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Isbp 745

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ISBP745 From:JOLIVETWhitney[mailto:whitney.jolivet@iccwbo.

org] Sent:Tuesday,June
M To:AllNCs Cc:SENECHALThierry;COLLYERGary Subject:OverturnedICCOpinionsfollow
n BankingCommission NotetoBankingCommissionmembers,nationalcommitteesandgroups
s you will all be aware, the final draft of the International Standard Banking
as approved at the Banking Commission meeting held in Lisbon on 17 April, 2013
f the same name, which will bear ICC publication number 745, should be availab
hing by the end of JuneorearlyJuly. National Committees and members of the B
requested to note that the agreed text of ISBP 2013revisededition(publicationN
acticesthatdifferfrompreviouslyagreedpositionsthat have been published as ICC
re Opinions R751 (TA735rev) and R766 (TA709rev). These OpinionsappearintheICCb
missionOpinions20092011 ,publicationNo.732. Foryourinformation,OpinionR751issu
esdescribedinparagraphsD1(c)andE1(a).For R766, this Opinion is superseded by
d in paragraph K10 (c). These two Opinions are to be consideredwithdrawnwithi
tregards, Thierry ThierrySenechal SeniorPolicyManager ExecutiveSecretary,Banking
nternationalChamberofCommerce(ICC) 38CoursAlbert1erI75008ParisIFrance Tel:+3
102 Email:thierry.senechal@iccwbo.org Website:www.iccwbo.org ISBP FortheExaminatio
ntsunderUCP600 PRELIMINARYCONSIDERATIONS Scopeofthepublication i) Thispublicati
nctionwithUCP600andnotinisolation. ii) Thepracticesdescribedinthispublication
esofUCP600aretobeinterpretedand applied, to the extent that the terms and
r any amendment thereto, do not expresslymodifyorexcludeanapplicablearticlein
endmentapplication,theissuanceofthecreditandanyamendmentthereto iii) Theterms
tandanyamendmenttheretoareindependentoftheunderlyingsaleor other contract eve
ndment expressly refers to that sale or other contract. When agreeing the terms
her contract, the parties thereto should be aware of the ensuing implicationsfo
hecreditoramendmentapplication. iv) Many of the problems that arise at the do
stage could be avoided or resolved by the

respective parties through careful attention to detail in the credit or amendmen

n and issuance of the credit or any amendment thereto. The applicant and benef
efully consider the documentsrequiredforpresentation,bywhomtheyaretobeissued,
etimeframe inwhichtheyaretobepresented. v) The applicant bears the risk of
uctions to issue or amend a credit. An issuing bank may, unless the applicant
ts to the contrary, supplement or develop those instructions in a manner necess
e to permit the use of the credit or any amendment thereto. An issuing bank
credit or amendment it issues is not ambiguous or conflicting in itstermsandc
pplicant and issuing bank should be fully aware of the content of UCP 600 and
cles such as 3, 14, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 28 (i), 30 and 31 define terms in
xpected results. For example, a credit requiring presentation of a bill of ladi
ng a prohibitionagainsttransshipmentwill,inmostcases,havetoexcludeUCP600suba
ibitionagainsttransshipmenteffective. vii) A credit or any amendment thereto sho
re presentation of a document that is to be issued, signedor countersignedbyt
theless,acreditoramendmentisissuedincluding such arequirement,thebeneficiarysh
ropriatenessofsucharequirementanddetermineits abilitytocomplywithit,orseeka
RALPRINCIPLES Abbreviations A1) Generally accepted abbreviations, such as, but
o, Intl instead of International, Co. instead of Company, kgs or kos
stry, Ltd instead of Limited, mfr instead of manufacturer or mt inste
n substitution for a word or vice versa. A credit that includes an abbreviatio
s a document to show the same abbreviation or any other abbreviation that has
owthecompletespellingofthewordorviceversa. A2) a. Virgules (i.e., slash mark
nt meanings and should not be used as a substitute for a word. If, neverthele
and no context is apparent, this will allow theuseofoneormoreoftheoptions.
tstatingRed/Black/Blue with no further clarification will mean only Red or on
or any combination of them. b. Theuseofacommawhenindicatingarangeofdatai
harge orcountriesoforigin,mayresultindifferentmeaningsandshouldnotbeusedasa
rtheless,acommaisusedandnocontextisapparent,thiswillallow theuseof oneor
enacreditallowspartialshipmentandindicatestheportofloadinginformationas Hamb
rp with no further clarification, this will mean only Hamburg or onlyRotterdam
binationofthem. Certificates,Certifications,DeclarationsandStatements A3) Whena
ertification,declarationorstatementisrequiredbyacredit,itistobesigned. A4) W
certification, declaration or statement needs to be dated will depend on the ty
te, certification, declaration or statement that has been requested, its required
d the wordingthatappearswithinthedocument. For example, when a credit requir
of a certificate issued by the carrier or its agent statingthatthevesselisno




a. the date or year the vessel was built, and such date or year is no more
ateofshipmentortheyearin whichshipmentwaseffected, in whichcaseadateofissu
e wording as stated in the credit, in which case a date of issuance is requi
ng thatasofthatdatethevesselwasnotmorethan25yearsold. Whenacertification,
arinadocumentwhich istobesignedanddated, it does not require a separate si
tification, declaration or statement appears to havebeengivenbythesameentityth
edocument. CopiesoftransportdocumentscoveredbyUCP600articles1925 a. When a
entation of a copy of a transport document covered by UCP 600 articles1925,t
plicable,asthesearticlesonlyapplytooriginaltransport documents.Acopyofatransp
nedonlytotheextentexpresslystatedin thecredit,otherwiseaccordingtoUCP600sub
hown on a copy of a transport document, when read in context with the credit,
dinternationalstandardbankingpractice,neednotbeidenticalto,butmust not conflic
ment,anyotherstipulateddocumentorthecredit. c. Copies of transport documents c
rticles 1925 are not subject to the default presentation period of 21 calendar
600 subarticle 14 (c) or any presentation period stated in the credit, unless
tly states the basis for determining such presentation period. Otherwise, a pres
be made at any time, but in any event no later thantheexpirydateofthecredi
orrection) a. i) Any correction of data in a document issued by the beneficia
on of drafts (seeparagraphB16),neednotbeauthenticated. ii) When a document
ary has been legalized, visaed, certified, etc., any correctionofdataistobeau
neoftheentitiesthatlegalized,visaedor certified, etc., the document. Such auth
ndicate the name of the entity authenticating the correction either by use of
ting its name, or by the additionofthenameoftheauthenticatingentityaccompanie
als. b. i) Anycorrectionofdatainadocument,otherthaninadocumentissuedbythe
ve been authenticated by the issuer or an entity acting as agent, proxy or fo
e issuer. Such authentication is to indicate the name of the entity authenticat
ion either by use of a stamp incorporating its name, or by the additionofthe
ntityaccompaniedbyitssignatureorinitials.In the case of authentication by an
apacity of acting as agent or proxy for [oronbehalfof]theissueristobestate
than one issued by the beneficiary has been legalized, visaed, certified,etc.,a
tais,inadditiontotherequirementsofparagraph A7)(b) (i), to be authenticated
tities that legalized, visaed or certified, etc., the document. Such authenticati
icate the name of the entity authenticating the correction either by use of a
g its name, or by the addition of the name of theauthenticatingentityaccompan
tials. c. Anycorrectionofdatainacopydocumentneednotbeauthenticated. When a
ssued by the beneficiary contains more than one correction, either each correcti
henticated separately, or one authentication is to indicate that it applies to
ions. For example, when a document issued by XXX shows three corrections number

A9) A10)


A13) A14)

one statement such as Correction numbers 1, 2 and 3 authenticated by XXX or

thesignatureorinitialsofXXX,willsatisfytherequirementforauthentication. The
styles, font sizes or handwriting within the same document does not, by itself,
ion. Courier receipt, post receipt and certificate of posting in respect of the
ments, noticesandthelike When a credit requires the presentation of a document
ding documents, notices and the like to a named or described entity, in the f
ipt, post receipt or certificate of posting, such document is to be examined o
xpressly stated in the credit, otherwise according to UCP600subarticle14(f)an
5. Dates a. Evenwhenacreditdoesnotexpresslysorequire: i) draftsaretoindic
ance documents are to indicate a date of issuance or effectiveness of the insu
flectedinparagraphsK10)(b)andK11);and iii) original transport documents, subj
n under UCP 600 articles 1925, are to indicateadateofissuance,adatedonboar
eofreceiptfor shipment, a date of dispatch or carriage, a date of taking in
p or receipt,asapplicable. b. A requirement that a document, other than a dra
ent or original transport document, be dated will be satisfied by the indicatio
uance or by reference in the document to the date of another document forming
sentation (for example, by thewordingdateasperbillofladingnumberxxxappearin
ieror its agent) or a date appearing on a stipulated document indicating the
nt (for example, by the date of inspection being indicated on an inspection ce
herwise does notcontainadateofissuance). a. A document, such as, but not lim
of analysis, inspection certificate or fumigationcertificate,mayindicateadateof
anthedateofshipment. b. When a credit requires a document to evidence a pre
ple, preshipment inspection certificate), the document, either by its title, c
ssuance, is to indicate thattheevent(forexample,inspection)tookplaceonorprior
irementthatthedocumentistoevidenceapreshipmentevent,anditneednot bedatedpr
ment indicating a date of issuance and a later date of signing is deemed to
dateofsigning. a. When a credit uses phrases to signify time on either side
e following shall apply: i) not later than 2 days after (date or event) me
vice or document is nottobedatedpriortoaspecifieddateorevent,thecreditshou
efore (date or event) means that an act or event is to take place not later
nt.Thereisnolimitastohowearlyitmaytakeplace. b. i) For the purpose of ca
e term within when used in connection with a date or event excludes that da
calculation of the period. For example, within 2 days of (date or event) mea



ii) The term within when followed by a date or a reference to a determinabl

hat date or event date. For example, presentation to be made within 14 May
hincreditvalidity(orcreditexpiry)wheretheexpirydateof the credit is 14 May,
y upon which presentation is allowed, providedthat14Mayisabankingday. The wo
to determine a maturity date or period for presentation following the date of
e of an event or the date of a document, exclude that date in the calculatio
mple, 10 days after the date of shipment or 10 days from the date of shipmen
as4May,willbe14May. Provided that the date intended can be determined from
r documents included in the presentation, dates may be expressed in any format.
e 14th of May 2013 could be expressed as 14 May 13, 14.05.2013, 14.05.13, 201
130514, etc. To avoid any risk of ambiguity,itisrecommendedthatthemonthbesta
dtheneedforcompletionofabox,fieldorspace The fact that a document has a b
e inserted does not necessarily mean that such box, field or space is to be
e, data are not required in the box titled Accounting Information or Handlin
found on an air waybill. Also see paragraphA37)inrespectoftherequirementsfor
x,fieldorspace. DocumentsforwhichtheUCP600transportarticlesdonotapply a. Do
relation to the transportation of goods, such as but not limited to, Delivery
der, Cargo Receipt, Forwarders Certificate of Receipt, Forwarders Certificate of
rwarders Certificate of Transport, Forwarders Cargo Receipt and Mates Receipt
documents as defined in UCP 600 articles 1925. These documents are to be exam
nt expressly statedin the credit,otherwise according toUCP600subarticle14(f).
erredtoinparagraphA18)(a),aconditionofacredit thatpresentation is to occur
f days after the date of shipment will bedisregarded,and presentation may be
in any event no later than the expiry date of the credit. ii) The default
1 calendar days stated in UCP 600 subarticle 14 (c) only applies to a presen
r more original transport documents covered byUCP600articles1925. c. For a p
apply to a document referred to in paragraph A18) (a), the credit should speci
ion is to be made within a certain number of days after the issuance date of
nt, or a date that is to be mentioned in the document (for example, when a
entation of a document titled cargo receipt, documents to be presentednolater
fthecargoreceipt). ExpressionsnotdefinedinUCP600 The expressions shipping do
s acceptable, third party documents acceptable, third party documents not acc
untry, shipping company and documents acceptable as presented should not be
are not defined in UCP 600. If,nevertheless,theyareused,andtheirmeaningisnot
allhavethefollowing meaningunderinternationalstandardbankingpractice: a. shippi
ocuments required by the credit, except drafts, teletransmission reports and cou
s, postal receipts or certificates of posting evidencing the sending of document


b. stale documents acceptable documents may be presented later than 21 cale

e of shipment as long as they are presented no later than the expiry date of
lso apply when the credit specifies a period for presentation together with the
documentsacceptable c. third party documents acceptable all documents for w
00 do not indicate an issuer, except drafts, may be issued by a named person
he beneficiary. d. thirdpartydocumentsnotacceptablehasnomeaningandistobe
ry one of the following: the country where the beneficiary is domiciled, th
he goods, the country of receipt by the carrier or the country from which shi
. f. shipping company P when used in the context of the issuer of a certif
claration relating to a transport document any one of the following: carrier,
harter party bill of lading is presented, the master, owner or charterer, or a
ied as an agent of any one of the aforementioned, regardless of whether it is
esented transportDocument. g. documents acceptable as presented a presentatio
e or more of the stipulated documentsprovidedtheyarepresentedwithintheexpiryd
wingamount is within that which is available under the credit. The documents w
be examined for compliance under the credit or UCP 600, including whether they
the required numberoforiginalsorcopies. Issuerofdocuments When a credit requir
issued by a named person or entity, this condition is satisfied when the docum
ssued by the named person or entity by use of its letterhead, or when therei
umentappearstohavebeencompletedorsignedby,orfor[oronbehalf of],thenamedper
n a credit stipulates the language of the documents to be presented, the data
ditorUCP600aretobeinthatlanguage. b. When a credit is silent with respect
nts to be presented, the documentsmaybeissuedinanylanguage. c. i) When a cr
ceptable languages, a confirming bank or a nominated bank acting on its nominat
t the number of acceptable languages as a condition of its engagement in the
case the data contained in the documentsareonlytobeintheacceptablelanguageor
itallowsadocumenttocontaindataintwoormoreacceptablelanguagesanda confirming
acting on its nomination does not restrict the language or the number of accep
s a condition of its engagement in the credit, it is required to examine the
ptable languages appearing in the documents. d. Banksdonotexaminedatathathave
agethatisadditional to thatrequired orallowedinthecredit. e. Notwithstanding
and (d), the name of a person or entity, any stamps, legalization, endorsements
the preprinted text shown on a document, such as, but notlimitedto,fieldhead
rthanthatrequiredinthecredit. Mathematicalcalculations

