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Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No.

T. D. Stark1 , H. Choi2 and P. W. Diebel3



Influence of plasticizer molecular weight on plasticizer

retention in PVC geomembranes
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2217 Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory,
University of Illinois, 205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA, Telephone: + 1 217 333 7394,
Telefax: + 1 217 333 9464, E-mail: tstark@uiuc.edu
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Akron, 209D ASEC, Akron, OH 44325-3905,
USA, Telephone: + 1 330 972 7292, Telefax: + 1 330 972 6020, E-mail: hchoi@uakron.edu
Technical Director, Canadian General Tower Ltd, 52 Middleton Street, PO Box 160, Cambridge,
Ontario, Canada, N1R 5T6, Telephone: + 1 519 623 1630, Telefax: + 1 519 623 0713,
E-mail: PDiebel@cgtower.com
Received 24 May 2004, revised 24 October 2004, accepted 31 October 2004


ABSTRACT: Plasticizers are used to make PVC flexible so it can be used as a geomembrane.
Plasticizers can migrate from PVC geomembranes over time because of contact with air, liquid,
and/or an absorbent solid material. Plasticizer migration can reduce the flexibility of PVC
geomembranes, resulting in brittle behavior. This paper discusses the three mechanisms of
plasticizer migration and the factors influencing these mechanisms, such as plasticizer molecular
weight and linearity of the plasticizer. Field case histories are used to show how these mechanisms
influence plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes. Finally, it is recommended that a minimum
average plasticizer molecular weight of 400 be used to ensure long-term plasticizer retention and
adequate field performance of PVC geomembranes. The weighted-average method for calculating
the average molecular weight is recommended when two or more plasticizers are used in the PVC
geomembrane formulation.
KEYWORDS: Geosynthetics, PVC, Geomembrane, Plasticizer, Retention, Loss, Migration, Volatility,
Molecular weight, Linearity, Branchness


REFERENCE: Stark, T. D., Choi, H. & Diebel, P. W. (2005). Influence of plasticizer molecular
weight on plasticizer retention in PVC geomembrane. Geosynthetics International, 12, No. 2, 000000.


Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the oldest and most

common plastics in use today because of its low cost,
durability, and versatility with respect to fabrication and
property modification (Krauskopf 1993). A flexible PVC
geomembrane is a common application of this polymeric
product. The usage of flexible PVC geomembranes ranges
from roofing, landfill liner and cover systems, canal
liners, mining applications, to waterproofing for dams.
Most PVC geomembranes contain plasticizers as an
additive to increase the flexibility, softness, workability,
pliability, and distensibility of the material. Plasticizers are
typically high boiling point organic liquids that reduce the
glass transition temperature of the polymer where the
polymer changes from brittle to flexible. Thus the addition
of plasticizer reduces the tensile strength and elastic
modulus of PVC but increases the elongation at tensile
failure at ambient temperature.
One of the limitations in using plasticized PVC in
1072-6349 # 2005 Thomas Telford Ltd

Article number = 319

practice is the possibility of plasticizer migration over

time for various service conditions. Plasticizers can be
removed from PVC geomembranes by contact with air,
liquid, and/or an absorbent solid material. The plasticizer
loss reduces the flexibility of PVC geomembranes and in
extreme cases results in noticeable shrinkage. In this
paper, the mechanisms and factors influencing plasticizer
retention are discussed, and recommendations for selecting
a suitable plasticizer are presented, based on the average
molecular weight of the plasticizer.

2.1. PVC geomembrane formulation
A polymer is a large molecule built up by a series of small
and simple repeating chemical units. These repeating units
are called monomers. In PVC, the repeating unit is the
vinyl chloride monomer. The chemical and structural

Stark et al.


2.2. Plasticization

plasticizers are typically polyesters, nitrile rubbers, or

ethylene vinyl acetate derivatives. Compared with monomeric plasticizers, polymeric plasticizers often provide
superior physical properties in terms of volatility, migration, and weathering resistance. Polymeric plasticizers are
more expensive and take more time and energy to become
absorbed into the PVC resin, but are often used in
geomembrane applications that require resistance to direct
contact with hydrocarbons, such as oils and greases. In
most applications direct contact with concentrated hydrocarbons does not occur, and thus monomeric plasticizers
are most commonly used in PVC geomembranes.
The most common monomeric plasticizers have molecular weights ranging from about 300 to 600, viscosities
of 50 to 450 cP, and vapor pressure of less than 3.0 mmHg 1
at 2008C (Krauskopf 1993). Figure 1 shows the molecular
structures of several typical monomeric plasticizers.



formula for the vinyl chloride monomer is CH2 CHCl,

which possesses a double bond. During polymerization the
double bond breaks down, resulting in free valences that
can bond to other similar molecules (Brydson 1975).
Polymerization is a process of combining monomer
units to produce a long polymer chain. In commercial
practice, there are four different polymerization processes:
bulk, suspension, emulsion, and solution (Brydson 1975;
Giroud and Tisinger 1993). Among the polymerization
processes, suspension polymerization is the predominant
technique employed to produce PVC geomembranes
(Giroud and Tisinger 1993).
The repeating unit of a PVC polymer is [CH2
CHCl] n . Comparing the structure of PVC with polyethylene, i.e. HDPE and LLDPE geomembranes, the repeating
unit of [CH2 CH2 ] n is similar except for the presence
of the chlorine (Cl) in PVC, which increases the interchain
attraction and results in a large value of hardness and
stiffness (Brydson 1975).


