
authority; it is more of a higher sensitivity towards the countrys potential
nuisance value in a global perspective. None of the twelve indicators on
which the rankings were computed has changed radically in the last one
year. It is perhaps the relative weightage fed to the software in terms of
indicators or the computing of different statistics.
In the late nineties when Pakistan was ostracized for nuclear
development and support of the Taliban, the US government used the term
failed state to describe the country. Since 9/11 and alignment of foreign
policy vis-s-vis terrorism with the US, Pakistan had earned a clean bill of
health. Now, it seems that distant thunder is looming over the horizon as
General Musharrafs war on terrorism is proving to be harder than a walk in
the park.
The stalemate in cleansing Pakistan of militant elements is putting
wind in the sails of the opposition parties and independent analysts who are
openly questioning the foreign policy as serving the interests of the US more
than Pakistan. Perhaps historians in times to come will conclude that
General Musharraf with all his good intentions bit more than he could
chew. It is an old habit, if one remembers the Kargil fiasco.
Pakistanis as a nation have been blamed for militancy, but now
Musharrafs sincerity is being doubted by quarters that matter, despite his
best of efforts to come up to the expectations of the Crusaders. No one, not
even Musharraf, can escape for too long from fallout of the prejudices
harboured by the West against Pakistan.
India has been pursuing the peace process in the same spirit in which
Israel is trekking roadmap to peace in the Middle East under intimate
guidance of the Crusaders. The only minor difference is that the former is
refusing to redraw borders and the latter intends doing it unilaterally.
Bush visit gave boost to political activities in Pakistan, mainly
because visitors statements about democracy were interpreted wishfully by
the opposition parties. Musharraf will still manage to prolong his rule, unless
something goes drastically wrong, and by virtue of that the future of PML-Q
is automatically secured.
During 1965 War, a young officer asked a JCO (junior commissioned
officer), veteran of World War II, what motivated him and his comrades in
Indian army to fight and kill. The JCO replied: if you dont kill the enemy,
he will kill you.
This is the spirit behind killings in free and liberated Iraq. From
occupation forces doctrine of troop protection practiced at checkpoints to
shoot women and children dead, to cold-blooded mass murders as result of
deliberately fanned sectarian hatred have the same motive behind them.
Within the Green Zone, the so-called political power has changed
hands from Allawi to Jaafari and now to Maliki, but real power rests with
men carrying guns; outsiders or the Iraqis. This makes the task of new prime
minister and his colleagues quite difficult to restore normalcy in the country.
The Crusaders consider the nomination of Maliki a giant leap towards
achievement of their goals in the region. With inspiration so drawn they have
openly joined hands with Olmert to topple Hamas and at the same time, they
have increased media and diplomatic hype against Iran. The issue of Iranian
Monster will be discussed separately.
Civil war-cum-insurgency continued. Six Iraqi soldiers were captured
and executed outside a restaurant in northern Iraq on 21 st April. Five
policemen and two civilians were killed in Khalis. A policeman was killed in
drive-by shooting. Four policemen were killed and two wounded in roadside
On 29th April, two-day curfew was lifted in Baqouba; during raids and
gun battles 25 people were killed and 51 suspected rebels were arrested. Two
officers were killed and five wounded in attack on a convoy of police chief
of Baiji. One policeman and a civilian were killed in a village south of
Baghdad. One police commando was killed and three others wounded in
The Crusaders focused on the so-called democratization of Iraq.
On 22nd April, Jalal Talabani was re-elected as President of Iraq by the
parliament. Soon after his election, he asked al-Maliki to form the next
government. Sunni Arab politician, Mahmud Mashhadani was elected as
Speaker of the parliament unopposed.
Rice and Rumsfeld dashed to Baghdad to dictate composition of the
new cabinet. Bush hailed the step towards formation of Iraqi government.
This is an important milestone on the road to democracy in Iraq, and it
marks the beginning of a new chapter in Americas involvement. On 9th
May, Maliki said new government was almost finalized as politicians to
head interior, defence, oil, finance and foreign ministries had been selected.
The New York Times termed Jaafaris ouster as a glimmer of hope in
Iraq. Ibrahim al-Jaafaris agreement to step aside and let his Shiite bloc
consider a new nominee for prime minister should finally break the
stalemate that has been paralyzing Iraqi politics since last Decembers
parliamentary election.
The most likely replacement nominees now being talked about are far
from ideal. But the only conceivable path to a better future than civil war
and chaos in Iraq is lined with distasteful compromise and leaps of faith. No
one believes that success is certain.
His critics victory is only partial. The price of Mr Jaafaris
withdrawal seems to have been an understanding that his replacement will
come from his own lackluster Dawa Party, which, besides being
fundamentalist and pro-Iranian, has formed a bloc with the most violenceprone and anti-American Shiite faction, led by Muqtada al-Sadr.
That process now needs to move forward expeditiously. Iraqi voters
who were forced to wait so long for democracy deserve to see its fruits.
Much of the last year was wasted under Mr Jaafaris inept and blundering
rule. The first four months of this year have been consumed in endless
maneouvring over his bid for a second term.
Tehran Times commended Jaafaris decision to step down. By
agreeing to allow the UIA to name a candidate for prime minister, Jaafari
made a wise decision that proved that he is only seeking a united and stable
Iraq However, not to be pessimistic, developments in Iraq do not seem
promising as daily terrorist attacks, mostly carried out by Saddam loyalists
and al-Qaeda followers, have brought the country to a near standstill and
made life bitter. Obviously, Tehran did not mention Shiite death squads.
The decision to replace Jaafari will most likely not lead to a breakthrough in efforts to halt the violence over the short term since the terrorists
have insinuated themselves so deeply into various parts of Iraqi society that
it will take many months or even years to completely uproot them.
Arab News wrote, the insurgents next priority is clearly to sow
divisions within the new government. It will be the responsibility of Iraqs
new legislators to demonstrate in Parliament that a representative,
pluralist democracy can succeed. If despite all the provocations to come,
they can manage to do this, then they will have demonstrated to the wider
country that the issues which appear to divide can be resolved successfully
by debate and compromise rather than violence.
Los Angeles Times urged, not only must Maliki create a consensus
government by artfully doling out Cabinet portfolios to Sunni, Shiite and
Kurdish representatives, he also must make good on his assurances to the
US that he will rein in sectarian militias. Unfortunately, like his
predecessor and Shiite soul mate, Ibrahim Jaafari, the new prime minister
seems to believe that these private armies can be tamed by incorporating
them in a national security force rather than disarming them. Almost all the
evidence indicates otherwise.
Sunni politicians that represented 143 seats in parliament, more than the 130
seats of the Shiite alliance that had nominated Jaafari.
The rejection of Jaafari showed great courage on the part of key Shia
leaders, Khalilzad said. It showed that Sistani doesnt take Iranian
direction. It showed that (SCIRI leader) Abdul Aziz Hakim doesnt
succumb to Iranian pressure. He stood up to Iran. It showed the same thing
about the Kurdish leaders.
Gulf News wrote about the Rice Rumsfeld dash to Baghdad. With the
decreasing popularity of the Iraq occupation and of Rumsfeld himself, it is
to be expected that Rice and Rumsfeld would want to be seen singing
from the same song sheet, not least to make believe to everyone that all is
well with US Administration policy; and, of course, having a say in the new
Iraqi government appointments and policies.
The breaking of political stalemate strengthened the resolve of the
Crusaders to remain in occupation of Iraq for indefinite period. Iraqi
leadership was more determined than ever, said Bush. We think weve
partners to help the Iraqi people realize their dreams.
Benam Elmi touched upon the occupation plan for the future and
problem likely to be faced. The US Defence Department is planning to
establish six permanent military bases in Iraq. There are currently 75 US
military bases in Iraq The US policy on military bases in Iraq can be
better understood by taking a glance at the challenges the US is facing in
regard to its military bases in East Asia and Central Asia and Washingtons
new Iraq policy.
Joseph E Robert Jr opposed withdrawal of US troops. Nothing in
history is inevitable; events unfold as they do because leaders and their
publics make choices. Neither civil war nor a democratic, pluralist
government is predestined for Iraq. But one fact is clear: Premature
withdrawal of US forces before Iraqi troops are ready, or before the
political and economic situation stabilizes will condemn Iraq and the
region to a future of chaos, destruction and death.
Those, who wanted reduction of US forces in Iraq, suggested division
of Iraq into three parts. David S Broder quoted Biden, the senior Democrat
on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the threat of sectarian violence
an incipient civil war between Shiites and Sunnis has become so great
that the United States must redefine its political goals in Iraq; instead of
betting everything on the creation of a unified government in Baghdad. We
Arab World, creating a risk of local conflicts and the kind of religious
tension that feeds Islamist extremism.
Benam Elmi was of the view that considering recent developments in
Iraq and the fact that the new national government has been established, the
presence of US forces and military bases will no longer be accepted by
either Iraq or world public opinion United States hegemonist policy is
now facing a serious global challenge
Ramzy Baroud dwelled on the persistent plight of Iraqis. The
emerging reality in Iraq without having to acknowledge time and again that
military occupation is the mother of all evils. But even if the occupation is
completely relegated as nuisance, the fact of the matter is that the military
occupation of Iraq is the core of the ongoing tragedy.
To pretend that the Iraqi resistance was not in fact a violent military
invasion, is to defy reality. Of course, the US Administration insists on doing
exactly that: Still speaking of a foreign espoused insurgency, engineered
by the shadowy figure of a Jordanian terrorist, who seems to appear in so
many different locations all at once.
To address Iraqs economic ills without addressing 10-years of
devastating sanctions, followed by a destructive war, invasion and a
domineering military occupation, that was precisely set forth to deprive
Iraq of its right over its own natural resources, is also to defy reality
Iraqs alluring economic wealth and its strategic import among other
reasons that inspired the American encroachment on Mesopotamia in the
first place How can an Iraqi government, led by al-Maliki or any other,
confront Iraqs economic crisis without having complete control physical
as well as political over the oil fields, the countrys most valuable asset
and the backbone of its economy?
The US influence over successive Iraqi leaderships since the first
days of the occupation has always translated into total control over the
decision making of whichever political body is placed at the helm, starting
with the Iraq governing council, to the interim government to whichever
government that is currently being concocted.
Without real control over the countrys physical space and wealth and
without a serious and fully independent political role, what can any
prospective Iraqi government really achieve? How can al-Maliki and his
potentially sectarian government end the insurgency without ending
the occupation, provide jobs without decisive control over the countrys oil
The Crusaders succeeded in fanning Fatah-Hamas confrontation
through stoppage of aid and exploiting their decades-old links with Fatah.
On 21st April, Abbas revoked Hamas governments decision to create a new
security force of armed militants. Next day, the Fatah Party accused Hamas
of courting civil war and the two parties held a meeting to quell tensions.
Haniyah urged calm after Palestinian violence.
Abbas stressed that Hamas must negotiate with Israel, but further talks
within Palestinians were shelved amid power struggle between Hamas and
Abbas. On 8th May, three Palestinians were killed in clash between Hamas
and Fatah gunmen in Gaza. Jordan also joined the battle and claimed
arresting 20 activists of Hamas. Meanwhile, Israel continued perpetrating
state terrorism against Palestinians:
One Palestinian activist was killed and another wounded in Israeli air
strike in Gaza on 27th April.
On 1st May, Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian woman and
wounded her two daughters in Tulkarem.
Next day, two Palestinians were killed and three wounded in an
explosion in security base in Gaza Strip.
assigned lines. The lapel of his jacket was decorated not only with the flag of
Palestine, but that of Israel as well. He condemned terrorism, shut down
Palestinian charities, imprisoned militant and political leaders, but was still
deemed irrelevant and was literally imprisoned until a mysterious illness
and death set him free.
He would call Israeli leaders my brothers, my partners, he would
condemn attacks on Israeli civilians and often neglected to even address
attacks on Palestinian civilians, yet he was told that all was not enough.
Arafat must condemn Palestinian terrorism in Arabic, US officials and
pundits parroted. He did. That too did not suffice. He must follow his words
with deeds, they further instructed, but without calling on Israel to free him
to achieve such a mission. He was humiliated, physically confined and
completely stripped of any tangible powers, and yet he was expected to
ensure Israels security while in his shackles. He was expected to do the
impossible, and naturally he failed.
History has an odd and often ironic way of repeating itself. The same
conditions are now being imposed on Hamas, who would, predictably, have
to do more to prove to be seen as a legitimate partner in a peace process
that doesnt exist and was not meant to exist.
Undoubtedly, Washington has no constructive foreign policy of its
own regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and is itself following an
Israeli script, one that will deem any Palestinian leadership terrorist,
irrelevant and no peace partner, even if the entire Palestinian leadership
was made of vegetarian, pacifist, Mother Teresa incarnates. Thats all beside
the point. All Israel is striving for is time: To consolidate its strong- hold
over occupied Jerusalem, to conclude the construction of its illegal
Apartheid Wall built mostly on Palestinian land and to demarcate its own
borders, which also happen to fall in Palestinian areas.
Meanwhile, let Palestinians starve, wrangle over pathetic powers
of the government and the president, and resort to Iran for financial aid.
None of this is of any concern to Israel, but it provides the further proof
needed to brand Palestinian incapable of governing themselves, and to make
obvious the evil alliance between Hamas and Iran which in turn places
the Palestinian government in the anti-American camp.
George S Hishmeh was of the view that Israel should declare its
own vision of peace rather than coercing Palestinians. When discussing the
case of Hezbollah, (in White House) the well-spoken Lebanese prime
minister explained to American hosts that his government cannot attempt to
disarm the Islamic militia group before Israel withdraws from the Shebba
Farms, a strip of land bordering Lebanon, Syria and Israel.
If the Lebanese position makes sense to some in the Bush
Administration, the Palestinian leadership, be they Hamas or Fatah, should
not be treated differently. Furthermore, it is high time that the Israeli
government declares its own vision for peace in the region.
Sami Moubayed expressed similar views. In the past, Israel refused
to negotiate with a government that included Hamas. Now due to its
stubbornness, Israel has to deal with a government that is Hamas. It is
completely wrong to say that the peace process was killed when Hamas
was voted to power. Peace process was for ever maimed and crippled when
Ariel Sharon became prime minister 2001. It died when Yasser Arafat was
killed in 2004
Hamas is not opposed to negotiations and is willing to conduct a
ceasefire with Israel, based on reciprocity. If Israel agrees to a ceasefire,
Hamas cannot but observe it. But if Israel continues in its killings, as it has
done recently despite the Hamas-observed truce, then Hamas cannot but
allow, or turn a blind eye to attacks by resistance movements such as Islamic
Jihad, which targeted Tel Aviv last month. Who benefits from the victory of
Hamas? Olmert needs Hamas because a Hamas government that is weak,
isolated and lacks international backing is better than an internationally
acclaimed one such as Arafats Fatah after 1993.
Arab News wrote about the financial crisis faced by the Hamas-led
government. Whatever funds may have been sent have amounted to almost
nothing. The Palestinian state is now in precisely the crisis that President
Mahmoud Abbas predicted. Some 165,000 Palestinian government
employees have not been paid salaries for weeks and have to beg and borrow
to survive.
But far more appalling is that the Palestinian Authority should have
become so totally dependent on Western aid. Thats asking for trouble
and trouble is what they have now that he who does not like the tune has
stopped paying the piper.
The lesson that the Palestinians need to take from this disaster is that
the aid they take must have a broader base. They cannot allow themselves to
ever again slide into a state of neocolonial economic dependency on the US
and EU. It is bad politics and bad economics. Not that they had much option.
By default, Arabs and Muslim governments are also complicit in this
disaster. Their insufficient giving is what has forced the Palestinians into
near absolute dependence on Western aid. Moral support is all very well, but
it does not pay salaries or feed mouths.
Ebrahim al-Abed talked of Olmerts plan to get US approval of his
design to fix borders unilaterally. The Israeli leader is scheduled to meet
US President George W Bush on May 23 at the White House. Top on his
agenda will be securing the American administrations approval of the plan
which he hopes will shape Israels permanent borders. He added that Israel
was going ahead of its plan in anticipation of the approval.
Olmert has said he will initially offer to negotiate with the
Palestinians, provided the Hamas government recognizes Israel, accepts the
previously signed agreements with the PLO and disavows terrorism
However, if negotiations do not advance, Olmert intends to carry out
unilateral steps towards establishing Israels borders. It is no more than lip
service to the idea of withdrawal by agreement.
The US is likely to support a withdrawal because it wants to show
some progress and there arent a lot of other options on the table, a source
said. At the same time, Olmert intends to order the construction of thousands
of housing units in the large colonies in order to absorb evacuees from the
West Bank settlements.
Adel Safty said US support was not something new. Israel is the
largest recipient of American aid, about $ 3 billion every year, which it can
freely divert to finance the occupation and the illegal colonies. Israel is the
only country on whose behalf the US used its veto repeatedly at the UN
Security Council, vetoing 32 resolutions critical of Israel since 1982.
The US consistently supported the Israeli position in all IsraeliArab negotiations from the Sinai Agreements in 1974, to Oslo in 1993, to
Camp David in 2000. One US participant at Camp David later said: far too
often, we functioned as Israels lawyer.
Johann Hari also focused on Olmertss plan. As the pro-Olmert
Mideast Mirror reassured its readers this week: The sum total of Olmert
plan is to reduce friction between Israelis and Palestinians in the
territories, but its not to give up control over the West Bank even as Israel
evacuates as much as 90 percent of it. Troops would remain in the territory.
Yet still Olmerts plan is being presented as generous.
This is only true if you see the problem entirely from Israeli point
of view. Since the Israelis want to give up nothing, withdrawing from a few
scraps of the West Bank and leaving the Palestinians with around 13 percent
Thousands of anti-war protesters marched in New York on 29th April,
but attention of the critics was drawn towards row with Iran over nuclear
issue. However, some analysts were not distracted. John F Kerry focused on
soldier-civilian row.
He wrote it is right to make clear that the best way to support the
troops is to oppose a course that squanders their lives, dishonours their
sacrifices, and disserves the American people and our principles. True
patriots must defend the right of dissent and listen to the dissenters.
Dissenters are not always right, but it is always a warning sign when they
are accused of unpatriotic sentiments by politicians trying to avoid
accountability or debate on their own policies.
has not done a very good job of talking straight to the American people
about Iraq. If it wants to start winning back some of its squandered
credibility, honest budgeting would be one good place to start.
Geoff D Porter wrote about the stoppage of aid to Palestine.
Immediately, Hamas officials fanned out across the Arab World to drum up
funds. Oil and gas-rich Algeria, Qatar and Saudi Arabia committed money.
The Arab League also promised financial support at its March meeting. But
no funds were actually transferred to the Palestinian Authority, because
the banks handling the contributions are wary of running afoul of American
laws against financing terrorist organizations. Muslim governments follow
the US laws more religiously than their moral obligations.
Iran, too, pledged to send money to the Palestinian Authority after a
high-level meeting with two Hamas leaders in Syria. And the Iranian
commitment is different from the Arab one. Although Mr Ahmedinejad does
not steer Irans foreign policy, his ideological rhetoric frames policy debates
and could compel Irans Guardian Council to give Hamas much more money
than Arab countries are willing to contribute.
He opined that aid cut would bring Hamas closer to Iran. The
closer Tehran draws to the Palestinian Authority, the likelier it is that the
Iranians would retaliate against any American military action on their
territory by encouraging Hamas to attack Israel.
The attitude of Islamic countries and the media is reflected in the
tolerance, accommodation and moderation displayed by the News. On 7 th
May, 30 people were killed and more than 70 wounded, but the news item
was tucked into inner page, whereas death of last Titanic survivor at the age
of 99 found place in front page in a blocked column.
Yet, the same media complains about the bias of western media. May
be, it was done as a matter of policy. If you cant do anything to stop the
killings of Muslims, there is no use agitating the sentiments of people far, far
away. Or, it might be in step with US policy of downplaying the bloodshed
in Iraq. Whatever the motive might be this attitude undermines the cause of
the resistance groups who have almost succeeded in mobilizing the world
opinion against the unjust and ugly war.
Maliki has been told to get into the shoes of Jaafari and wear his
crown. He will soon find where the shoe pinches whereas the crown poses
direct threat to his head. Whether he hurts his foot or loses the head, it will
not make any difference to the Crusaders who will find another Allawi, or
Jaafari, or Maliki from the fertile land of two rivers and continue
consolidating in the conquered land.
Analyst Amir Orens revelation that Zionist security organizations are
planning to assassinate the Iranian president and Palestinian Prime Minister
Ismail Haniyah indicates the reason behind Muslim rulers reluctance to
oppose Americas unjust war. They are wise enough to save themselves by
being on the right side of the global terrorists.
12th May 2006
As Iran faced pressure over developing the raw material for nuclear
weapons, Brazil quietly prepared to open its own uranium-enrichment
center, capable of producing exactly the same fuel. No hue and cry was
raised by the so-called international community, but on 21 st April, US
urged ban on military sales to Iran.
The same day, Tehran rejected Rices warning of self-defence and
said it was ready to cooperate with IAEA. Egypt said Iran wanted a peaceful
solution. Turkey and Pakistan had serious discussions to work together to
defuse tension over Irans nuclear issue. Moscow rejected sanctions without
proof. Irans envoy to the UN nuclear watchdog agency claimed that Iran
and Russia have reached basic deal on enrichment.
On 24th April, Nejad warned of quitting NPT, but he said short-term
enrichment freeze was possible. Next day, after a meeting with Sudanese
president Khamenei said Iran was ready to transfer its nuclear technology to
neighbouring countries. Washington claimed that isolation of Tehran had
deepened. Israel launched eye in the sky for vigil on Iran.
On 26th April, Azerbaijan ruled out help to US against Iran. Iran
threatened to strike US interests, if attacked. Two days later, IAEA reported
to UNSC that Iran has failed to comply with deadline. Tehran offered
timetable for cooperation and Bush desired peaceful resolution of the
Iran offered intrusive inspections on 29th April. Pakistans Foreign
Secretary visiting Washington said his country would honour UN curbs on
Iran. Next day, Iran wanted probe by IAEA and not by UNSC. Laranjani
said Tehran cant be forced to halt nuclear plan. America said Islamic state
was playing games.
On 1st May, Iran asked UN to stop US making military threats. Next
day, all the five permanent members of the UNSC and Germany agreed that
Irans nuclear programme was not compatible with the demands of the
international community, a French official said at the end of meeting in
Paris. Iran claimed uranium enrichment to 4.8 percent.
The media campaign to demonize Iran was reinvigorated. Mark
Bowman reopened American hostage case of 1979 and implicated Nejad and
minister for energy. Two days later, Irans parliament passed a legislation
that would force the government to withdraw from NPT as US and its allies
pressed for a UNSC vote to outlaw Irans uranium enrichment programme.
On 8th May, Iran disclosed that Nejad has written a letter to Bush to
propose new ways for getting out of the existing vulnerable world situation.
Negroponte termed it a ploy to influence UNSC debate. The same day, two
bombs exploded in southwest Iran, one of the areas targeted by US in pursuit
of its policy of supporting the dissidents.
US dismissed Irans letter as it saw nothing new in that. Bush said the
letter failed to address international concerns. Rice said US will wait for
couple of weeks before pressing UNSC for action. Indonesia supported
Tehran. Israel said Iran wont give nukes to militants.
On 11th May, Nejad, while addressing students in Jakarta, said about
Israel that this regime one day will vanish. Next day, US rejected Annans
call for direct talks with Iran and Western diplomats claimed that UN
inspectors found traces of highly enriched uranium; Iran denied.
As international political powers seek Irans capitulation on nuclear
weapons development, little notice is given to neither what the
Americans and the British have done to create this crisis nor what
Iran with Saddam Husseins help had been disarmed; the Pentagon is
believed to be seeking MEKs re-activation.
Rabia Akhtar said, the norms through which the Non-Proliferation
Treaty was established, the ideals that it stands for, and the vision of a better
and safer world, would no longer hold if there is no fair play. If the
established nuclear powers keep on increasing their nuclear arsenal and
modifying their nuclear warheads it will be very difficult to stop other from
following suit.
Masooda Bano wrote, for the US to assume that Iran is bound to use
this technology eventually for weapons reflects its anti-Iran bias, given
that it is supporting Israel and India in the enhancement of their nuclear
technologies on the pretext of civilian use.
The talk of bias brings in Israeli factor. M K Bhadrakumar quoted
Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, the Israelis say they dont have a
nuclear programme. But people were saying 25-30 years back that Israel had
a nuclear programme. If Irans nuclear programme is dangerous, Israels
is dangerous too. All countries should be open to the UN inspections. Saudi
Foreign Minister had also expressed similar views.
Kaleem Omar dwelled on this factor. In this escalating war of words,
several things seem to have been forgotten. One, the only country in the
Middle East with nuclear weapons is Israel, which has more than 200
nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them by missiles and bomber
aircraft. Two, in January 2003, just weeks before the US invasion of Iraq,
when Syria called for nuclear weapons-free Middle East, its call was met by
a deafening silence from Washington.
I Hassan was of the view that the biggest gun-pointing at all the oilproducing states is of course the state of Israel with its highly efficient
army, which has the mobility to move in any direction with rapidity. At the
same time, the US has the bases/troops in almost all the states of the Middle
East which are owner/producers of oil. It has troops in Saudi Arabia, has
occupied Iraq with no intention of leaving it and has the ability to move into
any of the states except Iran.
Menzies Campbell equated few other countries with Israel while
talking about the bias. Double standards over nuclear weapons are
commonplace. Why have Israel, India and Pakistan received no censure,
while Iran is the target of a global campaign? ... Iran is not a rogue state. It
cares about international opinion; it has signed the NPT, while India,
Pakistan and Israel have not.
Dr Mohammad Ekef Jamal bracketed Turkey with Jewish state. Israel
and Turkey are the most concerned countries. Israel has an extreme desire
to see a military strike against Iran, to reduce the Iranian nuclear project to
ashes, while Turkey has more than one reason to worry.
Dr Maqsudul Hasan Nuri mentioned the reasons behind this bias;
genuine or imagined. Of course, Irans stand is that it is not making nuclear
weapons and that its nuclear enrichment is for peaceful purposes a claim
that is seen with deep suspicion by Israel, the US and other Western
countries. The view is bolstered by Irans clandestine, unreported nuclear
activities over many years, its abundant hydrocarbon resources, the nature of
the Islamic regime and the recent spate on incendiary statements.
Israel feels if and when Iran gets nuclearized it would be grudgingly
accepted as a regional power by its immediate neighbours. Moreover, it is
haunted by the fear that the US attitude would abruptly change as it did
towards North Korea after it crossed the nuclear threshold. After Iran has
acquired N-weapons, it is further argued, the latter would not only be in a
position to intimidate its Arab Gulf neighbours but would be able to more
energetically fund anti-Israel groups, hold a direct threat to Israel and to the
US forces and installations in the region including naval fleets, and above all
block oil supplies through the Gulf. These acts Iran could also undertake in
its pre-nuclear phase if it were attacked.
The prospect of nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran is a chilling
thought for Israel. It feels that time is running out fast. However, Israel is
reluctant to act alone. It needs to piggyback on its benefactor, the US, and
preferably desires the US to perform the dirty work of dealing with Iran.
Either Israel acts alone or in unison to strike a pre-nuclear Iran, the reaction
in the Islamic World would be strong and severe.
Kaleem Omar opined that the biggest threat to world peace is
not Irans fledgling nuclear programme (which even Western experts say is
years away from achieving nuclear weapons capability) but the USs and
Russias nuclear arsenals. Both countries have more than 12,000 warheads
enough to wipe out humanity several times over.
He explained the dangers posed by the very existence of piles of
these weapons by narrating the 1983 false alarm created by the computer
error. The nuclear war was averted by the prudence and cool-headedness of
the Russian officer on duty, Lt Col Stanislav Petrov. Had the incident
happened the other-way round, the Yankee mentality of sharp-shooting
would have triggered the nuclear war. Analyst mentioned the Americans
eagerness to use nuclear weapons in future wars.
The Bush Administrations foreign policy includes actual plans to
use nuclear bombs as pre-emptive weapons. Soon after taking office in
January 2001 (before 9/11), President George W Bush directed the US
military to prepare plans to use tactical nuclear weapons against at least
seven countries China, Russia, North Korea, Syria, Iran, Libya and Iraq.
Nobody should buy the Pentagons argument that these tactical
nukes are small and wont be all that horrific. Nuclear weapons even if
they are smaller than those that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, will not
only kill on impact, but raise immense radioactive dust, with the terrible
results of slow, agonizing death from radiation.
Yet the US Senate has approved Bushs request to lift a 10-year ban
on research, development and production of nuclear weapons of less than 5
kilotons. The US is spending billions of dollars a year on developing new
nuclear weapons, and the Los Alamos National Laboratories (which
developed the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs) have developed earth
penetrator mini nukes, also known as bunker-busters.
In 2003, Bush Administrations officials talked of using these bunkerbuster weapons against Iraq. Now, there is a talk in Washington of using
bunker-buster bombs to destroy Irans nuclear facilities many of which
are reported to be deep underground.
Jason Miller was of the view that most of the worlds nuclear weapons
were stocked in North America, which harbours worlds most dangerous
terrorists. Given the knowledge that it is the United States which created
and primarily wields the power to extinguish life on Earth, it is not a
tremendous intellectual leap to classify the American government as the
worlds most dangerous and most powerful terrorist.
According to the FBI, domestic terrorism is: the unlawful use, or
threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual based on
operating entirely within the United States or its territories without foreign
direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance
of political or social objectives.
Bush Administration has been loud-thinking about military options
since long with motive too obvious. The analysts have been pondering about
the pros and cons of the various options. Most of them visualized the
negative impact on US interests in the region; others expressed concern over
the devastation likely to be caused by another military campaign. Some
ruled out the possibility of military action, but few urged the US to go ahead.
expect anti-US rumblings from Shiites in the Gulf, Saudi Arabia, Syria and
Russia would have much to lose if the US got its hooks into Iran as
apart from millions of dollars worth of contracts, the sight of the Star
Spangled Banner fluttering over the Caspian would not be a welcome
sight Chinas public statements on Iran are similarly low key but it has
been busy shopping for oil in both Latin America and Africa and has signed
substantial energy agreements with Tehran.
Without such a resolution that would, in effect, label Iran a danger to
the international community, the US would be on a legal slippery slope if it
decided to launch preemptive strikes against a country that has never
threatened it. Indeed, the self-defence casus belli, enshrined in the United
Nations Charter would not be applicable.
James C Moore argued against military option on the basis of Irans
ability to make things difficult for the US. Including reserves, the Iranian
Army has 850,000 troops enough to deal with strained American forces
in Iraq, even if US reserves were to be deployed. The Iranians also have
North Korean surface-to-air missiles with a 1,550-mile range and able to
carry a nuclear warhead America cannot invade and occupy. Irans
response would likely be an invasion of southern Iraq, populated, as is Iran,
with Shiites who could be enlisted to further destabilize Iraq.
Ikram Sehgal argued on the basis of nationalistic spirit of the Iranians.
Even though liberals may not be enamoured by President Ahmedinejad or
his government, Iranians are very nationalistic, on the nuclear issue they
are united and charged, the regime change option will not materialize. The
Iranian regime has put the threatened US invasion to good use, uniting
Iranians on one pro-nuclear platform.
Azam Khalil cautioned, all American forces in the areas
neighbouring Iran would be endangered and a serious uprising in Iraq could
spell disaster for the United States. Even if the Iranians fail to blockade the
Strait of Hormuz, they have achieved the capability to disrupt the flow of
oil in this strategic region.
Robert E Hunter wrote, while preventing Iran from becoming a
nuclear power is a bipartisan goal shared by just about everyone, the risks
and perils of a war with Iran are little discussed in public by government
leaders and are barely mentioned by the media.
Finally, the United States, in the wake of the attack, would become
an even more likely target of terrorism While prospects for an
eventual regional accommodation between Israel and its neighbours
would be even more remote.
In short, an attack on Iran would be an act of political folly, setting
in motion a progressive upheaval in world affairs. With the US increasingly
the object of widespread hostility, the era of American preponderance could
even come to a premature end Even if the United States is not planning an
imminent military strike on Iran, persistent hints by official spokesmen that
the military option is on the table impede the kind of negotiations that
could make that option necessary.
Military threats also reinforce growing international suspicions
that the US might be deliberately encouraging greater Iranian intransigence.
Sadly, one has to wonder whether, in fact, such suspicions may not be partly
justified It is therefore high time for the administration to sober up and
think strategically, with historic perspective and the US national interest
primarily in mind. Its time to cool the rhetoric. The United States should not
be guided by emotions or a sense of a religiously inspired mission.
Dr Mohammad Ekef Jamal said, military action is no solution to the
crisis. This is simply because Irans retaliation will be powerful and
devastating, causing damage to the interests of countries that import oil from
the region If the US and its allies decide to launch military action, there is
only one scenario for the war. It will involve destroying Irans missile and
naval capabilities. Such a scenario means the breakout of a real war with a
major country (Iran) in the region This option would be in harmony with
the cowboy mentality that dominates the US Administration, and may serve
the interests of some countries that are worried about Americas increasing
global dominance.
He indirectly urged other global powers and countries of the region to
play their role in avoiding the war with Iran. The peace doves in China and
Russia have not been able to soothe the tension between Iran and the
countries opposed to its programme Where do Arabs stand in this crisis?
The situation has only served to show how weak Arab countries are, both
politically and militarily. They have failed to formulate an effective security
system that protects them from any potential crisis.
Ivan Eland Wrote, Iran has hidden and buried nuclear facilities and
put them in populated areas, which would be difficult for the United States
to bomb without causing an international outcry. US intelligence is
unlikely to know the locations of all of the Iranian nuclear facilities, and Iran
may even have a separate parallel set of facilities unbeknownst to the
international community.
M B Naqvi wrote, the shock of America using nuclear weapons on
non-nuclear countries would make the world far more dangerous than it
already is. The American star will not rise to farther skies or create awe and
shock. American prestige would plummet insofar as its standing in the world
and global public opinion are concerned.
Ardent supporters of Americanization of the region urged the US
for regime change in Iran. Amir Taheri has been one of them. The
Middle East today is passing through what historians describe as
disequilibrium. This happens when the status quo is shattered while a
new one has not yet been found Will the new Middle East, which is
bound to emerge sooner or later, be an American one or Iranian one or an
Irano-American one?
The United States, at least as long as President George W Bush is in
charge, regards the shaping of a friendly Middle East not only as a good
thing in itself but also as vital for American security. The Bush Doctrine is
based on the axiom that democracies do not export terrorism or start wars
against other democracies. The strategic interests of the US, therefore,
dictate that hostile regimes be replaced by friendly ones. Surprisingly, for
him, there are no democratically elected governments in Iran and Palestine.
What would happen when, say 10 years from now, the whole of the
region is pro-American, included in the mainstream of globalization, and
more or less prosperous and more or less democratic? Wouldnt an antiAmerican, isolated, more or less poverty-stricken, and openly undemocratic
Islamic republic look like out of place in this new jigsaw?
If the US is allowed to create the kind of the Middle East with which
it feels comfortable, it is obvious that the Islamic republic, as the odd man
out, will feel uncomfortable, not to say threatened? This is why the Islamic
republic is determined not to allow the US to succeed in the region.
In every single country of the region from Pakistan to Morocco
the US and the Islamic republic are engaged in almost daily political,
diplomatic and, at times, even proxy military combat, with varying degree of
intensity. The Islamic republic is actively engaged in sabotaging US plans
for Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and has revived its dormant
networks in more than a dozen Arab countries.
The way change happened in Kabul was different from the way it
happened in Baghdad. And, were it to happen in Tehran, it would again be
different. Nor should we assume that a policy of regime change should be
put into immediate effect. For a range of reasons that might not be possible,
or even desirable The important thing is to realize that the Middle East
will not be out of crisis until one side gives in.
Howard LaFranchi urged for the same indirectly. The 30-day pause in
deliberations on Iran was designed to give the Iranian government an
opportunity to cease uranium enrichment, reassure the world that it is not
proceeding along a path to nuclear armament and stave off further
international action.
But if anything, Iran has used the days preceding a return to the
Security Council to rattle the international community: not only to boast of a
perfected enrichment process, but to do it with veiled references to secret
enrichment sites and to accelerated nuclear development The Iranian
game plan appears to be set up a confrontation with the West that not
only divides the international community but shatters any consensus against
its nuclear programme, analysts say.
Die-hards like Jackson Diehl were busy in demonizing Nejad for the
same purpose. He blamed Nejad for anticipating the end of the world by
talking about emergence of 12th Imam in two years time. He also quoted
Montazeri and Saanei, who as political opponents of Nejad, demand
enforcement of democratic values. Pro-Iran cleric of Iraq, Sistani was also
accused of successfully updating the role of Islam in government.
Many analysts indulged in predicting the war. Let me tell you
about the next war. It will start sooner than you think sometime between
now and September. And it will be precipitated by the $ 700 million
Russian deal this week to sell Tor air defence missile systems to Iran,
prophesized Roosa Brooks.
When the war begins, it will be between Iran and Israel. Before it
ends, though, it may set the whole of the Middle East on fire, pulling the
United States, leaving a legacy of instability that will last for generations
and permanently ending a century of American supremacy.
As international pressure over their nuclear program mounts, the
Iranians have become increasingly bellicose toward the US and Israel
Israel has upped the rhetorical heat as well. On Tuesday, Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert reiterated Israels determination to make sure no one has the
capability or the power to commit destruction against us.
Irans nuclear facilities are dispersed and well-concealed, making a
preemptive Israeli strike is far more difficult this time around. But theres
no reason to doubt Israels willingness to try (but) Israel has a
substantial incentive to wait to see if a diplomatic solution can be found
The clock is ticking for Israel. To have a hope of succeeding, any unilateral
Israeli strike against Iran must take place before September, when the Tor
missile deployment is set to be completed.
At best, a conflict between Israel and Iran (with resulting civilian
casualties) would further inflame anti-Israel sentiment in the Islamic World,
with a consequent increase in terrorism, both against Israel and against the
US, Israels main foreign backerthe entire Middle East could implode,
terrorist attacks worldwide would increase, the already overstretched US
military would be badly damaged and US global influence would wane
perhaps forever, the analyst ended on pessimistic note.
Gwynne Dyer did not agree with the predicted time bracket.
Whatever his long-term plans, US President George W Bush is unlikely to
attack Iran before the mid-term Congressional elections in November,
for three of the last four global recessions were triggered by a sharp rise in
the oil price.
Dr Mohammad Ekef Jamal agreed with Gwynne Dyer. While this
crisis has to end, it may not happen in the near future since there are special
considerations by the White House, which is getting ready for the
Congressional elections in November. Meanwhile, at an international
level, the United States can mobilize international efforts and get
approval to take preventive measures against Iran, including military action,
according to Article No 7 of United Nations Charter.
Many analysts agreed that Israel may drag US into military
confrontation. According to Linda S Heard the legal technicality, however,
would not deter Israel. Israels Prime Minister designate Ehud Olmert has
already likened Ahmedinejad to Hitler, warning that the Iranian leader is a
psychopath and an anti-Semite out to annihilate the Jewish state. For his
part, Bush has repeatedly promised to defend Israel come what may.
Addressing a gathering in Cleveland on March 20, Bush said: The
threat from Iran is, of course, their stated objective to destroy our strong ally
Israel. Its a threat to world peace; its a threat, in essence, to a strong
alliance. I made it clear, Ill make it clear again, that we will use military
might to protect our ally, Israel.
James C Moore said, there are also reported to be thousands of
underground nuclear facilities and uranium gas centrifuges in Iran, and it is
impossible for all of them to be eliminated. But the Israelis might be
willing to try. An Israeli attack on Iran would give Bush some political
cover at home. The president could continue to argue that Israel has a right
to protect itself And Americas Harpoon missiles would be delivering the
warheads. These would blow up Iranian nuclear facilities and also launch an
army of Iranian terrorists into the Western world.
Ikram Sehgal wrote, contrary to world perception the US does not
exercise inordinate influence over Israeli decision-making; at best there is
close consultation on many issues The US may be forced into the
conflict despite its own reservations and political compulsions. Commando
(and even bombing) raids by Israel could virtually be suicide missions but a
nation that has grown up with a Masada-psyche should know a thing or two
about why a suicide bomber becomes one.
He added, sceptics may consider it ludicrous, there is an outside
danger Pakistan may even become a simultaneous target. Reputed analyst
Eric Margolis says that Pakistan is definitely on the US agenda after Iran.
Could Israeli (or US) planners afford the risk of leaving a Muslim nuclear
state with the means of missile delivery system intact if there is war with
Given the deliberate ambiguity of Indian PM Manmohan Singhs
pointed statement to a Muslim delegation, India cannot afford another
nuclear state in its neighbourhood, should one not be apprehensive that
India as the newly US-appointed policeman of the region, takes the
opportunity for a final solution vis--vis Pakistan butting into effect Cold
Start? Our US ally has pointedly (and quite brusquely) excluded us from the
nuclear club; after all we are not as responsible as India.
Menzies Campbell was careful in predicting the possibility of military
confrontation. I doubt that any democratically elected leader would be
brave enough to wage an illegal war on Iran. But by failing to take steps to
reduce tensions, the British and American governments have made a
diplomatic outcome less likely.
Azam Khalil predicted prolonged air strikes. The Americans cannot
invade Iran with soldiers because the damage would be unbearable, even if
only in terms of American casualties. The most probable scene is a
Arrogance of the Crusaders and tenacity of the Iranians had pushed
the row beyond the scope and utility of economic sanctions. The imposition
of sanctions under Chapter-7 of the UN Charter was opposed by Russia and
China because such imposition automatically leads to the next step; the
military action. Therefore, there was less talk of sanctions during the period
as compared to the past. Nevertheless, some quarters mentioned this option.
The News wrote, for the opponents of a nuclear Iran, it appears
abnormal that China and Russia are not supporting action against a regime
which is very likely to use nuclear weapons if and when it has them. Those
who see the issue as an excuse that the Americans are trying to make for
forcing an oil-rich but unfriendly Muslim country into the corner do not find
it easy to square Irans nukes with Americas global ambitions, especially an
era of extremely high oil prices. Technically, what separates a Chapter VII
resolution of the United Security Council from the one adopted under other
chapters of the UN Charter is not easily understandable for most readers
and listeners of 24X7 news bulletins.
The Guardian wrote, at this delicate juncture the world community
must avoid the disarray that preceded, and ultimately facilitated, war in Iraq.
China and Russia oppose talk of sanctions, partly because Iraq is the worlds
The Christian Science Monitor was of the view that Iran appears
more interested in extending its regional and global power rather than lifting
its people out of massive joblessness. If it wants nuclear weapons, then that
goal doesnt appear to be defensive.
The next step for the US is to ask the Security Council to require
(rather than request) that Iran comply with the IAEA standards, citing
the UN Charter provision known as Chapter 7. If Iran again ignores that
tougher message, then the US would have UN authority to gather support
from many nations for penalties such as sanctions.
There is another way but a prerequisite to this would be responsible
adults in power rather than a bunch of testosterone charged, agenda-led
warmongers, wrote Linda S Heard. Why cant representatives from
Washington and Tehran get together, share a plate of cashews and
simply talk?
Rose Gottemoeller said the same thing. The United States could
join the discussion with Iran about its interests in the future of nuclear
power. After all, the United States is talking to other countries about global
warming and energy security problems under the auspices of its new Global
Nuclear Energy Partnership.
It was suggested that the best way to keep Iran nuclear-free is to do
whatever is diplomatically necessary to keep the IAEA inspectors in there,
not blustering about military action and giving Iran excuses to press ahead
The News wrote, Chinas insistence on a diplomatic solution, rather
than the one based on arm twisting through military or economic means, is a
little less confusing. Chinese diplomats are seeking to invest more
authority into IAEAs efforts at curbing Iranian nuclear ambitions, instead
of letting the Security Council deal with the issue
Los Angeles Times stressed, Washington must be prepared to deemphasize its regime change agenda and to seek more subtle ways of
trying to influence the Iranian regimes demeanor The Bush
Administration, in concert with the Europeans, may conceivably be able to
coax, cajole or bully the Russians and the Chinese out of vetoing a
meaningful Security Council resolution against Iran. But this wont be
enough. Tehran wont budge without the message from Russia and China
that they will support subsequent action to enforce resolutions or punish Iran
for non-compliance.
Even if it plays all cards perfectly, the administration may end up
with an unfriendly nuclear power in the heart of the Middle East. But under
any scenario, it will be important for the United States to make a
convincing case to the world that it worked tirelessly and creatively with
other nations on the diplomatic front to keep weapons out of the hands of
Irans rulers.
Zbigniew Brzezinski said, it is true, however, that an eventual Iranian
acquisition of nuclear weapons would heighten tensions in the region and
perhaps prompt imitation by such countries as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
Israel, despite its large nuclear arsenal, would feel less secure He
suggested, serious negotiations require not only a patient engagement but
also a constructive atmosphere. Artificial deadlines, pronounced most often
by those who do not wish the US to negotiate in earnest, are counterproductive
Robert E Hunter recommended the use of peace ploy to strike a
bargain. As loathsome as Americans find Irans hatred of the West, calls
for the destruction of Israel, and absurd denials of the Holocaust by its
president, Irans legitimate security concerns have to be on any serious
agenda for talks.
The Guardian felt that striking a bargain was possible. Some argue
that the best course would be to acquiesce in an Iranian bomb. That may yet
happen. But there is much more to be done. What is needed is a return to
the idea that a bargain can be struck with Iran, or at least with the
pragmatists sidelined by the president. It can have security guarantees if it
accepts UN demands. The US needs Iranian help over the mess next door in
Iraq. Denouncing Tehran as dictatorial and revolutionary wont bring that.
Ivan Eland expressed cautious optimism. The United States needs to
propose a grand bargain with Iran such as that offered North Korea and
accepted by Libya With the US and Israel threats neutralized by the nonaggression treaty, the Iranians just might feel secure enough to scrap
their nuclear programme. But even with that offer, Iran, which lives in
dangerous neighbourhood, may still elect to proceed with its quest for
nuclear armaments.
Iran. However, with occupied Iraq out of the reckoning, Pakistan and Turkey
remain Irans only important neighbours. So it falls to them to do whatever
they can to prevent it. Their top-level consultations on this are evidence that
they are actively engaged in the effort.
Ikram Sehgal opined that contacts between Washington and Tehran
were already established. Unlike common perception the US will not rush
into war. There are confirmed reports about diplomatic back-channel
talks; an aide of Irans nuclear chief was believed to be in Washington
talking to US officials.
The Christian Science Monitor wrote that dialogue with Iran wont
work. With Libya, such talks worked because it wanted economic benefits
for its people. Talks with North Korea are failing because it prefers to
brandish nuclear weapons as a way to wield power over its neighbours. It
opined that the same will happen in Irans case.
Lately, Annan urged America to hold dialogue with Iran. The News
wrote, the UN secretary general wants all stakeholders and key players, to
be around the table, as he said in his American television interview on
Thursday. Iran might be more forthcoming, he reasoned, if the United
States were at the table, even if Tehran held back in previous negotiations
with the EU-3, Britain, France and Germany. He said that if the US agreed to
negotiate as well, a package that would satisfy the concerns of everybody
would be possible to work out.
Contrary to the Bush Administration, the government of President
Mahmoud Ahmedinejad has been saying it is ready for such talks.
However, it has insisted it would only negotiate on the condition that the
talks deal with large-scale uranium enrichment, and not be based on the
Western powers demand that Iran cease all enrichment
Dr Annan indirectly acknowledged that right. Offer the Iranians a
diplomatic package allowing them to pursue nuclear energy for peaceful
ends, he suggested. And if they resist that, how do they explain to the
world? Indeed, he thereby also rejected the position of the UN Security
Council, which in March 29 demanded that Iran suspend all enrichment to
remove suspicions that it seeks nuclear weapons.
The enrichment of uranium is perfectly legal under the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty, and it is not a forgone conclusion that Iran has
decided to acquire nuclear weapons, said Adel Safty. Still, even if Iran
were to become a nuclear power, why would that be a destabilizing force in
the Middle East?
What stable environment would a nuclear Iran threaten? The
answer: the American occupation of Iraq, the continued Israeli oppression of
the Palestinians, the rise of democratically elected Islamic groups
challenging the pro-Western secular regimes and continued American threats
against Syria If Iran were to become the second nuclear power in the
Middle East, its threat to American and Israeli hegemony and the chaos they
produced in the region may not be destabilizing development.
The unhelpful rhetoric of the Iranian leadership notwithstanding, a
nuclear Iran could not possibly carry out its threat of annihilating Israel
because it knows if such an enterprise were ever attempted against Israel, it
would lead to annihilation of Iran itself. Whatever the Iranian regime may
be, it is not irrational or crazy.
Burhanuddin Hasan wrote, Ahmedinejad appears determined to make
the most of the nuclear card to bolster his standing among his people. It was
no coincidence that he announced Iran had enriched uranium on April 9, the
date that the United States severed diplomatic ties with Iran in 1980. He and
other top leaders of Iran see the nuclear programme as a lever to get the
United States to recognize Iran as a big, regional power and deal with it on
that basis.
Even the Guardian acknowledged that Iranians have some good
arguments on their side. The failure of the five official nuclear powers to
meet their disarmament obligations is one. The breakout of non-NPT
signatories India and Pakistan is another. Then there is the tolerance of
Israels nuclear might and the double standard that represents. That does not
mean Mr Ahmedinejads bombastic and irresponsible threats to annihilate
the Jewish state can be written out of the picture; on the contrary, they make
his behaviour all the more alarming.
Tariq Ali said, the country is not only ringed by atomic states
(India, Pakistan, China, Russia, and Israel), it also faces a string of American
bases with potential or actual nuclear stockpiles in Qatar, Iraq, Turkey,
Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Nuclear-armed US aircraft carriers and
submarines patrol the waters off its southern coast.
Tehran Times accused Western governments and media of distorting
the facts. A glance at current events shows that media info wars are more
common than physical wars. The media cause controversy. They fabricate
believable stories by distorting the news.
Governments present lies as facts and facts as lies to the people
through the media. Through clever media manipulation, they try to make
their rivals back down before political tension rises to the point where a
physical war breaks out.
At this point of time, Western media outlets have intensified the
media info war. This war began long ago but has taken on a new form due
to recent advances in technology Along these lines, Western countries are
currently trying to force Iranian officials to back down on the nuclear issue
by creating tension and using info war.
Giving it realized the deception used to gain support for the US-led
invasion of Iraq, the world is not going to be tricked into accepting another
war The US is currently attempting to use the same technique to create
phantom controversies and baseless lies in order to confront Iran.
However, public opinion in many countries, especially the traditional
allies of the US, is beginning to reject Washingtons policies and actions.
People all over the world have come to the conclusion that US officials
policy of promoting their preferred form of democracy is just a ploy
meant to extend US hegemony over the entire globe.
Washington is trying to hinder the Islamic Republics
development because Irans nuclear achievements are a challenge to US
hegemony. In addition, Western countries are attempting to convince the
world that Iran is a threat to world peace so that they can manipulate the
dispute over Irans nuclear program for their own benefit.
In a subsequent editorial the Tehran Times criticized statements of
Bush and Merkel at the gathering of the American Jewish Committee. It
was unexpected and surprising when Merkel said, the right of existence of
the state of Israel must never be questioned; and this is why it is intolerable
for any German government when the Iranian president questions the right
of Israels existence.
If Mrs Merkel review Tehrans official position, she would notice that
Irans proposal for settling the Palestinian issue is the only
comprehensive and reasonable solution to decades of violence, bloodshed,
and agony in Palestine, which Western powers have failed to prevent.
If Merkel took the time to study Irans proposal she would realize
that Iran has not put into question the existence of a nation or race. If
she took a deeper look at history she would be surprised to see that Iran has
never experienced anti-Semitism, has the largest Jewish community of all
the Muslim states in the region, numbering about 25,000, and was the first
country which had a law guaranteeing freedom of religion and recognizing
the rights of all races.
Saying that occupying others land is illegal is not threatening
other peoples right to exist. Even Hamas leaders have said that if Israel
returns to the 1967 borders and allows the return of Palestinian refugees,
many things would change.
When Merkel said Iran must be prevented from getting nuclear
weapons, she insulted the intelligence of impartial and informed
persons who are aware that the International Atomic Energy Agency has
conducted three years of intensive inspections of Irans nuclear program and
has announced that it has found no hard evidence suggesting that Tehrans
nuclear activities have been diverted to a weapons program.
Merkel probably made these unrealistic statements in order to
appease the Jewish community. The lies of these leaders of important
countries only further besmirch the reputation of the officials and
politicians of Germany and the United State. However, the same day the
Boston Globe acclaimed Merkel as sensible ally.
Dr Ahmedinejad had been complaining that the two or three
countries dominating international institutions had nuclear weapons and
they say that you cant even have nuclear fuel for civilian purposes. If
having nuclear fuel is bad, why do they have it? If its good, why do they
not allow us to?
Irans viewpoint was explicitly conveyed in Ahmedinejads letter
to Bush. Siddarth Varadarajan discussed the letter with candid remarks.
With the exception of one highly regrettable sentence implicitly questioning
the historicity of the Nazi holocaust against the Jews and another hinting at
the complicity of US intelligence agencies in 9/11, Iranian President
Mamoud Ahmedinejads 18-page letter to his American counterpart, George
W Bush, is a tour de force of the kind the world of diplomacy has not seen
for a long time.
This extraordinary document cleverly drafted in the religious
idiom that Mr Bush and his neoconservative advisers allegedly believe
in, complete with a reference to Judgment Day is the first official
communication from the head of the head of the Iranian government to an
American President since the 1979 revolution that overthrew the Shah. It is
also a masterpiece of political clarity and philosophical opaqueness, which
will frustrate and provoke Washington.
The world sees the well-timed letter as a diplomatic opening
which it mostly certainly is but the Bush Administration is not interested in
diplomacy. Nor does it look kindly upon those who seek to suggest that the
recent crescendo of allegations against Iran resembles the lies Washington
told about weapons of mass destruction in the run-up to its disastrous
invasion of Iraq in 2003.
The experience of Iraq is the single most important argument the
Iranian President marshals to make the point that the Bush
Administrations policy towards Iran is misconceived and dangerous.
And he urges the American President to change course lest he be judged
harshly by three separate courts: God, of history and of his own people.
Because of the possibility of the existence of WMDs in Iraq, Mr
Ahmedinejads letter notes, the country was occupied, around one hundred
thousand people killed, its water sources, agriculture and industry destroyed,
close to 180,000 foreign troops put on the ground, sanctity of private homes
of citizens broken, and the country pushed back perhaps fifty years What
was the result? I have no doubt that telling lies is reprehensible in any
culture, and you do not like to be lied to.
To the people of the United States, Mr Ahmedinejad offers a
reminder of the high price they are paying thanks to the Bush
Administrations lies in Iraq: Hundreds of billions of dollars spent from the
treasury of one country and certain other countries and tens of thousands of
men and women as occupation troops put in harms way, taken away
from family and loved ones, their hands stained with the blood of others,
subjected to so much of psychological pressure that everyday some commit
suicide and those returning home suffer depression, become sickly and
grapple with all sorts of ailments; while some are killed and their bodies
handed to their families.
Post-9/11, Mr Ahmedinejad writes, the American people have been
made to feel less secure thanks to their governments policies. And the US
administration has thrown all principles of human rights out of the
window by incarcerating people indefinitely without trial and maintaining
secret prisons. In a direct reference to Mr Bushs much-publicized religious
beliefs, the Iranian President asks how all this can be reconciled with
someone being a follower of Jesus Christ, the great Messenger of God.
realistically analyze the regional and global situation and make use of
Irans cultural and geopolitical influence in order to control terrorism in
the region. Iran is now very powerful country that can play a constructive
role in many important global developments. Isolating Iran would not be to
the benefit of the West.
Praful Bidwai had yet another interpretation. The Iranian
Establishment seems to want an honourable compromise with the West. Its
following a two-track strategy. At one level, its defiant on pursuing uranium
enrichment. At the other, its quietly sending out signals that Iran wants a
peaceful resolution of the issue.
Iran is an imperfect democracy, without adequate rights. But its one
of the few countries in the Middle East with universal franchise and fair
elections. Official Irans paranoia is traceable to the sense of being cornered
by Washington, The more acute the sense, the greater the restrictions on
freedom. To become a more open, free society based on human rights, Iran
should not be targeted. The world, including the US, has much to gain by
normalizing relations with Iran.
Irans insistence on its right to acquire nuclear technology for peaceful
purposes; American arrogance on not conceding this right, its hesitation to
adopt military option; its refusal to negotiate a solution through dialogue;
and lack of consensus on imposition of economic sanctions promised no
positive outcome. However, the impasse had some negative/positive
Ivan Eland opined that the invasion of Iraq and subsequent US
military threats against Iran have actually intensified the Iranian desire to
get nuclear weapons to keep the superpower out. He added that countries
interested in developing nuclear technology saw the respect that a nuclear
North Korea got from the United States as well as the absence of respect that
a non-nuclear Iraq received.
The tactics of intimidation have in fact emboldened Iran as was
evident from Perviz Esmaellis comments on 5+1 deliberations on the issue.
The fact that the Westerners are talking about diplomatic solutions and
returning to talks while, led by the US, they have recently been using harsh
language toward Iran shows that Irans national resistance to gain access
to the complete nuclear fuel cycle has borne fruit. Thus, it is not
necessary for the Islamic Republic to respond harshly to the new situation.
On the other hand, the outcome of the Monday meeting proves that
the position of Iran has improved in international calculations At least
the great powers have apparently realized that they must change the 5+1 into
the 5+1+1 to address Irans nuclear program.
If this happens, as a preliminary gesture, the 5+1 should agree to
recognize Irans nuclear rights according to the nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty (NPT), and specifically Irans right to conduct peaceful nuclear
activities in line with Article 4 of the NPT Irans declared technical
activities must continue as planned. Along these lines, starting the new 164centrifuge cascades could improve Irans position in any possible
The truth is that Russia, Germany, China, France, Britain and
even the United States have been Irans allies, but with a bad record. Iran
holds shares in Frances largest uranium enrichment facility, Eurodif. The
US and Britain are indebted to Iran for shares of Namibias Rossing Mine.
Iran does not regard China or Germany as trustworthy, either, due to their
failure to fulfill their commitments.
The News observed that the US was on the retreat. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice told reporters in Washington that her government would
consider an offer that would allow (the Iranians) to have a civil nuclear
programme if that is, indeed, what they want. Indeed it is. Iran has always
insisted its programme is of a non-military nature. For the United States to
concede that right to Tehran is proof that the Bush Administration knows
now that it cannot compel a divided Security Council to take punitive
measures, and is ready to wait for Council unity to evolve. We felt that
two weeks to continue to try to work for Council unity was well worth it,
Ms Rice remarked.
On the other hand, Ms Rice named certain conditions which Mr
Ahmedinejads government has already rejected for example, the US and
the EU wouldnt permit Iran to enrich and reprocess uranium on its own
territory. If Iran defied what she called the international community; it would
face isolation and UN Security Council action. That remains to be seen.
For now, though, Irans combined firmness and diplomacy appears to
have paid off.
has made strenuous efforts to stay on friendly terms with one famous former
adversary The US made collegiality with Russia one of the highest
priorities of its foreign policy from the moment five years ago when George
Bush looked into the eyes of Valdimir Putin and saw right through his soul.
This, of course, is the same soul that had been darkened by years
of loyal service in the KGB and that would subsequently be shaded further
by the widespread imprisonment of political opponents, the suppression of
non-governmental organizations, a brutal clampdown on nationalist
movements in the Caucasus and menacing behaviour towards nascent
democracies in Ukraine and Georgia.
But no matter, Russia was a big important country, and although
France and Germany were to be respectively punished and ignored for their
unhelpful opposition to the Iraq War, in Condoleezza Rices famous dictum,
Russia was immediately forgiven.
Duly absolved, however, Moscow was merely emboldened in the
pursuit of its own authoritarian, reactionary agenda. It stepped up its
bullying of Ukraine and fomented further unrest in Georgia; it sought to
impose a stranglehold on European energy supplies and declined to
cooperate in serious efforts to defuse Irans nuclear programme. At almost
all its tangents Russias foreign policy seemed to be designed to impede the
interests of America and its European allies.
Nor did the increasingly awkward embrace of the Russian bear sit
all that well with President Bushs pledge in his second inaugural address to
work to eliminate tyranny in our world.
Russias intensifying defiance and Americas escalating
embarrassment, the unrequited affection Washington has for Moscow is still
to be consummated this summer when Mr Putin hosts the G8 summit in St
Petersburg in July. It will be quite a moment the leaders of the worlds
seven great developed democracies for the first time gathering as the coequal guests of a Government that is neither great nor especially
developed, nor in most recognizable senses a democracy.
In this troubling back-story of craven capitulation it was something
of a shock last week when Dead-eye Dick Cheney took his marksmans
skills into the Russian arena and took aim with unwonted accuracy at
the true nature of Mr Putins regime.
But theres less to all this than meets the eye: there was something
rather suspiciously choreographed about the Cheney assault and the Putin
parry. It looks more like a rather awkward shift in the form of US foreign
policy without much real change in the substance.
Mr Bush has been under mounting pressure at home and from allies
in Eastern Europe to show a little more spine towards Russia This steadily
building unease about Americas embrace of Mr Putin has finally seeped into
the Administrations consciousness and prompted an intense debate about
how the US should moderate its enthusiasm, especially given the
unpleasant symbolism of Mr Bushs imminent pilgrimage to St
Ramzy Baroud hoped that prevalent circumstances could result in
restoration of balance of power. Thanks to other factors precisely
Bushs low ratings at home and his embattled military in Iraq Iran is
finding itself in a much more comfortable position than Iraq under
Saddam Hussein prior to the US invasion in March 2003.
Bush Administration and the pro-war clique in the Congress and
they are many seem equally enthusiastic at the thought of another Middle
East showdown, and Tehran is the new destination. Once again, its neither
respect for the law since Irans nuclear enrichment is not in violation of its
commitment under the Non-Proliferation Treaty nor democracy for Iran
is much closer to an actual democratic system than many of the US
favoured, yet corrupt and authoritative allies nor human rights since
the US, as the effective ruler of Iraq is the regions top human rights violator
that stimulate such enthusiasm. Rather, its realpolitik.
While Iran is no match for an empire, it also understands that it
holds great leverage through its significant influence over Iraqs Shiite
population and their representatives The Shiite leaderships are yet to
outwardly demand an American withdrawal, and for strategic reasons, are
yet to join the flaring insurgency. Using its influence in Iraq, Iran could
significantly alter the equation, a decision that would unlikely suit the US
long-term interests in occupied Iraq. Iran could do more in the context of
flow of oil from the region.
All these outcomes exclude the likelihood that the US military is
in fact capable of leading a ground war or maintaining a long-term
occupation of a country several times the size of Iraq, which has not been
weakened by years of debilitating sanctions.
As optimistic as it may sound, one can, to an extent, speak of a
balance of power. Wherever such balance can be struck, realpolitik and its
Wests prejudices and bias against Islamic countries are established
facts; therefore, any attempt to draw inferences in this context amounts to
wasting time. The reality is much bitter; they hate anything and everything
which, in any way, can be called Islamic.
After all, it is the feeling of hatred which caused the start of the
ongoing Crusades. Even simple bias or double standards are not the reasons
good enough to kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims. Thus, nourishing
slightest expectation of fair play by the victims from aggressors is a folly.
The Crusaders hesitation in resorting to any of the military options
has been caused, apart from other reasons, by the fact that Iran is not Iraq.
Iraqs defence forces were almost completely destroyed in Gulf War. Further
destruction, particularly of its air defence system, was carried out during
aggressive imposition of the no-fly zone. Iraqs economy was damaged by
decade-long sanctions. On the contrary, Iran has everything intact.
Imposition of economic sanctions, the second best option, has been
undermined by the mistake committed by the Crusaders. Under intoxicating
influence of its military might, America kept drifting away from the stated
aim of its holy war, while disregarding repeated advice to eradicate the
menace by addressing the root causes of militancy.
Invasion of Iraq was a major shift from the stated aim of the war.
America invaded and occupied Iraq exercising the self-claimed right of
regime change and inherent arrogance demonstrated in the form of
unilateralism. When Bush and his neocons saw that the world could do
nothing more than grumbling against their unilateralism, they digressed
further by enlarging the scope of the war on fabricated pretexts.
Gradually, they became too vocal about their malafide intentions
about Central Asian States and oil-rich Caspian region. This alienated Russia
in particular and China in general. The birth of second Cold War was an
obvious outcome. Iran, as a gynecologist, handled the delivery.
America also went wrong in assuming that an empire can be built and
retained with sheer military might. It was possible in days of Alexander and
Genghis, but not in 21st century when the world has turned into global
village where interests of various people are now intermingled and one has
to adjust his interests accordingly.
America must learn from 9/11 that it is no more too far away from rest
of the world, as it was during Second World War, not to mention the times of
Columbus. It no more enjoys the safety granted by the two largest oceans of
the world. Therefore, it must learn few tips of peaceful co-existence and
ditch the unilateralism for good.
As regards dialogue, most western analysts have recommended it for
bargaining time, because the prevailing situation does not favour military
action. Their suggestions are completely devoid of sincerity. Ultimate aim
remains the denial of nuclear technology to Iran for the time being and to the
entire Muslim World subsequently.
Some of the wise men have talked of assurance to Iran over its
security concerns. This implied that no Muslim country should have the
capability to address its security concerns at its own. Muslim nations should
either solely depend on presence of the Crusaders on their respective soils,
as Arabs do, or have the satisfaction of feeling secure on assurances.
Pakistans nuclear capability has been mentioned by many analysts as
security concern for Iran. No one has seriously mentioned the threat posed
by the Israels arsenal of nuclear weapons, not only to Iran but to the entire
Islamic World. Strangely, some of them have acknowledged that legalities
do not bother the rogue called Israel.
The rogues can only be deterred by potent retaliatory capability.
Therefore, the right to acquire nuclear capability should be exercised by Iran
as well as by one or two Arab countries. Perhaps, they should have done that
long time back as Pakistan did in the subcontinent. Had it been done, they
would have saved themselves from humiliation at the hands of Zionists and
the Crusaders. This argument also goes in support of Dr Khan who risked
helping the countries desirous of acquiring nuclear capability.
Certainly, the saying of Martin Luther King Jr. applies to Iran: In the
end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our
friends. Tehran might also regret restraining Iraqi Shias from resisting the
occupation of Iraq. But, it will never find some words of gratitude for Sunni
Arabs who have been and continue resisting the Crusaders; and because of
which Iran today finds itself in comfortable position against the might of a
superpower. That is the nature of divide in the Ummah.
14th May 2006
Battle for Afghan peace continued under pressure of the demands
of doing more:
On 8th May, US gunship helicopters intruded into Pakistan and
attacked workers in Chromites mine in South Waziristan; three
workers were injured and eight went missing. ISPR denied and said
three injured men were arrested near a post while coming from
Afghanistan. One levies personnel was killed in landmine blast and
miscreants fired two missiles at Bajaur Scouts headquarters in Khar.
SDO and his men were kidnapped by gunmen on 9 th May and were
then freed at Gomal Zam Dam site. Next day, security forces arrested
a Tunisian, an Afghan and a Pakistani al-Qaeda suspect near Bannu.
Intelligence agencies after interrogation of three injured men
confirmed that they were mine workers; DG ISPR did not come out
with usual denial statement.
On 11th May, beheaded body of a man accused of spying for the US
was found near border in Bajaur Agency. NATO planned to establish
military liaison office in Pakistan.
Four suspected militants were arrested in Peshawar on 13th May.
Hundreds of Afghan refugees were nabbed in week long drive. Next
day, militants attacked FC fort in Tank and killed a Tehsildar. Eight
rockets were fired on FC fort in Dattakhel.
Eight militants and three paramilitary troops were killed in two
separate incidents in North Waziristan on 16th May. Nine tribesmen
were killed in gunship strike on Miranshah-Razmak Road after an
ambush of a military convoy.
On 17th May, one soldier was killed and four wounded when their
convoy was ambushed in Dattakhel area. Troops retaliated and
captured eight militants. At least four persons, including a tehsildar,
were injured in two bomb blasts in Khar, Mohmand Agency.
Militants dragged Toti Gul, a pro-government tribal chieftain, out of
his car and shot him dead in North Waziristan on 19th May. NATO
clarified to India that its growing military and political ties with
Pakistan were solely restricted to Afghanistan.
On 20th May, two soldiers were killed and one wounded when a
militant threw grenade at a post in Mirali; the attacker was shot dead.
Two days later, a post in South Waziristan came under rocket attack.
On 23rd May, militants denied hand in murder of Toti Gul. Next day,
six Afghans, including three government officials, were held from
Loralai area for entering Pakistan illegally. Six bombs were defused
near Tank. Rocket attack on a post hit power supply tower disrupting
electric supply to most of Waziristan.
A driver of an NGO was wounded in roadside bomb blast near Khar
on 26th May. Militants blew up a health centre near Mirali. Tribesmen
refused to accept compensation after threats from militants. PeshawarJalalabad bus service resumed when five buses left for Afghanistan.
Next day, the political authorities raided a wedding party in Khar area
and arrested 11 Afghans, including the bridegroom.
On 11th May, Spanta sighted Osama in Pakistan; not seen, said
Islamabad. The two neighbouring countries unnecessarily exchanged
accusations, because according to a survey conducted in Dubai 51 percent of
Arabs said their brother was in USA. Four days later, Afghan and Pakistani
foreign ministers decided to meet regularly, so that allegations could be
exchanged in person instead of using media channels.
Meanwhile, despite denial by Taliban, Indian TV channels continued
accusing ISI of killing Indian engineer. On 16th May, Islamabad refuted
reports about Osamas presence in Pakistans northern areas. Three days
later, Kasuri, Information Minister and spokesperson of foreign office
rebuffed Karzai in unison over his allegations of infiltration.
The same day, a British officer in Afghanistan alleged that Taliban
planned attacks from Quetta. He termed Quetta the major headquarters of
Four days later, Pakistan and Iran agreed to form a joint investment
company to be based in Karachi, to open land route for Pakistani exports
besides reiterating their resolve for early start of IPI gas pipeline project, but
meeting of ministers was postponed for one month.
During Prime Ministers visit to Greece, the two countries agreed to
share information on terrorism. Like all visits, this too ended up with
extraction of an agreement on this issue. America, however, in a gesture of
kindness agreed to release 8 of the 29 Pakistanis held in Guantanamo Bay.
Suicide is a key word for the Crusaders to blame Muslims for all
crimes, even those committed against the Muslims. If Amir committed
suicide, it was certainly due to the harsh treatment meted out to him by those
who detained him. So is the case with suicide bombers.
M B Naqvi commented on Pakistans nuclear programme. A decisive
moment came when the Pakistan president made the premise of virtually
ending the Jihad in Kashmir. Obviously, Pakistans nuclear weapons were of
no help. If the notional benefit of the weapons had to be sacrificed for the
sake of peace, their value gets heavily diluted. The fact is that Pakistans
nuclear weapons are no longer vital for its security. The country could
not win Kashmir through a proxy war and they could not defend Pakistan
against Indias threatened attack without Islamabad having to make certain
There is another negative aspect of the nukes: there is Dr AQ Khans
underground bazaar of nuclear contraband. The story has not ended. The
rest of the world is still interested. They all think that Pakistan is vulnerable
confidence, however, it appears that the two South Asian neighbours are
finding it difficult to carry on business as originally intended, because the
US is stepping up its efforts to back the Central Asian energy route as a more
acceptable option for India Compared to the advances that have already
been made in pursuit of IPI pipeline, TAP project may take quite a long
while before any good comes out of it.
It is difficult to predict the outcome of IPI project even if the odds
against it look daunting. American pressure notwithstanding, the three actors
are putting up an independent front, ostensibly safeguarding their economic
interests. Russian and Chinese stakes in the energy game also offer them an
opportunity to push through with their plans, albeit slowly.
It is clear that Washington wants to use local conflicts to establish
its influence in the region. Through the pressure and offering diverging
incentives to each player, it is perpetuating these conflicts which would
ultimately prevent efforts at regional economic cooperation in the form of
projects like IPI gas pipeline.
Chris Cork discussed the previously reported issue and opined that
Pakistan was fading, not failing. Pakistan has areas of systemic failure
that date back to Partition and even before that and are not susceptible to
quick political fixes; as well as a selection of debilitating long-term chronic
failures by successive governments to address the core issues of population
control and education. Taken together, the failure of democracymight be
indicators of failed statehood.
Ironically, the current government for all its lack of democratic
functionality at anything but a cosmetic level is doing and achieving more in
some key areas than any perhaps all of its predecessors. Unfortunately
the present government is also a relatively benign military dictatorship,
with a decent democratic hijab covering the fist beneath; and no
dictatorship benign or not is ever going to come up to scratch against a
measuring stick made in the West like the Failed States Index, for
M S Hasan from Karachi wrote, without getting into the motive of
this outfit, the merits of the related elements and the parameters used for
such a determination by a third party, we Pakistanis, the real stakeholders,
need to dispassionately, objectively and realistically evaluate ourselves
and the state of the Pakistani federation in this context.
There are aspects which need to be critically analyzed for a realistic
assessment of Pakistan. They are: sustainability of democracy, quality of
Only outcome of the composite dialogue was that on 26th May the
two countries agreed on joint survey of Sir Creek. The surveys carried out
previously, perhaps, had become redundant with the passage of time. As
consequence of the failure of bilateral dialogue, Pakistan and India were
summoned by World Bank for meeting in Geneva over Baglihar dispute.
In the context of confidence building measures, India freed six
Pakistanis, including four teenagers on 17th May. A week later India decided
to release 59 Pakistani fishermen. SMEs of India and Pakistan held two-day
meeting in Islamabad to boost trade.
On 21st May, eight people, including two militants, were killed and 20
wounded in gunfight when militants stormed rally of Congress Party
in Srinagar.
Twenty-two BSF troops were wounded in suicide attack in Srinagar
on 23rd May. Indian Army sealed off Srinagar for PMs visit.
At least 12 civilians, 3 policemen and 5 soldiers were injured in four
grenade attacks in Srinagar as Singh arrived in IHK on 24 th May.
Gilani placed under house arrest. AI took serious note of human
violations. Singh chaired a meeting of military commanders, police
and government officials to review security in the region.
On 27th May, thousands of people protested and locked up a soldier
alleging that he had raped a young girl returning home from school in
village near Srinagar.
Manmohans interaction with Kashmiri leaders was the only
important event during the last three weeks. On 23rd May pro-India NC
threatened to stay away from talks, if Manmohan meets with APHC. APHC
and UJC called for strike on the days of Singhs visit, i.e. 24th and 25th May.
Indian Prime Minister announced that a group would be set up to
examine Kashmirs special autonomous status under the constitution in a bid
to bring peace in Held Kashmir. Mirwaiz said Manmohans remark that
Kashmir is internal problem of India has hurt Kashmiris. Various freedom
fighter groups termed the two-day roundtable conference as waste of time.
Because India has been dragging feet on resolution of Kashmir
dispute and that it has been causing division within Kashmiris and then
encouraging all the parties, old and new, to come out with proposals for
solution; now there are so many proposal/options that agreement on anyone
of those seems impossible. Pakistani rulers and experts, because of their
extraordinary courage and intellect have produced about a dozen options,
while Indians, badly lacking in both, stuck dearly to ATTOT ANG option.
This prompted Muhammad Badar Alam to write, the fact doesnt help
that there have always been multiple proposals doing the rounds for the
resolution of conflict in and over Kashmir. Someone still needs to come
with the most acceptable, most practicable and most enduring plan to resolve
the issue. The various roadmaps being put forward by different parties to
the conflict suffer from one fatal flaw: They fail to arouse the interest of and
Ever since the first public indications were made in early April
regarding the possibility that Pakistan and India may reach an agreement on
Siachin, the Indian armed forces have quite uncharacteristically taken a
public position on the matter. It is also not in accordance with the Indian
constitution. This is exceptionally surprising, given the strong and
commendable tradition of the Indian army to stay clear of politics and public
diplomacy, observed Nasim Zehra.
The News wrote, with a tenth round of secretary-level talks on demilitarization of Siachen again ending in deadlock, one wonders whether
there will ever be any real progress on the issue in the foreseeable future.
Held in New Delhi, the talks are said to have taken place in a very cordial
atmosphere with the Pakistani defence secretary being quoted as saying that
there is a keen desire on both sides to move forward with the peace
process, That is all well and good and the keenness on both sides to get on
with the peace process has been reiterated several times in the past as well.
The editor wanted to see the manifestation of the keenness.
Gulf News was of the view that the Indian Army has told Singh that
once Indian troops withdraw; there is very little likelihood of reclaiming the
Himalayan range. Singh, being blamed for all manner of ills in Delhi at the
moment, clearly does not want to add Siachen to his list of woes If Singh
was even a tenth of the politician that his predecessor Atal Bihari
Vajpayee was, Siachen would have been a done deal. Together, India and
Pakistan could have disengaged to mutually agreed positions.
The News wrote on the outcome recent talks on Sir Creek. Using
the 1914 green line as a marker, Pakistan has consistently claimed
ownership over the entire 60-mile-long Sir Creek estuary which separates
the province of Sindh from the Indian state of Gujrat. New Delhi, for its part,
has insisted on mid-channel delineation, as shown on a later map. This
assertion has been long rejected by Islamabad on the grounds that such
boundaries are applicable only to navigable channels which, according to the
Pakistan view, Sir Creek is not.
Indications of significant movement on the dispute first surfaced
during the September 2004 visit to India by Pakistans foreign minister, and
the progress achieved since then appears to have been cemented by the
landmark joint statement issued on Friday. Given the pitfalls that the two
countries have encountered on the rocky road to peace, it can only be hoped
that this promising start does not prove to be yet another case of one step
forward and two steps back.
The occasional mention of democracy by US officials, Musharrafs
remarks about decline of his popularity, exiled leaders renewed desire to
return, and speculations about possibility of elections before schedule, have
fueled the fire of political activity in Pakistan. Shujaat thanked Musharraf
for reposing confidence in him, but PML-Q forward bloc members felt
humiliated after Musharraf did not meet them after having kept them waiting
for hours despite prior confirmation.
Information Minister claimed that Charter of Democracy was
nothing but a drama. On 14th May Nawaz and Benazir signed Charter of
Democracy. Both vowed to return home and claimed Washingtons support
for Musharraf would be counter-productive. Fazl said that MMA would
contest elections with or without Musharraf.
Musharraf played down Benazir-Nawaz accord and indicated that
present assemblies could re-elect him. A day later, Richard Boucher told the
House International Relations Committee Chairman, James Leach that
Musharraf was taking Pakistan in the direction of free and fair general
elections in 2007.
Lawyers opposed Musharrafs re-election idea. Imran ruled out free
and fair polls under Musharraf and subsequently backed Charter of
Democracy. Dissenters in PML-Q refused to succumb to pressure as none of
their grievances were addressed.
On 20th May, Musharraf termed signatories of the Charter of
Democracy as enemies of democracy. Six days later, Qazi subscribed to the
Charter of Democracy with reservations. There is no mention of ending the
Rejects the LFO and the 17th Amendment, less joint electorate,
representation of women and minorities, and age limit of voters.
Proposes a foolproof bipartisan mechanism for the appointment of
judges of the higher judiciary.
Proposes a Federal Constitutional Court while dispensing with all
special courts but did not mention Federal Shariat Court.
It promises National Finance Commission award, dispense with the
concurrent list, greater provincial autonomy, and devolution of
Also proposes a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to probe
cases of victimization.
It proposes appointment of a bipartisan accountability commission
for all.
The parties have pledged not to join military juntas and not to
destabilize any government.
They have prohibited floor-crossing, pledged inner party democracy,
and creation of powerful and independent election commission.
It pledges not to join the military government and any adjustment
with the current military ruler.
Also pledges peaceful relations with India and Afghanistan without
prejudice to the positions on the outstanding disputes.
It strongly condemns terrorism and militancy as byproducts of
military dictatorships and vows to confront them vigorously.
Imtiaz Alam was of the view that the charter provides, in both
principle and functionality, a more consistent democratic platform that
binds the two major parties in a bipartisan framework to a democratic,
federal, modern and progressive Pakistan. Stressing the need for a new
direction, different from a militaristic and a regimental approach of the
Bonapartist regimes, it commits to the two parties to an economically
sustainable, socially progressive, politically democratic and pluralist,
federally cooperative, ideologically tolerant, internationally respectable and
regionally peaceful basis.
He visualized three scenarios around the next general elections.
First, the opposition parties jointly build public opinion and a mass
movement against the military rule and force General Musharraf to abdicate
power to allow fair elections.
Second, the combined opposition builds pressure strong enough to
force the military government to hold free and fair elections and, in turn,
provides General Musharraf with an exit door in transition from military to
civilian rule Third, General Musharraf pushes his plan of bringing the
kings party into power through a controversial election that will lead to
either a boycott of the election or rejection of results. This scenario is the
most likely.
Something that pleases me no end is the affirmation in the charter
that the defence budget will be discussed and approved in the
parliament. This has been a sacred cow so far. The militarys refusal to put
itself up the public scrutiny undermines the sovereignty of the elected
institutions. Our journey towards a civilized state would be incomplete
without a public debate about our defence needs and priorities. The people
must approve how their money is spent and this should include defence. The
charter upholds this principle, wrote Shafqat Mahmood.
Mir Jamilur Rahman said, the charter is more of a joint election
manifesto of the PPP and the PML-N, than an expression of some electoral
alliance. It is political contract seeking good governance and an end to
military supremacy over civil society. Having witnessed, or suffered,
military coups detat the two former prime ministers have reached the
conclusion that military dictatorship and the nation cannot coexist.
There is no threat of agitation or election boycott in the charter. It is
evident that Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif want to promote democracy
in the country through peaceful means. They seem to have learned their
lesson and are expected to adhere to the Charter of Democracy in letter
and spirit.
Rahimullah Yusufzai had similar views. The 36-point charter is a
profound document capable of making Pakistan a truly democratic country.
Almost all the ills plaguing democracy in the country have been
identified and measures suggested to set things right However, drawing
up a charter of democracy with all the nice things is only one part of the
exercise. Getting it implemented and making it work is the other, tougher
part and is fraught with risks.
Both Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif deserve another chance. One
would like to believe that they have reformed. The Charter of Democracy
with its plethora of pious intentions is one indication of the change that they
have undergone. Those willing to forgive them should look at the profound
document that they have produced and not at the two authors.
Masooda Bano had some words of advice for better half of the
political contract. Benazir Bhutto has to remember that her performance in
her last two tenures as the prime minister has seriously damaged the
democratic process in the country. So many hopes attached to her because of
her fathers legacy, her age, and exposure, when she first became the prime
minister but today many of the same people who cheered her success dread
her return. Nawaz Sharif on the other hand has in fact matured; he has
progressed much from where he started. The two ex-premiers should,
however, remember that they are still highly distrusted by majority of the
Iqbal Mustafa had some doubts. In a parliamentary form of
government, there is a voluntary distinction between the executives and the
legislators, which is missing in our system. The charter makes no mention
of it. So, I assume we can expect legislators as executives in disguise as
More than that, there is no reference to the collusion of financial and
political power that continues to thrive under the system. Will free and fair
elections promised in the charter allow seats to be lucrative investments to
be cashed during the tenure of assemblies? There is no whisper of self
discipline within the two popular parties. Individuals will remain to
dominate as lifetime heads of parties because God has been miserly in
bestowing Pakistan with leadership qualities?
Despite all these holes in the charter, I am happy with it. It breaks
the fifty-year-old status quo. It has three elements that provide fresh hope.
It rests on public confession of past mistakes, hence setting a healthy
tradition. It challenges the unbridled power of the military establishment in
open and vocal terms. And it spells out means to develop a spirit of tolerance
and accommodation in politics, in place of terminal conflicts. For all its
warts, the sum is larger than the parts of the charter. I have always held that
seeking one-time perfection is nave. I am ready to believe in this charter as
a first step towards redemption of democracy in the country.
The reaction to the Charter of Democracy was divided into three
categories by BA Malik from Islamabad. One side considers the new-found
harmony between Ms Bhutto and Mr Sharif a cornerstone of national
reconciliation. The other considers it as the beginning of another round
of confrontation. The pro-charter intellectuals focus their attention on the
The fact that the Generals regime foolishly pushed Nawaz and
Benazir to the wall so hard that they had to fight back; the fact that the
country has been so mismanaged that inflation will soon hit double figures;
the fact that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing at an alarming
rate; the fact that the countrys infrastructure is fast falling apart; the fact that
there simply isnt any law what to speak of order; the fact that the General is
therefore vulnerable, have all contributed to the signing of the Charter of
Democracy between once bitter political rivals.
What remains to be seen is whether the two will return to the country
before the elections, come what may. If they dont, they will have signed
their parties demise, and therefore of their own futures. If they do, the
General is in big trouble, despite what Assistant Secretary of State Richard
Boucher said in his support just yesterday.
Khusro Mumtaz said, the biggest failure of the General six years
into his rule may be the fact that the previously discredited Nawaz Sharif
and Benazir Bhutto have become viable political contenders again. The
General, it should be forgotten, had much popular support when he first
came to power in 1999. His professed aim of cleaning up the system and
throwing out the rogues and the corrupt won much favour within the
country. But (apart from Benazir and Nawaz and a few other names) what
we have in 2006 are pretty much the same scoundrels wandering the
corridors of power that had initially been identified as willful loan defaulters
and placed on NAB and Exit Control lists.
Shakir Husain said the same, whats most upsetting is the fact that
things have gotten to such a point that Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif are
being positioned as the people who can save things from getting worse.
Imagine BB and Sharif are now our defenders of democracy. If the last
seven years have shown us anything it is the human greed knows no
boundaries, and that honest decent people dont have a hope in hell. Maybe,
it is time to reboot the system.
Ghazi Salahuddin wrote, we have some indications that the charter
has unnerved at least some in the ruling alliance. One thing is certain.
This charter can become a catalyst in our affairs mainly because it has come
at a time when a sense of crisis has deepened in different areas The
atmosphere of decay in governance is manifest in the daily lives of
ordinary citizens.
Instead of explaining what he has achieved, the president is making
more promises as if he is beginning his term in office. One example was
confounds those making too much of Qazis optimism that a march by the
alliances followers will topple the government much before the elections
can ever take place.
Shafqat Mahmood advocated end to present military rule in the garb
of controlled democracy, but doubted that mere elections could be the
remedy. Unfortunately, elections or their results have never mattered in
this country. It is the English-speaking elite which rules in one form or
another and elections to it are a nuisance because they throw up these
uncouth Urdu-medium types who have to be pandered to. It is this class that
gets tired of civilians and of democracy and ends up as an important pillar of
military rule. History will not wait for them to alter their mindset and change
will come whether they want it or not. But it would make the transition
smooth if this elite sees that democracy is essential and military rule
Nasim Zehra said, perhaps the most frequently discussed issue
among the establishment is why new leaders do not emerge and why the
public does not abandon the corrupt and the tried and tested politicians.
The answer is simply that political yields like emergence of new political
leaders and the rejection of the tried and failed can only be harvested
from a political cycle. In Pakistan the cycle rarely gets completed.
Dr Farrukh Saleem visualized some possible political scenarios in the
context of elections. The chickening out scenario: The establishment is
successful in scaring away both Benazir and Nawaz. Benazir and Nawaz,
craving for support from Condoleezza Rice, counting more on foreign
crutches than on votes back home, dont get the required nod. PPP and
PML-N, headless in a titled electoral field, face off an establishmentsponsored coalition of uniform-worshipping bigwigs.
The rough-ride scenario: There is a noise that a dungeon awaits
Benazir. Adjudicator after adjudicator with LFO running at full throttle in
all veins hands down a life sentence then another life sentence. There is a
noise that Nawazs pardon will be withdrawn. There indeed is a uniformed
master plan and under it anyone who opposes the president-general cant
win election.
Under the master plan, Sherpao is to deliver the NWFP, Ch Shujaat
must capture Punjab and Arbab Rahim is to bring in Sindh, But, with
Benazir in the dungeon and dal masoor at a whopping Rs 48 a kilo
engineered election results can easily boomerang. Benazir will be in for a
rough ride but her uniformed adversaries wont be any better off either.
The trio of Baluch sardadrs continued perpetrating terrorism in
Baluchistan. Following incidents of terror and counter-actions were
reported during the period:
On 7th May, three persons were killed and seven wounded in three
landmine blasts in Dera Bugti area.
terrorists will continue to affect the country in the form of terrorist attacks.
The elements responsible for the suicide attack at Nishtar Park might be
connected with al-Qaeda. While leaving the commonsense aside, one must
appreciate his commitment to the war on terror. He should be sitting in
White House or Pentagon as adviser to the neocons who love such
Kamila Hyats resolve to fight militancy was stronger than Musharraf
which led her to criticize the government. There can be little doubt that
Pakistan has done too little to eliminate the destructive extremism now
deeply rooted within society, and which has acted to create new frictions and
new tensions.
The reasons for this are rooted in government policies that have
permitted seminary schools to continue to function and expand; in policies
that allow institutions such as the International Islamic University, imparting
hardline interpretations of many religious doctrines, to function freely. And
in measures that, in contrast, prevented liberal institutions of higher learning,
such as the Khaldunia University envisaged by the late Eqbal Ahmed, from
being set up. The contents of the educational curriculum, the limitations
placed through the design of syllabuses on creative thought or open
discussion and the continued circulation of hatred at mosques, in many
segments of the press and at public rallies have all played a part in the
setting up of this environment of extremism.
These accusations Pakistan can best prove untrue not through
vehement denials but by altering the perceptions that exist globally about
its role in fostering extremism. It can achieve this only by making a genuine
effort, on various fronts, to eradicate extremism from all the places where it
exists within the country today. Such analysts can only be pleased if
religious teaching, in any form, is completely banned.
Of late, Musharraf has stopped boasting about his countrys enormous
contribution to war on terror. Perhaps, he has realized that forced labour can
impress on one. May be lives long enough when others would talk about his
achievements as ally of the Crusaders and he wont like to listen them out
of shame.
There is nothing to conclude about peace process with India.
However, infertile political process in Pakistan produced Charter of
The fighting away from these two countries, which happened to be the
main battlegrounds in the ongoing Crusades, subsided considerably. But it
did not satisfy the Crusaders urge for action. They have increased
diplomatic and media campaign against Iran, possibly, to open a new front.
The decline in intensity of hunt for Islamic terrorists and crackdowns
against Islamic extremism, allowed the Crusaders to push for its agenda of
empire building through elimination of envisaged pockets of resistance and
suppression of possible emergence of rivals. To this end, Australian troops
moved into East Timor to facilitate removal of its Muslim prime minister.
Pressure was maintained on Sudan and a new threat was identified after
Islamic groups gains in Somalia. In the context of prevention of emergence
of rivals, America focused on Chinas growing military prowess.
All this was being done by pretending to bring democracy, but
according to Nosheen Saeed, they were in fact rehabilitating fascist theories
about ethnically pure states and are preparing to do throughout the world
what they began in Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. She opined, the guiding
principle of US international policy is that there is no guiding principle.
The intensity of war on terror in Far East has noticeably decreased.
In Philippines, only one incident of killing of nine people and injuries to 20
others in a bomb blast in Jolo Island on 27 th March was reported. On 20th
May, OIC diplomats called for release of jailed Muslim rebel Nur Misuari to
help the progress in peace talks, but Manila hoped to strike peace deal with
Muslim guerrillas soon. Filipino Muslims opposed Manilas bid to join OIC.
Commenting on the situation in Philippines, the Japan Times wrote,
since 1994, its lawless southern islands have replaced Afghanistan as the
main training ground and refuge for Southeast Asian Jihadists. Most are
Indonesians belonging to Jemmah Islamiyah (JI), Mujahidin Kompak and
other Darul Islam factions.
Graduates of Mindanaos terror camps, for example, now rival in
number the older generation of Southeast Asian Afghan alumni that forged
ties with al-Qaeda. Veterans of the Mindanao camps have taken part in
almost every JI-linked bombing since 2000, including the attack that killed
hundreds in Bali in 2002. New cohorts will pose a danger for years to
disarmed and Lebanon brought into the US-Israeli orbit, and Israel could
make short work of Hamas.
Hazem Sagheih said, at an international level, Syrias authoritarian
approach has proved to be less than endearing. If the Middle East is to shake
off the resentment caused by the 20th century pan-Americanism, it is up to
Syria to become, instead of a dictatorial elder brother, a good
sovereign neighbour.
Egypt has been experiencing the heat of the battle raging in the
region. On 24th April, at least 30 people, including foreigners, were killed
and more than 100 wounded in blasts at the Red Sea resort of Dahab. Two
days later, two suicide bombers were killed by security forces near border
with Gaza Strip. On 9th May, police killed Nasser Khamis al-Malahi, who
was blamed for Sinai bombings.
The Washington Post preferred to talk about promotion of democracy
in Egypt. Whats truly remarkable is the way in which the Bush
Administration has abruptly dropped its own attempt to promote
Egyptian liberalism. The day after riot police violently put down a prodemocracy demonstration in Cairo this month, Mr Bush, Vice President
Cheney, Ms Rice and other senior officials all found time to huddle privately
with Mr Mubaraks son, Gamal. Most Egyptians believe the son is being
groomed to succeed his father; many are convinced that strategy explains the
jailing of Mr Nour and the suppression of the opposition.
Ahdaf Soueif differed, Nours profile in the western press is due to
the fact that he could be a viable alternative for the US: if supporting
Hosni Mubarak becomes too difficult, Nour could represent a fresh start
along the same road of free-market values and policies. Whether Egyptians
want to take this road should be a matter of public debate.
On 17th May, a lawyer opened fire in a court in Turkey and killed one
judge and injured four others. The Council of State has faced fierce criticism
in Islamist circles for hardline implementation of secularist laws such as
headscarf ban in universities and state offices.
Madeleine Bunting said, this is a country that spent much of the 20 th
century poised precariously between secularism and political Islam. As both
become more globally aggressive, it risks being torn between them That
danger was brought sharply home last week when gunman opened fire in a
Turkish court The assailantexplained his attack as revenge for the
judges ruling in a recent case that a teacher who wore a veil outside work
should not be promoted to head teacher of a primary school.
shares and Eurobonds, triggering a panic sell-off on the ISE even worse than
Indias Sensex trauma.
Erdogan is no Khoemini, even if his enemies portray him as a
backward foe of the Kemalist ethos. He is merely trying to mobilize his
constituency in rural Turkey to win the 2007 election in a landslide, to
succeed Ahmed Nezer as President and preempt a military coup against an
Islamist head of state.
The New York Times was of the view that Erdogan was right, and
now is the time for him to forcefully reassert that view. Washington can
help promote Turkish democracy by using its longstanding ties with
Turkeys generals to communicate zero tolerance for military meddling.
Turkey borders Iran, Iraq and Syria, and is an ally of Israel, a member of
NATO and a candidate for the European Union. The world can ill afford for
it to become less democratic.
Secondly, high prices of oil and gas have made Algeria prosperous.
It has substantial trade surplus and record foreign exchange reserves,
estimated at some $ 50 billion Algeria offers good possibilities for foreign
investors in a wide variety of different fields.
Thirdly, anxious to play a bigger role in sub-Saharan Africa and
engaged in long-running dispute with Morocco over the Western Sahara,
Algeria wants to modernize its armed services. A fourth reason is the
invention of the US to get its own interest served. The Americans fear
that al-Qaeda might establish bases in countries such as Mauritania, Mali,
Chad and Niger, which are not strongly governed or policed.
On 27th April, Bush implemented UN-ordered sanctions on four men
accused of atrocities in Darfur where 180,000 people were reported killed in
three years of conflict. Sudan is deeply divided along religious Muslim
and Christian and Ethnic lines. Fighting broke out in Darfur, a region the
size of France in Sudan, when rebels had had enough of discrimination and
neglect by the Sudanese government, which is more Arab and Islamist in
Khartoum. A bitter and bloody struggle ensued, wrote the Japan Times.
Equally troubling, the involvement of neighbouring countries means
that the fighting could spill over borders. A return to war would once again
demonstrate the inability of the UN to fulfill its mandate to be a force for
peace in the world. Troubling neighbours are predominantly Christian.
The Washington Post bluntly blamed Sudanese government for the
crisis. The US government has described the killing in Darfur as genocide,
a term that Sudans government rejects and that the United Nations and
Europeans have also shrunk from using. The more that the conflict in Darfur
features infighting between rebel factions rather than just atrocities by the
governments militia, the more observers may resist pointing the finger at
the government and accusing it of genocide. But the reason that Sudans
government is culpable, today as in the past, is that it is deliberately
creating the conditions in which thousands of civilians from rebel-aligned
tribes are likely to die. First the government and its militia drove these
people from their villages. Then it impeded humanitarian workers so that
thousands of them fell prey to disease or starved. Now it is obstructing a
serious peace-keeping deployment, with the result that its victims will
continue to face shortage of medicines and food.