A22) When the presented documents indicate mathematical calculations, banks only
that the stated total in respect of criteria such as amount, quantity, weight
ges, does not conflict with thecreditoranyotherstipulateddocument. Misspellin
3) Amisspellingortypingerrorthatdoesnotaffectthemeaningofawordorthesentenc
umentdiscrepant.Forexample,adescriptionofthegoodsshownasmashineinstead of
f fountain pen or modle instead of model would not be regarded as a con
le 14 (d). However, a description shown as, for example,model123insteadofm
tofdataunderthatsubarticle. Multiplepagesandattachmentsorriders A24) Whena
nonepage,itmustbe possibletodeterminethatthe pagesare part of the same doc
ovides otherwise, pageswhich arephysically boundtogether, sequentially numbered o
nternal cross references, however named or titled, will meet this requirement an
mined as one document, even if some of the pages are regarded as an attachmen
ignature or endorsement is required to be on a document consisting of more tha
credit or the document itself does not indicate where a signature or endorsemen
he signatureorendorsementmayappearanywhereonthatdocument. Nondocumentarycondi
ata A26) When a credit contains a condition without stipulating a document to
nce therewith (nondocumentary condition), compliance with such condition needno
nany stipulated document. However, data contained in a stipulated document are
lict with the nondocumentary condition. For example, when a credit indicates p
ases without indicating that such data is to appear on any stipulated document
y stipulated documentindicatingadifferenttypeofpackingisconsideredtobeaconfli
dcopies A27) Adocumentbearinganapparentlyoriginalsignature,mark,stamporlabelo
ered tobeanoriginalunlessitstatesthatitisacopy.Banksdonotdeterminewhether
abel of the issuer has been applied in a manual or facsimile form and, as su
ngsuchmethodofauthenticationwillsatisfytherequirementsofUCP600article17. A28)
ethanoneoriginalmaybemarkedOriginal,Duplicate,Triplicate,First Original,
gswilldisqualifyadocumentasanoriginal. A29) a. The number of originals to be
ast the number required by the credit or UCP 600. b. When a transport docum
ent indicates how many originals have been issued, the number of originals stat
nt is to be presented, except as stated in paragraphsH12)andJ7)(c). c. Whe
ntation of less than a full set of original transport documents, (for example,
s of lading), but does not provide any disposal instructions for the remaining
g,apresentationmayinclude3/3originalbillsoflading. d. Whenacreditrequires,
f: i) Invoice, One Invoice, Invoice in 1 copy or Invoice 1 copy,
inalinvoice. ii) Invoice in 4 copies or Invoice in 4 fold will be sat
ast oneoriginalinvoiceandanyremainingnumberascopies. iii) photocopy of in
be satisfied by the presentation of either a


A31) A32)



photocopy,copyor,whennotprohibited,anoriginalinvoice. iv) photocopyofasigne

y thepresentation ofeither aphotocopyor copy of the original invoice that was
r, when not prohibited, a signed originalinvoice. a. When a credit prohibits t
f an original document by stating, for example, photocopy of invoice origina
table in lieu of photocopy or the like, only a photocopyofaninvoiceoraninv
. b. When a credit requires the presentation of a copy of a transport documen
posal instruction for all originals of that document, a presentation is not to
inal of such document. a. Original documents are to be signed when required by
cument itself (except as statedinparagraphA37))orUCP600. b. Copiesofdocuments
. Shippingmarks When a credit specifies the details of a shipping mark, docume
e shipping mark are to showthosedetails.Thedatainashippingmarkindicatedona
ence asthoseshowninthecreditorinanyotherstipulateddocument. Ashippingmarkin
tainexcessofwhatwouldnormallybeconsidered ashippingmark,orwhichisspecified
itionofinformation such as, but not limited to, the type of goods, warnings c
ing of fragile goods or net andgrossweightofthegoods. a. Transport documents
zed goods often only show a container number, with or withoutasealnumber,unde
korsimilar.Otherdocumentsthatshow amoredetailedmarkingwillnotbeinconflictf
t some documents show additional information as mentioned in paragraphs A33) and
le others do not, will not be regarded as a conflict of data under UCP 600
res a. Asignature,asreferredtoinparagraphA31)(a),neednotbehandwritten.Docume
a facsimile signature (for example, a preprinted or scanned signature), perforat
, stamp, symbol (for example, a chop) or any mechanical or electronic method o
. b. Arequirementforadocumenttobesignedandstampedorasimilarrequirementis
m described in paragraph A35) (a) and the name of the signing entity typed, s
,preprintedorscannedonthedocument,etc. c. A statement on a document such as
ctronically authenticated or This document has been produced by electronic mean
o signature or words of similareffectdoesnot,byitself,representanelectronicm
naccordancewith thesignaturerequirementsofUCP600article3. d. A statement on
that authentication may be verified or obtained through a specific reference to
) constitutes a form of electronic method of authentication in accordance with
equirements of UCP 600 article 3. Banks will not access such websitestoverify
ion. a. A signature on the letterhead paper ofa named personor entity is con
ture of that named person or entity unless otherwise stated. The named person
be repeatednexttothesignature.

b. When a signatory indicates it is signing for [or on behalf of] a branch o

ture willbeconsideredtobethatoftheissuer. A37) The fact that a document has
signature does not in itself mean that such box, field or space is to be com
e. For example, a signature is not required in the space titled Signature of
t commonly found on an air waybill or Signature of shipper on a road trans
agraph A17) in respect of the requirements for data to appear inabox,fieldor
tincludeswordingsuchasThisdocumentisnotvalidunlesscountersigned[orsigned] by
ordsofsimilareffect,theapplicablebox,fieldorspaceistocontain asignatureandt
tiscountersigningthedocument. Titleofdocumentsandcombineddocuments A39) Docum
as called for in the credit, bear a similar title or be untitled. The content
pear to fulfill the function of the required document. For example, a requireme
ist will be satisfied by a document containing packing details whether it is
kingNote,PackingandWeightList,etc.,orbearsnotitle. A40) Documentsrequiredb
atedocuments.However,andasanexample,a requirement for an original packing list
ight list will also be satisfied by the presentation of two original combined
t lists, provided that such documents state both packingandweightdetails. A41)
red by a credit that is to cover more than one function may be presented as
arate documents that appear to fulfill each function. For example, a requirement
cate of Quality and Quantity will be satisfied by the presentation of a single
parate Certificate of Quality and Certificate of Quantity provided that each doc
s to fulfill itsfunctionandispresentedinthenumberoforiginalsandcopiesasrequ
ALCULATIONOFMATURITYDATE Basicrequirement B1) a. Adraft,whenrequired,istobe
edit. b. BanksonlyexamineadrafttotheextentdescribedinparagraphsB2)PB17).
donadraftistobeinaccordancewiththetermsofthecredit. b. Whenacreditrequ
toracertainperiodaftersight, itmustbepossibletoestablishthematuritydatefrom
ample,when acreditcallsfordraftsatatenor60daysafterthebillofladingdate,an
y2013,thetenoristobeindicatedonthedraftinoneofthefollowingways: i) 6
aysafter14May2013,or iii) 60 days after bill of lading date and elsew
ll of lading date14May2013,or iv) 60daysdateonadraftdatedthesameda
aysafterthebillofladingdate. c. When the tenor refers to, for example, 60
ng date, the on board date is deemed to be the bill of lading date even whe
r to or later than the date of issuanceofthebilloflading. d. The words
e maturity dates of drafts signify that the calculationofthematuritydatecommen
hedateofthedocument,shipmentor thedateofaneventstipulatedinthecredit,forex

B3) B4) B5)


i) When a credit requires a bill of lading and drafts are to be drawn, for
or from the bill of lading date and a bill of lading is presented evidencing
ing of the goods from one vessel to another, and showing more than one dated
indicating that each shipment was effected from a port within a permitted geogr
range of ports, the earliest of these dates is to be used for the calculation
ample,acreditrequiresshipmentfromanyEuropean port, and the bill of lading evi
el A from Dublin on 14 May, with transshipment effected on board vessel B
draft should reflect60daysaftertheearliestonboarddateinaEuropeanport,i.e.,1
uires a bill of lading and drafts are to be drawn, for example, at 60 days
ading date, and a bill of lading is presented evidencing shipment of goods on
m more than one port within a permitted geographical area or range of ports,
ne datedon boardnotation, the latest of thesedates is to be used for the ca
y date. For example, a credit requires shipment from any European port, and th
idences part of the goods loaded on board vessel A from Dublin on 14 May a
e same vessel from Rotterdamon16May.Thedraftshouldreflect60daysafterthelate
ii) When a credit requires a bill of lading and drafts are to be drawn, for
r or from the bill of lading date, and more than one set of bills of lading
aft, the on board date of the latest bill of lading will be used for the ca
te. While the examples in paragraphs B2) (e) (iiii) refer to bill of lading
ples apply to anybasisfordeterminingamaturitydate. Maturitydate Whenadraftst
nactualdate,thatdateistoreflectthetermsofthecredit. Fordraftsdrawn,forexam
eisestablishedasfollows: a. in the case of a complying presentation, the matu
ays after the day of presentation to the bank on which the draft is drawn, i
confirming bank or a nominatedbankthatagreestoactonitsnomination(draweebank
gpresentation: i) when such drawee bank has not provided a notice of refusal
ill be 60 daysafterthedayofpresentationtoit; ii) whenthedraweebankisthe
frefusalatthelatest 60daysafterthedatetheissuingbankacceptsthewaiverofthe
ee bank is a bank other than the issuing bank and it has provided a notice
safterthedateoftheacceptanceadviceoftheissuingbank.When such drawee bank do
cceptance advice of the issuing bank, the undertakingtohonourontheduedateist
hedraweebankistoadviseorconfirmthematuritydatetothepresenter. Themethodofc
ydates,asshownabove,alsoappliestoacreditavailableby deferred payment or, in
n, i.e., when there is no requirement for a draft to be presentedbythebenefi
cedays,delaysinremittance Payment is to be made in immediately available funds
he place where the draft or documentsarepayable,providedthatsuchduedateisab

nonbanking day, payment is due on the first banking day following the due dat
dduedateasdefinedbythedraftordocuments. Drawingandsigning B8) a. Adrafti
ryandtoindicateadateofissuance. b. When the beneficiary or second beneficia
, and the credit mentions the former name, a draft may be drawn in the name
ed that it indicates formerlyknownas(nameofthebeneficiaryorsecondbeneficiary)
B9) When a credit indicates the drawee of a draft by only stating the SWIFT
raft may showthedraweewiththesamedetailsorthefullnameofthebank. B10) When
nwithanominatedbankoranybank,thedraftistobedrawnona bankotherthanthenom
blebyacceptancewithanybank,thedraftistobedrawnonthebankthatagreesto accep
nitsnomination. B12) Whenacreditisavailablebyacceptancewith: a. anominated
edrawnonthatnominatedbank(whichisnota confirmingbank),anditdecidesnottoact
rymaychooseto: i) draw the draft on the confirming bank, if any, or requ
e forwarded totheconfirmingbankintheformaspresented; ii) presentthedocume
sto accept adraft drawnonitand thereby actonitsnomination(applicableonlywhe
ybank);or iii) request that thepresentation be forwarded to the issuing ba
ed with orwithoutadraftdrawnontheissuingbank. b. a confirming bank, and t
t confirming bank and the presentation is noncomplying,anditdecidesnottoreins
,thebeneficiarymayrequestthatthe presentation be forwarded to the issuing bank
ented, with or without a draft drawnontheissuingbank. Amounts B13) Adrafti
edunderthepresentation B14) Theamountinwordsistoaccuratelyreflecttheamountin
ndindicatethe currency as stated in the credit. When the amount in words and
ct, the amount in wordsistobeexaminedastheamountdemanded. Endorsement B15)
ssary. Correctionandalteration(correction) B16) Anycorrectionofdataonadraft
ticatedwiththeadditionofthesignature orinitialsofthebeneficiary. B17) When
s allowed in a draft, an issuing bank should have included a suitable stipulat
ftsdrawnontheapplicant B18) a. Acreditmustnotbeissuedavailablebyadraftdraw
when a credit requires the presentation of a draft drawn on the applicant as
ocuments, it is to be examinedonly to the extent expressly stated in the cred
dingtoUCP600subarticle14(f). INVOICES Titleofinvoice


