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Final Ug Guidelines v1

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Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust

R V College of Engineering
(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)

Guidelines on the Preparation of B.E. Project Report

(As per the Autonomous Guidelines)
For Uniformity in RVCE B.E. Project Reports

Guidelines on the Preparation of B.E. Project Report

A Project Report is a documentation of a Graduate students project worka record of the original
work done by the student. It provides information on the students project work to the future student
community. RVCE is committed to preserve a proper copy of the students report for archiving and
cataloging it in the respective Departmental Libraries, making it available to others for academic
Standardization, readability, conformance to ethical norms, and durability are the four overriding
criteria for an acceptable form of the report. The objective of this document is to provide a set of
guidelines that help a student to prepare the report to satisfy the above-mentioned criteria.

The final copy of the report has to contain all the modifications/corrections suggested by the Guide
and Project Evaluation Committee.
The report has to include a Declaration (format enclosed) by the student to the effect that he/she has
not resorted to any unethical practice while carrying out the project work, preparing the report and
the Intellectual property rights generated out of this project work vest with R.V.College of

Engineering, Bengaluru.

The maximum number of pages of the Report shall be preferably 70 80 pages.

Paper Size
The standard size of paper of a Report is A4 (210 x 297 mm). Oversized figures and tables, if any,
should be reduced to fit with the size of the report but the reduction should not be so drastic as to
impair clarity of their contents. One may also fold these pages to fit with the report size. The report
shall be printed on one side of the paper with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman Font with 12 font

Page Numbering:

Page numbers for the prefacing materials of the report shall be in small Roman numerals and
should be at right end bottom of the pages.

Page numbers for the body of the report should be in Arabic numerals and should be at right end
bottom of the pages. The pagination should start with the first page of Chapter 1 and should
continue throughout the text (including tables, figures, and appendices).

Format for the Report:

After the text of the report is written, it is to be formatted in an appropriate manner for printing. The
following guidelines are provided to format the report for easy readability.
The preferred font size of the text in the report is 12 point, but in no case should it be less than 11point. The minimum font size of materials within a table or a figure can be 8 point, without loss of
readability. The preferred font type is Times New Roman.
A margin of 3.75 cm (1 inch) is to be given on the binding edge while on the other sides it is to be
2.5 cm (1 inch). The text of the report, including headings, figures, tables, and notes, but excluding
page numbers, must be accommodated within the page area.
Line Spacing
The line spacing in the main text must be one-and-a-half. Single line spacing should be given for
declaration, figure captions, table titles, figure legends, footnotes, and references.
Equations, tables, figures, and quotations should be set off from the main text with adequate space
(not less than the normal line spacing adopted for the main text).
Two consecutive paragraphs should be separated by a spacing which must be larger than the line
spacing adopted for the text.


Certificate from the industry if worked in a company

Draft clearance by the

a. Guide,
b. Project Monitoring Committee of the department,
c. HOD,
d. College level External Committee member &
e. Principal

Publication details
o Conference presentation & Publication
o Submission for Journal Publication (Paid journals strictly not entertained)

List of publications before contents and copies of publications shall be included in the

Arrangement of the contents of the Project Report:

The Prefatory Items
1. Cover Page
2. Title Page
3. Institution Certificate / Bonafide Certificate
4. Industry Certificate
5. Declaration
6. Acknowledgements
7. Abstract
8. List of Publications(If any)
9. Table of contents
10. List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature
11. List of Tables
12. List of Figures
13. Chapters
14. References
15. Appendices /Annexure

Body of the Report

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Theory & Concepts
Chapter 3 Methodology
Chapter 4 to 6 [Experimental / Modeling / Results / Analysis / Validation]
Chapter 7 Conclusions