The common use of PVC is attributed to the wide variety

of stabilizers that can be used to make PVC stable. This
has resulted in PVC becoming an extremely versatile and
useful thermoplastic compound. Pure PVC resin produces
a rigid and brittle compound because of the strong polar
attractions between chloride and hydrogen in the chemical
structure. However, PVC has a unique characteristic that
allows large amounts of plasticizers to be absorbed that
can change the physical properties of PVC from a rigid to
a flexible solid (Nass and Heiberger 1986). A typical
formulation for PVC geomembranes is about 6065% of
PVC resin, 3035% of plasticizer, and 05% of other
additives such as fillers and stabilizers (Hammond et al.
Plasticization is classified into two types: internal
plasticization and external plasticization (Mark and Gaylord 1964; Nass and Heiberger 1986; Wilson 1995). In
internal plasticization, plasticizer molecules are attached
to the polymer resin by primary bonds and incorporated as
part of the polymer chain. Thus plasticizer retention is
typically not a concern with internal plasticization because
of the strong primary bonds. In external plasticization the
small monomeric plasticizer molecules absorb into and
adsorb onto the porous PVC polymer. Because PVC
geomembranes are usually manufactured using external
plasticization, only external plasticizers are considered in
this paper. Other detailed plasticization processes are
described by Mark and Gaylord (1964), Sears and Darby
(1982), Nass and Heiberger (1986), and Wilson (1995).
Most commercial plasticizers are mainly organic esters.
Plasticizers used in PVC are either monomers or polymers. Monomeric plasticizers are categorized as phthalates, aliphatic diesters, phosphates, and trimellitates. The
most typical monomeric plasticizer used in flexible PVC
is the phthalate plasticizer. Phthalates are composed of an
aromatic ring with two ester linkages forming short
hydrocarbon chains (Diebel 2002). Examples of phthalate
plasticizers are dioctyl phthalate (DOP), diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP). Polymeric

The addition of plasticizers in PVC increases flexibility,

softness, workability, and distensibility, and decreases the
glass transition temperature (Tg ), which is the temperature
at which the plastic becomes brittle (Hammond et al.
1993). A potential limitation in using plasticized PVC
geomembranes is plasticizer migration when the plasticized PVC geomembrane is in contact with a surrounding
medium. The surrounding medium may be air, liquid, or a
solid. If an incorrect plasticizer is used, or the geomembrane is used in an incorrect application, plasticizer may
migrate, resulting in a geomembrane with insufficient
flexibility. The mechanisms controlling plasticizer retenCH3






Mirror image












Figure 1. Structures of plasticizers with different degrees of

linearity (from Wilson 1995): (a) highly linear plasticizer (e.g.
DOA); (b) branched plasticizer (e.g. DOA); (c) highly
branched plasticizer (e.g. triaryl phosphates)

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1

Influence of plasticizer molecular weight on plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes

3.1. Plasticizer migration into air


Volatile loss or evaporation of external plasticizers from

PVC into the surrounding air is a common mechanism of
plasticizer migration. Because there is no chemical bonding between polymer resin and external plasticizer molecules, evaporation of the plasticizer molecules can occur.
Volatile loss from PVC is composed of two major
transfer processes: (1) diffusion from inside the geomembrane to the geomembrane surface, and (2) evaporation
from the geomembrane surface (Sears and Darby 1982;
Wilson 1995). The diffusion rate and vapor pressure of the
plasticizer molecules are important factors in the amount
of volatile loss.
The rate of diffusion is related to the plasticizer
molecular structure and the permeability of the PVC
geomembrane. The plasticizer molecular structure can be
characterized by the molecular weight and linearity of the
plasticizer. Shortly after manufacturing, highly plasticized
PVC has a higher diffusion rate than lightly plasticized
PVC. However, as the plasticizer is volatilized into air,
the van der Waals forces among the PVC chains bring the
polymer molecules closer together, which increases the
tortuosity in the PVC geomembrane. The increased tortuosity results in a progressive reduction in the diffusion rate
as the plasticizer content is lowered. Papakonstantinou and
Papaspyrides (1994) experimentally show a linear relationship between plasticizer loss due to diffusion and the
square root of time, which is expressed as

geomembrane is covered with a protective soil layer, the

volatile loss cannot be neglected if the protective soil
contains little moisture and provides enough free air for
evaporation, e.g. poorly compacted and dry gravel, which
provide enough free air for evaporation. To reduce the
potential for evaporation, a finer-grained soil should be
used for the protective soil cover. If a moist fine-grained
soil is used for the protective cover, diffusion is likely to
be the main volatile loss mechanism.
Krauskopf (1993) states that trimellitate plasticizers are
significantly less volatile than phthalate plasticizers because an increase in the carbon number in the alkyl group,
i.e. greater molecular weight, imparts significant reduction
in plasticizer volatility. Many researchers (Mark and
Gaylord 1964; Stepek and Daoust 1983; Giroud 1984;
Wilson 1995) suggest that increasing the plasticizer
molecular weight and/or decreasing the degree of branching of the plasticizer can reduce volatile loss from PVC.
Table 1 provides a list of commonly used plasticizers,
along with their molecular weight, volatility loss, and
water extraction. These data show that the plasticizers
most resistant to volatilization have higher molecular
weights. The increased retention is caused by the greater
difficulty for larger plasticizer molecules to diffuse from
inside the sheet to the sheet surface, especially as the
tortuosity increases. The volatility loss is measured for
24 h at a temperature of 878C over activated carbon. The
water extraction is performed for 24 h at a temperature of
508C. The detailed mechanism for water extraction is
discussed in the following section.


tion in contact with these three media air, liquid, or a

solid are described below.


where M t is the amount of plasticizer loss at time t; M1 is

the amount of plasticizer loss at equilibrium; D is the
diffusion coefficient; t is time; and l is the thickness of
PVC. This relationship shows that the diffusion rate will
decrease with time because of the increased tortuosity, and
the plasticizer will not continue to be removed at an
increasing rate.
The evaporation rate in the second transfer process is a
function of vapor pressure on the surface of the PVC
geomembrane. When vapor pressure is a controlling factor
for plasticizer loss, volatile plasticizer loss is directly
proportional to time and independent of plasticizer concentration if the concentration is over the plasticization
threshold (Sears and Darby 1982). In most applications,
evaporation is usually the controlling factor for volatile
loss, and thus plasticizer vapor pressure provides a good
indicator of the rate of plasticizer loss from the PVC
geomembrane under many service conditions (Wilson
The volatile loss of plasticizer from PVC membranes to
the surrounding air plays an important role in outdoor
roofing systems and in PVC geomembrane-lined pond
systems without a protective soil cover (Orem and Sears
1979; Holzmann 1988; Giroud and Tisinger 1993; Young
and Kovach 1995; Bailey et al. 1997). Even though a PVC