C6) C7) C8)

a. When a credit requires presentation of an invoice without further descripti

tisfied by the presentation of any type of invoice (commercial invoice, customs
nvoice, final invoice, consular invoice, etc.). However, an invoice is not to b
rovisional,proformaorthelike. b. When a credit requires presentation of a
l also be satisfied by the presentationofadocumenttitledinvoice,evenwhensuc
ntthatit hasbeenissuedfortaxpurposes. Issuerofaninvoice a. An invoice is t
by the beneficiary or, in the case of a transferred credit, thesecondbeneficia
eficiary or second beneficiary has changed its name and the credit mentions the
invoice may be issued in the name of the new entity provided that it indicate
fthebeneficiaryorsecondbeneficiary)orwordsofsimilareffect. Descriptionoftheg
anceandothergeneralissuesrelatedtoinvoices The description of the goods, servi
e shown on the invoice is to correspond with the description shown in the cre
irement for a mirror image. For example, details of the goods may be stated i
thin the invoice which, when read together, represent a descriptionofthegoodsc
tinthecredit. The description of goods, services or performance on an invoice
as actually been shipped, delivered or provided. For example, when the goods de
e credit indicates a requirement for shipment of 10 trucks and 5 tractors, a
en shipped, an invoice may indicate shipment of only 4 trucks provided that th
ohibit partial shipment. An invoiceindicatingwhathasactuallybeenshipped(4trucks
edescriptionofthegoods statedinthecredit,i.e.,10trucksand5tractors. An invo
n of the goods, services or performance that corresponds with that in the cred
ditionaldatainrespectofthegoods,servicesorperformanceprovidedthatthey donota
ature,classificationorcategoryofthegoods,servicesorperformance. For example, wh
ires shipment of Suede Shoes, but the invoice describes the goods as Imitati
he credit requires Hydraulic Drilling Rig, but the invoice describes the goods
aulic Drilling Rig, these descriptions would represent a change in nature,class
goryofthegoods. Aninvoiceistoindicate: a. thevalueofthegoodsshippedordeliv
eprovided. b. unitprice(s),whenstatedinthecredit. c. thesamecurrencyasthats
ountordeductionrequiredbythecredit. An invoice may indicate a deduction coveri
t, discount, etc., that is not stated in the credit. When a trade term is st
s description in the credit, an invoice is to indicate that trade term, and w
trade term is stated, the same source is to be indicated. For example,atrade
FSingaporeIncoterms2010isnottobeindicatedonan invoice as CIF Singapore or
er, when a trade term is stated in the credit as CIF Singapore or CIF Sin
e indicated on an invoice as CIF SingaporeIncoterms2010oranyotherrevision.
osts, such as those related to documentation, freight or insurance costs, are t

C10) Aninvoiceneednotbesignedordated. C11) Anytotalquantityofgoodsandtheir

nonthe invoiceisnottoconflict with thesamedataappearingonotherdocuments. C1
: a. Overshipment(exceptasprovidedinUCP600subarticle30(b)),or b. goods,
alled for in the credit. This applies even when the invoice includesadditional
,servicesorperformanceasrequiredbythecreditorsamples andadvertisingmaterialan
ge. C13) Thequantityofgoodsrequiredinthecreditmaybeindicatedonaninvoicewith
nce of up to +5% in the quantity of the goods does not allow the amount dem
tion to exceed the amount of the credit. The tolerance of +/P5% in the quanti
otapplywhen: a. acreditstatesthatthequantityisnottobeexceededorreduced;o
rmsofastipulatednumberofpackingunitsorindividualitems. C14) When no quantity
he credit, and partial shipments are prohibited, an invoice issued foranamount
itamountwillbeconsideredtocoverthefullquantityandnota partialshipment. Ins
ts C15) a. i) When a drawing or shipment by installments within given periods
e credit, and any instalment is not drawn or shipped within the period allowed
nt, the credit ceases to be available for that and any subsequent instalment.
a sequence of dates or timelines that determine a start and end date for each
mple, a credit requiring shipment of 100 cars in March and 100 cars in April
softimethat starton1 Marchand1Aprilandend on 31 Marchand30Aprilrespectiv
r shipments are allowed, any number of drawings or shipments is permittedwithin
b. When a credit indicates a drawing or shipment schedule by only indicating a
ates,andnotgivenperiods(asreferredtoinparagraphC15)(a)(i): i) this is n
nvisaged by UCP 600, and article 32 will not apply. The presentation is to ot
any instructions in respect of the drawing or shipmentscheduleandUCP600article
l drawings or shipments are allowed, any number of drawings or shipments is pe
chlatestdateforadrawingorshipmenttooccur. TRANSPORT DOCUMENT COVERING AT LEAS
S OF TRANSPORT (multimodalorcombinedtransportdocument) ApplicationofUCP600
ement in a credit for the presentation of a transport document, however named,
nt of goods utilizing at least two different modes of transport means that UCP
ppliedintheexaminationofthatdocument. b. i) A multimodal or combined transpo
indicate that shipment or dispatch hasbeeneffectedbyonlyonemodeoftransport,bu
gsomeorallof themodesoftransportutilized. ii) A multimodal or combined t
contain any indication of a charter partyasdescribedinparagraphsG2)(a)and(b).
ires the presentation of a transport document other than a multimodal or



combined transport document, and it is clear from the routing of thegoods stat
at more than one mode of transport is to be utilized, for example, when an i
or finaldestinationareindicated,ortheportofloadingordischargefieldiscompleted
n fact an inland place and not a port, UCP 600 article 19 is to be applied
ument. In all places where the term multimodal transport document is used wit
n, it also includes the term combined transport document. The transport docume
not be titled Multimodal transport document or Combined transport document or
ect even whenthecreditsonamestherequireddocument. Issuance,carrier,identificati
igningofamultimodaltransportdocument a. A multimodal transport document may be
ity other than a carrier or master (captain)provideditmeetstherequirementsofU
n a credit indicates Freight Forwarders Multimodal Transport Document is accept
imodal Transport Document is acceptable or words of similar effect, a multimoda
ument may be signed by the issuing entity without it being necessary to indica
ichithasbeensignedorthenameofthecarrier. Astipulationin acreditthatFreigh
tDocumentsare notacceptable or House Multimodal Transport Documents are not a
similar effect has no meaninginthecontextofthetitle,format,contentorsigningo
cument unless the credit provides specific requirements detailinghowthe multimoda
t document is to be issued and signed. In the absence of these requirements,
s to be disregarded, and the multimodal transport document presented is to be
ng to the requirements of UCP 600 article a. A multimodal transport document i
e form described in UCP 600 subarticle 19 (a)(i)andtoindicatethenameofthe
r. b. Whenamultimodaltransportdocumentissignedbyanamedbranchofthecarrier,th
avebeenmadebythecarrier. c. Whenanagentsignsamultimodaltransportdocumentfor
eagentis to be named and, in addition, to indicate that it is signing as a
r or as agent on behalf of (name), the carrier or words of similar effect.
ied elsewhere in the document as the carrier, the named agent may sign, for
nbehalfof]thecarrierwithoutnamingthecarrieragain. d. When the master (captai
ransport document, the signature of the master (captain)istobeidentifiedas the
ofthemaster(captain)neednot bestated. e. When an agent signs a multimodal tr
or on behalf of] the master (captain), the agent is to be named and, in addi
it is signing as agent for the master (or captain) or as agent on behalf
rds of similar effect. The name of themaster(captain)neednotbestated. On boa
ipment, place of receipt, dispatch, taking in charge, port of loadingorairport
suance date of a multimodal transport document will be deemed to be the date
h, taking in charge or shipment on board and the date of shipment, unless it
d notation evidencing receipt, dispatch, taking in charge or shipment on board
port or airport stated in the credit. In the latter event, such date will be
f shipment whether that date is before or after the issuance date of the mult
cument. A separate dated notation may

D11) D12)
D15) D16)

alsobeindicatedinadesignatedfieldorbox. When a credit requires shipment to c

e., when the first leg of the journey, as requiredbythecredit,isbysea,amul
oindicateadatedonboardnotation, andinthiseventparagraphE6)(bd)willalsoappl
t document, when a credit requires shipment to commence from a port, the named
ppearintheportofloadingfield.However,itmayalsobestatedinthefield headedPl
t,providedthereisadatedonboardnotationevidencing that the goods were shipped
l at the port stated under Place of receipt or words ofsimilareffect. A mu
nt is to indicate the place of receipt, dispatch, taking in charge, port of l
departure stated in the credit. When a credit indicates the place of receipt,
in charge, port of loading or airport of departure by also stating the country
, portorairportislocated,thenameofthecountryneednotbestated. When a credit
rea or range of places of receipt, dispatch, taking in charge, ports of loadin
parture (for example, Any European Country or Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp Port
nsport document is to indicate the actual place of receipt, dispatch, taking in
loading or airport of departure, which is to be within that geographical area
ltimodaltransportdocumentneednotindicatethegeographicalarea. Terms such as Shi
ood order, Laden on board, Clean on board or other phrases thatincorporate
ewordsShippedonboard. Placeoffinaldestination,portofdischargeorairportofde
l transport document, when a credit requires shipment to be effected to a port
chargeshouldappearintheportofdischargefield. b. However,thenamed portofdisch
ldheadedPlace offinaldestination or words of similar effect provided there i
g that the port of discharge is that stated under Place of final destination
ect. For example, when a credit requires shipment to be effected to Felixstowe,
is shown as the place of final destination instead of the port of discharge,
d by a notation stating Port of dischargeFelixstowe. A multimodal transport d
te the place of final destination, port of discharge or airport ofdestinations
enacreditindicatestheplaceoffinaldestinationportofdischargeor airport of des
ng the country in which the place or port is located, the name of the countr
redit indicates a geographical area or range of places of final destination, po
e or airports of destination (for example, Any European Country or Hamburg,
rt), a multimodal transport document is to indicate the actual place of final
of discharge or airport of destination, which is to be within that geographical
places. A multimodaltransportdocumentneednotindicatethegeographicalarea. Origina
ansportdocument a. Amultimodaltransportdocumentistoindicatethenumberoforiginal
. b. Multimodal transport documents marked First Original, Second Original,
al,Duplicate,Triplicateorsimilarexpressionsarealloriginals. Consignee,order
ent,andnotifyparty Whenacreditrequiresamultimodaltransportdocumenttoevidencet
oanamed entity, for example, consigned to (named entity) (i.e., a straight
ument or consignment) rather than to order or to order of (named entity),



D20) D21)
D22) D23)

to order or to order of preceding the named entity, or the expression or

y,whethertypedorpreprinted. a. Whenamultimodaltransportdocumentisissuedtoor
ndorsed by the shipper. An endorsement may be made by a named entity other th
idedtheendorsementismadefor[oronbehalfof]theshipper. b. When a credit requi
rt document to evidence that goods are consigned to order of (named entity),
hat the goods are straight consigned to that named entity. a. Whenacreditstip
rmorenotifyparties,amultimodaltransportdocument mayalsoindicatethedetailsofon
fyparties. b. i) When a credit does not stipulate the details of a notify pa
sport document may indicate the details of any notify party and in any manner
nparagraphD18)(b)(ii)). ii) When a credit does not stipulate thedetails of
ails of theapplicant appear as notify party on a multimodal transport document,
ls include the applicants address and contact details, they are not to conflic
d in the credit. Whenacreditrequiresamultimodaltransportdocumenttoevidencegoo
erof issuingbankorapplicantornotifyapplicantorissuingbank,amultimodal
me of the issuing bank or applicant, as applicable, but need not indicate thei
ssesoranycontactdetailsthatmaybestatedinthecredit. When the address and con
cant appear as part of the consignee or notify party details,theyarenottocon
ecredit. Transshipment,partialshipmentanddeterminingthepresentationperiodwhenmul
ltimodaltransportdocumentsarepresented Inmultimodaltransporttransshipmentwilloccu
pmentistheunloadingandreloadingofgoods from one means of conveyance to anothe
e (whether or not in different modes of transport)duringthecarriageofthosegoo
t,dispatchortakingincharge,portof loading or airport of departure to the pla
n, port of discharge or airport of destination statedinthecredit. Shipment on
of conveyance (more than one truck [lorry], vessel, aircraft, etc.) is a partia
ensuchmeansofconveyanceleavesonthesamedayforthesamedestination. a. When a
hipment, and more than one set of original multimodal transport documents are p
ing receipt,dispatch, taking in chargeor shipment from one or more points of
ally allowed, or within a geographical area or range of places stated in the
to indicate that it covers the carriage of goods on the same means of conveya
atthegoodsaredestinedforthesamedestination. b. When a credit prohibits partia
than one set of original multimodal transport documents are presented in accorda
graph D23) (a) and incorporate different dates of receipt, dispatch, taking in
ment, the latest of these dates is to be used for the calculation of any pre
ust fall onor before thelatest date of receipt, dispatch, takinginchargeorsh
. c. When partial shipment is allowed, and more than one set of original mult
ifferentdatesofreceipt,dispatch,takinginchargeorshipment,ondifferentmeans ofc
stofthesedatesistobeusedforthecalculationofany presentation period,