Hassan Hanizadeh wrote, totally aware of both the regional and
international situations, the Sudanese government, led by President alBashir, tried to resolve the conflict in the south through a national and
Islamic process. However, due to the interference of the United States and its
Western allies, all these endeavours have come to naught.
Gaining control over the countrys natural resources and part of the
Nile River in order to pressure Sudan and Egypt, which both depend on the
continents life-giving river, is main objective of the Western interference
in Sudans internal affairs Although the United States and Britain have
attempted to exaggerate the Darfur crisis, the problem can be managed
through humanitarian efforts, without the interference of Western powers.
Meanwhile, African Union mediated in resolution of the crisis. On
25 April it presented the warring parties a draft peace agreement and
urged them to sign the deal by April 30. A spokesman for the rebel Sudan
Liberation Movement (SLM) said it viewed the plans stance on powersharing and disarmament as too tailored to Khartoums demands. The peace
plan is much closer to the governments plans as opposed to being balanced.
countries. The negotiations are over, and the peace deal is in effect. Now is
the time for action.
Francis Fukuyama and Anthony Lake urged, Washington should
make it clear that if Sudan refuses to accept a United Nations force, we will
press NATO to act even without the consent of the Sudanese
government including a no-flight zone to ground the Sudanese aircraft
that have provided support to the murderous Janjaweed. And we would bring
further sanctions to bear A failure of international will has allowed Darfur
to bleed into another year of rape, slaughter and starvation. Only strong
leadership and urgent, resolute action can save lives before his moment of
hope is lost.
The Christian Science Monitor brought the Monster into the equation.
In April, Osama bin Laden urged all Muslims to fight in Sudan if UN troops
go to Darfur. Sudan leader Omar el-Bashir also warned UN forces would
find their graveyard in the province. So what did the UN Security Council
do? It voted to set up a force in Darfur The UN also stood up nicely to
the threats of al-Qaeda and its friends in the Islamic World. And China, too,
which up to now has sided with Sudan because of its reliance on oil exports
from the northeast African nation, appears to have decided it cant afford to
stand in the way of an effort to end a genocide.
No matter what Sudan says, the council appears determined to move
ahead. The unanimous resolution demands that Sudan allow a UN
assessment team of military experts into Darfur by next week. It also
threatens sanctions against Sudanese officials who oppose the shaky accord
between Sudan and the main rebel force in Darfur signed May 5. And John
Bolton, US envoy to the UN, warns: Sudan would find itself in a very
difficult position if it didnt cooperate.
Sudan had earlier indicated that it might be ready to accept UN
peacekeepers taking over from AU troops in Darfur. Bush had already
identified a nation of one billion people with second largest army in the
world to undertake such tasks. Kofi Annan pursued the implementation of
superpowers policy. His article published in the daily Hindu, was in fact an
appeal for peacekeepers to the newly recruited strategic partner, India, for
ongoing Crusades.
He argued that the agreement in Darfur gives the world one more
chance to bring peace to that unhappy region. But we need to act very
urgently if that opportunity is not to be lost Darfur is still far from being
at peace. Only last week, while the UNs top humanitarian envoy was
visiting a camp for displaced people, rioting broke out and an interpreter for
the African Union Mission was hacked to death.
There is a vast amount to be done and no time to lose. First, there are
some rebel leaders who have not yet signed the agreement Next, we must
do everything in our power to ensure that those who have signed the
agreement actually implement it on the ground, and that the people of Darfur
can survive the next few months The African Union Mission must be
transformed into a larger and more mobile United Nations operation, better
equipped and with a stronger mandate.
No peacekeeping mission can succeed without the support and
cooperation of the parties, at the highest level. Thats why I have written to
President Bashir asking him to support the assessment We in the UN
Secretariat will do everything in our power to help Sudans people close this
tragic chapter in their history. I count on the support of all member states,
especially those in the Security Council.
Paul Moorcroft was one of the few odd men who warned that Iraq
beckons in Darfur if US sends in troops. Western intervention in Sudan
would play into the terrorists hands, uniting all factions in a war against
outsiders. Jonathan Steele criticized the West for distorting the facts.
I call it the Darfur Disconnect. One TV reporter after another does
the standard tour into Sudans western region, guided by rebel groups. Out
comes footage of miserable refugees huddling in tents or shelters of sticks
and plastic and recounting stories of brutal treatment by government-backed
Janjaweed militias. Commentators thunder away at the need for sanctions
against the regime in Khartoum and denounce western leaders for not
authorizing NATO to intervene.
Last weekend the outrage took a new turn, with big demonstrations in
several American cities, strongly promoted by the Christian right, which
sees the Darfur conflict as another case of Islamic fundamentalism on the
rampage. They urged Bush to stop shill-sallying and be tougher with the
government in Sudan.
The TV reports are not wrong. They just give a one-sided picture
and miss the big story Sudans government accepted the US-brokered
draft agreement last weekend, and it is the rebels who have been risking a
collapse Darfurs marginalization (which was one of the issues that led to
the conflict) will be addressed through extra funding from Sudans national
budget. Affirmative action will give Darfurians public-service jobs. The
rebels will have the right to nominate the governor of one of Darfurs three
states, and the deputy governors of the other two.
Fighting erupted in Somalia in second week of May. By 9 th May,
death toll rose to 24 in three days of fighting in Mogadishu between Islamic
militia and a US-backed warlord. Heavy fighting continued in Somalia and
by 13th May, death toll reached 144. On 25 th May, at least 30 people were
killed and 72 wounded in fresh clashes in Moghadishu. Six days later, seven
more people were killed in fighting.
Andrew Cawthorne wrote, the Islamic militia, linked to powerful
Sharia Courts which provide a semblance of order in lawless Mogadishu,
say the warlords are funded by the United States. Many believe that
But the coalition counters that their opponents are extremists who have links
to al-Qaeda and are inviting foreign jihadists into the fray. Washington has
stayed mum on the specific accusations but repeatedly said it reserves the
right to back groups fighting terrorism in Somalia They are fighting
because they are getting arms from somewhere. There is so much rumour the
United States is funding these warlords The Americans have to
categorically deny this.
But the Islamic militia may grow stronger in the long-term as the
perceived US intervention rallies support among Muslims inside or outside
the country, analysts say. He quoted Kinyan diplomat Kiplagat; if anyone
in Somalia wants to combat terrorists, then the best way to act on that
would be to deal with the government.
The US involvement, an open secret since 2002, became undeniable
this month after fighting between the two sides killed at least 140 people in
Mogadishu. Last week, White House and State Department spokesmen did
not bother, even when asked, to shoot down reports that the US is backing
one of the warring militia thus backhandedly confirming that the Somalia
operation had White House approval, observed Los Angeles Times.
Its one thing to offer rewards for the capture of terrorists in Somalia,
as the United States has done elsewhere with Osama bin Laden. Its quite
another to shower cold-blooded killers with cash in hopes of inducing
them to hand over terrorist suspects. Yet the Nation newspaper in Nairobi
published an article about a clandestine trip by US agents to Mogadishu,
where they reportedly handed-out millions to warlords to help identify
members of al-Qaeda said to be involved in the 1998 bombing of the US
Embassy in Nairobi and hiding in Somalia.
While fighting war in Iraq and Afghanistan and delegating the
responsibility in rest of the world to regional watch-dogs and willingpartners, America did not relax on its internal security. On 27th March,
Zacarias Moussaoui testified that he and Richard Reid were supposed to
hijack fifth airplane on Sept 11, 2001, and fly it into White House. On 3 rd
May, he was jailed for life.
Bush Administration by authenticating Bin Laden tapes and stressing
that these should be taken seriously secured justifications for adopting
stringent security measures, particularly targeting the immigrants. The issue
on immigrants was widely debated in America with a view to finding the
solution. The suggestion of Maggie Mitchell Salem to legalize illegal
aliens, was one of the many solutions. Michell Goldberg, however,
apprehended that while the West was pressing Islamic World to give up
religion for secularism, the revival of religion in America posed a threat to
national harmony.
If current trends continue, we will see ever-increasing division and
acrimony in our politics. Thats partly because, as Christian nationalism
spreads, secularism is spreading as well, while moderate Christianity is in
decline The top three gainers in Americas vast religious market-place
appear to be Evangelical Christians, those describing themselves as NonDenominational Christians
This is a recipe for polarization. As Christian nationalism becomes
more militant, secularists and religious minorities will mobilize in
opposition, ratcheting up the hostility. Thus we are likely to see a shrinking
middle ground, with both camps increasingly viewing each other across a
chasm of mutual incomprehension and contempt. In the coming years, we
will probably see the curtailment of the civil rights that gay people, women
and religious minorities have won in the last few decades.
Christian nationalism is still constrained by the constitution, the
courts, and by a passionate democratic (and occasionally Democratic)
opposition. Its also limited by capitalism. Many corporations are happy to
see their political allies harness the rage and passion of the Christian rights
foot soldiers, but the culture industry is averse to government censorship
It would take a national disaster, or several of them, for all these bulwarks
to crumble and for Christian nationalists to truly take the land, as Michael
Farris, president of the evangelical Patrick Henry College, put it.
AFP reported on racism in America. Imette St Guillen, 24, was
raped and murdered last month and her battered body was dumped near a
roadside in Brooklyn. Another lady, Romona Moor, 21, had met similar fate.
The two victims shared a common profile: both young, both women and
both college students.
So the fact that the St Guillen case became a media obsession while
the Moore case was almost completely ignored has been attributed to the
most obvious difference between the two: one victim white and middle
class, the other black from an immigrant family.
Anti-war sentiment in the West kept steadily rising, but Bush and
Blair were not deterred as they vowed to continue supporting joint military
operations. Brutal conduct of war, particularly the abuse of prisoners
was frequently reported. On 26th April, a rights group said that over 600 US
officials were accused of detainee abuse. The same day, a European Union
lawmaker supported the allegations that CIA had kidnapped and illegally
detained terror suspects on EU territory and flown them to countries that
used torture.
On 5th May, UNs top anti-torture body in Geneva opened first public
examination of the US governments record on torture since the start of war
on terror. Two weeks later, US forces admitted that four detainees in
Guantanamo attempted to commit suicide. The same day, UN committee
against torture told the US to close Guantanamo Bay facility which is in
violation of international law.
On 23rd May, Amnesty International said doublespeak by nations, like
the US and UK has undermined their war on terrorism and increased human
rights violations from Colombia to North Korea. There is evidence of
widespread torture in US detention centres. The United States outsources
torture to countries like Morocco, Jordan and Syria. Nothing can justify
torture or ill-treatment You cannot extinguish fire with petrol. Five days
later, London-based human rights group revealed that more than 60 minors,
some as young as 14, were held as prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
Commenting on the issue, Los Angeles Times wrote, arguments of a
landmark Supreme Court case challenging President Bushs power to deal
with enemy combatants any way he sees fit, several justices appeared to be
allied with Osama bin Ladens former driver. That may be because the court
itself, and the nations judicial branch, seemed to be as much in the
governments cross hairs as any alleged terrorist.
The arguments before eight judges Chief Justice John G Roberts Jr
rescued himself because he ruled on this case while an appellate judge
exposed the cases procedural and jurisdictional complexities Did
Congress intend to impose its new limits on judicial review to case already
being litigated? Based on the tenor of their questions, a majority of the
justices appeared offended by the governments notion that Congress can
retroactively take away someones right to his day in court. Indeed, it is not
clear that Congress could do so under the Constitution, even for future
It is always dangerous to make assumptions about the outcome of a
case based on the justices questions. But it was heartening to hear a
majority of justices practically bristle at the governments assertion that the
court should have no say on the boundaries of presidential authority in this
war. The court should not allow the other two branches of government
to usurp its constitutional role.
Amidst bitter criticism on the US, Richard Cohen found an
opportunity to eulogize American values. It is nave, I know, but it would be
wonderful if the United States showed that as a matter of principle, it
does not take a life. It is nave because other governments would not follow
not right away, anyway. But in time, anything is possible and just as we,
bit by bit, have restricted the death penalty so that it is rarely imposed, so
may the rest of the world restrain its blood thirst. He tried to claim that
except America, rest of the world is blood-thirsty.
War has drifted away from the aim of defeating terror, as the Bush
Administration was focusing more on implementing its policy formulated
after the end of Cold War, e.g. checking emergence of a rival. Niall
Ferguson argued in favour of this policy goal. The neocons were mistaken
on Iraq, but that does not mean the nay-sayers on the left were correct
Would the world be safer if another country were as powerful as the United
States? They generally say no. Only the French say yes. Admittedly, the
Brits and Turks are evenly split, but a majority of Russians, Germans, and
even Jordanians, Moroccans and Pakistanis think the world would be less
safe with a second superpower. He clearly urged that the US must continue
pursuing its hegemonic policy.
Ansar Mahmood Bhatti wrote, regardless of the debate who loses and
who wins in the ongoing power game for the control of Central Asia, the
scrambling has at least exposed the duplicity of the West, as it backs
wholeheartedly and audaciously even the undemocratic regimes which have
the capability of carrying forward its agenda. But the countries which refuse
to knuckle under its pressure have to face its warmth. Elections, or for that
matter, a change of regimes, in such countries are always seen as flawed,
unfair and rigged by the Western world.
He added, this, by all means, is not a correct and judicious approach
and has led to diluting Wests repute in the eyes of the outer world besides
dealing a considerable blow to its credibility By this time everybody
should have understood that the US believes in a unipolar world in which
absolute power should rest with it only. This is strongly against the idea of
a multi-polar world.
Martin Jacques was of the view that Americas life of pre-eminence is
not immortal. It is clear that the US occupation of Iraq has been a
disaster from almost every angle one can think of, most of all for the Iraqi
people, not least for American foreign policy Triumphelism is a dangerous
brew, more suited to intoxication than hard-headed analysis. And so it has
proved. The US still has to reap the whirlwind for its stunning feat of
imperial overreach.
The promotion of the idea of war against terror as the central priority
of US policy had little to do with the actual threat posed by al-Qaeda,
which was always hugely exaggerated by the Bush Administration, as events
over the last four years have shown.
It will no longer be able to boss the world around in the fashion of
the neoconservative dream: its power to do so will be constrained by the
power of others, notably China, while it will also find it increasingly
difficult to fund the military and diplomatic costs of being the worlds sole
We must remember that Britains majestic rule vanished in a few
short years, undermined by unforeseen catastrophic events and by new
threats that eventually overwhelmed the palisades of the past. The life of
pre-eminence, as with all life on this planet, has a mortal end.
M B Naqvi observed that American influence was slipping from its
zenith. Politically speaking, Americans are unpopular amongst all Muslim
and Arab countries, not excluding Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, Egypt,
Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia. This unpopularity is shared by ruling circles
as well as common people. The Americans are hated in all Arab lands at the
popular level. The mass demonstrations that the Europeans have organized
against American designs at different times tell a definitive story of mental
separation. World public opinion cannot be accused of being pro-American;
it is quite critical of American actions and designs. In addition, there is an
anti-war sentiment growing at home. It is true that it is centered on Iraq and
to a smaller extent Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East. But
nevertheless it is significant indicator of unrest in the home country As if
to add to Americans difficulties, the American hold over Latin America is
rapidly eroding. Today to say that South America is Americas backyard
would invite opposition from all Latinos.
This should not be construed to mean that Americans are finished and
their wishes and designs do not matter. They will remain an important factor
for a long time, sometime decisive. Only their pre-eminence will diminish;
opposition to their designs will grow. Since the Americans know the art of
spending their dollars judiciously, they can still call most of the shots in
many developing countries. After all, their military strength will continue to
be an important factor, even if popular notions of American prestige and
influence will continue to be seen as declining.
Blair had the distinction of being the most criticized leader of the
Europe for blindly following the reckless Yankee in his adventures. On
March 21, he delivered a speech to counter the criticism. This was billed by
the press as a defence of decisions made to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to
retrieve his diminishing popularity. Linda S Heard wrote, it might be. But
on the other hand, it could be an attempt at setting us up for an endless war
scenario in the name of defending our values.
Unlike his pal across the pond, he rarely trips over his words and
never purses his lips or sneers. Blair is also a master of self-deprecation and
gives the appearance of a boyish hand on heart honesty that is so easy to
fall for Blairs good guy outer faade is so perfected that people around
the world are genuinely bemused as to why he slavishly supports the Bush
Administrations misadventures.
The fact is Blair is a cross between a neoconservative and a
member of the religious right in Labours clothing even at a time when
many of the staunchest neoconservatives and their supporters are undergoing
a dramatic change of hearts themselves. Even Francis Fikuyama, a former
neocon, sometimes credited for writing an essay that sent Bush to war, is
saying mea culpa to any journalist who will listen. Blair, however, is as
passionate about the cause as ever.
Unless we articulate a common global policy based on common
values, we risk chaos threatening our stability, economic and political,
though letting extremism, conflict or injustice go unchecked, he says. What
he means, of course is that the world must adopt Western values or be
The consequences of this thesis is a policy of engagement not
isolation, and one that is active not reactive. This is the neoconservative
policy of pre-emption or first strike, which flouts provisions of the post
Second World War United Nations Charter Then playing good cop as
opposed to George Bushs jingoistic America first style evidenced by the
Presidents own speech made on the same day as Blair, the prime minister
says: I believe we will not ever get real support for the tough action that
may well be essential to safeguard our way of life
Blair was further masterful enough to empathise with the anger
felt by most in the Muslim World due to abandoned Middle East peace
process and says he understands the view of those who fail to perceive
Afghanistan and Iraq as success stories.
In the next breath, he claims that terrorism committed by Islamist
extremists is the result of a Madrassa-nurtured ideology that is being
exported around the world and proceeds to lump together Egypts Muslim
Brotherhood, Lebanons Hezbollah, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Chechen
militants and Iraqi insurgents, as though they are all components of one giant
anti-Western conspiracy.
Interestingly Blair brings Iran into the picture not because of its
alleged pursuance of a nuclear weapons programme but due to hypothetical
future links with al-Qaeda. True the conventional view is that, for
example, Iran is hostile to al-Qaeda and, therefore, would never support its
activities, says Blair before luridly adding: But as we know from our own
history of conflict, under the pressure of battle, alliances shift and change.
Fundamentally, for this ideology, we are the enemy Both Bush and Blair
have more synchronized speeches in the pipeline. So get ready to either
polish your anti-propaganda antenna or get a thick pair of ear-muffs.
A Rehman from Hyderabad added, in his speech, Blair places no
blame on Russia or India for their state terrorism, brutality and oppression in
Chechnya and Kashmir. There is no apology for the civilian casualties in
Iraq, the abuse of Iraqis by western troops, the political corruption of the
installed Iraqi regime and the descent of Iraq into civil war. There are no
apologies for the booming opium trade in Afghanistan, minimal
reconstruction and the worsening security situation under the Kara
government. All the problems are conveniently blamed on terrorism. does
he expect to win hearts and minds by branding all resistance to occupation
as terrorism.
The News published an article of Tony Blair, written for the purpose
mentioned above, in which tried to weave a noble mask to cover the evil
face. There is universal agreement now that the characteristic of the modern
world is independence. But we havent yet had time to think through its
consequences or understand that the international rulebook has been
ripped up Interdependence the fact of a crisis somewhere makes a
mockery of traditional views of national interest. Nations, even as large
and powerful as the US, are now affected profoundly and at breakneck speed
by events beyond their borders.
You cant have a coherent view of national interest today without a
coherent view of the international community. These challenges affect us all
and can only be effectively tackled together. And we cant wait around to see
how these global challenges may develop as we could in the past. The
above lines were preamble, the mask of nobility, which could not cover his
evil intent, as he proceeded to justify the ongoing illegal and immoral war on
the often repeated flimsy justifications.
Europe gradually started demanding the closure of Guantanamo
facility. Neil Stormer wrote, the hearts and minds have been lost, and
Americas tarnished image will require more than a few kind words and
good intentions to be rehabilitated. Actions speak louder than words, and the
world needs to see positive actions by the US to demonstrate that American
leaders abide by the tenets of democracy, freedom and human rights that
they espouse.
A step away from hollow rhetoric and towards embodying those
ideals would be to close the detention centre at the US Guantanamo Bay
Naval Centre, where most of the prisoners have been held without being
charged for more than three years. Whatever benefits the Bush
Administration believes it is receiving from maintaining Gitmo as a
detention centre; it is past time to close the facility.
He added, a strong argument can be made that it should have never
been used in the first place. This lack of credibility, and the subsequent
damage to Americas reputation, is further demonstrated by the increasing
evidence that the prisoners in Guantanamo are, in many cases, the wrong
guys Though characterized by administration officials as people who
have vowed to kill more Americans if released, many of those released thus
far have been young, innocent or insignificant.
Finally, while calls for closing Guantanamo were first issued sharply
after it was opened, the roster of names now pressing the US to close it
include some of its strongest allies, including German Chancellor Angela
Merkel and British Prime Minister.
Neil Stormer while arguing for the closure of Gitmo had started with
rendition of prisoners. European Union leaders recognize what
American leaders have chosen to ignore: maintaining secretive detention
facilities is contrary to the tenets of democracy and freedom the West is
promoting as the panacea for the Middle East. Furthermore, reports of abuse
and allegations of torture at these dark facilities alienate and infuriate the
very people the West purportedly aims to help.
Of course the media has a role to play, and it may even be to blame
for provoking fears and widening the gap between Muslim communities
and Europe. This was particularly true in the crisis of the cartoons, when
European media maintained that freedom of expression takes precedence
over other freedoms, including that of faith.
Mention has been made about blasphemous cartoons in the
context of imposing strict security measures. This was one of the aims of
publishing the caricatures; to first instigate violent reaction and then clamp
the immigrants. Flemming Rose in interview to Der Spiegel justified
publishing cartoons almost on the same grounds, without saying it clearly.
He said, its time for the Old Continent to face facts and make some
profound changes in its outlook on immigration, integration and the
coming Muslim demographic surge. After decades of appeasement and
political correctness, combined with growing fear of a radical minority
prepared to commit serious violence, Europes moment of truth is here.
On these counts, Europes left is deceiving itself the same way we
young hippies deceived ourselves about Marxism and communism 30 years
ago. It is a narrative of confrontation and hierarchy that claims that the West
exploits, abuses, and marginalizes the Islamic World. Left-wing intellectuals
have insisted that the Danes were oppressing and marginalizing Muslim
immigrants. Strangely, he chose to publish the cartoons to prove that these
accusations were wrong.
This kind of thinking gave birth to a distorted approach to
immigration in countries like Denmark. Left-wing commentators decided
that Denmark was both racist and Islamophobic. Therefore, the chief
obstacle to integration was not the immigrants unwillingness to adapt
culturally to their adopted countryit was the countrys inherent racism and
anti-Muslim bias. The cult of victimology arose and was happily
exploited The blasphemous act was by itself a violent reaction to the
criticism of Danes, part of which had been substantiated by ground realities.
The role of victim is very convenient because it frees the selfdeclared victim from any responsibility, while providing a posture of
moral superiority. It also obscures certain inconvenient facts that might
suggest a different explanation for the lagging integration of some
immigrant groups He took upon him to turn the self-declared victims
into genuine victims.
the other. Since then, the Saudi government has claimed repeatedly that it
has revised its educational texts.
These claims are not true. A review of a sample of official Saudi
textbooks for Islamic studies used during the current academic year reveals
that, despite the Saudi governments statements to the contrary, an ideology
of hatred toward Christians and Jews and Muslims who do not follow
Wahabi doctrine remains in this area of the public school system.
This indoctrination begins in a first-grade text and is reinforced and
expanded each year, culminating in a 12 th grade text instructing students that
their religious obligation includes waging jihad against the infidel to
spread the faith.
Scholars estimate that within the Saudi public school curriculum,
Islamic studies make up a quarter to a third of students weekly classroom
hours in lower and middle school, plus several hours each week in high
school. Educators who question or dissent from the official interpretation
of Islam can face severe reprisals.
Muslims find it hard to adjust to the concept of family in vogue in the
civilized world. Despite all the social ills prevailing in their societies; they
cherish man-woman relations as taught by almost all religions and reject
what is in vogue in the West, which undermines the age-old established
institution of family, the very foundation of the society.
The Crusaders spokesman in Pakistan, Chris Cork endeavoured to
reject this argument. He said that it is utter nonsense to say that family is
disappearing in the western countries and marriage is in terminal decline.
He quoted figures relating to UK. The proportion of children born to single
or unmarried women in partnerships has risen from 12 percent in 1980 to 42
percent in 2004, with 58 percent of children still born within wedlock. He
used these figures to support his contention, but most people outside the
civilized world, Muslims or non-Muslims, would use these figures in
support of their argument. No eastern society would accept 42 percent
HARAMZADAS amongst it.
The rise in births outside marriage is a reflection of the rising trend in
cohabitation; but marriage is far from dead as an institution Marriage
rates have certainly declined in the last fifty years overall, and compared to
the 1950s there are now 25 percent fewer marriages but five times as many
divorces every year and the numbers of first marriages has halved since
1970 whereas remarriages, post-divorce, have doubled.
to a cousin Others she met had restored to back-street clinics for abortions
or makeshift surgery to restore their virginity, often lost through rape or
incest. Otherwise they risked being married off to any man prepared to
accept them or becoming the victim of an honour killing
She became more outspoken still after the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001 in New York One day in a brasserie opposite the
parliament building in The Hague, a young man came up to her and said:
Madam, I hope the Mujahedin find you and kill you. Hirsi Ali handed him
her butter knife. Why dont you do it yourself? She challenged. He backed
Her other achievements described by the magazines were: making it
more difficult for new Muslim schools, sometimes hotbeds of
fundamentalism, to get state funding; work for banning female circumcision;
legislation for medical check-up of Muslim girls; and her pledge to make a
sequel to Submission.
Whether the story was fabricated or not, it allowed Readers Digest to
shed some tears on hundreds of imagined rapes of Muslim women every
night and then gleefully blaming Islam for that. It is worth noting that the
way she has been protected from harm like a most valuable treasure. She
belongs to the class of Rushedi and therefore had to be protected, because
Islam can be demonized better by statements and acts of perverted men and
women with Muslim names. Another aspect of the presentation was that the
article on Hirsi was jeweled with brief caption titled Tolerant Europe.
Hasan Suroor enumerated the credentials of Hirsi Ali, which helped
her to rise to fame in civilized world. The Dutch government promptly
granted her asylum when she landed in the Netherlands in 1992 claiming
that she had fled Somalia to escape from a forced marriage. Five years later,
she even got a Dutch passport and the ultra-right VVD party (Peoples Party
for Freedom and Democracy) was so impressed by her anti-Muslim
immigrant rhetoric that it embraced her in its own campaign against
immigration, and in 2003 she was elected to Parliament on its ticket.
She became a celebrity for her relentless attacks on Islam and
Muslim immigrants whom she blamed for social tensions in the Netherlands,
her country of adoption. Ms Alis celebrity status increased after a film
she wrote on abuse of Muslim women, Submission, in which verses from
the Quran were painted on naked bodies, led to the murder of its director
Theo Van Gogh
More stardom followed when, earlier this year, she stood up for
the right of a Dutch newspaper to publish Prophet Muhammads cartoons
and criticized European governments for to quote The Times not
standing up for Western values against Islam.
Hasan Suroor went on to narrate facts collected by him about Hirsi
Ali. Last week things started to unravel for the 36-year-old charismatic
demagogue after a Dutch television documentary revealed that she had
concocted her life story in order to gain asylum in the Netherlands. And
as a media storm broke after the documentary was screened and her party
prepared to abandon her, Ms Ali sought to preempt her expulsion from
country by announcing that she was moving to America to take up an
assignment with a neo-con think tank, the American Enterprise Institute.
According to the documentary, which features interviews with her
relatives, Ms Alis entire story was based on a series of lies. This
included her name, which she changed from Ayaan Hisri Magan to Ayaan
Hisri Ali, and her date and year of birth. The most damaging revelation
relates to her claim that she fled Somalia because she was trapped in a
forced marriage and faced persecution.
The documentary quotes her family members, including a brother, as
saying that she had been actually living in Kenya at the time she decided to
leave for the Netherlands; and that her marriage to a Somalian, who now
reportedly lives in Canada, was not forced. They said the couple separated
amicably. The documentary showed what reports described as a large and
comfortable middle class home in Kenya where she lived in an affluent
style a far cry from her own fictional account of her circumstances.
Ms Ali admitted that she had lied but dismissed the row as a
smear campaign Have they all gone mad? Yes, I lied to get asylum in
Holland. This is public knowledge since at least September 2002, she said.
But clearly her own party which is in government did not.
The Dutch Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk, who belongs to VVD,
said she would order an inquiry into Ms Alis conduct declaring that laws
and rules are valid for everyone. Media reports say that the disclosure has
sent shockwaves through the Dutch political establishment because, as The
Guardian noted, Ms Ali had become one of the countrys most
prominent politicians after denouncing radical Islam. With her Muslim
background, which she has renounced, Ms Hirsi Ali was an influential figure
as the Netherlands debated the integration of Muslim immigrants.
Muslim rulers have surrendered to the military might of Crusaders. It
is almost impossible to get them out of the deep hole of fear in which they
have dug themselves in. The people of Muslim World understand their plight
and therefore do not expect them to fight the Crusades, but they do expect
that they should at least speak out against some of the aspects of the
horrendous war.
While ducking deep in their respective holes, it is impossible for them
to see themselves; therefore, they should at least listen to what the people
say the world over. The aspects on which the Muslim masses want them to
speak are many, but herein only those are mentioned which came under
discussion during the period, and some of those which have been established
beyond doubt and hurt the Ummah badly.
First of all they must speak, and speak loudly, that the ongoing war is
Crusades against Muslims, rather than accepting it as war on terror. It is
futile to ask for definition of terrorism after four-and-a-half-year of
bloodshed. The definition has been made amply clear by the Crusaders
through pursuit of biased, illegal and immoral war. Anything and everything
which is against the interests of the civilized world is considered terrorism.
They should voice the concerns over terrorism against Muslims
perpetrated by various states as pointed out by the News. Pakistani
ambassador to the UN called for an international anti-terrorism centre so that
terrorism could be dealt with under an institutional framework. Endorsing a
Saudi proposal for such a body, Mr Munir Akram said until there was a
clear, legal definition of terrorism, some governments would continue to
circumscribe the scope of terrorist actions, by seeking, in particular, to
exclude thereality of state terrorism.
The Crusaders with their present mindset will resist a definition which
encompasses state terrorism, because in any definition America and its band
of allies will emerge as true model of terrorism. Thus, instead of seeking a
definition, they must listen to the observers like Patrick Seale which could
help them to understand the designs of the Crusaders.
An extraordinary paradox of the current international scene is that the
most powerful countries in the world are also the most afraid and fear has
caused them to lose their senses Globally, the United States has no
immediate military rival Similarly, in terms of military power, Israel has
no challenger in a vast region from Central Asia, across the Arab World, to
northeast and central Africa And yet the US and Israel behave as if they
are about to be attacked by a formidable enemy. They scold and threaten,
huff and puff, flex their muscles and brandish their weapons as if facing an
imminent danger to their very existence.
Instead of putting their formidable power to work reducing tensions
and resolving conflicts as they should be doing they go about stoking the
fires of anger and hate, apparently unaware that the destabilization they
cause must in due course engulf them too.
Demonization and vilification, international isolation, sanctions,
boycotts and military strikes, these are just some of the policies and threats
directed at both Iran and Hamas. Not daring to stand up for its own values,
the European Union has shamefully joined in the pressure
Enormously powerful and yet paranoid with fear, the US and Israel
act as if the possession and indeed the use of overwhelming force is the only
guarantee of their security. Dialogue and diplomacy, mutual accommodation,
the search for a balance of power, the mediation of international institutions
all these traditional instruments for conflict resolution have been
discarded and, as a result, the world has become a very dangerous place.
Muslim rulers keep demanding accommodation and tolerance from
their own people and keep begging for dialogue with those who have
discarded it and opted for the use of military means. It should be other way
round; they should have dialogue with own people and ask the Crusaders to
show tolerance.
Instead of seeking the definition of terrorism, they should speak
against war crimes committed by the Crusaders. If prisoner abuse and
Bushs unwillingness to admit that he made many mistake, could influence
Francis Fukuyama to change his mind on war, the Muslim rulers should
have done that long time back.
They should listen to Mahvish Khan, American-born Afghan woman,
who worked as interpreter with Peter Ryan. They visited Guantanamo Bay
nine times after Supreme Court held that the US court system had authority
to decide whether non-US citizens at that facility were being rightfully
imprisoned. She said, over three months, Ive interpreted at dozens of
meetings with detainees and heard many stories of betrayal and mistaken
identity, of beatings and torture, of loneliness and hopelessness.
No matter the age or background of the detainee, our meetings
always leave me feeling helpless. These men show me the human face of the
war on terrorism. Theyve been systematically dehumanized, cast as mere
numbers in prison-camp fashion. But to me, theyve become almost like
friends, or brothers or fathers. I can honestly say that I dont believe any of
our clients are guilty of crimes against the United States. No doubt some
men here are, but not the men Ive met.
I wish we could just hand our clients the freedom they desperately
crave, but so far, we havent been able to do Entire leadership in 50-plus
Islamic states has been more helpless than Mahvish Khan. She could at least
speak for the innocent detainees in Guantanamo, but Muslim leaders have
not dared doing that.
Shireen M Mazari expressed her disgust after the recent incident of
killings in Kabul. And now we have this incident where an American
armoured vehicle rammed into cars in a traffic jam in Kabul. Clearly, the
only way one can ram into cars in a traffic jam is to be driving totally
recklessly with no regard for anyone else. This is reflective of the growing
arrogance one finds in Americans in terms of their attitude towards Iraqis
and Afghans in particular and Muslims in general.
There are continuing reports of American abuse of Iraqi prisoners and
despite that US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has again said that
dogs will continue to be used in Iraqi prisons. New reports also point to
the deliberate killing of Iraqi civilians by the US forces in locations other
than Fallujah. And, now there are reports that many of those incarcerated in
Guantanamo Bay were taken prisoner when they were still minors. Yet the
wise rulers in Islamic World keep talking of building bridges between
Muslim World and the West.
It is also this American attitude that has upped the ante over Iran,
with the US least bothered about its non-accommodative and
discriminatory approach towards Iran as contrasted with its conciliatory
approach towards North Korea where dialogue is seen as the way forward to
conflict resolution.
The conceit one presently finds among the neocons is not restricted
to the Bush Administration only. Recently, a member of the American
Enterprise Institute was in Malaysia holding forth on what moderate and
progressive Islam should be. Clearly, dialogue is not possible with the
Americans because their arrogance only allows a monologue. Anything
else they regard as unhelpful, if not totally unacceptable.
At the end of the day, it is the average long-suffering Muslim citizens
who continue to suffer the costs of war on terror, where they are victims
twice over from the extremists in their midst who violate their lives and
their religion and from the Americans who care not a hoot for their
aspirations as they occupy their lands. And then they are also caught in
the crossfire of the Americans and those who, for whatever reason, choose to
fight their occupation and/or their presence on their soil. As the incident in
Kabul showed clearly, this is a battle in which the main casualty is the
average person in the streets.
For those rulers who tend not to listen to what Muslim men and
women say, Kamran Shafi produced a short excerpt from a message written
by a 23-year-old American, probably a soldier serving in Iraq. I am
ashamed. Im ashamed of this president, this megalo-maniac hell-bent on
leaving his print on the map of the Middle East, no matter how much
destruction is wrought and no matter how much blood flows in the streets of
lands that never threatened us. Im ashamed that when I see the American
flag waving, images of flag-draped coffins flash in my mind. Im ashamed
of Freedoms March. Ashamed when I see villages reduced to rubble.
He continued, ashamed when I see the tiny little corpses. God,
theyre so painfully tiny lined up in a row, little angels wrapped in
colourful blankets that starkly contrast against their grey-tinged faces.
Ashamed when I see wailing Iraqis slam their hands against plain,
unvarnished coffins, over an over, asking Why? Is this democracy? Why?
When I see those images of funerals, of broken families, I want to crawl into
my TV, I want to go to them and grab their slumped shoulders and scream,
Im sorry, good God, Im sorry. I want to leave, I want us to leave, believe
me. But they wont listen No one listens any more.
One feels that it would have been more appropriate if this message
was addressed to rulers in Islamic countries rather than the president of
America. The rulers and the state-controlled media have kept running
account of the brave American soldiers killed in the war on terror, but they
feel ashamed of counting the children and women killed by them and their
allies in Muslim World.
They are not ashamed of allying or partnering with megalo-maniac
who is perpetrating death and destruction in Muslim World. Or, may be they
are so ashamed that they have lost their speech, yet despite the dumbness
they keep clinging to their thrones.
In the same context, it is more important that they, in their exuberance
to prove their sincerity to the commitment to war on terror, do not indulge
in committing excesses against their own people. The News wrote,
what 9/11 and the war against terror have done is to blur the line between
involvement in an act of terrorism and expressing support of sympathy of
the countries involved in the anti-terror effort have used the campaign to
expand the monitoring and surveillance of their own citizens, and this has
caused the human rights of the latter to be severely abridged.
Besides, US-orchestrated military action, especially in countries
where al-Qaeda operatives are suspected of hiding, has led to much
resentment against the US and its allies because many innocent lives have
been lost. This has only increased worldwide opposition to US policies and
served to place at greater risk the governments of those countries allied with
Washington. Governments should not allow themselves, as a consequence of
their involvement in the war against terror, to commit brutalities and rights
It is not the question of bridging the gap between two civilizations.
It is the tolerance, which the West lacks badly while blaming Muslims for
intolerance. Abdul Razaq al-Mudhrib opined that the East-West gap, in view
of the prevalent attitude, cannot be closed.
The West strongly believes in Clash of Civilizations theory in
which the Islamic civilization is a strong candidate for a clash with the
Western civilization The Wests condescending and world-dominating
attitude, may explain why it sometimes ignores good manners and hurts the
feelings of millions of Arabs and Muslims.
It has become very easy to brand millions as retards and terrorists,
and offend them by abusing their religion, all on the pretext of freedom of
speech Another obstacle is the disagreement on the importance of the
religion. For Arabs and Muslims, religion is considered an untouchable
issue, while this is not the case in the West.
The problem with our dialogue with the West is that it is confined to
the elite of both sides, such as academicians and researchers. The common
man does not know about it, or benefit from its outcome, thus, the gap
between East and West remains.
Muslim rulers have been rejecting the false linkage between terrorism
and Islam meekishly, whereas the Crusaders have been vehemently accusing
Muslims of intolerance. Ihtesham Kayani from Rawalpindi pointed out, on
March 21, in a press conference, British Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke a
few words about history and showered praise on early Muslims, who despite
having knowledge and power, were more tolerant towards others religions.
During the speech, he disdainfully used the term Wahabi extremism
which, as far as he knows, is the root cause of all ills the world is facing
today and thereby needs to be eliminated.
Arab News wrote, the Manila conference participants agreed that
terrorism should not be linked to any religion. That is good in theory, but the
stark reality of today is that more often than not, terrorism, in the minds of
non-Muslims, is automatically linked to Muslims.
The very sight of Qazi Hussein Ahmed may not be pleasing for
enlightened moderate rulers, but he must be heard dispassionately. He said
Washington deems Islam a stumbling block in the way of its New
World Order, seeking to penetrate American civilization in social,
education and economic body fabric of the Muslim World.
The West has been cleverly using the ploy of democracy to extend
and consolidate its hold on Muslim World. America and other Crusaders are
building a corporate empire using promotion of democracy and war on terror
as pretexts. Osama in his new audiotape released in April said the same thing
with reference shunning of the Hamas-led Palestinian government.
He was of the view, rightly so; that it showed the West was waging a
Crusade-Zionist war on Muslims. He also said that it was wrong to assume
that only some Western leaders were responsible for this. People in the
West equally share responsibility for their countries war against Islam.
The war is a responsibility shared between the people and the
governments. The war goes on and the people renewing their allegiance to
its rulers and masters. They send their sons to armies to fight us and they
continue their financial and moral support while our countries are burned
and our houses are bombed and our people are killed.
lobby. They credited the Israeli lobby for managing to divert US foreign
policy as far from the American national interest would otherwise suggest,
while simultaneously convincing Americans that US and Israel interests are
essentially identical.
In the context of resistance to occupation of Muslim lands, the West
has been haunted by the suicide bombers. Western media had been
portraying it as barbaric and the governments have been working overtime
to secure Fatwa declaring suicide attacks as un-Islamic. Having failed to
achieve that, the intellectuals have joined hands to demonize this threat.
Madeleine Bunting attributed it to the restrictive nature of Islamic
teachings. She wrote, the psychology of suicide bombers is one of the most
puzzling issues for westerners to grasp: the religious motivation, the
fearlessness of death and the calmness-banality, even-with which many of
these people approach their end leave most westerners bewildered. The
comment of the 9/11 bombers that has proved the most haunting is: You
love life; we love death.
The analyst was convinced about another dimension of the suicide
bombing put across by Professor Richard Bulliet of Columbia University. He
attributed it to the severe sexual frustration of youth in restrictive Islamic
societies. This amply clarifies the extent to which the Crusaders can go to
achieve their evil designs.
Nothing of the above can be done unless Muslim countries
demonstrate the unity of Ummah. That has remained elusive even in
times when it was required the most. On 20th may, while visiting Egypt,
Shaukat Aziz accepted that Muslim World lacks unity. Who is to be blamed
for that? Not the Muslim masses.
Listen to what Gulf News says about another Islamic country.
Tehrans Gulf neighbours have all the reasons to worry about its
intentions. It is true all countries have the right to peaceful nuclear
technology, and it is also true Iran maintains it will never seek to develop
nuclear weapons, but who can guarantee this position will not change in the
Future? The editor indirectly requested the Crusaders for the guarantee,
because Arabs lack the ability to secure that.
It is also a blow to the efforts of Arab countries to free the Middle
East of weapons of mass destruction. In addition to Israel, there is now Iran,
which can transform its peaceful programme into a military oriented one if
they so choose. The Arab Muslim brothers equate Iranian Muslims with
the Jewish state. The fact is that Israel has made the life of Arabs miserable
and none of them has the guts to challenge the perpetrator of the terror,
whereas Iran has been challenging Israel on this count, but that has been
insultingly ignored by equating Iran with Israel.
The daily newspaper added, one way to allay regional fears is to
allow the inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
unhindered access to all nuclear sites. Also, Iranian authorities need to work
with the agency to ensure the highest international safety standards are
applied at those sites.
The Arabs have failed to end their miseries. While commenting on
Arab Summit in early May, Mohammad Ekif Jamal said, ever since the first
summit was held in Cairo in 1964, Arab summits have not come out with
any firm and pragmatic decisions. Worse, they have failed to arrive at a
unified Arab stand concerning issues affecting the Arabs. The summits have
also failed to bring closer all Arabs and their various governments. In fact,
the Arab summits have unconscientiously caused more harm to their issues
of discord Unfortunately, the Arab summits have an unchanged agenda
wherein the status of the common Arab man is totally neglected.
Like the previous summits, the United States tried its best to
persuade Arab leaders from taking decisions against American interests.
Prior to the summit, the US had asked friendly Arab leaders to stay away
from it as Washington felt that their presence could be construed as a show
of support for the Sudanese government, which is under international
pressure to allow a UN-peacekeeping force in the war-torn western region of
Darfur. Earlier, the US even tried to influence Arab leaders against holding
the summit in Khartoum and wanted it to be moved to some other Arab
As expected, last weeks summit did not rise to the expectations and
demands of the Arab people. He then mentioned some of the issues on
which the summit failed like; Iraqi crisis and its threats to regional
stability; repercussions of cold war between Iran and US; pressure on Arab
countries to conduct democratic reforms; possible internationalization of
Darfur conflict; and delay in finding a solution to the Palestinian cause.
The same was the case with D-8 meeting in Bali as observed by
Hassan Hanizadeh. He wrote, the D-8 has unfortunately failed to attain its
rightful status in the international arena, although it has been active for eight
years The main reason for this is the diverse political positions adopted by
D-8 member countries, which, despite their many cultural and religious
The sun has been shining bright for Israel since 9/11. Sharon had
made full use of the opportunity and now his successor, Olmert, was
pursuing the plan to impose peace unilaterally. Encouragement from Bush
Administration and rift between Fattah and Hamas was making it easier for
The coalition forces controlled outflow of news which reflected badly
on the nature of occupation, but those which helped demonizing the
insurgents were reported exaggeratingly. This line was inadvertently
followed by Pakistani media which banked upon purchasing news items
from foreign agencies.
To quote, after news blackout for couple of days, on 27th May the
News published a report by AFP in a blocked column. It was about killing of
a football coach and two players who were allegedly killed for wearing
shorts; whereas the killing of 36 people on that day was not reported. The
insurgency, however, continued to be reported scantly. Four Marines were
killed when a tank fell off a bridge on 12th May.
On 13th May, one US soldier was killed in the capital. Next day, two
US soldiers were killed when their helicopter was shot down during battles
in Latifiya and Yusufiya. Two US Marines died in unspecified combat action
in Anbar province. Two more US soldiers were killed in roadside bombing
in Baghdad. At least 26 people were killed and more than 70 wounded in a
string of attacks in the capital. Elsewhere in Iraq, 15 people were killed,
including two British soldiers who were killed in a roadside bomb attack in
southern Iraq.
US forces killed 41 rebels in raids and air strikes near Baghdad on
15 May. Rebels claimed shooting down four helicopters. Military statement
said several women and children were inadvertently wounded in the
battle. More than 30 rockets were fired at British army camp in Abu Naji,
wounding four soldiers. Eight policemen were killed and ten wounded in
clashes near Basra. More than seven people were shot dead in Balad Ruz.
Four bomb blasts in Baghdad and other cities killed seven Iraqis and
wounded several others. Next day at least 14 people were killed and 33
others wounded in car bomb attack in Baghdad.
bombing near Baghdad, and Iraqi interpreter was also killed. Police chief in
Basra escaped attempt on his life. Two days later 26 people were killed in
violence across the country, including 19 who lost their lives in bomb blast
in Sadr City; 58 people were also wounded. Fifteen dead bodies were found
in Musayeb.
A suicide bomber killed 13 people and wounded 18 others in Baghdad
on 21 May. Three people were killed and 15 wounded in a car bomb attack
in Shula district. Three people were killed and 24 wounded in roadside
bombing along bank of Tigris. Next day, two Pakistanis working in US base
were killed in mortar fire attack.
On 3rd June, 28 people were killed and scores wounded in bomb blast
in Basra. Later nine worshippers were killed at a mosque. State of
emergency was imposed in Basra. Police found eight severed heads near
Baghdad; four dead bodies were also found. Gunmen killed one Russian
diplomat and kidnapped four others. Two persons were killed in drive-by
shooting in Dora. Seven policemen were killed and five civilian wounded in
attack on a checkpoint north of the capital. A district head was shot dead
along with his aide and driver.
Gunmen killed 21 passengers of a bus northeast of Baghdad on 4th
June; only four Sunnis were spared. In all more than 42 people were killed in
last 24 hours. Fate of four kidnapped Russians was not known. Next day,
gunmen shot dead 11 students in Dura. Militants in police uniform abducted
50 employees of transport companies in Baghdad.
On 6th June, seven people were killed in a bomb blast in Baghdad.
Two engineers of an oil company were abducted near Tikrit. Next day, at
least eight people, including six policemen, were killed in various incidents
in Baghdad and five dead bodies were found. About 600 prisoners were
of two days before the 130 alliance deputies unilaterally form their own
cabinet. Maliki failed to announce his cabinet as per schedule because he
faced a flurry of last-minute negotiations.
At last, the Parliament approved the cabinet of 37 members on 20 th
May. Names of interior and defence ministers were not finalized, but in the
meantime, Maliki will run interior ministry and Sunni deputy prime minister
will be the in charge on defence ministry. A handful of Sunni deputies
walked out of parliament upon hearing that permanent security ministers
would not be selected in the session.
Next day, Bush said the new government marked new day for the
millions of Iraqis who want to live in freedom. Maliki vowed to use
maximum force against terrorism. A week later Talabani planned to meet
all the major political parties to break the deadlock over who should head the
nations key security ministries. Till 5th of June the political leaders failed to
agree on nominees for interior and defence ministries.
After the formation of the cabinet, the Guardian wrote, this is not the
time to dwell on bitter arguments about the war, nor to demand the
immediate withdrawal of US and British forces, though that day may be
closer with the new prime minister speaking sensibly of an objective
timetable for departure. Something better must emerge from the ruins and
gore, for the sake of Iraq and for a world destabilized by what has
The New York Times commented, theres just one major problem
with the national unity cabinet presented over the weekend by Iraqs new
prime minister. On the most important national issue reforming Iraqs
corrupt, brutal and highly partisan security forces no unity has yet been
Without such a deal, there will be very little to show for the hopes of
the million Iraqis who risked their lives to vote for a peaceful and
democratic future. Or for the efforts of the tens of thousands of American
troops who risked theirs to make that vote possible.
The core of the problem lies with the Interior Ministry and the police,
as a Times investigative series this week by Michael Moss, David Rohde
and Kirk Simple have made painfully clear. Every American effort to train
a professional police force were understaffed and under financed by the
Pentagon. Even as Iraq dissolved into chaos and insurgency, Washington
continued to short-change these efforts.
Despite diversion of focus on Irans nuclear programme, analysts kept
criticizing Iraq War. Albright said that Iraq was a war of choice, not of
necessity. Invasion of Iraq was badly planned. Claude Salhani wrote about
the financial aspect of the war. According to the National Priorities
Projectthe cost of war in Iraq now standing at $ 284,760,197,435
could instead have fully funded global anti-hunger efforts for 11 years. The
figures speak for Americas interest in well-being of the humanity.
Essa bin Mohammad al-Zedjali dwelled on looting of Iraqs
wealth. Many might wonder as to what is happening to the oil wealth now.
Obviously, it is the strangers who grab the lions share as the expenses of
keeping the coalition forces in Iraq are rocketing day by day. Coalition
forces have claimed that they are there to protect the Iraqi people, but the
reality is that they are protecting themselves and helping loot the countrys
wealth and treasures.
International news agencies have unearthed organized racketing in
oil exports. Fudging in the oil export bills is commonplace as, in most cases,
oil tanks are without meters. All these misdeeds are carried out with careful
planning by the strangers for whom Iraq have become a milch cow.
As a matter of fact, the looting of Iraq marks back to the time the
country was under siege when the oil-for-food scheme was in force. Those
who were in charge of the program benefited from it even as Iraqis starved.
Several businessmen have confessed to giving bribes to those in charge of
the oil-for-food program for getting contracts.
The looting of the Iraqi wealth and treasures continues unabated and
foreign firms vie with each other to win contracts that are often clinched
under the table. The contracts are awarded in such a way that a chunk of
them would go to American companies Now, Iraq represents a sphere of
conflict of interests and looting as well as death and destruction. While the
Iraqis fall dead in explosions on daily basis, the coalition forces take shelter
in the so-called Green Zone.
The looting is not limited to oil but includes manuscripts, cultural
masterpieces at various museums including the National Museum, which are
transferred to other countries. The pillage of Iraq will continue in one form
or the other as long as chaos reigns in that country.
The real intention of the coalition forces is clear from their plan to
stay on in Iraq as long as possible. And without doubt, their presence will
lead to further looting of Iraqs treasures and the deterioration of the
conditions of the Iraqi people and will put them at risk of death every
Joshua Holland wrote, theres story, perhaps apocryphal, that
Pentagon planners wanted to name the invasion of Iraq, Operation Iraqi
Liberation. Only when someone realized that the acronym O.I.L. might
raise some uncomfortable questions, was Operation Iraqi Freedom born.
Supporters of the Iraq war airily dismiss chants of no blood for oil
as a manifestation of the anti-war crowds naivet. They point out that Iraqs
government still controls its oil and argue that we could have simply bought
it on the open market Both of those claims are true on their face, but
bringing Iraqs vast oil wealth under the control of foreign multinationals
with US firms the best positioned to develop it was always central to
US plans for Iraq.
I recently conducted an interview with Juhasz, who explained the
details: The United States crafted a new oil law for Iraq that provided
for production sharing agreements (PSAs), which are contractual terms
between a government and a foreign corporation to explore for, produce and
market oil. Production sharing agreements are not used by any country in the
Middle East or, in fact, by any country thats truly wealthy in oil. Theyre
used to entice investors into an area where the oil is expensive to produce or
there isnt a lot of oil.
But Iraqs oil reserves are very easy and cheap to get to. You
essentially just stick a pipe in the ground and you get oil. Theres absolutely
no reason for Iraq to enter into PSAs, but theres every reason for Western
oil companies to want them they provide the best terms short of full
privatization of the oil Its estimated that Iraq has 80 oil fields.
Seventeen of them have been discovered. Under the new oil law written
into the constitution those 17 will be under the control of the Iraqi oil
All undiscovered oil fields are now open to the PSAs. That means,
depending on how much oil there is in Iraq, foreign companies will have
control over at least 64 percent of Iraqs oil and as much as 84 percent. PSAs
are the worst possible deals for the countries; in Latin America some of the
worst PSAs gave domestic governments royalties of just one percent of their
natural gas revenues.
out, the Pentagon downward lied through their teeth, stonewalling, until
the Time story compelled them to investigate the matter properly.
On plans to impart training on warrior values, he wrote, are Dubya
and Rummy and Dick Cheney and neocon beauties who led by them by the
nose-ring also going to be trained in morality and ethics and core warrior
values? They are the leaders of this assault, after all; they are the ones who
set the pace, and they are the ones who have been sending entirely the
wrong message to their forces.
These so-called leaders of the great country of America started it all
by demonizing Iraqis and Afghans and Muslims, by saying in so many
words that they were no better than vermin who needed to be stamped out. If
any one needs training in morals and ethics these three and their
handlers need it.
Second, are morality and ethics and core warrior values not part of an
American soldiers training? Arent officer cadets taught how to be officers
and gentlemen whilst still at the academy? Third, what will the US Army
teach its soldiers, especially the much-vaunted Marines in thirty days, when
they havent learnt anything at all in the many years some of them have been
in service? When even the killing of children didnt move even one of them
to make a report to their superior officers? Arent these people so beyond
learning, so beyond the pale that the only thing that will work is to de-mob
(pun intended, for the actions of the Yahoos were most surely those of
untruly, wild MOB) the lot?
He then referred to another massacre discovered recently in the town
of Ishaqi. The Americans are alleged to have rounded up 11 people: two
women, one seventy-five year old, five children, one six month old baby,
and four other people whatever that means, and shot them dead. US troops
claimed that all these were killed in a building collapse, but Iraqi police in a
report filed soon after the killings disagreed with the American version and
said that all the dead had gunshot wounds to the chest and head.
So there, Master Dubya, another mistake would you call it? A lying,
deceiving, ill trained, brutal command is what you have. A command that is
out of control: yours, Rummys and their commanders in the field. And you
call yourself Commander-in-Chief? But wait. Isnt Rummy the bestest
defence Secretary the United States was ever blessed with? Shouldnt he
then, have known all about the massacres? Shouldnt the buck stop
somewhere slightly higher up than private soldiers or non-coms?
Bush and Blair remained favourite targets for the critics of war.
Gary Younge wrote, both leaders got precisely what they wanted.
Unchecked by political opposition at home, unfettered by international law
abroad, un-persuaded by argument at home and abroad, like Sinatra they did
it their way. And so, since they have no one else to blame and find
themselves out of credit at the goodwill bank of public opinion, they
reach for the arbiter of last resort: history.
The Asian Age observed, British Prime Minister Tony Blair last week
flew to Washington to hold the hand of US President George W Bush at a
joint news conference. With their backs to the wall, Mr Blair and Mr Bush
tried to mount a mutual show of solidarity with the earnest hope of regaining
some lost ground in their respective countries over their misadventure in
Mr Blair looked tired and sounded trite, while Mr Bush appeared
nervous and sounded nave. In an exercise in self-congratulation, the two
leaders celebrated the formation of an Iraqi government which Mr Bush
hailed as a new beginning for Iraq Unable to wriggle out of the mess of
their own making, Mr Bush and Mr Blair who had contemptuously rejected
the worlds well-meaning advice prior to the invasion, now wanted the
international community to come to their rescue. The invasion and
occupation of Iraq have become what the New York Times described as a
political albatross for both.
Scott Ritter said, despite setbacks and mis-steps, I strongly believe
we did and are doing the right thing, Bush remarked, although he was quick
to add, not everything has turned out the way we hoped. That, of course,
could qualify for the understatement of the year.
While cultivating secular democracy in Iraq, the Crusaders supported
Israel to destroy Palestinian democratic fields which produced an Islamic
variety of the crop. But, Hamas government faced major threat from enemy
within the ranks of Palestinians.
It was feared that Fatah and Hamas were moving fast toward armed
confrontation as Hamas sent its gunmen to restore law and order in Gaza
Strip on 18th May. Security forces loyal to Abbas opposed it. The same day,
Hamas deputy premier was forced to cut short his visit to Tulkarem as Fatah
radicals stopped his vehicle and fired into air.
On 20th May, Intelligence Chief of Palestinian Authority was seriously
wounded and his body guard was killed in a blast in Gaza. The wounded
chief was evacuated to a hospital in Israel on request of Abbas.
Five days later, Abbas laid down a challenge to Hamas calling on the
group and other factions to back a Palestinian proposal that seeks a
negotiated settlement with Israel. He also gave ten days to Fatah and Hamas
to resolve their differences. Next day, Hamas pulled out controversial militia
from the streets of Gaza to avoid further infighting with the rival Fatah.
On 27th May, Hamas rejected a deadline set by Abbas to accept a plan
that indirectly calls for recognition of Israel, the issue which he had
threatened to put to referendum. Next day, Abbas planned to host first
meeting of a new committee, which included Hamas representatives, in a bid
to evolve common approach to tackle a series of crises
Palestinian Foreign Minister walked out in protest when Fatah leader
arrived to attend NAM meeting in Kuala Lumpur on 29 th May. Five days
later, Fatah deployed militia in Jenin as show of force against Hamas. On 5 th
June, five people were killed in factional violence in Gaza.
On 6th June, Abbas gave final ultimatum to Hamas to accept a
manifesto implicitly recognizing Israel by the end of the week or face a
referendum on the issue. PLO backed Abbas. Israel kept low profile but was
pleased with initiative of Abbas.
Hamas government kept facing financial hardship. Malaysia offered
aid to Palestinian Authority. Palestinian banks agreed to pay salaries to
government employees. Pakistan promised $ 3 million aid to Palestine
during its foreign ministers visit to Islamabad.
The Crusaders bias against Hamas touched the extreme limits when
Merkel was angered by the visit of a Palestinian minister to Germany on the
visa issued by another European country. Only a week later, Olmert met
Bush in Washington and won support from the host for fixing Israels
borders unilaterally. Olmert said, we cannot be held hostage by a terrorist
entity which refuses to change or promote dialogue.
Meanwhile, state terrorism against Palestinians continued.
Amnesty International reported that Israeli security forces and settlers were
being allowed to perpetrate abuses against Palestinians with no real fear of
being brought to justice. Following incidents were reported:
Two leaders of Islamic Jihad were among six Palestinians killed by
Israeli troops in the northern West Bank on 14th May.
On 26th May, a leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad was killed in
roadside bombing in Lebanon.
Six Palestinian fighters and an Israeli soldier were wounded in tit-fortat attacks along Lebanese border on 28 th May. Israeli warplanes
bombed bases of a pro-Syrian Palestinian group including positions
near Beirut. Islamic Jihad denied firing rockets on Israel.
On 30th May, Israeli troops carried out first ground operation in Gaza
Strip since pulling out of the territory and killed three militants and a
policeman. Three militants were killed in West Bank.
Israel carried out air strikes on 31st May and Palestinian groups fired
three missiles which landed near defence ministers home.
Jennie Mathew criticized Israeli hostility towards Palestinians. There
is no justice. Its a jungle law here. Settlers can kill, shoot, attack, do
anything, complains Palestinian coffee shop owner Hani Abu Haikal to a
group of visiting Israelis in war-torn Hebron.
He tells them he was arrested last year after hard-line Jewish settlers,
who live in the occupied West Bank city, attacked and broke the windows of
his hilltop villa while he was entertaining Christian and Israeli friends
And when his elderly father collapsed in shock, it took three days to
negotiate an ambulance to take him to hospital. When he died, settlers
danced around the ambulance going to the cemetery, handed out sweets and
called death to Arabs.
The once bustling Palestinian market, now occupied by Jewish
squatters, is a deserted mesh of barbed wire, camouflage netting, a rooftop
Israeli sniper and walls defaced by Hebrew graffiti proclaiming Death to the
Arabs Nearby Jewish children set fire to abandoned Palestinian debris, the
tassels of their prayer shawls dangling under their shirts. Settlers routinely
attack Palestinian children, prompting international peace observers such
as 78-year-old John Lynes from Britain, to walk them to school each day.
Condemnation of blocking of aid to Palestinians continued. Cesar
Chelala observed that while Hamas is snubbed; there is something perverse
about making children pawns in a complex political game. It is urgent,
therefore, that funds being retained by Israel as well as international aid from
the US, the European Union and Canada be redirected to organizations such
as the World Health Organization and UNICEF.
The Boston Globe conditionally welcomed Quartet decision to
provide humanitarian aid direct to Palestinians. It stressed that
international community should apply political pressure on Hamas by
making it clear that negotiations leading to two-state resolution of the
conflict with Israel will be possible if Hamas changes its one-state position.
Ronnie Kasrils and Victoria wrote that the West is frustrating
democratic elections in Palestine by withholding aid, and using collective
punishment, an economic siege and starvation as political weapons in
their efforts to get the Hamas government to accept their terms of business
with Israel.
Today western moral authority in the Middle East is gone, as
much because of years of double standards in Palestine as because of the
current disastrous war in Iraq. There is no excuse for not knowing the truth
about what is now happening to the Palestinians. And the most recent
diplomatic moves by the Quartet the US, the EU, the UN and Russia to
alleviate suffering, while keeping up the ban on dealing with the
Palestinians elected leaders, are totally inadequate.
The Palestinians are having sanctions imposed on them for their
political choice. But it is Israel, creating new facts on the ground to
prevent the emergence of a viable Palestinian state that should be facing
sanctions. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan should use his last months in
office to call for sanctions to bring about the implementation of the ICJ
ruling on the Israeli wall, the closure of West Bank settlements and the
release of Palestinian political prisoners
Jonathan Freedland expressed similar views. The moral objections to
this latest US move, and the whole international policy of denying aid to the
into anarchy that could lead to civil war. That may have been the aim when
the two leaders cut off the flow of money to the Palestinian Authority But
neither Israel nor the United States is going to like the result if the
Palestinian government collapses.
America seemed staying the course of administering collective
punishment. The House approved a measure Tuesday that would cut most
US aid to nongovernmental organizations working in the Palestinian
territories and deny visas to members of the Palestinian Authority. This
ham-handed attempt to appear tough on terror, opposed by the Bush
Administration, would cause needless suffering to the innocent and goes too
far in micromanaging US contacts with the Palestinian Authority.
The New York Times commented, Mr Olmert said Israel was willing
to negotiate with Palestinian Authority. He added, in a few years they
could be living in a Palestinian state, side by side in peace and security with
Israel. Wed like to see that, too. We only hope that Mr Olmert and Mr Bush
realize that there will not be peace in the Middle East unless the
Palestinians have a say in creating a state that can function.
The Washington Post said, Mr Olmert has now won Mr Bushs de
facto consent to pursue a unilateral realignment in which Israel would draw
a border of its own choosing in the West Bank, dismantle some of the
settlements that lie beyond it and thereby guarantee Israels security as a
Jewish state with the borders it desires, as the prime minister puts it. Mr
Bush called these ideas bold, adding that they could lead to a two-state
solution. But as Mr Olmert acknowledged, there is one crucial condition:
Israel cannot successfully impose its plans on the Palestinians unless it
has the comprehensive support of the United States
That means that in the remainder of his term, Mr Bush will have the
opportunity to encourage an Israeli redeployment that would open the way
toward the Palestinian state he called for four years ago. But he could also
cripple the prospects for that settlement if he provides a US imprimatur
for a realignment that disregards essential Palestinian interests.
Al-Ahram Weekly recalled, when the US tried to pressure former
(and democratically elected) Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to give up nuclear
weapons, he said he couldnt, for that was the choice of the people who put
him in office. The US responded by backing a military coup against Sharif.
Pervez Musharraf, who succeeded Sharif in office, entered an unconditional
alliance with the US and offered the Americans concessions that no elected
government could have made.
The first objective was to safeguard the Suez Canal for the free
passage of British and French warships from the Atlantic to the Indian
Ocean Their second objective was to establish a non-Islamic country in
the critical Fertile Crescent in order to prevent the expansion of political
Islam on the western shores of the Mediterranean. Their third objective was
to maintain security in the oil fields of the Middle East, because Britains
initial test drillings in the region showed that the Middle East was sitting on
a sea of oil.
During these years, with the financial support of the United States
and other Western countries, Israel has occupied over 80,000 square
kilometers of Arab territories(out of which) Israel has kept control of the
West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the Sheba Farms.
Over 150 UN Security Council resolutions against Israel have
been vetoed by the United States in the past 58 year. Now, after years of
struggle, the Palestinian forces have decided to establish a Palestinian
government. However, the United States, the European Union, and Israel are
trying to ignore the vote of the majority and are economically boycotting
Hamas, the party which gained control of the Palestinian government
through a democratic election.
James J Zogby wrote, it is former Prime Minister Ariel Sharons
plan that is bearing fruit today. The old warrior was elected in 2001 on a
platform committed to ending the Oslo peace process and destroying any
semblance of Palestinian self-government.
Sharon was able to declare the peace process stalled, requiring
unilateral Israeli action The bizarre Bush vision, first pronounced in June
of 2002, which declared that Palestinians first had to establish a working
democracy before they could gain their freedom, also played a part.
Today, Palestinians are trapped, with no way out. Hamas won their
victory not, as our polling showed, because of corruption, but because after
12 years of a peace process in which Palestinians became less free and
poorer, peace had been given a bad name and the party associated with it
had been discredited. The Israelis were now able to say they had no one with
which to negotiate and get away with it.
While most Palestinians and Israelis want a just peace, support for
these disempowered majorities requires external support. Europe cares, but
will only act within self-imposed limits. And the US cannot be expected to
act any differently than it has in the past several years.
finalize its plans to control the Jerusalem and demarcate borders, the
occupation recently sealed Northern Jerusalem neighbourhoods with the
separation wall, checkpoints and Israeli-contrived alternative roads thus
directing Ram and Bir Nabala away from Jerusalem towards Ramallah,
sealing shut another West Bank ghetto.
Israel can continue to create all the facts on the grounds it needs,
as it manoeuvres terminology with repeated success to the extent that its
public and international relations so eagerly received and devoured are
built on painting an inverse picture of reality. The immense past and present
international support for Israel is testament to the virtual carte blanche
offered to the occupation.
Final borders were being demarcated from at least the 1993 closure
and checkpoint policy, moving forward a process where claims of an end to
occupation under slogans of Palestinian self-rule were meant only to serve
the interests of widening Israeli control. In the face of continued global
complicity, these policies should be seen as the agreed means, between
Israel and its allies, to normalize the occupation, setting into motion a
spectrum of terms and phrases that play down power discrepancies and
allow for parallel processes where rhetoric exists on the one hand and the
reality exists on the other.
In view of the above it can be said that the stance of Hamas is the
same which founder fathers of Israel had and as quoted by Asad Abdul
Rahman. Ben Gurian once candidly admitted to a colleague, if I were an
Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural. We have
taken their country? We come from Israel, its true, but 2,000 years ago, and
what is that to them.
There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was
that their fault? They only see one thing. We have come here and stolen their
country, a remark was made to Nahum Goldman, as reported in his book
The Jewish Paradox.
This guilt has always remained at the back of every Israeli and their
backers mind. That is why they are least interested in peace through just
resolution of the dispute. They fully understand that stolen land can only be
retained by force.
For Israel, the sun is shining brightly to harvest and thrash the grain
for itself and leave the pulp for Palestinians. With this attitude of Israel and
the civilized world, there will never be peace in Middle East as long the
illegal Jewish state exists in whatever shape in might be. It must cease to
exist for the peace and security of dozens of countries of the region. Some
day, may be in distant future, this reality shall dawn upon the international
8th June 2006
On 13th May, Iran warned European states not to repeat the mistake of
forcing an end to talks by demanding it to stop uranium enrichment. Tehran
was ready to talk to any country except Israel. Next day, Ahmedinejad said
any European proposals that ask Iran to halt uranium enrichment would be
The same day a Sunni militant group in southeast Iran claimed 12
execution-style murders. On 15th May, Iranian troops killed ten militants,
who were involved in roadside murders. This is one of the areas identified
by the Crusaders where they planned to support dissidents.
On 16th May, Russia and China once again opposed the use of force
against Iran. Tehran insisted on continuation of uranium enrichment. The
European Union was reported considering offering a nuclear reactor to Iran
to strike a bargain. On 20th May, it was reported that world powers discussed
dropping UNSC involvement in Irans nuclear file if Tehran agreed to
suspend uranium enrichment, but could push for selective sanctions backed
by the threat of force if it didnt. Next day, Iran again refused to suspend
uranium enrichment.
Bush and Olmert in their meeting on 24th May agreed to thwart Irans
suspected nuclear programme. Bush reiterated his pledge to defend Israel
against attack by Iran. The same day, demonstrations were held in Tehrans
two main universities against changing of university heads and forced
retirement of some professors.
Next day, Blair said that Britain did not want conflict with Iran.
Nejad, however, accused foreign enemies of trying to provoke ethnic
tensions in Iran. On 26th May, ElBaradei warned that world powers must
renounce nuclear arms or accept that more and more countries would
manage to secure their own bombs. Nukes breed nukes, he said.
On 27th May, Ahmadinejad wanted Europe on his side. Next day, Iran
and Russia concluded high-level talks but agreed to continue parleys. The
chief of Russias Security Council, Igor Ivanov, said Russia opposes any use
of force against Iran over its nuclear programme. Khamenei ruled out retreat
on nuclear issue.
The same day, Ahmedinejad asked Germans to overcome holocaust
guilt. Four people were killed and 43 injured during protests in northwest
Iran over publishing of a cartoon deemed insulting Azeris. This is another
area where the Crusaders are looking for the dissidents.
The US kept pushing Europe for curbs against Iran. On 30 th May, Iran
expressed willingness to resume talks with EU, while praising Russia and
China for opposing US push for sanctions. NAM backed Iran over its
nuclear programme.
On 31st May, Rice announced, to underscore our commitment to a
diplomatic solution and to enhance prospects for success, as soon as Iran
fully and verifiably suspends its enrichment and reprocessing activities, the
United States will come to the table. The only purpose of coming to table
after meeting the laid down could be to have dinner with Ahmedinejad.
The same day, Bush said, I believe this problem can be solved
diplomatically, and I want to give it every effort to do so Our message to
the Iranians is that one, you wont have a weapon. And two, that you must
A lot more was said about the US bias against Iran. Dr Muzaffar Iqbal
mentioned the reason behind this bias. For the United States and
Europe, the rise of Iran as a major regional power is not acceptable for a
variety of reasons. In their geopolitical considerations, they have assigned
that status to India whose sheer size, population, and secular character makes
it an acceptable choice for them
The case of Iran is different, not only because it is a Muslim country
though that is certainly a consideration but also because its rise as a
nuclear complex at Dimona, and did not even mention Israels undeclared,
un-inspected nuclear arsenal.
Israels nuclear weapons can strike anywhere in the Arab World,
as far east as Iran and Pakistan. Israel is believed to possess atomic,
hydrogen, and neutron warheads. Its new submarine-launched cruise
missiles give it the ability to strike most major targets on earth.
The analyst went on to say that Israel has proven inclination to use
nuclear weapons. Memories of the 1973 Arab-Israel War remain vivid: as
Syrian forces advanced to the edge of the Golan Heights, Soviet satellites
detected Israel nuclear weapons being readied for launch. Syria abruptly
halted its advance on Golan in fear of a nuclear strike.
Dave Zirin & John Cox pointed out Crusaders meanness in
mingling politics with sports. German and US politicians have seized on the
tournament to intensify the saber rattling aimed at Tehranseveral leading
politicians in both countries have called for the Iranian team to be banned
from the World Cup. In this spirit of tolerance and peace, Berlins liberal
daily Der Tagesspiegel ran a cartoon that depicted Iranian soccer players
as suicide bombers.
Merkel has further stoked this sentiment by likening Irans nuclear
plans to the threat posed by the Nazis. Italian reform minister Robert
Calderoli of the anti-immigrant Northern League called on the international
soccer federation (FIFA) to exclude Iran and other rogue states, and in
recent weeks British Conservatives perhaps distraught over their own
teams dwindling prospects, after an injury to their best player have gotten
in on the act In the recent gambit, on May 12 a group of European Union
representatives presented a letter to FIFA demanding that Iran be evicted
from the games.
The hypocrisy of the quasi-extortion is overwhelming: Iran should
be banned because its leaders indulge in belligerent rhetoric and attempt to
develop a nuclear programme, yet no one advocates the exclusion of the
United States, even though it is engaged in two military occupations, in Iraq
and Afghanistan, and President Bush has refused to rule out a nuclear strike
on Iran.
What is really going on here is an old trick of the warmongers;
which is that you equate hurtful statements to your enemy with an actual
military threat, and make a weak and vulnerable enemy look like a strong,
menacing foe. Then no one can complain when you pounce on the enemy
and reduce his country to flames and rubble.
Gary Leupp discussed another ugly aspect of the meanness. Canadas
National Post has apologized for the dis-informational article about Iran it
published on its front page one should inquire as to how this happened in
the first place. The Post had reported the Iranian Parliament had passed
a law establishing separate dress codes for religious minorities,
Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians, who will have to adopt distinct colour
schemes to make them identifiable in public. The new codes would enable
Muslims to easily recognize non-Muslims so that they can avoid shaking
hands with them by mistake, and thus becoming najis (unclean).
This was absurd. The one Jewish member of the 190-member
Iranian Majlis, Moris Motamed, among others refuted it noting that Iranians
would never put up with such a law. He added, our enemies seek to create
tension among the religious minorities with such news and to exploit the
situation to their benefit.
The legislator must surely count Iranian-American journalist Amir
Taheri, author of the nonsense, among these enemies. But what led Taheri
to produce a sensationalistic piece, drawing immediate damning comment
from Canadian Prime Minister? Taheri is after all a man of apparently
impeccable journalistic credentials Quite a range of editors apparently
consider competent. So I think it unlikely his piece resulted from mere
journalistic sloppiness. His most credible credential has been his antiTehran regime sentiment.
Taheri was also between 1972 and 1979 executive editor-in-chief of
Kayhan, Irans main daily newspaper under the Shahs regime. He
contributes to the neocon National Review and his speaking engagements
are handled by the warmongering neocon Benador Associates PR firm. He
and these colleagues have repeatedly urged a US attack to produce regime
change in Iran. The neocons, of course, have shown themselves more than
willing to employ deceit in building the case for military action; it is part of
their Straussian modus oprendi.
Looking at the big picture, what theyve done so far is to persuade
much of the American public that Iran is doing something illegal in
enriching uranium and insisting on its right under the Non-Proliferation
Treaty to do so; that Iran is definitely trying to build nuclear weapons; and
that Iran has declared its intention of wiping Israel off the map. The first of
these is untrue. The NPT expressly allows all signatory nations to master the
nuclear cycle under IAEA monitoring. The second is unproven.
To explain the category to which Taheri belongs, he narrated a story
of Gulf War in which a teenage girl appeared before Congressional hearing.
She testified that as a volunteer at al-Addan Hospital in Kuwait City she
saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the
room where babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the
incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die.
It was later revealed that the girl testifying was a daughter of the Kuwaiti
ambassador to the US, and that she was lying through her teeth. But the lie
worked very, very well, validated by Colin Powell and others in the first
Bush administration, and by reputable press organs.
But the Jewish rep in the Iranian parliament (who has been outspoken
before) is surely on target when he suggests that some seek to exploit the
situation to their benefit. They do so by exploiting ignorance, prejudice,
fear, and gullibility. They churn out so much disinformation one has the
sinking sense that however one tries to expose it, their plans in the short
term will prevail. But those paying attention have to try, and keep raising the
slogan: Stop the Attack on Iran.
Amir Taheri was not alone. The Jordan Times had also rushed to join
the holy campaign. Iran has laws in the pipeline that promise to make
life in the country even more difficult. One such piece of legislation aims
to impose a standard Islamic garment on all Iranians, meaning that Iranians
will no longer be able to dress as they wish.
There is an even more difficult to understand addition to the
restriction: The colours of the projected uniforms are limited to somber
hues. As if life were so rosy for them! The new regimentation in the lifestyle
of Iranians is supposed to apply even to children as young as four. It doesnt
make for a very mind-stimulating environment, nor for desire to stand out
even if, at this stage, only through the choice of colour for the garb.
The other piece of legislation aims to make it compulsory for nonMuslims in Iran to wear insignias on their clothing that identify them as
Christians, Jews or followers of whatever other religion. The Christian
would wear a red badge, while the Jews would have to wear a yellow sign.
This Iranian regime must be aware that it is bound by international
norms to respect the rights of the people in the country. And it is simply
unacceptable to discriminate between people on the basis of religion.
Making Christians and Jews by having them wear badges is a clear act of
discrimination bearing the ominous hue of the dark days of World War
II. Neither Islam nor international standards tolerate this kind of behaviour.
Some analysts observed the solution lies in abolishing the weapons of
mass destruction. I Hassan wrote, the fact is that a nuclear device is such
an evil thing that no one should have it. During the First World War,
poison gas was invented and used. After that war, at a world conference, all
states accepted that poison gas was evil and must not be used. Since then,
poison gas has been prohibited and not used.
A nuclear device is far worse than any poisonous gas because of the
sheer number of people that it can kill. It should be similarly banned and no
one user should act as an arbiter, being itself in possession of the device.
Such an arbiter should forsake its own bomb and thereafter insist that no one
must have one.
Jonathan Power mentioned the suggestions of Hans Blix to abolish
WMDs. The planning for major war has grown more alarming in all manner
of ways proliferation certainly but, not least in the relatively recent
statements of the US, Russia, the UK and France who, signaling a
momentous shift in military doctrine, say that they are prepared to use
their nuclear weapons for war fighting and not just for deterrence, as
during the Cold War.
When Hans Blix was the UN inspector charged with investigating
whether Iraq still possessed weapons of mass destruction, he once said that
any one can hang out a sign beware of dog, but it doesnt mean they have a
dog. In Saddam Husseins case this turned out to be correct.
Libya recently gave up its nuclear program. But while it was going
on there was no dog sign and no one knew that they had made as much
progress as they had. With North Korea they did hang out the sign but we
still dont know how much is bluff and how much is real. With Iran is still a
series of question marks.
Blix said they shy away from the obvious: If they themselves have
real dogs with nuclear or even biological teeth and they say they are more
prepared to use them than in the Cold War days why should these other
new would-be dog owners listen to them?
First, the Blix commission argues, we have to take military threats
off the table. The proliferation of nuclear weapons cannot be solved by the
immediate play of military hardball No country can be expected at this
Amir Taheri is one of the staunch supporters of regime change
through military action. He wrote, theoretically, the whole issue could be
resolved in an afternoon. ElBaradei goes to Tehran, talks to whomever the
Iranian leaders assigned to talk to him and is convinced that the Islamic
republic is no longer violating the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty. He then returns to Vienna, convenes the board of governors of the
IAEA, and reports the good news. The board of governors then writes to the
Security Council inviting it to share the joy of these glad tidings and stop
looking for imaginative ways to deal with the Islamic republic The
crucial question that must be answered therefore is simple: Can we trust the
Islamic republic?
He identifies himself with the Crusaders as is evident from the word
we. He also preferred to refer to Iran as Islamic republic to urge on the
Crusaders to invade. He repeatedly used this word knowing the mindset of
the Crusaders who do not trust anything which is Islamic in any way.
He added, if answer is yes, then the Islamic republic, with or without
nuclear weapons, instantly ceases to be a threat to anyone, including its
neighbours. If, on the other hand, the Islamic republic is seen as
untrustworthy then no amount of diplomatic jugglery could reassure
those who might feel threatened by it, again with or without nuclear
Interestingly, not even those who, for a wide range of reasons, back
the Islamic republic in the current crisis are prepared to provide it with the
needed certificate of trustworthiness. He meant that the regime must be
changed whether it posses nuclear weapons or not.
According to information from Tehran, the issue of what strategy to
adopt was widely discussed at an informal meeting with the Supreme
Guide Ali Khamenei and attended by Ahmedinejad along with top military
commanders. Ahmedinejad succeeded in convincing the decision-makers
that there was no need to retreat when one was sure whether or not any
meaningful move would or, indeed, could be made against Iran.
So far, of course, Ahmedinejad has proved right. It is still Tehran
that largely controls the momentum of events. It could, for example, cool
things down by phasing out the mass production of centrifuges that could be
used for enriching uranium to weapons grade specifications. It could also
decree a temporary end to all work at the plutonium plant in Arak. Last but
not least, it could submit the NPTs additional protocols for consideration by
the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis).
David B Rivkin Jr and Lee A Casey found the legal basis for action
against Iran. Ahmedinejads words clearly violate Article 2.4 of the UN
Charter. This provision, to which Iran has agreed, requires all UN member
states to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.
Both the nature and context of Ahmedinejads manifesto set it
apart from such harsh but legally permissible rhetoric as President
Bushs talk of an axis of evil and of President Ronald Reagans reference to
the Soviet Union as an evil empire.
Since Israel has not committed aggression against Iran,
Ahmedinejads statements cannot be justified as self-defence. They have, in
fact, created a legally cognizable threat that can, and should, be
addressed by the Security Council under its Chapter VII powers, which are
concerned with threats to peace.
Seeking the councils intervention on Irans illegal threats to use
force makes excellent diplomatic sense. Such an approach would provide
multiple and reinforcing benefits A serious debate on Ahmedinejads
illegal threat would give the United States a unique opportunity to focus
the Security Council on the shrill anti-Israel rhetoric emanating not just from
Iran but also from numerous other Islamic countries. This rhetoric fosters
regional tensions and nurtures the dangerous jihadist sentiment.
China and Russia would be hard-pressed to oppose the effort.
Both of those countries have routinely clocked their objections to EU-US
policy toward Iran in the language of international law, arguing, for example
that Iran has a legal right to pursue civilian nuclear activities.
the world. The staunch supporter of Jewish cause was hinting at not
allowing the Muslims to gain strength.
There is an argument on behalf of acquiescing in proliferation which
holds that new nuclear countries have proved responsible in the past. But
this is not endorsed by experience. Pakistan proliferated its nuclear
technology through the A Q Khan project. North Korea has been an active
Diplomacy needs a new impetus. As a first step, the United States
and its negotiating partners have to agree on how much time is available for
negotiations The next step is to recognize the difference between
multiparty negotiations and a preferred strategy of regime change
Focusing on regime change as the road to denuclearization confuses the
issue. The United States should oppose nuclear weapons in North Korea and
Iran regardless of the government that builds them.
The diplomacy appropriate to denuclearization is comparable to the
containment policy that helped win the Cold War: no pre-emptive challenge
to the external security of the adversary, but firm resistance to attempts to
project it abroad and reliance on domestic forces to bring about internal
The sanity prevailed in general as many analysts opposed military
action. Farooq Zaman from Lahore wrote, any attempt by the US and its
allies to sabotage Irans nuclear programme and destabilize the country will
be playing with dire consequences. In such an event, terrorism that is
already on the rampage will gain more vitality and inevitably spread far
and wide
Abbas Amanat opined that confrontation wont stop from acquisition
of nuclear weapons. If the United States resorts to sanctions, or worse, to
some military response, the outcome would be not only disastrous but, in the
long run, transient And no doubt the Islamic regime will amply exploit
these collective memories to advance its nuclear program even as it stifles
voices of democratic dissent. Even more than before, Iranians will blame
outside powers for their misfortunes and choose not to focus on their own
troubled road to modernity.
If that course continues, Iran will most likely succeed, for ill or for
good, in finding its own nuclear holy grail. Legend has it that the Persian
king Hushang, an equivalent of Prometheus, introduced fire to the Iranians.
But unlike his Greek mythological counterpart, who stole it from gods, he
accidentally discovered it while fighting with a dragon.
Nicholas Blanford said, one alarming scenario gaining attention is
Irans nuclear facilities come under attack by the US or Israel, it could
inadvertently trigger a violent confrontation between Lebanons Hezbollah
and the Israeli military.
Earlier this month, Major General Amos Gilad, a senior Israeli
defence ministry official, said that while Irans main strategic arm was its
long-range Shihab-3 missiles, their second arm is Hezbollah, which has
13,000 to 14,000 rockets that threaten Israel.
Many non-Shiite Lebanese are uncomfortable with a political party
possessing weapons, saying it risks Lebanon becoming embroiled in external
conflicts. Hezbollah officials, however, say that its weapons are for the
defence of Lebanon, not Iran. Iran is capable of launching its own
retaliation, says Ahmad Malli, a member of Hezbollahs political council.
Its not logical for Iran as a regional power to ask a small organization to
attack Israel.
The domestic constraints on Hezbollah convince many analysts,
including some critics, that the party is unlikely to attack Israel in a Kneejerk reaction to a military strike against its Iranian backer However, Mr
Malli offered another scenario in which Israel launches a pre-emptive strike
against Hezbollah to degrade Tehrans retaliatory options If Israel
attacks Iran, it may well attack other targets at the same time, including
Hezbollah in Lebanon, he says. In that case, Hezbollah has the right to
defend itself and Lebanon with all possible means. Far from a theoretical
concept, Mallis scenario is one that is under serious consideration by Israel,
says Gerald Steinberg, professor of politics at Israels Bat Ilan University.
Paul Craig Roberts saw flaws in being Israel-centric. The US cannot
forever dominate the Middle East in behalf of its interests and Israels. The
US is running out of resources. The US is heavily in debt, yet continues to
hemorrhage red ink. Washington is dependent on foreigners to finance its
wars. Off shoring has diminished Americas ability to manufacture. The US
is now dependent on China for advanced technology products and on Europe
and Asia for manufactured goods.
The American middle class is beginning to experience employment
problems and income stagnation. The neocons idea that the US can patrol
Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Syria in perpetuity is insane. The Bush
regime has proven that the US cannot even occupy Baghdad.
facilities at this port will come into play in case Iran blocks the Strait
of Hormuz.
In addition, it will be used to offload US supplies. Alternately, goods
could be sent overland to the port of Jebel Ali in Dubai on the
opposite end, for further redistribution.
All the GCC countries are fully aware that a war between Iran and
the US runs counter to their national interests they are likely to be caught
in the crossfire Iran can exercise significant leverage in most of the Gulf
countries. Iranian influence has been deeply entrenched either on account of
the close ties that key power centres in Tehran maintain with the Shia
communities in this zone or because of the close economic ties that it
maintains with some of the GCC countries.
Trita Parsi, however, felt that the crisis was widening the gulf
between US and Sheikhdoms. Today, the Arab monarchies are less than
enthusiastic about putting their security solely in the hands of the United
States. With Chinas dependence on Gulf energy increasing and with the
inevitable rise of Iran, the Arabs are eyeing other alternatives.
Bush Administration feared that a common security arrangement
that included Iran could lessen the Arab states dependence on
Washington, give the leadership in Tehran undue influence and undermine
the justification for Washingtons military presence in the Gulf. Recognizing
that Iraqs defeat in 1991 provided an opportunity for it to mend fences with
Washington and reintegrate itself into the regions political order, Iran
aggressively pushed for a common security system that could end the
perpetual insecurity that put a dark shadow over the energy-rich region.
Washington defined the options facing the GCC to seek a Middle
East order with the US. By offering the GCC states bilateral security deals,
Washington preempted an inclusive Gulf security arrangement Rather
than increasing security through confidence building measures and
intensified and sustained diplomacy, the Arabs armed themselves to the teeth
with Washingtons blessing, to contain what was referred to as the Iranian
threat even though the Arabs vastly outspent Iran on arms.
For instance, the military expenditure of the United Arab Emirates,
an Arab Sheikhdom with a population of just 2.6 million, during 1994-99
was on average more than three times that of Iran, whose population
numbered 65 million
M Monshipouri and F Sadrieh mentioned some fundamental facts
and realities that are often obfuscated in the current debate. These are;
US has not been target of aggression nor has it been threatened by Iran;
leveling of unsubstantiated allegations about the threat it may represent in
the future; Irans legal right to develop its nuclear program for peaceful
purposes under NPT; and Irans energy requirements growing at 7%
They regretted that Irans multiple security concerns are ignored.
First, Iran is not a member of any regional security pact. Second, the US
presence in the region has increased Irans sense of urgency for acquiring
some form of strategic deterrence. Finally, the talk of regime change
through military force further alienates Irans leaders.
Ahmedinejads letter had conveyed Iranian viewpoint to Bush
directly. All prophets, Ahmedinejad wrote, referring explicitly to Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Them), speak of peace and
tranquility for man. Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and
abide by these principles, that are monotheism, worship of God, respect for
the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we could overcome the present
problems of the World? Will you not accept this invitation?
After reproducing the extracts from the letter, Patrick Seale wrote,
little wonder, that the Iranian presidents letter has caused bewilderment,
even alarm, among Bushs advisers and colleagues, more used to talking
the language of force not philosophy.
Are you still saying that the Holocaust is just a myth, asked the
panel; and Nejad said, I will only accept something as truth if I am actually
convinced of it. In reply to the argument that no Western scholars harbour
any doubt, he replied, there are two opinions on this in Europe. One group
of scholars or persons, most of them politically motivated, say the Holocaust
occurred. Then there is the group of scholars who represent the opposite
position and have therefore been imprisoned for the most part. Hence, an
impartial group has to come together to investigate and to render an opinion
on this very important subject, because the clarification of this issue will
contribute to the solution of global problems. Under the pretext of the
Holocaust, a very strong polarization has taken place in the world and
fronts have been formed. It would therefore be very good if an international
and impartial group looked into the matter in order to clarify it once and for
Der Spiegel inquired as to which researchers Nejad meant. You
would know this better than I; you have the list. There are people from
England, from Germany, France and from Austria. The panel presumed and
named some who have been prosecuted and punished for denying the
Nejad added, the mere fact that my comments have caused such
strong protests, although I am not a European, and also the fact that I have
been compared with certain persons in German history indicates how
charged with conflict the atmosphere for research is in your country.
Here in Iran you need not worry.
Today the Germans are ashamed but they cannot do anything for
deeds of their fathers and grandfathers. Nejad asked; how can a person who
wasnt even alive at the time be held legally responsible? Why is such a
burden heaped on the German people? The German people of today bear no
guilt. Why are the crimes of one group emphasized so greatly, instead of
highlighting the great German cultural heritage? Why should the Germans
not have the right to express their opinion freely?
The panel insisted that it knew the German history and the crimes
committed by Third Reich in the German name. We have owned these,
which is a great achievement. Are you also prepared to tell that to the
German people, asked Nejad. We do that, was the reply. Then would you
also permit an impartial group to ask the German people whether it shares
your opinion? No people accept its humiliation.
The panel accepted that there are right-wing Germans who are antiSemitic, but xenophobic and we consider them a threat. Let me ask you one
thing: how much longer do you think the German people have to accept
being taken hostage by the Zionists? When will that end in 20, 50, 1,000
The panel was clearly irritated, but boasted of being critical and
independent; and stood by the protest against questioning the existential
right of the State of Israel, where many Holocaust survivors live. Precisely
that is our point. Why should you feel obliged to the Zionists? If there really
had been a Holocaust, Israel ought to be located in Europe, not in Palestine.
Der Spiegel argued that it amounted to resettling a whole people 60
years after the end of the war. Five million Palestinians have not had a
home for 60 years. It is amazing really: You have been paying reparations
for the Holocaust for 60 years and will have to keep paying up for another
100 years. Why then is the fate of the Palestinians no issue here?
The panel claimed that the West was helping to bring peace in the
region and asked, dont you share that responsibility? Yes, but aggression,
occupation and a repetition of the Holocaust wont bring peace. What we
want is a sustainable peace. This means that we have to tackle the root of the
problem. I am pleased to note that you are honest people and admit that you
are obliged to support the Zionists. That is not what we said. Nejad replied
that you did mention Israelis.
Der Spiegel rubbed the issue to convey to its readers that Nejad
vehemently denied Holocaust. This exercise was aimed at demonizing the
Iranian leader. The panel then came to the nuclear issue and the West seeing
it as threat. Some groups in the West enjoy calling things or people a
threat. Of course youre free to make your own judgment, replied Nejad.
The key question is that do you want nuclear weapons for your
country, asked the panel bluntly. Allow me to encourage a discussion on the
following question: How long do you think the world can be governed by
the rhetoric of a handful of Western powers? Whenever they hold
something against someone, they start spreading propaganda and lies,
defamation and blackmail. How much longer can that go on?
The panel argued that Irans neighbouring country feared that Iran was
very keen to build the bomb. Is it true? Nejad gave an indirect reply, while
insisting that under NPT Iran, like any other country, has the legal right to
acquire nuclear technology. Iran has had an excellent cooperation with
IAEA. We have had more than 2,000 inspections of our plants, and the
inspectors have obtained more than 1,000 pages of documentation from us.
Their cameras are installed in our nuclear centres. IAEA has emphasized in
all its reports that there are no indications of any irregularities in Iran. The
panel said IAEA doesnt quite share your view of this matter.
While replying to the key question, Nejad repeated his previous
assertions. In our view, the legal system whereby a handful of countries
force their will on the rest of the world is discriminatory and unstable. He
added that countries possessing nuclear weapons use their atomic
weapons to threaten other peoples. And it is these powers who say that
they are worried about Iran deviating from the path of peaceful use of atomic
What these powers say is that the Iranians must not complete the
nuclear fuel cycle because deviation from peaceful use might then be
possible. What we say is that these countries themselves have long deviated
from peaceful usage. These powers have no right to talk to us in this manner.
This order is unjust and unsustainable.
The panel pointed out that the world would become very dangerous if
Iran and other countries build bombs in a crisis-ridden region. We are
fundamentally opposed to the expansion of nuclear weapons arsenals.
This is why we have proposed the formation of an unbiased organization and
the disarmament of the nuclear powers. We dont need any weapons. Were
civilized, cultured people, and our history shows that we have never attacked
another country.
The panel became sarcastic by saying that Iran doesnt need the bomb
that it wants to build. I stress once again, we dont need any nuclear
weapons. We stand by our statements because were honest and act
legally. Were no fraudsters. We only want to claim our legitimate right.
Incidently, I never threatened any one that, too, is part of the propaganda
machine that you have got running against me. Would you like to assure
that no one should fear that Iran would use nuclear weapons, the panel
asked. Allow me to say two things. No people in the region are afraid of us.
And no one should instill fear in these peoples.
We believe that if the United States and these two or three European
countries did not interfere, the peoples in this region would live
peacefully together as they did in thousands of years before. In 1980, it was
also the nations of Europe and the United States that encouraged Saddam
Hussein to attack us.
After the announcement that the US was willing for direct talks with
Iran, Jackson Diehl wrote, most Iranians Ive spoken to, fervently desire
from the United States: not the tactical talks offered last week by Secretary
of state Condoleezza Rice but strategic recognition of Iran as a great
civilization and a regional power that must be treated, like China as a stakeholder in global affairs.
There was nothing new to add to the list of effects created by the
ongoing crisis, except the US willingness to direct negotiations with Iran.
But before discussing the prospects of talks, some comments on one of the
outcomes already identified in Part-I, which Putin denied by saying, no
return to Cold War with the West.
The Guardian rejected the possibility of revival of Cold war. Much of
what Mr Putin said was about domestic issues, calling for investment to
boost growth and measures to reverse a declining birth rate. But it was his
dismissive riposte to the US vice-president, Dick Cheney, which attracted
most attention.
Nostalgics apart, no one believes that Russia has any real claim to
be the global titan it once was, though it is still a nuclear-armed, vetowielding member of the UN Security Council and thus a key player on
issues like Iran. But its oil and gas reserves have given it a clout it could
only dream of in the dying days of the Soviet Union, as Mr Putin recognizes
with his use of the term energy superpower.
The Putin-Cheney exchanges hardly constitute a new cold war, as
some claim, though there is a distinct nip in the summer air. It seems
certain to be felt at the G8 summit in St Petersburg in July, when Mr Putin is
hoping for progress on Russias bid to join the World Trade Organization
For whats going on these days is now fairly clear and fairly alarming.
