Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms: File C6-30 November 2002
Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms: File C6-30 November 2002
Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms: File C6-30 November 2002
November 2002
Computer Terms
File C6-30
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Disk drive Device for recording onto and reading
from one type of computer storage diskeither a
diskette, or hard disk. Varying sizes and types of
disks are not interchangeable among disk drives.
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File C6-30
Memory Term usually referring to the electronic
memory circuits of a computer; however, sometimes
also extended to imply all memory and storage
devices used by a computer.
Menu A list of choices displayed on a computer
display screen, from which the user may choose a
program action.
Microcomputer Any computer using a microprocessor as its central processing unit.
Minicomputer Term for computers intermediate in
processing power between microcomputers and
mainframe computers.
Modem A device that allows a PC to communicate
and exchange information with other modemequipped computers via telephone lines. The current
standard for modems is 56k, which allows you to
transfer data at up to 56,000 bits per second.
Monitor A display screen.
Mouse Computer input device consisting of a
small box having one or more buttons on top, for
giving instructions to a computer.
MSDOS Operating system program for users of the
IBM-PC and compatible computers.
Operating system A program or collection of
programs that coordinates and controls the various
devices making up a computer system.
Output The act or result of printing or displaying
information generated by a computer.
PCMCIA An international association that defines
specifications for devices.
Peripherals The add-on hardware devices used in
conjunction with a computer (printer, display screen,
disk drives, etc.).
Printer Device that transfers computer output onto
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Internet Terms
Helper applications Additional software occasionally needed to help a Web browser program deal
with a specialized file on the Internet.
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HTML (HyperText Markup Language) The
computer language used to create hypertext documents. A system of marking up, or tagging, a
document so it can be published on the World Wide
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) The clientserver protocol upon which the World Wide Web is
Hyperlink, hypertext A link within one document
connected to other documents, other places within
the same document, pictures, or HTML pages.
Think of a hyperlink as an invitation to visit another
place. A simple click on the link will take you there.
Internet The worldwide network of networks based
on the TCP/IP protocol. A noncommercial, selfgoverning network devoted mostly to communication and research with roughly 66 million users
Internet Service Providers (ISP) An organization
that lets users dial into its computers to connect to
its Internet link for a fee. ISPs generally provide an
Internet connection and an electronic mail address.
Some providers also include World Wide Web
browsing software.
Intranet Internal networks, based on Internet
technology, designed to connect the members of a
specific group or single company (a closed-user
IP (Internet Protocol) Main protocol upon which
the Internet is based.
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
Telecommunications network that allows for digital
voice, video, and data transmissions.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) A
format that is used to display graphics on Web
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Listserv A program that allows users to massdistribute messages that form conferences, as well as
archiving files and messages that can be searched for
and retrieved.
Login, logon The process of identifying yourself to
your computer or an online service. The initial
identification procedure to gain access to a system
as a legitimate user. The usual requirements are a
valid user name (or user ID) and password.
Logout, logoff The concluding steps for formally
ending a session with a system. Physically disconnecting or powering down a terminal does not
necessarily result in a logout.
Mailing list Electronic discussion groups that link a
relatively small group of people together by common interests and that are distributed throughout the
Internet via its global e-mail system.
Multimedia Documents or platforms that combine
different kinds of data (text, video, graphics, audio).
Netiquette Guidelines to good manners on the
Internet; for example, dont flame other users, dont
leave your caps lock key on (thats like yelling), etc.
Newsgroup Collection of information and users
who get together to communicate about one particular subject.
Online Refers to the successful connection with
another computer via telephone lines or through a
Online service A dial-up service that provides news,
information, and discussion forums for users with
modem-equipped PCs and the access software
provided by the service.
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PDF (Portable Document Format) A PDF file
preserves the look of a document. It is commonly
used to make publications available on the Web. A
free Acrobat Reader is needed on a computer before
PDF files are readable. The Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe Corporation Web site at
Privacy Policy Web sites should have a statement
that describes what information about you is collected by the Web site and how it is used. A good
policy statement should have an opt-in or opt-out
option. An opt-in option means that the Web site
will not use your information unless you tell them
they can. An opt-out option means that the Web site
can use your information.
Protocol The must follow regulations that govern
the transmission and receipt of information across a
data communications link.
Script Also known as calling script. A record of
keystrokes and commands that can be played back in
order to automate routine tasks, such as logging on
to an online service.
Search engine A WWW site that serves as an index
to other sites on the Web.
Server A computer (or service) that provides
information or a service to other computers on a
Shareware Software that is sold by individuals or
companies for a nominal fee. Typically the software
is downloaded and tried out before buying and
registering it.
Signature A three- or four-line message, used to
identify the sender of an e-mail message or Usenet
Spam Generally referred to as the Internet equivalent of junk mail, spam ranges from annoyances like
mass e-mailings and advertisements, junk mail,
and chain letters, to fraudulent product or service
promotions, and harassing or threatening e-mails.
File C6-30
T-1, T-3 line High-speed digital lines that provide
data communication speeds of 1.544 megabits (T-1)
and 45 megabits (T-3) per second.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol) A set of instructions that dictates how
packets of information are sent across multiple
networks. This includes SLIP and PPP. Also included is a built-in error-checking capability.
Telnet A program that lets the user log onto a
remote computer. Also, the name of the program
implementing the protocol.
Upload To send or transmit a file from one computer to another via modem.
URL (Universal Resource Locator) A Web sites
address. An example is: (ISU Extensions
home page).
Usenet Refers mostly to the newsgroups, but also to
e-mail. Usenet travels on the Internet, but also over
modems and satellites.
Username, user-id An address that designates a
personal account on a large computer. For example,
in, jsmith is the user-id.
Virus A piece of programming code inserted into
other programming to cause some unexpected and
usually undesirable event, such as deleting or
damaging files.
Web server A computer that is connected to the
Internet that stores and manages Web documents. A
Web server handles requests from other computers
and delivers requested Web documents.
Web site A group of related pages, images, and files
on a Web server.
WWW (World Wide Web) One of several features
of the Internet. It contains graphics, video, audio,
text, and much, much more.