D25) D26) D27)
D29) D30)


andeachof thesedatesmustfallonorbeforethelatest dateofreceipt,dispatch, tak

tedinthecredit. Cleanmultimodaltransportdocument A multimodal transport document
ude a clause or clauses that expressly declare a defective conditionofthegoods
rexample: a. A clause on a multimodal transport document such as packaging is
he sea journey or words of similar effect is an example of a clause expressl
e conditionofthepackaging. b. A clause on a multimodal transport document such
be sufficient for the sea journeyorwordsofsimilareffectdoesnotexpresslydecla
hepackaging. a. It is not necessary for the word clean to appear on a multi
t even when thecreditrequiresamultimodaltransportdocumenttobemarkedcleanonb
e word clean on a multimodal transport document does not expressly declare a
hegoodsortheirpackaging. Goodsdescription A goods description indicated on a m
ort document may be in general terms not in conflictwiththegoodsdescriptionin
nofnameandaddressofdeliveryagentatdestination Whenacreditrequiresamultimodal
catethename,addressandcontactdetails ofadeliveryagentorwordsofsimilareffect,
nationorportofdischarge,the address need not be one that is located at the
ort of discharge or within the same countryasthatoftheplaceofdestinationorp
onsandalterations(corrections) Anycorrectionofdataonamultimodaltransportdocum
d.Suchauthenticationis toappeartohavebeenmadebythecarrier,master(captain)or
omaybe different from the agent that may have issued or signed a multimodal
rovided they areidentifiedasanagentofthecarrierormaster(captain). Nonnegotiab
odal transport document need not include authentication of any correctionsthatma
heoriginal. Freightandadditionalcosts Astatementappearingonamultimodaltransport
ingthepaymentoffreightneednotbe identicaltothatstatedinthecredit,butisnot
t,anyotherstipulated document or the credit. For example, when a credit requir
ansport document to be markedfreightpayableatdestination,itmaybemarkedfreig
states that costs additional to freight are not acceptable, a multimodal transpo
ottoindicatethatcostsadditionaltothefreighthavebeenorwillbeincurred. b. An
ional to freight may be made by express reference to additional costs or by t
which refer to costs associated with the loading or unloading of goods, such a
to, Free In (FI), Free Out (FO), Free In and Out (FIO) and Free In and Out
in a multimodal transport document to costs which may be levied, for example,
nloadingthegoods,orafterthegoodshavebeenunloaded(demurragecosts)or costscover
tainers(detentioncosts) isnotan indication ofcosts additional tofreight. Releas
anonemultimodaltransportdocumenttobesurrendered A multimodal transport document
ssly state that goods covered by that multimodal

transport document will only be released upon its surrender together with one o
timodal transport documents, unless all of the referenced multimodal transport do
rm part of the same presentationunderthesamecredit. For example, Container
o. YYY and ZZZ, and can only be released to a singlemerchantuponpresentation
rtdocumentsofthatmerchantisconsidered to be an express statement that one or
transport documents, related to the referencedcontainerorpackingunit,mustbesurr
egoodsbeingreleased. BILLOFLADING ApplicationofUCP600Article20 E1) a. A r
he presentation of a transport document, however named, only covering a portto
e., a credit that contains no reference to a place of receipt or taking in c
destination means that UCP 600 article 20 is to be applied in the examination
ill of lading is not to contain any indication of a charter party as describe
a)and(b). E2) A bill of lading need not be titled marine bill of lading,
ll of ladingorwordsofsimilareffectevenwhenthecreditsonamestherequireddocum
tificationofthecarrierandsigningofabilloflading E3) a. A bill of lading ma
er than a carrier or master (captain), provided it meetstherequirementsofUCP6
ect,abillofladingmaybesignedbytheissuingentitywithout itbeingnecessarytoin
eensignedorthenameofthecarrier. E4) A stipulation in a credit that Freight
are not acceptable or House Bills of Lading are not acceptable or words of
ing in the context of the title, format, contentorsigningofabillofladingunl
ficrequirementsdetailinghowthebill of lading is to be issued and signed. In
quirements, such a stipulation is to be disregarded, and the bill of lading pr
amined according to the requirements of UCP 600 article20. E5) a. A bill of
n the form described in UCP 600 subarticle 20 (a) (i) and to indicatethenam
hecarrier. b. Whenabillofladingissignedbyanamedbranchofthecarrier,thesi
ebythecarrier. c. When an agent signs a bill of lading for [or on behalf
to be named and, inaddition,toindicatethatitissigningasagentfor(name),the
the carrier or words of similar effect. When the carrier is identified elsewhe
as the carrier, the named agent may sign, for example, as agent for [or on
amingthecarrieragain. d. When the master (captain) signs a bill of lading,
ster (captain) is to be identifiedasthemaster(captain).Thenameofthemaster
n an agent signs a bill of lading for [or on behalf of] the master (captain)
d and, in addition, to indicate that it is signing as agent for the master
behalf of the master (or captain) or words of similar effect. The name of th
otbestated. Onboardnotation,dateofshipment,precarriage,placeofreceiptandpo
inted Shippedon boardbilloflading ispresented, itsissuancedatewillbedeemed






to be the date of shipment unless it bears a separate dated on board notation

, such date will bedeemed tobe the dateofshipment whether that dateis befor
yrequireabillofladingtoevidenceaporttoportshipment: i) when a bill of lad
pt that is the same as the port of loading, for example, place of receipt Ro
of loading Rotterdam, and there is no indication of a means of precarriage (e
age field or the place of receipt field);or ii) when a bill of lading indica
ifferent from the port of loading, for example, place of receipt Amsterdam and
otterdam, and there is no indication of a means of precarriage (either in the
the place of receipt field),then: (1) when a bill of lading is preprinted
of issue will be deemedtobethedateofshipment,andnofurtheronboardnotationis
lading is preprinted received for shipment, a dated on board notation is req
earing in the notation will be deemed to be thedateofshipment.Theonboard da
gnatedfield orbox. Notwithstanding that a credit may require a bill of lading
ort shipment, whenabilloflading: i) indicates a place of receipt different fr
g, for example, place of receipt Amsterdam and port of loading Rotterdam, and
tion of a means of precarriage (either in the precarriage field or the place
ardless of whetheritispreprintedshippedonboardorreceivedforshipment,itis
h also indicates the name of the vessel and the port of loading stated inthe
soappearinadesignatedfieldorbox.Thedateappearing intheonboardnotationordes
obethedateofshipment. ii) indicatesameansofprecarriage(eitherintheprecarria
eld), no matter if no place of receipt is stated or whether it is preprinted
ed for shipment, it is to bear a dated on board notation which also indicate
and the port of loading stated in the credit. Such notation may also appear i
or box. The date appearing in the on board notation or designatedfieldorboxw
pment. WhenabillofladingindicateswordingsuchasWhentheplaceofreceiptboxhas
n this bill of lading of on board, loaded on board or words of similar e
rd the means of transportation performing the carriage from the place of receip

oading or words of similar effect, and if, in addition, the place of receipt
ll of lading is to bear a dated on board notation. The dated on board notati
he name of the vessel and the port of loading stated in the credit. Such not
n a designated field or box. The date appearing in the on board notation or
lbedeemedtobethedateofshipment. The named port ofloading,as required by th
ort ofloading field on a bill of lading. However, it may also be stated in
eceipt or words of similareffect,providedthereisadatedonboardnotationevidenc
edon boardanamedvesselattheportstatedunderPlaceofreceiptorwordsofsimilar
cate the port of loading stated in the credit. When a credit indicates the

E7) E8)
E11) E12)

port of loading by also stating the country in which the port is located, the
eednotbestated. g. When a credit indicates a geographical area or range of p
ample, Any EuropeanPortorHamburg,Rotterdam,AntwerpPort),abillofladingisto
g, which is to be within that geographical area or rangeof ports. A bill of
hegeographicalarea. h. Whenabillofladingindicatesmorethanoneportofloading,i
on with the relevant on board date for each port of loading, regardless of wh
d received for shipment or shipped on board. For example, when a bill of
nt has been effected from Brisbane and Adelaide, a dated on board notation is
isbaneandAdelaide. Terms such as Shipped in apparent good order, Laden on b
phrases thatincorporateshippedoronboardhavethesameeffectasthewordsShippe
ed port of discharge, as required by the credit, should appear in the port of
hinabilloflading. b. However,thenamedportofdischargemaybestatedinthefield
ion or words of similar effect provided there is a notation evidencing that t
is that stated under Place of final destination or words of similar effect.
dit requires shipment to be effected to Felixstowe, but Felixstowe is shown as
l destination instead of the port of discharge, this may be evidenced by a no
f dischargeFelixstowe. A bill of lading is to indicate the port of discharge
When a credit indicates the port of discharge by also stating the country in
ated, the name of the country need not be stated. When a credit indicates a
ange of ports of discharge (for example, Any European Port or Hamburg, Rotte
ill of lading is to indicate the actual port of discharge,whichistobewithin
geofports.Abillofladingneednotindicate thegeographicalarea. Originalbillofl
icatethenumberoforiginalsthathavebeenissued. b. Bills of lading marked First
al, Third Original, or Original, Duplicate,Triplicateorsimilarexpressions
erparty,shipperandendorsement,andnotifyparty Whenacreditrequiresabillofladin
nsignedtoanamedentity,forexample, consigned to (named entity) (i.e., a stra
ignment) rather than to order or to order of (named entity), it is not to
r toorder of preceding the namedentity,ortheexpressionororderfollowingthe
nted. a. When a bill of lading is issued to order or to order of the shi
ipper. An endorsement may be made by a named entity other than the shipper, p
mentismadefor[oronbehalfof]theshipper. b. When a credit requires a bill of
ds are consigned to order of (named entity),itisnottoindicatethatthegoods
dentity. a. When a credit stipulates the details of one or more notify partie
y also indicate thedetailsofoneormoreadditionalnotifyparties. b. i) Whenacr

E16) E17)
E18) E19)

