Key Endgames
Key Endgames
Key Endgames
Use these positions as foundation for endgame practise and study.
They should form the building blocks of future endgame theory.
FEN: 8/4k3/8/2K5/2P5/8/3R4/2r5 w - - 0
Key Concepts:
Build a bridge
Keep king at distance
(does not work on A or H files)
FEN: 4k3/R7/8/4PK2/8/8/8/1r6 w - - 0 1
Key Concepts:
Cutting off king
Constant checking
(Bishops pawn)
FEN: 8/8/8/8/8/2K5/kr6/3Q4 w - - 0
Control of central squares
Avoid stalemate
Control key sqares
Opposite-coloured bishops
When one side is two pawns up (vs. lone King and Bishop) in a Bishop of
opposite colour endgame, here are some rules:
Positions where the pawns are separated by one file are often drawn
since the defending bishop and king are closed enough to work
together in creating a blockade against both pawns.
Positions where the pawns are separated by two files offer some
drawing chances, particularly if the defending Bishop eyes the
advance squares of both pawns at the same time
Positions where the pawns are separated by three or more files offer
few defensive chances. However, a draw is likely if one of the pawns
is a rook pawn of the wrong colour.
give whites rook control of the absolute 7th rank and, as a result,
leave blacks pieces passive and helpless (in other words, no
counterplay for Black!).
9. Yes, Re7 to contain the king and to tie the Rook down. Also gets
behind Blacks pawns.
No, as there is other material on the board and Whites pawns
are on the safer coloured squares. Whites h-pawn is also of the
correct colour.