3.2. Plasticizer migration into liquid

Plasticizer migration from plasticized PVC into liquids,
such as water, oils, waxes, alcohols, and other agents, can
be attributed to two mechanisms. If the molecular size of
the extractant liquid is small enough to penetrate into the
PVC polymer structure, extraction of the plasticizer can
occur. The major mechanism for this extraction is that the
extractant diffuses into the plasticized PVC, dissolves the
plasticizers, and then diffuses together with the dissolved
plasticizers out to the surface of the PVC (Nass and
Heiberger 1986). In such a case, the factors controlling
the migration process is the compatibility of the plasticizer
and extractant, and the compatibility of the PVC resin and
extractant. At a higher level of initial plasticizer concentration the extraction can be faster and more extensive if
the extractant can diffuse into the PVC (Nass and
Heiberger 1986).
Conversely, if the molecular size of the extractant is too
large to penetrate the PVC polymer structure, the extractant cannot dissolve the plasticizer. Thus migration can
occur only by the plasticizer molecules diffusing to the
surface of the PVC and then dissolving into the extractant
or liquid. This phenomenon can occur in heavy oils such
as paraffin oil and solvent-refined lubricating oils as the
extractant, of which molecules are too large to penetrate
the PVC (Kampouris 1975; Messadi et al. 1981). In this
case, the diffusion coefficient of the plasticizer is the
controlling factor in plasticizer retention, and plasticizer
loss is a function of the molecular weight of the plasticizer

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1

Table 1. Properties of commonly used plasticizers (from Stepek and Daoust 1983)


Volatility plasticizer
loss (%)

Phthalic acid esters

Butyl benzyl phthalate

Dimethoxyethyl phthalate
Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)
Butyl octyl phthalate (BOP)
Butyl isodecyl phthalate (BDP)
Diisooctyl phthalate (DIOP)
Dicapryl phthalate (DCP)
Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DOP)
n-Octyl n-decyl phthalate (ODP)
Diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP)
Triphenyl phosphate
Cresyl diphenyl phosphate
Tricresyl phosphate (TCP)
2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphate
Diisobutyl adipate (DIBA)
Tri(ethylene glycol) di-2-ethylbutyrate
Dibutyl sebacate (DBS)
Diiooctyl sebacate (DOS)
Butyl acetoxystearate
Di(ethylene glycol) dibenzoate
2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate








Phosphoric acid esters

Polyfunctional fatty acid esters


Miscellaneous plasticizers



because increasing the molecular weight deceases the

diffusion potential, as discussed previously. Also, the
plasticizer loss is dependent on the plasticizer level in
the PVC (Messadi et al. 1981).
Plasticizer migration from plasticized PVC into water is
typically observed in a pond liner below the water line.
Plasticizer migration can also occur in a landfill liner
system if the PVC geomembrane is covered with leachate.
Fayoux et al. (1993) indicate that plasticizer migration
from PVC samples immersed in leachate for 10 years is
less than for samples exposed to air for 10 years. Table 1
shows typical plasticizers used in practice along with each
ones molecular weight and water extraction loss.
3.3. Plasticizer migration into solid



Stark et al.

Plasticizer migration from plasticized PVC into other

polymeric materials has not been studied as extensively as
plasticizer migration into air (i.e. volatile loss) or liquid.
Plasticizers can migrate from plasticized PVC to any
adjacent absorbent material if the resistance at the interface between two materials is not too high, and if the
plasticizer is compatible with the receiving material (Nass
and Heiberger 1986; Papakonstantinou and Papaspyrides
1994; Wilson 1995).
Wilson (1995) summarizes the effect of plasticizer
migration into receiving materials that are used as coatings, structural components, and adhesive bonds. Besides
the effect of plasticizer migration on the receiving polymer(s), the migration can alter the mechanical properties
of the plasticized PVC, which is discussed below.
Papakonstantinou and Papaspyrides (1994) studied plasticizer migration for a system of PVC plasticized with
DOP plasticizer and unplasticized PVC that represents a
two-sided diffusion condition at a temperature of 648C. In
this study, the relationship between the migration ratio and
the square root of time is linear, and Ficks law can be

Water extraction
(% loss)

used to describe the plasticizer migration phenomenon

from the plasticized PVC for short time-periods.
The phenomenon of plasticizer migration from plasticized PVC into other polymeric materials needs to be
considered and tested prior to its being specified and used
for a landfill liner and cover system. When a flexible PVC
geomembrane is used together with a drainage geocomposite, consisting of a geonet laminated with geotextiles, it is
possible that plasticizer may migrate from the PVC
geomembrane to the drainage geocomposite.
Wilson (1995) concludes that plasticizer structure plays
a major role in plasticizer migration from plasticized PVC
to other polymeric materials. Wilson (1995) also shows
that increasing the plasticizer molecular weight and decreasing the linearity of the plasticizer reduces the migration potential. The significance of molecular weight and
linearity of plasticizers will be discussed subsequently.

Many researchers (Morrison and Starbuck 1984; Levin
and Hammond 1990; Fayoux et al. 1993; Giroud and
Tisinger 1993; Hammond et al. 1993; Morrison and
Comer 1995; Young and Kovach 1995) have investigated
the mechanism, rate, and factors influencing plasticizer
retention in PVC geomembranes. The following paragraphs present a summary of these studies.
Giroud and Tisinger (1993) summarize plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes in the following three cases:
canal liners in the Western USA (Morrison and Starbuck
1984), a landfill cover in Florida (Levin and Hammond
1990; Hammond et al. 1993), and evaporation ponds in
the Sahara Desert (Giroud and Tisinger 1993). The case
histories are used to develop a relationship between
plasticizer loss ratio and exposure time for these three
cases. Figure 2 presents trend lines for each site, relating

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1

Influence of plasticizer molecular weight on plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes

0.25 mm

0.5 m

1 mm








10 12 14 16
Duration of exposure (years)





Figure 2. Plasticizer loss ratio against duration of exposure

(from Giroud and Tisinger 1993): 1, canals, western USA,
geomembrane protected by soil, above water level; 2, canals,
western USA, geomembrane protected by soil, below water
level; 3, landfill cover, Florida, geomembrane protected by
soil, smooth bedding; 4, landfill cover, Florida, geomembrane
protected by soil, rough bedding; 5, evaporation ponds,
Sahara Desert, geomembrane exposed just above sulfuric
acid level; 6, evaporation ponds, Sahara Desert, geomembrane immersed in sulfuric acid

plasticizer loss ratio (PL ) to exposure time as originally

plotted by Giroud and Tisinger (1993). The plasticizer loss
ratio is defined by Giroud and Tisinger (1993) as the ratio
of removed plasticizer mass to initial plasticizer mass, and
is calculated using