Nicolas K Gvosdev opined that the impression of revival of Cold War
has been created by the public opinion in Russia which is critical of
Americas unilateralism. Opinion polls suggest that more than 60 percent
of Russians see the United States as having a negative influence in the
world; more than half believe that the United States is unfriendly to Russia.
And although many Americans comfort themselves with the illusion that
these figures must be weighted in favour of the elderly with Cold War hangups, the reality is that it is the young, college-educated elites in Moscow and
St Petersburg Russias wealthiest and most liberal cities who are the
bastion of anti-US sentiment in the country.
Survey data indicate that by a 2-to-1 margin, Russians believe the
economic benefits of selling arms to Iran outweigh preserving good relations
with the United States. More than 60 percent do not share the view that Iran
endangers the security of Russia, and more than 80 percent agree with the
proposition that Iran has drawn American ire not because of Tehran poses a
general threat to global peace and security but because Iran frustrates
American ambitions for the region.
In fact, it is difficult to conceive of any Putin foreign-policy decision
of the last several years that would have been reversed by a more
democratically accountable Russian government. Eighty-nine percent of
the people, for example, oppose any participation of Russian forces in
any American-led coalition in Iraq.
Ayman el-Amir attributed this strong anti-US public opinion to
Americas so-called war on terror in general and occupation of Iraq in
particular. Russia has been groping its way back to global power since it
recovered from the 1998 financial crisis in which it defaulted on its foreign
debt obligations and tipped international markets into a downward spin.
It was not until the unilateral invasion of Iraq by the US and UK that
Russian strategic interests in the Middle East were seriously threatened.
Not only was the former Soviet Union fragmented and many of its republics
lured into Western political and economic institutions, but the warm waters
of the Mediterranean became forbidding, and former allies along its
coastline and beyond estranged.
The US became the dominant power in the Middle East, with
unprecedented hegemony over politics, oil resources, intelligence, and
military facilities. But while the invasion of Iraq and its consequences
excluded a Russian role, the dispute over Irans nuclear activities did
not. Historical relations and strategic interests between the two neighbouring
countries, including Russias commitment to building two nuclear reactors in
Iran, give it a central role in the running dispute.
As a key player in the Middle East problem, sidelined by the US after
the Camp David agreements, Russia has won accolades within the Hamasled Palestinian government when it offered $ 10 million in emergency
assistance just as the US and its Western allies were trying to strangle it. As a
member of the Middle East Quartet Russia is playing moderating role to
counterbalance the unqualified support the US lends Israel.
confrontation that Iran simply cannot win. After all, the issue at the heart of
this conflict is this: Who dominates the Middle East Iran or the United
States? Irans leaders underestimate the explosive nature of this issue for
the United States as a global power and thus for its own future.
So what should be done? There remains a serious chance for a
diplomatic solution if the United States, in cooperation with the Europeans
and with the support of the UN Security Council and the non-aligned states
of the Group of 77, offers Iran a grand bargain. In exchange for long-term
suspension of uranium enrichment, Iran and other states would gain access
to research and technology within an internationally defined framework and
under comprehensive supervision by the International Atomic Energy
The New York Times wrote, if things keep going as they are going
now, Iran is likely to have nuclear weapons sometime during the next
decade. Yet none of the strategies now being discussed internationally
seem likely to get Iran to change course. The incentives that Europe can
offer on its own appear too limited to tempt Iran into giving up its nuclear
plans. The mild sanctions that seem to be the most Russia and China are
willing to consider at this point are too painless to make much of an
impression. And the few military options realistically available are likely to
do more harm than good.
This bleak outlook for addressing a problem that is far too serious to
be ignored argues for exploring a radically different approach: direct
talks between Washington and Tehran in which Iran would be offered a
wide-ranging package of economic inducements and security assurances in
exchange for completely and verifiably abandoning all programs capable of
producing nuclear bomb fuel. Some Iranian officials are now seeking such
talks, yet Washington, perversely, seems uninterested.
The Bush Administrations resistance to direct talks could prove
very costly to Americas long-term interests. With Irans uranium
enrichment programs moving forward, time is not on Washingtons side.
Direct talks with Iran may fail to produce an acceptable agreement. But by
testing Irans willingness to bargain seriously, America could put itself in a
far stronger diplomatic position to seek more effective international
sanctions later Unless the Bush Administration eases its stubborn
opposition to direct talks, it is hard to see what is going to stop the eventual
emergence of a nuclear-armed Iran.
Patrick Seale asked what if Iran rejects the package. The six powers
will be at odds over what to do next. Unlike the US and its European
allies, China and Russia are firmly opposed to any talk of sanctions at this
stage, arguing that this is a matter for the UN Security Council alone to
The US seems to have put a damper on its earlier bellicose discourse.
US officials no longer refer to Iran as a rogue state or as the central banker
of terrorism. This is a small but important sign of greater realism in
American hardliners represented by pro-Israeli neocons as well as by
such a powerful figure as Vice President Dick Cheney are by no means
convinced of the usefulness of talks with Tehran. They want to isolate and
overthrow the Iranian regime, not to embrace it.
They argue that if Iran were allowed to continue nuclear activity,
even only on laboratory scale, it must eventually acquire the knowledge to
build nuclear weapons and would therefore challenge American and Israeli
hegemony in the region.
Iranian hardliners and they include Ahmedinejad himself fear
that if a dialogue with Washington resulted in a thaw in relations, it could
open the suppressed floodgates of pro-American sentiment in Iran that might
eventually sweep the whole theocratic regime from power.
Some observers of Washington politics believe the offer was
designed to fail, so as to demonstrate Irans intransigence and therefore
open the way for harsh international pressures. Perhaps the real obstacle to
talks is Americas insistence on limiting them to Irans nuclear ambitions.
Hamid Ansari saw no reason for optimism. He said that the design of
the grand bargain has to be viewed in the context of background in
which the United States (a) refused in principle to engage with Iran; (b) tried
to impose conditions through EU3 and in the process moved goal posts; (c)
sought to re-write the NPT and move its own red line: from a denial to Iran
of nuclear weaponry to a denial, first, of enrichment and then, of research
and knowledge itself.
Hillel Fradkin visualized the same, but he opined that it would be
because of Iran. Once a formal offer is made, will Iran agree to our
condition and enter direct talks? Not likely. First, Iran isnt tempted by the
carrots Nor is it frightened by the sticks But the most important
reason is the great value Iran, and in particular Ahmedinejad, sees in the
The preceding confirms the conclusions drawn in Part I. The
Crusaders are demonizing Irans quest for peaceful nuclear technology
driven by anti-Muslim sentiment. It may be noted that North Korea is
reported to be far ahead of Iran in its programme to possess nuclear
weapons, yet America has avoided confrontation with blatant proliferators.
The logic behind the double standard on nuclear proliferation is that
North Korea, with or without nuclear weapons, poses no threat to Israel, but
Iran, again with or without the forbidden weapons, is taken as serious threat.
Therefore, it can be inferred that anti-Iran sentiment is being fanned by
lobbies working for the Jewish cause.
It is premature to draw any conclusion about revival of Cold War. No
big power is inclined to indulge in such a wasteful confrontation. However,
Russia and China, encouraged by the prevalent anti-West feeling all over the
world, seem willing to oppose Americas unilateralism and hegemonic
The US willingness to hold talks with Iran is a significant
development which took place during the period. This has come as the result
of realization that America may be capable of biting, chewing and even
swallowing big chunks, but not necessarily digesting those, which is all
It is not aimed at any compromise on the issue. Bush has agreed to
direct talks with the intent to ensure dialogues failure and then blaming Iran
for that. To this end he has laid down such demands which make the very
purpose of dialogue redundant.
In other words, it is not the change of heart or altering of the goals. It
is modification of the strategy to first impose UN approved sanctions and
then prepare grounds for military action/regime change. The revision of
strategy was necessitated by the prevalent situation which is not conducive
for opening another militarily active front.
Nevertheless, the Crusaders, by increasing tension with Iran, have
succeeded in diverting world attention away from Iraq, Afghanistan and
Palestine. It has also convinced the rulers of the Arab World that their
security rests in aligning their interests with those of the US.
The argument of Gulf News and many others which says that Israels
nuclear arsenal be preferably abolished, but Irans intention of possessing
nuclear bombs puts undue stress on the region, spoke of the disunity of
Muslim World. The disunity, at times leading to hostility towards each other,
makes the task of the Crusaders easier.
remote location in Diyala province near its capital, Baqouba. The occupation
forces wasted no time in nominating his successor, Abu Ayyub al-Masri.
It was reported that information collected by Jordan during
interrogation of al-Qaeda suspects and provided to US forces along with
video tapes of the deceased helped in pin-pointing the location of the
monster. Next day, curfew was clamped in Baghdad and Baqouba as
preventive measure against retaliatory attacks by the insurgents.
We tell our prince, Sheikh bin Laden, your soldiers in al-Qaeda in
Iraq will continue along the same path that you set out for Abu Musab alZarqawi, said a statement on an Islamist Website. The death of our leaders
is life for us and only makes us more determined to continue the jihad In
the town of Zarqa, Zarqawis relatives mourned his death as a loss to Islam
and prayed for 1,000 Zarqawis to fight the Americans in his place.
On 9th June, al-Qaeda threatened to avenge Zarqawis killing.
Websites devoted to al-Qaeda and other jihadist causes were flooded with
messages of support for the organization and pledges to continue the fight.
World media saw no end to war.
I want to assure the Muslims across the world that we will not stop
our struggle against crusaders in Afghanistan, said Mulla Omar, nobody
knew Zarqawi three years back, but his struggle against US invaders made
him an important leader of the resistance movement.
US General denied that Zarqawi was beaten to death by US soldiers.
He died while American soldiers were attempting to save his life. Next day,
the result of DNA test was reported as positive. Within four days after
Zarqawis death, Bush gained two points in approval ratings.
Al-Qaeda announced through Internet that Abu Hamza al-Muhajir will
succeed Zarqawi. The decision was made by the Shura Council of the
Mujahideen, a coalition of six Sunni insurgency groups. Muhajir was among
the circle of people who knew Zarqawi well and who had worked with him
closely since 2001. He is of the same age as Zarqawi.
His nationality was not established. He worked with bin Laden and
lived with him in Sudan until 1995. After that, he moved to Peshawar and
then to Afghanistan, before settling in Iraq with Zarqawi in 2001. Since
2003, he has been in charge of recruiting young Arabs into al-Qaeda and
served as chief of al-Qaeda intelligence in the Middle East and North Africa.
Muhajir has no picture or identity. He is like a ghost.
Loud applause broke out as al-Maliki told a news conference in
Baghdad that al-Zarqawi was eliminated. America, Britain and Australia
hailed the killing. Bush claimed that it is a severe blow to al-Qaeda and it is
a significant victory in the war on terror. But, he added, we have tough
days ahead of us in Iraq that will require the continuing patience of the
American people.
During the press briefing, Zalmay Khalilzad could not control his
feeling of elation over significant victory He termed it as good omen. The
death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi marks a great success for Iraq and the
global war on terror.
Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Bahram Saleh said, Zarqawi represents
the evil of terrorism and he has been responsible for death and mayhem
against the people of Iraq. Having him killed, we have achieved an
important victory.
Maj General Rashid Fulyah, head of Iraqi commandos said: He is an
evil man responsible for killing many Iraqis and this will end the doubt in
Iraqi peoples minds that the Americans knew where Zarqawi was, but
didnt stop him. Iraqi police in Sadr City celebrated the killing by firing in
the air. Pakistans Foreign Office spokesperson termed it a significant
development and said, we are also watching the developments
The Washington Post wrote that Zarqawis killing is a big gain for the
US mission in Iraq and the countys new government, the more so because it
comes at a critical moment. With one airs tike, US forces deprived Iraqs
insurgency diverse and fragmented though it is of its sole widely
recognized leader, probably its biggest fundraiser and recruiter, and the
organizer of some of the most spectacular and demoralizing attacks
Los Angeles Times said, there can be little argument that the death of
Zarqawi, who was killed when an Air Force jet dropped two bombs on his
house about 30 miles north of Baghdad, is the best military news from
Iraq since the capture of Saddam Hussein 2 years ago. And Iraqs
leaders are now in a better position to capitalize on the development than
they were in December 2003.
It added, from a practical standpoint, Zarqawis killing removes the
insurgencys most renowned leader. By all accounts, the head of al-Qaeda in
Iraq was an effective terrorist The New York Times wrote, it is good
news for Washington, and even better news for Iraq, that the Jordanian
Robert Fisk did not find any reason for rejoicing. What a sigh of
relief there must have been in Washington that Zarqawi was dead and not
captured, He might have told the truth. Why? This shall be seen little
He added, that the intelligence services of King Abdullah of Jordan
descendant of the monarch whom Sir Winston Churchill plopped off to the
Hashmite throne might have located Zarqawis safe house in Baqouba
was a suitably ironical act. The man who believed in caliphates had struck
at the kingdom killing 60 innocents in three hotels and the old colonial
world had struck back.
Lawrence Wright looked at it from a different angle. Those quietly
celebrating the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi last week, no doubt, were
Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leaders of al-Qaeda, who
have watched their nominal ally wreck the standing of their organization
among Muslims around the world.
Arab World also expressed it feelings. Gulf News wrote, it was a
great day for Iraq. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead. The man responsible for
the death of thousands of Iraqis and who almost single handedly sparked a
civil war was killed on Wednesday. On the same day of this announcement,
Prime Minister Nouri al-Malikis government managed to overcome
sectarian differences to fill the vacant important security posts the ministers
of defence, interior and national security.
Sami Moubayed was not inclined to call it as success of the
Crusaders. While the US is basking in Zarqawis death, as is the United
Kingdom, it should not be forgotten that they were not the only ones after
his blood. He added, Jordanian intelligence wanted him. So did Maliki, the
Iraqi Kurds and the Mehdi Army of Moqtada al-Sadr, the rebel Shiite cleric.
So did the Badr Brigade of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution
in Iraq (SCIRI), a leading Shiite organization. So did Iran. So did Saudi
Arabia. So did the average Iraqi citizen.
In Pakistan, the Speaker of National Assembly forbade offering
Fateh for Zarqawi. But, tens of thousands of people attended the ghaibana
funeral prayers in Lahore led by Hafiz Muhammad Saeed of Jamatud
Daawa. He said forces fighting against US occupation of Iraq would unite
more than before and continue fighting till the ouster of Americans from
their land.
Kamran Shafi preferred to take on Khalilzad to express the popular
sentiment. As the Associated Press put it, the US Ambassador to Iraq
clapping like a school-boy who has just won the balance-the-egg-on-thespoon race and beaming from ear to ear while standing next to Iraqs new
prime minister.
The western media in unison shifted the entire blame on Zarqawi
for Shia-Sunni bloodletting. The Washington Post wrote, although al-Qaeda
in Iraq makes up only a part of the Iraqi insurgent, it has been the
organization most intent on fomenting sectarian war between Sunnis and
Shiites; the elimination of its leader will surely contribute to stanching the
civil conflict.
The Star said, in what now appears to be his last audiotape, he
unleashed a torrent of slurs against Shiites, hopefully revealing to a great
many Iraqi Sunnis that his real purpose was not their welfare but rather their
cousins subjugation and extermination.
The analysts from the West, generally, had the same view. Jonathan
Steele termed him as self-styled leader of the al-Qaeda in Iraq. Though
attracted to Iraq by the magnet of the occupation, he was seen the architect
of a terror campaign that had nothing to do with the real insurgency. It
was designed to provoke chaos and civil war. An extreme Sunni
fundamentalist who believed Shias were not true Muslims, he and his group
had increasingly turned to attacks on Shia targets.
For months there were signs that his vicious carnage was alienating
many Iraqi Sunni leaders. As a result, Zarqawi was forced to agree not to
disrupt last Decembers election for a new Iraqi government since Sunnis
wanted to take part.
His ultra-radicalism earned him rebukes from within al-Qaeda
itself. Ayman al-Zawahiri, its deputy leader, wrote him a letter last summer
warning of the risk of losing popular support, questioning the wisdom of
attacks on ordinary Shias, and denouncing the videos of hostagebeheadings.
Zarqawi was reminded that the Taliban failed to broaden political
base and fell largely for that reason. He was also told to remember that
resistance in Iraq cannot be led by non-Iraqis and that he should therefore
defer to local feeling a reflection of the need to understand national pride
that applies more strongly to the Americans and the British.
Zarqawi and other foreign jihadis were always minority within the
resistance. Outsiders have never exceeded 10 per cent of the numbers of
fighters and suspected insurgents killed or detained by the occupation and
Iraqi forces. Clearly, Zarqawi had Iraqi allies, and had an influence on
inciting suicide bombings.
Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon wrote, in Iraq, his efforts to set
off sectarian conflict have succeeded with a barbaric efficiency. Although
his band of foreign fighters represented a small percentage of the insurgents
in Iraq, the truth is that their violence drove the insurgency especially
the large-scale attacks like that on the Golden Mosque in Samarra in
Indeed, Mr Zarqawis violence was so vicious and indiscriminate
killing so many Muslims it created what some experts call the Zarqawi
effect: a Muslim repugnance at the jihadist movement that has probably
turned more of his co-religionists away from radicalism than Americas
democratization campaign.
David W Brannan was of the view that Zarqawi was credited with
recruiting fighters from Jordan and Palestinian territories and other lands,
previously unconcerned with Iraq(but) Zarqawi was both a leader of
and a problem for al-Qaeda in Iraq.
Al-Qaedas international leadership Egyptian-born Ayman Zawahiri
and Saudi native Osama bin Laden wanted to rein in Zarqawis vicious and
savage attacks, including the videotaped beheadings of some of his victims.
Zarqawi was truly terrorizing but even the al-Qaeda leadership felt his
brutality against fellow Muslims was counterproductive to their greater
goal of defeating the West.
In addition, the horrific nature of Zarqawis snuff file made it more
difficult for his foreign jihadists to maintain a working relationship with
other Sunni insurgents led by former Hussein supporters and Sunni tribal
leaders in al-Anbar province
This antipathy by the Sunni leadership toward Zarqawi forced the
Jordanian to leave al-Anbar and relocate to Diyala province, north of
Baghdad, where he was killed Wednesday. This hostility also might explain
why the US received a tip from Iraqis about Zarqawis whereabouts.
Patrick Cockburn observed, his chosen instrument was the suicide
bomber, usually recruited from outside the country. Their targets were
almost invariably Shia young men desperate to work, lining up for jobs as
policemen or soldiers. Very few of the US soldiers killed in Iraq have died
at the hands of al-Zarqawis men He was an embarrassment to the
resistance itself, said Ghassan al-Attiyah, an Iraqi commentator. They
never liked him taking all the limelight
Lawrence Wright opined that he started targeting Shias to awaken
the Sunnis by dragging the Shia into the arena of sectarian war
Zarqawis method, which was to target the people who could turn Iraq into a
functioning society teachers, doctors, courageous political thinkers He
pioneered a new mode of communication; videotaping the beheading and
releasing them.
He added that only a few months earlier Zawahiri had congratulated
Zarqawi for overseeing more than eight hundred suicide operations,
claiming; this is what has broken the back of America in Iraq, but,
Zarqawis obsession with the Shia led Zawahiri to write a letter to him
last July. Why were there attacks on Shia? Zawahiri demanded. Can the
Mujahideen kill all the Shia in Iraq? Has any Islamic state in history ever
tried that? He also said that the gruesome scenes of execution should stop.
His strategy was different from Osama, but both wanted to establish
Islamic governments in Muslim countries and supported Muslim freedom
movements. Some experts thought that Zarqawi was the herald of a new
generation of terrorist whose roots were in street crime, not in Islamic
This proved an invaluable tool for the Pentagons massive psyop campaign against the American people, which was successful in
sufficiently obscuring reality and defusing rising public concerns about what
many experts have termed the full-blown FUBAR in Iraq until after the
2004 elections.
However, in the last year, even the reputed presence of a big stoking
al-Qaeda be header guy roaming at will across the land has not prevented a
catastrophic drop in support for President Bush in general and the war in
Iraq in particular.
With the Zarqawi theme thus producing diminishing returns, the
Administration has had another stroke of unexpected luck with his
reputed sudden demise. Moreover, the fact that Zarqawi was killed in a
military action means that Mr Bush will not have to cough up the $ 25
millionthe money will now be given to Mr Bushs favourite charity
His death came as no real surprise. After all, approximately 376 of
his top lieutenants had been killed or captured by Coalition forces in the
past three years, according to press reports, and some 5,997 lower-ranking
al-Qaeda terrorists have been killed in innumerable operations during the
same period, according to Pentagon press releases.
With the widespread, on-going, much publicized discrimination of
his group, Zarqawi had obviously been rendered isolated and ineffective
except of course for the relentless series of high-profile terrorist spectaculars
he kept carrying out, according to other Pentagon press releases.
News of the reputed rub-out brought bipartisan praise. This
enormous victory in the War on Terror is due entirely to the courage and
wisdom of the president, squealed Senate Majority Leader Lick Spittle of
Tennessee. He has seen us through when so many of the flag-burning
destroyers of marriage wanted to cut and run. I think this president is the
best president the world has ever seen, and if I am ever fortunate enough to
be chosen as president by the American people minus the three million or so
whose votes will be discarded, lost, inadvertently mangled or just ignored, of
course I promise Ill be a president just like him.
Before the war, Zarqawi and his band of non-Iraqi Islamic extremists
had camp in northern Iraq, in territory controlled by American-backed
Kurdish forces, who had wrested it from the hands of Saddam Hussein. US
Special Forces, CIA agents and other American personnel had a free hand to
operate there; indeed, anti-Saddam Iraqi exiles held open meetings in the
territory, safe from the reach of the dictator.
at the American voter. It was intent on hammering in the message that the
invasion of Iraq was a reasonable response to the 9/11 attacks
In an increasingly anti-American Arab World hostility from the US
made it easy for al-Zarqawi develop his own organization and finance it.
With change of name to al-Qaedas Organization in Iraq, it became a
powerful force.
Eric S Matgolis dug out more details. Zarqawi will be dead soon,
two of his disgruntled Jordanian supporters told me last March. He will be
betrayed by his own men. Thats likely what happened, contrary to US
reports of having tracked down Iraqs most-wanted militant. Tipped off that
al-Zarqawi was in the safe house outside the city of Baqouba, US aircraft
bombed it, killing him, and some other yet unidentified occupants.
Zarqawi, who had been a member of a mainly Kurdish anti-Saddam
militant group, set up his own small radical organization. After invasion of
Iraq, he claimed it al-Qaeda in Iraq. This deception was enhanced by
faked letters supposedly intercepted by US forces claiming to show
Zarqawi was part of al-Qaeda and acting under bin Ladens direct orders.
The real al-Qaeda was most displeased by Zarqawis brazen
trademark infringement Osama bin Laden and his deputy, Dr Ayman alZawahiri, repeatedly criticized Zarqawis bloody attacks on Muslim
civilians, his kidnapping, and gruesome decapitations of hostages as unIslamic.
Iraqs 20-odd resistance groups battling US-British occupation also
strongly denounced Zarqawis murderous car and truck bombing rampages
aimed at igniting a civil war between Sunnis, Shia and Kurds. Numerous
Iraqi resistance leaders and some Arab media even claimed Zarqawi and
his henchmen were covert agents provocateurs working for the US and
Britain to stir up ethnic tensions as part of Britains old divide and rule
techniques This sounded far-fetched until the arrest in Basra of British
SAS commandos armed with explosives and disguised as Arabs, leading
many to believe Zarqawis men were western double agents.
Ironically, the only people who may miss him are the Bush
Administrations pro-war neoconservatives. Zarqawi played a major
starring role in US propaganda efforts to convince credulous Americans that
the Bush Administration launched an unprovoked invasion of oil-rich Iraq
as the central front in the war on terrorism.
Robert Fisk wrote, because Zarqawi met Bin Laden in 2002 and then
took up residence in a squalid valley in northern IraqMessrs Bush and
Blair concocted the fable that this proved the essential link between the
Beast of Baghdad and the international crimes against humanity The date
on which this fictitious alliance was proclaimed was February 5, 2003. The
location of the lie was the United Nations Security Council and the man who
uttered it was the then Secretary of State, Colin Powell.
Sidney Blumenthal said, since the rise of the Iraqi insurgency, US
military intelligence has been directed to build up Zarqawis profile as its
leader through a psychological warfare (psyop) effort One military
intelligence officer involved stated that Zarqawis followers were a very
small part of the actual numbers of insurgents, but this had little bearing on
the programme.
The Washington Post supported official US line on al-Qaeda link
with Saddam Hussein, despite the fact that most analysts have rejected that
and rightly so. Mr Powell noted that in May 2002, Zarqawi traveled to
Baghdad for medical treatment and spent two months recuperating there:
during this stay, nearly two dozen extremists converged on Baghdad and
established a base of operation there. These al-Qaeda affiliates, based in
Baghdad, now coordinate the movement of people, money and supplies into
and throughout Iraq for his network, and they have now been operating
freely in the capital for more than eight months.
Indeed, a careful reading of the section of the report dealing with prewar intelligence (much of it blacked out for intelligence reasons) suggests
that the Zarqawi connection was just one of many reports of links between
Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda that US intelligence devoted considerable
time to investigating in the years leading up to the war.
Noam Chomsky, without indulging in debate over Saddams link with
al-Qaeda, held US responsible for spread of terrorism. Hes had a horrible
role that was basically created by the Iraq invasion, which we cant escape
responsibility for the invasion was an enormous stimulant for terrorism, as
was anticipated.
Experts disagreed on possible effects of Zarqawis killing, but
majority said violence would outlive the fallen resistance leader. Kamran
Shafi said, those who live by the sword die by the sword and all that. But
will Zarqawis death bring to an end the murder and the mayhem let loose in
Iraq ever since that country was assaulted by the United States and Britain
for no good reason at all? Or will it be Zarqawi is dead, long live Zarqawi
as another, then another, takes his place? The latter, I am afraid
The dilemma now is that with that come expectations that the
insurgency will dissipate. I dont think it will happen, it will continue,
said Ranstrop. Of course, its not enough, agreed Rosemary Hollis, Middle
East specialist at British think tank Chatham House. It reminds me of when
Saddam Hussein was captured, she said, adding people had feared the Iraqi
dictator would come back, but it didnt bring an end to the insurgency.
Syed Saleem Shahzad wrote, Zarqawis killing could be blessing for
the Iraqi resistance, in which his notoriously awkward personality was a
problem: he resisted strict orders from the al-Qaeda leadership to reconcile
differences between Sunnis and Shiites. In fact, he did his best to
exacerbated sectarian strife.
The New York Times observed, as American discovered earlier, after
Saddam Husseins two sons were killed and the Iraqi dictator himself was
arrested, it will take far more than the elimination of a handful of iconic
leaders to stem the tide of the Iraqi insurgency and reverse the countrys
alarming slide into civil war.
Indian Express had similar views. Just as Saddam Husseins capture
at the end of 2003 did not put an end to the Iraqi insurgency, it is by no
means clear that the killing of al-Zarqawi would break the back of the
opposition in Iraq. No one is denying the centrality of al-Zarqawi in
organizing the terror attacks, kidnappings and beheadings in Iraq in the last
couple of years.
David W Brannan said that it will have little or no effect on the
insurgency An al-Qaeda Website has already declared him a martyr. New
leadership has likely stepped into place and is probably planning the next
attacks on Iraqi Shiites and coalition forces.
His glorious martyrdom at American hands will probably prove a
potent recruitment tool for the fighters he trained The overarching
problem is that death and martyrdom are all that any al-Qaeda man wants, so
Zarqawi may be as effective in death at inspiring terrorist acts as he was
in life In fact, his death could motivate the insurgency in the same way
that the 1995 assassination of Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Fathi Shiqiqi
proved a recruitment tool for Palestinians.
The foreign fighters in Iraq are not likely to go home because their
leader has been slain. His death could actually make it easier for them to
form partnerships with the Sunni insurgent groups who disliked Zarqawis
Eric S Matgolis wrote, Zarqawis death may mean a lessening of
murderous attacks on Shia civilians, but is unlikely to take the heat of USBritish occupation forces. In fact his death might even promote better
Sunni-Shia relations, allowing for the emergence of a more independentminded Iraqi government that could increasingly reject Washingtons neartotal guidance.
Assassinating Zarqawi will give Bush a short-lived bump in the polls.
But in the longer run, killing him was perhaps not such a great idea. For the
US, Zarqawi was far more useful alive. Iraqis, however, will be
universally better off.
The News opined that his death is unlikely to bring peace, stability or
democracy to Iraq any time soon. In fact, the number of attacks against the
US-led occupying forces may well rise, in retaliation for his death. The daily
newspaper then pointed towards the reasons as to why his death will have
no affect on insurgency.
Then the question becomes: what causes the Zarqawis of this world
to be born? The stock answer will be: US policies on the Middle East,
Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq the Islamic World in general and specifically
Iraqs invasion If America is indeed such a champion of peace and
democracy and wants to bring these good things to the Middle East, it
should leave Iraq as soon as it can and impress upon its various allies in the
region to undertake serious political and social reforms.
Sidney Blumenthal wrote, in a new documentary, Meeting
Resistance, insurgents explain their motives and actions, from the first days
of insurgency until now. I began to see somethingthat we had become an
occupied country, says one. Some express their hostility in 2004 to
Zarqawi as an obstacle to unity against the occupation but not as an
impediment to the insurgencys popular growth. Whether Zarqawi is
captured dead or alive has no impact, says an insurgent.
Jonathan Steele wrote, in a country occupied by foreign troops and
where the government is not perceived as independent, the most powerful
source of that support is nationalism. The occupiers are the insurgents
best recruiting tool.
Nasim Zehra said that resistance groups believe that they would
force the America Satan to redraw its steps in the Muslim World, they
would battle for the soul of Islam, they would capture the state and
implement true Islam, they would impose a global morality based on their
belief system, they would help people prepare for the hereafter
She opined, the problem is not religion, it is politics. Although in
many cases the politics has also influenced the core beliefs and practices
of certain Muslim groups. However the issue still is the exposure that these
groups got through the Afghan War. Had the Christian right been used in an
Afghan-like jihad and then allowed free play within the US territory
alongside growing communism within USs bordering states, the Christian
rights militancy would have been on the rise. Hence this debate on Islam
and terrorism is misplaced. It is simplistic.
After all where was the so-called nexus between Islam and terrorism,
before the international Afghan jihad; almost nowhere. The other important
fact that flows from this first is then where do we go from here; towards
greater reason. But not without justice.
Security measures alone are inadequate. The response has to be a
multi-layered one. It has to change the context in which all this, is
continuing. Only change in this context will help to definitively deal with
the challenge of terrorism. Zarqawis departure is only an event one that
will not dent the reality that exists; that flourishes in a given context.
She had also pointed out that the invasion of Iraq and the conduct of
the US war in Iraq provided fertile ground to these groups And the
atrocities, the acute abusive behaviour of primarily the American soldiers in
Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan and Abu Ghraib and the stories of an Iraqi
version of the massacre at My-Lai, for many would justify much of what
these groups stand for.
Kamran Shafi was also of the view that the reason was the brutal
nature of war, rather than mere occupation of Iraq. There are as many
Zarqawis out there as there are instances of US high-handedness, such
as troops running wild and killing whoever comes in their way.
There are kidnappings for ransom of school children because there is
no law and order; as there are sectarian killings of innocent people because
the occupying powers foolishly gave one sect preference over the other. And
so on There is another important reason that he will be emulated by
many others. And that is the completely avoidable importance the United
States government and its Brit sidekick gave the man in death.
Lawrence Wright said, bin Laden and Zawahiri may try to return alQaeda to its more disciplined and popular incarnations, but it is Zarqawis
example that will inspire many in the new generation of jihadis. Its going
to be like Afghanistan all over again, Ali Soufan, a former FBI agent who
has interrogated dozens of al-Qaeda members, said. The difference is that
these guys are far more radical.
Sami Moubayed said that it is wrong to say that Zarqawi was the lone
driving force behind insurgency in Iraq. As the British Broadcasting Corp
reported, it is likely he (Zarqawi) has had a considerable impact in terms of
leadership, tactics and inspiration. But he was not a one-man band.
Indian Express said, the US itself has been saying that the al-Qaeda is
not a centrally controlled organization. Its loose structuring through the
independently operating cells of terrorists, it is said, has allowed it to
survive the big reverses in Afghanistan and threaten the rest of the world.
Robert Fisk wrote, they had got their man, the instigator of civil war,
the flame of sectarian hatred, the head chopper Maybe he was all these
things; or maybe not. But it will bring the war no neared to its end, not
because of the inevitable Islamic rhetoric about the thousand Zarqawis who
will take his place, but because individuals no longer control if they
ever did the inferno of Iraq.
Zarqawis demise and only al-Qaedas killers would have listened
to him, not the ex-Iraqi army officers who run the real Iraqi insurgency
will not make an iota of difference to the slaughter in Mesopotamia But
this raised another question. Will the eventual departure of Bush and Blair
provide an opportunity to end this hell/disaster? Or have the results of their
folly also taken on a life of their own, unstoppable by any political change in
Washington or London? Already we forget the way in which the same
American forces credited with Zarqawis death had proved only a few weeks
ago that he was a humbling incompetent.
Los Angeles Times said, without Zarqawi, as even President Bush
noted in the Rose Garden, the insurgency and attacks in Iraq will continue.
Without a competent government, however, there is no hope for an end
to the violence Because Zarqawi was a foreign interloper, his passing will
hardly be mourned by ordinary Iraqis quite the contrary. By the same
token, however, his removal doesnt materially alter tensions between
native Sunni and Shia factions.
Gulf News wrote, Zarqawi had been promoting a civil war in Iraq.
He almost managed to ignite a conflict when his militants bombed a Shiite
holy shrine a few months ago. The wisdom of Iraqi religious and political
leaders may have managed to contain the crisis then, but the threat remained
visible. And inter-sectarian relations have been tense ever since.
Andrew J Bacevich also quoted Shia-Sunni tensions as the reason. As
satisfying as Zarqawis elimination may be, the impact of his demise will be
slight. Zarqawi himself is not irreplaceable. Nor is al-Qaeda the primary
source of the violence that has destabilized Iraq. Sectarian divisions remain
and are the larger problem.
Jonathan Steele wrote, the amount of blood spilt in recent sectarian
assaults, particularly since the bombing of the Shrine at Samarra, is
horrendous. Killings of Sunnis by Shia militants, often linked to government
ministries, have also become rampant A cycle of violence and revenge
has been set in motion, and will not easily be reduced. So Zarqawis death
may have little impact in the short term. It will not affect the nationalist
insurgency that targets the Americans and British, and those defined as
collaborating with them.
Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon wrote, the decapitation of the
Zarqawi network may indeed diminish its effectiveness, but we should not
get our hopes too high The evil that men do live after them, said
Shakespeares Mark Anthony, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi left more than his
share. The most important lesson of his reign of terror was the mirror it held
up to our misunderstanding of the jihadist threat.
The two analysts by pointing out our misunderstanding of the jihadist
threat had stressed on the need to sell the war and Eric S Matgolis had the
answer. The Iraqi resistance is fragmented into more than a score of
shadowy groups. No single leader has yet emerged. Now that Zarqawi is
gone, the US will need to find another demonic figure with which to keep
selling the war to Americans at home and to US troops in Iraq, 75 percent
of whom still amazingly believe Saddam Hussein launched the 9/11 attacks.
Benjamin and Simon had also feared that militancy was like to
spread. Despite not having Mr bin Ladens stature, Mr Zarqawi may yet
wind up having at least as powerful an impact on the fate of nations. He
viewed Iraq as a base for destabilizing countries in the Middle East, and had
already begun exporting terrorism from Iraq The threat of a broader
conflict between Islams two largest sects now hangs over a broad swath
of the world.
rallying call that few could dispute and it spread like wildfire to wherever a
muezzin praised the name of Allah
There were few who expressed optimism that Zarqawis death
would help in controlling the insurgency; obviously Maliki had to be one of
them. This government will build on the additional momentum gained
from the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in order to defeat terrorism and
sectarianism and to deliver on the Iraqi peoples hope of a united, stable and
prosperous democracy by following a three-pronged strategy: We will draw
on the countrys untapped workforce to kick-start extensive reconstruction,
put into motion an initiative for genuine national reconciliation, and increase
the intensity and efficacy of building the military and police.
The Daily Star argued that his death has to be seen as an
opportunity to stem a wave of bloodletting so unrelenting that many long
for the days of Saddam Hussein. As head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Zarqawis
apocalyptic worldview and his savage implementation thereof made it
impossible to conceive of a scenario under which anything might bring
Sunni militants to the arena of legitimate political activities that Iraq is
trying to build. That a turning point has been reached is undeniable: What
remains to be seen is whether wiser sorts on all sides will be able to make
the most of it.
Without the presence of Zarqawi as a driving force for the
perpetual acceleration of the conflict, it might be possible to engage hardline Sunnis and convince them that their best interests lie in seeking an
acceptable compromise that would permit all Iraqis to at last put conflict
behind them and get on with the business of rebuilding their shattered
There should be no illusions about what is required. Those who have
led and participated in the insurgency are deeply committed to a vision of
Iraq that is difficult to reconcile with that promulgated by those who have
chosen to work with the occupation forces. At bottom, however, all Iraqis
must be able to agree that wiping out tens of thousands of innocent
civilians and scaring a generation of children can hardly qualify as sturdy
pillars of statesmanship.
Celebration of the victory that came in the form of Zarqawis killing
lacked the usual rejoicing in the civilized world. The Crusaders and their
allies from Muslim ruling elite might have heaved a sigh of relief. So should
have been with Osama and Zawahiri but for different reason.
Bush and Blair were conspicuous in avoiding boasting as was seen at
the time of Saddams arrest. Instead of indulging in jubilations, they talked
of testing-time ahead. It seemed that they war has taught them that killing or
capturing one man does not promise the victory.
Zarqawis group, which mostly recruited the fighters from outside
Iraq, was a small percentage of the insurgents. However, western
propaganda was able to project him as the driving force behind bloodletting
in Iraq with the aim of demonizing the insurgents as foreign terrorists.
Of course, he was ruthless in carrying out attacks on illegal
occupants of Iraq and their collaborators. He introduced the most feared
weapon of human bombs to cause shock and awe in the rank and file of
US-led coalition forces. He also targeted followers of a particular sect, not to
punish them as Shias but as collaborators of occupation forces.
Because of his ruthlessness, he was branded as criminal, the
deadliest terrorist with the sole agenda of killing innocent people. His
crimes, suicide bombings in particular, were invariably reported with the
mention of jihad, with larger aim of demonizing an entire civilization
rather than an individual.
Was he the real culprit for all the war crimes committed in Iraq? In
fact, his ruthless attacks were no match to the brutality of the Crusaders
which was inflicted in the form of collateral damage. For this reason alone,
to cover up their war crimes, the Americans had to exaggerate his evil
For his attacks targeting Shias, he was blamed for igniting civil war,
while ignoring the death squads which had been operating under supervision
of interior ministry on the behest of the occupation forces. Shia-Sunni strife
or civil war suited the occupation forces as it took focus off them. The
Crusaders also cleverly exploited the sectarian divide to their advantage
aiming at exhausting Iraqis will to fight.
He was also accused exporting terrorism to destabilize other countries
in the region. Couple of attacks in Jordan, which targeted foreigners, could
in no way destabilize the region any further which had been rocked by
invasions and occupations of two countries.
His death will not have any significant impact on the ongoing cycle of
violence. Insurgency will continue in Iraq. In fact, the Crusaders may
sponsor the spread of Shia-Sunni strife in the region as they are least pushed
about peace and stability of the Islamic World.
As regards his killing, it may be said that his elimination had become
necessary, because so many forces were hunting for him and he could fall
into anybodys hands. In such eventually the myth about the monster would
have been resolved. However, ghost of the dead monster, will keep haunting
his killers.
But, a monster has become an indispensable necessity for selling the
war. Americas psyop machine will soon invent another monster. US
commanders in Iraq had wasted no time in speculating about the new
monster likely to succeed Zarqawi.
History has to pass the verdict on many aspects of the ongoing war.
Some of these are: Whose cause is more just, moral and legal? Who
perpetrated more death and destruction? Who has committed more crimes
against humanity? In the context of resistance in Iraq, who engineered and
benefited from the fanning the sectarian strife? The prevailing perceptions,
caused by the western media, will certainly be altered drastically. Bush may
ultimately find the elusive victory and beat his enemies on all counts
enumerated above. Last, but not the least, the wisdom of the Muslim
leaders in siding with the Crusaders, may turn out to be a combination of
cowardice and stupidity.
18th June 2006
There was no let in the war for Afghan peace. Following incidents
were reported in last four weeks:
Two soldiers were killed in suicide attack near Miranshah on 28 th
May. An electricity tower in Yakaghund area near Ghalanai.
On 29th May, three children were killed in landmine blast in Bajaur
Agency. A convoy was attacked with a bomb and one civilian was
killed in retaliatory fire.
FC soldier was wounded in roadside bombing in North Waziristan on
30th May. On intervention of US military, Pakistan Army returned the
two vehicles seized from Afghan troops who had intruded into Shawal
Valley four days ago. Next day rockets were fired at a post in Wana.
On 2nd June, five army soldiers were killed and seven wounded in a
suicide attack near Bakkakhel on Frontier Region Bannu; two
attackers also perished. A sepoy of Levies was killed and a tehsildar
was wounded in bomb blast in Bajaur.
Two army soldiers were killed and two wounded in roadside bombing
in North Waziristan on 4th June and one Khassadar was killed and four
civilians wounded in retaliatory fire by artillery.
On 5th June, one soldier was killed and another wounded when
militants fired rockets at a check point in North Waziristan. Next day,
authorities foiled a terror bid in Bajaur Agency and recovered four
missiles. Thirty Afghans were arrested while crossing the border.
The Pakistan Government has also hit out directly against the US by
dismissing accusations by the Government in Kabul that it was
assisting the Taliban to launch attacks in southern Afghanistan.
President Musharraf has also lost no opportunity to show that
unbothered by US opposition to Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline;
he is determined to go ahead with the project.
The US wants Pakistan to do more in hunting al-Qaeda in tribal
areas, but Musharraf was trying to begin a reconciliation process
with the local people in Waziristan who are upset at the military
Analysts say the ties between the two countries are at their lowest
ebb since 9/11. But does this mean that President Musharraf and the US are
gradually drifting apart? Not yet, is the short answer to that. The analyst
opined that stick and carrot policy will continue for some time. American
demand for direct excess to Dr Khan was quoted as swirling of the success
and decision to sell Harpoon anti-ship missiles as the carrot. Bush
Administration wants him in the saddle, at least for now.
The Crusaders prejudices against Pakistan remained in place.
On 1 June Pakistani-American, Umer Hayat was sentenced to 16 years in
jail for lying to the FBI in a terror probe. The US House of Representatives
demanded handing over of Dr A Q Khan for interrogation about Pakistans
nuclear programme. The Senate unanimously adopted a resolution
expressing grave concern over the unwarranted demand.
been taken with technical support from the US. Despite Pakistans
sensitivity regarding external infringement in the nuclear-strategic area, the
US has been able to secure several important advances in Pakistans
cooperation in these issues, but ones that both sides remain quiet about.
Pakistan needs to be proactive, imaginative and bold A matterof-fact and well-informed debate means that the people of Pakistan are not
reduced to thinking that taking steps to better manage our own nuclear
programme and to become a responsible nuclear state within the
international community amounts to selling or compromising Pakistans
nuclear programme; a fear that has been responsible for the governments
decision to not be more open about the steps taken to safeguard our nuclear
programme and to promote non-proliferation.
Sana Farooq from Rawalpindi opined, Pakistans principled stand
on Irans nuclear programme and Pak-Iran gas pipeline go against US
interests, hence the pressure tactic in the form of calls to reopen the AQ
Khan case In no case the people of Pakistan will allow foreigners direct
access to AQ Khan. It is hoped US lawmakers get the message loud and
The worth of composite dialogue was amply indicated by three
events during the period. On 28th May, Pakistan mulled seeking NAM
support on the ongoing dialogue with India, reported Mariana Baabar. On 6 th
June, Foreign Office spokesperson expressed disappointment over slow pace
of composite dialogue. Two days later, Kasuri discussed Indo-Pak ties with
visiting ex foreign minister, Sinha. This could only be termed as back (ward)
channel of diplomacy.
Next day, Salahuddin rejected Singhs call to militants to come home. The
home is my home. Nobody can stop to go or enter the home. The question is
the aggressor should get out.
On 12th June, Shabbir Shah warned BJP and Shiv Sena of pursuing
dangerous path of spreading communal hatred and division of Kashmir. He
stated that recent incidents in the state are the outcome of provocative
statements by their leaders, e.g. attack on Gilani, sacrilege of a mosque and
molestation of a college student.
The News did not approve of Mirwaiz dismissing the Srinagar
conference, held during Singhs visit, as a seminar. Realism now dictates
that all sides, even if some chose to launch a boycott, do not reject the
results of the roundtable out of hand. There are some positives such as the
establishment of working groups to discuss proposals related to withdrawal
of Indian security forces from Kashmir, self-rule and autonomy and Mr
Singhs admission that human rights excesses had been committed by the
Indian army and paramilitary forces.
Jyoti Malhotra had more realistic view of Sighs visit to Srinagar and
termed it as another historic event which made no history. Certainly,
the Hurriyats presence alongside the National Conference and the PDP (the
party represented by Mufti Mohammad Saeed and Mehbooba Mufti) would
have given huge legitimacy to the prime ministers Kashmir initiative. But
when it didnt come, it was clear the roundtable would largely be reduced to
yet another bureaucratic exercise.
Most Kashmiris argue that the Hurriyat could not possibly sit
alongside the National Conference or the PDP, because it has always
rejected centrist politics If they had joined the roundtable, they would
have been accused by their support base of betraying the cause of
Kashmir According to this school, the Hurriyat can only redeem
Kashmir if it is able to keep walking this tight rope called the middle
ground. That is, rejecting the politics of Syed Ali Shah Geelani as well as
the position of the Congress
It is said the prime minister himself is keen on understanding what
autonomy really means for Kashmir Reportedly, Mr Singh understands
the role Islamabad has to play in this evolving exercise. In fact, his
opening speech acknowledged for the first time ever, the importance of two
strains that constantly affect the Kashmir issue, relations between DelhiSrinagar, and Delhi-Islamabad.
Parkash Nanda found Afghan link to the core issue. The Taliban, alQaeda and Gulbaddin Hekmatyars Hizbe Islami have dramatically stepped
up their activities in Afghan territory from sanctuaries in Pakistan The
Taliban, as evident through the release of its two tapes over the last six
months, is openly talking of Christian-Jew-Hindu conspiracy against Islam
and vowing to liberate Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kashmir.
Secondly, the Taliban do not like the increasing involvement of
India in the economic development of Afghanistan these days. Indias
present commitment adds up to more than US $ 600 million for
Afghanistans reconstruction, including one million tons of wheat as food
assistance All this has disturbed the Taliban and their supporters.
Shireen M Mazari wrote, while the Indians have been exceptionally
clever in creating a myth about their willingness to dialogue on all issues
with Pakistan, while focusing primarily on atmospheric and trade, the reality
of Indias inability and unwillingness to dialogue on the conflictual issues in
a substantive manner occasionally surfaces in bizarre ways that belie claims
of the growing civil society interaction at all levels between Pakistanis and
She mentioned the refusal of visas to Pakistani students who had been
invited to attend a seminar/workshop on Kashmir in Pune. We should learn
from these brief revelations of Indias real intent on bilateral conflicts and
its arrogant efforts to shift the focus to atmospherics and platitudes even as it
seeks to undermine at multiple levels internationally
Kamal Matinuddin, true to the thinking of a gentleman urged, we
must continue to remind the US that some movement forward on
Kashmir is necessary. If we avoid unrealistic expectations, we will be able
to achieve maximum cooperation with the US in the fields of energy,
education, health services and defence. While hoping for the best, he
ignored that Americans cooperate only to extent which serves their
interests, not for meeting Pakistans needs.
The agreement on release of prisoners was a welcome move. The
News wrote, as a result of the agreement, 586 prisoners will be exchanged
on June 30. A total of 472 Pakistanis are in Indian jails while 351 Indian
citizens are reported to be in jails in Pakistan. Even after the June 30 swap,
147 prisoners will remain in India and 90 in Pakistan. One hopes that the
process to repatriate them to their respective countries, once their sentences
have been served, will be expedited.
Most of the steam generated by the Bush visit was released in the
form Charter of Democracy and with that political process started
returning to normalcy. On 29th May, Chattha and Wattoo met Musharraf and
advised him to strike a deal with Benazir.
Ahsan Iqbal complained that PML-N leaders were being harassed. On
3 June, a court in Islamabad asked Ministry of Interior to manage arrests of
Benazir and Zardadri. Next day PPP slated Nawazs meeting with Justice
Retired, Qayyum Malik. Meanwhile, Chief Minister insisted that he would
see merits of each case, despite resolution of the row over his delaying
approval of men recruited by a MQM minister. These were some the issues
mentioned during the period.
Debate on Charter of Democracy continued. Burhanuddin Hasan
wrote, should the two leaders who have signed the Charter of Democracy,
disgraced the National Assembly, and manipulated provincial governments
as they did be given another chance to rule? In fact both leaders debased the
system of democracy during their terms of office. They never cared for the
decorum and dignity of parliament or the Supreme Court.
Adnan Adil said, the PML-N leaders think that by signing the charter,
former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has virtually tied the hands of his
erstwhile rival, Benazir Bhutto, from making a compromise with President
Musharraf. They believe the charter was Sharifs initiative and he
successfully negotiated and managed its conclusion though sharp
differences had existed between the two parties before Benazir Bhutto and
Nawaz Sharif met in London.
In these circumstances when the party is facing desertions and
dissensions, the Charter of Democracy may be good news for the PML-N
supporters, especially if rumours about General Musharrafs weakness turn
out to be true. Otherwise, insiders say, Nawazs chances of coming back
are slim.
The fate of the charter depends upon how Benazir Bhutto plays
her cards. After all, she did not invite the Sharifs to her house, and the
charter was signed in the house of the notorious ex-Director General FIA,
Rehman Malik. She also refused to make the PML-N her electoral ally in the
next general elections as a simultaneous step with the signing of charter. For
many, Benazir Bhutto is too crafty to be taken for granted by the Sharifs.
Khalid Mahmood from Islamabad wrote, the draft of this charter has
not sufficiently dealt with the very fundamental issue of militarization of
all aspects of our society. Evidently, this problem is a logical result of
military domination of our polity for most of its life. I want to highlight just
one aspect of this problem. Presently, serving and retired officers of the
armed forces are occupying hundreds of prized civil positions. This practice
has reached an unprecedented level under the present military regime.
The Charter of Democracy should not only present a consensus on
blocking future military intervention but it must also address the legacy of
the militarys supremacy. The proposed truth commission should also
make an assessment of the complex imprints of military intervention,
Seven persons were arrested in Quetta on 2nd June for supplying arms
and bomb-making material to tribesmen. Next day, gas pipeline in Pir
Koh was blown up and FC recovered two anti-tank mines from a
nullah in the same area.
On 6th June, terrorist blew up gas pipeline near Sui and railway track
near Dera Murad Jamali. Gas supply to Guddu Thermal Power Station
and Punjab were affected. At least four people were killed in two
incidents of firing and bomb blast in Dera Bugti and Panjgur districts.
Harnai-Sibi rail track was blown up on 7 th June. Two days later, at
least 11 people were wounded in a bomb blast in Hub.
Gas pipelines were blown up at three places near Quetta and Mastung
on 10th June. Police defused 14 bombs attached to electricity towers.
Four BLA activists were arrested in Machh on 11th June. Next day,
five people were killed and 17 wounded in a bicycle bomb blast in
Quetta and five more were killed in gun battle in Sangsila.
On 13th June, police arrested 22 suspected militants in a raid in Quetta.
Next day, security forces killed five terrorists and arrested seven in a
raid in Dera Bugti. Police arrested seven men involved in terrorist
activities in various raids in Bolan district.
Four paramilitary personnel were wounded in a blast in Qalat on 15 th
June. Security forces seized large quantity of arms and ammunition in
two raids in Dera Bugti area. Next day bombs exploded in Barkhan
and Harnai.
Musharraf and his team of enlightened moderates have stopped
talking about soft image; in fact, their so-called moderate pretence was
being exposed for the last many months. On 30 th May, Lahore High Court
asked the government to inform it of the reasons for detention of a nuclear
scientist Attiqur Rehman. His father in his petition said, they picked him up
two years ago and since then we do not know where he is detained and what
the charges against him are.
The same day, Ibrahim Paracha told journalists that those talking
about the inhuman treatment with the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay would
forget the injustices if they come to know about the conditions in Pakistani
jails. He told about two Tajik children of 11 and 12 years who were picked
up from a madrassa in Waziristan and the family of an Egyptian who came
to Pakistan on proper work visa. Ibrahim Paracha also criticized Jihadi
There was a slight positive change in Pak-Afghan relations. Kabul
desisted, may be temporarily, from accusing Pakistan for cross border
terrorism. Pakistan showed some guts in refusing undue favours like
allowing Indo-Afghan transit trade.
Whereas, Pakistan was held from the collar and pulled to the US side
for invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, India has been requested to play
an extended role in occupied land. Pakistan remains busy doing thankless
errands; while India has been invited to join the holy feast.
The home-front has been comparatively quiet, but terrorism in
Baluchistan remained source of concern despite decrease in subversive
activities. Political analysts apprehended that Benazir could use Nawaz
Sharif just as Musharraf used MMA. Both are shrewd leaders therefore
turning back on deals cannot be ruled out.
The rulers have sacrificed a lot in seeking soft image, including
core issue and nuclear deterrence. Muhammad Riaz from Thana Malakand
Agency had complained about not celebrating Youm-e-Takbir. The patriots
like him should have celebrated it quietly as Youm-e-Tashkur for it was not
Musharraf who received telephone calls from White House on the eve of
nuclear weapons tests carried out in Chagai.
Musharraf, too, does not find himself in enviable position after
receiving that fateful telephone call and hurriedly jumping into the
mainstream. Today, he finds himself hanging to the hook held firmly by the
Crusaders. He can wriggle as hard as he can but cannot get off the hook.
Middle East is the main battleground of the ongoing war where
Crusaders and their allies have launched three-pronged offensive. The main
offensive was launched more than three years ago in Mesopotamia, which
has been termed as quagmire by some analysts.
Herein the holy war had degenerated into an orgy of war crimes no
sooner than it started. During last three weeks another incident of random
killing took place when on 20th June fifteen workers of poultry farm were
killed, who were presumably involved in biological warfare by infecting the
chicks with bird flu virus. It is because of such incidents that Lt Ehren
Watada refused to fight Iraq War saying such fighting would make him
party to war crimes.
The second offensive had been launched about six decades ago
against Muslim Arabs. Since 1967 only the Palestinians have been bearing
the brunt of brutalities of the Jewish state. Perpetration of state terrorism has
gained momentum after democratic election of Hamas into power.
Third offensive is against which is yet at diplomatic phase. This could
not be moved into next phase of sanctions or military action because of overstretched resources and the worlds increasing criticism of Americas
unilateralism. Washington has decided to gain time by agreeing to direct
talks with Tehran.
Insurgency in Iraq continued. On 8th June, 13 people were killed
and 28 wounded in roadside bombing in the capital. A car bomb explosion
killed 7 and wounded 17 people. In another car bomb six people were killed
and 13 wounded. Five persons were killed elsewhere. The same day, US
forces announced that Zarqawi, along with 7 aides including his spiritual
leader Sheikh Abdul Rahman, was killed in precision bombing of an area in
Diyala province near its capital, Baqouba.
One civilian was killed and three soldiers wounded on 9 th June in
attack on troops guarding oil pipeline near Kirkuk. Three engineers were
killed near Baiji. Next day, two bombs aimed at police patrols exploded in
Baghdad despite the curfew; and in a series of attacks countrywide at least
24 people were killed.
A car bomb killed four people and wounded nine others in Baghdad
on 11 June. British troops claimed killing five men of Mehdi militia in
Amara. Two days later, at least 18 people were killed and 45 wounded in
five car bomb attacks in Kirkuk. Electronic media reported that in all 40
people were killed.
On 16th June, one US soldier was killed and two went missing in a
clash near Yusufiya. Next day, bombs and mortar fire killed at least 31
people and wounded 60 in three incidents in and around Baghdad. A car
bomb in Mahmudiya killed seven people.
On 18th June, US-led forces surrounded the town of Ramadi. Ten
people, including two Iranians were killed in different incidents. Two days
later, the US military killed 15 terrorist in Baqouba during raid on a poultry
farm on 20th June. Four persons were killed in shootouts. The US troops
killed nine people sleeping in the fields and detained ten others. Thirteen
dead bodies were found in Hushaheen near Baqouba. Dead bodies of two
missing US soldiers were found. Four US Marines were killed in roadside
bombing in Anbar province and another was killed in a separate incident.
Sixty-four people were kidnapped in mass.
On 21st June, gunmen kidnapped, tortured and killed Saddams
defence lawyer. Chief defence counsel called for stopping the trial and
transfer of defendants out of Iraq. Al-Qaeda threatened to kill Russian
hostages. Eight people were killed in area with mixed population of Kurds
and Sunni Arabs.
Two persons were killed in Baghdad on 22 nd June. At least 25 people
were reported killed in Mosul by gunmen in different incidents. Police
rescued 17 factory workers who were kidnapped a day earlier; dead bodies
of the remaining 13 were found around the factory area. Insurgents freed 30
people, mostly women and children, who were kidnapped two days ago; two
of them were shot dead when they tried to escape.
At least 12 people were killed and 20 others wounded in a bomb blast
outside a Sunni mosque in Baghdad on 23 rd June. Ten people were killed and
18 wounded in Basra and 12 were killed in Baqouba. One US Marine and
four militants were killed in a separate clash near the town.
On 25th June, insurgents announced that four kidnapped Russians were
executed. Next day, at least 30 people were killed in a bomb blast in Hilla.
Electronic media reported killing of 16 more people in other incidents. On
27th June, 22 people were killed and 40 wounded in motorcycle bomb blast
in a village near Baqouba. Another bomb blast in Hilla killed 10 persons and
wounded 79 others.
Ten people were killed in Baqouba in a spate of attacks on 28 th June.
Three people were killed and ten wounded in suicide bombing in Kirkuk and
three more, including a soldier, were shot dead in other incidents. Three
police officers were killed in roadside bombing near Baghdad. A US Marine,
He added, so there you have it my friends: this is the way the soldiers
of the mightiest power on earth, whose just one battle group can destroy five
countries like Pakistan inside a few hours, live. If they live like beasts how
can they be expected not to act like beasts?
In an earlier article he had mentioned John Simpsons uncovering of
killings in Ishqiq. Exactly three days afterthe US military authorities in
Iraq announced that their investigations into the matter (launched three days
earlier, mark, as a result of his report) had shown there was no case against
their soldier, that the dead Iraqis had died due to the collapsed roof This
cover up was enough for BBC to keep quiet thereafter.
What happened? How come a report by none other than its foreign
affairs editor, a man of the stature of John Simpson himself, a report that
detailed the alleged horrific extra-judicial killing of eleven innocent people,
a report which had shaken the very foundations of the whole mad enterprise
of the assault and occupation of Iraq particularly as it came on the heels of
the Haditha massacre. How could a report of that magnitude die such a
quick and quiet death?
So what do we make of the very sudden, and unmourned, death of
this story at the hands of the BBC? Would a story on, say, honour killings in
Pakistan, disappear off the screens of the BBC after a simple announcement
by the Government of Pakistan? Certainly not the BBC would have
mounted a spirited and stout defence of itself and its correspondent, and as a
further kick in the GoPs teeth, run several more unsavory items on
But lets leave the BBC as an organization out of it for a moment.
Might one ask John Simpson why he went down and out without a
fight Whoever is right or wrong, both John Simpson and the BBC owe us
an explanation.
He then referred to the song called Hadji Girl sung by a 23-year-old
Marine and wondered as why there arent more Hadithas and Ishqiqs, and
that this with this level of hate for the Iraqi people in the hearts of American
soldiers there probably are scores of Hadithas waiting to be uncovered.
He reproduced the lyrics. I grabbed her little sister and put her in
front of me , /As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between
her eyes, /And then I laughed maniacally. The singer, Marine corporal,
claimed that he sung it because it was funny.
clearly something wrong with the mission. You can only talk about a few
bad apples for so long before you need to take a serious look at the barrel.
Trial of Saddam is being pushed as cover up of the war crimes
committed by the Crusaders. Khaleej Times opined, this is becoming
dangerously predictable. Yet another lawyer associated with the trial of
Saddam Hussein has been killed. Khamis al-Obeidi was the third lawyer
of the defence team to be eliminated since the trial began last year.
Al-Obeidi is said to have been taken for questioning by uniformed
men from the notorious Interior Ministry. His bullet-ridden body was later
found in a Baghdad neighbourhood It should be clear by now to the US
and Iraqi authorities if it hasnt already that a free and fair trial of the
former president and his lieutenants is not possible in the conditions
prevailing in Iraq today.
The analysts kept commenting on Zarqawis elimination. Farooq
Sulehria said, from Saddam to Zarqawi, all were once Uncle Sams
adopted nephews. Even if he was not part of psyop, Zarqawi objectively
abetted the US occupation of Iraq. Alive or dead he does not matter, yet
Uncle Sam made use of his life as well as death. After all, Uncle Sam does
not adopt nephews for nothing. However, each time a nephew of Uncle Sam
is born or killed, the Muslim World gets brutalized.
Deepak Chopra reported, after US bombing killed the infamous
terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a newscast said that a sizeable percentage
of Sunni Muslims didnt believe that Mr al-Zarqawi ever existed they
believe he was an American invention used to cover up the murder of
Iraqi Sunnis.
The criticism logically ends up in drawing inferences of pullout of
foreign troops from Iraq. Jim Hoagland said that the administration
shares with anti-war critics who demand a specific deadline for withdrawing
US troops. Both sides seem to believe that Washington can engineer a
relatively neat, predictable outcome that responds above all to US actions.
But history suggests that the loss of control over events could drive
sudden, abrupt decisions that shape a more chaotic final outcome. The
air rushes out of war balloons quickly Iraq War was triggered by a
dictators suicidal bluff about weapons of mass destruction. Now it is the
Bush Administration that risks being caught in a trap of self-delusion.
The Washington Post wrote, the truth is that US generals in Iraq and
the new democratic Iraqi government share with politicians here a desire
seems most acute? Is it more urgent to convince Iraqs Arab neighbours that
they share a stake in Iraqi stability or to scare them off by proclaiming that
Americas larger goal in Iraq is to ratchet up the pressure for democratic
change in a neighbourhood almost universally ruled by authoritarians?
Criticism of Bush and Blair over illegal war continued. Omar
Wariach condensed the criticism of Blair and his successor quoting an
unnamed British MP. While criticizing TB (Tony Blair) on Iraq War and
discussing what promises his successor Browne, he said, Blair and Browne
are two cheeks of the same Ares.
But, India, the largest democracy in the world, however was an
exception. Praful Bidwai observed that Bush was going bullish in India.
He wondered as to why the Bushs popularity was on the rise in India, as
against the decline elsewhere in the world, including America, though the
reason was quite clear.
He wrote, according to the Washington-based Pew Research Centre,
which polled 17,000 people in 15 countries, 56 percent of Indians have a
favourable opinion of America. Worse, 56 percent also approve of
President George W Bush, whose ratings have fallen in his own country to
31 percent. It speaks of Hindu-majority Indias anti-Muslim sentiment.
America has not been wrong in choosing India as strategic partner. Indians
are more devout Crusaders than the Crusaders.
Over the past year, approval of the US has plummeted in every single
European country barring Britain India is worlds odd-man-out here.
Even worse, Indias support for the US-led global war on terrorism
(GWOT) stands at record 65 percent the worlds highest, and 13
percentage points greater than last year. India and Russia are the only two
countries in which the GWOT draws majority support. The reason behind
their support for the war on terror is that the war provides them free hand to
crush freedom movements in Chechnya and Kashmir.
The Iraq occupation is so unpopular that a global majority sees it as a
greater danger to world peace than Iran But in India, those who regard
the Iraq occupation as a threat to world peace are just 15 percent the
worlds lowest, and less than half the rating in the US (31 percent). A huge
59 percent believe US efforts to establish democracy in Iraq will succeed a
desperate hope not shared by Americans.
The support among Indians for this brutal occupation is unique
Despite over 100,000 civilian deaths, and increasingly intractable
insurgency, and discontent in the Arab World and beyond. Even Mr Bush
Next day, Israel launched ground offensive into the Gaza Strip and
established a base at a disused airport. Israeli warplanes flew over a
house of Syrian President.
president for a whole year before Hamas came to power, and yet he wasnt
offered a peace deal. He wasnt offered anything, not even a perfunctory
meeting with Israeli leaders.
Nihal Singh wrote, Israel, of course, plays by its own rules, with
the United States traditionally endorsing whatever it desires, whether it
was in making a non-person of Yasser Arafat or endorsing the Wall further
cutting into occupied territory or in allowing Israel to keep major settlements
near Jerusalem or in the latest move simply to draw the countrys borders.
The recent killings of Palestinian civilians on the Gaza Strip, in
addition to the targeted killing of a senior Hamas leader, have raised the
temperature in Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. At least one wing of Hamas
has said it was no longer bound by the unofficial ceasefire that has largely
been observed by Hamas for more than a year Obviously such a situation
is untenable for long. Olmert is betting on the fact that with the prevailing
confusion on the Palestinian side and the American support he enjoys, he
will carry the day by leaving Palestinians with Bantustans.
The New York Times demanded nothing short of surrender from
Hamas. Temptation to walk away needs to be strongly resisted. As bad
as things are now, they can get a whole lot worse, and almost certainly will if
the outside world averts its attention. Already, rockets are raining down
again on innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians, inflaming passions on
both sides.
And when those passions explode, the deadly consequences wont
be limited to Israelis and Palestinians alone. They never have been in the
past, and are even less likely to be in a world of satellite television,
ubiquitous Internet access, multinational terrorism and increasingly longrange missiles.
Further, there is something very important that the outside world,
particularly the Arab and Islamic world, can do to help. It can make plain to
the Hamas-led government of the Palestinian Authority that if it means to
become the legitimate international voice of the Palestinian people, and a
true government in the community of nations, it will have to accept the
minimal international ground rules already in place. These include
renouncing terrorism, acknowledging Israels existence as a sovereign nation
and abiding by formal agreements previously signed by lawful Palestinian
Those are ground rules that have already been accepted by Egypt and
Jordan and by the Arab League as a whole in its 2002 Beirut peace initiative.
We, therefore, call for a single Arab stance, which would be a source
of honour for the Arabs. Lamentably, the Arab support for the Palestinian
cause is limited to a handful of US dollars with periodical condemnations of
the Israeli enemy thrown in But now, even those condemnatory
statements seem to have stopped with the Arabs entrusting the Arab
League secretary-general with this task.
Disunity of Arabs in general and division within Palestinians in
particular is another factor contributing toward Israels arrogance. Los
Angelese Times observed that the Palestinians were at the verge of civil war.
A Palestinian civil war would be a geopolitical as well as a humanitarian
disaster. It would invite further military involvement by Israel, which drew
Palestinian ire Tuesday with an air strike on suspected militants in Gaza that
killed eight civilian bystanders. And it would increase support in Israel for
Prime Minister Ehud Olmerts suggestion that Israel unilaterally draw new
Israeli-Palestinian boundaries. Indirectly, the newspaper was coaxing
Israel to make hay as the sun shines.
But its equally simplistic to ignore the fact that the Palestinian cause
has been embraced sometimes sincerely, sometimes cynically by
millions of Arabs and Muslims. A bloodshed in the West Bank and Gaza
even a fractional one would have ominous echoes for the United States
elsewhere, including Iran and, yes, Iraq.
The New York Times rejected even the most hyped prisoners
document. The vehicle that Mr Abbas has seized upon to use as leverage
with Hamas is a proposal put together by Palestinian prisoners now serving
in Israeli jails The prisoners proposal is unacceptable even to dovish
Israelis, and, in its present form, can represent no more than an initial
bargaining position.
Palestinians have saddled themselves with a government that
endorses terrorism, refuses to recognize Israel implicitly or explicitly and
shuns any talk of a two-state solution. In this dark picture, Mr Abbass
embrace of the prisoners proposal, with all of its obvious problems, can
only be greeted as a welcome step in the right direction.
Differences had led to Abbass resort to threat of referendum. Gulf
News wrote, Abbas is running the risk of direct confrontation with the
democratically elected administration, which has refused to recognize
Israels right to exist. It is this refusal that has led to western countries
sanctioning the Palestinian state, driving its people to near starvation
Abbas is confident an overwhelming majority of the electorate will vote
With the introduction of ploy of direct talks, the tension between Iran
and US was temporarily defused, but the West continued hurling
accusations. On 8th June, IAEA found Iran guilty of enriching uranium. Next
day Iran confirmed gearing up uranium enrichment.
On 10th June, Iran said it would offer counter-proposals after studying
the package. Tehran found that parts of the incentive package were
acceptable, but wanted some parts to be removed. China and Russia
rejected West view on Irans nuclear programme. Ahmeninejad once again
said there is need for inquiry into Holocaust.
Washington objected to Ahmedinejads presence at the SCO summit
and the decision to give Iran observer status. Statements of members of
Shanghai Cooperation Organization were taken as anti-US by the West.
Nejad warned the leaders at SCO summit to be wary of foreign
domineering powers.
On 18th June, Iran vowed to shun direct talks with US on Iraq. Next
day, Bush threatened that Iran would face sanctions if the offer is rejected.
Two days later, he said Iran was taking awful long time. Nejad said Tehran
will reply in August.
On 24th June, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said that
Iran wanted to resume talks but without any preconditions. Next day, Iran
again threatened to use oil as weapon. Turkish Foreign Minister arrived in
Tehran with message from Turkish Prime Minister to cooperate with
international community over its nuclear programme. On 26th June,
Germany and UK wanted an early response from Iran on the package. EU
warned Iran over delaying tactics. Meanwhile, Khamenei ruled out nuclear
talks with US.
Media and analysts kept commenting on tensions over Irans nuclear
programme. Peter Brooks wrote on the oil weapon. Iran has two choices: It
can (a) simply restrict its own energy production; or (b) attack nearby energy
production or oil tankers/natural gas carriers Iran cutting off its own
oil/gas exports would be akin to cutting ones nose off to spite ones face.
Tehran could block flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz. But this
ploy is also fraught with problems. Sure, Iran has the military capability to
attack unarmed shipping, maybe, even (temporarily) close the Strait of
Hormuz by scuttling a ship, but such actions wouldnt go unopposed.
Iran could temporarily wreak havoc in the Persian Gulf, using
sea-skimming, near super-sonic Chinese C-801/802 anti-ship cruise missiles
(and older Silkworm missiles), quiet Russian Kilo diesel and minisubmarines, stealthy mines and lethal, high-speed patrol boat swarm
tactics. But US naval power surface, subsurface and air would make fast
work of Irans misguided military efforts.
US willingness for direct talks with Iran was a major event which
drew the attention accordingly. The News wrote, in her offer of direct talks
with Tehran, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had said that
Washington retained the nuclear option. But it seems that Irans threat to
cut off oil supplies in the wake of any military action seems to have paid
off. One hopes that all sides will now pursue a diplomatic solution to end the
crisis and any US thought of using force will recede
Victor Davis Hanson asked, why did the United States suddenly
reverse course and agree to negotiate directly with the Iranians over their
development of a nuclear arsenal? He added, there are a few reasons.
Its an election year, and the Bush Administration knows the American
public is in no mood for even a hint of more hostilities in the Middle East.
After failing to talk sense to the Iranians, the embarrassed multilateral
Europeans want us to back up their dialogue. The Russians and Chinese
for both commercial and mischievous reasons have warned America
theyll stonewall at the UN unless we begin horse-trading with Irans
president, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. And, finally, its always smart to allow a
loudmouth like Ahmedinejad enough public rope to hang himself. There
was no mention of the desire to seek an amicable solution.
Given these circumstances, why would the US and Iran ever face off
at the negotiating table? Because each thinks the breathing space works in its
own favour. Iran views talking with the US as a reprieve from the threat of a
military strike or at least American-inspired embargoes and sanctions at
the UN The US wants more time before a showdown
Warren Christopher, based on his experience of negotiating for release
of American hostages in 1979-81, gave some tips to deal with Iranians in
table-talks. One, ensure that you talk to the right person as the real power in
Iran does not rest in Nejad. Two, be prepared for outlandish demands like
Middle Eastern marketplaces. Three, while talking keep working for
imposition of tough sanctions.
The News wrote, with Moscow and Beijing once again making it
clear that they will not go along with sanctions, the US plan to present a
consensus before the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency has
all but collapsed keep in mind that sanctions are at the core of
Washingtons policy against Iran.
The editor went on to visualize the prospects of any positive outcome
of possible direct talks. Unless the basic question of double standards is
addressed, a viable solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis is unlikely to be
found, even if Russia and China are somehow persuaded to join.
Pessimism prevailed because Crusaders evil designs remained in
place. Philip Stephens said, many non-aligned nations are asking
themselves whether the demarche is a genuine effort to secure a negotiated
end to the stand-off over Irans nuclear ambitions or simply a tactical
manoeuvre to blind the UN into supporting punitive sanctions My guess is
that it is a bit of both. Circumstances forced a volte-face in Washington. But
the success or otherwise of the new diplomatic effort will rest to a
significant degree on the judgment of others on Bushs motives.
Patrick Seale observed, Iran is a formidable military power, second
only to Israel in the Middle East Israel, in turn now that Iraq has been
smashed wants to consolidate its military dominance over the region, and be
in a position to reshape the regional order to suit its interests. To both
powers, therefore, Iran poses a strategic challenge.
Noam Chomsky wrote, theyre building the biggest embassy in the
world in Baghdad, which towers over everything; theyre building military
bases. Is that because they intend to get out and leave Iraq to itself? No. If
you are staying in Iraq you have to have a reason. Well, the reason will be
that you have to defend the world against Iran.
In a subsequent review, he added, today the standard claim is that
Iran has no need for nuclear power, and therefore must be pursuing a secret
weapons programme. For a major oil producer such as Iran, nuclear
energy is a wasteful use of resources, Henry Kissinger wrote in the
Washington Post last year.
He then referred to history of American bias against Iran. Thirty
years ago, however, when Kissinger was secretary of state for President
Gerald Ford, he held that introduction of nuclear power will both provide
for the growing needs of Irans growing economy and free remaining oil
reserves for export or conversion to petro-chemicals Last year Dafna
Linzer of the Washington Post asked Kissinger about his reversal of opinion.
Kissinger responded with his usual engaging frankness: They were an allied
is the demand of the whole Iranian nation, and the rulers as representatives
of the people must put all their efforts into realizing the demand.
As a result of selling the nuclear programme as a matter of national
pride, the Iranian government is facing a dilemma on both counts. On the
one hand, it restrained the US and EU policies of making the nuclear
programme an issue of nationalism, linking it to Israel and mobilizing
people all over the world to support Tehran.
On the other hand, the same policy now makes it difficult for the
Iranian leadership to adopt a flexible position in a crisis and find a possible
solution in order to prevent a UN Security Council resolution imposing
sanctions on Iran.
Gulf News wasnt happy over OICs support for Iran expressed in
urging peaceful resolution of nuclear issue. So far Tehran has indicated it
rejects pre-conditions. So have Muslim countries at their meeting in Baku.
We express our conviction that the only way to resolve Irans nuclear issue
is to resume negotiations without any pre-conditions, OIC members said in
the Baku Declaration. However, Iran has yet to formally spell-out its
position. The ambiguity and time-buying tactics on both sides only
prolong the tension.
Elimination of the monster called Zarqawi and formation of Iraqi
government, apparently, made no positive impact on the security
environment of the occupied country. As visualized by the analysts, the
bloodshed in Iraq would continue, to the liking of the Crusaders.
Israel continued with its policy targeted-killings. The accuracy with
which Israelis have been targeting moving targets speaks of timely
intelligence gathered by them. It leads one to believe that they get certain
cooperation in this context from within Palestinian people.
On the other hand, Abbas ordered hunt for kidnapped Israeli soldier,
but one never heard of such hunt for a Palestinian kidnapped by Israelis. The
incident of kidnapping has put pro-West Abbas in difficult situation and at
the same time provided a fresh pretext to Israel for perpetration of state
The decision of Bush Administration to have direct talks with
regime in Tehran has provided temporary respite to Iran. It will try to
prolong the period of respite by taking time to deliberate on the package, but
it cannot last for ever.
Away from the main battleground, the Crusaders focused on some
other countries during the period. The countries, which drew attention for
different reasons, were East Timor, North Korea, Somalia and Sudan. The
emerging SCO and growing strength of China were also not ignored.
The leaders attending the Conference on Cooperation and Confidence
Building Measures in Asia held in Almaty condemned terrorism in all forms
and called for fighting it in a consistent and comprehensive manner to avoid
double standards. They stressed that terrorism cannot be and should not be
associated with any religion, nationality, civilization and ethnic group.
Europe, Australia and Canada led by America, continued tackling
Islamic extremism in their respective domains. Bush Administration,
however, was subjected to criticism on account of the conduct of war on
The popular sentiment in Muslim countries continued growing against
the Crusades waged in the garb of war on terror. Ruling elites in these
countries, however, failed to recover from the trauma caused by the horrors
of ongoing war. They generally remained deaf and dumb.
The intensity of war on terror in Far East remained low. In
Philippines, a bomb killed six people in southern area on 22nd June. During
first week of July the rebels ordered stand down after six-day sporadic
fighting in the south. Prime Minister of Thailand agreed to a peace plan
worked out by a high-level panel for the restive Muslim region.
On 6th June, defence minister of Indonesia warned visiting Rumsfeld
over the fallout from the countrys actions as it pursues its so-called war on
terror. About a week later, Abu Bakar Bashir was released to which Australia
reacted strongly. On 3rd July, Bashir said Indonesia should send fighters to
support Palestinians.
In East Timor, residents of Dili started leaving the capital during first
week of June as the situation remained tense. On 16 th June, rebels
surrendered to peacekeepers. On 30th June, US diplomat asked Bangladesh
to guard against any threat to democratic credentials. Meanwhile, Pakistaniborn architect, Faheem Khalid was convicted in Australia of terror charges.
Commenting on the security of the region, Ralph Cossa asked, are
the United States and East Asia ready for the creation of a Pax Asia Pacific
as a logical successor to the Pax Americana, which has provided peace and
stability in the Asia-Pacific region for decades? This question was foremost
on former Philippine President Fidel Ramos mind when he lectured on USChina and East Asia Relations recently in Washington.
His remarks focused on the geopolitical realities of a rising China, a
more self-confident and involved Japan, an emerging India and a
preoccupied US. The time has come, he said, not to replace or discount
the American role in East Asia but rather to share the burden in hopes of
creating a more cohesive Asia-Pacific community.
Ramos addressed a wide range of issues during a free-wheeling
question session and stayed on after the speech to shake hands and pose for
pictures with nearly every one of the many Filipinos and Filipino-Americans
in the audience. It is easy to understand why many today wish he would run
again for president. Absent that, todays leadership, in Manila, in
Washington and Beijing, and in other East Asia capitals, would benefit
greatly by listening to his wise counsel.
East Timor kept drawing the attention of the analysts. John Aglionby
wrote, international aid agencies estimated 40 camps, holding almost
100,000 of Dilis terrified residents, have sprouted in the last few weeks,
posing both a potential humanitarian crisis and security nightmare
considering their vulnerability to attack.
The Australian prime minister, John Howard, has no doubts as to who
is to blame for the carnage. It came to this path because of poor governance,
and the responsibility is on the political leaders of that country, he said
at the weekend in an unusually frank criticism of a neighbouring nations
rulers. And I have a right as prime minister of Australia, given the
commitment we have made, to say to the political leadership it carries a very
heavy responsibility, and its in their hands to deliver a better future for their
John Pilger said in early nineties, Australian and Indonesian foreign
ministers toasted each other in champagne onboard an aircraft in
celebration of truly uniquely historical Timor Gap Treaty which allowed
Australia to exploit the oil and gas reserves in the seabed off East
Timor Professor Roger Clark, a world authority on the law of the sea said,
it is like acquiring stuff from a thiefthe fact is that they have neither
historical, nor legal, nor moral claim to East Timor and its resources.
These days Australia likes to present itself as a helpful, generous
neighbour of East Timor, after public opinion forced the government of John
Howard to lead a UN peacekeeping force six years ago In regional
elections last year, 80 percent of votes went to Fretilin, led by Prime
Minister Mari Alkatiri, a convinced economic nationalist, who opposes
privatization and interference by the World Bank. A secular Muslim in
largely Roman Catholic country, he is, above all, an anti-imperialist who has
stood up to the bullying demands of the Howard government for an
undue share of the oil and gas spoils of the Timor Gap.
terrorist nation in the world despite its calls for democracy and respect for
noble human values.
Somali warlords were reported reinforcing the defences, but by 14 th
June, Islamic militia captured the town of Jowhar, the last stronghold of a
US-backed warlord. Three days later, Ethiopian troops intruded into
Somalia. Reuters acknowledged that Islamists have brought peace to
Mogadishu, but pointed out a new worry, though not so new, the possibility
of practice of Islamic values and Sharia law.
On 19th June, Islamist militia imposed Sharia law in Jowhar town,
while UN warned that conflict could trigger refugee crisis. Sudan and the
Arab League prepared to hold talks in Khartoum to ward off further chaos in
Somalia. On 23rd June a deal between government and Islamic militia
defused the tensions. The same day, a Swedish photographer was killed in
On 25th June, Islamists appointed Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweis, on
wanted-list of US, as head of their new parliament. The new leader vowed
enforcement of Sharia law. Osama warned US against sending troops to
Somalia. Islamist leader, Sheikh Hassan Dahir, however, denied affiliation
with Osama. On 5th July, at least two people were killed when Islamic
gunmen opened fire on demonstrators in central Somalia protesting a ban on
World Cup viewing.
The Crusaders were perturbed by the victory of Islamic groups. The
New York Times wrote, the immediate concern among many Somalis is a
forcible imposition of harsh Islamic law, Taliban style. The larger
international concern is that Mogadishus new rulers may follow the
Talibans example in another way, sheltering international terrorist
operations in a region within tempting striking distance of vulnerable
countries on the Arabian Peninsula and in East Africa.
For want of better options, the United States had thrown its support
to a different set of warlords with few visible merits beyond their
willingness to fight their Islamists rivals. But by some accounts,
Washingtons support for these warlords only discredited them in the
eyes of many Somalis.
With good luck, perhaps, a new battlefront with international
terrorism may yet be avoided. Luck, however, is no substitute for a more
supple and effective American strategy against a highly mobile foe like
multinational Islamist terrorism. Washington needs to develop more agile
very rigid view of religion and are not hesitant to impose it on all and sundry
via so-called religious courts.
Al-Ahram Weekly foresaw Somalia as the next stop of the Crusaders.
Somalia is the next candidate for foreign intervention. A report by the
UN secretary general speaks of illegal arms smuggling by another state in
the vicinity, perhaps Ethiopia. Famine is spreading across southern Somalia
and parts of Kenya. And as if that is not enough, the US is telling us that alQaeda may have infiltrated the country. Ethiopia has silent support of the
Rob Crilly wrote that Somali leaders say there is no need to invite
peacekeepers when Islamic militias have succeeded in pacifying
Mogadishu, one of the most dangerous cities on the planet. They dont
realize that the Crusaders intervene only when there is some peace and order
in an Islamic country as was the case of Afghanistan where Taliban had
restored peace and Saddam, despite his cruel ways, had done in Iraq.
Any sort of AU intervention which would most likely be a cover
for Ethiopian intervention is most likely to be highly divisive and is
likely to derail any attempt at peaceful negotiation between the government
and the Courts, said Sulieman Baldo, Africa programme director of the
Brussels-based International Crisis Group.
The analyst had already mentioned the real reason of the intended
intervention. Regional powers (Christian) support intervention out of fear
of an Islamic state on their doorsteps, while western governments are
worried the country could become a haven for terrorists.
Khaleej Times said, as was the case with Taliban in Afghanistan, ICU
is getting public support because it is seeking to fill a dangerous security
and political vacuum, created by the constantly fighting warlords and
ineffective interim government holed up in Baidoa, a town 250km away
from Mogadishu. It added, International aid, sent for the poor and needy,
has ended up in the pockets of warlords and corrupt leaders. Lets hope that
the international conference held yesterday will lead to meaningful steps in
restoring peace and stability in Somalia.
Andrew Cawthorne hoped for the best. The unusual calm they have
brought to war-weary Mogadishu is a fragile one The Islamists are not
homogenous and more radical members biting their tongues may become
prominent again. Divisions among the new rulers could emerge now their
common enemy is defeated. He mentioned differences between ICU
chairman Sheikh Sharif Ahmed and leader of the more radical Ayr clan,
Sheikh Yusuf Indahbde, of the southern Merca region.
Sudan suspended the work of all UN missions in Darfur on 25 th June.
The differences with the world body and Sudanese government persisted as
the former was being pressed by the Crusaders for deployment of
peacekeepers. On 4th July, at least 12 people were killed in a clash sparked
by rebels attack in a town in Darfur.
Sara Flounders mentioned the dirty US role in Darfur. Again and
again it is said that something must be done. Humanitarian and US
peacekeepers must be deployed immediately to stop ethnic cleansing. UN
troops or NATO forces must be used to stop genocide. The US government
has a moral responsibility to prevent another Holocaust.
Who is behind the campaign and what actions are they calling for?
A Jerusalem Post article of April 27 headlined US Jews Leading Darfur
Rally Planning described the role of prominent Zionist organizations in
organizing the April 30 rally. A full-page ad for the rally in the New York
Times was signed by a number of Jewish organizations, including the UJA,
Federation of NY and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.
But it wasnt just Zionist groups that called for it. The rally was
sponsored by a coalition of 164 organizations that included the National
Association of Evangelicals, the World Evangelical Alliance and other
religious groups that have been the strongest supporters of the Bush
Administrations invasion of Iraq.
This was hardly an anti-war or social justice rally. The organizers
had personal meeting with President George W Bush just before the rally.
He told them: I welcome your participation. And I want to thank the
organizers for being here.
Despite sparse numbers, it got wide media coverage, focusing on
celebrity speakers The corporate media gave this rally more prominence
than either the anti-war rally of 300,000 in New York City on the day before
of the million-fold demonstrations across the country for immigrants rights
on the day after.
The Holocaust Museum in Washington issued a genocide alert the
first such alert ever issued and 35 Evangelical Christian leaders signed a
letter urging President Bush to send troops to stop genocide in Darfur. She
recalled the start of campaign against Sudan immediately after the illegal
invasion of Iraq based on lies. The same media that had given credibility
The Crusades on the American soil continued. On 22nd June, seven
people, including two Haitians, were arrested in Miami for having discussed
attacks on Sears Tower in Chicago. Next day, FBI made a terrorist-related
arrest in Miami. A week later, six charged for conspiring to blow up Sears
Towers pleaded not guilty.
The main battle, however, related to defend the Crusaders on charges
of human rights violations. The Pentagon defied all criticism and insisted
that new policies on prisoners being drawn will omit tenet of the Geneva
Convention which bans humiliating and degrading treatment.
Bush defended moving of terror suspects to Europe, however, he
expressed the desire to empty Guantanamo Bay. On 10 th June, two Saudi
and one Yemeni were found dead at Gitmo facility. US claimed the
detainees had committed suicide. Families of detainees rejected the suicide
theory and pressure mounted for closure of Guantanamo. Lawmakers,
including some Republicans, criticized prolonged detention of prisoners
without trial. UN also urged the need for closure of Gitmo.
On 15th June, US military told reporters to leave Gitmo, even those
who were formally allowed. Bush again said that he wanted to close Gitmo
Rumsfeld that the Guantanamo prisoners were fortunate that they were
living in comfort in the tropics.
The Guardian said that Harry Harriss cold and dubious language
lacked the humanity present even in President Bushs expression of serious
concern, but is entirely in keeping with the clinical illegality of
Americas treatment of terror suspects since 2001.
In no sense, the three deaths change nothing: international law and
opinion has already condemned Guantanamo Bay as a disgrace to a
country which claims to fight its battles on behalf of freedom What is
most horrificthe abandonment of judicial process by a nation whose
identity is built on constitutional rights In Arab World, it will further
darken America and Britains reputations, already sullied by the images of
abuse at Abu Ghraib and the orange suits, shackles and hoods of Camp XRay and Delta.
The Asian Age opined, it is only a sick mind, which can see the
desperate and drastic step taken by the three detainees as an act of
warfare and terror. The Guantanamo Bay has not only turned the
venerable US values and principles on their head, but has also done
incalculable damage to the international image of the sole superpower in the
world. Mr Bush will do well to heed the Amnesty Internationals advice and
ensure that detainees are either brought up for fair trial or released.
The Washington Post wrote, Guantanamo Bay has become a toxic
symbol around the world of US human rights violations, a status magnified
by recent suicides the Bush Administration has set aside or evaded the
rules for prisoner treatment contained in the Geneva Conventions and the
Convention Against Torture but has adopted no firm standards of its own.
This political and administrative mess stems directly from Mr Bushs
decision in the weeks after Sept 11 to take extraordinary measures against
terrorism through the assertion of presidential power, rather than through
legislation, court action or diplomacy US democratic allies in Europe and
elsewhere concede that not every al-Qaeda member captured abroad can be
quickly charged with a crime or released. But the Bush Administrations
lawless practices have so discredited it that it has lost support even for
legitimate anti-terrorist measures.
Carol J Williams, who had been to Gitmo six times, wrote, when
unexpected news breaks, like the suicides, the Pentagons knee-jerk reflex to
thwart coverage reminds me of how Communist officials used to organize
Cold War-era propaganda trips from Moscow correspondents but then pull
the plug when embarrassing realities intruded.
What little we learn often comes to light by accident, through
casual slips-of-the-lips by military doctors, lawyers and jailers innocently
oblivious of their superiors preference for spin. A battery of questions to the
prison hospital commander who for security reasons cant be identified
elicited that prisoners are force-fed through a nasal-gastric tube if they refuse
to eat for three days and that 1,000 pills a day are dispensed to treat
detainees ailments, anxiety and depression.
As Naval Hospital commander Capt John Edmundson showed off the
48-bed prison annex, for instance, I asked, apropos of noting, if the facility
had ever been at or near capacity. Only during the mass-hanging incident,
the Navy doctor replied, provoking audible gasps and horrified expressions
among the public affairs minders and opsec operational security
watchdogs in the entourage, none of whom were particularly pleased with
the disclosure that 23 prisoners had attempted simultaneously to hang
themselves with torn bed sheets in late 2003. But such revelations are
infrequent, and the investment of time to obtain them is grossly
Kevin Donegan was quite bitter and sarcastic in his remarks. After
reading the news reports carefully, I finally got it: we Americans are under
attack from a bunch of guys rotting in their jail cells. You see, the
terrorists are trying to make us look like the bad guys by killing themselves
while theyre supposed to be under 24/7 supervision. As Adm Harry B
Harris explained to reporters, the men who committed suicide at Gitmo
have no regard for life, neither ours nor their own.
They fashioned a noose out of their bed sheets. Allowing prisoners,
such comfort items as bed sheets and toiletries, will now have to be
reassessed, according to Gen Bantz J Craddock, head of the US Southern
Command. Weve treated these people so well and this is how they
repay us?
Tired of thwarting prisoners intent on hunger strikes by strapping
them to restraining chairs and force feeding them through plastic tubes,
President Bush announced additional measures the United States will
undertake to prevent further suicides:
All Guantanamo detainees will undergo sensitivity training to show
them how much it hurts our feelings and kinda makes us look bad
you can no longer decide arbitrarily what you want to do with people. It
upheld the rule of law in this country and determined that the executive has
gone beyond the constitution and international law.
Marc Pitzke wrote that the Supreme Court gave the White House a
slap in the face that resounded around the world The judges
fulminated that it was they and not the president who made the decisions on
the law, and more so than ever in times of war.
The Washington Post tried to portray the decision as controversial.
The 5 to 3 decision in Hamdan v Rumsfeld will be controversial; indeed,
legal scholars will debate its many components for years to come. In
practical terms, however, it is a huge victory for Fundamental American
values and one that will dramatically aid in putting the war against
terrorism on a sound legal basis.
While trials were the principal subject of the case, the more important
holding may be one the court offered in passing: that Common Article 3 of
the Geneva Conventions covers all detentions in this conflict. The
administrations long-standing contentions that al-Qaeda detainees are
almost wholly outside of the protection of international law is, the Supreme
Court says, simply wrong.
The News said, despite the Supreme Courts decision, however, it
would be unrealistic to expect an early closure of the prison. There are
two reasons for this pessimism. The commander of the Guantanamo Bay
naval base, Rear Adm. Harry Harrishad already said this week that an
adverse ruling would have a negligible effect on the prisons future. And
Mr Bushs own response to the court ruling suggested that he was in no
hurry to close the facility or end the military tribunals.
Robert Kagan urged to keep the Crusades going. No one should
lightly dismiss the current hostility toward the United States. International
legitimacy matters. It is important in itself, and it affects others willingness
to work with us. But neither should we be paralyzed by the unavoidable
resentments that our power creates. If we refrain from action out of fears that
others around the world would be angry with us, then we would never act.
And count on it: Theyd blame us for that, too.
Adel Safty was of the view that the war was all about maintaining
Americas supremacy by stopping emergence of any challenge. The new
strategic directions and policy orientations were spelled out immediately
after the Gulf War in documents entitled Prevent Re-Emergence of a New
Rival. Some of the possible rivals identified and actions recommended were
as under.
Russia will remain the only power in the world with the capability of
destroying the US, therefore the US should rely on its massive strategic
nuclear arsenal and continue to target vital aspects of the former Soviet
military establishment.
Asia was recognized in the in the policy documents as the region with
the heaviest concentration of political and economic beliefs at variance with
the American system. The US must therefore maintain its status as a
military power of the first magnitude in the area, to prevent the
emergence of any new power seeking to dominate the region or to challenge
the established order.
In the Middle East, the overall American objective, the documents
said, is to ensure that the US remains the predominant outside power in the
region and preserve the US and western access to the regions oil The
documents did not overlook even its strongest ally, Europe. Although it is
commonly recognized that Western Europe is no longer threatened by any
power from the East, The US does not want to dismantle NATO, which
served to institutionalize its dominant role in Europe. As a result, the US will
oppose any European move towards greater independence vis--vis
Washington and will insist that NATO continue to provide basis of any
security system in Europe
The emphasis is clearly and unambiguously on reliance on
American military power as the principal instrument of preserving
American supremacy. There is no mention of the UN even though the
organization was effectively used to give legality to the US-led war against
Iraq in 1991.
There is a brief mention about the fact that coalitions hold
considerable promise for promoting collective actionbut for more
significant is the emphasis the Wolfowitz document places on American
ability to intervene militarily with or without international backing In
sum: American leaders, the documents said, must maintain the mechanism
for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or
global role.
Canada, being part of the world of White Christians, could not resist
joining the holy war against followers of Islam. On 6 th June, the documents
released by a Canadian court claimed that 17 Muslims arrested earlier were
part of a home-grown terrorist cell. On 30th June, Canada denied entry to
British Muslim cleric, Sheikh Riyad Ul-Haq.
The Toronto Star observed, there is no section of Canadas
multicultural mosaic under more stress today than countrys 750,000
Muslims. Many in this community are reeling, struggling to absorb the
shocking news that 17 of their members have been arrested Vandals have
already struck, shattering the windows of a Rexdale mosque.
To prevent a backlash on a scale that has occurred in parts of Europe,
parents and friends, and community and educational and religious leaders
within the Muslim community as well as the greater Canadian society
must be ready to challenge the extremists in their midst. If we are to move
forward as a nation against terror attacks, all Canadians Muslim and nonMuslim must realize we are in this together.
Gwynne Dyer saw the arrest of suspected terrorists in Canada as part
of the international conspiracy. There are isolated small groups of
extremists who blow things up once a while, and there are websites and
other media through which they can exchange ideas and techniques, but
there are no headquarters, no chain of command, no organization that
can be defeated, dismantled and destroyed.
The Sept 11 attacks on the United States were a spectacularly
successful flukebut there have been no further Islamist attacks in the US.
The two subsequent attacks (in London and Madrid) were both carried
out by local people with no links to any international terrorist
The contrast between the received wisdom that the world, or at
least the West, is engaged in a titanic, unending struggle against a terrorist
organization of global reach and not the very impressive reality is so great
that most people in the West believe the official narrative rather than the
evidence of their own eyes.