Table of contents along with description of, what is to be provided in each chapter
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
Preamble or Background (It should have as references at least a few reviews
/whitepapers / government policy papers/ think tank reports if applicable , including
mandatorily some reference published in the year of the submission of the Project Report
(namely 2016)
Before any subsections in the introductory chapter there should at least one paragraph
giving a broad introduction to the topic .
State of Art developments in the relevant domain (this should also include the issues
related to Literature Review / Survey but it should not have abstracts of individual papers
but should have them incorporated in the discussion for the stat of art or the issues
discussed below.)
Unresolved Issues and Emerging Opportunities or new directions
Main objective or problem statement & Scope of the project
Methodology in brief
Organization of the Dissertation / Overview of the report
CHAPTER 2: Theory and Concept relevant to the project including details of process technology,/
experimental principles/ analytical models/ numerical models/ type of algorithms etc as the case may,
to be defined by the Guide
CHAPTER 3 : Methodology specific to the project - Software / System /Hardware Requirement
Specifications / requirement specification Project Methodology (Opening statement shall be
written) Flow chart Mandatory (governing equations, Standards, Assumptions, Boundary Condition,
Specifications, Tools, Techniques, )
CHAPTER 4/5/6: These are specific to the project including Experimental details/setup,
Implementation , Software Testing , and Result and Discussion including inference. (should include
relevant graphs, tables, figures, screen shots, wave forms, and appropriate references etc., ). [No of
chapters depend on the project]
Important Note:
All the above chapters should include relevant graphs, tables, figures, screen shots, wave forms, and
appropriate references etc.,.
All tables, graphs, flow charts must be suitably numbered along with detailed self explanatory

All titles, headings, sub-headings and captions should not have abbreviations, they need to be
CHAPTER 7: Conclusion (should contain the key results/ inference / key conclusions /outcomes in
terms of points and not in the form of tables, graphs etc, nor should it have any references.) & Future
REFERENCES (As per IEEE format and must be Numbered consecutively in order of first
mention) & Annexure / Appendix
1. Honig, M.L., Steiglitz, K., and Gopinath, B.: Multichannel signal processing for data
communication in the presence of crosstalk, IEEE Trans. Communications., 38, (4), pp.
551558, April 1990,
2. F. Axisa, P. M. Schmitt, C. Gehin, G. Delhomme, E. McAdams, and A. Dittmar, Flexible
technologies and smart clothing for citizen medicine, home healthcare, and disease
prevention, IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 325336, 2005.
3. V. Lumelsky, M. Shur, and S. Wagner, Sensitive skin, IEEE Sensors J., vol. 1, no. 1, pp.
4151, Jun. 2001.
4. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, 2011 ed., Dec. 2012. Available:
http://www.itrs.net/ home.html.
5. A. Krost and A.Dadgar, GaN-based optoelectronics on silicon substrates Mater. Sci. Eng.
B, Vol. 93, no. 13, pp. 7784, May 30, 2002.
6. F. Bischoff, Apparatus for vapor deposition of silicon, U.S. Patent 3 335 697, Aug. 15,
1967, (Original German priority date May 18,1954).
7. J. Schurmacher, L. Woerner, E. Moore, and C. Ncwman, The production of solar cell grade
silicon from silicon bromosilanes, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, CA, DQE/JPL
9S4914-7812, Jan. 1979.
8. Shin, K.G. and Mckay, N.D. Open Loop Minimum Time Control of Mechanical
Manipulations and its Applications, Proceedings. Amer. Contr. Conf., San Diego, CA,
[1984] pp. 1231-1236.
9. T.Starr, J.M.Cioffi, and P.J.Silvermann, Understanding Digital Subscriber Line
Technology, Prentice Hall Publications, 2nd edition,1996.
10. R.C. Nongpiur Near-End Crosstalk Cancellation in xDSL Systems Doctoral thesis,
University of Victoria, 2005

