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In The: Hungry Hearts Middle East

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VOL. 44 NO. 5

Hungry Hearts
in the
Middle East
page 5

Snake Venom, Genetic

Entropy, and Adams Curse
page 14

Do Stars Still Form Today?

page 15

Raymond Damadian,
Inventor of Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
page 18

A Secret Weapon for

page 20

M AY 2 0 1 5



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MAY 2015

Published by


P. O. Box 59029
Dallas, TX 75229



5 Hungry Hearts in the Middle East



Jayme Durant

10 Heavy Metal Clocks, U-Pb and Th-Pb

Dating Models: Radioactive Dating, Part 7

Beth Mull

Michael Stamp
Truett Billups


Christy Hardy

Vernon R. Cupps, Ph.D.


12 Settling the Dinosaur Weight Debate

Tim Clarey, Ph.d.,


J e f f r e y P. T o m k i n s , P h . d .



Dennis Davidson

13 How Could Eve Know?

No articles may be reprinted in whole or in

part without obtaining permission from ICR.

Copyright 2015
Institute for Creation Research


Jason Lisle, Ph.D.

14 Snake Venom, Genetic Entropy, and

Adams Curse

J e f f r e y P. T o m k i n s , P h . D .


15 Do Stars Still Form Today?

Brian Thomas, M.S.

16 Living Light Detectors Declare Design


R a n d y J . G u l i u z z a , P . E . , M . D .

18 Raymond Damadian, Inventor of the MRI

Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.


20 A Secret Weapon for Apologetics

James J. S. Johnson, J.D., Th.D.


21 ICRs Tychicus


H e n r y M . M o r r i s I V

M AY 2 0 1 5





Just a Touch

hen the ICR teamDr. Henry Morris III,

Jan Morris, and Michael Hansenarrived
in Amman, Jordan, one of their first stops
was a church that provides services to refugees from neighboring countries. While most of the refugees
are not Christians, the pastor opens the doors and welcomes
them. Pastor George has a heart for helping those who are suffering. The refugees have endured war, poverty, hunger, physi-

Word. He discovered hungry hearts in a land we often think of

as being violent and darkenedveiled to the truth. And yet,
he encountered teachers and students alike who expressed a
constant yearning for more information. They wanted to know
what the Bible said not only about creation but also about life.
He said the questions were endless, the days were long, and he
was constantly on call to teach the Word of God.
In our feature article this month, Hungry Hearts in the

cal abuse, and displacement from their homelands, and he uses

Gods provisions to meet their needs.
Officials question Pastor George a few times a year, but
they allow him to continue the ministry because he is meeting
practical needsproviding blankets, food, and basic necessities. In the name of Christ, he shows kindness to weary, suffering people.
During ICRs visit to Pastor Georges church, Mrs. Morris noticed that one young man who was confined to a wheelchair reached out to touch them every time they passed. As
Mrs. Morris shared this story with me, I thought of the woman
in the Bible who just wanted to touch the hem of Jesus robe
(Matthew 9:20-22). Somehow, just a touch would make life better. She was trusting in the righteousness of Jesus to save her.
Dr. Morris went to Jordan to answer the call to train pastors, students, and anyone who wanted to learn about Gods

Middle East, youll find more details of ICRs trip to Jordan

how Dr. Morris taught, answered questions, and encountered
many who were eager to learn more about the Bible (pages
5-8). Throughout their stay, the Morrises and Michael received
countless requests for more ICR resources and information.
The needs in Jordan went beyond the classrooms, church
sanctuaries, and seminary training center. The needs extended
far beyond the planned sessionsthey werent contained to
classrooms or even wheelchairs. On buses and at dining room
tables, people wanted to know more. They wanted answers,
information, and help. Ultimately, they wanted to know more
about God. They ached for the truth. They needed a touch
from Jesus.




M AY 2 0 1 5

Jayme Durant
Executive Editor

Hungry Hearts
in the
Middle East

Al Khazneh, the Treasury, likely a tomb

or monument to King Aretas IV, who ruled
the Nabataeans from 9 B.C. to 40 A.D.

Meanwhile praying also for us, that God

would open to us a door for the word,
to speak the mystery of Christ.
(Colossians 4:3)
Open Doors
Sometimes the Lord opens unexpected doors. Institute for Creation Research events are usually held in the United States and Canada, but it appears God may be leading us beyond these borders. Last
year, Dr. Randy Guliuzza spoke in South Korea, and the new edition
of our DVD series Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis has subtitles in
Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
Most recently, Dr. Paul Holritz of the National Theological College and Graduate School (NTCGS) in Lexington, North Carolina,
invited ICR speakers to a conference in Amman, Jordan. Dr. Holritz
had prayed about including creationist speakers at the conference
since most of the students and even pastors at NTCGS Jordan campus
knew little about biblical creation.
Our team believed the Lord wanted ICR to take advantage of
this unique opportunity to train local pastors and, ultimately, to reach
more people for Christ. And the things that you have heard from me
among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able
to teach others also (2 Timothy 2:2). So in spite of the unrest in the
Middle East, ICR CEO Dr. Henry Morris III agreed to go. His wife Jan
and his assistant Michael Hansen joined him on the trip to Amman.
Hungry Hearts

less of the location. Whether he was at conference presentations, in the

midst of question and answer sessions, having a meal, traveling to and
from venues, or visiting historical sites, Dr. Morris met people who
eagerly wanted to know more about the biblical account of creation.
He spoke to the faculty and staff of a Baptist school, focusing on
the incompatibility of evolution with both the Bible and science. Even
though it was a Christian school, few of the teachers and students were
evangelical Christians. At least half of both groups were members of
the majority religion in Jordan, and only a small minority of the
Christians would be considered evangelicals.
Dr. Morris addresses students
and faculty at a Baptist school.

In Jordan, Dr. Morris faced a steady stream of questions throughout each day and encountered the kind of hungry hearts that he only
occasionally witnesses in the U.S. The Jordanian Christian community was confused about basic Bible doctrine and teachings and had a
sad lack of science information. Even the Christian school teachers
were unaware of the teachings of biblical creation, using standard evolutionary textbooks. Many were steeped in false ideas but were ready
to accept the truth of Scripture when they were taught.
Dr. Morris found himself on call every day, every hour, regardM AY 2 0 1 5




A biology teacher approached Dr. Morris after his presentation and inquired about carbon dating. Several of her students had
raised technical questions during her classes, and she wasnt sure how
to answer them. Dr. Morris pointed her to ICRs website as a resource
for both herself and the students, many of whom are fluent in both
Arabic and English. These Jordanian studentsmany who dont fully
understand science and some who are not followers of Christnow
know where to look for answers to their questions. Dr. Morris was
able to encourage them to use the ICR website for their studies. Many
were excited to know about Thats a Fact as well as the vast archives
on ICR.org.
Dr. Morris also met with a local Jordanian creation scientist to
answer questions and discuss future opportunities within the global
creation science community. He also met with a prominent beekeeperhoney is a major product in the Middle Eastwho was interested
in the research of ICRs Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins on the honeybee genome.
Dr. Morris received many requests to go back to Jordan, and to visit
Egypt and Lebanon as well. Dr. Morris summed up the enthusiastic
response from the Jordanian believers: We had constant questions
and constant delight from very eager listeners.
The old city of Amman

Passionate Worship in Jordan and Beyond

One evening, Dr. Morris spoke to a church in the old part of
the city of Amman. Many of the regular attendees were refugees from
neighboring countries. One bilingual listener commented that she
was captivated by Dr. Morris voice, appreciating both his professional
skill and the powerful content of the message.
During their times of worship, Michael Hansen noticed the passion of the Jordanian believers. He said, We could sense their heart
for the Lord in their passionate singingthey love to sing! One worship song stood out, with Arab men singing with power and joy: Jesus
life is in me, that is my song of victory, Jesus life is in me, that is the assurance of victory, Jesus life is in me, Jesus life is in me (translated from
Arabic). Dr. Morris said, At the time, we couldnt understand their
words, but we could hear their hearts!
Michael also said, By taking this trip, ICR reached people from
Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt, and neighboring areas. We defended
the accuracy and authority of the Bible and clearly presented the




