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A Literature review is an evaluative report of studies found in the related literature.
It is an unveiling of riting or literature on particular subject or topic.Davis (1990)
describd it asa rvie of the mot recent and scholarly ork on the subject or topic
area .The review will describe,comparesummarise and clearly clarify literature.It
shall give a theoretical basis for the research and help researcher to determine
nature of own research.Literature review shows how other researchers handled
methodologicallyand design issues.It reviews sourcse of data that I might not have
nown existed.Lietrature review also introduces works and collateral writings I might
not have known.I t helps in historicaland associationalperspective and in relation to
erlier approachs to the same problem. A thorough review of literature is required in
order of broadening the perspective.Literature review helps to attack specific
problem nd develop a collective point of reference in discussing and interpreting
findings . Lang and Heiss ( 1994 ) suggest reasons why reviwing literature may
prove beneficia to the researcher.This include that it helps to delimit proble.Helps to
avoid errors in planning research.It also can introduce new approaches towars
problem solving.It also aquaints me the researcher with new resources of data.Other
adjacent and related field of interest can aso be considered that are relevany to the
research topic ( Seliger 1989 )Reference materials that include indices
,bibliographies.uderground press, professional conferences,journal articles.Seliger
and Shohamy( 1989) observe thatvif scope of reading is too broad,researcher may
be discouraged and loose right perspective on the study .If it is too narrow studies
may be overlooked which contain important and relevant information.The more
recent the publications the more relevant they are likely to be.It helps in the
evaluation and comparisonof my own research by comparing them with similar
efforts of others.

A Comparative Analysis of the concepts of Prophets and

Prophecy Ancient Near East Israel and Zimbabwe



This project is located in Biblical study in sections of prophecy in Israel particulary in
the old testament books in the Bible.This section seeks to highlight the basis for this
research project with regards to what informed the researchers decision to finally settle
for the topic under study. Its focus will be on the background to the study, statement of
the problem, assumptions, justification, limitations, delimitations, research questions and
research sub-questions. Salient points herein raised will constitute the summary and a
glossary of key terms compiled and subsequently defined.


Background to the Study


Prophesy has remained a phenomenon.Theories imply there is no single acceptable

positions.Therefore I am going to offer a workable definition and basic
understanding.Prophecy was one of the three pillars of religion in Ancient Israel.Pillars
namely Sacral Law,Priesthood and prophecy.Cocerning sources of data on the
phenomenon of prophecy in Israel,they are two broad categories biblical and extra
biblical sources .These comprises pieces of material from the rest of Ancient near east
eastern countries like Egpyt, Phoenicia and Mesopotamia.Tel El Armana documents from
Egypt,Mari texts and Urgarit texts.From the Bible it is mainly information from prophetic
books themselves,the Torah and some books from the writings ( Kethubim) Various ways
have been used by God to speak or to make known future events. Prophesy is one such
phenomenon which was used in Israel and which has also been adopted by modern day
A Prophetis an English term that is derived from the Greek projhthV (prophctcs).When
translated literally the greek term means one who speaks for another especially on behalf
of a Deity ( Anderson 1975: 226 ).The Hebrew term o^aa, which ,translated literally
means one who communicate divine will ( Anderson 1975 ; 226 ).The two terms
basically confirm that prophets were messengers of Yahweh who were intermediaries
between God and their fellow human beings.Both the title scae and oaa are associated
with Hebrew term for vision caeai.Visions was the means Yahweh communicated through
the prophet,the meaning of immediate events in Israels life ( SCHEEF,1962:
791)Prophecy was the act of delivering the divine revelation through specified forms and
techniques specific only to those gifted to do so namely the prophets. Besides, prophets
are also known as seers ,caea( Hozeh) or (Ro ,eh).Prophets like Samuel functioned as
both priests. Depending on whether they committed to writing their prophecies ancient
Israelite seers or prophets were divided into writing and non writing prophets
respectively. Seers served at specific cultic centers and prophets were wanderers who
were not associated with any cultic centre. They did not receive remuneration and derived
their authority from their call. They functioned primarily to pronounce the message from
God and did not offer sacrifices. Unlike Seers, prophets were gifted with the ability to
forthtell, that is, they communicated the meaning of immediate events in Israel immediate
history (Scheef, 1962: 791). In other words, prophecy can also be regarded as a prenotification of events which may be soon or later untold. This is to enable the people to
prepare for the fulfillment of prophecy or to ask God to intervene before it actually
Basically two broad theories that prophecy originated in Israel as a phenomenon
borrowed from from ANE.This position derives especially from comparative
phenomenology.Scholars who subscribe to this theory argue that a comparison of
prophetic figures in Israel and in neighbouring lands reveals striking similarities that
prove that indeed Israel prophets participated in forms and techniques of their broader