Chicago Tribune wrote, Canadian authorities reportedly had been
tracking the group through e-mail, Internet chat rooms and telephone
conversations. The Associated Press quoted an unnamed US official as
saying investigators are looking for connections between the detainees and
Muslim rulers should listen what their peoples say and ponder over
their wisdom in supporting the US war on terror. Najla al-Rostamani
quoted some figures of recently conducted opinion survey by YouGov/Gulf
A whopping 70% believed that the policies of the current US
administration had made the worlds a worse place to live in.
Majority of the respondents showed lack of confidence in
superpowers ability to resolve the problems faced by the world
today; 37 % were unconfident and 31% were very unconfident.
A total of 83% of respondents said that current American policies and
actions were resulting in greater instability in the Middle East and the
Arab World.
A total of 89% said the country under Bush has lost credibility while
86% said it has lost popularity. Among Arabs the percentages were
92% and 94% respectively.
A total of 51% did not perceive America is not the sole superpower
of the world.
One of the reasons behind the anti-war public opinion has been the
treatment meted out to detainees. Entire world has been speaking against
the excesses committed by the Crusaders and their partners, except the elite
in Islamic World, perhaps out of feeling guilty. Andrew Higgins made some
interesting revelations.
Abu Bakker Qassim and four fellow Muslims from China were
cleared after four years of interrogation in Gitmo facility. But, it faced
problems in freeing them for want of a country that would accept them.
More than hundred countries were approached, but all of them refused
to accept them, fearful of upsetting China, at last Albania accepted them.
The reason quoted for not sending them to their country of origin was
that China severely punishes Muslims from far west for advocating
independence. The analyst, however, concealed the real intention. America
still has the plans to use Muslims of Uighur in future as part of its design to
contain China. Beijing rightly accused Washington of hypocrisy and asked
Albania to hand over the men.
The analyst added that there are 116 detainees at Gitmo who are no
longer considered a serious threat or valuable to US intelligence. Among
them is Zakijan Hassan, an Uzbek dissident desperate to avoid going back
to Uzbekistan. He claimed that before sending detainees home, US
officials seek guarantees they will be treated humanely which has
slowed US negotiations. He indirectly conveyed that the rulers in Islamic
countries treat Muslims worse than the Crusaders do.
Khaled Almaeena wrote, the Ummah and far too many freedomloving people in the world have kept silent while the unfortunate detainees
were being subjected to the severest mental and physical torture in what is
simply nothing but an American-run hellhole. Abandoned by us all, these
poor and many innocent detainees have endured a horror beyond
While unreservedly condemning the US government, we must also
give credit to the many Americans who have not only protested and spoken
out against their governments actions but who have also offered help to the
detainees as much as possible and who have brought cases before US
There is no case. No proof Take the case of the five Muslim
Uighurs enroute to Turkey through Afghanistan; they were caught in the
cross-fire as the US Air Force rained down death and destruction and they
fled to neighbouring Pakistan. They were first given hospitality by the local
tribesmen and then taken to a mosque and handed over to US forces who
had paid the tribesmen $ 5,000 for each of them.
When poor innocent people were taken by force to Guantanamo and
subjected to the worst mental torture, we did the Arab thing and buried our
heads into the sand. The Americans took their sweet time at reclassifying
the sufferers
free and democratic Iraq. He mentioned that some groups are pushing
women to cover even their face, a step not taken in Iran even at its most
conservative. Some people are harassing women and telling them to cover
up and stop using cell phones (suspected channel to licentious relationship
with men). Wahabis have scared the people to the extent that they have
stopped wearing shorts and jeans. It amply reflected on concerns of the
Sylvia Maier, however, saw some encouraging glimpses. Amid the
images of death, destruction and mayhem in Iraq, some piece of good news
from the Middle East has gone virtually unnoticed. Womens rights are
progressing in many Middle Eastern countries, and numerous small but
important victories have been won.
Western countries should support progressive Arab monarchies,
such as King Mohammed VI of Morocco, King Abdullah of Jordan and the
emirs of Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar in their reform efforts. The European
Unions Neighbourhood Policy, which offers preferred access to the
European market in return for political and social reforms, is one example.
The West should provide moral, political and logistical support to
womens groups in the region, taking its cue from local activists about their
priorities and needs. The focus is on bringing political and social
compatibility with the West.
British playwright Harold Pinter commented on the rhetoric of
democracy. The United States supported and, in many cases, engendered
every right-wing military dictatorship in the world after World War II
Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines,
Guatemala, El Salvador and, of course Chile
Hundreds of thousands of deaths took place in those countriesbut
you wouldnt know it. The crimes of the US have been systematic,
constant, vicious, and remorseless but very few people have actually
talked about them. Presently, America is actively involved in fighting in two
countries even after installation of democratic governments of its choice. It
is also active pushing for the regime-change of two democratically elected
governments in Palestine and Iran.
Dr Muzaffar Iqbal drew the attention of Muslim rulers toward
Americas plan for the Long War. It means an endless war against an
unidentifiable enemy. It means war at several fronts ranging from
battlefields to academies of higher learning, and from internet websites to
Catholic identity of East Timor has been purified by removing the
pollution caused by the Muslim Prime Minister, Alkatiri. But, the successes
in the global war end there. North Korea defied the West by test-firing long
range missiles exposing the limitations of the lone superpower of the world.
SCO meeting and growing military prowess of China will continue causing
worries to those embarked upon building an empire.
Islamists in Somalia proved that the peace returns only when the US
troops or the warlords backed by America are thrown out of power. It
happened in Afghanistan and now in Somalia. But peace in Islamic countries
is not the goal of the Crusaders. The Reuters has already urged them to act
by pointing out the possibility of practice of Islamic values and Sharia law.
America, despite the criticism of the war, remained determined to
build an empire. American imperialism seemed different from the European.
The latter built empire by military action combined with winning over
people using other means. This was necessary because large populations
could not be subjugated for longer duration purely through use of force.
The former had learnt altogether different lesson from history. The
landing in America was followed by the elimination of the Red Indians.
Since then, Americans have shown no desire to acquire expertise of winning
over the people. Therefore, they continue encountering problems in building
an empire in 21st century, particularly in countries for more densely
populated as compared to the continent of America half a millennium ago.
Muslim masses are angry over the brutalities of the Crusaders and
frustrated by the complacence of their rulers. Muslim rulers, guided by their
wisdom, have opted to follow the directions of the Crusaders ignoring the
sentiment of their people and thereby sleep-walking to subjugation.
7th July 2006
The Daily Star wrote that Israels Cabinet instructed the military to
prepare for gradual and lengthy military activity, which will include the
creation of an occupation zone in the northern Gaza Strip. The Israelis
insist that such a security zone is necessary to prevent rocket attacks on
Israeli cities, but Palestinian leaders say that recent events have served as a
pretext to impose a fait acompli.
Uri Avnery rejected this out rightly. The kidnapped soldier served as
a pretext for an operation which must have been prepared a long time
ago. The Israeli and international public has been told that the aim is to set
him free, but in practice it has put his life in greater jeopardy.
The connection between the kidnapped soldier and the operation
exists only in the realm of propaganda. The same goes for the second
pretext: that the aim is to put an end to the launching of Qassam rockets at
the town of Sderot True, this is indeed an intolerable situation. The
Qassam, a simple and inexpensive weapon, causes more panic than real
damage, like the German V-rockets fired on London in World War II.
A clear aim, which the operation is designed to attain by simple
means: breaking the Palestinian population by the liquidation of its
leadership, destruction of its infrastructure and cutting off food supplies,
medicines, electricity, water and sanitary services not to mention
employment. The message to the Palestinians: if you want to put an end to
your suffering, remove the government you have elected.
Patrick Seale said, referring to the democratically-elected Hamas
government, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer declared, no one has immunity. This is
not a government. It is a murderous organization. This judgment might
more accurately describe Israels own government.
Why have Olmert and Amir Peretz, his hapless defence minister,
gone down this road to nowhere? Some observers have suggested they may
want to show that they are as good at killing Arabs as their predecessors
because, unlike previous Israeli leaders, they lack any significant military
experience. But this can be only part of the story.
Israels second reason for striking at Gaza is political. It is seeking to
destroy the Hamas government by all possible means including physical
liquidation because it knows that Hamass terms for a settlement would be
stiffer than it could possibly accept.
It abhors the recent Hamas-Fatah accord, which implicitly
recognizes Israel, because it threatens to produce a Palestinian partner
Iran and others. They may act independently of the Hamas leadership in
Gaza, as demonstrated by present crisis.
Majority rejected the above contention. Israels excessive response to
the kidnapping of one of its soldier reflects its general disdain of the
Palestinians and shows how its leaders overreact to certain events. Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert has said that his government wont hesitate to carry
out extreme action to bring Cpl Gilad Shalit back wrote the News.
The overreaction went a bit further with Israeli Justice Minister Haim
Ramon saying that Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal was a target for
assassination. Given Israels record of political violencethis recent
warning may come across as inevitable.
A week later, the news added, Israels reaction to the abduction of its
soldier has been extreme. It has amassed tanks and infantry along Gazas
northern border and is on the verge of invading Olmerts government is
said to be under severe pressure for taking action against the abduction of its
soldier. That is understandable because public opinion in Israel over an
issue related to Palestine tends to be dominated by rightwing hawks and
there are only shades of right as far as such matters are concerned.
Where was the international outrage and outcry when a couple of
weeks ago Israels navy attacked innocent civilians killing several of them
of atrocities regularly committed by the IDF against unarmed Palestinians,
including, in many cases, children.
There would be little need for this long war if Mr Olmerts
government recognized the reality that Hamas was elected to office
democratically and negotiated with it, just like his predecessor tried to with
the PLO The whole process was backed by Washington, until of course
the result produced a victory for Hamas.
The Asian Age opined, the brutal attack on the Palestinians by
Israeli forces smacks of intolerance and authoritarianism. The Israeli
security forces have kidnapped seven cabinet ministers, over 60 members of
Parliament and senior government officials in Palestine, in a move that must
invite outright condemnation The concentrated attack on Hamas, that has
now reached unimaginable proportions by Israel, is not being opposed in the
manner it should have been by the other Palestinian groups.
Haaretz wrote, the government was caught up too quickly in a
whirlwind of prestige mixed with fatigue. It must return to its senses at
once, be satisfied with the threats it has made, free the detained Hamas
politicians and open negotiations. The issue is a soldier who must be brought
home, not changing the face of the Middle East. At least Khaled Meshaal,
who is living in Syria holds the key. If so, what is the point of pressuring
the local Palestinian leadership., which did not know of the planned attack
and which, when it found, demanded that the kidnappers take good care of
their victim and return him?
Will Hutton was of the view that Israel has frequently resorted to
the doctrine of disproportionate response: not an eye for eye, but 10 to 20
Palestinian deaths for every Israeli loss But disproportionality on such a
scale is self-escalating. It casts Israel as the rogue state and Palestinians as
victim. These are not the actions of a government that wants to be a partner
of peace.
The dark interpretation of Israels reaction in Gaza is that it does not
want a politically viable negotiating partner in Palestine. It suits Israel to
characterize Hamas as terrorist fundamentalists who are beyond the pale
What happened last week was an international disgrace. We need to say so.
We hold Hamas to account for its words and actions. The same applies to
M B Naqvi said, Israelis have kept Palestinians confined to certain
areas without any rights and when they protest they are labeled terrorists and
punished in supposed retaliation. They ballyhoo on the arrest of an Israeli
corporal and this invasion is also for retaliation. No one mentions the
wanton killing of six innocent civilians on the beach earlier on which
Hamas ended its ceasefire and retaliated.
Jonathan Steele urged that Israel must renounce violence, in
particular the assassinations of Palestinian leaders. The number of civilians
killed in these attacks this year alone far exceeds the number of Israeli
victims since Hamas declared its ceasefire last year. The facts do not
support the notion that Israel is retaliating to provocation.
The Daily Star wrote, it was only after 20 years of Israels brutal and
racist occupation policies that the Palestinian population rose up to protest
against their oppressors. Recent events serve to demonstrate that the Israelis
are still grappling with an internal insecurity that is projected onto an
entire Palestinian population, as if every Palestinian man, woman and child
represents a menace and a threat to Israels existence.
Marwan al-Kabalan said, even when Hamas was moving closer
towards accepting the conditions of the Quartet, Israel had never
stopped killing Palestinian activists based on their intentions to attack
The Asian Age wrote. the disunity (of Palestinian leaders) has also
added to the woes of the civilian opposition, although this is a small factor in
what is now emerging as an international conspiracy to isolate and
cripple Hamas. The US has increasingly looked upon Israel as vital to its
interests in West Asia, with Tel Aviv and the powerful Jewish lobby in the
US exercising a great deal of influence on the policies of the Bush
In Washington, the deputy spokesman of the State Department spoke
of the United States possession of a moral authority, which he said it was
using to defuse the crisis. On the other hand, he justified the latest Israeli
Arab and Muslim states failed to take any step to mend or counter
the US bias towards Israel. Apparently nobody can do anything. Israel is
militarily superior to all Arab states put together; Arab potentates are
behaving like scaled cats. Most Arab states have actually betrayed the
Palestinians and love dealing with the US and Israel in the name of prudence
and self-interest. There is precious little that one can do expect to raise ones
voice against inhuman treatment of an unarmed people by a super-armed
fanatical state opined M B Naqvi.
The question is: Is world opinion asleep or comatose? One especially
wants to know what the fair-minded people in the rest of the west (outside
US) think of what is going on in what was Palestine. Do they feel any
moral repugnance to what the Israeli colonialists are doing?
Khaleej Times wrote: How long the dance of death will go on, as the
rest of the world including the Arab-Muslim countries watches in morbid
fascination? Arab League and the OIC have done little more than issuing
regulation communiqus expressing their grave concern. The UN is
equally impotent. The Leagues pitiful appeals to the US and the West
seeking their intervention have been, not surprisingly, ignored Why
would anyone pay attention to the League, or OIC states for that matter,
If things go on like this, Palestinians can look forward to endless
rounds of reckless Hamas provocations and inexorable Israeli responses.
That is why things must not be allowed to go on like this. It is not just Israel
that needs to be delivering that message to Hamas wrote the New York
Times. The paper meant that the message should be from all the Crusaders
and their cronies.
The Washington Post wrote that Abbas needs more help than he is
getting from Egypt, other Arab states and the United Nations. Instead of
fulminating about supposed Israeli war crimes, these actors ought to be
demanding that Hamas and its sponsors in Damascus and Tehran stop
their own acts of terrorism and war.
Uri Avnery opined that we have a different army now The action
proves, of course, an old military maxim: for every means of defence a
means of attack can be found, and vice versa. The security fence that
surrounds the Gaza Strip on all sidescan stop thieves and people looking
for work in Israel, but not the determined fighters who will always find
ways to cross it, whether from below or above.
He added, we dismantled the settlements there, and got the
Qassams on Sderot in return. Sharon has failed, so Olmert will fail
doubly It has not brought peace nearer, because it was coupled with an
open intention to annex large parts of the West Bank.
The Daily Star wrote that Israelis are suffering from a feeling of
existential insecurity. But the use of strong-arm tactics will not win them
the sense of security that they desire. True, Israel can control northern
Gaza and stamp out the militants who have recently launched rockets into
Israeli territory. But each aggressive Israeli military action will ensure that
new militants will emerge to take the place of those killed or jailed by Israeli
Mansoor Jafar was of the view that Israel wants a peace
settlement based not on human rights and international law, but rather on
the balance of power. It insists that Palestinians would be content with
whatever Israel gives them and demand nothing more.
Arab News wrote, because Israel, by its own account, is practicing
terrorism, Hamas is well within its right to battle back. The capturing of
Israeli soldier is a classic act of resistance sanctioned by international law.
The Israeli foreign minister himself admitted as much, saying those who
attack soldiers cannot be described as terrorists. Tzipi Livni did not complete
the sentence, but conversely, those who attack civilians are nothing but
Galal Nassar said, once the Palestinians were acting as one again, the
Israelis had no option but to send in tanks What Israel forgets is that
you cannot bomb a people into submission and that moral right is
ultimately stronger than the executioners menace.
Khaleej Times wrote, there is reportedly anger and frustration in the
Israeli army over Prime Minister Ehud Olmerts dogged refusal to accept the
ceasefire offer made by Hamas. To them, Olmerts adamant stance is
incomprehensible because it does not lead anywhere, except into blind
alleys that they have been negotiating with no particular aim for the past
several decades.
Olmert cannot go on like this forever though. Given the signs of
dissent in the army, it wouldnt be long before Olmert faces fire from
ordinary Israelis The Israeli leaders hardline-stand, far more hawkish
than his mentor Ariel Sharon, now may give a real hard time to his own
troops more than the Palestinians.
Ismail Haniyeh said, Israels unilateral movements of the past year
will not lead to peace. These acts the temporary withdrawal of forces
from Gaza, the walling of the West Bank are not strides toward resolution
but empty, symbolic acts that fail to address the underlying conflict.
All the arrests and other actions seemed well-deliberated. Israel first
resorted to killings at beach and other attacks to instigate Palestinian
militants to retaliate. Once they kidnapped an Israel soldier, the whole
thing started unfolding.
Western media always chooses an incident which suits blaming
Palestinians and their supporters. In this case it chose the classic military
action by the Palestinian fighters in which they captured an Israeli soldier,
and unashamedly dubbed it as kidnapping, thus concocting a pretext to
justify Israeli terrorism.
Media tried to create an impression that all the brutalities of Israel,
since its illegitimate creation, have no relevance to prevalent situation.
Nobody mentioned even the recent events, like killings at the beach, which
forced the Palestinians to retaliate in manner they did.
Israel has been looking for an excuse, particularly after economic
sanctions failed to crumble Hamas government, to administer severe
collective punishment to the Palestinians for voting Hamas into power. The
intention of annihilating Hamas is no secret.
This is how it should be after the Arabs gave up military option and
surrendered in the name of peace deals. It also proves that the Crusaders are
bent upon destroying any capability of self-defence to Muslim. If
Palestinians or their Arab brothers had the capability to punish Israel for
terrorism perpetrated at the beach, it would not have dared to invade Gaza
once again. And, the Palestinian would not have attacked the border post and
kidnapped Israeli soldier. Astonishingly, yet, many Arab rulers consider the
US and the West as their friends.
14th July 2006
nuclear deal with India. About a week later, Washington feared technology
transfer to China as Congress was asked for sale of F-16 to Pakistan.
The peace process with India was restricted to exchange of views by
courtesy of media. The composite dialogue generally went like this;
Musharraf proposed demilitarization and Indian Defence Minister said no
At home front, the ARD-member parties signed the Charter of
Democracy on 2nd July. A few days later, Musharraf, while addressing a
public gathering in Gilgit, said that he cant contest election as a soldier and
urged people to vote for PML-Q, if they support him. Situation in
Baluchistan remained tense forcing Musharraf to warn the terrorists.
Nothing positive happened in the context of soft image.
The war for Afghan peace continued against Pushtoon terrorists.
Following incidents were reported during the period:
Troops killed two militants and captured five in an encounter in North
Waziristan on 18th June. Couple of days later, militants denied killing
the journalist.
At least three FC soldiers were killed and three wounded in roadside
bombing in North Waziristan on 21st June. Four soldiers were killed
and three wounded in helicopter crash and three policemen were shot
dead by miscreants near Bannu. Five foreigners, including four Turks
were arrested in Quetta with suspected links to al-Qaeda.
On 22nd June, militants claimed downing the helicopter; ISPR denied.
Security forces arrested 11 Afghans in Quetta linked to al-Qaeda.
Gunmen abducted a tribesman from Wana.
Members of NWFP Assembly from MMA received threatening letters
from al-Qaeda-linked militants urging them to either publicly
announce their support for them or face the consequences.
Three soldiers were killed in attack by militants in North Waziristan
on 25th June. Militants announced one-month truce in Waziristan.
Seven soldiers of Army and FC were killed and scores of others
wounded in suicide car bomb attack on a check post near Miran Shah
on 26th June. Six men involved in criminal activities were killed in
Next day, Police probing claimed that al-Qaeda has set up a wing in
the Valley. Fear hovered over Indian Muslims after the blasts. Manmohan
openly accused Pakistan of bomb blasts in Mumbai. He warned that the
composite dialogue would be affected. On 15th July, Shaym Saran hinted that
talks with Pakistani counterpart, scheduled to start on 20 th July, wont be
held soon. Indian media resorted to Pakistan-bashing as another 250 people
were held in Mumbai.
Meanwhile perpetration of state terrorism against Kashmiris
continued; following incidents of violence were reported:
Two ex-ministers were held in sex scam on 20th June. Two days later,
one person was killed and 16 wounded in a grenade attack in Sopore.
Prime accused in sex scandal, former Additional Advocate General
Anil Kumar Sethi, surrendered before a Jammu court.
Four freedom fighters and a policeman were killed in violence on 25 th
June. Next day, eight people, including four militants were killed in
On 27th June, six people, including a soldier and a policeman, were
killed in separate incidents on violence.
A musician was taken as suicide member and shot dead by CRP on
30th June. Next day, at least two dozen people were injured in baton
charge in Srinagar when they protested against killing of the musician.
Six persons, including an Indian soldier, were killed in violence on 2 nd
July. Next day, nine people, including one Indian soldier, were killed
in three different clashes.
On 4th July, Gilani was once again put under house arrest. Two days
later, two policemen were arrested for killing musician. Kashmir
Centre in Brussels faced threat of attacks by Hindu extremists.
A policeman and four civilians were killed and 45 other wounded in
grenade attack at a shrine on 8th July. Next day three children were
injured in an explosion in the village of Bamai.
One boy was killed and three wounded in accidental grenade blast in
Kulgam district on 10th July. Next day, eight people were killed and 40
wounded in grenade attack in Srinagar.
glaciers. It has been around 22 years since the Pakistani and Indian armies
became locked in a zero sum game on the 72 kilometers long and 20,000feet-high glacier, where soldiers are cramped on both sides of the glacier,
creating tons of pollution.
In another review, he wrote, from Pakistans standpoint two events
seem to have led to the stalemate, (in Indo-Pak peace process) the fresh
US-India matrimony and the series of bombings in different parts of India,
which provided additional ammunition for hardliners to press Manmohan
Singh to harden his stand on Kashmir. Worst still, the Indian establishment
might be assuming that the worst is over, and it can move ahead with its
global aspirations regardless of the Kashmir conundrum, hoping that the
dispute will fizzle out.
AG Noorani wrote, some in our (Indian) establishment hold that
Kashmir can and should be settled without any accord with Pakistan
by altering what is hideously called the ground realities, through CBMs
and otherwise. But let alone the alienated populous, even pro-Union parties
like the NC and PDP insist on an Indo-Pak settlement. Will Pakistan go
along with CBMs endlessly?
Since September 25, 2004, when Singh and Musharraf agreed to
explore options, the options have narrowed. Considerable common
ground has been developed. The two sticking points the LoC and joint
management are susceptible to compromises.
Jyoti Malhotra said, at the people-to-people level between both
Kashmiris, participants argued, the situation has become as bad as to be
critical. The bus that was flagged off with such fanfare last year between
Srinagar and Muzaffarabad across the Line of Control, for example, hardly
carried any passengers any more, because it took months for Kashmiris to be
first cleared by the Indian authorities and then by their Pakistani
counterparts! It was perhaps better, the participants sorrowfully argued, not
to have raised expectations in the first place; if at all both governments were
going to commit them to such slow torture.
Nirupama Subramanian expressed optimism. There have been net
gains from the peace process for both sides: the ceasefire on the LoC is
certainly one, and the expanded people-to-people contacts are another. These
have built a strong constituency for peace in both India and Pakistan.
Prem Shankar Jha commented on the drowning of schoolchildren in
Wullar Lake. Boating, I was told, is not allowed in Wullar Lake, especially
in the afternoon. But the navy took 45 children out on a boat meant for eight.
In one version the two boatmen were drunk and tried to molest one or
more of the girls, and the ensuing struggle overturned the boat. A second
version had it that an army motorboat had raced dangerously close by. Its
wake set off a panic and caused the boat to overturn. When the boat
overturned, the two navy men swam ashore leaving the children to drown,
ignoring their friends tearful entreaties. It was local fishermen who saved
over half of them, and the others perished.
When the bereaved families and other residents of Handwara went
to the lake next day to pull out the remaining bodies, the army/navy
would not let them, and instead opened fire. Two young students were
killed but the army claimed that they were militants and had fired first,
wounding a soldier. The lame but only too familiar excuse was the
proverbial last straw and sent the whole Kashmir into a hartal
Writing on Mumbai bombing, the News said, a day after the
dastardly attacks, Indias Minister of State for External Affairs Anand
Sharma was quoted by the Times of India as saying that Pakistan should
fully join the battle in isolating and eliminating terrorists He added that
there was a global network of militant organizations operating from
Pakistani territory. and that he would expect Islamabad to deliver when
credible evidence is given to it.
Regrettably, large sections of the Indian media tend to be more
hawkish than South Block itself and are often quick to see Pakistan behind
everything horrible that happens in India. This does not help, not at least
because an investigation into Mumbais blasts is currently underway, and
especially when a peace dialogue is underway between the two countries.
Some reports have suggested that the investigators are also exploring
the possibility that al-Qaeda may be behind the blasts, because of the
similarities to the blasts in Madrid in March 2004 If that be the case, the
Indians should feel happy that militant groups have accepted India as
strategic partner of the Crusaders.
Sitaram Yechury opined that in this context, another issue needs to be
considered dispassionately India has succeeded in not attracting the attention
of global terrorist outfits like al-Qaeda to conduct diabolic acts. However,
with the increasing proclivity of the UPA government to change our
independent foreign policy to make dovetail into the USs global strategic
interests, such dangers may appear on our horizon Apart from
undermining Indias independent and sovereign status, such shifts will
expose India to a greater vulnerability to terrorist attacks.
There were some ripples in domestic political scenario. On 24th
June All Parties Peace Conference, convened by Jamaat-e-Islami, demanded
of the government to stop patronizing MQM. About a week later, the ARDmember parties signed the Charter of Democracy. The meeting called for
resignation of Musharraf and Shaukat over court verdict on Steel Mills
privatization case.
MPs of JI handed over resignations to Qazi Hussain. Punjab Chief
Minister reiterated that Musharraf would be re-elected as president in
uniform. Durrani strongly criticized demand of ARD for resignation of
President and Prime Minister.
On 4th July, Nawaz Sharif said if United States was so keen to fight
the war on terror, then it should first fight Musharraf. Next day, Shujaat
threatened that the term of current Assembly could be extended. Musharraf
while addressing a public gathering in Gilgit said, I cant contest election as
a soldier and urged people to vote for PML if they support him.
Eight-member CCI was reconstituted on 6 th July with two members
from each province; Shaukat representing Punjab. Shujaat again said the
resignations would be countered with extension of assemblies. Nawaz was
not worth his salt as PM, said Musharraf on 13th July. Nawaz said Musharraf
was maligning him.
Shafqat Mahmood wrote, General Musharraf will do well to
understand that this fake democracy he has put together is fooling no one
as the world still considers him a military dictator. The next election is
crucial for him but only if it is free and fair. If it is rigged like the last one,
then the elusive legitimacy that Musharraf so keenly seeks will not come. He
has no choice now but to go for a genuine election and take his chances.
He added, there is a fond hope that like Nepal, the people of this
country will rise and forcibly remove a ruler who has no popular sanction or
legal right to be where he is. The chance of such a strategy succeeding in the
short run is doubtful but the opposition has no choice. If this were a
democracy, it could spend all its energies on gearing up for an election. But,
its analysis is that free and fair elections are not possible under Musharraf.
Public pressure is the only thing that could change this scenario so it is
preparing for it.
M B Naqvi was of the view that the Musharraf regime is facing a
serious crisis. It has to organize two elections between October 2007 and
February 2008: one national general election and another to the office of the
president. The postponement is no real option.
The difficulties that President Pervez Musharraf faces are obvious
If he loses either election, all hell will break loose. The whole political
system he has built will collapse in a matter of hours. This will not be good
for his safety and security. He has, therefore, to win, no matter how.
As it happens, any military coup maker can get himself elected in a
series of elections with the help of intelligence agencies and the bureaucracy.
These agencies are supposed to have perfected a technique in which a
ruling junta cannot lose an election, given political backwardness of
common voters.
On 27th June, Islamabad experienced Basmati aroma. The News
observed that Rice was in clear breach of protocol during her brief visit to
Pakistan. On her way for talks with President Musharraf, she told the press
conference that President Pervez Musharraf should hold democratic, free
and fair elections.
Two days later, it wrote, Pakistan should not require advice or
goading from the outside world on democracy, especially from a country
that seems to have considerable double standards in such matters, but the
perception is that the government in Islamabad tend to listen to Washington
very carefully. It is, however, another matter that they never publicly admit
that they do this, which is fine because it would be demening for them so far
as domestic public opinion is concerned. However, to claim that democratic
norms are flourishing in this country is to present a picture that isnt there.
But these days, advocacy of all sorts is the name of the game in
Islamabad. The result is that some organizations with highly contentious
agendas have also moved in. For instance, it has been reported that a socalled US expert is coming all the way from the US to deliver a special
lecture to women senators on democracy and the role of women lawmakers.
If I were woman senator I would be insulted at the assumption that I
needed to be lectured on such basic issues by an American expert
Who is this expert? Ah, therein lies the rub. It is Ms Judy Van Rest who is
the executive vice president of the International Republican Institute (IRI).
So whats the big deal?
The issue is not so simple because the IRIs agenda is highly
controversial. The Institute is loosely affiliated with the Republican Party
now of Neocon infamy but it receives US government funding for socalled International democratization programmes Most of the staff of the
IRI has strong links to right-wing think-tanks and institutes as well as the
Given this background, it is not surprising to find the IRI being
linked to political upheavals and attempted coups in Latin America. For
instance, after April 2002 aborted coup against Venezuelan President
Chavez, who has been highly critical of the US government, many accused
the Bush Administration of having been involved in this attempted ouster.
In Haiti, in the first year of the Bush Administration, the IRI received
USAID funds to effectively work with Haitian leader Aristides opponents
and the IRI point man Haiti was a Stanley Lucas who had earlier been
closely linked to Haitian military.
We now have US organizations moving into Pakistan, who have been
working with the US government in Iraq. One prominent organization is the
Lincoln Group which has been working in Iraq and is now in Pakistan,
and is one of three companies that are awarded a lucrative contract from the
Pentagon, for the conduct of psy ops to improve foreign public opinion
about the US, especially the US military.
Qazi Hussain Ahmad was in search leadership with a clear vision
which could create hope and end the prevalent disenchantment and fear in
the masses. Political workers should be able to infuse the masses with their
spirit. In order to achieve this objective, the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal is
striving to unite all opposition parties on one platform for a massive
After the killing of terrorists in a raid in Sangsila area, the News asked
the government to engage terrorists leaders in talks. It must not get
carried away by its current military successes and believe that the
solution to the provinces many problems is through the gun alone.
A few days later it added, that the prevalent situation is certain to
continue in the absence of dialogue, is not going to encourage the foreign
investment that the government so desperately seeks to develop its poorest
province. Nor will it help in efforts for the elimination of grievances held by
many in the province against the centre The government needs to
contact the Baluch leaders to start a dialogue, because violence can only
go on for so long and is fruitless.
Rahimullah Yusufzai talked of Baluch youth. There have been reports
about young Baluch University graduates joining the ranks of the
militants and getting killed or arrested. The younger generation of Baluch,
particularly from the affected tribes and districts, appear to be sliding toward
militancy and losing hopes in a federal Pakistan.
The military option would be no more than a short-term solution of
the festering problem. Imposing solutions on a largely unhappy Baluch
population would not work in the long run and instability would elude
Pakistans largest and resource-rich province.
The soft image remained elusive. Some of the events reported
during the period, which did not go well with the quest for the soft image,
were as under:
The miscreants fired a missile at Hangu on 18 th June. Five days later,
nine-member Supreme Court bench stopped privatization of Steel
Mills, noting omissions and commissions in deal on part of state
functionaries. PPP demanded Awais Legharis arrest in PSM scam.
Next day, Justice Rahmat Hussain Jaffery, head of Nishtar Park
Tribunal of inquiry expressed displeasure over non-cooperation of the
Anti-terror judge was shot dead in Gilgit on 25 th June. Four days later,
PML-Q activists ransacked Peshawar Press Club.
A retired brigadier, his daughter-in-law and four teenagers were
kidnapped and beaten by ISI personnel over petty dispute. On 5 th July,
DG ISPR regretted the incident and assured strict action.
Rocket was fired at Hangu city on 7th July and a councilor was
On 12th July, an anti-terrorism court in Karachi acquitted Naveedul
Hasan of involvement in a failed plot to assassinate Musharraf.
Allama Hassan Turabi and his nephew were killed on 14 th July by a
suicide bomber in Karachi, three policemen were injured. Government
decided to launch operation to round up high-profile terrorists.
Next day, protesters torched dozens of vehicles and ransacked
buildings in Karachi.
The government, however, kept working to acquire soft image. On
21 June, two wanted LJ terrorists were arrested in Karachi. Danish
Ambassador made a comeback after five months. On 7th July,
parliamentarians were briefed for the first time on various aspects of nuclear
Let me one more time say this and hope that some slumbering little
sahib of the Foreign Office will wake up and do something about it: Indians
get ten-year American, British and Schengen visas. Isnt this one statistic
enough to tell us where we stand in the eyes of the world, frontline state or
no frontline state?
The News criticized about gagging the press. Threats have been in
vogue since long, however, these have assumed more sinister proportions
in the wake of the war on terror. The family of late Hayatullah Khan alleges
that his murder was perpetrated by an intelligence agency and the detention
incommunicado for over three months of Mukesh Rupetaseverely
undermines the claims often made by the president and the prime minister
that the press is free.
From the number of such cases in the past, it would seem that those
doing the detaining surely could not be working without the sanction of their
superiors. Tacit or explicit approval of such barbaric methods, whose sole
objective is to terrorize and intimidate all journalists, must stop.
Ghazi Salahuddin pointed out the most important link between
poverty and the soft image. One story this past week has shattered my
nerves. On June 20, a factory worker in Lahore slaughtered his three little
daughters and himself went to the police to report the crime. This man,
Muhammad Ashraf, known to be a drug addict, is reported to have told the
police: I have no guilt over what I have done. I think what I did with my
daughters was fair enough since I knew that they had no future.
But this was not the end of the story. An elite force constable went to
the police station and killed Ashraf with his official gun. If Ashrafs madness
had some implications, the action of the police commando is truly
exceptional. This is how justice is administered in our society.
The analyst had also written about Hudood laws. But some other
lines that are to be engraved in the hearts and minds of the people are also
important. It is in this respect that we should return to the ordinance that
would facilitate the release of women detained on various charges including
under the Hudood Ordinance, and measure its meaning and its impact.
Unfortunately, the task of erasing the legacy of General Zia has not yet
begun in earnest.
The News took on the religious parties in the same context. A
meeting of religious parties in Islamabad on Thursday, held under the aegis
of an ulema and mashaikh convention, passed a resolution condemning what
the parties said was the governments encouraging of western NGOs and
so-called intellectuals for speaking against Hudood-e-Islami.
The editor termed it as rejectionist worldview. The convention shows
a disturbing tendency among much of the religious parties in the country
to reject anything that goes against their literalist and rigid worldview.
It only makes one wonder that where the silent majority and where the
enlightened and progressive sections of society are. And if they are indeed
there, why dont they make their presence felt?
Except from issuing of occasional statements, Washington has yet to
sincerely acknowledge the services of Pakistan for promotion of US interests
in the region. This is because of the Americas prejudices against Pakistan
which are likely to persist because of its Islamic identity.
The stalemate in the peace process was broken during the period, but
in negative terms as it was put in reverse gear after the serial bombings in
Mumbai. India resorted to Pakistan-bashing instead of accepting that Islamic
militants have formally acknowledged Indias strategic partnership with the
Crusaders. If it is so, there will be more trouble for India.
On the home front, surrender of Bugti rebels indicated that the
government seemed to have made inroads in breaking the hold of Akbar
Bugti, who is fighting for a lost cause. However, in the context of soft
image, the assassination of Allama Hassan Turabi was a major setback.
16th July 2006
The prediction of the Washington Post came true on 12th July, when an
Israeli military patrol trespassed into Lebanese territory and was
successfully ambushed by Hezbollah fighters. This military action resulted
in killing of eight Israeli soldiers and kidnapping of two others.
Within 24 hours, Israel blockaded Lebanese ports and struck Beirut
airport and two military bases. In all 53 people were reported killed and over
one hundred were wounded. An Israeli officer said the air and sea blockade
would be a prolonged offensive against Hezbollah fighters. Israel also feared
that its captured soldiers may be transferred to Iran. Tehran said Israel was
talking absurdities.
Hezbollah fighters fired at least 70 rockets on Israeli territory in
retaliation, killing one and wounding 43 Jews. Western media blamed Iran,
Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas for having intentions to escalate the conflict.
Bush said, Israel has the right to defend herself. The EU and Russia
condemned Israels strikes. Arab foreign ministers agreed to hold
emergency meeting.
On 14th July, Israel carried out an air strike to kill Nasrallah. Israels
interior minister said, Nasrallah decided his own fate. We will settle our
accounts with him when the time comes. Nasrallah declared open war
against the Jewish state after escaping unscathed in Israeli air strike on his
office in Beirut. You wanted an open war; you will get an open war. It will
be war at all levelsto Haifa, and beyond Haifa.
France, Russia, Malaysia and Indonesia condemned attack on
Lebanon. Chirac said, I find, honestly, like most Europeans, that the
reactions are completely disproportionate. Russian foreign office stated,
one cannot justify the continued destruction by Israel of the civilian
infrastructure in Lebanon and in Palestinian territory, involving the
disproportionate use of force. Malaysia urged the international community
to take action. Indonesia demanded resumption of the Middle East peace
Saudi Arabia blamed Hezbollah by saying that its adventurism created
the crisis. It is necessary to make a distinction between legitimate resistance
(to occupation) and irresponsible adventurism adopted by certain elements
within the state and taken without its knowledge.
Mottaki said, the international community and the UN must intervene
to stop this crime. UNSC meeting ended with no action on Beiruts demand
for truce. Blair urged global effort, thereby aiming at drawing back Russia
and China to support the ongoing Crusades.
Next day, in exercise of the right to defend itself Israeli air strikes
and bombing killed 354 Lebanese, including 15 children, and dozens of
civilians were wounded. Infrastructure and leaders of Hezbollah were
targeted and a crossing point on border with Syria was also hit. Hezbollah
rockets struck town of Tiberias and wounded eight Israelis. NAM flayed
Israeli aggression. EU countries started evacuating their citizens. Arab
League said Middle East peace process was dead.
On 16th July, at least 45 Lebanese were killed and 111 wounded. Israel
targeted Hezbollah TV station, al-Manar. Six Palestinians were killed in Beit
Hanun in northern Gaza Strip. Nine Israelis were killed in Haifa in rocket
attack by Hezbollah. Olmert vowed to avenge deaths in Haifa. Hezbollah
threatened to attack petrochemical installations.
Haniya said, I am wondering whether the international community
has been so silent ever before in the face of such cruelty. Ive never heard of
or read about the acceptance of such cruelty. Lebanese Prime Minister said,
unfortunately, whats happening is that the Security Council had a meeting
and then postponed (action)believing that by doing this there would come
a time that the Lebanese will surrender Lebanese will not surrender.
Turkish Prime Minister charged that Western powers were keeping
mum over mounting bloodshed, and warned they would pay the bill by
facing more terrorist attacks. Those who back global peace (only) with
words will sooner or later pay the bill by facing global terrorism This is
what provoking terrorism is.
Syria alerted its forces and vowed to respond directly to Israeli strike.
Iran warned Israel against losses if it attacked Syria. OIC sought end to
Israeli raids on Lebanon and Pakistan asked world to ensure peace. Iraqi
government denounced Israels criminal raids on Lebanon.
Blair urged dealing with arc of extremism effectively. The only way
were going to get anything doneis if we deal with the underlying causes
that are giving rise to that Im afraid Hezbollah was encouraged and
supported both by Syria and Iran. Pope condemned both terrorist acts and
the reprisals. G-8 demanded end to Israeli operations in Middle East.
Next day, at least 47 people were killed in Israeli strikes in Lebanon
and ten dead bodies were recovered from debris. A total of 24 Israeli had
been killed to date, including 12 civilians in a barrage of Hezbollah rocket
fire. Hezbollah claimed shooting down an Israeli aircraft. Nine people were
wounded in Israeli bombing in Gaza Strip and one person was killed and
four wounded in a clash in Beit Hanun.
Syria and Iran now seems to agree has to happen. Hezbollah should disarm
its private militia, stop operating as a state within a state in southern
Lebanon and allow the Lebanese government in Beirut to exercise the full
sovereignty it has been denied for decades.
Uri Avnery wrote, the declared aim of the Lebanon operation is to
push Hezbollah away from the border, so as to make it impossible for
them to capture more soldiers and to launch rockets at Israeli towns. The
invasion of Gaza Strip is also officially aimed at getting Ashkelon and
Sderot out of the range of the Qassams.
Of course the present operation also has several secondary aims,
which do not include the freeing of prisoners. Everybody understands that
that cannot be achieved by military means. But it is probably possible to
destroy some of the thousands of missiles that Hezbollah has accumulated
over the years.
Another secondary aim is to rehabilitate the deterrent power of
the army. That is a codeword for the restoration of the armys injured pride
that has suffered a severe blow from the daring military actions of Hamas in
the south and Hezbollah in the north.
The idea of installing a Quisling in Lebanon is nothing new. In
1955, David Ben-Gurion proposed taking a Christian officer and installing
him as dictator. Moshe Sharet showed that this idea was based on complete
ignorance of Lebanese affairs and torpedoed it.
Olmert unleashed an enormous military operation that was clearly
prepared long in advance. It remains to be seen how for the Israeli offensive
will go to Beirut or even to Damascus but it is clearly aimed at
accomplishing strategic objectives that have no relationship to the
incidents that supposedly provoked it read World Socialist Website.
No one can seriously suggest that bombing Lebanese towns and
villages, imposing a naval blockade and attempting to assassinate Sheikh
Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, are methods likely to win the freedom
of the captured Israeli soldiers.
The Israeli regime has made no secret of its desire to smash up the
Hamas-led Palestinian Authority. The economic blockade imposed in
January, after Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections, has been
escalated into a full-scale military blockade of Gaza, where Hamas has its
main political support.
There was nothing new about Israeli aggression; Lebanese were at the
receiving end for the seventh time in less than as many decades. It was usual
case of showering death and destruction over Lebanese from land, air and
sea for their offence of harbouring Islamic militants.
Uri Avnery, while writing about Israeli offensive against Gazans,
termed it one-sided war. The chief of Israels Southern Command, General
Yoav Gallant, speaks of war, and so do the media. Reality? War is a
defined situation regulated by international law. It takes place between
enemies, who are obliged to observe basic rules But Israeli government
asserts that it is facing not an enemy with rights, but terrorists,
criminals and gangs. And those, of course, have no rights.
In a war, there are prisoners-of-war. That applies to Corporal Gilad
Shalit, who was taken prisoner in a military action, as well as to the
Palestinian fighters who are held by us. But our government defines Shalit
as kidnapped and the Palestinian prisoners as criminals.
It seems that the Jewish brain is inventing new patents (as a popular
Israeli song once said). After the Unilateral Disengagement and the
Unilateral Peace, we have now a Unilateral War. A war in which one side
(the stronger) enjoys all the rights of a belligerent party, while the other
(weaker) side has no rights at all.
For most Israelis, this is another chapter in the long war against
Palestinian terrorism. Again our brave soldiers are obliged to face the vile
Palestinian murderers, who aim to throw us into the sea. Again we fight
because there is no alternative.
He observed that all this was happening despite the fact that already
on the eve of the operation, Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas agreed with
Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah to accept the prisoners paper, which de
facto recognizes Israel within the Green Line border. Now in the heat of the
battle, Fatah members clamour to join the Hamas fighters in the struggle
against the invader, and the remnants of Abbas influence are fading.
David Ignatius wrote, watching the events of the past few days, you
cant help but feel that this is the rerun of an old movie one in which the
forces, and the Israelis condemned for hundreds of civilians including eight
democratically elected Hamas ministers.
The Washington Post wrote, Hezbollah offers few conventional
military targets; its offices, training camps and safe houses are hidden from
view. So the Israelis have opted to inflict general pain on their northern
neighbour, destroying bridges, blockading ports, cratering runways at its
brand new international airport and, now, threatening to attack Beirut
The idea may be to intensify popular Lebanese opposition to
Hezbollah, which forms part of Lebanons governing coalition and controls
cabinet seats. That has apparently worked; many Lebanese, including but not
only Christians, are furious at Hezbollah for exercising what amounts to a
unilateral foreign policy. This was more of wish than a reality.
The Hindu said, while Israels response to the abduction of two of
its soldiers by Hezbollah has been outrageously disproportionate and
indeed terroristic, the militant outfit shares the blame for jeopardizing the
safety of Lebanese civilians through its trans-border raid of July 12 In
displaying the military power to fight on several fronts at the same time,
Israel is reminding the neighbourhood that it has what it calls a deterrent
Gwynne Dyer wrote, everyone knows that the Lebanese
government does not control Hezbollah, but Israel held Beirut
responsible, rolled its tanks across the border, and launched a wave of air
strikes that has already killed over 50 Lebanese.
The whole game plan has unraveled, and Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert has run out of strategies. He is just responding by reflex and
the habitual Israeli reflex, when confronted with a serious challenge, is to
lash out with overwhelming force Its armed forces are incomparably
superior to those of all its neighbours combined, both because they have
state-of-the-art technology and because they simply outnumber all other
armies they face.
Israeli savagery reached a new low when over a dozen innocent
Lebanese children were massacred in the air strikes. Instead of deploring
these ghastly crimes against humanity and taking measures to stop them, US
President George W Bush justified them by arguing that Israel has a right to
defend itself. What he left unsaid was that Arabs and Palestinians have no
right whatsoever not even the right to life wrote the Asian Age.
Agreed, the Israeli Army had every right to secure the release of its
kidnapped soldiers both in Gaza Strip and Lebanon; even a targeted attack
on militants holding them hostage would not have been unjustified in pursuit
of this objective. But carpet bombing civilian areas, destroying residential
buildings, devastating infrastructure and killing innocent people are
certainly not aimed at merely securing the release of two soldiers.
Shireen M Mazari wrote, Israels unleashing of military might against
the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian people and against the hapless
Lebanese state shows most starkly the terrorism a state with massive
military resources can unleash.
Whereas there is nothing new in the Israeli aggression, it is facing a
new kind of resistance. Israeli Defence forces are not pitched against
professional soldiers of the Arab regimes, but the fighters who have
emerged from the Arab masses who have been at the receiving end for too
long. This resistance has a marked feature of do or die resilience, and, by
virtue of resorting to unconventional warfare, they deny Israel the outright
classic victory.
Eric S Margolis said, in 1975, I arrived in Beirut for the first day of
Lebanons 15-year civil war. Seven years later, I accompanied Israeli troops
as they invaded Lebanon, and was with an Israeli armoured unit in
Nadatiyah when it shot its way through a procession of Shia worshippers
marking Ashura. This notorious event was said to have sparked the birth
of Hezbollah.
Uri Avnery wrote, for the other side, this is a heroic stand of their
finest sons against an evil and vicious enemy. One of the strongest armies
in the world, equipped with the most up-to-date weaponry, is deployed
against a handful of untrained fighter with primitive arms.
The leader of the resistance fully understands that his struggle against
the enemy could be subverted by own ruling elite. Megan K Stack and Rania
Abouzeid wrote, the countrys elected government was still in meetings
Wednesday, when Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah went before
television cameras with a pointed threat for the ruling elite.
Today is a time for solidarity and cooperation, and we can have
discussions later. I warn you against committing any error. This is a
national responsibility, the cleric said, looking every inch the head of a
state Any criticism over the capture of the two Israeli soldiers would be
tantamount to colluding with Israel, Nasrallah said, making it clear that he
expected citizens and officials to heed his orders.
Amal Saad-Ghorayeb observed that it is ironic, given Israels
bombing of civilian targets in Beirut, that Hezbollah is often dismissed in the
West as a terrorist organization. In fact its military record is
overwhelmingly one of conflict with Israeli forces inside Lebanese
This is just an example of the way that the West employs an entirely
different definition of terrorism to the one used in the Arab World and
elsewhere, where there is a recognition that terrorism can come in many
forms The attempt to frame Hezbollah as a terrorist organization is
very far from political reality in Lebanon, from public opinion across the
Arab and Islamic World, and from international law.
Eric S Margolis opined that trained by Iran and aided by Syria,
Hezbollahs tough fighters became the only Arab military force ever to
defeat Israel and shatter its record of military invincibility. Israel swore
So far, Hezbollah is the only Arab force that has taken any
concrete action to help the Palestinians suffering devastating collective
punishment by Israel. Such collective punishment, now also being inflicted
by Israel on a national scale on Lebanon, is a crime under international law
and the Geneva Conventions.
All parties involved are to blame for this frightful mess and carnage:
Palestinians and Hezbollah for provoking Israel at a time when its new
leaders were anxious to show they could blast Arabs as effectively as Ariel
Sharon, and Israel for its brutal repression of their leaders.
Patrick Seale was of the view that unlike earlier Arab-Israeli wars,
which Israel was able to win with relative ease, this time it is not confronted
by Arab states at least not yet but by popular resistance movements,
enjoying wide support among the Muslim masses of the Arab World.
This is one reason international security mechanisms seem powerless to
bring the crisis under control.
Gilbert Achcar said, the relation of solidarity that Hezbollah has with
Hamas it did not have either with the PLO or the Palestinian Authority when
the latter was led by Arafat. Hezbollah never had any sympathy for Arafat
and even less so for Mahmoud Abbas, in whom they dont recognize the
same radical opposition to Israel that they see in Hamas, when they dont
accuse them of betraying the Palestinian cause.
David Ignatius observed that Israeli and American doctrine is
premised on the idea that military force will deter adversaries. But, as more
force has been used in recent years, the deterrent value has inevitably gone
down. Thats the inner spring of this crisis: The Iranians (and their clients in
Hezbollah and Hamas) watch the American military mired in Iraq and see
weakness. They are emboldened rather than intimidated.
A day after the Israeli attack on Lebanon, the News wrote, one hopes
that the only country that Israel sometimes listens to, America, will now step
in and urge Tel Aviv to exercise restraint and pull back its military. This was
the wish of a wishful ignorant. This a joint venture of Crusaders and
Eric S Margolis tried to find reason behind this evil collaboration.
The White House has been too obsessed with its lost wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan to pay attention to the Arab-Israel conflict. Under Bush, US
Mideast policy has fallen into the hands of far rightists, called
neoconservatives, and fundamentalist Palestinians.
The Jordan Times wrote, the past few weeks of unequivocal support
for the Israeli killings of Arab civilians has now reached a level of
obscenity. A White House lacking all shame and any semblance of integrity
is defining self-defence scaring Gazan children witless at night with sonic
booms, ensuring that hospitals can only run on emergency power, and killing
civilians in Lebanon.
The US proclaims itself a friend of Israel, but even on that score it is
sorely lacking. Allowing Israel the rope to hang itself and everyone around it
is not very nice, really. But since the US invaded Iraqthe US has lost its
way, the little credibility it had, not to mention its moral compass.
Gilbert Achcar said, Bush Administrations hypocrisy that claims to
be very much concerned by the fate of the Lebanese people only when it is a
matter of opposing Syria. To hold the present Lebanese government
responsible for Hezbollahs action, even after this government has officially
taken its distance from that action, is a demonstration of Israels diktat
policy on the one hand, and on the other hand the indication of Israels
As for Jordan, the Israelis along with the US have been thinking of
this third option that is, annex the West Bank, push Palestinians into
Jordan creating a Palestinian state there, as a way out of their dilemma of
having to accept the reality of a viable Palestinian state. So far the
Jordanians are holding their ground as the chaos increases around them.
World Socialist Website revealed a much wider design of the
Crusaders and the Zionists. US military intervention in Lebanon is also
likely. US media reports of July 14 suggested that the initial planning for
such an intervention was well advanced, with 2,200 Marines to be deployed
as a helicopter-borne force that would land near Beirut on the pretext of
protecting the 25,000 American citizens now trapped in Lebanon by the
Israeli blockade. American helicopter-carrier ship was exercising in the
vicinity of Lebanon days before Israeli attack on that country.
Separate or joint US and Israeli air strikes against Syria and
Iran, and even ground invasion of Syria, are also possible. Certainly the
main focus of the Bush Administration, the congressional Democrats and
Republicans, and the American media has been to blame Syria and Iran for
the crisis, claiming that those regimes were pulling the strings in Hezbollah.
The Bush Administration will not retreat from Iraq and cannot
maintain the status quo, as the country slides deeper into civil war and
popular opposition to the war mounts among the American people. A
sizeable section of the US ruling elite believe that Iran is using its growing
influence on the Iraqi Shiite parties and militias to undermine US control of
the puppet regime established in Baghdad, and that a military
confrontation with Tehran is inevitable.
The mushrooming crisis in the Middle East is a predictable
consequence of the massive military intervention by the United States in
Iraq and Afghanistan, and the increasing aggressive and reckless policy of
American imperialism throughout the region The policy of United States
and Israel is based on a never-ending cycle of war. The Bush
Administration rests its entire foreign policy on the belief that American
military power and high-tech weaponry can solve every problem. The
Zionist project is similarly predicated on unrestrained use of force against
the Palestinians and other targets, such as Hezbollah.
In the last few days, the American media has been filled with
denunciations of Hamas and Hezbollah; portraying them as terrorist
organizations and fitting targets for a massive escalation of military force.
But in the final analysis, the real target of the United States and Israel is
not this or that organization, but the oppressed masses throughout the
Middle East.
They aim to destroy the will to struggle of the tens of millions of
people who have never accepted Zionist dispossession of the Palestinian
people, and who will never accept the US conquest of Iraq and the
establishment of a neo-colonial stooge regime in Baghdad.
The Guardian wrote, in a sane world the summit would have allowed
the heads of the most powerful countries to sit down and jointly persuade all
sides into respecting a ceasefire and imposing a period of calm. Instead, the
G-8 meeting in St Petersburg remained divided. Its emergency
communiqu, issued last night after long wrangling, merely called for
utmost restraint and an end to attacks, and for the UN Security Council to
consider a monitoring force on the border between Israel and Lebanon.
Without a clear ceasefire none of that can happen. But despite active
support from France and Russia, the US was intent on blocking any such
call. Tony Blair laid blame on Syria and Iran for supporting extremists.
George Bush pressed over whether he supported a ceasefire, instead
reiterated: My message to Israel is that as a sovereign nation, you have
every right to defend yourself against terrorist activities.
Amal Saad-Ghorayeb opined that the US and Israel, find themselves
in the bizarre position of repeating policies that have consistently failed for
the past 40 years. Israel has this to show for its track record of being tough
The US for its part is strangely marginal. Its chosen policies have lined it
up squarely with Israel
The Asian Age wrote, the silence of the United Nations and the
international community is appalling. Why are the countries which
vociferously deplore every act of terror, tongue-tied over Israels state
terrorism? And where is the US which claims to be the honest broker in
the Middle East peace process? To silence the angry Arab World over the
illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, President Bush had promised that he
would resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by creating a sovereign
Palestinian state by 2005. Had he kept his promise, the Middle East would
not have been pushed to the brink.
Even a person like Robert Fisk could not resist expressing his antiSyrian sentiment and talking about Shia-Sunni divide in Lebanon. He
preferred to overlook the fact that the followers to two sects have been coexisting peacefully despite American and Israeli efforts to ignite the
sectarian strife to neutralize Hezbollah through a civil war as America
has done with Sunni resistance in Iraq.
With the emergence of some electronic media networks in Islamic
World, misleading the masses of the region has become slightly difficult.
But, this propaganda is also aimed at winning domestic public support
for the ongoing Crusaders. The media has been fairly successful in this
context. This has been done by giving one sided story.
Eric S Margolis noted that Americans have never been told by
their government-guided media that in a speech, Osama bin Laden
asserted that 9/11 attacks on the US were revenge for Israels cruel
destruction of Beirut with artillery and bombs in which up to 18,000
Lebanese and Palestinian civilians died According to George Bush, wasnt
democracy supposed to solve the Mideasts problems and end its violence?
It is not possible to cover all that has been said by Media to distort the
facts; herein, some of the comments are reproduced. The Washington Post
wrote, there can be no surprise at the violent reaction to Hezbollahs
ambush of an Israeli patrol Hezbollahs chief sponsors, bear
responsibility for what has instantly become the most far-reaching, lethal
and dangerous eruption of cross-border fighting in the Middle East in recent
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert now faces hostilities on two fronts. In
Gaza Israel has shown that it can assert military power, de-capacitate the
Hamas-led government and halt normal life for 1 million Palestinians;
however, none of that has forced Hamas to return its hostage.
The paper subsequently wrote, G-8 leaders issued a communiqu
calling for an end to hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel. Not
specifically named in the statement, however, are Syria and Iran
although the United States wanted a statement that faulted both countries for
their support of Hezbollah. As President Bush said before meeting with
Indias prime minister, Syria housed and encouraged the terrorist
The Christian Science Monitor out rightly blamed Hezbollah and
Hamas. Often, it is difficult to sort out who started what in a Middle East
conflict, but thats not the case here. Militant Islamists Hamas in the Gaza
Nothing can be said about the Muslim elites role in the ongoing war
without having the feeling of shame and sorrow, yet one cannot escape
making mention of their apathy. One should start from ones home.
Rahimullah Yusufzai discussed Musharrafs misconceived attempt at
establishing contacts with Israel.
This conflict marks the advent of new era in which non-state
actors in Islamic World have taken upon themselves to fight against USIsraeli terrorism. The emergence of these actors was inevitable for filling the
vacuum left by the retreat of ruling elite, who see their survival in avoiding
the confrontation with superpower and its watch-dog.
Patrick Seale opined that the non-state actors such as Hamas and
Hezbollah and indeed the still more extreme al-Qaeda have arisen
precisely because of the inability of Arab states to deter Israel from its
brutal treatment of its captive Palestinian population or America from its
aggression in Iraq.
Apart from the retreat of Muslim ruling elite, the attitude of the
Crusaders precipitated the new phenomenon. Shireen M Mazari observed
that the US, with its unilateralism and notion of coalitions of the
willing is reducing the international system into an anarchic one making
existing international law and norms of inter-state behaviour almost
irrelevant. If the Israeli notion of collective punishment is accepted then
even more chaotic scenarios can result. If, for example, a Pakistani soldier is
kidnapped or killed by an Afghan, should the Pakistani state have the right to
collective punishment and move its military into Afghanistan? By such
perverse logic, it really depends on who is more powerful, not who is right.
This change has serious implications for all the parties, more so for
the Crusaders who excel in initiating conventional wars unilaterally and
winning those with extensive use of high-tech military power. David
Ignatius cautioned both America and Israel to avoid past mistakes and learn
reliable strategic lessons.
The first is that in countering aggression, international solidarity and
legitimacy matter A second point obvious from Gaza to Beirut to
Baghdad is that power of non-state actors is magnified when there is no
strong central government A final obvious lesson is that in an open,
interconnected world, public opinion matters.
World Socialist Website said, there is a profound sense in which the
policies of the United States and Israel appear counter-productive and
self-defeating. The Bush Administration played a major role in creating the
current Lebanese government, and the forced withdrawal of Syrian troops
from Lebanon has been touted as one of its few foreign policy successes in
the Middle East. Yet the Israeli attacks threatened to undermine and discredit
the regime in Beirut, which is compelled to stand by impotently while
Lebanese citizens are slaughtered, now in dozens, soon perhaps in hundreds
and thousands.
Amal Saad-Ghorayeb observed that Israels escalation has been a
poor PR exercise. Even if it succeeds in showing the Lebanese people that
Hezbollah can be a liability, this may well be cancelled out by Israels own
Aggression, which will only confirm Hezbollahs repeated warnings of
the constant threat posed by Israel.
David Clark said, if Israel couldnt defeat Hezbollah after 18 years in
which its army occupied large swaths of Lebanese territory, it is not going
to succeed with air strikes and blockades, or even another occupation.
The same point applies even more forcefully in the case of Gaza.
Nor does it seem plausible that military action will enable Israel
to secure the release of its captured soldiers. The civilian victims of
Israels indiscriminate retaliation have no real influence over the militias that
hold them, while the militias themselves are untroubled by the spectacle of
public suffering.
Megan K Stack and Rania Abouzeid had similar views on the issue.
Some officials of the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority had appeared to be
edging toward a deal to release Cpl Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier seized
near Gaza last month. Now it seems unlikely that Hamas and Israel will
be able to conclude any such deal until Hezbollah is satisfied.
Robert Fisk, however, was optimistic. Prisoner swap is probably all
that will come of this. In January 2004, for example, Israel freed 436 Arab
prisoners and released the bodies of 59 Lebanese for burial, in return for an
Israeli spy and the bodies of three Israeli soldiers.
As long ago as 1985, three Israeli soldiers captured in 1982 were
traded for 1,150 Lebanese and Palestinian prisoners. So Hezbollah knows
and the Israelis know how the cruel game is played. How many have to
die before the swaps begin is a more important question.
The Guardian wrote, Israels disproportionate response has now
brought the area into chaos. It has acted as though the politics of the
region do not exist; instead it has reacted directly to each kidnapping and
each missile. Israel has the right to defend itself, a task made harder by the
hidden arsenal of Hezbollah, and it should object to any one-sided calls for
restraint. But it cannot control its enemies responses: it can only control its
Richard Cohen opined, the greatest mistake Israel could make at
the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake The idea of
creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some
Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we
are seeing now. Israel fights Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south,
but its most formidable enemy is history itself.
This is why the Israeli-Arab war, now transformed into the IsraeliMuslim war (Iran is not an Arab state), persists and widens. It is why the
conflict mutates and festers The leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan
and some other countries may condemn Hezbollah, but I doubt the
proverbial man in the street shares that view.
Uri Avnery was of the view that Israels plan of regime change in
Lebanon wont work. Ariel Sharon tried to put it into effectBashir
Gemayel was indeed installed as president, only to be murdered soon
afterwards. His brother, Amin, succeeded him and signed a peace agreement
with Israel, but was driven out of office. (The same brother is now publicly
supporting the Israeli operation.)
I have my doubts. It can be assumed that most Lebanese will react as
any other people on earth would: with fury and hatred towards the invader.
That happened in 1982, when the Shiites in the south of Lebanon, until then
as docile as a doormat, stood up against the Israeli occupiers and created the
Hezbollah, which has become the strongest force in the country. If the
Lebanese elite now becomes tainted as collaborators with Israel, it will
be swept off the map.
repeat the act of watching history unfold on their land, this time the promise
of Lebanons resurrection will itself become history.
Uri Avnery said that if the Israeli government carries out its public
threats to kill the Palestinian Prime Minister and his ministers, Hamas will
only emerge strengthened. The place of the martyrs will be filled by new
leaders from among the fighters, and the Palestinians will close ranks behind
them. The same is true in the context of Hezbollah.
In Israel, the opposite may happen: the operation may well hurt the
government that started it. The cruel projector of the crisis throws a hard
light on them and this light is not at all complimentary. It seems that
among them there is not even one person who is more than a grey
The Statesman opined, the net result is that we have all the
ingredients of a terrible and long international war, in which it would
take very little for Syria to join the fighting against Israel, and for America to
attack Iran to prevent it from doing the same. Both Israel and Hezbollah
appear determined to take casualties and losses in order to make their point,
and neither can be forced to stop until their mentors in the USA and Iran
respectively urge them to do so.
The Hindu observed that Hezbollahs actions at this juncture have
been of benefit to the government in Damascus But there can be little
doubt that Hezbollahs adventurism has drawn attention away from the just
struggle the Palestinians are currently waging against an anti-human Israeli
invasion of the Gaza Strip.
World Socialist Website read that it might appear irrational that an
administration which has been unable to subjugate Iraq (population 26
million), would attack Syria (population 18 million) and even Iran
(population 75 million). But such attacks are the logical outcome of the
imperialist perspective that it is possible for American imperialism to
impose its will on the Middle East, and obtain control of the regions vast oil
resources, through sheer force of arms.
Most analysts saw the solution in dialogue. Amal Saad-Ghorayeb said
that as long as main actors persist in their intemperate policies, the
consequences will remain grim. The way to break this cycle is for all
actors to negotiate a political solution that responds to their legitimate
grievances and demands.
Eric S Margolis opined that after more killing and destruction, Israel
will eventually talk to its enemies. Its only a question of how many
civilians will have to die before this happens. Gwynne Dyer expressed
similar views but with reservations.
Sooner or later, if Israel is to have a long-term future, it must make
peace with its neighbours and that depends critically on making peace
with the Palestinians, the main victims of the creation of Israel Most of
them are willing to settle for a pretty meager share of what used to be
Palestine say, the twenty percent that they retained until Israel conquered
them in 1967. But that has never been on offer.
Both Hamas and Hezbollah are adept at pushing Israels buttons and
getting it to overreact (even if that does involve Israel destroying what little
infrastructure there was in the Gaza Strip, and destroying Lebanons
infrastructure all over again). The dwarf superpower of the Middle East is
good at smashing things up, and so long as the real superpower behind it
does not intervene, nobody else can stop it, But nobody in this game has a
coherent strategy for getting out of it.
David Clark was of the view that a just settlement is possible. But the
main reason it has proved illusive is that Israel is not, and never has
been, prepared to make the territorial compromises required. It still
believes that it is entitled to the victors spoils by annexing large tracts of
Palestinian land.
The key to resolving the situation in Lebanon lies, as it did
throughout the 1970s and 1980s, in finding a solution to the Palestinian
question. A viable and successful Palestinian state would rob Hezbollah and
its sponsors of the conceit that they are defending helpless Muslims and
make it easier for those in the region who oppose them to gain the upper
Patrick Seale wrote, unless Israel grasps that it may not always be
able to dictate terms to the Arabs and that the time may have come to
negotiate a global settlement involving Syria, as well as Lebanon and the
Palestinians, down the road may lie mass-casualty terrorism, long-range
missiles, potential Islamic revolts in neighbouring countries such as Egypt,
and even in a catastrophic scenario dirty bombs against Israeli cities.
Despite the fact that previous Arab-Israeli war had been short and one
of them lasted only six days, it appeared that this war could last little longer.
Therefore, it is too early to draw any conclusions at this stage, but some
inferences can be drawn about the aim of the war.
During the heightened tension over Irans nuclear programme, the
debate on pros and cons for the Crusaders in the context of military option,
led to certain conclusions. One of the many conclusions was that Hezbollah
and Hamas could create problems for Israel.
In view of these conclusions, the Crusaders decided to defer the
military option and agreed to direct talks with Ayatollahs to gain time.
They planned to reduce Irans options of retaliation, particularly the one
related to Israels security. Therefore, the recent escalation is aimed at
destroying military and political strength of Hezbollah and Hamas. It could
be taken as the beginning of the third phase of the Crusades, which could
ultimately culminate in regime change in Tehran.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran are the targets of the Crusaders;
perhaps in the same order of priority. All of them can be dealt with in this
phase, failing which it can be split into two or three. In case it is split into
two phases; Iran can be tackled at some later stage. If divided into three,
Syria will be tackled in next phase and Iran in the last.
A week long ordeal of Lebanon has once again exposed the miserable
plight of the ruling elite of the Muslim World. The have requested America
for help which happened to be the real aggressor and cause of all the trouble.
Nasrallah, however, seemed to be filling the vacuum in Ummah of
leadership by representing the popular sentiment.
19th July 2006
On the average 200 attacks per month were carried out in Afghanistan,
reported Rahimullah Yusufzai at the end of May. The intensity of attacks by
the Afghans resisting occupation certainly increased, but the reaction of the
occupation forces had also increased disproportionately.
US forces carried out 340 air strikes in last three months ending mid
June, more than twice the 160 carried out in the much higher-profile war in
Iraq. Uruzgan and Khost were pounded with 500-pound bombs. These
strikes obviously caused widespread collateral damage.
Karzai met elders in Kandahar who were perturbed by the killings of
innocent civilians and told them to relax. Eat your Shorba and take your
afternoon nap. But at the same time take care of the security of your villages,
districts and cities and leave the major things for me.
Afghan parliament approved a motion calling for the government to
prosecute the US soldiers responsible for the killings in Kabul. Bush
promised full investigation. The past experience showed that full
investigation always meant full cover-up.
The increase in violence in Afghanistan once again drew the attention
of critics. Other aspects of occupation, like promises of reconstruction
remained neglected. The Crusaders, however, kept stressing upon
eradication of the menace of narcotics.
Resistance continued; militants torched a school in Ghazni on 17th
April. Authorities banned unregistered motorcycles in Ghazni area. Next
day, five suspected militants were killed by occupation forces in Asadabad in
Kunar province. Death of another nine insurgents was reported earlier in the
Operation Mountain Lion. US-led forces killed six Afghans, including two
babies, in Khost when their cars ignored instructions to stop. One policeman
was killed in an ambush in Baghlan province.
On 19th April, Taliban claimed killing several Afghan and US troops in
suicide bombing and gun fight in Kunar province. A militant was shot dead
by US forces in Nangarhar. One militant died in Baghlan province when a
bomb exploded prematurely. Two Canadian soldiers were wounded in the
Rocket exploded near US Embassy in Kabul on 20th April. Next day
Taliban attacked a police post in Maiwand district and killed six policemen.
A US soldier was killed and an Afghan soldier wounded when a patrol was
attacked in Uruzgan province. US-led forces bombed a village in Helmand
and killed 14 civilians and wounded two others. Three bombs were defused
in Khost and Kandahar provinces.
On 24th April, six children were wounded by explosion of a leftover
artillery shell near Jalalabad. A US plane leased to anti-narcotic force
crashed in Helmand killing one child and injuring nine people including
Americans. Five Taliban and one policeman were killed in a clash in
Kandahar province. Next day, three insurgents were killed in US air attack in
Taliban kidnapped an Indian telecom engineer in Zabul on 28 th April.
Next day, coalition forces killed 11 Taliban militants and detained a dozen in
separate raids across southern Afghanistan; while insurgents ambushed and
shot dead three policemen.
On 30th April, Taliban killed Indian hostage; Delhi condemned and
Karzai was saddened. Next day, US-led forces killed 20 suspected insurgents
in Helmand. Two coalition soldiers were wounded when their vehicle was
destroyed by a bomb blast in Kandahar.
A suicide bomber died in attack on a Canadian convoy near Kabul on
2 May. Four suicide bombings were carried out in last two days. One
Afghan soldier was killed and three wounded when a patrol was ambushed
in Uruzgan. Next day, Governor of Nangarhar escaped assassination attempt
in Jalalabad.
On 5th May, a tribal chief, his son and his bodyguard were shot dead
by suspected Taliban in Helmand province. Two Italian soldiers were killed
and four wounded in roadside bombing in outskirts of Kabul. A wounded
Australian soldier was evacuated to homeland.
Ten US soldiers were killed when a Chinook crashed in Kunar
province on 6th May. Dadullah claimed shooting down the helicopter with a
new weapon. Hekmatyars nephew who was missing for seven months was
reported under detention at Bagram.
On 8th May, three persons, including two policemen were killed in
Zabul when a police patrol was ambushed. Next day coalition forces claimed
killing four militants in air strike in Paktika close to the border with
Pakistan. It was stressed that the site of air strike was well within
Taliban publicly executed a murderer in Uruzgan on 10th May. Two
days later, Canadian troops arrested ten suspected Taliban in Kandahar
province. On 13th May, an Afghan doctor and his driver were killed in rocket
attack near Herat.
Four policemen and 11 Taliban were killed in southern Kandahar
province on 14th May. One intelligence officer was shot dead by gunmen in
Lashkargah. Seven people were wounded in two bomb blasts in the capital.
Four policemen and three civilians were killed in two blasts in Baghlan
On 15th May, security forces claimed that two of the 11 rebels killed
were commanders. Hunt for more than 100 Taliban continued in southern
Kandahar province. Next day, girl schools were attacked in Mazar area
injuring a teacher and five girl students. Coalition forces killed four Islamic
extremists in an air strike in Uruzgan.
A Canadian woman soldier was killed in fighting in Kandahar
province on 17th May. Eighteen suspected Taliban were killed and 26
captured in fighting west of Kandahar. About 100 people were killed in
On 18th May, Taliban attacked Mosa Qala in Helmand province and in
the ensuing battle, 13 policemen and 40 attackers were killed, six policemen
were also wounded. A suicide car bomber killed himself and an American
civilian near Herat. A suicide bomber in Ghazni killed himself and a civilian,
and a US soldier was injured. Three policemen and an intelligence official
were killed and six policemen wounded in other attacks. Eight Taliban and
two policemen were killed in hour-long battle in the province and one
militant was also captured. Seven Taliban were confirmed killed and 20
others might have been killed in air strike west of Kandahar, one foreign
soldier was wounded.
Next day, Mulla Dadullah refuted Afghan government claim of his
capture. Reinforcements were sent to Mosa Qala. One US soldier was killed
and six wounded in Uruzgan province. On 20 th May, 25 militants and 4
soldiers were killed in fighting in Helmand province. Four rebels were killed
in Zabul province. Two French soldiers were killed Kandahar region.
On 21st May, Taliban killed nine Afghan soldiers who were
surrounded after ambush a day earlier. Afghan Army earlier admitted that
four soldiers were killed, 24 wounded and several were missing. Spokesman
for coalition forces said a French soldier was killed and French and a US
solder were wounded; bringing the total of killed French soldiers to three.
Coalition forces estimated that about 200 rebels were killed since 17 th May
and more than 30 Afghan soldiers and policemen died in fighting. ExAfghan governor and a police chief of Paktia were kidnapped in Ghazni. An
American spy was shot dead in southern Ghazni province.
On 22nd May, US night-time air strike in area south of Kandahar killed
97 people in administration of collective punishment for recent attacks by
Taliban in which four coalition soldiers were killed. Death toll in recent
fighting rose to about three hundred.
Three policemen and 12 Taliban were killed when convoy of deputy
governor was ambushed in Helmand on 23rd May. Three workers and a
driver were killed in roadside bombing near Kabul. Human rights officials
and villagers insisted that large number of civilians were killed when US air
struck a village in Kandahar province. A teacher of Aziz village told that 40
civilians including women and children were killed and more than 50
Sixty suspected Taliban and five troops were killed in fresh fighting in
Uruzgan on 24th May. Six suspected Taliban were arrested and three soldiers
and three policemen were wounded. A judge, a provincial official and two
guards were killed in an ambush in Ghor province. Three Afghan truck
drivers were killed in an ambush while going to Paktika.
On 26th May, US-led forces killed five Taliban in a strike near remote
village of Helmand province. Taliban kidnapped and killed a cleric in
Ghazni area. Two days later, four militants were killed in a gun battle in
Helmand province and dead bodies of three missing policemen were found.
Four policemen were wounded in roadside bombing near Ghazni.
A US military vehicle over-ran cars in Kabul and killed five civilians
on 29 May. When the incident sparked rioting, the US troops resorted to
shooting in self-defence and in all 14 Afghans were killed and 142
wounded. Karzai postponed Qatar visit and UN declared city no-go zone.
Afghan parliament called for calm arguing that enemies of Afghanistan
would take advantage of the situation. Coalition warplanes bombed a
mosque in Helmand province and claimed killing 50 Taliban. it was in
retaliation to an earlier exchange of fire. Twenty-one commanders
surrendered arms in Badghis Province.
On 4th June, four persons were killed and 12 wounded when a suicide
bomber attacked a Coalition troops convoy in Kandahar. Next day, one US
soldier died in Paktika. On 6th June, at least two coalition soldiers were
wounded in suicide car bombing on a convoy in Khost province. Two US
and two Afghan soldiers were killed in two bomb blasts in Nangarhar
By 7th June, more than 250 Afghans were arrested for rioting in Kabul.
US truck driver will not be prosecuted, said an official. Three Afghan
soldiers were killed and four wounded in roadside bombing in Kunar on 7 th
June. Coalition forces killed 25 suspected rebels in five-day sweep in
Uruzgan. Five more were killed in skirmishes. Coalition forces claimed
killing 17 suspected militants in three operations on 4th and 5th June; three
coalition soldiers were also wounded.
Suspected Taliban shot dead two policemen in Kandahar province on
8 June. Three soldiers were killed in Ghazni province. A US military
vehicle hit a bus near Kabul injuring three civilians. Security forces in
Kandahar foiled a donkey-bomb attempt. At least 13 people were killed in
fighting near Tirin Kot in Uruzgan province. Next day 13 more, including
two aid worker were killed across the country. Four Afghans working on
road constructed by Indians were shot dead in Maiwand district on 10th June.
To justify the prolonged occupation, even after the democratization
of Afghanistan, it was necessary to keep the monster of Islamic
militancy or terrorism alive. On 27th April, Australian government
warned of terrorist attacks in Afghanistan.
A month later, EU Envoy conveyed a similar message by warning
Taliban to be prepared for a bloody nose. Germany did it by showing
concern over the situation in northern Afghanistan where its troops were to
be deployed. Annan joined in by inferring that Afghan riots reflected
deeper problems.
On 30th June, British General David Richards said Taliban have
become stronger because Iraq diverted worlds attention, but it is not too
late to put the Taliban back in the box. The Crusaders had rushed to invade
Iraq to avail opportunities presented by the tragedy.
Rice visited Kabul and vowed not to allow Afghanistans ruthless
enemies to succeed. After induction of British troops in troubled south,
Browne said presence of British troops has energized Taliban. Blair warned
his best in the world of tough mission in Afghanistan.
The monster, too, did not hesitate in showing its presence. Hekmatyar
criticized Pakistan and Iran for helping US. He vowed to resist occupation
but denied alliance with al-Qaeda or Taliban. Clerics in Kabul urged
Afghans to join Taliban to fight against foreign troops and Afghan
government. Mohammad Kaseem, Taliban commander in Helmand
province, warned that British troops in Afghanistan would die.
Use of brute force remained the hallmark of occupation forces.
The induction of NATO forces in southern Afghanistan gave additional
impetus to indiscriminate use of force to tell Taliban that the newcomers
meant business.
NATO chief considered success in Afghanistan vital. NATO defence
ministers expressed determination to confront a surge in violence in
Afghanistan and press ahead with the military alliances expansion into the
unruly south. NATO cannot afford to fail in Afghanistan, said its secretary
general. In July, Britain sent 900 additional troops to Afghanistan.
Karzai tried to convey the resentment of Afghans by demanding
restraint in coalition attacks. On 24th May, he summoned US commander
over killings of civilians. Summoning was no big deal; Musharraf too has
been summoning Abizaid off and on. All that matters is as to who tells what
to whom.
A week later, Afghan parliament demanded arrest of American troops
involved in the unfortunate incident in Kabul. Mujaddidi, however, accused
some MPs for fueling riots in Kabul. On 22 nd June, Karzai urged the
international community to reassess its approach to the war on terror saying
that deaths of hundreds of Afghans, including Taliban, were not acceptable.
In response to Karzais statement, the coalition forces said they were
doing much more than killing Taliban. Meanwhile, British troops justified
the collateral damage by blaming Taliban for using women and children as
shields. Nevertheless, civilian casualties were termed as main cause of
rebellion for which Afghan forces were also blamed.
While the occupation forces kept committing the war crimes, the UN
remained busy in digging out the evidence of Afghan warlords
involvement in mass killings and torture. When the occupation forces went
on killing spree in southern Afghanistan, the UN picked up the courage to
call for avoiding civilian casualties. But, backing away from Afghanistan is
no option, said the world body.
Now that the Taliban have regrouped, they have become more
sophisticated and deadly in their attacks against the US-led coalition troops
in large swathes of southern and eastern Afghanistan. The Afghan
government, NATO and US military commanders and aid workers concede
that the number of Taliban attacks has increased and their tactics, including
the use of improvised explosive devices have become dangerous. The
Talibans willingness to die would ensure that this Afghan summer would
be long and deadly reported Rahimullah Yusufzai.
With the upsurge in insurgency, the analysts pondered about its
causes; discussed the tactics of Taliban; and western media and analysts
expressed concern about it. Mike Whitney opined that George W Bush has
broken every promise made to the people of Afghanistan. In 2001, he
said he would remove the Taliban, establish order, and rebuild the country
along the lines of the Marshal Plan. He lied on all counts.
building for quite some time. It only needed a minor spark like this to
explode into a raging inferno.
Why is the coalition bent on alienating the very people it went to
liberate? Surely, bombing the mosques, madrassas and civilian
population is not the best way to win the battle for Afghan hearts and
minds. Five years after the invasion, Afghanistan is craving for peace and
security let alone luxuries like jobs, education, health
The US and its allies have to realize the grave challenges facing
them. Time to put Afghanistan back on the track is running out and the
guests already appear to have overstayed their welcome. At the heart of
Afghanistans instability lies the alienation of the majority of its people,
especially the marginalization of Pushtun majority.
Doubtless, the conservative party with a hopeless old-fashioned
world view made some mistakes but it continues to enjoy wide support
among the Afghan people largely because of its success in restoring the rule
of law, peace and security in the country. Engaging Taliban and encouraging
them to join the mainstream may be the best bet before the US-led coalition
to restore lasting peace in Afghanistan.
The New York Times wrote, unless Washington starts correcting
its mistakes, parts of Afghanistan could start tumbling back toward the kind
of anarchic chaos that once made such areas an attractive sanctuary for
international terrorists like Osama bin Laden.
The warning signs go well beyond this weeks deadly outbreak of
anti-American rioting in Kabul the worst violence there since the Taliban
were evicted from Afghanistans capital in 2001. And Kabul is widely
acknowledged to be the most secure place in Afghanistan More than four
years later, Afghanistans patience is running out. Americas military
presence is seen as narrowly focused on Washingtons own agenda of
hunting down al-Qaeda fighters and indifferent to Afghan civilian casualties
and Afghanistans own security needs.
Rahimullah Yusufzai was of the view that once again Americans
have been taken by surprise, this time in Kabul. Earlier, they were
surprised when the Iraqis didnt garland their soldiers when they invaded
Iraq to liberate them from the clutches of Saddam Hussein.
Many Americans believe the Iraqis were ungrateful. Soon they would
have the same opinion of the Afghans. The Afghans, as we are made to
believe, were liberated from the oppressive Taliban. But five years down the
road, they seem to have forgotten the sacrifices rendered by the US in terms
of men and money so that they could live in a freer society than the one
imposed on them by the Taliban.
The demonstratorswere angry with the US for the arrogance of
its soldiers and with President Hamid Karzai for his inability to adequately
voice the complaints of the Afghan people over civilian deaths at the hands
of American and other Western troops. It would be nave to expect Karzai to
criticize the US, which brought him into power
The intriguing aspect of the deadly riots was the preponderance of
Tajiks among the violent protestors Questions are already being asked as
to why the Tajiks in particular and the Afghans in general are turning
against the US and all things Western, From NGOs such as Care
International that saw its premises in Kabul torched to guesthouses, mostly
serving Westerners, that too were attacked.
The sudden increase in Taliban attacks against US-led coalition and
Afghan forces have turned large parts of the southwest and central
Afghanistan into a virtual battleground and no-go area. More than 900
people including combatants and civilians have been killed since the
beginning of 2006 with half of them dying in May.
The civilian deaths, as many as 34 according to most independent
accounts, in Azizi village in Kandahars Panjwai district after a bombing
raid by US warplanes, further inflamed anti-American sentiment in the
Pushtun belt bordering Pakistan. There were also civilian casualties in
similar US aerial strikes in Helmand and Uruzgan.
After mentioning some of the major incidents of civilian killings,
Yusufzai added, besides, there have been numerous incidents of innocent
bystanders getting killed at the hands of nervous and trigger-happy US and
other Western soldiers soon after explosion of roadside bombs targeting their
What surprised analysts, and indeed the Americans, was the intensity
of the anti-US feelings in non-Pushtun localities as exemplified by the
riots in the Afghan capital. Nobody expected that Kabul or its northern parts
such as Khairkhana inhabited mostly by Tajiks, would erupt in anti-US fury.
It is unlikely that the Americans would learn any lessons from the
Kabul riots. despite eyewitness accounts that American soldiers fired at
the stone-throwing protestors with machine-guns fitted on their military
vehicles and killed several of them, US army spokesmen have been insisting
that they were firing shots over the heads of the crowd. Preliminary US
military investigations have already absolved the American soldier-driver of
any wrong-doing.
It is claiming that a brake failure caused the US truck to plough into
about 12 civilian vehicles killing six people and injuring many others. By
insisting that the US troops fired in self-defence at protestors armed with
nothing more than stones, wooden sticks and spades, the Americans have
made it clear that there was no case to be made against its soldiers. Karzais
criticism of agitators who had resorted to violence in the aftermath of the
traffic accident also appeared to shift the blame to the enemies of the
state as the Afghan president referred to them while sparing the
Before long the riots and the loss of lives in Kabul would be
forgotten because Afghanistan is still a dangerous place and there is every
possibility of more such incidents taking place in remote provinces away
from the reach of the media It is time for some soul-searching because
time is running out for the US and its allies to consolidate their gains in
Afghanistan, which rightly or wrongly is described as the only victory in
Americas war on terror.
A large number of analysts and media identified the anomalies in the
strategy of the occupation forces and tried to formulate solutions.
Some shortcomings of the strategy were referred to during media debate on
causes of Kabul incident. These are enumerated in the succeeding
Gwynne Dyer opined that the first mistake lied in invading
Afghanistan, which is an easy country to invade, but an almost
impossible country to occupy long-term because of the rugged terrain, the
deep ethnic divisions and the profound xenophobia that so many foreign
invasions have fostered in Afghan culture.
Thats why Osama bin Laden wanted the United States to invade
Afghanistan in the first place. It was an obvious strategy for al-Qaeda to
choose, since bin Laden had been a first-hand witness to the long ordeal that
the US inflicted on the Soviet Union after it sucked Moscow into occupying
Afghanistan in 1979.
Sending in a large American Army to control and transform the
country would have fallen into al-Qaedas trap and created a much bigger
guerrilla war of resistance and besides, Rumsfeld was reluctant to commit
many troops to Afghanistan because he was saving them for the invasion he
really wanted to do in Iraq.
Rumsfeld sent in only about five hundred CIA agents and Special
Forces troops carrying suitcases stuffed with cash to buy alliances with
Afghanistans numerous ethnic minority groups, and laser target designators
to call in US air strikes on Taliban forces He successfully evaded the trap
that Bin Laden had laid but his strategy implied that the US would
have very little influence over the political shape of post-Taliban
Afghanistan. It had put the warlords in power.
Farhan Bokhari wrote, The US-led attack on Afghanistan after the
New York terrorist attacks, which led to the installation of Afghan President
Hamid Karzais regime, has obviously failed in pushing ahead with the
twin objectives of providing credible political representation and
economic rejuvenation to the Central Asian country.
Farooq Sulehria mentioned the double standards of the West in
promoting the democratic value of tolerance. The New York Times and Co
are losing their appetite over the victory of intolerance in Holland and
keeping mum about a victory of intolerance in Afghanistan. The Afghan
warlords co-opted by Washington physically attacked Malalai Joya, On May
7, while the Afghan parliament packed with collaborating warlords, was
eulogizing the April 28 victory (the day the communist regime was
overthrown), Joya dared to speak the truth.
She did the same four years ago at the loya jirga convened to
legitimize US occupation. While all the big beards at the jirga were assuring
the US occupation of collaboration, Joya stood up and exposed both the
occupation and the collaborators in their faces. This daring act made her
popular all over Afghanistan that she was elected to parliament.
On May 7, she told the Afghan parliament that April 28 unleashed
atrocities unheard of in Afghanistans history. She thought April 28 was a
day of mourning and not a V-Day. As soon as Joyas speech was over she
was physically attacked. Some warlords insulted her by calling her names
including a prostitute. Some warlords ordered their followers to rape her
Notorious warlord Abul Rasul Sayyaf ordered someone to sit by the door
and knife Joya as she walked out.
Though a great solidarity demonstration was held in Joyas native
Farah province to support her and she received hundreds of phone calls from
sympathizers expressing support, all was quiet on western front. Muslim
The Jordan Times opined that of course, the Taliban must be defeated
militarily. The past is proof that the world cannot tolerate a sanctuary for the
forces of extremism. But the military is only part of the struggle. Just as
important if not more so is the need to create an economy and a
society that betters the lives of ordinary Afghans and enables them to
resist the Taliban.
Khaleej Times suggested that the US and allied forces must see to it
that the Taliban are brought back into the mainstream, so that they do
not feel isolated and resort to vengeful acts. The Pushtuns must also be
brought back into the ruling fold along with others who matter Taking all
sides into confidence and not antagonizing groups that once wielded power
is the best way to move forward and establish some semblance of peace, law
and order.
In a subsequent editorial, the newspaper added, this is a pointless war
dictated by lop sided priorities. And it is time for the coalition of the
willing to change its strategy in Afghanistan. Its mission in the Central
Asian country cannot succeed unless it reviews and reconfigures its
approach to Taliban and the Pushtun majority. The former rulersstill
command massive support and following in the majority community for
their role in ending the civil war and chaos of the post Soviet era.
For all their flaws, Taliban had not only put an end to the terrible
infighting between various mujahideen groups after the Soviet pullout
restoring peace and stability in the country, but they had also managed to
eliminate the opium trade and reign the various drug lords from Afghanistan.
This is why many still rue the passing of that era.
It therefore makes sense for the coalition to engage the political
and military force that still has presence all over the country. That may
be the only way to end the conflict and bring lasting peace to the strategic
Central Asian country. This is important as ordinary Afghans have grown
really tired of the current situation in the country.
Greg Mills and Terence McNamee opined that to beat the insurgency
and win over Afghans, we need a strategy that rests on four pillars:
First is to link development activity with security action. That means
showing that foreign-designed plans can benefit citizens not just
international consultants
the union flag replaced the stars and stripes flying over the lawless, opiumrich Helmand province. In Uruzgan and Kandahar, where the Dutch and
Canadians are deploying, Taliban fighters are operating openly and in
strength. The security situation is worse than is generally realized.
It is no surprise, then, that talk of mission creep is prompting
whispered comparisons with Vietnam, even in Whitehall Taliban
spokesmen boast of planning to attack British troops, so no one should be
surprised if they do. NATOs role is to help improve the lot of an
impoverished people in a war-ravaged country. This daunting mission enjoys
broad domestic political support, unlike the deployment in Iraq. But that
support cannot be taken for granted and may well crumble if there are
casualties. The government and the public need to be aware of the dangers
Hasan Suroor wrote, question are being asked about the precise
objective of the British troops in Afghanistan and there is talk of an Iraqlike mission creep just when the sense was that the battle had been mostly
won and what had remained of the Taliban fighters were merely remnants
Indeed, Britains Defence Secretary John Reid until recently was so
optimistic about the situation in Afghanistan that he virtually ruled out a
combat role for British troops saying they would only assist Afghan
authorities in destroying the poppy crop.
Analysts blame the crisis on the confused objectives of the
British army in Afghanistan namely winning the hearts and minds of
ordinary Afghans while at the same time helping with the governments antinarcotics campaign which effectively means depriving people of their main
source of income without offering them any alternative means.
There has been criticism of the quality of intelligence that
prompted the original peace-keeping-only strategy, and questions are
being raised about Pakistans role in the way Taliban militants have been
able to launch themselves again.
New Statesman said that it was not so much mission creep as mission
deceit. It is clear that a contingent of just 800 fighting infantrymen is all
but useless for taking control of Helmand, the most lawless of the
provinces. At the time of writing, five British soldiers have been killed in the
past three weeks. Battles are increasingly frequent against Taliban fighters,
who have the organization of a conventional force and the fervor of suicide
terrorists. Much of the funding continues to come from Pakistan, including
its security service, the ISI.
Ministers indicate that the number of British forces will double. But
in order to be effective, that number would have to increase by far more.
Meanwhile, the Americans have launched Operation Mountain Thrust, a
four-province sweep involving 11,000 troops. The aim is to cripple the
insurgency before NATO takes command of the south at the end of this
month. By relying on aerial bombardments they are merely fuelling the
Tulin Dalogl quoted Hikmet Cetin, NATOs senior civilian
representative in Afghanistan from Turkey. NATO can not fail in
Afghanistan. That will be the end of NATO. Then we cant succeed
anywhere. NATO Secretary General said, if we dont go to Afghanistan,
Afghanistan will come to us as a terror, as a drug trafficker.
He acknowledges that putting together the institutions of government
and statehood, along with educating the people, will take a long time. But he
refused to compare Afghanistan with Iraq. There is no deep ethnic and
religious division in Afghanistan like there is in Iraq.
But the prospects remained gloomy as observed by Brain Whitaker.
Report issued by the House of Commons foreign affairs committee at the
weekend concluded that despite the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq (and
to some extent because of that) the threat to Britain from al-Qaeda has
probably increased The committee said bringing stability to
Afghanistan remains a key British interest but finds little evidence of
that happening. There has been a worrying deterioration in the security
The difficulties faced in restoring normalcy resulted in blaming
Karzai for incompetence. Pamela Constable observed that as a sense of
insecurity spreads, a rift is growing between the president and some of
the foreign civilian and military establishments whose money and
firepower have helped rebuild and defend the country for nearly five years.
The analyst, however, did not mention as to what was being rebuilt and
against whom Afghanistan was being defended by the occupation forces.
The president had a window of opportunity to lead and make difficult
decisions, but that window is closing fast, said one foreign military official
in Kabul who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of
the sensitivity of the subject This is a crucial time, and there is
frustration and finger-pointing on all sides, the official said. President
Karzai is the only alternative for this country, but if he attacks us, we cant
help him project his vision. And if he goes down, we all go down with him.
In the past year, security has gotten worse and worse, said Sayed
Tamin, 42, a tailor in a working-class Kabul district who was hemming a
pair of pants. The Taliban have been able to come back because the
government is weak. There is corruption in high places and nothing for the
poor. People are very, very disappointed.
Karzai and his advisers have taken bitter umbrage at the criticism,
saying they have tried their best to govern and secure the country under
nearly impossible conditions. They accuse their foreign allies of unfairly
blaming the president for problems he did not create.
At a news conference Karzaisuggested that they needed to make a
strategic reassessment of the anti-insurgent fight here and look to causes
beyond Afghanistans borders. The president has previously accused
Pakistan of harbouring and aiding insurgents.
Karzai bristled at international criticism that greeted his recent
naming of 13 police officials, some of whom have been accused of human
rights abuses. This is our decision, and what we do is suitable for
Afghanistan, Karzai said.
Foreign officials and analysts said the appointments went directly
against their advice and were made on the basis of ethnic and political
balance, rather than professional qualifications. Some feared they also were
a sign of Karzais submission to powerful opponents who seek to
destabilize his government.
This shows a bazaar mentality toward governing, said a European
official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Hes making decisions
for short-term stability that go against his own interests and the long-term
interests of building the country. As a result, international support for him is
eroding, and it could become a real rift at the worst possible time.
Another area of disagreement has been Karzais recent suggestion
that community police forces might be created to protect remote,
vulnerable areas where security forces have little presence. To many foreign
observers, this raises the specter of reviving Islamic and tribal militias,
after four years of costly international efforts to disarm, demobilize and
reintegrate them into civilian life.
While no one is suggesting that any imminent withdrawal of foreign
military or economic support is likely, some European governments which
do not share Washingtons investment in Afghanistan as a role model for
modern Muslim democracy have begun to question the wisdom of costly
convenience between drug producers and Taliban militia that bodes ill for
everyone, especially the NATO and US forces in Afghanistan.
Occupation forces have been far more ruthless in using excessive
force in their counter-insurgency operations as compared to Iraq. This aspect
has been least reported because of medias focus on the Middle East. In Iraq,
the occupation forces has adopted indirect approach by pitching Sunnis and
Shias against each other, but in Afghanistan the bloodletting is entirely the
holy duty performed by the Crusaders.
Only the incidents that occur in big cities, like the one in Kabul,
occasionally draw the attention of media and the analysts, but much graver
incidents in far flung areas are ignored. For example the bombing of the
mosque in Helmand was far graver war crime as compared to the traffic
accident. Accidents are seldom termed deliberate acts, but bombing was
surely a planned criminal act.
During the process of handing over the responsibility of southern
Afghanistan, the occupation forces deliberately used excessive force to
create an impact of shock and awe so that the new incumbent could
undertake the task with comparative ease. The killings were so widespread
and massive that even the puppet regime could not absorb it. Karzai,
however, could do no mare than telling his Pushdown brothers to eat their
your Shourba and enjoy the afternoon nap. The elected parliament of a
subjugated nation could do no more than passing (or having) some motions.
20th July 2006
Next day, fierce clashes were reported near Bint Jabeil. An Israeli
helicopter crashed in northern Israel killing two crew members. Hezbollah
claimed shooting down the helicopter. Death toll of Lebanese reached 372.
