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Content 1987 AIDs ad 2010 Pine O Cleen Australian Army

recruitment ad
People being used TV mother uses raw
as ten-pin bowling chicken thigh to Soldiers completing
pins, the grim explain how using a different activities.
reaper bowling them dirty sponge is like
over while a voice using raw meat to
over in a deep voice clean.
explains the threat
of AIDs.

Function To scare/ inform To sell Pine O Cleen. To inspire patriotism

people of AIDs. and recruit people
to the Australian

Audience General public that Mother’s that do a Men and women

are unaware of the lot of house that may have no
dangers of AIDs. cleaning. direction or those
wanting to fight for
their contry.

Language used • “At first only Female voiceover “Throughout history

gays and IV says “harmful we’ve risen to the
drug users germs” with a sense challenges that
were being of hatred. Also have confronted us
killed by saying “harmful under a rising sun”
AIDs” This germs” compared to This inspires
makes just “germs” patriotism and belief
everyone not enphasises the point in the defence
in either of that the consumer forces and Australia
those should buy the as a whole.
categories product to get rid of
feel safe something that could
from the potentially harm
disease. IT them.
goes on to
say “…but
now we know
every one of
us could be
by it.”
• As the ad
the voice
emotional in

Written messages • “AIDs. • “E coli.” And • “Whatever

Prevention is “Staphylococ the
the only cure cus” inform challenge”
we’ve got.” the viewer of • “Whatever
• Telephone germs that the
number for can be found adversity”
info centre in the • “Whatever
kitchen. the need”
• “Cleans and • “Whatever
disinfects” challenges lie
• “Complete ahead”
Clean” • “Whatever
emphasising the
the point that commitment
Pine O Cleen ”
eliminates • “Rise.
germs. Challenge
• “New yourself-
Microlock Army.
• “Pine O
Cleen-It’s not
clean unless
it’s Pine O

Main Characters’ • Grim Reaper. Young mother. All people featured

background (Reaper of Possible stay at are soldiers. They all
souls speaks home mum. seem to be working
for itself). hard and doing
• Various other good, not just for
characters their own country
from many but for peoples of
different foreign nations.
child etc.

Extra-linguistic Strong images of a Terms such as “New Well placed titles

features haunting, scary Microlock pop up during the
figure expressed technology” pop up video that represent
through the grim on screen with a the images and the
reaper along with a small image but beliefs of the
deep, menacing don’t go into any Australian Army eg.
voice explaining the real detail about mateship, courage
dangers of AIDs. what it actually is. etc.
Advertisers Threatening Phrases meant to
attitudes to language (scare inspire Australians
language tactics) with a deep, The advertisers may to consider and
aggressive have chosen not to contribute to the
voiceover presents go into detail about long, successful
easy to believe what “microlock history of the
statistics that technology” is and Australian Army.
capture the just have an image The voiceover only
audience’s because the saying one line
attention. consumer will make grabs the viewers
their own attention and the
assumption about titles that appear
wjat it is and how it on-screen
will benefit them. afterwards continue
Also having the to captivate the
phrase, “new” , audience.
makes the consumer
think they are
buying a better
product compared to
a similar product

Community After the ad aired If the product does Australian public

attitudes to there was a public what it says it does would respond well
language call for more then consumers to this ad as it
information on HIV would respond well if represents what it
AIDs and this aided it works better means to be
in making Australia compared to their Australian; courage,
one of the lowest current cleaning mateship,
HIV AIDs ratings in product. persistence etc.
the industrial world.

Appropriateness Visuals are It relates to mother Words are common

confronting and who do the majority of recruiting ads.
shocking for an ad. of house cleaning. It They do not push a
It is an interesting doesn’t really stand philosophy onto the
was to represent out as a unique or viewer but does
death but it gets the above standard ad expect a sense of
point across. but it sells the duty and paralleled
product. belief of their

HIV AIDs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U219eUIZ7Qo

Pine O Cleen- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnnmTR1cvs8

Australian Army- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X99oYW75jkM

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