M AY 2 0 1 5

Worship with Jordanian believers

Creation Topics
Dr. Morris presented six formal sessions at the NTCGS two-day
creation conference. His presentations covered topics that many believerswhether in the U.S. or overseaswonder about, including:
Is Earth Billions of Years Old or Was It Created Recently?
Can Creation Itself Show the Divine Nature of the Creator?
Did God Really Create in Seven Days?
What Happened After the Garden of Eden?
Is There Evidence for a Global Flood?
What Do Fossils Tell Us?
In addition to the conference sessions, Dr. Morris also spoke
during a Baptist high school chapel service. The topic was the scientific and biblical evidence for dinosaurs, which captured the interest of
both students and faculty. Dr. Morris spent time at several churches,
using scripture passages that ministered to many different nationalities. The messages contained an overview of the creation week, the
significance of each word in the text, and the importance of creation
to salvation.
Attendees all insisted to the ICR team that the presentations were
much needed in the Middle Eastern Christian community. Many had
never heard a solid, biblical perspective on origins and Genesis before.
The listeners expressed appreciation for the messages over and over
This is the first time Ive heard anything like this. Thank you.
One woman recorded the lectures on her phone to share with
friends who couldnt attend the conference. She said, I dont believe in
coincidence. God made it possible for me to be here. I needed to hear
these things. I want to hear much more. Many of the Jordanian believers throughout the week responded to the messages with a similar
reaction: No one ever told us.
Questions, Answers, and More Questions
One of the most encouraging segments of each teaching session
was the Q&A time. The questions could have continued long into the
night. Dr. Morris masterfully answered all of them with solid scientific
and biblical evidence. Some of the questions he fielded included those
that we often hear in the U.S.:

Was there a gap of time between the first two verses of Genesis?
Was there another world before creation?
Did dinosaurs exist? How did they fit on Noahs Ark?
What were the languages of the Bible and what do [specific words]
What was the earth like before the Flood? How does the Flood fit
with history and science?
How do you define evolution?
Are genetic mutations beneficial?
Were the men of the Old Testament really hundreds of years old?
Did the Garden of Eden exist? Where was the Garden of Eden?
Where is it now?
Did animals talk?
How did evil originate?
Did God actually create darkness, or is it merely the absence of
Are angels real?
During the last evening, the floor was again opened for the final
Q&A session. As in the previous sessions, the questions were almost
endless. The team had to force a cut-off so they could end the conference. There is an obvious need there for further education in the truth
of Gods Word and a correct understanding of science. Here are just a
few of the questions addressed the final night:
Was there one Ice Age or many ice ages, when was it, how long did
it last, how did it fit in history?
What are ICRs main research projects today?
How did Noah get all of the animals onto the Ark?
How did he take care of them?
Why dont we find man buried in the fossil record?
Petra, the Rock
During their stay in Jordan, Dr. and Mrs. Morris
and Michael Hansen visited the historical site known
as Petra, the rock. From Amman, the group headed
to Wadi Musa, the Dry Valley of Moses, before journeying on to stunning Petra. Throughout the sevenhour roundtrip, the group discussed faith, science, and
the Creator, which was a great way to put into practice
1 Peter 3:15-16:
But sanctify the Lord Godin your hearts, and alwaysbeready togivea defense to everyone who asks
you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;having a good conscience, that when
they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your
good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.
Petra is a popular tourist attraction, and the
ambitious Bedouins capitalize on the opportunity to
sell their wares to the international crowds. When the
ICR group stopped to look at an engraving, a young
Bedouin girl selling postcards and handmade jewelry
aggressively pursued Mrs. Morris. Instead of callously
brushing off the girl, Mrs. Morris took the opportu-

nity to talk with her, showing kindness

and extending Gods grace to a darkened, veiled heart. During the conversation, she asked the girl, Who do you
worship? Allah? Or Jesus?
In that moment, Mrs. Morris
demonstrated the heart of ICRs ministry. ICR is more than an organization that reports scientific facts and
teaches biblical creationICR exists
to point people to our Creator and
Savior, the only God worthy of our
The tour guide presented a
thorough history of the Jordan,
Jan Morris and a Bedouin girl
part of the biblical Holy Land. Abraham, Lot, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist, and Jesus sojourned
in Jordan. Several biblical nations once dwelt within the borders of
Jordan: the Amorites, the Moabites, and the Edomites.
Only Israel has more biblical sites and associations than Jordan.
Mount Nebo, Bethany, the place beyond the Jordan where John baptized Jesus, and even Lots Cave are found in Jordan.
History of Petra

Petra is strategically situated only a dozen miles from two vital trade routes that linked the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean
Sea, and Syria and the Red Sea. Ancient Petra grew in prominence
over the centurieslevying tolls
on caravans of silk from the Far
A narrow canyon en route to
East and frankincense and myrrh
Al Khaznehthe Treasury
from southern Arabia. By around
200 B.C., the city of Petra had
developed into a rich and powerful trade center. One can picture
a line of ancient archers atop the
red cliffs, poised to defend the
narrow valley leading into Petra.
The rock-cut faade known
as the Al Khazneh, or the Treasury, seems out of place in the
rocky desert landscape of southern Jordan. The Corinthian columns reflect the western Hellenization of the area, but all the
while Petra remained wholly
Arab. The spectacular architecture was used as a setting for
the 1989 film Indiana Jones and
the Last Crusade.
The beauty of Petra is conM AY 2 0 1 5




The Tomb of the Obelisks

trasted by the tainted history of the idolatrous pagans who lived in this
rocky landscape. Tombs throughout Petra are marked with representations of the plethora of ancient gods and goddesses they worshipped.
The Need for Creation Resources
The Sunday before he returned home, Dr. Morris spoke to two
more church congregations during morning and evening services,
with a presentation titled Three Worlds, Three Judgments, Three Demands (see 2 Peter). The message resonated with the listeners, and
they enthusiastically expressed their appreciation.
The team experienced delicious, traditional Jordanian meals
shared by local believers who graciously demonstrated hospitality
throughout the week. Mealtimes were also opportunities to discuss
even more basic Bible questions.
Many attendees at each venue during the tour wanted ICR resources, even in English, and they implored Dr. Morris to make the
resources available in Arabic. For information in English, he encouraged them to go to the ICR website. ICR also provided complimentary
resources to several local school and college libraries:
Creation Basics & Beyond
The Book of Beginnings, Volumes 1-3
Six Days of Creation
Your Origins Matter
5 Reasons to Believe in Recent Creation
Dr. and Mrs. Morris and Michael were blessed during their stay to
have a very gifted, godly man who interpreted for them. He also translated all of Dr. Morris PowerPoint presentations into Arabic so the
people attending could understand the visuals that accompanied each
Our time in Jordan has convinced us that the need for creation
truth persists throughout the world. The needs we witnessed and the
requests we heard urge us to do more. Teach more, share more, give
more. The chorus of thank you from Jordanian believers still rings
in our ears, while other wordsno one ever told uswill continue to
haunt us and challenge us to do even more.

On a narrow canyon wall in Petra, Dr. Henry Morris III points out
the cross-bedded sandstone indicative of waterflow during the Flood
of Noahs day. This is specifically the Umm Ishrin depositpart of the
Sauk megasequence found all over the world. Questions about carbon
dating came up during the trek through Petra. Dr. Morris answered
several geology inquiries using the rock walls as evidence of Noahs
Flood. He pointed out various layers and rock types and taught the
group the relevance of geology, the age of the earth, and the various
dating methods used by scientists today. Many were excited that the
things they learned strengthened their faith in the accuracy and authority of Gods Word.




M AY 2 0 1 5

Dr. Morris is Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Creation Research, Mrs. Morris volunteers at ICR, and Michael Hansen is Executive Assistant to the CEO.