where CP0 and CP are the initial and current plasticizer

content by mass respectively. Figure 2 gives the impression that plasticizer loss increases exponentially and will
continue until all plasticizer is removed. This is evident
from trend lines 2 to 6 in Figure 2. As noted previously,
this phenomenon does not occur in practice because, as
plasticizer migrates, the tortuosity increases, which makes
migration more difficult with time. Thus each case is
reviewed below to revise the relationships in Figure 2 and
clarify the chemical behavior of PVC geomembranes.
The performance of 0.25 mm thick PVC geomembranes
in canals in the western USA was conducted by the US
Bureau of Reclamation (Morrison and Starbuck 1984). All
the PVC geomembranes were covered and protected by a
soil layer, and had an initial plasticizer content (CP0 )
between 31% and 40%. Giroud and Tisinger (1993)
selected eight different canal locations that corresponded
to a service period ranging from 2 to 19 years and plotted
the average plasticizer loss ratio with exposure time. Trend
lines 1 and 2 in Figure 2 represent the PVC geomembranes above and below water level in this case, respectively. Giroud and Tisinger (1993) noted that, in spite of
the plasticizer loss as indicated in trend lines 1 and 2 in
Figure 2, strains at break measured in tensile tests were
always greater than 100%. However, Giroud and Tisinger
(1993) also indicated that the shape of the stressstrain
curve probably showed that hardening occurred. Morrison


CP0 1  CP

and Starbuck (1984) reported that the elastic modulus at

100% elongation increased by 3090% for the service
period ranging from 2 to 19 years. However, such information is not sufficient to imply quantitatively how much the
original flexibility of the PVC geomembrane had been
The US Bureau of Reclamation published laboratory
test results and field observations for more than 30 years
on the performance of PVC geomembrane canal liners
(Morrison and Comer 1995). On the basis of these data,
the relationship between the average plasticizer loss ratio
and exposure time is reevaluated, and the new relationships are shown in Figures 3 and 4. All the seven sets of
data in Figure 3 represent 0.25 mm thick PVC geomembranes above the water level except for Fivemile Lateral
B, Wyoming, in which a 0.5 mm thick PVC geomembrane
is used above the water level. Although the PVC geomembranes used in these sites are fairly thin, i.e. 0.25 mm
thick, the plasticizer loss ratio eventually becomes constant at around 55% after about 20 years service, which is
in agreement with Giroud and Tisinger (1993). The
plasticizer loss ratio is calculated using Equation 2.
Figure 4 shows the relationship between plasticizer loss
ratio and exposure time for 10 sites where 0.25 mm thick
PVC geomembranes are placed below the water level
except for Fivemile Lateral B, Wyoming, in which a
0.5 mm thick PVC geomembrane is used below the water
level. Although Figure 4 shows more scatter than the data
for above the water level, the plasticizer loss ratio
eventually becomes constant at around 45% after about
20 years service, which does not agree with Giroud and
Tisinger (1993). Figure 2 indicates that the plasticizer loss
ratio is still increasing (trend line 2), instead of becoming
constant after about 20 years.
The PVC geomembrane samples obtained from within

Plasticizer loss ratio, PL (%)

1 mm

Plasticizer loss ratio, PL (%)








Duration of exposure (years)



Figure 3. Plasticizer loss ratio against duration of exposure

in PVC geomembranes used for canal liners (above water
level) in the western USA (data from Morrison and Comer
1995; Morrison and Starbuck 1984): d, Helena Valley Canal,
Montana (installed 196869); s, Bugg Lateral, New Mexico
(installed 1961); ., Fivemile Lateral A, Wyoming (installed
197879); ,, Fivemile Lateral B, Wyoming (installed
198182); j , Wyoming Canal A, Wyoming (installed 1975);
h, Lateral H (Sun River Project), Montana (installed 1966);
r, Amarillo Canal, New Mexico (installed 1978)

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1

Stark et al.





Duration of exposure (years)



where rGM is the geomembrane density, expressed in kg/

m3 . Giroud and Tisinger (1993) note that Equation 3 is a
rough approximation for CP because a small change in
rGM corresponds to a large variation of CP .
Levin and Hammond (1990) and Hammond et al.
(1993) report that the initial PVC geomembrane density is
1250 kg/m3 , i.e. a specific gravity of 1.25. Therefore the
initial plasticizer content is calculated using Equation 3 to
be 30.7% and not 35%. Also, they report the density of
exhumed PVC geomembrane after 5 years of service as
1270 kg/m3 . The plasticizer content after 5 years service
is calculated using Equation 3 to be 27.6%, and the
corresponding plasticizer loss ratio is calculated using
Equation 2 to be 14.0%. The plasticizer loss ratio of the
soft portions after 9 years service is calculated to be
18.6% using Equation 2 and an initial plasticizer content
of 30.7%. In contrast, the plasticizer loss ratio of the less
flexible portions after 9 years service is calculated to be
51.7% using Equation 2 and an initial plasticizer content
of 30.7%. The new relationships between the plasticizer
loss ratio and exposure time for PVC geomembranes
placed on smooth bedding and rough bedding are plotted
as trend lines 3 and 4 in Figure 5, respectively. Figure 5
shows that plasticizer loss becomes essentially constant
for the PVC geomembranes on the smooth bedding, but is
still increasing for the rough bedding case after 9 years.
The reason for the poor performance on the rough bedding
is not known, but it may be caused by a thinning of the
PVC at the rough points, which facilitates migration of
the plasticizer from the middle of the geomembrane; or it
may be that the air voids around the rough particles create
microclimates where diffusion and evaporation are accelerated, resulting in premature aging. Because it is recommended that PVC geomembranes be installed on a smooth
subgrade, the rough bedding case is probably not typical
of field performance of PVC geomembranes. This highlights the need to have a properly prepared subgrade.
Giroud and Tisinger (1993) summarize the performance
of a 1 mm thick PVC geomembrane with an initial
plasticizer content of 34% as a liner of evaporation ponds
in the Sahara Desert, which is a harsh environment for