11. R. M. Swanson, A vision for crystalline silicon photovoltaics, Progr. Photovoltaics. Res.
Appl. vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 443453, Aug. 2006.
12. T. D. Sands, W. S. Wong, and N. W. Cheung, Layer transfer by bonding and laser lift-off,
in Wafer BondingApplications and Technology, M. Alexe and U. Gosele, Eds. Berlin,
Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2004.
13. K. J. Kennedy and C. M. Adams, International Space Station (ISS) TransHab: An inflatable
habitat, in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Exposition Engineering, Construction, Operations, and
Business in Space, S.Johnson, K. Chua, R. Galloway, and P. Richter, Eds., 2000, pp. 89
Ref 1,2, 3, 4 & 11 are Examples of Journal papers, Ref 5 an example of a key international
technological forum or standards authority, Ref 6 an example of a patent, Ref 7 an example of a
technical report, Ref 8 &13 examples of conf proceedings, Ref 9 & 12 examples of individual
author books and compiled edited volume respectively and Ref 10 example of a thesis.
ANNEXURE /Appendix : Could include programs, company profile, specimen /representative
calculations, Data sheets, additional theory or related information, publications if any or any other
information relevant to the work.

Abstract is essentially a complete overview or the Synopsis of the project in one page, should be
precise, concise, and clear. It has to be written in past tense as the work is already completed. If
abbreviations or acronyms need to be included in the abstract, the first time it is used, it should be
written out in the full form and put the abbreviation in brackets. e.g. "Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI)". The abstract may have about 3 paragraphs covering the outline of the work as below:

First para :Brief introduction about the project which should include background, Areas /type of
applications, market size (if available) and hence the importance of the domain. Key developments in
the domain, unresolved issues or/and new emerging opportunities in the domain areas and hence the
problem or the issue that is proposed to be addressed in the project or the objective. If it is theory or
simulation based add all the existing theory/algorithms names and what is it that the project is based
on, their essentially advantage or drawbacks in brief and hence the motivation to work on the
Second Para : Methodology of your project including the key theory, design tools or software tools
or / and the experimental tools that will be used, the key specifications including constrains or
boundary conditions or approximations or assumptions that have been considered for the work. The
sequence in which the work is to be carried out.
Third para : Key findings, results or outcome of the work including experimental data of the out
come or / and percentage in terms of working efficiency of the developed product or system.

In brief the Abstract should be

Complete it covers all aspects of the project
Concise it contains no excess wordiness or unnecessary information.
Clear it is readable, well organized, and not too jargon-laden.
Cohesive it flows smoothly between the parts.

Figures , Tables and Flow Diagrams

Should Communicate primary findings clearly

Display trends and group results
The figures, tables or flow diagrams should be self explanatory, stand alone, meaningful
and clear captions.
The titles of chapter or the caption of figure should not be just Software Requirements
Specification or High Level Design or Software Testing or Flow Diagram but should
add a few more words or phrase which explains the individuality of the actual work.
Otherwise it looks like the whole class has done the same work.
Do not duplicate tables in figure, use any one of them which clearly conveys the desired
Use good quality figures [ e.g. 300 dpi]
Use appropriate graphics software for drawing graphs. The graphs should have clear and
distinct legends, scales with appropriate units and which are visible.
Dont cut and paste figures and tables from other sources as far as possible reproduce
your own.
If using of figures and tables elsewhere reported is inevitable, mention the primary source
or reference. Fig 1.1 Buckling resistance of FW cylinders [23]
Each figure and table must be referred to in the text before it appears in the text.
Place the Caption of figure below the figure and of the table above the table.
Refer the figure / table as Figure 3.2, Table 7.3 etc in the text, for ease of referencing


(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
DEPARTMENT OF ________________________________

I, ____________________________________________, student of Eighth semester


Department of ___________________________________, R V College of Engineering,

Bengaluru-560059, bearing USN: 1RV__________, hereby declare that the project titled
has been carried out by me and submitted in partial fulfillment of the program requirements for
the award of degree in Bachelor of Engineering in ____________________________________
of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2015-2016.
Further I declare that the content of the dissertation has not been submitted previously by
anybody for the award of any degree or diploma to any other University.
I also declare that any Intellectual property rights generated out of this project carried out
at R.V.C.E. will be the property of R.V.College of Engineering, Bengaluru and I/we will be
only one of the authors of the same. (**)

Place: Bengaluru

Signature of the student :



** This paragraph should be written by those students, who have done project in-house
(RVCE), others need not have to include this paragraph.

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