Frisco, TX
Truth & Love Conference
St. Charles, MO 31st Annual Family Covenant
Ministries Conference and Curriculum Fair
(J. Lisle) 314.920.6135
Farmers Branch, TX
Metroplex Institute of Origin Science (MIOS)
(J. Johnson) 972.965.2110
Arlington, TX
2015 THSC Convention






Carol Stream, IL
Midwest Creation Fellowship - West
(N. Jeanson) 847.223.4730
Chicago, IL
The Moody Church
(N. Jeanson) 312.327.8600
Kissimmee, FL
2015 FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention
(J. Lisle) 877.ASK.FPEA
Tampa, FL
Bayside Community Church
(J. Johnson) 813.837.6007
Southlake, TX Countryside Bible Church
(R. Guliuzza, J. Lisle, N. Jeanson, B. Thomas,
T. Clarey) 817.488.5381

Lindenhurst, IL
Midwest Creation Fellowship - North
(N. Jeanson) 847.223.4730


Chicago, IL
2015 Moody re | Focus Pastors Conference
(N. Jeanson) 312.329.4407

For more information on these events or to schedule an event,

please contact the ICR Events Department at 800.337.0375,
visit www.icr.org/events, or email us at events@icr.org




M AY 3 1 , 2 0 1 5
Countryside Bible Church in Southlake, TX.
Dr. Randy Guliuzza, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson,
Brian Thomas, and Dr. Tim Clarey will present

Sunday School Breakout Sessions
8:00, 9:30, & 11:05 a.m.
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson - Darwins
Gamble: Three Facts Every Christian
Should Know
Brian Thomas - Dinosaurs and the
Dr. Tim Clarey - Creation Basics: A
Recent Global Flood

Morning Worship Services

8:00, 9:30, & 11:05 a.m.
Dr. Randy Guliuzza - The Doctrine
of Creation
Evening Worship Service
6:00 p.m.
Dr. Jason Lisle - Astronomy
Reveals Creation

Countryside Bible Church
250 Countryside Ct. Southlake, TX 76092
(817) 488-5381

M AY 2 0 1 5






R .

C U P P S ,

. D .

Heavy Metal Clocks, U-Pb and Th-Pb Dating Models:

Radioactive Dating

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament

shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night
unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. (Psalm 19:1-3)

he heavens do indeed declare the glory of God, but some

people choose to believe that the heavens appeared by
random chance out of nothinga stance for which
they are without excuse. Paul so forcefully points out
in Romans 1:18-20 that who God is can be understood
by the things that are made. These people tend to support their beliefs with various scientific models such as the radioactive dating methods we have been examining in this series. This
article will address the uranium-lead (U-Pb) and thorium-lead
(Th-Pb) models.
Along with stratigraphic assumptions, the U-Pb and Th-Pb dating methods have been regarded as the gold standard for deep-time
dating. Very few in the geochronology field would dare question the
results of these dating methods, and therefore, by consensus, they are
considered as scientific fact within the secular scientific community.
Unlike our previous radioisotope clocks, which were based on
a single parent-daughter decay sequence, the U-Pb and Th-Pb-based
clocks involve multiple daughters in the decay chains, from 238U to 206
Pb, 235U to 207Pb, and 232Th to 208Pb. Fortunately for geochronologists,
the daughter isotopes produced in each decay chain are unique to
that decay chain, and the half-lives of 238U, 235U, and 232Th are all much




M AY 2 0 1 5

greater than the half-lives of any daughter in their respective decay

sequence. Thus, each decay series is in a condition generally known
as secular equilibrium1 when used for deep-time estimates and can
generally be mathematically represented as a single decay sequence:

U 206
82 Pb + 8 2He + 6 + Q


where Q = 51.7 MeV/atom


U 207
82 Pb + 7 2He + 4 + Q


where Q = 46.4 MeV/atom


Th 208
82Pb + 6 2He + 4 + Q


where Q = 42.6 MeV/atom

Uranium and thorium are both members of the actinide series
of elements. Elements in this series progressively fill the 5f electron
orbitals and thus have similar electron configurations. Since the
chemical properties of an element depend upon its electron structure, members of the actinide series have similar chemical properties.
Thus, they can substitute freely and extensively for each other. This
means that as 238U, 235U, and 232Th proceed through their decay chains,
they can easily become separated from their final daughter isotopes,
Pb, 207Pb, and 208Pb respectively. This is especially true for the radon

(Rn) gas daughters of each decay chain, which are in the gaseous state
at temperatures above -71 C, in each decay sequence. If that separation distance is larger than the sample size, then significant error will
be introduced in any attempt to date that rock formation because the
correlation between parent and daughter has been broken.
The early 20th century experienced a rush to use these decay sequences as clocks for measuring the ages of rocks in which they were
found. Five basic methods were tried that depended on the accumulation of He or Pb in the rock formation being dated.
Method 1: The chemical Pb-U, Th method
Method 2: The Pb-alpha method
Method 3: The U-He method
Method 4: The U, Th-Pb isotopic method (isochron method)
Method 5: The common-lead method2
For reasons spelled out by Gunter Faure (reference 2), the first
three methods are no longer commonly used. It is interesting to note
that recent work using Method 3 yields very young ages for supposedly ancient rocks.3,4 Method 4 takes us back to an old friend (isochron dating), and Method 5 will be covered in a subsequent Acts
& Facts article. The isochron equations for each of the decay series,
using non-radiogenic 204Pb as the index isotope, can be expressed as:
Pb i


Pb i


Pb i









(e1t 1)
(e2t 1)
Th t
(e 3 1)

Solving each of these equations then yields three independent

determinations for any rock formation containing both U and Th. The
solutions to these equations depend upon the same four basic assumptions that all radioisotope dating methods depend on, plus the homogeneous assumption necessary for all isochron-based methods; i.e.:
(1) The rock formation from which the samples were taken has remained a closed system to U, Th, Pb, and all intermediate daughter isotopes throughout its history.
(2) The initial concentration of either the daughter or parent isotope
can be definitively determined.
(3) The decay rates of U, Th, Pb, and all intermediate daughter isotopes have remained constant throughout the history of the rock
(4) That the earth is old enough for the extremely low decay rates
of 238U, 235U, and 232Th to have produced measurable levels of the
final daughter isotopes 206Pb, 207Pb, and 208Pb respectively.
(5) And finally, that all parent and daughter isotopes are uniformly
distributed throughout the rock formation.
As pointed out in previous articles of this series, these assumptions are tenuous at best, and the methods do not reproduce known
ages of rock formations.

Since these are the primary methods for establishing the age
of the solar system, a new question arises: Where do the heavier elements in the periodic table come from? Nuclear physics tells us that
there are only two ways that heavier elements can be produced from
lighter elementsby nuclear transfer reactions and/or nuclear fusion reactions.5 But nuclear transfer and fusion reactions are only
self-sustaining if they are exothermic (i.e., if they give off energy).
This means that they cease to produce heavier elements unless they
are part of a system that produces enough energy to drive the reactions forward when they become endothermic (i.e., when they need
energy to proceed). Stars are the only known objects in the universe
that can potentially do this. Self-sustaining fusion in stars is only possible for elements below iron in the periodic table.
Now another subtle assumption creeps into the radioisotope
dating paradigm. It has been hypothesized that the heavy elements in
our solar system come from a cluster of supernova explosions about
ten million years ago that produced a local bubble around our solar system.6 All heavy elements supposedly came from this explosion,
which left a peanut-shape region of space approximately 300 lightyears long and containing gas at roughly one million degrees. Many
questions now arise. How has a gas in interstellar space remained at
one million degrees for ten million years? What is the link between
this hot gas bubble and supernovas? How did such a low residual
density of gas (0.001 atoms/cm3) seed the relatively large amounts
of heavy elements currently observed in our solar system?
Finally, it would take approximately 1.8 x 1010 kJ/mole to form
one mole of 238U by fusing four V atomsa highly improbable reaction to begin with. How does a supernova generate this kind of
energy to form not just 238U but all the elements heavier than iron?
Perhaps the heavier elements are primordial is a better explanation.
Origins of the heavy elements, cosmological production of the parent
and daughter isotopes, and migration of the intermediate daughter
isotopes in these decay chains make Method 4 suspect and certainly
not a methodology that meets the criteria for scientific fact. Our next
article will take a closer look at Method 5.
1. Faure, G. 1986. Principles of Isotope Geology, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 44-45. Secular equilibrium is a condition in a radioactive decay chain where the rate of growth of the final
radioactive daughter is equal to the rate of decay of the parent that initiates the decay chain.
2. Ibid, 282-283.
3. Humphreys, D. R. et al. Recently measured Helium diffusion rate for Zircon suggests inconsistency with U-Pb age for Fenton Hill Granodiorite. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 84 (46), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract V32C-1047, 2003b.
4. Humphreys, D. R. et al. 2004. Helium Diffusion Age of 6,000 Years Supports Accelerated Nuclear Decay. Creation Research Society Quarterly. 41 (1): 1-16.
5. One type of nuclear transfer reaction begins with two nuclei that collide and, in the process,
exchange mass to produce two or more different nuclei; this is called a nuclear pick-up reaction.
A good example of this is 47Be + p 85B + , where a proton is picked up by the beryllium atom
to become a boron atom and a gamma ray. A nuclear fusion reaction begins with two nuclei
that collide and become one much heavier nucleus. A good example
of a nuclear fusion reaction is 24He + 14
O 16
S + , where a helium
nucleus fuses with an oxygen nucleus to form a sulfur nucleus. These
are the types of reactions that we believe fuel stars.
6. Phillips, T. Evidence for Supernovas Near Earth. NASA Science /Science
News. Posted on nasa.gov August 26, 2014, accessed February 15, 2015.