E20) E21) E22)

t stipulate thedetails of a notify party, but thedetails of the applicant app
n a bill of lading, and these details include the applicants address andconta
onflictwiththosestatedinthecredit. When a credit requires a bill of lading t
gned to or to the order of issuing bank or applicant or notifyapplicant
ndicate the name of theissuing bankorapplicant,asapplicable,butneednotindicat
essesoranycontactdetailsthat maybestatedinthecredit. When the address and c
licant appear as part of the consignee or notify party details,theyarenottoc
nthecredit. Transshipment,partialshipmentanddeterminingthepresentationperiodwhen
billsofladingarepresented Transshipment is the unloading and reloading of goods
to another during the carriage of thosegoodsfromtheportofloadingtotheportof
.Whenabillofladingdoes notindicateunloadingandreloadingbetweenthesetwoports,
ontextofthe creditandUCP600subarticles20(b)and(c). Shipment onmore than on
, evenif eachvessel leaves on the same day for the samedestination. a. When
ial shipment, and more than one set of original bills of lading are presented
from one or more ports ofloading (as specificallyallowed, or within a geograph
of ports stated in the credit), each set is to indicate that it covers the s
sselandsamejourneyandthatthegoodsaredestinedforthesame portofdischarge. b.
rtial shipment, and more than one set of original bills of lading are presente
th paragraph E19) (a) and incorporate different dates of shipment, the latest o
to be used for the calculation of any presentation period and must fall on or
entdatestatedinthecredit. c. Whenpartialshipmentisallowed,andmorethanoneset
esentedas part of a single presentation made under one covering schedule or le
ate different datesofshipment,ondifferentvesselsorthesamevesselforadifferent
ese dates is to be used for the calculation of any presentation period, and e
st fall onorbeforethelatestshipmentdatestatedinthecredit. Cleanbilloflading
auseorclausesthatexpresslydeclareadefectiveconditionofthegoods ortheirpackagi
lause on a bill of lading such as packaging is not sufficient for the sea j
f lading such as packaging may not be sufficient for the sea journey or wor
presslydeclareadefectiveconditionofthepackaging. a. Itisnotnecessaryforthewo
gevenwhenthecreditrequiresa billofladingtobemarkedcleanonboardorclean.
lading does not expressly declare a defective condition of thegoodsortheirpack
iption A goods description indicated on a bill of lading may be in general te
ith the goods

descriptioninthecredit. Indicationofnameandaddressofdeliveryagentatportofd
fect, at or for the port of discharge, the address need not be one that is
argeorwithinthesamecountryasthatoftheportofdischarge. Correctionsandaltera
y correction of data on a bill of lading is to be authenticated. Such authent
to have beenmadebythecarrier,master(captain)oranyoneoftheirnamedagents,who
). E25) Nonnegotiable copies ofa bill oflading need not include authentication
s that may have beenmadeontheoriginal. Freightandadditionalcosts E26) A st
ll of lading indicating the payment of freight need not be identical to that
snottoconflictwithdatainthatdocument,anyotherstipulateddocumentorthe credit.
uiresabillofladingtobemarkedfreightpayableatdestination,it maybemarkedfr
t states that costs additional to freight are not acceptable, a bill of lading
hatcostsadditionaltothefreighthavebeenorwillbeincurred. b. An indication o
ight may be made by express reference to additional costs or by the use of t
to costs associated with the loading or unloading of goods, such as, but not
FI), Free Out (FO), Free In and Out (FIO) and Free In and OutStowed(FIOS).
ading to costs which may be levied, for example, as a result of a delay in
er thegoodshavebeen unloaded(demurragecosts)orcostscovering the latereturnof
osts)isnotanindicationofcostsadditionaltofreight. Releaseofgoodswithmoreth
ered E28) Abillofladingisnottoexpresslystatethatgoodscoveredbythatbillofl
epresentationunderthesamecredit. Forexample,ContainerXXXXiscoveredbyB/LNo.
oasingle merchant upon presentation of all bills of lading of that merchant
xpress statement that one or more other bills of lading, related to the refere
packing unit, must besurrenderedpriortothegoodsbeingreleased. NONNEGOTIABLESEA
onofUCP600Article21 F1) a. A requirement in a credit for the presentation o
ill, covering a porttoport shipment only, i.e., a credit that contains no ref
eceipt or taking in charge or place of final destination means that UCP 600 a
lied in the examinationofthatdocument. b. A nonnegotiable sea waybill is no
tion of a charter party as described in paragraphsG2)(a)and(b). Issuance,ca
fthecarrierandsigningofanonnegotiableseawaybill F2) a. A nonnegotiable sea
y entity other than a carrier or master (captain) provideditmeetstherequiremen
b. When a credit indicates Freight Forwarders nonnegotiable sea waybill is ac



nonnegotiable sea waybill is acceptable or words of similar effect, a nonnego

ay be signed by the issuing entity without it being necessary to indicate the
t hasbeensignedorthenameofthecarrier. A stipulation in a credit that Freig
sea waybill is not acceptable or House nonnegotiable sea waybill is not acce
ar effect has no meaning in the context of the title, format, content or sign
e sea waybill unless the credit provides specific requirements detailing how the
e sea waybill is to be issued and signed. In the absence of these requirement
n is to be disregarded, and the nonnegotiable sea waybill presentedistobeexa
irementsofUCP600article21. a. Anonnegotiableseawaybillistobesignedinthefo
)(i) andtoindicatethenameofthecarrier,identifiedasthecarrier. b. When a no
igned by a named branch of the carrier, the signature is consideredtohavebeen
icatethatitissigningasagentfor(name),thecarrierorasagent on behalf of (
ar effect. When the carrier is identified elsewhere in the document as the ca
t may sign, for example, as agent for [or on behalfof]thecarrierwithoutnam
ster(captain).Thenameofthemaster(captain)neednotbestated. e. When an agen
bill for [or on behalf of] the master (captain), the agent is to be named an
cate that it is signing as agent for the master (or captain),orasagenton
dsofsimilareffect.Thenameof themaster(captain)neednotbestated. Onboardnotat
iage,placeofreceiptandportofloading a. When a preprinted Shipped on board
presented, its issuance date will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless
dated on board notation. In the latter event, such date willbe deemed to be
her that date is before or after the issuance date of the nonnegotiable sea
ate may also be indicated in a designatedfieldorbox. b. Notwithstanding that
a nonnegotiable sea waybill to evidence a porttoport shipment: i) when a n
indicates a place of receipt that is the same as the port of loading, for ex
t Rotterdam CY and the port of loading Rotterdam, and there is no indication
age (either in the precarriage field or the place ofreceiptfield);or ii) w
ybill indicates a place of receipt different from the port of loading,forexamp
sterdamandportofloadingRotterdam,andthereis noindicationofameansofprecarria
eldortheplaceofreceipt field),then: (1) when a nonnegotiable sea waybill
ard, the date of issuewillbedeemedtobethedateofshipment,andnofurtheronbo
n a nonnegotiable sea waybill is preprinted received for shipment, a dated
ired, and the date appearing in the notation will be deemed to be the date o
d date may also be indicated in a

F6) F7)

designatedfieldorbox. c. Notwithstanding that a credit may require a nonnegoti

o evidence a porttoport shipment,whenanonnegotiableseawaybill: i) indicates
erent from the port of loading, for example, place of receipt Amsterdam and po
erdam, and there is an indication of a means of precarriage (either in the p
place of receipt field), regardless of whetheritispreprintedshippedonboardo
radated on board notation which also indicates the name of the vessel and th
d inthecredit.Suchnotationmayalsoappearinadesignatedfieldorbox.Thedateappe
signatedfieldorboxwillbedeemedtobethedateofshipment. ii) indicatesameanso
riagefieldortheplaceofreceiptfield), no matter if no place of receipt is st
inted shipped on board or received for shipment, it is to bear a dated on
icates the name of the vessel and the port of loading stated in the credit.
appear in a designated field or box. The date appearing in the on board notat
ldorboxwillbedeemedtobethedateofshipment. d. When a nonnegotiable sea way
s When the place of receipt box has been completed, any notation on this non
of on board, loaded on board orwordsofsimilareffectshallbedeemedtobeon
ingthe carriage from the place of receipt to the port of loading or words o
in addition, the place of receipt box is completed, a nonnegotiable sea waybil
on boardnotation.Thedatedonboardnotationisalsotoindicatethenameofthevessel
n the credit. Such notation may also appear in a designated field or box. The
e on board notation or designated field or box will be deemed to be the date
ed port ofloading,as required by the credit, shouldappear in the port ofload
able sea waybill. However, it may also be stated in the field headed Place o
ilar effect, provided there is a dated on board notation evidencing that the g
on board a named vessel at the port stated under Place of receipt or words
egotiable sea waybill is to indicate the port of loading stated in the credit.
g. When a credit indicates a geographical area or range of ports of loading (
pean Port or Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp Port), a nonnegotiable sea waybill
ortofloading,whichistobewithinthatgeographicalareaorrangeofports.A nonnego
atethegeographicalarea. h. When a nonnegotiable sea waybill indicates more tha
ng, it is to evidence an on board notation with the relevant on board date f
, regardless of whether it is preprintedreceivedforshipmentorshippedonboar
esea waybill indicates that shipment has been effected from Brisbane and Adelai
ard notationisrequiredforbothBrisbaneandAdelaide. Terms such as Shipped in a
n on board, Clean on board or other phrases thatincorporateshippedoronb
oard. Portofdischarge a. The named port of discharge, as required by the cre
he port of discharge field

F10) F11)



withinanonnegotiableseawaybill. b. However,thenamedportofdischargemay bestat

naldestination or words of similar effect provided there is a notation evidenc
f discharge is that stated under Place of final destination or words of simi
e, when a credit requires shipment to be effected to Felixstowe, but Felixstowe
lace of final destination instead of the port of discharge, this may be eviden
tating Port of dischargeFelixstowe. A nonnegotiable sea waybill is to indicat
ge stated in the credit. When a credit indicates the port of discharge by als
y in which the port is located, the name of the countryneednotbestated. Whe
graphical area or range of ports of discharge (for example Any European Port
, Antwerp Port), a nonnegotiable sea waybill is to indicate the actual port
to be within that geographical area or range of ports. A nonnegotiable sea wa
hegeographicalarea. Originalnonnegotiableseawaybill a. Anonnegotiableseawaybil
eroforiginalsthathavebeenissued. b. Nonnegotiable sea waybills marked First
al, Third Original, or Original,Duplicate,Triplicateorsimilarexpressions
rparty,shipper,andnotifyparty a. When a credit requires a nonnegotiable sea
at goods are consigned to a named entity, for example, consigned to (named en
tain the expressions to order or to order of preceding the named entity, o
owing the namedentity,whethertypedorpreprinted. b. When a credit requires a
ill to evidence that goods are consigned to order of(namedentity),itmayindi
edtothatentity,withoutmentioning toorderof. c. Whenacreditrequiresanonneg
tgoodsareconsignedtoorder without naming the entity to whose order the good
s to indicate that the goods are consigned to either the issuing bank or the
he need to mention the wordstoorder. a. When a credit stipulates the detail
ies, a nonnegotiable sea waybill may alsoindicatethedetailsofoneormoreadditi
) When a credit does not stipulate the details of a notify party, a nonnegot
ndicate the details of any notify party and in any manner (except as stated i
)). ii) When a credit does not stipulate thedetails of a notifyparty, but
t appear as notify party on a nonnegotiable sea waybill, and these details in
address and contact details, they are not to conflict with those stated in the
dit requires a nonnegotiable sea waybill to evidence goods consigned to issuin
notify applicant or issuing bank, a nonnegotiable sea waybill is to indicat
ank or applicant, as applicable, but need not indicate their respective addresse
ctdetailsthatmaybestatedinthecredit. When the address and contact details of
s part of the consignee or notify party details,theyarenottoconflictwiththos

F16) F17)

F19) F20) F21)

nonnegotiableseawaybillsarepresented Transshipment is the unloading and reloadin

m one vessel to another during the carriage of those goods from the port of
ischarge stated in the credit. When a nonnegotiable sea waybill does not indic
reloading between these two ports, it is not transshipment in thecontextofthe
cles21(b)and(c). Shipment onmore than one vessel isapartial shipment, eveni
same day for the samedestination. a. When a credit prohibits partial shipment,
set of original nonnegotiable sea waybillsarepresentedcoveringshipmentfromoneo
asspecificallyallowed, or within a geographical area or range of ports stated
ch set is to indicate that it covers the shipment of goods on the same vesse
hat the goods are destined forthesameportofdischarge. b. When a credit prohi
, and more than one set of original nonnegotiable sea waybills are presented
aragraph F17) (a) and incorporate different dates of shipment, the latest of th
e used for the calculation of any presentation period and mustfallonorbefore
atedinthecredit. c. Whenpartialshipmentisallowed,andmorethanonesetoforigina
re presented as part of a single presentation made under one covering schedule
orporate different dates of shipment, on different vessels or the same vessel f
ourney, the earliest of these dates is to be used for the calculation of any
, and eachofthesedatesmustfallonorbeforethelatestshipmentdatestatedinthec
ybill A nonnegotiable sea waybill is not to include a clause or clauses that
efective conditionofthegoodsortheirpackaging.Forexample: a. A clause on a no
l such as packaging is not sufficient for the sea journey or words of simil
a clause expressly declaring a defective condition of the packaging. b. A claus
ble sea waybill such as packaging may not be sufficient for the sea journey
otexpresslydeclareadefectiveconditionofthepackaging. a. It is not necessary fo
pear on a nonnegotiable sea waybill even when the creditrequiresanonnegotiabl
anonboardorclean. b. Deletion of the word clean on a nonnegotiable sea
a defective conditionofthegoodsortheirpackaging. Goodsdescription Agoodsdescri
nnegotiableseawaybillmaybeingeneraltermsnotinconflictwith thegoodsdescriptio
nofnameandaddressofdeliveryagentatportofdischarge When a credit requires a
to indicate the name, address and contact details of a deliveryagentorwords o
heport ofdischarge,the addressneednotbe onethat is locatedattheportofdisch
atoftheportofdischarge. Correctionsandalterations(corrections) Any correction
iable sea waybill is to be authenticated. Such authentication is to appear to
he carrier, master (captain) or any one of their named agents, who may be dif
t that may have issued or signed a nonnegotiable sea waybill, provided they a
tofthecarrierorthemaster(captain). Copies of a nonnegotiable sea waybill nee
cation of any corrections that may have