Figure 4. Plasticizer loss ratio against duration of exposure

in PVC geomembranes used for canal liners (below water
level) in the western USA (data from Morrison and Comer
1995; Morrison and Starbuck 1984): d, Helena Valley Canal,
Montana (installed 196869); s, East Bench Canal, Montana
(installed 196970); ., Bugg Lateral, New Mexico (installed
1961); ,, Fivemile Lateral A, Wyoming (installed 197879);
j , Fivemile Lateral B, Wyoming (installed 198182); h,
Wyoming Canal A, Wyoming (installed 1975); r, Wyoming
Canal B, Wyoming (installed 197980); e, Pilot Canal,
Wyoming (installed 198081); m, Lateral H (Sun River
Project), Montana (installed 1966); n, Amarillo Canal, New
Mexico (installed 1978)

calculated to be 33% using Equation 2. In contrast, the

average plasticizer content of the less flexible portions
after 9 years service on the rough subgrade is reported as
17.6% by Hammond et al. (1993), and the plasticizer loss
ratio is calculated to be 60% using Equation 2. The
relationships between the plasticizer loss ratio and exposure time for PVC geomembranes placed on smooth
bedding and rough bedding are represented as trend lines
3 and 4 in Figure 2, respectively, by Giroud and Tisinger
(1993). Both trend lines show that the plasticizer loss ratio
does not level off, but continuously increases with time.
In this paper, the initial plasticizer content is reevaluated for this case using the initial PVC geomembrane
density and a relationship between geomembrane density
and plasticizer content proposed by Giroud and Tisinger
(1993). The relationship is expressed as

CP  2:22 1 


Plasticizer loss ratio, PL (%)



the water prism generally exhibit less plasticizer migration

than those obtained above the water level. The rate of
plasticizer loss shown in Figures 3 and 4 is probably an
upper bound because the thickness of PVC geomembranes
in this case study is relatively thin compared with other
PVC geomembrane applications. Morrison and Comer
(1995) show the results of laboratory volatility tests that
indicate plasticizer loss rates generally decrease with
increasing PVC geomembrane thickness, because it is
more difficult for plasticizer to migrate from the center of
the geomembrane to the edge, where it can be lost.
Levin and Hammond (1990) and Hammond et al.
(1993) review the performance of a PVC geomembrane
used in a final cover system for the Dyer Boulevard
Landfill in West Palm Beach, Florida. The PVC geomembrane was studied after 5 and 9 years service. A 0.5 mm
thick PVC geomembrane was used as the barrier layer in
the final cover system. The PVC geomembrane was
covered with 0.6 m thick protective soil.
The initial plasticizer content (CP0 ) was assumed by
Giroud and Tisinger (1993) to be 35%. Levin and
Hammond (1990) report that, after 5 years service, the
PVC geomembrane lost 13% of the initial plasticizer
content. Giroud and Tisinger (1993) report the plasticizer
loss ratio for 5 years as 15%. Nine years after construction
of the cover system, portions of the PVC geomembrane
that were placed on smooth bedding remained soft and
flexible, whereas portions that were placed on rough
bedding became less flexible because of the rough
subgrade. The average plasticizer content (CP ) of the soft
portions after 9 years service is reported as 26.5%
(Hammond et al. 1993), and the plasticizer loss ratio is

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1

Influence of plasticizer molecular weight on plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes




Plasticizer loss ratio, PL (%)



0.25 mm

0.25 mm

0.5 m 3


8 10 12 14 16 18
Duration of exposure (years)





Figure 5. Revised relationship between plasticizer loss ratio

and duration of exposure: 1, canals, western USA, geomembrane protected by soil, above water level; 2, canals, western
USA, geomembrane protected by soil, below water level; 3,
landfill cover, Florida, geomembrane protected by soil
(smooth bedding); 4, landfill cover, Florida, geomembrane
protected by soil (rough bedding)

installed without an overlying soil cover, and was maintained under water while in service. The physical property
and chemical tests indicate that the liner remained functional for the 15-year service life. Young and Kovach (1995)
conclude that it is beneficial to maintain the PVC geomembrane under water to reduce the amount of UV light reaching
the geomembrane. Of course, UV degradation is not an issue
if the PVC is covered with a protective soil layer.
Fayoux et al. (1993) investigate a 1 mm thick PVC
geomembrane excavated from a pond liner subjected to
domestic landfill leachate in France after 10 years service.
The initial plasticizer content is 33.6%, and the plasticizer
retention was assessed for different field conditions.
Fayoux et al. (1993) show that plasticizer loss from a
sample immersed in leachate for 10 years is much less
than the samples exposed to air for 10 years. Thus
exposure to air causes more volatile loss and UV degradation than the samples immersed in leachate for the same
period. The exposure to leachate did not result in a high
loss of plasticizer. The plasticizer loss ratio of 37% while
exposed to air was much greater than the plasticizer loss
ratio of 16% while exposed to the leachate.
Stark et al. (2002) investigate a 0.5 mm thick fish-grade
PVC geomembrane exhumed from aquaculture ponds. The
ponds were constructed in 1971 for the W. K. Kellogg
Biological Research Station in Hickory Corner, Michigan.
After nearly 30 years service in an aquatic environment,
laboratory tensile testing shows that the tensile behavior is
well within current specifications for 0.5 mm thick PVC
geomembranes, and this PVC geomembrane retains flexibility and strength, enabling it to perform as a successful
water barrier. This indicates that plasticizer retention in an
aquatic environment is not a problem, even in a 0.5 mm
thick PVC geomembrane.
Once a PVC geomembrane manufactured with compatible plasticizers is buried and protected by a soil layer,
plasticizer loss due to volatility is not significant because
there is not enough free air to cause the plasticizer to
evaporate, and the soil temperature is lower and more
constant than in air. For this reason, open gravel is not a
suitable cover material. However, there is usually a
geotextile between the gravel and the PVC geomembrane.




volatile loss. After 3.5 years of direct exposure to extreme

solar radiation, the geomembrane became less flexible and
shrank. The geomembrane started developing tension as a
result of the shrinkage that accelerated the brittleness of
the liner. The plasticizer loss ratio with exposure time
plotted in Figure 2 (trend lines 5 and 6) was assumed by
Giroud and Tisinger (1993). This case involves an environment of extreme volatile loss of plasticizer because of
the exposed evaporation pond application. In addition, the
extremely adverse environment, including high ultraviolet
radiation, high temperature, and no protective soil layer,
causes photo-degradation and thermal degradation of
polymers. Therefore this case history does not reflect a
common application and behavior of plasticizer retention
in PVC geomembranes, and thus is not included in Figure
5, which is a revised version of Figure 2.
The expected trend lines in Figures 3 and 4 for the case
of canal liners in the western USA and the revised trend
lines for the case of landfill covers in Florida are plotted
in Figure 5. In each case, except for the PVC geomembrane placed on rough bedding in the case of landfill
covers in Florida, the plasticizer loss with time does not
increase exponentially but eventually becomes constant as
the geomembrane reaches equilibrium with the surrounding environment. The PVC geomembrane exhumed from
the rough bedding showed indentation from stones in the
subgrade, as described by Hammond et al. (1993). As
mentioned previously, volatile loss probably plays an
important role in the portions placed on rough bedding
because large stones in the subgrade may provide enough
free air for evaporation. Furthermore, the indentation may
cause a decrease in thickness of the PVC geomembrane,
and thus the plasticizer can easily migrate from the
Another application of a PVC geomembrane that was
investigated for plasticizer retention is a pond liner after
15 years service (Young and Kovach 1995). The pond is
located in Tampa, Florida. The PVC geomembrane was