Dr. Cupps is Research Associate at the Institute for Creation Research

and received his Ph.D. in nuclear physics from Indiana UniversityBloomington.

M AY 2 0 1 5






T I M C L A R E Y, P

. D . , A N D J E F F R E Y P. T O M K I N S , P


Settling the
Dinosaur Weight Debate

erent dinosaurs too big to fit on the Ark? Creation

scientists need accurate estimates of average animal
sizes to determine the feasibility of fitting all animal kinds on the Ark. Because dinosaurs were on
the Ark, an accurate value for their average size is important when
making these calculations.2 Previously, dinosaur size estimates were
derived from the recollections of fossil hunters, with few values based on empirical
data.3,4 Our recently published
journal paper used the
most up-to-date and
comprehensive survey
of dinosaur sizes available5 to demonstrate that
the average (median) adult
dinosaur weighed about 1,390
pounds, around the size of an
American bison.6
Our data set began with a
survey of over 900 species.5 We
eliminated all birds and the dinosaur species that lacked measured
values and pared down our final dinosaur
data set to 350 species. The designations allowed
division of the dinosaurs into five suborders, enabling us to determine the average size for each
major dinosaur type. Finally, we extracted the
Flood burial level (stratum) for 348 of the 350
While dinosaurs were distributed across a large spectrum of
sizes, most could be grouped into two categoriesthose that stayed
very small (under 130 pounds) and those that grew quite large (2,380
to 123,500 pounds). Those found buried in the lowest and earliest
dinosaur-bearing Flood layers were virtually all small, although there
were many small dinosaurs buried throughout the entire range of
dinosaur-bearing rocks. There was a general size increase upward into
younger Flood layers, but it was not universal or statistically strong.
The largest sauropodomorphs (long-necked dinosaurs like
Apatosaurus) were found buried about midway through the Flood
record of dinosaurs. Ornithopods (duck-billed dinosaurs) showed a
steady increase in size from earlier to later Flood deposits, attaining
the greatest size in the uppermost dinosaur-bearing strata. Theropods (like T. rex and Allosaurus) also generally showed an increase
in size from the earliest to the later Flood deposits but had a small




M AY 2 0 1 5

peak in size in the middle of the dinosaur-bearing strata, similar to

These data demonstrate that the average adult dinosaur size
was not that of a large dog or ponya misconception first promoted
by evolutionary paleontologists in the 1990s during the heyday of the
Jurassic Park movies. While dinosaurs grew to a wide range of sizes,
the average was about that of a bison. However, just because the median dinosaur size was fairly large, it does not mean there
was a room problem on the Ark. Most dinosaur pairs on the Ark would likely
have been smaller juveniles
not the large mature dinosaurs often seen in museums.7 Thus, the dinosaurs taken on the Ark
might have only averaged
150 to 500 poundsor
about sheep-size.
It appears many
young dinosaurs went
through a year or two of
rapid growth, a growth spurt
similar to teenage humans.8 Dinosaurs were probably taken on
the Ark about a year prior to this
growth spurt when they needed
less to eat and took up minimal
space. After the Flood and upon their
release to the land, the dinosaurs would have rapidly matured to
adult size and sexual maturityperfectly able to fulfill Gods command to repopulate and fill the Earth (Genesis 9:7).
1. Genesis 7:7-9 indicates that Noah took with him representatives of everything that creeps on
the earth, which would have included dinosaurs.
2. Woodmorappe, J. 1996. Noahs Ark: A Feasibility Study. Dallas, TX: Institute for Creation Research, 3-135.
3. Crichton, M. 1995. The Lost World. New York: Ballantine Books.
4. Horner, J. R. and D. Lessem. 1993. The Complete T. Rex. New York: Simon & Schuster.
5. Benson, R. B. J. et al. 2014. Rates of Dinosaur Body Mass Evolution Indicate 170 Million Years
of Sustained Ecological Innovation on the Avian Stem Lineage. PLOS Biology. 12 (5): 1-11.
6. Clarey, T. L. and J. P. Tomkins. 2015. Determining Average Dinosaur Size Using the Most Recent
Comprehensive Body Mass Data Set. Answers Research Journal. 8: 85-91.
7. Clarey, T. 2013. ICRs Toddler Duck-Billed Dinosaur: Eddie. Acts & Facts. 42 (10): 9.
8. Erickson, G. M., K. C. Rogers and S. A. Yerby. 2001. Dinosaurian growth patterns and rapid
avian growth rates. Nature. 412 (6845): 429433.

Dr. Clarey received his Ph.D. in geology from

Western Michigan University. Dr. Tomkins
received his Ph.D. in genetics from Clemson
University. Dr. Clarey and Dr. Tomkins are
Research Associates at the Institute for Creation Research.


ve was challenged with the first recorded dilemma. On the one hand,
God indicated that on the day Eve
and Adam ate from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, their immortal
bodies would become mortal and subject to
eventual death (Genesis 2:17). On the other
hand, the flattering serpent suggested the
oppositepromising that eating from that
tree would not result in death but instead
would make Adam and Eve like God (Genesis 3:4-5). How was Eve supposed to know
whom to believe?
Eve chose to evaluate the situation
by her own standard. She opted to use her
mind and her senses to judge who was telling the truth. She examined the tree with her
eyes and recognized that it was delightful
to look at, good for food, and desirable for
wisdom (Genesis 3:6). Her preliminary scientific analysis suggested that the serpents
hypothesis might be correct and that Gods
wordHis clear warningwas wrong. After all, the fruit did not appear dangerous;
there was nothing obviously defective with
it that would suggest eating it would result
in death. So, she took and ate and gave to
Adam, who did the same.
Today, we face a similar dilemma. On
the one hand, we have Gods Word, which
teaches things like the six days of creation, a
global flood, and the resurrection of Christ.
On the other hand, we have the words of
people who claim that such things are simply not possible. How are we supposed to
decide who is right?
Like Eve, we are inclined to judge
Gods Word based on our senses and our
understanding of what is possible. For some
people Gods Word passes the test, and for
others it does not. But either way, the test itself is defective because it attempts to judge
the infallible Word by standards that are fallible because they are human standards. We
must admit that our senses can be mistaken
at times (e.g., an optical illusion), and our
understanding of what is possible is often
wrong, as the history of science has shown.
Therefore, it makes no sense to judge a per-


fect standard (the Word of God) by a fallible
standard (human sensation and reasoning).
This would be like a young child who knows
nothing about mathematics going through a
college-level calculus textbook and attempting to correct what he perceives to be errors.
So when Eve attempted to judge the
infallible by the fallible, she was not only being immoral but irrational as well. After all,
she was attempting to use her mind and her
senses to judge whether God was honest.
But who made Eves mind? God did. And
who made Eves senses? God did. So, if God
were dishonest, then Eve would have no reason to trust her mind or her senses in the
first place. The same is true of people today
who attempt to judge the Bible by their own

L I S L E ,

. D .

fallible standard. This is immoral because it

puts God to the test (Matthew 4:7). But it is
also irrational because if the Bible were not
true, then people would have no good reason to trust their own minds or their own
senses by which they come to the conclusion
that the Bible is or is not true!
How then should Eve have responded? She should have recognized that Gods
truthfulness is a logical prerequisite for her
mind and senses to be even remotely reliable. So, by virtue of the fact that she was
able to correctly understand the serpent (using her mind and her senses), God must be
truthful. Therefore, the serpent was lying.
God expects us to reason using our
minds and to rely on our senses but not to
judge Him and His perfect Word by these
lesser standards. He expects us to rely upon
His revealed Word as the ultimate standard
for judging everything else. Remember, it is
not our minds that ultimately judge Gods
Word; rather, it is Gods
Word that will judge our
minds (Hebrews 4:12).
Dr. Lisle is Director of Research at
the Institute for Creation Research
and received his Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Colorado.

