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MTU Navy Brochure 1 14

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Marine Defense

We move you.
With agility and power.

Power. Passion. Partnership.





24 Combined Propulsion Systems




44 MTU Callosum
Integrated Ship Automation System

25 Proven System Integration

Powerful Solutions

8 Propulsion Systems for Corvettes,

Frigates and Destroyers

48 MTU BlueVision_Advanced |
New Generation
Standard Automation System

26 Modernization of Propulsion and

Automation Systems

10 Propulsion Systems for Offshore

Patrol Vessels

28 Innovation and Affordability

12 Propulsion Systems for Inshore

Patrol Vessels

29 Emissions Reduction Technologies




52 Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)


14 Propulsion Systems for Large
Amphibious and Support Vessels



30 Series 8000

16 Propulsion Systems for Amphibious

18 Propulsion Systems for Mine
Countermeasure Vessels

32 Series 1163
34 Series 4000
36 Series 396

20 Propulsion Systems for Submarines

38 Series 2000
40 Series 1600
We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 3


A customer-oriented
technology leader.
MTU supplies its customers with technologicallyadvanced products that are proven in the eld.
MTUs range of products and services for off-highway
applications is extensive and includes both standard
and customized solutions.

MTU is the core brand of Rolls-Royce Power

Systems AG, which is a world-leading provider
of high- and medium-speed diesel and gas
engines, complete drive systems, distributed
energy systems and fuel injection systems for
the most demanding requirements.

1 Technological leader
As a supplier of high-quality, performance propulsion solutions, MTU stands
for the highest level of technological expertise.
2 Power
MTU meets even the most demanding propulsion requirements with powerful
and reliable engines and propulsion systems.
3 Passion
MTU is passionate about fullling the needs of its customers with the utmost
professionalism and precision.
4 Partnership
MTU is a reliable and trend-setting partner which acts with foresight in
a results-oriented manner.

The product range of MTU is one of the widest

and most modern in the sector. We offer
comprehensive, powerful and reliable engine
solutions for yachts, commercial ships and
naval vessels, construction and industrial
vehicles, agricultural machinery, mining, rail
and military vehicles as well as for the oil and
gas industry. We also provide a full line of
service products to help you maximize uptime
and performance.
For over 100 years, MTU has been known for
cutting-edge innovation and technological
leadership. That same spirit of innovation
inspires our sustainability efforts. Today and
in the future, our focus is on developing and
implementing system solutions to maximize
efciency and meet emissions standards.

An expert in technology
MTU has always set standards in technological
expertise for customized product and system
solutions. To deliver you maximum power
density, we concentrate our innovation on
the continuous advancement of our core
competencies: fuel injection, turbo charging,
exhaust aftertreatment and electronics.
A passionate engine specialist
We spend every day working together with you,
our customers, to deliver engines and systems
that best t your needs. Whether a standard
system or a customized solution we are
passionate about the art of engine creation.
A reliable partner
We understand the specic demands for
diverse applications. In collaboration with
you, we look for the solutions which are best
suited to your individual requirements. Every
step of the way from the start of project
planning, during the design of your integrated
system solution, at the point of delivery and
commissioning and continuing through
the care of your product we are there
with you for the entire lifecycle.

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 5

MTU in Military and Governmental Vessels

You secure your country.

We secure your mission.
MTU engines and propulsion systems are a permanent part of many countries
armed forces. For more than half a century, we have been as much at home
on the sea as you are. It is this experience and expertise that makes us such
a strong partner worldwide, whatever mission you are on.

At home anywhere on the water

To provide uncompromising security is the daily
mission of navies, coast guards, police forces
and other authorities around the world,
24 hours a day. MTU provides individual solutions
tailored to these complex needs.
For decades we have developed, produced and
overseen complete propulsion and on-board
power systems for navy and governmental
vessels. Since 1950, more than 30.000 units in
total have been supplied to navies around the
world and put into operation. And today, the
same is true as back then: MTU is the right
partner for those with the highest demands
for propulsion systems.

Ready for your missions

Our navy propulsion systems are based on MTU
commercial shipping engines, thousands of
which operate successfully all over the world.
They are modied according to the special
requirements of military and governmental
vessels. High power density, low weight, compact
design, and mechanical and thermal stability
characterize MTU engines, just as much as
simple operation, straightforward maintenance
and low life-cycle costs.
To ensure maximum performance and lasting
value, rely on MTU ValueCare our complete
portfolio of service and support solutions. We
offer full logistic support through a wide range of
products and services including analysis, spare
parts, training and technical documentation.
Each package is customized to match your
specic needs, helping you reduce costs.


Propulsion Systems for Corvettes, Frigates and Destroyers

Tailored for
major challenges.
Corvettes, frigates and destroyers have an impressive presence
through their enormous versatility, their wide spectrum of use
and their extraordinary propulsion systems. With MTU engines
and propulsion systems, they are superbly equipped for their
demanding tasks.

Diverse responsibilities
Todays navies have to cover a broad spectrum
of operations. Corvettes, frigates and destroyers
which can be deployed anywhere play a
dominant role. Whether fullling missions for
a nation or in UN operations, their main
responsibilities are to protect territorial waters
and to participate in international peacekeeping
measures as well as crisis management.
They must be able to confront threats from
submarines, airplanes and ships. Ship reliability
and availability are the highest priorities. Just as
indispensable are the extensive patrol ranges
and high speeds for quick coverage of long

Complex requirements tailor-made

MTU meets all these complex requirements,
which form the basis of the propulsion systems.
Our customized solutions for large military
vessels correspond to strict navy standards
and guarantee:
High reliability and availability
A broad engine characteristic map and
unlimited low load capability
High power concentration at low weight
Excellent maneuverability and acceleration
Low acoustic, optical and infrared signatures
Substantial shock-proong
Low fuel consumption over the entire
operating range
Long maintenance intervals

Propulsion concepts customized

Combined propulsion systems offer high levels
of redundancy, exibility and availability.
If your application requires it, we can design a
combined propulsion system. We will gladly
advise you as to which system best meets
your needs. Upon request, we can act as
general contractors in the conguration and
implementation of the entire propulsion system.
The integration of MTU ship automation systems
also makes an extensive automatic operation of
the propulsion system and further ship areas
possible including damage control as well
as complete control of the vessel.