US rushed supply of bunker busters to Israel on urgent basis.
Rice held talks with Siniora in Beirut to show support for Lebanese
people. She thanked Siniora for his courage and steadfastness. She also met
Shia speaker on parliament, Nabi Berri, who has contacts with Syria and
Hezbollah. Chirac demonstrated solidarity of the Crusaders by joining hands
with Bush and Blair over Lebanon and Syria. Maliki flayed Lebanons
destruction by Israel.
On 25th July, Israel refused to stop aggression as its troops entered
border town of Bint Jbeil. Two Israeli soldiers were reported killed in
fighting and two airmen were killed in helicopter crash. Death toll reached
394 and 116 in Lebanon and Gaza respectively. Hamid Mir while reporting
from Lebanon said the media grossly underestimated the losses. Israel had
lost 42 people, including 24 soldiers.
Israel asked Rome moot to denounce Hezbollah. US, EU, UN, WB,
Russia and Saudi Arabia agreed to attend the moot. All of them were more
than willing to listen to Israeli demand. Moot was likely to demand
disarming of Hezbollah as precondition of ceasefire.
Rice said it was time for a new Middle East and reiterated that an
immediate ceasefire would only put off a long-term settlement. A durable
solution will be one that strengthens the forces of peace and democracy in
the region. Bush saw no contradiction in sending relief aid to Lebanon and
speeding up arms supply to Israel.
Till the end of second week of war, Israel hesitated in launching any
major ground operation; perhaps, it had the intelligence that Hezbollah
fighters were well-prepared to take on such offensive. Therefore, it focused
on destruction by air strikes. The Crusaders worked to allow maximum time
to Israel for this purpose and their media justified Israeli aggression and at
the same time blamed Hezbollah for the death and destruction perpetrated on
Lebanese. Muslim rulers watched all this helplessly.
The analysts, while discussing the present killings and destruction,
also recalled the history of aggression against Lebanon. Robert Fisk
wrote, some cities seem forever doomed. When the Crusaders arrived at
Beirut on their way to Jerusalem in the 11th century, they slaughtered every
man, woman and child in the city. In the First World War, Ottoman Beirut
suffered a terrible famine; the Turkish army had commandeered all the grain
and the Allied powers blocked the coast
How does this happen to Beirut? For 30 years, Ive watched this
place die and then rise from the grave and then die again, its apartment
blocks pitted with so many bullets they looked like Irish lace, its people
massacring each other. One thing he did not say directly that in every
disaster there was the intriguing hand of the Crusaders.
I lived here through 15 years of civil war that took 150,000 lives, and
two Israeli invasions and years of Israeli bombardments that cost lives of
further 20,000 of its peoplemoral people whose generosity amazes every
foreigner, whose gentleness puts any Westerner to shame, and whose
suffering we almost always ignore.
They look like us, the people of Beirut. The have light-coloured skin
and speak beautiful English and French. They travel the world But what
are we saying of their fate today as the Israelis in some of their cruelest
attacks on this city and the surrounding countryside tear them from
their homes, bomb them on river bridges, cut them off food and water and
electricity? We say that they started this latest war, and we compare their
appalling casualties 240 in all of Lebanon by last night with Israels 24
dead, as if the figures are the same.
And then, most disgraceful of all, we leave the Lebanese to their
fate like a diseased people and spend our time evacuating our precious
foreigners while tut-tut ting about Israels disproportionate response to the
capture of its soldiers by Hezbollah.
Noam Chomsky in his interview to Amy Goodman recalled recent
events. Whats going onbegins with the Hamas election, back at the end
of January. Israel and the United States at once announced that they were
going to punish the people of Palestine for voting the wrong way in a free
election. And the punishment has been severe.
Its partly in Gaza, and sort of hidden in a way, but even more
extreme in the West Bank, where Olmert announced his annexation
programme, whats euphemistically called convergence and described here
often as a withdrawal, but in fact its a formalization of the program of
annexing the valuable lands, most of the resources, including water, of the
West Bank and cantonizing the rest and imprisoning it, since he also
announced that Israel would take over the Jordan Valley. Well, that proceeds
without extreme violence or nothing much said about it.
The latest phase began on June 24. It was when Israel abducted two
Gaza civilians, a doctor and his brother. We dont know their names. You
dont know the names of the victims. They were taken to Israel, presumably,
and nobody knows their fate. The next day, something happened, which we
know about, a lot. Militants in Gaza, probably Islamic Jihad, abducted an
Israeli soldier across the border. Thats Corporal Gilad Shalit. And thats
well known; the first abduction is not; then followed the escalation of
Israeli attacks on Gaza.
The next stage was Hezbollahs abduction of two Israeli soldiers,
they say on the border. Their official reason for this is that they are aiming
for prisoner release. There are a few, nobody knows how many. Officially,
there are three Lebanese prisoners in Israel. There are allegedly a couple of
hundred people missing. Who knows where they are?
Alexander Cockburn observed that the guiding rule in this tsunami of
drivel is that the viewers should be denied the slightest access to any
historical context, or indeed to anything that happened prior to June 28,
which was when the capture of an Israeli soldier and the killing of two
others by Hamas hit the headlines, followed soon thereafter by an attack by a
unit of Hezbollahs fighters. Memory is supposed to stop in its tracks at June
28, 2006.
Lets go on a brief excursion into pre-history. Im talking about June
20, 2006 when Israeli aircraft fired at least one missile at a car in an
attempted extra judicial assassination attempt on a road between Jabalya
and Gaza City. The missile missed the car. Instead it killed three Palestinian
children and wounded 15 Back we go again to June 13, 2006. Israeli
aircraft fired missiles at a van in another attempted extra judicial
assassination. The successive barrages killed nine innocent Palestinians.
Now were really in the dark ages, reaching far, far back to June 9,
2006, when Israel shelled a beach in Beit Lahiya killing 8 civilians and
injuring 32 Thats just a brief trip down Memory Lane, and we trip over
the bodies of twenty dead and forty-seven wounded, all of them
Palestinians, most of them women and children.
Israel regrets But no! Israel doesnt regret in the least; most of the
time it doesnt even bother to pretend to regret. It says, we reserve the right
to slaughter Palestinians whenever we want. We reserve the right to
assassinate their leaders, crush their homes, steal their water, tear out their
olive groves, and when they try to resist we call them terrorists intent on
wrecking the peace process.
Now, Israel says it wants to wipe out Hezbollah. It wishes no harm
to the people of Lebanon, just so long as theyre not supporters of
Hezbollah, or standing anywhere in the neighbourhood of a person or a
house or a car or a truck or a road or a bus or a field, or a power station or a
port that might, in the mind of an Israeli commander or pilot, have
something to do with Hezbollah. In any of those eventualities all bets are off.
You or your wife or your mother or your baby gets fired.
Israel regrets But no! As noted above, it doesnt regret in the least.
Neither does George Bush, nor Condoleezza Rice nor John Bolton who is
the moral savage who brings shame on his country each day that he sits as
Americas ambassador (unconfirmed) at the UN and who has just told the
world that a dead Israeli civilian is worth a whole more in terms of moral
outrage than a Lebanese one.
None of them regrets. They say Hezbollah is a cancer in the body
of Lebanon. Sometimes, to kill the cancer, you end up killing the body; lots
of them. Go to the website and take a look. Then
sign the petition on the site calling on the governments of the world to stop
this barbarity.
You can say that Israel brought Hezbollah into the world. You can
prove it too, though this too involves another frightening excursion into
history. This time we have to go far, almost unimaginably far, backto
From inside Israel, Uri Avnery noted, and indeed there was: the
Israeli army had started a war against the population of the Gaza Strip.
There, too, the pretext was provided by a guerrilla action, in which an Israeli
soldier was captured The operation in Gaza is an especially brutal one,
and that is how it looks on the worlds TV screens.
The Israeli reaction could have been expected. For years, the army
commanders had yearned for an opportunity to eliminate the missile
arsenal of Hezbollah and destroy that organization, or at least disarm it and
push it far, far from the border. They are trying to do it the only way they
know; by causing so much devastation, that the Lebanese population will
stand up and compel its government to fulfill Israels demand. Will these
aims be achieved? The idea that the weakening Lebanese government
which in any case includes Hezbollah would be able to liquidate the
organization is ridiculous.
With Israel abstaining from launching any major ground offensive for
good reasons and Lebanese having no means to defend themselves against
Israeli air raids, the resistance to the aggression was obviously restricted to
the show of courage and perseverance with which they could absorb the
collective punishment. Firing of rockets on Israel was the only counteroffensive action the Hezbollah could take.
Israeli Prime Minister, Olmert, justified this punishment by referring
to the initial Hezbollah raid. I want to make it clear that the event this
morning is not a terror act but the act of a sovereign state that attacked
Israel without reason.
Hezbollahs act referred to by Olmert was not without reason. Noam
Chomsky said, the real reason, I think its generally agreed by analysts, is
that Ill read from the financial times, which happens to be right in front of
me. The timing and scale of its attack suggest it was partly intended to
reduce the pressure on Palestinians by forcing Israel to fight on two
fronts simultaneously. David Hirst who knows the area well, describes it, I
think this morning, as a display of solidarity with suffering people, the
clinching impulse.
Its very mind you very irresponsible act. It subjects Lebanese
to possible certainly to plenty of terror and possible extreme disaster.
Whether it can achieve any result, either in the secondary question of freeing
prisoners or the primary question of some form of solidarity with the people
of Gaza, I hope so, but I wouldnt rank the probabilities very high.
Robert Fisk also called Hezbollahs military action an act of
terrorism There is something perverse about all this, the slaughter and
massive destruction and the self-righteous, constant, cancerous use of the
word terrorist. No, let us not forget that the Hezbollah broke
international law, crossed the Israeli border, killed three Israeli soldiers,
captured two others and dragged them back through the border fence. It
was an act of calculated ruthlessness that should never allow Hezbollah
leader, Hassan Nasrallah, to grin so broadly at his press conference. It has
brought unparalleled tragedy to countless innocents in Lebanon
Amira Howeidy wrote, in his first speech, in which he set conditions
releasing the hostages indirect negotiations with Israel and prisoner
exchange Nasrallah refused to engage in any philosophical legal or
has been directing its guns at the true enemy of the Arabs the Israeli
Al Ahram Weekly wrote, the Lebanese people are once again left
with little option but to fight and resist, without help from the Arabs.
Israel, meanwhile, is killing and dismembering in the hope of restoring lost
dignity. Israel still thinks it can sort things out with fire and bloodshed. This
war has nothing to do with the freeing of the two captured soldiers. Israel
has a plan for Lebanon and the region, and this is just one part of it.
Israel is bombing and shelling, settling accounts, and in its attempts
to eliminate the Lebanese resistance is being helped by Arab silence,
International indifference and US backing It aims to undermine any
confidence the Arabs may have gained as US schemes in Afghanistan and
Iraq came crashing down on the head of the US administration.
The battle against Lebanon is not going to be easy. The Lebanese
resistance has the resolve, support and tactical experience to pose a serious
challenge to Israel, despite the latters military superiority. The destruction
of an Israeli warship off the Lebanese coast came as a surprise. Hezbollah
has also shelled targets deep within Israel and its leader, Hassan Nasrallah,
wasnt bluffing when he said it was just the beginning.
The Daily Star claimed, the will of the Lebanese to survive and
rebuild is far stronger than the will of others to kill and destroy. They
know that Israel has launched a deadly mission to set their country back 20
years an assault that has claimed the lives of about 300 civilians in just
eight days. But in spite of that, the Lebanese are holding on to the belief that
no matter how hard this country is trampled upon, it will once again rise up
from the ashes, all the more determined to thrive.
Never since the Second World War has the US aligned itself so
totally on Israel, never has its estrangement from Arab and Muslim opinion
been greater, and never has its inability, or unwillingness, to tackle the real
problems of the region been more flagrant, wrote Patrick Seale. What are
Israels war aims in Lebanon? Why is the US backing them? And what are
their chances of success?
The West, particularly America, was widely condemned for siding
with the aggressor. Criticizing the US over siding with Israel was not
correct, because this is an established fact that Israel is no more than an
agent of the West. But, the ground reality of Jewish state created by
grabbing Arab lands, unfortunately, has been accepted as such; therefore, the
comments of experts and analysts have preferred calling Israel the aggressor
and America the abettor.
Hassan Tahsin was of the view that the US line in the Middle East has
always been one of the supporting terrorist practices of Israel on the
pretext that the Jewish state has the right to self-defence, a view shared
by other major powers.
Noam Chomsky in interview to Amy Goodman said that the veto of
UN resolution is standard. That goes back decades. The US has virtually
alone been blocking the possibility of diplomatic settlement, censure of
Israeli crimes and atrocities.
Dr Mehdi Hasan was of the view that the Israeli aggression was
condoned and patronized by the Bush Administration. Their rhetoric
about the right of every nation to defend itself is rather limited they do not
accept other nations right to defend themselves or to have an administration
of their own choice.
Robin Wright and Colum Lynch wrote, Rice will head to the United
Nations tonight to begin talks on the crisis and a possible stabilization force
along the border The United States is increasingly out of sync with key
allies, however, because it remains content to allow Israel to pound
Hezbollah, both to remove it as a threat and to undermine the regions
extremist movements and hard-line regimes.
The White House vehemently denied it is coordinating with Israel or
sitting around the war map saying do this, this and this, press secretary
Tony Snow said. Were not colluding, were not cooperating, were not
conspiring, were not doing any of that, he told reporters. It is not
coordinating, because everything that denied, had been coordinated well in
Nasim Zehra wrote, the world has facilitated Israels continuing
crime Led by the United States the international community has given
Israel a carte blanche to do whatever Israel considers necessary to
protect its security. This was conveyed by the mild worded G-8 summit
About Israels relentless bombing and land attacks killing hundreds
of Lebanese civilians, displacing half a million plus and reducing parts of
Lebanon to rubble, she (Rice) says it signifies the birth pangs of a new
appears viable. And rest of the international community can only watch as
the US uses its veto in the UN Security Council to circumvent international
opinion and outrage.
Ralph Nader took on Bush frontally. You have been a weak
president, despite your strutting and barking, when it comes to doing the
right things for the American people within the Constitution and its rule of
law The time has come for you to return to Texas for a private meeting
with your father, his former national security advisor, Brent Scow croft and
his former Secretary of state, James Baker. You heed to say to them, I cant
trust my advisors anymore; there have been so many tragic blunders. What
do you advise me to do about the destruction of a friendly nation by the
worlds fifth most powerful military?
Here is what I think they should tell you: Take personal command of
an immediate rescue effort Youve said the safety of Americans is your
top priority. Prove it by using the US Air Force and the US Navy facilities
You have been so docile and permissive to Israeli demands that any modest
deviation from this posture will make your next move credible Stop acting
like an impulsive, out-of-control West Texas Sheriff and start reading,
thinking and listening for a change You cant take sides and be an honest
The above leaves an impression that only Bush or US Administration
is supporting aggression perpetrated by Israel. This is incorrect. It is not like
the Islamic World where the leaders and the led think and act differently or
Islamic countries which utterly lack unity. The Crusaders of all shades
fully support the war to crush Islamic militancy.
Bill Van Auken observed that Hillary Clintons remarks at a New York
rally staged by Zionist organizations left no doubt that a vote for Clinton in
November is a vote not only to continue the US war in Iraq, but to expand
and intensify the slaughter throughout the region.
Clinton made it clear that she not only supports the ongoing
aggression that has been unleashed against the Palestinian and Lebanese
people, but is quite prepared to back its escalation into a full war against
Syria and Iran as well. We will support (Israels efforts to send a message to
Hamas, Hezbollah, to the Syrians, to the Iranians, to all who seek death and
domination instead of life and freedom she told the crowd.
How is the message being sent? In southern Lebanon, Israeli planes
dropped leaflets warning villagers that they should flee north for their lives.
Western media worked round the clock to justify Israeli aggression
and Bush Administrations unconditional support for the war. The
Washington Times wrote, the towns you have built in northern Palestine are
within the range of the brave Lebanese children. No part of Israel will be
safe. This declaration, made yesterday by the speaker of the Iranian
parliament at a pro-Hezbollah rally in Tehran (where mobs chanted death to
Israel), serves to illustrate why Israel is so determined to bring its
military campaign to a successful conclusion with the destruction of
Hezbollahs ability to target Israel from Lebanon. And it explains why
upwards of 80 percent of Israelis applaud Prime Minister Ehud Olmerts
decision to launch the offensive.
The newspaper backed all the aims of Israel. Mr Olmert launched a
military campaign: to cripple Hezbollah as a fighting force; to enable the
government of Lebanon to exercise its sovereign responsibilities by
extending the authority of the Lebanese Army to its southern border; to
create an enforceable system of disarmament, ensuring that Hezbollah and
other armed groups cannot possess rockets and missiles that could target
Israel from Lebanon; and to create a mechanism that would prevent Iran and
Syria from replacing the substantial quantities of Hezbollah weaponry that
Israel is in the process of destroying.
A day later, it warned, if Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice makes
the mistake of visiting Damascus, Mr Assad will roll out the red carpet; then
he will offer to stop the rocket and missile fire against Israel by Hezbollah
and Hamas, on Syrias terms. The result will be to restore Damascuss
influence in Lebanon and destroy the new independent, democratic
government in Beirut which has far to fear from such a deal than from
Israels cratering of its airport runways and bridges. Thats why the best
diplomatic step the Bush Administration can take toward Syria is to ignore
Mr Assad.
Another plausible-sounding diplomatic option is for the United States
to get behind a UN proposal to send a peacekeeping force to Lebanon,
after a cease-fire. But thats been tried before, too, and if the result is to
allow Hezbollah to regroup and rearm, Hezbollah will have achieved its war
aim: to strike a blow against Israel while preserving its status as a state
within a state.
An international force would help only if it had a mandate and the
capability to enforce Hezbollahs disarmament. That wont be possible
unless Israels military campaign greatly weakens the movement. Theres a
chance Israels offensive will succeed, but it might take weeks and it wont
be sustainable if the current rate of civilian casualties and damage
The Bush Administration does have one good diplomatic option,
though not much has been heard about it this week. That is to insist on the
passage by the UN Security Council of a resolution ordering Iran to stop
its nuclear program, including the enrichment of uranium The best
response is to shift the focus back and make clear the United States and its
allies will not be intimidated through war-by-proxy.
David Walsh observed that the US media has consistently painted the
conflict as a defensive action by the Zionist regime against provocations by
terrorists. The American public is deliberately being kept ignorant
about the history and reality of the situation in the Middle East, as part of
the combined effort by Washington and Tel Aviv to impose their brutal will
on the people of the region.
The major television networks and cable channels, through which
much of the population receives its information about world events, have
played an especially foul role in concealing the real political and social
questions This begins with the manner in which the Middle East conflict
is portrayed. The language and phrases used are carefully calibrated to
conform to the arguments of the Israeli government and its sponsors
Right-winger and xenophobe Lou Dobbs of CNN, for example, on
July 19 evening, in the course of a one-hour-programme, repeats this
thought no less than eight times: Israel tonight is stepping up its offensive
against terrorists in Gaza, Israeli troops tonight are fighting Hezbollah
terrorists in one of the biggest ground battles of this conflict, Hezbollah
terrorists tonight are firing a barrage of rockets at cities and towns in
northern Israel, and so forth.
Without fail, as well, any reference to the fighting must place the
blame for its eruption on Hamas and Hezbollah, not long-term Israeli
ambitions No hint emerges from any of the television news programmes
that underlying the massive Israeli operation might be geopolitical aims, that
what we see unfolding is an operation that been long in the planning and
only waiting for a pretext. Such a possibility is not even suggested.
The news on American television is nothing but propaganda. It has,
in fact, a totalitarian character. No effort is made to educate the public. The
news is delivered for the most part by ignorant individuals, unaware of
history and social reality, simply repeating lines fed to them. When there is
any question about the nature and scope of the current operation in Lebanon
and Gaza, the television news programmes simply turn to the State
Department or the Israeli government itself for clarification. For example,
they say its not an invasion, they say its part of an effort to root-out
Hezbollah bunkers, strongholds and those rockets which continue to besiege
the northern part of Israel.
Israel is not responsible for the destruction of bridges, roads,
tunnels, apartment complexes, port facilities, factories. The terrorists are
responsible. Israeli hands could not be cleaner. A parade of Zionist
government officials appears on American television: on July 19 alone,
Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres, former prime ministers Benjamin
Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, Israeli ambassador to the US, Dan Gillerman.
All the veteran Israeli leaders have blood on their hands. They
bandy about the word terrorist, but the state of Israel was formed through
explicitly terrorist means and the various political figures have personally
participated in or presided over deadly military operations against the
Palestinian, Lebanese and Jordanian populations. They are all well-trained
practitioners of the Big Lie: that tiny Israel is under siege from its barbarous
Arab neighbours.
Peres appears at least twice on US television Both interviewers are
deferential to the veteran war criminal. Peres claims to (Larry) King, Israel
didnt start the war. Israel didnt attack anybody. We gave back to
Lebanon all that land, all the water We are living for the last six years in
total peace. We didnt hurt anybody.
Peres, of course, is lying. Israeli history in relation to Lebanon is one
of provocation, violence and criminality. Before Israels establishment,
Zionist leaders envisioned a greater Israel that would include the southern
Lebanon as far as the Litani River
Netanyahu, the extreme right-winger beloved of the neo-fascists in
the Republican Party, defends the killingcivilian deaths are the fault of
the terrorists, who insist on mingling with the general population. If you
have to take out a rocket emplacement in a crowded neighbourhood, you
this, since the anomaly that a country that bombs and invades another could
not possibly be defending itself is conveniently overlooked. In fact, Israeli
Prime Minister Ehud has complained that the media is not showing
Hezbollahs brutal viciousness.
The New York Times opined that what the people of Lebanon and
Israel urgently need is a ceasefire followed by the swift deployment of a
well-armed force with a mandate to aggressively keep the peace. That
must be accompanied by an international guarantee that Hezbollah will be
forced to halt its attacks on Israel permanently and disband its militia so
Lebanon can regain control of its borders and its sovereignty.
There is little sign that Hezbollah which fired 100 missiles into
Israel on Sunday has been so deeply wounded that it cant rebuild quickly.
Ms Rice needs to make clear to Israel that more civilian deaths in
Lebanon wont make Israelis safer.
The United States and its allies must start aggressively soliciting
contributors for peacekeeping force. Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain
first raised the idea to Mr Bush more than a week ago, and was brushed off.
Such a force will need to be well armed and be given a robust mandate so
that Hezbollah will have little choice but to retreat.
Ms Rice has no plans, apparently, for a surprise visit to Damascus. At
a minimum she must urge European and Arab allies to make that trip. They
must deliver a united message that isolation and scorn is the price Syria
and Iran will pay for continuing to abet Hezbollah, and that Israel will not
be restrained until Hezbollah is restrained.
As eager as Arab leaders are to see Israel halt its attacks and
Hezbollah contained, that tough talk will be difficult for rulers who always
prefer to sit on the sidelines, and now have to answer to their increasingly
angry populations. That is why Ms Rice should be willing to make
compromises of her own and travel to Damascus.
The media not only supported the ongoing war but also desired its
escalation by frequently blaming Iran and Syria. Jim Lobe said, while
Israel-centred neo-conservatives have been the most aggressive in arguing
that Hezbollahs July 12 cross-border attack could only have been
carried out with Irans approval, if not encouragement, that view has been
largely accepted and echoed by the US main stream media, as well as other
key political faction, including liberal internationalists identified with
Democratic Party.
Knot whose cutting would not only redress many of Washingtons recent
setbacks, but also renew prospects for regional transformation in the way
that it was originally intended.
Whereas Muslim masses were willing to help Lebanon, in any way
they could, to meet Israeli aggression, the rulers seemed an absolutely
hapless lot. Before pointing out the apathy of the Muslim rulers, Dr
Masooda Bano said, Secretary General Kofi Annan has asked for the
violence between Lebanon and Israel to stop, thereby placing the burden of
the current destruction on both sides, rather than clearly labeling Israel as the
aggressive party. Thus the UN, instead of explicitly asking Israel to stop the
attacks, is asking the two parties to restrain. But what can Lebanon do to
restrain? It has not initiated the war; nor is it fighting back actively, so what
is this call all about?
She added, equally disturbing is the silence of the Muslim
countries on this issue. None of the Arab countries have come forward to
condemn Israeli actions openly. Some argue that regimes in many of these
countries are supported by the US so they would not say anything against
Israeli actions which are approved by the US, despite the fact that their
people think otherwise. Others argue that they themselves are afraid of being
subjected to the same aggression by Israel. But it is all the more reason to
stick together and resist Israeli aggression, as united they are stronger in
dealing with Israel than each country on its own.
Hassan Tahsin noted, even the European media, which usually
stands by Israel, has expressed its shock and revulsion at the inhumane
way in which Israel is reacting to the capture of three of its soldiers
European reading of the situation is strikingly close to reality. The
interpretation is further supported by a number of considerations.
First, the new Israeli government seeks to satisfy Israeli voters and
the Jewish hardliners by a show of strength Secondly, the US media
supports any Israeli violations and excesses with the tacit approval of the
White House, which loves to present the Hamas government as a gang of
terrorists. His views about European reading are debatable.
M Shaban Uppal from Karachi said, it appears to be a fact that
western countries along with the US are working on the well defined agenda
aiming to ensure that Muslim countries do not remain economically viable
and are rendered defenceless. The Lebanon crisis should serve as a lesson to
the Muslim World; neither the United Nations nor the Muslim World has
reacted to this unfortunate tragedy. Muhammad Amjad from Sialkot
wrote, it is unfortunate that the Muslim states are watching this war unfold
with no intention of assisting their Muslim brothers and sisters, so much for
the Muslim Ummah.
Muhammad Adil from Lahore said, shame on those who sit in the
Security Council and promote the US agenda against the Palestinians and
Muslim elsewhere Where is the Arab League? Where is the OIC? Why
dont they hold emergency meetings and announce support for the
Palestinians and Lebanon? Cant we stand united against Israeli aggression?
Why does OPEC not announce a halt to oil production? Ah! What Muslims
have become and what they were?
Moez Mobeen from Islamabad raised the voice on behalf of the
Muslim masses. What is infuriating and frustrating is the shameful
response of the Muslim rulers. Not one has the courage to openly oppose
the naked Israeli aggression. Not one has the guts to pressure Israel and its
allies to stop the genocide being carried out in Palestine and Lebanon. Hosni
Mubarak is dying to see the Israeli soldier released. Bashar al-Assad and
Ahmadinejad are calling for ceasefire, as if both sides were equally
Where are the tall claims of wiping out Israel from the face of the
earth; if this isnt the time then when? The Pakistani government has
restricted itself to a mere statement of condemnation. But then what can you
expect from a government which assisted the West in attacking Afghanistan
and which is wreaking the same havoc on its own territory in Waziristan.
Muslim blood is being shed like water. Where is the OIC? Where is the Arab
League? Hasnt the time come for Muslims to unite under the banner of
Islamic caliphate? If not, then how many more lives, how many more lost
honours, how many more crippled children, how many more destroyed
homes would it take for this realization to dawn on us?
The News cried, where are the Hosni Mubaraks, the Kings
Abdullas? What have the sheikhs of Qatar, Kuwait or the UAE said in
response to what has been happening? These august personalities have not
let out even as much as a whimper as the Israeli Defence Force (a misnomer
if ever there was one) and its air force go about decimating Lebanon. Even
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has not found it proper to condemn what the
Israelis are doing or to organize the Arab countries and bring them to
Beiruts support. As for the Organization of Islamic Conference, the less said
the better.
Uri Avnery gave one of the reasons for Muslim rulers to turn their face
other way. The Arab regimes, which are all dependent on America, did
nothing to help. Since they are also threatened by Islamic opposition
movements, they looked at what was happening to Hamas with some
Schadenfreude. But, tens of millions of Arabs, from the Atlantic Ocean to
the Persian Gulf, saw, got excited and angry with their governments, crying
out for a leader who would bring succor to their besieged heroic brothers.
Marwan al-Kabalan pointed out another reason which related to
differences within Arab League as reflected in Saudi-Syrian clash during
the AL emergency meeting in Cairo. The Saudi foreign minister was quoted
as saying that Hezbollahs actions were unexpected, inappropriate and
irresponsible. His Syrian counterpart, Walid al-Muallem, lashed back,
asking, how can we come here to discuss the burning situation in Lebanon
while others are making statements criticizing the resistance. These
contrasting interpretations of the ongoing crisis in Lebanon were not
unexpected in the light of the many differences between the two countries.
Saudi Arabia supported the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik
Hariri, whereas Syria supported his principal rival president Emile Lahoud.
The Saudi peace initiative, announced during the Beirut Arab summit,
caused further tension between the two countries The conflict between
Syria and Saudi Arabia became open only after the assassination of Rafik
Hariri. The Saudi government suspected a Syrian role in the elimination of
Hariri and joined forces with France and the US to expel the Syrians from
The two countries also took different sides in the power struggle in
the Palestinian territories. Syria supported Hamas wherein Saudi Arabia
supported Mahmoud Abbas President of the Palestinian National
Authority, calling upon the Islamic movement to recognize Israel and join
the peace process.
The two countries differed also in dealing with Iran and Iraq.
Despite that Saudi Arabia and Syria have both opposed the US invasion of
Iraq; their policies widely diverged after the collapse of the Saddam regime.
Riyadh accepted the US occupation as a fact; Syria rejected it and supported
the Iraqi resistance.
The problem is that much of the Arab World is ruled by despots
and autocratic rulers who have cosy relations with Israels benefactor and
biggest supporter and patron; America. And it seems that their reluctance to
come to the side of either Lebanon or Hezbollah has a lot with not wanting
to do anything that could harm their close relationship with Washington.
This is quite an irony and a very tragic one these days because the vast
majority of those who live in these countries would like for their
governments to have some balance in their ties with the US and would like
them to speak out against what is happening in Lebanon.
Aasim Sajjad Akhtar observed that in the midst of this carnage, the
actual politics of both the rulers and the ruled in the Muslim World tends to
be submerged in a deluge of propaganda, misinformation and the tendency
towards herd behaviour that necessarily prevails at such times. Yet if there is
ever to be a challenge to the brute force of American and Israeli imperialism,
serious efforts need to be made to uncover objective realities amidst the
There should be little doubt in the mind of any decent citizen of the
world including Muslim-majority countries that Israeli and American
barbarity is at least partially explained by the complicity of the existing
(and past) Muslim governments. History has proven that ruling classes of
all denominations are committed only to their own narrow interest, and the
willingness of Muslim ruling classes to allow their interests to be subsumed
by the larger strategic interests of imperialism is one of the enduring realities
of the post-WWII world.
On the other hand, Muslim working people around the world have
become convinced that they are the worlds most oppressed community. In
other words, subjugation and dis-possession would appear to be reserved for
the worlds Muslims
It should never be understated that the invading and/or occupying
power is largely responsible for perpetuating existing divisions within the
Muslim populations that it is subjugating, yet it is impossible to deny that
Muslim societies have been characterized by inequality and oppression
throughout the modern era, and that these social ills reflect that Muslims are
not an unambiguous group without internal contradictions.
The fact that Muslims believe themselves to be the victims of the
current global dispensation is not an accident. Muslim ruling classes are
quite happy for their subjects to believe this myth the reactions that
such notions give rise to have clearly given Muslim governments such as
that of General Pervez Musharraf a huge bargaining chip in the war on terror
Iran would accept them at this point, or even if they can get them there, but
they might want to.
Dilip Hero pointed out the reason: The flare-up has come at a time
when Iran is under international pressure on its nuclear issue. So mayhem
and diversion in the region suit Tehran. They also provide a fore taste of
what would follow if Israel or America were to mount their threatened
pinpoint strikes at Irans nuclear and military facilities.
William S Lind wrote, the current Iranian government is not disposed
to sit passively like Saddam and await an Israeli or American attack. It may
have given Hezbollah a green light in order to bog Israel down
logistically to the point where it would not also want war with Iran.
However, Israels response may be exactly the opposite. Olmert also
said, nothing will deter us, whatever far-reaching ramifications regarding
our relations on the northern border and in the region may be. The words in
the region referred to Syria, Iran or both.
If Israel does attack Iran, the summer of 1914 analogy may play
itself out, catastrophically for the United States. As I have warned many
times, war with Iran (Iran has publicly stated it would regard an Israeli
attack as an attack by the US also) could easily cost America the army it
now has deployed in Iraq.
Uri Avnery said all this does not explain the timing. After all,
Nasrallah could have acted a month before or a year later. There must have
been a much stronger reason to convince him to enter upon an adventure
at precisely this time.
Possibly he was asked by Iran and Syria, who had supplied him
with the missiles, to do something to divert American pressure from them.
And indeed, the sudden crisis has shifted attention away from the Iranian
nuclear effort, and it seems that Bushs attitude towards Syria has also
Jim Lobe talked of escalation of the war. Israeli-Hezbollah conflict is
likely to boost the chances of US military action against Iran, according
to a number of regional experts who see a broad consensus among the US
political elite that the ongoing hostilities are part of a broader offensive
being waged by Tehran against Washington across the region.
The paper added, it is now clear that the American and Israeli
strategy of trying to isolate Hamas and Hezbollah on the one hand, and
Syria and Iran on the other have backfired. Would the situation in Gaza
have gotten so out of hand if Israel, the United States and the European
Union had tried to work with the democratically elected Hamas government
from the outset? And would Hezbollah have felt the freedom to take the
reckless action it took the deplorable firing of rockets on Israeli civilians?
Rice has said that Syria has a special responsibility to resolve this
crisis. But the whole thrust of American policy of the last two years has
been to reduce unconditionally Syrias influence in Lebanon so as to
leave Lebanon to the Lebanese. By what logic does the Administration now
seek to hold Syria accountable for the reckless action of Hezbollah militia in
southern Lebanon?
The big beneficiaries of American policy have been the more
radical wings of Hamas and Hezbollah and the Iranians, who more and
more look like the champions of the Palestinian people. The big losers are
the so-called moderate Arab regimes, which again look helpless in the face
of what is seen as Israeli aggression, and the moderate Israelis, Palestinians
and Lebanese who hoped for some normalcy of life with the prospect of
peace, especially when the Hamas leadership appeared to be moving toward
recognition of Israel. The United States and the larger world, too, are losers,
for no one benefits from this mindless escalation of violence, particularly at
a time of growing sectarian violence in Iraq and rising oil prices.
Muqtedar Khan wrote, thanks to a lame duck president whose
credibility at home and abroad is embarrassing, the worlds only superpower,
and the natural guarantor of global order, remains like its leader, ineffective
and directionless on the global stage The US has most to lose if things
get out of hand. Its key interests in the region can be stated thus: OIL (oil,
Israel and Liberalism). They are all in jeopardy.
Iran, thanks to Americas foolhardy adventure in Iraq, is rapidly
emerging as a regional power, more capable of shaping political and
geopolitical realities in the Middle East than even the US. It is protecting
itself from Americas pressure on the nuclear issue by creating a dangerous
diversion Americas weak response and support of Israel has probably
done billions of dollars worth of damage to the public diplomacy campaign
that everyone thinks is so vital to win the war on terror.
Gideon Levy wrote, those who want to restore Israels deterrent
capabilities have not succeeded. Hezbollah and the rest of its enemies now
military hippopotami that are the ultimate guarantors of statism and statist
For these reasons, Israeli attempts to impose terms on Lebanon, or
to redraw political map of Lebanon, or even to impose a NATO force upon
Southern Lebanon, are not militarily feasible nor politically achievable,
and if attempted, will prove ultimately unsustainable.
As will soon be demonstrated by events on the ground, Israel will not
be able to destroy or even disarm Hezbollah. Neither will Hamas,
Hezbollah, Lebanon, or Syria permit Israel or America to dictate terms
to them. Consequently, if Israel lingers too long in Southern Lebanon, its
presence will be paid for at such a high cost, that it will be forced to
withdraw in ignominy, as it has so many times in the past.
The Observer suggested that the only path is that of pragmatism. In
other words, a compromise based not on rhetoric or ideals but on a realistic
appraisal of our capabilities and influence. The immediate task is to try to
ensure that Israel does not attempt to re-establish its occupation of southern
Lebanon or trigger a full-scale escalation of a Middle Eastern war. We need
to solve the problem, not pontificate.
By being more moderate, the British government has at least a
chance of influencing both Washington and Israel in the weeks ahead.
The US will not want to lose Britains support. Britain is one of the few
European countries along with Germany to whom Israel occasionally
listens. The governments realistic policy may not make for great rhetoric
but does allow the UK at least some small influence over events. It is better
than no influence at all. This is not an ideal world.
The US administration has no desire for pragmatism as was evident
from the views of Los Angeles Times: Still, the governments of both
George W Bush and Israels Ehud Olmert are warming to the idea of an
international force to occupy the southern strip of Lebanon, which was
effectively ceded to Hezbollah after Israel pulled out in 2000. Rice should
make this a priority. As the White House has made clear that (including to
the Saudi foreign minister on Sunday), the US and moderate Arab
governments in the region should not settle for a ceasefire that merely turns
the clock back to a few weeks.
A ceasefire is urgently needed to stop the heartbreaking bloodshed
among innocent civilians, but one reached at any cost would be counterproductive. The administration, for instance is justified in rebuffing Syria for
now. After Lebanon finally rid itself of Syrian occupiers last year, it would
tightrope lies in its need to destroy the cancer (Hezbollah) without killing the
patient (Lebanon). The editor deliberately referred to Israel as Jerusalem,
instead of Tel Aviv.
Another negative effect, in the context of Muslim World, will be the
widening of the ruler-ruled divide as brought out by William S Lind. The
contrast with Arab states will be clear on the street, pushing the Arab and
larger Islamic worlds further away from the state.
But, the war has helped a great deal in bridging of the sectarian
divide in Muslim World. Amira Howeidy opined that a Shia has won
support of Sunni Egypt. This was based on the sentiments expressed by
common Egyptians:
A man in Mariana said that Nasrallah had said he was going to bomb
Haifa, so he did. His companion said, Nasrallah is a man of his
word, God protect him.
What the hell does Israel think its doing destroying Lebanon like
this? Nasrallah did the right thing and we should all fight Israel, thats
what we need to do, nothing else, fight to get our rights back, said a
shops accountant.
One of the messages sent to TV channel Orbit read Nasrallah is a true
The cable, signed by academics, judges, journalists, artists, students,
lawyers and engineers, told Nasrallah he has supporters and family
who see that your resistance guards this nations rights, spirit and
dignity. You restored the nations confidence. It added, Israel is built
on the fear others have for it. You broke that fear.
Despite the cruelty of the confrontation, the message continued, it is
wise; rather than being an adventure it is a noble quest for selfdefence in the face of a vicious imperialist project.
These are speeches (Nasrallahs), says socialist activist Waled Khalil
that should be taught, analyzed and discussed for their eloquence and
political savvy.
Says Samara Farad, a 26-year-old MBA student: Ive never believed
in this fake peace, not once, but played along because there was
nothing we could do about it. Israel is strong because the US supports
it blindly. Now I know from Nasrallah that we can resist.
Israel has been the biggest terrorist state in the world for more than
half a century and America has been the biggest sponsor of international
terrorism. This war should remove all doubts about this reality, which the
weak-hearted Muslim rulers have in their perception.
If capture of one Israeli soldier justifies destruction of Palestinians and
capture of two soldier justifies destruction of Lebanon all of them captured
in proper military operations then killing/kidnapping of thousands of
civilians by the terrorist state provide ample justification for destruction of
the Jewish state; not once, but hundred times over.
Rice held talks with Siniora in Beirut to show support for Lebanese
people. This was a cunning statement aimed at creating mistrust between
Shias and Sunnis to trigger another civil war in the region. As regards
Israels dealing with Palestinians, it is the reflection of Americans experience
of grabbing lands of the natives by eliminating them.
Their nefarious designs are not restricted to Lebanon or Palestine
only. These encompass entire Muslim World as is evident from their
addressing the Muslims as Shiites, Sunnis, Wahabbis, and dozens of ethnic
identities. But, practically they treat all of them only as Muslims. Alas!
Muslims too should consider themselves as Muslims, nothing but Muslims.
Talibanization of negative trends would not be allowed, said
Musharraf. On the contrary, Taliban strongly reacted to Karzais allegations
of Pakistans involvement in the ongoing resistance. But, Special
Correspondent of the News reminded Musharraf through in a report
according to which Axis of Kabul-Washington was responsible for the
assassination of Liaqat Ali Khan. Did his report suggest Musharraf that his
safety lies in keep doing what Americans want and forget about Kashmir
while bearing in mind Americans promise to Kabul regarding Pushtunistan?
It was evident that rulers understood that as was evident from Mulla
Zaeefs story of four years of detention in Guantanamo told in his recently
Military action for Afghan peace against Pakistani Pushtuns and
foreigners harboured by them continued:
Police arrested 92 Afghans in various raids in Quetta on 16 th July. 45member tribal jirga was constituted to resolve the issue of violence in
North Waziristan.
On 17th July, two girls were wounded in landmine blast near
Timergara. Lashkar-e-Islami abducted five tribesmen from Bara area.
Two South Waziristan militants, Eida Khan and Dawar Khan, were
freed after over two years of detention.
A levies official was shot dead near Damadola in Bajaur Agency on
18th July. A Taliban commander was among 140 Afghans arrested in
Police continued crackdown against Taliban fighters and number of
arrested Afghans overshot two hundred by 19th July. Islamic tribal
militants in North Waziristan cautiously welcomed formation of jirga
and called for release of prisoners.
On 20th July, 32 tribesmen arrested from North Waziristan were freed.
Militants assured support to jirga. Next day, militants released 4 FC
soldiers as jirga set-up contact with militants and the government
both a hideout for al-Qaeda leadership and fertile recruiting ground for
militant extremists.
Also essential is addressing the radical Muslim schools, or
madrassas, which number around 14,000 and harbor violent militants while
providing a forum for the reputation of extreme Islamic teachings. Pakistan
will not be able to get rid of the madrassas
The July 24 report from the Institute for Science and International
Security, which stated that a new Pakistani reactor would be able to
produce enough nuclear material every year close to 50 nuclear warheads,
caused concerns that chances of proliferation would increase, as would the
risks of an arms race with India.
Pakistan certainly has progress to make when it comes to correcting
social imbalances particularly the treatment of women, which ranges
widely in the country and is still deplorable in some areas and developing
India is not passionate about peace, observed Shaukat Aziz. His
remarks were an indirect announcement of the demise of composite
dialogue. The only worthwhile event of the period was that Pakistan
received modified design on Kishanganga hydropower project and Pakistani
experts were to visit the site for review.
The exuberance about CBMs also seemed dissipating, but there were
plenty of negative actions and statements to undermine the
confidence building process. Mumbai blasts formed the eye of the storm.
Pakistan was using territory for terror, said Singh on 16th July. He reiterated
the demand for crackdown on terrorists. The same day, Indian police
claimed having arrested two suspects behind Mumbai blasts.
Next day, India formally informed Pakistan about postponement of
talks. Foreign Office was saddened, not known for what? Indian police
raided Muslim slums in Mumbai. The same day, India and US discussed
nuclear deal and terrorism. G-8 leaders condemned and Bush passed a
personal message of sympathy to Singh over Mumbai bombings.
On 18th July, Muslim preachers were questioned in connection with
Mumbai blasts. Five Muslims were held in Gwahati on suspicion of terror.
Dont stall peace, warned Musharraf. Indian step amounts to playing into
the hands of terrorists. Singh said he was not shutting door for peace.
Two days later, Musharraf urged India not to blame Pakistan for
Mumbai blasts. I want to assure them that Pakistan and its people are with
you in this moment of grief and in fighting terrorism. On 21 st July, Indian
Police arrested three people in connection with Mumbai bombings. India
spurned an offer from Pakistan to help in investigations of blasts. India
demanded arrest of Salahuddin and Dawood Ibrahim.
On 22nd July, Indian Muslims complained of witch hunt after blasts.
Two days later, Pakistan termed Indian media reports about hot pursuit as
highly irresponsible. Indian Muslim student body is in the eye of terror
storm, observed Kamil Zaheer.
Militants threatened to attack Indian cricketers and film stars. On 3rd
August, Indian police walked into the hotel room of prominent Pakistanis
without a search warrant and inspected their belongings. Two days later,
Pakistan ordered an Indian diplomat suspected of spying to leave the country
and India reciprocated with tit-for-tat expulsion.
Other negative actions included test-firing of Trishul missiles on 23 rd
and 24th July. On 28th July, Indian Army claimed killing a Pakistani army
officer and two soldiers in IHK. Next day, India retracted the claim of killing
a Pakistani officer.
SAARC ministers failed to resolve Indo-Pak row over tariff cuts.
India had objected to Pakistani move to limit concessions for Indian goods.
Like always Pakistan took this belated action after Indian exports increased
by 300 to 400 percent.
Three fighters were killed near border and seven persons were
wounded in blasts on 25th July.
Next day, two suspected freedom fighters were shot dead in separate
shoot outs. Nine people were wounded in a grenade attack.
Four soldiers were wounded in an attack by rebels on 29 th July. Two
days later, five Kashmiris were killed by Indian forces.
Five security personnel and four freedom fighters were killed in
various incidents of violence on 1st August.
On 3rd August, Mehbooba asked India to reduce troops in the Valley.
Two days later, Indian troops killed three more Kashmiris.
Analysts, media and even ordinary citizens flocked to talk over
Mumbai blasts. M Abd al-Hameed from Lahore said, India reacts to
terrorism attacks just like the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans
always blame their failure on the neighbours of the two countries, rather than
their own disastrous policies. So does India.
Sheikh Mazhar from Lahore wrote, instead of putting together their
heads towards the search of the actual culprits they pointed fingers at
Muslims who were alleged to have links with Pakistan. In such a manner
they lost track of the actual terrorists who may be related to other
sectarian/religious groups.
Mahatma Gandhi was killed by an RSS activist. Indira Gandhi was
killed by Sikh soldiers and Rajiv Gandhi was killed in a suicide bomb
carried out by a Tamil. Why is India pointing fingers at Pakistan without
first looking within its own borders and setting its own house in order?
Dr Sumaira Z Khan cautioned, it must be kept in mind that Indias
gestures are not those of a peace-lover. The Mumbai blasts can be a trap to
implicate Pakistan by forcibly taking Islamabad to accept terms of their
choosing. Pakistan on its part needs to keep on guard against such designs.
Rahimullah Yusufzai said, as if a damage control mission, our
government functionaries have been issuing frequent statements in the wake
of the Mumbai train bombings to deny involvement in the deadly blasts and
plead for continuation of the on-again, off-again India-Pakistan peace
talks There was sense of foreboding in Pakistan soon after the
Mumbai blasts. It was apprehended that Pakistan would be blamed and the
countrys intelligence agencies and jihadi groups implicated in the
One hopes the Indians will do a better job this time and unearth the
perpetrators of the Mumbai bombings. Otherwise, we could become victims
of an unending blame-game that will lead India and Pakistan nowhere
and extinguish hopes for a lasting peace in our troubled subcontinent.
Foqia Sadiq Khan opined, moderates are largely for non-violent
means to address grievances. Simplistically speaking, moderates are for
modernity and economic development. In Pakistan they are, by and large,
for improving relations between India and Pakistan. On the other side,
extremist Hindus and secular Indians fiercely differ in their communal
politics, among other things. Clash of ideologies within nations is spreading
its tentacles.
Nasim Zehra observed that snap polls suggest that 99% of the
respondents believe the government is being soft on terrorism. The
bombings have energized Hindu nationalism and put pressure on the
prime minister to act. Some of it has to do with the Pakistan angle in
factors such as Dawood Ibrahim, Azhar Masood
Background briefings to the Indian media have been blaming
Pakistan. The media has called for action against Pakistan. A distraught
Indian public, as evidenced from their comments on various websites, is
highly critical of the governments soft policy towards Pakistan, of its
inaction in protecting Indian lives and its pampering of the minorities. The
intense anti-Pakistan sentiment assumes Pakistans culpability.
The objectives of the death merchants who wreaked havoc in
Mumbai could have been to exploit communal tensions in the area, to
demonstrate the vulnerability of the Indian state or to undermine Indias
leading business centre. A key objective could also be to undermine the
Pakistan-India peace process
The Times of India claimed that terrorist outfits like SIMI have been
using the Gujarat riots to justify their larger jihadi project. The footage of the
riots are being used by SIMI and other terror outfits to indoctrinate its
cadre. The paper claimed that although they have not been successful in
roping youth from Gujarat, Uttar Pardesh and parts of Maharashtra have
become recruiting centres for terror units.
The Indian public needs to know that the Mumbai bombing is the
outcome of a phenomenon more complex that just the neighbour across
the border and that Pakistan bashing is not the answer. What is needed is a
genuinely unified response to the menace of terrorism.
Imtiaz Gul wrote, all indications emanating from New Delhi within
one week of the Mumbai terror attacks made it abundantly clear that the
mistrust that has for decades bedeviled the bilateral relationship refuses
to give way to mutual confidence The articles, analyses and comments
that have flooded the Indian media landscape so far also underline the
skepticism. Pakistan-bashing is again in vogue because it sells regardless
of how this impacts a process that interests the entire world.
In an earlier article he had said, we must not let the terrorists make
the subcontinent a hostage of their evil designs. The peace process suits both
India and Pakistan and there is no alternative to negotiated settlement of
disputes and promoting regional cooperation. Both sides must now create
big vested interests in peace by allowing cross-border trade and
investment. A new paradigm of friendship and partnership can help resolve
all disputes and open vast areas of mutually beneficial cooperation.
The News opined, one thing is absolutely clear: for some reason,
India has used the tragedy to back out of its composite dialogue with
Pakistan. At least on this point, it is India which is answerable, not
Pakistan. Those in New Delhi who say that they are for peace need to stand
up to the anti-peace lobbies in the Indian government, the security
establishment and large sections of the Indian media.
Farooq Sulheria criticized targeting of innocent Muslims after the
bombings, because it leads to chain reaction. As the blood of several
hundred Indians congealed across Mumbai, the Hindu fanatics sought
every opportunity for a macabre. In Surat, the Vishva Hindu Parishad and
the Bajrang Dal went on a rampage in a mosque. In Maharashtra the police
rounded up more than a thousand Muslim youths, many of whom had
participated most energetically in the post-blast rescue operations, in Mahim
and other areas of Mumbai merely on suspicion.
While the Mumbai blasts have provided the Sangh Parvar with
an opportunity, violent actions of the Sangh Parivar help their counterpart,
the green parivar in India and her Muslim neighbours alike. For instance,
several Indian political analysts attribute the emergence of the Students
Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) to slaughters like the 2002 Gujarat riots,
when 2000 Muslims were killed.
The growth of saffron parivar in India is reciprocated by the growth
of green parivar in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The information secretary of
the Lashkar-e-Taiba, on the eve of 1999 general elections in India, testified
to this effect: The BJP suits us. Within a year they have made us into a
nuclear and missile power
The dastardly act of individual terrorism in Mumbai did not help the
far right merely in India or Pakistan. The opportunity was seized even by the
mother of all fundamentalisms: the USA. We will stand with India on the
war on terror, declared Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice The
corporate media in the west also spun into action immediately and begun
comparing the bombings in Mumbai to similar atrocities in Madrid and
The News termed the Indian talk of hot pursuit as an outlandish
option. It is highly irresponsible for a sovereign state to be talking of hot
pursuit options of striking another country to take out suspected, or should
one say imagined, enemies. It seems that the Israelis were emboldened by
the Americans and now Washingtons new close allies, the Indians, are
taking heart from what Tel Aviv is doing with Lebanon.
One can only wonder what purpose such rhetoric serves except to
strengthen the hawks on both sides of the border and further weaken the
already-stalled peace process between the two countries. As always,
Indias media is playing a very negative role in this by publishing all kinds
of accusations and stories linking Pakistan and Pakistan-based militant
outfits to the Mumbai attacks.
India should realize that any talk of pursuing suspected terrorists into
Azad Kashmir or other parts of Pakistan will not only invite a
commensurate reaction but will also be terrible for the region as a
whole. Besides, why is New Delhi so hesitant to share information on those
behind the attacks with Pakistan, especially given that Islamabad has
repeatedly said that it is willing to help out in the investigation.
Shafqat Mahmood wrote about Pakistans reaction to talk of hot
pursuit. No one can possibly condone the hostile statements from Delhi, but
keeping the larger picture in mind there has to be a measured response.
Instead of the foreign office threatening a nuclear fight to death, it should
have firmly but in diplomatic language said that no hot pursuit or any kind
of cross-border incursion will be tolerated. More often then not, a clear
statement of intent is more effective than incendiary language. As
regards the general, he need not have got into a fire and brimstone exchange
at all.
More importantly, it is not just India that blames us for continuing
to support some militant groups. Even our friends in the West think that
we have not entirely given up the jihadi option. In specific terms, it is said
that militants still have training camps in Azad Kashmir and other parts of
the country. Is this true?
The government should not only unequivocally deny this but give
access to independent observers so that everyone is satisfied. But, if
some camps are still operative it is against our governments stated policy. In
todays world we cannot hide anything and if the camps continue to operate
it shows us to be double dealers and liars. This is hardly conducive to peace
in the region.
Sarah Humayun identified genesis of Indian attitude. States have
been loath to admit that there is a link between their political actions
and the terrorism they suffer. Terrorist acts, on the other hand, tend to
force us to make the connection between the actions of states and attacks on
those states populations. States may have an interest in maintaining that
terrorists will strike in any case, without a strict logic of cause and effect,
because they are governed by an ideology of objectless violence; or at least
violence whose object is too vague to allow rational engagement with it.
Violence from one side is seen as preventative or remedial, and
subject to the calculus of proportion; from the other it is seen as irrational, to
which the idea of proportionality is alien because it derives from no
politically realizable aim, no electoral mandate, and no process of
accountability. It is perpetrated, in short, by what we have increasingly come
to identify as non-state actors.
That is the position on terrorism that has become familiar since
the attacks on New York on September 11, 2001. Indeed this is, broadly
speaking, the American response to terrorism by most reasonable
assessments a failure presented without reference to conspiracy theories
and ulterior motives, which would change its entire complexion.
Variations to this paradigm of response can be observed elsewhere.
So, for example, while sharing the same broad position, the UK reacted
more pragmatically to terrorist attacks last year on London commuters
The threat was treated as a matter of internal civilian security, requiring
better policing and intelligence.
The best that states can do is not to play terrorisms game. Terrorism
challenges states to show two kinds of weaknesses: the weakness of strength
the stronger the state is the harder it likes to come down on terrorism,
the tougher it talks, and the weakness of weakness do nothing and seem
Fridays violence in the textile city appears to have been winked at by the
Ashok Malik observed that India as with China was hitherto seen
as relatively insulated from the global war on terror and the larger conflict
between Islam and the United States. The bomb blasts in Mumbai indicate
a strategic shift. These have been the most virulent and destructive terrorist
attacks in India since a series of bomb blasts in March 1993, also in
On more than one occasion, the prime minister has pointed out that
not one of Indias 150-million Muslims is a member of al-Qaeda. While
these assessments are largely correct, they ignore the increasing evidence
provided by intelligence agencies of the radicalization of sections of
Indias Muslims.
Obviously, the network of terror in India is far more complex and
well entrenched than the Congress-led government has been willing to
admit. A hard crackdown is going to be politically difficult for a coalition
that counts Indias Muslims most of whom, of course, abhor terrorism but
have vocal sections who are uncomfortable with Indias increasing proximity
to the United States or identification with US interests as its core voters.
Sushant Sareen opined, in the final analysis, apart from killing of a
few hundred innocent civilians the terrorists have achieved nothing from
7/11. If anything, the suspected involvement of Indian Muslims in these
attacks have only ended up damaging the interests of the very
community in the name of which these attacks were carried out
Praful Bidwai wrote, Bharatiya Janata Party has tried to communalize
the issue by accusing the government of trading national security for
votes. This implies that Muslim appeasement has encouraged terrorism.
This charge is obnoxiously communal and egregiously insulting to a
whole community.
The bombings raise a number of serious questions. A major issue is
whether New Delhi was right to consider putting the foreign-secretarylevel talks on hold unless Pakistan honoured a commitment made in 2004
that its territory would not be used for terrorist acts against India.
Some sections of Pakistani media have hinted at the involvement of
jihadi groups. This has only reinforced the assessment of some Indian
intelligence agencies that Pakistani elements were involved in the Mumbai
blasts The word assessment is important because the agencies have
indiscretion, a single wrong done to one innocent local boy, can mean
lighting the fuse.
Pakistan, however, remained the main target for reasons beyond
Mumbai bombings as was evident from the article of Sana Naqvi Bhaumik
published in the Outlook. On the walls hang pictures of three icons of the
Pakistani state the poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal, who composed Sare
jahan se achha Hindustan hamara and then migrated to Pakistan;
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who advocated the creation of Pakistan (the land of
the pure); and Abdul Qadeer Khan, the father of Pakistans nuclear bomb.
Three men who symbolize what Pakistan believes it should be. What it could
These lines were the preamble of her short article in which she
ridiculed the three persons held in highest esteem in Pakistan. Her hatred for
creation of Pakistan blinded her from historical facts. Allama died nine years
before the creation of Pakistan and even if he had lived by then, he did not
have to migrate as he was born in Sialkot and lived in heart of Pakistan.
One wonders why her article was chosen for republication in the News;
perhaps the editor thought that the lady was paying tributes to Allama,
Jinnah and Khan.
She added, but theres another icon in this room in the motheaten register of students enrolled in the primary school housed here about a
decade before 1947. Student No 187: Manmohan Singh, Indias prime
This is the village where Manmohan Sigh was born, and where he
lived till he was 10 years old. The village is called Gah; the school has been
renamed Manmohan Singh Primary School. Today, this cluster of mud
houses and brick structures stands testament to forces that can divide
and small gestures that unite two neighbouring countries.
Muhammad Badar Alam opined that Mumbai blasts had blasted the
composite dialogue. While Mumbai blasts have exposed the limited rapport
enjoyed by Pervez Musharraf and Manmohan Singh, they have also shown
the weaknesses of what is called people-to-people contacts. These contacts
are meant to create constituencies of peace in the two countries but they are
still a long way to go to make themselves matter in official decision making.
Otherwise, somebody somewhere could have protested quite effectively
against the war of words that India and Pakistan have very successfully
dragged each other into. While trains keep running, buses continue plying
and planes go on flying across the borders that divide India and Pakistan (in
Benazir welcomed the initiative of retired diplomats, civil servants,
intelligence chiefs and military officers in asking Musharraf to separate
offices of the President and COAS. The very next day, on 24 th September,
Pervaiz Elahi reiterated that Musharraf would be re-elected by current
assemblies. Four days later, the two mainstream alliances, ARD and MMA,
agreed to launch an anti-government and pro-democracy movement in and
outside the Parliament.
The argument taken in the letter, that it is not good for democracy
and bad for the military itself when the army chief also happens to be
the president, is a convincing one The other suggestions contained in the
letter include making the Election Commission of Pakistan truly
independent so that it can organize elections that are free from any
manipulation and provide all participating political parties with a level
playing field.
M B Naqvi observed, several mean questions arise. Didnt this gentry
know the need for transparent polls in 2001 and 2002? Why didnt they give
the same advice then; they could not have become all wise in these four
years. It would be interesting to find out when precisely it dawned on them
that the elections of 2002 were not transparently free and fair and that they
would not lead to complete and authentic democracy? Many would ask
how it is that retired civil servants and generals suddenly become
democrats and display good sense.
It is necessary to find out if the letter is a major development and
consider its context. One can briefly mention a list of developments that
have recently taken place: President Musharraf has proposed converting
Pakistan into an energy corridor for China; he envisages new linkages
between China and Pakistan, a railway virtually over the top of the world,
oil and gas pipelines and fibre optic links for improving communication. He
also envisages linking of Karakoram Highway with Gwadar.
Meanwhile, the US has been exhibiting a certain amount of
disenchantment with Musharraf and Pakistan for not doing enough in
fighting the Taliban or helping Afghanistan overcome its difficulties This
is also a time when India has frozen the composite dialogue with
Pakistan. It has adopted a tough tone vis--vis this country, talking of
punitive action, including hot pursuit, in fighting terrorism and destroying
its infrastructure.
There is also news of informal contact between Benazir Bhutto and
President Musharraf and also between the latter and Nawaz Sharif. The
buzzword in Islamabad appears to be that a certain amount of success has
been achieved in the direct talks between the PPP chief and the army
chief. Not to be ignored is the fact that the ARD and the MMA are
beginning to cooperate in an agitation to be. Many parties have signed the
Charter of Democracy. Whether or not this was a tactic, it is a major
Mir Jamilur Rahman said, the G-18 letter and the Charter of
Democracy jointly signed by Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif have many
similarities. Both the leaders have welcomed the G-18 letter. However, there
is a marked difference in the two documents in their approach to resolving
the problems. While the Charter of Democracy sets deadlines, the G-18
emphasizes that political parties should exercise restraint and respond
positively to any offer of dialogue.
He added, as if G-18 letter was not enough, the MQMs latest
skirmish with Gen Musharraf has come as a bolt from the blue. It could
not have come at a more inopportune time. The ARD is gearing up support
for its no-confidence resolution against Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. The
MMA has given its tentative agreement.
The News wrote, Musharrafs point man Tariq Aziz is reportedly
flying to London to meet MQM chief Altaf Hussain. The president has also
told the Sindh Governor not to accept the resignations so that a way-out of
the crisis can be found. At the same time, the MQM has said that its
members of parliament will continue to sit on the treasury benches.
The reasonsinclude the government asking the party not to
have a rally on August 14 at the Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore (the party
says that the MMA has been allowed, though, to hold its rally at the same
venue on that day) and allegations that military officials working in
ministries under the MQMs control do not listen to their ministers. At the
heart of all the resentment and anger seems to be frustration with the Sindh
chief minister, Arbab Ghulam Rahim, who the party says has repeatedly
made decisions without consolations and who continues to sit on summaries
moved by ministries in control of the MQM.
It has to be said that the timing of the resignations is intriguing
Other than the timing itself one point to note is the way that issue has
come up. The president was in Karachi for over two days and MQM
ministers met him during the course of several meetings. However, he seems
to have been caught by surprise by the decision, which the part instead chose
to announce at a press conference.
Imtiaz Alam was of the view that MQM had carefully
choreographed its drama at a time when the opposition was preparing to
move a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, and had
not resigned from the memberships of the assemblies. In fact it had assured
the president to continue to sit on the treasury benches and support his
attention to him only to the extent that its political interests are furthered. It
is not beholden to him and it has no problem playing a long-term game.
Some day, as every one does, the general will leave. Then, the Q League will
disintegrate, the Patriots will revert to being a word describing national
fervor and other hangers-on will fade into well-deserved obscurity. At that
stage, the MQM will still be a player. It is for this reason that it is not so easy
to push around.
The MQM is playing a clever game at another level too. It knows
that it has not been able to deliver any thing substantial to its supporters after
many years in power. Actually the way we are organized and our state of
finances being what it is, no party in power can fulfill all its promises. The
party realizes this and has chosen to put the blame somewhere. If you look
closely on the statements coming from its leaders, the common refrain is that
it has not been able to do much for its supporters because of the chief
minister or the federal government or a combination of the two.
There is another interest that Musharraf has in dealing with the
MQM. Now that he is getting close to entering the political arena, he
realizes just as anyone else in this business that he needs a solid
constituency. What would be Musharrafs constituency not just in terms of
an electoral seat but in broad political terms? Some people may accuse me of
biased thinking but politics is about realities. The reality is that Musharrafs
natural constituency is the Mohajir community just as Nawaz Sharifs is
Punjab and Benazirs is Sindh. This is just a simple fact of political life.
This makes it even more difficult for Musharraf to resist the
MQM and Altaf Hussain knows that. Like any good tactician, he will take
advantage of this and the general will have to give in. My guess though is
that this will not be the end of matter. The MQM cannot go in to the next
election as a Musharraf ally because then it will have to fight on its own and
the generals record. With Karachi in the grip of vast electricity shortages
and other civic problems, the ruling partys platform will not make good
politics. The next time the MQM jumps, it will be for good.
Mir Jamilur Rahman opined that the MQM has damaged its case
badly by overplaying its hand. Its demands amounted to a negation of
parliamentary democracy, or whatever is left of it. The demand of removal
of Chief Minister Arbab Ghulam Rahim was ridiculous. A chief minister
cannot be removed on a mere demand.
MQM is a tough party but not tougher than the government. It is
not a stranger to the toughness of the government. It experienced the
Military operation against Pakistani Pushtun tribesmen, who support
their brothers across Durand Line, failed in curb Talibans resistance against
occupation forces. Instead, Pakistan feared resurgence of Talibanization in
and around tribal areas and initiated a reconciliatory effort by forming a
Mumbai bombings gave India yet another pretext to severe the peace
process, but Pakistani rulers craved for the dialogue. Yes, the dialogue
should continue, because it has helped in averting many crises; onion crisis,
potato crisis, meat crisis, cement crisis, sugar crisis and so on.
Situation in Baluchistan appeared to be improving, but peace will
remain a mirage as long as the sardars sponsoring terrorism remain at large.
As regards soft image through enlightened moderation, it is nave to think
that extremism in Pakistan or Islamic World can be eradicated in the
presence of extreme extremism of their enemies.
5th August 2006
Bush said Israeli operations were part of the war on terror or the
holy war or the Crusades. He demanded disarming of the militia and halt to
flow of arms into Lebanon. Pakistan and Iran called for immediate end to
Middle East crisis.
On 30th July, 60 people were killed, including 37 children in Israeli air
strike in Qana village. Olmert expressed deep sorrow but vowed the war
would go on. Israel cautiously pushed the ground offensive in which five
Hezbollah men were killed and eight Israel soldiers were wounded. Death
toll of Lebanese rose to 750 and 33 Israeli soldiers were killed to-date. AFP
reported that zest for martyrdom was fueling Hezbollah. Hamid Mir from
Beirut reported that even Christians backed Hezbollah.
Protesters smashed into UN headquarters in Beirut chanting Death to
Israel, Death to America. Gunmen stormed UN compound in Gaza City
during a protest against Qana killings. Muslim leaders were enraged over
Qana massacre. Annan condemned the incident and said, I am deeply
dismayed that my earlier calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities were
not heeded. Pope called for mercy.
Rice called off her trip to Beirut after Lebanese government told her
that she was not welcomed. She was to leave for Washington to work for
sustainable ceasefire. Blair said fighting had to stop after a UN resolution
demanding a ceasefire is passed. Human rights activists were scheduled to
protest at a British airport where a US aircraft carrying missiles was to refuel
on its way to Israel.
Next day, rescue workers dug out 49 dead bodies from villages around
Tyre. Olmert rejected the calls for ceasefire. Israel gave 48-hour break in air
strikes to allow the civilians to vacate southern Lebanon. Shias and Sunnis
of various nationalities held a protest rally in Damascus.
On 1st August, Israeli forces tried to push offensive in southern
Lebanon and Hezbollah resisted fiercely. Arab TV networks said three
Israeli soldiers were killed, but Hezbollah claimed inflicting 35 casualties
and Israel claimed killing 300 Hezbollah fighters. Three civilians were killed
and three wounded in air strike near Sidon bringing the death toll to 750.
Olmert said, we are at the beginning of a political process that in the end
will bring a ceasefire under entirely different conditions than before. Israeli
court allowed Jews to enter al-Aqsa mosque.
Third week clearly indicated that the conflict was heading towards a
stalemate. This would result in frustration for Israel and its backers who are
used to achieving victory against host of Arab armies in matter of few days.
It was hard for the analysts to de-link present Israeli aggression from
the past as Zionist aggression has been a continuous phenomenon since the
first half of the last century. The European crusaders had always played
significant role in this phenomenon.
Timothy Garton Ash wrote, it was that history of increasingly radical
European rejection, from the 1880s to 1940s, that produced the driving
force for political Zionism, Jewish emigration to Palestine and eventually
the creation of the state of Israel.
I dont think any European should speak or write about todays
conflict in the Middle East without displaying some consciousness of our
own historical responsibility. Im afraid that some Europeans today do so
speak and write Let me be very clear what I mean. It does not follow from
this terrible European history that Europeans must display uncritical
solidarity with whatever the current government of Israel chooses to do,
however violent or ill-advised.
On the contrary, the true friend is the one who speaks up when
youre making a mistake. It does not follow that we should sign up to the
latest dangerous simplifications about a third world war against an IranSyria-Hezbollah-Hamas terrorist alliance
It does not follow that every European who criticizes Israel is a
covert anti-Semite, as some commentators in the United States tend to imply.
And it certainly does not follow that we should be any less alert to the
sufferings of Arabs, including the Palestinian Arabs who fled or were
driven out of their homes at the founding of the state of Israel, and their
descendants who grew up in refugee camps.
The story of the Jews driven from the European homelands, and
in turn driving Palestinian Arabs from their homelands, is unique. Even
if you dont accept this argument from historical and moral responsibility,
Europes vital interests are plainly at stakes: oil, nuclear proliferation and the
potential reaction among our alienated Muslim minorities, to name three.
Praful Bidwai said, Israels anti-terrorism rhetoric is deeply
hypocritical. It was itself born in Zionist terrorism, practiced by groups
like the Haganah and Irgun, to which leaders such as Meacham Begin, Ariel
Sharon, and present Prime Minister Ehud Olmert belonged. The terrorists
were crucial to the establishment of Israel; as Begin put it: Blood brought
our revolt to life.
Exactly one week ago, Israeli leaders, including former Prime
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, celebrated one of Zionisms worst attacks,
on the King David Hotel. Ninety-one people perished in the attack. Its
relevant to recall the 60 year-old episode because Israels own history of
terrorism has inured desensitized its leadership to cruelty and barbarism.
Its no longer capable of thinking of justice or proportionate use of force.
The present violence was deliberately provoked by Israel when it
recently liquidated the Palestinian Authoritys internal security chief, Abu
Jamal Samhanada. This brought on Hamas attacks with primitive homemade
Qassam rockets. Israel retaliated ferociously, even killing picnicking
civilians. In the escalating violence, Hamas militants killed two Israeli
soldiers and abducted one.
Israel has not gained security for its civilians through these
actions. They have become more, not less, vulnerable. Although Israel has
the worlds thickest density of barriers, X-ray machines, bomb detectors and
so on; Hamas militants regularly manage to kill Israelis.
He concluded by advising the government of his country to act
realistically. There has been only one muted response to these momentous
West Asian developments from the subcontinent, barring a sneaking
unhealthy sympathy for Hezbollahs Hassan Nasrallah among some groups.
It is a sign of New Delhis pusillanimity that it even refused to deplore
Israels attack on a United Nations post in Lebanon, killing four people.
The Washington Times urged Israel on for destruction of
Hezbollah. While the Israeli military is among the best in the world, it is
facing an armed organization with upwards of 1,000 hardened fighters and
15,000 reservists terrorists who have embedded themselves among
Lebanons civilian population.
This armed terror group possesses unmanned aerial vehicles as well
as 13,000 rockets and missiles, and its operations are assisted on the ground
by Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Moreover, even as Israel destroys
Hezbollahs weapons, Iran and Syria are apparently replenishing Hezbollahs
arsenal by sending in supplies through the Bekka Valley in eastern Lebanon.
Hezbollah, the Lebanese Islamist terrorist group. One should note the
omission of mentioning 37 children included in the civilians and also the
use of phrases retaliatory attack and Islamist terrorist group.
If Rice appeared shaken in Israel on Sunday, its because the United
States, which had implicitly granted Israel a blank check to smash Hezbollah
for a limited period of time, is held accountable for Israels actions in most
The danger now is that Israels bombing campaign is driving much
of the aggrieved population into Hezbollahs camp. If most Lebanese
were hostages to Hezbollah at the outset of the conflict, a few more weeks of
Israeli bombardment may turn them into Hezbollah recruits.
The challenge for Rice and the UN Security Council is to craft a
ceasefire and mobilize multinational force in a manner that does not
constitute a victory for Hezbollah. It is still the case that a ceasefire at any
cost, one that does not address the need to disarm Hezbollah and bolster
the Lebanese state, would be a costly mistake.
Israel may well have to occupy the southernmost strip of Lebanon
until the arrival of a multinational force, but it cannot indefinitely
continue its air campaign. It is proving too costly, not only to its own longterm interests but to those of the United States.
Patrick Seale observed that the myth of strategic supremacy has
been broken. Mention may also be made of the important role of the
ubiquitous neocons, both inside and outside the Bush Administration, in
shaping American foreign policy in a pro-Israeli direction.
But this not seem enough to account for the unconditional alignment
of the US on Israel, for its refusal to demand an immediate ceasefire, for the
hurried dispatch to Israel of still more American weapons and for the whole
thrust of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rices diplomacy which is
directed at ensuring Israels victory and the defeat and disarmament of its
enemies, notably Hezbollah.
The explanation, I believe, lies in the severe shocks which both the
United States and Israel have suffered in the past five or six years shocks
which undermine their strategic supremacy, and which confront them with
the painful possibility of having to revise their cherished strategic
doctrines. The Israeli-US war in Lebanon may perhaps best be understood
as a desperate attempt to reverse this most unwelcome trend.
Now it is not a secret anymore: this war has been planned for a
long time. The military correspondents proudly reported this week that the
army has been exercising for this war in all its details for several years. Only
a month ago, there was a large war game to rehearse the entrance of land
forces into south Lebanon
The other side, too, has been preparing this war for years. Not only
did they bill caches of thousands of missiles, but they have also prepared an
elaborate system of Vietnam-style bunkers, tunnels and caves. Our soldiers
are now encountering this system and paying the high price; as always our
army has treated the Arabs with disdain and discounted their military
That is one of the problems of the military mentality. Talleyrand was
not wrong when he said that war is much too serious a thing to be left to
military men. The mentality of the generals, resulting from their education
and profession, is by nature force-oriented, simplistic, one-dimensional, not
to say primitive. It is based on the belief that all problems can be solved by
force, and if that does not work then by more force.
That is well illustrated by the planning and execution of the current
war. This was based on the assumption that if we cause terrible suffering to
the population, they will rise up and demand the removal of Hezbollah. A
minimal understanding of mass psychology would suggest the opposite. The
killing of hundreds of Lebanese civilians, belonging to all the ethnoreligious communities, the turning of the lives of others into hell, and the
destruction of the life-supporting infrastructure of Lebanese society will
arouse a groundswell of fury and hatred against Israel, and not against
the heroes, as they see them, who sacrifice their lives in their defence.
The result will be strengthening of Hezbollah, not only today, but
for years to come. Perhaps that will be the main outcome of the war, more
important than all the military achievements, if any and not only in Lebanon,
but throughout the Arab and Muslim world.
Faced with the horrors that are shown on all television and many
computer screens, world opinion is also changing There is a macabre
photo: jolly Israeli children writing greetings on the artillery shells that are
about to be fired. Then there appears a message: Thanks to the children of
Israel for this nice gift; thanks to the world that does nothing; signed the
children of Lebanon and Palestine.
Years of the occupation regime in the Palestinian territories have
caused a terrible callousness as far as human lives are concerned. The killing
They had no time to think seriously about the war aim. Now they
resemble archers who shoot their arrows at a blank sheet and then draw the
rings around the arrow. The aims change daily: to destroy Hezbollah, to
disarm them, to drive them out of South Lebanon, and perhaps just to
weaken them. To kill Hassan Nasrallah. To bring the captured soldiers home.
To extend the sovereignty of the Lebanese government over all of
The more the nice little war continues, the clearer it becomes that
these changing aims are not realistic. The Lebanese ruling group does not
represent anybody but small, rich and corrupt elite. The Lebanese army
cannot and will not fight Hezbollah. The new security zone will be exposed
to guerrilla attacks and the international force will not enter the area without
the agreement of Hezbollah.
The term guerrilla (small war) was coined in Spain, during the
occupation of the country by Napoleon Even assuming that Dan Halutz
and Udi Adam are greater commanders than Napoleon and his marshals,
they will not succeed where those failed.
When Napoleon did not know what to do next, he invaded Russia. If
we dont stop the operation, it will lead us to war with Syria From the
first day of George Bushs presidency, the neo-cons have been calling for
elimination of Syria.
Mohammad Akef Jamal in his review raised some points. What
surprises most is the official Lebanese policy which does not have any
animosity towards Israel. In fact, the Lebanese government is confused
and does not know exactly what to do.
Tel Aviv believes in a quick victory within the shortest possible
time by mobilizing its military, civilian and political forces, and superior air
force and weapons, supplied mostly by the US, and intelligence network
Israels geopolitical location does not allow for a long war and hence it
prefers pre-emptive wars, so as not to give its enemy a chance to harm its
vulnerable cities.
Last, but not the least is the history of more than 50-year-old ArabIsraeli conflict has proved the inability of Arab regimes to impose their
equation on the balance of power in the region.
Lebanese government is not an active party to resist Israeli aggression
for two reasons; one, it is a pro-US entity and two; it lacks the capability and
will to do so. Nevertheless, its viewpoint on the conflict matters a lot. This
was expressed by Lebanese President Emile Lahoud in an interview to Der
With reference to UN Resolution 1559, which demands that Lebanese
Army should control the entire country, Lahoud said, but it wasnt the army
that freed the occupied south of the country, rather it was the resistance
which achieved that. Without this resistance (Hezbollah) Lebanon would
still be occupied today.
Der Spiegel pressed the point by saying that Israeli Army withdrew
six years ago, yet the Lebanese Army has not fulfilled the task. Lahoud said
that strongholds of the resistance are not known. Despite the hail of bombs,
the Israelis have been unable to produce one single photo of a destroyed
resistance base, because they dont know where they are. Army bases, on
the other hand, are well known and this is why they are invariably
destroying our armed forces and, above all, civilian targets.
Speigel countered that because Lebanese Army has failed the Israeli
Army is justified in attacking. The President replied, the Israeli armed
forces are destroying Lebanon, and the international community isnt
trying to hold them back, but giving them more time to complete their plan
of destruction.
In reply to question about Israeli soldier prisoners, he said that the
exchange of prisoners has always worked perfectly in the past It is
unclear whether that will happen this time. Its charged atmosphere.
Spiegel sought explanation about his relationship with Hezbollah and
his views about Nasrallah. Hezbollah enjoys untmost prestige in
Lebanon. All over the Arab World you hear: Hezbollah maintains Arab
honour, and even though it (Hezbollah) is very small, it stands up to Israel.
And of course Nasrallah has my respect.
About UN plans for massive deployment of international troops in
southern Lebanon, he replied: That is an old proposal, which is hardly
achievable. As long as the conflict between Lebanon and Israel remains
unresolved, no international force will help, however large it may be.
Alistar Lyon observed that Hezbollah has denied Israeli hope of
swift victory. Hezbollahs guerrilla tactics and resilience have forced Israeli
Army to decide against a full-scale invasion, and instead adopt strategy of
air raids and limited ground attacks.
Robert Fisk thought that situation was even graver than that. Is it
possible is it conceivable that Israel is losing its war in Lebanon? In
Bint Jbeil, meanwhile, another bloodshed was taking place. Claiming to
control this southern Lebanese town, the Israelis chose to walk into a
Hezbollah trap. The moment they reached the deserted market-place, they
were ambushed from three sides, their soldiers falling to the ground under
sustained rifle fire. The remaining Israeli troops surrounded by the
terrorists they were supposed to liquidate desperately appealed for help,
but an Israeli Merkava tank and other vehicles sent to help them were also
attacked and set on fire. Up to 17 Israeli soldiers may have died so far in this
disastrous operation.
It was not meant to be like this, 15 days into Israels assault on
Lebanon. The Katyushas still streak in pairs out of southern Lebanon,
clearly visible to naked eye, white contrails that thump into Israels hillsides
and border towns.
So is it frustration or revenge that keeps Israels bomb falling on
the innocent? In the early hours two days ago, a tremendous explosion woke
me up, rattling the windows and shaking the trees outside, and a single flash
suffused the western sky over Nabatiyeh. The lives of an entire family of
seven had just been extinguished.
In Beirut, one observes the folly of Western nations with amusement
as well as horror, but, sitting in these hill villages and listening to how the
US secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice plans to reshape Lebanon is
clearly a lesson in human self-delusion. According to US correspondents
accompanying Ms Rice on her visit to the Middle East, she is proposing the
intervention of a NATO-led force along the Lebanese-Israeli border for 60
and 90 days to assure that a ceasefire exists, the deployment of an enlarged
NATO force throughout Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah and then the retraining of the Lebanese army before its own deployment to the border.
This plan which, like all American proposals on Lebanon, is
exactly the same as Israels demands carries the same depth of conceit as
that of the Israeli consul general in New York, who said last week that
most Lebanese appreciate what we are doing.
The Hezbollah has been waiting and training and dreaming of this
new war for years, however ruthless we may regard the actions. They are
not going to surrender the territory they liberated from the Israeli army
in an 18-year guerrilla war, least of all to NATO at Israels bidding It is
Israel which is running out of time in southern Lebanon. Its attacks have for
the fifth time in 30 years placed it in the dock of war crimes in Lebanon.
There was no dearth of detractors. Kamila Hyat, in true spirit of
enlightened moderation, flayed Hezbollah in addition to criticizing Israel
and the US. Indeed, by depicting Hezbollah and its leaders as heroes, by
glorifying their stance and by broadcasting their messages to a wide
audience, some of the TV channel hosts veer dangerously close to
promoting further violence and depicting terrorism as acts of heroism.
There is also little doubt that Syria and Iran have extended significant
support to Hezbollah. Indeed, analysts in Lebanon and elsewhere have
opined that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, forced to make a humiliating
troop withdrawal from Lebanon last year, is using Hezbollah to strike back
against the US. There can also be little doubt the war has benefited
Hezbollah its leaders superbly using the media to show Israeli outrages,
depict themselves as martyrs and call for further war in tones as harsh as
those of the Israeli warmongers.
Some analysts tried to project rivalry between resistance groups of
Shias and Sunnis, completely oblivious of the fact that it was a Shia
resistance group (Hezbollah) which acted to ease pressure on a Sunni group
(Hamas). Bernard Haykel reviewed this misconstrued viewpoint.
For al-Qaeda, it is a time of panic. The groups web sites are abuzz
with messages and questions about how to respond to Hezbollahs success.
Several of al-Qaeda ideologues have issued official statements explaining
Hezbollahs actions and telling followers how to respond to them. The gist
of their argument is that the Shiites are conspiring to destroy Islam and to
resuscitate Persian imperial rule over the Middle East and ultimately the
They go on to argue that thanks to the United States, Iraq has been
handed over to the Shiites, who are now wantonly massacring the
countrys Sunnis. Syria is already led by a Shiite heretic, President Bashar
al-Assad, whose policies harm the countrys Sunni majority.
Hezbollah, according to these analyses, seeks to dupe ordinary
Muslims into believing that the Shiites are defending Islams holiest cause,
Palestine, in order to cover the wholesale Shiite alliance with the United
States in Iraq and Afghanistan Ultimately, this theory goes, the Shiites will
fall in their efforts because the Israelis and Americans will destroy them
once their role in the broader Zionist-Crusader conspiracy is accomplished.
increase the regional instability in the Middle East, which has already
been initiated by Israel. While defending Israel, the US blames the crisis on
militants backed by Iran and Syria.
John Pilger said, the catastrophe in the Middle East is a product of
such an imperial tyranny. It is clearly a US-ordained operation, with the
long-planned assault on Gaza and the destruction of Lebanon pretexts for a
wider campaign with the goal of installing American puppets in Lebanon,
Syria and eventually Iran.
The attendant propaganda the abuse of language and eternal
hypocrisy has reached its nadir in recent weeks. An Israeli soldier
belonging to an invasion force was captured and held, legitimately, as a
prisoner of war. Reported as a kidnapping, this set off yet more slaughter
of Palestinian civilians.
The kidnapped soldier story cancelled any serious inquiry into
Israels plans to reinvade Gaza, from which it had staged a phony
withdrawal. The fact and meaning of Hamass self-imposed 16-month
ceasefire were lost in inanities about recognizing Israel, along with Israels
state terror in Gaza the dropping of a 500lb bomb on a residential block,
the firing of as many as 9,000 heavy artillery shells into one of the most
densely populated places on earth and the nightly terrorizing with sonic
In their defence, the Palestinians fired a cluster of Qassam missiles
and killed eight Israelis: enough to ensure Israels victim hood on the
BBC The historical equivalent is not far from that of the Nazi
bombardment and starvation of the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto.
Hezbollah drone, Americas journalistic caricatures, is armed and
funded by Syria and Iran, and so they beckon an attack on those countries,
while remaining silent about Americas $3bn-a-day gift of planes and small
arms and bombs to a state whose international lawlessness is a
registered world record.
The epic injustice done to the Palestinians is the heart of the
matter. While European governmentshave remained craven, it is only
Hezbollah that has come to the Palestinians aid. How truly shaming. There is
no media narrative of the Palestinians heroic stand during two uprisings
and with slingshots and stones most of the time.
I think Orwell got it right in this passage from Nineteen EightyFour; a tale of the ultimate empire: And in the general hardening of outlook
Crusaders role has been frequently referred in the foregoing; here
some more. As it is not possible to comment on Israeli aggression without
referring to the history, so is the case with the Crusaders unconditional
support to Zionist regime.
Dr Muzaffar Iqbal recalled; the old Middle East, upon which Rice
wants to build a new Middle East, was thus a product of the Balfour
Declaration and the Sykes-Picot Agreement of May 16, 1916 between
Britain and France; the latter defined their respective spheres of post-World
War I influence and control in the Middle East. This agreement was
negotiated in November 1915 by French diplomat Francois Georges-Picot
and Briton Mark Sykes. The understanding reached on the terrible day
allowed Britain the control of areas where now we have the Kingdom of
Jordan, Iraq and a small area around Haifa. France was to have control of
south-eastern Turkey, Northern Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
The Sykes-Picot Agreement it is worth recalling, came into
existence in flagrant violation of an understanding reached between
Sherif Hussein Ibn Ali, the Ottoman Emir of Makkah, and Sir Henry
McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Egypt during 1915-1916. This
understanding exists in the well preserved correspondence between the two
men. Hussein understood the promise to be rewarded in the form of an Arab
empire, encompassing the entire span between Egypt and Persia, with the
exception of imperial possessions and interests in Kuwait, Aden, and the
Syrian coast. Hussein became the official leader of the Arab revolt against
the Ottomans.
The promises to Hussein were made to have Arabs rise against
the Turks; once that deed was accomplished and Arab help was assured,
Jews in the United States were approached to influence the US to join the
First World War. The Jews wanted a homeland in Jerusalem; thus the
Balfour Declaration was issued, which assured them a home in the Holy
The World War I ended. Arabs were free, that is, they were free
from the Ottomans. Freedom had arrived in the Arab lands in the form
of occupation of France and Britain. The sons of Hussein were made the
kings of Trans-Jordan (later Jordan), Syria and Iraq. However, the monarchy
in Syria was abruptly ended when the French were given control over the
nation (resulting in much resistance and bloodshed), so his son (Faisal) was
installed in Iraq instead. The old-old Middle East was thus created.
But Britain and France were not happy with their shares under
the Sykes-Picot deal and thus in the 1920 San Remo conference, France
extracted an additional share of the Middle-Eastern pie: control over Syria
and Lebanon, this was duly baptized by the League of Nations in 1922. But
the old-old Middle East was still not what the English wanted, so in July
1941, they occupied two third of Lebanon.
Adel Safty said, historically, the Zionist founding ideas of a settler
colonial enterprise would not have been possible without two crucial
elements: support from the West, especially Britain and the USA, and
sustained pro-Zionist propaganda in the West from the most influential
In its search for territory to establish a Jewish state, Zionism faced
two daunting challenges: how to rally the support of the western powers
and their influential Jewish communities for the establishment of a Jewish
homeland in Palestine, Argentina or Cyprus. Secondly, how to colonize and
turn a country such as Palestine with an overwhelming Muslim majority into
a Jewish state?
The Zionists turned their attention to Britain; Jewish programs in
Russia had resulted in a flood of Russian Jewish immigrants to England
whose government came under pressure to restrict the flood of Jewish
immigration. The Balfour government appointed a royal commission to
examine the question of immigration and Theodor Herzl, the president of the
Zionist Organization, persuaded the commission to hear him as an expert
witness. That marked the beginning of a process to create a Jewish state.
An extensive propaganda campaign was launched in the US and
Britain. Weizmann enlisted the help of C P Scott, the influential editor of the
Manchester Guardian who launched a pro-Zionist propaganda campaign,
which proved of enormous value to the Zionists.
In December 1914, Scott introduced Weizmann to Lloyd George and
Herbert Samuel, the latter being a minister in the Liberal Government of
Herbert Asquith and the first Jew to be a member of cabinet This approach
finds its modern equivalent in the success of Israel and its friends in the US
in convincing the Bush Administration of Israels value for the
American strategic designs in the Middle East and for its so-called war on
The crusaders support to Israel is unambiguous. Dr Masooda
Bano said, can Israel launch such an aggressive attack within days of the
kidnapping of two soldiers without some behind-the-scene understanding
with the US? The Israeli army might be very strong due to the steady
support for its military by many western nations especially the US, but that
is not to say that it does not need their continued support. Threat of
economic and political sanctions can be just as effective to stop Israel from
an undesirable action as in case of any other country.
The West is sitting on the fence, refusing to condemn Israel strongly
because many western nations want to see Hezbollah curtailed. But, what
they continue to ignore is that Hezbollah is a product of these very biased
Rahimullah Yusufzai dwelled on this aspect. The US is once more
funding Israeli aggression and there was no way that any spin or explanation
would make the followers of Islam forget the disturbing events unfolding
before their eyes. In fact, most Muslims and fair-minded people of other
faiths have started blaming the US more than Israel for the violence and
suffering in the Middle East. Without American military and economic
assistance, Israel would not have occupied territory of its neighbouring Arab
countries and ignored UN resolutions calling for an end to its occupation of
Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese land. Lack of accountability has
emboldened the Jewish state to kill and destroy anyone anywhere in the
name of self-defence and the whole world knows that Israel is able to defy
the international community due to unconditional American support.
To top it all, the US has made it clear that it would come to the
rescue of Israel should it face any threat to its existence. Despite the onesided nature of its Middle East policies, the US still portrays itself as an
honest broker in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is adamant to let other
powers play a role in resolving the one issue that more than any other
dispute threatens world peace.
It seems the US and some of its close western allies such as the UK,
Canada, Australia, Netherlands and Denmark still refuse to believe that the
Palestinian issue is the root-cause of the Muslim unrest in the world. Instead
of rethinking their blind pro-Israel policies in a bid to placate the Muslims,
the governments of these and other western nations have become even
more supportive of the Jewish state. One major reason for failure of
diplomacy on this front is the clear pro-Israel bias of the US and the world
powers that matter. An unjust and unequal peace would keep the region
permanently at war.
Helping Israel is considered a moral obligation of the Crusaders.
The Washington Times suggested that the United States and other nations
that are serious about defeating Islamofascism have a vital interest in
helping Israel succeed in crippling Hezbollah and should be generous in
providing Israel with what it needs to get the job done.
One positive result of the Israeli offensive has been a Lebanese
backlash against Hezbollah. According to Michael Young, editorial page
editor of the Beirut Daily Star, the Lebanese (including many Shiites in
private conversation) blame Hezbollah and its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, for
triggering the current violence and the hardships they are now enduring.
There is no such backlash. But, this remains an earnest desire to embroil
Lebanon in civil war with a view to neutralizing Hezbollah. The excessive
use of force and dropping of leaflets are aimed at achieving this goal.
cribs and old people in the streets is to make the Lebanese or the Palestinians
understand that if they, no matter how reluctantly, host those rockets, they
will pay a very, very steep price.
Cohen like so many others in the American punditocracy depicts
the death of an Israeli civilian as far more tragic and important than the
death of an Arab civilian. Theres something really sick about such
righteous support for civilian death and destruction.
George Monbiot said, Israels foreign policy and military strategy
is dependent on the approval of the United States The US arms export
control act states that no defence article or defence service shall be sold or
leased by the United States government, unless its provision will strengthen
the security of the United States and promote world peace. Weapons may be
sold to friendly countries solely for internal security, for legitimate selfdefence (or for) maintaining or restoring international peace and security.
By giving these weapons to Israel, the US government is, in effect,
stating that all its military actions are being pursued in the cause of
legitimate self-defence, American interests and world peace. The US also
becomes morally complicit in Israels murder of civilians. The diplomatic
cover this provides is indispensable.
If the US government announced that it would cease to offer military
and diplomatic support if Israel refused to hand back the occupied territories,
Israel would have to negotiate. The US government has the power over
that country. But can it be used?
Israel is not solely to blame for this crisis. The firing of rockets into
its cities is an intolerable act of terrorism. But to understand why the people
assaulting that country will not put down their arms, the king of fairyland
would be forced to come to terms with the consequences of Israels
occupation of other peoples lands and of its murder of civilians; of his own
invasion of Iraq and his failure, across the past six years, to treat the
Palestinians fairly. And this he seems incapable of doing Bush is
constructing a millenarian narrative of escalating conflict leading to the
final triumph of freedom and democracy.
Blind backing of Israel implicates America for conniving in
commission of war crimes. The New York Times wrote, it took the
worldwide uproar over the Qana casualties to finally jolt the Bush
Administration into asking for something it should have sought many days
earlier. Washingtons instant turnabout and Israels instant response has left
the damaging impression that had America expressed similar concerns
sooner, these and many other innocent Lebanese lives might have been
saved. In fact, it was no change of heart, but only a ploy to mask atrocious
and ugly face of Israel.
Jimmy Carter said, it is inarguable that Israel has a right to defend
itself against attacks on its citizens, but it is inhumane and
counterproductive to punish civilian populations in the illogical hope that
somehow they will blame Hamas and Hezbollah for provoking the
devastating response. The result instead has been that broad Arab and
worldwide support has been rallied for these groups, while condemnation of
both Israel and the United States has intensified.
The fact remains that US policy in the Middle East is
dominated by Israel. Eric S Margolis opined that while, trying to
placate the Arab World, the US sent a paltry $ 30 million worth of food and
blankets to Lebanon for the 20 percent of its population made refugees by
US-encouraged bombing and ethnic cleansing by Israel. With the other hand,
it rushes plane loads of precision bombs to Israel, whose influential
American supporters now totally dominate US Mideast policymaking.
Rice also proclaimed the US was going to midwife the birth of new
Mideast. This latest absurdity comes from the same arrogant knownothing, religious fundamentalists and extremist ideologues that fathered
the Iraq debacle.
Far from building a new Middle East, the Bush Administration has
set the region ablaze. Watching the destruction of Lebanon, few can now
doubt that the Bush White House and Congress have declared open war
on the Muslim World.
In Washington, the true agenda of Vice President Dick Cheney and
his pro-Israeli neocon allies was becoming clear. Israels attempted
destruction of Hezbollah is the first step in a long-planned US-Israeli
campaign to strip away Irans allies and turn Lebanon into a joint USIsraeli protectorate. The second step will be an assault on Syria. Step three of
this domino theory: isolating and crippling Iran by a massive bombing
campaign accompanied by renewed efforts to overthrow its government.
Attacking Hezbollah also serves as the long predicted November
surprise to boost sagging Republican fortunes in mid-term elections.
Every time Bush launches military operations, his opinion poll ratings go up.
If the Republicans lose control of Congress in mid-term elections, Bush and
his allies could face criminal investigations over the faked-up war in Iraq.
The Administration and its media allies into believing that Lebanon is
a new front in the so-called war on terrorism are now misleading
Americans, steeped in deep ignorance and prejudice about the Mideast. Most
Americans cant tell the difference between Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah,
Hamas, or the PLO: all are evil terrorists waiting to attack the USA.
Increasingly in America, the word Muslim means enemy.
President Bush failed to stop al-Qaeda and is now stuck in two lost
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. His answer: start a new crusade in Lebanon
against Washingtons latest bogyman, Hezbollah, and its Syrian and
Iranian allies. In America, war fever wins elections I see Israel once again
getting sucked into another bloody, dirty, pointless war there. Hezbollah
wont be defeated by bombing or limited ground assaults: it fought Israel for
18 years and won.
Enraged that Hezbollah would dare fight back, Israels government
made the calamitous decision to destroy much of Lebanon on the bad advice
of its chief of staff, an air force general Now it is sending its soldiers once
again in the Lebanese quagmire from which it will not easily withdraw.
The bitter lessons of Israels 1980s defeat in Lebanon are forgotten, just as in
Iraq, the US military completely forgot Vietnams hard lessons The big
winner in this unfolding and totally unnecessary catastrophe is, of
course, Osama bin Laden. George Bush is right on spot with Shaikh
Osamas grand strategy.