M AY 2 0 1 5







P .

T O M K I N S ,

. D .

Snake Venom, Genetic

Entropy, and Adams Curse

nbelievers and Christians alike often ask, How could a good god
make creatures with toxic venom?
According to the Bible, God originally created the world free of death, disease,
and violence. When Adam and Eve rebelled,
the entire creation was subjected to a curse
that resulted, among other things, in venomous snakes, stinging arthropods, and diseasecausing pathogens.
A major question facing creation biologists is how this curse has affected the
genomes of modern creatures that defy the
idea of a perfect creation, such as poisonous
snakes. A highly plausible, biblical, and scientific model is now emerging and gaining
validity thanks to recent snake studies. This
model is based on information corruption in
the genome, sometimes referred to as genetic
entropy. Support for this idea is based on the
fact that genes and their regulatory sequences have become corrupted through genome
degradationresulting in traits inconsistent
with the original intent of Gods creation.
Evolutionists originally believed new
snake venom genes came about by the duplication of genes that have other important
tasks in the snakes body. However, in a recent study, scientists found that duplication
of regions containing genes rarely produces
anything good.1 Instead, they took a different
approach and looked for other
explanations of snake venom
outside the standard evolutionary framework. The
researchers analyzed

and compared gene expression in venom

glands and other body tissues in a wide variety of venomous and non-venomous snakes.
They even included tissues from the gecko, a
little lizard.
Amazingly, the researchers claimed,
We find the hypothesis that snake venom
evolves through the duplication of physiological or body genes and subsequent recruitment into the venom gland to be unsupported by the available data, and indeed for
a large number of the gene families claimed
to have undergone recruitment [used for
other purposes after being duplicated] we
find evidence of a diverse tissue expression
pattern, including the salivary gland of nonvenomous reptiles.1 The key importance of
this discovery is that venom genes are not
the products of hypothetical evolutionary
processes (i.e., gene duplication). Instead, the
data show they are important DNA sequences that serve other purposes in a wide variety
of reptile tissues. We see the same thing in the
human bodythe same genes are expressed
in a variety of different tissues.
In another study, researchers utilized
a comprehensive set of 24 reptilian venomgene families that they compared to the
genome of the Burmese python, a nonvenomous snake.2 They also analyzed gene
expression datasets from 12 different python
tissues. This research
further vindicated
the emerging genetic model revealed by the previous study, namely
that the genes that

encode venom proteins are not specific to

venom glands but are actually expressed in
many different tissues throughout the snakes
body. The difference in the venom glands is
that some genes are expressed in much greater quantitiesresulting in greater amounts
of venom proteins. This dosage-dependent
phenomenon explains the toxic properties
of venom. The purpose of these proteins
produced at lower concentrations in other
bodily tissues has not been fully investigated
and is not well understood.
Interestingly, the first study also showed
that the increased expression of venom genes
was probably due to the corruption of regulatory DNA sequences that act like switches
outside the gene itself.1 These specialized genetic sequences tell the gene what tissues to
function in and how much product to make.
Therefore, mutations in these regions cause
genes to become misregulated, resulting in
elevated levels of proteins in venom glands
for some snake species. Creation scientists
would predict this type of scenario resulting
from the corruption of genetic information
associated with the curse and the degradation of the genome over time.
Both studies indicate that venom genes
serve other non-venomous purposes in a
variety of reptile tissues. The toxic amounts
of venom proteins in modern venomous
snakes are likely due to the genomic degradation of regulatory switches that alter a genes
expression patterns. Research has shown
that genomes have undergone a process of
information corruption initiated during the
Adamic curse, not an upward evolutionary
1. Hargreaves, A. D. et al. 2014. Restriction and recruitment
gene duplication and the origin and evolution of snake
venom toxins. Genome Biology and Evolution. 6 (8): 20882095.
2. Reyes-Velasco, J. et al. 2015. Expression of venom gene homologs in diverse python tissues suggests a new model for
the evolution of snake venom. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 32 (1): 173-183.

Dr. Tomkins is Research Associate at the Institute for Creation

Research and received his Ph.D. in genetics from Clemson





M AY 2 0 1 5

C R E AT I O N Q & A

Do Stars Still
Form Today?

T H O M A S ,

M . S .

Our own Milky Way

produces, on average, at
least one new star every
year, begins a University of Michigan news story detailing how
galactic dust interactions may regulate
star formation.1 However, Genesis says,
He made the stars also. So the evening
and the morning were the fourth day, suggesting that God made all stars in the beginning.2 How could stars still be forming if He
finished making them on the fourth day?
To begin, we could examine the evidence that leads most secular astronomers
to believe new stars are born each year. One
would think they use telescopes to watch a
new star ignite where there were no stars the
day before. But this never happened. No one
has ever witnessed a new star turn on.
Instead of direct observations, secular
astronomers employ uniformitarian logic
to draw their conclusions. Uniformitarianism assumes that the natural processes we
observe today, rather than Gods direct creation, explain the origin of all things. Peter
warned that this idea would also creep into
the Church and lead believers away from the
truth of Scripture. He said that in the last
days scoffers would try to remove the miracles of creation and the Flood from history
by insisting that all things continue as they
were from the beginning.3 Subscribing to
this philosophy, astronomers who will not
glorify Him as God believe that swirling
gases somehow form stars, not God.4
Blue stars burn out in less than a million years. But because secular astronomers
believe galaxies are billions of years old, they
adopt the concept of continual new star formation to explain the ones we see today. To
account for the particular number of stars in
the entire Milky Way, they calculate that at

least one new replacement star must be born

every year.
The logic begs the question by assuming that stars form today before concluding
that stars form at a certain rate. In other
words, it assumes uniformitarian philosophy before even approaching any evidence.
The belief that galaxies naturally
formed billions of years ago comes from
personal bias, not science. If our universe
were that old, we would see countless millions of supernova remnants from all the
stars that died over the eonsand we dont.
Recent creation accounts for the few supernova remanants we do see.5 If God made
the universe only a few thousand years ago
as revealed in Genesis, then there has not
yet been enough time for all its blue stars to
expireexplaining the relatively minimal
supernova shrapnel we see in the universe
and why so many of the blue stars still shine.
In addition, physics refutes the idea
that gas particles naturally come together
to build stars. ICR astrophysicist Jason Lisle
recently wrote, Gas is very resistant to being compressed.[I]n a typical nebula,
the gas pressure far exceeds the miniscule
force of gravity.6 So, those who assert that
stars still form should answer several ques-

tions. Has anyone actually seen a new star

ignite? If stars form by natural forces, then
which natural force overcomes the outwardpushing gas pressure?7 Finally, if stars do not
actually form today, then shouldnt galaxies
with blue stars be considered less than a million years old?8
Modeling ways that dusty interactions
may regulate star formation simply wastes
time if nature doesnt form stars today. After
removing uniformitarian thinking, we observe that the Milky Way actually produces,
on average, zero new stars every year. Along
the way, we also discover that Genesis got
star formation right.
1. A star is born: Galactic rain could be key to star formation.
Michigan State University news release. Posted on msutoday.msu.edu March 4, 2015, accessed March 4, 2015.
2. Genesis 1:16, 19. See also Psalm 136:7-9.
3. 2 Peter 3:3-4.
4. Romans 1:21.
5. Thomas, B. Rare Supernova Recalls Missing Remnants
Mystery. Creation Science Update. Posted on icr.org September 6, 2011, accessed March 13, 2015.
6. Lisle, J. 2012. Blue Stars Confirm Recent Creation. Acts &
Facts. 41 (9): 16.
7. If shockwaves from a nearby exploding star squeeze gases
close enough for gravity to begin crushing them into a new
star, then how did the first star
form when no stars yet existed?
8. This includes all spiral galaxies
and many others, and includes
galaxies both near and very far

Mr. Thomas is Science Writer at the

Institute for Creation Research.