CODELAG 16V 4000 M43B Gensets

2 Turkish Navy Milgem Corvette

CODAG 2 x 16V 595 TE90 + LM2500

ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems GmbH

3 German Navy F125

CODELAG 20V 4000 M53B Gensets

8 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

Propulsion Systems for Offshore Patrol Vessels

Security and vigilance.

Uneventful patrols at high sea can suddenly turn into serious operations.
All the more reason to install a robust propulsion system which keeps going
whatever the situation.

1 Oman Corvette
2 x 20V 8000 M91
2 Indian Coast Guard Vishwast Class
2 x 20V 8000 M90
3 Korean Coast Guard 3000t
4 x 20V 1163 TB93

Built-in reliability
Offshore patrol vessels signicantly contribute to safeguarding
sovereignty within national waters. They serve a broad spectrum of
tasks from shery protection, law enforcement and maritime
surveillance to protection and defense of national assets against low and
medium threats. Because these units can stay at sea for long periods,
they demand a lot from their propulsion systems. The greatest possible
reliability and availability are required. Our robust, economical diesel
engines fulll the requirements of every type of use: for patrolling, for
fast intervention and for missions under the most difcult conditions.

Tailored to special needs

Low manning requirements call for a highly integrated, automated
propulsion system with self-diagnostic features. Our diesel engines and
wide range of commercial off-the-shelf ship automation systems allow
for highly automated, unmanned machinery spaces tailored to your
needs. Navies and coast guards around the globe rely on MTU.

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 11

Propulsion Systems for Inshore Patrol Vessels

Power for rapid reaction.

Patrol and fast patrol vessels complement and support offshore patrol vessels in
fullling their varied missions. They are indispensable for safeguarding national
security in littoral waters. And with powerful MTU engines, they are perfectly
equipped to do so.

Superior agility
High availability of the vessel accompanied by high agility and ship speed
allows you to respond to asymmetric threats immediately, or to a distress
call in bad weather and high seas. Speed and exibility are the principal
characteristics of inshore patrol vessels whether on a quiet patrol, a
sudden mission or under difcult conditions. Propulsion systems based on
our compact, powerful diesel engines ensure the reliability and availability
of important units wherever and whenever they are needed.

1 UAE Ghannatha Class

2 x 12V 2000 M90
2 US Coast Guard FRC
2 x 20V 4000 M93L

Comprehensive expertise from the reliable system partner

Perfectly integrated engines and ship automation systems can facilitate
automatic operation of the propulsion system and other ship areas even
the entire ship. Our many years of experience and well-known systems
expertise make us the reliable partner.

12 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

3 Korea Coast Guard 1000 t

3 x 20V 1163 TB93

Propulsion Systems for Large Amphibious and Support Vessels

Strengthening the backbone

of your eet.
Although not active on the front, support vessels are vitally important: they
supply the eet with vital supplies and transport troops and equipment where
it is needed. Thats reason enough to give support vessels the best propulsion
systems that are always dependable wherever they operate.

Support for your logistics

Whether it be a RoRo fast troop transporter or
a task group supply ship that form the logistical
backbone of every navy, support vessels are
optimally equipped with our propulsion systems.
Powerful, robust and absolutely reliable, our
engines help make your missions successful.

1 German Navy combat support vessel, Class 702 second lot

After Berlin and Frankfurt am Main, the third combat support vessel
Bonn was built in Emden, Germany. While the rst two vessels are
equipped with medium speed engines, the MTU Series 8000 was
selected as the main propulsion engine and ve MTU Series 4000 as
onboard power generator sets for the new ship. The Bonn was handed
over to the Navy in June 2013.

By specialists for specialists

As a long-term partner of navies and coast
guards, we know your needs and deliver
tailormade propulsion solutions. Our engines
meet requirements including low life-cycle
costs, long maintenance intervals and low
manning MTU meets even the most
demanding requirements. Whether all
mechanical or diesel-electric, you specify
your requirements and we deliver the solution.
Our reliable state-of-the-art engines conform
to the highest safety standards.

Complete systems fully secured

The integration of MTU ship automation
systems also makes extensive automatic
operation of the propulsion system and
other ship areas possible, as well as complete
control of the ship. In order to ensure total
security, we provide preventive services and
integrated logistics support. Our factory
experts ensure fast, efcient support
anywhere in the world 24 hours a day.

2 Joint High Speed Vessel

For the future high speed catamaran, the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV),
the U.S. Army and Navy rely on MTU products. The JHSV is powered
by four 20V MTU Series 8000 M71L diesel engines with a total power
output of 36400 kW (48812 bhp). It can reach speeds in excess of
35 knots.
3 ATS 2
Among many other vessels of the Korean Navy, also the second batch
of the selvage and rescue ship is equipped with MTU engines.
Two CPPs will be driven by four engines of the MTU Series 1163
(12V 1163 TB93) with a total power of 13320 kW (almost 18000 hp).

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 15

Propulsion Systems for Amphibious Crafts

Landing. On time.

Small but vital

Landing crafts are getting more and more important in todays modern
naval eets and are vital for a wide range of operations.
Transporting troops to and from the beach
Delivering equipment and supplies to remote places during military,
civilian and humanitarian operations
Supply of smaller bases lacking harbor facilities
Ship-to-shore connectors are increasingly demanded to complement the
larger landing ships behind the horizon.