Jimmy Carter blamed Bush regime for ignoring diplomatic
course in the Middle East. He wrote. the urgent need in Lebanon is that
Israeli attacks stop, the nations regular military forces control the southern
region, Hezbollah cease as a separate fighting force, and future attacks
against Israel be prevented. Israel should withdraw from all Lebanese
territory, including Shebaa Farms, and release the Lebanese prisoners.
Tragically, the current conflict is part of the inevitably repetitive
cycle of violence that results from the absence of a comprehensive
settlement in the Middle East, exacerbated by the almost unprecedented sixyear absence of any real effort to achieve such a goal.
Traumatized Israelis cling to the false hope that their lives will be
made safer by incremental unilateral withdrawals from occupied areas,
while Palestinians see their remnant territories reduced to little more than
human dumping grounds surrounded by a provocative security barrier that
embarrasses Israels friends and that fails to bring safety or stability.
Middle East does not signify that a ceasefire will be achieved soon. And
CNN reports that Israel would like to continue for another three weeks
before calling it a day; while the Israeli military chief is yet to decide on a
large-scale ground invasion. Hezbollahs strategy could be to hold out, as it
has shown its prowess by firing rockets into Israel for quite some time. And
this is something Israel will not be able to sustain positively.
Walid M Sadi observed that it is obvious that Washington wanted to
give Israel the time to finish its military campaigns in Lebanon and
Gaza before it would accept even the idea of holding a UN Security Council
meeting. The best evidence of this is the failure of the recent Rome
conference on Lebanon to adopt a clearly worded resolution calling for an
immediate ceasefire.
When civilians or civilian targets are intentionally targeted or hit by
indiscriminate bombing as in Lebanon and Gaza, there can be no doubt that
war crimes and crimes against humanity are being committed by Israel. The
least that the UN Security Council should do is to act fast and consider
referring these crimes to the International Criminal Court as it has done with
the situation in Darfur.
The stiff resistance by Hezbollah forces is forcing Israeli generals to
rethink their strategy. It is now dawning on all parties that an immediate
ceasefire is indispensable for a lasting and enduring peace on the IsraeliLebanese border. This is where the UN Security Council comes in and the
sooner its allowed to carry out its mandate under the UN Charter the better.
Blairs government has acted as an accomplice. Labour MP Sadiq
Khan said, since 9/11 British foreign policy has failed to stand up against an
increasing trend to brutal, and usually ineffective, counterinsurgency around
the world. This is unfortunate because, as in Lebanon, the UK could play a
more useful role. Moreover, if it doesnt then Labour could lose more
supporters than it lost over the governments decision to go to war in Iraq.
Lebanon is not another Rwanda but Israel, like Hezbollah, is
committing war crimes in Lebanon. And what is Britain doing to protect
the victims of these war crimes? What happened to Britains responsibility
to protect them?
The people being killed happened to be mainly Muslims. But that is
not the point. The point is that war crimes should be condemned no matter
who commits them, or whom they are committed against, and whether they
are committed in the name of some evil racism or a misplaced sense of what
piratical campaign by the rich and powerful against the poor and weak,
especially those with natural resources, has become a clash of civilizations.
Western media not only backed the Israeli aggression but acted as an
instigator. Ramzy Baroud wrote, by not challenging the Israeli narrative
in any meaningful way, and dumping it on hapless viewers all around the
world, the uncritical media has become a tool in the hands of Israels war
strategists and their eternal concoctions. Consider for example, an Israeli
military commander tells a BBC correspondent dispatched to the border area
between Israel and Gaza, that Israel intends on opening the border for as
long as it takes to offset the humanitarian crisis developing in Gaza. The
Israeli army representative in a barefaced lie declares that the border has
always been open, despite the perpetual Palestinian threat on the state of
Is it possible that the BBC and its mighty researchers are unaware of
the fact that Gaza has been under a very strict military siege since Hamas
democratic advent to power through the January 2006 elections? Could it be
that the Western media has missed the dozens of shocking reports, including
some by the World Bank, that have warned that the Israeli siege, which
began months before the capture of Shalit was soon to create chaos and
panic among the already malnourished Palestinians in Gaza? Did they all
miss statements by top Israeli officials, vowing to carry on with the siege
until the ousting of Hamas?
as if it were just another name for the United States? Since the Palestinians
had their homes confiscated and their land taken from them, much blood has
flowed. How much longer will blood flow so that force can justify what
law denies? ... History is repeated day after day, year after year, and ten
Arabs die for every one Israeli. How much longer will an Israeli life be
measured as worth ten Arab lives?
To justify the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory, war is
called peace. The Israelis are patriots, and the Palestinians are terrorists, and
terrorists sow universal alarm. How much longer will the media broadcast
fear instead of news?
The slaughter happening today, which is not the first and I fear will
not be the last, is happening in silence. Has the world gone deaf? How much
longer will the outcry of the outraged be sounded on a bell of straw?
The bombing is killing children, more than a third of the victims.
Those who dare denounce this murder are called anti-Semites. How
much longer will the critics of state terrorism be considered anti-Semites?
How much longer will we accept this grotesque form of extortion? Are the
Jews who are horrified by what is being done in their name anti-Semites?
Are there not Arab voices that defend a Palestinian homeland but condemn
fundamentalist insanity?
Terrorists resemble one another: state terrorists, respectable members
of government, and private terrorists, madmen acting alone or in those
organized in groups hard at work since the Cold War battling communist
totalitarianism. All act in the name of various gods, whether God, Allah
or Jehovah.
Isnt it clear that that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the
invasion of Gaza and Lebanon are the incubators of hatred, producing
fanatic after fanatic after fanatic? We are the only species of animal that
specializes in mutual extermination.
Karen Armstrong added, whatever Bushs personal beliefs, the
ideology of the Christian right is both familiar and congenial to him.
This strange amalgam of ideas can perhaps throw light on the behaviour of a
president, who, it is said, believes that God chose him to lead the world to
rupture, who has little interest in social reform, and those selective concerns
for life issues has now inspired him to veto important scientific research. It
explains his unconditional and uncritical support for Israel, his willingness
to use Jewish end-time warriors to fulfill vision of his own arguably
against Israels best interests and to see Syria and Iranas entirely
responsible for the unfolding tragedy.
Fundamentalists, do not want a humanly constructed peace; many,
indeed, regard the UN as abode of the anti-Christ. The willingness of the US
to turn a blind eye to the suffering of innocent people in Lebanon will
certainly fuel the rage of the extremists and lead to further acts of terror.
Ordinary Muslims everywhere are today really shocked and
worried. Their hearts bleed over the massacre of Muslims in Afghanistan,
Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, and now in Lebanon Everyone knows that if the
Muslims dont get united, the next on the firing line may be Syria, then Iran
and then The Muslims leadership must represent the feelings of the
followers of Islam. Its time to say, First comes Islam, and have faith in it,
observed Ansar Abbasi.
Ijaz Tabassum from Kual Lumpur wrote, in these trying times, if the
rest of the world is ignoring this issue, at least the Muslims and especially
Arabs should unite and stop killing each other. But I am ashamed to say
that they dont have the courage to fight the armed Israelis but killing
unarmed Iraqis is an achievement for them.
Can the OIC meeting bring these countries together to use the oil
card as a weapon against Israel? Unfortunately, one suspects that the answer
to even this would be in the negative because the Arab and Muslim World
has never been united in such times and because many of its rulers have
ties with the US that they rather not risk jeopardizing.
In another editorial the newspaper added, the world, including much
of the Muslim World, seemed to be merely standing by and watching Israel
indiscriminately kill civilians and destroy a small and embattled country in
the name of security and self-defence. The double standards on view here
were simply breathtaking and designed to further alienate the Muslim street:
the only people who were defending this hapless population were being
condemned and ostracized by a succession of the worlds great and good.
What has incensed people across the Muslim World and beyond is
the lack of urgency being shown by those who control our destinies. The
current bout of diplomacy being undertaken by Ms Rice on behalf of the US
seems extremely cynical to the embattled people of Lebanon, who view it as
a ploy to delay the ceasefire so that Israel is able to achieve its cruel and
nebulous ends. Who needs honest brokers such as these?
Shireen M Mazari said, as a Muslim I am angry not only at the US
and Israel but also at the Muslim states which have shown a total lack of
courage and will to challenge the lawlessness of the Israeli-US combine
which is resulting in the murder of countless innocents in Palestine and
Lebanon. With all its combined economic and military potential and
capabilities, the Muslim World has shown an amazing degree of helplessness
in the face of the Israeli military aggression. A lack of unity and parochial
interests has made the OIC, for all intents and purposes, the Organization for
Immobilized Countries. One by one each can be victimized at will it would
appear especially within the Arab World.
An emergency meeting of the executive committee of this ineffectual
body will take place in Malaysia on August 3, but it would have been more
appropriate if an OIC envoy had paid a visit to Beirut at least two weeks
earlier. Even in symbolic terms it would have given a feeling to the
Lebanese that they had not been abandoned by the Muslim World. As it is, as
a Muslim I watched in vain to see a timely high profile visit from a Muslim
leader to Beirut even as representatives of European countries arrived in that
besieged capital. And as a Muslim I have been reduced to shame to see
deafening silence of the Muslim World in the face of the continuing killings
of Arabs by the Israelis and in the face of impassioned pleas of the Lebanese
A few whimpers are all one continues to hear but no challenge to
the Israeli killing spree. Are the Muslim states really so helpless in the face
of Israeli aggression and killing? We, who are so ready to kill each other,
have been frozen into inaction as the brave nation of Lebanon faces the
might of a murderous Israel. Or is it our internal differences that prevent us
from unifying into a source, of power and strength? Is this what the Ummah
has been reduced to?
As a so-called moderate or westernized Muslim I resent the
unhindered targeting of Muslim states by the powerful and their allies
especially the US and Israel. And, in this context, I cannot help but admire
those amongst us who have the courage to fight for the just cause of
Palestine and the battle against Zionist aggression. But as an ordinary
Muslim who has never seen the need to wear my religion on my sleeve, I am
also frustrated at the continuing loss of political and social space to the
extremists in our amidst, because of the sheer ineffectiveness of the
mainstream Muslim leadership to defend the rights of the Muslims and to
protect the Muslims from the killings at the hands of rogue and criminal
The Muslim states of the Middle East are being ripped asunder and
Rice has the nerve to proclaim that these are the birth pangs of a new
Middle East! The foundations of a subjugated Arab World are being
built on Arab blood, especially that of its future generations given what
seems to be the special targeting of children in Lebanon and Palestine. I
suppose the US logic in allowing Israel its killing spree, and obstructing
international calls for an immediate ceasefire is to let as many of the next
generation of Lebanese and Palestinians be killed as is possible so that
eventually there are few left to fight the tyranny of Israel and its expanding
occupation of Arab lands. Zionists were defusing the most feared population
time bomb.
The voice of the Muslim states has been muted effectively. But the
voice of Muslim people cries out loudly. As a Muslim, I see us besieged
from without and from within and as the carnage continues against the
Palestinians and Lebanese my sense of outrage at Israel and the US is
juxtaposed by my shame as part of the Muslim Ummah.
At last, one of the Muslim rulers, Prince Hassan bin Talal, picked up
the courage to speak. The events of past three weeks have brought us to
the edges of the abyss. They are the result not of timeless and inevitable
conflict, but of intransigence, fear and a shocking lack of creativity by
leaders in our region and beyond. The indiscriminate loss of life on all sides
has polarized our populations and shown diplomacy for the devalued and
scorned art it has become. The focus on polemics and the ensuing escalation
of violence has sidelined the very real and dangerous concerns that underline
our regions spiraling decline.
It is evident to us all that the military might cannot cure the evils of
our region. Violence begets violence and the mass bombings of civilians can
only result in increased use of terror tactics further down the line The
anger and trauma created by hundreds of dead and injured and the
displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians so far can only have
violent repercussions for a hitherto democratic, pluralistic and
multicultural Lebanon reality. The shockwaves are felt by our entire
The prince, true to the character of the elite he belongs to, begged
for peace by reminding the Zionists and the Crusaders that like them Arab
Muslims are also the Children of Abraham. He also reminded of his brother
King Hussein and Yitzhak Rabi who strived not to wage wars, but to win
peace. The prince, however, forgot that the Jews as well as Christians do not
acknowledge Abrahaman-kinship. He also did not realize that other Arabs
may not be willing to sell the entire Palestinian population inhabiting West
Bank to secure peace for his kingdom.
He concluded, the sooner a cessation of hostilities is achieved and
international peacekeeping forces are deployed on both sides of the border,
the sooner a collective strive toward institutionalized regional stability can
begin. Deployment of peacekeeping force is the aim of the Crusaders.
Muslim intelligentsia is equally to blame for not projecting and
defending Islam against Western attacks. Most of the books published in the
West carry titles on Islam, Jihad and Muslims and each title carries pictures
of men and women carrying guns, depicting them as terrorists. Not even a
single book has been authored by any Muslim scholar in response to the
Western propaganda, opined Ansar Mahmood Bhatti.
The Arabs failed to perceive the situation realistically. A report by the
Reuters said, Israel can also take comfort that Saudi clerics who often
encourage Muslims to support embattled brethren in places such as
Afghanistan, the Palestinian territories and Iraq also oppose Hezbollah.
Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran and Syria neutralized. There is also the allcritical Shia-Sunni angle whereby Sunni Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan are
aligned with the US.
These Arab rulers have been scared by the West by projecting a Shiite
monster. They have taken the side of the Crusaders, who have dangerous
designs for the region as mentioned by Dilip Hiro. The surprise was not that
the Sunni terrorist organization should be opposed to the Israelis and their
allies, but that it should give its support to the Shias of Hezbollah although
Ayman al-Zawahiri, the al-Qaeda deputy leader who issued the call to arms,
did not mention Hezbollah by name. Yet only last year, al-Zawahiri was
calling the Shia of Iraq infidels.
At the Arab foreign ministers conference in Cairo earlier this month,
the new division was much in evidence Washington was swift to exploit
the successful Saudi initiative as were Israeli policy-makers. We are
finally going to fight Hezbollah on the ground, said an adviser to the Israeli
defence minister, Amir Peretz. The Israeli people are ready for it. And the
Sunni Muslim world also expects us to fight Shia fundamentalism. Such a
blatant intervention in the Islamic schism by Israel is likely to prove highly
The entire ummah (world Muslim community) should be proud of
the bravery shown both by the Palestinians and the Lebanese confronting
Israel, said Sheikh Abdul Rahman of the Grand Mosque of Mecca, in his
Friday sermon. I appeal to Muslim leaders to return to sound reason and
unify their ranks.
The disjunction between Arab governments and their people is
evident elsewhere, too. In Egypt, 75 prominent political leaders, academics
and former government officials declared solidarity with Hezbollah and
criticized the government for its silence and impotence.
So far, there is little evidence that the official viewpoint is gaining
support among the populace. Hezbollah and the Iranians are embarrassing
the hell out of the Arab governments, says Riad Kahwai, head of a thinktank in Dubai.
In Saudi Arabia, Shias (about 10 percent of the population) have been
discriminated against since the establishment of the kingdom in 1932;
almost all of them live in the oil-rich eastern province, where they are a
majority among Saudi nationals. Any conflict between these Shias,
radicalized by the events in Lebanon, and the Sunnis will have a
devastating impact on the worlds oil supply.
In the Arab Middle East, it is only in Syria where the people and the
political elite seem to be in agreement over Lebanon, despite the fact that the
country is more than two-thirds Sunni, yet it is ruled by a president, Bashar
al-Assad, who belongs to the Alawi community, a sub-sect within Shia
Islam, accounting for only about a sixth of the population.
Amid this division stand those who benefit from it. First there is
Hezbollah itself. It does not appear to distinguish between Shias and
Sunnis and has been cooperating actively with Hamas, its Palestinian Sunni
equivalent, since 2004.
Following the Wests cessation of financial aid to the Hamas
government in the Palestinian territories earlier this year, Iran became the
first country to offer it financial support: $ 30 million. Irans constitution
treats the four major schools of Sunni Islam on a par with the official
religion, Twelver Shia Islam.
The principal obstacle to Iran achieving its ambition is, of course, the
United States. Many commentators perceive the present Hezbollah-Israeli
clash is a proxy war between Iran and America. In this asymmetrical
conflict, if Hezbollah manages merely to survive despite its pounding by
Israel, Iran will be regarded as the winner, America, the loser.
Shafqat Mahmood talked about Pakistans state of indecision. We
have become complicit bystanders in this defining conflict between Israel
and those resisting its hegemonic design. If Israel prevails the Palestinian
will lose the prospect of a viable state forever. If Hezbollah deflates the
legend of Israels military invincibility, a just settlement to the Arab-Israeli
conflict may become possibility. This fight is not just another skirmish; it
contains within it the seeds of a future Middle East.
While these momentous events are going on, which mean a great deal
to the people of Pakistan, what is our government up to? As the second
most populous Muslim state in the world, and a nuclear power to boot,
one would expect it to play some role. No one advocates a military
engagement but it can raise its voice against the suffering of the Lebanese
and the Palestinian people.
What we have done instead is issue routine bureaucratic
statements Our ruling general, lapsing into a parade ground accent, is
equally aggressive towards India but not a word on Israeli atrocities. I know
we are Americas allies, and some may argue that the Middle East conflict is
not our fight, but are we so dead that suffering of the Palestinians and the
Lebanese mean nothing to us?
Maybe we are too busy kow-towing to the Americans and any serious
expression of discontent with Israel is perceived as dangerous. But, do we
have no regard for the sentiments of our people? We sent our foreign
minister to meet his Israeli counterpart last year when it was obvious even to
the uninitiated that there has been no fundamental change in Israeli thinking.
It was said then that this gives us leverage to play a role in the Arab-Israeli
conflict. What has happened to this so called leverage? Are we playing any
role at all or just sitting by the wayside twiddling out thumbs?
The answer is that we have played no significant role. We could
have used our friendship with the Americans to emphasize the necessity of
an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon. But we have not. Building on our
famous opening up to Israel, we could have sent it a message that the
carnage it is unleashing on innocent civilians in Lebanon is unacceptable.
We did nothing of the sort.
The Observer spoke for the need of the dialogue. There can be
no peace without engagement by Israel and her allies with the states that
antagonize them: Syria and Iran. That is an unappealing prospect at the best
of times because they are thuggish regimes. It is especially galling now
because diplomatic overtures could look like a reward for waging proxy war
in Lebanon via Hezbollah.
But the alternative giving Israel free rein to fight that war is
worse. That would be a catastrophe, not because Israel is wrong to defend
itself, but because of the human cost of its campaign so farand because it
could lose. If the conflict is allowed to continue, the Lebanese state will
collapse, depriving the Middle East of one of its few democracies and
shifting the balance of power in the region towards armed Islamists. So,
the worries about Israel losing the war have crept in.
Sami Hermez said, it is no longer time for a dialogue or
collaboration with Israel. It is impossible to dialogue or negotiate with a
party that throws the scales off balance so radically, forcefully and
unabashedly. Such dialogue postures as Arabs have witnessed in every
negotiation since the dawn of Zionism result in terms that are dictated and
enforced from above, with Israels rights taking precedence over those of
If the events in Lebanon and Palestine have stirred your conscience
then dedicate a portion of your time and life to ensure that violence and
injustice do not continue unabated. Beyond donations and demonstrations,
BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) is one way to effect a lasting
change. Get together with people already dedicated to this and lobby
your institutions The goal is to put pressure and create a comprehensive
threat to boycott. There will be pressure and accusations trying to force you
to quit But always remember those of us who endure Israels wars,
occupations and injustices, under the pressure of precision guided missiles,
and misguided foreign policies, trying to force us surrender.
The most significant impact of the war has been the increase in the
anger of Muslim masses. Rahimullah Yusufzai wrote, the Arab street today
is seething with anti-US and anti-Israel rage even in Egypt and Jordan, the
two countries that concluded peace agreements with Israel by succumbing to
US arms-twisting and financial incentives. Non-representative governments
in the Arab and Islamic countries might sign any number of peace
agreements with Israel and grant diplomatic recognition to the Jewish state
but the people there are unlikely to accept such decisions unless the Israeli
occupation of Arab territory is brought to an end and the Palestinians are
granted the right to establish a truly independent state.
Patrick Seale said, the indirect costs are also very great. Hate for
Israel is now so widespread and deep-seated as to put in doubt its long-term
acceptance in the region. Americas reputation in the Arab World and
Muslim World has been tremendously degraded, with dangerous
consequences for its future interests and security of its citizens.
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Gulf states and Jordan, traditionally close to
the United States, have been angered by a war which has gravely
embarrassed them in the eyes of their public opinion and forced them to
rethink their dependence on the US. What is American friendship worth,
they ask, if the protection of Israel overrides all other consequences?
ElBaradei in his interview to Der Spiegel said, the more violence
they commit, the more they radicalize their enemies. This conflict
threatens to extend to epidemic proportions, even beyond the region. The
Middle East has no real borders. Everything that happens there directly
influences the rest of the world.
Dr Masooda Bano wrote, the reality that Israel does have nuclear
weapons makes its current hostile posture very threatening for the whole of
the Middle East. Attacking a nation, killing countless civilians in the name
of chasing a specific group The most disturbing aspect is that the Israeli
infrastructure, and mentally prepare the nation to support them in their longdrawn resistance against occupations.
Israels security fears and subsequent actions are similar to that of a
burglar. It initiated the moves to steel Palestinians land, having committed
the theft, it constantly fears dispossession. The desire to retain illegal
possession results in commission of more excesses.
Shiites, one fifth of Lebanons population, have boosted the
confidence of a small nation by resisting the aggressor like no Arab has done
in recent history. This was amply reflected when Lebanese Government told
Rice to stay away from labour room where she wanted to deliver a baby
named New Middle East.
In fact, she came on assessment tour; to get feed back on the progress
and impact of Israeli offensive. In Tel Aviv, she was briefed by Olmert about
the time and logistic support required by him to accomplish the task in hand.
After finding out that Israel would require time much longer than estimated,
she went to Rome to block an early ceasefire.
As the Crusaders rushed arms and ammunition to Israel, Muslims sent
humanitarian aid to Lebanon. This explained the cause of all the trouble in
Middle East and Muslim World. Had they been mindful of their
responsibilities, it would have been other way round.
Muslim rulers claimed to be wise as they were acting according to the
ground realities. The real leaders create ground realities, as the Crusaders
have been doing. The war however could mark the beginning of
reawakening of Muslim masses; just as Muslim media, particularly Pakistani
electronic media, came of age in reporting from battlefield.
As militia of few thousands bravely battled against the ZionistsCrusaders Axis, Pakistans Foreign Minister lacked the courage even to think
of unrealistic statement about military response. He must be contemplating
about flying to Tel Aviv, not asking for a ceasefire, but to show solidarity
with Israel to earn heaps of praise from the Crusaders.
Annan reiterated the call for ceasefire. Only 46% Americans rejected
Bushs handling of Mideast conflict. More than 100 jihadis vowed to attack
Israeli targets. Malaysia rejected dialogue with Israel.
On 6th August, Israelis suffered heaviest losses due to Hezbollahs
rocket attacks; 12 Israeli reservists were killed and 20 wounded. Three
Israelis were killed and 65 wounded in similar attack on Haifa. Two Israeli
soldiers were killed and 21 wounded in fighting. Israeli toll reached 94,
including 58 soldiers.
Nineteen Lebanese were killed in Israeli air strikes. Three UN
observers of China were wounded. Lebanese civilian deaths were over 950.
Speaker of Palestinian parliament was kidnapped by Israelis and one
Palestinian was killed in Gaza. Palestinian toll reached 167.
At least two Israeli fighter pilots were reported deliberately missing
civilian targets as disquiet grew in the military about flawed intelligence.
The report could be an attempt to project humanitarian image of the
Israelis. The Observer reported, voices expressing concern over the armed
forces failure are getting louder. One Israeli cabinet minister said last week:
We gave the army so much money. Why are we getting these results?
Lebanon rejected draft UN Resolution, which favoured Israel and
ignored Beiruts seven-point plan calling for ceasefire. Iran rejected US
mediation in Middle East fighting, because the country is party to conflict.
Syrian Foreign Minister said his country was ready for war if attacked.
Next day, more than fifty Lebanese were killed in air strikes. Fourteen
Hezbollah fighters and seven Israeli soldiers were killed in fighting. Seven
persons were hospitalized after they opened a suspicious envelope addressed
to Palestinian Prime Minister Is mail Hanieyah. The envelope contained an
orange tissue that emitted a strong smell. Lebanon faced cute oil, food and
water shortage. Israel warned that offensive to cripple Hezbollah would
continue regardless of any ceasefire negotiated at the UN.
Arab foreign ministers flocked to Beirut to show solidarity with
Lebanon. Siniora addressed them with tearful eyes and the Arab leaders
clapped. The august gathering failed to make any move against Israel but
supported Lebanons seven-point plan. Siniora appealed for ceasefire.
The US pressed for adoption of resolution by UNSC, but others were
hesitant. Fierce anti-US protests erupted in Egypt, Jordan and Kuwait all
close allies of America. Protesters vented their anger against rulers and
praised Nasrallah. Musharraf called for immediate ceasefire.
The current Israeli aggression is no war. Its is an act of serial
brutalities aimed at nothing but perpetration of death and destruction. John
Pilger wrote, before our eyes, the Israeli regime, armed and bankrolled by
the United States, and backed by Britain, is set upon destroying an entire
country, deliberately killing civilians, almost half of whom are children; and
the crusaders are as quiet as mice or they are busy toiling in the great quarry
of obfuscation.
How was it possible for Rice to achieve her mission when the
unabashed mission of her government was to aggressively back and collude
with the Israelis, even supplying them in mid-slaughter with precision
guided bombs and uranium tipped missiles?
In my experience of war and the Middle East, the Israeli army is one
of the most craven. Every day its soldiers humiliate defenceless, frightened
old people and pregnant women at roadblocks and now its F-16 pilots drop
phosphorous bombs on families fleeing in rickety vans.
needed for victory is long. His conclusion: The Israeli vassal is serving its
master no less that the master is providing for its needs.
David Ignatius opined that Israelis will have to revise their
doctrine that their adversaries can be coerced solely by military force. As
Gad Luft, a retired military officer, commented at a conference in
Washington last week, the days are long past when Arab fighters would see
the advancing Israeli army, discard their boots and flee in terror.
The strategy of Israels (and Americas) enemies today is to lure the
military superpower into a protracted conflict. To accept the bait, as the
Israelis did in assaulting Lebanon and as America did in Iraq, is to risk
stepping into a trap.
The Israeli and American resolve in this grim summer of war should
be: No more falling into traps. In the age of missiles, theres limited value
in a security fence or security buffer. The evidence grows that you
cant achieve real security without negotiating with your adversaries, and
you cant succeed in such negotiations without offering reasonable
Arab News talked of the forgotten front of the war. Lost in the
terrible news of Israels war against Lebanon is Israels other battlefront
the Palestinians in Gaza. While the world has been looking toward Lebanon,
Israel has taken the opportunity to run amok in Gaza.
Gazans have to deal with two serious problems the Israeli
military assault and their own growing economic crisis. Three-quarters of
Gazas population was already living in poverty after international aid dried
up in protest against Hamas political victory. Since the fighting in Lebanon
began, the situation has worsened.
As is the case with Hezbollah, it isnt clear what impact Israels
campaign is having on Palestinian activists groups. What we do know is that
Qassam rockets keep landing in Israels southernmost towns, just as
Hezbollahs Katyushas create their own havoc in Israels north.
Israels intended message is quite different. It is waiting until its
current rampage in Lebanon ends before tackling the matter of the abducted
soldier in Gaza, hopeful that victory over Hezbollah, however that is defined
from the Israeli perspective, will enable it to dictate the corporals release
without being obliged to release Palestinian prisoners. A decimated
Hezbollah and the wholesale destruction of Lebanon, Israel wants to show
the world, that is what happens when its soldiers are abducted.
That is, of course, a sorry alibi, a ladder for getting down from the
high tree. The international force can be deployed only in agreement with
Hezbollah. No country will send its soldiers to a place where they would
have to fight the locals Further on, the force will also be totally dependent
on the agreement of Hezbollah. If a bomb explodes under a bus full of
French soldiers, a cry will be up in Paris: bring our sons home. That is what
happened when the US Marines were bombed in Beirut.
In the second article he wrote, hard as it is to imagine, it seems that
Olmert really believes that this is a successful war. That he is winning.
That he has radically changed Israels situation. That he is building a New
Middle East. That he is a historic leader, far superior to Ariel Sharon (who,
after all, was beaten in Lebanon and who allowed Hezbollah to build up its
arsenal of rockets). That the longer he is allowed to go on with the war, the
more his stature in history will grow.
Of all the dangers facing Israel now, this is the most severe. Because
this man is deciding, quite simply, the fate of millions: who will die, who
will become a refugee, whose world will be shattered. But Olmerts
problem with megalomania is nothing compared to what has happened
to Amir Peretz.
While the Prime Minister is afraid of continuing to advance, fearing
that too many casualties from rockets and the battle on the ground might
cloud the brilliance of his victory, Peretz wants to reach the Litani River,
whatever the cost. Theres no other way if one wants to become Prime
Minister, one has to walk over dead bodies.
Today, the 25th day of the war, we can draw up an interim
balance. What were the aims? What are the results?
To destroy Hezbollah: Who would have believed it, but on the 25 th
day Hezbollah is still standing and fighting.
To weaken Hezbollah: That is a watered down version of the first
aim. It is more convenient, because it cannot be measured. After all in
any war both sides are weakened.
To push Hezbollah away from the border: That is the crumpled aim,
after the two preceding ones were shown to be unattainable. It, too,
has not been realized yet, and never will be, because it is also
To kill Hassan Nasrallah: For the time being, so it seems, the report
of the death was an exaggeration In the meantime, the original
Nasrallah is flourishing.
To return to the Israeli army the power of deterrence: This war proves
that it is not capable of achieving a military decision against an able
guerrilla organization with determined fighters the war has harmed
the security of Israel. It has proved that the Israeli rear is exposed
Israel may dominate Washington, but is having a far tougher time
with Lebanon. In a little Thermopylae, Hezbollahs 3,000 fighters
astoundingly held off Israels mighty military machine, the worlds fourth
strongest, for three weeks. Not bad for what Israel calls a bunch of
terrorists. Many Israelis are now questioning the invasions logic and
objective, observed Eric S Margolis.
John Pilger said, no resistance is petty; that each adds its own form
of violence in order to expel an invader (such as the civilians killed by
Hezbollah rockets); and this has applied to heroic partisans in Europe and
heroic Kurds and those faceless, despised Iraqis who have succeeded in
pinning down the American homicidal machine in their country.
But there is hope. After all these years of terrorizing an occupied
people, eventually driving them to the despair of having to commit their own
atrocities, the rogue regimes in Washington and Tel Aviv may, backed by
Blairjust may, have met their match; or if not the whole match, the
beginning of it.
Sami Moubayed was of the view that Nasrallah has outgrown his
Shiite identity and transformed himself into a pan-Lebanese, pan-Arab
and pan-Islamic leader. The fact that he is a cleric, a Muslim and a Shiite is
actually of little importance at this stage of his war with Israel.
He opined that there are three Lebanons within the known
Lebanon, each with its own history, objectives, alliances and leaders.
Shiite Lebanon is Hezbollahs Lebanon. It is the epicentre of anti-Israeli
rhetoric and action; shared by the Amal movement of Nabi Berri.
In the 1960s, this Lebanon used to receive no more than 0.7% of the
state budget for public works and hospitalization, while the other two
Lebanons were being described as the Switzerland of the East This is the
non-alcohol Lebanon, Lebanon of veiled women, bearded men, povertystricken districts and iniquitous posters of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeni, the
late leader of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran.
This is the Lebanon we see on Hezbollahs al-Manar TV. This
Lebanon is anti-American and anti-Israeli to the bone. Many here, Nasrallah
included, speak fluent English, but prefer to converse, think and write in
Arabic. French culture in this Lebanon is minimal.
Many hundreds of families in Shiite Lebanon live off monthly
stipends delivered to their homes at the start of every month, in a sealed
envelope, from the secretary general of Hezbollah. The families of the
wounded, the arrested in Israeli jails and those who died in combat receive
free education and hospitalization, at the expense of Hezbollah.
This is the Lebanon that is being targeted by Israel. For the reasons
mentioned above, among others, it will be difficult if not impossible to
turn the tables against Hezbollah and Nasrallah in their Lebanon. Simply
put, Nasrallah is the king in his Lebanon. Disarming him by force would be
Another Lebanon is that of the Sunni Muslims, headed for 13
years by the towering influence of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, who
was assassinated in February 2005. It is now under the command of his son,
Saad, and Prime Minister Siniora, two US-educated politicians who value
liberal economies, open society, and fine secular education.
This is the Lebanon where both pan-Arab and Anglo-Saxon influences
are very strong. Its residents speak and understand perfect English, and use it
comfortably with Arabic. It is the Lebanon of fine food, good wine, beautiful
women, shopping, beaches and pleasure.
This is a Lebanon historically allied to Syria. Its leaders in the 1930s
and 1940s saw themselves as closer to Damascus and their co-religionists in
Syria than they were to the Christians of Mount Lebanon. They originally
wanted to reunite with Syria, the motherland, but by the late 1930s had
abandoned this idea in favour of being part of Greater Lebanon, on the
condition that they be treated as equal to the Christians.
This Lebanon broke with Syria after Hariris assassination. Its
leaders, one time allies of Damascus, turned against Syria when it became
unpopular to be pro-Syrian, accusing the Syrians of murdering Hariri.
Unlike Nasrallahs united Lebanon, however, this Lebanon is sharply
divided. One side is headed by Saad Hariri. It is anti-Syrian, pro-Saudi
No such tide-turning will happen this time. Even if Israel were to kill
or capture Hezbollahs leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, and destroy every
Hezbollah rocket store, Hezbollah has won by holding out for three weeks
and inflicting serious disruption and pain on Israel.
The analyst could not resist making an attempt to arouse ShiaSunni rift. Can Hezbollahs victory in Lebanon be the harbinger of other
Arab victories to come? Unlikely Hezbollahs victory may do less damage
to Israel than to other Arab regimes. The success of Shia insurgency will
encourage other Shias around the region, including those in Saudi Arabia.
Hezbollahs appeal across the Arab World is a wider matter of
Islamism and the struggle against corrupt despotism. Egypt and, to a lesser
extent, Jordan and even in the medium term Syria, which has backed and
armed Hezbollah will feel the shockwaves running through the Arab
Robert Pape said, Israel has finally conceded that air power alone
will not defeat Hezbollah. Over the coming weeks, it will learn that ground
power wont work either. The problem is not that the Israelis have
insufficient military might, but that they misunderstand the nature of the
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Hezbollah is principally neither
a political party nor an Islamist militia. It is a broad movement that
evolved in reaction to Israels invasion of Lebanon in June 1982. At first, it
consisted of a small number of Shias supported by Iran. But as more and
more Lebanese came to resent Israels occupation, Hezbollah, never tightknit, expanded into an umbrella organization that tacitly coordinated the
resistance operations of a loose collection of groups with a variety of
religious and secular aims.
The new Israeli land offensive may take ground and destroy
weapons, but it has little chance of destroying Hezbollah. In fact, in the
wake of the bombings of civilians, the incursion will probably aid
Hezbollahs recruiting Israel must take the initiative. Unless it calls off
the offensive and accepts a genuine ceasefire, there are likely to be many,
many dead Israelis in the coming weeks and a much stronger Hezbollah.
Israel Shamir wrote, Bishop Philip of Antioch compared the leveling
of this small Lebanese town with the destruction of Stalingrad, but these
cities are also comparable by courage of their defenders. Seldom is a
generation able to witness such a shining example of valor: for three long
weeks a handful of Hezbollah warriors two thousand by the most
East, their own riches and power can be taken from them anytime by will of
a Jewish general.
Indeed, the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem existed longer than the
Jewish state, and probably would have lasted for centuries, but for its innate
aggressiveness and its preparedness to serve as bridgehead for European
invasions In our time the US pays heavily for Israels wars. A poor
American may hate to think about the fact that while he has no medical
insurance, his government has to pay tribute to rich Israel An American
politician, maybe even an American president, may get tired by the
Jewish lobbys endless need to demand sympathy
Abdel-Moneim wrote about the man behind Hezbollah. Hassan
Nasrallah impressed me greatly the one and only time I met him, in February
2000. He represented a new brand of Arab revolutionary, a definite change
from the long and tedious run of pan-Arabists and Nasserites.
He went onto explain the circumstances which kept on producing
revolutionaries of various shades. In general, Arab politicians fall into one
of two categories. The first is made up of those who accept the local,
regional or international rules of the game and existing balances of power.
They see themselves as players whose task it is to further the interests of
their people and themselves in accordance with established norms. In
general, they are averse to the use of arms and have little faith in the masses.
They also hate surprises.
The other category consists of revolutionary leaders. Whether
sincere in their beliefs or not, they reject the rules of the game and the given
balances of power and turn them upside-down. The place great faith in
military action and the role of the masses in shaping history, and they
believe that the shocks and jolts of revolution provide the jump-starts that
drive history forward by qualitative leaps and bounds.
The Arab World has known three generations of revolutionary
leaders over the past century. During the early 20th century, there appeared
the first luminaries The second generation stormed onto the stage on
horseback or on the backs of tanks following the 20th centurys midway
point. This was the era of officers coups and armed rebellions
With the last quarter of the 20 th century, the second generation began
to die out, either by natural causes or by other coups for the most part
succeeded by realist leaderships who essentially held that revolution, such
as that which had created the circumstances that led to their rise to power,
was not the wisest policy. Still, the door remained open to a new generation
Israels ability to do the job. It has been disappointed. Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert has provided unsteady and uncertain leadership His search for
victory on the cheap has jeopardized not just the Lebanon operation but
Americas confidence in Israel as well Charles Krauthammer, Washington
Post, August 4, 2006.
He went on to add, the administration now has to admit that anyone
including myself who believed in the importance of getting Iraq right has
to admit: Whether for Bush reasons or Arab reasons, it is not happening,
and we cant throw more good lives after good lives But second best is
leaving Iraq. Because the worst option the one Iran loves is for us to stay
in Iraq, bleeding, and in easy range to be hit by Iran if we strike its nukes
We need to deal with Iran and Syria, but from a position of strength and
that requires a broad coalition. The longer we maintain a unilateral failing
strategy in Iraq, the harder it will be to build such a coalition, and the
stronger the enemies of freedom will become. Thomas Fiedman, New York
Times, August 4, 2006.
Everyday that passes shows more of those who enthusiastically
supported the Bush Administrations imperial drive in the Middle East
leaving its sinking ship. There can be no doubt any longer that what
many had forecast long ago is proving absolutely true: the Bush
Administration will definitely go down in history as the clumsiest crew that
ever stood at the helm of the American Empire.
However, what the Time authors announced as marking the end of
cowboy diplomacy a strategic makeover is evident in the ascendancy of
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice proved to be a more than wishful
thinking almost as soon as it was printed, in light of the events that unfolded
subsequently as Israel launched its most brutal aggression. Cowboy
diplomacy, it turned out, had just been replaced with cowgirl diplomacy
essentially the same.
True, Condoleezza Rice did her best to put some make-up on the face
of the Bush Administrations foreign policy, but there was no significant
shift in substance. A pillar of this administration since its inception, she
shares the same delusions of grandeur and folly of overreaching designs
that characterize the rest of the team.
I was born too late to see how the British Empire had collapsed, but
right on time to see how the American Empire falling apart. Mr Bush,
you will surely be remembered in history for hastening the process.
Next day, a joint rejoinder by Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Eduardo
Galeano, Howard Zinn, Ken Loach, John Berger and Arundhati Roy was
published in the Guardian. The US-backed Israeli assault on Lebanon has
left the country numb, smoldering and angry. The massacre in Qana and the
loss of life is not simply disproportionate. It is, according to existing
international laws, a war crime.
The deliberate and systematic destruction of Lebanons social
infrastructure by the Israeli air force was also a war crime, designed to
reduce that country to the status of an Israeli-US protectorate. The attempt
has backfired. In Lebanon itself, 87% of the population now supports
Hezbollahs presence, including 80% of Christian and Druze and 89% of
Sunni Muslims, while 8% believe the US supports Lebanon. But these
actions will not be tried by any court set up by the international
community since the US and its allies that commit are complicit in these
appalling crimes will not permit it.
It has now become clear that the assault on Lebanon to wipe out
Hezbollah had been prepared long before. Israels crimes had been given a
green light by the US and its loyal British ally, despite the opposition to
Blair in his own country.
In short, the peace that Lebanon enjoyed has come to an end, and a
paralyzed country is forced to remember a past it had hoped to forget. The
state terror inflicted on Lebanon is being repeated in the Gaza ghetto,
while the international community stands by and watches in silence.
Meanwhile, the rest of Palestine is annexed and dismantled with the direct
participation of the US and the tacit approval of its allies.
We offer our solidarity and support to the victims of this
brutality and to those who mount a resistance against it. For our part, we
will use all the means at our disposal to expose the complicity of our
governments in these crimes. There will be no peace in the Middle East
while the occupations of Palestine and Iraq and the temporarily paused
bombings of Lebanon.
The analysts kept recalling the history of unjust treatment meted out
to Palestinians; this week it was George Galloway. When you hear
commentators say the roots of the current conflict go back to the seizure of
two Israeli soldiers a few weeks ago, the roots go back a lot further they go
back over decades.
The aggression did not begin in 2006. It began in 1917 when an
anti-Semitic British foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, gave in the name of
one people, to the Zionist leaders who claimed to represent a second people
the land of Palestine.
There was a commemoration of the King David Hotel bombing
last week. Those lionized at it were not the victims, but the perpetrators.
Alongside surviving members of the Urgun, Binyamin Netanyahu, former
Israeli prime minister and the darling of CNN and the BBC, attended the
event. He told journalists, its very important to make the distinction
between terror groups and freedom fighter, and between terror action and
legitimate military action.
Hes exactly right. Thats why I have no hesitation in saying that
Hezbollah is not and has never been a terrorist organization. It is the
legitimate national resistance movement of Lebanon. What the US cannot
forgive is the fact that Hezbollah succeeded in driving Israel out of Lebanon
in 2000 after 18 year occupation, liberating all but the Shebaa Farms area.
This gave it a prestige across the confessional and sectarian divides
in Lebanon and across the Middle East. Central to the strategy of Israel,
the US and Britain is an attempt to recreate and explode those sectarian
divides as part of this latest phase of the war on terror.
It seems like only yesterday we were being told that the US and
Britain had liberated the long-suffering Shia Muslims of Iraq from Sunni
domination. Opposition to occupation was supposedly just the work of
Sunni die-hards and rejectionists.
The occupiers have fomented sectarian division in an effort to
stave off a national resistance front. Now, the same imperial powers and
their local puppets are fostering a reverse sectarianism across the Middle
East as they try to leave Lebanon and Hezbollah isolated in the face of
Israels onslaught.
The puppet presidents and corrupt kings who rule the Middle
East from one end to the other almost without exception are spinning the
same yarn. It is all they have to say as the standing of Hezbollah among the
mass of Arabs Shia or Sunni, Muslim or Christian soars.
Just as all George Bush and Tony Blair have to say over the
slaughter of Lebanese children is that Israel has a right to defend itself
and alls fair in the war against terrorism. That makes it doubly important
that the anti-war movement raises its voice clearly.
To be for peace means to be for the justice without which there
can be no peace. To be for justice means to take sides against injustice. The
invasion of Lebanon by Israel, for thats what it is, is a monstrous injustice.
Nasim Zehra observed that US policy is illogical, illegal and ill-fated.
Here is the illogical part. Washingtons stated goals are the same as
Israels; to disarm if not to destroy the Hezbollah, neutralize Iranian and
Syrian influence in the region and to strengthen the Lebanese government.
Israels security context has not improved. Instead in perception and in
reality the threats are ever-expanding. At the core of these threats is
simultaneously Israels aggressive search for security and the unresolved
Palestinian issue. Both facilitated accentuated intra-state rivalries promoting
political extremism and spawning off armed militias across South West
How is the policy illegal? It works to selectively implement Security
Council resolutions. While it awards a carte blanche to Israelis to pursue
their security as they consider fit, at a practical level it remained indifferent
to the creation of a Palestinian homeland. US policy has enabled the Israeli
state to violate legally laid down parameters of state behaviour. It remains a
state that refuses to lay down its borders. Israel occupied Lebanese territory
for two decades and continues to occupy Syrian territory.
And finally for the future of US policy, it is ill-fated. The time
between policy implementation and its abysmal failure is now shrinking;
first Iraq and now Lebanon. Bush is following a strategy used by former US
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. This is to line up elite Arab support
against all the elements within the Arab World that threaten Israels security.
And the rest will follow.
The Arab hostility towards Israel was inevitable given that its
creation was at the cost of the Palestinian homeland. But instead of
neutralizing the Arab hostility by working for a Palestinian homeland
Washington has sought to wean away the Arab regimes from the Palestinian
cause. With a festering Palestinian wound, the undying resistance and
an aggressive and insecure Israeli state, a stable Middle East will be an
But will this ever change? The juxtaposition of an illogical, illegal
and ill-fated policy and the Washington mindset leaves little hope for
imminent change. The Washington mindset is best described in this weeks
Newsweek. Bush thinks the new war vindicates his early vision of the
regions struggle: of good versus evil, civilization versus terrorism, freedom
versus Islamic fascism. Yet he still trusts his gut to tell him whats right and
he still expects others to follow his lead. For Bush diplomacy is not the art of
a negotiated compromise. Its smoother way to get where he wants to go.
Eric Ruder explained as to why Bush supports the strategy
unconditional support for Israel. Israels Yediot Ahronot newspaper once
compared the US to the Godfather, and Israel to the Godfathers
messenger since Israel undertakes the dirty work of the Godfather, who
always tries to appear to be the owner of some large, respectable business.
The very existence of Israel and its stability as a US foothold in the
region greatly enhances the ability of the US to force Arab regimes to
make agreements at the negotiating table. After all, if Israel has already
assured the US a secure grip on the region, why shouldnt Arab leaders
derive benefits from making their own deals with the US?
Though the billions that the US gives to Israel seem exorbitant, the
US spends far more annually to maintain its military bases throughout the
Arab World, not to mention its many military installations throughout
Europe and Asia. In that sense, US support of Israel is a bargain and the
Israel lobby serves the useful purpose of protecting the US governments
Farooq Sulehria rightly observed that this is a proxy war. But it is not
Hezbollah fighting Irans/Syrias proxy war. It is, in fact, Israel fighting
the US proxy war. And the war was not provoked by Hezbollah but had
been a well thought out Israeli plan. Of all the Israels wars since 1948, this
was the one for which Israel was most prepared, Gerald Steinberg, a
political science professor at Israels Bar-Ilan University, told the San
Francisco Chronicle almost a year in advance.
So, the current aggression had prior approval of the US as brought out
by John Kampfner. I am told that the Israelis informed George W Bush in
advance of their plans to destroy Hezbollah by bombing villages in
southern Lebanon. The Americans duly informed the British. So Blair
knew. This exposes as a fraud the debate of the past week about calling for a
ceasefire. Indeed, one of the reasons why negotiations failed in Rome was
British obduracy. This has been a case not for turning a blind eye and failing
to halt the onslaught, but of providing active support.
Western media kept supporting the unjust war. Alefia T Hussain
cautioned, protecting viewers from what is actually happening can have
Peter Watt thought that the victims, not the aggressors should have
been supported. If we intervened in Serbia, Afghanistan and Iraq to save
those people from violence and oppression, we should intervene in
Lebanon to stop the indiscriminate killing of civilians and decimation of
the infrastructure.
Yet the response of Blair and Bush has been to rule out any chance of
ceasefire, although Hezbollah has offered one if Israel stops its
bombardment and releases kidnapped prisoners. This is not what Bush and
Blair want, and it would be foolish to take seriously Condoleezza Rices
wanting peace because the invasion of Lebanon is paid for by the United
States itself.
Americas proxy army in Israel is propped up and armed to the hilt
by the same people who claim to champion peace and democracy. Blair
longs for peace, he tells us, but says that it would be wrong to stop the
shipment of arms to Israel from the US and continues tolend a hand in
the new arm of Americas war.
The message from Rice, Bush and holier-than-thou Mr Blair is that
any ceasefire has to wait. If the ceasefire is not on both sides, he warns,
Israel will continue to take action. Thats the reality. Israel, he and Bush
remind us has a right to defend itself. Implicit in this reversal of reality is
the view that Palestine and Lebanon dont possess that same right
although the crimes against the two countries, spanning several decades, are
incomparably worse.
David Clark recalled Cooks statement. Nowhere has Cooks wisdom
and moral leadership been more sorely missed than in the Middle East and
George Bushs ill-conceived war on terror. Recall his widely admired
resignation speech in which he spoke of the strong sense of injustice
throughout the Muslim World at what it sees as one rule for the allies of the
US and another rule for the rest.
The Crusaders had ignored all appeals for an early ceasefire, but by
the start of fourth week, they started contemplating about the size,
composition and mandate of the peacekeepers. The News, wrote, the
question is that will Israel and America listen to the growing voices of sanity
or continue with the madness? From what Mr Olmert has said in his
interview, it seems that Americans had told Israelis well in advance that they
had a certain amount of time to do their job and only then a ceasefire
would be put in place, but not before a buffer zone in south Lebanon is
In view of the preferred role of the peacekeepers, troops from NATO
countries were an obvious choice. Robert Fisk had some reservations on
this. Hezbollah is likely to view its arrival as a proxy Israeli army. It is,
after all, supposed to be a buffer force to protect Israel not, as the
Lebanese have quickly noted, to protect Lebanon and the last NATO army
that came to this country was literally blasted out of its mission by suicide
One of the worlds toughest guerrilla armies is not going to hand
over its guns to NATO generals. But most of the force will be Muslim, we
are told. This may be true, and the Turks are already unwisely agreeing to
participate. But, are the Lebanese going to accept the descendents of the
hated Ottoman Empire? Will the Shia south of Lebanon accept Sunni
Muslim soldiers?
Indeed, how come the people of southern Lebanon have not been
consulted about the army which is supposed to live in their lands? Because
of course, it is not coming for them. It will come because the Israelis and
the Americans want it there to help reshape the Middle East. This no doubt
makes sense in Washington, where self-delusion rules diplomacy almost as
much as it does in Israel. But Americas dreams usually become the Middle
Easts nightmares.
South-west Afghanistan and Iraq are now so dangerous that no
reporters can witness the carnage being perpetrated as a result of our
hopeless projects. But, in Lebanon, its going to be live-time coverage of
disaster that can only be avoided by the one diplomatic step Messrs Bush
and Blair refuse to take: by talking to Damascus.
So when this latest foreign army arrives, count the days, or
hours, to the first attacks upon it. Then well hear all over again that we
are fighting evil, that they Hezbollah and Palestinian guerrillas, or
anyone else planning to destroy our army hate our values; and then, of
course, well be told that this is all part of the War on Terror the nonsense
which Israel has been peddling.
Patrick Seale was of the view that the truth is that the proposed
international force is, so far, little more than a mirage. It lacks reality
There is, in fact, no international consensus that such a force could be sent to
Lebanon. The Lebanese themselves are by no means convinced that it could
play a useful role. If the force were to attempt to disarm Hezbollah, it would
be immediately attacked.
General Michel Aoun, a former commander of the Lebanese army,
and now the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, has come out openly
against the deployment of a multinational force in Lebanon. His argument is
that it would only serve to revive sectarian strife Rather than send a
multinational force to Lebanon, he believes the international community
should set up a tribunal to try Israels leaders for war crimes!
The main reason why the proposed multinational force has got
nowhere is because it is paralyzed by two conflicting viewpoints essentially
those of the United States and France We are witnessing something like a
muted replay of the quarrel between Paris and Washington which broke out
over the war in Iraq three years ago.
Anxious to protect its Israeli ally, the United States wants a
multinational force to be deployed in south Lebanon as soon as possible.
Israels Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has even said that he will not agree to a
ceasefire until a robust multinational force is in place.
Its mission, he told the Financial Times on August 3, should be
stopping violence against innocent Israelis from Lebanon and disarming
this murderous organization, the Hezbollah, which is the long arm of Iran.
He wants European nations to send troops, as well as Muslim nations such
as Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia Olmert seems to be admitting that
Israel cannot defend its own borders and needs a multinational force to do
the job for it! Or else he wants an excuse to keep Israeli forces in south
Lebanon indefinitely.
The French view, as outlined by President Jacques Chirac and his
foreign minister, Philippe Douste-Blazy, is that the US and Israel are
putting the cart before the horse. No multinational force can be sent to
Lebanon, the French argue, until a ceasefire is in place and until all the
parties to the conflict, including Hezbollah, agree on a political settlement.
In other words, a multinational force can help keep the peace, but it
cannot enforce peace by fighting one side on behalf of the other. The
French position has the benefit of being realistic. No state not even the
United States is prepared to send troops to Lebanon to fight Israels war for
it. Certainly France will not act until conditions are right.
Although France has serious differences with the US, it does not
want their quarrel to result in a serious breach, such as the one that
occurred over Iraq. Indeed, it has been trying to patch up its quarrel with
Washington over the past couple of years.
A relevant factor is Chiracs personal hostility to Syrias President
Bashar al-Assad. He blames the Syrian leader for extending the mandate of
Lebanons President Emile Lahoud a man he considers an enemy of France
and he suspects Syria of being responsible for the murder of Rafik Hariri,
one of Chiracs closest friends But Chiracs animus against Syria, and his
refusal to engage in a dialogue with Damascus, has distorted French
diplomacy. Ignoring Syrias vital interests in Lebanon will not help
resolve the crisis.
The real obstacle to a settlement in Lebanon, however, remains US
President George W Bushs unconditional support for Israel and his
primitive understanding of the Middle East conflict. He depicts Hezbollah
and Hamas as violent, cold-blooded killers who are trying to stop the
advance of freedom and democracy! This is arrant nonsense.
The Guardian wrote, but in practice, even without yesterdays
tragedies, the details fell short of what is likely to be needed to achieve
peace, even though the draft resolution does inch things forward. It calls for
a cessation of hostilities, rather than a mere suspension.
Sadly, though, on many issues the Israelis remain as intransigent as
Hezbollah may prove, so it is still hard to see a ceasefire sticking. The lack
of balance in the draft resolution poses further problems. Israel is called
on only to end offensive military actions, but it claims the whole
disproportionate campaign so far has been defensive.
For all the problems, though, it is better that the resolution is
adopted than not. For it is a first step and the only step available down
a diplomatic track which alone might offer a route away from carnage;
whether it will in the end do so hinges crucially on the US.
Having acquiesced in the resolution, the hope must be that the US
will now want to prove it will work. If so, it will lean on Israel to cease all
operations other than those genuinely essential for defence. Even then,
Israel would understandably find it difficult to scale operations down if
Hezbollah continues to fire rockets across its border.
Stopping these attacks will be difficult, not least because Hezbollahs
patrons in Iran and Syria have been excluded from the diplomatic
process. In the end, however difficult, their involvement is an essential part
of a lasting deal.
Mash Lipman wished something before saying the same. It was the
opportunity Hezbollahs actions seemed to offer of dealing a telling blow
to Iran by crushing its Lebanese proxy, it can be argued, which danced in
the minds of members of Israels cabinet and general staff. What impelled
the US, followed by Britain, to delay and obstruct the diplomacy which
might have brought an earlier end to the fighting was, again arguably, that
same impulse. Taking down Iran was more important that saving villages of
The Americans and Israelis might argue that it is Ahmadinejads Iran
they have to deal with now, not Khatamis or Rafsanjanis. Yet Ahmadinejad
is only one figure in the Iranian elite The other Iran, which wants
friendship with the West and is not intransigent on Israel, is still there and
not totally disempowered. In any case, if the fighting in Lebanon is to
stop, Iran will have to be consulted. And if the menacing rivalry between
Iran and Israel which led to that fighting is really to end, there will sooner or
later have to be a fundamental bargain between the United States and Iran.
The wise Muslim elite, which assembled in Malaysia, volunteered to
do the peacekeeping job for the Crusaders to protect Israel. They could
dare not say that in any buffer zone formula should include part of the
northern Israel into the buffer zone, which will be primarily aimed at serving
Israeli interests.
Dr M S Jillani was of the view that, the happenings in Lebanon
during the last three weeks have convinced the world about certain realities.
First, the US and Israel are the names of the same ruthless hegemony which
has been wreaking havoc around the world for the last sixty years. Second,
there do not exist any laws or principles except those which suit despots and
the avaricious of the world. Third, OIC is a dead horse otherwise it would
have held an emergency meeting the next day after the assault on Lebanon.
Fourth, there is a huge gulf between rulers and common person in Muslim
countries. Fifth, a determined group of courageous persons with a cause can
face the most savage and unprincipled force. The people of every Muslim
nation recognize the US, Israel and their cronies as enemies of Muslims and
Islam, though their rulers tow the line of the West even if it were against the
interests of the Ummah.
homeland with their hope of Muslim help having faded long ago. Their
plight is worst than that of the people of East Timor and Darfur whose case
is pleaded incessantly I suspect because they happen to be Christians.
One pleads strong and prompt action to restore to the Palestinians
their freedom, dignity and their lands at the same time reigning in Israel
and stopping its aggression and adventurism in the area. There is no doubt
that this will have to be done by Muslims themselves. They should learn
by now, that extreme polarization in the world will not permit any country to
come to help in an armed conflict.
People of these lands could have looked to their political allies or the
Muslim countries, but experience must have taught them that nobody in the
world including international organizations would move even their little
finger to save the people of a country invaded by a powerful nation or its
side-kick. As such there is no hope of any justice from any world body
even in the present case.
With the breakdown of traditional friendships and religious
considerations, the weaker nations and their people are left with only two
courses. One of them is the formation of new political, social, economic and
strategic international organizations based on religious affiliations. Let us be
honest: when it comes to matters of religion, which country of the world is
really secular and objective? Each one of them surrenders to the religious
demands of the majority. To expect otherwise would be unnatural.
But Muslims must have learnt a lesson from the state of the existing
apex Muslim organization the OIC which does not deserve even a
mention as it has failed Muslims again and again. This time, Israel
attacked Lebanon on July 13, and the OIC has not been able to even convene
a meeting at a junior level. What use is a meeting now when Lebanon has
already been battered so badly?
As a last word, the world should note that if the war in Lebanon is
intensified and an offensive is initiated against new Muslim targets, the
world should be ready for new terrorist organizations and new
extremists strategies to destroy; as these are bred by the type of injustice,
oppression and desperation that is being faced in Lebanon and the rest of the
Middle East.
Dr Masooda Bano observed that now the attacks on Afghanistan and
Iraq that were to be justified in the name of al-Qaeda are history and the
focus is on the next target, which happens to be a Shia nation, the same
policy-makers and the same media outlets are keen to link Shias to militancy
However, all said and done, it is late in the day for the OIC to
wake up to this need, more than three weeks after the launch of the assault
on Lebanon and five weeks after Israels reinvasion of the Gaza Strip The
OIC must offset its tardy and almost casual approach to the crisis by trying
to ensure that the ambitious pledges it made on Thursday are effectively
Air Cdre M Yaqoob Khan from Rawalpindi said, and where is the
Muslim Ummah when a Muslim country needs it? Why does it take them
ten days to call an emergency session of the OIC, so that Mr Bush and his
Israeli cohorts can have their time to kill as many Lebanese as possible?
As regards Syria, Imad Moustpha was of the view that Damascus
wanted to talk. The current US administration has publicly dissuaded
Israel from responding to the repeated Syrian invitations to revive the
peace process Concurrently, administration officials devised a new
policy toward my country: Dont talk to Syria at all, and may be its regime
will collapse. That is why the US decided to change its 20-year position
toward Syrian involvement in Lebanon.
Gone are the days when US special envoys to the Middle East would
spend hours, if not days, with Syrian officials brainstorming, discussing,
negotiating, and looking for creative solutions leading to a compromise or
settlement. Instead, this administration follows the Bolton Doctrine:
There is no need to talk to Syria, because Syria knows what it needs to do.
End of the matter.
When the United States realizes that it is high time to reconsider its
policies toward Syria, Syria will be more than willing to engage. However,
the rules of the game should be clear. As President Bashar al-Assad has said,
Syria is not a charity. If the US wants something from Syria, then Syria
requires something in return from the US
Sanam Vakil termed the conflict as a proxy war. In Iran, this war
represents another facet of the countrys forthcoming battle with the West,
and within the Middle East. US president George W Bushs administration
has implicated Iran for allegedly promoting the Lebanese conflict. The battle
originating with the Iranian nuclear issue has now extended to Irans role in
the Levant. The view of many in Tehran is that its just a matter of time
for the fallout of that conflict to extend their way.
Hezbollahs secretary general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, might or
might not have received a stamp of approval from Irans top guard for his
abduction of Israeli soldiers on July 12, but there is unanimous agreement in
Tehran that it is Iran that has reaped the benefits of the short-term gains
of the confrontation. This war of distraction has provided cover as Iran
analyzes its nuclear options.
The Security Council has set a deadline of August 31 for Tehran to
freeze uranium enrichment or face sanctions. The latter are looming
possibility as the regime contends that under the shadow of continued
American threats, it is impossible to make any concessions.
Lebanons war is also President Mahmoud Ahmadinejads war.
Its scope has enabled the president to strengthen his hand internally.
Hezbollahs tenacious resistance demonstrates the triumph of Irans exported
ideology. Ahmadinejad has championed the Hezbollah cause and called on
his Muslim brethren to stand by Lebanon against Israeli aggression.
Amir Taheri cried about Islamic terrorism at a time when the entire
world was witnessing perpetration of terrorism upon Lebanese and
Palestinians and Muslims elsewhere. The rallying cry of Tony Blair for
western democracies to remain united in the global war against terror and
engage in a battle of values has not been heeded. The western powers, led
by the United States, have run away from the Middle East, allowing the
Islamic republic and its newly acquired allies in al-Qaeda to set the agenda.
He joined Blairs war cry. The former American University of
Beirut has been replaced by the Iranian-sponsored Islamic University.
As teenage volunteers of martyrdom chant Allah, Koran, Khomeini, the
new chancellor of the Islamic University prepares to read a message from
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president He calls on the Lebanese to
prepare for more sacrifices because his jihad to wipe the Jewish stain of
shame off the map is only the beginning. He plans to liberate Egypt, North
Africa and Spain.
Much has changed in Lebanon since the Party of God seized power.
Women have been put into purdah and men forced to grow beards,
Bars, pubs, discotheques, hotels with a douche reputation, and other places
of sin have been closed. Despite bearing a Muslim name, how shamelessly
he counted these threats posed to the values of the West.
Swimming on some beaches is allowed, though not for women,
and men are required to enter the sea fully dressed. Gone are cinemas,
theatres, the opera, comedy saloons, and bookshops selling publications that
are at variance with Islamic values All that is but a glimpse of what
Lebanon could look like if and when Hezbollah, armed to the teeth and flush
with Iranian cash, realizes its dream of extending south Beirut to the whole
of Lebanon.
The Lebanese know what all that could mean because they have seen
it first hand in Beiruts suburbs controlled by Hezbollah. But how many
might wish to live in such a system? The answer came in Lebanons first
free general election this year: Hezbollah and its allies won 14 of the 27
seats allocated to the Shiite community This means that some 89% of the
Lebanese, including half of Shiite community, do not share Hezbollahs
vision of an Islamic state modeled on Iran.
Much of Hezbollahs current power and prestige is due to the fact
that it is the best funded and best armed political-military machine in the
country, feeding thousands of families through employment in its business or
with subsidies and stipends.
Nevertheless, it would be nave to deny the fact that the message of
Hezbollah, which is in fact that of the Khomeinist revolution in Iran and the
various Salafist movements in other Muslim countries, appeals to large
segments of opinion in the Islamic World and beyond.
There are many westerners who, prompted by self-loathing or as a
result of ideological passions, share the hatred that Hezbollah and alQaeda have for the infidel west. The problem is that while most selfloathers in the West no longer use violence to express their views, Islamism
of the type represented by al-Qaeda and Hezbollah is wedded to terrorism.
The self-loathers had no need to do this as Bush had already unleashed terror
in the name of holy war.
But there lies both the strength and the Achilles heel of the Islamist
movement. Terrorism allows small groups to punch above their political
weight The defeat of Islamism, an enemy not only of the West but also
of the majority Muslims, can be speeded up if force is complemented with
political, ideological and cultural campaigns to reveal the bankruptcy of
the Islamist doctrine.
This is not for the first time that western values, of which many
are now universal, have been challenged by mortal foes prepared to use
violence, terrorism and war. In every previous stance those foes were
defeated because they offered despotism and despair There is no reason
that the outcome should be different this time or that the Khameinist
University should ever replace the American University of Beirut.
Persons like Shireen M Mazari are an antidote the men like Taheri.
She wrote, The invasion of Iraq dissipated the war against terror, but the
Israeli killing sprees in Gaza and now in Lebanon have surely altered
the whole nature of this war itself. If it was not clear at the time of the Iraq
invasion, the Israeli attack against Lebanon should leave no room for doubt
that the Bush-Blair combine, alongside the murderous state of Israel, are
conducting a war of terrorization meant to subdue Muslim states and civil
societies into submission to their global agendas. The present targets are the
Arab states and societies as well as Iran and the pretexts are created to suit
the situation.
Supported by the Bush-Blair combine, Israel clearly feels it is not
subject to any international laws and norms of state conduct What has
galled the Israeli and the Bush-Blair combine has been the ability of Hamas
and Hezbollah to respond and stand their ground against Israeli aggression.
The war of terrorization has been a challenge for these forces of the
Muslim World even as the Arab states have adopted a deafening silence,
signaling helplessness and submissiveness to the Bush-Blair combine.
Even as Muslim civil societies have had to face the horror of Israeli attacks
against innocent Lebanese, Blair has had the nerve to carry out a tirade
against Muslims in a speech delivered to the World Affairs Council in Los
Angeles last week.
While British diplomats and the US government are trying to
seek a ban on the truth about the Israeli horrors in Lebanon by
pressurizing the Arab media into submission, Blair actually had the audacity
to declare that in the media coverage, there is no understanding of the
Israeli predicament.
And if the truth be told, surely it is the US that is preventing
democracy in Palestine, not the so-called Muslim extremists, Mr Blair;
or are you going to wear your convenient blinkers while Arabs face
slaughter at the hands of the Israeli military machine? And who is actually
carrying out the slaughter of the innocent and doing it deliberately in
Lebanon and Palestine? Israeli forces aided and abetted by the Bush-Blair
Who has given Blair the right to speak on behalf of what he calls
moderate Muslims in the first place? No. clearly there is another
insidious war going on and that is a war of terrorizing the Muslims into
accepting the new US-UK agenda, which seeks submissive Muslim states
and polities around powerful core states like Israel and India.
There is nothing much to add to what has been said during earlier
weeks of war. However, some of the views expressed during the week in the
context wars impact are mentioned. Air Cdre M Yaqoob Khan from
Rawalpindi said, they support Israel in its mission of vanquishing
Hezbollah in Lebanon. But does it cross their minds that outfits like
Hezbollah are born as a reaction and frustration to what Mr Olmert is doing
to the innocent Lebanese Israels dream of achieving secure frontiers
The stalemate is imminent, but Israel and the West were bent upon
eliminating or disarming Hezbollah. In doing that the need for the safety of
Lebanese did not emerge at all.
Rice was not seen or heard after complaining about birth pangs.
Perhaps, her pangs have subsided, which does not augur well for the baby
and the would-be mother; it may well end up in still-birth.
The Crusaders were succeeding in their aim of deploying
multinational peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon. This force will act as
follow-up echelon of Israeli forces with mandate of mopping-up and
consolidating whatever Israel would gain in the war.
The tears of Lebanese Prime Minister said all about the apathy of
Muslim and Arab rulers. Perhaps, these were of repentance over the
consequence of being pro-American. Maybe the Muslim rulers, including
Musharraf, learn a lesson from this episode.
9th August 2006
Combating insurgency in Iraq and containing Irans nuclear
programme are direct responsibilities the Crusaders led by America. The
continuous bloodshed in Iraq made it difficult to stay the course. Resultantly,
Bush Administration was subjected to severe criticism, but remained
adamant as was evident from the report that US military leaders foresaw exit
from Iraq by 2016.
Messages from leaders of groups fighting against the US and its allies
kept adding fuel to the fire. In his latest audio message, Osama told Bush,
we will keep up our fight to bleed your money dry, kill your men and so
that (your forces) go home defeated, as we defeated you in Somalia.
Speaker of Iraqi parliament accused Jews of financing acts of
violence in the country in order to discredit Islamists who control the
parliament and government so they can install their agents in power.
Apparently, the Jews were not fool to waste their money on a project already
financed sufficiently by the US.
On 28th July, five permanent members of UNSC reportedly reached a
deal on a resolution to be presented for imposition of sanctions if Tehran
were to fail to suspend uranium enrichment. Tehran, however, seemed to be
steadfast on its right to acquire nuclear capability for peaceful purposes.
There was no let in bloodletting in Iraq, but the outside world was
generally kept in dark. On 30th June, sixteen people, including two US
soldiers were killed in various incidents of violence. Next day, at least 66
people were killed and 114 wounded in a pick-up truck bomb blast in Sadr
City. A US vehicle which attempted to approach the blast scene withdrew
after it was stoned by angry residents. Three people were killed in a roadside
bomb blast. Four dead bodies were found. A Sunni woman MP was
kidnapped along with eight bodyguards. Official tally of killings in June was
1009. Iraqi and US authorities freed 495 prisoners.
Two persons were killed in two bomb blasts in Baghdad on 2 nd July.
Saddams daughter and first wife were on most wanted list for actively
aiding defence lawyers. Next day, a Shiite MP escaped an assassination
At least 3 people were killed and 16 wounded in three bomb blasts in
Baghdad on 3rd July. Four people were wounded in mortar fire. Three
persons were killed and 18 wounded in car bomb and mortar fire in
Mahmoudiyah. Five people were killed elsewhere in the country. Sunni Arab
lawmakers boycotted the parliament and demanded release of an abducted
Sunni woman MP. US military claimed killing an al-Qaeda operative in a
raid in Anbar province.
On 4th July, gunmen abducted a deputy minister along with 19
bodyguards. Two police commandos were killed and three wounded in
roadside bombing. A Sunni cleric was shot dead in Fallujah. Next day, six
people were killed and 17 wounded in car bomb blast in Baghdad; one
person was killed and 7 wounded in another bomb blast; and seven people
were wounded in third blast. In Mosul, a police officer and a civilian were
killed and three others wounded in a car bomb attack. One peshmerga fighter
was killed and two wounded in roadside bombing near Kirkuk and three
persons were wounded when another bomb exploded on arrival of rescue
party. Another Kurd was also shot dead in separate incident. One person was
shot dead in Tikrit. In all, 18 people were killed on this day.
Suicide car bomber killed 13 Iranian pilgrims in Kofa on 6th July. Next
day, at least nine people were killed and 31 wounded in a raid on Shiite
fighters in Sadr City by the US-led forces; targeted Mehdi Army commander
was captured. Eleven people were killed in attacks on three Sunni and one
Shiite mosque and mortar attack killed three and wounded 30 in Shula
district. Car bomb blast outside a mosque in Tal Banat near Mosul killed six
and wounded 46 people. Seven people were wounded in roadside bombing
near a mosque in Baqouba.
Three US soldiers were killed in separate incidents in Anbar province
on 8 July. One translator was killed in drive-by shooting in Baghdad.
Gunmen shot dead three persons in Nahrawan. Three people were killed in
mortar fire. Four dead bodies were found from various places. US-led forces
surrounded 15 villages near Muqdadiyah.
On 9th July, masked gunmen set up checkpoints and started shooting
Sunni Arabs on the basis of their ID cards. They also went into some Sunni
houses and killed everyone inside. In all 42 people were killed in this
sectarian attack. A Sunni cleric blamed Mehdi Army for the killings and also
blamed police commandos. At least 19 people were killed and 59 wounded
in two car bomb attacks near Shiite mosque in Sunni district of Adhamiyah.
Elsewhere, nine people were killed. Next day, ten people were killed and 51
wounded in car bombing and mortar fire in Sadr City. Twenty Iraqis were
killed in various incidents across the country. Five more US Marines were
booked for rape.
Thirty-two people were killed around the country on 11th July. Next
day, three dead bodies were found in Muqdadiyah, in addition to 24 dead
bodies found elsewhere. A contractor was shot dead in Tikrit and his son was
On 14th July, gunmen attacked a checkpoint near Kirkuk and killed all
the 13 soldiers on duty. In Baghdad, at least seven people were killed and
five wounded in bombing outside a Sunni mosque. Four persons, including a
policeman, were killed and five wounded in suicide car bombing in Mosul
and a policeman and a bodyguard were shot dead in separate incidents. A
civilian was killed and nine others wounded in mortar fire in Zafaraniyeh
and two people were killed and four wounded in similar attack in Diyala. US
forces claimed capturing three terrorists in an operation in the vicinity of the
capital and one was killed in another operation near Abu Ghraib.
Two US soldiers were killed in separate attacks in Baghdad on 15 th
July. Two civilians were killed and four wounded in clash between Iraqi
soldiers and militants in Haifa. Seven persons were arrested. One person was
killed and 7 wounded in a clash with insurgents in Baghdad and two people
were killed in a car bomb attack. In Adhamiyah, 45 suspects were held in a
raid conducted by Iraqi Army. Emergency was extended for 30 days.
On 16th July, 23 people were killed and 22 wounded in suicide
bombing in Tuz Khurmatu near Kirkuk. One British soldier was killed
during a raid in tribal area of Garmat Ali. At least 25 Iraqis were killed in
various incidents across the country. Next day, 56 people were killed and 67
wounded as gunmen stormed a crowded market in Mahmudiya. Sunni rebels
were blamed for the killings.
sectarian civil war between Shia and Sunni Muslims and the continuing war
with US troops than in the bombardment of Lebanon, reported Patrick
Ken Silverstein reported, on average of more than 100 Iraqi civilians
was killed in June What do you call the situation in Iraq right now asked
one person familiar with the situation. The analysts know that its civil war,
but theres feeling at the top that (using that term) will complicate matters.
Gulf News said, while the majority is looking with concern as what
Israel is doing to its neighbours, the strife in Iraq continues. There, it is in all
but name, a civil warfor without some semblance of reason taking over, it
is difficult to see how the continuation of strife will ever cease.
The ugly face of the occupation has been amply covered up by
shrewdly triggering sectarian fighting. The blame of bloodletting has been
shifted to the Muslims and accepted by many as such. Nevertheless,
occupation forces continued covering up the crimes committed by their
soldiers by conducting fake inquiries.
On 1st July, criminal investigations were ordered in two separate cases
on rape and killing by US soldiers. Four days later, Maliki wanted fresh
probe into the case of teenagers rape and killing of her family members.
We believe that the immunity granted to international forces has
emboldened them to commit such crimes andthere must be a review of
this immunity.
Steven Green, a former private with US Army, was charged in a
Federal Court with raping and murdering an Iraqi woman, after gunning
down three members of her family, including a five-year-old girl. Green was
honorably discharged from the army with a personality disorder. There is
no news about three of his buddies who conspired with Green.
Saddam trial was part of this cover-up ploy. On 13 th July, Saddam and
his co-defendants went on hunger strike. Saddam was hospitalized on 17 th
day of hunger strike. On 24th July, Saddam boycotted court hearing and three
days later, the trial was adjourned.
Puppets were another scapegoat for all the failings. John Hughes
said, if Iraqi security stand up on the promised schedule, and Iraqi
politicians succeed in knitting together a reasonable government, US troops
strength in Iraq could be reduced to five or six brigades from the present 14
by the end of next year.
Another condition for the proposed plan to succeed, however, is that
it be discussed with Iraqs new government, get their input, and be in line
with estimates of their own buildup of security forces. Khalilzad, however,
gave six months to Iraq to curb sectarianism.
A possible way out from the quagmire could be through
reconciliation. Charles Krauthammer wrote, insurgencies can be undone by
being co-opted. And that is precisely the strategy of Prime Minister Nouri alMaliki He intends to wean away elements of the insurgency by giving
them a stake in the new Iraqi order. These Sunni elements un-reconciled
tribal leaders and guerrilla factions may well decide that with neither side
having very good prospects of complete victory, accepting a place and some
power in the new Iraq is better alternative than perpetual war.
It would not apply to the foreign jihadists, who, unlike the Sunni
insurgents would join the new Iraq, dream of an Islamic state built on the
ruins of the current order. There is nothing to discuss with such people. The
only way to defeat them is to kill them, as we did (in case of) Abu Musab alZarqawi.
But killing them requires depriving them of their sanctuary.
Reconciliation-cum-amnesty gets disaffected Iraqi Sunni tribes to come over
to the governments side, drying up the sea in which the jihadists swim.
After all, we have found Zarqawi in heavily Sunni territory by means of
intelligence given to us by local Iraqis.
However, Shiite leaders were divided over reconciliation plan. AlHakim favoured extending an amnesty to insurgents who may have killed
US troops, which is strongly opposed by Maliki. So was the case back home
as reported by the Washington Times.
Democrats have seized the issue as an opportunity to demonstrate
that they are really tough on terror. So, on Sunday talk shows, viewers
were treated to hyperbole from Sens Harry Ried and Carl Levin, who
suggested that Mr Bush and the Iraqi government are going soft on
terrorists who target American troops.
In determining whether amnesty makes sense, Dan Senor, a former
Bush Administration adviser in Iraq, writing for National Review Online
suggests some questions that need to be asked, including: What will be the
reaction of the overwhelming majority of Iraqi Sunnis who chose to
Most if not all of the detainees would go back to their old neighbourhoods,
and in the process of tracking them we might start to see some new faces.
I also have to believe that over time we have turned some of the
detainees, who may be willing to work with us once they are repatriated. He
supported his argument by quoting excerpts from the book
Counterinsurgency Warfare written by David Galula.
Let us move away from the bullets, bombs and prisons that have so
alienated those we are trying to convert, and instead move into the minds of
our opponents. If this truly is jihad, then let us sow the seeds of dissension,
and let al-Qaeda engage in an internal struggle to its own bitter end.
All said and done, overall situation was not promising for staying the
course. Japan, a strong ally of US, had completed troop pullout from Iraq on
17th July. There were reports of dissent within US troops.
The analysts focused on aimless killings in Iraq. Anas Shallal said,
how much is an Iraqi life worth? Answer is a lot less than an American or
British life, according to the amount of compensation paid to the relatives
of victims In the early months of the invasion, the United States paid
Iraqis $ 106,000 for 176 claims averaging about $ 600 per claim.
During the siege of Fallujah, where US soldiers killed 18 people and
wounded 78 during an April 2004 firefight, the American military
commander in the area paid $ 1,500 for each fatality and $ 500 for each
injury. Some of the compensations were less than what an American has to
pay for shooting a single head of some species of wild animals in America.
More recently the US paid $ 38,000 for Haditha victims family
members. That comes up to less than $ 1,600 per person killed. What a
bargain. The most any Iraqi has received to date for injury or property
damage is $ 15,000.
By comparison, the Libyan government recently settled a lawsuit for
victims of Pan Am 103, which was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland, in
1988. The Libyans paid $ 2.7 billion for 270 passengers with an average
payment of $ 10 million per death Last year a Seattle woman was
awarded $ 45,000 for the wrongful death of her cat.
Andrew J Bacevich wrote that during the days of invasion General
Frank had said, we dont do body counts. the analyst wrote, this disdain
for counting bodies, especially those of Iraqi civilians killed in the course
of US operations, is among the reasons why US forces find themselves in
another quagmire.
In the early days of insurgency, some US commanders appeared
oblivious to the possibility that excessive force might produce a backlash.
They counted on the iron fist to create an atmosphere conducive to good
The idea was not to distinguish between good and bad Iraqis,
but to induce compliance through intimidation. You have to understand
Arab mind, one company commander told the New York Times, displaying
all the self-assurance of Douglas Macarthur discoursing on Orientals in
1945. The only thing they understand is force
As the war enters its fourth year, how many innocent Iraqis have died
at American hands, not as a result of Haditha-like massacres but because of
accidents and error? It plays into the hands of the insurgents, advancing
their cause and undercutting our own.
Its not that we have no regard for Iraqi lives; its just that we have
much less regard for them. The current operations policy the payment
offered in those instances in which US forces do own up to killing an Iraqi
civilian makes the point.
The culture that, to put it mildly, has sought neither to understand nor
to emphasize with the people in Arab or Islamic worlds One at least ought
to acknowledge that in launching a war advertised as a high-minded
expression of US idealism, we have waded into a swamp of moral
Moral questions aside, the toll of Iraqi noncombatant casualties has
widespread political implications. Misdirected violence alienated those we
are claiming to protect It fatally undermines the campaign to win hearts
and minds, suggesting to Iraqis and Americans alike that Iraqi civilians
and perhaps Arab and Muslims more generally are expendable.
Khaleej Times said, the killers reportedly went from door-to-door
looking for few Sunni families who have been left behind; others fled the
area long ago fearing for their lives. The killing spreeis said to have
continued for full eight hours and yet no help from Iraqi forces or the
occupation troops arrived despite desperate calls made to the ministries of
interior and defence.
And what are Iraqs new leaders doing to stop this reckless dance of
death, especially when they know as well as the rest of the world that its the
pro-government militias and Shia groups that are responsible for the
systematic program targeting the minority community. Has Maliki learnt no
lessons from the disastrous stint of his predecessor Ibrahim al-Jaafri?
The New York Times wrote, despite the elimination of Mr Zarqawi
and the new security drive, the daily carnage is increasing, especially in
Baghdad and especially against civilians. Last month, for the first time, the
nationwide civilian death toll exceeded 100 people per day. Despite the
increased presence of Sunni Arabs in the new cabinet, the political and
physical gulf between Sunnis and Shiites is wider then ever; the flight of
frightened families from religiously mixed neighbourhoods is further
cleaving the country in two.
One big reason why, sadly, is that Mr Maliki has failed to overcome
the great weakness he brought with him when he took office. The main
political and physical power behind his government comes from the armed
Shiite fundamentalist factions that swept last years elections and thereby
dominate Iraqs Parliament. The Kurdish parties that inflate the Shiites
majority have never much cared about what goes on outside Iraqi Kurdistan,
as long as their region maintains its de facto independence
Extensive killings on daily basis, obviously, led to the debate on
civil war. Nicholas Sambanis said, fighting a civil war is the way that
some societies build a state, and it is hard to imagine how there could have
been a smooth transition from Saddam Husseins dictatorship. Still, the
United States has clearly helped to create the conditions for Iraqs descent
into civil war.
Two failures are worth noting. First, a large literature on ostentatious
politics has shown that violent opposition groups gain legitimacy and public
support when the state uses indiscriminate violence or abuses civilians. This
is precisely what has happened in Iraq, with recent reports of civilian
abuses by the coalition.
Second, civil war studies have shown that insurgencies grow into
large wars when insurgents receive external assistance. The Americanled coalition simply has not had the manpower to quarantine those Iraqis
who have reportedly received assistance from neighbouring countries and
international terrorist entities.
But there is also good news. Iraq is better off than many countries in
the midst of a civil war: its income is relatively high, it has an educated
populace and it can count on abundant foreign assistance if fighting ends
Whether these factors will help to bring an end to the conflict in Iraq is an
open question. What is no longer an open question, however, is the nature of
the conflict. It is a civil war, not an insurgency. To be correct, it is an
engineered civil war.
The civil war has demonized the fighters resisting the foreign
occupation forces. Muhammad Zauq from Lahore said, the writer (Ikram
Sehgal), while praising the bravery of the occupation forces in Iraq, has
indiscriminately brought all the resistant forces in the folds of
extremists, insurgents and militants, Zarqawi might have been a brute,
terrorist or a thug, but would the writer like to throw light upon the
circumstances that led to the creation of people like Zarqawi.
Do not call the freedom fighters militants and insurgents. They are
fighting for the emancipation of their own homeland from the yolk of
slavery. They have waged jihad against those who have disguised their
intentions of capturing the oil resources under the cover of providing socalled human rights; justice and democracy to the Iraqis.
We definitely do not like Zarqawis among us but we should have
similar feelings for those stooges who are out to destroy world peace to
achieve petty economic benefits. We must remember that the superior
intelligence agencies that these forces have are masters in creating
shadowy characters like Zarqawi and tapes of Osama to achieve their own
political objectives.
In view of the foregoing, the analysts opposed prolonged
occupation. Neil Stormer was of the view that the biggest obstacle to
success in Americas efforts at preventing the spread of terrorism in Iraq
seems to be Americas occupation of Iraq. From the beginning, the
occupation has served as both a rallying point and a magnet for wouldbe jihadis. And the behaviour of the troops has only aggravated an already
dire situation: story after story of soldiers criminal behaviour and brutality
now undermine both their military and public relations efforts.
One of the American values is passing the buck. The New York
Times tried to pass it Maliki. Why were the tens of thousands of Iraqi and
American troops who were mobilized for this operation so ineffective at
stopping this weeks organized mayhem? And why are sectarian militias still
the ultimate power in Baghdads residential neighbourhoods?
conditions will somehow change the outcome. It will not. The end was set at
the beginning. It is better that it come sooner rather than later.
While Israel was neutralizing Irans two allies, Hamas and Hezbollah,
militarily; diplomatic skirmishes over Irans nuclear programme continued.
On 29th June, China wanted quick response from Iran over incentives. Three
days later, Iran again rejected deadline on response to the proposals.
On 3rd June, western powers set July 12 as an informal deadline to
suspend uranium enrichment and agree to talks. On 12 th July, world powers
threatened to refer Iran to UNSC, if Tehran failed to respond quickly. Putin
urged patience with Iran.
On 15th July, Iran rejected demand to freeze nuclear work and about a
week later, Tehran warned that it would retaliate against tough UN
resolution. Meanwhile, Indias $20 billion deal to buy LNG from Iran ran
into trouble and negotiations on IPI gas pipeline project reached a deadlock.
On 30th July, Iran once again warned UN over proposed resolution.
Next day, UNSC passed a resolution giving Iran until August 31 to suspend
uranium enrichment; Iran rejected UNSC deadline.
The Crusaders kept up propaganda aimed at demonizing Iran
regime. Hadi Ghaemi prompted a point to the Crusaders. Last week
Iranians woke up to a startling piece of news: their government had
dispatched Tehrans notorious prosecutor general, Saeed Mortazavi, to
Geneva as a member of Irans delegation to the opening session of the new
United Nations Human Rights Council.
Iranians werent sure whether to laugh or cry. Mr Mortazavi is one
of the countrys highest profile rights violators. Human Rights Watch
urged Iran to remove him at once and asked other governments not to meet
the Iranian delegation while Mr Mortazavi remained a part of it.
The members of the Security Council and Germany, which are
engaged in nuclear negotiations with Iran, should include human rights
concerns on their agenda. As a confidence-building-measure, they should
demand that Iran improve its human rights record and that it cease
protecting violators like Mr Mortazavi.
Amir Taheri could not stay out of this sacred ritual even when
destruction of Lebanon was going on. Tehran believes that a victory for
Today, Arabs have reconciled with presence of the dog in their midst, but
Iran, ruled by Islamists, is against it.
Persian Iran sat out all the three Arab-Israeli wars and even
during the Arab oil boycott of the 1970s, continued supplying Israel with
oil. The 100,000 Jews in Iran helped sustain robust Iranian-Israeli trade.
Even after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeinis Islamic Revolution
severed these ties and sent most Iranian Jews fleeing, overlapping interests
allowed these arch-enemies to do business. Mutual animosity toward Iraq
and Israels desire to preserve influence with Tehran moderates led
Israel to supply weapons to the Islamic Republic well into the 1980s
Israels supply of weapons to Iran and America similar assistance to Iraq
was part of the same scheme; to keep the two countries fighting. It was
designed to weaken the potential threats to Israel, or in other words two
birds were being killed with one stone.
Flickers of an Iranian-Israeli rapprochement continued even
during the heightened tensions of the 1990s, despite Irans support for
Hezbollah in Lebanon, Palestinian militants and the bombings of the Israeli
embassy and Jewish cultural centre in Argentina.
Although hardliners in Tehran, Jerusalem and Washington have
sabotaged attempts at dialogue at every turn, Iran and Israels common
interests endure. Both have a vital interest in avoiding Israel attacks on
Iranian facilities and preventing the fracturing of Iraq along ethnic lines. In
the event of a wider regional war between Sunnis and Shiites, Iran and Israel
could once again find themselves with a common adversary.
He said many things: Iran must come to terms with Israel to avoid
Israeli attack; if the Crusaders at some stage decide to disintegrate Iraq, Iran
would need Israels help; and Sunni Arabs have been identified as common
enemy in case of larger war between Shiites and Sunnis of the region.
He tried to make a case for forming an Iran-Israel Axis against
common enemy; the Arabs. The Crusaders have been and continue
working for Arab-Iran perpetual confrontation for the same purpose. If
the two sides, Arabs in particular, understand this point and resort to
peaceful co-existence with Iran, they can work for ending US military
presence which is the root-cause of American imperialism and all the related
As regards delay in responding to proposals of incentives, ElBaradei
explained the reason in his interview to Der Spiegel. The Iranians tell me
that they need a few more weeks to take a close look at everything. Last
weeks announcement from Tehran that they are seriously considering the
package and that they view it as a positive approach to finding a diplomatic
solution is encouraging, but there is mutual mistrust between Iran and
the West. It will take time to get past this.
We must be patient. A few weeks wont make a difference. The issue
is not Irans nuclear program, but regional security. It would be fatal if the
Iranians were to miss this great opportunity. It would lead to a spiral of
Since the occupation of Iraq, US-led forces have been sponsoring
Shiite squads to suppress Sunni Arabs. They succeeded in bleeding Iraq and
at the same time disrupting the resistance against occupation. But, the
resultant sectarian strife/civil war brought bad name to the Crusaders as
well, and now they are blaming Maliki for not controlling them.
Hamas and Hezbollah were identified as major threats to Israel in case
US invades Iran. They are being destroyed/neutralized by Israel with full
support of the Crusaders. It was also visualized that Mehdi Army and other
Shiite could create problems for the occupation forces; hence after using
them as counter balance for Sunni Arabs, Maliki is now being pressed to
disarm them.
Lebanon war constitutes part of the plan for regime change in Iran.
The Crusaders will wait for its outcome, reassess the situation, and decide as
how to deal with Iran. However, the way the war is going, it seemed that the
US has to wait for little longer than it would wish to.
10th August 2006
Next day, seven Lebanese were killed in last minute bombing before
ceasefire. Two Israeli soldiers were killed in fighting. Three Palestinians
were killed in Israeli strike. Israel announced to continue air and sea
Displaced people started returning. Hezbollah claimed victory in war.
Bush blamed Hezbollah terrorists for triggering war that resulted in
destruction of Lebanon. He also accused Iran and Syria of sponsoring
On 15th August, Israel started pulling back tanks from southern
Lebanon. It was not pulling back. It was only reducing over-induction of
forces to address space-troops ratio so that unnecessary targets are not
presented. Olmert vowed to hunt down Hezbollah leaders. He claimed that
there is no more state within state. Peacekeepers, mostly from NATO
countries, will start arriving in about ten days.
Forty dead bodies were retrieved from debris. Siniora asked five bigs
for ending of blockade. Nasrallah refused to disarm militia. Hezbollah
victory was celebrated in Tehran. Assad claimed that Hezbollah has
destroyed US plans to reshape the Middle East. Germany termed his claim
as negative contribution and cancelled trip to Damascus.
Media reported the costs of war. Israeli Air Force attacked 7,000
targets and Navy fired 2,500 shells. In Lebanon, 1,110 people were killed
and 3,700 wounded. Losses include 35 soldiers and policemen and 5 UN
observers. Israel claimed killing 350 Hezbollah fighters; Hezbollah
acknowledged 80 dead. About one million were displaced and 60,000
foreigners were evacuated. Damage to infrastructure was about $ 2.5 billion.
Central Bank spent $ 1 billion to keep the currency stable.
Hezbollah fired 3,970 rockets. Israel lost 157 persons, including 40
civilians; 1,000 civilians and 450 soldiers were wounded. About 300,000
Israelis were displaced. Economic losses were estimated to be $1.5 billion.
GDP may fall by $ 11.5 billion.
Israels belief in the invincibility of its superior weaponry with a
hubris that was enhanced by the amateurship in military affairs of Olmert
and Peretz, the present captains of its crew led the Israelis to believe that
they could force the Hezbollah into capitulation, wrote Gilbert Achcar,
or push the Lebanese to the brink of a new civil war, by taking the whole of
Jonathan Cook wrote about civilian killings in the war. The damage
inflicted by the ball bearings is not in itself proof that Hezbollah is trying to
kill Israeli civilians, any more than Israels use of far more lethal cluster
bombs is proof that it wants to kill Lebanese civilians The second
criticism made by HRW is that because Hezbollahs rockets are rudimentary
and lack sophisticated guidance systems they are as good as indiscriminate.
This conclusion is wrong both logically and semantically.
This, according to Human Rights watch, still makes Hezbollahs
rocket attacks war crimes. That may be true, but it of course also means
Israels missile strikes and bombardment of Lebanon are war crimes on
the same or a greater scale.
Noam Chomsky in his interview to Kaven Afrasiabi, while answering
a question about legal and moral justification of the Israeli attack, said: The
invasion itself is a serious breach of international law, and major war
crimes are being committed as it proceeds. There is no legal justification.
The moral justification is supposed to be that capturing soldiers in a
cross-border raid, and killing others, is an outrageous crime The day
before, Israeli forces kidnapped two Gaza civilians, a doctor and his brother,
and sent them to the Israeli prison system The major media did not even
bother reporting it.
That fact alone demonstrates, with brutal clarity, that there is no
moral justification for the sharp escalation of attacks in Gaza or the
destruction of Lebanon, and that the Western show of outrage about
kidnapping is cynical fraud.
Regarding Israels right to self-defence, he said: Israel certainly has
a right to defend itself, but no state has the right to defend occupied
territories. When the World Court condemned Israels separation wall,
even a US Justice, Judge Buergenthal, declared that any part of it built to
defend Israeli settlements is ipso facto in violation of international
humanitarian law, because the settlements are illegal.
Gaza and the West Bank are recognized to be a unit, by the United
States and Israel as well. Therefore, Israel still occupies Gaza, and cannot
claim self-defence in territories it occupies in either of the two parts of
Palestine. It is Israel and the United States that are radically violating
international law. They are now seeking to consummate longstanding plans
to eliminate Palestinian national rights for good.
old, the sick and the handicapped remain in the shelters. They are the main
sufferers. But that does not cause them to oppose the war. On the contrary,
they are the most vociferous group in Israel demanding to go to the end, to
smash them, to wipe them out.
That is not new, either: the weakest in the society always want to
feel that they belong to the strongest nation. Those who have nothing
become the biggest patriots. And they are also the main victims Those
who initiated and planned the war cynically flatter the inhabitants of the
North, who are stuck there, calling them heroes and lauding their
wonderful steadfastness.
The Soviet bloc has collapsed and the UN has become an arm of the
US State Department. Kofi Annan has become a janitor and the real boss
is the US delegate, John Bolton, a raving neocon and therefore a great
friend of Israel. He wants the war to go on.
The name of the American game is: to give the Israeli army more
days, and perhaps more weeks, to go on with the war, to pursue the mirage
of victory, while pretending to make great efforts to stop the war. It seems
that Olmert has promised Bush to win after all, if given time.
The new proposals of the Beirut government have lit red lights in
Jerusalem. The Lebanese government proposes to deploy 15 thousand
Lebanese troops along the border, declare a ceasefire and get the Israeli
troops out of Lebanon. That is exactly what the Israeli government
demanded at the start of the war. But now it looks like a danger. It could
stop the war without an Israeli victory.
Thus a paradoxical situation has arisen: the Israeli government is
rejecting a proposal that reflects its original war aims, and instead
demands an international force, which it objected to strenuously at the start
of the war. Thats what happens when you start a war without clear and
achievable aims. Everything gets mixed up.
On the other side, the broadcasts prove that the military
commentators know exactly how to wage the war. They have forceful
opinions and plenty of expert advice. They know when to advance and
where, which troops to deploy and what weapons to use. So why not let
them conduct the war?
The battery of generals that appears every evening on all TV
channels in order to give a briefing (a.k.a. propaganda) to the nation, are all
male. They bring with them a token woman, a real beauty who bears the title
Fouad Siniora gave his governments viewpoint in an article. Israel
says this war is against Hezbollah, not Lebanon. But the Israeli terror is
inflicted on all Lebanese. The indiscriminate murder of more than 1,100
Lebanese civilians (a third of them children), the massacres and cleansing
of villages and the wanton destruction of our infrastructure are nothing short
of a criminal. One quarter of our population has been displaced.