M AY 2 0 1 5





Made in
His Image:



J .

G U L I U Z Z A ,

P . E . ,

The human retina

uppose you are an electronic engineer tasked with devising a mechanism that can translate ordinary
variations of light into useful information. But here is the tricky part: It has to
work inside a living person. Your engineering instincts instantly recognize the mechanism will require multiple partsprimarily
a light detector and a data-processing centerworking together for a single purpose.
You recall people have been sending
messages to each other for centuries simply
by flashing a light in a coded sequence. The
people who send and receive these flashing




M AY 2 0 1 5

messages must know the code in advance.

However, light is simply a condition of natureit is either present or it is not. It does
not convey information or send instructions
to organisms in and of itself. Processing data
into useful information happens within the
neurological center of an organism. Fortunately, the required data-processing element
of the mechanism is already built into the
persons brain, saving you decades of work.
All you have to do is devise a sensor to detect
light and send that data to the brain. So, how
would you begin your task?
That was the engineering undertak-

M . D .

ing of the Lord Jesus when He designed the

light detectors, called photoreceptors, that He
placed in the retina of our eyes (and the eyes
of all other light-sensing organisms). We
needed something that could act as an interface between the physical conditions around
us and our internal realm of thought and
consciousness. Our Lords ingenious solution was to use a molecule that could change
shape when exposed to a single photon of
lightthe smallest unit of light there is!
In high school biology, students learn
about the two types of photoreceptor cells
called rods and cones. Rods enable us to see
in darker conditions and cones give us both
color vision and fine visual acuity. Only
cones abide in the part of the retina where
incoming images are precisely focused, and
they are responsible for high-resolution vision. Humans have over 250 million photoreceptors, with about 120 million rods and
six million cones in each eye.
Even with myriads of photoreceptors covered by tens of thousands of lightsensitive molecules called rhodopsin, a photon of light is very tiny and may pass between
the rhodopsin molecules without actually
hitting any of them. From an engineers perspective, one effective way to ensure that a
photon will strike a molecule is to embed
thousands of molecules randomly along a
flat membrane and then stack many membranes on top of each other facing the direction of incoming light. This strategy covers
the area occupied by any photoreceptor with
rhodopsin molecules and is precisely how
your photoreceptor is designed, procuring
any light available to enable your sight (see
the outer segment in Figure 1).


Outer limiting

Image Credit: Copyright 2014 Rice University, OpenStax College. Adapted for use in accordance with federal copyright (fair use doctrine) law.
Usage by ICR does not imply endorsement of copyright holder.

lined with
or color




Figure 1. A rod photoreceptor cell. The outer
segment is the light-sensitive portion. The inner segment and nucleus are essential for cell
metabolism and replenish the outer segment.
The synaptic body connects the photoreceptor
to the nervous system that transfers data from
the receptor to the brain.
Designed rhodopsinin reveal clever
design by being sensitive to both the presence of light and its different characteristics for exhibiting colors. The rhodopsin
molecule has two main elements, a specific
chemical form of vitamin A and its attached
protein called an opsin. The selection of the
vitamin A aldehyde was a perfect choice
since it can change shape when exposed to
light. The different colors one sees in a rainbow correspond to the different frequencies
of light energy that, taken together, make
white light. Remarkably, various opsins are
tuned to different frequencies of light, so
any individual opsin may confer the ability to see a limited range of colorsuch as
reds, greens, or blues. More than 300 different opsins have been identified, serving as
an essential molecule for sight in a variety of
The Lord Jesus designed an ingenious

Figure 2. A rod photoreceptor cell rhodopsin generation cycle. The vitamin A aldehyde called
retinal changes shape when exposed to a photon light particle. It detaches from the opsin protein,
which is then activated to initiate a chemical cascade that results in a neurological signal sent to the
brain. Retinal is then reconfigured (from 11-trans-retinal to 11-cis-retinal) by dedicated enzymes
and reattached to opsin to complete the cycle in preparation for the next photon encounter.
biochemical process enabling photoreceptors to generate the visual data that are sent
to the brain. When the photoreceptors are
not exposed to light, enzymes dedicated to
working on the vitamin A aldehyde impart
energy into it by bending it from its normally straight shape and then attaching it to
an opsin molecule. In this state, rhodopsin
is primed for activation by a single photon
of light. When light strikes rhodopsin, the
energy in the vitamin A aldehyde is released,
and it snaps back to its straight shape and
detaches from the opsin. The cascading effect results in a small change in voltage
across the membrane of the photoreceptor
and the release of a neurotransmitter (see
Figure 2). This sends what amounts to one
bit of recognizable data to the brain.
Photoreceptors are constantly sending billions of data bits to the brain, which

processes the data and then associates it

with catalogued memories. When organized
matches are made, a person instantly realizes
the perception of vision in the form of useful information. Both of these precisely designed featuresan effective light detection
system and the data-processing capability of
the brainare needed for sight to occur.
Human engineers find solutions to
problems via the design process using engineering principles. The incredible engineering genius of the Lord Jesus Christ is clearly
seen in the things He made as they reflect the
same principlesonly at a scale and level of
complexity our best human engineers today can
only dream of.
Dr. Guliuzza is ICRs National Representative.

M AY 2 0 1 5






B E R G M A N ,

. D .

Raymond Damadian,
Inventor of the MRI

r. Raymond Damadian is the

father of the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). MRI
is widely recognized as one
of the great medical breakthroughs of the
20th century and has saved and enhanced
countless lives.1
While studying violin at the worldfamous Juilliard School of Music, Damadian
competed with nearly 100,000 applicants
and won a Ford Foundation Scholarship. He
was only 15. This enabled him to complete
a mathematics degree at the University of
Wisconsin. He then earned his medical degree at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and later did graduate work in biophysics at Harvard.
Damadian then became a professor
at the State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, where he taught until
he founded a company to manufacture MRI




M AY 2 0 1 5

scanners.2 He also published widely in peerreviewed scientific literature, including a

highly cited cover article on MRI in the leading journal Science.3
MRI, the premier medical diagnostic imaging method in use today, is a 10+
billion-dollar-per-year industry. MRIs are
able to detect diseased tissue or injury more
accurately, safely, and efficiently than any
other medical imaging technique.4 Over
a billion MRI scans have been completed
since its invention, with over 60 million additional scans each year.5
Damadian first got the idea while using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to
scan salt-loving bacteria called halophiles
that contain 20 times greater potassium levels than most bacteria.6 The results were so
promising that Damadian realized the technique could be used to diagnose cancer and
other diseases in humans.7 From that time

forward, he spent most of his career developing the MRI medical body scanner to
achieve this goal.
In 1970, he documented a major difference in MR signals between cancer and
normal tissue, as well as major differences
among normal tissue typesa critical discovery that made MRI scans possible. As
early as 1973, articles appeared in popular
magazines about his achievements.8
His wife, Donna, wrote that Damadian had great faith in the Lord and that, with
His help, hed be able to achieve his goal of
developing MRI technology to help diagnose disease. In his struggle to develop MRI,
she added that the Lord always seemed
to look after him.9 After much work, he
achieved his goal of developing a functional
MRI and soon after began manufacturing
these extraordinary machines.

domitablewas placed in the Smithsonian

Institution the same year. In March 2004, he
was awarded The Franklin Institute Medal
for his development and commercialization of magnetic resonance imaging...which
has transformed the diagnosis and treatment of disease.10
His Christian and Creationist Involvement
Damadian became a born-again
Christian in 1957 at a Billy Graham crusade in Madison Square Garden.11 Extensive
reading and study on science and theology
put his Christian faith on firm footing, especially on the creation-evolution question.
He also became keenly aware of the fallacy
of Darwinism. Since then, Damadian has
been very active in supporting creationism.12
He writes that he now understands

How could a scientist achieve his

goal of discovering the absolute truths

that govern the natural world without the blessing of the Author of those
truths? For me now the true thrill of
science is the search to understand a
small corner of Gods grand design,
and to lay the glory for such discover-

ies at the Grand Designers feet.

