DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)
DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)
DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Alterations in metabolism
Hyperglycemia results from
Increased gluconeogenesis
Conversion of glycogen to glucose
Inadequate use of glucose by peripheral tissues
:Precepitating factors
Inadequate use of insulin
New onset diabetes
Medical, surgical or emotional stress
Drugs: Corticosterioids, thiazide diuretics
Clinical presentation
anorexia, N/V, along with polydepsia and polyuria for about 24 hrs. followed by
stupor or coma
Abdominal pain and tenderness could be present
”Kussmaul breathing with fruity odor “acetone
(Sings of dehydration (HR increase, postural hypotension
Mild Moderate Sever
Atrial pH 7.25-7.3 7.00-<7.24 <7.00
Serum HCO3 15-18 10-<15 <10
Anion gap >10 >12 >12
Mental status alert alert/drowsy stuper/coma
anion gap : Na -(Cl + HCO3) = 12
:Goals of treatment of DKA
• intravascular volume expansion
• Decrease serum glucose
• Clear serum of ketoacids and reach pH>7.3
• Correct electrolyte imbalances
The initial fluid of choice is isotonic saline, which is recommend to be infused at the rate
of 15–20 ml /kg body weight per hour or 1–1.5 L during the first hour.
The goal is to replace half of the estimated water deficit over a period of 12- 24 hours
IV bolus of regular insulin (0.1 U/kg body weight) and continuous infusion of regular
insulin at the dose of 0.1U/kg/hr as the method of choice.
The optimal rate of glucose reduction would be between 50- 70 mg/hr. If it is not
achieved in the first hour, the insulin dose may be doubled continue insulin
administration until ketonemia is controlled
when plasma glucose reaches 200 mg/dl, the hydration fluid should be changed to D5 ½
NS, and insulin rate should be decreased to 0.05 U/kg/hr.
The rate of insulin should be adjusted to maintain blood glucose between 150-200
Total body K is low even if plasma report is high.
Mild to moderate hyperkalemia is frequently seen in patients with DKA, due to acidosis,
proteolysis and insulinopenia
Insulin therapy, correction of acidosis, and volume expansion decrease serum potassium
Potassium replacement is initiated after serum levels fall below 5.3 mEq/l, in patients
with adequate urine output (50 ml/h). Adding 20–30 mEq potassium to each liter of
infused fluid is sufficient to maintain a serum potassium concentration within the normal
range of 4–5 mEq/L
Do not give K in first hour unless K < 3.5
Consider NaHCO3 if pH < 7.0
stop the infusion at pH 7.2 to avoid alkalosis upon reversal of ketosis
associated with some adverse effects, such as hypokalemia , decreased tissue oxygen
uptake and cerebral edema and delay in the resolution of ketosis
DKA resolution:
blood glucose is < 200 mg/dl,
serum bicarbonate is > 18,
pH is > 7.30
anion gap is < 12