Economic Pipe Size Selection by Using Graphical Method PDF
Economic Pipe Size Selection by Using Graphical Method PDF
Economic Pipe Size Selection by Using Graphical Method PDF
A publication of
The graphical method for determining optimum conditions based on piping and pumping system. As an
example, consider the case where was made calculation of the optimum pipe diameter necessary to
handle a given flow, fluid density and viscosity, cost of electricity and efficiency of pump as a pumping
cost. However for considering piping cost authors have developed optimization procedure for turbulent
flow of conduit size by using pipe density and wall thickness which can be determined by piping
1. Introduction
Piping systems are normally designed to deliver fluid at required head and flow rate in a cost effective
manner and they are one of the lowest cost means of transportation, with notable applications in oil and
gas as well as water distribution systems.
The main purpose of this article is to calculate the economic pipe diameter for pipes carrying fluid under
pressure. Graphical method to calculate the economic pipe diameter for pipe system was engaged in this
For any given set of flow conditions, the use of an increased pipe diameter will cause an increase in the
fixed charges for the piping system and a decrease in the pumping charges. Therefore, an optimum
economic pipe diameter has to exist. The value of the optimum diameter can be determined by combining
principles of fluid dynamic with cost considerations.
The most economical pipe size for a distribution system is found at the point at which the total cost of the
piping system including fixed charges based in this article on the pipe density and thickness of a pipe and
pumping costs, is a minimum.
The graphs presented in the article may be used as a guide by engineers for the economic design of
piping system.
2. Literature review
The head losses in piping installations include the energy or head required to overcome resistance of
pipeline and fitting in the pumping system. Friction exists on both the discharge and suction sides of a
pump and energy loss in pipe flow depends on fluid velocity, density, viscosity, and size of pipe. A number
of equations governing fluid flow in pipelines have been developed by Peters and Timmerhaus (1991). The
most widely used ones include the Scobey, Darcy-Weisbach, Mannings and Hanzen-Williams formula.
Many previous research papers had dealt with optimum designs of piping systems. Some workers
considered combining cost factors with hydraulic problems, but others failed to consider cost factors. Since
it is the cost which forms the principal concepts of economic designing, it is important to consider all cost
factors that might be involved.
In the literature for pipe laying in a trench the earliest cost analysis was reported by Maurey (1922), who
created a diagram for the cost of laying pipe in a trench and showed that the cost of pipe installed was as
follow as Eq(1):
Please cite this article as: Kowalski M., Wernik J., 2014, Economic pipe size selection by using graphical method, Chemical
Engineering Transactions, 39, 835-840 DOI:10.3303/CET1439140
T pipe laying cost,
L cost of lead,
d diameter of pipe in inches,
Y cost of yarn,
D depth of trench,
W wages rate for common labor.
Babbitt and Donald (1939) were used this information in their work and has summed the cost of pipe and
pumping to give total annual fixed charges of pipe, as follow as Eq(2):
Annual fixed cost = Tr 2ard 1,5 236PQS
a cost of iron,
Q rate of pumping water through pipe line,
S 100
Q7 / 4
d 19/ 4
and substituted Eq(2) and Eq(3) and differentiated yielding the following equation for minimum cost pipe
size as shown Eq(4):
d 6.5
1 / 16
Q11/ 24
Lischer (1944) applied the principles developed by Camp and showed the effect on economic pipe sizes
with various values of parameters. Pumping capacity, pipe size, elevated reservoir and pumping head
were combined to find the most economical pipe size.
The method of balancing equivalent pipes has introduced (Tong, 1961) to solve a pipe network by using
the hydraulic analysis to give an optimal solution. But the cost factors were failed to consider.
The method of designing a water distribution network by using the theory of linear programming opens
new perspectives (Karmeli et al., 1968). They included the cost of pipes, pumping and annual operating
cost in the total cost of the system. The method of linear equations to solve economic pipe diameters was
based on trial and error methods and digital computer was employed to solve the problem.
In the same year was proposed to formulate the pipe network problem as a nonlinear optimization problem
of minimizing the total cost of the system (Jacoby, 1968).
Deb and Sarker (1971) regarding to a method of solving economic pipe diameters in pipe network actually
combined the works of Tong, Karmeli and Jacob to solve the problem.
The problem of selecting economic pipe diameter is proposed by Genic (2012) as a new model of
optimization based on simple economic balance approach Good practice in investigation of economic pipe
size selection can be read in Towler (2013).
In summing up the previous work, hydraulic analysis was the main approach used to solve a pipe network
system while the cost analysis was considered to be less important. All the cost information was
formulated as being exact function of pumping head, or flow rate and pipe sizes whereas in actual fact,
cost factors are much more irregularly related to pumping head, flow rate and pipe sizes, and
consequently the formulated relationships may greatly deviate from the actual conditions.
It was not possible to get a clear picture of the exact method and details of cost calculations. Nor did the
previous authors show a comparison between model results and the results from calculations using actual
costs. All equations in this chapter were presented only for information purpose and were not used for any
calculation because of English units were defined.
4. Methods of analysis
There are basically two methods which can be used for analysis; one is termed graphical method, the
other mathematical method. Both methods are based on the same principles. The procedures involved in
the analysis can be listed as following:
function of diameter and flow rate so that the total cost becomes a function of both pipe diameter and flow
This can be expressed as total annual cost as summary of pumping cost and piping cost.
TAC f d n , m
Eq(5) indicates that the total annual cost is a function of both flow rate and pipe size when other factors
are constant as x and m. Thus the various flow rates will yield a series of economic pipe sizes. A figure
plotted with flow rate against economic pipe size will give a curve which represents minimum total annual
5. Model of analysis
For any given operating conditions involving the flow of a non-compressible fluid through a pipe of
constant diameter, the total mechanical energy balance can be reduced to the following Eq(6):
2 m f V 2 L (1 J )
J frictional loss due to fittings and bends expressed as equivalent fractional loss in a straight pipe,
D inside diameter of pipe, m,
B a constant taking all other factors of the mechanical energy balance into consideration.
In the region of turbulent flow, f may be approximated for pipes by the following Eq(7):
By combining Eq(6) and Eq(7) applying the necessary conversion factors, the following equation can be
obtained representing annul pumping cost when the flow is turbulent as Eq(8):
- fluid density, kg / m3 ,
C piping X pipe Di t t 2
Carbon steel
m /h
Figure 1: Economic pipe size selection according to piping and pumping cost
Figure 1 shows the relationship between pumping and piping cost for the case which has presented.
Summary curve of both costs shows at minimum point where economic pipe diameter and the nominal
pipe diameter available commercially is 0.508 m and is less than existing.
The pipeline cost can be significantly higher than 20 % of total plants investment cost. Hence, the
economic pipe size selection is very important. Nowadays piping designs are normally based on quick
estimation of capital piping cost, without accounting its operating cost.
6. Conclusion
It is the purpose of this article to present a clear picture of the way of analysis from which the economic
pipe diameter can be derived by graphical method is employed for analysis.
Since the economic pipe diameter is a function of different parameters such as flow rate, cost of electricity,
pump efficiency, and as was developed in this article, pipe density and thickness of a pipe, it would be
helpful to find out the trend of the changes in economic pipe diameter as these parameters are altered.
The analysis can be performed by using regression equation which were obtained by curve fitting for
minimum cost curves in graphical method.
In accordance to this article, it can be concluded that the developed model made it possible to calculate
the economic diameter but the following discussion and further work is required.
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