For all this carnage and death, and on behalf of all Lebanese, we
demand an international inquiry into Israels criminal actions in
Lebanon and insist that Israel pay compensation for its wanton destruction
On behalf of all Lebanese, I insist on reparations.
Israel seems to think that its attacks will sow discord among the
Lebanese. This will never happen. Israel should know that the Lebanese
people will remain steadfast and united in the face of this latest Israeli
aggression its seventh invasion just as they were during nearly two
decades of brutal occupation. The peoples will to resist grows ever stronger
with each village demolished and each massacre committed.
I have proposed a comprehensive seven-point peace plan, rooted
in international law, whichcalls for an immediate, unconditional and
comprehensive ceasefire and the release of Lebanese and Israeli detainees;
the withdrawal of the Israeli army behind the established blue line between
the two states; a UN commitment to put the Shebaa Farms area
As part of comprehensive plan, and empowered by strong domestic
political support and the unanimous backing of the cabinet, the Lebanese
government decided to deploy the Lebanese armed forces in southern
Lebanon as the sole domestic military force in the area, alongside UN forces
there, the moment Israel pulls back to the international border.
The resolution to this war must respect international law and UN
resolutions, not just those selected by Israel, a state that deserves its
reputation as a pariah because of its consistent disdain for and rejection of
international law and the wishes of the international community for over a
half century.
Lebanon calls, once again, on the United Nations to bring about
an immediate ceasefire to relieve the beleaguered people of Lebanon. Only
then can the root causes of this war Israeli occupation of Lebanese
territories and its perennial threat to Lebanons security, as well as
Lebanons struggle to regain full sovereignty over all its territory be
The draft UN Security Council resolution proposed by the US
and France failed to address the key points of our plan, and was rejected
by all Lebanese. The idea of an international force being sent to Lebanon
directly challenges our sovereignty, and we can never accept that.
I believe that a political resolution rooted in international law and
based on these seven points will lead to long-term stability. If Israel
would realize that the people of Middle East cannot be cowed into
submission, that they aspire only to live in freedom and dignity, it could also
be a stepping stone to a final solution of the wider Arab-Israeli conflict,
which has plagued our region for 60 years.
If Israel would realize that the peoples of the Middle East cannot
be cowed into submission, that their will to resist grows ever stronger with
each village destroyed and each massacre committed, it could also be
stepping stone to a final solution of the wider Arab-Israel conflict
An odd aspect of the conflict is that the state under attack has been
unable to respond in its defence. Hezbollah is fending off attacks against
itself but is unable to defend Lebanon. There are different viewpoints
explaining the anomaly, wrote Naman Sattar.
not so foolish: that many white South Africans finally realized that we cant
carry on in the same old way, we have to do a deal with the people weve
been opposing, and this is best for both communities. Maybe Im being
ultra-optimistic, but I think that before this century comes to an end
something like that will emerge.
About his support to fundamentalist ideology of Hezbollah and
Hamas, he said: I do not agree with their religious views however, when
a country is invaded and attacked and people resist its important to speak
up and say they have the right to resist and to defend their right to resist.
The West defended the Ethiopians and the Albanians against the
Italian onslaught and said they had the right to resist. So its on that
principle that when people, whoever they may be, you may not like them,
but when they decide to resist, you have to defend their right to do so.
Robert Fisk wrote, Israeli military authorities talked of clearing and
mopping up operations by their soldiers south of the Litani River but, to
the Lebanese, it seems as if it is the Hezbollah that have been doing the
mopping up. By last night, the Israelis had not even been able to reach the
dead crew of a helicopter, which crashed into a Lebanese valley.
From this morning, Hezbollahs operations will be directed solely
against the invasion force Hezbollah have, for years, prayed and longed
and waited for the moment when they could attack the Israeli army on the
Israel itself, according to reports from Washington and New York,
had long planned its current campaign against Lebanonbut the Israelis
appear to have taken no account of the guerrilla armys most obvious
operational plan: that if they could endure days of air attacks, they would
eventually force Israels army to re-enter Lebanon on the ground and fight
them on equal terms.
At this fatal juncture in Middle East history and no one should
underestimate this moments importance in the region the Israeli army
appears as impotent to protect its country as the Hezbollah clearly is to
protect Lebanon.
But if the ceasefire collapses, as seems certain, neither the Israelis
nor the Americans appear to have any plans to escape the consequences. The
US saw this war as an opportunity to humble Hezbollahs Iranian and Syrian
sponsors but already it seems as if the tables have been turned.
The smug defense of Israels actions from Washington meanwhile go
once more to underline the narrowness of policies devised at the White
House, as well as the dangers inherent in a situation where a man of as
limited intellectual capacity as President George Bush determines much of
what happens in the world, wrote Kamila Hyat.
It is tragedy that Bush and his sidekick, Tony Blair, have not seen the
dangers in their actions. It is also becoming increasingly obvious that their
determination to cheer Israel on as it attempts to crush Hezbollah is a part
of the game of war Washington has been threatening to wage against
Iran. It believes weakening Hezbollah will damage Iran, may be even open
up the path for a strike against it
In Pakistan, the now familiar face of Hezbollah leader Hassan
Nasrallah, has begun to crop up on the rear windows of cars, amidst the
anti-US graffiti scrawled on walls and on posters borne by anti-war posters
which have included an unusual mix of those leaning to the Left and the
Right, or placed somewhere in between, staging largely separate and
consequently miniscule rallies across Lahore and other cities.
Nosheen Saeed commented, terrorism is indiscriminate killing of
civilians in pursuit of political goals and by this definition Israel and the
US are actually terrorists themselves. When the sole superpower of the
world keeps sending smoke signals, closes the doors of negotiations, refuses
to attend the core issue of conflicts, brutalizes country after country, drives
out inhabitants from their traditional homeland and without regard to the
civilian population prepares murderous aerial bombardment, resulting in the
death of innocent women and children and destruction of infrastructure, with
the sole objective of turning all Arab states into Israeli and US protectorates,
the radical elements prone to seek alternative ways to redress their
grievances will rise from the ashes. The emergence of resistance fighters is
directly linked to Western betrayal and atrocities committed by it.
The ongoing murderous campaign inside Lebanon cannot therefore
be grasped without an understanding of the Zionist dream that includes
annexing the southern part of Lebanon right up to Litani River in Lebanon,
Syrias Golan Heights and the West and East banks of the Jordan River.
The extension of the war into Syria and Iran has already been
contemplated by the US and Israeli military planners. This broader
military agenda is intimately related to strategic oil and oil pipelines and
supported by the Western oil giants, controlling the pipeline corridors.
The five-year campaign plan includes a total of seven countries,
beginning with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.
According to General Wesley Clark, the Pentagon, by late 2001, was
planning to attack Lebanon. Bushs plan for a serial war is fully consistent
with a plan built by the neocons that are in key positions in his government.
After allowing Israel the time to accomplish the task and noting that
nothing more could be achieved through military means, the US decided to
do the remaining through diplomatic means using the ever handy platform of
the UN. The Washington Times cautioned the Yankee at the UN; Bolton.
Russia, the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference
have united with the Lebanese government to wage an all-out campaign to
further weaken the draft resolution and to force the Israeli army to retreat
from Lebanon at once.
The US-French (resolution) includes a number of provisions which,
if implemented, would ensure that Lebanese territory is no longer used
to menace Israel. It includes language that would create a procedure to
disarm Hezbollah, to establish an embargo on weapons for the terrorists and
strengthen the Lebanese army, enabling it to control south. These provisions
sound nice on paper, but on paper is where they likely will remain.
Unfortunately, over the next few days, American diplomats wont be
working to clarify and strengthen draft resolution. Instead, they will likely
spend most of their time fending off the Arab League, the Organization of
the Islamic Conference and Moscow, all demanding that Israel withdraw
immediately and turn southern Lebanon over to a Lebanese army that cannot
stand up to Hezbollah.
The Guardian wrote, the truth behind the diplomatic efforts to stop
the fighting in Lebanon, a truth that also lies behind Israels threat to expand
the war if it is not satisfied with the outcome, is that everything now
revolves around an attempt to save Israels face. The Olmert government
has to be given a chance to climb down without looking too much like a
loser and allowing Israeli forces to stay in Lebanon for a while may, at least
in Israels estimation, meet that requirement. That is why the powers are
working hard at the United Nations and elsewhere to persuade the Arab
countries to soften their position on a continued Israeli presence. It is not so
much that the Israeli defence forces want to stay so they can continue
hammering Hezbollah, but that the Israeli government wants them to stay on
to give the Israeli public the feeling that we shoved them.
Even if the campaign in Lebanon should lead to a situation in which
the demilitarization of Hezbollah comes a little earlier, how can all the
damage that has been done in the past month be justified by such a
small improvement in Israels security?
That icon of Israeli policy, the deterrent image of the Israeli defence
forces, is badly dented, for Lebanon has shown not only a dismal
combination of poor political judgment and inadequate intelligence on the
civilian side, but a failure on the military side to achieve the decisive results
It should not be forgotten that, while attention has been focused on
Lebanon, Israeli military actions in Gaza have killed almost 200 people,
while a good proportion of the Palestinian Authoritys ministers and
parliamentarians remain in detention. What little there was in the way of an
Israeli plan for dealing with a Hamas leadership in Palestine lies in ruins?
The more rows the Israeli establishment has over Lebanon, the better.
Facing up to the failure, and confronting the strategic errors which led to it,
will be vital if Israel is to think through its problems in a rational way. The
Israelis need a way out, and the difficult task is to give them one without
also storing up trouble for the future. The alternative is the continuation of a
war that even the hawks no longer want to pursue.
Ahmed Quraishi wrote, any ceasefire this week in the almost onemonth old war will come in the backdrop of growing public interest in two
questions. One, what has Israel achieved from the war and, two, what has
Hezbollah gained from the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers on July 12.
Hezbollah may not have expected this war. But it sure was ready for
one. It has succeeded so far in surviving almost a month of ruthless Israeli
air fire. Not only that, Hezbollah has also scored a first. This is the first time
that someone in the Middle East gave Israel a bloody nose for an entire
month. Israel fought back, of course. But no one has seen Israel with such
a bloody nose in a long time.
Hezbollah rockets have reached the Israeli heartland. The only other
someone to ever try to hit Israel by a missile was Saddam Hussein back in
1991. But he was ineffective. And he did it for only a day or two. Hezbollah
fighters have also proved themselves on the ground. They gave Israeli
soldiers and crack units a tough time in the Lebanese cities of Baaldek and
Tyre and have fought pitched battles with them in villages in the south.
But while Hezbollah is surviving on the battlefield, it faces political
difficulties on the home front. In Beirut, the government of Prime Minister
Fouad Siniora has approved a plan that calls for Hezbollah to eventually
surrender its arms to the government once the war is over and turn itself
into a political party, packing up its military wing. The plan has the approval
of almost all of Lebanons political parties This time it finds itself unable
to ignore such a demand.
Hezbollah is also devastated. The people who supported Hezbollah
are the biggest victims of this war. A million have been displaced
Almost all of them have lost their normal lives. And they all live in
temporary shelters now that cannot be sustained for long. Such
commentaries aim at pointing out that peacekeeping wont be easy without
disarming Hezbollah.
He added, on the other hand, before July 12 Israel had an enemy on
its northern border that it claimed was acting as a proxy of Iran. Today, Israel
is inside Lebanon, trying to create a buffer zone, and has pushed Hezbollah
way inside Lebanon Both Syria and Iran appear to be distancing
themselves militarily from the militia, though continuing to give it
political support, especially Iran.
And that is not all. Israel is also trying to convince the world to
send a force to south Lebanon that would have the mandate to fight
Hezbollah if the militia tries to regroup. And finally, Israel says it will only
have a temporary halt in the war, or a cessation of hostilities, not a
ceasefire, until the international force is on the ground.
The French-American UN draft resolution on the cessation of
hostilities if passed, will give the Lebanese government two hard choices;
either to confront Hezbollah, seize its arms and deploy troops in militias
strongholds, risking a Hezbollah backlash, or reject the resolution and
continue to insist that the international community leave it to the Lebanese
government on how to deal with Hezbollah.
While finalizing the resolution, the US has already decided that bulk
of the peacekeeping forces would come from NATO, which includes a
Muslim country; Turkey. Tayyib Erdogan has publicly said hes willing to
send in Turkish troops. But he may have spoken too soon, observed Tulin
Daloglu expressing some reservations:
First: The forces mandate remains unclear. France, like Turkey,
would prefer to find a political way to get Hezbollah to disarm
Two: Erdogan seems to have forgotten Turkeys experience in Cyprus
with UN peacekeepers, which have been there since 1964 And even
today, the peace on the island is preserved less by the UN
peacekeepers, but more by the Turkish military.
effort is required to prod Iran and the United States out of their
entrenched positions.
After the adoption of UNSC Resolution 1701, the New York Times
wrote, It will also require the dispatch of an international military force
with sufficient authority and firepower to guarantee that there can be no
repeat of the Hezbollah provocations that set off this destructive conflict.
Israeli provocations have been accepted as legitimate act of self-defence.
As hard as it will be to seal the border against Hezbollah infiltrations
into Israel, that will not be enough. Hezbollah has rockets that can be fired
from deep inside Lebanon at targets deep inside Israel. These must be
stopped as well, ideally by the full disarmament of Hezbollah that the
Security Council first called for in 2004.
Washington which rightly stood by Israel but wrongly refused to
call for a ceasefire or engage in meaningful diplomacy with Syria, also
paid a price that could further complicate problems in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A rapid and effective follow through on yesterdays resolution could make
up for some of these losses. Anything less will only compound the damage
already done.
The News wrote, Israels intention to basically disregard the ceasefire
for the time being is shown by the tripling of its force in Lebanon a day
before the resolutions passage. The document also calls for an end to
hostilities by both the IDF and Hezbollah. The fact remains that had
America not vetoed the Security Councils draft ceasefire resolution on
July 14 favouring an immediate ceasefire, the latest Israeli invasion of
Lebanon would have stopped dead in the tracks almost immediately after it
had started.
Its not just the inordinate delay that weakens the impact of the
resolution, its also the unjust equilibrium contained in the text. At the
same time as Israel is asked to halt its offensive military operations,
Hezbollah is called upon to end its attacks on Israel. The two actions are
treated as being of the same nature, without a distinction made between
aggressor and the victim.
Israels vacation of the area (Shebaa Farms) is one of Hezbollahs
demands for the release of the two Israelis and the resolution addresses it, at
best, in very vague terms. Whatever the faults of the belated resolution,
the important thing is its immediate implementation. Israel must not be
allowed to drag its feet on a halt to the invasion and immediate withdrawal
from south Lebanon.
The conflict confronts the Muslim World with another formidable
challenge after the 9/11 attacks. Once again, a daring non-state group is the
target of the firepower of a state; Israels persecution of Hezbollah in
Lebanon bears a poignant resemblance to the US action against al-Qaeda in
Afghanistan. Once again the Muslim World has no strategy. It watches in
horror and anguish as Lebanon is turned into a wasteland, said Naman
Prof Anwarul Haque from Islamabad wrote that OIC took no
concrete actions against Israel and the Zionists. It asked the UNO to
punish Israel. The fact that Israel blatantly killed four UN observers, leaves
no doubt that the UN is an organization subservient to the Zionists to the
extent that they can kill its workers and it cant do anything about it.
Abdur Rehman from Islamabad wrote, the attitude of the media and
intellectuals in the Muslim World is absolutely incomprehensible. Why
do they refer to the UN for the solutions of their problems? Can these
intellectuals, media men and columnists present one example when the UN
has actually solved a conflict regarding the Muslim World? Contrary to this
the UN has always acted against the Muslims; the recognition of Israel,
legalizing the invasion of Afghanistan, the continuing crisis of Sudan and
Somalia, ignoring the issue of Kashmir, the mishandling of Bosnia and
Chechnya The list goes on.
If the media and intellectuals continue to stick to their demands of a
role of the UN in the resolution of the outstanding issues in the Muslim
World, then they will be playing at the hands of the West, because by doing
so they are actually endorsing the status quo and giving legitimacy to this
body. The world in general and the Muslim Ummah in particular need a
new global leadership.
Asad A Khan from Islamabad said, now that the Israelis are
massacring Lebanese people, including children as young as 10 days old,
while destroying the beautiful city of Beirut and the infrastructure of
Lebanon and occupying large chunks of the Lebanese land, the Israeli have
the gall to call the Lebanese terrorists. And majority of the Muslim ruling
elite quietly agrees with Israelis.
Zain Mankani said, political and religious leaders of the Muslim
Ummah have fallen into a new low. Previously the worst that could be held
against them was that they lacked the courage to stand up against their
enemies. Now one can go further and say that they cannot even support
those who do take a stand.
Some Arab states have condemned Hezbollah for showing the
courage to kidnap Israeli soldiers and demand a prisoner swap The
members of the OIC seem to have forgotten that the organization was
formed in order to realize the goal of freeing Palestine from Zionist
occupiers. Instead of supporting actions, which may benefit Palestinians,
they have begun condemning them.
In Saudi Arabia, religious clerics have issued edicts to the effect that
it is prohibited to even pray for the victory of Hezbollah, because it is a
Shiite organization comprising of rafidis (dissenters from what is considered
the mainstream Islam). This really has to be the joke of the century, because
it means that Muslims are not even willing to overcome their petty
differences in order to fight against a common enemy. What calamity will
come to pass in the event that Hezbollah scores a victory over Israel? Isnt it
something to pray for? Will the clerics allow the masses to at least pray for
the defeat of the Israelis, if not for the victory of Hezbollah or will that too
amount to sin? And should one then pray for the victory of the Zionists so
that the rafidis suffer a defeat? ... I would have asked the Arab leaders what
happened to the rule: the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but from the
looks of things, it seems that they cant decide whether the Jews are worse or
the so-called rafidis!
What is interesting is that during Hajj it is in Saudi Arabia that all the
various sects come together to perform the pilgrimage. No Saudi leader
would have the courage to divide the mainstream Muslims from the
dissenters or prohibit them from performing the pilgrimage. If Shiites are
so bad that they cant be supported against the Jews, then why are they
allowed to perform Hajj, while the Jews are not allowed to enter Mecca?
This is the unprecedented hypocrisy that plagues Saudi society and leaders.
While they are host to the event that brings all Muslims together, they cant
find a similar place in their heart.
Even a non-Muslim, Robert Fisk, cursed them. The (Arab) ministers
decided to send a delegation to the UN in New York which will have
Washington shaking in its boots and the Saudis agreed to an Arab summit
in Mecca, but one which should not be rushed because it must be carefully
prepared which sounded very like George W Bushs equally
mendacious remark that a ceasefire had to be carefully prepared. And
that will have them shaking in the shoes in Tel Aviv.
It was preposterous, scandalous, shameful to listen to these robed
apparatchiks most of them are paid, armed or otherwise supported by the
West shed their crocodile tears before a nation on its knees.
Air Cdre Azfar A Khan reminded, Lebanon is a Muslim majority
country. Their miseries are the miseries of the whole Islamic World. Let the
Muslims and the Arabs not be counted as separate entities. Most of the
Muslim countries in the Middle East have the latest F-16s and other
weapons. The greatest of all the weapons is oil which, if used, can cause
reverberations in the whole world. But whos prepared to use it? Azfar
should have known that the F-16s have been provided with the condition of
not using these against Israel. Pakistan too is likely to get additional F-16s
on similar conditions.
There were demonstrations in the whole world against the invasion of
Iraq by the US. Even Russia, China and France could not stop the US from
achieving its aim. In this world, one has to be strong in order to
survive The Muslim World must wake up from its deep slumber.
Azam Khalil opined that to achieve a degree of self-respect it would
be essential for the Muslim countries to pool their resources in a
meaningful way and allow true representatives of the people to rule. This
would be crucial and essential that puppets and lackeys of the West are
removed by popular forces that were always better prepared and equipped to
protect their respective national interests.
It is also time that the Muslim World became self sufficient to protect
itself and its weaker members from the atrocities that include economic
exploitation by anyone; however powerful. They must remember that
power lies in unity and real progress is only possible if one can protect the
integrity of ones country. Once the Muslim countries realize the importance
of unity only then can they begin to cooperate in other important fields that
would ensure protection for their people and their assets.
It is now an accepted fact that the powers with veto rights can easily
subvert the opinion of a vast majority of nations, therefore, the world body is
in essence serving the interests of a few powerful countries and the rest of
the world should never expect justice from the United Nations.
This was another compelling example that increased the importance
of Muslim unity around the world. However, if the Muslim countries fail to
wake up to these realities they must prepare for a long period of
subjugation and disgrace by small countries such as Israel that will
continue to indulge in cruel acts against the Muslims and finally overcome
whatever resistance that exists today.
To achieve this will not be easy and may require some time and
resources, but at the end of the day a purposeful plan would allow
Muslims to keep their chins up with grace and dignity The duties of
rich countries are more than those who are poor.
The OIC needs to be restructured and streamlined in a way that it
can provide muscle to the voice of the Muslim World. At present it is
nothing but a talk-shop and therefore no one listens to resolutions that are
adopted by the organization at different times.
Mir Jamilur Rahman said, there is no chance whatsoever that any
OIC member country will ever catch up with the US military and economic
might or with the economic and scientific strength of Germany, England or
Japan. The Muslim ummah and their leaders have more important
things to do than involve themselves in mundane subjects of science and
Shireen M Mazari was of the view that the Bush-Blair combine will
never be satisfied with Pakistan, no matter what it does. That is why while
Bush was effusive in his thanks to Blair on unveiling an alleged plot to blow
up airliners across the Atlantic, there was no thanks coming forth to the
Pakistani leadership which not only unearthed the alleged plot and so
nicely timed for the Bush-Blair combine given the increasing criticism of
their support to Israeli aggression, akin to war crimes on a massive scale,
against Lebanon. So having put the Muslim World on the defensive once
again, it should hardly surprise anyone that the figure of 1,100 Lebanese
dead may have missed by the Ummah.
After all, out of all the Muslim World, it is only Pakistan, which
despite it myriad problems, withstood tremendous pressure over decades and
acquired nuclear capability. And it is Pakistan that commands respect on the
Muslim street, including the Arab street. And it is Pakistan that, despite its
many scars, continues to rightfully challenge the bully on the block, India,
and dares to still pursue some level of an external policy that sits
uncomfortably with the US just as our nuclear status sits uncomfortably
with the Christian West. I use the word Christian deliberately because we
are descending into an international relations framework where religion is
being used to define political interaction amongst states.
The war on terror is now in a state of flux. The degeneration of this
laudable international objective began with the US-led, coalition of the
willing supported invasion of Iraq and has now reached a new low point
within the context of collective responsibility being exercised by Israel
supported by the Bush-Blair combine to kill innocent Arabs in Lebanon.
Pakistanis need to shed a few more tears and hold back on our
bombast to show our sensitivity to our peoples plight and the tragedies that
strike us. That is why the Lebanese premiers public tears were a sign of his
greatness because he felt the tragedy of his people. I dont recall any tears on
our leaders faces at the fall of Dhaka or at the shooting of the Atlantique.
Mahanoor from Nowshera was hurt by the remarks of air chief
marshal on tears of Lebanese prime minister, who had said that Pakistan
would never have to cry like Siniora. He was in tears because of out of love
for his compatriots and I think there is nothing wrong with that. Moreover,
time is nobodys friend.
Today they are in trouble, God forbid, tomorrow we could be in
trouble. I think the air chief marshal was quite disrespectful (just like
Israeli foreign minister). He has no right to comment on Lebanons leaders
the way he did when he cant do anything beneficial and supportive for
As regards MI5-ISI collaboration, it took the focus off Lebanon,
because the war was embarrassing the civilized world in many ways. It
allowed Western Media to ignore the ongoing bloodletting and instead
bemoan over that which has been averted. It indulged in Muslim-bashing,
instead of unpleasant reporting about the perpetration of death and
destruction by its Jewish ally.
There is nothing new to add to all that has been mentioned in earlier
weeks, except the likely impact of the UNSC Resolution 1701. Before
drawing inferences from the resolution, some views on earlier deductions are
reproduced; first, the rage and anger that the war has ignited in Muslim
Kamila Hyat observed, in this re-ignition of fury and of a deep-rooted
rage against The injustice seen in the Middle East, there may possibly lie
more danger around the corners and behind the smoke caused by falling
bombs, than Washingtonhas envisaged. Already, the possibility of some
kind of Hezbollah victory, of resistance continuing till Israel and its allies are
forced onto the back foot, is being raised. This would mean a boost for
anti-US groups across the Middle East, and could well threaten the puppet
presidents and monarchs who today enable the US to pursue it dangerous
agenda in the region.
And even as the US continues its remarkably ineffective war against
terror more children will look to these men as their heroes in a world
that has failed to offer them any meaningful alternatives or any answers to
the injustice and exploitation they have faced generation after generation and
decade after decade.
What the conflict will certainly do is to inspire many more to take
up arms and offer their lives in the cause of a battle against the US. This
translates into more blasts in western capitals, more training camps in other
nations and most crucially of all, an increase in the support for the terrorist
outfits that today, in many parts of the world, represent the most visible front
against the imperialism of Washington and its allies.
The manner in which Hezbollah has been able to unite the people
of Lebanon, one of the most progressive and liberal of Arab nations, behind
it is too a matter of some significance. It has gained support even from the
countrys Christians, who had in the past bitterly opposed it.
Noam Chomsky said, one very likely consequence, as the United
States and Israel surely anticipated, is a significant increase in jihadi-style
terrorism as anger and hatred directed against the United States, Israel,
and Britain sweep the Arab and Muslim worlds. Another is that Nasrallah,
whether he survives or is killed, will become an even more important
symbol of resistance to US-Israeli aggression.
Hezbollah already has a phenomenal 87% support in Lebanon itself,
and its resistance has energized popular opinion to such an extent that even
the oldest and closest US allies have been compelled to say that: If the
peace option is rejected due to the Israeli arrogance, then only the war option
remains, and no one knows the repercussions befalling the region,
including wars and conflict that will spare no one, including those whose
military power is now tempting them to play with fire. Thats from King
Gilbert Achcar opined that far from inducing civil war between the
Lebanese, Israels brutal aggression only succeeded so far in uniting
them in a common resentment against its murderous brutality. Tariq Ali,
however, was not sure that the war would have similar effect on the Ummah,
Dr M S Jillani was.
What might come out to be the most noteworthy feature of this
engagement could be its role in solidifying the Muslim Ummah and the
near obliteration of the sectarian divide among the Muslims. Another
outcome of brutality and disregard for human life may be the renewed
resolve to liberate Arab lands from Israels occupation, cutting it to size and
monitoring the supply of arms and technology from the Western countries to
His optimism did not obscure his vision to take note of ground
realities. Myriad interests of various nations have kept the settlement of
the Palestine issue elusive. And the trend continues. One has selected five
broad areas, which hinder the solution to problems of the Middle East in
particular the Palestine issue.
First: It should be understood that Israel is not a territory obtained by
people residing there, nor do they govern it. It is a product of the
governments of Europe and the USA who wanted to rule the Middle
East through proxy
Second: Since the Israeli attack on Lebanon, the major targets of
government leaders, media and politicians of the United States have been
Syria and Iran. It is not without reason. Iraq and Iran are oil rich. Syria has
had a strong influence in Lebanon Iraq having been pulverized already,
Iran and Syria remain the main targets of the industrial world, led by
the United States.
Third: It is well known that the industrial countries engage in wars to
increase employment, enhance production of their factories and impose their
economic and political dominance in the war-stricken areas during and
after the war. Middle East has been subjected to constant aggression to
create a feeling of helplessness in the area, increase the amount of profit for
the supplies of arms, and provide an opportunity to the industrial countries
to establish their superiority and strength, through brokering peace and
rebuilding the devastated countries
the Islamic militants, who not only tarnish the image of Islam but also
hamper the betterment of the Ummah. Muslim masses, who love their
freedom and self respect, have to find ways and means to get rid of the
stooges of the West, before embarking on confronting the Crusaders.
The war has ended in a stalemate allowing the each side to claim
victory. Either side has some successes, but failures were many. Israel has:
Secured a buffer zone in Southern Lebanon where international
force can be deployed for security of Israel.
Failed in destroying the militia and eliminating its leader despite its
relentless efforts, but weakened Hezbollah militarily and caused lot of
pain to its Shiite backers through collective punishment.
Failed in triggering an Iraq-like civil war and even alienating the
Lebanese from Hezbollah. Also, failed in toppling the Lebanese
government to install a puppet regime.
Failed in re-establishing the deterrence of IDF and instead exposed
vulnerability of Israeli rear.
Failed to secure release of its prisoners through use of force and
instead its irrational approach to regional issues has been completely
The gains and losses of Hezbollah were as under:
By targeting installations inside Israel with rockets, the militia
exposed a serious vulnerability of Israel, which is surrounded by Arab
countries from three sides.
It may not have defeated the IDF, but it showed that the defender can
fight back through good planning, thorough preparation and
unflinching determination.
By fighting resolutely for the defence of Lebanon, mostly through
conventional means and tactics, the militia can no more be termed as a
loose terrorist organization.
Like Israel, it failed in securing the release of prisoners and caused lot
pain to Lebanese.
The war has certain lessons for those who are interested in learning.
Hezbollah conceived, outlined, and practiced a strategy to fight successfully
against the might of conventional army equipped with high-tech weapons
and means of delivery. It proved that a militia supported by the masses can
defend a motherland far better than a professional standing army, raised
and used for protection of the interests of the rulers. This also implied that
nationalistic spirit is far stronger motivational factor as compared to any
political or economic interest.
Hezbollahs performance has a message not so pleasant for the
westward-looking ruling elites in Islamic World to other militias in Islamic
World that their destiny is in their hands and not in the hands of their rulers
who are allies of the West.
The Lebanese, however, demonstrated national unity despite religious,
sectarian, ethnic and political divides. Their unity influenced the outcome of
the conflict more than any other factor. This has the message for the rulers of
Ummah, who sometime back had pledged to defend a Muslim country
united, if attacked; and having pledged that they had flocked around Kaaba
to show their sincerity. None of them fulfilled their promise, except Iran and
Syria. Their inability to do so has rendered their collective worth far less
than a single fighter of Hezbollah in the eyes of the Muslim masses.
Hezbollahs performance must have reassured Iran and Syria; the next
two countries in the line of fire. The two countries, however, will face
difficulties in rearming the Hezbollah because Crusaders and Israel seemed
determined to block the replenishment attempts.
Religio-political parties and groups in Islamic World must have been
encouraged to actively participate in political process of their countries.
Muslim Brotherhood, for example, with its base in Egypt and off-shoots in
Syria and Jordan could win more popular support.
Unity of the Crusaders was once again demonstrated in defying all
calls for an early ceasefire to give sufficient time to Israel to accomplish the
tasks approved well in advance of the start of war, and when they saw that
not happening, they rescued Israel through UNSC resolution.
The respite provided by the Resolution 1701, will be utilized to
replenish and re-arm Israel in the light of the experience of the fighting with
a resilient non-state actor. In other words the preparations for the next
round will continue.
With the adoption of UNSC resolution, the Zionist warriors and their
supporters from the lands of the Crusaders retreated to homeland encased
their flags bearing Star of David and Stars and Strips and assembled under
blue umbrella of the UN to pursue their goals through diplomacy.
Henceforth and till next round of the armed conflict, peace rhetoric will
replace the war cries.
On 16th August, foreign ministers of France and Turkey arrived in
Beirut to discuss plan for assembly of UN forces. OIC delegation led by
Malaysian and Pakistani foreign ministers also reached Beirut to clean the
dirt off turnips.
One man was killed in Lebanon due to left-over war munitions.
Lebanese started returning at the rate of 6,000 an hour to rebuild their homes
despite Israeli warnings. In contrast, a trickle of residents returned to their
homes in Northern Israel, despite government offers of free transport from
their temporary refuges.
By next day, no country had made firm commitment to peacekeeping
force, except about dozen European countries expressing interest. France
considered reducing it participation to just 200-men because of security
Hezbollah acknowledged the help from Iran and Syria in its victory
over Israel. The United Nations identified at least ten places were Israel used
cluster bombs in southern Lebanon; where 16 people have died so far after
the bombs were dropped.
There was no news about two journalists of Fox TV network, who were
kidnapped a week ago.
Mahmoud Abbas refused to form coalition government unless the
Hamas-led cabinet clearly accepted a political programme that recognizes
Israel. Haneiyah had requested him for formation of coalition government.
Cessation of hostilities did not stop the criticism of death and
destruction perpetrated by Israel in connivance with the Crusaders. The
respite led the debate on Victory or Defeat. The resolution also came under
scrutiny of the analysts.
The widespread destruction of defenceless Lebanon its civilians, its
life-sustaining public services, its environment is a grim and indelible
testament to your consummate cruelty and ignorance. Nearly two weeks
ago when your tardy Secretary of State met with the Israeli Prime Minister,
the message she carried was summarized in a large headline across page one
of an Israeli newspaper: TAKE YOUR TIME. wrote Ralph Nader in his
open letter to Bush.
Are there words to describe your strategic stupidity which will
further increase opposition and peril to the United States around the world
and especially in the Middle East? All this is a growing blowback, to
use the CIA word for a boomeranging foreign policy that is endangering
the security of the United States.
While replying to question about supply of weapons to Hezbollah by
Syria and Iran, George Galloway in his interview to the Counterpunch said,
America has given Israel missiles that can target not just every city in
Lebanon, but every city in the Arab and Muslim world including Iran!
Why America should be allowed to give long range missiles to Israel
including hundreds of nuclear missiles They are not a terrorist
organization! Its Israel who is the terrorist; precisely.
One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. You are
totally wrong in saying that in most peoples eyes Hezbollah are terrorists. In
most peoples eyes, Israel is a terrorist state! The fact that you cannot
comprehend that fact that leads to the bias, which runs through all your
reporting, and every question youve been asking me in that interview.
Gaza take one or two soldiers, Israel looks upon this as a justification for an
attack on the civilian population of Lebanon and Gaza. I do not think thats
Ever since Israel has been a nation the United States has provided the
leadership. Every president down the ages has done this in a fairly balanced
way This administration has not attempted at all in the last six years
to negotiate or attempt to negotiate a settlement between Israel and any of
its neighbours or the Palestinians You never can be certain in advance that
negotiations in difficult circumstances will be successful, but you can be
certain in advance if you dont negotiate that your problem is going to
continue and may be even get worse.
About coalition between Christian fundamentalists and the
Republican Party, he said: the fundamentalists believe they have a unique
relationship with God, and that they and their ideas and Gods premises on
the particular issue. Therefore, by definition since they are speaking for God
anyone who disagrees with them is inherently wrong. And the next step is:
Those who disagree with them are inherently inferior, and in extreme cases
as is the case with some fundamentalists around the world it makes your
opponents sub-humans, so that their lives are not significant.
The New York Times wrote, many Lebanese are furiously blaming
the United States as well as Israel for their suffering. Whatever anger they
may also harbor toward Hezbollah for provoking the war is being more than
neutralized by the militias swift on-the-scene response and the large piles of
cash it is handing out, courtesy of Iran.
George Bisharat said, in 1982, Israel withdrew from the Sinai
Peninsula as part of a comprehensive peace agreement with Egypt. Twentyfour years of peace on the border followed. But unilateral deployments that
only shift the character of Israeli control over Palestinian lives will never
yield such results. Unilateralism wherein the legitimate interests of the
other party are ignored is the flaw, not withdrawal. Would Americans
remain quiescent if a neighbouring power sealed our borders and airspace,
suffocated our economy, expanded into our most desirable lands and
attempted to throttle our democratically elected government?.. We should
counsel Israel to abandon unilateralism and unremitting violence against
civilians. Negotiations based on respect for international law and equal
rights offer the only way to lasting peace.
Shamshad Ahmad Khan observed, while this tragedy was being
enacted, the world community remained silent if not indifferent. The United
Nations was paralyzed as ever. Most of the Arab royalties and rulers were
upset and sleepless not on Israeli aggression but over Hezbollahs
incredible military resilience and growing popular ascendancy.
Hypocrisy at its worst was the rule of the game. The US and its
Western co-belligerents in its Long War for global domination and
control were seen by most as accomplices in the latest conflagration in the
Middle East, which many observers thought was yet another Pentagon war.
It was seen to be meant only to target Syria and Iran by cutting Hezbollah
from Lebanese society.
There was visible anger among the Lebanese on UNs
powerlessness. They felt deserted by the so-called international
community (self-proclaimed code name for the West or whoever joins their
fighting coalitions) which could not have been more complacent by doing
nothing to get Israel stop its aggression.
Interestingly, the war plan, which was reportedly disclosed by an
anonymous Israeli army officer, envisaged the first week to be dedicated to
destroy Hezbollahs long-range missiles, bomb its command-and-control
centres, and bomb transportation and communication routes. That did
happen, at least in theory; but Hezbollah remained intact, and perhaps
more resilient and more popular than before.
In the second week, according to plan, the attacks were to
concentrate on individual sites of Hezbollahs rocket launchers and
weapons caches. These attacks took place non-stop rather
indiscriminately as was manifested in the Qana massacre. Ground forces
were to enter the war in third week to attack targets identified during
reconnaissance missions. That also happened as envisaged The plan
reportedly did not call for a ground invasion and occupation of southern
Lebanon. There was not much to occupy anyway in a country which had
been devastated by indiscriminate Israeli attacks
Orit Weksler, a Jew who migrated from Israel to settle in USA, wrote,
some people justify Israels actions by arguing that Jews need a place to go
when anti-Semitism breaks out somewhere in the world. But as Yeshayahu
Leibowitz, the philosopher and outspoken public figure, once said: the most
dangerous place for Jews in the world is the state of Israel.
What does Israel has to offer Jews who come to find shelter? Right
now its offering grief, fear and shame. If were doomed to be a nation that
lives by the sword, as is commonly proclaimed on the streets of Tel Aviv
these days, then I opt out.
Criticism to arrogant minds is like water to the rock. It was amply
evident from the article of Condy Rice: For the past month the United
States has worked urgently to end the violence that Hezbollah and its
sponsors have imposed on the people of Lebanon and Israel. At the same
time, we have insisted that a truly effective ceasefire requires a decisive
change from the status quo that produced this war. Last Friday we took an
important step toward that goal with the unanimous passage of UN
Resolution 1701. Now the difficult, critical task of implementation begins.
The agreement we reached has three essential components: first, it
puts in place a full cessation of hostilities. We also insisted on the
unconditional release of the abducted Israeli soldiers. Hezbollah must
immediately cease its attacks on Israel, and Israel must halt its offensive
while reserving the right of any sovereign state to defend itself.
Second, this resolution will help the democratic government of
Lebanon expand its sovereign authority. The international community is
imposing an embargo on all weapons heading into Lebanon without the
governments consent.
Finally, this resolution clearly lays out the political principles to
secure a lasting peace: no foreign forces, no weapons and no authority in
Lebanon other than that of the sovereign Lebanese government For
the first time, the international community has put its full weight behind a
practical framework to help the Lebanese government realize these
principles, including the disarmament of all militias operating on its
This is a victory for all who are committed to moderation and
democracy in the Middle East and a defeat for those who wish to
undermine these principles with violence, particularly the governments of
Syria and Iran. While the entire world has spent the past month working for
peace, the Syrian and Iranian regimes have sought to prolong and intensify
the war that Hezbollah started. In fact, America has been doing exactly that.
The agreement we reached last week is a good step, but it is only a
first step. Though we hope that it will lead to a permanent ceasefire, no one
should expect an immediate stop to all acts of violence Looking ahead,
our most pressing challenge is to help the hundreds of thousands of
displaced people within Lebanon to return to their homes and rebuild their
lives For our part, the United States is helping to lead relief efforts for the
people of Lebanon, and we fully support them as they rebuild their country.
Her distorted perception, expressed in her own words, is the product
of mind distorted by extreme prejudices, hatred and the decades-old habit of
telling lies. She promised nothing else but continuation of the pursuit of
aims which could not be achieved through use of force. No wonder young
presenters of a TV programme called her KATCHRA RANI and Anaconda
The Guardian wrote, the motives of the US administration are easy to
understand. The neocons believe that, by attacking Hezbollah, Israel is
helping them to confront Iran. Its bombing raids could even be a wet run
for an assault on Irans nuclear facilities. While a full-scale invasion of that
country is impossible, fighting the guerrillas they regard as Iranian proxies is
the next best thing.
The Israeli columnist Tanya Reinhart reminds us that David BenGurion, the founder of the state of Israel, believed that its borders should be
natural: the Jordan River in the east, the Suez Canal and Sharm el-Sheikh
in the south-west and south, and the Litani River in the north In his book
The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World, the historian Avi Shlaim
describes Ben-Gurions fantastic plan for annexing southern Lebanon
and turning the rest of the country into a Maronite Christian state.
The soldiers planning this assault envisaged an operation lasting for
three weeks. They would storm into Lebanon, eliminate Hezbollah and
storm out again. Since the attack began, Israel has been pressing for
someone else the multinational force to patrol southern Lebanon
on its behalf.
Faced with emboldened enemies, they (Israeli Defence Forces) can
demand more resources and greater powers. The generals did not intend
to lose, but even this disaster has done them no harm. It has made the Israeli
people less secure and therefore more inclined to vote for those who promise
to defend them.
Omer Salam from Abu Dhabi wrote, Bush continues to refer to
Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, knowing very well that Muslim masses
consider Hezbollah fighters heroes. The US continues to supply the latest
weapons to Israel, but demands that Iran and Syria not to supply
weapons to Hezbollah. The idea of reshaping the Middle East proposed by
Bush and Blair is clearly off track, and the plan they thought would be a
prelude to an attack on Iran has backfired.
and possibly determined to destroy it as well. There are others who claim
that Iran instigated this crisis to divert the worlds focus away from its
nuclear weapons programme.
Off-the-record meetings with more credible analysts in Washington,
however, revealed a more nuanced picture. Many of them did not hesitate to
admit that the Lebanon war could not have come at a more opportune
moment for the Bush Administration when seen in the context of Iraq.
In such a scenario, the administrations strong and enthusiastic
support for Israel, that prevented the UN from even considering a
possible ceasefire in Lebanon for a month so that Israel could achieve its
war objectives in that country, has brought it rich dividends at home. The
administration has earned Kudos from the traditionally pro-Israeli lobbies,
and, more importantly, given fresh sustenance to the Christian right and the
neo-conservatives, who had been expressing the fear that under Condoleezza
Rices influence, the president was wavering in his commitment to the neocon agenda that had dominated his administration in the first term.
In any case, the Lebanon war, as seen in Washington, has gone
through major evolution. It started off with an understanding of and
admiration for Israeli policies. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was
hailed as a bold and forceful leader, a genuine protg of Ariel Sharon, and
doing America a favour by his willingness to knock out Hezbollah. This
sense of excitement and expectation was best reflected in Condoleezza
Rices now infamous remark that invasion was the harbinger of the birth
pangs of a new Middle East.
US expectations were soon transformed into disappointment with
the Israelis and anger at Hezbollah, especially when it turned out that the
latter were not fighting as other armies had and were showing far greater
skill and grit than expected. Surely, it must be on account of the weapons
and the money that the Iranians were providing them, otherwise, like other
Arabs, they should have abandoned the battlefield and surrendered to the
professional skill and superior weaponry of Israel, it was argued here.
There is, however, a growing concern and grudging admission that
the latest adventure has been a serious setback for the Israeli state and its
ally, the United States. The embarrassment is greater now that the word
has leaked out that not only had Israel received the green light for the
invasion, but had discussed this operation with both the US and the UK.
Bush may claim a major victory for Israel as he did after the ceasefire was
announced, but even the Israelis are admitting that they made mess of
Hezbollahs success in raining down rockets, virtually at will, on
Israeli cities, has been another surprise. This led Hillel Frish of the Begin
Centre to remark that technology has taken a blow in the war, and that this
will surely result in major shifts in Israels military strategy and tactics.
Most worrying for the US, it is Iran that appears to have gained the
most from this conflict. Its effectiveness and credibility have been enhanced
and it has proven itself a major player in the region.
Another casualty of the war has been the American pretence that
it remains committed to the promotion of democracy in the Middle East.
This is even more ironic when it is recalled that only last summer Secretary
Rice, in an emotional speech in Cairo, had declared: there are those who say
that democracy leads to chaos, or conflict or terror. Freedom and democracy
are the only ideas powerful enough to overcome hatred and violence.
All said and done, the arrogance of the aggressor remained in place.
Gulf News wrote, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the world that
the fight against Hezbollah was not over. He made this caveat while at the
same time declaring Israel would observe UN Resolution 1701, which called
a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah. Few doubted Olmert,
for in the eyes of the Israeli government, there was unfinished business to
take care of, not least being the complete disarming of the Hezbollah
regime And that is exactly what Olmert has done. For on Friday, Israeli
commandos carried out a raid in the Bakaa Valley in Lebanon; in the
purported belief that it was to prevent transfer of arms from Iran and Syria to
Jordan Times was of the view that conventional wisdom says that
when a war ends without a winner or loser, another war will soon erupt
as sure as the sun rises every morning. The rhetoric now emerging from
Israel suggests that it is expecting another round of fighting sooner or later.
Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu is already talking
about another round of fighting to finish what he calls the unfinished war
with Hezbollah. Netanyahu declared in the Knesset on Monday that Israel
had failed in its war against Hezbollah and predicted that there is no
escaping another war!
Israel may exploit the internal Lebanese debate about disarming
Hezbollah as suggested in Resolution 1701, or the eventual withdrawal of
its forces to a point beyond the Litani River, to reignite another round of
fighting sooner rather than later.
Israeli warplanes are still patrolling the skies of Lebanon and the
Israeli navy and air force are still imposing a blockade of the country by sea
and air in defiance of Resolution 1701. There is growing fear, therefore, that
the stage is being rapidly set for another explosion unless both sides
faithfully respect what they solemnly agreed to after the adoption of the
The war ended in a stalemate, but left the situation ripe for debating as
to who won or lost in the conflict. Reporting from battlefield, Robert Fisk
said, you have to be down here with the Hezbollah amid this terrifying
destruction way south of Litani River, in the territory from which Israel
once vowed to expel them to realize the nature of the past month of war
and its enormous political significance to the Middle East. Israels mighty
army has already retreated from the neighbouring village of Ghandoutiya
after losing 40 men in just over 36 hours of fighting. It has not even
managed to penetrate the smashed town of Khiam where the Hezbollah
were celebrating yesterday afternoon. In Srifa, I stood with Hezbollah men
looking at the empty roads to the south and could see all the way to Israel
and the settlement of Mirgav Am on the other side of the frontier. This is not
the way the war was supposed to have ended for Israel.
Far from humiliating Iran and Syria which was the IsraeliAmerican plan these two supposedly pariah states have been left
untouched and the Hezbollahs reputation lionized across the Arab
World. The opportunity which President George Bush and his Secretary of
State, Condoleezza Rice, apparently saw in the Lebanon war has turned out
to be an opportunity for Americas enemies to show the weakness of Israels
army. Indeed, last night, scarcely any Israeli armour was to be seen inside
Lebanon just one solitary tank could be glimpsed outside Bint Jbeil and
the Israelis had retreated even from the safe Christian town of Marjayoun.
It is now clear that the 30,000-strong Israeli army reported to be racing north
to the Litani River never extended. In fact, it is unlikely that there were
yesterday more than 1,000 Israeli soldiers left in all of southern Lebanon,
although they did become involved in two firefights during the morning,
hours after the UN-ceasefire went into effect.
Down the coast road from Beirut, meanwhile, came a massive exodus
of tens of thousands of Shia families, bedding piled on the roofs of their
cars, many of them sporting Hezbollah flags and pictures of Sayed Hassan
Nasrallah, Hezbollahs chairman, on their windscreens. At the massive
traffic jams around the broken motorway bridges and craters which litter the
landscape, the Hezbollah was even handing out yellow and green
victory flags, along with official notices urging parents not to allow
children to play with the thousands of unexploded bombs that now lie across
the landscape.
But to what are these people returning? Haj Ali Dakroub, a 42-year
old construction manager, lost part of his home in Israels 1996
bombardment of Srifa. Now his entire house has been flattened. What is
here that Israel should destroy all this? he asked. We dont deny that the
resistance was in Srifa. It was here before and it will be here in future.
But in this house lived only my family. So why would Israel bomb it?
I am going to rebuild my home with my two sons, he insisted. Israel
may come back in 10 years and destroy it all over again and then Ill just
rebuild it all over again. This was Hezbollah victory. The Israelis were able
to defeat all the Arab countries in six days in 1967 but here they could not
defeat the resistance in a month. These resistance men would come out of
the ground and shoot back. They are still here.
In another dispatch, he commented on Syrian Presidents speech with
his anti-Syrian mindset. There was plenty of hyperbole in the Assad speech.
A conflict that has cost 1,000 Lebanese civilian lives can hardly be called
a glorious battle but he did at least reflect more reality than his opposite
number in Washington who, driven by self-delusion or his love of Israel,
claimed that Hezbollah had been defeated in Lebanon.
It is clear that President Assad now sees himself back at the centre of
Arab power after his armys humiliating retreat from Lebanon last year.
There was no more need for defeatism among Arabs, he said a
sentiment widely held in the real Arab World but quite absent from President
Bushs fantasy Middle East.
The truth is Israel opened its attack on Lebanon by claiming the
Lebanese government was responsible for Hezbollahs attack which it
clearly was not and that its military actions would achieve the liberation of
the captured soldiers This, the Israelis have signally failed to do. The
loss of 40 soldiers in just 36 hours and the successful Hezbollah attacks
against Israeli armour in Lebanon were a disaster for the Israeli army.
The fact that Syria could bellow about the achievements of
Hezbollah while avoiding the destruction of a blade of grass inside Syria
suggests a cynicism that has yet to be grasped inside the Arab World. But
for now, Syria has won. Iran, as Hezbollahs principal supporter, clearly
thinks so too.
Scott Atran opined that whatever the endgame between Israel,
Hezbollah and Hamas, one thing is certain: Israels hopes of ensuring its
security by walling itself off from resentful neighbours are dead. One
lesson from Israels assault on Lebanon and its military operation in Gaza is
that the missiles blow back.
Mr. Haneiyahs government had just agreed to a historic compromise
with Fatah and its leader, President Mahmoud Abbas, forming a national
coalition that implicitly accepts the coexistence alongside Israel. But this
breakthrough was quickly overshadowed by Israels offensive into Gaza
The Israeli offensive also had a larger strategic goal: to destroy whatever
potential the Hamas government had to prevent Israel from unilaterally
redrawing its boundaries to include some West Bank settlements
David Hirst said, what is new and dramatically so about this
campaign is its outcome. Arabs soon dubbed this the sixth Arab-Israeli war,
and for some of them and indeed for some Israelis it already ranks, in its
strategic, psychological and political consequences, as perhaps the most
significant since Israels war of independence in 1948.
What, on July 12, made Hezbollahs seizure of two soldiers so
unbearable was not that it was a terrorist act; it was that allowed to pass
without an appropriate response it would have constituted a grievous blow
to that deterrent power. But with the extraordinary shortcomings of that
response it has not only failed to repair its deterrent power, it has
undermined it as ever before.
Hezbollah achieved this in various ways. On the strictly military
level, a small band of irregulars kept at bay one of the worlds most powerful
armies for over a month, and inflicted remarkable losses on it; the manner in
which it did this a combination of professional skills, ingenuity, intrepidity,
meticulous preparation, masterful use of anti-tank missiles, brilliant
organization, labyrinthine underground defences is only now fully coming
to light.
It is not just Hezbollahs performance in itself that has changed the
balance of power at Israels expense; it is the example it sets for the whole
region. In his way Hassan Nasrallah is now an even more inspiring Arab
hero than Nasser was; Hezbollahs achievement has had an electrifying
impact on the Arab and Muslim masses that largely transcends the otherwise
across the Middle East. Not Bush or Blair, for whom every attack by
terrorists even those motivated by opposition to their policies is a further
vindication of their war on terror.
Patrick Seale was of the view that Israeli strategists and their neocon
allies in Washington see Hezbollah as a forward outpost of Iran. With the
Lebanon war, they tried to destroy Hezbollah in order to weaken Iran and
make it more vulnerable to attack. They wanted to rob Iran of the ability
to hit back by means of Hezbollah, but failed.
Fawaz Turki wrote, war, especially peoples war, has a dialectic all its
own. You win by ensuring that the political goals of your enemy, pursued in
this case via military means, will continue to elude him. To that extent, we
can say that Hezbollah has won the war simply because it was able to
thwart US designs in Lebanon. And lest we forget, this was an American
war fought by it in Lebanon through its Israeli proxy Its not that the
Israelis had a trap that Hezbollah walked into, but there was a strong feeling
in the White House that sooner or later the Israelis were going to do it.
Hirsh tells us, President George W Bush, forever protective of Israel,
was anxious to see that Hezbollahs missiles were destroyed before his
projected assault on Iran, that third leg of the tripod known as the axis of
evil, whose nuclear sites he was determined to destroy.
The cheap war turned expensive for Lebanon, for the Israeli entity
and for the United States. The Lebanese people, with more than a thousand
dead, mostly civilians, a million harrowed and beaten refugees The
Israelis, with more than 160 dead, most of them tellingly soldiers, got a
taste of their own medicine for the first time since 1948
After Lebanon, Washington will discover, to its chagrin, that gusts of
social and political change will indeed blow across the Middle East, but not
those it had anticipated or planned for. Contrary to its expectations, the
Lebanese people did not turn against Hezbollah, and other Arabs,
remembering Condy Rices callous observation about how we were
witnessing the birth pangs of a new Middle East How dumb and dumber
can you be when, motivated by imperial hubris, you persist in doing the
same thing The only cheap thing about the war was the cheap thrill we all
got out of knowing that, in their designs on that sad land, the tricksters
were tricked.
Dr Farrukh Saleem argued, its Hezbollah that is engaging Americas
chief lackey, and its Iran that is now shaping Wests foreign policy agenda.
Hezbollah has won because it hasnt lost. Israel has lost because it hasnt
won. For Israel, not winning amounts to loosing. For Hezbollah, not
losing amounts to winning.
Sibghatullah Khan was of the view that changing the course of
history, Hezbollah has inflicted the worst ever defeat on Israel since its
creation. When Israeli newspapers asked for governments resignation,
Bushs talking of Israels victory sounded like the latest joke. The popularity
of Ehud Olmert has plummeted to all time low, 45 percent. Imagine the
warrior queen, Condoleezza Rice, with her, New Middle East theory,
silhouetted against the jubilant crowd listening fondly to indomitable Hassan
Nasrallahs victory speech.
That is how sometimes wars deliver the goods. Is this the beginning
of the end of the American Empire and Israels hegemony in the Middle
East? After all, Hezbollah is the only Arab force that has fought Israel to
Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine are no doubt highly
motivated and patriotic militias, Burhanuddin Hasan acknowledged, but
the ground reality is that they cannot destroy Israel which is militarily
much stronger and is supported by the United States.
Nasim Zehra noted, despite the political and diplomatic support
extended to Israel through Resolution 1701, the Israelis have experienced a
major military and psychological setback after the one-month-long
encounter with the worlds most effective guerrilla force. Significantly, the
Lebanese, Palestinian and broadly Arab spirit has acquired a new robustness
in recent weeks.
Washington failure in Lebanon is a more ominous one. A more
formidable force has emerged to challenge Washingtons dangerously nave
plans of constructing a new Middle East, of completely supporting state
aggression, of labeling struggle against occupation as terrorism, of seeking
to banish states like Syria and Iran from any dialogue process by branding
them terrorists or supporters of terrorists. Its ways of tackling terrorism are
augmenting the forces of political extremism and swelling the ranks of those
resorting to terrorism.
Significantly, in the post-UNSC Resolution period the US president
has been propagating Israeli innocence and Hezbollah defeat. Helping to
reinforce the Israeli narrative of the war Bushs own fantastic narration was
Hezbollah attacked Israel. Hezbollah started the crisis, and Hezbollah
suffered a defeat in this crisis, the president said at the State Department.
will of the people, you are preparing to be deployed on the soil of the
wounded South, side by side with the forces of your Resistance and your
people, which have amazed the world with their steadfastness and blown
to pieces the reputation of the army about which it has been said that it is
Thus spoke a commander of the Lebanese army. The deployment of
which along the border is being celebrated by the Olmert-Peretz government
as a huge victory, because this army is supposed to confront Hezbollah and
disarm it. Israeli commentators have created the illusion that this army
would be at the disposal of the friends of the US and Israel in Beirut, such as
Fouad Siniora, Saad Hriri and Walid Jumblatt.
But not only has the balloon of the redeeming Lebanese army been
punctured. The same has happened to the multi-coloured second balloon
that was to serve as an Israeli achievement: the deployment of the
international force that would protect Israel from Hezbollah and prevent its
armament. As the days pass, it becomes increasingly clear that this force will
be, at best, a mishmash of small national units, without a clear mandate and
robust capabilities.
After every failed war, the cry for an official investigation goes up in
Israel If indeed such a commission is set up, what will it investigate? The
politicians and generals will try to restrict the inquiry to the technical
aspects of the conduct of the war. These technical aspects would relate to;
preparation for war, sole reliance of airpower, delayed ground offensive,
quality of intelligence, readiness of reserve forces, supply system, launching
of last-minute offensive, and so on.
All these are serious questions and it is certainly necessary to clear
them up. But it is more important to investigate the roots of the war:
What made the trio of Olmert-Peretz-Halutz decide to start a war only
a few hours after the capture of the two soldiers?
Was it agreed with the Americans in advance to go to war the moment
a credible pretext presented itself?
Did the Americans push Israel into the war, and, later on demand that
it go on and on as far as possible?
Was it Condoleezza Rice who decided in fact when to start and when
to stop?
Did the US want to get us entangled against Iran?
a speech of such venomous intransigence (The fact that Israel should know
is that each new generation will hate Israel more than the generation which
preceded it.) that Germanys foreign minister, a leading advocate within the
West for engaging Mr Assad, cancelled a trip to Damascus for which he had
already boarded his jet. Meanwhile, Israels coalition government, never
strong, faces a period of internal investigation and second-guessing of its
conduct of the war.
The Nation, Lahore wrote, according to him (Amir Peretz), his
administration would examine the mistakes of the 34-day war in preparation
for the next round. This corroborates the claim by Israels critics that the
recent attack on Lebanon was planned months before two Israeli soldiers
were kidnapped, the incident cited as an excuse for the military adventure. It
seems that the Israeli army wants to retrieve its image lost in the war
through further aggression.
This explains why Israel continues to provoke both the Lebanese
government and Hezbollah. Four days after the ceasefire a senior Israeli
commander said his government was committed to killing Hezbollah
leader Hassan Nasrallah.
The resolution adopted by the UN Security Council on August 11,
2006 fully satisfies neither Israel nor Washington nor Hezbollah, wrote
Gilbert Achcar. This does not mean that it is fair and balanced: it only
means that it is a temporary expression of a military stalemate. Hezbollah
could not inflict a major military defeat on Israel, a possibility that was
always excluded by the utterly disproportionate balance of forces.
The balance of forces in the country, in light of the mass
demonstrations and counter-demonstrations that occurred, did not make it
possible for the US-allied coalition to envisage a settlement of the
Hezbollah issue by force.
The Washington Post wrote, the chief cause was Hezbollah, a radical
Islamist force that has maintained a sophisticated army beyond the control of
Lebanons government. The resolution adopted on a 15-to-0 vote, if
implemented faithfully by all sides, would significantly reduce
Hezbollahs ability to cause trouble.
But, the newspaper had an observation. The resolution doesnt
explicitly authorize the force to disarm Hezbollah but it does authorize it
to take all necessary action to ensure that southern Lebanon can no longer
be used as a base for attacks against Israel.
The New York Times had similar observations. The ceasefire
resolution, which France negotiated along with the United States, has
enormous holes in it. Most notably it leaves unanswered who, if anyone
will be responsible for disarming Hezbollah. Its unlikely that any
international force will be willing to shed its blood to do something the far
more motivated Israelis couldnt pull off.
It may turn out that the most that can be hoped for is a slow political
marginalization of Hezbollah. Even that will take all the outside aid,
technical support and spine-stiffening for Lebanons government that the
international community can provide. The race has begun, and Hezbollah
is already ahead.
Los Angeles Times wrote, the president spun the UN Security
Council resolution on Lebanon as a victory for Israel and taunted
Hezbollah: How can you claim victory, he asked, when, at one time, you
were a state within a state, safe within southern Lebanon, and now youre
going to be replaced by a Lebanese army and an international force.
Rice emphasized that an expanded UN peacekeeping force would
not physically disarm Hezbollah fighters, a task the United States
believes eventually will be discharged by Lebanon. Rice also offered a more
judicious verdict on how the conflict has affected Hezbollahs standing with
the Lebanese people. Its political advantage, she said, would be very shortlived once the Lebanese realize that Hezbollah was ultimately responsible
for the devastation caused by Israels attacks.
A delay in confiscating Hezbollahs weapons need not be fatal to
peace if Lebanese and international troops quickly gain control of southern
Lebanon, and Hezbollah fighters move north to a point where they cant
threaten Israel There are signs of progress. On Tuesday, Lebanese troops
began arriving in southern Lebanon, and they may soon be joined by the first
wave of an expanded UN force. Meanwhile, Israeli forces have begun
withdrawing from Lebanon.
The New York Daily News questioned, will the UN peacekeepers, at
whatever point they start arriving, disarm Hezbollah? Thats not the UNs
job, says Secretary General Kofi Annan, thats the Lebanese governments
job. No, replies the Lebanese government, thats not our job. And even
Secretary of State, Rice is left to talk about Hezbollah disarming voluntarily.
Well, then. Never mind all these ongoing UN demands that Hezbollah
surrender its weapons, doesnt seem to be anybodys job?
The Washington Post criticized France over meager contribution to
peacekeepers. Now that Israel is withdrawing and Hezbollah fighters are
emerging with a swagger, French President Jacques Chirac says he is ready
to send only an engineering company of 200 soldiers to join 200 serving in
the current, and impotent, UN force in Lebanon. The French general who
had been commanding that force will remain until his tenure expires in
February, this apparently as much as the French had in mind when they
talked about leading the force.
Dr Mehdi Hasan observed, President Bush had deliberately delayed
the passage of ceasefire resolution in the Security Council to provide an
opportunity to Israel for a decisive blow to Iran-supported Hezbollah in
Lebanon. However, as each passing day of the conflict increased Israeli
casualty figures and popularity of Hezbollah, Israel was forced to accept
the call for ceasefire.
After accepting ceasefire, the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, in
his address to the parliament accepted responsibility for invading Lebanon
but said he would not apologize for the abortive military action in which 156
Israeli soldiers and civilians were killed. When the Israeli forces attacked
Lebanon, seventy-five percent Israelis supported the action. However, after
the ceasefire support to the prime minister has dropped to just over 45
Claude Salhani wrote, Javier Solana, the indefatigable European
Unions envoy to the Middle East, summed up the situation at a news
conference in Beirut shortly after the UN Resolution was unanimously
passed. All United Nations resolutions are not perfect, said Solana.
While the resolution does not grant Hezbollah the same defensive
rights, in a televised discussion Hassan Nasrallah reserved the right to
resist the occupation, saying it was the legitimate right of the resistance to
fight for its land.
The resolution does not address the issue of the prisoners, neither
those held by Hezbollah nor the fate of Lebanese prisoners detained by
Israel. It was the abduction of two Israeli soldiers a month ago that
unleashed the war in Lebanon.
Resolution 1701 also does not address the logistics of deploying
the Lebanese army to the south nor does it give details of how and when
was applauded as a mujahid in the 1980s when he wanted the evil empire
to leave Afghanistan but was demoted to the status of a terrorist when he
wanted the empire to leave Saudi Arabia.
Recently, a terror plot in London was unfolded. The suspects
wanted to target a civilian airliner. Lest one should forget, it was the dreaded
Palestinians who founded hi-jacking. Hi-jacking or blowing up a plane is
definitely a cowardly act of terrorism unless it is a Cuban airliner and
the passengers dying in the attack are not Americans or Europeans.
These double standards, however, are leading to more insecurity
across the globe. The victims of US-sponsored terrorism retaliate with
individual terrorism. The late Eqbal Ahmad aptly warned: If youre going to
practice double standards, you will be paid with double standards. Dont use
it. Dont condone Israeli terror, Pakistani terror, Nicaraguan terror It
doesnt work. Try to be even handed. A superpower cannot promote terror in
one place and reasonably expect to discourage terrorism in another place. It
wont work in this shrunken world.
All the diplomatic clout of the United States was used to prevent a
ceasefire, while more military hardware was rushed to the Israeli army. It
was argued that the root causes of the conflict could be addressed, but no
one explained how destroying Lebanon would achieve that, said Lakhdar
And what are these root causes? It is unbelievable that recent
events are so regularly traced back only to the abduction of three Israeli
soldiers. Few speak of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel,
or of its Lebanese prisoners, some of whom have been held for more than 20
years. And there is hardly any mention of military occupation and the
injustice that has come with it.
Rather than helping in the so-called global war on terror, recent
events have benefited the enemies of peace, freedom and democracy. The
region is boiling with resentment, anger and despair, feelings that are not
leading young Arabs and Palestinians toward the so-called New Middle
It is perhaps too early to draw lessons from this month of
madness. What is clear, however, is that Hezbollah scored a political victory
and its leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, has become the most popular figure
in the Muslim World. As for Israel, it does not seem to have achieved its
stated objectives.
Dr Mehdi Hasan observed, President Bushs programme of reshaping the map of the Middle East The fact of the matter is that a new
Middle East has emerged, may be temporarily, on the political map after the
so far longest war between Israel and its Arab neighbours since 1948. The
new Middle East that has emerged after the recent conflict has restored
Arab pride and the myth of Israeli invincibility has gone.
Neutral political observers consider it an important change in the
attitude of the Lebanese that, soon after the ceasefire, about a million
displaced people from Southern Lebanon started returning to their homes
even in the presence of Israeli troops. They ignored the warnings from
Israeli military authorities who had banned all movements in the occupied
The naked aggression by Israel against a sovereign nation in the
name of self-defence was in fact a US proxy war against Iran and Syria, two
adversaries of Israel and US in the Middle East. After the peace agreements
with Egypt and Jordan and invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, Iran and
Syria were thought to be the only enemy countries. However, the military
operation in Iraq backfired as the resistance movement and sectarian strife of
an alarming magnitude gained ground.
As a consequence, Bush is becoming more and more vocal against
Islam and Islamists. His recent statement in which he declared Islam as a
fascist philosophy is just one example of Bushs Christian fundamentalism.
The latest aggression by Israel against a sovereign country and Bush
Administrations support for it has made Hezbollah a new icon for the
Muslims, particularly, for the Arab public. They did not approve of the
difference of their kings, ameers and dictators towards invasion of Iraq and
now they hate the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Decidedly, the latest military adventure of Israel has helped in
creating a new Middle East not exactly as envisaged by Bush. The
liberation struggle of Palestine will get a new boost after the heroic
resilience of Hezbollah in the recent conflict.
The pride of successful resistance to Israeli aggression exclusively
belongs to Hezbollah, but what about rest of the Arabs and Muslim world,
particularly the ruling elite. Dr Mehdi Hasan wrote, the aggression against
Lebanon has once again exposed the inability of the UNand impotence
of the Muslim rulers who have failed to cut Israel to its size.
Ghazi Salahuddin wrote, this is what the chief of our air force was
reported to have said: The Lebanese prime minister was forced to cry
before the media because of weak defence capability of his country and no
such thing would be allowed to happen with Pakistan.
What does this comment actually mean, either with reference to the
war in Lebanon or to the exploits of our military in wars that Pakistan has
fought in the past? Unfortunately, what the air chief has said blatantly was
also hinted by President General Pervez Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz.
At about the same time when guns fell silent to launch a shaky
ceasefire in Lebanon, our prime minister hoisted the national flag in
Islamabad to mark the Independence Day and said that the country was
committed to maintaining a credible defence at all costs. He added that the
defence was in safe and strong hands and the armed forces were fully
capable of defending the country.
In addition to the show of emotion by the Lebanese prime minister,
quite a few other things have, incidentally, happened on the Lebanon front.
Most significantly, it was Hezbollah that was claiming a historic victory.
After braving the month-long onslaught by the extremely powerful Israeli
army, the exhausted Lebanese were out on the streets not as a defeated
lot but as, in a sense, defiant victors.
Meanwhile, the mood in Israel is very different. Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert is facing criticism that he has bungled the offensive. One casualty of
the war, observers have said, is Americas vision of a new Middle East. In
thirty-four days, some new realities have come to the surface. The Israeli
army, with all the support that it gets from the only superpower of this
world, can no longer be considered invincible.
What lessons can be learnt from the Lebanon war? Yes, one can
reject the imperative of a strong army to defend a country. But no less
crucial is the strength of a people that is manifested at various levels. If
the situation in Lebanon was very unique, we may refer to other historical
experiences. After all, the Soviet Union was nor deficient in terms of it
military power. It even had its formidable nuclear arsenal.
Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in his address to the mammoth
rally in Lahore said on October 30, 1947: If we take our inspiration and
guidance from the Holy Quraan the final victory, I once again say, will be
ours. Do we really take our inspiration and guidance from the Holy Quraan?
And what are we doing to impart guidance from the Holy Quraan to our
children, to our young men and women, to the recruits in the armed forces
The war confirms beyond any doubt that Israel is a terrorist state,
which considers itself above accountability even when it commits flagrant
violations of international law or human moral values.
The US and entire lot of White Christians have encouraged, supported
and protected the Zionist state in committing these crimes against humanity,
because they consider that the victims are sub-humans.
Muslim masses are raged by the prevalent situation, but unfortunately
Muslim rulers, barring few, are in league with the Crusaders. This
dichotomy is more pronounced in Arab world, which happens to be the
worst sufferer of unjust policies of the West.
The statement of Chief of Air Staff proves only one thing: the false
sense of security amongst the men at the helm of affairs. The threat which
Pakistan faces, like any other Muslim country, cannot be met by few fighter
planes the air chief has because these will not be able take off by those who
have provided these.
The threat can only be met by the people and for that they have to be
mentally prepared. The spirit, the motivation factor, which could help in
preparing the nation, has been badly mauled by in pursuit of enlightened
Post-resolution events kept unfolding future intentions of the
Crusaders-Zionists Axis. The western leaders continued interpreting or
misinterpreting the Resolution 1701, the analysts remained busy in
condemning the unwarranted aggression; reading possible effects of the war;
and drawing conclusions and lessons.
On 23rd August, France asked Israel to end blockade. Bush promised
to raise reconstruction aid to $ 230 million. Next day, it was reported that
thousands of containers had been turned away due to Israeli blockade. And,
Lebanon was littered with unexploded bombs. Israel said it has provided the
maps to UN showing sites where these unexploded bombs could be found.
On 25th August, EU nations offered to provide more than half of
peacekeeping force. The US was investigating use of cluster bombs on
civilian targets. Chavez accused Israel of acting Hitlers way. Malaysians
boycotted US-made goods. Most Israeli wanted Olmert to resign.
Next day, Lebanon and Israel welcomed EU pledge to contribute
7,000 troops. Fatah agreed upon unity government with Hamas after threeday talks in Amman.
Palestinians fighters released the two journalists on 27 th August.
Reportedly, Israel and Hezbollah reached a deal brokered by Germany for a
prisoner exchange in two to three weeks. UN forces goal is not to destroy
Hezbollah, said Italian Foreign Minister.
Next day, Israeli troops killed four Hamas members in Gaza City.
Iranian delegation arrived in Beirut to strengthen the truce. Chirac warned
that violence would resume without political solution.
In his May 23 summit with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Bush
offered full US support for Israel to attack Lebanon as soon as possible.
Seymour Hersh, in the August 21 New Yorker, quotes a Pentagon consultant
on the Bush Administrations long-standing desire to strike a preemptive
blow against Hezbollah, wrote Stephen Zunes.
Israel was a willing partner. Although numerous Israeli reports
indicate that some Israeli officials, including top military officials are furious
at Bush for pushing Olmert into war, the Israeli government had been
planning the attack since 2004. According to a July 21 article in the San
Francisco Chronicle, Israel had briefed US officials with details of the plans,
including Power Point presentations, in what the newspaper described as
revealing detail.
Some reports have indicated that Secretary of Defence Donald
Rumsfeld was less sanguine than Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice or Bush about the proposed Israeli military
offensive. Rumsfeld apparently believed that Israel should focus less on
bombing and more on ground operations Still, Hersh quotes a former
senior intelligence official as saying that Rumsfeld was delighted that Israel
is our stalking horse.
On July 30, the Jerusalem Post reported that Bush pushed Israel to
expand the war beyond Lebanon and attack Syria. Israeli officials
apparently found the idea nuts... Iran, too, was in the administrations
sights. The Israeli attack on Lebanon, according to Hersh, was to serve as a
prelude to a potential American preemptive attack to destroy Irans nuclear
Members of the US Congress who have unconditionally backed
Israels attacks on Lebanon have responded to constituent outrage by
claiming that they were simply defending Israels legitimate interests. In
We were not trained for this war the reserve soldiers now
complain. They are right. Where could they have been trained: In the alleys
of Jabalieh refugee camp? In the well-rehearsed scenes of embraces and
tears, while removing pampered settlers with sensitivity and
That applies even more to the tanks. It is easy to drive a tank along
the main street of Gaza or over a row of houses in a refugee camp, facing
only stone throwing boys, when the opponent has no trained fighters or halfway modern weapons. Its a hell of a difference driving the same tank in
a built-up area in Lebanon, when a trained guerrilla with an effective antitank weapon can lurk behind every corner. Thats a different story
The simple truth is that for decades now our army has not faced a
serious military force. The last time was 24 years ago, during the First
Lebanon War, when it fought against the Syrian army At the time we said
in my magazine, Haolam Hazeh, that the war was a complete military
failure, a fact that was suppressed by all the military commentators. In that
war, too, our army did not reach its targets on time according to the plan: it
reached them either late or not at all. In the Syrian sector the army did not
reach its assigned objective at all: the Beirut-Damascus road. In the
Lebanese sector it reached that road much too late, and only after violating
the agreed ceasefire.
How to stop the cancer: The military commentator Zeev Schiff has a
patent medicine. Schiff generally reflects the views of the army high
command He proposes to shift the burden of occupation from the army to
the Border Police. Sounds reasonable, but is completely unrealistic.
How can Israel create a second big force to maintain the occupation, on top
of the army, which already costs something 12 billion dollars a year?
Vali Nasr expressed similar views, but in the context of US-Israel
relationship. Israels receipt of batteries of Patriot missiles was no doubt
hugely profitable for the parties involved in the transaction, but in defensive
function entirely useless. The Patriot missile batteries stationed near Haifa
and Safed, much trumpeted by the IDF played no significant role in the
recent conflict.
Disfigured by its special relationship with the US arms industry, of
which the US Congress is an integral component, the IDF has been morally
corrupted by years of risk-free brutalization of unarmed Palestinians,
many of them children. Its one thing to level an apartment building with a
mistake to ignore this result of the war. It is far more important than the
stationing of a few thousand European troops along the border, with the kind
consent of Hezbollah.
In order for the significance of Assads words to become clear, they
have to be viewed in a historical context. The whole Zionist enterprise has
been compared to the transplantation of an organ into a body of a
human being. The natural immunity system rises up against the foreign
implant; the body mobilizes all its power to reject it. The doctors use a heavy
dosage of medicines in order to overcome the rejection. That can go on for a
long time, sometimes until the eventual death of the body itself, including
the transplant.
What is our historic objective in this confrontation? A fool will
say: to stand up to the rejection with a growing dosage of medicaments,
provided by America and World Jewry. The greatest fools will add: There is
no solution. This situation will last forever. There is nothing to be done
about it but to defend ourselves in war after war after war. And the next war
is already knocking on the door.
The wise will say: our objective is to cause the body to accept the
transplant as one of its organs, so that the immune system will no longer
treat us as an enemy that must be removed at any price. And if this is the
aim, it must become the main axis of our efforts. Meaning: each of our
actions must be judged according to a simple criterion: does it serve this aim
or obstruct it? According to this criterion, the Second Lebanon War was a
Fifty-nine years ago, two months before the outbreak of our War of
Independence, I published a booklet entitled War or Peace in the Semitic
Region. Its words were: When our Zionist fathers decided to set up a
safe haven in Palestine, they had a choice between two ways.
They could appear in West Asia as a European conqueror, who sees
himself as a bridge-head of the white race and a master of the natives,
like the Spanish Conquistadores and the Anglo-Saxon colonists in America.
That is what the Crusaders did in Palestine.
The second way was to consider themselves as an Asian nation
returning to its home a nation that sees itself as an heir to the political and
cultural heritage of the Semitic race, and which is prepared to join the people
of the Semitic region in their war of liberation from European exploration.
Iranian nuclear threat by itself. Having said this, he did not rule out the
possibility of US military action, but said that if this were to take place, it
would probably not occur until the spring or summer of 2008, a few months
before President George W Bush leaves the international stage.
He went on to project the looming threat. An article on the Tehran
Times web Site, considered to be affiliated with the Foreign Ministry,
implied that Irans nuclear technology had already reached the point of no
return. If the West is seeking to impede Irans nuclear industry, it should
realize that Iran has passed this stage, the report read.
For the first time in its entire history since 1948, Israel walked away
from the battle field without scoring an outright and convincing victory, and
in effect what it was left facing a stalemate. Israel has never fought a war
with numerical superiority, this time the Israeli Defence Forces fought
to a standstill by a force far less in numbers, wrote Ikram Sehgal.
They could not dislodge dedicated Hezbollah fighters. This failure
shattered a myth built up carefully over the years that the Arabs could
not stand up to Israels military might. The IDF did achieve, through a UN
resolution a buffer zone of sorts, UNIFI and the Lebanese Army moved in
between Israels border and the Litani River in Southern Lebanon to enforce
the ceasefire. One doubts the Hezbollah will allow themselves to be
Hezbollah absorbed tremendous attrition without breaking and it
soon became clear that the IDFs forte close quarter battle (CQB), the
acid test for any army, had been lost over the years. A village called Bint
Jbail, only one to two kilometers from the border was repeatedly taken by
the Israelis but could not be held.
A tactical land battle on that scale should only be fought by army
officers, from the combat arms, infantry, armour or artillery. A
preponderance of Air Force generals in the Command HQs cannot run
a land war.
The Hezbollah suffered grievous losses in key combat commanders
and experienced personnel but those who took part in the fighting, a hardcore of 4000-5000, will emerge as battle-inoculated hardened cadres who
can be fleshed out by the 10,000 personnel in reserve in no time at all.
Noam Chomsky talked about limitations of the UNSC. It acts within
constraints set by the great powers, primarily the United States. In turn,
the United States can generally rely on Britain, particularly Blairs Britain,
which is described sardonically in Britains leading journal of international
affairs as the spear-carrier of the pax Americana.
Sami Moubayed said, in addition to the ceasefire, the resolution
demands the deployment of Lebanese army, and eventually multinational
troops, on the border to prevent any future war between the IDF and
Hezbollah. It gives Israel the right to self-defence, however, while
denying this right to Hezbollah, explaining why the partys secretary
general, Hassan Nasrallah, accepted the resolution with reservations.
If implemented to the word, the resolution would deprive
Hezbollah of the territory it has used to wage war against Israel since
the 1980s. A Hezbollah that is deprived of southern Lebanon would be a
Hezbollah that cannot fire rockets against northern Israel. The resolution
also asked for implementation of Resolution 1559, which calls for the
complete disarming of Hezbollah, and strongly says that no arms should be
transferred to the Lebanese military group.
The first loophole in 1701 is that it does not give any mechanism
for the disarming of Hezbollah, something that neither the United Nations
Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) nor the Lebanese army nor Israel
has been able to do. The expanded UN troop presence on the border will not
be able to disarm Hezbollah.
First, very clearly, they would not be authorized to disarm Hezbollah.
They would also lack the authority to search Hezbollah strongholds or
new reality, even if the US president and his secretary of state continue to
reject the new offspring of their own policies.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 promises a flicker
of hope. But, the Arab World waits to see if it really would save Lebanon. It
seems designed with Israeli national interests in mind. Lebanese national
interests are coincidental rather than paramount in 1701, commented
al-Ahram Weekly.
Adel Safty observed that the Resolution 1701 has brought no respite
for Palestinians. Palestinian resistance to the Sharon Plan, the failure of the
campaign to undermine the Hamas government and emerging willingness of
that government to reach a negotiated settlement were creating pressure on
the new Israeli government to enter into negotiations with the Palestinians.
Total war against Lebanon aimed, in part, at diverting the
worlds attention from the Palestinian conflict and focusing it instead on
Hezbollah, Iran and Syria, conveniently presented as the real cause of
violence in the Middle East.
Secondly, at a time when more Americans are questioning the
strategic value of Israel to American foreign policy, a total war in Lebanon
could facilitate the Bush Administrations war plans against Iran and
silence Israels critics in America.
Thirdly, the elimination of Hezbollah as a military threat to Israel
could weaken it politically and strengthen its opponents in the region, while
delivering a fearsome warning to its backers in Damascus and Tehran.
Crushing Hezbollah would also illustrate to other resistance groups in
the region the futility of military resistance to Israels awesome power.
The destruction of the enemys forces, resources, infrastructures and
properties and the killing of civilians were supposed to break the enemys
will to resist. A total war that destroyed everything but left the enemys will
to resist unaffected or, worse still, strengthened, is clearly a failure.
The failure of total war against Palestine and Lebanon is likely to
have significant repercussions. First, instead of emerging weakened and
irrelevant, Hezbollah is emerging as a legendary resistance movement that
managed the extraordinary feat of resisting Israels devastating total war and
neutralizing its historic military deterrence. Hezbollahs credibility is
confirmed as the standard bearer of Arab resistance.
Secondly, the political and psychological balance of power in the
region is being reshaped. The Arab regimes that acquiesced to the Israeli814
Israel has transgressed international law and conventions in this war
and committed many war crimes. But, these crimes are far less than those
which America has committed in short period on war on terror. The real
culprit is the US: the tail only reflects dogs ferocity.
Cessation of hostilities promises very little for the conventional
victims. The force to be deployed in the buffer zone (south Lebanon) will do
the peacekeeping for Israel; in the context of Lebanon, the force will focus
on enforcement of blockade to check any supply of weapons to Hezbollah.
The recent announcement of a shaky ceasefire may represent only a
minor speed bump in US plans, opined Stephen Zunes. After all, the attack
on Hezbollah was only the first stage of what the Bush Administration
apparently hopes will be a joint redrawing of the Middle East map.
Therefore, there will be no respite in sufferings of Arabs and Muslims.
The reason was mentioned by Noam Chomsky. Thucydides gave an answer
to that a long time ago: The strong do as they can, and the weak suffer as
they must. It is one of the leading principles of international affairs.
Two events of significance, related to Pakistans role in Americas war
on terror, drew attention of the world community. In first incident, ISI
helped in foiling a plot of hijacking trans-Atlantic flights. Saleh Zaafir
termed it as a feather in the cap. Bush though took his time, yet telephoned
Musharraf to express deep appreciation for Pakistans role in fighting
On 5th September, an accord to end military operations in Waziristan,
successfully mediated by 45-member tribal jirga, was signed in a public
ceremony in Football Stadium in Miranshah. This indicated a major shift in
strategy to tackle Taliban-related militancy.
Boucher visited New Delhi. On 8th August, India and US vowed to
continue war on terror. He said, some of the terrorism is in Pakistan. Some
of the groups that have designs against India still have pieces in Pakistan.
Opposition parties submitted no-trust against Prime Minister on 23 rd
August with 500-page dossier containing 30 major irregularities committed
by the government. PML-Q retaliated by threatening a campaign to expose
attitude of MMA during tabling of Women Protection Bill.
On 26th August, Nawab Akbar Bugti and some of accomplices were
killed in a raid on his hideout in a mountain in Murri area from where he
was controlling the perpetration of terrorism across the country. This
incident of great significance will be discussed separately.
Pakistan Army continued fighting against own people to secure
Afghan peace. Following incidents were reported:
Rockets were fired at FC camp in Wana on 7 th August. One person
was beheaded for spying. Lashkar demolished house of a criminal in
Dara Adam Khel. Seven persons were arrested in connection with
bomb plot. Next day, Army denied rocket firing at Wana camp.
Imran wanted judicial probe into Waziristan operation. A tribesman
suspected of spying for US was killed near Angoor Adda on 10th
August. Militants fired rockets at army positions near Wana.
Pakistan handed over 57 Taliban to Afghanistan during four weeks
ending 11th August. Pakistan quizzed Briton over existence of alQaeda network in Afghanistan.
It was reported on 13th August that Wana peace body chief,
Commander Abdul Rasheed, was killed in Afghanistan in an air raid,
along with his five commanders.
Police arrested 29 wounded Afghan Taliban in raid on a private
hospital in Quetta on 14th August. Next day government released 8
more tribesmen in North Waziristan. Foreign Office denied that
Hafeez Saeeds arrest was linked to plane plot and said mastermind
Rauf may be handed over to Britain.
On 17th August, seven foreigners who had been nabbed for their
alleged links with al-Qaeda, were handed over to al-Khidmat
Foundation with condition to produce them before the court whenever
required in case proceedings. Next day, Raufs father was taken into
custody by security officials.
Former Taliban commander was held in Quetta on 20 th August. Three
days later, law enforcers arrested six foreign militants in two raids in
Peshawar area.
Pakistani agencies came to know about at least four months ago when a
faction of al-Muhajiroon passed on a list of its splinter group members
allegedly involved in its planning.
The suspect Rashid Rauf, a Mirpur-born man with dual (PakistanBritish) nationality had gone to the UK in 1981 when he was less than one
year old. He returned to Pakistan in 2002 and had since lived here. Rauf had
been involved in the murder of his uncle in UK and was wanted by British
police. He had been living in Bahawalpur for most of the time he spent in
On 5th September, a peace accord was signed in a public ceremony in
Miranshah. The 45-member tribal jirga had successfully mediated to end
military operations in Waziristan. According to the terms of peace
agreement, the militants, along with the tribes ulema and local Taliban
were required to implement the following six decisions of the Jirga:
No attacks would be launched against law-enforcement agencies,
armed forces and government installations; and there would be no
targeted killings.
No parallel administration would be set up in North Waziristan and
the writ of the government of Pakistan would be accepted.
Nobody would be allowed to cross the border to take part in military
operations in Afghanistan; however, there would be no ban on
traditional traveling.
No interference would be carried out in settled districts adjoining
North Waziristan.
All non-Pakistanis would leave North Waziristan. Those unable to do
so would live peacefully and abide the law.
All government assets captured by the militants during fighting would
be returned.
Under the agreement, the government would accept and implement
the following eight decisions:
All those persons arrested during the military operations would be
freed and would not be rearrested in these cases.
All privileges and benefits allowed to the tribes in the past would be
not doing enough, but that is something they have already become
accustomed to hearing. So, it would not make any difference at all.
Since British intelligence is so keen to get all the credit for
discovering the recent liquid explosives plot, we should let them do the
dirty work themselves in future. After all, the accused persons (now and in
the past) were invariably born and bred in their own society and, by very
definition of the term, their own citizens. How can they be of Pakistan
origin after three and four generations? How many generations will it take
for them to cease to be Pakistani origin?
The British intelligence and police took no time in telling the media
that the accused were Pakistan origin. Why didnt they also say at the same
time that the plot would have easily succeeded if our agencies had not
helped them? Why didnt the British home secretary publicly thank our
agencies in his first news conference broadcast live the world over? Why
didnt he coordinate with our interior minister so that announcements could
be made simultaneously from Islamabad and London? Why did Bush and
Blair not publicly acknowledge our cooperation?
Why should we go on doing what is of no benefit to us? What are
they doing to help us? Are the peanuts they give us by way of aid enough
reward for all that our government has been doing for them, at a great cost to
itself and its people?
Mr Bush and Mr Blair and their agencies should not expect any more
cooperation from us unless they express their gratitude in the clearest
possible words publicly and not through private phone calls so that the
world can know that Pakistan is not a hub of terrorism.
The British government should also stop repeating the nonsense
about Pakistan origin and take care of its own citizens. Asking us to do
more is ridiculous. We have done more than anyone would have done at the
cost of their own internal and national security.
Irfan Husain was of the view that over the last few years, Pakistan
has earned a well-deserved reputation for being a hot-bed of religious
extremism that has, wantonly and wickedly, used terror as a weapon to
further its agenda at home and abroad. And unfortunately, many young
Britons of Pakistani descent have fallen prey to the extremist groups that
operate freely in a tolerant society which allows anybody to preach his
Many people in Britain are skeptical about the alleged plot, given the
recent track record of the UKs intelligence agencies. But whatever evidence
is finally produced, the arrests do suggest that there is a strong nexus
between Islamic organizations in Pakistan and young Muslims in
Britain of Pakistani origin.
For the first time, the Tablighi Jamaat is being accused of being a
front for terrorist outfits. This organization has long been viewed as nonviolent collection of devout Muslims whose primary concern is to spread
At its huge annual public gathering in Raiwind, it attracts hundreds of
thousands of the faithful in what is described as the biggest congregation of
Muslims outside Mekkah. But here is what Alex Alexiv, vice president for
research at the Washington-based Centre for Security Policy says about the
Jamaat: All Tablighis preach a creed that is hardly distinguishable from
the radical Wahabi-Salafi jihadist ideology that so many terrorists
The government is doing its best to put a favourable spin on its
role in disrupting the alleged plot. Poor Tasnim Aslam the Foreign Office
spokesperson has been pleading for greater recognition of Pakistans efforts
combating terrorism. But she and her bosses fail to realize that while they
are determined to see only one side of the coin, the rest of the world is bent
on examining the other side very closely indeed. And what they see is the
country to which would-be suicide bombers travel to receive indoctrination
and training.
The News wrote, the international media has already run dozens of
stories all implying (some more directly) that the arrests show that the
terror networks are alive and well in Pakistan. Some of the stories have at
least bothered to mention that while Pakistan seems to be a haven for all
kinds of terror groups it is also a country that has done much to help
pinpoint and catch a whole lot of terrorists. Besides, while there may have
been this recognition and praise for help given in this particular case, it has
often happened that foreign officials at various levels as well as foreign
think-tanks have frequently asked Islamabad to do more. In fact, the current
situation seems ideal for Indian hawks, and proof of this are the proliferation
of rabid articles and commentaries that appeared in its media following the
arrests, However, all of these conveniently miss thelogic in saying that a
country is involved in terrorism but frequently helps others catch terrorists
on its own soil.
Dr Masooda Bano was of the view that while the domestic policies
have been shaped by one ambition, that is to safeguard General
Musharrafs tenure, the international policies have epitomized this
approach. The government has from the start promoted a militant image of
Pakistan to tell the West that it needs General Musharraf, The West bought
this for quite some time.
What is intriguing is that the Pakistani government and intelligence
agencies are so efficient that they are able to arrest a key suspect in an
international terrorist plot but they are not able to catch those involved in the
dozens of sectarian attacks that have taken place in Pakistan under the
current regime. It makes some people think that the governments
commitment to fighting terrorism is questionable.
Benazir Bhutto criticized Pakistan government on account of
situation in tribal areas. The Musharraf regime, claiming that sections of
the Pakistani frontier were ungovernable, has relinquished responsibility
there to the Taliban and al-Qaeda. It is not surprising that Osama bin
Laden, a man who funneled money to overthrow my government, has not
been intercepted. He releases taped messages with impunity under the nose
of the Pakistani military dictatorship protected by military hardliners and
militant groups in the tribal areas of Waziristan that the Musharraf regime
has failed to control.
The notion that these large blocks of Pakistan are ungovernable
is nonsense. During both my tenures as Prime Minister, my government
enforced the writ of the state through the civil administration and
paramilitary troops.
The Musharraf dictatorship doles out ostensible support in the war on
terror, one spoonful as needed, to keep it in the good graces of Washington,
while it presides over a society that simultaneously fuels and empowers
militants at the expense of moderates; and the dangerous political
madrassa, which I spent years as Prime Minister dismantling, now
flourish and grow under Islamabads military dictatorship.
Richard I Armitage and Kara L Bue wrote, instead of threats, we
should increase our senior-level interaction with Pakistan across the
board involving cabinet secretaries beyond those representing the State and
Defence Departments and placing a new emphasis on trade issues.
We can also take more immediate steps on the ground. For one
thing, we could focus our aid on the development of roads, hospitals and
electricity plants in rural areas With Pakistans help, Britain and United
States were able to prevent a tragedy last week. We must ensure that such
help is always available, and hope that it eventually becomes unnecessary
through Pakistans efforts.
On peace accord, the News wrote, the federal government has
finally signed what it claims is a peace deal with militants in North
Waziristan. On the face of it, the agreement could be seen as a breakthrough
but if one reads the finer print, it appears that the government has all but
caved into the demands of the militants. More ominously, the agreement
seems to be a tacit acknowledgement by the government of growing power
and authority of the local Taliban and that it feels that Talibanization will not
spread beyond FATA and into NWFPs settled districts.
The peace deal signed on Wednesday practically nullifies this key
position that the federal government had taken all along in its fight
against the militants. Islamabad should know that the fight in North and
South Waziristan was not only about fighting militants but also and
perhaps more importantly about checking the spread of militancy and
extremism in the area and in the rest of the country.
Sooner or later Islamabad will come under pressure on why it
allowed the Taliban such space. Will this peace agreement be able to
withstand such pressures or will the government again launch an operation?
Presumably the government thinks that the path chosen now is lesser of the
two evils. Only time will tell how correct this assessment is.
The Crusaders prejudices remained in place. On 22nd August,
Australia warned its citizens of attacks in Pakistan. British media raised hue
and cry over kidnapping of Scottish girl, Misbah Iram (Molly). Lahore
High Court stayed her deportation. Meanwhile, Singh vowed that US deal
cannot prevent us from future nuclear tests; while ailing A Q Khan was
flown to Karachi for treatment.
Steven N Simon opined, there is no magic cure for what ails Pakistan
and endangers Americans. There are, however, steps that might help over the
long haul. It is essential that Washington press Islamabad to open the
political arena to secular parties. The regimes refusal to share power with
these players has forced it to deal with the devil, providing the radical
religious parties with the opportunity and resources to mortgage the
countrys future to extremism. The United States can also intensify its efforts
to rebuild public education in Pakistan to reduce the demand for madrassas
that feed the maw of the religious militias.
her school authorities that she was leaving of her own free will. Im not a
run away, she told the Guardian, adding; And Im not going back there
Analysts believed that political and economic dependence has a lot do
with Pakistans miseries. Dr M S Jillani opined, political domination is
exerted through the instruments of loans and military aid. Once a
country has swallowed a dose of the two, it is forced to become a target for
dictation and blackmail. The conduits for foreign domination are the power
elite who are won over through foreign tours, gifts and other personal
favours as well as through arms twisting.
Mazhar Qayyum Khan wrote, Pakistan took the plunge in hot waters,
incurring the enmity of the Taliban, their supporters in the country and, as
the scenario unfolded, the utter disappointment of the man in the street.
Although loans Islamabad owed to the Paris Club were rescheduled to
provide relief, its best efforts to secure market access in the US has come
a cropper.
Peace process has almost ground to halt, except that reportedly Indian
Envoy held surprise meeting with Kasuri and Singh wanted more transport
links across LoC. Pakistan rejected re-configured plan of dam on
Kishanganga River, but remained committed to composite dialogue. As
regards CBMs, Indian programmes were allowed on 14 private TV channels.
Actions and statements negative to confidence building were in
plenty. Pakistans foreign office said expulsions should not affect peace
process. On 15th August, Singh asked Pakistan to fulfill terror pledge.
Pakistan promptly decried Singhs mantra of cross border terrorism and said
India is habitual of making baseless allegations. India claimed killing a
Pakistani militant in Mumbai on 22 nd August. Pakistan protested against
ceasefire violation along LoC in which a woman was wounded.
On 28th August, India condemned the killing of Akbar Bugti and asked
Pakistan to address the grievances of the people of Baluchistan. Foreign
Office spokesperson said, Indias purported concern for the people of other
countries is ill-advised, especially when India remains afflicted with several
insurgencies, including those in Arunchal Pardesh, Assam, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Bundel Khand, Gorkhaland,
Bodoland, and Khaplang
On 5th September, Indian police shot dead one of the longest surviving
freedom fighter, Billu Gujjar, who had been fighting for the last 15
years. In all, eight people were killed in violence in the Valley.
Tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomats was widely commented. The News
wrote, What happened over the weekend could well lead to a hardening of
positions by both sides in the coming months and could well escalate if both
sides do not exercise restraint. The row was triggered by Pakistans
expulsion of a visa counselor who was detained after allegedly meeting his
contact at a rest stop on the Lahore-Islamabad motorway.
The report that Mr Kaul was working for RAW should not create
much of a stir because it is common practice by governments all over the
world to have some intelligence officials posted at their missions overseas.