16 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

Strong background support

In order to meet their background responsibilities, landing crafts have to
operate with the greatest reliability. Our drives high availability
signicantly contributes to this task. The exceptional, MTU-typical powerto-weight ratio enables the ships fast acceleration as well as high speed
rates. The strong bollard pull ensures best performance.
Due to its robust and user-friendly custom solutions, MTU is the perfect
partner for all applications requiring drives that meet not only the current
demands but also increasing future requirements such as simple design,
mechanical propulsion systems and waterjet propulsion.

1 Pacscat
2 x 16V 4000 M90
2 LCT Turkey
2 x 16V 4000 M70
3 E-Craft
4 x 12V 4000 M90

Griffon Hoverwork

Landing troops for an amphibious operation or supplies for disaster relief you
want them to be on time, with reliable delivery like a Swiss train. Our propulsion
systems help you to keep the time table, everywhere.

Propulsion Systems for Mine Countermeasure Vessels

Mission. Enabled.
MTU has always made propulsion systems for applications that require
highly specialized knowledge and expertise. Our propulsion solutions for
mine countermeasure vessels demonstrate this perfectly.

1 Katanp
The Finnish Navy selected a propulsion system with two 8V MTU Series
396 diesel engines, each providing 970 kW sustained power including
gearboxes and couplings. For onboard power generation, two
8V MTU Series 396 diesel engines deliver 680 kW to the included
generators. The MTU supplied automation consists of a remote control
for main and loitering propulsion system, re detection system, power
management system as well as the ships overall monitoring and
control system.

2 Oksy Class minehunter

The Royal Norwegian Navy selected a propulsion system with
two 12V MTU Series 396 diesel engines, each providing 2700 kW
(3621 bhp) sustained power. MTU supplied two lift diesel engines,
type 8V MTU Series 396 with cardan shafts. The three onboard
gensets are powered by 6R MTU Series 183 engines, including
generator and base frame.

Leading technology to meet the strictest requirements

Modern sea mines are incredibly sensitive, selective and intelligent. They
can only be outanked by platforms specially developed for this purpose,
such as mine countermeasure vessels (MCMVs) and drones. They secure
areas of eet operations and keep passages open for commercial shipping.
Operating conditions place the most rigorous demands both on the ship
and its propulsion system. MTU has expertise in the lowest emissions,
shock qualied design and low magnetic signatures. Weve always been a
leader in the development of propulsion systems with low magnetic and
acoustic signatures. The specially developed MTU- MRK method makes it
possible to reduce the magnetism emitted from all of the ferromagnetic
parts to a stable minimum.

With this method, we are capable of magnetically treating components

like crankcases, connecting rods, transmission parts, drive shafts, etc.,
as well as ranging engines, transmissions, generators and complete
propulsion systems. MTU also provides this magnetic treating for other
MCMV component suppliers.
Engines and systems all from MTU
Of course, our engines include all of the other features that are in demand:
compact designs, excellent power-to-weight ratios, reliability and
dynamic responsiveness. As system specialists, we integrate MTU ship
automation systems that facilitate automatic operation of the propulsion
system, or even the entire ship. Every magnetic requirement is met
even down to the construction of the cases and consoles.

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 19

Propulsion Systems for Submarines

Silent Force. Silent Power.

The more specic and complex the demands, the more important and valuable expertise
and experience are. For decades, MTU has been setting quality and performance standards
for submarine engines.

Leading competence
Submarines are highly specialized, fascinating underwater vessels. As an
indispensable component of nearly every eet, they take on numerous
tasks from protecting territorial waters to gathering information across
international boundaries. The technical demands placed on submarine
engines are extremely high and only a few manufacturers are in the
position to meet them. With our years of experience, MTU has been a
leader in the development and construction of submarine propulsion
systems for decades. Most conventional submarines around the world
use MTU engines.
Specialized power generation for snorkel operations
The MTU Series 396 SE is precisely designed for use in submarines. We
also deliver complete charging units with dedicated DC generators and
mounting systems. All components are also available with magnetic
controlled compensation. Our engines and complete power-generating
units including mounting systems are optimized for the customer with
regard to shock, acoustics, EMC, etc.

Modern engine design for advanced submarine requirements

Following customer requirements for more powerful and otherwise
advanced charging units, MTU has utilized their huge experience gained
with Series 4000 as a reliable and commercially viable basis for the
development of the next generation of submarine engines.
The MTU Series 4000 U increases the power range for the submarine
application engines and adds new functionalities like different operation
modes. A state-of-the-art engine governor and injection system ensure
the improvement of fuel consumption and allow emission compliance in
surface operation without compromising the well known low noise
characteristics as selectable operating modes. The fourth boost-mode
operation in combination with an improved generator design allows
accellerated battery charging when required.
MTU: Much more than just a manufacturer of engines
The integration of MTU ship automation systems makes the reliable
automatic operation of charging units possible, while taking the details
dened by the customer into account.

BAE Systems Astute Class

As a proven partner of shipyards, shipbuilders and operators, we are

making signicant contributions to the development of submarine
technology today and in the future.

20 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

Systems Solutions

Unrivaled expertise.
Unrivaled system
We are system partners. Our expertise in ship applications encompasses
every possible propulsion conguration, including engineering services,
hardware and software which these congurations require.

Complete system engineering from MTU

For you that means: no matter how
extraordinary your requirements, we can supply
you with a complete, fully integrated propulsion
system. Diesel engine, gas turbine and gearbox,
on-board power supply and ship automation
all these form a single system which is both
reliable and cost-effective.