ancient near eastern cultural environment. Thus prophecy in Israel was not a unique
feature of Israelite religion.
Second is that it originated in Israel as a unique feature of Israelite religion.Evidence that
it was borrowed is found legends of Wen Amon and Zimri-lim respectively,the oracle
from the stele of Zakir,evidence of seers and similar men of God from Mari ( Pritchard
First time in the Bible the word oaa meaning prophet is used in Genesisis 20 verse 7.In
this text Abraham is reffered to as oaaa and nowhere else in the Bible is Abraham
refffered to as oaa.Can conclude that we are dealing with the ( nabi).Ephramite prophetic
tradition or simplythe Elohim source abbrevieated as E-Source.Accordingly from the ESource Abraham is a prophet because of two functions intercessory and intermediary
roles.( Anderson 1975: 226 ).Prophecy also manifested in its infancy with spirit
possession namely ecstacy.According to ANerson ecstacy was in fact a key characteristic
of prophetic guilds.Numbers Chapter 12 shows us that prophecy also manifested in the
form of dreams and visions.Vision is the communication from God of the things that are
not usually accessible by the ordinary eye,an impartation on man,most often a prophet
from God ( Napier 1962 :791).Types of visions included oracle vision,word
vision,revelatory or mystery vision.Fohrer 1981:224 argues that prophecy manifested in
two types of religious backgrounds namelyNomadic religion and Sedentary life
religion.For Forhrer,seers originated and functioned within the former and genuinely
figure using the term nabi was associated with the latter social life.R.E Brown suggested
that the tem nabi was closely associated with ecstatic prophecy and this was made
explicit and concreteby A. Bentzen who argued that all prophecy,untila comparative late
post-exilic period,was based on a perculiar psychological condition to which the name
ecstacy is given.Accordingly J. Hayes supported Bentzen that prophecy was a common
experience to classical and pre classical prophets but differd in intensity.
In Zimbabwe,African context the term prophet is usually associated with ecstatic
behavior ,with the result that all those who are deemed prophets are ecstatic and without
ecstasy there is no prophecy.When the Shona Christians refer to prophets they are
referring to those with the aqbility to say certain predictions while in ecstatic
frenzy.Authorities agree that ecstacy was somehow connected to Israelite prophecy.Philo
was first to make the connection as he used the term ecstasy with reference to Biblical
prophecy.In Zimbabwe some may argue that prophecy originated in Nigeria or Ghana
According to Philoprophecy can be defined in two basic definers namely Divine
possession and Ecstacy or ecstatic frenzy.Thus for Philo there was no prophecy without
Ecstacy.According to Holscher the key to understanding Israel prophecy was to place
them within the context of a certain type of behavior namely ecstacy

The challenge that stands today is of varying approaches to prophecy, from nation to
nation. The sole purpose for which God intended to present prophecy has been tempered
with to a great extent with many using it as a fundraising or income generating project.
Some use prophecy as a means of climbing up the ladder to stardom and gaining cheap
popularity far from the creators intentions. In the country Zimbabwe, prophecy is now
prevalent unlike in yesteryears. Various views and prophecies are emerging from every
corner of the nation and the authenticity of the prophecies is yet to be ascertained. In
Matthew 7:15, Jesus Christ warns of false prophets who may come in sheeps clothing
when they are in actual fact ravening wolves.

In Old Testament times, prophecy was Gods most dominant way of conveying His
message to the people in Israel, but is the same scenario prevailing in Zimbabwe today?.
It is in light of these aforementioned issues, that this piece of work seeks to make a
critical analysis of the authenticity and concepts of prophecy in Old Testament Israel as
compared to what is practiced in the modern day Zimbabwe

2.2 Statement Of The Problem

Prophecy, whether true or false was a well-known concept in Israel, even though a
borrowed phenomenon in Zimbabwe. The spread of this prophetic movement from Israel
to Zimbabwe, the motive and whether it has remained consistent in these two nations, is
the thrust of this study.If same Bible can still speak for posterity
2.3 Purpose of Study
To offer a comparative analysis and describe the concepts of Prophecy and prophets in
Zimbabwe and Ancient East Israel.


Assumptions: Research Question /Sub- Problems

True and false prophecy existed in Israel
Prophecy in Zimbabwe and Israel has always failed to meet
conventional ethics.