beenmadeontheoriginal. Freightandadditionalcosts F24) A statement appearing

a waybill indicating the payment of freight need not be identicaltothatstated
nflictwithdatainthatdocument,anyotherstipulated document or the credit. For e
t requires a nonnegotiable sea waybill to be marked freightpayableatdestinati
llect. F25) a. Whenacreditstatesthatcostsadditionaltofreightarenotacceptable
l isnottoindicatethatcostsadditionaltothefreighthavebeenorwillbeincurred.
ditional to freight may be made by express reference to additional costs or by
rms which refer to costs associated with the loading or unloading of goods, su
ted to, Free In (FI), Free Out (FO), Free In and Out (FIO) and Free In and
ncein anonnegotiablesea waybillto costs whichmaybelevied, forexample,asa r
he goods, or after the goods have been unloaded (demurrage costs) or costs cov
urn of containers (detention costs) is not an indication of costs additional to
ERPARTYBILLOFLADING ApplicationofUCP600article22 G1) When there is a requ
resentation of a charter party bill of lading, or when a credit allows present
party bill of lading and a charter party bill of lading is presented, UCP600
eexaminationofthatdocument. G2) a. A transport document, however named, contain
ion that it is subject to, or any referenceto,acharterpartyisdeemedtobeac
ansport document, however named, indicating expressions such as freight payable
jecttoacharterparty. G3) A transport document, however named, containing a cod
usually associated with a charter party bill of lading, for example, Congenbill
ading without any further indicationorreferencetoacharterparty,isnotbyitself
ceto,acharterparty. Signingofacharterpartybilloflading G4) a. Acharterpa
mdescribedinUCP600subarticle22(a)(i). b. When the master (captain), owner
ter party bill of lading, the signature of the master (captain), owner or char
tified as master (captain), owner or charterer. c. When an agent signs
or on behalf of] the master (captain), owner orcharterer,theagentistobe name
atethatitissigningasagentfor[or onbehalfof]themaster(captain),ownerorchart
arter party bill of lading is signed by an agent for [or on behalf of] the
fthemaster(captain)neednotbestated. ii) When a charter party bill of lad
[or on behalf of] the owner or charterer,thenameoftheownerorchartereristob
eofshipment,precarriage,placeofreceiptandportofloading G5) a. When a prepr
r party bill of lading is presented, its issuance date will be deemed to be
less it bears a separate dated on board notation. In the latter event, such d
e the dateofshipment whether that date is beforeor after the issuance date o
l of lading. The on board date may also be indicated in a





designatedfieldorbox. Notwithstanding that a credit may require a charter party

o evidence a porttoport shipment: i) when a charter party bill of lading ind
pt that is the same as the port of loading, for example, place of receipt Ro
of loading Rotterdam, and there is no indication of a means of precarriage (e
age field or the place ofreceiptfield);or ii) when a charter party bill of
of receipt different from the port of loading,forexample,placeofreceiptAmsterd
tterdam,andthereis noindicationofameansofprecarriage(eitherintheprecarriage
ld),then: (1) when a charter party bill of lading is preprinted shipped on
llbedeemedtobethedateofshipment,andnofurtheronboardnotationis required.
of lading is preprinted received for shipment, a dated on board notation is
ppearing in the notation will be deemed to be the date of shipment. The on b
dicated in a designatedfieldorbox. Notwithstanding that a credit may require a
l of lading to evidence a porttoport shipment,whenacharterpartybilloflading
eceipt different from the port of loading, for example, place of receipt Amster
oading Rotterdam, and there is an indication of a means of precarriage (either
field or the place of receipt field), regardless of whetheritispreprintedshi
pment,itistobearadated on board notation which also indicates the name of
ading stated inthecredit.Suchnotationmayalsoappearinadesignatedfieldorbox.T
dnotationordesignatedfieldorboxwillbedeemedtobethedateofshipment. ii) indic
herintheprecarriagefieldortheplaceofreceiptfield), no matter if no place o
her it is preprinted shipped on board or received for shipment, it is to
hich also indicates the name of the vessel and the port of loading stated in
tion may also appear in a designated field or box. The date appearing in the
esignatedfieldorboxwillbedeemedtobethedateofshipment. Whenacharter party b
s Whentheplaceofreceiptboxhas been completed, any notation on this charter
oard, loaded on board or words of similar effect shall be deemed to be on
ation performing the carriage from the place of receipt to the port of loading
effect, and if, in addition, the place of receipt box is completed, a charter

g is to bear a dated on boardnotation.Thedatedonboardnotationisalsotoindic

f loading stated in the credit. Such notation may also appear in a designated
te appearing in the on board notation or designated field or box will be deem
ipment. The named port ofloading,as required by the credit, should appearin t
ld on a charter party bill of lading. However, it may also be stated in the
eipt or words of similar effect, provided there is a dated on board notation
oods were shipped on board a named vessel at the port stated under Place of

G6) G7)
G10) G11)

effect. f. A charter party bill of lading is to indicate the port of loading

When a credit indicatestheportofloadingbyalsostatingthecountryinwhichthepor
tryneednotbestated. g. When a credit indicates a geographical area or range
r example, Any European Port or Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp Port), a charter
to indicatetheactualportorportsofloading,whicharetobewithinthatgeographical
rpartybillofladingneednotindicatethegeographicalarea. h. When a charter part
tes more than one port of loading, it is to evidence an on board notation wi
d date for each port of loading, regardless of whether it is preprinted rece
ped on board. For example, when a charter party bill of lading indicates that
fected from Brisbane and Adelaide, a dated on board notationisrequiredforboth
. Terms such as Shipped in apparent good order, Laden on board, Clean on
porateshippedoronboardhavethesameeffectasthewordsShippedonboard. Port
ge, as required by the credit, should appear in the port of discharge field w
loflading. b. However,the namedport ofdischargemaybestated in the fieldhead
words of similar effect provided there is a notation evidencing that the port
at stated under Place of final destination or words of similar effect. For e
equires shipment to be effected to Felixstowe, but Felixstowe is shown as the
tination instead of the port of discharge, this may be evidenced by a notation
chargeFelixstowe. A charter party bill of lading is to indicate the port of
e credit. When a credit indicates the port of discharge by also stating the c
ort is located, the name of the countryneednotbestated. When a credit indica
a or range of ports of discharge (for example, Any European Port or Hamburg
t), a charter party bill of lading may indicate the actual port of discharge,
that geographical area or range of ports, or it may show the geographicalarea
fdischarge. Originalcharterpartybilloflading a. Acharterpartybillofladingis
nalsthathavebeenissued. b. Charter party bills of lading marked First Origina
d Original, or Original,Duplicate,Triplicateorsimilarexpressionsareallori
,shipperandendorsement,andnotifyparty When a credit requires a charter party
dence that goods are consigned to a named entity, for example, consigned to (
a straight charter party bill of lading or consignment) rather than to order
ty), it is not to contain the expressions to order or to order of preced
ssion or order following the named entity,whethertypedorpreprinted. a. When
ading is issued to order or to order of the shipper, it is to be endorse
may be made by a named entity other than the shipper, providedtheendorsementi
eshipper. b. When a credit requires a charter party bill of lading to evidenc
igned to order of(namedentity),itisnottoindicatethatthegoodsarestraightco


G15) G16) G17)


a. When a credit stipulates the details of one or more notify parties, a char
ing may alsoindicatethedetailsofoneormoreadditionalnotifyparties. b. i) When
late the details of a notify party, a charter party bill of lading may indica
notify party and in any manner (except as stated in paragraphG13)(b)(ii)).
ot stipulate thedetails of a notifyparty, but thedetails of theapplicant appe
a charter party bill of lading, and these details include the applicants addre
ails, they are not to conflict with those stated in the credit. When a credit
arty bill of lading to evidence goods consigned to or to the order of issuin
fy applicant or issuing bank, a charter party bill of lading is to indicate
nk or applicant, as applicable, but need not indicate their respective addresses
lsthatmaybestatedinthecredit. When the address and contact details of the a
f the consignee or notify party details,theyarenottoconflictwiththosestatedi
pment and determining the presentation period when multiple sets of charter part
garepresented Shipment on more than one vessel isapartial shipment, even if
e sameday for the samedestination. a. When a credit prohibits partial shipment
set of original charter party bills of lading are presented covering shipment f
orts of loading (as specifically allowed, or within a geographical area or rang
d in the credit), each set is to indicate that it covers the shipment of goo
d same journey and that the goods are destined forthesameportofdischarge,geo
rts. b. When a credit prohibits partial shipment, and more than one set of or
y bills of lading are presented in accordance with paragraph G17) (a) and inco
t dates of shipment,oronesetoforiginalcharterpartybillsofladingispresentedi
f shipment, the latest of these dates is to be used for the calculation of a
d and mustfallonorbeforethelatestshipmentdatestatedinthecredit. c. Whenpar
ethanonesetoforiginalcharterpartybillsofladingare presented as part of a s
der one covering schedule or letter and incorporate different dates of shipment,
vessels or the same vessel for a different journey, the earliest of these date
he calculation of any presentation period, and eachofthesedatesmustfallonorb
atestatedinthecredit. Cleancharterpartybilloflading A charter party bill of
a clause or clauses that expressly declare a defective conditionofthegoodsort
mple: a. Aclauseonacharterpartybillofladingsuchaspackagingisnotsufficient
ar effect is an example of a clause expressly declaring a defective condition
b. A clause on a charter party bill of lading such as packaging may not be
essary for the word clean to appear on a charter party bill of lading even
rterpartybillofladingtobemarkedcleanonboardorclean. b. Deletion of the
ding does not expressly declare a defective conditionofthegoodsortheirpackagin

Goodsdescription G20) Agoodsdescriptionindicatedonacharterpartybilloflading

nflictwith thegoodsdescriptioninthecredit. G21) Acharterpartybillofladingmay
rtofalargerconsignmentloadedonto the namedvesselbyreferencetowithoutsegregat
lareffect. Correctionsandalterations(corrections) G22) Any correction of data
bill of lading is to be authenticated. Such authentication is to appeartohave
ptain),owner,chartereroranyoneoftheirnamedagents,who maybedifferentfromthea
edacharterpartybilloflading,providedthey areidentifiedasanagentofthemaster
. G23) Nonnegotiable copies of a charter party bill of lading need not includ
any corrections thatmayhavebeenmadeontheoriginal. Freightandadditionalcosts
aring on a charter party bill of lading indicating the payment of freight need
t. For example, when a credit requires a charter party bill of lading to be
estination,itmaybemarkedfreightcollect. G25) a. Whenacreditstatesthatcosts
ptable,acharterpartybilloflading isnottoindicatethatcostsadditionaltothefre
d. b. An indication of costs additional to freight may be made by express r
l costs or by the use of trade terms which refer to costs associated with th
of goods, such as, but not limited to, Free In (FI), Free Out (FO), Free In
and OutStowed(FIOS). c. Reference inacharterpartybillofladingtocosts which
ult ofa delay in unloading the goods or after the goods have been unloaded (
t an indicationofcostsadditionaltofreight. Releaseofgoodswithmorethanonech
rrendered G26) A charter party bill of lading is not to expressly state that
t charter party bill of lading will only be released upon its surrender togeth
other charter party bills of lading, unless all of the referenced charter party
form part of the same presentation under the same credit. For example, [Cargo
B/L No. YYY and ZZZ, and can only be released to a single merchant upon pres
r party bills of lading of that merchant is considered to be an express stat
ther charter party bills of lading, related to the referencedcargo,mustbesurre
dsbeingreleased. Charterpartycontracts G27) Unless UCP 600 subarticle 22 (b)
luded and the credit specifically indicates the data thataretobeexaminedandto
amineanycontentofacharterpartycontract, evenwhensuchcontractisrequiredasast
redit. AIRTRANSPORTDOCUMENT ApplicationofUCP600article23 H1) A requirement i
sentation of an air transport document, however named, covering an airporttoair
eans that UCP 600 article 23 is to be applied in the examination of that doc
port document need not be titled air waybill, air consignment note or words
hecreditsonamestherequireddocument. Issuance,carrier,identificationofthecarri

H5) H6)
H7) H8)

