The Eulogy For Yoshiyahu Hamelech: Insights Into Kinah 11
The Eulogy For Yoshiyahu Hamelech: Insights Into Kinah 11
The Eulogy For Yoshiyahu Hamelech: Insights Into Kinah 11
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Tisha Bav 5776
Like Avraham, Yoshiyahu was the
son of an idol worshipper. Indeed,
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Tisha Bav 5776
Meiri writes:
The judges of Israel, its scholars and
This episode suggests that on
its leaders, must constantly probe and
some mystical level Yoshiyahu was
investigate the deeds of the people of their
predisposed from birth toward what
city. They are not free from guilt if they
was to become his lifes mission and
merely acted appropriately regarding
ultimate legacy.9
issues that are well-known and which
make their way to them; they must
proactively probe and spy out the
private deeds to their utmost ability, and
The sin of the generations
those who are delinquent in doing so
scoffers clung to him, those
who set up [the idols] behind are punished for the private deeds of the
sinners because all of Israel have become
the doors
guarantors for one another.
Rabbeinu Yonah (in his commentary
The worddavak, clung, alludes to
to Sanhedrin) writes:
the notion ofareivus, that each Jew
is responsible for the sinful actions
of other Jews. Why was Yoshiyahu
punished? How was Yoshiyahu
Because it is impossible that they will not
supposed to know that some
notice some fault when the sinners sin
people were worshipping idols in a
clandestine manner? R. Soloveitchik
By his choice of the worddavak,
answered that as a leader, Yoshiyahu
R. Elazar HaKalir is providing a
was indeed expected to know his
people (The Lord is Righteous in All His profound insight into the concept
Wayspg. 280, see also commentary in ofareivus. The punishment is not
merely a technical violation for not
Mesoret HaRav Kinot).
investigating the private matters of
We might expand on this insight
the people. It is a natural consequence
by examining more closely the
that flows from failed leadership. A
concept ofareivus. The Gemara
leader must have his pulse on the
(Sanhedrin43b-44a) quotes a dispute conduct of his people. Even when
among the Tannaim as to whether
not initially privy to their specific
there is punishment for the hidden
deeds, he must do all within his
sins of others (nistaros). R. Yehudas
power to probe the intensity of their
opinion is that punishment is, in fact,
commitment. Otherwise, their sins
meted out for hidden sins. Rashi
will automatically cling to him.10
explains that this is primarily directed
toward the leaders. According to R.
Yehuda, the leaders are responsible for
He did not listen to the
the hidden sins of others.
prophet to turn back
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Tisha Bav 5776
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Tisha Bav 5776
And he lamented for him all
of Alas, the gold is dimmed
his suffering. He bent over and heard
[Yoshiyahu] accepting his judgment
Yirmiyahu lamented over Yoshiyahu;
saying: Hashem is just for I have
and all the men and women singers
rebelled against His word.
spoke of Yoshiyahu in their lamentations,
Why does the midrash add the words until this day; and they made them an
and the word of His messenger
ordinance in Israel; and, behold, they are
while the Gemara omits it? Perhaps
written in the lamentations.
the variance can be traced to what
What was the ordinance that was
we have noted earlier regarding the
instituted? Rashi writes:
nature of Yoshiyahus sin. According
to the midrash, Yoshiyahu disobeyed
the clear instructions of Yirmiyahu
who had warned him not to wage
battle against Pharaoh Necho.
According to the Gemara, however,
Yoshiyahu never received a warning
When the Jewish people experience any
from Yirmiyahu. His sin was that he
form of suffering or grief that causes
rebelled against Hashem by failing
them to lament and cry over that event,
to consult with the prophet. As such,
they will mention this tragedy (i.e. the
the midrash adds and the word of his death of Yoshiyahu) along with it. As
messenger while the Gemara does
an example, on Tisha BAv, when we
Rabbi Joseph B.
Soloveitchik ztl on
R. Elazar HaKalir
and his Piyyutim
Kalir was the avi ha-paytaniim,
the father of all liturgical poets;
he dared to do more than any
other paytan. He simply had the
Hebrew language at his disposal,
and he fashioned and refashioned
it, cast and recast its words. That
is why the text is very difficult,
although most of the words
he introduced are still in use.
There are times when he writes
so obscurely that it is almost
impossible to decode what he
means. Those who do not know
either Hebrew or aggadot Hazal
find ha-Kalirs piyyutim boring. But
they are not boring at all; they are
like a gold mine. (pp. 142-143)
The Hakhmei Yisrael chose
the kinot of Kalir for the
very important purpose of
commemorating hurban
Yerushalayim because they
trusted that he would not change
any halakhic practices and that
his kinot would be exactly in
accordance with their traditions.
The trusted him, and he wrote
his kinot under their supervision.
(pg. 139)
On Tishah beAv day, we study
Mishnah, Gemara, and Midrash,
all in the form of kinot written by
great scholars like Rabbi Elazar haKalir. On Tishah beAv day, Kalir is
the commentator, the meturgaman
par excellence, who interprets
Eikhah in halakhic, midrashic and
aggadic terms. (pg. 99)
from The Lord is Righteous in All His Ways
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Tisha Bav 5776
I thought that He would
forever shelter me
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Tisha Bav 5776
refer to
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Tisha Bav 5776