External or environmental factors that influence plasticizer
retention include temperature, chemicals, microorganisms,
and the characteristic of the contact material, such as air,
liquid, or a solid (Nass and Heiberger 1986; Giroud and
Tisinger 1993; Wilson 1995). Internal or intrinsic factors
controlling plasticizer retention are related to the molecular properties of the plasticizer. Presuming the mutual
compatibility between the plasticizers and PVC resin is
satisfied, there are three relevant molecular properties of a
plasticizer that control plasticizer retention (Wilson 1995):

molecular weight;
linearity; and

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1

Stark et al.

5.1. Molecular weight of plasticizer

Plasticizer migration by volatility (%)


Plasticizer 40% (67 phr) for 24 h at 87C




Plasticizer molecular weight


Figure 6. Relationship between plasticizer molecular weight

and volatile plasticizer loss

Plasticizer migraion by water extraction (%)

Plasticizer 40% (67 phr) for 24 h at 50C



Plasticizer molecular weight


Figure 7. Relationship between plasticizer molecular weight

and plasticizer loss by water extraction


Migration into polyurethane foam (g/cm2)



Plasticizer mobility is one of the main factors in the

diffusion of a plasticizer out of the polymer structure. It is
common to relate plasticizer mobility to plasticizer molecular weight: the smaller the molecular weight of the
plasticizer, the greater volatility and diffusion of the
plasticizer. Conversely, the higher the plasticizer molecular
weight, the lower the migration. However, a higher
plasticizer molecular weight also reduces the compatibility
and efficiency of the plasticization process. Increasing the
plasticizer molecular weight increases plasticizer retention, because as the molecular weight increases the size of
the plasticizer molecules increases, which makes it more
difficult for the plasticizer to diffuse from the PVC
molecular structure to the geomembrane surface. Therefore a manufacturing dilemma is in determining the
plasticizer molecular weight that should be used to satisfy
the conflicting requirements of increased plasticizer retention and decreased manufacturing compatibility and processability.
Figure 6 presents a relationship between the molecular
weight of commonly used plasticizers and their volatile
loss (i.e. data from Table 1). The volatile loss is measured
for 24 h at a temperature of 878C over activated carbon,
and the initial plasticizer content in each case is 40%, i.e.
67 phr (Stepek and Daoust 1983). Even though there is
some scatter in the data, the volatile loss decreases with
increased plasticizer molecular weight. When the molecular weight is greater than about 400, the volatile loss is
less than 2% for this aggressive experimental condition.
Figure 7 presents a relationship between the molecular

weight of common plasticizers and plasticizer loss by

water extraction (i.e. data from Table 1). The water
extraction is measured for 24 h at a temperature of 508C
and the initial plasticizer content in each case is 40%, i.e.
67 phr (Stepek and Daoust 1983). The dependence of
plasticizer migration into water is not significant in comparison with the other two mechanisms (i.e. volatile loss
and migration into a solid), because as described previously the nature of the liquid medium strongly affects
the water extraction rather than volatility or diffusion. It is
evident from Figure 7 that the migration is less than 1%
for a plasticizer molecular weight greater than 300.
Figure 8 presents a relationship between the molecular
weight of selected plasticizers and the plasticizer migration rate into flexible polyurethane foam. The migration
rate is measured for 24 h at a temperature of 70 8C and
the initial plasticizer content in each case is 50 phr
(Wilson 1995). Figure 8 shows that increasing the plasticizer molecular weight decreases the plasticizer migration
into the solid. When the molecular weight is greater than
about 400, the migration rate into the polyurethane foam
is less than about 0.1 g/cm2 .
In summary, an increase in the molecular weight of
plasticizers results in more time and energy required for


Because all the plasticizers commonly used in PVC

geomembranes are polar, only the molecular weight and
linearity of plasticizers are discussed in the following
section. Prior to commencing experiments to characterize
the mechanical and chemical properties of plasticized
PVC geomembranes, identifying the molecular properties
of the plasticizer facilitates prediction of the long-term
behavior of PVC geomembranes.


Plasticizer 50 phr for 24 h at 70C









Plasticizer molecular weight



Figure 8. Relationship between plasticizer molecular weight

and plasticizer migration into Polyurethane foam.

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1

Influence of plasticizer molecular weight on plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes

5.2. Linearity of plasticizer


Plasticizer retention is controlled by many external and

internal factors. The external or environmental factors
such as temperature, chemicals, microorganisms, and the
characteristic of the contact material such as air, liquid, or
solid, are related to the site-specific condition. These
external factors should be considered in design and
construction quality control for the liner and cover
systems that use PVC geomembranes as a barrier. In
contrast to the external factors, the internal factors
controlling plasticizer retention include the molecular
weight and linearity of the plasticizer. These internal
factors should be considered by the manufacturer, because
the type of plasticizer can influence the processability.
In order to maximize plasticizer retention and to help
ensure a functional geomembrane for many years it is
recommended that a minimum value of plasticizer molecular weight be specified. The specification recommended
subsequently in this paper is that the average molecular
weight of the plasticizer in PVC geomembranes should be
equal to or greater than 400. Figures 68 show that a
plasticizer molecular weight greater than 400 provides
excellent plasticizer retention. Therefore the specification
of average molecular weight of plasticizers equal to or
greater than 400 is recommended to ensure excellent
plasticizer retention in the field for containment purposes.
Although some data for plasticizer mixtures have been
published, and plasticizer suppliers occasionally provide
formulating services to develop the lowest-cost plasticizer
combination, most plasticizer suppliers and literature
provide standard physical properties only for an individual
plasticizer. Wilson (1995) recommends that a weightedaverage method of each plasticizer be used for averaging
some physical properties of plasticizer compounds, such
as the softness number and cold flex temperature, if no
specific interactions occur between the plasticizers. The
weighted-average method can be used to obtain the
average molecular weight if more than one plasticizer is
used. For example, if the PVC geomembrane uses DOP of
30 phr and DIDP of 20 phr in the plasticization process,
the total plasticizer content is 50 phr. The molecular
weights of DOP and DIDP are 390 and 446 respectively.
The average molecular weight of this plasticizer compound is calculated using the weighted-average method as