1 A competitive edge. From MTU.

As a leader in high-quality propulsion systems innovation, we are constantly
researching and working on new trendsetting technologies. We bundle all
relevant core competencies within our company right from the beginning,
and over the years we have continually made advancements to them.
Thus, we can provide you with a decisive competitive egde.

With reliable and proven suppliers, we develop,

deliver and support tailor-made solutions for
small patrol boats to destroyers, consisting of:
Diesel engines, stand-alone or packaged
in propulsion modules
Gensets for service power and propulsion
Integrated ship automation, including
complete propulsion control systems
Shaftlines, propellers and water jets
Gas turbines

System support from a single source

Naval customers have complex and highly
specialized demands. For decades, we have
been meeting these demands with great
success for one simple reason: we provide
a complete service solution. We start at the
beginning of the project and continue throughout the entire life cycle of your MTU propulsion system.

Upon request, we can act as general contractors

to take on complete technical and commercial
responsibility for the entire propulsion, power
generation and automation systems from
project engineering and management
to support and service. Consolidating these
responsibilities reduces the number of
interfaces and, therefore, the number of
potential complications.

Our service solutions include:

Project management
Propulsion system evaluation and layout
Selection of suitable components
System integration of mechanical, electrical
and electronic interfaces
Installation supervision
Supervision of commissioning and trials
Integrated logistics and entire life cycle

In modern vessels, it is a decisive advantage to

have fault-free interaction between the various
subsystems which inuence the efciency of
the ships operation considerably. Allow MTU,
an experienced complete partner, to select
and design the systems resulting in greater
reliability, sustained operations and optimum
cost effectiveness. In short: successful

2 Gas turbine modules

High power outputs and unrivaled power-to-weight ratios are characteristic
of gas turbines. They are the optimum choice to extend the combined power
output of a propulsion plant. In combined propulsion systems, gas turbines
complement the excellent life-cycle costs of diesel engines. They also allow
even large frigates and destroyers to achieve or exceed speeds of 28 knots.
MTU is one of the very few certied packagers of the proven GE LM2500 gas
turbines. Our own lightweight and highly integrated gas turbine module
designed and assembled in Germany has gone into a range of commercial
ferry operators and navies, including the US Navy.

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 23

Systems Solutions

Systems Solutions

Combined propulsion systems


Proven system integration.

Powerful solutions.

Always the best possible propulsion system

Combined systems involving diesel engines and/or gas turbines are now
the propulsion solution of choice for corvettes and frigates. As a general
supplier, we can congure the best possible complete propulsion system
for your needs whether CODOG, CODAG, CODAD, CODELAG or
All the components engines, gas turbines and gearboxes including
auxiliary power units come from one source and are combined into an
integrated complete system.

1 CODAD (Combined Diesel And Diesel)

The basic idea: four diesel engines power two controllable pitch
propellers (CPP) through two main gearboxes. In normal operation,
one diesel engine powers one axle; for maximum speed the other
two diesel engines are also switched on.

2 CODAG (Combined Diesel And Gas Turbine)

The basic idea: two diesel engines and a gas turbine power both
CPP through two main gearboxes and a cross-connect gearbox.
If only the diesel engine or the gas turbine is running, both CPP are
equally powered through the cross-connect gearbox. If both diesel
engines are running, this gearbox can be declutched.
Through the use of a two-stage gearbox, one diesel engine can bring
the vessel to cruising speed.

3 CODOG (Combined Diesel Or Gas Turbine)

The basic idea: two diesel engines and two gas turbines alternatively
power two controllable pitch propellers through two main gearboxes.
The gas turbines are connected via self-synchronizing clutches.
The diesel engines power the vessel in cruising speed; both gas
turbines bring the vessel to top speed.

4 CODELAG (Combined Diesel Electric And Gas Turbine)

CODELOG (Combined Diesel Electric Or Gas Turbine)
The basic idea: two diesel engines drive generators which produce
electricity for two electric propulsion motors. A gas turbine drives
two propeller shafts with CPP via a gearbox either alone or in
combination. The diesel-electric propulsion units ensure cruising
speed of the vessel. Maximum speed is reached when the propulsion
system of the vessel runs in combined mode, i.e. diesel-electric plus
gas turbine.

MTU recently delivered a complete propulsion system for a corvettesized ghting ship. Designed and built in-house, the navy relied on MTU
expertise in laying out, designing and integrating the complete propulsion
system. Our engineers provided extensive analysis, documentation and
risk-reduction services, as well as integrated mechanical, electrical and
electronic interfaces.

The automated control of the system is per formed by an MTU

Callosum_MC integrated propulsion control and monitoring system.
The MTU propulsion system demonstrates excellent reliability and
exibility. Our on-site engineers supervise the installation of the system,
ensuring efcient propulsion system commissioning and trials.

The MTU CODAG propulsion system includes:

Two MTU diesel engines, packaged in a propulsion module for high
shock survivability and acoustic signature reduction
An MTU/GE LM2500 gas turbine module
A combining gearbox
Controllable pitch propellers and shafting

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 25

Modernization of Propulsion and Automation Systems

MTU re-power solutions.

At sea while others maintain.
More and more navies and coast guards consider a modernization a cost effective way
to preserve and improve their eet. For very good reasons, since a new heart for the ship
makes it t for a decade and beyond.

Modernizations of propulsion and automation systems of still

valuable ships have many benets:
Reduced through-life costs
Ship availability
Exhaust gas emissions
Ship operational behaviour
Installation of more or less power
Avoidance of obsolescence
Conversion from a naval combatant to a patrol vessel.

With MTU Callosum - Integrated Ship Automation System, MTU offers a

competent partnership for a successful project solution, customized and
ideal for governmental and naval vessel repowering, covering all ship
subsystems including Battle Damage Control System.
MTU provides extensive assistance during the entire modernization
project having engineers on-site to supervise the yard during the
installation, setting to work, HAT and SAT.