Recognition of Damadians Achievements

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan
awarded the National Medal of Technology jointly to Dr. Damadian and Dr. Paul
Lauterbur for their contributions to the
development of MRI. In 1989, Damadian
was inducted into the National Inventors
Hall of Fame, joining other distinguished
men, including Thomas Edison, Alexander
Graham Bell, Samuel F. B. Morse, and the
Wright Brothers. The first MRI scanner ever
builtDamadians own machine called In-

what the Apostle Paul calls the renewed

mind. Out of a mind renewed by Jesus
came the obvious. How could a scientist achieve his goal of discovering the
absolute truths that govern the natural
world without the blessing of the Author of those truths? For me now the
true thrill of science is the search to understand a small corner of Gods grand
design, and to lay the glory for such discoveries at the Grand Designers feet.13
A problem Damadian soon encountered was the aggressively secular environment of academics and science, noting that
he faced the fact that a scientist looks
at the experiments he is performing under conditions he himself is manipulating, and jumps to the conclusion that
he thinks he understands how creation
took place, and God wasnt necessary.
This becomes the root of atheism, and
it got hold of me.14
Dr. Damadian added that he read the
Bible from cover to cover, observing that
for the scientific mind, the Bible is wonderful if you read it from start to finish.
It fits together with an astonishing consistency, which was the opposite of my
secular perception. My early impressions were that it was rife with contradictions.14

This impression was demolished by

his study of the issue of biblical credibility
on the creation issue. One problem Damadian was concerned with was
some theologians and preachers qualified certain statements in the Bible,
making their accommodations with
the scientific world, sayingmost of
the claims for creation and for miracles
have alternate explanations. If the Bible
has to be qualified at every verse, then it
isnt long before you drift away from its
Damadians deeply held religious beliefs, specifically his conclusions on origins,
are detailed in his new book, Gifted Mind.15
As an active creationist, he has served on
the boards of several creation organizations, including the Institute for Creation
Research and the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum.
Dr. Damadian is one of many scientists who have realized science does not lead
to Darwinism; rather, science leads us to the
feet of the Grand Designer.15,16
Acknowledgments: I would like to thank Raymond Damadian, M.D., Michael Dennis, Ph.D., Peter Lassen, M.Sc.E.,
and Dr. Damadians assistant, Ellen Yeske.
1. Evans, H. 2004. They Made America: From the Steam Engine
to the Search Engine. New York: Doubleday, 442.
2. Weiss, R. 2003. Prize Fight. Smithsonian. 34 (9): 35-38.
3. Kjelle, M. M. 2003. Raymond Damadian and the Development of MRI (Unlocking the Secrets of Science). Bear, DE:
Mitchell Lane, 41.
4. Dwyer, J. The Quirky Genius Who Is Changing Our World.
Parade Magazine, October 10, 1993, 8-10.
5. Meyers, M. A. 2012. Prize Fight: The Race and the Rivalry to
Be the First in Science. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 125.
6. Damadian, R. 1994. The Story of MRI. The Saturday Evening Post. 266 (3): 55.
7. Damadian, R. 1971. Tumor Detection by Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance. Science. 171 (3976): 1151-1153.
8. Edelson, E. 1973. How Scientists Are Detecting Cancer with
Supermagnets. Popular Science. 202 (3): 99.
9. Kleinfield, S. 1985. A Machine Called Indomitable: The
Remarkable Story of a Scientists Inspiration, Invention, and
Medical Breakthrough. New York: Times Books. 149.
10. Raymond V. Damadian. Fact sheet of The Franklin Institute. Posted on www.fi.edu., April 2004
11. Chuvala, B. 1996. Images of the Body. Reflections of the
Soul. Physician. 8 (3): 4-7.
12. Hiebert, R. Darwin Wins Friends in Rome. British Columbia Report, November 11, 1996, 30-31.
13. Damadian, R. Discovering the MRI Scanner. Guideposts,
January 1999, 23.
14. Chuvala, Images of the Body, 7.
15. Damadian, R. and L. Leech. 2015. Gifted Mind: The Dr. Raymond Damadian Story, Inventor of the MRI. Green Forest,
AR: Master Books.
16. Beyak, T. Is It Possible to be a
World-Class Scientist and a Creationist? Abbotsford & Mission
News, September 21, 1996.

Dr. Bergman is an Adjunct Associate

Professor at the University of Toledo
Medical School in Ohio.

M AY 2 0 1 5







J .

S .

J O H N S O N ,

A Secret Weapon
for Apologetics

ecret weapons provide special advantages. Imagine the value of a

bazooka in the hands of a skillful
soldier hiding in the bushes when
an enemy tank lumbers by. Or, consider the
smug confidence of a machine gunner
nested inside a concrete pillbox, until he discovers (in a surprising flash) that a nearby
adversary has a flamethrower aimed at his
pillboxs open window. Secret weapons are
useful in both small-scale skirmishes and
larger-scale battles.
The same can be true when defending the biblical faith, but the Christians
weapons are different (2 Corinthians
10:3-4). Providing Gods truth routinely attracts conflicts (2 Timothy 3:8). The reality
of spiritual warfare is not in itself surprising, because Scripture informs us that we
are tasked with earnestly contending for the
faith (Ephesians 6:12-19; Jude 1:3-4). Accordingly, the usefulness of secret weapons
is no surprise to those who share and defend
the faith. One secret apologetic weapon, that
has little to do with fancy academic debate




M AY 2 0 1 5

techniques, is a genuine, caring respect for

the doubting inquirer.1
Peter identifies this kind of respect
as meekness (1 Peter 3:15). This means
that apologetics-practicing Christians need
to impart more than just true information when correcting errors and clarifying
confusing controversies. Accurate answers
need delivery with special handling so that
the truth is accepted more easily: They will
care how much you know if they know how
much you care.2 Furthermore, even if the
care and respect go under-appreciated, it is
nonetheless a Christians obligation to show
it anyway, because God has told us to do so
(1 Peter 3:15; Galatians 6:1).
For another example, consider the
situation of a college student who was unbiblical in his thinking on many topics yet
was not a Bible-criticizing scoffer. This student discussed apologetics-related topics
with an older student, Carl Fahrner, who
attended Virginia Tech. Carl instantly recognized flaws in the inquirers worldview but
did not use a shotgun-like approach to blast

J . D . ,

. D .

his errors. Rather, he used a kind and careful

approach like this:
I can see you have thought a lot about
thisyour theory does explain some
things, and it makes sense of some facts.
However, that explanation doesnt fit
these other facts (which he would then
detail). Also, as fits the big picture, that
explanation cannot be right, because it
conflicts with parts of the Bible (which
he would then detail), which I know
is always right. Jesus Himself said that
the Bible was right on every jot and
tittleand He would know! So, although I see why you think that way, I
also have good reason for not accepting
that explanation.3
Carl was friendly and diplomatic, yet
he stuck with the trutha true mentor
correcting the younger college student with
respect and care. Applying 1 Peter 3:15, Carl
was role-modeling meekness in apologetics rooted in the doxological attitude commanded in 1 Peter 3:15a.4 The practice of
showing respect and dignity when responding to a sincere inquirer5 might seem like a
humble weapon, yet what seems weak or
foolish to worldly eyes often contains Gods
power, wisdom, and blessing (1 Corinthians
1:25-31). The secret weapon is speaking the
truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).
1. Jesus Himself role-modeled this caring response to doubting Thomas (John 20:19-29). Another secret weapon for
apologetics-related contexts is prayer (Colossians 4:3; Ephesians 6:17-19).
2. Quoting Chaplain Bob Webel. Why is the secret weapon of
showing genuine respect so effective? Consider this observation from a public schoolteacher who teaches students
from rough neighborhoods: Kids who are loved at home
come to school to learn, but kids who dont get love at home
try to find it at school.
3. Carl Fahrner also advised the younger student that Virginia Tech had been blessed a few years prior by a Christian
geniusan engineering science professor, Dr. Henry M.
Morriswho had proven in many details how accurate
the Bible is on scientific matters, especially regarding the
hydrology aspects of the Genesis Flood.
4. For more about this attitude, see Johnson, J. J. S. 2014. Apologetics: Reactive, Proactive, or Both? Acts & Facts. 43 (4): 19.
5. It is needful to distinguish between sincere inquirers and
bellicose scoffers. Sincere inquirers have doubts and questions that deserve to be understood and answered with
care. However, scoffers resist truth, although they (like King
Herod) can pretend to care about it (Matthew 2:7-12).
Thus, the challenges, criticisms, and accusations of scoffers deserve succinct refutations
but not prolonged investments of
time and other resources (Proverbs 26:4-5; Mark 6:11).