In the case of Pakistan and India, with their history of conflict, the
proportion of diplomats who are from an intelligence background would be
expected to be higher than normal.
One thing that does come to mind is the timing of Pakistans move
and that normally in such cases in the past it has been India which
initiated the process of expulsion. One had thought that what happened
over the weekend was a thing of the past but apparently it isnt.
Imtiaz Alam opined, Pakistan and India are known in the world
for their shoddy treatment of each others diplomats. The continuing
animosity often makes the job of diplomats from both sides quite hazardous.
Without exception, every diplomat from India and Pakistan is considered a
spy or agent of the respective countrys intelligence agency. And those in
social or journalistic contact with Indian diplomats in Islamabad and
Pakistani diplomats in New Delhi are suspected of being enemy agents.
Given the security dimension overwhelming the diplomatic mission in the
subcontinent, the job of diplomats becomes even more cumbersome when
intelligence sleuths override the diplomat.
It is time to stop the spree of expulsion of diplomats and not make
the world laugh at us. As the efforts to cool down the atmosphere and bring
the composite dialogue process back on rail increase, it is advisable that both
sides avoid indulging in blame game. It was not a routine case of spying but
clear incident of sponsoring terrorism. There is no place for blame in counter
intelligence; it was a clear case of being caught red-handed.
Praful Bidwai was of the view that expulsions of diplomats are not
normal occurrences even in situations of tensions and sustained rivalry
or systematic hostility. They must never be treated as such. During the four
decades of Cold War, the United States and the USSR exercised much
greater restraint than India and Pakistan while dealing with each others
diplomats Unless Manmohan Singh and Musharraf personally intervene
and give a forward thrust to the dialogue process, it could soon become
reversible. We must not and cannot wish the danger away.
Kuldip Nayar was of the view that the present situation where New
Delhi believes something and Islamabad does not concede even a bit of it
has put the skids on everything. Contacts are still there but only on a
superficial basis. Incidents like expelling lower-level diplomats will only
increase. In this tit-for-tat climate, the governments can do nothing else.
Maturity is what India has to show when dealing with Islamabad
which is intractable in its attitude. If nothing else, it can unilaterally take
measures to increase people-to-people contact The fear that relaxation of
visa restrictions will result in more militants coming into India is
exaggerated. Despite the hostility towards, the Indians keep stressing upon
people-to-people contacts.
What was annoying at the retreat at sunset on August 14 was
Pakistans tactics to disturb the usual rhythm of cooperation at the border.
The Pakistani authorities introduced this time a recitation from the Holy
Quraan so that the slogan for India-Pakistan dosti would not be
Somini Sengupta commented on Mumbai bombings. A small section
of the Indian Muslim community has been radicalized said C Raja
Mohan, a columnist for the daily Indian Express and a member of the
National Security Advisory Board. Thats what makes it that much more
challenging for the country.
The police have arrested eight men from Mumbaiin connections
with the attacks, though no specifics have been disclosed about the possible
links to the bombings. Among them are a doctor of traditional Islamic
medicine and a largely self-taught software worker who the police said had
landed a job with the American database and a software company Oracle.
Several home-grown outfits, now banned, called the Students Islamic
Movement of India. For all the finger-pointing across the border, the
attacks have forced India to confront a worrying disquiet among
Muslims at home, who have overwhelmingly resisted calls to Islamic
Sabha, India seems not have moved forward an inch from its traditional
position. Pakistan, on the other hand, has suggested various proposals for a
possible solution of the Kashmir dispute and this has meant President
Musharraf taking positions that are far ahead of Islamabads traditional
stance on the matter.
M B Naqvi opined, the specific reason for freezing the process
maybe that New Delhi is unable to move further because of political
troubles. The Manmohan Singh government today is under siege and is
being pulled from right and left.
Imtiaz Alam said, the president has very frankly mentioned that the
intelligence agencies of Pakistan and India have a long history of fighting
against each other and has clearly offered an accord and working
relationship between the two prime and other agencies. If the ISI, MI5, the
CIA and the FBI can cooperate and pre-empt a big plot against US-bound
airlines, why cant ISI and RAW cooperate and help bust all possible
future threats to peace from the terrorists.
There were some events of significance in domestic political arena.
On 7 August, President and Prime Minister held meetings with warring
parties of the ruling elite of Sindh and urged them to bury the hatchet. About
a week later, formerly top personalities asked Musharraf to quit as army
The episode of Oval test, too, should not have surprised many. It
had to happen one day because of the ethnic and religious prejudices of the
Whites. The record of Hair is hair-raising. He emulates Bush the bully on
cricket grounds. Pakistan has been tolerating all the nonsense from both,
Bush and Hair, in pursuit of soft image. If Bush can declare the entire
Ummah as Islamic fascists, his humble follower can accuse a team of an
Islamic country as cheats.
It is worth the note that one of the Christian White saint, the manager
of English cricket team knew a day before the incident that Pakis will
indulge in ball tampering. Fletcher, after the divine revelation, called on the
match referee on third day of the match and informed him accordingly.
Shireen M Mazari was quite bitter about the incident and rightly so.
Pakistan has clearly been sending out wrong signals post-9/11 which has
allowed all and sundry to attack and vilify Pakistan at will. Even in the field
of cricket, we have allowed our players to take abuse at the hands of racist
umpires and an ICC which still seeks to exude an imperialist legacy long
after the demise of British imperialism. Why else would Pakistans
cricketing officials most holding office without any merit credentials
have allowed our hard working and dedicated suffer insults, racist slurs and
simply bad umpiring over and over again.
To no ones surprise, Darrell Hair was central to letting the English
teams unfair tactics go by, but the fault also lay with chairman of the
Pakistan cricket Board and Coach Bob Woolmer who took no issue of this
abuse of Pakistani cricketers because they wanted to maintain a good
spirit in the series.
Why did Pakistan not lodge a protest against the appointment of Hair
as a test umpire for the present series is a question whose answer lies in the
colonial subservience of the PCB chief to all things British I am
surprised our players kept their cool for as long as they have done and
Inzimams only fault at the Oval was to have reacted late in protesting and
then walking back on to the field.
Enough is enough. How much abuse are we Pakistanis to take? We
have been called terrorist, the slur Pakis is used with gay abandon in
England, and in cricket we have had to put up with cheating and wrong
decisions at the hands of badly-selected umpires.
The colonial hangover of the PCB chief was also reflected in
Pakistan being the only country that opposed dilution of the umpires
authority by offering players recourse to replays and so on Given Hairs
record, the ICC clearly showed mala fide intent towards Pakistan by
appointing him as the umpire for the test series. Yet there was no protest
from Pakistan.
Shafqat Mahmood said, the fact is that we have been grievously hurt.
To give credit where it is due, many of the English commentators and a
majority of the writers in the print media have laid the blame squarely on
Darrell Hair, but when the dust settles and that punishment cycle has been
gone through, we will still be stuck with dirty paws of this monster of
cheating People will only remember that Pakistan was accused of ball
tampering and brought the game into disrepute.
Jawwad Ahmad wrote, after the ball tampering row at Oval,
Australian Prime Minister John Howard, cricketers and the media supported
Umpire Darrell Hair. Even controversial Shane Warne tried to back Hair.
The Australian media presented him as a brave man who could withstand
any situation for the sake of rules. This brave man of Australian media
then offered to retire if the ICC gave him half-a-million dollars. If he
was so brave, then why reluctance to face an inquiry? The only reason that
Mr Hair could have offered to resign was because he knew that the PCB
would take him to court and ask him to provide evidence of ball-tampering. I
think the PCB should file a case of defamation because the ICC is not
neutral, especially Malcolm Speed who is still trying to protect Darrell Hair.
The News wrote, the Supreme Courts detailed judgment following
its verdict annulling the privatization of Pakistan Steel Mills is a stinging
indictment of the way the government dealt with the sale. It also
reinforces the perception held by many that the governments privatization
programme may well be a vehicle to gift profitable state-owned enterprises
to certain favoured parties. The court said that the disinvestment process was
done in indecent haste and that surprisingly one of the successful bidders
had several suits pending against it and whose whole corporate behaviour
had come under scrutiny in a report of a task-force instituted to examine the
causes of stock market crashes in Pakistan.
According to the detailed judgment, one of the successful bidders
had three suits filed in the high court, one FIR filed in a police station in
Karachi and an arbitration proceeding notified (but still pending) by the
Punjab chief minister. In effect, there were several complaints against this
one entity and without going into the merits of the FIR or the legal suits,
their existence alone should have based on the PCs own rules for
prequalification disqualified the potential bidder.
The peace accord with tribes of North Waziristan revealed one thing
for certain; the government seemed tired of the policy of unilateralism in
Americas war on terror. Despite the correct realization and noble intention,
the accord will be seen with suspicion by those across the Durand Line and
Saleh Zaafir had termed the foiling of UK terror plot as a feather in
the cap. A variety of feathers could be gathered locally, by tracing out the
culprits of Nishtar Park bombing and other such incidents. But, it seemed
that rulers were fond of imported feathers only.
India has unilaterally frozen the peace process; Pakistan will require
lot of effort to defreeze it. Internally, the government has tried hard to
acquire soft image, but perceptions of friends and foes outside Pakistan have
not changed nor are likely to change in foreseeable future
7th September 2006
President Islam Karimov had reigned here as the Soviet satrap since 1989;
after independence two years later, he had managed to make poverty and
repression even worse than in Soviet times.
In Karimovs Uzbekistan, no dissent is allowed. Media are statecontrolled, and opposition parties are banned from elections. Millions of
people, including children, toil on vast state-owned cotton farms, receiving
some $2 a month for working 70-hour weeks
More than 10,000 dissents are held in Soviet-style gulags. Many
are pro-democracy advocates, but anyone showing religious enthusiasm is
also swept up. Most are Muslims, but Baptists and Jehovahs Witnesses are
routinely persecuted, too.
I saw this happening in a country regarded as a strategic friend
by the United Sates, which was looking for well-placed allies after Sept 11,
2001, attacks. Karimov had delivered for President Bush, allowing the
United States to take over a major former Soviet airbase at Kashi-Khanabad
to help wage war in neighbouring Afghanistan; the several thousand US
forces stationed there were the first Americans permitted to serve in former
Soviet territory. As a reward, Karimov had been Bushs guest for tea in the
White House in March 2002.
It was clear by the time I arrived in Tashkent a few months later that
the United States was handsomely rewarding Karimovs cooperation
In other words, when the prisoner was boiled to death that summer, US
taxpayers had helped heat the water.
I learned that there was pattern to the confessions people were
signing a pattern reminiscent of the testimony I had heard from an old
Muslim man at the trial I attended when I first arrived in the country. He had
signed a statement, the man said, asserting that two of the defendants his
nephews were members of al-Qaeda and had met Osama bin Laden. Then,
suddenly, he drew himself up: It is not true, he said.
At the same time that I was receiving word from Uzbek citizens
about the gruesome affronts to their humanity, I was also getting CIA
intelligence on Uzbekistan, under the US-UK intelligence-sharing
agreement. This information fed to the CIA by Karimovs security services
revealed the same pattern of information as those forced confessions.
The CIA was apparently well aware that it was getting material
drawn from torture. At my request, my deputy confirmed this with the US
Embassy. She reported back to me that she had been told that the United
States did not see a problem in the context of the war on terror. (I
immediately reported this back to Britain in a top-secret telegram.) And both
the CIA and the British intelligence service MI6 were accepting and using
this intelligence in their assessments, despite its highly questionable
North Korea carried out seven missile tests on 4th July. Bush urged
UNSC to condemn North Korea and refused any concessions for talks.
Thirteen states, including UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Italy, Spain
and Singapore teamed up to check nuclear programmes of Iran and North
On 11th July, China rejected UN resolution on North Korea. Hu
expressed concern over the situation and asked Seoul to help against
calamity. Russia and China offered compromise draft. Four days later,
UNSC imposed sanctions and North Korea rejected.
Putin remained optimistic about North Korea tensions. North Korea
cannot be forced to change nuclear plan, said China. The US decided to
deploy interceptor missiles in Japan. No talks until US lifts sanctions,
announced North Korea.
The Guardian was of the view that the right response must be
reinvigoration of diplomacy this is time for cool heads and calm
analysis, keeping things in perspective and avoiding inflammatory axis of
evil rhetoric: for maturity, in short, in the face of a childish provocation.
The Washington Post wrote, the good news is that most of the
world appears outraged rather than impressed by the latest North Korean
stunt. The UN Security Council met yesterday to consider a tough
condemnatory resolution, including sanctions proposed by Japan, which has
already announced its own punitive measures.
Until now China and South Korea have refused to pressure Mr
Kim. That cynical policy serves South Korean and Chinese economic
interests as well as the two governments desire for stability in the North
even if stability means propping up one of the most murderous and immoral
regimes in modern history.
If China and South Korea are serious about stopping North Koreas
development of weapons of mass destruction, now is the time to demonstrate
it. If they are unwilling to act, the Bush Administration should consider
other means of preventing further North Korean missile launches.
Daniel Schott opined, Putin calls North Koreas firing of test missiles
disappointing, but says its within North Koreas legal right. He also calls
Irans response to a Western carrot-and-stick proposal a little on the low
side. But in neither case has the Kremlin indicated it would support an
American proposal of sanctions. He meant that Putin was not coming on
to the US line.
Missy Comley Beattie opined, even if we change the course of our
actions to reverse the policies of the neocons, it will take years for other
countries to trust us. In fact, it will take years for us to trust our own
government. Michael Gerson must have been engaging in some serious
apple biting from the tree of forbidden fruit when he was chosen to write
moving sentences for the president. He was, after all, eventually, cast from
the Rose Garden.
Why wouldnt Kim Jong-Il immediately shift his nuclear program
into high gear after hearing Bush include North Korea among the evil
threesome? The words were a direct threat, a challenge to North Koreas
leader. Breaking news? Yes, but no surprise. Not for those of us who have
watched the unfolding of this very predictable flurry of activity from Kim
Jong-Il, one among an axis of nuts.
Condoleezza Rice scared us with images of mushroom clouds over
our cities. Many were certain Saddam would be the button pusher. Turns out
there were no WMD in Iraq. Perhaps, the most harmful weapons are
Bushs language, decisions, and an invasion that stimulated the other nuts
in the world to stoke their own rhetoric and arms programs.
John Keffer said, in 2000, the US government put together a proposal
to end North Koreas missile program. Part of the proposal included the offer
to launch satellites for North Korea. The offer was still on the table when
the Bush Administration took office. There was no follow-up.
Kamran Shafi wrote, there is no absolute and bullying and firm
and self-assured statement of intent to do damage to North Korea for that
country actually firing seven (not one or two but SEVEN) ballistic missiles
such as there was, for very little reason, against Iran. And why do you think
this is so, gentle reader?
For the simple reason, and I have been making this point for more
than three years now (sorry, Charlie and your aunt), that America will not
move against North Korea because it is so militarily powerful that it can
set Japan and South Korea on fire in ten seconds flat.
It will bully Iran because Iran is a weak country that can do nobody
any harm. Simple, straightforward case of the neocons bullying nature,
especially (and I say this advisedly, not carelessly) because Iran fits the bill
of the Islam-bashing that is the flavor of the decade with Dubya and his
crazed and ill-intentioned neocon handlers.
I wonder how many of you saw the man appear alongside Canadas
new reactionary prime minister, the far right Steven Harper on CNN. The
platitudes Dubya used for North Korea were embarrassing: there was not a
squeak out of him on regime change, say, which threat is used routinely
against weak Muslim countries such as Iran and Syria. Disgusting, is it not?
Well, there you go.
Der Spiegel opined, the launch was a protest over US economic
sanctions against North Korea. But Pentagon officials said the brief flight of
the missile made it difficult to assess where it was aimed. The day after
Indias Agni III missile test failed, The Daily Hindu wrote that by test-firing
missiles Pyongyang demanded attention.
Patrick J Buchanan said Asias defence isnt US duty. America
should step back and let the lesson sink in on Asia that we have been
carrying the load for defence of South Korea and containment of the North
for 50 years. And we plan to lay the burden down. Kim and his missiles are
primarily Asias problem, not ours. And if South Koreas president wishes to
play dtente with Kim Jong-Il, let Seoul bear the consequences if he proves
to be a Neville Chamberlain. He was threatening the allies who oppose
military action.
In Saudi Arabia, seven detainees, including a Yemeni, escaped from a
jail in Riyadh on 8th August. No terror-related incident took place during the
period. Robert Lacey gleefully reported that amid the gloomy news
emerging from the Middle East, it is encouraging to report one item of
cultural progress: the convening of Saudi Arabias first-ever film festival.
This in Islams heartland, where cinemas do not officially exist.
The festival carries the imprimatur of the Saudi Ministry of Culture
and Information and of Prince Abdul Majid bin Abdul Aziz, the half-brother
of the king and governor of Mecca. These are strong signs of official
approval, and bowing to religious sensitivities, the organizers have been
careful to announce the occasion locally as visual shows rather than a
film festival.
The one area of controversy concerns the festivals admission policy.
All sessions are designated as family occasions, which means that single
men or men in groups are banned, but single women or groups of women
are permitted without male chaperons.
Jordan has been a central hub for transfer of suspected terrorists
held/wanted by the US, announced Amnesty International on 24th July.
However, during the period, only one incidence of violence took place in
which one British tourist was killed and another wounded by gunman.
In Turkey, ten Brits were among 27 injured in blasts in a
Mediterranean seaside resort and Istanbul on 28th August. Two days later, a
woman was injured in a blast in the south. Turkey lies in the vicinity of main
battleground and most of its problems are linked to war in Iraq. In mid-July,
it signaled stepped-up fight against Kurdish rebels. Earlier, the US had
stopped Turkey to act against Kurds. Later, Turkey urged NATO action
against rebels.
Tulin Daioglu talked about Turkeys dilemma. Last week, 15
members of the Turkish security force died in PKK attacks, bringing the
total number of Turks killed or wounded by the PKK to nearly 2,000 since
the group unilaterally ended its cease-fire in 2003. The ongoing violence
has prompted Turks to favour a military operation led by Turkey to
target PKK safe havens in northern Iraq. The question is whether or not it
makes sense to carry out such an operation.
The PKKs goal is to create a Kurdistan out of land taken from
Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Iraqi Kurdistan is just a small part of what
they claim as their homeland. Iraqi Kurdish leadership claims that they
have no control over PKK areas just like the Lebanese governments lack
of control over Hezbollah.
What is more puzzling is the US insistence that Turkey should deal
the Iraqi-Kurdistan regional government on the PKK matter. In the US
federal system, if a foreign country claims to be victim of a terrorist attack
originating in any part of the United States, Washington takes the
responsibility. Therefore, the US insistence on doing things the other way
around in Turkey is equated as supporting an independent Kurdistan.
Turkey is the only country in the region that imported terrorism from
Iraq. And its patience is time well spent in clarifying the parts of the big
picture going forward. Mr Bush has said that every country has the right to
defend itself. And it is never late to start doing so.
Sporadic fighting in Sudan continued. Eight Sudanese aid workers
were killed by mid July. On 20th July three sanitation workers were beaten to
on rampages. Thus, while news cameras dwell on the latest carnage in Israel
and Lebanon, Somalia may be collapsing into a terrorist haven comparable
to Afghanistan under the Taliban.
A known terrorist heads the Islamic militia; its aims are
unknown, but there are ominous indicators of trouble. Newsweek
recently got hold of a militia training video in Mogadishu in which masked
fighters refer to Somalia as the new Afghanistan and urge disaffected
Muslims to gather there. The militias internal newspaper featured a headline
on July 3 saying terrorism was compulsory.
Complicating matters is half-Christian, half-Sunni Eritrea, which
won a tense independence from Ethiopia in 1991 and is believed to be
supplying arms to the Somali Islamists. Then there are the clan loyalties
that make Somalias power struggles at least as much about ethnicity as
anything else. Untangling this web makes making peace between Israel and
Hezbollah seem simple.
The Washington Post cried; Islamists are winning in Somalia. Given
that the transitional government never had sufficient power to operate
outside Baidoa (much less in Mogadishu) and was forced to appeal to
Ethiopia for military assistance against the Islamist forces, it was probably
unrealistic to expect it to be able to hold on power for very long. If the only
opposition to the ICU is a weak transitional government (which now seems
to have all but collapsed), Somalia may as well be written off as an
Islamic-controlled state.
Some observers, including former US senior diplomats, have
suggested that Washington work with the moderate elements within the
ICU to keep the extremist elements out of power. But the rise of radical
cleric, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys (who is on the US terrorist watch list), to
the leadership of the ICU, casts serious doubt on the feasibility of that plan.
Najum Mushtaq was of the view that the failed American attempt to
influence the outcome of the civil war by funding an anti-terrorism alliance
of unpopular warlords has left the Bush administrations ideological Somalia
policy in shreds and further tarnished the US image in Somalia. Washington
insists on pursuing a multilateral process of negotiations and supporting the
anti-Islamist transitional government. Realities in Somalia are changing but
the American policy, defined by its anti-terrorism zeal and its antipathy to
anything Islamic, will ultimately lead to a wider regional conflict, and
perhaps at some later stage, direct confrontation.
The Taliban ideology has virtually taken over the tribal areas of
Pakistan and remains as potent within Afghanistan as ever. The Islamic
courts of Somalia and the ideology they espouse are also here to stay. They
have deepened the fissures within the larger Somali society, sharpened
conflicts with regional powers, and stoutly defied Americas war on
terrorism. With them a new era of jihadi Islam and violent confrontation
in the horn of Africa has set in.
The Guardian wrote, so much bad news has emerged from Somalia
since its collapse into anarchy in 1991 that few expect to hear anything
positive. That may change. Events in Somalia could spark a war in the Horn
of Africa. But there are signs of a better outcome as the country regains the
trappings of a functioning society. Which way things go depends on how
Somalias neighbours and the world react.
Reconciliation between the Islamists and the weakened government
could give the country a single source of authority and a prospect of
development. The UN is calling for talks. But two dangers lie ahead. The
first is that the Islamists may fall further into the hands of extremists and
fight on rather than talk. The second is that the interim government could
break apart into violence.
Somalias neighbours, Ethiopia and Eritrea, are stirring the pot.
Ethiopia backs the secular government and is sending in troops and
weapons, enraging the Islamic courts and worrying the UN. Eritrea, which
wants to confront Ethiopia over their ongoing border dispute, is said to have
responded by selling arms to the Islamic Courts. The danger of a
conflagration in Somalia as a proxy for an Ethiopian-Eritrean war is acute.
At domestic front, FBI claimed on 7th July foiling a plot to bomb New
Yorks Holland tunnel. Next day, a US film-maker sued Rumsfeld over his
detention for 55 days in 2005 in Iraq. Three weeks later, Naveed Afzal burst
into a Jewish organization in Seattle, killing one woman and wounding five
others. The organization had held a rally in support of Israeli attack on
Lebanon. A Muslim group resented the reports that US authorities were
profiling Muslim passengers.
Bush Administration faced severe criticism over the conduct of war on
terror from within America and outside. The analysts focused two issues in
prison scandal in as many weeks, the Pentagon spokesman Lawrence DiRita, overlooking the truth of the reports publicly declared that Hersh merely
threw a lot of crap against the wall and he expects someone to peel off
whats real.
In the recent months, the critique has grown more ominous.
Cheney and other officials have attacked Dana Priests article in the
Washington Post detailing the rendition of prisoners to secret jails in Europe
and James Risen and Eric Lichtblaus articles in the Times describing the
governments attempt to fight terrorism with warrant-less domestic wiretaps.
Aping the spirit, if not the Elan, of his predecessor, Cheney called the
articles disloyal, damaging to national security, and undeserving of the
Pulitzer Prizes they won.
Late last month, the Times published a long report by Lichtblau and
Risen on the CIAs and the Treasury Departments monitoring of an
international banking database in Brussels to track the movement of funds
by al-Qaeda. The Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times very
quickly followed with their own articles on the governments monitoring of
al-Qaedas financial transactions, which has been an open secret ever since it
was trumpeted by well, George W Bush, in mid September, 2001.
Infuriated that the editors of the Times had not acceded to blandishments to
kill the story, Bush and Cheney, in a coordinated offensive, described the
Times report as a disgrace and, outrageously, as a boon to further terror
Ideological noise machine took it from there. A congressman, Peter
King, and a senator, Jim Bunning, both Republicans, accused the Times of
treason. King, whose contradictory nature once embraced the violent
activities of the IRA, is now the chairman of the House Committee on
Homeland Security. Curiously, it was King who, in September of 2004, cochaired a hearing so that a Treasury official could tell the world how the
departments programs were driving terrorists out of the banking system;
now he speaks of employing the 1917 Espionage Act to investigate and try
journalists. Last Week, the House approved a resolution condemning the
newspapers that published the banking story for placing the lives of
Americans in danger. The resolution passed 227-183, almost completely
along party lines.
The New York Times observed, ever since British intelligence did
such a masterly job in rounding up terrorists intent on blowing up airliners,
the Bush Administration has relentlessly tried to divert attention from
interests. They stand utterly exposed now even to the incorrigible optimist,
and of late Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has stopped preaching it and
adopted the slogan of a New Middle East.
As leaks in the press suggest, the preparations to lay the ground for
a New Middle East had been in the works for quite some time. And the
Lebanese scenario was conceived as a preliminary step to forays further
failed. The blueprint of military action against the tiny state, billed as model
democracy by the US not long ago, had been prepared by Israeli defence
experts and discussed with the US administration. The intention apparently
was to eliminate Hezbollah, a troublesome guerrilla supporter of Iran and
Syria, both known objects of Washingtons ire for their refusal to toe its line,
before taking them on.
William Fisher on Formica and Jacoby talked about torture of
detainees on the basis of some reports. The Formica report reviewed only
three allegationsthat Iraqi detainees were held for up to seven days at a
time with their eyes taped shut in tiny box-like cells so small that they had to
sit with their knees to their chests while loud music blared, and detainees
were fed only bread and water for up to a week.
One of the detainees said that before he was placed in the box his
clothes were cut off. He said that while held in the box, his captors ducttaped his mouth and nose, making it hard for him to breath. He charged
that water was thrown on him, that he was beaten, kicked and electrocuted
The general dismissed allegations that prisoners were physically abused or
humiliatedrecommended no disciplinary action against any US special
operations personnel.
The Jacoby report, carried out in May 2004, examined the treatment
of detainees at facilities in Afghanistan. He found no systematic or
widespread mistreatment of detainees He too recommended no
punishment to any military personnel.
Amrit Singh, ACLU attorney said: Both the Formica and the Jacoby
report demonstrate that the government is really not taking the
investigation of detainee abuse seriously. She called the reports a
whitewash and questioned why they only focused on a limited number of
Human Rights Watch said: At long last, it is time for the
administration to ask itself whether the humiliation, brutalization, and
torture of Muslim detainees around the world is making us safer from
Terror plot to hijack trans-Atlantic airliners was a major event of the
period. On 10th August, British Police claimed foiling a plot to blow up
aircraft mid-flight between Britain and United States. Maximum terror alert
was raised as 24 suspects were arrested. All the arrested people were British
national mostly of Pakistani origin.
Bush said the foiled plot shows his country is still at war with Islamic
fascists. Pakistan submitted a citation for itself by saying that the foiling
was possible due to its intimate cooperation. Some arrests were also made in
Pakistan. Juan Cle commended Pakistans role and claimed Bushies were
deliberately kept in the dark for their loose lips.
Muslims in UK reacted with fear and cynicism. They blamed Blairs
policies for fueling militancy. US Muslims are under cloud, apprehended
Marilyn Elias in USA Today. Chilling reminder of 9/11, said the Washington
Post. A legacy of 9/11, wrote the New York Times.
On 16th August, British police arrested one more suspect bringing the
total to 24. Police remained busy in digging out aid group link with terror
suspects. On 21st August, eight Muslims were charged in a London court
with conspiring to murder and preparing acts of terrorism in connection with
plane plot.
One of the two German train bomb suspects was arrested in Lebanon.
On 2nd September, police said cartoons had sparked German train
bomb plot.
Europe, all along, has been fully committed to the cause of ongoing
Crusades, including rendition and torture of prisoners. Graig S Smith wrote,
French intelligence agents had secretly interviewed the six defendants
during their detention by the United States at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The
revelation by the daily newspaper LibEration is an embarrassment for the
French government, which has long expressed official disdain for the
American policy of detaining terrorism suspects beyond the reach of law.
According to a copy of a diplomatic cable published Wednesday by
the newspaper, French agents visited the detention centre shortly after it was
created in January 2002 and again in March of that year French
government defended the Guantanamo interrogations, saying they were
normal consular visits during which it is routine to gather any useful
information. How that information was used in this case is a matter for the
judicial authority. French courts have previously declared the Guantanamo
detentions illegal.
The six former detainees, seized by the United States in Afghanistan
and Pakistan as they fled the American invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001,
are accused of associating with terrorist groups. Their lawyers contend that
the accusations are invalid because they are based on the illegal American
Washington Times wrote about Italian involvement in this crime but
condemned Italian governments action against officials involved. The
arrest this week of Italian intelligence operator Marco Mancini for allegedly
aiding CIA renditions could signal a tectonic shift in European attitudes
toward their intelligence services and a rollback of cooperation with the
United States. Until now, despite the often fractious public political disputes
between the United States and European governments, European
intelligence has quietly but effectively aided the war of terrorism in
significant ways.
Interest in the Nasr case snowballed over the last year as Italian
leftists decried the countrys role in his alleged torture. Meanwhile, Italians
across the spectrum were enraged over the friendly fire killing by US
forces of a spy, Nicola Calipari, in Iraq last year after he negotiated a
hostage release.
The arrest of Mr Mancini tells Italian spies that they can be arrested
for carrying out the policies of Mr Prodis predecessor. As it happens, those
policies were very effective; they have been defended by intelligence
professionals across the spectrum, including those otherwise hostile to the
Bush Administration. This can only hurt.
We cant help but regard Mr Mancini as a hero. For doing his
job, he now sits in a Milan prison awaiting trial. The real target, of course, is
not Mr Mancini but the tough policies he was part of. Very regrettably, Italy
is set to be a very different player now. Islamist activity is now likely to rise
in that country as Mr Prodi dismantles Mr Berlusconis counter-terrorism
apparatus and signals a more lax intelligence environment for terrorists.
The Brits commemorated anniversary of 7/7. Chris Crock wrote,
efforts to reach out to British Muslim youth in the last year have been, at
best, patchily effectiveand one of the great failings of short pieces such as
this is that they tend towards the general rather than the specific; but in
broad terms we can surmise that things are going to worse before they get
better, that the bombers will get through again one day and that they will
have the sympathy, if not the active support, of a large number of British
Muslims when they do; and there will once again be jubilation pouring
from the speakers of mosques in Pakistan.
With this mindset, the Brits have been stressing upon integration of
Muslims in Britain. Arab News wrote, the overwhelming majority of
Muslims in Britain would be happy for their children to serve in the British
armed forces (even though those forces are in Iraq and Afghanistan) or the
police. An overwhelming majority also wants tougher government action
against extremists within the community. Will the poll change attitudes
among the rest of the British populace? Probably not
The sad thing is that far from presenting the poll as good news,
certain elements of the UK press dressed it up in the worst possible
light. The discovery that one in ten of respondents in fact regarded the
killers as martyrs was presented as a split in British Muslim society. That
is deliberate distortion. Ten percent is not just a minority, but a small one.
Ten percent is also too many, but why not concentrate on the 90 percent of
Muslims in Britain who were horrified by the homegrown treachery of the
But it is not easy trying to reason with bigots, ultra-nationalists and
militants when some sections of the UK media still peddle the line that there
is something basically suspect about Muslims. The death of a young Muslim
soldier goes a sad way to help, but alienation is not going to die until in the
UK media changes its tune.
Nick Cohen criticized UK foreign office wooing Islamists far right
as potential allies to curb militancy and extremism. He termed these
groups closest allies of Arab Muslim Brotherhood, which is an imperialist
movement that wants to establish a Muslim It is sexist because its clerics
justify the beating and circumcision of women. It is homophobic because it
justifies the execution of homosexuals. And it is psychopathic because it
justifies the murder of apostates, any Jew in Israel and any British or
American soldier in Iraq.
Karen Armstrong said, the British Prime Minister has complained
that British Muslims are not doing enough to deal with the extremists. On
the other hand, the extremists believe that mainstream Muslims have failed
to respond to the current crisis and are proud for their deviance. Therefore,
attempting to shift the blame to the already beleaguered Muslim
community could further alienate the disaffected. It will certainly not
prevent another London bombing.
Shahid Malik, Labour MP urged Muslims to join the battle against
extremism. He talked only of Islamic extremism, ignoring neocon
extremism for obvious reasons. In this world of indiscriminate terrorist
bombings, where Muslims are just as likely to be victims of terrorism as
other British and US citizens, we have an equal stake in fighting
extremism. But more importantly, given that these acts are carried out in our
name (Islam), we have a greater responsibility, not merely to condemn but to
As I said to some 500 Muslims in a hall in Leeds on Saturday, a
whole year on from the heinous acts of 7/7, the Muslim community has not
yet risen to challenge presented by extremism in its ranks. Incidents like
7/7 are easy to quote as these are few in number, but quoting incidents like
Fallujah, which are far too many, complicates the argument.
As a Muslim I believe that there is no better place in the world to live
than Britain. After 7/7 we expected a backlash against Muslims but it
didnt really materialize. Yet had 7/7 taken place in Pakistan and the
perpetrators done it in the name of Christianity, how many Christians, one
year later, would be dead? The learned MP made it convenient to exclude
Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and even Pakistan from Crusaders
network but a set of views that many Arabs, Muslims and Pakistanis even
the odd humanist consider normal, even enlightened? What if the war on
Islamic fascism is less about fighting terrorism and more about
silencing those who dissent from the Wests endless wars against the
Middle East?
At some point, I suspect, I joined the Islamic fascists without
even my noticing. Were my name different, my skin colour different, my
religion different, I might feel a lot more threatened by that realization? How
would Homeland Security judge me if I stepped off a plane in the US
tomorrow and told officials not only that I am appalled by the humanitarian
crises in Lebanon and Gaza but also that I do not believe the war on terror
should be directed against either the Lebanese or the Palestinians? How
would they respond if, further, I described as nonsense the idea that
Hezbollah or the political leaders of Hamas are terrorists?
What would they make of my belief that Hezbollah does not want to
wipe Israel off the camp? Would they find me convincing if I told them that
Israel, not Hezbollah, is the aggressor in the conflict: that following Israels
supposed withdrawal from south Lebanon in 2000, Lebanon experienced
barely a day of peace from the terrifying sonic booms of Israeli war planes
violating the countrys airspace?
Would they understand as I explained that Hezbollah had acted with
restraint for those six years, stockpiling its weapons for the day it knew was
coming when Israel would no longer be satisfied with over flights and its
appetite for conquest and subjugation would return? Would the officials
doubt their own assumptions as I told them that during this war Hezbollahs
rockets have been a response to Israeli provocations, that they are fired in
return for Israels devastating and indiscriminate bombardment of Lebanon?
And what would they say if I claimed that this war is not really about
Lebanon, or even Hezbollah, but part of a wider US and Israeli campaign to
isolate and pre-emptively attack Iran?
Thank God, my skin is fair, my name is unmistakably English, and
I know how to spell the world atheist My friends in Nazareth, and those
Pakistani neighbours I never knew in High Wycombe, are less fortunate.
They must keep their views hidden and swallow their anger as they see
US-made weapons fired by American and Israeli soldiers can do to the
fragile human body, how quickly skin burns in an explosion, how easily a
childs skull crushes under rubble, how fast the body drains of blood from a
severed limb.
Sitting in London or New York, the news that Gaza lost 151 souls,
most of them civilians, last month to Israeli bombs and bullets passed by. It
is after all just a number, even if a high one. At best, a number like that from
a place we dont know, suffered by a people whose names we cant
pronounce, makes us pause, even sigh with regret. But it cannot move us to
And anyway, our news bulletins are too busy to concentrate on
more than one atrocity at a time. This month it is Lebanon. Next month it
will probably be Iran. Then maybe it will be back to Baghdad or the
Palestinians. The horror stories sound so much less significant, the need for
action so less pressing, when each is unrelated to the next. Were we to watch
the Arab channels, where all the blood and suffering blends into a single
terrible Middle Eastern epic, we might start to make connections, and maybe
suspect that none of this happens by accident.
But my Arab friends and High Wycombes Pakistanis have longer
memories. Their attention span lasts longer than a single atrocity. They
understand that those numbers 151 killed in Gaza, and in a single incident
33 blown up in a market in Najaf, Iraq, and at least 28 crushed by rubble
from an Israeli attack on Qana in Lebanon are people, flesh and blood just
like them. They can make out, in all the pain and death currently being
inflicted on Arabs and Muslims, the echoes of events stretching back years
and decades. They see patterns; they make connections, and maybe discern a
plan. Unlike us, they do not sigh, they burn with fury.
This is something President Bush and his obedient serf in Britain,
Tony Blair, need to learn. But of course, they do not want to understand
because they, and their predecessors, are responsible for creating those
patterns and for writing the epic tale in blood. Bush and Blair and their
advisers know that the plan is far more important than the rage, the
red alert levels at airports, or even planes crashing into buildings and
plunging out of the sky.
And to protect that plan to preserve the Middle East as a giant oil
pump, cheaply feeding our industries and our privileged lifestyles those
who care about the suffering, the deaths and the wars must be silenced. Their
voices must not be heard, their loyalty must be questioned, and their reason
must be put in doubt. They must be dismissed as Islamic fascists.
One does not need to be a psychologist to understand that those with
no legitimate way to vent their rage, even to have it recognized as valid,
become consumed by it instead. They seek explanations and purifying
ideologies. They need heroes and strategies. And in the end they crave
revenge. If their voice is not heard, they will speak without words.
John Pilger expressed similar views. Police officer, Paul Stephenson,
claims the Heathrow plot was intended to be mass murder on an
unimaginable scale. The most reliable independent survey put civilian
deaths in Iraq, as a result of the invasion by Bush and Blair, above 100,000.
The difference is that mass murder on an unimaginable scale has actually
happened in Iraq.
By any measure of international law, from Nuremberg to the Geneva
Accords, Blair is a major prima facie war criminal. The charges against
him grow. The latest is his collision with the Israeli state in its deliberate,
criminal attacks on civilians. While Lebanese children were being buried
beneath Israeli bombs, he refused to condemn their killers or even to call on
them to desist. That a ceasefire was negotiated owed nothing to him, except
its disgraceful delay.
Not only is it clear that Blair knew about Israels plans but he alluded
approvingly to the ultimate goal: an attack on Iran. Read his neurotic speech
in Los Angeles, in which he described an arc of extremism, stretching from
Hezbollah to Iran. He gave not a hint of the arc of injustice and
lawlessness of Israels occupation of Palestine and its devastation of
Lebanon His references to values are code for a crusade against Islam.
Blairs extremism, like Bushs, is rooted in the righteous violence
of rampant Messianic power. It is completely at odds with modern, multi
cultural, secular Britain. He shames this society. Not so much distrusted
these days as reviled, he endangers and betrays us in his vassals affairs with
the religious fanatic in Washington and the Biblo-ethnic cleansers in Israel.
Unlike him, the Israelis at least are honest.
Many analysts expressed suspicions about the terror plot. Craig
Murray said, unlike the security experts, I have had the highest security
clearance; I have done a huge amount of professional intelligence analysis;
and I have been inside the spin machine. And I am very skeptical about the
story that has been spun.
None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a
plane ticket. Many did not have passports. It could be pretty difficult to
convince a jury that these individuals were about to go through with suicide
bombings, whatever they bragged about on the net.
What is more, many of those arrested had been under surveillance for
more than a year like thousands of other British Muslims. And not just
Muslims; like me. Nothing from surveillance had indicated the need for
early arrests.
Then an interrogation in Pakistan revealed this amazing plot to blow
up multiple planes. Of course, the interrogators of Pakistani dictator have
ways of making people sing like canaries. As I witnessed in Uzbekistan,
you can get the most extraordinary information from people desperate to
stop or avert torture. What you dont get is the truth.
We also have the extraordinary question of Bush and Blair discussing
arrests the weekend before they were made. Why? Both in domestic
troubles, they longed for a chance to change the story. The intelligence
from Pakistan, however, dodgy, gave them a chance. Comparisons with 9/11
were all over front pages.
Plainly, Islamic terrorism does exist. But its growth is encouraged
by our adherence to neocon policy, by our support for appalling regimes
abroad, and by our trampling on the rights of Muslims in the UK. Now
David Cameron has joined Blair and Reid in the rush to benefit politically
from the fear thus engendered. Be wary of politicians who seek to benefit
from terror. Be skeptical. Be very, very skeptical.
Adnan Adil wrote, the announcement about foiling of the attack and
subsequent high-level security measures on airports all over the world
remained the main focus of international media for several days and took
away Israels invasion of Lebanese cities from the TV screens. This
aroused suspicion in a large section of public about the authenticity of the
plot or at least about the timing of its disclosure. The media hype on the plot
was interpreted by many as an attempt to divert attention from Bush-Blair
support for Israeli war against Lebanon and its failure in the face of stiff
resistance from Hezbollah.
Sources have confirmed that the arrests of the suspects were made
on the insistence of the United States and that Pakistan also wanted the
arrests of the accused to be made before one of them could embark on a dry
run. They say the British authorities were of the view that they had been
running the surveillance of all the suspects and wanted little more time to
make the arrests so as to beef up their evidence. Finally, the US-Pakistan
opinion prevailed.
Reports in the US media already confirmed that the Bush
Administration had pressured the British authorities to arrest the suspects of
the London terror plot at least a week before they had planned to do so. The
US media had also reported that the American and British authorities had
a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects. This, at
least suggests an attack was not imminent, as the first reports leaked to the
media suggested, because the suspects had not yet purchased any airline
tickets and some did not even have passports.
Norm Dixon observed that doubts multiply over terror plot. The seat
of this conspiracy is not in the working-class neighbourhoods of London,
but in the corridors of power in Downing Street and Washington, and in
the plush suites of the media mughals HQs.
The Western media disseminated a vast array of unsubstantiated
(and often conflicting) accusations by anonymous government, police and
intelligence sources each more hair raising than the last. These were
dutifully repeated and elaborated on by an army of media-appointed security
analysts, experts and commentators, then regurgitated as established
fact by the fashion parade of air-headed TV anchors and hosts.
It is now clear that the claim that an attack was imminent was
completely false New York Times reported on British officials
backtracking on significant aspects of the case and admitting that
investigators have still not determined whether there was a target date for
the attacks or how many planes were to be involved.
He quoted former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray,
the allegation may have been concocted in order to prepare us for arresting
people without any actual bombs I have just checked, and our flat
contains nail polish remover, sports drinks, and a variety of household
cleaning products (a common ingredient of which is hydrogen peroxide)
So the authorities could announce as they have whispered to the media in
this case that potential ingredients of a liquid bomb, and potential timing
devices, have been discovered. It rather lowers the bar, doesnt it?
Senior US and British government officials and the capitalist media
seized on the alleged al-Qaeda terror plot to opportunistically incite
fear and panic among the general public, and to exploit the chaos and
tension to shore up the flagging credibility of the unpopular US-British war
in Iraq and Israels US-British-backed carnage in Lebanon.
Zaki Chehab said that desirous angry young men do not have to go to
Pakistan for training. In five years, however, something very important has
changed the training has changed since Zaid Jarrahs day. Pakistans
president, Pervez Musharraf, has joined George W Bush in his war on
terror, and has attempted to flush out the jihadi movements within his
country. This means that the training camps that Jarrah attended, in
Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan can no longer operate openly.
Young men now go to madrassas in Pakistan whose sheikhs are
sympathetic to Osama bin Laden. These places operate ostensibly as
schools, but behind the walls and the gates guarded by men with
Kalashnikovs, classes sit under banyan trees in the sumptuous grounds
learning jihadi philosophy and military techniques.
And if you cant afford to go to Pakistan, or cant get the time off
work, there are options closer home. There are training camps in Wales
and Sussex: some radical groups have been known to rent sports halls in
London suburbs such as Ealing, and even in the city centre, to deliver
training unimagined by their hosts. The guidance is very Islamic: for female
recruits, a female sports trainer is provided. One specific female trainer
travels from Cardiff to a different city every week just to give instruction to
young women interested in jihad.
In other cases, military training is provided by Muslim former
members of the British armed forces who have acquired battlefield
experience at the expense of Her Majestys Government. And the recruits do
not turn up at these sports halls as if for some fundamentalist rally: they
wear tracksuits and the latest trainers, careful not to attract unwanted
For some, there is no need even to leave the bedroom; there are
chartrooms on the internet that carry all the knowledge required for a
terrorist attack, and the contacts ready to exchange experiences are available
to those in the know. Access to these chartrooms is restricted. The user needs
a password that he can get only after applying to those who run the
The international intelligence services were able to foil the reported
August plot. That may be good news, but we must bear in mind that there
are thousands more young British men in the same path, and they are
learning ever greater discretion.
Zafar H Anjum commented on alleged involvement of Tablighis. The
Jamaat has been in the limelight since 9/11 for all the wrong reasons.
Britains MI5 and Americas FBI have been alleging that it is the
recruiting ground for winnable Islamic terrorists. The organization has
once again come into sharp focus after the recently foiled plot to blow up
transatlantic airliners. UKs security services have found that at least seven
It was reported on 11th July that FBI probing website shows
desecration of Quraan. But, this was only one of the many sources ridiculing
Islam and its followers. Syed Moez Shah from Quetta named a few more.
Muslims all over the world are resisting turbulent waves of hostility,
enmity and severe propaganda from all sides, which has intensified
resentment and unrest among them. The western mediaprojects Muslims
as backward, subjugated, demoralized and as terrorists. This is extremely
unjust and harsh.
When the US invaded Iraq and killed thousands of people there, this
was given the name of liberation. When Israel kills helpless Palestinians,
attacks Lebanon and kills innocent people there, this brutality is justified as
a means to protect Israel. However, when Muslims fight for their freedom
in Palestine, Kashmir and Iraq, the western media labels their struggle as
For decades, one has been reciting a couplet by Mir Taqi Mir,
whenever thinking about Ummah: Afsurdagi sokhta janan hai qehr Mir;
Daman ko tuk hila keh dilon ki bujhi hai aag. (Dejection consumes life to
the extreme; let there be fluttering of the skirt of your dress to stoke the dead
fire in the heart). Muslims of the world have to think about their destiny
and act now to rekindle the fire needed for reviving the great Muslim
Seba Sarwar wrote, since I landed in the US during the Reagan
regime to todays second Bush regime, anti-foreign (anti-Muslim, antiimmigrant, ant brown) sentiment in the US is at an all time high. She opined
that anyone with a Muslim background is a potential terrorist and a
possible victim of Bushs war against terror.
Mai Yamani asked, what is it that makes young Muslims in the West
susceptible to radicalism? The analyst opined that young Muslims see an
unprecedented level of hostility from the West, with regime after regime
seeming to be either in peril or facing chaos; Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine,
and now Iran. All seem to be under attack as part of the global war on terror.
As a result, the Wests strategic choices appear inherently antiIslamic to countless of its young Muslims. This preoccupation with the
Middle East is at the heart of young Muslims politics in British universities,
mosques, and websites.
Dr Muzaffar Iqbal, as usual has sighted a ray of hope. During the era
of imperialism the dominant position of Europe was such that the mere
presence of a European amidst natives was enough to strike terror, as
Marshall Hodgson writes in his The Venture of Islam. This terror has lately
turned around.
There is now ample evidence to suggest that the 300-year-old
darkness of Muslim subjugation is coming to an end; the first rays of
light may not yet be obviously visible, but the terror of night has been
broken and, as with strike of dawn, there are sounds emerging from the
abysmal depths sounds which are harbingers of dawn.
The terror which the Whiteman used to strike in the natives has
turned around; no one is afraid of them anymore. A short stroll on any
street in Gaza, Baghdad or Qandahar is enough to confirm this. Men and
women laden with iron and laced with technological gadgets of all kinds
walk down the road trembling in their uniforms, whereas unarmed, poor, and
disheveled natives have little left to fear.
If they fail to solve the problems they should seek the help of
international bodies affiliated to the United Nations such as the International
Court of Justice and accept their verdict. Iran, however, has the right to ask
its neighbouring countries not to allow the use of their territories for
anti-Iranian political activities.
If America stops meddling in internal affairs of various countries and
regions, the chances of peace and stability would brighten. In many cases the
arms-races will automatically finish. Perhaps, this is not what America
America has embarked upon the mission of weakening the Muslim
World militarily, politically, economically and culturally. It is heading
toward redrawing the map of Iraq. The mission will not end there as more
countries require this treatment.
The plot to hijack trans-Atlantic flights was projected as yet another
attempt of Islamic terrorism to cause pain to the civilized world. But, in
fact, this incident came handy to divert attention from Judo-Christian
terrorism being perpetrated in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Muslim ruling elite should ponder over the report of Ruth Rosen. One
does not expect them to send an army to rescue those women as Muhammad
bin Qasim was sent to Sindh to help Arab women kidnapped by Hindu ruler,
because this captive did not appeal to any of the rulers in entire Muslim
World. Perhaps, she knew that all of them have been robbed of their courage,
therefore, she requested the terrorist instead; not for rescuing them but
ending their shame by bombing the jail and kill them.
9th September 2006
For months there has been no respite in terrorism perpetrated in some
parts of Baluchistan sponsored by Nawab Akbar Bugti and couple of other
sardars. One person was killed in a blast in Hub on 6 th August. Next day, two
Kalpars were killed by gunmen id Dera Bugti area.
Terrorists blew up major pipeline near Sui on 8 th August; gas supply to
Karachi was disrupted. Iran assured that it wont allow any sanctuary for
BLA. Next day, another gas pipeline was blown up; third in less than a
week. A bridge on road to Karachi was blown up by rebels on 10th August.
Two days later, an aide of Akbar Bugti surrendered along with nine
associates. Bomb blast in Kohlu hospital killed a woman on 13 th August.
Next day, bomb blasts in Hub, Barkhan, Rakhani and Quetta killed three
people and wounded nine others.
Two paramilitary soldiers were killed in landmine blast in Dera Bugti
area on 17th August. FC seized large arms and ammunition cache from
Sangsila area. Next day, gas pipeline was blown up disrupting supply to
some parts of Sindh.
FC troops recovered large cache of weapons and drugs in Dera Bugti
area on 19th August. Next day, insurgents blew up a gas pipeline in the Loti
had been fired upon. On 26th a cave was found with huge boulder at its
opening. Troops entered the cave with Bugti guides. Suddenly a huge
explosion caused the collapse of the cave killing four officers and one JCO,
but one of the guides survived. Dead bodies of two soldiers were recovered
on 26th and three were recovered next day. Huge amount of ammunition and
satellite phone, Rupees 100 million and $ 96,000 were recovered from the
cave. The operation against miscreants and terrorists would continue till all
private militias are disarmed, law and order is restored and miscreants and
terrorists are eliminated.
Bugtis relatives did not respond to governments offer to take them to
witness the process of retrieving the body of the deceased. Bugtis killing is
a blow to integrity of federation, said Benazir. US urged calm, but Afghan
parliament expressed concern over Akbar Bugtis killing. Afghan warlords,
the weapon merchants, mourned the loss of a regular customer.
Violent protests continued on 30th August; main highways were
blocked, radio transmission building in Turbat was rampaged and railway
track near Mastung was blown up. Strike was also observed in Baluchdominated areas of Sindh. Bugtis dead body was located under huge
boulder. Shakil Shaikh reported brewing of family feud over claims of
succession. The Nawab had left massive collection of property and
undeclared successors. Nasim Zehra declined award in protest over Bugtis
Next day, Chief Minister, in a meeting in Quetta, was informed that
rioters had set ablaze or damaged 93 government buildings, 87 shops, 31
houses, 28 banks and 37 vehicles over the past four days in various parts of
the province.
Shutter-down strike was observed on the call of ARD. One JCO of
Rangers and five others were injured in shoot-out in Karachi. Akbar Bugti
was buried in Dera Bugti quietly in the absence of his family members who
had refused to attend the funeral. They tried to create confusion about the
identity of the dead and some sections of the media joined in this noble
Akbar Bugtis body was retrieved and the authorities announced the
burial in Dera Bugti on Friday; the heirs of the deceased refused to attend
funeral as they demanded delivering of dead body in Quetta. APC of
Opposition parties asked the Supreme Court to take suo motu notice of the
killing of Akbar Bugti. Nawaz asked opposition groups to quit assemblies.
Ansar Abbasi reported, so far, every official word on the issue has
created more confusion than removing the smoke hovering over the secrets
of Kohlu Mountains. No doubt, any furthering of this confusion will not do
any good to us as a nation.
On 2nd September, Jam denied any rift among coalition partners in
Baluchistan government. He warned against any anti-state activity in the
province. He also said that the government had expressed willingness to
handover the dead body, but no body turned up.
Next day, BNP resigned from Senate, assemblies and local
government. Thousands marched in Quetta to vent anger over Bugtis
killing. Six persons were injured in a grenade attack. Gas supply to Mastung
and Kalat was disrupted after blowing up of pipeline. ARD decided to
protest on 6th and 10th September. MQM organizer in Baluchistan resigned.
Durrani urged end to politics of the dead. Government released fact-sheet on
atrocities committed against humanity in Baluchistan.
Three Massouri tribesmen were killed and seven wounded in an
ambush near Naseerabad on 4th September. MPs of BNP-Mengal resigned
from assemblies. MMA considered resigning from Baluchistan government.
Musharraf vowed to rid Baluchistan of sardari system as people were fed up
with it. He promised amnesty to those who surrender. We are not involved in
Baluchistan, said US official.
Next day, resignations of two BNP MPs were accepted. Thirty out of
50 Ferrari camps have been destroyed, claimed Sherpao. On 6 th September,
shutter down and wheel jam strike was observed in Baluchistan. MNA Rauf
Mengal also resigned.
A senior police official was shot dead and another injured while two
alleged criminals were killed in an encounter in Loralai district on 7 th
September. Three days later, at least 15 persons were wounded in a bomb
blast in Quetta. Bugtis son demanded independent postmortem. Next day, at
least six people were killed and 17 wounded in a blast near Rakhini hospital.
Government was ready to facilitate Bugtis DNA test, said Durrani.
It is unfortunate that our political leaders have started cashing in on
Nawab Bugtis death for their own vested interests. They are willingly or
unwillingly making a hero out of him, wrote Zarak Khan from Sibi. Mr
Bugti has been anti-government ever since he joined politics though he
himself was a former chief minister and governor of Baluchistan. His anticentre stance was acceptable because it was based on the principle of
demanding full autonomy for the provinces but his anti-Pakistan activities
were inexcusable.
forces with a criminal who had opened the account of countless murders by
murdering a fellow tribesman at the age of twelve and Punjabis had
absolutely played no role in that.
Masooda Bano regretted Punjabs apathy. As Baluchistan suffers
protests and strikes in the wake of Akbar Bugtis death, Punjab stays
absolutely calm. There seem to be many people in the province who have
become experts on the tribal politics of Baluchistan and are keen to note how
the feudal system is the root cause of Baluch backwardness. They justify
Bugtis killing as a relief for his tribesmen who were being denied the right
of education and other rights.
These are not just those who are in power but also ordinary middleclass people, though often from military households. It is interesting that
suddenly the Baluch poor have become so dear to these people, who
otherwise had never uttered a word of support for the Baluch The claim
that the Baluch population, and for that matter the Sindhis as well, resent
the larger province, which dominates the centre, is not a myth.
Shahzwar Akbar Bugti cast doubts on burial of the deceased. I
would like to say that it is very strange that a man who was six feet three
inches tall put in a coffin which could not have been more than five and a
half feet long. He never wore a ring nor did he possess a wallet, yet the
authorities claimed to have found these things in his possession. The watch
and the spectacles were shown so triumphantly by the DCO of Dera Bugti,
as if he had conquered the universe.
When the authorities were asked why nothing happened to the
Nawabs watch and spectacles despite the fact that his whole body and face
were said to have been crushed by a boulder, the reply was confusing. After
that, as if to cover up the story, the authorities said nothing happened to his
face, and hence his spectacles were intact.
It is worth noting that even the journalists who were present at the
burial were not shown the face of the body and the only reason I can think
for this is that the government was afraid that its claim that the body was
indeed of Nawab Bugtis would be challenged Why is there heavy
security around the so-called grave of Nawab Bugti? What are they trying
to hide?
Opposition political parties condemned the killing of Akbar Bugti
primarily for scoring point against the government rather than mourning the
loss of a great leader. They remembered him as seasoned politician
Subsequently the newspaper added, one would have thought that the
government any government would want to exercise some kind of
damage control after such an incident. But what we have is statement after
statement, all of such nature that they can only provoke those who do not
see eye to eye with the government on the happenings of August 26 and
after. First we had the parliamentary affairs minister saying in parliament
that the sardar was justly killed and now we have the chief government
spokesman actually chiding the opposition for playing politics with Nawab
Bugtis body.
Analysts expressed mixed views. Burhanuddin Hasan was of the view
that military action was not the only option available to the government. All
avenues of dialogue should have been exhausted before reaching the
stage of this drastic action. The committee appointed by the president some
time back to negotiate the demands of Nawab Akbar Bugti had submitted a
report to the government but its recommendations were not implemented.
Nawab Bugti said a number of times that his demands for greater autonomy
for Baluchistan agreed upon during the negotiations with the committee
were ignored by the government and he felt betrayed.
M B Naqvi opined, killing of Bugti was a big political mistake
because he was not an ordinary individual and symbolized Baluch
nationalism. It is the consciousness of an identity that one possesses on the
basis of race, language, history, religion or culture. Does anyone oppose the
idea that identity with any ethnic factor can cause a strong reaction? It is not
a law and order matter at all. The reaction will of course be proportionate to
the offence caused. While maintaining law and order is the duty of all
governments, it is not necessary to be stupid or ignorant for it should know
how to solve basic political problems by political means.
Ikram Sehgal wrote, educated by Baluch standards, Akbar Bugti
lived a dual Dr Jekyll-Mr Hyde existence. An urbane autocrat in the
drawing rooms of the elite and sophisticated, he was a despot for his tribe,
not tolerating dissent and was cruel even to his dedicated followers. The
irony is that he may well become in death what he tried but could not be in
life: a cult hero for the Baluch. He will now be seen as a martyr.
M Ismail Khan said, a merciless, arrogant troublemaker or a
passionate politician fighting for the cause of the people only time will
determine Bugtis true stature. Obviously he was not in favour of a normal
life and a natural death. He was interested in becoming a martyr, a hero for
the Baluch nationalists. He wanted to make sure that his death generated
new fuel for the fledgling secessionist movement.
Dr M S Jillani wrote, Nawab Akbar Bugtis death acted as a vent for
expressing pent-up emotions and frustrations suffered by the people of
Baluchistan. Sections of society with the same fate in other provinces joined
them to protest against the affluent and the powerful in the country.
Ironically, the protest was being made over the death of a tribal
chieftain most of whom are known for their autocratic ways.
Another irony is that the most lethal phase of conflict between Mr
Bugti and the government started with the decision of the government to
build physical infrastructure, especially the roads, and constructing
cantonments to create employment for the local population and bringing the
most modern and fulfilling lifestyle to the doorstep of the common Baluch
Yet a third irony about protests after 26th August was that like the other semiliterate populations, rioters destroyed public services, facilities and
equipment meant for the convenience of the people.
The fourth irony is regarding the destruction of businesses and
property owned by settlers from other provinces, especially the Punjab,
and hostility towards individuals. It is a curious phenomenon. For complex
reasons, the wrath of the people of small provinces of Pakistan is generally
directed towards the people of Punjab.
But as mentioned earlier, the differences between the Punjabis and
non-Punjabis are of historical origin, apart from the fact that Punjab by far
is the largest province of the country in terms of population and happened to
be the most literate and economically rich area even before independence. In
the pre-1947 era, it had a conspicuous place in the Indian empire. That
momentum has been continuing.
Common Pakistanis also expressed their sentiments. Engr S T
Hussain from Lahore said, After the death of Nawab Bugti all the political
parties are making it a political issue. No one has expressed sympathy and
condolence for those army officers, soldiers and tribal men who also died.
Mr Bugti was the head of a political party and if he was fighting for the
rights of the people of Baluchistan he should have followed the example of
the Quaid General Musharraf has done a great service to the country
by establishing the writ of the state.
Lt Col Jamshed Bajwa observed, some exiled leaders are
demanding registration of an FIR against the head of the state for Nawab
Bugtis murder. I am puzzled. I advise these leaders to see the light of day.
The fallen leader has always been a trouble maker. His actions have
killed and maimed hundreds of soldiers. No political leader ever raised voice
over the sufferings of these soldiers or their families.
Amin Sheerzai from Singapore wrote, I want to ask the nation why
Bugti has been given so much of importance, what good has he done for
Pakistan or Baluchistan? Have his politics turned Baluchistan into some
wonderland? Have the Baluch got their rights under him? Did he not kick
out his own people out of Dera Bugti including the Kalpars and other tribes?
Was he not against development projects? Has he allowed education to come
to his areas?
Nusrat Hussain from Islamabad said, I am totally appalled when I
read about educated men condemning the governments action against a
man who usurped the rights of his own people, depriving them of
education, and did nothing for their betterment when he was in power. I fully
support the government on this issue. For Pakistans survival it is important
that we end the scourge of feudalism.
Sher Suleman from Rawalpindi wrote, what
Bugti doing in the caves? Those who destroy gas
pylons, bridges and explode bombs in public places
rebels or may be traitors. The government, for once,
Syed Mohsin Rizvi from Lahore said, now-a-days when the politicalopposition of the country is blowing the death of Nawab Akbar Bugti out of
proportion, cant anyone ask them how many of them, individually or
collectively, went to ask him to negotiate a peace-deal by not creating a
state within the state? Dont they know how much money he used to receive
from the government for use of the land on which the Sui gas fields are
situated? Did he ever distribute a fraction of this money to his tribes people?
Did he not create conditions which forced members of rival tribes to
migrate to other areas where they and their families led a miserable
existence for years?
Jamal Hussain from Karachi talked of making an issue of a nonissue. Nawab Akbar Bugtis mode of burial has been widely slated by all
opposition leaders particularly by the MMA stalwarts. They have denounced
it as un-Islamic and against all social norms. While the latter charge may be
true, can someone enlighten me on the un-Islamic aspect of the burial?
My understanding of Islam is that the burial should be accomplished
without undue delay and preferably close to where the death occurs. Yes,
traditionally in our part of the world burial gets delayed when dead bodies
are even flown from abroad and interred in the family/community
graveyards. So on what grounds is Nawab Akbars burial being termed
as un-Islamic?
Abdul Hannan from Islamabad wrote, I am quite shocked over the
hue and cry over the death of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti. All the political
parties are making it a political issue so they can use it as a tool against the
military government. I am a believer of a democratic Pakistan and against
the present military dictatorship but even then I believe if there is someone
who could bring down the regime in Dera Bugti it could only have been the
army. Moreover, the army has the right to use force against anyone who uses
weapons against it.
Those mourning his death by calling him a freedom fighter
should explain what good he exactly did by destroying gas pipelines to
collecting royalties from the government. If he is a freedom fighter what
should we call those martyred officers who laid down their lives in an
attempt to negotiate a peace deal with him?
Sana Farooq from Rawalpindi said, I wish Akbar Bugti and his
family had devoted their lives towards the betterment of their impoverished,
illiterate and backward people, given their immense power, wealth and
resources It is irony of fate that from 1947 onward the Baluch sardars
and their families enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle while depriving their
subjects of the benefits of modern living including healthcare, education
and business. What crimes have the poor Baluch committed that they should
continue to languish in the Dark Ages?
He may not have been a proclaimed offender but he had committed
plenty of offences to be declared as such with appropriate amount of headmoney. By that count his killing was no different from elimination of
numerous criminals in police encounters during Shahbaz Sharif rule in
Punjab, which helped in bringing down the crimes in that province. The
affect so created was hailed by majority of the masses, though some lawlovers had criticized police for extra-judicial killings. There were many
who condemned this killing as well.
M Azhar Khawja from Lahore wrote, the way Nawab Akbar Bugti
has been killed was unnecessary and it amounts to brutal murder He
and his idiosyncrasies that could have been ignored and we should have
negotiated with him since he was an educated man. He also knew that he
law. If the late Nawab was guilty of breaking the law, the government
has itself done the same. But I assume that in Pakistan there are different
yardsticks for the people in power than those who are ruled. Imran himself
was using the same different yardstick while condemning the death of
Akbar Bugti and ignoring scores of others killed in the operation as well as
many of those murdered on the orders of the Nawab.
Bugtis death could well be a watershed in the troubled relationship
between Baluchistan and the Centre, wrote the News. The government
hopes that it will mark the beginning of the end of the strife in the troubled
province. On the other hand, it may well reinforce the sharp mistrust of
Islamabad, Punjab and the military among a section of the Baluch
population. The repercussions of his death will cast a long shadow over
Baluch-Centre relations for the foreseeable future.
Imtiaz Alam opined, by meeting a violent end Nawab Akbar Khan
Bugti may now become a martyr for the Baluch nationalist movement.
The irony is that he was never a part of this movement, except in the recent
past when he took to the hills to fight the army. He always fought only for
his personal interests.
Widespread protests against the killing of the chief of the Bugti tribe
in the Baluch-dominates areas of Pakistan indicate the radical turn the
Baluch nationalist movement is going to take in the wake of Mr Bugtis
death. It will pave the way for the unification of the Baluch nationalist
movement and create sympathy for the Baluchistan Liberation Army
In the days ahead, the demands of the Baluch nationalist movement
will be further radicalized and they will be on a collusion course with
Islamabad. It will help create a joint front of the smaller provinces against a
federation that has not been allowed to work under both civilian and military
Kamila Hyat was of the view that the manner in which Nawab Akbar
Bugtis death has come also means that solving the problems of
Baluchistan has become a task ridden with even more complexities than
before. Any lasting solution, of course, can come only if issues of provincial
autonomy are squarely addressed and a genuine attempt made to examine
the root-causes of the perceptions of discrimination and injustice felt by the
He was the head of a political party, the Jamhoori Watan Party that had
representation in the Senate, the National Assembly and the provincial
assembly of Baluchistan. He had personally welcomed the Quaid at Quetta
as a mark of his allegiance to Pakistan and practiced federal parliamentary
politics. His death will only strengthen the Baluch nationalists belief that it
is no use negotiating their rights in the context of federation.
The rulers in Islamabad will have to bend backwards to redress
the wrongs suffered by the people of Baluchistan and to disabuse them of
the belief that they were cheated all along. This is the only way to keep the
ghost of Bugti from resurrecting its head from his grave and chasing us.
M Mahtab Bashir from Islamabad observed, those who killed him
have harmed the federation beyond imagination. This death can be a
watershed in the future development of the province. The way forward lies
in political dialogue. One suggestion is to change the political leadership to
minimize tension and only a stable and democratic political government can
do it. The immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the armed forces from
politics, restoration of true democracy and a fair distribution of resources
will greatly benefit us.
Shafqat Mahmood in his another article wrote, the political reaction
to Nawab Akbar Bugtis death is beginning to gather momentum Probably
the most significant political development is the possibility of all
opposition parties getting together in some sort of a Grand National
Internally, there is widespread anger in the smaller provinces against
the centre which is being seen, correctly or not, as an extension of Punjab.
No one is fooled by this faade of a democracy that is perceived to be
nothing greater than a camouflage for military rule The specter of
Musharraf supported only by the military and being opposed by every
political force in the country is a real possibility. We are a house divided
and ill prepared to face any real challenge to our integrity.
There were many who saw the other side of the picture. M Ejaz Khan
reported, although life moved on in Dera Bugti, the underlying tension was
hard to miss as few were willing to comment on the burial. Mir Ahamadan
Bugti, a notable of the Bugti tribe and cousin of Nawab Bugti, said the Bugti
Jirga which he is a part of that had announced an end to the sardari
system in Dera Bugti just a few days ago did not feel it necessary to offer
the Namaz-e-Janaza on Friday because a Ghaibana Namaz-e-Janaza had
already been offered. If I had attended the last rites of Nawab Bugti, the
people of Dera Bugti would have stoned me to death.
Rahimullah Yusufzai observed, it appears the Jamhoori Watan
Party has been left leaderless and rudderless after Nawab Bugtis death
and its remaining leadership is in no position to meet and decide the future
course of action so soon after the tragedy. In fact, the JWPs future remains
uncertain because the party would have to decide whether to continue sitting
in the assemblies or follow in Nawab Bugtis steps and wage an armed
struggle against the state.
Some analysts and experts drew parallels with East Pakistan and
saw Pakistan at the brink of disintegration. They feared that the dead Akbar
Bugti could be more dangerous for Pakistan; inadvertently acknowledging
that live Bugti was also dangerous for Pakistan. They criticized the military
regime for its inability to resolve the issue through dialogue. Instances were
quoted when in the past similar situations were averted through political
process. Nobody dared say that aversions of the past had led to the
inevitable that happened on 26th August.
Mir Jamilur Rahman observed, the reaction to the violent death of
Nawab Bugti has been ferocious throwing the country yet in another crisis
I first saw desecration of national flag in Dhaka during the East
Pakistan crisis and now I am seeing it happening in Baluchistan. I first
saw the wanton killing of non-Bengalis in East Pakistan and now I am
reading about the Punjabis being targeted by furious Baluch youth. It shows
the amount of hatred that the death of Nawab Bugti has generated in the
Baluch against Islamabad and Punjabis.
Punjabis were killed like the picnickers near Kolpur when the socalled great politician was alive. The hatred against Punjabis has been part
of the strategy of the nationalists and the enemies at their backs, who blame
Punjabis for all the miseries of their people and who themselves prefer to die
in their cave-hideouts, sitting over coffers containing crores of Rupees.
He added, the military mind acts quite differently from that of a
politicians especially when holding ultimate state power. The military
dictator is completely at loss, and astonished too, when he encounters
defiance to the writ of his government. He wonders why people dare to defy
him when he commands half a million soldiers equipped with the modern
weapons and ammunition.
Nawab Bugti has emerged a bigger and more important leader after
death. Although he advocated provincial autonomy, but now voices are
in the domestic affairs of the country. It may also deflect the attention from
the main front against terrorism in the tribal areas.
Praful Bidwai wrote, there are some in Indias strategic community
who would like to use the Bugti episode to make the point that the Pakistan
army can act equally effectively against Osama bin Laden and Ayman alZawahiri: if Bugtis location could be determined with precision with the use
of American equipment, and he could be effectively targeted in a remote
cave, then such methods could also be employed vis--vis the al-Qaeda
leaders. Pakistan should, on this view, be pressed to do this and prove its
commitment to the war against terror.
Dr Masooda Bano opined, at a time, when some US scholars are
proposing new boundaries for Muslim states, such mindless military
operations are only going to make Pakistans sensitive areas vulnerable to
external influence. Given that Pakistans relations with the neighbours,
especially with Afghanistan and India are not without friction, such internal
disability only provides opportunity for external intervention.
Farhatullah Babar dwelled on this point. Curiously, Bugtis death
coincided with reports of a purported plan published in the US Armed
Forces Journal with maps showing new boundaries of Middle East including
Pakistan. The article titled Blood Borders argues that borders in the Middle
East and Africa were most arbitrary and distorted and need re-structuring.
Four countries, Pakistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are singled out for
major re-adjustments. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have also been defined as
unnatural states. The article argues that border adjustments were necessary
to redress the grievances of ethnic and religious minorities living inside large
Muslim states.
The new boundaries projected in the proposed maps, says US Armed
Forces Journal, redress the wrongs suffered by the most significant
cheated population groups and goes on to identify Baluchs as one of the
cheated people.
The US State Department has rejected suggestions that Washington is
planning to re-draw the boundaries of greater Middle East and Pakistan. It
also insists that the article in question is the work of an individual and does
not reflect US policy. But the fact remains that a journal of its armed forces
has lent its space to the sowing of the seeds of an idea that could gain
currency with continued use of brute force.
Shafqat Mahmood looked at it from other angle. Externally we are
beset not only by an image problem but are seen as less than willing
partners in the war against terror. Our image internationally has never been
lower. Acts of terror particularly in India are routinely blamed on us and on
people of Pakistani origin or a Pakistani connection
Our participation in the war against terror was an aspect that won us
friends in the West. This is beginning to wear off as coalition casualties in
Afghanistan multiply. We are now practically neighbours not just to the
Afghans but to the Americans and the Canadians and the Brits who have
sizeable forces in Afghanistan.
We have a small window of opportunity to put our house in order
so that we can deter our adversaries. We must become a genuine
democracy so that our leadership has legitimacy and every province feels
that they have a stake in the system. If any individuals personal ambitions
stand in the way, they must be overcome. Democracy is our only chance to
improve our image and show a united front to our adversaries.
What is the real problem haunting Baluchistan in particular and
Pakistan in general? Muhammad Badar Alam had the answer. The fact that
tribal chiefs exist in a 21st century Pakistan has more to do with how the
state and the central government prop them up because they serve the
purpose of skirting a much-needed covenant between the federal authorities
and the provincial people. For a federal government seeking to cut a deal
that too, a secret, uneven one it is much easier to deal with individuals, no
matter how powerful, than having to satisfy millions of voters or their
popularly elected representatives always fearing a recall by an ever watchful
Even if the state is seen sincerely wanting to put an end to the rule of
tribal chiefs in Baluchistan because they hamper the political empowerment,
social uplift and economic development of their subjects, its claim should be
taken with a pinch of salt. Hadnt the government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
announced an end to tribal system in Baluchistan amid an earlier military
operation in the province? If yes, then the presence of Baluch chiefs, not
just as the heads of their tribes but also heads of political parties and
provincial governments, goes a long way to expose the inefficiency of the
state and the weaknesses of its writ.
Zarrar Khurro focused on the case of the deceased tribal chief. The
cozy arrangement that had existed between Pakistans establishment and
Akbar Bugti was never more than a marriage of convenience This
arrangement worked out beneficially for both parties, but to the
detriment of the Baluch population, which remained deprived of even the
basic necessities of life. Of course, the Baluch people had neither the
inclination nor the means to oppose either the nawab or the government and
so they were conveniently ignored and marginalized by both.
Pakistans domestic demand for natural gas alone growing by six
percent per annum the time had long since come for the exploration and
exploitation of Baluchistans natural resources on an hitherto unprecedented
scale. To increase the area being explored and utilized would have meant
making even greater royalty payments to Nawab Bugti and the granting
of even greater power and freedom of action to him and his followers, This
is something the establishment was clearly unwilling to do, especially in the
wake of the Baluch insurgency, where any act of appeasement by the
establishment would have been seen as a sign of weakness and would have
opened the floodgates for other non-state actors to blackmail the centre.
Therefore, in order to fully utilize the resources of Baluchistan, the
neutralization of Nawab Akbar Bugti was a prerequisite.
The Gwadar port represents a substantial investment on the part of
the governments of Pakistan and China It was absolutely imperative for
Pakistan to ensure the safety of the port itself and the personnel
stationed there to build and operate it. The repeated targeting of the
Chinese engineers stationed in Baluchistan put a great deal of pressure on
the Pakistani government to take serious action, which it eventually took.
Furthermore, whatever trade was to be carried to and from Gwadar
would out of necessity, have to pass through the entire length of Baluchistan
and the security of such convoys would naturally be the responsibility of the
Pakistani government Once again, in order to pacify China and assure
potential transit trade clients of their safety, Nawab Bugti had to be
The third factor in this calculation is the question of international
gas pipelines Regardless of which of these pipelines is built, a substantial
portion of them will pass through Baluchistan where blowing up pipelines
has become something of a hobby Therefore, a message had to be sent to
any and all elements who would even consider such disruptive actions that
the Pakistani state will not allow such elements to go unpunished. Hence,
Nawab Bugti had to be made an example of.
Of course, while economic factors may be the prime
considerations in this equation, they are not the only ones. Pakistan lives
in a very dangerous neighbourhood surrounded by potential and actual
British after all they also developed the bulk of its infrastructure,
particularly rail links, but did not transfer any real power to the local
In a subsequent editorial the newspaper reiterated, the slow, often
frustrating path of debate, dialogue and political reconciliation must be
adopted to restore trust and remove deep-seated suspicions. There is no
quick-fix solution to the problems of Baluchistan, a province neglected by a
whole succession of governments in the past Let the tragic killing of
Nawab Akbar Bugti act as a spur to a new, more conciliatory and
consultative approach.
Akbar Bugti was a tyrant; arrogant, disrespectful and self-centered
tribal chief, who turned into a saboteur and a terrorist in true sense of the
word. For about half a century, he had been terrorizing his own people who
showed dissent. He also successfully blackmailed successive federal
governments, but went too far by attacking the indispensable dictator and the
inevitable happened.
The circumstances that led to his killing did not prove that he was
killed in pursuit of the rhetoric: Pakistan First. Had it been so, he would have
been taken care of decades ago. Initiation of military operation after rocket
attack in Kohlu left an impression that this was done for preserving the ego:
Musharraf First.
Even if the government wanted to capture the Bugti alive, the
government should have been mentally prepared for his death as men of his
kind, the real tyrants prefer to die than being captured by their rivals. This is
where the authorities faltered.
The death of a tyrant was condemned and mourned by variety of
people for different reasons. His workers or accomplices did it because he
looked after them for the services they rendered for promotion of his
nefarious designs. Some Baluch sardars of his kind did it because they
apprehended similar action against them. Leaders of opposition parties did it
to gain some political mileage. Forces working against the integrity of
Pakistan had to do it. Some weak hearted patriotic Pakistanis did it fearing
more trouble from other trouble-seekers.
Majority of the people from deceaseds tribe had a sigh of relief and
picked up the courage to return to the land from where they had been
evicted. Most Pakistanis did not rejoice, but were also not inclined to term it
as a condemnable act.
In accordance of the tradition of remembering the dead in good words,
very few dared calling spade a spade. There were many who called him a
hero, a legend, a martyr and saluted him. One should have no problem in
visualizing the fate of the people who worship men like the deceased.
The most glaring and unfortunate irony of the entire episode was that
hardly any one remembered the officers and men of the army who laid their
lives for no personal grandeur or greed. Isnt it matter of shame for entire
nation that there were hardly any words to share the grief and sorrow of the
families of those who laid their lives? May be they were wrong in doing that
for an ungrateful nation.
11th September 2006
In last five years, Islam and its followers have been progressively but
expeditiously demonized by the Crusaders. At the time of 9/11, Muslims
were termed as fundamentalists lacking tolerance. Soon after the attacks,
some Islamic groups were declared terrorists threatening peace of the
civilized world.
The 9/11 attacks led to invasion of Afghanistan to smoke out the
terrorists. Soon after its occupation, the term Axis of Evil was invented
primarily to invade Iraq and threaten Iran which aspired to acquire nuclear
capability. Meanwhile, all freedom movements launched by oppressed
Muslims were dubbed as terrorists.
As Jihad was the motivating factor of these groups, they were termed
as jihads and Islamic militants and included in terrorists. All those who
assisted them in any way were also included in the list as the sponsors of
terrorism. With occupation of two Islamic states, those who exercised the
right to resist the occupation forces were also condemned as terrorists.
Dr Muzaffar Iqbal was of the view that Bush though likes such
phrases, lacks the intelligence to invent these at his own. He opined that
Bush is no more than a smoking gun; the real man behind the gun is
Rumsfeld. So, it is part of the neocons larger game.
September 11, 2006 will give George W Bush and his team a
perfect opportunity to increase the intensity of their rhetoric by instilling
in Americans a complex fear they first experienced five years ago. In a
systematic effort to launch a psychological warfare against Americans, Bush
and his team began the month by making public speeches. The presidential
speech to war veterans at an American Legion convention in Salt Lake City
repeated the usual Bush rhetoric about security of the civilized world, the
fight against terrorism, and vows of not leaving Iraq until victory is
achieved. This victory he defined as the establishment of a stable
democratic US ally. His oft-repeated line made headlines again: the
alternative was facing terrorists in the streets of our own cities.
Does he really believe what he says? Does Americans believe him? It
seems yes. Bush is totally convinced that he is fighting for the security of the
Americans. While there is growing anti-war lobby and there are critics of the
Iraq War in the United States, a very significant number of Americans who
believe that their government is, in fact, involved in Iraq for the sake of their
security. How has this claim been enshrined as truth for millions of
Americans? Certainly the events of September 11, 2006, helped, but even
without that defining day, it would not have been difficult for Bush and
his colleagues to convince many Americans that a war must be fought to
secure their lifestyle.
This is so because millions of Americans live in a fabricated virtual
reality made real for them by the media. They have little access and far
less inclination to see the world through the eyes of anyone but their own
leaders, most of whom share a common vision. The so-called two main
parties of the United States share a remarkably large ground. Democrats may
do some politicking during the upcoming election season, but in reality they
merely want a more efficient, less expensive killing campaign against the
terrorists. These terrorists remain the same for both Bush and his
As the election season approaches, Bush and his team are likely to
convince millions of Americans that their security is in fact (i) the security
of the civilized world; (ii) it depends on victory in the war on terror, and (iii)
victory in war on terror, in turn, depends on victory in Iraq. Given these, the
United States of America should not leave Iraq until victory is achieved.
Victory in Iraq is then equated with the establishment of a government
friendly to America.
In reality it is not Mr Bush who speaks these words; the real
ideologue of this most recent American adventure is the Defence
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. A man who understands and uses all the tricks
of politicking on blood, Rumsfeld has gained enormous influence on
American foreign policy through his shrewd ways of convincing others to
subscribe to his ideas. He often remains in the background, but others say
what he believes. It appears that he has closely studied mechanisms adopted
by the Nazis to mastermind mass psychology.
One of the things he learned from the Nazis is to use highsounding words aimed at gaining a moral upper hand against enemies.
Thus, it was Rumsfeld who actually launched this season of politicking two
days before the speech made by Mr Bush. He said that the critics of the Iraq
War were suffering from moral and intellectual confusion and he compared
them with those who appeased the Nazis.
It is important to note that two days later, Mr Bush repeated what
Rumsfeld wanted him to say: Americas current enemies are the successors
to fascists, to Nazis, to communists and other totalitarians of the 20 th
century. Mr Bush also repeated the Rumsfeld verdict on critics: Many
war critics could be sincere and patriotic, but they could not be more wrong.
overwhelm the truth that our nation, though imperfect, is a force for good in
the world.
Duraid al-Baik observed that Bush remarks were difficult to
understand but there was nothing new in it. He said, it is clear that Bush,
who picked up quickly on John Reids announcement about a foiled attempt
to blow up 10 planes by 24 young British Muslims, had little time to
prepare his statement in a way that enabled him to cloak his negative
opinion about Islam behind more diplomatic declaration.
He opted to attack Islam and Muslims instead of addressing the roots
of terrorism that have been growing unchecked even in Europe and amongst
Europeans because of unwise policies. Bush instead should have targeted
the genuine fascists who had been destroying Lebanon for almost a month
on the day the terrorist plot was uncovered.
It is hard to understand why Bush decided to connect fascism with
Islam. It is an unfounded allegation, in this particular case, because the
suspects who are said to have been involved in the attempt to smuggle
explosives in their handbags and blow up planes were all Europeans of
second or third generation Asian descent in addition to one Caucasian
Briton, who embraced Islam months ago.
However, Bushs opinion about Islam and Muslims is not new.
Five years ago, a few days after September 11 attacks, Bush had first
shocked the Islamic World when he said: This crusade, referring to the
war on terrorism
The Daily Star opined, in a series of speeches on the war on terror,
Bush has likened this struggle to the battles that were waged against Nazi
Germany or Soviet Russia. But because the world lacks any serious threats
of the sort of Hitler or Stalin, Bush has resorted to inventing enemies.
According to Bush, a wide range of ideologically opposed groups
everyone from al-Qaeda to Sunni insurgents in Iraq, the Hezbollah resistance
movement in Lebanon, Shiite hard-liners in Iraq and the elected leaders of
Iran constitute a unified to the American way of life. In Bushs distorted
world view, these diverse groups, some of whom have even engaged in
bloody battles against each other, represent different faces of the same
Bushs invention of enemies is also a great tragedy for the American
people, who will soon mark the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
Instead of going after the killers who were responsible for the worst terrorist
Many analysts were of the view that Bush had blurted it out of
frustration. Let us not lose sight of the fact that the neocons are upset,
very upset in fact Israeli attacks in Lebanon failed to produce the desired
results, the expected results, and the result that Washington had been told
would come. Hezbollah was not eliminated Hassan Nasrallah was not
killed and the two captured Israeli soldiers have still not been released
opined Khaled Almaeena.
In 1998 Mr Bush as governor of Texas went to Israel. He went with
Matthew Brooks, a director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, and three
other Republican governors. On the trip, Mr Bush met Ariel Sharon and
Sharon took him on a helicopter tour of the occupied territories. Brooks
says, if theres a starting point for Bushs attachment to Israel, its that
day in late 1998 when he stood on a hilltop, eyes brimming with tears and
heard his favourite hymn read aloud. He brought Israel back home in his
In addition to undoubtedly being brainwashed on that trip, who
knows how many other ideas and plans Sharon planted in Mr Bushs head?
There is, however, another major problem those in the Republican Party
with ideological and political connections with Israel. For example, the
person who coined the oft-used and oft-condemned phrase Axis of Evil
was a strong supporter of Israel.
Almaeena concluded, we should learn from the most avid supporters
of Israel and how they react to criticism. Any insult to us should be met
with the highest-profile media back-lash, though of course we must take
the greatest care to prevent any kind of violent response. We should employ
the same tactics as our adversaries since those tactics have served them well.
Why should they not serve us just as well? And our intellectuals, those who
are well-educated and well-informed and who understand social and political
nuances, let them reply. Make so much noise and commotion that no one
will dare to use such an offensive phrase as Islamic fascists.
Jim Lobe observed that the aggressive new campaign by the
administration of President George W Bush to depict US foes in the Middle
East as fascists and its domestic critics as appeasers owes a great deal to
steadily intensifying efforts by the right-wing press over the past several
months to draw the same comparison.
Given the growing public disillusionment not only with the Iraq
War, but with Bushs handling of the larger GWOT as well not to
mention the imminence of the mid-term Congressional elections in
November and the growing tensions with Ahmadinejads Iran over its
nuclear programme it is hardly surprising that both the administration and
its hawkish supporters are trying harder than ever to identify their current
struggles, including last months conflict between Israel and Iran-backed
Hezbollah, especially with the war against fascism more than 60 years
In the controversial speech on Tuesday, Pentagon chief Donald
Rumsfeld was even more direct, declaring that Washington faced a new
type of fascism and, in an explicit reference to the failure of western
countries to confront Hitler in the 1930s, assailing critics for neglecting
historys lessons by believing that somehow vicious extremists can be
Other regional newspapers were also among the most consistent
propagators of the fascism paradigm and ranked far ahead of other
Canadian outlets in the frequency with which they used key words, such as
appeasement and fascist in connection with Iraq and Iran. He added that
such groups have been linked to prominent hard-line neo-conservatives
here and the right-wing Lekud Party in Israel.
Rahimullah Yusufzai said, the war on terror continues five years after
9/11 and indications are that it would go on forever. In fact, this endless war
against an often hidden enemy has become so blurred in its direction
that it is difficult to pin it down to one or two objectives.
From fighting terrorism to changing regimes, the US-led war on
terror subsequently assumed the form of an imperialist campaign to mould
the world in accordance with American designs. Having stumbled at
formidable hurdles to achieve their colonial objectives, President Bush
and Prime Minister Tony Blair and their policy advisers have been at pains
to variously describe their military campaigns as attempts to advance the
cause of democracy and human rights, tackle the threat posed by rogue states
wanting to make nuclear arms, rid the world of weapons of mass destruction
and build a new, democratic Middle East.
President Bush then gave his war on terror a whole new meaning
when he declared that Americas enemies were Islamic fascists. It was a
crude attempt to regain the higher moral ground by comparing Muslims with
the Germans, Italians and other fascists who challenged the Western
democracies in the Second World War and were defeated. It is possible for
the war on terror to assume new shapes and set for itself fresh targets as it
blunders on.
The Guardian wrote, the conclusions are mostly bleak. The first is
that Osama, and others inspired by his iconic standing, can feel pretty
satisfied. On Friday a huge suicide bomb rocked the US Embassy in central
Kabul not the wild Afghan south as NATO ministers met to debate the
fierce resistance now being displayed by the Taliban.
In Iraq, the US and Britain have no clear exit strategy in the face of a
weak government, the strength of the insurgency and the sectarian nature of
the conflict. Israel and Palestinians remain locked in a bloody impasse. The
summer war in Lebanon has revealed a new axis in which a militia backed
by Iran and Syria has shown Israel the limits of its deterrent power.
Iran, a rising power led by a populist loose canon of a president
fixated on American global arrogance, seems on course to acquire nuclear
weapons because, after Iraq, the international community is powerless to
stop it (just as it is, for related reasons, unable to halt the killing in Darfur).
Bushs axis of evil rhetoric has gone but its poisonous legacy
remains from Baghdad to Pyongyang. The view that democracy could be
exported on American bayonets has died a thousand deaths in Iraq. The fact
that Hamas and Hezbollah have democratic mandates for fighting Israel has
blunted even the heartiest neocon appetites for letting stuff happen when
freedom reigns.
Abuses at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay have fed the perception
of the double standards that apply in what al-Qaeda and friends call the
crusader war against Islam. A third bitter truth is that that message,
distorted though it is, has fallen on ground richly fertilized by bloodshed in
Iraq. It has also converted a few European and British Muslims to jihadi
terrorism in ways that now threaten our most cherished freedoms, just as
they have undermined in the US.
Bushs recent attacks on Islamo fascism as he burnishes his
credentials as a war leader mirror Bin Ladens rhetoric. The man in the
cave and the man in the White House must not drown out voices of reason
with their inflammatory talk of clashing civilizations. Terrorism must be
fought but kept in perspective.
from on high or use embargoes to kill people gradually. But none of that will
solve any basic problem. Terrorism grows in the soil of revolt which is
itself nourished by injustice in the world.
For the immediate future, it is to be feared that those attacks will
have at least two negative political consequences. On the other hand, the
American population, which in its vast majority displays a disturbing
nationalism, risks rallying around the flag, as they put it, and supporting
their governments policy, no matter how barbarous it is. It wants, more
than ever, to protect its way of life, without asking the price paid by the
rest of the planet.
Guy Dinmore and Najmeh Bozorgmeher quoted Mr Khatami who
denounced President George W Bushs description of the enemy as Islamic
fascists. He then turns the table on the western powers, accusing them of
uprooting fascism from the national level but transferring it to the
international arena Today at the international level we see a kind of
fascism, apartheid, unilateralism and a kind of totalitarianism (by the West)
according to which nations are distributed, their interests are distributed and
wars are created.
When you first used this expression sometime ago, we thought it
was just a slip of the tongue, a stumble. Your more matured advisors would
surely soon correct you. When General Boykin used this expression, we
thought he would surely be fired. And when other advisors, like Daniel
Pipes, used it we ignored it as the unfortunate bigotry of misguided
Likudniks, though they seemed to fill the corridors of your administration,
wrote Mohammad Hakki in an open letter to Bush.
Even after your actions all of your actions betrayed
administration for, alliance with, and complete support of Israel, even after
the whole world watched the total destruction of Lebanon, we thought that
these actions were simply the result of a broken moral compass. But when
you equate Islam with fascism, you crossed all acceptable lines of
Fascism, Mr President, as defined by Websters New World
Dictionary of the American language is a system of government
characterized by rigid one party dictatorship, forcible suppression of
As for the Bush agenda, with the war on terror becoming a war
against Islamic fascism and then Islamic militants defining it in a
religious context will create ever more space for the terrorists. Moreover,
one should not be surprised to find Iraq descending into total anarchy
resulting in the splitting up the country. If that happens, there may be
other territorial adjustments attempted also by the US and its Coalition of
the Willing. In this context, the standoff on the Iranian nuclear issue poses a
serious risk of unwarranted military action by an increasingly more bellicose
US and Israel.
Ansar Abbasi was of the view that Bush, who has proven time and
again during these years to be the greatest threat to world peace himself,
remains arrogant. In spite of the failure to achieve the declared goal of
making the world a peaceful place to live through killing and persecution,
there is no end to the US aggression.
The Muslims bashing all over the world in the garb of hot pursuit
against phantom al-Qaeda and the continued killing of Iraqis, Afghans,
Palestinians and others, has terrorized most rulers of Muslim countries and
made them dance to the tunes of the Americans, this situation is frustrating
for the majority of Muslims.
The Bush-Blair duo and its pet Israel must understand the fact that
peace without justice is simply impossible. Their naivet is that they want
to continue pursuing their policy of butchering Muslims but do not
expect that the latter will react. That seems quite unrealistic. Today the war
between US-led state-terrorism and reactionaries from the Muslim World
dubbed by the West as extremists and terrorists is intensifying with every
passing day.
No one can condone the killing of innocents anywhere in the world.
But the question that needs to be pondered particularly by the Bush-Blair
duo and their stooges is as to how the Muslims should react to the massive
killings of their brothers/sisters in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan,
Kashmir, Palestine and Lebanon.
Shafqat Mahmood observed, there has also been a renewed focus on
what George Bush has chosen to describe as Islamic fascism. That this
description is an insult to a vast majority of Muslims, who abhor violence
and condemn terrorism, has not caused much comment in the media. It
suggests a growing belief in the western intelligentsia that attacks by alQaeda and its franchises are not motivated by earthly concerns but by
Islamic ideals.
of us, even those Muslims like me who are abject sinners, with the brush of
In practice, this has already begun to happen. Muslims the world
over are now being looked at with suspicion. There are instances of people
refusing to fly if Middle Eastern looking or those with Islamic sounding
names are on the flight.
Dr Muzaffar Iqbal was of the view that this remark reflected fears of
the West about revival of Islam, which rejects fascism of all kinds. He
explained, in Islamic tradition, the word revivalist carries specific
meaning because of the Prophetic tradition which informs us that God will
revive Islam at the head of every century through a person of his
household. Such a person is called a mujaddid.
The revivalist in the West, however, is anyone who dares to speak
of Islam as the only viable and true path open to Muslim societies for an
honourable existence in a world dominated by the West. This adhoc
definition makes allowance for equating the revivalists with fundamentalists.
Once this nexus has been established, then it is not difficult to make the next
transition: that is, from a fundamentalist to a terrorist.
Thus, anyone who speaks of Islam as a defining factor for
Muslims, anyone who seeks to establish Islamic societies based on the
Quraan and the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) in lands where Muslims
have lived for over a millennium is a fundamentalist. This is not allowed.
This is Islamic extremism.
In reality, it is a call for establishing a way of life exemplified by the
Prophet (PBUH) a way of life every Muslim aspires to live. This is not
acceptable while it is perfectly legitimate for all sorts of Western
ideologues and political leaders to advocate and support invasions and
destructions of other lands to secure our way of life.
The familiar rhetoric is simple enough: we in the West have the
global values of fairness, justice and freedom. Islamic extremists threaten
these values. We must, therefore, attack and invade their lands in order
to secure our way of life. This perfectly logical reasoning has been
repeated so many times that a significant number of ordinary Europeans and
North Americans have come to regard it as Gospel truth, without giving it a
second thought.
Gulf News feared that the remark would accentuate the ongoing clash.
Even the word crusade was mentioned by US President George W Bush,
One, who believes in Hindu mythology, would say with certainty that
Bush, in his previous JANAM (life) was a RAA TOTA (talking parrot). In this
life, the neoconservatives have adopted him as a pet and kept him in the cage
called White House. He rattles out the statement fed by the pet-keepers. He,
on his own, is unable to think; what to talk of thinking rationally.
The inventors of the phrase equated the present threat to the civilized
world with the Monster once called communism (the Soviets). They vow to
defeat this threat as they did it in Cold War. They, however, are cognizant of
the fact that conflict with communism required fighting only on two fronts;
military and economic. And, defeating that ideology was easier as it was not
compatible with human nature.
They know that defeating the new adversary in the ongoing Clash of
Civilizations wont be easy. It requires fighting more aggressively on
psychological front because Islam has much stronger ideological basis;
hence the media offensive against Islam and coining of phrases like the one
blurted by Bush.
Most Muslim intellectuals, like the rulers, still continue finding
excuses to deny the existence of the Crusades by finding something different
in between the lines of such statements. They hesitate in accepting that an all
out war against Islam and its followers is already on. In fact, the Crusaders
mean much more than what they utter occasionally.
It cannot be denied that fascists exist in Muslim World and most of
them happen to be close allies of Bush Administration. However, some
silver-linings have started emerging. Some Muslim intellectuals have started
voicing the sentiment of Muslim masses after watching perpetration of
atrocities by the Crusaders against Muslims.
15th September 2006