Repower in 2010/2011 of frigate size vessels

commissioned in the early 1980s

MTU Callosum
Integrated Ship Automation System

3, 4 New propulsion system

4 x 16V 1163 TB73L

From supplying propulsion engines to planning and realisation of the

complete modernization, MTU has successfully proven itself in a wide
range of different modernization programs. MTU with its in-depth
engineering expertise can also make your project a success.
Latest references include patrol boats, FAC and frigates in Algeria,
Colombia, Germany, India and Indonesia.

26 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

New on-board power generation

4 x 8V 2000 M50B

Innovation and Affordability

Emissions Reduction Technologies

Redundant Power.
Flexible and robust.

On mission with a clear conscience.

MTU has been the undisputed technological leader in naval propulsion systems for decades.
Our innovative solutions help our customers and the whole industry move forward.

Offshore patrol vessels (OPV) cover an extensive range of tasks and

challenges in todays navies. That is why many navies are increasingly
interested in OPVs. Beside technical requirements such as high
redundancy, wide low-load capabilities and exibility, low cost of
ownership and an easy integration are key decision factors for an OPV
propulsion system. The MTU OPV PowerPack is a Combined Diesel And
Diesel (CODAD) propulsion system featuring the most esteemed Series
4000, that serves all these requirements perfectly.

The OPV PowerPack comes with MTU Callosum_MC integrated

propulsion monitoring and control system for safe control of propulsion

It offers convincing advantages for shipyards and end users alike:

Simplied logistics
High level of redundancy by four prime movers
TBO of up to 32,000 hours
IMO II certication of engines
Power range from 3000 to 8000 kW per shaft

It integrates the following into one common steel frame:

Two MTU Series 4000 high-speed diesel engines
A Renk Reduction Gear ASL 2x104
Local Control Panels
All pumps, lters, heat exchangers and control systems necessary for
operation, as well as a replenishment oil tank including all piping and

28 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

A more integrated solution is available with 12V and 16V MTU Series
4000 M73/M73L engines and covers power requirements from 3840 kW
(5149 bhp) to 5760 kW (7724 bhp) per PowerPack, 7860 kW (10540 bhp)
to 11520 kW (15448 bhp) per ship with a two-shaft line design.

MTU a leader in assuming responsibility

Operating on the water means working in a sensitive environment.
Assuming responsibility for protecting the water and air and keeping them
clean is second nature to us. MTU has always played a leading role in
developing environmentally friendly engines and, in particular, solutions
for reducing emissions. Since we have all the relevant key technologies
bundled within our company in addition to our core business of building
engines, we have been and will always be leaders in this space.
MTU engines are an embodiment of the most state-of-the-art technology
available. Running at above 2000 rpm, they are, in comparison to engines
with lower rpm ranges, generally more environmentally friendly and emit
less nitrogen oxides. The greenest engines are high-speed engines and
so it is logical that MTU engines comply with all current emission

Optimizing the combined package

In addition to low emission diesel engines, MTU offers customized
exhaust aftertreatment systems such as:
Diesel particle lters (DPF) with active or passive regeneration
Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) units
Combined DPF+SCR

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 29

MTU Diesel Engines


We move you.
With agility and power.

Series 8000
The most powerful highspeed engine meeting maximum
If power and endurance for long range missions are what you
MTU Series 8000 combines industry-leading naval
capabilities with the durability and reliability of one of the
most successful heavy-duty industrial engines.
MTU Series 8000 delivers unrivaled operational exibility
whether loitering or sailing at full speed without questions.
MTU Series 8000 engines with demonstrated and attested
qualications and features such as thermal and acoustic
signatures, EMV capabilities and shock resistance are the
rst choice for navies.
Many MTU engines are in operation with numerous of load
cycles. We can provide a qualied engine platform with
demonstrated capabilities in inherent availability rate, MTBF
and service intervals.
The inherent qualications of the MTU Series 8000 engine
family enable us to fulll demanding requirements such as
German Navy BV, US Navy MILSTD and NATO STANAG
Designed and built according to all major classication
society rules as well as to the highest SOLAS requirements.
Dedicated marine propulsion and power generation products
tailored to the needs of the professional marine industry is our
obligation and heritage.

Engine model

Series 8000

Power output

All engines comply with emission
regulations in accordance with
IMO II and in part also EPA 2

Emission Certication

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 31

Series 1163
The proven, evolved engine for the naval industry
If patrol and small governmental vessels are what you need:
MTU Series 1163 combines industry-leading naval capabilities
with the durability and reliability of one of the most
successful heavy-duty industrial engines.
MTU Series 1163 delivers unrivaled operational exibility
whether loitering or sailing at full speed without questions.
MTU Series 1163 engines with demonstrated and attested
qualications and features such as thermal and acoustic
signatures, EMV capabilities and shock resistance are the
rst choice for navies.
MTU Series 1163 combines best-in-class power-to-weight
ratio with the effortless unfolding of power and bottom end
Many MTU engines are in operation with numerous of load
cycles. We can provide a qualied engine platform with
demonstrated capabilities in inherent availability rate, MTBF
and service intervals.
The inherent qualications of the MTU Series 1163 engine
family enable us to fulll demanding requirements such as
German Navy BV, US Navy MILSTD and NATO STANAG
Designed and built according to all major classication
society rules as well as to the highest SOLAS requirements.
Dedicated marine propulsion and power generation products
tailored to the needs of the professional marine industry is our
obligation and heritage.