H10) H11)

a. An air transport document may be issued by any entity other than a carrier
e requirementsofUCP600article23. b. When a credit indicates Freight Forwarder
table or House air waybill is acceptable or words of similar effect, an air
e signed by the issuing entitywithoutitbeingnecessarytoindicatethecapacityin
ameof thecarrier. A stipulation in a credit that Freight Forwarders airwaybi
use air waybill is not acceptable or words of similar effect has no meaning
tle, format, content or signingofanairtransportdocumentunlessthecreditprovides
ntsdetailinghowtheair transport document is to be issued and signed. In the
rements, such a stipulation is to be disregarded, and the air transport documen
o be examined according to the requirementsofUCP600article23. a. An air tran
signed in the form described in UCP 600 subarticle 23 (a) (i) andtoindicate
fiedasthecarrier. b. When an air transport document is signed by a named bra
signature is consideredtohavebeenmadebythecarrier. c. The carrier is to be
stead of an IATA airline code, for example, British AirwaysinsteadofBA,Lufthan
an agent signs an air transport document for [or on behalf of] the carrier,
nd, in addition, to indicate that it is signing as agent for (name), the car
of (name), the carrier or words of similar effect. When the carrier is identi
e document as the carrier, the named agent may sign, for example, as agent
rrierwithoutnamingthecarrieragain. Goodsacceptedforcarriage,dateofshipmentand
ldateofshipment Anairtransportdocumentistoindicatethatthegoodshavebeenaccep
lar effect. a. An air transport document is to indicate a date of issuance. T
ed to be the date of shipment unless an air transport document contains a spe
e actual date of shipment. In the latter event, the date stated in the notati
e the date of shipmentwhetherthatdateisbeforeoraftertheissuancedateoftheai
e absence of a specific notation containing the actual date of shipment, any o
appearing on an air transport document relative to this information (including,
in a box labeled For Carrier Use Only, Required Flight Date or Routing an
dedinthedeterminationofthedateofshipment. Airportsofdepartureanddestination A
ment is to indicate the airport of departure and airport of destination stated
en a credit indicates either of these airports by also stating the country in
s located,thenameofthecountryneednotbestated. Theairportofdepartureandairpo
dicatedbytheuseofIATAcodesinstead ofevidencingtheairportnameinfull(forexamp
. When a credit indicates a geographical area or range of airports of departur
for example, Any Chinese Airport or Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou airport), an
ent is to indicate the actual airport of departure or destination, which is to
graphical area or rangeofairports.Anairtransportdocumentneednotindicatethegeo
inalofanairtransportdocument An air transport documentis to appear to be the
r or shipper.When a credit requires



H16) H17)
H18) H19)

ginalforconsignororshipper. Consignee,orderpartyandnotifyparty a. Whena credi
rtdocumenttoevidencethatgoodsare consignedtoorderof (named entity), it may
e consigned to that entity, without mentioning toorderof. b. When a credit
t document to evidence that goods are consigned to order without naming the
he goods are to be consigned, it is to indicate that the goods are consigned
bank or the applicant, without the need to mention the wordstoorder. a. Whe
details of one or more notify parties, an air transport document may alsoindic
oreadditionalnotifyparties. b. i) Whenacreditdoesnotstipulatethedetailsofan
ocumentmay indicate the details of any notify party and in any manner (except
aph H14)(b)(ii)). ii) When a credit does not stipulate thedetails of a not
f theapplicant appear as notify party on an air transport document, and these
e applicants address and contact details, they are not to conflict with those
t. When a credit requires an air transport document to evidence goods consigned
pplicantornotifyapplicantor issuingbank,anair transportdocumentistoindica
icant,asapplicable,butneednotindicatetheirrespectiveaddressesoranycontact deta
hecredit. When the address and contact details of the applicant appear as part
r notify party details,theyarenottoconflictwiththosestatedinthecredit. Trans
pment and determining the presentation period when multiple air transportdocument
ed Transshipmentistheunloadingandreloadingofgoodsfromoneaircrafttoanotherduri
goods from the airport of departure to the airport of destination stated in th
ir transport document does not indicate unloading and reloading between these tw
t is not transshipmentinthecontextofthecreditandUCP600subarticles23(b)and
aircraft is a partial shipment, even if each aircraft leaves on the same day
on. a. Whenacreditprohibitspartialshipment,andmorethanoneairtransportdocument
ng dispatch from one or more airports of departure (as specifically allowed, or
phical area or range of airports stated in the credit), each air transport doc
tethatit covers thedispatchofgoodson thesameaircraftandsameflight andthatt
irportofdestination. b. Whenacreditprohibitspartialshipment,andmorethanoneair
epresented in accordance with paragraph H19) (a) and incorporate different dates
the latest of thesedatesistobeusedforthecalculationofanypresentationperioda
stshipmentdatestatedinthecredit. c. Whenpartialshipmentisallowed,andmorethan
sarepresentedaspart of a single presentation made under one covering schedule
porate different dates of dispatch or different flights, the earliest of these
ed for the calculation of any presentation period,and eachofthese datesmustfa

thecredit. Cleanairtransportdocument H20) Anairtransportdocumentisnottoincl

presslydeclareadefectivecondition ofthegoodsortheirpackaging.Forexample: a.
sport document such as packaging is not sufficient for the air journey or wo
s an example of a clause expressly declaring a defective condition of the pack
on an air transport document such as packaging may not be sufficient for the
lareffectdoesnotexpresslydeclareadefectiveconditionofthepackaging. H21) a. It
r the word clean to appear on an air transport document even when the credi
umenttobemarkedclean. b. Deletion of the word clean on an air transport
lare a defective conditionofthegoodsortheirpackaging. Goodsdescription H22)
indicated on an air transport document may be in general terms not in conflict
iptioninthecredit. Correctionsandalterations(corrections) H23) Any correction
ansport document is to be authenticated. Such authentication is to appear to ha
he carrier or any one of its named agents, who may be different from the age
edtheairtransportdocument, provided theyareidentifiedasan agent ofthecarrier.
transport document need not include authentication of any corrections that may h
heoriginal. Freightandadditionalcosts H25) A statement appearing on an air t
ndicating the payment of freight need not be identicaltothatstatedinthecredit
atainthatdocument,anyotherstipulated document or the credit. For example, when
an air transport document to be marked freightcollect,itmaybemarkedfreight
n air transport documentmay contain separate boxes, which by their preprintedh
hat theyareforfreightchargesprepaidandforfreightchargescollect. a. When
ort document to show that freight has been prepaid, this will alsobefulfilled
ightchargesundertheheadingFreightChargesPrepaid orwordsofsimilareffect. b.
air transport document to show that freight is to be collected or paid at des
also be fulfilled by an indication of the freight charges under the heading F
torwordsofsimilareffect. H27) a. Whenacreditstatesthatcostsadditionaltofre
nsportdocumentis nottoindicatethatcostsadditionaltothefreighthavebeenorwill
in an air transport document to costs which may be levied, for example, as a
loading the goods or after the goods have been unloaded, is not an indication
ment in a credit for the presentation of a transport document covering movement
er road or rail or inland waterway means that UCP 600 article 24 is to be a
n ofthatdocument.

Carrier, identification of the carrier and signing of a road, rail or inland

t document J2) a. A road, rail or inland waterway transport document is to be
scribed in UCP 600 subarticle 24 (a) (i) and to indicate the name of the ca
carrier (except as statedinparagraphJ4)(b)). b. When a road, rail or inland
cument is signed by a named branch of the carrier,thesignatureisconsideredto
. c. Thetermcarrierincludestermssuchasissuingcarrier,actualcarrier,su
J3) Anysignature,stampornotationofreceiptofthegoodsistoappeartoindicatethat
r,identifiedasthecarrier;or b. a named agent acting or signing for [or on
indicating the name of the carrier,identifiedasthecarrier,onwhosebehalfthatag
r c. arailwaycompanyorrailwaystationofdeparture. J4) a. The term carrier
ure line provided the transport document appears to be signed by the carrier o
[or on behalf of] the carrier, and the carrier is otherwiseidentifiedelsewhere
mentasthecarrier. b. A rail transport document may bear a date stamp by
y station of departure without indicating the name of the carrier or a named
r on behalf of] thecarrier. Placeofshipmentandplaceofdestination J5) A roa
y transport document is to indicate the place of shipment and place of destina
it.Whenacreditindicateseitheroftheseplacesbyalsostatingthecountryin whichth
ountryneednotbestated. J6) When a credit indicates a geographical area or ran
ent or destination (for example, ChinaorShanghai,BeijingorGuangzhou),aroad,
ortdocumentisto indicate the actual place of shipment or destination, which is
eographical area or range ofplaces.Aroad,railorinlandwaterwaytransportdocument
ographicalarea. Originalandduplicateofaroad,railorinlandwaterwaytransportdoc
andwaterwaytransportdocumentistobeconsideredasanoriginalwhetherornotitis so
t document is to indicate that it is the original for consignor or shipper (c
omarkingindicatingforwhomthedocumenthasbeenprepared. c. Presentationoftheor
pper(copyforsender)ofaroadtransportdocument or duplicate rail transport docume
ven when the credit requires presentation of a fullsetoftherelevanttransportd
cate (often a carbon copy) of a rail transport document, authenticated by the
ndnotifyparty J8) a. When a credit requires a road or rail transport document
ds are consigned to order of (named entity), it may indicate that the goods
tity, without mentioningtoorderof. b. When a credit requires a road or ra
idence that goods are consigned to orderwithoutnamingtheentitytowhoseordert
oindicatethat thegoodsareconsignedeithertotheissuingbankortheapplicant,witho


J11) J12)
J13) J14)

c. When a credit requires an inland waterway transport document, paragraphs J8)

l apply except when the document is issued in the form of a bill of lading.
gneefieldistobecompletedaccordingtotherequirementsofthecredit. a. When a cr
ils of one or more notify parties, a road, rail or inland waterway transportd
tethedetailsofoneormoreadditionalnotifyparties. b. i) Whenacreditdoesnotst
ty,aroad,railorinlandwaterway transport document may indicate the details of
in any manner (except asstatedinparagraphJ9)(b)(ii)). ii) When a credit do
ls of a notifyparty, but thedetails of theapplicant appear as notify party o
waterway transport document, and these detailsincludetheapplicantsaddressandcon
yarenottoconflictwiththose statedinthecredit. Whenacreditrequiresaroad,rai
cumenttoevidencegoodsconsignedto or to the order of issuing bank or applic
ng bank, a road, rail or inland waterway transport document is to indicate th
bank or applicant, as applicable,butneednotindicatetheirrespectiveaddressesora
atmaybestatedinthe credit. A road or rail transport document need not also
ted in paragraph J8) (b). When the address and contact details of the applican
the consignee or notify party details,theyarenottoconflictwiththosestatedint
nt, partial shipment and determining the presentation period when multiple road,
aterwaytransportdocumentsarepresented Transshipment is the unloading and reloadin
rom one means of conveyance to another within the same mode of transport (truc
barge, etc.,) during the carriage of those goods from the placeof shipment,dis
heplaceofdestinationstated in thecredit.Whenaroad, rail or inlandwaterwaytra
dicateunloadingandreloadingbetweenthesetwoplaces, itisnottransshipmentintheco
00subarticles24(d)and(e). Shipment on more than one means of conveyance (mor
], train, barge, etc.,) is a partialshipment,evenwhensuchmeansofconveyancelea
edestination. a. When a credit prohibits partial shipment, and more than one r
d waterway transport documents are presented covering shipment from one or more
ment, dispatch or carriage (as specifically allowed, or within a geographical ar
places stated in the credit), each road, rail or inland waterway transport docu
ate that it covers theshipment,dispatchorcarriageofgoodsonthesamemeansofcon
hatthegoodsaredestinedforthesameplaceofdestination. b. When a credit prohibi
nd more than one road, rail or inland waterway transport documents are presente
with paragraph J14) (a) and incorporate different dates of shipment, the latest
is to be used for the calculation of any presentation period,andmustfallonor
atestatedinthecredit. c. When partial shipment is allowed, and more than one
aterway transport documentsarepresentedaspartofasinglepresentationmadeunderone
etter and incorporatedifferentdatesofshipment,ondifferentmeansofconveyanceorth
yance for a different journey, the earliest of these dates is to be used for
y presentation period and each of these dates must fall on or before the late
ted in thecredit. Cleanroad,railorinlandwaterwaytransportdocument

J15) A road, rail or inland waterway transport document is not to include a c

t expressly declareadefectiveconditionofthegoodsortheirpackaging.Forexample:
rail or inland waterway transport document such as packaging is not sufficient
words of similar effect is an example of a clause expressly declaring a defect
ckaging. b. A clause on a road, rail or inland waterway transport document s
ot be sufficientforthejourneyorwordsofsimilareffectdoesnot expresslydeclare
epackaging. J16) a. It is not necessary for the word clean to appear on a
y transport document even when the credit requires a road, rail or inland wate
cument to be markedcleanorcleanonboard. b. Deletion of the word clean
nsport document does not expresslydeclareadefectiveconditionofthegoodsortheir
cription J17) A goods description indicated on a road, rail or inland waterway
ent may be in general termsnotinconflictwiththegoodsdescriptioninthecredit.
ons(corrections) J18) Anycorrectionofdataonaroad,railorinlandwaterwaytransp
ated.Such authentication is to appear to have been made by the carrier or any
ts, who may be different from the agent that may have issued or signed the t
ovided they are identifiedasanagentofthecarrier. J19) Copies of a road, rail
nsport document need not include any authentication of any correctionsthatmayha
ginal. Freightandadditionalcosts J20) a. A statement appearing on a road, ra
y transport document indicating the payment of freight need not be identical to
he credit, but is not to conflict with data inthatdocument,anyotherstipulated
.Forexample, when acreditrequires a road, rail or inland waterway transport d
reight collect, it may be markedfreightpayableatdestination. b. When a cr
r inland waterway transport document to indicate that freight has been prepaid
be collected at destination, this will also be fulfilled by the completionofbo
ghtprepaid)orNonFranco(freighttobecollected). INSURANCEDOCUMENTANDCOVERAGE
le28 K1) A requirement in a credit for the presentation of an insurance docum
ance policy, insurancecertificateordeclarationunderanopencover,meansthatUCP600
din theexaminationofthatdocument. Issuer,signingandoriginalofaninsurancedoc
ce document is to appear to have been issued and signed by an insurance compa
their agent or proxy. For example, an insurance document issued and signed by
stohavebeenissuedbyaninsurancecompany. b. When an issuer is identified as
ment need not indicate that it is an insurancecompanyorunderwriter. K3) An in
y also be issued on an insurance brokers stationery, provided the insurance do
dbyaninsurancecompanyorunderwriterortheiragentorproxy.Aninsurance broker may
ment as agent or proxy for [or on behalf of] a named insurance