Dr. Johnson is Associate Professor

of Apologetics and Chief Academic
Officer at the Institute for Creation



M .



ICRs Tychicus

ychicus is an obscure figure in the New Testament, menwith accurate information, sound doctrine, and a discerning heart.
tioned only five timesfour times by the apostle Paul
What does Tychicus have to do with ICR? In many ways, Tyand once in the book of Acts in association with Pauls
chicus character and abilities are reflected in Chas Morse, ICRs new
missionary journeys. Luke lists Tychicus among those
Director of Donor Development. Like Tychicus with Paul, Chas has
who traveled with Paul from Troas to Jerusalem (Acts 20:4-6), most
been engaged with ICR since our early days and knows our minislikely as part of the entourage of believers entrusted with delivering
try intimately. Chas father was involved with ICR during the 1970s
the substantial gift offering collected among the Gentile churches for
and often enlisted young Chas to operate the slide projector for
the poor believers in Judea (1 Corinthians 16:1; 2 Corinthians 8-9).
his speaking engagements.1 Later, Chas was a student under ICRs
While under house arrest in Rome, Paul commissioned Tychicus to
founder Dr. Henry Morris at Christian Heritage College, and durpersonally deliver his epistles to the believers
ing the final four years of his 26-year career
Paul trusted Tychicus not only
in Ephesus and Colossae (Ephesians 6:21;
in the Air Force, Chas served on ICRs board
to encourage the believers,
Colossians 4:7), and later he is mentioned
of trustees. Upon retiring as a Lt. Colonel,
but to do so with accurate
as one of two possible men to temporarily
he resigned his board position in 2010 to
information, sound doctrine,
relieve Titus from his ministry on the island
work full-time with ICR as our Director
and a discerning heart.
of Crete (Titus 3:12). And in his final letter
of Church and Seminar Ministries and has
written shortly before his martyrdom, Paul reveals to his
been instrumental in many successful events all over the nation.
young protg Timothy that Tychicus has once again
His depth of experience, effervescent personality, and passionbeen dispatched to Ephesus (2 Timothy 4:12).
ate enthusiasm for the ICR ministry are a perfect fit for his
But among all of Pauls references, his introducnew role with ICR.
tion of Tychicus to the believers in Colossae is perhaps
We have long desired to connect with our co-laborers
the most significant. Bear in mind that the epistle to
on a deeper level, and Chas is the right man for the job. Chas
the Colossians seems to have been written primarily
has been asked to meet with our longtime supporters
to correct heresies that developed there and were
to personally thank them for their past support,
spreading to other churches. Paul, imprisoned
get to know them personally, and share behindin Rome and unable to attend to these serithe-scenes information on ICRs vision for the
ous matters personally, needed a trusted
future. And like Tychicus, Chas is truly a beaid whom he could send in his steadand
loved brother, faithful minister, and fellow
Tychicus was just the man for the job. Paul
servant in the Lord whose intimate knowldescribes him as a beloved brother, faithedge of ICRs ministry will truly encourage
ful minister, and fellow servant in the
the hearts of those fortunate enough to
Lord whom he is sending to tell you
visit with him. If you get a call from Chas,
all the news about me for the express
please make every effort to meet him.
purpose that he may know your cirYoull be glad you did.
cumstances and comfort your hearts
1. Charles C. Chas Morse.
(Colossians 4:7-8). Tychicus was no
2014. Conversion of a Rocket Man: Charles P. Morse.
mere courier but a valued colleague
Acts & Facts. 43 (7): 20.
who knew Paul and his ministry intiMr. Morris is Director of Donor
mately. Paul trusted Tychicus not only
Relations at the Institute for
Creation Research.
to encourage the believers but to do so



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Visit icr.org/give and explore

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work of ICR ministries. Or contact
us at stewardship@icr.org or
800.337.0375 for personal
ICR is a recognized 501(c )(3) nonprofit
ministry, and all gifts are tax-deductible to
the fullest extent allowed by law.
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M AY 2 0 1 5


My two-year-old niece from Florida

found [while] working for The Salva-

is painfully shy, especially around

tion Army Emergency Disaster Ser-

strangers. We were visiting fam-

vices over the past few years what I

ilymy sister, her kids, and my

have come to believe is the true mean-

parents. And my niece, true to form,

ing of worshiping and following Jesus.

was staying as far from me as possible, hiding behind the safety of

her mother. But when I pulled ICRs
Guide to Dinosaurs out of my bag,
she ran straight to me, climbed onto
the sofa, and began in wide-eyed curiosity pointing out the many
dinosaurs pictured in your book. Dinosaur, she said over and over
with a smile on her face, as I flipped through the pages with her. That
little book made me her instant friend. Bless you, ICR.


In May 2011, I deployed to Hackleburg

and Phil Campbell, Alabama, as part of
The Salvation Armys tornado relief effort, where I interviewed and assisted
survivors of that deadly event. One day an elderly lady came into the
FEMA tent with a couple of family members for assistance. She had
lost children and grandchildren to the tornado, and her husband was
in the hospital in critical condition. After assisting her the best we
could, three members of our Salvation Army Ladies Auxiliary who
were working as disaster workers asked if they could pray with her.
There in that FEMA Disaster Assistance Center tent, this lady, in her
grief and pain, was surrounded and lifted up with heartfelt Spiritled prayer. It was at that moment, a moment in time, that I caught
a glimpse of what Sacred and Holy and Glory truly are. Everything
seemed to come together that this was the most sacred of worship,
being at the very center of Gods will, to be there with those in pain,
in Jesus name. Words are wholly inadequate to describe what I was
privileged to catch the briefest glimpse of. Its been nearly four years

Thank you for sending the [Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis] DVDs
so promptly.I am showing them to our small church-centered Bible

since, and Im still moved to tears to write of it.


institute (14 students).They are tremendous.I teach Genesis the first

When I saw the article Evolution of a Cre-

hour and a half and show the videos the last half hour.They reinforce

ation Scientist in [the March 2015] Acts &

what I taught.They have given me a better grasp of Gods world as a

Facts, I wanted to tell you that when The

whole and our purpose and destiny.I am using Dr. Henry M. Morris

Design and Complexity of the Cell came out

The Genesis Record as a guideline. Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis

it was an answer to prayer! My brother-

is very professional. The Institute for Creation Research has been a

in-law is an engineer who has rigorously

great help in my personal life and ministry down through the years

explored medical engineering. So, when it

since Dr. Morris wrote The Genesis Flood.I am sure he is still reaping

came time to homeschool biology, I asked

rewards from his many books and lectures.

his advice. And he suggested that since biology is so broad, I should

focus on the cell and human physiology. The very day I was planning


and asking the Lord what to do, the first ad came in the mail (2012)
I just wanted to drop a note and say thank you for todays Days of

and we ordered it. Your book was a real blessing. Thank you and all

Praise devotional Another Jesus.I really wish peoplewould

of those at ICR.

learn to look at people and see them as Jesus sees them. I have

Mom in Kentucky

Have a comment? Email us at editor@icr.org or write to Editor, P. O. Box 59029, Dallas, Texas 75229.
Note: Unfortunately, ICR is not able to respond to all correspondence.
M AY 2 0 1 5





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