Engine model
12V, 16V, 20V

Series 1163

Power output

All engines comply with emission
regulations in accordance with

Emission Certication

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 33

Series 4000

1 MTU Series 4000 charging unit for submarines

MTUs 12V 4000 based battery charging unit is designed to
improve the well-known submarine engine characteristics of the
MTU Series 396 SE. Next to the ability to operate in different
modes (acoustic optimised, fuel consumption optimised,
emission optimised, boost-mode), a modern charge air system
leads to improved engine performance under snorkelling
conditions. The combination of an exhaust gas turbocharger
with a governor controlled waste gate allows precise turbo
charger matching for snorkelling conditions that result in
backpressure operation close to mechanically charged engine
designs with clearly improved fuel consumption characteristics.
Considering maintenance requirements in early design stages
has led to a notable advancement with regard to maintenance
efforts as well as operational availability. Engine and generator
are integrated further, allowing wearless starting of the engine
via generator as well as controlled load limitation dened by
actual environmental operating conditions in boost-mode

One of the most successful heavy-duty engines ever

If long-term platform strategies and enlarged power range requirements
are what you need:
MTU Series 4000 combines industry-leading naval capabilities with
the durability and reliability of one of the most successful heavy-duty
industrial engines.
MTU Series 4000 delivers unrivaled operational exibility whether
loitering or sailing at full speed without questions.
MTU Series 4000 engines are the rst choice for navies, with
demonstrated qualications and features such as thermal, acoustic
and magnetic signatures, EMV capabilites and shock resistance.
MTU Series 4000 combines best-in-class power-to-weight ratio
with the effortless unfolding of power and bottom end torque.
Many MTU engines are in operation with numerous of load cycles.
We can provide a qualied engine platform with demonstrated
capabilities in inherent availability rate, MTBF and service intervals.
The inherent qualications of the MTU Series 4000 engine family
enable us to fulll demanding requirements such as German Navy BV,
US Navy MILSTD and NATO STANAG specications.
Designed and built according to all major classication society rules
as well as to the highest SOLAS requirements.
Dedicated marine propulsion and power generation products tailored
to the needs of the professional marine industry is our obligation and

Engine model
8V, 12V, 16V, 20V
Power output
Emission Certication

Series 4000

Engine model

Series 4000
for onboard power generation,
diesel-electric drives
50 Hz
60 Hz

8V, 12V, 16V

Power output
Emission Certication

All engines comply with emission
regulations in accordance with
IMO II and in part also EPA 3 and
EU IIIA (including RheinSchUO II)


Engine model



Series 4000
for Submarine charging unit 8V,

Power output

Power output (Boost-mode*) kW
Emission Compliance

up to 1500
(up to 2100)
IMO II surface operation

* Boost-mode available for up to 10% of total operating hours without

restrictions on maintenance schedule; available power may vary with
operating conditions.
We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 35

Series 396

1 MTU Series 396 charging unit for submarines

In 1988, MTU started using turbocharged Series 396 engines
for this type of application a rst in the submarine sector.
Various additional acoustic measures also ensure that engine
noise and vibration are kept to a minimum, while the integral
exhaust cooling system reduces the thermal signature.

The proven, evolved engine for the naval industry

If uncompromising naval requirements are mandatory for your missions:
MTU Series 396 combines industry-leading naval capabilities with
the durability and reliability of one of the most successful heavy-duty
industrial engines.
MTU Series 396 delivers unrivaled operational exibility whether
loitering or sailing at full speed without questions.
MTU Series 396 engines are the rst choice for navies, with
demonstrated qualications and features such as thermal, acoustic
and magnetic signatures, EMV capabilites and shock resistance.
MTU Series 396 combines best-in-class power-to-weight ratio with
the effortless unfolding of power and bottom end torque.
Many MTU engines are in operation with numerous of load cycles.
We can provide a qualied engine platform with demonstrated
capabilities in inherent availability rate, MTBF and service intervals.
The inherent qualications of the MTU Series 396 engine family
enable us to fulll demanding requirements such as German Navy BV,
US Navy MILSTD and NATO STANAG specications.
Designed and built according to all major classication society rules
as well as to the highest SOLAS requirements.
Dedicated marine propulsion and power generation products tailored
to the needs of the professional marine industry is our obligation and

Engine model
8V, 12V, 16V
Power output
Emission Certication

Series 396

Engine model

Series 396
for onboard power generation,
diesel-electric drives
50 Hz
60 Hz

8V, 12V, 16V

Power output
Emission Certication

Engines comply with emission
regulations in accordance with


Engine model



Series 396
for Submarine charging unit

8V, 12V, 16V

Power output



We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 37

Series 2000
The powerful heart for maximum agility
If patrol and small governmental vessels are what you need:
MTU Series 2000 combines industry-leading naval
capabilities with the durability and reliability of one of the
most successful heavy-duty industrial engines.
MTU Series 2000 delivers unrivaled operational exibility
whether loitering or sailing at full speed without questions.
MTU Series 2000 combines best-in-class power-to-weight
ratio with the effortless unfolding of power and bottom end
Many MTU engines are in operation with numerous of load
cycles. We can provide a qualied engine platform with
demonstrated capabilities in inherent availability rate, MTBF
and service intervals.
Designed and built according to all major classication
society rules as well as to the highest SOLAS requirements.
Dedicated marine propulsion and power generation products
tailored to the needs of the professional marine industry is our
obligation and heritage.

Engine model
8V, 10V, 12V, 16V

Series 2000

Power output

Emission Certication

All engines comply with emission
regulations in accordance with
IMO II, EPA 2 and in part also EU
IIIA (including RheinSchUO II)

Engine model

Series 2000
for onboard power generation,
diesel-electric drives
50 Hz
60 Hz

8V, 12V, 16V

Power output

Emission Certication



We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 39

Series 1600
The little one, completing MTUs Marine Genset
If availability and reliability are what you need:
MTU Series 1600 combines industry-leading naval
capabilities with the durability and reliability of one of the
most successful heavy-duty industrial engines.
MTU Series 1600 engines are the rst choice for navies, with
demonstrated qualications and features such as thermal,
acoustic and magnetic signatures, EMV capabilites and shock
The inherent qualications of the MTU Series 1600 engine
family enable us to fulll demanding requirements such as
German Navy BV, US Navy MILSTD and NATO STANAG
Designed and built according to all major classication
society rules as well as to the highest SOLAS requirements.
Dedicated marine propulsion and power generation products
tailored to the needs of the professional marine industry is our
obligation and heritage.