The linearity or branchness of the plasticizer is related to

the shape of a plasticizer molecular structure. A plasticizer
composed of straight chains is referred to as a linear
plasticizer. In contrast, a plasticizer comprised of
branched chains in the molecular structure is referred to
as a branched plasticizer. To quantify the degree of the
plasticizer linearity or branchness, the branching index is
usually used. This is the percentage of the total number of
carbon atoms contained in side chains (Wilson 1995): the
greater the branchness index, the lower the linearity of the
plasticizer molecular structure. Figure 1 shows the various
molecular structures of plasticizers with different linearity.
Giroud and Tisinger (1993) state that linear phthalates
generally do not migrate as easily as branched plasticizers
such as DOP. This remark is correct if only volatile loss of
plasticizer is considered (Wilson 1995). Orem and Sears
(1979) present the volatility of PVC manufactured with
four different plasticizers with different levels of linearity.
The four plasticizers consist of two highly branched
plasticizers (diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and diisononyl
phthalate (DINP)), one singly branched plasticizer (DOP),
and one linear plasticizer (heptyl-nonyl-undecyl phthalate). The linear plasticizer is less volatile and thus
beneficial over the branched plasticizers when used in
PVC for outdoor usage without a protective cover layer
(Orem and Sears 1979; Krauskopf 1993). In addition, the
linear plasticizer has better UV durability because of its
better photochemical stability.
For plasticizer migration into liquid or a solid, branched
plasticizers can have less plasticizer loss than linear
plasticizers (Wilson 1995; Diebel 2002). Figure 8 shows
that DOP and DOA have similar molecular weights: 390
and 371 respectively. However, the plasticizer migration of
DOA is about twice that of DOP because DOA is a highly
linear plasticizer and DOP is a branched plasticizer.
If a plasticizer molecular structure is highly branched,
the PVC geomembrane manufactured with this plasticizer
will show poorer low-temperature performance, i.e. the
PVC geomembrane has a higher glass transition temperature, and becomes rigid and brittle sooner as the temperature decreases. Therefore highly branched plasticizers may
have restrictions in the required operating temperature
ranges for the geomembrane. Thus the operating conditions for the geomembrane should be carefully studied to
allow the development of an optimal formulation. Diebel
(2002) concludes that branched plasticizers perform better

than linear plasticizers in extremely acidic and caustic

environments. In summary, an increase in the branching
index of a plasticizer results in an increase in the vapor
pressure, which increases volatile loss into air. However,
the advantage of higher branchness is that it retards
plasticizer migration into liquid or a solid.


the absorption of the plasticizer into the PVC resin.

However, the advantages of using a higher plasticizer
molecular weight include a decrease in the vapor pressure,
which lowers the potential for volatile loss into air and
migration into liquid and solid. As a result, it is recommended subsequently that a minimum average plasticizer
molecular weight of 400 be used for PVC geomembranes
to ensure excellent long-term performance. This supports
independent testing by TRI/Environmental (2003) of PVC
with a plasticizer molecular weight greater than 400
submerged in leachate, which showed no significant
physical changes after exposure.

Ave: molecular weight



390 3 30 446 3 20

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1



Stark et al.


weight is measured in accordance with ASTM D-2124

(ASTM 2004) for plasticizer extraction, followed by GC
(gas chromatograph) or GCMS (gas chromatograph, mass
spectrophotometer) for identification and molecular
weight determination. The modified PGI-1104 specification is shown in Table 2, and the average plasticizer
molecular weight is listed under index properties. Table 2
shows that an average plasticizer molecular weight of 400
is required for all PVC geomembrane thicknesses.
The PGI-1104 specification also precludes the use of
adipates and chlorinated secondary plasticizers to ensure
long-term plasticizer retention via Note 6 after the
material properties (see Table 2). Most manufacturers are
already complying with this requirement, but the PGI
believes that modifying PGI-1104 provides a method to
ensure the long-term quality of the plasticizer being used
in flexible PVC geomembranes before installation.


The purpose of this paper is to clarify the mechanisms

and factors controlling plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes, and to recommend a means for ensuring that
appropriate plasticizers are used in PVC geomembranes to
ensure long-term performance. The following conclusions
can be discerned from the information presented in this


where MDOP and MDIDP are the molecular weights of DOP

and DIDP respectively; CDOP and CDIDP are the plasticizer
contents of DOP and DIDP respectively; and CTOTAL is
the total plasticizer content. Although DOP is one of the
most popular plasticizers used in PVC geomembranes, the
molecular weight of DOP (390) does not meet the
recommended plasticizer molecular weight. However, by
compounding DOP with DIDP, which has a higher
molecular weight (446) than DOP, an average molecular
weight greater than 400, i.e. 412, can be obtained to
satisfy the recommended value.
If the size (molecular weight) of each plasticizer is
substantially different, they are not miscible in all proportions. Accordingly, the weighted-average method for molecular weight is applicable only to the commonly used
plasticizers that are mutually compatible, and compatible
with PVC resin. For example, a mixture of a plasticizer
with extremely high molecular weight (e.g. 700) and a
plasticizer with extremely low molecular weight (e.g. 100)
should not be considered here. Instead, plasticizers with
molecular weights ranging between 300 and 500 that are
compatible can be considered in the weighted-average




