WINSEM2015-16 CP1615 18-MAR-2016 RM01 Z-Test For Means and Proprtions
WINSEM2015-16 CP1615 18-MAR-2016 RM01 Z-Test For Means and Proprtions
WINSEM2015-16 CP1615 18-MAR-2016 RM01 Z-Test For Means and Proprtions
Aim:-To test the hypothesis for Large Samples by using Twosample Z-test
Problem : A popular cold-remedy was tested for it's efficacy. In a sample of 150
people who took the remedy upon getting a cold, 117 (78%) had no symptoms one
week later. In a sample of 125 people who took the placebo upon getting a cold, 90
(75%) had no symptoms one week later. The table summarizes this information.
Total # in group
p x / n
The Test: Test the claim that the proportion of all remedy users who are symptom-free
after one week is greater than the proportion for placebo users. Test this claim at the
0.05 significance level.
R Code:-
We fail reject the null hypothesis because the P-value (.2812) is greater than the
significance level. Therefore, we can't support the claim.
Problem 2:The Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) is a study sponsored by the government
of student achievement in large urban school district. In 2009, 1311 of a random
sample of 1900 eighth-graders from Houston performed at or above the basic level in
mathematics . In 2011, 1440 of a random sample of 2000 eighth-graders from
Houston performed at or above the basic level . (The study reports the proportions).
(A )Is there an increase in the proportion of eighth-graders who performed at or
above the basic level in mathematics from 2009 to 2011 at the 5% significance level?
(B) Compute the 95% confidence interval for the difference in proportion of eighthgraders who performed at or above the basic level in mathematics from 2009 to 2011.
Solution:Let p1 and p2 be the proprtions of eighth-graders that performed at or above he basic
level in mathematics in 2011 and 2009,respectively .We wish the test
H0=p1=p2 against H1=p1> p2
The p-value=0.02 < 0.05 so we reject H0. Thus, there is evidence that there is an
increase from 2009 to 2011 in the proportion of eighth-graders who performed at or
above the basic level at the 5% significance level.
Solution to part (b). We obtain
Thus, we are 95% confident that the percent of eighth-graders who performed at or above the
basic level in mathematics in 2011 is between 0:14% and 5:86% higher than in 2009.
Problem. The use of helmet among recreational alpine skiers and snowboarders are
generally low. A study from Norway wanted to examine if helmet use reduces the
risk of head injury. In the study, they compared the helmet use among skiers and
snowboarders that was injured with a control group. The control group consisted of
skiers and snowboarders that was uninjured. 96 of 578 people with head injuries used
a helmet and 656 of 2992 people in the uninjured group used a helmet. Is helmet use
lower among skiers and snowboarders who had head injuries?
Solution : Let p1 be the proportion of helmet use among injured skiers and
snowboarders. Let p2 be the proportion of helmet use among uninjured skiers and
We wish to test
H0 : p1 = p2 against Ha : p1 < p2
The p-value= 0.0021 < 0.01 so we have strong evidence that helmet use is lower
among skiers and snowboarders who had head injuries compared to uninjured skiers
and snowboarders.
Problem : A survey is taken two times over the course of two weeks. The pollsters wish
to see if there is a difference in the results as there has been a new advertising
campaign run. Here is the data
Week1 Week2
Unfavorable 35
The standard hypothesis test is H0: P1 = P2 against the alternative (two-sided) H1:
P1 =P2. The function prop.test is used to being called as prop.test(x,n) where x is the
number favorable and n is the total. Here it is no different, but since there are two x's
it looks slightly different. Here is how
we observe that the p-value is 0.9172 so we accept the null hypothesis that P1 =P2.
In the built-in data set named quine, children from an Australian town is classified by
ethnic background, gender, age, learning status and the number of days absent from
> library (MASS)
> quine
> table (quine$Eth, quine$Sex)
Assuming that the data in quine follows the normal distribution, find the 95%
confidence interval estimate of the difference between the female proportion of
Aboriginal students and the female proportion of Non-Aboriginal students, each
within their own ethnic group.
We apply the prop.test function to compute the difference in female proportions. The
Yatess continuity correction is disabled for pedagogical reasons.
The 95% confidence interval estimate of the difference between the female
proportion of Aboriginal students and the female proportion of Non-Aboriginal
students is between -15.6% and 16.7%.
Comparison of two independent sample means, taken from two populations with
known variance
Problem: The following data shows the heights of individuals of two different
countries with the population variance of 5 and 8.5 respectively. Is there any
significant difference between the average heights of two groups.
A: 175 168 168 190 156 181 182 175 174 179
B: 185 169 173 173 188 186 175 174 179 180
Since we have the variance of the population, we must proceed with a two sample Ztest.
Solution :
z.test2sam = function(a, b, var.a, var.b)
n.a = length(a)
n.b = length(b)
zeta = (mean(a) - mean(b)) / (sqrt(var.a/n.a + var.b/n.b))
a = c(175, 168, 168, 190, 156, 181, 182, 175, 174, 179)
b = c(185, 169, 173, 173, 188, 186, 175, 174, 179, 180)
z.test2sam(a, b, 5, 8.5)
Inference :The value of z is greater than the critical value of z tabulated for alpha equal to 0.05
(z-tabulated = 1.96 for a two-tailed test): we reject the null hypothesis and conclude
that the two means are significantly different.
Practice problems :
1. In the large city A,20 per cent of Random sample of 900 School children had
defective eye sight. In the large city B,15 percent of random sample of 1600
school children had the same defective. Is this Difference between the two
Proportions Significant? Obtain 95% confidence limits of the difference in
the population proportions.
2. A cigarette manufacturing firm claims its brand A of the cigarettes outsells its
brand B by 8%.if its found that 42 out sample of 200 smoker prefer brand A
and 18 out of another random sample of 100 smokers prefers brand B, test
whether the 8% difference is a valid cliam.