Engine model

Series 1600
for onboard power generation,
diesel-electric drives




Power output



Emission Certication

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 41

MTU Ship Automation Systems

Power requires control.

As a systems supplier, MTU provides you with the perfect propulsion solution as well as the ideal
ship automation system, which monitors and controls processes in propulsion, power generation
and the ships systems.

MTU Callosum Integrated Ship Automation System

The general nervous system

for your entire vessel.

Integrated, intelligent and intuitive

With Callosum, MTU delivers the automation system of the future today.
MTU Callosum combines many decades of MTU automation experience.
The complete modular automation system integrates various self-sufcient
subsystems into an intelligent overall structure. It gathers all of the ships
data and displays it clearly and simply on color monitors. It can be
customized with incredible exibility for each type of governmental and
naval vessel and for any use.
Four modules three clicks
MTU offers four Callosum modules that can be used individually or in
combination. A customized network of sensors monitors and controls all
areas and functions of the ships equipment. With MTU Callosum, every
action can be carried out with only three mouse clicks from any networked
monitor. An ideal, customized solution for governmental and naval vessels:
MTU Callosum.

MTU Callosum integrates all of

the various subsystems of a
vessel into a single, intelligent
overall system. A network of
sensors throughout the vessel
monitors and controls all
aspects of the ships equipment.

Challenges grow. Missions change.

MTU Callosum is ready.
Integrated. Intelligent. Intuitive.
MTU Callosum bundles many decades of MTU automation experience.
The intelligent system optimizes process sequences onboard by
professionally collecting and processing data as well as displaying them
visually in perfect form.
Your demands fullled systematically
Our well-engineered and operator-friendly automation system is fully
integrated and designed to meet your specic operational requirements.
That is how MTU Callosum helps to increase security, dependability and
operational readiness. The four MTU Callosum system modules can be used
separately or in combination, depending on your needs and requirements.

Four modules. Three clicks.

The integrated ship automation system Callosum has four system modules.
A network of sensors, which is set up individually based on the respective
vessel, monitors and controls all areas and functions of the ships
electronics. Every action can be carried out with only three mouse clicks
from any networked monitor.

Callosum_MC integrated monitoring and control system

Callosum_MC enables crews to monitor and control the entire
propulsion system, the on-board power supply and all of the
ships subsystems.
Measured data is collected from the various areas of the ship by
the integrated alarm system and can be viewed by the crew on
color displays at several operator stations.
The exible, user-friendly automation system considerably
improves operational condence and the safety of the ship.
The Callosum_MC hardware and software for data acquisition
and processing make the ideal system for all kinds of
governmental and military vessels.

Callosum_DC battle damage control system

The Callosum_DC ship security system prevents and limits
damage such as leakages, re damage and system failures.
In the event of an incident, alarm signals and warnings are given
and reported at the various operating stations providing a quick
Callosum_DC provides decision-making assistance for every
type of vessel and, with its MTU 3-click system, it enables the
crew to handle any situation securely and quickly.

Callosum_MT maintenance support system

Callosum_MT utilizes information and reports collected from
Callosum_MC and Callosum_DC.
Callosum_MT provides support for maintenance and upkeep on
The system guides the user reliably and intuitively while using
support tools such as electronic documentation and 3D videos,
which offer detailed component and maintenance support.

Callosum_TS onboard and land-based training system

Callosum_TS offers system-specic training software which
simulates a range of training scenarios with different levels of
difculty. If the crew has to re-establish the security of the
vessel quickly in the event of damage, expert knowledge of all
MTU Callosums functions will be needed.
Training performance can be assessed for individual, team and
classroom training supported by recognized methods and tools.
Training scenarios with predened faults along with a choice of
repair options are available for all technicians.





46 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 47

BlueVision_Advanced|NewGeneration Standard Automation System

The new automation standard

for small governmental vessels.

Slave Control Stand

2nd Control Stand











Main Control Stand

1st Control Stand




BlueVision_Advanced | NewGeneration is an MTU classiable

monitoring and remote control system for small governmental vessels,
offering a comprehensive standard automation system solution.
It is available for MTU Series 2000 and 4000 engines.

This version is delivered with the Color Graphic Display MFD as

standard, which has been optimized for the operation in classiable
ships. Besides various dashboard pages, the MFD also offers the
possibility to show all of the propulsion systems relevant measured
values. All active alarms are comprehensively displayed on a separate
BlueVision_Advanced | NewGeneration is a classiable system in line
with major classication societies.







Engine Room
LOP 14

LOP 14

Local Operating Panels (LOP) with color display and advanced

functionalities like clutch and speed control


Data communication via redundant Ethernet ring bus


1 Typical scope of supply for

BlueVision_Advanced | NewGeneration
2 Operating Panel (PAN)
Control Lever (CL)
3 Multi Function Display (MFD)

48 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.


Key features:
Type-approved components, such as LOP, control lever, display
and instruments
Designed according to all major classication societies

An elementary feature of BlueVision_Advanced | NewGeneration

is the system bus. The data transmission between the LOP and the
commanding control stands is carried out via a redundant Ethernet
based eld bus. This ensures an absolutely secure communication
on the one hand and highest exibility of the overall system also
with regard to future upgrading on the other.