K5) K6)

K9) K10)

K11) K12)
K13) K14)

companyornamedunderwriter. An insurance document signed by an agent or proxy i

me of the insurance company or underwriter for [or on behalf of] which the ag
ng, unless the insurance company or underwriternamehasbeenidentifiedelsewherein
ample,whenAAInsuranceLtd has been identified as the insurer, the document ma
roxy) on behalf of the insurerorJohnDoe(byproxy)onbehalfofAAInsuranceLtd
uires a countersignature by the issuer, the assured or a named entity, it must
n insurance document may show only the trading name of the insurance company i
d, provided it is identified as the insurance company elsewhere on the document
hen an insurance document is issued and signed AA in the signing field but
tsaddressandcontactinformationelsewhereinthedocument. a. An insurance document
hat cover is provided by more than one insurer may be signed by a single age
all insurers or be signed by an insurer for [or on behalf of] all coinsurers
er will be when an insurance document is issued andsignedAAInsuranceLtd,lead
f]thecoinsurers. b. Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraphs K2), K3) and
ocument which indicates that cover is provided by more than one insurer need n
f each insurer orthepercentageofcoverofeachinsurer. When a credit requires t
to be issued in more than one original, or when the insurance document indicat
issued in more than one original, all originals are to be presentedandaretoa
ates Aninsurancedocumentisnottoindicateanexpirydateforthepresentationofanyc
surance document is not to indicate that cover is effective from a date later
pment. b. When an insurance document indicates a date of issuance later than t
t (as defined in UCP 600 articles 1925), it is to clearly indicate by additi
e is effectivefromadatenotlaterthanthedateofshipment. c. An insurance docum
age has been effected from warehousetowarehouse or words of similar effect,
ate of shipment, does not indicate that coverage waseffectivefromadatenotlate
. In the absence of any other date stated to be the issuance date or effecti
verage, a countersignaturedatewillbedeemedtobeevidenceoftheeffectivedateofth
ountofcoverandpercentage When a credit does not indicate an amount to be ins
ument is to be issued in the currency of and, as a minimum, for the amount
ubarticle 28 (f) (ii). There is nomaximumpercentageofinsurancecoverage. There
urancecoveragetobecalculatedtomorethantwodecimalplaces. An insurance document
over is subject to a franchise or excess (deductible). However, when a credit
rance cover to be irrespective of percentage, the insurance document is not to
stating that the insurance cover is subject to a franchise or an excess (deduc
ncedocumentneednotstateirrespectiveofpercentage. When it is apparent from th
sentation that the amount demanded only represents a certain part of the gross
s (for example, due to discounts, prepayments or the like, or because part of
s is to be paid at a later date), the calculation of insurance cover is to

be based on the full gross value of the goods as shown on the invoice or th
e requirementsofUCP600subarticle28(f)(ii). K16) Insurance covering the same
ent is to be covered under one document unless more than one insurance documen
icating partial cover, and each document clearly reflects, by percentageorotherw
ueofeachinsurerscover; b. that each insurer will bear its share of the li
out preconditions relating to anyotherinsurancecoverthatmayhavebeeneffectedfo
rUCP600subarticle28(f)(ii). Riskstobecovered K17) a. Aninsurancedocument
dit. b. Even though a credit may be explicit with regard to risks to be co
rence to exclusionclausesintheinsurancedocument. K18) When acredit requiresal
atisfiedbythepresentationofan insurancedocument evidencinganyallrisksclauseo
earstheheadingallrisks,evenwhenit is indicated that certain risks are exclu
nt indicating that it covers Institute Cargo Clauses (A) or Institute Cargo Cla
n dispatch is effected by air satisfies a condition inacreditcallingforanal
uredpartyandendorsement K19) An insurance document is to be in the form requi
, where necessary, be endorsed by theentitytowhoseorderorinwhosefavourclaims
itshouldnot requireaninsurancedocumenttobe issued to bearer, ortoorder.A
suredparty. b. When a credit requires an insurance document to be issued to
) the document need not indicate to order provided that the named entity is
silent as to the insured party, an insurance document is not to evidence that
to the order of, or in favour of, the beneficiary or any entity other than t
icant, unless it is endorsed by the beneficiary or that entity in blank or in
korapplicant. b. An insurance document is to be issued or endorsed so that
ment under it passesupon,orpriorto,thereleaseofthedocuments. GeneralTermsa
ocument K22) Banksdonotexaminegeneraltermsandconditionsinaninsurancedocument.
23) Any indication on an insurance document regarding payment of an insurance p
nindicationthatthepremiumhasnotbeenpaid. CERTIFICATEOFORIGIN Basicrequiremen
tion L1) Whenacreditrequiresthepresentationofacertificateoforigin,thiswillbe
ionof asigneddocumentthatappearstorelatetotheinvoicedgoodsandcertifiestheir
requires the presentation of a specific form of certificate of origin such as
cumentinthatspecificformistobepresented. Issuerofacertificateoforigin

a. Acertificateoforiginistobeissuedbytheentitystatedinthecredit. b. Whena
suer,anyentitymayissueacertificateoforigin. c. i) Whenacreditrequiresthepre
riginissuedbythebeneficiary,the exporter or the manufacturer, this condition wi
fied by the presentation of a certificateoforiginissuedbyaChamberofCommerceo
tedto, Chamber of Industry, Association of Industry, Economic Chamber, Customs A
semaybe. ii) When a credit requires the presentation of a certificate of
r of Commerce, this condition will also be satisfied by the presentation of a
gin issued by a Chamber of Industry, Association of Industry, Economic Chamber,
ritiesandDepartmentofTradeorthelike. Contentofacertificateoforigin L4) Ac
orelatetotheinvoicedgoods,forexample,by: a. a goods description that corres
dit or a description shown in general terms notinconflictwiththegoodsdescript
ferring to agoods description appearing in another stipulateddocument or in a
ttachedto,andforminganintegralpartof,thecertificateoforigin. L5) Consignee in
wn, is not to conflict with the consignee information in the transport document
a credit requires a transportdocument to be issuedtoorder, to theorder of
rofnominatedbank(ornegotiatingbank)orconsignedto issuing bank, a certificat
nsignee as any entity named in the credit except the beneficiary.Whenacredith
efirstbeneficiarymaybestatedtobetheconsignee. L6) Acertificateoforiginmayin
orteranentityotherthanthebeneficiaryofthe creditortheshipperasshownonanyot
When acreditindicatestheoriginofthegoodswithoutstipulatingarequirementforthe
icate of origin, any reference to the origin on a stipulated document is not
stated origin. For example, when a credit indicates origin of the goods: Germa
ng the presentationofacertificateoforigin,astatementonanystipulateddocumentin
igin ofthegoodsistobeconsideredaconflictofdata. L8) A certificate of origin
invoice number, invoice date and shipment routing to that indicated on one or
ated documents, provided the exporter or consignor shown on the certificateofor
iciary. PACKINGLIST,NOTEORSLIP(PackingList) Basicrequirementandfulfillingit
dit requires the presentation of a packing list, this will be satisfied by the
document titled as calledfor in the credit, or bearing a similar title or unt
its function by containinganyinformationastothepackingofthegoods. Issuerof
stistobeissuedbytheentitystatedinthecredit. M3) Whenacreditdoesnotindicat
ueapackinglist. Contentofapackinglist M4) When a credit indicates specific
without stipulating the document to indicate compliance with these requirements,
garding the packing of the goods mentioned on a packing list,ifpresented,aren
equirements. M5) A packing list may indicate a different invoice number, invoice
ment routing to that

indicated on one or more other stipulated documents, provided the issuer of the
not the beneficiary. M6) Banks only examine total values, including, but not li
quantities, total weights, total measurements or total packages, to ensurethat t
e total does not conflict with a total shown in thecreditandonanyotherstipu
T,NOTEORSLIP(WeightList) Basicrequirementandfulfillingitsfunction N1) When
sentation of a weight list, this will be satisfied by the presentation of a d
lledfor in the credit, or bearing a similar title oruntitled, thatfulfils its
inganyinformationastotheweightofthegoods. Issuerofaweightlist N2) Aweigh
nthecredit. N3) Whenacreditdoesnotindicatethenameofanissuer,anyentitymayi
tlist N4) When a credit indicates specific weight requirements, without stipulat
ent to indicate compliance with these requirements, any data regarding the weigh
mentioned on a weight list,ifpresented,arenottoconflictwiththoserequirements.
icateadifferentinvoicenumber,invoicedateandshipmentroutingtothatindicated ono
eddocuments,providedtheissueroftheweightlistisnotthebeneficiary. N6) Banks o
es, including, but not limited to, total quantities, total weights, total measur
al packages, to ensurethat the applicable total does not conflictwith a total
donanyotherstipulateddocument. BENEFICIARYSCERTIFICATE Basicrequirementandful
n P1) When a credit requires the presentation of a beneficiarys certificate, t
ied by the presentation of a signed document titled as called for in the cred
e reflecting the type of certification that has been requested or untitled, tha
nction by containing the data and certificationrequiredbythecredit. Signingof
icate P2) Abeneficiaryscertificateistobesignedby,orfor[oronbehalfof],theb
iaryscertificate P3) Datamentionedonabeneficiaryscertificatearenottoconflict
ecredit. P4) Thedataorcertificationmentionedonabeneficiaryscertificate: a.
o that required by the credit, but are to clearly indicate that the requiremen
edithasbeenfulfilled; b. need not include a goods description or any other
t or another stipulated document. ANALYSIS, INSPECTION, HEALTH, PHYTOSANITARY, QUA
ALITY AND OTHER CERTIFICATES(certificate) Basicrequirementandfulfillingitsfun
edit requires the presentation of such a certificate, this will be satisfied by
on of a signed document titled as called for in the credit, or bearing a sim
, that fulfils its function by certifying the outcome of the required action,
esults of the analysis, inspection,health,phytosanitary,quantityorqualityassessme

Q3) Q4) Q5)
Q6) Q7)
Q10) Q11)

a. anissuancedatethatisnolaterthanthedateofshipment;or b. wordingtotheeff
,oronthedateof,shipment,inwhichevent, whenanissuancedateisalsoindicated,it
tebutnolaterthan thedateofpresentationofthecertificate;or c. atitleindicati
pmentInspectionCertificate. Issuerofacertificate Acertificateistobeissuedbyt
t. When a credit does not indicate the name of an issuer, any entity includin
y issue a certificate. When a credit makes reference to an issuer of a certif
of its being independent, official, qualified or words of similar effect,
by any entity except the beneficiary. Contentsofacertificate Acertificatemayin
yasampleoftherequiredgoodshasbeentested,analyzedorinspected; b. aquantityth
hecreditoronanyotherstipulateddocument;or c. morehold,compartmentor tanknumb
lof ladingorcharterparty bill oflading. When a credit indicates specific requ
ct to analysis, inspection, health, phytosanitary, quantity or quality assessment
e, with or without stipulating the document to indicate compliance with these r
he data regarding the analysis, inspection, health, phytosanitary, quantity or qu
ssment or the like mentioned on the certificate or any other stipulated documen
twiththoserequirements. When a credit is silent as to the specific content to
ate, including, but not limited to, any required standard for determining the r
alysis, inspection or quality assessment, the certificate may include statements
it for human consumption, chemical composition may not meet required needs or
ect, provided such statements do not conflict with the credit,anyotherstipulate
. Consignee information, when shown, is not to conflict with the consignee info
ransport document. However, when a credit requires a transportdocument to be is
order of shipper,toorderofissuingbank,toorderofnominatedbank(ornegotiatin
certificate may show the consignee as any entity named in the credit except th
s the consignororexporteranentityotherthanthe beneficiaryofthecredit or the
pulateddocument. A certificate may indicate a different invoice number, invoice
ment routing to that indicated on one or more other stipulated documents, provi
r or consignor shown on the certificate is notthebeneficiary.

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