The origin for true prophecy in Israel and Zimbabwe is God of

Abraham, Jacob and Isaac
Zimbabwe and Israel are awash with false and true prophecy
Though false and true prophecy in Zimbabwe and Israel has a
magnetic effect on crowd pulling, it is not from God
Revenue generation is the main motive behind false prophesy in Israel
and Zimbabwe.

Statement of Hypothesis

Significance (0r Importance ) of the Study
The study is significant today as it seeks to redirect the people back to the Creator in a
way He initially intended. The rise of false prophets as warned earlier should be
considered. This study will help believers to appreciate Gods intention for prophecy and
its ethical conventions and subsequently abide by it wholesomely.
At the same time, the emergence of false prophecy may quickly be discerned, and will
thus promote true worship which is undefiled to avoid daylight robbery currently
prevailing where people are being stripped of their hard earned cash by some who purport
to be prophets. The study will also help clarify whether the borrowed phenomenon of
prophecy was also intended for the nation Zimbabwe, or it was to be in the confines of
Israel alone

Scope(Delimitation) of the Study
This study will be confined to the Old Testament Israel and the post-independence
Zimbabwe. Information from the Bible,Prophecies by minor and
Major Prophets in the OT will be looked at. The thrust for the Zimbabwean prophesy will
be placed on the proliferation of the so called Pentecostal and miracle movements that
have come to characterize the wide-flung Christian landscape.

There is very little literature conventionally compiled around prophesy
in the contemporary Zimbabwe
Much of the literature with current issues would have to be extracted
from newspapers. This implies the research has to peruse every related
issue for current information on prophesy in Zimbabwe, a
development bound to be a financial uphill task all the way long.
Not much has been written on pre-colonial Zimbabwe prophesy,
hence, trying to trace prophesy back to then will invariably be
There exists a cultural gap between the cultures of the first century
Mediterranean world and our contemporary World,thus seeing reality
through eyes conditioned to our own culture
Acient Israel is far away in order to get adequate information
Translations sometimes distort information from the original
meaning,bridging gap by applying hemeneutics


Research Question
A Comparative analysis of the concepts of Prophets and Prophecy Ancient East
Israel and Zimbabwean conext.\\\\\\


Research Sub-Question
What is the importance of prophecy?
What motivated prophesy in Old Testament Israel and Zimbabwe?
How do you distinguish between true and false prophecy?
Can nations do without prophesy?
What are the origins and functions of prophecy?
How do we distinguish a prophet from other religious functionaries?
Is prophecy a unique feature?
Does prophecy have any political origins?
Are prophets born prophets or it is a learned art?



A comparative analysis case study of the two nations, Zimbabwe and Ancient Israel, is
going to be carried out. Data is going to be collected from church leaders using
questionnaires, while the founders and overseers/Bishops are going to be interviewed.
Document analysis is also going to be used in order to facilitate triangulation of the
research findings. The target population is going to comprise of approximately 400
congregants pastors, overseers, bishops, founders and experts in the phenomenon studied
from which a sample of 50 participants is going to be to be extracted. About 5
bishops/overseers and 5 prophets are going to be interviewed for triangulation purposes.
Hemeneutics is going to be used according to Klein 1993,It is the practice of biblical
interpretation.The term comes from the greek word YniPiaoopo which comes from the
verb Ynipiaoopo ,is an interpreter or one who instructs others. (Muller 1985).According
to Osborne 1991,it is a discipline which includes what the text meant and what it means :
its final goal is the sermon.Ramm 1970 takes hermeneutics as a science and art of
interpretation.Zuck 1991 simply states hermeneutics as the science of textual
interpretation of the Bible.However this does not exhaust the panorama in recent sources
telling how to interpret the Bible.Hemeneutics necessary because of the
historical,cultural,philosophical and linguistic gaps that block a spontaneous accurate
understanding of the Bible.
I am also going to use Exegesis.The word exegesis comes from a word ?ipcoeo,which
means to lead out.It can be described as a critical explanation or interpretation of a
text.Although the term traditionally was used to interpretthe Bible,however in
contemporary usage it has broadened to mean a critical explanation of any text.Opposite
os exegesis iseisegesis meaning to draw in.implying that the reader is drawing their own
meaning into the text ( Muller 1985 ).Exegesis has got stages from reading biblical
texts,historical context,literary context,determining meaning and question of narrative.


Definition Of Terms
Major prophets
Minor Prophets


(More terms to be identified during the research)

This section is a justification for the edge that necessitated a research of this pedigree.
The aforementioned research phenomena herein highlighted sought to lay a firm ground
for the research in an attempt to enhance the visibility of true prophecy and concurrently
expose the chickenary that characterizes false prophecy between the two countries under

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