MTU ValueCare

Keep going.
We have a strong commitment to our marine defense customers.
With MTU ValueCare, this focus extends beyond the commissioning
of MTU engines and systems. From maintenance and overhaul to spare
parts to remanufactured products, MTU offers a diverse portfolio of
products and services to ensure high availability, reliability and efficiency.

Designed to ensure maximum performance,

uptime and value, MTU ValueCare includes
three product lines:
ValueService: Extensive service and support
from MTUs global service network
ValueSpares: Genuine spare parts and
top-quality consumables designed
specically for MTU engines and systems
ValueExchange: Remanufactured parts,
engines and systems, engineered with the
same high-quality standards as new products
Reliable, expert assistance is essential to
achieving and maintaining high levels of
performance and unconditional reliability
throughout your engines or systems life-cycle.
Provided through MTUs global service network,
ValueService is a full line of maintenance,
repair and service solutions to help you get
the most out of your equipment.
With a wide range of maintenance and repair
options, MTU is your true partner. You can
count on MTUs reliability and expertise
around the world and around the clock. Our
staff of trained professionals know all about
MTU engines and systems, and are committed
to helping you maximize their performance.
And when its time to give your original
equipment a powerful new life, MTU individual
overhaul solutions provide proven MTU quality
and performance.

We also offer a variety of other services.

Technical Documentation provides complete
information for the operation and maintenance
of MTU products. Training programs make your
service personnel procient with MTU engines
and systems. And transportable service units
integrated workshop, storage and ofce
facilities can be set up in virtually any location
to ensure optimal maintenance and service
To keep your equipment running at optimum
efciency, choose from a full line of
ValueSpares genuine parts and consumables.
Theyre designed, tested and approved
specically for MTU engines and systems.
Only MTU can guarantee genuine quality, with
parts and consumables that are designed to
work seamlessly with your product.
ValueSpares products help you get maximum
performance from your equipment. And putting
our parts and consumables to work is easy.
From spare parts to oils, coolants and lters,
ValueSpares products are available worldwide
through MTUs global service network.

Whether replacing a single component or an
entire engine, quality is essential.
ValueExchange provides a full range of genuine
remanufactured MTU products, engineered to
ensure robust, reliable performance. Choose
from remanufactured parts, or engines and
systems that utilize genuine new and
remanufactured MTU parts. A rigorous
reconditioning process ensures the same
high standards of performance, service life,
warranty coverage and quality as new
products including design and model-related
updates. As a result, ValueExchange products
feature technological advancements similar to
new products.
The ValueExchange process is designed to
save you time and money, while beneting the
environment through the reuse of existing
materials. When you choose ValueExchange
products, you get genuine MTU quality, speed
and peace of mind while lowering costs. To help
you work more efciently, ValueExchange parts
and engines are readily available. And for your
convenience, theyre offered worldwide from
our MTU service network.

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 51

Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)

One source.
Many advantages.

Naval operations are unique equipment and supplies must be available

at a moments notice. To meet these challenges, MTU provides you with
Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) to keep your engines and systems up
and running. ILS is a customized package of products and services
including analysis, spare parts, training and technical documentation.
Each package is customized to match your specic needs, helping you
reduce costs.
RAMS LCC Analysis
From a simple lifecycle cost analysis to a complete RAMS (reliability,
availability, maintainability and safety) analysis, MTU has the expertise
to understand your needs:
In-depth cost calculations for maintenance contracts
Risk management
Customized spare parts and tools planning
Training courses on all MTU engines and systems (complete propulsion
systems) are available, and can be customized to meet your unique
Complete maintenance independence
Cost reduction due to in-house repair and overhaul capabilities
Implementation of MTU overhaul philosophy

Technical Documentation
Comprehensive technical documentation, customized according to
your needs, to help you maximize the performance of MTU products.
Documentation is organized according to specic maintenance
Qualication Levels (QLs):
QL1: Operational monitoring and maintenance that can be carried out
during out-of-service periods without disassembling the engine
QL2: Component exchange (corrective only)
QL3: Maintenance work requiring partial disassembly of the
QL4: Maintenance work requiring complete disassembly of the engine
Spare Parts
MTU offers complete supply chain management, to help optimize the
process of ordering and receiving ValueSpares replacement parts.
Well work with you to develop plans that ensure adequate spare parts
stocks, based on recommendations from MTU or a classication society.
By working together, in close partnership, you can be condent in the
effectiveness of your spare parts plan, and assured that all ValueSpares
replacement parts are fully compatible with your MTU engines and

1 RAMS LCC Analysis

From a simple lifecycle cost analysis to a complete RAMS analysis, MTU has
the expertise to understand your needs.
2 Training
Training courses on all MTU engines and systems are available, and can be
customized to meet your unique needs.
3 Technical Documentation
We provide comprehensive technical information, tailored to the unique and
specic needs of each engine or system.
4 Spare Parts
MTU offers complete supply chain management, to help optimize the process
of ordering and receiving ValueSpares replacement parts.

52 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

Overview of MTU Engines.

Engine Model


Frigates and

and Inshore
Patrol Vessel


Large Amphibious
and Support Vessels

Mine Countermeasure Vessels


Diesel Engines for

Onboard Power Generation
and Diesel-Electric Drive

Series 8000
Series 1163

Series 4000
Series 396

Series 2000
Series 1600

MTU Callosum
BlueVision_Advanced |
(for Series 2000 and 4000)

54 I Marine Defense I We move you. With agility and power.

We move you. With agility and power. I Marine Defense I 55

Subject to change. | 3061621 | Edition 01/14 | VMC 2014-01 CM | Printed in Germany on chlorine-free bleached paper.

MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH I MTU Asia Pte Ltd I MTU America Inc.
Rolls-Royce Power Systems Companies

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