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779, Sai Jothi Polytechnic College:, Eliyarpathy, Madurai 22. Department of Civil Engineering

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Time : 3 Hrs
Max Marks : 75
Marks 15 x 1 = 15
Answer any 15 Questions. All Questions carry equal marks
1. Define the term: fluid
2. Differentiate cohesion from adhesion
3. What are the types of mechanical pressure gauges?
4. Define total pressure
5. Distinguish between steady and unsteady flow
6. What are the limitations of Bernoullis theorem ?
7. What is an orifice? How are orifices classified ?
8. Mention the various minor losses of head of water
9. What is the use of a notch ?
10. Define crest and nappe.
11. What is a weir? How are weirs classified ?
12. State the purpose of spillway in a dam ?
13. What is uniform flow and non-uniform flow in open channels
14. How are canals classified ?
15. List the advantages of canal lining
16. Define the term Critical Depth with respect to open channel flow.
17. What is the principal source of ground water?
18. Define Aquifer
19. Differentiate pump and turbine.
20. What is meant by centrifugal pump ?

Marks 5 x 12 = 60
Answer all Questions choosing either division (A) or division (B) of each question.
All divisions carry equal marks.
21. (A)(i) A capillary tube of diameter 2.5x10-3m is dipped in water. The surface tension at the
contact surface is 73.5x10-3N/m. If the angle of contact is 250, determine the capillary rise.
(ii)The pressure of water at a point in a pipe line is 5N/m2. What is the corresponding
pressure head in terms of water ? What is the corresponding pressure head in terms of
kerosene of specific gravity 0.8.
(B)(i) To measure the pressure at a point in a pipe line carrying water, a sensitive manometer
having a basin of area 60 times the area of the tube is employed. The deflection of mercury
between the limbs is 0.90m. The mercury is 0.3m below the centre of pipe in the basin.
Determine the pressure head in terms of water.
(ii) A triangular plate of base 3m and altitude 4m is immersed in a liquid of specific 0.8. Its
base is parallel to and at a depth of 1m from the free liquid surface. Its plane makes 30 0
to the free surface. Its base is nearer to the free liquid surface. Compute, (1) Total
pressure on one side of the plate and (2) Depth of centre of pressure.
22 (A)(i) A horizontal pipe line of 100mm diameter discharges under a pressure of 343.4x10 3Pa.
The mean velocity is 1.2m m/s. Determine,(a)pressure head (b)velocity head and (c)total head.
(ii) A jet issuing from an orifice of 30mm diameter under a head of 2m falls 1m vertically in
a horizontal distance of 2.75m from the vena contracta. The actual discharge is 100 litres
in 37 seconds. Find (1) coefficient of discharge, (2) coefficient of velocity and
(3) coefficient of contraction.

(B) (i) A rectangular orifice, 2m wide and 4m deep is discharging water from a tank. The water
level is 10m above the upper edge of the orifice. Taking Cd=0.6.Find the discharge.
(ii) A pipe line connects two reservoirs whose difference in water level is 15m. The length of
the pipe is 600m. If the discharge is 300 lps, find the diameter of the pipe line, taking f as 0.02.
23 (A)(i) A triangular notch is discharging under a head of 0.7m. If the coefficient of discharge of
the notch is 0.60,find the discharge. Angle of the notch is 600.
(ii) A trapezoidal notch, 600mm wide at the bottom has side slopes 1:1. If the discharge over
the notch is 300 lps, determine the head causing flow over the sill of the notch. Take Cd
as 0.62.
(B) (i) A weir,10m long is divided into 4 bays by vertical posts, each 300mm wide. Determine the
discharge if the head of water over the weir is 1m. Take Cd as 0.60.
(ii) Determine the discharge over a sharp crested weir of length 20m under a constant head
of 0.10m. Take Cd as 0.60.
24(A) (i) Calculate the hydraulic mean depth for a rectangular channel having a bottom width of
2m, and depth of flow 1.75m.
(ii) Design an economical rectangular channel to carry 90m3/s with a bed fall of 1 in 1500. In
the Chezys formula, C=50.
(B) (i) Design a most economical rectangular section to carry 0.30m 3/s for a bed slope of 1 in
1000. Take, C=60.
(ii) An economical trapezoidal channel has a bed width of 4m and side slopes of 1:1. It has a
bed fall of 1 in 1600. Taking C as 60, determine the discharge.
25 (A) (i) State various methods of tapping ground water.
(ii) Give a brief note on Open wells.
(B) (i) What are the different types of heads for a centrifugal pump?
(ii) A centrifugal pump, installed in a well for irrigation, pumps 2400litres of water per minute
to a height of 25m through 120m long and 150mm diameter pipe. The overall efficiency of the
pump is 60%. Taking friction factor as 0.04, calculate the power required to drive the pump.
*****ALL THE BEST*****

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