Even after publication of the PGI-1103 specification on 1

January 2003, competitors and regulators still expressed
concern about whether or not PVC geomembranes would
remain flexible. To address this issue, the PVC Geomembrane Institute (PGI) decided to amend the PGI-1103
specification to include minimum requirements for the
plasticizer used in the formulation of flexible PVC. The
amount of the plasticizer does not have to be specified
because the plasticizer amount controls the physical
properties shortly after manufacturing, and the physical
properties must meet the required physical properties in
the PGI-1103 specification. However, the type of plasticizer may not be accounted for, because the type of
plasticizer can affect the long-term behavior of flexible
PVC. In other words, the plasticizer may be suitable to
satisfy the short-term flexibility and material requirements
imposed by the PGI-1103 specification, but may not
satisfy long-term flexibility requirements because of plasticizer migration.
To ensure a suitable plasticizer is being used for longterm performance, the new PGI-1104 specification requires that the plasticizer have an average molecular
weight of 400 or greater. The PGI-1104 specification
requires that the average molecular weight of the plasticizer be an index property, and thus the molecular weight of
the plasticizer will be measured when preparing and
approving a geomembrane formulation. An index test is
performed on the final production formulation of the PVC
geomembrane. A certified statement of the test results for
the formulation is to be made available to the consumer/
fabricator, who can verify that the average molecular
weight of the plasticizer exceeds 400 to ensure long-term
performance of the PVC geomembrane. The molecular




Plasticizer loss can reduce the flexibility of PVC

geomembranes. Plasticizer loss is attributed to the
following three mechanisms: volatile loss; migration
into a liquid; and migration into an absorbent solid.
The molecular weight and linearity of the commonly
used plasticizers play a major role in controlling
plasticizer loss caused by these three mechanisms.
The advantages of higher plasticizer molecular
weight include decreasing the vapor pressure of the
plasticizer, which lowers volatile loss into air and
slows plasticizer migration into liquids and solids.
An increase in the branching index of a plasticizer
results in an increase in vapor pressure, which
enhances volatile loss into air. However, advantages
of higher plasticizer branchness include retardation
of plasticizer migration into liquids and solids.
The case studies performed by Giroud and Tisinger
(1993) are revised to develop new relationships
between plasticizer loss ratio and exposure time. One
of the case studies involving a PVC geomembrane in
evaporation ponds in the Sahara Desert is removed
from the database because this condition does not
reflect a typical application. In the revised cases,
except for a PVC geomembrane placed on rough
bedding in a landfill cover in Florida, the plasticizer
loss even in thin (0.25 and 0.5 mm thick) PVC
geomembranes does not increase continuously with
time but eventually becomes constant.
The new PGI-1104 specification requires an average
plasticizer molecular weight greater than or equal to
400 to ensure long-term plasticizer retention. It is
recommended that the weighted-average procedure

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1


Certified properties



PVC 10

PVC 20

PVC 30

PVC 40

PVC 50

PVC 60


10 + 0.5 mil
0.25 + 0.013mm

20 + 1 mil
0.51 + 0.03 mm

30 + 1.5 mil
0.76 + 0.04 mm

40 + 2 mil
1.02 + 0.05 mm

50 + 2.5 mil
1.27 + 0.06 mm

60 + 3 mil
1.52 + 0.08 mm

Tensile properties3


Strength at break

Modulus at 100%

Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1

Tear strength

Dimensional stability
Low-temperature impact
Index propertiese
Specific gravity
Water extraction percent loss (max)
Volatile loss
Soil burial
Break strength
Modulus at 100%
Hydrostatic resistance
Average plasticizer molecular weight
Seam strengths
Shear strength3
Peel strength3



Max Chg

D1239d Max loss
Max loss
G160d Max chg

D2138 and D2124
D882d Min


/24 lbf/in
4.2 kN/m
10 lbf/in
1.8 kN/m
2.5 lbf
11 N

48 lbf/in
8.4 kN/m
21 lbf/in
3.7 kN/m
6 lbf
27 N

73 lbf/in
12.8 kN/m
32 lbf/in
5.6 kN/m
8 lbf
35 N

97 lbf/in
17.0 kN/m
40 lbf/in
7.0 kN/m
10 lbf
44 N

116 lbf/in
20.3 kN/m
50 lbf/in
8.8 kN/m
13 lbf
58 N

137 lbf/in
24.0 kN/m
60 lbf/in
10.5 kN/m
15 lbf
67 N



















42 lbf/in2
290 kPa
. 400

68 lbf/in2
470 kPa
. 400

100 lbf/in2
690 kPa
. 400

120 lbf/in2
830 kPa
. 400

150 lbf/in2
1030 kPa
. 400

180 lbf/in2
1240 kPa
. 400

20 lbf/in
3.47 kN/m
10 lbf/in
1.8 kN/m

38.4 lbf/in
6.7 kN/m
12.5 lbf/in
2.2 kN/m

58.4 lbf/in
10 kN/m
15 lbf/in
2.6 kN/m

77.6 lbf/in
14 kN/m
15 lbf/in
2.6 kN/m

96 lbf/in
17 kN/m
15 lbf/in
2.6 kN/m

116 lbf/in
15 lbf/in
2.6 kN/m

PGI 1103 replaces PGI 1197 specification effective 1 January 2003.

Certified properties are tested by lot as specified in PGI 1103 Appendix A.
Metric values are converted from US values and are rounded to the available significant digits.
Modifications or further details of test are described in PGI 1103 Appendix B.
Index properties are tested once per formulation as specified in PGI 1103 Appendix A.
Adipates and chlorinated secondary plasticizers shall not be used.


Influence of plasticizer molecular weight on plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes



Table 2. PGI-1104 material specification for flexible PVC geomembranes for containment



Stark et al.

Basic SI units are given in parentheses.


dioctyl phthalate
diisodecyl phthalate
diisononyl phthalate
gas chromatograph
gas chromatograph mass spectrophotometer
high-density polyethylene
linear low-density polyethylene
molecular weight
PVC Geomembrane Institute
parts per hundred of resin
polyvinyl chloride




plasticizer content of DIDP by mass

CDOP plasticizer content of DOP by mass
CTOTAL total plasticizer content of DOP and DIDP by
mass (dimensionless)
CP current plasticizer content by mass
CP0 initial plasticizer content by mass
D diffusion coefficient (m2 /s)
l thickness on PVC (m)
MDIDP molecular weight of DIDP (dimensionless)
MDOP molecular weight of DOP (dimensionless)
M t mass of plasticizer loss at time t (kg)
M1 mass of plasticizer loss at equilibrium (kg)
PL plasticizer loss ratio (dimensionless)
t time (s)
rGM geomembrane density (kg/m3 )


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Brydson, J. A. (1975). Plastics Materials, 3rd edn. London: NewnesButterworths, 731 pp.
Diebel, P. W. (2002). The effect of formulation on the physical properties

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Geosynthetics International, 2005, 12, No. 1





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